siod ru news y ijj r ifi - university of ·...

Ru Breathilt News r R vISE IIAGINS EunTOR t Siod Every j Lrlilny SIAYEAR 0 o s Tomorrow is Decoration day 4 oj Cantaloupes on ice at Collin t Tfo this week v r Walter 11 Day returned Thur r day from Hazard r- T > y You cnn get a nico steal or frOI11t at 0 lladdcns every day 44IlonA J Byrdof Winches i S hcirirdurlng the week r + A big stockof mattings of tho r fifn frpHtterns at Kustor Isaac ti Clarence Haddcn made a bus f Hess trip to Mt Sterling Thurs s dayAftorneyJolanfester I y of Wolf r v V counts was attending court hero 4 this week > < Attorney Hugh Uiddell of Ir f vine was hero during tho week attending courtI r1f you want a nice can of horn r Collinsra the meat man DlrsS 13 Taulbce of Taulbec was risking her sister Mrs WIDI 1Hoskins Tuesday 1 Gcorco W Johnson of Hazard i was here the first of tho week at tending court Rev Alex Patterson of Beat tyville held services at tho Pres ¬ byterian church Wednesday night I am in tho meat business anain and can furnish you meat of all j ° kinds C HAUDKN Judge Alex Strong of Lee county was visiting friends hers and talking polities the first of thoI week Mrs John W Langley under- went an operation in a Washing hospital few days ago for a dis- location ¬ of the spine Cat S 11 Smith of Campton was visiting his daughter Mrs T P Cole and other friends here the first of tho week Mrs N J Moore is visiting relatives at Kcpton id tho south- western ¬ part of life State She will return home aloof Juno 15 Ilayden Sizemoro returned Mon visit to on the PT1dHesIUngylo there arc in in this has been appointed special judge to try the case v 8 Roger Spiccr charged with the murder of James Johnson lion D D Sublett of Salycrs vine has been appointed special judge of tho Morgan circuit ourt to try several vases in which the regular judge is interested J L llagins and 13 11 Minnix jrhao sold their mill which they have been operating for some time It near Wilhurst to S K Pulton who will move it here J 1 Kustcr Isaacs have just re ¬ ceived a big lino of mens brown < suits of tho latest styles 2500 suits for 1500 1800 suits for 1450 1200 suits for 850 Jt0 Federal Court convened at Catlettsburg Monday but adjourn ¬ dillcd Immediately on account of a IIF case of small pox breaking out in the jail among the Federal pris- oners t The session will bo con ¬ t tinued in August- s Judge Morris has written Corn 4r monwealths Attorney Knsh that he cnn not coma hero to preside r i At tfio trials of W R Day and the Wadkins at this term He was appointed in the Day case and agreed on in tho Wadkins case- Y Judge Bon ton of r Winchester w fhere Wednesday i accompany- r SpeedN i hof Richmond who was ex lawa a T J I0 Bach and W 11 ek were appoInted to conduct- the + r- Guire examination The Kentucky Shuttle Block Stave Company got their ma chinery in order about ten days ago and arc now making shuttle- s a blocks outof dogwood sticks 4M which have until recently been considered worthless except for t hand spikes Thomas Shcrk C A t Little and Dr II B Wright of the enter iw l a raM e- 1p d Y Marriage Licenses Y The following marriage lictnsPfJ have been issued since our re portJ W Clemons and Natmic Bow ling both of Jackson S M Brewer and Mrs O M Tharp both of Frozen Creek Eugene Carpenter and Mrs America Summa both of Lnmbric r Sunday Sermons Her Z J Edge of the State of Washington has been called to the pastorate of the Baptist church and will held services Sunday at 11 a m subject 10 Help for tin helpers Evening at 730 oclock Subject uA Pre eulineut Numcr A hearty welcome to all The regular minister will preach at the Christian church next Sun- day ¬ morning Subject leaven by Bible Standards At night tho subject will bo Tho Most Dan gerous Sin Tho people and specially visitors in the town are cordially invited to attend the icrviccs Successful Applicants The following Is tho result of the May examination for teachers First Class Thomas Haddix N W Miller Ilczckiah Combs jaura Rowland Emalyn Turner iherman Turner Fred Cope Bor ha Byrd J L Mann Cleveland William Tom Williams William runner Sam Turner Sarah Creech 111 Foster Mrs C B Manning SUltan Cunningham Kda Wil iams Thomas J Turner Parish utton Ella Moore Second Class James Gabbiird Shiloh Noble Henry Duncil An- derson Noble Florence Rowland alien Campbell Nancy Roberts larvoy Noble Mattio Landrum Mary Terry Seldon Back Luther Denton Emma Turner Nancy ombs Samuel Fugato Thomat Icrald Asher Strong Ida Jett Cora Urasheurs Third ClassUricoCundlff idius Holbrook Dora Short Clay Watkins Louis Watts Frances Vise Katherine Yanclcvc J N ugatc Number of applicants to enter the examination 55 failures 8 any one not satisfied with his or her grade may have tho sumo ro erred to tho State Board by call g imdfxtylifrihe fees reuuircf b y law HKNHV B NOBLE Supt xamlnersSoLOMOS dress Homo Journal Monthly to free upon request at store IOc andISc W Rrewitt DEPOT Martin T Kelly himself in the law J J C Bach Mr Mrs Wra Sowcll Robbins visiting family 0 II Pollard first The Teachers Instituto for this by during J C week August 3d Miss Virginia Athol has been visiting friends Jackson Day was t Lees Colic giato Institute and been at tending College Dan ville whwo she this r w Yo r s Court in session Circuit court heroi Monday with a crowd in town The morning was taken up in the organization of tho juries andmost of the afternoon withJ tho speeches of tho various dates for Circuit Judge Corn Attorney The compose the ju- ries OHANDJUHV C I Pugh Sam Engle John Huddix Kd Hcnslcy G W Hounahcll Rob- ert Gillum James Oaks Wm B Combs Wm demons Sr Jack Gabbard and Sans Hollon C W I Pugh was man PETIT JURY Marion Lawson Jacob Johnson Henry Miller John Anderson Henry Hollon Robert JoJinsqntY Andrew Hollon Robert Burton Pearl Combs D D Noblejjlr Johnson and A L si JKTIT NQ 2r k John Elliott IIo Brit Jolih Xf c Tamer Craft Rev f lhr j li harp Situ Jctt SL StiiliV Sam U B Lnndrumanit Matt Spencer Monday Tuesday were taken up in the trial of the misdemeanor The felony docket was la kelJ up Wednesday but no coir ictiotis have been had for a fel my to date Tho case against lllcn Creech was called nnd tho Commonwealth eady the defense asked that tho case bo passed till today when thc would announce ready Strawberries and green beans at C Haddens letting for the Court Martin T Kelly returned Wed csday from Catlettsburg whore ho been attending tho Federal court Ho reports that Judge Cochran and Clerk Finnell am rcpuring to come to Jackson in to hold court here uro looking forward with a great ile1 pleasure as Judge Cochran is a great admirer of tho mountain eoplo and always a pleasant to them 1PICl1Snnl Evans Pt an J ClaravCnl1ahan- f Canoe visiting their cou ins Mr and Mrs1 D Moore 1 and The Ladies Home Journal Patterns AND STYLE BOOKS WILL BE SUPPLIED AT J WPREWITTS STORE features of merit not These patterns possess by the most modern methods in any other they arc the latest and most and emanate from the highest on approved styles in Womens Dress The prestige of The Ladies Home Journal in matters of dress has long been recognized by the women of America Like tho itself tho patterns stand foremost are the most helpful most popular and most One of most features is tho accompanying indi ¬ vidual GuideChart so simple that even R little girl can make her own clothes There are no complicated construe tionfejo guesswork The cutting and fitting are simple as ABO point of merit and a one is tho that alone triples tho valuo of elimin Lion of waste gf tho patterns ThoLndies Sty Book our Prices 1 NEAR has associated of with and of were the of the of week county will be conducted Prof Willis of Louisville tho beginning May Day of in this week Miss formerly dent of has ¬ Caldwoll at ¬ graduates Jj ar a P- f ty Circuit convened good candi and monwealths following W Carpenter Jet son appointed fore No1 JURY SqUIrrel Back and uses yesterday announced but probably Ready Federul had September and of has wore Vednesday Thursday HEREAFTER embodied make made authorities magazine satisfactory tho important patented raftothcr very important material practice tho WT I have on hand a few trimmed and pattern hats that Iwill from this date sell at cost and below cost Como early and get your choice Anon BAILEY Saturday night is the last night of tho big contest at the rink as well as the last night of the rink A big crowd is looked for on that night when the names of the winners will be announced Mrs J W Prewitt entertained at lunch Sunday evening Among the guest were Mr and Mrs Fred V Brown Capt and Mrs A S Henry Misses Caroline and Alice Bartels and Ermine Peters of Cleveland OM Messors Roy Bar lets Walter Kempt and Martlo T J Kelly > Sr7v L J or c lffti V- d IjJ BLAKE I- I Good Isews to Those Who r 1 Wear Shoes l For Tie next ten days 1 will r sell pny of my shoe stock besies the Star Brand for cash at 10 per cent less titan h c h Cohip and sec and I will not only make you a satisfied 4 d4 k r Lcus met butwi leave you ionr o lmilef1 ont off Yo Flt field Freesr7 ts you nothing f goodstxilowastthe 04St V rrWmKEt ELECTRIC LIGHTS i COST IS VERY LITTLE al1 w convenience very great The company expects to make only a reasonable profit and to give firstclass I service rOoA Hagins or J S Pember ton will take your subscription We do I wiring at co- stRLAT RATE llaroL16 c p per month 75 ZianipV1 u each 65 3 to 5 l mjsl6 c p each 55 6to10lamnpsr I 50 11 to 25 lampsII II 40 26 or moreII 30 Jackson Elccoh i 1 I tmi 1c neya n uo rt C L 4 P J mn w I1t lini Death ofMiss AB 1patnck f Miss Amelia i 1 Patrick Xr OJC < after a linltcri Uhessat the r slr dcnce of her sistcV Mrs C J Little in this on Monday May 25th 1908 surrounded by her relatives MSS Patrick was descended from oqfof the pioneer families of Kentucky and was the I daughter of Prudence Hunt and Alex B Patrick tho latter playing an important part in tho affairs of I this county in his day Miss Pat- rick ¬ had been a consistent mem ¬ ber of the Presbyterian church for tho past lventv years and her modest and unaasuWmg life won for her the ndmira1 ODLnd love of nit who knev leI ronlY is sur- vived by r ld one sister tipassing iway o or doing his futur comm t loge wStL N 11 Miller Illd Jo wore very muchfrliendl thy success in the cf I II nS T 11 ndsaCel- 1J reptile the other lows ns n corp feast- ah w a Xcce wifoIP styeet t Gi at her rLos creek M ° tor liis tac- t She leaves n > > 1 vcral children 1ihmnv < is conducted t > y + AliiU aW rt ar 6at skating ru k closes Satur- day night on acct nto tinS hot weather for three months after a successful season Wo have heard of no bad results by the operation of the rink Young people must have some amusement and we think this is innocent amusement i All cities have some place of amusement Itisu help to any town to have some place like theater or a skating rink when i is run as the rink here has been conducted We know the town is no worse than when it startedand on the other hnmFitis said that there has not beert near so many misdemeanors and as many young men of theommunltyhay- been ° in tttondanci at the rinkt J I HAM QNII A r J George FriizierVwho killed John Hamilton and iCichard Spicer on Ross creek attempted suicide in the j ill at Bcatty villc last Sunday by soaking a box of matches in a quart of water and drinking the mixture If each of our subscribers who are in arrears would pay us as much as 1 during court it would help uS1 whole lot Tho daily paper bargain is open to them as well as to others CUTGLASS A and- WEDDING SILVER Articles of beauty and usef ulpes med 75ct 5 and upward > iv MA i r iKKLlAnnRT UALILY- FLU1YrPttICES > V > if i Sl M eintz JEWELER Main St opp Phoenix LEXINGTON KY KILL TH COUGH LUNC8t WITH Dr Kings I New Discover IFOR c ONSUMPTION OUGHI aM OLBS Price soft Si 100 Free Trial IS sad uitkMt Ours for all I Traaci LVJIG TZOV3 JD e OWU IAOL I rl I This is the Question 1VWhether fef 1 and dole It out in payments ofaccounts and bills otto bank lY and pay by check There i but one answer to tlris 1 i bank it and checkIt outr I OPEN AN ACCOUNT WITH fill US iJ ti r > i > 1 ifI Three Per Cent Interest Paidon Time and J ti 1Savangs Deposits OJirr j r i JACKSON DEPOSIT BANK 1 r ITACIiSON KENTUCKY t i 1 I 1 MIXED x > x t N I- h 1 g PAINTS Ir W Just received a full line W r 1t t t w which we guarantee N W f 11 t 1rg 1ir JTIV t t 1G Will cover more space last 1 B longer and look better than lh- m any other paint made CallW and see color cards and get Ih wi w t JiwoDrugaW j1l IiTf t asr6 1 Coming to You f i o a- I 0 i THERE IS NO FAKERY oJ r ToY IfIn k Ii yon pay us you get one hundred cents value in 4H return 0k- F We Believe in Square Treatment ti Q v- t s worth all the time We might tt i FY of space talking about our goods 3 then you wouldnt know how good theyare a j COME TO OUR STORE 0 So you can see for yourself thats the surest way 0 f ea K iotN I Crawford cf Cotlli c 1 JACKSON KENTUCKY I iO o- i Fte fltilIiillEiilF1iIFIh JIIIRIIM1lHttlntu I nlllll IItUIUUlltUiUllta I MATt IN T KELLY = ATTORNEY AT LAW s = OFFICE IN IIUIIST KLG 5 = = = JACKSON KY- MtNUUIItklnttulnnintutm11minatnuiG 1 fX XXiXXX Dn H P DUFF A PHYSICIAN AND SUUOEOV J JACKSON KY at Ju C H IIUKST PHYSICIAN AND SUHOEON Office in Postoffica Building Phone 64 JachsoaiCy r J A IV Trlh4 t I 1 r MA S It c Y1r t REMOVAL I have moved to McCormick x near Campton Junction where T sr will continue m y milk ° lag + Monuments AND TOMBSTONES Y Any ono wanting anything in ray line will please write me ati tlI McCormick ICy I wmvmakol monthly visits to Jackson ant a hope all my friends rill saye their a> orders for njo J 1 RM ar 1- y1 t of

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Page 1: Siod Ru News Y IjJ R ifI - University of · John Huddix Kd Hcnslcy G W Hounahcll Rob-ert Gillum James Oaks Wm B Combs Wm demons

Ru Breathilt Newsr R vISE IIAGINS EunTOR

tSiod Everyj LrlilnySIAYEAR

0 os Tomorrow is Decoration day 4

oj Cantaloupes on ice at Collint Tfo this week v

r Walter 11 Day returned Thurr day from Hazard r-


> y You cnn get a nico steal orfrOI11t at 0 lladdcns every day

44IlonA J Byrdof Winches

i S hcirirdurlng the week

r + A big stockof mattings of tho

rfifn frpHtterns at Kustor Isaac

ti Clarence Haddcn made a busf

Hess trip to Mt Sterling Thurs

s dayAftorneyJolanfesterI y of Wolf

rvV counts was attending court hero

4 this week

> <Attorney Hugh Uiddell of Irf

vine was hero during tho weekattending courtIr1f you want a nice can of horn

r Collinsrathe meat man

DlrsS 13 Taulbce of Taulbecwas risking her sister Mrs WIDI

1Hoskins Tuesday1 Gcorco W Johnson of Hazard

i was here the first of tho week attending court

Rev Alex Patterson of Beattyville held services at tho Pres ¬

byterian church Wednesday night

I am in tho meat business anainand can furnish you meat of allj ° kinds C HAUDKN

Judge Alex Strong of Leecounty was visiting friends hersand talking polities the first of thoIweek

Mrs John W Langley under-

went an operation in a Washinghospital few days ago for a dis-



of the spine

Cat S 11 Smith of Campton

was visiting his daughter Mrs

T P Cole and other friends herethe first of tho week

Mrs N J Moore is visitingrelatives at Kcpton id tho south-



part of life State She

will return home aloof Juno 15

Ilayden Sizemoro returned Monvisit toon the


arc inin this


been appointed special judge to

try the case v 8 Roger Spiccrcharged with the murder of James


lion D D Sublett of Salycrs

vine has been appointed special

judge of tho Morgan circuit ourt

to try several vases in which the

regular judge is interested

J L llagins and 13 11 Minnixjrhao sold their mill which they

have been operating for some time

It near Wilhurst to S K Pultonwho will move it here

J 1

Kustcr Isaacs have just re ¬

ceived a big lino of mens brown<

suits of tho latest styles 2500

suits for 1500 1800 suits for

1450 1200 suits for 850

Jt0 Federal Court convened at

Catlettsburg Monday but adjourn ¬

dillcd Immediately on account of a

IIF case of small pox breaking out in

the jail among the Federal pris-

onerst The session will bo con ¬

t tinued in August-

s Judge Morris has written Corn

4r monwealths Attorney Knsh that

he cnn not coma hero to preside

r i At tfio trials of W R Day and

the Wadkins at this term He

was appointed in the Day case

and agreed on in tho Wadkinscase-

Y Judge Bon ton of r Winchesterw fhere Wednesday i accompany-

r SpeedNi hof Richmond who was exlawaa

T J I0 Bach and W 11

ek were appoInted to conduct-

the+ r-


The Kentucky Shuttle Block

Stave Company got their machinery in order about ten days

ago and arc now making shuttle-

sa blocks outof dogwood sticks4M which have until recently been

considered worthless except fort hand spikes Thomas Shcrk C

A t Little and Dr II B Wrightof the enteriwl

a raM e-1p

d YMarriage Licenses


The following marriage lictnsPfJhave been issued since our re

portJW Clemons and Natmic Bow

ling both of JacksonS M Brewer and Mrs O M

Tharp both of Frozen CreekEugene Carpenter and Mrs

America Summa both of Lnmbricr

Sunday SermonsHer Z J Edge of the State of

Washington has been called tothe pastorate of the Baptist churchand will held services Sunday at11 a m subject 10 Help for tinhelpers Evening at 730 oclockSubject uA Pre eulineut NumcrA hearty welcome to all

The regular minister will preachat the Christian church next Sun-day


morning Subject leavenby Bible Standards At night thosubject will bo Tho Most Dangerous Sin Tho people andspecially visitors in the town arecordially invited to attend theicrviccs

Successful ApplicantsThe following Is tho result of

the May examination for teachersFirst Class Thomas Haddix

N W Miller Ilczckiah Combsjaura Rowland Emalyn Turner

iherman Turner Fred Cope Borha Byrd J L Mann ClevelandWilliam Tom Williams Williamrunner Sam Turner Sarah Creech111 Foster Mrs C B ManningSUltan Cunningham Kda Wiliams Thomas J Turner Parish

utton Ella MooreSecond Class James Gabbiird

Shiloh Noble Henry Duncil An-

derson Noble Florence Rowlandalien Campbell Nancy Robertslarvoy Noble Mattio LandrumMary Terry Seldon Back LutherDenton Emma Turner Nancy

ombs Samuel Fugato ThomatIcrald Asher Strong Ida Jett

Cora UrasheursThird ClassUricoCundlff

idius Holbrook Dora Short ClayWatkins Louis Watts FrancesVise Katherine Yanclcvc J N

ugatcNumber of applicants to enter

the examination 55 failures 8any one not satisfied with his or

her grade may have tho sumo roerred to tho State Board by call

g imdfxtylifrihe fees reuuircfby law




Homo Journal Monthly

to free upon request at

storeIOc andISc

W RrewittDEPOT

Martin T Kelly

himself in the law

J J C Bach

Mr Mrs Wra Sowcll

Robbins visiting family

0 II Pollard first

The Teachers Instituto for thisby

duringJ Cweek August 3d

Miss VirginiaAthol has been visiting friends

Jackson Day was

t Lees Colic

giato Institute and been attending College Dan

ville whwo she this





Court in sessionCircuit court heroi

Monday with a crowd intown The morning was taken upin the organization of tho juriesandmost of the afternoon withJtho speeches of tho variousdates for Circuit Judge Corn

AttorneyThe compose the ju-


C I Pugh Sam EngleJohn Huddix KdHcnslcy G W Hounahcll Rob-

ert Gillum James Oaks Wm BCombs Wm demons Sr Jack

Gabbard and Sans Hollon CW I Pugh wasman

PETIT JURYMarion Lawson Jacob Johnson

Henry Miller John AndersonHenry Hollon Robert JoJinsqntY

Andrew Hollon Robert BurtonPearl Combs D D NoblejjlrJohnson and A L si


John Elliott IIo Brit Jolih XfcTamer Craft Rev flhr j li

harp Situ Jctt SL StiiliVSam U B LnndrumanitMatt Spencer

Monday Tuesday were takenup in the trial of the misdemeanor

The felony docket was lakelJ up Wednesday but no coirictiotis have been had for a felmy to date Tho case against

lllcn Creech was callednnd tho Commonwealtheady the defense asked that

tho case bo passed till today whenthc would announceready

Strawberries and green beansat C Haddens

letting for theCourt

Martin T Kelly returned Wedcsday from Catlettsburg whore

ho been attending tho Federalcourt Ho reports that JudgeCochran and Clerk Finnell am

rcpuring to come to Jackson into hold court here

uro looking forward with a greatile1 pleasure as Judge Cochranis a great admirer of tho mountain

eoplo and always a pleasantto them

1PICl1Snnl EvansPt anJ ClaravCnl1ahan-

f Canoe visiting their cou

ins Mr and Mrs1 D Moore1


The Ladies Home

Journal PatternsAND STYLE BOOKS


AT J WPREWITTS STOREfeatures of merit not

These patterns possessby the most modern methods

in any other they arcthe latest and most

and emanate from the highest on

approved styles in Womens DressThe prestige of The Ladies Home Journal in matters of

dress has long been recognized by the women of America Like

tho itself tho patterns stand foremost are the most

helpful most popular and most

One of most features is tho accompanying indi ¬

vidual GuideChart so simple that even R little girl

can make her own clothes There are no complicated construe

tionfejo guesswork The cutting and fitting are simple as ABOpoint of merit and a one is tho

that alone triples tho valuo ofelimin Lion of waste gftho patterns

ThoLndiesSty Book our



has associatedof with

and of

were theof theof


county will be conducted ProfWillis of Louisville

tho beginning

May Day ofin

this week Miss

formerly dent ofhas ¬

Caldwoll at ¬

graduatesJj ar






WCarpenter Jet

sonappointed fore












September and




Vednesday Thursday



make madeauthorities


tho importantpatented

raftothcr very importantmaterial




I have on hand a few trimmedand pattern hats that Iwill fromthis date sell at cost and belowcost Como early and get yourchoice Anon BAILEY

Saturday night is the last nightof tho big contest at the rink aswell as the last night of the rinkA big crowd is looked for on thatnight when the names of thewinners will be announced

Mrs J W Prewitt entertainedat lunch Sunday evening Among

the guest were Mr and Mrs FredV Brown Capt and Mrs A SHenry Misses Caroline and Alice

Bartels and Ermine Peters ofCleveland OM Messors Roy Barlets Walter Kempt and Martlo T J



LJor c lffti



I Good Isews to Those Whor 1

Wear Shoesl

For Tie next ten days 1 willr

sell pny of my shoe stockbesies the Star Brand forcash at 10 per cent less titan

h c h

Cohip and sec and I will notonly make you a satisfied

4 d4 k rLcus met butwi leave you

ionr o lmilef1 ontoff Yo Flt field Freesr7

ts you nothing f goodstxilowastthe04StV




al1wconvenience very great

The company expects to make only areasonable profit and to give firstclass

I service rOoA Hagins or J S Pemberton will take your subscription We do

I wiring at co-stRLAT RATE

llaroL16 c p per month 75ZianipV1 u each 653 to 5 l mjsl6 c p each 556to10lamnpsr I 50

11 to 25 lampsII II 4026 or moreII 30

Jackson Elccoh i 1 I tmi 1c neya n

uo rtCL 4 P Jmn w

I1t lini

Death ofMiss AB1patnck f

Miss Amelia i1 PatrickXrOJC <

after a linltcri Uhessat the rslrdcnce of her sistcV Mrs C JLittle in this on MondayMay 25th 1908 surrounded byher relatives MSS Patrick wasdescended from oqfof the pioneerfamilies of Kentucky and was the I

daughter of Prudence Hunt and

Alex B Patrick tho latter playingan important part in tho affairs of


this county in his day Miss Pat-



had been a consistent mem ¬

ber of the Presbyterian church

for tho past lventv years and hermodest and unaasuWmg life wonfor her the ndmira1 ODLnd love ofnit who knev leI

ronlY is sur-

vived by r ld one

sister tipassingiway

o or doing his futurcomm t loge

wStLN 11 Miller Illd

Jo wore very muchfrliendl thysuccess in the cf I

II nS T 11 ndsaCel-1J reptile the otherlows ns n corp feast-

ahw a

Xcce wifoIP styeet tGiat her

rLos creek M °tor liis tac-t She leaves n > > 1

vcral children 1ihmnv <

is conducted t>y+ AliiU

aW rt ar 6atskating ru k closes Satur-

day night on acct nto tinS hotweather for three months after asuccessful season Wo have heardof no bad results by the operationof the rink Young people musthave some amusement and we

think this is innocent amusementi

All cities have some place ofamusement Itisu help to anytown to have some place like

theater or a skating rink when iis run as the rink here has beenconducted We know the town isno worse than when it startedandon the other hnmFitis said thatthere has not beert near so many

misdemeanors and as manyyoung men of theommunltyhay-been

°in tttondanci at the rinkt





George FriizierVwho killed JohnHamilton and iCichard Spicer on

Ross creek attempted suicide in

the j ill at Bcatty villc last Sundayby soaking a box of matches

in a quart of water and drinkingthe mixture

If each of our subscribers who

are in arrears would pay us asmuch as 1 during court it wouldhelp uS1 whole lot Tho dailypaper bargain is open to them aswell as to others




Articles of beauty and usef ulpes

med75ct 5 and upward



FLU1YrPttICES> V > if

i Sl


Main St opp Phoenix





Pricesoft Si 100Free Trial

IS sad uitkMt Ours for allI Traaci LVJIG TZOV3


I rlI This is the Question1VWhetherfef 1and dole It out in payments ofaccounts and bills otto bank lYand pay by check There i but one answer to tlris 1


bank it and checkItoutrI


USiJ ti r

> i > 1ifIThree Per Cent Interest Paidon Time and J ti

1Savangs Deposits OJirrj ri JACKSON DEPOSIT BANK




t i

1 I1 MIXED x > x

t N I-



Just received a full line Wr

1t t t

w which we guarantee N W f11

t1rg1ir JTIV tt

1G Will cover more space last

1B longer and look better than lh-

m any other paint made CallWand see color cards and get

Ih wiw t

JiwoDrugaW j1l

IiTftasr61 Coming to You fio a-


0 i

THERE IS NO FAKERY oJr ToYIfIn kIi yon pay us you get one hundred cents value in 4H

return 0k-

FWe Believe in Square Treatment

ti Q v-

t s worth all the time We might ttiFY of space talking about our goods 3

then you wouldnt know how good theyare a

j COME TO OUR STORE 0So you can see for yourself thats the surest way

0f ea KiotNI Crawford cf Cotllic



i Fte fltilIiillEiilF1iIFIhJIIIRIIM1lHttlntu I nlllll IItUIUUlltUiUllta









Office in Postoffica Building

Phone 64 JachsoaiCyr


Trlh4 tI 1

r MA





I have moved to McCormick xnear Campton Junction where T sr

will continue my milk°

lag +


Any ono wanting anything inray line will please write me ati tlI

McCormick ICy I wmvmakolmonthly visits to Jackson ant


hope all my friends rill saye their a>

orders for njo J 1

RM ar 1-

