simplified version of eurocode 3 for usual buildings

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  • 8/13/2019 Simplified version of Eurocode 3 for usual buildings


    ISSN 1018-5593

    European Commission

    t e c h n i c l s t e e l r e s e r c h

    Propert ies and service performance

    Simplified version of Eurocode 3for usual buildings


  • 8/13/2019 Simplified version of Eurocode 3 for usual buildings


  • 8/13/2019 Simplified version of Eurocode 3 for usual buildings


    European Commission

    t e c h n i c l s t e e l r e s e r c hProperties and service performance

    Simplified version of Eurocode 3for usual buildingsP. Chantrain, J.-B. Schleich

    ARBED recherchesBP 141L-4009 Esch-sur-Alzette

    Contract No 7210-SA/5131 July 1991 to 30 June 1994

    Final report

    Directorate-GeneralScience, Research and Development1997 EUR 1683 9 N

  • 8/13/2019 Simplified version of Eurocode 3 for usual buildings


    LEGAL NOTICENeither the European Commiss ion nor any person act ing on behal f of the Commiss ionis responsible for the use which might be made of the fo l lowing informat ion.

    A great deal of addi t ional informat ion on the European Union is avai lable on the Internet .I t can be a ccesse d through the E uropa server (ht tp: // int )Cataloguing data can be found at the end of th is publ icat ion.Luxembourg: Of f ice for Of f ic ia l Publ icat ions of the European Communit ies , 1997ISBN 92-828-1485-8 European Com mu nit ies , 1997 [Reproduct ion is author ised prov ided the source is acknowledged.Printed in Luxembo urg

  • 8/13/2019 Simplified version of Eurocode 3 for usual buildings


    SIMPLIFIED VER SION OF EIIROCODE 3 FOR USUAL BUILDINGS.ECSC Agreement 7210-SA/513S u m m a r yThe aim of the following E.C.S.C. research is to elaborate a simple but com plete docum ent todesign com monly used buildings in steel construction. This document is completely based onEurocode 3 and each paragraph is totally conform to Eurocode 3. Only the design formulasnecessary to design b raced or non-sway buildings are taken into account in this document.Tall buildings (skyscrapers) and halls are nottreated.The designers and steel constructorsare able to calculate and erect a com monly used steel building with this design handbook.Therefore also the important load cases from Eurocode 1will be included in this docum ent.The w orking group of the research project was con stituted of 10 European engineeringoffices. Firstly that working group has carried out different examples of calculation of bracedor non-sway buildings accord ing to Eurocode 3 Part 1.1: check of existing steel structures anddesign of new steel buildings. Afterwards thanks to those examples of calculation the neededdesign formulas of Eurocode 3 was highlighted and general procedure of design wasdeterm ined. The design handbook Simplified version of Euro code 3 is based on thatexperience.The link of the working group to the drafting panel of Eurocode 3 was guaranteed by theProfessor Sedlacek of Aachen University.Liaison has been ensured with both other E.C.S.C. research projects nr SA/312 and nr S A/41 9also dealing with Eurocode 3: respectively, Application software of Eurocode 3: EC 3-too ls(CTIC M , France) and Design handbook for sway buildings (CSM -Italy).

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    VERSION SIMPLIFIEE DE L'EUROCODE 3 POUR LES BATIMENTS COURANTSAgrment CECA 7210-SA/513S o m m a i r eLe but de cette recherche est d'laborer un docum ent simple mais com plet pour calculer desbtiments courants en construction mtallique. Ce document est entirement bas surl'Eurocode 3 et chaque paragraphe est totalement conforme VEurocode3. Il n'a t pris encom pte que les formu les ncessaires au calcul de btimen ts contrevents et rigides. L esbtiments trs lancs (gratte-ciel) et les halls industriels n'y sont pas traits. Les bureauxd'tudes et constructeurs mtalliques devront tre capables de calculer et d'riger unbtiment courant en acier avec ce manuel de dimensionnement. Les cas de charges le plusimportants issus de l'Eurocode 1seront galementinclusdans ce document.Le groupe de trav ail du projet de recherche tait constitu de 10 bureaux d'tudes e urope ns.En premire partie ce groupe de travail a effectu diffrents exemples de calculs de btimentscontrevents et rigides conformment l'Eurocode 3 Partie 1.1: vrification de structures enacier dj existantes et dimensionnement de nouveaux btiments en acier. Grce cesexem ples concrets de calcul, les formules de l'Eurocode 3 utiles au dimensionnement ont tmises en vidence et une procdure gnrale de dimensionnement a t dtermine. Lem anue l de dime nsionnem ent Version simplifie de l 'Eurocode 3 se base sur cetteexprience.La jonction entre le groupe de travail et le groupe de rdaction de l'Eurocode 3 a t faite parle professeur Sedlacek de l'Universit d'Aix-La-Chapelle.Un e collaboration a t assure avec deux autres projets de recherche CECA N SA/312 e t N SA/419 qui concernent aussi l'Eurocode3:respectivement, Logiciel d'application del'Eurocode 3: EC3 -Tools (CTICM, France) et Manuel de dimensionnement de btimentssouples ( nuds dplaables) (CSM, Italie)

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    VEREINFACHTE VERSION DESEUROCODE3 FRBLICHE GEBUDE.EGKS Zulassung7210-SA/513Z u s a m m e n f a s s u n gDieses EGKS Forschungsprojekt hat zum Ziel,ein einfaches aber vollstndiges D okumentfr allgemeine (bliche) Stahlbaubemessung auszuarbeiten. Dieses Dokum ent ist vllig aufEurocode 3 basiert und jeder Paragrap h pat genau zu Eurocode 3. Nur dieBemessungsformeln, die n otwendig sind fr ausgesteifte oder unverschiebliche Trag werke ,werden bercksichtigt. Hochhu ser (Wolkenkratzen) oder Hallen werden nicht behandelt.Die Ingenieurbros und Stahlkonstrukteuren haben die Mglichkeit mit diesem Design-Hand buch einen einfachen Stahlbau zuberechnen und zu bauen. Dafr sind die wichtigstenLastflle von Eurocode 1indiesemDokum ent beinhaltet.Die Arbeitsgruppe des Forschungssprojekt bestand aus 10 europischen Ingenieurbros. DieArbeitsgruppe hat , im ersten Teil dieses Forschungsvorhabens, verschiedeneBerechnung sbeispiele mit ausgesteiften oder unverschieblichen Tragw erken nach Eurocode3 Teil 1.1 durchgefhlt : Berechnungs-Nachweis einer existierenden Stahlstruktur undDimensionierung eines neuen Stahlbaus. Anschlieend an diese konkreten Beispiele, wurdendie benutzten Bemessungsformeln nach Eurocode 3 hervorgehoben und ein allgemeinesBem essungsverfahren wurde festgelegt. Das Design-Handbuch Vereinfachte Version desEurocode 3 basiert auf dieser Erfahrung.Die Verbindung zwischen der Arbeitsgruppe und dem technischen Komitee wurde vonProfessor Sedlacek der Aachener Universitt hergestellt.Eine Zusammenarbeit bestand mit zwei anderen EGKS Forschungesprojekten N SA/312und N SA/41 9, die auch Eurocode 3 behandeln : Application software of Euroco de 3:EC 3-tools (CTICM , France) und Design handbook for sway buildings (CSM -Italy).

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  • 8/13/2019 Simplified version of Eurocode 3 for usual buildings


    ContentsSummary 3Sommaire 4Zusammenfassung 5Contents 71.Introduction 92.Wo rking group 103.Part1: Worked examples 11

    3.1.Exercise 1 : Verification of an existing braced or non-sway structure 1 13.2. Exercise 2 : Verification of a non-sway wind bracing in a building 1 23.3.Exercise 3 : Design of a braced or non-sway structure 1 2

    4.Part 2 : Design handbook 12FIGURES (Ito 8)APPENDICES 15List of symbols (6 pages) 23List of tables (3 pages) 29List of flow-charts (1 page ) 32Design handbook according to Eurocode 3 for braced or non-sway steel buildings 33(short title : EC3 for non-sway buildings ) (196 pag es)

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  • 8/13/2019 Simplified version of Eurocode 3 for usual buildings


    1. I n tr o d u c t i o nThe research was divided into different parts:- in the first part worked examples of braced or non-sway structures has been carried out byEuropean engineering offices according to Eurocode 3 and Eurocode 1.Different contacts have been taken with different engineering offices in Europe andprofessional organisations (E.C.C.S. and C.T.I.C.M.). The working group of this researchproject has been constituted with10engineering offices.- in the second part the needed formulae for simple design of braced or non-sway structureshave been selected thanks to the exercises about check and design of steel buildings. Thedesign handbook has been elaborated on the basis of that experience.The present final report of this research project presents the design handbook calledDesign handboo k according to Eurocode 3 for braced or non-sway steel buildings(short title: EC3for non-sway buildings ).

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    2 . W o r k i n g g r o u pThe research pro ject was fully managed and carried out by ProfilARBE D-Research (RPSDepartment), with the active support of the following working group which is particularlythanked for the fruitful collaboration :- the following 10 engineering offices w hich were involved to perform 3 worked exam ples :


    Engineering officeAdem

    Bureau DeltaVarendonck Groep / Steelrrack

    Ramboll & HannemanBureau Veritas


    Danieli IngegneriaSchroeder & Associs








    LuxemburgThe Netherlands

    - Professor Sedlacek and assistant from Aachen University (Germany) which guaranteed thelink of this working group to the drafting panel of Eurocode 3 and Eurocode 1,- some other eng ineering offices which participated to the meetings of the full w orking group :


    EngineeringofficeVerdeyen & M oenartAssociate PartnerIngenieur gruppe BauenOve A rup & Partners

    E C C S - T C l l





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    -some members of CTICM (France) and SIDERCAD (Italy) involved in complementaryresearch projects about simplified approaches of Eurocode 3 (respectively, Applicationsoftware of Eurocode 3 : EC3-tools and Design handbook for sway buildings ) :. w hich participated to the meetings of the full working group,. and with which a general flow-chart (FC1) about elastic global analysis of steel frameaccording to EC3 has been established.3.Part 1 : Worked examplesIn order to find the needed formulae and to familiarise the engineering offices to theEuro codes , it has been decided to perform 3 different exercises (check and design of a steelstructure),

    - exercise 1:verification of an existing braced or non-sway steel structure,- exe rcise 2: verification of a non-sway steel wind bracing in a building,- exerc ise 3 : design of a braced or non-sway steel structure,Different d rawings issued from the exercises of the offices are enclosed in the technical repo rtn 4 (TR4) showing the type of the calculated buildings and some details :

    - office building with bracing system (engineering offices n 2, 9 and 16),(Annex 1 ofTR4); -- car park (engineering office n 3), (Annex 2 ofTR4);- residential building with bracing system (engineering office n 7), (Annex 3 of TR 4);- office building with bracing system (engineering office n 10), (Annex 4 of TR 4);- industrial building with catalytic reactors (engineering office n 13), (Annex 5 of TR4 );- office building with concrete core (engineering office n 14), (Annex 6 of TR 4);- office building with concrete core (engineering office n 4), (Annex 7 of TR4 );- office building with bracing system (engineering office n 6), (Annex 8 of TR4).3.1.Exercise 1 :Verification of an existing braced or non-sway structureThe flow-chart of figure 1 shows the procedure followed for the verification of an existingbuilding with the Eurocodes 1 and 3. This first exercise aimed to find the needed formulaegiven by the Eurocodes in order to check the safety of the different limit states.This exercise was not an iterative processes, but was only a verification procedure of anexisting braced or non-sway building.The flow-chart of figure 1 is divided into 3 subjects:

    a. The Keywords representing the different steps of a check procedure.1.conceptional type of structure.2.occupancies.3.shape.4 structural concept.5 action effects.6. design and verification.b.The Requ irements and References of each step of the verification.The references are Eurocode 1, Eurocode 3 and the product standardsEN 10025 and EN 10113.c. The Object describing each step of the verification.


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    3 .2 . Exe rc i se 2 : Ve r i f i ca t i on of a non-sway wind brac ing i n a bu i l d ingThe non-sway wind bracing consisted of a latticed steel structure. The flow-chart of figure 2gives the procedure of the verification of this wind bracing. This exercise was also not aniterative proce ss.The description of the present flow-chart (figure 2) is the same than in the first examplepresented in the chapter 3.1 (figure 1).3.3.Exercise 3: Design of a braced or non-sway structureAfter the two first exercises, the engineering offices were familiarised with the Eurocodes 1and 3. They were able to perform a complete design of a structure by using an iterativeprocedu re. The aim of this exercise was to analyse the way to find a good solution.This exercise allowed us to follow step by step the calculation of a structure in practice. T hepractical design handbook about the simplified version of the Eurocode 3 follows animproved way than the one defined in the initial design procedure. The figure 3 shows thedifferent data for the design and the type of chosen optimisation. The Figu re 4 gives the typeof building to b e designed.4 . P a r t 2 : D e s i g n ha n db o o kA list of the needed formulae taken from the Eurocode 3 has been established following theinitial procedure defined for the exercises (see figures 5 to 8).This initial design procedure nearly corresponds to the sequence of the chapters of Eurocode3.It had to be adapted to comm on practice.The solved exercises E3 (design of a building) and the experience of each engineering officeallowed to determine a more suitable design procedure which constitutes the frame of thedesign handbook.About that practical design procedure reference may be made to the enclosed designhandbook which is called "D esign handbook according to Eurocode 3 for braced or non-sway steel buildings" (short title : "EC3for non-sway buildings") :

    -table of con tents- general flow-chartFC1about elastic global analysis of steel frames accord ing toEuroco de 3 (see chapter I of the design handbook); this flow -chart FC1 constitutes thelink with the 2 other researches about simplified approaches ofEC3: from CTICM andSIDE RC AD (see chapter 2 of the present report),- flow -chart FC 3.1 and FC 3.2 about general procedures to study structures submitted toactions (see chapter of the design handboo k), with load cases w hich are respectivelydefined :. by relevant com binations of characteristic values of load arrangemen ts, (g, q, s, w,...),in general cases,. or, by relevant combinations of characteristic values for the effects of actions (N,V , ; , f,. ..), in case of first order elastic global analysis.- flow -chart FC 4 about elastic global analysis of braced or non-sway steel framesaccording to Eurocode 3 (see chapter IV of the design handbook),- flow -chart FC 12 about elastic global analysis of bracing system according to Eurocode 3(see chapter of the design handbook)


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    In general, for the design of buildings we need to :- define the analysis model of frames (assumptions of plane frames, b racing systems,connections, m em bers,...)- characterise the load arrangements and load cases,- carry out the elastic global analysis of frames in order to determ ine the effects of actions :

    . deformations (), vibrations (f) for Serviceability Lim it States (SLS) and,. internal forces and mom ents (N , V, M ) for U ltimate Limit States (ULS).- check the mem bers at SLS (vertical and horizontal displacements, eigenfrequencies) andat ULS (resistance of cross-sections, stability of members and stability of webs) for :

    . mem bers in tens on (b races,...). members in compression (columns,...). members in bending (beams,...). members with combined axial load force and bending moment (beam-columns,...)- check the local effects of transverse forces on webs at ULS (resistance and stability of

    webs),- check the connections at SLS and at UL S.Especially for m embers to be checked at U LS specific tables are given in the concernedchapters ofthehandbook, with list of checks according to different types of loading (separateor combined internal forces and m oments : N , V, M ).The design handbook which is enclosed to this final report of the research project, intends tobe a design aid in supplement to the complete document Eurocode 3 - Part 1.1 in order tofacilitate the use of Eurocode 3 for the design of such steel structures which are usual incom mon practice : braced or non-sway steel structures.Although the present design handbook has been carefully established and intends to beself-sufficient it does not substitute in any case for the complete docum ent Eurocode 3 - Part 1.1,which should be consulted in conjunction with the NAD , in case of doubt or need forclarification.All references to Eurocode 3 - Part 1.1 which appear systematically, are made in [...].Any other text, tables or figures not quoted from Eurocode 3 are considered to satisfy therules specified in Eurocode 3 - Part 1.1.The lists of all symbols, tables and flow-charts included in the "Design Handbook" areenclosed to the present appendices.


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  • 8/13/2019 Simplified version of Eurocode 3 for usual buildings


    1.conceptional rype of structuredifferent braced non sway structures

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    1 .conceptiqnal type of structurenon-sway wind bracing in a building(latticed structure ). .2.occupancies

    EC3 : Classificationnon-sway :VSd/VCT b /1 classification

    5.action effectsdetermination of the action effects(global and local)

    elastic or plastic modelSLS ULS

    6. dirnehsioning and verification

    EC 1 :Load casesEC3 :Load combinationsEC3 :ImperfectionsEC3 :Modelling depending onb /1 classification

    1 s torder analysisSLS limits

    deformationsvibrationsULS limitsFrame stabilityStatic equilibriumResistance of cross section

    - tension - bending moment and shear- compression - bending moment and axial force bending moment - bending moment, shear and axial force- shear - transverse forces on webs

    shear bucklingResistance of members (stability)- compression members : buckling- lateral torsional buddin g of beams- bending and axial tension- bending and axial compress ionConnection-joints baae of columns


    Requirement & ReferencesCObject

    Exercise 2.Verification of a non-sway wind bracing in a buildingFigure 2


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    1. concep tional type of structureBraced non sway structure (defined)I2 .occupancies

    types of occupancy (defined)- office building

    3.shapeshape of the building (defined) 1

    4.structural conceptstructural modelGeometric dimensions (defined)Non-structural elements(not defined)Load bearing structure(not defined)Type of join ts (defined)Profiles( not defined)

    Floor structure(not defined)Material properties(not defined)I5. action effectsdetermination of the action effects(global and local)

    elastic or plastic modelSLSt ULSt6. dimensioning and verification

    SLS limitsdeformationsvibrations

    7.optimisation of the weightProfiles:- max 3 different profilesfor the columnsType ofjoints:- hinged or rigidconnectionsSteel: FeE 23 5or FeE 355or FeE 460 grades

    ULS limitsFrame stabilityStatic equilibriumResistance of cross section

    and axial forceabear and axial forcecompression

    - sbear beddingResistance of members (stability)- cflfupyraHin membera bockung- lateral torsional bedding of beams ^ Hiraj and axial tension

    bending and axial c ompresiionConnection jo ints- base of columns

    Exercise 3.Design of a braced non-sway structureFigure 3


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    plane view


    front view



    I I


    Engineering officeAdemRambll,Hannemann&HjlundVeritasSocotecSofresidDanieli




    storeysn =51510152015

    JointsRigidRigidHingedHingedRigidHingedExercise3 :Typeofbuildingto bedesignedFigure4


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    i . C E ur o c o de 3 F o r m ul a e R e fe r e nc e s1.Conceptional type of structure.1.1.non-sway-> C hapter5. braced -> C hapter5. storeys2. Occupancies.2.1.Type of building,(category,...)2.2. Impose d loads on floors and roof (p andP)-> Chapter EC 1 ,part 2.4: Imposed load3,Shape,3.1. Wind loads fw) -> ChapterEC1Part2.7:Wind loads.3.2. Snow loads (s) -> ChapterEC1Part2.5:Snow loads.4. Structural concept.4.1. Structuralmodel.4.2. Geom etric dimensions.4.3. Non structural elements.4.4. Load bearing structure.4.5. Joints.4.6. Profiles.4.7. Floor structure.4.8. M aterial properties.5. Action effects.5.1. Load cases.->E C 1 . - permanentloads:g and G- variable loads: q and Q:- imposedloads: and (presentparagraph 2.2.)-wind loads: w (presentparagraph 3.1.)-snowloads:s(presentparagraph 32.)5.2. Loadcom binations.-> EC3 .SLS: ->Chapter 2.3 .4 clause (5), formulae (2.1 7) and (2.1 8)ULS: -> Chapter 2.3.3 .1 clause (5), formulae (2.11 ) and (2.12)5.3. Imperfections.-> EC3.Frame : -> Chapter5.2.4.3 clause (1 ) formula (5.2)Bracing system: -> Chapter5.2.4.4 clause (1) formulae (5.3 ) and (5.4 )[Members : -> Chapter 5.2.4 .2. clause (4) formula (5.1)75.4. Elastic or plastic mod el->EC3:Chapter5 . 3 :classification of cross-sections (b/t ratios).Flange: -> table 5.3 .1 (sheet 3 )Web: -> table 5.3 .1 (sheet 1)-> Chapter 5.4 .6 clause (7) shear buckling= > (presentparagraph 72.9 )Section: -> Chapter 5.3 .4 for elastic global analysis-> Chapter 5.3.3 for plastic global analysis

    Figure 5


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    E ur o c o de 3 F o r m ul a e R e f e r e n c e s6. Verification SLS. ->Chapter46.1. Global analysis. -> beams, portal f rames,structural frames Calculation for->bracing system verticaland horizontal6.2.Deformations.6.3. Vibrations.

    ->Chapter 4.2.2 clause (1) vertical table4.1, figure 4.1clause (4) horizontal-> Chapter 4.3.(ECC Spublication n65: table4.4;... ;

    7. Verification ULS.7.1.Globalanalysis. = > internal forces: , andV- Elasticanalysis -> Chapter5.2.1.3-Plasticanalysis ->Chapter5.2.1.4-1st or 2nd order analysis (present paragraph 1.1 )7.2. Resistance of cross-sections.-> Chapter 5.4

    7 2 1 tension. -> Chapter 5.4.3 clause (1) formula (5.13)7.2.2. compression.^ Chapter 5.4.4 clause (1) formula (5.16)7.2.3. bendingmoment. >Chapter 5.4.5-> Chapter5.4.5.1 clause (1) formula (5.17)clause (2) formula (5.18) f -> Chapter5.4.5.3 clause(l) formula(5.19) => A v n e t >-2-, - i - 0.9' Mo(remark: y mfactors should be ignored)7.2.4.shear.-> Chapter 5.4.6 clause (1) formula (5.20)

    clause (2): AyzAvy:EC CS publication n65: table 5.14clause (8) formula (5.21 )clause (9)7.2.5.ben ding andshear.-> Chapter 5.4.7 clause (2)clause (3) a), b) formula (5.22)for cross-sections with unequal flanges:M S d Rd + (Mp 1 > R d - M f> R d )1 - VSd'pl ,Rd - 1 ^ M c , R d

    7.2.6.ben ding andaxial force.Class 1 and2cross-sections:->Chapter5.4.8.1 clause (3 )clause (4 ) formulae (5.25) and (5.26)clause (11) formula (5.35)Class 3 cross-sections:->Chapter5.4.8.2 clause (1) formula (5.3 7)7.2.7.bending shear and axial force.->Chapter 5.4 ,9 clause (2)clause (3 )-> biaxialbending: (ECCS publication 65: tables 5.15 and 5.16)

    Figure 6

    2 0

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    Eurocode 3 Formulae References7 2 8 transverse forces on webs.-> Chapter5.4.10 clause (3) -> clause (1) formula (5.41)clause (2) formula (5.42) figure 5.4.3or -> clause (4) formula (5.43)clause (5) formula (5.44)-> Chapter 5.7.1 clause (3) figure 5.7.1 (a)

    clause (4) figure 5.7.1 (b)clause (5)-> Chapter 5.7.2 clause (3) figure 5.7.2-> Chapter 5.7.3Crushing clause (1) formulae (5.71) and (5.72)clause (4) formula (5.74)J-> Chapter 5.7.4 Crippling clause (1) formula (5.77)clause (2) formula (5.78)-> Chapter 5.7.5Buckling clause (1) formula (5.79)clause (3) figure 5.7.37 2 9 shearbuckling ->Chapter 5.6.1 clause (1)limitcondition(present paragraph 5.4 )7 2 10flange-induced buckling.->Chapter5.7.7 ECC S publicationn65: table 5207.3. Resistance of m embers. ->for1st order ana lysis)7 3 1 compression members: buckling.-for 1st order elastic analysis:->Chapter5.5.1.1 clause (1) formula (5.45)-> C hapter5.5.1.2 clause (1) formula (5.46) with table5.5.1,or table 5.5.2-> Chapter5.5.1.4 clause (1) table 5.5.3clause (3) formula (5.47)-> Chapter5.5.1.5 clause (2) Annex E-for2 d order elastic analysis:->Chapter5.2.6.2 clause (2)7 3 2 lateral-torsional buc kling of beam s.

    -> Chapter 5.5.2 clause (1) formula (5.48)clause (2) formula (5.49)clause (3)clause (5)clause (6) Annex Fclause (7) limit conditionclause (8)7 3 3 bending and axial tension.-> Chapter 5.5.37 3 4 bending and axial compression.->Chapter5.5.4 -withoutlateral-torsionalbuckling:clause (1) formula (5.51) class 1 and 2 cross-sectionsclause (3) formula (5.53) class 3 cross-sections-with lateral-torsionalbuckling:clause (2) formula (5.52) class 1 and 2 c ross-sectionsclause (4) formula (5.54) class 3 cross-sectionsclause (7) figure 5.5.37 4 Resistance of connections.7 4 1 bolted oints.-> Chapter 6.57 4 1 1 Positioning of holes.-> Chapter 6.5.1 figures 6.5.1 to 6.5.4(ECCSp ublication n65: table 62 )7 4 1 2 Design shearruptureresistance.->Chapter6.5.2.2 clause (2) formula (6.1)

    clause (3) figu re 6.5.5Figure 7


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    Eurocode 3 Form ulae References7 4 1 3 Angles.-> Chapter6.5.2.3 clause (2) formulae (6.2) to (6.4)clause (3) figure 6.5.67 4 1 4 Categories of boltedconnections.->Chapter 6.5.3 and table 6.5.27 4 1 5 Distribution of forces between fasteners.-> Chapter 6.5.4 figure 6.5.77 4 1 6 Design re sistance of bolts.-> Chapter 6.5.5 clause (2) table 6.5.3clause (3)clause (4) formula (6.5)clause (5) formula (6.6)clause (9)clause (10)(ECCSp ublication n65: tables6.6, 6.7and6.8)7 4 1 7 High stren gth bo lts in slip-resistant connections-> Chapter 6.5.8-> Chapter 6.5.9-> Chapter6.5.10[->Chapter6.5.11[->Chapter6.5.12-> Chapter 6.5.13.[7.4.2 Joints with rivets.7.4.3 W elded conn ections.[->Chapter 6.6.3-> Chapter 6.6.4

    -> Chapter6.6.5.1-> Chapter6.6.5.2-> Chapter6.6.5.3

    -> Chapter 6.6.8[->Chapter 6.6.9[-> Chapter6.6.10

    Annex Jclause (1) formula (6.11) and figure6.5.10clause (2) formula (6.12)7clause (1) formula (6.13)7tables 6.5.6 and 6.5.7, figure6.5.12-> Chapter6.5.67-> Chapter 6.6clause (3)7clause (1)clause (4)clause (7)clause (2)clause (2)clause (1) Annex Mclause (3) formula (6.14)clause (4) formula (6.15)clause (5)clause (2) formula (6.16)clause (3)clause (1)7clause (3) formula (6.18)7clause (2)clause (3)7.4.4 Beam-to-columncon nections.-> Chapter 6.9 and AnnexJ7 4 5 Column bases.7.5. Frame stability.-> Chapter5.2.6.1

    7.6. Static eq uilibrium.-> Chapter

    -> Chapter 6.11 and Annex Lclause (1)clause (3)clause (4)clauses (1) to (12)Figure 8


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    1.List of sym bols in the Design Handbook Listofsymbols(1/6)1. L a t i n s y m b o l sa de s ign a t i on o f a buck l ing cu rv ea thro a t th ic kn ess of f i ll l e t we lda

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    List of symbols (2/6)EC 1 Eurocode1 (/l/)EC 3 Eurocode 3 (/2/)EC 8 Eurocode 8 (/3/)Ed design value of the effect of actionEk charac teristic value of effects of actions at SLSfd design natural frequencyfe natural frequencyfmin recommended limit of natural frequencyfu ultimate tensile strengthfub nominal value of ultimate tensile strength for boltf, yield strength b basic yield strength of the flat steel material before cold formingfyb nominal value of yield strength for boltfyw yield strength of the webF,F i, F2 action (load, transverse force, imposed deformations,...)FC flow-chartFbUd design bearing resistance per boltFbJUc characteristic value of bearing resistance per boltFd design value of actionFfr friction force on bolt calculted from Msd and/or FbjtdFk characteristic value of actionFp.Rd design punch ing shear resistance per boltFsd design transverse force applied on web through the flangeFsk characteristic value of transverse forceFsHd design slip resistance per bolt at the ultimate limit stateFs.Rd.ser design slip resistance per bolt at the serviceability limit stateFs.Rk caracteristic slip-resistance per bolt and per friction interfaceFt.Rd design tension resistance per boltFt Rk characteristic value of tension resistance per design tensile force per bolt for the ultimate limit stateFvRd design shear resistance per boltFvRk characteristic value of shear resistance per bolt and per shear design shear force per bolt for the ultimate limit design shear force per bolt for the serviceability limit stateF w resultant wind forceFw.Rk characteristic value of resistance force of fillet design force of fillet weldg distributed permanent action; dead loadG permanen t actionGd design permanent actionGk characteristic value of permanent actionh overall depth of cross-section; storey height; building heightho overall height of structureH total horizontal loadi radius of gyration about relevant axis using the properties of gross cross-sectionI second mom ent of area AIeff second moment of effective area Aeff (class 4 cross-section)I t torsional constantIw warping constantI z second moment of area about zz axisk subscript meaning characteristic (unfactored) valuek effective length factorku r factor for lateral-torsional buckling with N-M interactionk < y buckling factor for outstand flangeskw effective length factor for warping end conditionky, k z factors for N-M interaction


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    LLbLTBLymmaxminMMb.RdM C TM c R dM Mf.RdMN.RdMN.VJld

    MN.V.yJRdMN.V.z.RdMN.y.RdMN.z.RdMp fMpRdMp/iw.RdMpy.RdMptzJRdMRdMsdMv.RdMw.sdMyMy.SdM zMz.sdrien rn8NADN b dNb.yJldN b i J l d compressionNerN c R dNxsdNpCRd

    List of symbols (3/6)rough ness factor of the terrainportion of a membereffective length for out-of-plane bendingsystem length; span length; weld lengthbuckling length of memberlateral-torsional bucklingdistance between extreme fastener holesmass per unit lengthmaximumminimumbending momentdesign resistance moment for lateral-torsional bucklingelastic critical moment for lateral-torsional bucklingdesign resistance moment of the cross-sectiontorsional momentelastic m omen t capacitydesign plastic resistance moment of the cross-section consisting of the flangesonlyreduced design plastic resistance moment allowing for axial force reduced design plastic resistance moment allowing for axial force and byshearforce Vreduced design plastic resistance moment about yy axis allowing for axial force and shear force Vreduced de sign plastic resistance mom ent about zz axis allowing for axial force and shear force Vreduced design plastic resistance moment about yy axis allowing for axialforce reduced design plastic resistance moment about zz axis axial force plastic mom ent capacitydesign plastic resistance mom ent of the cross-sectiondesign plastic resistance m oment of the webdesign plastic resistance mom ent of the cross-section about yy axisdesign plastic resistance mom ent of the cross-section about zz axisdesign bending moment resistance of the memberdesign bending moment applied to the m emberdesign plastic resistance moment reduced by shear forcedesign value of moment applied to the webbending m oment about yy axisdesign bending moment about yy axis applied to the memberbending mom ent about zz axisdesign bending moment about zz axis applied to the mem bernumber of fastener holes on the block shear failure pathnumber of columns in planenumber of members to be restrained by the bracing systemnumber of storeysnormal force; axial loadNational Application Documentdesign buckling resistance of the memberdesign buckling resistance of the member according to yy axisdesign buckling resistance of the member according to zz axisnormal force in compressionelastic critical axial forcedesign compression resistance of the cross-sectiondesign value of tensile force applied perpendicular to the fillet w elddesign p lastic resistance of the gross cross-section

    2 5

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    N R dN s dN LRdrNtensionN u .RdN x . sdP l P 2qqkqrefQQ dQ kVkmaxrRRa,RdRb,RdR dR kRy,RdSSSdSkS sSSdSkSLSttftptptwUULSvVrefVref.OVVbaJldVerV / / S dV j . s dVpRdVpiyJ ldV p zJldv R dV s dV yVy.Sdv zVZ.Sdw

    List of sym bols (4/6)design resistance for tension or com pression mem berdesign value of tensile force or com pressive forcedesign tension resistance of the cross-sectionnormal force in tensiondesign ultimate resistance of the net cross-section at holes for fastenersdesign internal axial force applied to mem ber according to xx axisdistances between bolt holesPoint loadimposed variable distributed loadcharacteristic value of imposed variable distributed loadreference mean wind pressureimposed variable point loaddesign variable actioncharacteristic v alue of imposed variable point loadvariab le action which causes the largest effectradius of root filletrolled sectionsdesign crippling resistance of the webdesign buckling resistance of the w ebdesign resistance of the mem ber subject to internal forces or mom entcharacteristic value ofRddesign crushing resistance of the w ebsnow loadthickness of fillet welddesign snow loadcharacteristic value of the snow load on the groundlength of stiff bearingeffects of actions at ULSdesign value of an internal force or m oment app lied to the membercharacteristic value of effects of actions at ULSServiceability Limit statesdesign thickness, nominal thickness of element, m aterial thicknessflange thicknessthickness of the plate under the bolt head or the nu tthickness of a plate welded to an unstiffened flangeweb thicknessmajor axisUltimate Limit Statesminor axisreference wind velocitybasic value of the reference wind velocityshear force; to tal vertical loaddesign shear buckling resistanceelastic critical value of the total vertical loaddesign value of shear force applied parallel to the fillet welddesign value of shear force applied perpendicular to the fillet welddesign shear plastic resistance of cross-sectiondesign shear plastic resistance of cross-section according to yy axis (// to web)design shear plastic resistance of cross-section according to zz axis(_L to flange)design shear resistance ofthememberdesign shear force applied to the mem ber; design va lue of the total vertical loadshear forces applied parallel to yy axisdesign shear force applied to the mem ber parallel to yy axisshear force parallel to zz axisdesign internal shear forces applied to the mem ber parallel to zz axiswind pressure on a surface


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    Listo fsymb ols (5/6)Wd de sig n win d loa dw e wind pres sure on external surfaceW welded sectionsWeff elas tic sectio n mo du lu s ofeffective clas s 4 cross-sectionWeff.y elas tic sect ion mo du lusof effective class4 cross-section according to yy axisWeff.z elas tic sect ion mo du lu s of effective class4 cross-section according to zz axisWef elastic section mod ulu s ofclass3 cross-sectionWey elas tic sectio n mo du lus ofclass 3 cross-section according to yy axisWez elastic section mod ulu s ofclass 3 cross-section according toz zaxisWpi plastic section mod ulus of class 1o r 2 cross-sectionWpy plas tic secti on mo dul us of class 1o r 2 cross-section according to yy axisWpZ plastic section mod ulus of class 1o r 2 cross-section according to z zaxisx,x x axis alon g the me mb erX k characterist ic value o fthe material prope rtiesy,y y pri nci pal axi s of cro ss section (paralle l to flanges, in general)z,z z principal axis of cross section (parallel to the web, in general)Ze refer ence he igh t for evalu ation of c e2u O r e e k s y m b o l s coefficient of frequency of the basis mode vibration coefficient of linear thermal expansion factor to determine the position of the neutral axisaa coefficient of critical amplification or coefficient of rem oteness of critical stateof the framePA non-dim ensional coefficient for buckling M equ ivale nt unifor m mo men t factor for flexural buckl ing Ml/ r equi vale nt unifo rm mom ent factor for lateral-torsional buck lingMy equi vale nt unifor m mom ent factor for flexural buckli ng about yy axis equi vale nt unifor m mo me nt factor for flexural buckli ng about zz axis w non -di men sio nal coefficient for lateral-torsional buck ling w correlati on factor (for a fillet weld)Y F par tial safety factor for force or for actionY G par tial safety factor for per man ent actio nY M par tial safety factor for the resi stan ce at UL SYMb par t i a l sa fe ty fac tor for the res i s tanc e of bo l te d co nn ec t ion s7Ms.ser pa rt ia l safety facto r for the s l ip res is ta nc e of pr elo ad ed bo ltsTMW par t ia l sa fe ty fac tor for the res i s tanc e of w elde d co nn ec t ion sYMO par t ia l sa fe ty fac tor for res i s tanc e a t U L S of c lass 1 ,2 or 3 c ros s -se c t ion s(p las t ic i ty or y ie ld ing)YM I par t i a l sa fe ty fac tor for res i s tanc e of c lass 4 c ros s -sec t ions( l o c a l b u c k l i n g r e s i s t a n c e ) par t ia l safe ty fac tor for the res i s ta nce of m em be r to bu ckl ingYM2 pa rt ia l safety factor for the res ista nc e of ne t sect io n at bo lt ho lesYQ par t ia l safe ty fac tor for var iab le ac t ion r e l a t i ve ho r i zo n ta l d i sp l acem en t o f t op and bo t tom o f a s t o r eyOb hor i zon ta l d i sp l a cem en t o f t he b raced f r ame5d de s ig n def lec t io n6dv de s ig n ver t ic a l def lec t ion of f loors, b ea m s, . . . d desi gn horizo ntal deflection of framesOHmax re co mm en de d limit o fhorizont al defle ction inplan e deflection of the bracing system due toq plus any external loads


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    List of symbols (6/6) deflection due to variable load (q)\, horizo ntal displacement of the unbraced framevd design vertical deflection of floors, be am s,. . .Vmax recommended limit of vertical deflection pre-camber (hogging) of the beam in the unloaded state (state 0) svariation of the deflection of the beam due to permanent loads (G) imm ediatlyafter loading (state 1)2 variation of the deflection of the beam due to the variable loading (Q) (state 2) displacement 235 (with fy in N /mm 2) rotation slenderness of the member for the relevant buckling mode Euler slenderness for buckling non-dimensional slenderness ratio of the mem ber for buckling. effective non-dimensional slenderness ofthemember for buckling about w axis.y effective non-dimensional slenderness of the mem ber for buckling about yy axis . effective non-dimensional slenderness ofthemember for buckling abou t zz axisX LT non-dimensional slenderness ratio of the member for lateral-torsional buckling plate slenderness ratio for class 4 effective cross-sections non-dimensional slenderness of the mem ber for buckling about vv axisy non dimensional slenderness ratio of the member for buckling about yy axis non dimensional slenderness ratio of the mem ber for buckling about zz axis factor for FsjRk depending on surface classHi snow load shape coefficient, factor for N-M interaction with lateral-torsional buckling factor for N-M interaction factor for N-M interaction density reduction factor due to shear force Vsapy reduction factor due to shear force Vy.sdp z reduction factor due to shear force norm al stressGq num erica l values for the stabilizing forces of a bracing systemGxEd,

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    2.List of tables in the "Design Handbook" List of tables (1/3)Pages of the HandbookO.cTable 0.1ITable 1.1Table 1.2Table 1.3Table 1.4Table 1.5Table 1.6Table 1.7Table 1.8Table .1Table .2Table .3Table .4Table .5Table .6Table .7Table .8 Table .1Table .2Table .3Table .4Table .5Table .6Table .7Table .8Table .9IVTable IV. 1Table IV.2Table IV.3Table IV.4Table IV.5Table IV.6Table V.lTable V.2Table V.3

    SYMBO LS AND NOTATIONSDimensions and axes of rolled steel sectionsINTRODUCTIONSum mary of design requirementsPartial safety factor for the resistanceDefinition of framing for horizontal loadsChecks at Serviceability Limit StatesMember submitted to internal forces, moments and transverse forcesPlanes within internal forces, moments (Nsd> V$d, Msd) and transversesforces Fsd are actingInternal forces, moments and transverse forces to be checked at U LS fordifferent types of loadingList of references to chapters of the design handbook related to all checkformulas at ULSSTRUCTURAL CONCEPT OF THE BUILDINGTyp ical types of jointsModelling of jointsComparison table of different steel grades designationNominal values of yield strength f and ultimate tensile strength fu forstructural steels to EN 10025 and EN 10113Maximum thickness for statically loaded structural elementsMaximum thickness for statically loaded structural elementsNominal values of yield strength fyb and ultimatetensile strength fub for boltsMaterial coefficientLOAD ARRANGEMENTS AND LOAD CASESLoad arrangements (Ffc) for building design according to EC1Imposed load (qk, Qk) on floors in buildingsPressures on surfacesExposure coefficient c eas a function of height above groundExternal pressureCpefor buildings depending on the size ofthe effected area AReference heightZQdepending on h and bCombinations of actions for serviceability limit statesCombinations of actions for ultimate limit statesExamples for the application of the combinations rules in Table III.8.All actions (g, q, P, s, w) are considered to originate from different sourcesDESIGN O F BRACED OR NON-SWAY FRAMEModelling of frame for analysisModelling of connectionsGlobal imperfections of the frameValues for the initial sway imperfections Specific actions for braced or non-sway framesRecommended limits for horizontal deflectionsCLASSIFICATION OF CROSS-SECTIONSDefinition of the classification of cross-sectionDeterminant dimensions of cross-sections for classificationClassification of cross-section : limiting w idth-to thickness ratios forclass 1 & class 2 I cross-sections submitted to different types of loadin g





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    T able V.4Table V.5T able V.6T able V.7T able V.8T able V.9Table V.10V ITableVI.1T able VI.2T able VI.3T able VI.4v nTable Vn . lTable Vfl.2Table Vfl .3T able VH .4Table Vfl.5T able VH .6v mTab le Vm. l

    List of tables (2/3)Pages of the H andbook


    vm.2V n i . 3V m . 4vm.5vm.6vm.7Vffl.8Vin .9T able V m . 10T able V m . 1 1T able V m . 12T able VIfl.13T able V m . 1 4EXTableDC.1T able DC.2T a b l e K . 3

    Classification of cross-section : limiting width-to thickness ratios forclass 3 I cross-sections submitted to different types of loadingBuckling factork

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    T a b l e K . 4Table D.5T able DC.6T able DC.7TableDi.8Table D.9

    Table X . lT able X .2T able X . 3T able X . 4T able X .5T able X .6Table X.7T able X .8T able X .9XITableX I.1Table XI.2Table XI .3T able X I .4T able X I.5Table XI.6T able X I.7T able X I.8T able X I.9TableX I.10TableX I.11TableX I.12TableXL 13T able X L 14T able X L 15TableXL 16XIIT able .1T able .2T able .3Table .4Table D.l

    List of tables (3/3)Pages of the H andb 'Interaction formulas for the(N,M) stability check of membersof Class1 or 2 1 75Interaction formulas for the(NM) stability check of mem bers of Class 3 1 76General interaction formulas for the (N,M) stability check ofmembers of Class 4 1 77Supplementary interaction formulas for the (N,M) stability checkof members of Class 4 1 78Reduced design resistance Ny.Rd allowing for shear force 1 79Reduced design plastic resistance moment M N . V J Mallowing for axial loadand shear force for Class1or 2 cross-sectionsTRANSV ERSE FORCESONWEBS (F ; (F,N,V,M))Failure m odes due to load introductionStresses in web panel due to bending moment, axial forceand transverse forceYield c riteria to be satisfied by the webLoad introductionLength of stiff bearing, s sInteraction formula of crippling resistance and moment resistanceEffective breadth beff for web buckling resistanceCompression flange buckling in plane of the webMaximum width-to-thickness ratio d/twCONNECTIONSDesignation of distances between boltsLinea r distribution of loads between fastenersPossible plastic distribution of loads between fasteners. Any realisticcombination could be used, e.g.Prying forcesCategories of bolted connectionsBearing resistance per bolt for recommended detailingfor t = 1 0 mm in [kN]Shear resistance per bolt and shear plane in [kN]Long jointsTension resistance per bolt in [kN]Interaction formula of shear resistance and tension resistance of boltsCharacteristic sup resistance per bolt and friction interface for 8.8 and 10.bolts,where the holes in all the plies have standard nominal clearancesComm on types of welded jointsThroat thicknessAction effects in fillet weldsResistance of a fillet w eldEffective breadth of an unstiffened tee jointDESIGN OF BRACING SYSTEMLoad arrangements of the bracing systemBracing system imperfectionsValues for the equivalent stabilizing force ZqBracing system imperfections (examples)APPENDK DList of references to Eurocode 3 Part 1.1 relatedto all check formulas at ULS




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    3.List offlow-chartsn the "Design Handbook" ChapterElastic global analysis of steel frames according to Eurocode 3GeneralDetails IComm ents (6 pages) I[FC 3 .1] Load arrangements & load cases for general global analysis of m

    the structure[FC 3.2J Load arrangements & load cases for first order elastic global n i

    analysis ofthestructure(FCM)Elastic global analysis of braced or non-sway steel frames

    according to EC 3General IVDetails IVComments (4 pages) IVFC5 .l Classification of I cross-section V(FC 5.2J Calculation of effective cross-section prope rties of Class 4 r v

    cross-section(FC6.)FC 6.11 Members in tension (Ntension)( F C 6 . 2 ) Ang les connected by one leg and submitted to tension( F C 7 ) M em bers in com pression (Ncompression)

    VIVIvnvmFC 8 Design of I members in uniaxial bending (V z;My;(Vz,My)) or(Vy;Mz;(VyJvIz);

    FC 1 2Elastic global analysis of bracing system according toEurocode 3General Details Comments (6 pages)

    Pages141516 to 213 8

    3 9

    505152 to 556263


    168169170 to 175


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    Design handbook accordingto Eurocode 3 forbraced or non-sway steel buildings

    Short title: EC 3 for non-sway buildings

    Profil ARBED-RecherchesChantrain Ph.Conan Y.Mauer Th.

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    0.aO.u. l0.a.20.a.3O.a.40.a.5


    ForewordGeneralitiesObjective of this design handbookWarningHow to read this design handbookAcknowledgements

    ReferencesSymbols and notationsSymbolsConvention for member axesDimensions and axes of rolled steel sectionsNotations in flow-chartsDefinitions and unitsDefinition of special termsUnits

    INTRODUCTION fLa Basis of design ._I.a.1 Fundamental requirements .RI.a.2 Definitions 7I.a.2.1 Limit states ~I.a.2.2 Actions 4 9I.a.2.3 Material properties 4 9I.a.3 Design requirements 50I.a.3.1 General 50I.a.3.2 Serviceability Limit States 50I.a.3.3 Ultima te Limit States 50Lb General flow-charts about elastic global analysis 53I.b .l Flow-chart FC LE lastic global analysis of steel frames according to EC 3 53Lb.1.1 Flow-chart FC 1: general 53I.b.1.2 Flow-chart FC1:details 53I.b.1.3 Comments on flow-chart FC1 56Le Content of the design handbook 61I.c.1 Scope of the handbook 61I.C.2 Definition of the braced frames and non-sway frames 62

    I.C.3 Summary of the table of contents 64I.C.4 Checks at Serviceability Limit States 64I.C.5 Checks of members at Ultimate Limit States 65


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    TABLE OF CONTENTS S T R U C T U R A L C O N C E P T O F T H E B U IL D IN G 69n . a Structural model 69n . b Geometric dimensions 69n . c Non structural elements 69n. d Load bearing structure 69n. e Joints ?0n.f Profiles 'JlU.g Floor structure 7 -U.h Ma terial properties 72n. h. 1 Nom inal values for hot rolled steel 7~n. h. 2 Fracture toughnessn. h. 3 Connecting devices \?n .h .3 .1 Bol t s 7 5U.h.3 .2 Welding consumables 76n. h. 4 Design values of material coefficients 76m LOAD ARR ANG EME NT S AND LOAD CASES 77ULa Generalities 77n i. b Load arrangements 80m . b . l Permanent loads (g and G) 80m .b .2 Variable loads (q, Q, w and s) 80III.b.2.1 Impo sed loads on floors and roof (q and Q) 80m .b. 2.2 Wind loads (we,i, F w ) 81m. b.2. 2.1 Wind pressure (we) 81m. b.2. 2.2 Wind force (Fw) 84m .b. 2.3 Snow loads (s) 84ULc Load cases 85m . c . l Load cases for serviceability limit states 85m . c. 2 Load cases for ultimate limit states 86

    IV DESIGN O F BRA CED OR NON-SWAY FRAM E 87rV. a Generalities 87IV .a .l Analysis mod els for frames 87IV.a .2 Flow-chart FC 4 :Elastic global analysis of braced or non-sway steel framesaccording to Eurocode 3 89IV.a.2.1 Flow-chart FC 4 general 89rV.a.2.2 H ow-cha rt FC 4 details 89rv. a. 2. 3 Comm ents on flow-chart FC 4 92rv . b Static equilibrium 96rv . c Load arrangements and load cases 96IV .c. l Generalities 96IV.C.2 Frame imperfections 96rV.d Fram e stability 97rv . e First order elastic global analysis 98rV .e .l Methods of analysis 98IV. e.2 Effects of deformations 98IV. e.3 Elastic global analysis 99rv . f Verifications at SLS 99rv . f. l Deflections of frames 100rv . g Verifications at ULS 1 0 rv . g . l Classification of the frame *00r v . g .1.1 H ypothesis for braced frame *00

    rv .g .1.2 H ypothesis for non-sway frame 100rv. g. 2 ULS checks 100

    3 6

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    TABLE OF CONTENTSV CLA SSIFICA TION OF CROSS-SECTIONS V.a Generalities 101V.b Definition of the cross-sections classification 104V.c Criteria of the cross-sections classification 106V.c. 1 Classification of compression elements of cross-sections 106V.C.2 Classification of cross-sections 106V.c.3 Properties of class 4 effective cross-sections 106V.d Procedures of cross-sections classification for different loadings 109V.d. 1 Classification of cross-sections in compression 109V.d.2 Classification of cross-section in bending 109V.d. 3 Classification of cross-sections in combined (N,M) 110V I M E M B E R S I N T E N S I O N (N ten sio n) 121V l.a Generalities 121VL b General verifications at ULS 124Vl.b.1 Resistance of gross cross-section to Ntension 124VI.b.2 Resistance of net cross-section to Ntension 125

    VLc Particular verifications at ULS for angles connected by one leg 126VI.c.1 Connection with a single row of bolts 126VI.C.2 Connection by welding 128V I I M E M B E R S I N C O M P R E S S I O N (NCO nipression) 129V n. a Generalities 129VILb Classification of cross-sections 132VII.c General verifications at ULS J 33V n .c .l Resistance of cross-section to NcompressionVII.C.2 Stability of mem ber to N comp ression ^V n.c.2 .1 Resistance to flexural buckling 133V n.c .2.2 Resistance to torsionnal buckting and to flexural-torsional buckling 137VILd Particular verifications at ULS for class 4 monosymm etrical cross-section J38VILd. 1 Resistance of cross-section to N compression ^ VII.d .2 Stab ility of member to Ncompression ^ 8VILe Particular verifications at ULS for angle connected by one leg 139VILe. 1 Connection with a single row of bolts 139V n. e. 1.1 Resistance of cross-section to NCOmpression ^ 9V n. e. 1.2 Stability of mem ber to Ncompression 139VII.e.2 Connection by welding 139V n.e.2 .1 Resistance of cross-section to Ncompression 139V n.e .2.2 Stability of mem ber to NCOmpression 139VIII M EM BER S IN BENDING (V ; M ; (V, M)) 140

    VHLa Generalities 140VHL b Verifications at SLS 145V m .b .l Deflections 145V in. b. 2 Dynamic effects - vibrations 147VIII.c Classification of cross-section 147VIILd Verifications at ULS to shear force Vsd 148V in .d . 1 Resistance of cross-section to Vsd 148VIII.d.2 Stability of web 150V in .e Verifications at ULS to bending mom ent Msd 152V in .e . 1 Resistance of cross-section to Msd 152V m .e.2 Stability of member I53V in. f Verifications at ULS to biaxial bending mom ent (> 156Vin.f.1 Res istance of cross-section to (, 156V m .f.2 Stability of member to (, 157


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    TABL E OF CONTENTSV m .g Verifications at ULS to combined (Vsd, M sd) 157Vr n.g .1 Resistance of cross-section to (Vsd. Msd ) 157Vin .g .1.1 Shear force Vsd and uniaxial bending Msd 157V in .g . 1.2 Shear force Vsd and biaxial bending moment Msd 158V m .g.2 Stability of web to (V z.Sd,M y.Sd) 159LX MEM BERS WITH COMBINED AXIAL FORCE ANDBEN DING MO M ENT ((N, M) ; (N, V; M))Di.a Gene ralities 161K . b Verifications at SLS 167LX.b.l Deflections 167LX.b.2 Vib rations 167DC.c Classification of cross-section 167DCd Verifications at ULS to (N,M) 167LX.d. 1 Resistance of cross-section to (Nsd, M sd) 1 7LX.d.1.1 Uniaxial bending of class1 or 2 cross-sections 167LX.d.1.2 Biaxial bending of class1 or 2 cross-sections 170LX.d.1.3 Bend ing of class 3 cross-sections 170

    LX.d.1.4 Bend ing of class 4 cross-sections 171LX.d.2 Stability of member to (Nsd,M sd) 171K.d.2.1 Stab ility of member to (Ntension 171LX.d.2.2 Stability of member to (Ncompression* M sd) 172DC.e Verifications at ULS for (N$d ,Vsd) 1 7 6LX.e.l Resistance of cross-section to (Nsd.Vsd ) I 7 7JX.f Verifications at UL S to (Nsd ,Vsd,Msd) 1 7 7LX.f.l Resistance of cross-sec tion to (Nsd>Vsd>Msd) ^ 7^LX.f. 1.1 Un iaxial bending of class1 or 2 cross-section 178LX.f. 1.2 Biaxial bend ing ofclass 1 or 2 cross-section 180LX.f. 1.3 Bending of class 3 cross-section 180LX.f. 1.4 Bending of class 4 cross-section 181LX.f.2 Stab ility of we b to (N x.Sd,Vz.Sd, My.Sd) 182X TRANSVERSE FORCES ON WEBS F ; F, N,V, M)) 18X.a Generalities 184X.b Classification of cross-section 185X.c Resistance of web s to (F,N,V,M) I 8 5X.C.1 Yield criterion to (F,N,V,M) 185X.c.2 Crushing resistance to F 187X.d Stability of webs to (F ; (F, M)) 188X.d .l Crippling resistance to ( F ;( F , M)) 188X.d. 1.1 Crippling resistance to F 188X.d.1.2 Crippling resistance to (F,M) 188X.d.2 Buckling resistance to F 189X.e Stability of webs to compression flange buckling 190XI CO NNE CTIO NS 191XLa Generalities 191XI.b Bolted connections 191XLb.1 Positioning of holes 191XI .b.2 Distribution of forces between bolts 191XI.b.3 Prying forces 193XI .b.4 Categories of bolted connections 193XI .b.5 Design ULS resistance of bolts 194XI.b.5.1 Bearing resistance 194XI.b.5 .2 Shear resistance 196XI.b.5.2.1 General case 196


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    TABLE OF CONTENTSX I.b.5.2.2 Long jointsX I.b.5.3 Tension resistanceX I.b.5.4 Punching shear resistanceX I.b.5.5 Shear and tension interactionX I.b.6 ULS resistance of element with bolt holesX I.b.6.1 Net section ULS resistanceX I.b.6.2 ULS resistance of angle with a single row of boltX I.b.6.3 Block shear ULS resistanceX I.b.7 High strength bolts in slip-resistant connections at SLSX I.c Welded connectionsXI .c .1 Type of weldX I.C.2 Fillet weldX I.C.3 Des ign resistance of fillet weldX I.C.3.1 Throat thicknessX I.c.3.2 Design resistanceX I.C.4 Design resistance of butt weldXI.c .5 Join ts to unstiffened flangesX l.d Pin connectionsX I.e Beam-to-column connectionsX l.f Design of column basesXII DESIGN OF BRACING SYSTEMX ILa GeneralitiesX ILa. 1 Flow-chart FC 12:Elastic global analysis of bracing system according toX ILa. 1.1 Flow-chart FC 12: generalX D.a.1.2 Flow-chart FC 12:detailsX ILa. 1.3 Com ments on flow-chart FC 12X ll.b Static equilibriumX II.c Load arrangements and load casesX II.c.l Generalities

    X II.C.2 Global imperfections of the bracing systemX ILd Bracing system stabilityX ILe First order elastic global analysisX ILf Verifications at SLSX ll.g Verifications at ULSX ll.g. 1 Classification of the bracing systemX ll.g.1.1 Non-sw ay bracing systemX II.g.2 ULS checksAPPENDIX A : List of symbols

    EC 3


    List of tablesList of flow-chartsList of references to Eurocode 3 Part 1.1 related toall check formulas at ULS



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    PRELIMINARIESO.a Foreword0-a.l Generalities(1) The Eurocodes are being prepared to harmonize design procedures between countrieswhich are members of CEN (European Committee for Standardization).(2) Eurocode 3 - Part 1.1 Design of Steel Structures General Rules and Rules for Build ings'has been published initially as an ENV document (European pre-standard - a prospectiveEuropean Standard for provisional application).(3) The national authorities of the members states have issued National ApplicationDocum ents (NA D) to make Eurocode 3 - Part 1.1 operative whilst it has EN V-status(ENV 1993-1-1).0.a.2 Objective of this design handbook(1) The present publication is intended to be a design aid in supplement to the completedocum ent Eurocode 3 - Part 1.1 in order to facilitate the use of Eurocode 3 for the designof such steel structures which are usual in common practice : braced or non-sway steelstructures.(2) Therefo re, the Design handbook according to Eurocode 3 for braced or non-sw ay steelbuildin gs presents the main design formulas and rules extracted from E urocode 3 - Part

    1.1, which are needed to deal with :-elastic globalanalysisof buildings and similar structures in steel,-checksof structural members and connections at limit states,- in case ofbraced ornon swaystructures,- according to the european standardEu rocode 3 - Part1 1(ENV 1993-1-1).

    0-a.3 Warning(1) Although the present design handbook has been carefully established and intends to beself-sufficient it does not substitute in any case for the com plete docum ent Eurocode 3 -Part 1.1, which should be consulted in conjunction with the NA D, in case of doubt o r needfor clarification.(2) All references to Eurocode 3 -Part1.1 are made in [...].(3) Any other text, tables or figures not quoted from Eurocode 3 are considered to satisfy therules specified in Eurocode 3 - Part 1.1.


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    O.a.4 How to read this design handbook(1) Exam ple of numbering of chapters and paragraphs : VIE. a . 1 . 2(2) Layout of pages :

    | Ref. EC 3fornon-sway buildings - VI Members intension Page 68 \ fleft column short titlefor references ofthehandbook tconcernedchapter tnumberofthe page

    Referencesk Main text with a following example about layout of chapters:(...) STRUCTURAL CONCEPT OF THE BUILDING(...)ILh(...)n.h.3(...)II.h.3.2

    Material propertiesConnecting devices

    (...) Welding consumables

    (3) In the left co lumn of each page (Ref.): references to Eurocode 3 are always includedbetween brackets [...]; the other references are specified without brackets; the word"form." means "formula"(4) References to Eurocod e 3 are also given in the text between brackets [...]O.a. 5 Ackno wledgem ents(1) Particular thanks for fruitful collaboration are addressed to:

    . 15 engineering offices : Adem (Belgium), Bureau Delta (Belgium), VarendonckGroep /Steeltrak (B elgium), VM Associate Partner (Belgium), Rambll,Hannem ann & Hjlund (Denmark), Bureau Veritas (France), Socotec (France),Sofresid (France), CPU Ingenieurbro (Germany), IGB-Ingenieurgrappe Bauen(Germany ), Danieli Ingegneria (Italy), Schroeder & Associs (L uxemburg),D3B N (the Netherlands), Ove Arup & Partners (United Kingdom), ECCS / TC 11(Germany),. RWTH : Steel Construction Department from Aachen University with ProfessorSEDLACEK G. and GROTMANN D.,. SIDERCAD (Italy) with MM . BA ND INIM . and CATTANEO F.,. C n C M (France) with MM. CHABROLINB.,GALEA Y . and BUREAU A.(2) Grateful thanks are also expressed to :. the ECSC which supported this work in the scope of the european researchn P2724(contract n 7210 - SA/513),. the F6 executive committee which has followed and advised the working g roupof the research,. anyone w ho has contributed to the work: MM. CON AN Y ves, MAUER Thierry,GERARDY LC.

    4 2

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    O.b References

    - in the left column of each page (Ref.): references to Eurocode 3 are always includedbetween b rackets [...]; the other references are specified without bracke ts.- references to Eurocode 3 are also given in the text between brackets [...]- the reference i given in this chapter is designated in the text byIM.

    / l / Eurocode 1, draft version, Basis of Design and Actions on Structures (Parts 1, 2.2, 2. 4,2.5 ,2. 7, 10) (EC1)HI Eurocode 3, ENV 1993-1-1,Design of steel structures Part 1.1 General rules and rulesfor Buildings (EC3)131 Eurocode 8, draft version, Design of structures for earthquake resistance (EC 8)141 ECC S technical publication n65 , Essentials of Eurocode 3 Design Manual for SteelStructures in Building, 1991,First Edition151 Practical exercises showing applications of design formulas of Eurocode 3 :ECCS technical publicationn71,Examples to Eurocode 3,1993, First Edition161 Design handbook for sway building s , from Sidercad (Italy)I Software for the check of main formulas in Eurocode 3: EC 3 tools(available for PC computer, Windows 3.1), from CT1CM (France)/8 / Eurocode 3 Background Document 5.03 : Evaluation of test results on columns, beamsand beam-columns with cross-sectional classes1 - 3 in order to obtain strength functions

    and suitable model factors , April 1989.191 Paper Application de l'Eurocode 3 : classement des sections transversales en I , byBureau A . and Galea Y., (CTICM ), Construction m tallique, n 1-1991.

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    O.c Sym bol s an d nota tions

    O.e. Symbols[1.6] (1) Se e Ap pen dix A for a list of symb ols used in this design han dbo ok. Th ose symb olsare conform to Eurocode 3.

    Q . C . 2 Convention for mem ber axes[1.6.7] (1) Fo r steel me mb ers , the conven tions used for cross-sectio n axes are:

    xx - alon g the memb er. generally:

    yy - cross-s ection axis paralle l to the flangeszz - cross-s ection axis perp endic ular to the flanges or paral lel to the we b. for angle sections:

    yy - axis parallel to the smalle r legzz - axis perpen dicula r to the smaller leg

    . where necessary:uu - major axis (whe re this doe s not coin cide with the yy axis)vv - mino r axis (whe re this doe s not coin cide with the zz axis)

    (2) The convention used for subscripts which indicate axes for moments is:"Use the axis about which the moment acts."(3) For example, for an I-section a moment acting in the plane of the web is denoted M ybe cau se it acts abo ut the cross-sectio n ax is parallel to the flanges.

    0.C.3 Di men sio ns and axes of rolled steel sections(1) "asymmetrical" (I and D ) and "monosymmetrical" ( [, and L) rolled steel sectionsare shown in table 0.1.

    4 4

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    0-C.4 Notations in flow-charts(1 ) AU the flow-charts appearing in the present design handbook should be read accordingto the following rules :

    - reading from the top to the bottom, in general- the references to Eurocode 3 are given in [...]- "n.f" means that the checks arenot fulfilled and that stronger sections or joints have tobe selected.- convention for flow-charts:

    (FC ) Flow-chart number (x)Title___L__[ Assumption j Action: determination, calculation,

    4 >2where : non-d imensional slenderness ratio calculated withabuckling length equalto the system lengthfv,: yie ld strengthA: areaofthe cross-sectionNsd' design valueofthe compressive forceN c r: elastic critical axial force( =2 /L2,withL =system length)

    : factor(=Li I, with L = system length)EI*row10:Accordingtothe definitionof occr introducedincomm ent on row8

    .condition which is equivalent to, l < - ^ -

  • 8/13/2019 Simplified version of Eurocode 3 for usual buildings


    co m m en ts (6/6) on f low-chart F C 1 :Vsd* row 13: For the meaning of the rat io , refer to com me nt on row 8." c r

    [Annex E] *row 15: L,, buckling length of mem bers for sway or non-sway m ode

    Nsd *** ^ . NsdO CHLb

    * row 16: T h e classification of cross-section s hav e to be determ ined before al l theULS checks of members, cross-sections and webs (rows 17 to 20).

    *rows 17,18,19.20,21;T he sequence of the Ultimate Limit States checks is not imp osed and i t is upto the designer to choose the order of the UL S check s which are anyho w allnecessary to be fulfilled. On the contrary, the sequence of steps to select thetype of analysis is well fixed and defined in rows 5 to 10.[5J.1.3(6)] * row 19: W hen the memb er imperfections eo,d are used in a second order analysis

    (paths (D and ) , theresistance of the cross-sections shall be verified asspecified in chapter [5.4] but using the partial safety factor in plac e of vm o

    Lc Co nten t o f the des ign han dbo okLSLl Scop e of the handbook(1 ) Actions (loadarrangements) on buildings to be taken into account in the design a represented as described in Eurocode 1 111,(2 ) The load cases for SLS and for ULS to be considered in the design are defined asprescr ibed in Eurocode 3 Par t 1 .1 /2 / ,( 3 ) T h e elastic global analysis of steel structures in braced or non-sway buildings accordingto Eurocode 3 Part 1 .1 HI is assumed to be carried out :

    a) by elastic global analysis of the structure to determine:. the vertical deflections of be ams , the horizontal displacem ents of framesand vibrations of floors and,. the internal forces and mo me nts (N, V, M) in the me m bers and,

    b) by check of requirements for theServiceability Limit States and,


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    c) by check of requirements for theUltimateLim it States:c. l) by check of theresistanceof cross-sectionsand,C.2) by check of the bucklingresistance of mem bersand,C.3) by check oflocal effects(buckling and resistance of webs) and,C.4) by check ofjoints and connections,for all members characterised by aclass of cross-sectionsat ULS:. classes1and 2, which assume afull plasticdistribution of stressesover the cross- section at the level of yield strength or,. class 3 , which is based on anelasticdistribution of stresses acrossthe cross-section with the yield strength reached a t the ex tremefibres or,. class 4, which makes exp licit allowances for the effects oflocalbuckling appearing in the cross-section.

    (4) Theelastic global analysisof steelbracingsystemaccording to Eurocode 3 Part1.1/2/isassumed to be carried out with the same hypothesis than for steel structures but withspecific actions:loads and effects of global imperfections:. from the bracing system itself and,. from all the frames which it braces.(5) This design handbook d eals with the analysis of braced or non-sway steel structuressubject tostatic loading.Eurocode 3(121)and Eurocode 8(131)should be consulted for thefollowing problems which are not considered here: fatigue, resistance to fire, dynamicanalysis or seismic analysis.

    [9.1.4 i)] (6) Nofatigue assessment is normally required for building structures except in the followingcases:a) members supporting lifting appliances or rolling loads,b) members subject to repeated stress cycles from vibrating machinery,c) members subject to wind-induced oscillations,d) members subject to crowd-induced oscillations.For tho se fatigue problem s the chapter 9 of Eurocode 3 Part 1.1 (If)should be con sulted.I.C.2 Definition of the braced frames and non-sway frames

    [ l)] (1) All structures shall have sufficient stiffness to resist to the horizontal forces and to limitlateral sway. This may be supplied by:a) the sway stiffness of thebracingsystems,which may be:. triangulated frames. rigid-jointed frames. shear w alls, cores and the likeb) the sway stiffness oftheframes,which may be supplied by one or more of thefollowing:. triangulation. stiffness of the connections. cantilever columns


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    [AnnexJ] Semi-rigid conne ctions may be used, provided that they can be dem onstrated to prov idesufficient reliable rotational stiffness (see [6.9.4]) to satisfy the requirements for sway-modeframe stability (see [5.2.6]).(2) Fram ing for resistance to the horizontal loads and to sway. Tw o examp les are given intable 1.3:

    [] a) typical exa mp le of a frame with bracing syste m , wh ich could be sufficientlystiff:. for the frame to be classified as a bracedframe. and, to assume that all in-plane horizontal loads are resisted by the bracingsystem.

    [] Th e criterion of classification as braced or unb raced frames is exp laine d inchapter IV.g. 1.1.[] b) exa m ple of an unbraced frame wh ich could hav e sufficiently stiff m om en t-resist ing joints between the beams and the colum ns:. for the frame to be classified as a non-sway frame. and, to neglect any additional internal forces or moments arising fromin-plane horizontal displacements of the nodes of the frame.

    [] The criteria of classification as sway or non-sway frames are detailed inchapter IV .g. 1.2.[Annex H] Table L3 Definition offraming for horizontal loads

    1) With b racing system :

    wmm w,

    ir m

    f\ A LA L

    i ' i ' '

    F R A M E W I T H B R A C I N G =2) Non-sway frames :

    wWT iiflv wftrrB R A C E D F R A M E + B R A C I N G S Y S T E M

    r y r r

    * m


    w m

    i lw n


  • 8/13/2019 Simplified version of Eurocode 3 for usual buildings


    T.c.3 Sum marv of the table of contents- chapter I : . Limit States (SLS, UL S), design requirements;. flow-chart about elastic global analysis of steel frames according to EC 3.. scope, definitions;. tables ofSLSand ULS checks;- chapter : com plete set of data of the structure- chapter III : determination of load arrangements and load cases for. Ultimate Limit States and,. Serviceability Limit States- chap ter IV : . frame design and,

    . SLS checks for frames (see chap ter I.c.4).

    . ULS classifications of frames . braced frame condition and,. non-sway frame condition

    - chap ter V : classification of cross-sections at Ultimate Limit States- chapter VI toLX :. SLS checks for beams (see chapter I.c.4).. ULS checks of members (beams and colum ns,...) submitted to internalforces and mom ents (N, V, M) considering the resistance of cross-sections, the overall buckling of mem bers (buckling, lateral-torsionalbuck ling) and local effects (shear buckling of webs (V)): see chapter I.c.5- chapter X : . ULS checks of local effects: resistance of webs to transverse forces F(yield criterion, crushing, crippling, local buckling, flange inducedbuckling): see chapter I.c.5- chapter X I : ULS and SLS checks of connections.- chapter : design of steel bracing system

    I.c.4 Checks at Serviceability Limit States(1) The table 1.4 pre sents the different checks which shall be fulfilled bybeamsandframesatServiceab ility LimitStateswith references to the design handbook:||Table 1.4 Checks at Serviceability L imit States

    Typeof checksBeamsFrames

    Vertical deflectionsof beamsChapter Vm.b.lChapter Vin.b.l

    Horizontaldeflections of frames_

    Chapter IV .f.l

    Vibration of floorsChapter VlII.b.2Chapter VIII.b.2


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    La Checks of members at Ultimate Limit States(1 ) T he following tables define the different checks which shall be fulfilled at Ultimate LimitStates:-by all themembersof frames submitted to internal forces and moments (N,V,M),- by allwebsof cross-sections subm itted to transverse forces F.

    T able 1 .5 Membersubmitted to internal forces, moments and transverse forces/f*) Ncompression . _t o r s i o n _ r C y - 3 f l?* . lv lbendin^\ Vintension

    X X v^ " A l > ^ .N co mp re ssio n , * ^ 1fi.. fi w-rU 0 M b e n d i n g x f*U* -^tensionIFNote: *)the effects of torsion are not considered in the handbook because theAnnex G of Eurocode 3 is not officially available yet.taMe1,6table 1.7:

    table 1.8:



    Definition ofthe planes of cross-sectionswithin internal forces, moments(Nsd, Vsd, Msd) and transverses forces Fsd are acting.For different types of loadingon the members and on the Webs (tension,compression, bending, combined (N,M), transverse forces) the table 1.7provides the internal forces, moments (N (Ntension Ncompression).V (V y,V z), M(M y,M z)), transverse forces (F) and interactionsbetween them ((V,M),(N,M),(N,V),(N,V,M),...)to be checked at Ultimate Limit States.List ofreferences to the design handbookrelated to all the check formulasat Ultimate Limit States, for different types of loading.The different types of loading on the members and on the webs includesinternal forces, moments, transverse forces and interactions between them(see also the more detailed table 1 .7).T wo types ofULSchecks are defined (resistance of cross-sections andstability of members o r webs) and refer to the following physicalphenomena:.(R)resistanceofcross-sections:

    .tension. com pression.shear. bending. resistance on webs to transverse forces. crushing of webs to transverse forces. (5)stabilityofmembersorwebs(global and local buckling):. local buckling for class 4 cross-sections. buckling and N-M buckling of mem bers. lateral-torsional buckling of members. shear buckling of webs

    . stability ofwebsto transverse forces: crippling, buckling. web buckling induced by compression flange


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    The formulas ofULSchecks include different parameters depending on theclass of the cross-section (see chapterV);they may consider thefollowing cross-section properties:. plastic prope rties for class1or 2 cross-section (Wpf, ...). elastic properties for class 3 cross-section (W e/ ,...). effective properties for class 4 cross-section (W eff,...) taking intoaccount the occurrence of local buckling.The table 1.8 is related to the classes of cross-section and shows if the re aredifferences between check formulas in function of those classes of cro ss-section.In Appendix D of the design handbook a similar table (table D.l) isprovided (for information) presenting a list ofreferences to Eurocode 3Part 1.1(J2f)also related to all check formulas at Ultimate Limit States fordifferent types of loading.(2) In respective following chapterstablespresentcom plete lists of the checks to beperformed at Ultimate Limit States for members or webs submitted to different loading:

    in chapter V I, tableV I.1for members in tension,in chapter VH, table VILI for members in compression,in chapter VIH, table VIILI for mem bers in bending,in chapter LX, table IX.1 for mem bers with combined axial force and bendingmoment.Table 1.6 Planeswithin internal forces, mom ents (N$d, Vsd, Msd)and transverses forces Fsd are acting

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    Table L7 Internal forces, mo m ents and transverse forces to be chec ked at UL Sfor different types of loadingType of loading on the membersand on the webs Internal forces, moments and transverse forcesand, interactions between them

    xM embers in tension(br ace s, . . . ) : chapter VI


    .yX N x.SdeII


    x Members in compression(colum ns, . . . ) : chapter V u

    N XII

    ,compressione. I M z.SdX

    Mem bers in bending(be am s,. . . ) : chapter VIH

    -''1,3 .X pV z;sdMy.Sd

    ( ,,) (V,M) (V,My,M z)


    y.Sd . z.Sdlo XP N Nx .S d

    Members wi th combined (, M)(beam s-colum ns, . . .) : chapter LX V z:sd

    (N,M) (N,M V ,M Z) (N,V) (N,V,M ) (N,V,M V ,M Z)FsdI |Fsd ?u

    x V z .Sd.-y

    Transverse forceson we bs : chapter X Fsd

    ' My.SdN

    (F,N) (F,M V) (F,N,M V)(F,V Z) (F,N,V Z) (F,V z ,My)(F ,N,V z ,M v)


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    Table1.8 Listofreferencestochaptersofthe design handbook related toallcheck formulas atULSInternal forcesmoments,andtransverse forces

    Typofcheck1. Ntension2. Ncompression3 . V4 . M5. (My,Mz)6. (V,M)( V z ,M y )7 . ( , ^ )

    ( V z , M y , M z )8. (N,M)(Ntension,My)(N Comp. .My)(Ncomp^Mz)

    9. (N,M y , Mz )10.(N ,V)

    11 . ( N , V , M)(N,V Z ,My)12. (N,VJvlyJV lz)(N,V z,M y ,M z)1 3 .F,(F,N),(F,My),(FFMy)F( F % )

    14 .(F .V^ .CF ^ .Vz) ,(F,V z,M y) ,(F,N,V z,M y)tvpeofloading



    ; Referencestothedesign handbookfo rULSchecksin functionofclassesofcross-sections (chapter V ):s classes1or 2 | class 3 class4VI.b.1 (1) +VI.b.2 (1)+VI.c.1(l)+VI.c.2(1)vn.c.i(1)VII.c.2.1(2)+VII.c.2.2

    vn.c.l(1)VHc.2 . 1 (2)Vin .d . l(1)VIII.d.2(5)VIII.e.1 1)Vin.e .2(4)

    V m . f . l(1)vm .f.2 (1) + (2)

    VIII.e.l(1)Vin.e .2(4)vm. f . i(1)Vm.f .2 (1)+ (2)

    VHI.e.1 (1)V m . e . 2(4)Vffl.f.1(1)VIII.f.2 (1)+ (2)v m . g . i . i ( i )VIH.g.2(3)

    Vin .g . l . 2 (2) V m . g . l . 2 ( 3 ) V m . g . l . 2 ( 3 )vm. g.2 (3)DCd. l . l ( l ) DC.d. l . 3(2)

    K.d.2.1(1)IX .d.2.2 (2),(3)IX.d.2.2 (3),(4)

    IX.d .1 .2(1)IX.d.2.2 (1),(2)

    IX .d.2.2 (2),(3)IX .d.2.2 (3),(4)

    IX.d .1.3(1)IX .d.2.2 (1),(2)rx.e.l(1)

    IX.d .1 .4(2)IX.d.2.1(1)IX.d.2.2 (2),(3)IX .d.2.2 (3),(4)

    IX.d .1 .4(1)rX .d .2 .2 ( l ) , (2 )rx.e. l (1)Vm.d .2(5)

    IX. f . 1 .1(1) I X I . 1 . 3(2) IX.f .1.4 (2)IX.f.2(3)rx . f . i .2( i ) IX.f .1.3 (1) rX.f .1.4 (1)IX.f.2(3)

    X.c . 1(1) X.c .1 (1) X.c . 1(1)X.c .2(1)X .d.1.1 ((1), (2))+X .d.2 ((1 ), (2),(3))

    X.d .1.2(1)X . e ( l )

    X.c .1 (1)X . e ( l )

    X.c .1 (1)X . e ( l )

    X.c .1 (1)IX.f.2(3)

    1 . =tension mem bers2. =compression memb3 .to7. =mem bersinbendin8.to1 2. =members withcom1 3 .to1 4 . transverse forces oiR=resistanceofcross-sections ([5.4]5= Stabi l i ty of m e m t>ers ([5.5])orwe

    Physical phenomenatension resistance (gross&net section)compression resistance bucklingofm embersshear and block shear resistancesshear bucklinguniaxial bending resistancelateral-torsional buckling(My) (LTB)biaxial bending resistancebiaxial flexural bucklinguniaxial bending&shear resistanceuniaxial bending&shear bucklingbiaxial bending&shear resistanceuniaxial bending&shear bucklinguniaxial bending&axial force resistancelateral-torsional buckling(LTB)N-M buckling+L T BN-M bucklingbiaxial bending & axial force resistance(N-biaxial M) buckling+ LTBshear and axial load resistanceshear bucklinguniaxial bending&shearandaxial force resistance(N-uniaxial M) resistance & shear bucklingbiaxial bending & shear and axial forceresistance(N-uniaxial M ) resistance&shear bucklingtransverse force (+N, + M y) resistance jcrushingcrippling+bucklingcripplingcompression flange induced buck lingtransverse forces+shearVz(+N,+My)resistance(N-uniaxial M) resistance&shear buckling

    ersgbined N-M webs) s ([5.65.7])

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    (1) Th is chapter intends to list the data of the analysed building concerning the types ofstructure, members andjoints,the geometry and the material properties. The loadarrangements applied to the building are defined in chapter m .II.a Structural model(1) The type of structure, the type of the bracing system and all the different prescriptions ofthe project (office building, housing, sport or exhibition hall, parking areas,....) should bedefined.

    Il l) Geom etric dimensions(1) The geometry of the building should be defined:- the height, the width and the length of the structure, the num ber of storeys of thebuilding and the dimensions of the architectural element.- definition of storeys: plane frame with 3 storeys :

    II.C Non structural elemen ts(1) All the elemen ts of the building which do not bear any loads have to be considered in theevaluation of the self-weight loads:walls, claddings, ceilings, coverings,...

    I.d Load bearing structure(1) All the elements which bear the loads should be defined : frames, beam s, column s, bracingsystem, concrete core,....


  • 8/13/2019 Simplified version of Eurocode 3 for usual buildings


    Il.e Joints(1) The design handbook assumes the use ofpinned or rigidjoints (see chapter X I).Semi-rigid joints are not considered in the design handbook. In the case of semi-rigidjoints who se behaviour is between pinned and rigidjoints,the designer shall take intoaccount the moment-rotation characteristics of the joints (moment resistance, rotationalstiffness and rotation capacity) at each step of the design (predesign, global analysis, SLSand ULS checks). The semi-rigid joints should be designed according to chapter 6.9 andthe Annex J of Eurocode 3. Table ILI presents typical types ofjoints.Ta ble 11.1 Typicaltypesof join ts

    P i 00 0o 00 o0 000 t m 3^ r^v


    i S S v - S l* -

    7 1

  • 8/13/2019 Simplified version of Eurocode 3 for usual buildings


    n.f Profiles(1) The selected steel profiles used as beams and columns in the structure and as elements inthe bracing system should be listed and precisely referred.n.g Floor structure(1) Com position of the floor system (in situ concrete slab, precast con crete slab, steel sheetdeckings, slim flo or,...) is needed to determine the self-weight loads. Com posite effectbetween the floor and the beams is not considered in this design handbook.

    [3] Il.h Material properties


    (1) The m aterial properties given in this chapter are nominal values to be adopted ascharacteristic (unfactored) values in design calculations.n .h .1 Nominal valu es for hot rolled steel(1) The nom inal value s of the yield strength fy and the ultimate strength fu for hot rolled steelare given in table II.4 for steel grades S 235 , S 275 and S 355 in accordance with EN10025 and for steel grades S 275 and S355 in accordance with EN 10113.(2) The european standard EN 10025 specifies the requirements for long and flat prod ucts ofho t rolled w eldable non-alloy structural steels (steel grades: S 235 , S 275 , S 355).

    The european standard EN 10113 specifies the requirements for long and flat produc ts ofhot rolled w eldable fine grain structural steels (steel grades: S 27 5, S 35 5, S 420, S 460).(3) Similar values as defined in table .4 may be adopted for ho t finished structural hollowsections.

    (4) For a larger range of thicknesses the values specified in EN 10025 and EN 10113 may beused.(5) For high strength steels (S 420 andS460) specific rules are given in the normativeAnnex D of Eurocod e 3 . Their material properties are introduced in table .4.(6) The table .3 compares the symbolic designations of steel grades according to variousstandards. The d esign handbook always uses the single designation of structural steelsdefined by the european standard EN 10027-1:"S"followed by the value of yield strength

    expressed in N/m m 2(=MPa).Table II.3

    EN 10027-1S 235

    \ S275S 355S420S460

    Comparison table of different steel grades designationEN 10113

    FeE 275FeE 355FeE 420FeE 460

    EN 10025Fe 360Fe 430Fe 510

    N F A 35-504/NF A 36-201

    E 355E 420E 460

    NFA35-501E 24E 28E 36

    DIN 17102

    S t E 2 8 5S t E 3 5 5S t E 4 2 0S t E 4 6 0

    DIN 17100St 37-3St44-3St 52-3

    BS 436040 D43 D50D55 C


    gr. 50gr. 60gr. 65


  • 8/13/2019 Simplified version of Eurocode 3 for usual buildings


    Table H.4 Nominal values of yield strengthfy and ultimate tensile strength fufor structural steels according to EN 10025 and EN 10113Nominal steel grade Thickness t (mm)*)

    t < 4 0 m m 40 mm < t < 100 mm**)EN 10027-1Designation

    EN 10025Standard

    fy (N/mm2) fu (N/mm2) fy (N/mm2) fu (N/mm2)S 235S 275S 355

    Fe 360Fe 430Fe 510235275355


    340410490EN 10113Standard

    S 275S 355S42S46FeE 275FeE 355S 420 MS 460 M



    Notes:) t is the nominal thickness of the element- of the flange of rolled sections (t = tf)- of the particular elements of the welded sections**) the condition 40 mm < t < 63 mm should be taken for plates and other flat productsin steels of delivery condition TM to EN 10113-3.

    Jir i( -t

    [] II.h.2 Fracture toughness

    (1) The m aterial shall have sufficient fracture toughness to avoid brittle fracture a t the lowestservice temperature expected to occur within the intended life of the structure.(2) In normal cases of welded or non-welded members in building structures subject to staticloading or fatigue loading (but not impact loading), no further check against brittlefracture is necessary if the conditions given in tables .5 and .6 are satisfi