sinti and roma (gypsies)

Victims of Nazi Genocide Sinti and Roma (Gypsies) By : Jalal Younis, Heather Park, Lena Mu, Anastasiya Bezryadina

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Sinti and Roma (Gypsies). Victims of Nazi Genocide. By : Jalal Younis , Heather Park, Lena Mu, Anastasiya Bezryadina. Who were “Gypsies”?. An ethnic minority made up of distinct groups called “tribes” or “nations” who came to Europe in 1400s from northern India. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Sinti  and Roma (Gypsies)

Victims of Nazi Genocide

Sinti and Roma (Gypsies)

By : Jalal Younis, Heather Park, Lena Mu, Anastasiya Bezryadina

Page 2: Sinti  and Roma (Gypsies)

An ethnic minority made up of distinct groups called “tribes” or “nations” who came to Europe in 1400s from northern India.

Called Gypsies because Europeans thought they came from Egypt.

Spoke dialects of Romani, a common language based on Sanskrit, classical language of India.

Who were “Gypsies”?

Page 3: Sinti  and Roma (Gypsies)

“Law for Prevention of Offspring with Hereditary Defects” – July 1933

“Law against Dangerous Habitual Criminals” – Nov 1933

Nutenberg Racial Laws:“Law for Protection of German Blood and

Honour”“Reich Citizenship Law” – Sept 1935


Page 4: Sinti  and Roma (Gypsies)

LawsGerman police guard Roma who have been arrested for deportation to Poland

Holocaust Education & Archive Research Team, German police guard Roma who have been rounded up for deportation to Poland, N.D., <,%2525201940-1945.jpg&w=480&h=311&ei=asDEUL6RHIrbyAHakoGgBQ&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=661&vpy=284&dur=2505&hovh=181&hovw&tx=174&ty=95&sig=105180644664562359902&page=1&tbnh=144&tbnw=247&start=0&ndsp=25&ved=1t:429,r:22,s:0,i:151 > (Dec 9, 2012).

Page 5: Sinti  and Roma (Gypsies)

Sinti and Roma Children

United States Holocaust Museum, Romani (Gypsy) children play outside at the Jargeau internment camp. The camp was established in response to a German order in October 1940 calling for the arrest and confinement in camps of all Frenchmen or foreigners in the Loiret region who did not have a permanent residence. Jargeau, France, 1941-1945., < > (Dec. 9, 2012)

Romani (Gypsy) children play outside at the Jargeau internment camp.

Page 6: Sinti  and Roma (Gypsies)

Sinti and Roma Children

Two Gypsy boys wait for food at a the Rivesaltes camp

Holocaust Education & Archive Research Team, Two Gypsy boys wait for food at a the Rivesaltes camp, N.D., < > (Dec 9, 2012).

Page 7: Sinti  and Roma (Gypsies)

Experimentation and Research

Holocaust Education & Archive Research Team, Nazi Racial doctor Robert Ritter questions a Gypsy woman, N.D., <> (Dec 9, 2012).

Nazi Racial doctor Robert Ritter questions a Gypsy woman.

Page 8: Sinti  and Roma (Gypsies)

Concentration Camps

Legend of the different coloured patches prisoners were made to wear

A Time of Terror, Dishonour Badges, N. D., <,r:12,s:0,i:117 > (Dec 9, 2012).

Page 9: Sinti  and Roma (Gypsies)

Concentration CampsFirst Roma internment camp at Marzahn

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, First Roma internment camp at Marzahn, N.D., < ttp://,r:48,s:0,i:229 > (Dec 9, 2012).

Page 10: Sinti  and Roma (Gypsies)

June 1938 1,000 to Buchenwald, Dachau, Sachsenhausen, Lichtenburg (for women)

June 1939 several other thousands sent to Mauthausen, Ravensbruck, Dachau, Buchenwald

September 1939 30,000 moved to occupied Poland

May 1940 2,800 to LublinNovember 1941 5,000 to Chelmno

Deportation Statistics

Page 11: Sinti  and Roma (Gypsies)

Deportation StatisticsMobile gassing van similar to those used at Lublin and Chelmno

Semlin Judenlager, Saurer gas van similar to that used in the execution of Jews from Semlin, N.D., <,r:0,s:0,i:81 > (Dec. 9, 2012).

Page 12: Sinti  and Roma (Gypsies)

Persecution Outside of Germany and Austria

Holocaust Encyclopedia, Romani (Gypsy) families in Belzec labor camp, Poland, 1940, < >(Dec. 9, 2012).

Romani (Gypsy) families in Belzec labor camp.

Page 13: Sinti  and Roma (Gypsies)

After the War

Buchenwald on liberation day

A Time of Terror, Buchenwald on liberation day, N.D., < > (Dec. 9, 2012).

Page 14: Sinti  and Roma (Gypsies)

It is estimated that the number of Sinti and Roma men, women and children killed under

Nazi regime ranges from 220, 000 to 550, 000.

The End