sindbad the sailor, -

THE VOYAGES AND TRAVELS OF SINDBAD THE SAILOR, GIVING A FULL ACCOUNT OF HIS SEVEN WONDERFUL VOYAGES. Sindbad’s life is full of peril, Full of shipwrecks, lull of famine; Full of riches of great worth, Full of every thing but truth. DERBY: PUBLISHED BY THOMAS RICHARDSON; Price Sixpence.

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Sindbad’s life is full of peril,

Full of shipwrecks, lull of famine;

Full of riches of great worth,

Full of every thing but truth.



Price Sixpence.



DURING the reign of the Caliph HarounAlraschid, there lived in the city of Bagdad apoor porter named Hindbad. One day, when theweather was excessively hot, Hindbad wasemployed to carry a heavy burden to a greatdistance from that part of the city where he lived.Being faint with the heat and very weary, andhaving still a great way to go, he entered a streetwhere a refreshing breeze blew on his face, andthe pavement was sprinkled with rose-water.Glad to find such a resting-place, he laid downhis load, and seated himself beside it, near to agreat house.

The windows of the house were open, andHindbad was regaled with the smell of therichest perfumes that came from within.Presently he heard a delightful concert of allkinds of musical instruments, mixed with thefinest voices, and the melodious notes ofnightingales and other rare birds. Hindbad hadnever been in that quarter of the town before,and he felt a great desire to know to whom thismagnificent house belonged. Seeing a servantstanding at the gate in a splendid livery, he


advanced towards him, and with great humilityinquired the name of the master of the house.

“Is it possible,” said the servant, “that youare an inhabitant of Bagdad, and do not knowthat this is the house of Sindbad the Sailor, thatfamous traveller who has sailed round theworld!”

Poor Hindbad, who had often heard of thewonderful riches of Sindbad the Sailor, andwhose condition he thought was as happy as hisown was deplorable, turned away sorrowfully,and sitting down again beside the great load hehad to carry, he cried aloud, “Alas! what adifference between this fortunate man and me! Iam every day exposed to the greatest fatigues,and all the wretchedness of extreme poverty.Scarcely can I earn sufficient of the coarsestbarley bread for the support of myself andfamily, while happy Sindbad profusely expendsimmense riches, and leads a life of continualease and pleasure. O heavens! what has he doneto obtain a lot so fortunate? and why am Icondemned to so much wretchedness?” Thussaying, Hindbad, overcome with sorrow, threwhimself upon the ground and wept bitterly.

While the poor man was thus indulging hisgrief, a servant came from the house, and takinghim by the arm, told him that Signior Sindbad


wished immediately to speak to him. Hindbadwas greatly alarmed at this message, thinkingthat Sindbad had heard his lamentations, andwas going to reproach or punish him; he,therefore, tried to excuse himself from enteringthe house, saying, that he was in haste, and thathe could not leave his burden in the open street.Sindbad’s servant, however, would not take arefusal, because his master’s commands hadbeen absolute; and calling another domestic tolook after the goods, he led the porter into agreat hall, where a large company sat round atable covered with all sorts of dainties served indishes of silver and gold. At the upper end of thetable sat Sindbad, a comely, venerablegentleman with a long white beard.

Hindbad’s terror increased at the sight of somany people, and he trembled and hung back,till Sindbad, in the most courteous mannerimaginable, desired him to draw near; andplacing him in a chair on his right hand, servedhim from the choicest dishes, and gave himexcellent wine in a crystal goblet.

When the porter had made an end of hisdinner, Sindbad inquired his name andoccupation. “My name, Signior,” said he, “isHindbad, and I am nothing but a poor porter.”


“Well, Hindbad,” rejoined the master of thehouse, “I and my friends here are very glad tosee you; but I sent for you on account of somewords I heard you utter, as I was standing nearthat window.”

“Alas! Signior,” exclaimed Hindbad, risingfrom his chair, and blushing exceedingly, “Iconfess that my weariness and the heat of theday put me out of humour, and made me speakmany indiscreet things, which I beg you topardon.”

“My good friend,” replied Sindbad, “I am notso unjust as to be offended with you, on thecontrary, I pity your condition; and when Icommanded you to be brought hither, it was thatI might convince you I did not attain to thishappy condition without enduring moresufferings, and encountering greater dangersthan can be well imagined. Yes, gentlemen,” headded, looking round the table upon his guests,“I assure you my difficulties were soextraordinary, that they were sufficient todiscourage the most covetous man from runningthe same perils in pursuit of riches; and toconvince you of the truth of what I assert, I will,if you are disposed to hear me, relate the historyof the extraordinary adventures I met with in thecourse of my Seven Voyages.”


This proposal was highly acceptable to thewhole company; and Sindbad having ordered aservant to carry Hindbad’s load to the appointedplace, commenced his narration as follows.


“My father dying while I was very young, andleaving me a considerable fortune, I fell into acourse of dissipation that injured my health anddestroyed my fortune. Having no parent tocontrol me, and being surrounded only byprofligate persons, I continued my excesses till Ifell into a fit of sickness. My riotous companionsthen forsook me, and I was left alone to strugglewith my diseases, and to endure the severity ofremorse for a mispent youth. At length Irecovered from my illness; and resolving never toreturn to my former course of living, I collectedtogether the remains of my fortune, sold myfurniture by public auction, and embarked withseveral merchants on board a ship, which wehad jointly laden with merchandise, for the portof Balsora.

“In the course of our vovage we touched atseveral islands, where we sold or exchanged ourgoods. One day we were becalmed near a small


island almost level with the surface of the water,and which resembled a beautiful green meadow.The captain ordered his sails to be furled, andthe merchants, among whom was myself, andseveral officers of the ship, determined to carryour provisions, and dine upon the little island.While we were in the very midst of preparationfor dinner, shouting, laughing, and had kindleda large fire to dress our provisions, the islandbegan to move, and at the same moment thosewho were left in the ship called to us tore-embark instantly, or we should all be lost, aswhat we had taken to be an island was only theback of a monstrous whale. The nimblest,sprung into the sloop; others jumped into thewaves, and betook themselves to swimming; butfor my part I was still on the back of the whalewhen he dived into the sea, and had only time tocatch hold of a broad piece of wood that hadbeen brought out of the ship to serve as a table.On this piece of wood I floated, but the currentcarried me away from the ship; and the captainhaving received on board those who were in theboat, and picked up one or two of the swimmers,he concluded that I was lost. A favourable galejust then springing up, he hoisted the sails, andpursued his voyage.


“I struggled to save myself all the rest of theday and the following night. Next morning Ifound my strength gone, and despairing of mylife, when happily a wave threw me against anisland. The bank was steep, high, and rugged,yet, faint and exhausted as I was, I climbed it bythe means of some roots of trees that seemed tohave been preserved in this place for my safety.I then lay down till the sun appeared, when,crawling on my hands and knees in search ofsome herbs to eat, I found a spring of excellentwater. Having refreshed myself greatly with thewater, I advanced farther along the high shore ofthe island till I came to a cave, wherein I laydown, and slept profoundly during many hours.When I awoke again it was almost sun-set. Ihastily left my cave to search for somehabitation. However I found none, but I sooncame to a small plain, surrounded with fine treesbearing all sorts of fruit; and what surprised memost was to see a great number of beautifulyoung colts grazing together, but no traces ofany other animals. I supped upon fruit, andclimbed the branches of a high tree for mylodging. About midnight I was greatly astonishedand alarmed to hear the sound of trumpets anddrums, which seemed to pass all round theisland, and continued through the night; but


when morning came, it still appeared to beuninhabited. The next day I discovered that theisland was small and round, and that no otherland was to be seen from it. I now gave myself upfor lost. Every part of the shore abounded withenormous sea-snakes, and of fishes that are anhundred and two hundred cubits long, somehaving heads like owls, and others with humanfaces; but I found these sea monsters perfectlyharmless, for on my rattling two sticks together,they dived into the sea, and I saw no more ofthem.

“I climbed my tree again that night, and thedrums and trumpets at midnight seemed to beeven louder than before. On the third day, to mygreat joy, a party of men landed on the island,who were completely astonished to find methere. Having related to them the strangeaccident that had befallen me, they gave mesome provisions, and then informed me theywere the grooms of King Mihrage, and that theisland upon which I was thrown was calledCassel, arid belonged to the warlike geni Degial,who visited it every night with drums andtrumpets; and that the geni being the friend ofKing Mihrage, permitted him to have his youngcolts trained upon the island, which containedsuch admirable pasture, that they became the


swiftest and finest horses in the world; and thatthey, the grooms of the King, were sent at theexpiration of every six months to the island, toselect such of the young horses as were fit to beplaced in the royal stables.

“The grooms carried me with them to thecapital of King Mihrage, which was a fineharbour, where ships arrived daily from allquarters of the world. The King allowed meapartments in one of his palaces, and delightedgreatly in my conversation.

“One day, having walked to the principalquay, several seamen were busily employed inunloading a ship newly arrived in the harbour.As I cast my eye on some of the bales of goodsthat were landed, I perceived them, by themarks, to be the same that I had put on boardwhen I embarked for Balsora. I also knew thecaptain; but supposing that he believed me tohave perished, I carelessly asked him to whomthose bales belonged. ‘To a merchant,’ he replied,‘of Bagdad, who unfortunately perished at sea;and I intend to trade with them till I meet withsome of his family, to whom I will account for theprofit.’

“ ‘Captain,’ said I, ‘I am Sindbad, and thosebales are mine.’ The captain started, and liftingup his hands and eyes with amazement, cried


out aloud, ‘Is there no faith left among men? Iand many of my passengers saw Sindbadswallowed up in the waves, many hundredleagues from hence, and yet you tell me you areSindbad. What matchless impudence! You looklike an honest man, and yet you tell a horriblefalsehood to possess yourself of that which doesnot belong to you.’

“But some other persons coming from theship instantly knew me, and I was not long inconvincing the captain that I was the realSindbad, and no impostor; upon which hepresented me my bales with a thousandcongratulations. I offered him a part of my goodsin requital for his probity, but this he steadilyrefused.

“I then selected the most valuable articlesout of my bales, and presented them to KingMihrage, who accepted my present, and gave mea rich one in return. I then took leave of him andthe whole court, and went on board the sameship, after I had exchanged my goods for thecommodities of the country, and then came tothe city with a hundred thousand sequins. HereI bought slaves of both sexes, fine lands, andbuilt a great house and settled myself,determined to forget my past dangers, and toenjoy the pleasures of life.”


Sindbad then ordered the musicians to go onwith their concert, and when it was ended, hegave a purse with a hundred sequins toHindbad, saying, “Take this, Hindbad, returnhome, and regale yourself with your familyto-night; but come back to-morrow, when youshall hear much more extraordinary adventuresthat have befallen me than those of my FirstVoyage.”

The porter went home astonished at thehonour done him; and his wife and children, attheir plentiful supper, prayed to God to grant along life to the generous Sindbad.

On the following day Hindbad put on his bestclothes, and returned to the bountiful traveller,who received him kindly, and after a sumptuousdinner was ended, and the company were readyto attend to him, he began the history of hisSecond Voyage.


“I designed, after my first voyage, to spendthe rest of my days at Bagdad, but ere long Igrew weary of a quiet life. Accordingly Ipurchased rich commodities, and went to sea asecond time, with some other merchants. One


day we landed on an uninhabited island, almostcovered with trees bearing delicious fruits. Whilesome diverted themselves with gathering flowers,and others with gathering fruits, I took my wineand provisions, and sat down by a stream,between two large trees, which formed anagreeable shade. After I had eaten of myprovisions I fell asleep. I cannot tell how long Ihad slept; but when I awoke, not only mycompanions, but the ship itself was gone.Nothing could exceed my grief and consternationat this event. I shrieked with agony, and threwmyself upon the ground, where I lay sometime inthe deepest affliction, and bitterly upbraiding myfolly in not having been content to remain inpeace and security at home.

“After a long interval I became more resignedto my misfortune. I climbed to the top of a veryhigh tree, to see if there were any thing thatcould give me hopes. When I looked towards thesea I beheld nothing but sky and water; butlooking toward the island, I perceived somethinglarge and white; but the distance was too greatto allow me to distinguish what it really was. Itherefore hastened down from the tree, andtaking up my provisions, I ran towards it,

“As I came nearer, I thought it was a largewhite bowl; and when I came quite up to it, and


touched it, I found it as smooth as ivory, Iwalked round it, to see if it was open on anyside, but it was not; and it was impossible toclimb to the top of it, the surface was so smoothand slippery. It was at least fifty paces round.

“By this time it was near sun-set, and on asudden the sky became quite darkened. I lookedup to see what had occasioned this suddendarkness, and beheld a bird of enormous sizemoving like a great black cloud towards me. Iimmediately recollected that I had heardmariners speak of a bird called a Roc, so largethat it could carry away young elephants, and Iconcluded that the great white bowl which I somuch admired, must be its egg. I was right in mysupposition, for the bird alighted, and sat overthe egg. As I perceived her coming I had creptclose to the egg for shelter, so that I had beforeme one of the legs of the bird, which was as largeas the trunk of a tree. I tied myself firmly to theleg of the Roc with the cloth of my turban, inhopes that when she flew away the next morningshe would carry me out of this desert island; andhaving passed the night in this condition, thebird flew away the next morning, and carried meso high into the air that I could not see theearth; and suddenly descended so swift, that Ilost my senses. On coming to myself, and finding


the Roc on the ground, I speedily untied thecloth which bound me to her leg, and scarcelywas I free, when the bird, having taken up alarge serpent in her bill, again flew away.

“The place in which the Roc left me was adeep valley, encompassed on every side withhigh mountains, whose lofty tops seemed toreach the clouds. Their sides were so steep thatit was impossible to ascend them. This was anew perplexity; so that when I compared thisvalley with the desert island from whence theRoc had brought me, I found I had gainednothing by the exchange.


“As I paced up and down the valley, musingon my hard fortune, I observed that the groundwas strewed with diamonds of surprising largesize. I took great pleasure in looking at them, butI saw such objects as I could not behold withoutterror and dismay; these were serpents peepingout of the holes in the rocks.

“I got as far from them as I could, and spentthe day in considering how I should escape fromthis scene of splendour and horror, and whennight came I took shelter in a cave, the entranceof which I covered with large stones to preserveme from the snakes, but their hissing was soincessant during the whole night, that I couldnot close my eyes. When day appeared theserpents retired to their holes, and I came out ofthe cave trembling.

“I walked a long time upon diamonds withoutthe least inclination to touch one of them. At lastI sat down, and being overcome with fatigue I fellasleep. I was awakened by the noise ofsomething that fell close beside me. This was agreat piece of fresh meat, and immediately I sawseveral others fall from the rocks in differentplaces.

“It immediately occurred to my mind theaccount I had heard of the famous DiamondValley, and the stratagems used to get jewels


from thence, but now I was convinced what Iheard was true, that the merchants came to thetop of these impassable mountains, near wherethe eagles build their nests, and throwing jointsof raw meat down into the valley, the diamondsupon which they fall stick to them; then theeagles, lured by the smell of the meat, pouncewith great fury upon it, and carry it to theirnests to feed their young, when the merchants,being on the watch, frighten away the eagles,and take the diamonds.

“The falling of the meat into the valley gaveme hopes of getting alive out of this dreadfulabyss, which otherwise must have been mygrave. I therefore hastened to pick up some ofthe largest diamonds I could find, which Icarefully put into a little bag, and fastened it tomy girdle. I then selected the largest piece ofmeat in the valley, which I tied to my waist withthe cloth of my turban, and then lay down uponmy face to wait the descent of the eagles. Theywere not long in coming, and one of thestrongest having pounced upon the meat uponmy back, flew with me to its nest on the top ofthe mountain. The merchants began shouting tofrighten the eagles, and when they had obliged


them to quit their prey, one of them came to thenest where I was. At first he was muchfrightened at seeing I me, but recovering himself,began to quarrel with me, and accused me ofstealing his goods. ‘You will treat me,’ replied I,‘ with more civility when you know me better. Donot be uneasy, I have diamonds enough for youand myself too, far more than all the othermerchants put together.’

“I had scarce done speaking when themerchants gathered round us. I told them mystory, and they were equally surprised at myexpedient to save myself and my courage to


attempt it. Having carried me to the place wherethey sheltered themselves, I opened the bag, andthey declared that in all the courts they hadbeen they had never seen any diamonds of equalsize and lustre. I desired the merchant, to whosenest I had been carried, to take as many as hepleased, but he contented himself with takingone of the least, declaring it was of sufficientvalue to make his fortune.

“I spent the night with the merchants, towhom I related my history a second time. I couldnot moderate the joy I felt in having escaped soimminent a clanger. Indeed at times it appearedto me as if I were dreaming, and I often started,and questioned myself if I were in reality safelyout of the inaccessible valley.

“The merchants having gathered togethertheir diamonds, we left the place on the followingmorning, and crossed the mountains till wearrived at a port where we took shipping , andlanded on the isle of Roha, where the trees growthat yield camphor. Here I exchanged some ofmy diamonds for other merchandise, and fromthence we set sail for Balsora, and continued myjourney over land to Bagdad; and once morearrived in my native city. I gave great alms to thepoor, and lived there for some time.”


Thus Sindbad ended the history of hisSecond Voyage, presented Hindbad with anotherpurse, and desired him to return on the followingday; which the porter did not fail to do, anddinner being ended, the master of the feastresumed his narration.


“The pleasures and comforts I now enjoyedmade me forget my past difficulties. I was still inthe prime of life, was of an active disposition,and had a great desire to see upon a thirdvoyage, and with a cargo of the richestmerchandise of Egypt I once more took shippingat the port of Balsora.

“After we had been at sea some weeks wewere overtaken by a dreadful storm, whichalmost tore the vessel to pieces. We beat about atthe mercy of the winds and waves during severaldays, and at last we were obliged to cast anchorbefore an island, for which the captain hadvainly endeavoured to steer. He now informedus, that this and several other neighbouringislands were inhabited by savages, covered withhair, who would speedily attack us in greatnumbers; and that if we offered to make the least


resistance they would come upon us in swarmsand destroy us without mercy.

“We soon found the captain’s information tobe true; for a multitude of frightful savages,about two feet high, and covered all over with redhair, came swimming towards us, and boardedour ship, chattering a language of which wecould not comprehend a word. In an instant theytook down our sails, cut the cable, towed theship to land, and having made us all get out,they carried off our ship in triumph to anotherisland.

“We went forward into the island on whichwe were landed in deep dismay, expectingnothing but death. When we had got a little waywe beheld a huge pile of building, and madetowards it. We found it to be a lofty palace, witha folding gate of ebony, which we pushed open,and entered a spacious court, that led to a vastapartment with a porch, having on one side agreat heap of human bones, and on the other anumber of roasting spits. At this terriblespectacle our legs trembled under us, and we fellto the ground, where we lay motionless with fear,thinking we might share the same fate.

“Presently the gate of the apartment opened,and there came out a black monster as tall as apalm tree. He had but one eye, which was in the


very middle of his forehead, and looked like aball of fire. His foreteeth were long and sharp,his under lip hung down upon his breast, hisears resembled those of an elephant, andcovered his shoulders, and his nails were verylong and crooked.

“At the sight of so hideous a giant we couldscarcely keep from swooning while he sat downin the porch gazing upon us. At length headvanced, and taking me up by the skin of theneck, as I would take up a kitten, and havingviewed me well, and perceived that I was nothingbut skin and bone, he threw me on the groundwith disdain. He took up all the rest one by one,and examined them in the same manner, andthe poor captain being the fattest amongst us,fell the victim to his savage appetite; he waspresently killed, roasted, and eaten by thedreadful monster.

“When the one-eyed giant had finished hissavage meal, he stretched himself upon a greatstone bench in the portico, and fell asleepsnoring louder than thunder. In this manner heslept till morning. For our parts, it wasimpossible for us to sleep, and we passed thenight in the most distressing fears imaginable.Day being come, the giant awoke, got up,stretched himself, and went out, leaving us in


the palace, which now resounded with our criesand lamentations. At length I cried to mycompanions in misfortune, ‘Let us not waste thehours in useless sorrow. Let us make floats ofthe timber we saw on the coast, and commitourselves upon them to the sea. We had bettertrust ourselves to the mercy of the winds andwaves than continue here, to fall one after theother a prey to the appetite of that devouring”monster.’

“My advice was as eagerly adopted; wehastened down to the sea shore, taking with ustools from the apartment, and laboured hard tomake our floats ready to carry us out to sea,before the giant should discover we were gone.We had not finished them till the evening, andbefore we could push them from the beach ourtyrant came in search of us, and drove us like aflock of sheep before him to the palace. We hadthe anguish to behold another of ourunfortunate comrades roasted for his supper;and having glutted himself with the brutal feast,he lay down on his back, and began to snore soloud that the place echoed with the noise.

“Our desperate situation now gave uscourage to attempt some means for ourdeliverance. Nine of the most resolute of us gotup softly, and taking nine spits, we held the


points of them in the fire till they were red hot,and then thrusting them all at once into themonster’s eye, we blinded him. The painoccasioned him to utter a frightful scream, andhe began to grope about with his hands to catchus, that he might sacrifice us to his rage, but wetook care to keep out of his reach, and havingsought for us some time in vain, he opened theebony gate, and went out of the palace howlingdreadfully.

“We did not stay long behind him, buthastened to our floats, and only waited forday-light to embark upon them; but scarcely wasthe first dawn of day visible when we beheld ourmonstrous enemy approaching the shore, led onby others of the same species. We immediatelyjumped upon our floats, and pushed them fromthe shore as fast as possible, and the tideassisted us greatly; but the giants seeing uslikely to escape, tore great pieces of rock fromthe cliffs, and wading into the water up to theirwaists, hurled them at us with all their might,and instantly sunk every float but the one I wasupon, and all my companions except the twowith me were drowned; and we with great


difficulty escaped the fate of our companions. “For two days we were tossed about at sea,and believed we must perish for want of food, ifwe were not swallowed up by the waves. On theevening of the second day, however, we droveupon an island, where we found excellent fruitand good water, with which we refreshedourselves, and lay down to sleep under theshade of the trees.

“We were soon awakened by the terriblehissings of an enormous serpent, who camegliding along the ground with incredible


swiftness. One of my unfortunate comrades wasswallowed up in a moment, while I and the otherfled, and climbed up the highest tree we couldfind to shield ourselves from his attack.Presently the serpent came hissing to the root ofthe tree, and winding himself round the trunk,reared his head so high that he soon reached myonly remaining companion, who sat much loweron the tree than I did, and devoured him like theformer one. I sat motionless with terror, andalready more dead than alive, the monstrouscreature unwound himself from the tree andglided away.

“I waited on the tree till late the next day,and perceiving nothing then of the serpent, Iventured down, but my fear took away all mystrength, and I was incapable of exploring theisland in search of a place of safety. I could nothelp wishing that my float had been sunk by thegiants along with the others; for it seemed to methat my life was only prolonged that I mightendure the most cruel of sufferings. I gatheredtogether a great quantity of small wood,brambles, and dry thorns, and making them upinto faggots, formed a great circle with themround the tree, and fastened the uppermost tothe branches of the tree. Having finished mywork, I shut myself within the circle, and the


serpent failed not to come as I expected hewould. He went round and round the treeseeking for an entrance, but the rampart I hadmade effectually secured me, so that he lay tillday-light like a cat watching a mouse. When dayappeared he retired, and after the sun arose Iventured to leave my hiding-place.

“I was so exhausted for want of sleep andhad suffered so greatly from his poisonousbreath, that death seemed to me more desirablethan living, and I ran towards the sea, resolvingto throw myself in; but just as I was about tofulfil my rash determination, I perceived a shipin full sail at a considerable distance. I shoutedas loud as I could for help, and the captain senthis boat for me. As soon as I got on board, thecaptain seeing I was quite in rags, gave me someof his own suits, and treated me in all respectswith great attention.

“ When we came to an anchor at the port ofJalabat, the captain calling me to him, said, ‘Sir,I have here some bales of goods which belongedto a merchant who sailed with me some timesince, and he being dead, I intended to disposeof them for the benefit of his heirs. You shall sellthem for me, and shall be allowed the usualfactorage.


“I eagerly inquired the name of the owner,and to my astonishment was told Sindbad.

“I could not hear myself named withoutemotion, and looking earnestly at the captain, Irecollected him to be the person who, in mysecond voyage, had left me in the island where Ihad fallen asleep, and had set sail without me.

“‘You believe, then,’ said I, ‘that Sindbad isdead?’

“‘Certainly,’ he replied, ‘for one day when welanded on a small uninhabited island to take inwater, I know not by what mistake, I set sailwithout observing he was not come on boardwith the other passengers, nor was his absencediscovered till four hours after, when so brisk agale sprung up that it was impossible to tackabout and look for him. There can be thereforeno doubt that he perished on that uninhabitedisland.’

“‘No, Captain,’ I exclaimed, ‘I did not perish.In me you behold that Sindbad, who escapedthat and many other perils.’ The captain beingconvinced, eagerly delivered me up the goods,and strictly accounted with me for those he hadalready sold.

“I continued my voyage with the honestcaptain, and sold my merchandise very


advantageously, and at length returned toBagdad with vast increase of riches.”

Sindbad having finished the relation of hisThird Voyage, rose from the table, and givinganother present to Hindbad, invited him todinner the next day, to hear the adventures ofthe Fourth Voyage.


“Having settled my affairs, I commenced ajourney over land into Persia, and having boughta large stock of the beautiful manufactures ofthat country, I loaded a vessel, and embarkedwith my goods. We had not been at sea manydays when the ship struck upon a rock, andsoon beat to pieces. The cargo went to thebottom, and many of the merchants and seamenwere drowned.

“I and a few others saved ourselves on aplank, and were carried by the current to anisland that lay before us. Having got safely onshore, we walked up the island, and werepresently surrounded by black savages, whoseized us, and shared us among them.

“I and five of my companions were taken byone man, who ordered us to sit down, and gave


us some herbs to eat. My companions ategreedily of the herbs, but I kept them in my handwithout tasting. I presently observed that mycompanions lost their senses, and when theyspoke, they knew not what they said; I thenthrew away the herbs, resolving never to tastethem. Rice prepared with oil of cocoa nuts, wasnext given to us, and my unhappy comradesdevoured it greedily.

“I soon understood that the savages hadgiven us herbs in order to rob us of our senses,to make us fat, and then devour us. AccordinglyI saw the cannibals eat my comrades, one afterthe other; but I, instead of growing fat, grewthinner daily, and I fell into a languishingdisorder, which proved my safety, for the savagesdid not think me fit to be eaten. They nowentirely neglected me, and one day when theywere gone into the woods, I determined to makemy escape. I took care to provide myself with asmuch rice as my weak state would permit me tocarry, and stole away.

“I took a contrary way to that the savageswere gone, and travelled all night, and then Ihalted, and supped on my rice. After refreshingmyself with a short sleep, I pursued my journey.I travelled in this manner during seven days, andon the eighth, I came in sight of the sea shore,


where I beheld a number of white persons likemyself, gathering pepper.

“I approached them without fear, and theyran to meet me, and questioned me in Arabic asto who I was, and whence I came, and I speedilysatisfied their curiosity, by giving them anaccount of my shipwreck and my escape fromthe savage negroes. These white people permittedme to share their provisions, and in a few daysrecovered my strength, and I sailed with them tothe island from whence they came. Theypresented me to their King, who was a goodPrince; he listened to my adventures, gave meclothes, and commanded me to be taken care of.

“I esteemed myself very fortunate in the kindtreatment I received from this generousMonarch.

“It appeared to me very extraordinary to seethat when the King and his nobles went ahunting, they rode their horses without bridle orsaddle. I could not forbear to question hisMajesty upon the reason of his avoiding the useof bridles and saddles. The King heard me witha look of surprise, and then assured me that hewas quite at a loss to know what I meant by thethings called bridle and saddle. Upon this I wentto a very skilful workman, and gave him themodel of the stock of a saddle, and under my


constant superintendence, he made it very well.I covered it myself with embroidered velvet; Ithen went to another mechanic, for whom I drewthe pattern of a bridle and stirrups. I put themupon one of the King’s horses, and presentedhim to his Majesty, who was so delighted, thathe mounted immediately, and rode about thegrounds belonging to the palace almost thewhole of the day, while his ministers, theprincipal officers of the court, and others of thenobility gathered round me, entreating that Iwould furnish them. I received such magnificentpresents for my saddles and bridles, that Ipresently grew rich.

“I made my court very constantly to the King,who one day said to me, ‘Sindbad, I love thee,and all my subjects follow my example, andvalue thee according to thy merits. I wish tomake thee one of my subjects. Thou must marryand settle in my dominions.’ He then gave meone of his ladies of the court, who was young,noble, rich, beautiful, and virtuous. Themarriage ceremonies being over, we retired to aplace belonging to my wife, where we lived ingreat harmony and contentment.

“I had contracted a strict intimacy with oneof my neighbours, and one day as I was sittingdown to dinner, I was informed his wife had just


died. I immediately hastened to afford him someconsolation under his misfortune. ‘Alas’ said he,‘what comfort can I take who have not above anhour to live? It is the established law of thiscountry, that the living husband should beinterred with the dead wife, and the wife with thedead husband. Nothing, therefore can save me:and every one must submit to this law.’

“I was ready to sink with dismay on hearingof this cruel law, and before I had recovered frommy consternation, his kindred, friends, andneighbours came to assist at this barbarousceremony. They dressed the woman in herrichest apparel, and adorned her with all herjewels, and then putting her into an open coffin,began their march towards the place of burial.The husband followed next the corpse, and afterhim a long train of relations and friends, among whom I was a spectator. They went up anexceedingly high mountain, on the summit ofwhich the procession halted, and a great stonewas removed, which covered the mouth of a verydeep pit. The corpse was let down into the pit,and then the husband, embracing his kindredand friends, suffered himself to be put intoanother open coffin, in which was placed a pot ofwater and seven little loaves, and was then letdown in the same manner, and the ceremony


being ended, they covered the hole again, andreturned to their respective homes.

“I went home deeply affected, and day andnight I thought of nothing but how to effect myescape. But while I was forming a thousandprojects to escape this evil, my worst fears wereverified—my wife fell sick and died. You mayeasily judge of my sorrow when I beheld thepreparations for my own funeral, at which theking and his whole court, to show their regardfor me, intended to assist.

“The corpse, in her most magnificent apparel,was put into her coffin, and the cavalcade began.I went next the corpse, with my eyes full of tears,and my heart bursting with despair. When wearrived at the mountain, I could no longercontain my anguish, and throwing myself at thefeet of the King, I besought him in the mostmoving terms, to have compassion on me andspare my life, and suffer me to return to mynative country. But all I said was to no effect,they only made the greater haste to let my wifeinto the pit, and the next moment I was putdown after her in an open coffin, with a vessel ofwater and seven loaves. In short, they coveredup the mouth of the pit, in despite of my griefand lamentable cries.


“As I came near the bottom, I discovered bythe aid of a little light that came from above, thenature of this subterraneous place. It was a longcave, many fathoms deep. I immediately smeltan insufferable stench from the multitude ofdead bodies I saw on the right and left; nay, Ifancied I heard some of them sigh and groan. Imade haste to leave my coffin, and, getting at adistance from the dead bodies, lay down uponthe ground, where I sat a long time bathed intears, and reproaching myself for leaving myhappy home.


“With these vain complaints I made the caveto echo. Yet I still felt an inclination to live, andgroped my way back to the coffin for some of thebread and water in it, on which I lived for somedays, and it being all spent, I prepared for death.

“Having I wandered very far into the cave, ona sudden I heard something panting very hardclose beside me; I started up, upon which thething ran away. I pursued it, and continued thischase so long that at last I saw a glimmeringlight. This redoubled my eagerness. I went on,and sometimes lost sight of it, but always foundit again, and at last discovered that it came froma hole in the rock, just large enough for a man to


get out at. I crept through the hole, and foundmyself on the sea-shore. I leave vou to judge ofthe excess of my joy. When I recovered from mysurprise, I perceived I had been pursuing a seamonster.

“I examined the mountain, and found that itextended for some miles between the town andsea. I fell on my knees to thank God for mydeliverance, and having feasted on someshell-fish I found on the shore, I returned to thecave, and groped about among the coffins for allthe diamonds, rubies, pearls, gold bracelets, andrich stuff I could find. These I carried to theshore, and tying them up together into baleswith the cords that let down the coffins, I laidthem on the beach, waiting till some ship shouldsail by.

“In two days a ship came out of the harbour,and passed bv that part of the coast. I made asignal with my turban, and they sent a boat totake me on board. I told the mariners I had beenwrecked, and had just been able to get on shorewith the bales they saw. The captain questionedme no further.

“I found a ship ready to sail for Balsora, onboard of which I embarked.


“The rest of my voyage was prosperous, andI arrived at Bagdad with a vast increase ofriches.”

Sindbad made another present to Hindbad,with the usual charge of returning the day tohear more surprising adventures.


“Forgetting the perils I had suffered, I builtme a ship at my own expense, loaded her with arich cargo, and we set sail with a fair wind.

“After being at sea several weeks, we landedupon a desert island in search of fresh water,where we found a Roc’s egg, equal in size to thatI formerly mentioned. The merchants and sailorsgathered around it in great amazement, andthough I entreated and conjured them not tomeddle with the egg, they would not forbear, butmaking a hole in it with their hatchets, theypicked out the young Roc, piece after piece, androasted it.

“Scarcely had they made an end of theirtreat, when there appeared in the air, at adistance, two great clouds. I knew it was theRocs belonging to the young bird, and calling the


people together, I made them embark and setsail.

“The two Rocs alighted, and seeing their eggdestroyed made a most frightful noise. Presentlythey took flight and disappeared. It was not longbefore they returned with stones, or ratherrocks, between their talons of a monstrous size.When they came directly over my ship, theyhovered, and one let its stone drop, but it missedus and fell into the sea. The other Roc threw thestone so exactly in the very middle of the ship,that it split into a thousand pieces. The marinersand passengers were all killed or thrown into thesea. The latter was my fate, but I fortunatelycaught hold of a piece of the wreck, whichcarried me to an island whose shore was verysteep.

“This island seemed to be a delicious garden,abounding in the finest fruit trees of everydescription.

“On advancing further into the island, I sawa little old man sitting upon the bank of arivulet. I supposed him to be some unfortunateperson shipwrecked like myself, and goingnearer I saluted him, but he only bowed his headin return. He entreated by signs that I wouldcarry him on my back over the brook. I had nodoubt that he was infirm, and destitute of help,


and I readily took him on my back, and crossedthe brook, when instead of getting down heclasped his legs so firmly round my throat, thatI was almost strangled, and being unable torelieve myself, I swooned away with pain andaffright. Notwithstanding my fainting, the old

fellow held fast to my neck, and when I recoveredmy senses again, he struck me so rudely on theside, that I was forced to rise up against my will.

“He then compelled me to walk under thetrees, while he diverted himself with gatheringthe fruit. He never quitted me a moment. When


I laid down at night he lay down with me, hislegs always fast about my neck; and everymorning he compelled me to get up as soon asthe day dawned, from which time till sunset Iwas forced to bear about this odious burthen.

“One day I found in my way several drycalabashes; I picked up a large one, and aftercleaning” it, pressed into it some juice of grapeswhich abounded in the island. Having filled thecalabash, I set it aside for several days, and oncoming to it again, I found it to be most excellentwine.

“The old man perceiving the effect which thisdrink had upon me, made a sign for me to givehim some of it. I gave him the calabash, and theliquor pleasing his palate, he drank the whole ofit, and became completely drunk, and by degreesloosened his legs from my neck, so that I wasable to throw him upon the ground, where hesoon fell into convulsions, and I had thesatisfaction to witness his death.

“I was extremely glad to be freed from thisdetestable old fellow. I hastened to the sea-side,where I found the crew of a ship who had justcast anchor. They were greatly surprised to seeme, and to hear of my adventures. ‘You fell,’ saidthey, ‘into the hands of the old man of the sea,


and you are the first person who ever escapedbeing strangled by him.’

“They took me on board their vessel, andwhen we came to the harbour of a great city, oneof the merchants carried me to some persons inthe town, whose employment was to gathercocoa nuts, and recommended me to their care.He gave me also a great bag and provisions forthe journey.

“I followed them, and we came to a greatforest of tall straight cocoa trees, whose barkwas so perfectly smooth that it was impossiblefor any man to climb up to the branches. Whenwe entered the forest, we saw a surprisingnumber of apes, who instantly ran to the top ofthe trees with the utmost swiftness.

“The merchants with whom I was, picked upstones and pelted the apes, who, to revengethemselves, gathered cocoa nuts and threw atus. We secured the cocoa nuts, and continuedthrowing stones to provoke the apes, till wepossessed ourselves of as many nuts as we couldcarry. We then returned to the city, where themerchants gave me the value of my nuts, andadvised me to do the same every day till I had gotmoney enough to carry me home. I soonamassed a considerable sum: and taking leave of


all the kind merchants, I embarked joyfully onboard a vessel, and returned safe home again.”

When Sindbad had finished, he orderedHindbad his usual present, and they returned todinner the next day, when Sindbad gave them anaccount of his Sixth Voyage.


“At the expiration of one year, I prepared fora sixth voyage, against the entreaties of mykindred. I began my voyage, which proved verylong and most unfortunate, for the pilot lost hiscourse, and knew not which way to steer. Atlength he discovered where he was, andexclaimed that we must all inevitably perish, forwithin a quarter of an hour the ship would bedashed to pieces against a mountain. It wastrue; the sails presently split, the ropes burstasunder with the force with which the ship droveagainst the foot of an inaccessible mountain, yetwe saved our lives, most of our provisions, andour goods.

“We looked around us, and saw the coastcovered all over with pieces of wrecks of ships,and great heaps of men’s bones, with incrediblequantities of rich goods, which proved how many


unfortunate persons must have perished there.To climb the mountain, which almost reachedthe skies, was impossible.

“In this wretched place we continued till mycomrades died one after the other. I survivedthem all, and my stock of food being exhausted,I suddenly made a desperate resolution to trustmyself to the current of a broad black riverwhich entered a cavern in the mountain.

“I made a float, and I loaded it with bales ofrich stuffs, and fastening my cargo with ropes, Iwent on board my float with two little oars I hadmade, and left it to the mercy of the current.


“As soon as I was in the cavern, I lost alllight. I floated for some days, at length a pleasingsleep seized upon me; when I awoke I foundmyself in a vast country, at the brink of a river,where my float was tied up, amidst a greatnumber of negroes. I exclaimed aloud, ‘Alla, bepraised!’ and one of the blacks, who understoodArabic, came towards me and said, ‘Brother, wecame hither to-day to dig canals from this river,which comes out of yonder mountain, to waterour fields, when we found you floating in thismanner.’

“I begged of them to give me food, which theydid, and after I had appeased my hunger, I gavethem an account of all that had befallen me.They requested I would go with them to theirKing, and they placed me on a fine horse,bringing my cargo and float after me.

“We marched thus till we came to Serindib,for it was in that island I landed. I prostratedmyself before the monarch, to whom I related mystory, with which he was so surprised andpleased, that he ordered it to be written in lettersof gold. He then ordered one of his officers totake care of me.

“When I paid my next visit to the King, Ipresented him with the choicest pieces of myrock crystal, and then prayed him to allow me to


return to my own country, which request hegranted, and sent by me a letter and a brilliantpresent to the sovereign, the Caliph HarounA l r a s c h i d ,with manyrich gifts formyse l f . Ireturned toB a g d a d ,where myfirst care wasto presentmyself to theCaliph, whoreceived theletter andpresent ofthe King ofSerindib withthe greatestsatisfaction.”

Sindbadhere left offs p e a k i n g ,and they allreturned thefollowing day to hear the relation of the lastvoyage.




“Being returned from my sixth voyage, Iabsolutely laid aside all thoughts of travellingany farther. But one day as I was entertaining aparty of my friends, I was sent for by the Caliph.‘Sindbad,’ said the monarch, I stand in need ofyour services, you must bear an answer andpresent from me to the King of Serindib.’ I usedmy endeavours to be excused, but the Kingwould take no denial, but ordered me onethousand sequins for the expenses of myjourney.

“I embarked and had a favourable voyage.When I arrived at Serindib I delivered theCaliph’s letter and present, which he receivedwith satisfaction.

“A little time afterwards I solicited leave todepart. We had not been long at sea before wewere attacked by corsairs, who seized upon ourship and carried us into slavery.

“We were all sold for slaves; and I was boughtby a rich merchant. He inquired if I understoodthe use of the bow; I assured him I did. He thengave me a bow and arrows, and taking mebehind him upon an elephant, carried me to a


forest. We stopped near an exceeding high tree.My master bid me alight, and climb that tree;telling me I must wait there till a troop ofelephants pass by, and then shoot at them, andif any one fell, I was to hasten back to the city togive him notice of it. Having given me properdirections, he left me a bag of provisions, andreturned to the town.

“As soon as the sun arose on the followingmorning, I beheld a great number; I shot severalarrows among them, and at last one of theelephants fell; the rest retired immediately, andleft me at liberty to go and acquaint my patronwith my success. He commended my diligence,and we went back to the forest, and dug a holeto bury the elephant in, till he decayed, when themerchant intended to take his teeth, for hetraded in ivory.

“I continued this course for two months. Onemorning one of the largest of them wound histrunk round the stem of the tree on which I was,and tore it up by the roots. I fell with the tree,and the same elephant, taking me up with his


trunk, laid me on his back, and carried me to ahill and left me. I ventured to get up, anddiscovered the hill covered all over with thebones and teeth of elephants. I did not stay, butreturned to my master, who concluded I wasdestroyed. I conducted him to the hill, and weloaded the elephant on which we rode, with asmany as he could carry.

“My master then gave me liberty to return tomy own country. He loaded a ship with avaluable cargo for me, and abundance ofprovisions.


“We set sail, and at last I came safe toBagdad, and presented myself to the Caliph.”

Sindbad then gave Hindbad a hundredsequins, and desired him to quit his porter’semployment, and come every day to dine withhim, that he might have reason to rememberSindbad the Sailor.

Printed by Thomas Richardson, Derby.