simplified convertor for traction (2)

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  • 7/24/2019 Simplified Convertor for Traction (2)


  • 7/24/2019 Simplified Convertor for Traction (2)



    Electrified railway system as a special power user,

    has the following features- Load current is non linear,- non-sinusoidal- no symmetry,

    - use of uncontrolled rectification to feed thetraction load contributes to the total unbalanceseen from the three phase supply

    - produce reactive power,

    - High level harmonics and- negative sequence current.


  • 7/24/2019 Simplified Convertor for Traction (2)


    Out of the above, presence of highdegree of harmonic current ontraction load is more important.

    A simple and cost e ective andpractical method is suggested here forreducing current harmonics

    two no of passive lters-ie single

    tuned and high pass lter- issuggested here


  • 7/24/2019 Simplified Convertor for Traction (2)


    Electric Traction !stem"escriptionElectric traction suppl! for #$%&, $'()

    single-phase A* suppl! is fed from thestate utilities.

    The traction sub-stations generall!spaced +'- ' % apart and the! ta%e

    power from an! two phases of the powerutilit! transmission lines. The! have an input voltage of##' /00 /+# //' %&, which is step downto single phase #$%& using tractiontransformers

  • 7/24/2019 Simplified Convertor for Traction (2)


    T!p ca ee ng arrangementof #$%& electri ed railwa!



  • 7/24/2019 Simplified Convertor for Traction (2)


    IN C O M I N G E H V S U P P L Y( 2 2 0 / 1 3 2 / 1 1 0 / 1 6 6 k v

    D PI S O L A T O R

    C I R C U IT B R E A K E RL I G H T N I N GA R R E S T E R

    T R A C T I O NT R A N S F O R M E R

    2 k v L IG H T N I N GA R R E S T E R

    2 ! k v C T

    2 ! k v C IR C U I T B R E A K E R

    2 ! k v S P IS O L A T O R1 0 0 k v " # 2 ! k v /2 0 V L T S U P P L Y

    T R A N S F O R M E R2 ! k v S P IS O L A T O R

    2 ! k v C T

    2 ! k v F E E D E R C I R C U IT B R E A K E R

    2 ! k v S P IS O L A T O R

    2 ! k v B U S C O U P L E RI N T E R R U P T O R( N O R M A L O P E N $

    C T

    T O B U R I E D R A I L %N E A R E S T R U N N I N GT R A C K2 ! K V S P IS O L A T O R

    N O R M A L L Y C L O S E D

    2 ! k vC T

    2 ! K V / 1 1 0 V P T( P R O T E C T I O N $

    2 ! k v I N T E R R U P T O R2 ! k v S P IS O L A T O R

    2 ! k v P T

    2 K V L A S T A T IO N T Y P E &H E A V Y D U T Y

    S U B ' S E C T O RS E C T I O N IN G A N D P A R A L L E L I N G P O S T ( ) $ S P

    S U B ' S E C T O RS U B ' S E C T O RB R I D G I N G

    I N T E R R U P T O R

    S U B S E C T I O N I N G %P A R A L L E L I N G S T A T IO N ( S S P $

    T Y P IC A L S C H E M A T I C O F T R A C T I O N P O * E R S U P P L Y F E E D I N G A R R A N G

    S E C T O R

  • 7/24/2019 Simplified Convertor for Traction (2)


    1loc% "iagram of Electric



  • 7/24/2019 Simplified Convertor for Traction (2)


    25 kv Conventional OHE system


    2! &'(HE

    )* Loco

  • 7/24/2019 Simplified Convertor for Traction (2)


    2ssues due to (armonics in

    Electric traction


  • 7/24/2019 Simplified Convertor for Traction (2)


    (armonic Anal!sis

    Load current measured at the feeder for one day

  • 7/24/2019 Simplified Convertor for Traction (2)


    'oltage measured at the feeder for one day

  • 7/24/2019 Simplified Convertor for Traction (2)



    *urrent harmonics at the feeder

  • 7/24/2019 Simplified Convertor for Traction (2)



    $he pea& current is + ) and pea& $H is ++.+/. $he pea& value of 3rd harmonic is / and average value

    comes to 3 /. 3rd and "th harmonic frequencies is present along with the

    fundamental. )lso a lesser amount of "th and !th harmonic frequencies

    are present

    presence of these harmonics creates problems in thelocomotive and the traction substation equipment

  • 7/24/2019 Simplified Convertor for Traction (2)


    "esign of harmonic lter3assive lter comprising capacitor and inductor issuggested to provide at traction substation4 it is simple, cheap and economical its maintenance and operation is eas!

    # passive lters are introduced on #$ side of tractionsubstation one is ingle tuned 5ilter and other is (ighpass lter. 2t is connected in parallel with nonlinearload to provide low-impedance paths for speci charmonic fre6uencies thus resulting in absorbing thedominant harmonic currents 7owing out of the load

  • 7/24/2019 Simplified Convertor for Traction (2)


    single tuned passive 8* lter is

    designed for eliminating +rd

    harmonicfre6uenc! and a high pass lter isdesigned for cancelling /9 th and otherhigher order harmonics


  • 7/24/2019 Simplified Convertor for Traction (2)


    8* lter is designed using the followinge6uations: lter ;?here : lter is the net reactance of the lter: lter ; : cap @: 8 ------------------- =#>: cap ; h # : lter ---------------- =+>?here h; tuned harmonic fre6uenc!.


  • 7/24/2019 Simplified Convertor for Traction (2)



    L* filter connected to traction substation

  • 7/24/2019 Simplified Convertor for Traction (2)



    simulation current harmonics after introduction of filter

  • 7/24/2019 Simplified Convertor for Traction (2)


    *O *8B 2O*urrent (armonic issues due to tractionload due to the use of power semiconductorswitches in ac locomotives is reduced b!introducing a single tuned harmonic lter

    designed to eliminate the +rd harmonicfre6uenc! and a high pass lter designed toeliminate /9 th harmonic fre6uenc! contents.

    The anal!sis of passive ltering was made

    in AT8A1- 2 B82 < environment


  • 7/24/2019 Simplified Convertor for Traction (2)



    REFERENCES 1 iang4heng u, 5aichao *hen, 6%tudy on %ynthesis *ontrol of 7ower 8uality forElectrified 9ailway,: ;or&shop on 7ower Electronics and . 7ilo, S. B. $enna&oon,: 'oltage regulation on 2!&' ac railway systems byusing thyristor switched capacitor, 7roceedings of

  • 7/24/2019 Simplified Convertor for Traction (2)



    1! 9.5arnes, .$. ;ong, 6 nbalance and harmonic studies for the *hannel $unnelrailway system,:

  • 7/24/2019 Simplified Convertor for Traction (2)



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