simple water fuel

1 SimpleWaterFuel

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Post on 22-Oct-2015




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Simple Water Fuel.






Table of Contents ........................................................................... 2

Introduction .................................................................................... 3

Reasons for Driving the Water Powered Car.............................. 10

What Scientists Say ..................................................................... 12

Questions Answered .................................................................... 13

Building the Hybrid System ........................................................ 35

Enjoy your new hybrid car………………………….…….………..125



People have wondered about the miraculous car for ages. Actually, there were pretty curious

about the opportunity that can allow them to run their cars on water without having to pay huge

amounts of money. There are plenty of people who have managed to transform their cars in

order to leave aside the conventional fuel and run on water. For instance, they have created

the cars that still use the conventional fuel but their extra power is produced thanks to a simple

device that runs on water. The extra power that is produced from water will boost your car

mileage in no time. You will be able to provide your beloved vehicle with an enormous energy.

This energy is eco-friendly too and you will not have to worry about the pollutants anymore.


Using the common water as a fuel for your beloved car has become a popular method that can

save your money and time. You will not have to spend a fortune on the conventional fuels and

you will also protect your environment because water is to be regarded as a genuine bio fuel.

Gas has become a very expensive fuel and you should think about transforming your car into a

vehicle that can run on water without wasting your financial resources. For instance, the main

method you can use in order to run your vehicle on water is the well known electrolysis.

Thanks to this process, water can be transformed into the necessary flammable gas.

Actually, you can provide your car with two types of gases: Oxyhydrogen and Hydrogen. This

process can be done by rearranging all the atoms that can be found in water into a slightly

different molecular structure. By rearranging these atoms, you will be provided with a gas

called HHO. This gas burns quite well and you will not have to worry about your car condition

either because your beloved vehicle will not be affected by this process. On the contrary, its

usual mileage will be increased. By burning this gas, your car will be provided with a huge

amount of energy and the entire process will become a highly efficient one.

You will save your time and money by using water instead of the traditional fuel. If you are

wondering about a source of electricity, you can use the car battery in order to provide your car

with the necessary energy. The Car battery can be used in order to convert the water into

energy. Still, you will have to do your homework and provide yourself with all the necessary


information in order to learn how to use the battery. Once you have converted the water, you

will have to navigate the new gas into the car tank in order to have it mixed with gasoline. By

doing this, every driver can rest assured that his car will run on water in no time and he will be

able to save his money and efforts.

Therefore, you should consider using water instead of the conventional fuels because this

alternative fuel will increase the car mileage without ruining you. So, you must remember that

the battery will turn the water to gas. This new gas will act as a sort of new energy supplement.

This supplement will be added to the conventional gas you are used to pumping into the car on

a daily basis. By converting your car, you can increase its mileage and you will also save a lot

of time and money because water is not likely to be as expensive as the conventional fuels.

Still, you are likely to need some professional help and pieces of advice and that is why we are

already here for you.



Professional guidance is needed unless you pay attention to the following instructions in order

to make your car run on water by yourself. You have to become aware that this is the next best

thing for you and your car. The fuel price is rising on a constant basis and you will have to

handle this without being ruined. Therefore, you should find the appropriate replacement for

your car. The latest revolutionary discovery says that you can actually run your car on water in

no time. You can do this by designing your own conversion kit that will make your car run on


Still, you will have to provide yourself with some materials in order to build the necessary kit.

For instance, you will need a plastic tank with a level sensor and pump. You will also need

wiring, control circuit, connectors and epoxy. The reaction chamber is mandatory and this

chamber should be provided with electrodes and fittings. You will also need some stainless

steel tubing, clamps and fittings.

All these materials can be purchased at a reasonable price; they are also likely to be available

at every local store and the only thing that you will have to do is to go and buy them.

The conversion kit is on its way and here are some steps for you to follow in order to build this

kit in no time. This kit is a device that can make your car run on water without transforming it

into a hybrid that may alter the initial components of the car. So, pay attention to the following

lines and learn how to transform your car into an eco-friendly device that can save your



1. Try and install the EGT/CHT gauge in order to measure the current operating


2. The controller must be built and you will have to test it; the reaction chamber will also

have to be checked in order to verify the pulse output. This pulse output must be


3. The tank must be installed; the chamber, controller and pressure fittings will also

have to be installed in the car you are planning to transform.

4. The car engine should be started and you will

have to adjust the necessary control circuit. You

will have to do it as required.

5. The stainless steel valves must also be

installed and you will have to get the cylinders

and pistons coated with some ceramic in order to

protect their initial structure.

So, you should start building your conversion kit in

order to provide yourself with an amazing vehicle. You will also save almost 50% of the total

fuel cost and you should take this aspect into account because you have arrived at the right

place in order to find out more about the things you can use in order to transform your car..



The conversion kit is a cost-effective device and you should learn how to run your car on water

and how to build the necessary conversion kit that can ease your life in no time.

You should pay attention to some brilliant ideas in order to change your life for good. People

are constantly worrying about the safety of their environment. The modern environment is filled

with pollutants that can damage the individual’s health in an irreversible manner. Therefore,

you should try and do something for your environment because this is the best legacy for your

children. And you can start by building a car that can run on water. By using water as a fuel for

your car, you will get rid of the dangerous pollutants that can damage your health. Even your

driving experience is going to be improved because water can increase the mileage of your


Your beloved vehicle will run on water and you will be able

to save your money. The latest research has shown that

electrolysis can be used in order to convert the ordinary

water into a powerful fuel that is eco-friendly and cost-

effective. By using the conversion kit, you will transform

electricity into the necessary chemical energy that can make

your car run. Running every car with water is to be regarded as an easy doable and you will

not have to worry about this. You should make the first step in order to transform your beloved

vehicle into a car that can run on water.

Every driver is likely to be fed up with the expensive gas; so, if you find yourself among the

people who are terrified by the constant price rising, you should use this guide in order to

transform your car into a cost/effective vehicle in no time. Even the fuel efficiency will be

increased and you will not have to modify the main features of your car in order to do this. The

idea may seem futuristic but you should pay attention to the wide range of testimonials coming

from people who have already tried this method.




There are plenty of reasons why you should consider running your car on water but you will

stick to three of them because they are the most important ones. They can convince you that

water is the next best thing for your car in order to save your time and money. So, let’s think

about the car mileage. You are accustomed to a normal mileage but you should reconsider this

point of view because water can increase this mileage in a dramatic manner. Water can

increase it by up to almost 50% and you are likely to feel the difference when on the road.

Actually, you will become aware that all your expenses will be cut in half and you are going to

save some extra money.

You will also be able to drive twice as long without having to fill the tank.

Therefore, you should think about this because you are going to fill your

tank just twice a month. And if you are not convinced, you should try and

think about all the things you can buy with the saved money. The second

reason why you should consider running your car on water is the

ecological perspective because you are going to save your environment

by transforming your vehicle into one that does not release harmful

pollutants into the air.

Your car will become the perfect tool for you to save the present

environment and even reduce the dangerous global warming. Therefore,

you should consider using water instead of the conventional fuels because this alternative fuel

can make your car run even more efficiently than before. The amount of dangerous emissions

will thus be reduced and you will keep the air cleaner.

Your car will be extremely helpful when it comes to reducing the greenhouse effect because

this effect is threatening us all. The third thing to be taken into account is that you can become

eligible for a special tax break. So, every driver who has his car transformed into one that can



run on water will be eligible for the clean air credit. Regardless of your perspective, you should

pay attention to the previous reasons because they can convince you to make a positive

change in your life.

Your driving experience will be improved because driving a car that runs on water is going to

be a situation in which you are very likely to win. Actually, you are going to do your own part

when trying to save the environment and your convincing example can be followed by others

too. Saving the environment has never been so simple and you should consider this change as

the key factor that will improve your life without having to pay a fortune for it.


If you are wondering about the scientists’ opinion, you have arrived at the right place. Actually,

scientists have demonstrated that hydrogen can be used as a viable fuel. This source is to be

regarded as a true alternative to the conventional fuels. The problem was mainly related to the

safety concerns; extracting the hydrogen has never been an issue. On the contrary, the

extraction is quite easy but the scientists have warned the people about the safety conditions.

Storing this substance can become dangerous if not handled properly.


Storing hydrogen is to be left aside because this substance is too volatile to provide the

necessary and safe fuel for a common car. Therefore, scientists have recommended another

method in order to use this substance as a safe fuel. The method consists in supplying the

hydrogen on demand in order to avoid its storage. So, this method is to be used and you

should pay attention to the fact that this method is likely to provide the main benefits of the

water powered engine. And you may forget about the safety concerns.


Every driver is likely to wonder about the possibility of having a car that runs on water; many

drivers are quite reluctant to this idea but they should reconsider their

opinion after reading the following lines. So, running a car on plain water is

possible and you should stop wondering about this. The answer is yes and

you should take advantage of this opportunity in order to provide your car

with the necessary conversion kit.

The latest discoveries have transformed the technology of combining gas

and water; by combining these two elements, you are going to provide

your car with an alternative fuel. Still, there are plenty of imperfections

when it comes to using this technology but you should not get


On the contrary, you should seize the opportunity even if it is not commercialized yet on a

larger scale. So, the only thing that you will have to do is to alter some of the car features in

order to allow your beloved vehicle to run on water.

The car engine can be altered in order to allow you to use water instead of the conventional

fuel. There are no risks and you should stop thinking about this aspect because the next best

thing for you and your car is already here. Actually, converting an ordinary diesel engine is not

a big deal. You can convert it to run on the bio-diesel and you will not have to deal with

difficulties. There are no problems when it comes to modyfing the car engine in order to enable


the vehicle to run on water. If you are wondering about the costs, you may relax because you

are not going to be ruined.

You will not have to face other costs besides the ones related to the modification itself and the

common water bill. Virtually, there will be no extra costs and you can rest assured that this

change will not cost you a fortune. Instead, you will save some extra money because no costs

will be associated. You can provide your car with water by using the water tap and you will be

saving thousands of dollars without any extra effort. You can forget about the huge costs of the

conventional fuels because water is going to make miracles for your car and your driving


Here are some interesting facts about this engine modification. For instance, this modification

is reversible and its cost will depend on your location. The car mileage will be improved;

virtually, there will be no costs attached because you can use the tap water in order to make

your car run. Every driver can do this by himself because the modification is easy to maneuver.

So, if you pay attention to the fuel price, you will notice that it is increasing like crazy.

Therefore, you should consider having your car

transformed in order to avoid an expensive driving

experience. The fuel costs are not likely to decrease;

therefore, you should provide yourself with the necessary

information in order to learn how to transform your car in

no time. By transforming your car, you will not have to

pay the high prices. The only thing that you will have to

do is to add some plain water into the car and your

beloved vehicle will run normally.

For instance, if a driver comes to you and says that his

car can be run on water, you are likely to call him crazy but you should pay more attention to

what he is saying because you can use the information in order to change your driving

experience for good. He might be talking about the process that produces the brown gas.


Electrolysis is used in order to crack the existing molecules. The hydrogen gas will thus be

released. It will be sucked right into the car’s air intake and it will be consumed right along. It

will be consumed together with diesel or gasoline.

Still, you will have to pay attention because this gas will not run your car by itself. On the

contrary, this gas is just a sort of helper that can make the difference for you and your money.

The entire device is quite simple and you will not have to deal with moving parts except for the

backfire valve or the pressure release valve.

Therefore, you will have to install the necessary device in order to make your car run with

water. This device is to be installed in order to combust the water and produce the necessary

energy. Installing such a device is an easy process; the only thing that you will have to do is to

provide yourself with the necessary information about the components.

You may also think about the significant amount of fuel you are going to save; water is not

expensive. Actually, it is for free and you will be helped to save some extra money on fuel. You

will also emit less pollution to your environment. So, what are you waiting for? Just go and

install tzhe necessary conversion kit and start saving your money now!

Converting your car is not a difficult task; the only thing that you will need is a proper manual in

order to provide yourself with the necessary guidance. Such tutorials can help you through the

whole process and you will be able to avoid expensive mistakes without wasting your time and

efforts. Actually, the entire process can be performed using just half a day and you are going to

spend less than $100. This so called underground technology may allow you to transform your

car into a sort of water powered vehicle.

The entire idea spins around the well known electrolysis and this process is used in order to

transform water into other alternative fuels. These fuels

need to be channeled in order to reach the gas tank.

Actually, the entire method is workable and doable and

you will not have to worry about the expenses. Even the

main idea of the entire technology underlines the fact

that the whole process is reversible. This means that

you will be able to stop using the conversion kit anytime

and your car will not be affected by your choice.


If you are wondering about the possible damage, you should know that this process uses

electric energy in order to convert water into gases that can be used as fuels. You will use an

external device. So, you should relay because the alteration is going to be a limited one. Your

car is not likely to be harmed to a larger extent. Still, there are plenty of people who are

interested in knowing whether this process is legal or not. They want to know if they are

allowed to do such things. Therefore, you should be aware that every country comes along

with its own legislation.

However, as long as the driver does not alter his car engine, it is ok for him to add any sort of

external device. Therefore, you may relax because it is legal. It is legal to convert your beloved

vehicle to run on plain water. There are thousands of people who are converting their cars in

order to run on water; this is not a scam and you can convince yourself while reading about

this amazing technology.

The only thing that you will need is to build the gas generator in order to convert your car. After

building this generator, you will have to install it in order to alter the normal combustion of the


The generator will use electricity; this electricity will be provided by the car battery. The water

will be separated into hydrogen and oxygen. The gas will be mixed with the water and this

mixture is known as the brown gas. This gas is safe to use and very clean and you may stop

worrying about your car because you are not likely to alter its inner structure by using this gas.

The gas mileage will be increased thanks to this brown gas.

Still, you should not become foolish to think that your car can be run on water only because

this is not the case. You will need some conventional fuel too in order to make your car run.

Using just water is to be regarded as a scam because this cannot happen. Instead, you will

have to use both gas and water in order to run your car.

The brown gas is to be used in order to reduce the amount of pollutants that are released in

the atmosphere. The harmful emission will be reduced and the energy and power of the engine

will be boosted too.

The car engine will be kept cooler and even quieter and your car will run quietly and smoothly.

Therefore, the next step you should consider is building the necessary conversion kit in order

to take care of your car. You will need an appropriate guide in order to do this; therefore, you


should pay attention to all these helpful pieces of advice because they can change your life in

a matter of seconds. You should follow the instructions and you should do it step by step. All

these things can be done from the comfort of your home and you will not need a professional

help in order to achieve the desired results.

So, take a close look to the following instructions because the next descriptions and plans are

complete enough in order to show you the right way towards the perfect car. By following these

instructions, you will build the necessary and workable water system that will allow your car to

transform water into fuel in no time without affecting the warranty of your beloved vehicle.

Actually, you can create your own water hybrid and you will not have to spend a fortune in

order to do this. The fuel efficiency will be increased and even your costs will be reduced in a

dramatic manner. So, the following system may provide you with the following features:

• You can install it on every type of car; for instance, you can use it for vans,

trucks, diesel powered cars and SUVs. Still, this system was not tested on the

latest hybrids and you should not try to test it by yourself if you own such a


• Your car is likely to become cost/effective and you will not have to spend huge

amounts of money for fuel. The car will produce clearer emissions too and you

will become a part of the eco-friendly community in no time. You have to become

aware that an ordinary car run on conventional fuel is going to affect the

environment sooner or later especially if you are keen on driving for long

distances. Therefore, this is your chance to do

something for your environment. The amazing thing

about this car is that you will not have to waste extra

efforts in order to reach the final result. On the

contrary, the conversion kit can be build in no time

and without spending a fortune.

• You can convert the car you own for one of the lowest

prices. There is a wide range of conversion kits

available on the current market. Still, you should


choose the one that comes next because the best features will be provided at a

reasonable cost.

• The conversion kit can work with the plainest tap water and you will not need

special water additives and distilled water.

• The whole process is a very simple one and the steps are easy to follow even if

you are not a professional. Actually, the beauty of the system resides in its cheap

components and its wide availability. And you should stop wondering about the

effectiveness of the water powered car because you can run such a car without

having any difficulty. The technology is affordable and easy; water can be used

as the necessary supplement to the conventional fuels and you will need a small

quantity in order to make your car run. Actually, only a quart of this plain water is

going to provide over 1000 gallons of brown gas and this brown gas will increase

the vehicle efficiency. The emissions quality will be improved as well and you will

be saving your money in no time.

There are thousands of conversions around the whole world and this aspect should

convince you about the efficiency of the conversion kit. If there are so many people who are

keen on using this amazing technology, you should do the same. They are the living proof

that this conversion kit is the next best thing for your car. Soon, this kit will become the

standard technology for all the cars and you should rush into providing your car with this

device in order to take full advantage of its benefits.

You are among the most fortune people simply because you are reading this. This

guideline is here for you in order to understand that your car can be run on something else

than the conventional fuels. This valuable piece of information comes your way and you

should seize this opportunity. No efforts are to be spared when it comes to doing something

positive for your car.

So, take your time and involve in the following efforts to learn more. You should forget

about your previous ignorance and you should provide your car with this priceless and

incredible technology. What are you waiting for? Running your car has never been so easy

and YES, you can leran how to harness the water in order to transform it into a genuine

source of energy. Therefore, this guide should encourage you to explore the benefits of this


amazing technology and you can do it for free. This guide was designed in order to provide

you with content clarity and text readibility.

Still, you have to be aware that the conversion presented by this guide is likely to modify all

the exhaust characteristics of your beloved vehicle. Therefore, you should take your time

and search for some professional and legal pieces of

advice. The local or even the national governing must be

contacted in order to find out more about the compliance

with all the existing emissions standards and requirements.

You are also encouraged to verify all the details in order to

make sure your car can pass the mandatory emissions

tests. The following plans were built in order to be a

reversible technology; still, you have to make sure you understand every detail in order to

install the conversion kit in the proper manner.

You must understand that you will have to carry out all these plans in order to transform

your car; carrying out these plans will imply that you will become responsible for various

risks. You will assume responsibility for the potential damages and risks regardless of their

origin. The consequential and incidental facts will hold you responsible and you will have to

pay attention to all the instructions in order to avoid misusing these plans.

You have to understand that there are some risks related to these plans; in fact, every type

of pioneering and exploratory technology is going to come along with some risks.

Let’s start with some basic questions that are likely to provide you with the necessary

insight when it comes to using this revolutionary technology. Such questions are the perfect

starting point for every driver who is interested in improving his driving experience and car

mileage. So, if you wonder about the water hybrid system, you have arrived at the right

place. Let us provide you with some answers.

The plans of this system were designed in order to convert your car. Your beloved vehicle

will run on water; water will become a source of energy and supplemental fuel. The engine

will derive the necessary fuel from oxygen and hydrogen; these substances are generated

through the electrolysis of the plain water. Even if the conventional derived fuel is not

required, the petroleum is to be regarded as practical necessity.


You will also need an external electrical system that will provide your car with energy. The

only product that will result from the oxygen and

hydrogen components is the water vapor. Therefore, you

may provide your car with cleaner emissions and you will

not affect the environment when driving.

The emissions will be cleaner and the polluting particles

will be fewer. So, the only thing that you should keep in

mind is that this system is cleaner one; its features were built in order to derive the

necessary supplemental fuel from the inexhaustible and free resource called water. This

system has a unique advantage and you should use it in order to improve your driving


The advantage resides in the fact that the system is able to remove all the harmful

pollutants during the combustion and even the common carbon residue is going to be

reduced. The carbon residue that can affect the engine will be reduced and you will

increase your car’s life span without any future efforts. This hybrid system has already been

tested by professionals all over the world and you can trust their judgment. This system has

been implemented and mechanics, engineers and hobbyists are already fond of it.

The hybrid is to be regarded as the direct result of many years of experimenting and

testing; a wide range of hydrogen generating hybrids has been tested but this is the best

result ever. This hybrid is based on the well known process of hydrolysis. What is

hydrolysis? The answer is quite simple and you will not

have to look for professional advice in order to understand

what is all about. Hydrolysis stands for braking down the

plain water into some basic atoms, namely hydrogen atoms

and oxygen atoms.

How can you do this? You can do this by passing the

electronic current right through the water. You will not have

to add the electrolyte; for instance, you will not have to use

an acid in order to take care of the whole process. You will


not need such electrolytes in order to assure the necessary electrical conductivity.

Actually, the plain water ahs some features that may help you; for instance, the plain water

is full of helpful and natural electrolytes. You can find minerals and even some municipal

additives in water. For instance, you can use the chlorine because this substance can aid in

the necessary electrical conductivity. Therefore, you should keep this in mind: there are

plenty of features that are similar to the common reactions taking place within the vehicle’s


So, you should take advantage of this hybrid system in order to improve your car’s

efficiency and your future savings. This practical solution was developed for common use in

carbureted motor vehicles and full injected ones. The secret of the entire system lies within

the particular module that was designed in order to make your car run on water. This

module can produce a quite low voltage but the pulses are uniquely shaped ones. They are

precise enough in order to take care of your vehicle and your money.

You will be amazed by the duration and frequency of this module. Its overall power

consumption is quite low and you should consider installing this system because this

feature can be powered by your car. All you need is a reserve power that has to be enough

in order to run the electrical devices. But this system is not to be regarded as perpetual

motion machine. It is highly efficient but this efficiency is not an everlasting one.

The hybrid was designed in order to produce enough oxygen and hydrogen; the quantity

will be enough in order for your car to run and improve its mileage. The overall efficiency

will also be improved and the internal combustion engines will be provided with a cleaner

energy. This system is also safe; actually, it is safer than the common hydrogen powered

vehicles. These vehicles require the hydrogen tanks but you will not need them anymore.

Instead of these tanks, you will use the water system that extracts the necessary

combustible hydrogen from plain water. This alternative fuel will be extracted as needed

and your car will be provided with a steady release of fuel that is burned in a continuous

manner. Therefore, all the larger accumulations of fuel will be prevented and you can forget

about the risks involved by the constant accumulation of fuel in your car. The hybrid system

was designed by paying attention to the safety conditions required by every driver.


People should not be afraid of using this system and they should be convinced that this is

the best thing for them and their vehicles. Therefore, you should leave side your previous

ideas concerning this matter and rich into buying the necessary components of the

conversion kit. This conversion kit will make your life easier and healthier. You can relay

and stop worrying about the constant price rises when it comes to the conventional fuels.

This alternative is the perfect thing for you and it is also the safest solution that can be

found on the current market.

The hybrid system is called a conversion one because you will not have to modify the car

components. This system will not need constant removal, disabling or modification of the

existing elements of your car. You will be allowed to run the car on 100% gasoline systems

or you can choose the water hybrid system.

And if you are wondering about another thing, let us assure you that this system is not likely

to fail. This is unlikely to happen. Still, if it happens, you will be able to switch back in order

to use the gasoline power again. But you can rest assured that you are going to become

addicted to the water hybrid because this system can make the difference for your driving


So, you will do everything you can in order to put this system back in order and enjoy its

features again. Once you have noticed the advantages of driving with this technology, you

are not likely to switch back. You are going to stay with this system forever because you

are not likely to regret your choice. It will be the only thing that will make you happy in no

time and you are not going to search for another solution.

The hybrid system can perform better that the conventional system; even the overall fuel

consumption will be improved. Still, you have to be aware that the engine efficiency is likely

to depend upon many factors such as the terrain, the driving habits, the vehicle shape and

weight and even upon the ability to optimize and tweak the system. This system can be

used in various ways; for instance, it can provide the necessary fuel from water for almost

every device you have in your home.

You can use this system for several home appliances because you will need just a natural

gas or some propane in order to use is as a main source of heat. Therefore, you will be

saving some valuable resources. You will not be wasting the natural resources as before.

For instance, the furnaces or even the space heaters can be the perfect candidates for this


system. Even the stoves or other common cooking units can be fueled thanks to this

revolutionary system.

But such applications are going to require a new and

separate power supply in order to convert the home power

into the necessary power required by the hybrid system.

Such inexpensive power supplies can be purchased at

almost every local shop and you will not have to waste a

fortune in order to provide yourself with these necessary

items. You can also have them built by a professional.

Regardless of your final choice, you will be pleased with the


You should not worry about the cost of the home electricity because the expense will be

insignificant. For instance, you are likely to pay less than $4 per month in order to provide

your system with the necessary electricity. This system is easy to build and you will need

no professional advice in order to do it by yourself.

You will have to take your time and truly understand the way this system works. The hybrid

is easy to assemble and you can also install it quite simple. When comparing this hybrid

with other conversion plans, you will become aware that this is the simplest thing you have

ever done.

The available plans that are highly advertised on the current market are to be left aside

because you have already arrived at the right solution for you and your car. You will need

no special tools in order to do this. The only thing that you will need is to follow some

simple steps in order to build this revolutionary device. The usual equipment and tools can

be found at the typical local store or you can go online in order to learn more about the

available products. Assembling a system has never been so easy.


Therefore, you will have to assemble the module in order to reach its high level of efficiency

and reliability. You will have to pay attention to every single detail. Still, you will need some

average electronic skills but the only special tool you will need to access is the

oscilloscope. This tool is not necessary but you should try and obtain the best efficiency

you can get from your hybrid system.

But if you are wondering if you can buy this system in a ready-to-install version, the answer

is no because this hybrid is not commercially manufactured. Still, you can find some

distributors who can help you with the necessary components at reasonable prices. You

have to be aware that planning is the key factor when it comes to building this hybrid


You must be aware that every component of this hybrid system is important; each of the

elements is vital but the most important part is the Oxygen/Hydrogen generator. This

generator converts the plain water into the necessary fuel. The result is a combustible

gaseous fuel that can be used in order to power your vehicle. The water tank and the car’s

pump are used to supply and store the water needed by the generator.

There are simple electronic signals that come from the central module and these signals

can initiate and even sustain the necessary oxygen and hydrogen within the generator. An

indicator will allow you to monitor all the aspects related to this hybrid system and you will


not have to worry about the safety conditions any more. Every part of this system is

designed in order to perform reliable operations that will not waste your money or time.

Long life is also assured and the system is likely to last for a long period of time without

additional modifications or repairs. You may take a closer look at this system; you can

observe its components in order to learn more about the way they work. By understanding

this hybrid system, you will be able to run your car on water in no time. You will also

increase the life span of your car and the only thing that you will have to do is to understand

the exact way this system works; you will have to observe and learn how everything works

and even interacts in this hybrid technology.

The generator housing is built around a cylinder that is constructed by using a high

temperature pipe. This material is widely used in the building industry; therefore, you can

rest assured that is going to last for a long period of time. Every plumbing system is likely to

become more resistant thanks to this material and the hybrid system uses it as well in order

to provide your car with increased resistance. The CPVC pipe is the best because it is

extremely durable.

It is also temperature tolerant and this feature should convince you of its resistance. This

material is also friendly and you will find it easy to work with it. It can also be used in order

to fabricate other systems or things such as planters, furniture and housings. The generator

housing is made of this material too; it will contain a basic coil. There are two cylindrical

electrodes that are used to generate oxygen and hydrogen. Each of these electrodes is

build from strong materials. For instance, the electrode is made of materials such as

ceramic, stainless steel and other durable materials. The system has to be strong enough


in order to take care of the car and this is possible thanks to the resistant materials that are

being used in order to sustain all the necessary functions.

There are two atomically different substances and we are talking about the forms of

hydrogen that can be obtained thanks to the hybrid system. These atoms are produced

within the generator. For instance, most of the generated atoms are orthohydrogen. This

type of atom is very resistant and strong. This means that your car is going to be provided

with a fast burning gas that is extremely powerful. This gas is created by the electrodes. An

electronic signal which is precisely controlled will activate and control the existing


The generator will release another form of hydrogen too, namely the parahydrogen. This

substance is created thanks to the coil but its amount is smaller than orthohydrogen. The

precisely controlled signal will activate and control the generator’s coil; this signal comes

from a separate circuit.

This second type of hydrogen is less powerful. It is also a slower burning gas but its

importance is quite evident because the system needs to prevent the harmful pre-

combustion within the car’s engine. This substance slows the entire process; the burning

rate will also be decreased and the octane level will be boosted in order for your car to run

on water.

Precise control will be provided and you can rest assured that your car will not be damaged

by the conversion kit. This precise control is needed in order for you to match the engine’s

octane demands. So, if you want to raise the octane levels in the gasoline, you must use

some specific additives in order to boost your car’s performance.

You can slow the burning rate by paying attention to the previous information; technically

speaking, you will have to deal with a generator that is to be regarded as a sort of

electronic based unit.

Therefore, you have to try and understand everything about its components in order to

increase the car’s mileage. So, the two electrodes will form the basic and necessary

capacitor. This capacitor is thousands larger than the ones used in various and typical

circuits where water acts like a sort of dielectric. The inner electrode was negatively

charged while the outer one was positively charged.


The high frequency signal is the one that takes proper care of these two electrodes in order

for them to perform their duties. Chemically, each molecule of water is likely to be

composed of 2 positively charged atoms of H and a

negatively charged atom of O. Everyone knows that

the opposite charges are attracted to each other.

So, the positively charged ones will be pulled

toward the electrode. They will be pulled toward this

inner electrode in order to produce the reaction. But

the negatively charged atom will be pulled toward

this outer electrode in order to produce the final action. This action will align all the water

molecules between the existing electrodes. The end of every molecule will be pulled in all

the opposite directions. So, this is the process related to the hydrogen extraction and you

don’t have to be a professional in order to understand the benefits of this process.

Your car will take full advantage of all these chemical reactions by improving its future

mileage. The signal coming from the generator will pulse in a constant manner in order to

charge the water capacitor of the hybrid system. This capacitor will reach higher voltage

levels. Suddenly, all the existing electrical forces will become so great that your car’s

performance will be improved in a dramatic manner.

The water molecules will burst apart and every scientist is likely to be pretty familiar with

this action called disassociation. The molecules will be transformed into the gaseous forms

of oxygen and hydrogen. So, if you think you are able to look right into the generator,

everything will become obvious for you. The entire action is quite clear because there are

tones of tiny oxygen and hydrogen bubbles forming in the generator. As long as the

necessary signal is applied, the hybrid capacitor will remain fully charged.

Oxygen and hydrogen will be created on a constant

basis and your vehicle will be provided with the fuel it

needs in order to perform on the road. Let’s consider

another circuit too in order to understand the whole

equation when it comes to the hybrid system. This

second circuit is formed by an inner coil; the

generator coil produces a sort of inductive circuit.


This circuit is highly necessary in order to produce the magnetic field. This magnetic field

appears as the necessary opposite to a charged field that is created by the inner water


Therefore, the low frequency signal will activate the necessary magnetic field that resides in

the coil. As soon as this pulse stops, the existing magnetic field will collapse and this action

is likely to result into an even stronger and powerful magnetic field. But this newly created

field will have an opposite polarity. This is the main pattern that makes the hybrid system

work so efficiently for every driver who decides to install it on his car.

The inductive circuit works according to this pattern and the entire action is called inductive

kick. Each and every pulse will be precisely timed in order to appear at the right moment;

every pulse will appear immediately after the reverse of the

magnetic field.

Every short pulse will follow the previous one and the coil will

be charged in order to make the system work. The coil will be

charged and the magnetic field will collapse. The magnetic

field reverses on a constant basis and the entire process will

become even stronger than before.

The added energy will improve the existing process and every new pulse will influence the

process in a matter of seconds. The coil will reach the maximum strength and this strength

is called saturation point. Many molecules are likely to be affected by the existence of the

magnetic fields and their action. So, the reversed magnetic fields of the coil will vibrate all

the water molecules in order to disassociate them in various gaseous gases that are

necessary for the hybrid system.

This process is observable too because there are millions of bubbles right around the coil.

So, at this point, we have managed to cover all the basic elements when it comes to

understanding the way this system works. The basic functioning of its generator must be

understood in order for you to install the conversion kit in the proper manner.

Every component of this system is essential and you will have to use it in a precise manner.

Every component will be used in order to control the action of the generator. The frequency

and the strength of the existing signals can be varied and the generator can do this in order


to vary the rate by which the necessary molecules are created inside the generator. These

rates can be varied in order for the system to match the engine requirements; actually, this

system can be adapted to every type of vehicle but you will have to learn how to do this.

These rates can be varied in order to watch the existing requirements at any special


The necessary water will be supplied by the pump and the tank while its level within the

main generator is controlled by a switch and a level sensor. The safety concerns have also

been taken into account; for instance, the safety purposes are highly important because the

generator is protected by a relief valve.

This valve protects against the excess pressure that can affect the system. This situation is

to be avoided in order not to spoil the proper functioning pattern of the car and its hybrid

system. We may also think about the separate ports that are used in order to provide for

the existing attaching hoses.

They are used in order to route the necessary gas. One can also observe a drain valve that

is installed quite often in order to allow the periodic flushing. All the contaminants and

accumulated minerals must be flushed; this has to be done in order not to spoil the

functioning pattern of the system.

The bottom end will be threaded in order for you to open the generator without any

difficulty. The generator can be opened and it should be opened in order to clean its

content. It has to be opened for repair or inspection and you can even consider the

occasional cleaning of its main components in order to maintain their proper condition.

For instance, the coil and the electrodes should be cleaned on a constant basis. We can

also mention the two pairs of rod ends made of stainless steel. These rod ends protrude

from the main generator in order to provide the electrical connection needed by your car.

The generator output hose will connect to the flame arrestor; this flame arrestor will connect

to the pressure fittings that are attached right to the engine.

The flame arrestor will provide the necessary protection against the possible combustion

flashback. This combustion flashback may occur if the engine backfires. This arrestor body

will be constructed from CPVC pipe. This is a very simple unit and you can build it by using

a small diameter pipe.


You will also need some end caps provided with hose fittings and even stuffed with some

stainless steel wool. Such pressure fitting kits are already available at the local stores or

you can go online in order to find out more about the online providers that can offer you

reliable services and products. Such pressure fitting kits were designed in order to convert

the common car engines to run on conventional fuels such as propane; these kits are

perfectly adaptable to almost every hybrid system.

Still, it is highly recommended for you to try and install this generator in your car engine

compartment. This is to be regarded as a sort of safety measure and you must be cautious

when it comes to altering the inner structure of your beloved vehicle. The generator can be

installed and fixed just about anywhere; every space can host it and you can install it even

in the trunk.

Still, everything is likely to become easier if you decide to place this generator right near the

car engine. By installing the generator right next to the engine, you will increase the system

efficiency; the routing of gauge lines, hoses and electrical wiring will be minimized.

Certainly, this was the most simple part of the entire system; For instance, almost every

type of large container can be used in order to hold the necessary water but we are

recommend you to use a particular tank that was designed for this purpose. So, there are

plenty of ways for you to consider in order to save money. When planning to build the

hybrid system, you should make sure you are using just quality materials because you

must not cut corners when it comes to quality. The entire system is to be regarded as an

extremely reliable one.

Still, you must use just quality materials in order to make sure that the system will not fail

on you. Therefore, you must take no chances when it comes to preserving the original

design of the system. You must not mess things up because you are likely to miss the final

result and your car efficiency will not be improved.

Drivers should not go cheap when it comes to providing

their cars with the best materials available on the present

market. For instance, you can even browse the internet

in order to provide yourself with further information about

the necessary items.


The professionals recommend installing the necessary water level sensor in order to avoid

expensive mistakes or accidents. This sensor should be placed in the water tank in order to

monitor everything that happens there.

Water has to be monitored in order to make sure that the quantity is enough. Even the

water quality can be monitored and you should consider making this initial investment

because it is going to be paid off in no time. Even if these sensors are quite expensive, you

should think about this aspect.

Otherwise, you are very likely to compare the miles with the quantity of the water in order to

find out more about your car’s performance on the road. The sensors can be used in order

to measure and compare the water consumption and they are extremely helpful tools that

can make the difference for your driving experience. So, you should forget about other

alternatives because they are not likely to help you very much.

For instance, you should forget about the traditional method of checking the water level in

order to see when the tank is empty. If you go for this alternative, you will have to check the

water level on a constant basis and you are very likely to

get bored and tired. Therefore, you should consider

making this investment because it will save your time and

efforts. The indicator and the sensor are among the most

useful tools when it comes to installing a conversion kit.

So, you should spend some extra money in order to

monitor the water tank.

Monitoring a water tank has never been so easy and you should take full advantage of

these tools that can ease your driving experience. We recommend the larger tanks; for

instance, you should provide your car with a water tank of 1,5 gallons capacity in order not

to waste your time with smaller tanks that can be emptied in no time. You should not worry

about the extra size of the water tank; on the contrary, you should be aware that its extra

capacity is going to take up little space.

Still, it will leave a good and spacious reserve in order for you to refill the tank less

frequently. You can also try and install a vent tube right into the tank cap in order to avoid

the constant spillage that comes from the sloshing water.


You will also have to make your mind about the pump location; you have to make the

wisest choice because the way the system works will depend upon your choice. So, if you

are planning to use the self priming pump, you will have to mount it right in the engine area.

This compartment is the best location you can choose for such a pump.

But if you don’t want to use such a pump, you will have to install the pump right onto the

water tank in order to improve the performance of the system. Still, if you are not planning

to use the self-priming pump, you will have to pay attention because the water hose will go

from this pump right to the generator. So, this pump will have to withstand an increased

pressure capacity. For instance, it will have to withstand almost 66 PSI pressure in order for

the system to function according to the plan.

Actually, this is the recommended pressure that is required in order for the maximum gas

pressures to be overcome. If you are not planning to use a self primer, you have to be

aware of the consequences because you will have to run some supplementary leads right

back to the trunk.

So, for the sake of reliability and simplicity, you should take a closer look to all the

alternatives in order to make the wisest choice. We highly recommend the self priming

pump because this device is the easiest method for you to use in order to increase the

car’s mileage and save some extra money in no time.

You should also consider the constant monitoring of the

basic functions; the hybrid system comes along with its

own functions and you will need to control them on a

constant basis. Two gauges are recommended: the

generator pressure and the well known engine cylinder

head temperature. These devices can be used in order

to monitor all the functions and you may rest assured that nothing is going to happen

without your knowledge.

Even the indicator lights are likely to be recommended by the professionals because they

can ease the entire process of monitoring. Therefore, you should use all the latest gadgets

in order to improve your driving experience; you should not be reluctant to using such

gadgets simply because you have not heard of them. This is the main reason why we are


here: to let you know that there is a wide range of alternatives when it comes to improving

the way your hybrid system works. All these lights and gadgets can be installed right into

the car dash or they can even be mounted nearby the existing console.

Regardless of your choice, they are going to improve the way you monitor the basic

functions of you water powered car. Still, the in dash may not be required but, if your

budget allows you to make this move, you should purchase them in order to provide your

car with a nice perk. The technical expertise can be taken into account when planning to

install such gadgets into your vehicle but you should not worry; they are not likely to harm

the initial structure of your beloved vehicle.

The in dash indicators should be installed in order to improve the monitoring process. Such

gadgets allow you to develop the necessary knowledge about the way this system works.

You will also become familiar with the way such systems react to various conditions. You

will be able to experiment various driving conditions and you can monitor the reactions

coming from the hybrid system.

Such indicators can also be of real help when it comes to tweaking the entire system in

order to obtain the maximum economy and performance. The water light is likely to remain

unlit during the whole process. This light will illuminate as soon as the water tank is empty.

You will be able to monitor the constant drops of the water level and you will know when to

refill the water tank.

As soon as the light illuminates, the water pump will start pumping the water in order to refill

the tank. The Pump On light will be illuminated too in order to show you the state of the


When the water has reached the normal level, the first light will go back out. Meanwhile, the

pump will stop running and the Pump On light will be turned out. So, every normal

operating condition is likely to be signaled by these indicators in order to let you know about

the present state of the hybrid system. The lights will be illuminated at the same time or

they can be turned off at the same time.

Every other light combination may indicate a severe break down and you should have the

hybrid system fixed as soon as possible in order for your water powered car to be right on



You should consider buying such indicators because they can ease your job when it comes

to detecting or even preventing future malfunctions. Even the malfunctions of the main

module can be signaled thanks to these indicators and you

should rush into buying the latest models that will spare you the


For instance, the module contains the electronic circuits in order

to control and provide the necessary power to all the existing

systems. The electrically operated devices will need fuel and you

have to make sure that this fuel reaches the proper destination.

The separate circuits are here in order to perform several

important functions and you should try and understand these

functions in order to learn more about the way this system works:

• The separate circuits will provide the necessary power right to the electrodes.

The generator electrodes will receive this power in the form of several high

frequency signals. The new gas will be created.

• The circuits will also provide the necessary power for the existing coil. This

power will come in the form of several low frequency signals and new atoms

of hydrogen will be created too.

• They control the necessary power. This power has to reach the water tank via

several signals that are usually received from the water level sensor.

• They provide the terminal points in order to distribute the necessary power

right to the system gauges, sensors and indicators.

The generator electrode circuit can be depicted in some easy steps. For instance, its

output may be described as a sort of square wave pulse. This wave pulse can be

applied to all the cylindrical electrodes; the square wave pulse also has the on/off ratio.



So, we can start by building the necessary generator; for instance, the electrodes are one of

the most important issues when it comes to installing the conversion kit. The engine is going to

require some special features; the engine is the one that dictates the volume of oxygen and

hydrogen passing through the generator and you will have to pay attention to all the

instructions in order not to spoil the way the engine works. The engine requirements will dictate

the exact amount of gases that should be produced and this gas volume is variable, according

to several conditions.

For instance, we recommend the larger generators in order for the reserve capacity to be

stored. But you will have to carefully observe the engine compartment in order to decide the

appropriate size of the generator. You have to make sure that it is enough space in order to

install the generator. If this adequate space is missing, you will have to limit the height of the

generator. You will also have to locate the generator inside the trunk and you will have to place

it right under the existing dash.


You will have to determine the exact weight of the generator in order to make the wisest

choice. Mistakes are to be avoided because they can turn out to be quite expensive and you

are not likely to want to spend a fortune in order to obtain a water powered car that does not

work according to your plans. You will have to make the wisest choices in order to provide your

vehicle with the necessary system that can allow you to use water as an alternative fuel. This

alternative fuel will not harm the environment either.

So, multiply the existing wall thickness of every outer electrode by the factor of 2 then record

the direct result as a so-called dimension A. For instance, if the present wall thickness is 050”,

the dimension A is likely to be .100”. Then add a new value of .090” to the present value of

dimension A. Record the direct result as dimension B.

For instance, if the present dimension A is .100”, the present dimension B is likely to be .190”.

The next step consists in subtracting the present value of recorded dimension B from 3.50”.

Record this newly obtained value as the next dimension C.

For instance, if the present dimension B is .190”, the dimension C is likely to be 3.31”. If you

want to build the inner electrode, you should obtain the necessary stainless steel tube by using

an outside diameter equal to the presently recorded dimension C. You should also consider

the wall thickness of .40” to .063”, T304 alloy. The length should be equal to that of the existing

outer electrode. The next step will be to drill eight (8) ¼” holes and these holes should be

spaced at 45 degree intervals right around the established diameter of one of the ends of the

outer electrode tube.


The hole centres 11/32” should be located as well right from the tube edge. A diameter wood

rod or dowel should be clamped in a vise in order to back up the entire electrode while drilling.

The holes should be debarred soon after drilling. Still, you will have to pay attention to one

thing namely that the best results should be obtained when using the hybrid system.

Therefore, the drilling stainless steel will require carbide drill bit and light lubricating oil.

So, just take your time drilling in order not to overheat the electrodes. This warning is of

paramount importance because you are not likely to have your final results spoiled by your

hurry. This warning also applies in the case of the inner electrode. And now, let’s consider the

electrode details because they are extremely important when trying to build a successful hybrid

system. You will have to repeat the previous procedure in order to drill eight (8) ¼” holes. You

should use the same distance from the one end of the existing inner electrode tube.

The holes should be drilled around one end of the outer electrode and you have to use the

closest end to the ¼” holes. Just try and locate all the hole centres 3/32” across the tube edge

that have hold centres spaced at 3/8” intervals around the entire existing diameter. The holes

must be debarred as soon as the drilling is over. The previous procedure should be repeated

in order to drill 1/8” holes around the diameter of the end of the electrodes. The holes must be

debarred as soon as the drilling is over.


The oil residue has to be removed from both electrodes by using a very soft and clean cloth.

You should also try MEK or even acetone in order to remove the excess oil with an efficient

cleaning solvent. You will also have to cut two (2) 3” rod lengths from the 3/32” diameter bare

stainless steel welding rod, alloy T304. You may use a file, then square off and try to debar the

rod ends.

And consider the following warning: the bare stainless steel welding rod, T304 alloy is

available at almost every local shop. Every supply store can provide you with these items and

you ill not have to spend a fortune in order to buy them. Next, you will have to solder one of

these rods in order to reach the outside surface of this outer electrode. You will have to

position the entire rod parallel to the real length of this electrode with 2” protruding past the end

of the entire tube.


Just use some silver bearing solder; even the flux should be appropriate for the soldering

stainless steel. You will have to pay attention to all the cautions in order to make sure your

hybrid system will work miracles for your vehicle. The previous procedure is to be repeated in

order to solder the available rod to the inside surface of this inner electrode. After both of the

electrodes have been cooled, you will have to thoroughly scrub all the solder joints. You can

use warm soapy water; you may even consider using a stiff bristle brush in order to clean the

oil excess that can damage the hybrid system.

Thoroughly rinse both the electrodes with some warm water. Dry them with a soft and clean

cloth in order not to spoil their initial characteristics. You have to be careful enough when

handling these components in order not to harm their condition. You have to clean them on a

constant basis and you will also have to check their condition in order to avoid possible

accidents or technical failures.

If you are wondering about how to find these components, you can go online and search for

some reliable providers that can offer you reasonable deals. Or you can go to the local shop

because every large electrical or hardware supply store is likely to offer you these types of

products and services.

Still, you will have to make sure that you choose some quality products and you should not

save your money when buying the necessary components for the hybrid system. Now, let’s

talk about the proper housing of the conversion kit. Here is a concise list of materials and you

should take a better look at it in order to learn more about the components you need when

planning to build the perfect housing for your hybrid system. So, let’s start with:


• CPVC 4” threaded pipe nipple, length 12”, Schedule 80.

• CPVC 4” pipe, length 12”, Schedule 80 (Only needed if housing height

exceeds 10”).

• CPVC 1�1/2” pipe, length 12”, Schedule 80.

• Two CPVC 4” Straight Couplings, Schedule 80 (Only one needed if the

housing height will be 10”).

The previous list can be found among the most used

guidelines and you can rely on the information provided

by it. You can start building your conversion kit by

purchasing the previous items. There are not

expensive; still, you should regard this initial purchase

as one of your wisest investments. This investment will

be paid off in no time because you will be saving your fuel expenses.

So, you should think about this when worrying about the amount of money you have to pay in

order to provide your car with all the necessary materials that will increase its mileage in a

dramatic manner. Still, you should pay attention to some cautions because the safety

conditions must prevail regardless of your choice. The hybrid system is a safe one but you will

have to provide it with the right conditions in

order to work according to your initial plans.

For instance, you should know that:

o You must use the CPVC pipe

(schedule 80) in order to construct the

generator housing. You must not use PVC

pipe, or CPVC schedule 40 because these

types of pipes are not likely to withstand

the high temperature or high pressure

conditions as well.


o You must not use

CPVC pipe of a size greater

than 4”. Larger pipes are not

likely to offer an adequate

safety margin. This safety

margin must exist in order to

protect the system against

rupture when subjected to high temperature and pressure.

o You will have to pay careful attention when building the hybrid system; you will need

careful craftsmanship and even detailed insight during generator construction. These aspects

are essential in order for the constructor to ensure a safe, clean and reliable operation.

You will also need the following materials:

• one CPVC 4” cap, Schedule 80.

• one CPVC 4” threaded cap, Schedule 80

• one 1/8” thick 24” x 48”, CPVC sheet

• one 1” diameter, 6” length, CPVC rod

• one pint can of CPVC cement

• one pint can of primer

• one 8 ounce can of pipe

joint compound

Finally, we will talk about the proper

building of the conversion kit. So, we

should begin by taking a closer look

at the necessary materials. For

instance, the CPVC 4” Schedule 80

pipe will be used in order to

construct the generator housing.

Since the end of the existing pipe will

require some threading, professionals would recommend you to purchase a 12” threaded pipe

nipple instead of trying to thread a pipe by yourself. You should not be reluctant when it comes


to accepting some professional help because you will need some support especially if you are

not familiar with the electronic devices and their main components.

You will have to use a meter box; even the table saw can be used in order to assure the

necessary square ness. You need to cut off one of the 12” pipe nipple threaded ends 2�3/4”

from the end. Next, you should continue by dressing the cut edges with special sandpaper.

You can also use a fine tooth file in order to perform this simple operation. You should pay

attention to every single detail because you must stay away from mistakes.

Such mistakes can turn out to be quite expensive and even the final product is likely to fail on

you. Therefore, you should pay attention to this guideline in order to transform your car into a

water powered vehicle in no time. The meter box or the table saw must be used in order to

assure square ness of the system. You will have to cut the threaded pipe nipple 5�1/2”from

one of the threaded ends. Each of the cut edges needs to be dressed with sandpaper. You can

also use a fine tooth round file.

Still, you will have to pay attention to some cautions in order not to spoil the final system. For

instance, you must carefully read all the instructions in order not to make expensive mistakes

that can cost you your time and money. The directions can be found on the primer labels; they

are printed in order for you to acknowledge all the requirements.

The labels should be read in order for you to properly use the materials. For instance, after

priming, you must apply the cement as soon as possible in order to obtain reliable and safer

bonding. You must not let the primer dry before applying the cement.

If you are not accustomed to the main characteristics of the materials, you can read the

following lines in order to provide yourself with useful information. For instance:

• CPVC 4” Schedule 80 pipe has the outside diameter of 4.5”.

• If the height of the future housing will be 10”, as determined during

previous procedures, you should follow the directions in order to build the proper


So, you will have to prime the entire outside mating surface of the cut end of the 5�1/2” pipe

nipple and one of the inside mating surfaces of the coupling. Apply an even layer of cement to


the prime surfaces. Then assemble the necessary parts. Allow these parts to air dry for at least

15 minutes before going to step further. Next, you should prime the entire outside mating

surface of the 12” pipe and inside mating surface of the coupling attached to the pipe nipple.

You will also have to apply an even layer of cement in order to cover the primed surfaces and

assemble the necessary parts. Allow these parts to air dry for at least 40 minutes before going


Again, you will have to use a meter box or the necessary table saw in order to assure the

future square ness. Next, you should cut the pipe assembly near the unthreaded end in order

to form a total pipe length equal to ½” less than the housing height. Dress all the cut edges

with sandpaper. You can also use a fine tooth round file in order to perform the operation.

Next, you will have to measure the inside diameter of the system’s threaded end cap. You will

have to securely clamp 1/8” thick CPVC sheet right to a drill press bed. Drill a ½” diameter hole


through the sheet. Using a fly cutter, you will have to cut a disk with the already measured

diameter. You will have to check that the disk fits smoothly right into the end cap.

If loose, you must replace it with a slightly larger disk that can fit that position. If tight, you

should also replace it with a slightly smaller disk. You have to make sure that you pay attention

to the instructions because the plan is of paramount importance when it comes to obtaining the

appropriate hybrid system. You will have to drill a ½” hold first if a new disk is cut. You will also

have to cut a second disk to the correct diameter with ½” centre hole.

Then, you should apply primer; then cement right to the surface of every disk. You will have to

join these disks together and align all the disk edges. The excess cement needs to be wiped

from the edges. You must allow the disks to air dry for almost an hour before going further.

The edges of the disks need to be bevelled in order to fit the curved contour of the bottom of

the end cap. You will have to make sure that the outer edge of the disk measures between

1/32” and 1/16” after the proper bevelling. The previous instructions have to be taken into

account because you must rely on them when building an alternative system for your car.

You have to stick to the initial plan in order not to damage your car; therefore, you should not

forget about the cautions especially if you are not a professional. Reluctance is to be left aside

when it comes to building an important system for your beloved car. You have to remember

that you must stay open-minded in order to provide yourself with the necessary knowledge.

You can learn a lot in a matter of days but you must become aware of this opportunity. For

instance, you have to pay attention to a caution that says that the electrodes must be attached

to the system’s contoured disk. The contour must be formed in an accurate manner in order to

assure the structural integrity of the newly born water hybrid.


The disk contour is another important matter when it comes to building this revolutionary

device; so, you will have to pay attention to the following pieces of advice in order to make

sure you re not going to spoil anything. You will have to llightly coat all the threads of the

existing housing end cap. You will have to do the same with the bottom edge of the housing

and you may use petroleum jelly in order to do this. Apply primer to all the mating surfaces that

are to be found on the disk and on the end cap.

Cement is to be applied to the primed area of the end cap only.

Next, you should install the disk and you will have to sit it firmly

and evenly. Remove any cement that may ooze from between

the disks parts with cotton swabs or soft cloth.

You will have to temporarily thread one end cap onto the

housing by seating it slowly, but firmly enough in order not to spoil the entire system. Wait

about 20 minutes in order for the cement to partially dry. Then remove the end cap. The entire

procedure must be repeated for the unthreaded end cap.

You will not have to apply petroleum jelly; no areas of the unthreaded end cap are likely to

need it. Still, you must apply primer right to the mating surfaces of the end cap and disk. The

cement must be applied to the primed area of the end cap only. The disk must be installed and

you will have to seat it firmly and evenly. Remove any cement that may be oozing from

between the disk parts with cotton swabs or very soft cloth.

The entire procedure comes with a caution and you should take it into account when planning

to do everything by yourself. You will have to make sure that the inside diameter is carefully

measured; the diameter of the unthreaded end cap must be measured before cutting the

necessary disks. Other cautions state that:

• The end cap must be temporarily threaded; accurate alignment of the disk must

be assured. Therefore, you must not use excessive

cement when installing the necessary disk in order to

prevent the possible bonding of all the housing and end

cap threads.


• You will have to make sure that the petroleum jelly will coat only the end cap


Next, you will have to seal the ½” hole existent in the threaded end cap disk and you will have

to use electrical tape in order to do that. You should use a stiff bristle brush and some warm

soapy water in order to thoroughly clean petroleum jelly from all the threads and all other

components and areas of the end cap and housing. All the parts should be rinsed with warm

water. The electrical tape must be removed from the system’s threaded end cap. The end caps

should be allowed to air dry for at least 7 hours before going further.

The inside surfaces should be completely covered with electrical tape. The tape needs to be

cut away in order to open up the ½” hold in each disk. You will need to purchase a high quality

and high temperature cement in order to cover all the end cap cavities. There are also some

cautions involved in the process and you will have to pay attention to them in order to succeed.

For instance, you must use waterproof epoxy cement in order to fill the cavities. Using another

type of cement may end up in a complete disaster.

Even the generator may fail if you do not pay attention to this caution. You have to prevent

trapping air; the bubbles are to be avoided and the caps must remain level during the entire

process. Levelling and centring are the key factors when it comes to the curved caps that can


be found on the inner cores. There are some generator details you should take into account

when trying to build the hybrid system. For instance, you should be aware that:

� The epoxy cements are likely to cure by chemical reaction

� You will have to make sure that the appropriate amounts of cements are mixed;

you have to mix equal amounts of resin and hardener. They may come in various

colours: one black and one white in order to avoid confusion. When mixed

properly, the result will be a nice dark grey cement. If you do not pay attention,

you will end up with a big mess. You will have to mix the epoxy in the disposable

container in order to provide yourself with the necessary material.

You will have to slowly fill all the cavities in order to avoid trapping air bubbles right to the top

of the of the ½” hole that exists in the end caps. You will have to mix even more epoxy if that is

necessary. This step should be repeated in order to fill all the remaining cavities. Allow the

epoxy to cure for at least 24 hours and then remove all electrical tape from the end caps. You

should also remove any epoxy from above the top of the ½” hole and you have to do it until it

flushes with the disk surface by grinding, scraping, sanding, or doing whatever is required.

The inside diameter must be measured; the diameter of the inner electrode should be

controlled in order to record this measurement as dimension D. Next, you will have to securely

clamp 1/8” thick CPVC sheet to a drill press bed. You have to do this by using a fly cutter.


You will have to cut a disk with diameter equal to dimension D from the sheet. You will have to

pay attention to the recorded measurements in order not to fail the entire process. You will also

have to check that the disk slides easily into the end because this is highly necessary in order

for the system to work according to your initial plans.

The disk has to slide easily into the end of the inner electrode opposite the soldered rod, being

neither loose nor tight. If it is loose, you must replace it with a slightly larger disk. If it is tight,

you will have to replace it with a slightly smaller disk. Then, you have to subtract the value of

.250” from the recorded dimension D. This value is to be recorded as the next dimension E.

For instance, if the dimension D is 3.21”, dimension E would be 2.96”.

Then, you have to securely clamp 1/8” thick CPVC sheet to the drill press bed. You may use a

fly cutter in order to cut a disk with diameter equal to dimension E. What about the cautions?

There is only one: you will have to read all the directions printed on the primer and cement can

labels for proper use of the materials and products. After priming, you will have to apply the

cement as soon as possible. Primary concern: to obtain safe and reliable bonding, do not let

the primer dry before applying cement.

So, apply some primer and cement to each one of the surfaces of the disk. The disks must be

joined and you will have to centre the smaller ones on the larger ones. Then, securely clamp

1/8” CPVC sheet to the drill press bed, centring the cutter at least 3” from any edge of the

sheet. Cut a 3�1/2” hole in the sheet. The cutter needs to be adjusted in order to cut a ring

with an outside diameter of 3�15/16”. Next, just try and check whether the ring slides easily

onto the end of the outer electrode opposite the soldered rod, being neither loose nor tight.


If loose, replace with a ring of slightly smaller inside diameter. If tight, replace with a ring of

slightly larger inside diameter. The entire procedure is to be repeated by cutting a 3�5/8” hold

into 1/8” thick CPVC sheet. Then, apply the primer, and then cement and you have to apply

these materials to the surfaces of the disks. You will have to join the rings by aligning the outer

edges. Any excess should be removed. So, you will have to wipe any excess cement from the

outer edges. The rings need to be allowed to air dry at least 40 minutes before going further.

Next, you will have to grind a small notch right into the inner edge of every ring. This notch has

to be large enough to allow the rings to clear the soldered rod and solder when slid onto the

rod end of the outer electrode. By using the plastic tape, you can wrap all the outer edges of

the rings until they slide easily into the threaded end cap. The same rule will be followed: if the

rings fit loosely, add more tape. If the rings fit tightly, you will have to remove the tape. The

primer needs to be applied right to the surface of the smallest ring.

You will have to use a cotton swab in order to apply primer right on the flat surface of the end

cap. You have to choose the end cap that is contacted by the smallest ring. You will have to


apply a very thin layer of cement right to the primed surfaces. Install the ring assembly into the

end cap and allow the parts to air dry before going further.

The procedure must be repeated. So, you will have to use plastic electrical tape and wrap the

edge of the large disk until the tape creates a snug fit. This fit should be within the inside edge

of the ring assembly. Primer needs to be applied right to the flat surface of the small disk and

the flat inside surface of the threaded end cap.

Next, you will have to apply an even layer of cement to the primed surfaces and install the disk

assembly into the end cap. The disks should be aligned with their notch offset at least ¾” from

the ring notch. By using a large clamp, you may lightly clamp the disks and end cap and allow

the parts to air dry at least 8 hours before going further. Next, you will have to remove all

electrical tape from the threaded end cap assembly.

You will also have to scrape away any excess cement in order for the surface to remain clean.

The cement that may have oozed onto the flat inside surface of the end cap in those areas that


will contact the bottom edges of the electrodes and threaded end of the housing must be

removed in order for the system to work according to the initial plan.

The next step will be for you to drill a 37/64” hole through the centre of the threaded end cap.

You will have to temporarily align each electrode and rod with its respective hole drilled in the

previous step. Each electrode must be checked; you should also check that the rod can be

installed into the threaded end cap and seated firmly on the cap surface.

You will have to make all the necessary arrangements and adjustments in order to achieve the

correct setting of the existing electrodes. By using a marking pen, mark a short reference line

near the top inside of the inner electrode. Then, try and mark another short reference line near

the top inside of the outer electrode, aligning it with the mark on the inner electrode. The next

step will be for you to remove the electrodes from the end cap.

By using a marking pen, mark a short reference line near the top inside of the electrode

aligning the electrode with the mark on the inner electrode. Then remove the electrodes from

the end cap. The threads should be tapped later into the hole drilled through the centre of the

end cap in order to attach the drain cock. You should use a #41 bit in order to drill two holes

right through the bottom of the threaded end cap at the necessary locations.

You will have to make sure that you align the disks with their notch offset at least ¾” from the

ring notch. Next, you will have to use plastic electrical tape in order to wrap the top end of the

inner electrode until it fits snugly into the electrode. You will have to allow about ¼” of the tape

to protrude above the edge of the electrode in order to facilitate an easy removal. Warning: do

not remove the tape until instructed to do so.

The necessary way is to be arranged in order to solidly support the threaded end cap while

installing the electrodes. You should wait until the epoxy cures. This will take about 9 hours.

You should centre and level the curved cap on the curved cap on the inner core of a large roll

of tape works well. Then, you will have to clean the bottom ends again by using MEK or

acetone; a soft clean cloth is also needed. The bottoms of the two holes in the end cap need to

be sealed with short strips of electrical tape to the cement from dripping out thus spoiling the

entire installation.


The tapes must pushed aside as the electrode rods poke right through, after which the tapes

can be removed in a safe manner without disturbing the already built installation. Then, mix up

some epoxy in a disposable container. Fill the slot in the end cap, right in the place where the

electrodes will be installed and all the way around to about the half full level. By using your

finger, you will have to apply a very thin, but unbroken, coat of epoxy completely around the

bottom edge of the electrode, the outer one.

Try and form a band extending about ¼” high from the bottom edge in order to coat both the

inside and outside surfaces of the electrode. You should pay attention in order to install the

outer electrode first. The entire procedure that was presented at the previous stage centres

only the inner electrode within the outer one. Therefore, you should not overlap tape ends if

more tape is added; simply butt the tape ends before continuing to wrap.

The outer electrode should be installed right into the end cap. As it starts to enter the slot,

lower it very slowly so that the cement has sufficient time to flow into the small holes drilled

around the bottom edge without having to trap air bubbles. After it is firmly seated onto the end

cap surface, you will have to remove the tape from the bottom of the end cap.


Next, you should apply a very thin film of petroleum jelly right to the surface of the electrical

tape wrapped around the top of the inner electrode. The entire procedure is to be repeated in

order to install the inner electrode into the end cap. You will have to use the alignment marks

on the tops of the electrodes as an aid in locating the rod hold in the end cap. You should also

place about five pounds of weight on top of the electrodes in order to keep them firmly seated

against an end cap.

Try and fold a towel into several folds and place it on top of the existing electrodes. You can

also use a stack of heavy books placed right on tom because this method works as well. By

using this method, you will distribute the entire weight evenly. By using cotton swabs, you will

have to remove any excess cement oozing from the eight holes around the existing bottoms of

the electrodes. If you find it necessary, you will have to continue to do this until the epoxy

begins to thicken. By using household tissues or disposable rags, you can clean the cement

from the rod ends protruding through the end cap, and from the surrounding surface of the end


Now, pay attention to the following cautions in order to avoid

possible accidents: for instance, you have to allow the cement to

cure for at least 24 hours and the temperature should reach 70


It can be higher too. You have to allow this interval in order to be

able to remove the electrodes weights. If you do not pay attention to

these cautions, you are likely to disturb the entire electrode



If you plan to use lower temperatures, you will have to wait even longer in order not to disturb

the entire installation. You have to be aware the small holes around the bottom edges of the

electrodes help secure the electrodes to the end cap because epoxy fills the holes. So, you will

have to try and install the electrodes slowly into the end cap slot so as not to trap air bubbles

within the holes. You have to pay attention to all these cautions in order for the hybrid system

to work.

You should not waste your time and money thinking that you can do

it by yourself without paying attention to some professional pieces of

advice. The weights are to be removed from the electrode assembly

after the epoxy has cured for at least 24; you will also have to

remove the used tape from the inner electrode. By using #400 grit

sandpaper, you will have to remove epoxy residue from the rod ends protruding right through

the bottom of the threaded end cap.

Now, we should talk about the housing attachments because they are extremely important

when planning to build a conversion kit by yourself. So, you will have to temporarily thread the

electrode assembly onto the generator housing. You must tighten it firmly in order to support

the entire assembly on the inner core of a large roll of tape. You must fabricate some 3 coil

support brackets from 1/8” thick CPVC sheet.

You will have to use the indicated dimensions. Next, use some scrap pieces of 1/8” thick

CPVC sheet as shims between the existing tops of the electrodes. You should also take care

of the brackets. Primer is to be applied and then cement, right to the brackets and the inside

wall of the housing and you should do this at 120 degree intervals. The brackets need to be

attached in order to allow cement to air dry for at least 30 minutes before going further.

The coil mounting brackets are another matter we are going to discuss in the following lines.

You will have to remove the electrode assembly from the housing. But if you are planning an

efficient operation, you have to be aware that the coil must be located approximately ¼” above

the tops of the electrodes. A shim will be placed between the electrodes; each bracket will

have to achieve a correct clearance. You should also exercise proper care in order to avoid

cementing shims to the brackets.


Then, you will have to cut four 1/2” x 6” mounting bracket strips from 1/8” thick CPVC sheet.

You should dress the edges of each strip using sandpaper. You can also use a fine tooth file in

order to do this. Each of the brackets needs to be formed by applying primer, and then cement,

to the mating surfaces of each of two strips. You will also have to join them together. Then,

align the edges of each strip and wipe excess cement from the edges.

The next step will be for you to cut a 1/2” wide ring from the end of the coupling. You will have

to use a band sander and sand the side of the ring in order to form a flat surface approximately

1,1/4” wide. The side of the ring needs to be sanded at another point in order to form a similar

area. Then, cut each of two flat surface sections from the ring by cutting at both ends of each

flat surface. By doing this, you will form the necessary two sections from the ring, each with flat

outside surfaces 1,1/2” by approximately 1,1/4”.

The edges should be dressed by slightly using the sandpaper. The fine tooth file can also be

used. Then, attach a pipe section to each of the two brackets at their midpoints; apply primer

tight to the flat surface of each section and its mating surface on the bracket, and then apply

cement. You will have to make sure that curved surface is squared with the length of the

bracket. Then, make a doubler by cutting a section 1,1/2” wide from the ring.


The edges will have to be dressed by using the sandpaper. The material from a ring cut from

the straight coupling will be used to make part of the generator housing brackets. It can also be

used in order to make a doubler to increase wall thickness of the generator housing where a

hose fitting will be installed.

The bracket arrangements needed for the mounting of the generator are dictated by the

requirements of every system installation. Other arrangements can be easily constructed with

1/8” CPVC sheet. For instance, the brackets ¼” thick are constructed from two layers of 1/8”

thick CPVC sheet.

Then temporarily try and thread the end cap onto the housing by seating it firmly. You will have

to choose a point around the housing mark a spot ¼” up from the edge of the end cap. The

end cap should be removed. Then, apply some primer and then cement in order to cover the

mating surfaces of the doubler and housing. The doubler will have to be attached to the

generator housing with its lower edge at the marked spot. The edge should be aligned parallel

to the housing bottom edge. You will have to allow the cement to breath in order to dry; you

have to do it for at least 8 hours before going further.

There are plenty of important details when it comes to the generator housing. Each one is

likely to be essential for your plan and you have to pay attention to them in order to build the

necessary conversion kit. You should not miss them when building the system because such

mistakes may costs you some extra money and time. For instance, take a closer look to the


following information in order to understand better the importance of having these details fixed

in the proper and correct manner.

You will have to drill a 37/64” hole through the centre of the 1,1/2” x 1,1/2” doubler and housing

wall. You will have to make sure that the hole is kept square with the housing wall. Then, drill a

¼” fastener hole right near the end of each bracket (total of 4 holes) at the required locations.

Next, you should slightly round the corners of each bracket by using sandpaper or a fine tooth

cloth. This step involves another


You will have to make sure that the

threads will be tapped into the right

hole in order to install a barbed hose

fitting to connect to the check valve.

The brackets will have to be

positioned in the right location. They

have to be clamped to the flat surface.

You will have to check that the whole

housing seats evenly into the curved

section of each bracket with no gaps

between the housing and curved section.

If you find it necessary, you should loosen the clamps in order to reposition the brackets. All

these are to be made in order for the hybrid system to work according to your initial plan. No

details are to be left aside and you will have to take proper care of each of them.

Then apply primer, and then cement, right to the mating surfaces of the brackets and housing.

Next, you will have to attach the housing to the brackets. Place the supporting blocks right on

each side of the housing in order to keep it from rotating or even shifting during assembly. You

will have to wait at least 8 hours before loosening all the clamps and moving the entire housing


You should also pay attention to the following warning: the check valve hose will be attached

to the barbed fitting that has to be installed later into the drilled hole. Therefore, you will have

to determine the exact direction in which you’d rather have the fitting to point in relation to the


mounting brackets. Professionals recommend having the fitting point directly left or directly

right to minimize generator space requirements.

Next, we will talk about the unthreaded end cap. Here is the list of

materials you are going to need in order to take care of this

essential component:

• Thread taps, 1/8” NPTF and 3/8” NPTF

• Two 1/8” NPT x 1/8” Barbed Hose Fittings Two 3/8” NPT

Stainless Steel Inline Check Valves (One 3/8” NPT pressure relief valve.

• One 3/8” NPT Internal Seat Drain Cock (Fastener Hut Part

#: 230A).

• Five 3/8” PTF x 3/8” Brass Barb Hose

Fittings, Male Pipe Rigid (PTF Short)

• Four 3/8” NPTF x 3/8” Brass Barb Hose

Fittings, Female Pipe Rigid

• One 35 SS Series Stainless Steel Top Mount Level Switch,

1/8” NPT

• One LS 11 Plastic Side Mount Level Switch, PBT, 5/8”�11


So, you will have to use a metre box in order to provide the system with the necessary square

ness. You can also use a table saw in order to cut a spacer approximately 2” long from 1”

diameter CPVC rod. You will have to use an “R” size drill bit in order to drill a hole right through

the centre of the existing rod and try to make it parallel to its length. Also drill a hold through

the centre of the end cap with the “R” drill. Warning: you should make sure that you are going

to use a short length of CPVC rod inside the end cap; this length will be used as a spacer for

the water level switch.

By using a 1/8,27 tap, tap threads right into one end of the hole drilled in the spacer. You will

have to make sure to keep the whole tap aligned parallel to the sides of the spacer. You

should also try and tap to the correct depth of 12 threads from the end of the tap. Temporarily,

you will have to thread the 35SS water level switch right into the tapped hole and you will have

to seat it firmly. You can start by inserting the switch power leads right from inside the end cap


through the drilled hole. You must measure and even record the appropriate distance from the

inside surface of the end cap.

Then, apply some primer and then cement. You have to apply these materials right to the

untapped end of the spacer and its mating surface inside the end cap. The spacer must be

installed and you will have to be sure that the holes are aligned right in the spacer and end

cap. By using a cotton swab, you will have to remove any excess glue that may have oozed

into the hole. Still, you should pay attention to the following cautions in order not to spoil the

entire system. For instance, you have to:

• Be sure that you are going to use only NPTF taps in

order to prevent possible water and gas leakage. You

must not use NPT taps. Both NPT and NPTF threads

will seal properly in NPTF tapped holes.

• Be sure that you tap to the correct depth by turning the tap until the 12th thread

from the front of the tap fully enters the hole.

• Make sure that the tap is kept aligned parallel to both sides of the spacer.

The slosh shield is another important component of the hybrid system. You will

have to use a meter box in order to assure the necessary square ness. You will

have to cut a cut a 3,1/16” long secti on from 1,1/2” CVPC pipe and then drill four

(4) 1/8” holes right into the sides of the pipe, spaced at 90 degree intervals and ¼”

from the edge. By using a fly cutter, cut seven (7) 1,57/64” disk from 1/8” thick

CPVC sheet.

Then drill a 3/8”diameter hole through the centre of each of the disks in order to apply primer,

and then cement. These materials must cover the mating surfaces of the drilled disk and the

end of the pipe opposite the four holes. Then, you should attach the disk to the pipe and you

will have to be sure to centre the disk on the pipe. All six of the seven disks cut must be used

for the flame arrestor. The flame arrestor can be built by using a meter box or table saw in

order to assure the necessary square ness, and then cut a 3” long section from 1,1/2” CVPC



You have to use the fly cutter in order to cut a 1,1/2” disk from 1/8” thick CPVC sheet. You will

have to check that the disk fits right inside the pipe cut. If it doesn’t fit, you will have to adjust

the cutter as required and cut a total of four disks. The main slosh shield details can be built by

applying primer, and then cement, right to the surface of the two disks and you will have to join

the disks together. Align the disk edges. Wipe excess glue from the edge of all the joined


Then repeat the whole procedure for the each of the two remaining disks. Next, you should

make 2 stacks of 3 disks each from the six disks cut in the previous step of this procedure. The

disks should be allowed to air dry for at least an hour and then drill a 37/64” hole right through

the centre of each of the two stacked disks. Then, drill a total of thirteen (13) 1/8” holes through

each of the two 1,1/2” disks at the required locations.

What about the flame arrestor details? You should apply primer right to the edge of one of the

1,1/2” disks and about 3/8” into either rend of the 3” pipe bore. The cement is to be applied to

the primed surfaces and slide the disk ¼” into the pipe bore, thus creating a 1/8” gap between

the existing disk and the pipe end. You will have to form a small fillet of cement right around

the outer junction of the system’s disk and pipe bore.


Stand the pipe on end for almost 10 minutes, until the cement is totally dried in order to

prevent plugging the holes with cement. If a hole is plugged, you will have to use a short length

of stainless steel rod in order to open it back up. You must be patient and allow the cement to

air dry for about an hour before going further. You will have to pack the inside structure of the

flash arrestor with some coarse stainless steel wool.

The entire procedure is to be repeated in order to install the remaining 1,1/2” disk. The

stainless steel wool is likely to be available at the local stores but you can purchase it online

too. The only thing that you will have to do is to find a reliable online provider that can offer you

some quality deals without wasting your financial resources. You have to be aware that

building this amazing system will require a lot of patience and you should not rush into buying

the first items you lay your eyes on. On the contrary, you should take your time and make a

wise decision that will increase the car mileage in a matter of days.

Afterwards, you should drill two 37/64” holes right through the top of the unthreaded end cap.

Each hole should be located 1,3/4” from the centre hole in the cap. You will have to make sure

that the drill bit is kept squared with the curved outer surface of the end cap. By using a “R”

size bit, you will have to drill a hole right through the top of the end cap 1,3/4” from the centre

hole in the cap. Then, tap 3/8,18 threads into 37/64” holes at the following locations(these

locations are mandatory in order for the hybrid system to work according to the initial plan)

• Two holes on top of unthreaded end cap.

• One hole on bottom of threaded end cap.


Then, you should pay attention to the following warning: you have to be sure to keep all the

taps aligned squarely with the existing surface right around the holes. You will have to tap to

the correct depth of 12 threads from the end of each tap. And this measure is mandatory too in

order not to spoil the functioning pattern.

Still, you will have to be sure that the two stacks of three disks joined in the preceding step

have air dried for at least 24 hours. This period of time is necessary in order for the system to

be come strong enough. When trying to drill holes in the following procedure, you will have to

be sure to keep the drill bits squared with the curved outer surface of the unthreaded end cap.

This will place the axis of each of the three holes at the required angle to the axis of the centre



You will have to make sure you are using only NPTF taps in order to prevent possible water

and gas leakage. You must not use NPT taps and both NPT and NPTF threads must be

sealed properly in NPTF tapped holes. The next step will be to make sure that you have

tapped to the correct depth by turning the tap until the 12th thread from the front of the tap fully

enters the hole.

You will have to be patient enough in order to make sure that the tap is aligned squarely with

the surface around the drilled hole. You must drill just one hole in doubler on housing wall and

one hole in each of two flame arrestor end caps. Then, try and tap 1/8,27 threads into the “R”

size hole closest to the edge on top of the unthreaded end cap. This is the appropriate

procedure in order to build the necessary components.

By using a 3/8,18 tap, you must try and tap threads right into the 37/64” hole in each of the two

stacks of three disks joined before. Then apply primer and then cement in order to cover the

mating surfaces of one of the stacks of disks and the 3” flame arrestor pipe. Next, you should

attach the disks to the pipe and you should make sure that the tapped end of the hole faces

outward. The entire procedure is to be repeated for the remaining stack of disks.

Afterwards, we should move to the water test; the switch test can provide you with more

information about the way you have managed to build the hybrid system. By paying attention

to the results provided by the test, you will be able to understand whether you have made any

mistakes or not. This test is to be regarded as a sort of

professional help that was designed in order to find out

whether the system was build in the proper manner.

This test should be used in the proper manner and you

can use it on a constant basis in order to control and

even maintain the basic functions of the hybrid system.

Its features are designed in order to provide you with a

genuine insight when it comes to dealing with such

revolutionary conversion kits. You have to understand

the basic elements and functions of this system in order

to learn how to take proper care of it and how to use it

in order to increase the car mileage in no time and

without wasting a fortune in order to do this.


So, let’s take a better look at this test; you will have to connect the ohmmeter leads to the

switch power leads. Then, suspend the switch from its power leads and verify that the

ohmmeter indicates closed switch contacts. You should also slowly slide the switch float

upward and verify if its contacts are open at approximately the midpoint of float travel. If the

contacts may be opened properly, you may go further.

If the contacts do not open properly, you will have to consider that the switch is defective and

must be replaced. By using a marking pen, you will mark a small dot right on top of the switch

float. The switch will probably come along with a NO (normally open) contact configuration. By

inverting the float, you will change it to the required NC configuration. The water level switch is

likely to contain very high quality magnetic reed contacts. This switch will also reliably operate

through millions of cycles when they are connected to a properly designed electronic circuit.

So, the water level switch will be usually supplied with NC (normally closed) contact

configuration. Still, you should never attempt to control the power of any electrical device

directly through the installed water level switch. Doing so is likely to come along with unwanted

consequences. Even the switch can be destroyed. It is also important for you to verify the

correct operation of the water level switch before installing the necessary slosh shield.

You will have to carefully remove the float retaining clip at the bottom of the centre tube. So,

you will have to remove the float, invert it and reinstall it later. Reinstall the retaining clip and

please verify that the dot on the float is now at the bottom. You must repeat the procedure in

order to achieve the wanted results. By using a countersink tool, or even a large drill bit, you

may form a small bevel in the outer end of the centre hole of the unthreaded end cap through

which the switch leads will pass.

Next, you will have to apply a light coating of pipe joint compound and you will have to apply

this compound to the threads of the switch and mounting spacer by paying attention to

directions that can be found on the product label. You will have to insert the switch power

leads through the existing spacer hole. Then thread the switch into place by seating it firmly.

You will obtain a transparent container (such as a large with an outside diameter of almost

2,1/2” to 3,3/4” and inside depth of at least 3,1/2”. You have to make sure that these are the

final dimensions because their features are mandatory if you want your system to work in the

proper manner.


You will have to place the unthreaded end cap right on top of the container with its switch

inside. You will have to make sure that the bottom surface of the end cap is seating evenly on

the top of the container. Then, try and position the end cap; at least one of the large tapped

holes projects inside the container and the switch float should be at least ¼” away from the

container wall. You may also use the following steps in order to verify the accuracy of the



You may also verify if the switch operation was performed according to the requirements. Still,

you will have to make sure that you are not going to apply excessive torque to the water level

switch threads while trying to install the switch right into its mounting spacer. Excessive torque

is likely damage the spacer threads, causing water and/or gas leakage. You may even expect

system failure. As an added precaution when it comes to possible water and/or gas leakage,

the professionals recommend using pipe joint compound on all threaded housing components.

Therefore, you should pay attention to this piece of advice in order to make sure everything is

going to work according to the initial plan. Next, you should connect the ohmmeter leads in

order to reach the switch leads. Then check that the switch contacts are closed because you

have to make sure that the entire system is isolated. Pour water right through the large tapped

hole until the switch contacts will open and remain so. If the contacts close again, you should

add a slight amount of water.

Be patient and wait several seconds before checking again. You have to keep repeating the

entire process until the switch remains open. You should control whether the water level is at

least 2” from the top edge of the jar or not. If the water level is less than 2” from the top, you

should become aware that the switch is defective and you must replace it. Then, you will have

to remove the end cap assembly from the jar.

Dry as necessary by using a soft clean cloth. Next, you should apply some primer, and then

cement in order to cover all the mating surfaces of the slosh shield and end cap. You must

attach the slosh shield by centring it on the switch float. You will have to measure the water

level with the switch float in water.

Next is the toroid coil. You will need the following materials in

order to build an efficient coil:

• one Ferrite Toroid Coil Core, 3.50 OD x 2.00 ID x .500


• copper Magnet Wire, Teflon coate4d, Heavy Build, 23

AWG, 550 Ft

• teflon Etching Solution (“FluoroEtch”)

• one Package Heat Shrink Tubing, Assorted Sizes


You will have to pay attention to the following directions in order to learn the proper way of

installing these materials. This coil is extremely important and its proper functioning will

guarantee the success of the entire hybrid system. You will not

need to spend a fortune in order to buy all the necessary materials;

they are already available at the local stores and they come at

reasonable prices as well.

So, after the coil is completed, you should coat it with a few thin

layers of CPVC cement. This is the best way for you to

make sure that you will end up with something that will last

forever. The car mileage will be improved in a dramatic

manner because this system is practically bombproof.

The coil is also easy to attach right inside the housing with

CPVC cement. But, getting anything to stick to Teflon will

take special chemical etching. This substance is

commercially done by etching with some pretty nasty stuff. Several companies are likely to

be specialized in this process, but you don’t want to know the real cost of this material.

Therefore, you should go for a personal method right in the comfort of your home.

We recommend you a very safe and easy etching process that can be done from the comfort

of your own home. It will give great results. You can use a product called FluoroEtch. Next, you

will have to simply warm this FluoroEtch to about 130 degrees and slosh the coil around in it

for about 2 minutes. Then slosh in isopropyl or even methyl alcohol for a minute and then wash

in warm soapy water. You should also rinse with warm water and let the substance to air dry.

You can trust what specialists are saying about this product because nothing is going to beat

its effectiveness when it comes to the hybrid systems. After doing that, you may rest assured

that just about anything will stick to your Teflon coated coil wire. Still, you will have to pay

attention to some aspects: for instance,

The water hybrid coil is hand wound around a ferrite toroid core with insulated, high

temperature copper wire. Therefore, you will need close attention to all the details and

craftsmanship because they are essential when planning to build an efficient and reliable coil.

There are millions of different coil configurations and you will have to choose the right on for


you. Actually, this is the perfect opportunity for you in order to experiment since the coil design

is as much art as it is science.

You should be forewarned that winding any coil, especially the toroid coil, is likely to be a

tedious affair. Actually, the coil is created from 2,000 turns of insulated copper wire that are

wrapped around the circular magnetically sensitive core. Therefore, you will have to drag each

wire wrap through the toriod core. Teflon insulated copper magnet wire is the best alternative

and the only way to go. It can handle heat extremes very well.

It will not come at a reasonable price but the investment is worth your money especially

because it will be paid off in no time. It is highly recommended for you to cut the magnet wire

into four (4) 100’ lengths and one (1) 150’ length. If you don’t act according to these

requirements, you will have to drag almost 550’ of wire through the core 2,000 times.


By using some math you will realize that this process works out to just over 104 miles of wire

dragging and you are very likely to want to stay away from this condition that will overwhelm

your physical state in no time. By working with 100’ and 150’ lengths, you will have to make

four solder splices to the wire.

Still, you will have to cut your wire by dragging down to less than 22 miles. You may also go

with eleven (11) 50’ lengths by cutting it to 9.1/2 miles and 10 solder splices. Or, if you are

keen on experimenting, you can also try the extremes namely you can work with 550 one foot

lengths cuts it to less than ¼ mile (1,001 feet). But you have to be aware that 549 solder

splices will be waiting for you. You must not try to short cut all these things because this is not

likely to work especially if you are interested in providing your car with an amazing system.

For instance, you should not short cut the problem by wrapping the entire wire around the core

several times and by pulling the rest of the wire on through. This is not a wise solution and you

are not likely to increase the car mileage by taking shortcuts when it comes to the quality of the

hybrid system. You have to be aware that the continual bending and strong straightening is

likely to destroy the wire before you manage to reach its end.


You can also try a modified version of this method because this altered version can work

works; still, you will have to spend more time and efforts. You will also need a fair amount of

experience and skills in order to perform well according to this shorter version. So, you should

try forming a 3.5” OD x 2” ID x .50” toroid coil from 23 AWG wire and this will require about 250

turns of wire per wrapped layer.

Since the coil will be building in size as it’s wrapped, each wrap will use an average of about 3”

of wire. So, each 100’ wire is likely to provide about 400 wraps, or slightly over 1,1/2 layers.

Therefore, you should expect to four (4) 100 foot lengths and one (1) 150 foot length and all

these will build an 8 layer coil of at least 2,000 turns. You will also have to slip a 1” length of

small heat shrink tubing about 4” onto the magnet wire. Apply heat to shrink it in place.

If you are right handed, you are very likely to choose to wrap the coil in the clockwise direction

by holding the core with your left hand. In that case, you should lay the shrink tubing on top of

the core, angled off to the left at about 30 degrees from straight out. You can start by wrapping

the first wire over the tubing at about its midpoint. This is going to be the start of layer #1 for

the structure’s inner core. You will have to make sure that you keep the wire wraps tights

against each other on the inside edge of the core.

Overlapping is to be avoided and you will have to keep tension on the wire, with the wire

always pointing straight out from the core. Precise wire positioning is likely to have little to no

effect when it comes to the overall coil performance. But, the first wrap will dictate all the wire

positions of each subsequent wrap because each wire will fall into a depression that will be

formed between the two wires of the preceding wrap.

In short, you will have to pay attention to all the details in order to provide your car with a

successful system. For instance, if you do a sloppy job when it comes to the first layer, you are

likely to end up with a sloppy coil. Therefore, you should train your patience in order to perform

better. This is the perfect opportunity for you to practice your professional skills and you can

improve them by paying attention to some professional pieces of advice. Therefore, juts take

your time in order to do the job right because no one is rushing you into anything.

You have to realize that your performance will influence the way your water powered car will

perform when on the road. Therefore, you should continue wrapping until you have completed

the first full turn. Then, you should tightly wrap a strip of electrical tape around the wire and the


coil entry wire at the end of the first layer. You will also have to check the position of every wire

on the outside edge of the core in order to control your performance.


If the wires are wrapped perfectly, you can expect to a 019” gap between any two wires. Still,

you can position every wire close enough. You can do this by using a short piece of coil wire

as a feeler gauge. If this tool touches the core surface between any two wires, you have to

understand that the gap is too wide.

So, one of the wires is likely to be out of position. By using your fingernails (nails are not likely

to damage the wires) slightly shift the wires in order to close the existing gap enough to keep

the tool from contacting the core surface.

Any gap is to be avoided because it can damage the functioning pattern of the entire system. A

gap that is too wide will indicate an adjacent gap and you have to get rid of this adjacent gap.

After going around the coil a few times, you will visualize and even detect the wires that are out

of position.


Still, you will have to save the 150’ wire for the last layers just in case you will some need extra

wire in order to complete the 8th layer without having to splice near the coil entry wire. Any

time you interrupt the process of wrapping, you must make sure that you tightly wrap a strip of

plastic electrical tape completely around the coil in order to secure the last wrap.

You have to acknowledge that Teflon is to be regarded as an extremely slippery stuff. So, you

are not likely to want to come back and find that all your coil wraps are loose. This is what will

happen unless you use some tape. The first complete wrapping of the entire coil diameter will

form the layer #1 for the inner core. This is to be regarded as the only critical layer since every

subsequent layer will automatically find its position by nesting between the wires of every

previous wrap.

There are some essential details when it comes to the toroid coil. Mix about a ½�ounce batch

of cement. You will have to use a small brush in order to do this. You will also have to carefully

apply a thin layer of cement right around the outer edge of the toroid coil. The cement is to be

applied with a motion parallel to the already wrapped wires in order to prevent wire movement.

You have to make sure that the epoxy contacts the coiled surface between the existing wires.

You will have to suspend the coil from all its wires.

The epoxy must be allowed to cure for at least 8 hours before going further. Then, start

wrapping the coil layer number two by exercising care to position each wire into the gap

formed between the wires of previous layer on the inner and outer edges of the coil. Count and

record the accurate number of turns that are necessary in order to build the core.


You should continue with the wrapping until you reach about one foot of the wire end. You will

also have to the wire by tightly wrapping electrical tape right around the wire and the generator

coil. During the process of wrapping, you should make sure you are counting the exact number

of turns. You must also record this number in order to assure the proper functioning of the coil.

Then, temporarily wrap all the wires for two more turns. Next, you should cut it about ½” short

of its outer edge. You must splice to the next wire length so you will have unwrap the wire by

using a sharp knife in order to scrape the Teflon coating from about ½” of each wire end. You

should always keep the knife blade perpendicular to all the wires in order to prevent

irreversible damage. Then slide a ½” length of heat shrink tubing over the end of the next

length of coil wire. You will have to make sure that the tubing will large enough in order to fit

over the wire splice.

You should try and twist the wire ends together for 8 turns in order to form a splice. This splice

needs to be cut to a length of about ¼” and bend back toward the coil until the splice lays flush

against the coil wire. The, solder the splice and slide the shrink tubing until it is centred right

over the splice. Heat is to be applied in order to shrink the tubing. You will have to wait for two

minutes in order for the tubing and splice to cool.


You can go further as soon as these components are cool. You may continue by removing the

electrical tape that is located on the coil and by wrapping until the second layer is completed.

The total number is to be recorded and you will have to count the coil turns in order to find out

more about the turns that are necessary in order to complete the second layer of the coil.

By referring to the already recorded number of coil that turned out to be needed to complete

the second layer, you will have to determine the exact number of coil layers required to

complete the coil with a total number of 1,800 to 2,100 turns.

Just be sure that the last layer will be ended somewhere near the beginning of the first layer.

And professionals are keen on paying attention to another essential detail, namely that you

must not finish the wrapping with a partial last layer because this condition is likely to damage

the entire coil by spoiling its functioning pattern. You should not worry about the final number

of coils because this number is not essential. Still, you have to pay attention because almost

every type of coil requires a total of eight wire layers.

The coil thickness will taper down between the inner and outer edges. In order to minimize

inner coil thickness, you should position wire splices right on the top or bottom of the coil,

somewhere between its edges. The entire procedure should be repeated until the coil will be

completed. You will have to make sure that the last turn ends within two turns of the coil entry

wire. Then, you should cut the last wire to a length of about 12”.


Temporarily slide a 5” length of heat shrink by tubing over the ends of the coil wires. The draw

the tubing up against the coil edge and bend all the coil leads back toward the coil. Wrap each

coil wire 4 to 5 turns around the tubing and then twist the wires together for at least 5 or 6

turns. By using FluoroEtch, while trying to suspend the coil by the heat shrink tubing, you

should etch the surfaces of the Teflon coated coil wires. Next, you should follow the directions

printed on the product label. If necessary, you may also refer to the general description that

may be found in the online guidelines available all over the internet.

Still, you will have to make sure you always handle the coil in the proper manner, by

suspending it right from the tubing during each phase and you have to do this from etching

through final warm water rinse. You should use clean paper towels in order to absorb the water

drips from the bottom of the coil until the dripping will cease. Allow the coil to air dry for at

least 5 hours before going further. By using a soft bristle brush, you may coat the entire

surface of the coil with a thin layer of CPVC cement. This layer has to be even too in order for

the entire procedure to succeed.

You can use some cotton swabs in order to wipe away all the excess cement that may have

dripped from the bottom of the coil and you will have to do this until the dripping ceases for

good. Allow the cement to air dry for at least two hours and then try to apply a second thin


layer of CPVC cement by using the same method as before. You will also have to pay

attention to some cautions in order to avoid future accidents. For instance, you should exercise

extreme care in order to prevent damaging all the coil wires during the following and previous


You have to do this in order to assure the quality of the conversion kit you are building. You will

also have to assure proper bonding of CPVC cement to the coil after the etching process and

you have to be careful in order not to handle the coil with your bare hands. If this coil needs be

handled, you should wear clean cotton gloves. You should stay away from shrinking the heat

tubing because this tubing is going to be used only temporarily in order to secure the coil


The entire procedure must be repeated until a total of 5 or 6 layers of CPVC cement have

been already applied to the coil. You should also allow at least one hour drying time between

each layer. Even the final layer has to be allowed to air dry for at least 8 hours before going


Then, you should unwrap the coil wires from the heat shrink tubing. Next, try and remove the

tubing from the wires and cut a 1” length of heat shrink tubing large enough in order to slip

over the coil wires and the shrink tubing of the coil entry wire.

You should draw the tubing tightly up against the coil outer edge. Then, try and apply heat to

shrink the tubing. By using a soft bristle brush, you should apply a thin bead of CPVC cement

about ¼” wide around the coil end of the tubing and surface of the outer coil edge. The cement

has to be allowed to air dry for about an hour. Afterwards, apply a second bead of cement over

the first bead. Te next

move will suspend the

coil from one end of its

wires by allowing it to air

dry for at least 24 hours

before going further.

Then, you should cut the

coil wires to a length of

3” from the coil and you

will have to do this with


caution in order not to spoil the functioning patterns. You will have to exercise in order not to

handle the coil exit in the wrong manner. You will have to pull this exit away from the coil while

removing the heat shrink tubing. The toroid coil installation will need the following materials

and steps in order for you to build a successful device: you will have to start by using a #41

drill bit and drilling two holes right in the housing wall at the chosen locations. Then, you will

have to cut two (2) 4” lengths of 3/32” bare stainless steel welding rod.

Try and create a 90 degree bend in one end of each rod in order to form a leg approximately

1,1/2” long. Cut the other leg to a length of ¾”. By using a file, you

should square off the ends of each rod and debar all the edges. Try

and use a sharp knife in order to scrape the Teflon coating from

about ½” of each coil wire end. But you should make sure that you

always keep the knife blade perpendicular to the wire in order to

prevent any possible damage. Then wrap each coil wire end around

the top of a 1�1/2” rod leg for at least 4 or 5 turns.

By using the silver bearing electrical solder, you should solder each wire to its rod leg then trim

away any excess wire. By doing this, you will form a wire strain relief at the leg bottom by

wrapping heavy thread at least 2 or 3 turns around the leg and wire. The next step will be for

you to secure the thread with a knot placed on the outside of the rod bend. Specialists

recommend that you should locate the coil electrical connections right on the side of the

housing and directly opposite to the water pump inlet port.

This location is the best alternative because it minimizes possible coil wire connector fatigue

that can occur due to the effects of water turbulence at high pump pressure. The toroid coil

installation can go on by using a bristle brush together with warm soapy water. You should

clean the soldered areas of the rod and wire. Then rinse with warm water in order to allow the

thread to air dry for at least an hour before going further.

Then, you should coat the entire length of the long rod leg with the necessary thin even layer

of CPVC cement. Then allow the cement to dry for about 15 minutes. Apply a second thin coat

of CPVC cement and then allow the cement to air dry for about 15 minutes before going

further. Then, try to temporarily install the build coil on top of all its three support brackets

within the housing.


Position the coil in the appropriate

location; you have to do this by using

wires and rods pointing toward all the

holes that have been drilled in the

previous procedure. Then, temporarily

attach all the three small strips of

electrical tape right on top of the coil to

mark the location of each support

bracket. You can start the process by

removing the coil from its housing. Then

apply primer right to the bottom of the

coil at all the three marked locations.

You should not forget about the top

surface of all three support brackets


Coat the top of each support bracket

with a heavy layer of CPVC cement.

Install the coil onto the support

brackets, positioning it with the wires

and rods pointing toward the two #41 drilled holes. If you find it necessary, you can try and

shift the coil in order to centre its own outside edges within the generator housing. You will

have to allow the cemented rods and wires to air dry at least an hour before going further.

You will have to remove the three tape strips from the top of the coil; by using a countersink

tool or even a larger drill bit, you will have to debar the inside ends of the #41 holes. The insert

the rod ends into the holes and control that the inside bend radius clears the entire edge of

every hole. If not, you will have to countersink it deeper until the desired clearance will be

obtained. By using #400 grit or even a finer sandpaper, you should polish the surface of the

entire unsoldered leg of each rod.

Next, mix a small quantity of epoxy in order to apply a thin coat of it to the unsoldered leg of

every rod. By using a toothpick, or any sort of precise tool, you will have to apply a very thin

coat of epoxy to the inside of each #41 hole. Then, you should apply a heavy layer of CPVC

cement to the soldered leg of one of the rods.


You should continue by fully inserting the rod right into the #41 hold with the soldered leg

pointing directly upward. You will have to hold the rod in place for about 5 minutes until the

cement will be dried sufficiently to hold it in place.

While waiting for the epoxy to partially dry, you will have to

clean epoxy from the rod end by using a soft clean cloth and

a special solvent such as MEK or acetone. This procedure is

to be repeated for the remaining rod. You will have to allow

the epoxy to cure for almost 8 hours before going further. You

should not miss one of these stages because you are likely to

fail when trying to build the hybrid system. You will have to arrange the coil wires in order for

them to contact the entire housing wall as much as possible.

Then, lay the housing on its side; apply a thicker layer of CPVC cement over all the wires and

soldered leg of each rod. You will have to extend the cement layer right around the hole where

each rod will enter the housing wall. You have to pay attention to a particular aspect, namely

that there are several layers of CPVC cement; these layers are used in order to secure the

entire coil to its housing brackets, rods and even wires and to seal all the rods against possible

water or even gas leakage that can occur during the process.

The leakage can appear thanks to the existing holes in the housing. The two #41 holes that

can be found in the inside housing wall must be countersunk in order to reach a sufficient

depth. This depth is highly needed in order to clear the radius of the inside bend of each rod by

allowing the soldered leg of each rod to lay flush against the housing wall with the soldered leg

pointing upward thus forming a ½” diameter puddle around each hole.

You will have to allow the cement to air dry for at least 20 minutes before going further. Then,

you will have to stand the housing on end. By using the

soft bristle brush, you will have to apply a thick layer of

CPVC cement over and even around the coil surface

above. You will have to make sure that the layer extends

the width of every bracket.

You will have to allow the cement to air dry for at least 20

minutes before further. Patience is required in order to


follow all these steps but you have to be aware that all these stages area mandatory especially

if you are planning to provide your car with an amazing hybrid system that can transform your

car into a water powered one. The procedure will have to be repeated and you will have to pay

attention to each of the previous steps in order to perform according to your initial plan and

without making expensive mistakes.

These procedures are to be repeated in order to achieve the desired results; the main

consequence of these repetitions is that your system will be provided with the desired thick

layer of epoxy. You will have to allow the cement to air dry for a period of time and you have to

allow at least an hour between two successive layers. After the cement has been air dried for

at least 24 hours, you may use #400 grit or finer sandpaper in order to remove the cement

residue from the rod ends.

The unthreaded end cap installation will have to be built by paring attention to some helpful

instructions. For instance, you will have to check that all the mating surfaces of the end cap

and top of the housing are clean and free of debris. These areas must be clean in order for the

procedure to work according to the initial plan. You will have to clean the mating surfaces if

necessary by using a soft clean cloth and a mild solvent such as isopropyl alcohol. After you

have managed to determine the desired position of the end cap, you will have to apply primer

right to the mating surfaces of the end cap and top of the generator housing.


You will have to apply a thin layer of CPVC cement right to the primed areas. Slide the parts

together by seating them firmly. Therefore, you will need to stand the housing on end in order

to prevent the possibility of excess cement running into the threaded holes that can be found in

the end cap by allowing it to remain in this position for at least an hour while the cement is air

drying. You have to be cautious enough because the generator efficiency and function may be

altered by several conditions. You have to make sure that the functioning pattern is not

affected by the rotational position of all the unthreaded end caps.

And finally, we are going to talk about the final assembly of the generator. Therefore, you will

need to

cut the two rod ends that are protruding through the bottom of the threaded end cap to a length

of ½”.By using a file, you will have to square the end of each rod and debar all the edges.

Then, you may apply a light coating of pipe joint compound to all threaded holes in the

Generator housing and end caps according to the printed directions on the product label.

The next step will be for you to apply a light coating of pipe joint compound to the threads of

the drain cock. Thread the drain cock into the 37/64” threaded hole in the bottom of the

threaded end cap by seating it firmly. The entire procedure has to be repeated in order to

install the following remaining components:

• one 3/8” Barbed Hose Fitting into 37/64” hole in housing doubler.

• one 3/8” Barbed Hose Fitting into 37/64” hole on top of housing.

• one 1/8” Barbed Hose Fitting into “R” size hole on top of housing.

• one Pressure Relief Valve into 37/64” hole on top of housing.

By using toothpick or other similar and precise tool, you should force a small quantity of

Silicone Sealant right into the hole in the end cap through which the water level switch

leads pass. You will form a small and smooth fillet of sealant around the leads and end

of the hole. The sealant needs to be allowed to cure for at least 24 hours before going

further. You will have to visually inspect all the surfaces and components of the housing

and end cap in order to verify their integrity.


Every possible and evident defect must be repaired in order not to affect the normal

functioning pattern of the system. You will also have

to prevent possible damage to all the threaded holes

in CPVC material and you must prevent yourself from

applying excessive torque to the main components

while installing them. Thread damage can cause

water or gas leakage, and this may end up in a

complete system failure.

You should also take into account another precaution in order to prevent further damage. The

specialists are recommending the constant use of the pipe joint compound on all the threaded

generator housing components. You will have to thoroughly flush the whole interior of the

generator housing with warm tap water. You will have to stand the housing on end in order to

allow excess water to drain for at least 30 minutes. By using a soft clean cloth, you will have to

dry the housing exterior and threads of the housing and end cap. Then, apply a light coating of

pipe joint compound to the housing and end cap threads and thread the end cap onto the

housing. The following indash will require some special materials such as:

• one Cylinder Head Temperature (CHT) Gauge Kit, 2,1/16” Diameter, (includes

spark plug

mounted thermocouple sensor)

• one Gauge Custom Console

• one Pressure Gauge, 21/16” Diameter

• two Bulb and Socket Sets, 2 Watt

• four LED Indicators:

o Two Green

o One Yellow

o One Red and blinking

• three 55’ Spools 18 Gauge Insulated, Stranded Hook up Wire

• one 9 Position Male Interlocking Connector

• one 9 Position Female Interlocking Connector

• two Packages Crimp On Snap Connectors (Each: 5 male, 5



• one Package Assorted Ring Terminals

• one Package Assorted Grommets

• one 10’ length 1/8” Silicone Braid Reinforced Tubing

• twenty (20) Small Stainless Steel Worm Thread Hose Clamps

• one Package Small Nylon Tie Wraps

All these materials can be found at the local stores and you ill not have to spend a fortune

in order to buy them. Still, you will have to choose quality materials in order to build the

perfect system. If you are more comfortable with the online stores, you should browse the

internet because you can come across a wide range of possibilities.

The current market can offer you reasonable deals because this is the latest trend when it

comes to having a cost effective car. People are interested in the alternative fuels and the

way they can improve the car mileage in no time.

If you are worried about the initial investment, you should relax

because this investment will be paid off in no time. The only

thing you should consider is the amount of money you are going

to save in the next future without wasting your time and efforts.

The system can be easily built in the comfort of your own home

and you will not need professional help. You can do everything

by yourself and this is the main reason why people are tempted

to read such guidelines.

They are fully aware of the valuable information provided by such guidelines. A guideline

such as ours is likely to convince you about the efficiency of the water powered system.

You will be provided with helpful information and you will not have to be a rocket scientist in


order to understand what all is about. The main thing you should keep in mind is that this

revolutionary gadget is going to improve your future driving experience. You will be pleased

to see that you can save extra money.

You will be able to deal with the huge price of the

conventional fuel and you will not have to worry about

the costs anymore. On the contrary, you can relay

and let the hybrid system do the work for you. But

first, you will have to understand its functioning

pattern in order to learn how to build it. And this is the

main reason why we are here for you.

Just pay attention to the following lines. So, you will have to temporarily mount the CHT

and try to pressure gauges in the console by yourself. You will have to determine the best

locations for the 4 LEDs and then place reference marks at those locations on the outside

part of the console. Next, you should drill a 7/32” hole at each location. If you want to

assure proper adhesion of the silicone sealant to the console interior surface, you will have

to roughen the surface immediately around the surface of the drilled holes with sandpaper.

Then temporarily disconnect the CHT gauge thermocouple lead; mount the gauge that can

be found in the console. Then apply a light coating of pipe joint compound to the 1/8�27

threads of the pressure gauge and 1/8,27 barbed hose fitting. Thread the fitting into the

gauge and then tighten it in a firm manner.

Afterwards, you should try and slip the 1/8” silicone tubing fully onto the barbed fitting and

secure it with two small stainless steel hose clamps. By firmly tightening the hose clamps

and mounting the pressure gauge in the console, you will make sure that everything goes

according to the initial plan.

You will also have to identify the necessary

anode (+) lead of each LED and then cut to a

length of 1”. Cut four foot lengths of 18 gauge

hook up wire and then strip ½” of insulation

from the end of each wire. You will have to

wrap the stripped end of each wire end around

each anode lead and solder. You will also have


to slide a 1,1/2” length of heat shrink tubing over each wire and flush against the LED and

shrink the tubing. You will also have to identify the console location for each LED.

By using masking tape or various means of labelling, you will have to attach an identifying

label to each anode wire. Let us recommend you the most attractive and easiest method in

order to mount the necessary gauges and LEDs.

You will need a prefabricated console attached right to the top of the dash panel. Other

alternatives may work just as well but the specialists are recommending the custom console, a

console that is moulded from ABS plastic. This console is both attractive and


You will have to cut two lengths of hook up wire in order to use them as jumper

wires between the existing bulbs and sockets for the gauges. You will have to

strip ½” of insulation from the ends of each wire and solder a wire to one socket

centre connector. Then try and slide a 1” length of the entire heat shrink tubing

onto the wire and as far as possible right onto the socket base. Next, you will

have to shrink the tubing. Cut a 3 foot length of hook up wire and you may continue by

stripping ½” of insulation from one end.

You will have to twist all the ends of the soldered jumper wire and the 3 foot wire together in

order to build the necessary system. Next, you will have to slide a 1” length of heat shrink

tubing onto the wires and continue by soldering the wires right to

the other socket centre connector.

You will have to slide the tubing as far as possible onto the socket

base and then shrink the entire tubing. Label the wire “Positive” (+)

in order to start building the necessary system. You have to

register all these pieces of information because the record is going

to be extremely useful when trying to control and monitor the way

the hybrid system works.

You should continue by cutting a 6” length of hook up wire. The entire procedure will have to

be repeated in order to connect the 6” wire and jumper wire right between the two socket base

connectors. You will have to strip ½” of insulation from the end of the 6” wire. Then, you should

pass to the next level by cutting the cathode lead of the green LED to 1,1/2” long. Then cut the


cathode lead of the yellow LED to 1” long. Cut an appropriate length of hook up wire in order to

serve as the necessary jumper wire between the cathodes of both LEDs. Therefore, you

should continue by stripping ½” of insulation from each end of the entire wire.

Then, solder the jumper wire to the yellow LED cathode and slide a 1,1/2” length of heat shrink

tubing over the entire wire and flush it against the LED. Then try to shrink the tubing. The

stripped ends should be twisted by sliding a 1” length of tubing over the two wires. Then solder

them right to the green LED cathode. Slide the tubing flush against the LED and then shrink

the tubing. Cut a 3 foot length of hook up wire and continue by stripping ½” of the insulation

from one end.

Then solder the wire right to the green LED cathode. Slide a 1,1/2” length of heat shrink tubing

over the wire and you should go as far as possible onto the LED lead and shrink its tubing.

You should also label and record the wire as Ground The next step will consist in cutting the

cathode leads of the two remaining LEDs to 1” long. You have to cut two 3 foot lengths of hook

up wire and then strip ½” of insulation from the end of each wire.

Then solder the remaining wires to the LED cathodes. Continue by sliding a 1,1/2” length of

heat shrink tubing over each wire and then flush against the LED and shrink the existing

tubing. Label and record the green LED wire as PUMP ON CATHODE and the red LED wire


All these operations have to be recorded because they can be used later when trying to slide

each LED into its correct mounting hole on the console. You can start by sliding one LED

about 1/16”back from the interior surface of the console in order to apply a small amount of

silicone sealant right into the gap between the LED flange and the existing console surface.

The next step will be to slide the LED back into its

place and flush it with the console surface. Then

apply a thick bead of sealant right around the LED

flange and about ¼” on the console surface. The

same procedure is to be repeated for all the three

remaining LEDs. You will have to allow the sealant to

cure in the proper manner for at least 24 hours before going on further. You will have to install

the bulbs into the gauges and you will have to do the same with the socket. You will have to

drawn the seven LED wires and bulb socket wire together a short distance from all the LEDs

and you have to secure the entire wire bundle with a tie wrap.


Next, you should continue by tightening the tie wrap; just cut off all its unused straps. Then drill

or grind a hole in order to install a 5/8” ID grommet right through the engine compartment

firewall and you will have to so it at an appropriate location for routing of HyTronics wires,

thermocouple lead, and other pressure gauge tubes.

You will have to debar the entire hole in order to install a 5/8” ID grommet. You may continue

by inserting the thermocouple lead right through the existing grommet from the engine

compartment side and reattach this device to its CHT gauge terminal.

You will have to attach the console in a permanent manner and you will have to choose the

appropriate location. You have to attach the console right to the dash and you must make no

mistakes in order not to spoil the normal functioning pattern. You will also have to secure al the

wires; you should not forget about the thermocouple lead and CHT tube bundle with a tie wrap

that is placed about every 6” along the length of the existing bundle.

In order to prevent the possible collapse of the pressure gauge

tube, you will have to make sure not to over tight the tie wraps.

You should continue by cutting the ends of the eight wires to a

similar length and then strip ¼” of insulation from the end of

each of the wires.

Attach each wire to the separate pin of the 9Position Male

Interlocking connector and you can do this by crimping or soldering. Regardless of the method

you choose to use, you will have to remove a spark plug right from the engine.

You will also have to plug the hole by using a soft clean cloth. You will have to make sure that

good electrical energy is going to contact the thermocouple. Therefore, you will need to polish

the area contacted by the needed spark plug.

You should also consider the following warning in order for things to happen according to the

initial plan: the silicone sealant can be cured by the chemical reaction that comes from the

oxygen and water moisture in the air. The specialists are familiar with this reaction called room

temperature vulcanizing.


Therefore, the sealant cure time can be shortened quite considerably by placing a water

dampened cloth right within the console interior. The console will have to be placed right into a

plastic grocery bag. You have to use this method especially in the dry climates. Then, you will

have to remove the cloth from a spark plug hole and slip the thermocouple ring over the spark

plug threads. The spark plug will have to be reinstalled again. You will also have to tighten the

spark plug in order to reach its normal torque value.

Now, we shall talk about the main materials that are useful when it comes to building the water

tank and the necessary pump that will help the system become efficient. Here is the list of


• one Rectangular Polyethylene Tank, 16 Gallon, 21” x 14” x 14”

• High and Low Temperature Silicone Tubing, 3/8” ID, 20’

• Silicone Braid Reinforced Tubing, 3/8” ID, 20’

• One High Head Pump, 12 vdc, 75 PSI (minimum) (Flojet)

• One Brass Busing, ¾” PTF Male x 3/8” PTF Female

• One Package Crimp On Butt Connectors

All these materials can be found at the local stores and you will have to do your homework

and find a reliable provider that can offer you quality services and products. You will not

have to become a specialist in order to learn how to choose the perfect components.

The only thing that you will have to do is to have this list printed in order to show it to the

provider. He will understand it better than you and you are going to be provided with

everything you need without having to waste your time and efforts. These materials will

also come at reasonable prices and you will have to understand how to assembly them in

order to obtain the wanted conversion kit.

So, you can start by applying a very thin film of pipe joint compound right to the internal

threads of the ¾” x 3/8” bushing and threads of a 3/8” barbed hose fitting. Then, try and thread


the fitting right into the bushing and tighten it in a firm manner. The next step will consist in the

applying of a very thin film of pipe joint compound right to the external threads of the bussing.

Still, you should not forget about the internal threads of the water tank fitting either.

You will have to thread the bushing right into the tank and you have to tighten it in affirm

manner. You have to remember that the water tank capacity is not a critical matter, but this

capacity should be at least 1 gallon. The recommended tank was studied by the specialists;

therefore, you should choose the one that is sturdily

constructed and holds almost 16 gallons. It has to

be furnished with a ¾” FPT outlet fitting.

So, you will have to drill or cut a 5/8” hole right in

the side wall of the water tank at the midpoint of its

length and 4” up from the bottom. You will have to

flush the tank with tap water in order to remove

plastic shavings. Then continue by removing the tank cap and by drilling a 37/64” hole right

through the centre of the cap.

Then thread it with a 3/8�18 tap. You have to consider flushing the cap with tap water in order

to remove all the plastic shavings. Thread a 3/8” barbed hose fitting right into the tapped hole

and you will have to seat it in a firm manner in order to assure the stability of the system. Then

cut a 6” length of high and low temperature silicone tubing.

You will have to slip the tubing right onto the fitting. You will have to secure it with two stainless

steel hose clamps and these clamps should also be tightened in a firm manner. Then strip ¼”

of insulation right from the ends of the water level switch leads.

Continue by connecting the ohmmeter leads in order to reach the switch leads. Pivot the

switch float until flush against the switch body. Please verify that the device indicates just

closed switch contacts. If these contacts are not closed, you have to become aware that the

switch is defective and you will have to replace it.

Then pivot the float switch away right from the body until it is within 10 degrees of its stop.

Please verify that the switch contacts are open in the required position. If these contacts are

not open, you must become aware that the switch is defective and you will have to replace it.


Every water level switch is likely to contain very high quality magnetic reed contacts.

Therefore, you can count on its reliability and efficiency when trying to build the hybrid system.

This device will reliably operate through millions and millions of cycles when it is connected to

a professional LED. Still, you will have to pay attention to the following caution: you should

never attempt to control the power to any electrical device directly through this water level

switch because, by doing so, you can damage or even destroy the switch. So, this water

switch can be installed right at the midpoint of any of the side walls of the tank.

But you will have to determine the desired location and you have to make this decision based

on routing of electrical leads and trunk layout. One switch lead is likely to be grounded right to

the vehicle frame in the trunk zone while the other lead is likely to be connected to the

HyTronics module. By using a soft clean cloth you can dry the tank side wall around the 5/8”


Then, apply some pipe joint compound right to the threads of the switch body and mounting

nut. You will have to cover all their mating surfaces with the tank wall. You will have to install

the switch right into the tank in order for the float to pivot upward by aligning its pivoting axis

parallel to the tank bottom. You will have to firmly tighten the existing switch mounting nut. You

will also have to attach the ohmmeter leads right to

the switch leads.

Please verify if the switch contacts are closed and

then plug the tank outlet fitting. Fill the tank with water

until all the switch contacts open. Continue the filling

process until the water level rises an additional 2”.

You should also verify if the switch contacts are still open. Then, unplug the tank outlet. Verify

if the switch contacts close when the water level drops to the 1/3 full point, and go further. If

the switch contacts will not respond properly to the constant changing water level, you will

have to check and verify if the switch was properly installed and if the float is pivoting freely.

You will also have to verify if the float is at least ¼” away from any side of the tank. You will

have to take your time and correct any installation problems. If the switch was not properly

installed, you can consider it defective and you must replaced it in order to maintain the normal


functioning pattern. You will also have to drain the water that is still in the tank in order to install

the cap and you will have to install it in a firm manner in order not to be too loose.

You will also have to construct a wooed frame 3” to 4” high in order to secure the tank against

possible sliding within the trunk. Next, you should drill a hole or even cut a notch right in the

frame large enough in order to clear the entire tank outlet while the tank is being installed or

even removed. If you find it necessary, you may even cut a notch in order to clear the switch

mounting nut and all the wires. The water is to be drained from the tank and you will have to

install the cap by tightening it firmly.

You should also construct a wood frame 3” to 4” high in

order to secure the tank against possible sliding within the

trunk. You will have to drill a hole or even cut a notch in the

existing frame large enough in order to clear the tank outlet

while the tank is installed or even removed.

If you find it necessary, you can cut a notch in order to clear

the switch mounting nut and the generator wires. But you will have to fasten the frame to the

trunk floor at the desired location. This location has to be chosen according to some

professional pieces of advice because you have to make the wisest decision ever when

planning to locate it.

So, you will have to locate a convenient spot right on the vehicle chassis and this spot should

be close to the water tank. Then drill a 3/32” grounding ring terminal attachment hole for the

tank switch. By using a clean rag and solvent, you will have to remove dirt or possible debris

from around the hole. You will have to grind or even use sandpaper in order to remove paint,

or any other type of insulating material. The area around the hole

must be kept clean on a regular basis in order not to prevent the

system from functioning in the right parameters.

Then, you should strip ½” of insulation from the end of one switch

wire and then crimp a larger ring terminal right onto the wire. Do

not attach the ring terminal until instructed to do so by the following requirements. You will

have to determine the length of the tubing that is needed in order to reach from the pump or

water tank to the engine and generator compartment. You will also have to mount the pump


right at the desired location within the trunk area and you must determine the exact length of

tubing that is needed in order to attach the tank to the existing pump.

You will have to cut high/low temperature tubing in order to reach the required length and slide

the parts right onto the tank fitting. The tubing must be secured with two small stainless steel

hose clamps and these clams must be tightened firmly. Slide the tank right into the wood

frame. Then slide the two small stainless steel hose clamps right onto the tank tube. Even the

tube must slide onto the pump inlet fitting. You should not forget to slide the hose clamps over

the entire fitting and tighten them firmly.

Consider sliding the braid tubing onto the pump outlet fitting too because this step is

mandatory in order for the system to perform well and according to the normal conditions.

Then, slide two small stainless steel hose clamps over the fitting and tighten firmly. Go further

by cutting high/low temperature tubing to the required length. This segment must slide onto the

tank fitting and you will have to secure the tubing with two small stainless steel hose clamps

and tighten them in a firm manner. Then, slide the tank right into the wood frame.

The next step will be for you to attach the tank ring terminal to the 3/32” hole in the chassis and

you will have to do it with a sheet metal screw. Then apply a very heavy layer of petroleum jelly

or grease all over the terminal and screw in order to smooth the future sliding. So, you will

have to strip ½” of insulation from the end of the remaining switch wire; continue by crimping a

butt connector right onto the wire.

You will have to determine the exact length of hook up wire

needed in order to extend at least 3’ into the engine

compartment. You will also have to cut to length; then strip

½” of insulation from the end of the hook up wire. Crimp it to

the butt connector. You will have to pay attention in order to

determine whether the pump is properly installed in the

desired location. If you decide to install the pump right into

the trunk, you will have to repeat the previous procedure in

order to provide your car with the perfect hybrid system.

The procedure is to be repeated mainly because you have to splice an equal length of hook up

wires to each of the pump power leads. You will have to perform this operation in order to


make sure that the pump was installed in the proper manner. By controlling your own moves,

you will be able to avoid and even prevent possible and future accidents.

You will have to control the system and its components on a regular basis in order to prevent

them from deteriorating too quickly. Therefore, you will have to route the tank and even pump

the wires and tubing right through the car structure. You have to make sure that you have

installed a ¾” ID grommet wherever a new access hole must be drilled. You should use tie

wraps. And if you want to pay attention to some pieces of advice, you can install the pump

within the engine compartment. You can use high/low temperature silicone tubing in order to

connect the tank to the pump.

If you decide to install the pump within the trunk area, the tube connecting the pump to the

needed check valve will be pressurized and you will have to use silicone

braid reinforced tubing. If the pump is not self priming, you can install it

in the trunk in order to secure the wire and tubing bundle. In order to

prevent the tubing from being crushed, do not over tighten the tie wraps.

This caution is to be considered in order for the system to work properly.

By doing so, you will securely mount the existing water pump in the

engine compartment especially if the pump was not installed right in the trunk. You will have to

slide two small stainless steel hose clamps right onto the high/low temperature tubing.

Therefore, you will have to install the tubing right onto the pump inlet fitting and you must firmly

tighten all the hose clamps.

The housing is equally important. Here is the main list with the necessary materials. You can

purchase them from any local store and you will not have to spend a fortune in order to have


• one CPVC 4” threaded pipe nipple, length 12”, Schedule 80

• one CPVC 4” pipe, length 12”, Schedule 80

• one CPVC 1,1/2” pipe, length 12”, Schedule 80

• two CPVC 4” Straight Couplings, Schedule 80


You have to know that any large plumbing supply or even plastics supplier can be used to

supply the CPVC Schedule 80 pipe, fittings, and all the accessories required in order to

construct the water hybrid generator. Still, you will have to pay attention to some important

facts. For instance, you will have to use cpvc pipe (schedule 80) in order to construct the

generator housing.

You must not use pvc pipe, or cpvc schedule 40 because these materials will not withstand

high temperature or pressure. You must not use cpvc pipe of size greater than 4”; this type of

pipe does not offer an adequate safety margin against severe rupture when subjected to

conditions of high pressure and temperature. You will have to pay careful attention to

craftsmanship and detail during generator construction because attention to details is essential

to ensure safe and reliable operation.

You will also need:

• one CPVC 4” cap, Schedule 80

• one CPVC 4” threaded cap, Schedule 80

• one 1/8” thick 24” x 48”, CPVC sheet

• one 1” diameter, 6” length, CPVC rod

• one pint can of CPVC cement

• one pint can of primer

• one 8 ounce can of pipe joint compound

And now let’s take it step by step:

The CPVC 4” Schedule 80 pipe will be used in order to construct the Generator housing.

Since one end of this pipe will require threading, you should purchase a 12” threaded pipe

nipple rather than thread a pipe by yourself. By using the meter box or even the table saw

in order to assure square ness, you will have to cut off one of the 12” pipe nipple threaded


ends 2,3/4” from the end. Dress all the cut edges with sandpaper or you can use a fine

tooth file. Then go further.

By using a meter box or the table saw to assure square ness, you will have to cut the

threaded pipe nipple 5,1/2” from one of its threaded ends. You will have to dress all the cut

edges with sandpaper or you can use a fine tooth round file. Still, you will have to take

proper care and read all the directions printed on the primer and cement can labels for

proper use of the materials. After you have primed, try and apply cement as soon as

possible in order to obtain safe and reliable bonding. You must not let the primer dry before

applying cement.

Then you will need a CPVC 4” Schedule 80 pipe has an outside diameter of 4.5”: next, you

will have to prime the entire outside mating surface of the cut end of the 5,1/2” pipe nipple.

You should also prime one of the inside mating surfaces of the coupling. You will have to

apply an even layer of cement tight to the primed surfaces and assemble all the parts. You

will have to allow the parts to air dry for at least 10 minutes before going further.

You will have to prime the entire outside mating surface of the 12” pipe and then the inside

mating surface of the coupling attached to the pipe nipple. Try and apply an even layer of

cement to the primed surfaces and assemble all the parts. Allow the parts to air dry for at

least 30 minutes before going further.

By using a meter box or the table saw in order to

assure square ness, you will have to cut the pipe

assembly tight near the unthreaded end in order to

form a total pipe length equal to ½” less than the

housing height. You will have to dress the cut edges

with sandpaper or you can use a fine tooth round file.

Next, you will have to measure the inside diameter of the threaded end cap. You will have

to clamp 1/8” thick CPVC sheet right to a drill press bed. Drill this ½” diameter hole through

the sheet by using a fly cutter. Then, cut a disk with the already

measured diameter. Check that the disk will fit into the end cap.

If loose, you will have to replace with a larger disk. If tight, you

will have to replace with a smaller disk.


Be sure to drill a ½” hold first if a new disk is cut. You will have to cut a second disk in order

to the correct diameter with ½” centre hole. Then, apply some primer, and then cement, to

one surface of each disk. Then join the disks together by aligning the disk edges and wipe

excess cement from the edges.

You will have to allow the disks to air dry for at least an hour before going further. You will

have to bevel the edges of the entire disk in order to fit the curved contour of the bottom of

the end cap. You will have to make sure that the outer edge of the disk will measure

between 1/32” and 1/16” after bevelling.

Then, you will have to make sure that the electrodes will be attached to the contoured disk in

the proper manner. You must form the contour accurately in order to assure the structural

integrity of the water hybrid.

Now, let’s talk about the disk contour:

You will have to lightly coat all the threads of the housing end cap and even the bottom edge of

the housing by using petroleum jelly. Then apply primer right to the mating surfaces of the disk

and end cap. You will have to apply cement right to the primed area of the end cap only and

then install the necessary disk by seating it firmly. Then, try and remove any cement that may

ooze from between the parts by using cotton swabs.

Afterwards, you will have to temporarily thread the end cap onto the housing by seating it

slowly. You will have to wait about 15 minutes in order for the cement to partially dry and then

remove the end cap. You will have to repeat the procedure of the preceding steps for the

unthreaded end cap and you will have to do it carefully in order not to spoil the functioning

pattern. You have to realize that there’s no need to apply petroleum jelly to any areas of the

unthreaded end cap.

You will only have to apply primer right to the mating

surfaces of the disk and end cap. You will have to apply

cement right to the primed area of the end cap only and

continue by installing the disk and seating it firmly. Then,

try and remove any cement that may ooze from between

the parts with cotton swabs. You will also have to pay

attention to the following caution: you will have to make

sure that you have measured the inside diameter of the


unthreaded end cap before cutting the necessary disks.

Next, you will have to take care of some aspects in order not to spoil the functioning pattern of

the hybrid system. Let us remind you that you need to pay extra care and attention to every

single detail because these details are essential when it comes to providing your car with a

precious conversion kit that will save your money and improve your driving experience in no


So, the end cap must be temporarily threaded tight onto the housing in order to assure the

accurate alignment of the disk. Therefore, you must not use excessive cement when trying to

install the disk in order to prevent bonding of the housing and end cap threads. You will also

have to make sure that the petroleum jelly coats only the end cap threads.

Then, you will have to seal the ½” hole right in the threaded end cap disk with some electrical

tape. By using a stiff brush and some warm soapy water. You have to thoroughly clean the

petroleum jelly from the threads and all other areas of the end

cap and housing.

You will have to rinse all parts with warm water. Then, you

should continue by removing the electrical tape right from the

threaded end cap. You must allow the end caps to air dry for at

least 9 hours before going further.

Then try and completely cover all the inside surfaces of both end caps with some strips of

electrical tape. Then cut away the tape in order to open up the ½” hold in each disk. You will

have to purchase a high quality, high temperature, and waterproof epoxy cement in order to fill

all the end cap cavities. Still, you will have to pay attention to some extra cautions in order to

make sure everything will go according to the initial plan.

Therefore, you must use only high quality, high temperature and waterproof epoxy cement in

order to fill the end cap cavities. By using any other cement, you can spoil the normal

functioning pattern of the system. It may lead to eventual failure of the generator. And another

thing: the cavity in each end cap must be filled with some epoxy cement. In order to prevent

trapping air bubbles, you will have to make sure that the caps remain level while the epoxy

cures. Therefore, you will need to pay extra attention to centring and levelling all the curved

caps on the inner cores of large rolls of tape.


And we should not forget about the generator details: so, all the epoxy cements that are cured

by chemical reaction are likely to remain pliable for almost 30 minutes. Therefore, you should

not rush into filling all the end cap cavities, still, you will have to remain aware that once the

cement is mixed, there’s no reversible stopping it from its curing.

You will also have to make sure that you have mixed equal amounts of resin and hardener.

The resin and hardener are likely to come in different colours; one will be black and one will be

white in order to avoid future confusion. You will have to mix these materials in the proper

manner; when mixed properly, you are likely to end up

with nice dark grey cement. But if you accidentally mix

the same materials, resin with resin, or hardener with

hardener, you are likely to end up with nothing but a

huge mess.

Therefore, you will have to mix about a 4 ounce batch of

epoxy in a disposable container. You will have to fill the

cavity in order to avoid trapping air bubbles and you will have to do it right to the top of the ½”

hole in one of the end caps.

If it is necessary, you should try and mix more epoxy. You will have to repeat the previous step

in order to fill the remaining end cap cavity. Then, allow the epoxy to cure for at least 24 hours.

Afterwards, you should continue by removing all the electrical tape from the end caps. You

should also remove any epoxy from above the top of the ½” hole until flush with the disk


Now, we shall talk about the HyTronics Module. These are the materials you are going to need

in order to build this device in the proper manner without making expensive mistakes. Just

remember that you will have to purchase specific materials and you may ask for some

professional advice in order to make the wisest choice:

• two 12 Position Male Interlocking Connectors

• two 12 Position Female Interlocking Connectors

• one Universal Component Board

• one PC Board Kit


• one Enclosure 8” x 6” x 3”

Since both the electrode circuit and coil circuit are likely operate at relatively low frequencies,

you have to be aware that the physical layout of the HyTronics module components is not to

be regarded as something critical. Mount components by using the Universal Component

Board, or you can even design and create your own PC Board layout by using the PC Board


The recommended enclosure will provide the necessary protection for the HyTronics circuits: it

is also attractive and easy to mount. Then, the electrode, coil, and even the indicator circuits

may be built on the same board or by using separate boards. You can use the side board

mounting feature of the recommended enclosure.

Then, you should continue by drilling the necessary hole right in the enclosure: install a 3/8” ID

grommet. Cut eight foot lengths of hookup wire and then strip ½” of insulation from one end of

each wire. Route one wire through the grommet and try to solder it to the HyTronics “Ground”

bus and label the entire wire. Then cut the eight wires to equal length and try to strip ¼” of

insulation from the end of each wire.

You should continue by connecting the wires to the 9 position

female interlocking connector. You have to make sure that the

wire label at each position will correspond to the wire label and

every position of the male 9 position connector. After

connecting all these wires, you must remove all labels and

then secure the wires with a tie wrap placed about every 3”

along the length of the bundle.

Then, you should continue by drilling another hole right in the enclosure and install the ½” ID

grommet. Cut nineteen foot lengths of hookup wire and then strip ½” of insulation from one end


of each wire. Solder two wires right to the appropriate terminals for the Generator electrodes

and two wires to the appropriate terminals for the Generator coil.

Afterwards, you should continue by soldering one wire right

to the appropriate terminal of the pump circuit: then solder

one wire to the appropriate terminal for the Generator water

level switch. Then, the next step will be for you to solder five

wires before the fuse connection (battery + side of power

bus) and five wires to the negative bus. Solder one wire to

the throttle 10K resistor and then solder two wires for the

tank water level switch in order to create the appropriate design.

You will have to make sure to appropriately label each and every single wire in order to know

how to handle the entire system later. You will have to pay attention to all these details in order

build an efficient system that will increase your car mileage in no time. You have to do all these

according to the initial plan in order to make sure that the hybrid system will be efficient and

cost/effective. You should not waste your time with personal brainstorming; on the contrary,

you have to pay attention to this guideline in order not to spoil the normal functioning pattern of

this amazing technology.

You should continue building this amazing system by drilling a hole in the HyTronics module

enclosure for routing wires to the 9 position indicators panel connector. Then, you must drill a

second hole for routing wires to two 12 position connectors for al other system components.

You will have to make sure that you install an appropriately sized grommet in each and every

hole. Then, cut the nineteen wires in order to reach an equal length: strip ¼” of insulation from

the end of each wire and connect any nine wires to a 12 position male interlocking connector.

Then, try and connect the remaining nine wires to a 12 position female interlocking connector.

All the wires must be secured with a tie wrap placed about every 3” along the length of the

bundle. Then, try and continue by attaching the

HyTronics module right under the dash panel; you will

have to make a wise choice and find a practical location

in order to handle the entire system in an easy manner

and without extra efforts.


Then, connect the 9 position interlocking connectors of the module and dash indicators. You

will also have to pay attention to the fact that the existing connectors are used in order to

provide some extra positions for future expansion, modifications and even possible and design

improvement. Therefore, you will have to make sure to use a male 12 position interlocking

connector and the necessary female 12 position interlocking connector in order to prevent

accidental connections.

Now, here come some important things about the fuel injector or the carburetor adaptor. You

will have to take great care when performing the following operations in order not to damage

the inner structure of the system. Therefore, you will have to install an appropriate adapter on

the car engine. You will have to contact a company that is experienced in gasoline conversion

systems and you should explain that the Water hybrid system was designed for switching back

and forth between hydrogen and gasoline fuels. Then, you should provide yourself with the

necessary materials in order to build the throttle assembly:

• one Precision Pot, Series 578, 100K

• one 1�foot length CPVC Rod, ¾” diameter

You will have to determine the best location in the engine

compartment in order to install the sleeve and arm assembly and

pot mounting bracket. You will have to fabricate a pot mounting

bracket from 1/8” CPVC sheet.

If you find it necessary, you may modify the bracket size and attachment points in order to

properly suit your vehicle. Do not cut the 3/32” slot until it is the right time. Our guideline will

offer you a general view when it comes to installing this system.

You will have to pay attention to these general rules in order to provide your car with a

valuable system. So, the pot mounting bracket was designed to allow pot centering and even

precise adjustment of the throttle sensitivity. The throttle linkage sleeve will guarantee precise

pot rotation limit adjustments when combined with bracket rotation. You will have to pay

attention because the HyTronics throttle will come along with a high quality precision pot that

was designed for increased reliability and durability.


Cheap pots are likely to fail in no time; they can even cause some severe cause problems that

may damage your beloved car. Therefore, you must not substitute a cheap pot. You should

continue by cutting a 1,1/2” length o ¾” diameter CPVC rod. You will have to try and locate a

convenient spot. You will have to measure the diameter of the existing throttle linkage and drill

a hole with the measured diameter lengthwise right through the rod. By using a thin blade saw,

you may cut the rod in half lengthwise. By using a belt sander, you may sand a flat surface at

least ¼” wide onto one rod half.

The next step will be for you to cut a ½” x 1,1/4” sleeve arm from 1/8” CPVC sheet. Drill a 7/64”

hole right in one end of the arm about ¼” from the end. By using a drill or countersink tool, you

will have to bevel each end of the hole about1/16” deep. Then, apply some primer, and then

cement, right to the mating surfaces of the arm.

Next, sleeve and join all the parts; you will have to allow

them to air dry for at least 3 hours and then dress all the cut

edges of all throttle parts with sandpaper. Then, you should

continue by positioning the shaft of the 100K throttle

potentiometer right at the midpoint of its range of rotation. By

using a marking pen, you will have to try and mark an

alignment line between the pot shaft and bushing. By using

a #41 drill bit, you will have to drill a hole in the shaft at a point in line with the shaft alignment

mark, and 3/16” in from the shaft end.

Next, you should cut a 6” length of 3/32” stainless steel welding rod and then temporarily install

the pot right into the 3/8” hole in the mounting bracket. Slide the

welding rod right into the shaft hole; you will have to do the sliding in a

very careful manner in order not to damage the other components of

the system.

The shaft has to be aligned; you will have to rotate the pot body so that

the rod points directly upward. Then, place a mark right at the point

where the anti rotation pin contacts the bracket. You should continue

by removing the pot and rod from the system bracket. Then, you will have to cut a curved 3/32”

wide slot extending ¼” from each side of the marked point.


Temporarily, try and install the necessary pot onto the bracket and check that the anti rotations

pin fits into the slot. This pin should not bind in the slot as the pot body is rotated. If necessary

and you may use a small fine tooth file, you should file the slot until the pot body rotates freely.

Dress the slot edges with some sandpaper. Still, you will have to consider the throttle

assembly details and attach the pot right to the bracket with the furnished nut and lock washer.

Temporarily install the necessary rod into the shaft hole. You will have to rotate the pot body in

order to align the rod parallel with the front edge of the bracket. Then firmly tighten the

mounting nut. By using a file, you should square off both ends of the rod and try to debar with

sandpaper or by using a fine tooth file. You may continue by using MEK or even acetone

together with a soft clean cloth in order to clean the pot shaft and rod.

You will have to flush the hole in shaft with MEK or acetone; then try and mix a small quantity

of high quality epoxy. You will have to use a precision instrument; for instance, you can choose

a toothpick in order to coat the entire shaft hole with a very thin

layer of epoxy. Afterwards, you should apply a very thin layer of

epoxy right to one end of the rod and try to insert it right into the

shaft hole by allowing it to extend about 1/8” beyond the end of

the hole.

Next, you will have to form a very small fillet of epoxy around the junction of the rod and try

and shaft at both sides of the shaft. You will have to allow the epoxy to cure for at least 24

hours before going further. You will have to stay patient in order to follow all these steps

because they are mandatory processes when it comes to building a very successful system.

You have to pay attention to every step you make in order not to spoil the direct result of your


If you are not sure of your mechanical skills, you may also ask for professional advice in order

to make sure everything goes according to the plan. Therefore, you will have to attach the

sleeve and arm assembly to the throttle linkage by using a small hose clamp at every end. You

will have to locate the pot directly below the arm with the rod protruding through the hole in the

arm; this is the perfect location and you will also find it comfortable because the available

space should be used without making any mistakes.

You will have to position the bracket fore or aft and sideways until

the rod will be square with the sleeve arm and parallel with the front


edge of the bracket. Then, continue by positioning the bracket up or even down until the rod

rotates through an angle of 60 degrees each side of center as the throttle linkage moves

through the full range. By using two ¼” bolts, washers and some locknuts, you will have to

attach the bracket right to the engine structure.

Then, continue by positioning the bolt right in the slot at approximately the slot midpoint in

order to allow the pot to move upon even down for the necessary precise adjustment. You will

have to loosen the bolts slightly and then pivot the bracket up and down. Afterwards, you

should check that the bolt does not bind in the slot at some point.

If necessary, and using by using a small fine tooth file, you will have to file the slot until the pot

body is able to rotate freely. Then dress the slot edges with some sandpaper. You will have to

check in order to make sure that the pot rod doesn’t bind in the arm hole as the throttle linkage

is being moved through the full range of travel.

If you find it necessary to eliminate binding, you will have to rotate the pot slightly up or down

and/or even slide the entire sleeve assembly slightly fore or aft. You must firmly tighten the

bracket bolts and existing sleeve hose clamps. Then, you should start thinking about the

preliminary assembly and testing because this step is extremely important when trying to build

a successful hybrid system.

Therefore, you should begin by installing a male crimp on

snap connector on each of the four electrodes that can be

found in the housing and on each of the coil pins of the

generator. You will have to securely install the generator

right in the engine compartment by using ¼” bolts, some

washers and some locknuts.

You have to make sure that the generator is level with the

existing vehicle frame. Therefore, you will have to cut a length of silicone braid tubing in order

to connect the water pump outlet right to the 3/8” fitting on the side of the generator housing

and it will have to be connected right near the bottom.

You will have to allow some slack in the tubing. But if the water pump was designed to have an

internal check valve, you will have to slide two small hose clamps right onto the water tubing.

Then install onto the 3/8” barb fitting ton the side of the Generator housing right near the


bottom. You will also have to allow some slack in the tubing and try to tighten the clamps in a

firm manner in order for the system to resist for a longer period of time.

If the pump does not have this internal check valve, you will have to install a check valve right

in the tubing a few inches from the barb biting in the generator. Again, you will have to allow

some slack in the tubing. Then, you should continue by using two small hose clamps on each

barb fitting. You have to tighten these clams in affirm manner too. You will also have to make

sure everything is all right; so, try and install the check valve so that the flow direction arrow on

the valve points towards the main generator.

Then, cut two (2) 3” lengths of braid tubing; attach them right to each end of a check valve with

some small hose clamps. Then tighten these clamps in a firm manner. By using two small

hose clamps, you will have to attach a valve hose to the carburettor adapter on the engine with

a valve arrow pointing right toward the adapter. Again, you will have to tighten those clamps

firmly. By using two hose clamps, you will have to attach the flame arrestor right to the check

valve hose. Then tighten these clamps in order not to be loose.

Afterwards cut a length of braid tubing in order to connect the 3/8” barb fitting that can be

found on top of the main generator to the flame arrestor. Then slide four small hose clamps

right onto the tubing and connect the tubing between the generator and flame arrestor. Allow

some slack in the tubing and then tighten the clamps.

Still, you will have to pay attention to some cautions in order not to damage the things you

have already built when trying to construct the hybrid system. For instance, you should not

attempt to solder the wires directly to the four generator electrode and coil pins. You have to

become aware that excess heat is likely to damage the epoxy bond and it can cause gas

and/or water leakage. By using two small hose clamps, you will have to attach the pressure

gauge tubing to the 1/8” fitting right on top of the main generator.

Again, you will have to allow some slack in the tubing and firmly tighten the clamps. Then, cut

four 4 foot lengths of special hook up wire and try to strip ½” of insulation from one end of each

wire. Again, you will have to twist the stranded ends of two wires together; trim the ends to a

length of 3/8”. You should continue by crimping a ring terminal to the spliced wires; attach the

terminal to the HyTronics power switch. The entire procedure must be repeated for the other

two wires. You will have to mount the switch at a convenient point on the existing dash.


Then route one pair of switch wires to the vehicle positive (+) power bus. Then continue by

cutting the wires to length; strip ½” of insulation from the wire ends and twist the wires

together, trim to 3/8”. Then crimp a ring terminal to the wire ends. You must stay away from

attaching the terminal, or other connector, to the bus until instructed to do so.

Then, cut two foot lengths of hook up wire; splice together with the ring terminal. You will have

to locate a convenient spot right in the engine compartment in order to attach the ring terminal

to the vehicle chassis. Then, drill a 3/32” hole right at that location and attach the necessary

terminal. Afterwards, you should route the existing wires right through the grommet that was

installed in the engine compartment firewall. By allowing some slack in the wires, you should

cut the wires to the necessary length in order to reach the two 12 position connectors.

Then, trim ¼” of insulation from the end of each wire and connect each of the wires to a

negative bus position of either of the 12 position interlocking connectors. Then, route the

remaining pair of switch wires right to the connectors and afterwards cut the wires to length, by

allowing some slack in the wires.

Then, connect all the wires right to the connectors at two of the battery positive power

positions. You may continue by cutting four wires of appropriate length in order to connect the

generator coil and electrode pins right to the connectors. Then, strip ¼” of insulation from each

wire and try to install a female crimp right on snap connector to each of the wires. Then attach

the connectors to the generator terminals and route the wires to all the HyTronics connectors.

Then cut the wire ends in order to reach an equal length. Strip ¼” of insulation from each wire

end and then try and connect each wire to the appropriate position of the HyTronics

connectors. Afterwards, you may continue by connecting the tank water level and generator

water level switch wires right to the appropriate positions of the HyTronics connectors. By


using butt connectors, you should splice the hook up wires right to the switch wires as required

to reach the needed connectors. Then, cut two lengths of hook up wire in order to connect the

throttle pot to the connectors.

Then, strip ¼” of insulation from one end of each wire: solder each wire to the pot terminals.

Then, slide a 1” length of heat shrink tubing onto each wire and over the soldered terminals;

shrink the tubing. You should continue by routing the pot leads to the HyTronics connectors;

cut their ends to equal length. Strip ¼” of insulation from the end of each wire. Then connect

one pot lead to a battery positive power bus connector position.

Afterwards, connect the other lead to the connector

position leading to the 10K resistor lead. Then, rotate

the pot shaft to its midpoint position. By using an

ohmmeter, you should verify that the HyTronics power

switch is in an OFF position. If it does not, you should

place the switch in the needed OFF position. Then, try

and connect the switch ring terminal, or even other

connector, right to the battery positive power bus.

You should double check all electrical and electronic connections of the hybrid system. You

must do this with patience because you need to correct any connection errors as required. You

have to pay attention to this guideline in order to build an efficient system that can make your

car run on water.

You should continue by connecting the two 12 position interlocking connectors of the module

right to the matching system connectors. You must verify that all system connectors are

engaged in the right manner. If still in place, you will have to remove the module enclosure


You will also have to pay attention to a particular caution in

order for the system to work in a successful manner. You

have to be aware that power must be applied to the hybrid

system when it is needed. Any incorrect electrical or a bad

electronic connection can lead to system or component

failure and/or damage.


Therefore, you will have to make sure to double check all electrical and electronic connections

before applying the necessary power. You must also pay attention to the following caution in

order not to spoil the normal functioning pattern of the system. You must not connect the water

pump leads nor add water to the tank until you are instructed to do so.

Soon after applying power, you will have to check for the following system responses in the

order you have noted. If any problem appears, you will have to shut power OFF immediately.

You will also have to pay attention to the following aspects in order to build the hybrid system

in the right manner. You will have to make sure that:

o smoke and /or electrical sparking does not occur.

o electrical overheating of the system components does not occur.

o on the indicator panel, check the LEDs function.

o on the indicator panel, check that the gauge lights are lit according to the initial


Afterwards, you will have to place the hybrid system power switch right to the ON position. You

will also have to verify that no problem exists. If a problem occurs, you will have to turn power

OFF immediately. If no problem occurs, you will have to continue the process. If a problem

occurs, troubleshoot to locate and repair the failed component. Soon after replacement or

repair is accomplished, go will have to continue.

By using your own fingers as a sort of genuine heat sensors, you should check that no system

component is over heating. If this overheating has not occurred, you will have to go further. If

this overheating occurred, then turn power off and return to the previous step. Therefore, you

will have to check that the vehicle gas pedal is in the full idle position. If it is not, you will have

to place it is the idle position.


Then, try and connect a digital voltmeter to pin 6 of amplifier LM741 and then record the

present voltage level there. If this voltage is present, you will have to go further. If this voltage

does not exist, a component is likely to be defective and it must be replaced. After replacing

the damaged component, you will have to go further. As the gas pedal is moved from idle to

full power, the voltage level at pin 6 of amplifier LM741 is likely to increase slightly.

You should expect to an increase of approximately 1 VDC to 4 VDC. Still, you will have to pay

attention to some cautions in order not to damage the system. For instance, you must not

attempt to start the car engine until you have been instructed to do so. This is to be regarded

as a sort of preliminary test in order to verify the basic system functioning. If any problem

occurs, you will have to shut off power immediately.

Then, you will have to move the gas pedal right to full power. You

will have to record the existing voltage level at pin 6; then, you

should continue by comparing the voltage with that recorded in

the previous step. If the voltage level has increased by at least 1

VDC, you will have to go further.

If this voltage level has not changed at all, you have to be aware

that a particular component is defective and you must replace it.

After replacing the damaged component, you will have to go back

to the previous step.

Then, try and rotate the 20K “Throttle Adjust” pot from stop to stop. Afterwards, you should

verify that voltage at pin 6 varies as the pot was rotated. If voltage varies, you will have to go

further. If the present voltage does not vary, you must be aware that a particular component is

likely to be defective and it must be replaced as soon as possible. After replacing the damaged

component, you will have to repeat the entire procedure.

Then, set the Throttle Adjust pot right to its midpoint of rotation and connect the oscilloscope

lead to pin 3 of the NE555 controller. Then, you should verify that a square wave pulse exists

and that this pulse width ratio increases in a constant manner as the gas pedal is moved from

full idle to a full power position. If this square wave exists and the pulse width ratio increases in

a constant manner, you will have to go further.


If this pulse does not exist, or the pulse width ratio does not increase as a gas pedal is moved,

you must be aware that a component is defective and it must be replaced. After replacing the

damaged component, repeat this entire procedure. Then, you should continue by rotating the

2K “pulse width adjust” trim pot from stop to stop.

Then verify that the pulse width changes as the pot is rotated. If the pulse width changes in the

right direction, you will have to go further. If the pulse width is not likely to change, you must

be aware that a component is defective and it must be replaced. After replacing the damaged

component, you will have to repeat this procedure. Then, set the 2K trim pot right to its

midpoint of rotations. You also have to be aware that the stable square wave pulse was

created by the NE555 controller.

As the gas pedal is moved toward full power, the existing input voltage to the controller from

the LM741 amplifier will be increased thus increasing the necessary pulse width ratio of the

controller square wave output at pin 3. Afterwards, you will have to connect the oscilloscope

lead to pin 3 of the NE555 controller and then verify that square wave frequency changes as

the oscillator 2K pot will be rotated.

If the frequency changes according to the initial plan, you will have to go further. If this

frequency does not change, you must become aware that a component is likely to be defective

and it must be replaced with a new one. After replacing the damaged component, you will have

to repeat this procedure. Then, set the oscillator pot right to its midpoint of rotation and connect

an oscilloscope lead to pin 8 of the NE555 controller.

Afterwards, rotate the Pulse Width and adjust pot from one stop to another stop. Then, verify

that the pulse width changes as the pot is rotated. If the pulse width changes, you may go

further. If the pulse width does not change, you have to become aware that a component is

defective and it must be replaced. After replacing the damaged component, repeat the entire


step. Afterwards, set the Pulse Width Adjust pot to its midpoint of rotation and then connect a

digital voltmeter lead to pin 8 of the NE555 controller. Then, try and rotate the10K Strength

Adjust pot from stop to stop.

You should continue by verifying that the voltage level changes as the pot is rotated. If this

voltage level changes, you may go further. If the voltage level does not change, you must

become aware that an essential component is likely to be defective and it must be replaced.

After replacing the damaged component, repeat this entire step. Then, set the Strength Adjust

pot to its midpoint of rotation. You will have to pay attention in order to follow the necessary

directions; for instance, you have to know that the frequency of this square wave pulse falls in

the range of 15KHz to 20 KHz.

Therefore, the trigger oscillator circuit will provide variable frequency input pulses to the NE55

controller in direct response to the adjustments to the 2K trim pot and dip switch settings. Even

the frequency of the coil circuit is likely to be controlled by the CD4059A and falls in the range

of 15 Hz to 20 Hz. The entire input to the counter is received from this electrode circuit.

When the frequency of this electrode circuit is changed, then the frequency of the coil circuit

will change accordingly. Pulse width of the coil circuit will be adjusted with the 10K “Pulse

Width Adjust” pot. Therefore, you will need to continue by setting the dip switches according to

oscillator DC4069 manufacturer instructions to obtain a frequency between 15 KHz and 20

KHz; these instructions must be followed in order to build a successful system that will not fail

on your car.

Then, try and connect an oscilloscope or frequency meter lead right to pin 6 of oscillator

CD4069. You should also verify that the oscillator frequency is between 15 KHz and 20 KHz. If

the frequency is not between the established limits, namely between15 KHz and 20 KHz, you

will have to adjust the 2 K Frequency Adjust pot in order to obtain a frequency within that

range. If the correct frequency cannot be obtained, you have to become aware that there is a

defective component in the oscillator circuit.


Therefore, you need to locate and replace the existing defective component and return to this

procedure. By using an oscilloscope or frequency meter, you should verify that the frequency

of the pulse that appears at the collector of component 2N3055 is from 15Hz to 20Hz. If the

obtained frequency is within that range, you may go further. If the frequency is not within that

necessary range, you will have to go next to the following step.

You will have to set the “Divide by N” counter for an N factor of 1,000 and you will have to do it

according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Then verify a frequency of 15 Hz to 20 Hz at the

collector of component 2N3055. If the obtained frequency is within that range, you may go

further. If the frequency is not within that established range, a component is likely to be

defective and it must be replaced as soon as possible. After replacing the damaged

component, you will have to go back to the previous step. Then, shut power OFF.

And now, let’s talk about the cylinder head temperature. You will have to drive your vehicle for

at least 15 minutes on open highway in order to assure that the engine is right up to normal

operating temperature. You will have to note and record CHT under each of the following

driving conditions in order to learn how to handle the hybrid system. For instance, you will have

to pay attention to the following conditions in order to take proper care of the system:

• parked at full idle, the car transmission in “neutral,” for three minutes.

• 25 MPH in residential areas for at least 5 minutes.

• 60 MPH (or full power) on steep grade for at least 60 seconds.

You have to be aware that Hydrogen is likely to burn slightly hotter than gasoline; therefore,

you should expect to a slightly higher cylinder head temperature. Actually, it’s a good idea to

establish CHT reference points by taking the driving first solely on gasoline. This approach is

highly recommended. The water hybrid system will use a very high quality fast response CHT

gauge, by sensing CHT directly from the base of a sparkplug. Now, we should go to the final

assembly and testing.

Therefore, if the water pump is installed right in the trunk, you will have to connect its positive

power lead to a battery positive power bus connector position. If the pump is installed right in

the engine compartment, you will have to splice a hook up wire to its positive power point by

using a butt connector and connecting it to a battery positive power bus connector position. In


this manner manner, you should try and connect the pump negative power lead right to the

connector position leading to the collector lead of the E3055T.

Then, you will have to fill the water hybrid system tank with tap water. You will also have to

check that no water leaks are located on the tank or on any of its tubing connections. If you

find it necessary, correct or repair any leaks. Then, the next step will be for you to park the

vehicle on a level surface; you will have to do it with the parking brake engaged and

transmission in neutral.

Then, you will have to lift the trunk lid if the water pump is installed in the trunk. Them, lift the

hood or the engine compartment cover. By following manufacturers’ instructions, you will have

to set the engine adapter right for the next hydrogen operation. You will have to closely monitor

the existing pressure gauge.

So, if the generator gas pressure exceeds 70 psi, you will have to shut power off immediately.

You have to be aware that safety should be your main priority and you have to make sure

everything goes according to the initial plan because mistakes are likely to be expensive and

even dangerous unless you do the entire operation in the right manner by paying attention to

every single detail.

You have to know that, as a safety precaution, pressure exceeding 85 psi will be vented by the

pressure relief valve. Therefore, you should not depend on the relief valve to relieve excess


Another aspect you should consider is the following: if a system problem exists, you will have

to shut off power immediately. You have to be aware that your beloved car vehicle is ready to

run with supplemental water for the first time with this water hybrid system. Still, you will have

to plan some details in order to take care of the first operation. For this initial operation, you


have to be aware that it’s best that the engine is already warmed up right to normal operating

temperature. If not up to this necessary temperature, drive on gasoline power for at least 15


You should continue by setting the throttle adjust, the pulse width adjust, the frequency adjust,

and the strength adjust pots right to their midpoint of rotation. Immediately after applying the

necessary power, you will have to check for the possibility of any of the following problems and

conditions. You will have to check for their presence in order to make sure everything is going

to be all right.

You must stay away from making mistakes because they can become quite costly and you are

not likely to have your initial investment paid off. Therefore, it is highly important for you to

choose just quality materials in order to make sure you build a system that may make your car

run on water for good without altering its inner and initial components.

If any of the following problems exists, you must immediately shut power OFF. For instance,

just pay attention to the following conditions that can damage your hybrid system:

• smoke and/or electrical sparking.

• generator pressure exceeds 70 PSI.

• electrical overheating of any system component.

• gas and/or water leakage from the generator.

• water leakage from the tubes, fittings, and other components.

Therefore, you will need to turn power ON. You will have to wait for generator pressure to

reach at least 25 PSI. When this pressure reaches at least 25 PSI, you may start the car

engine. Run the car engine at idle speed until instructed to do otherwise.

You should also check that none of the problems noted above exists. If

any problem exists, immediately shut power OFF in order to protect the

car engine in the required manner. You have to verify if the power is off

or no. You have to do this in order to verify whether everything is all right

or no. By doing this, you will verify whether a system component has

either failed or is defective.


Troubleshoot because this is important business; you must locate the damaged component in

order to have it repaired or even replaced. Then, shut the power off. You are likely to obtain a

really small bucket or even a large container.

Open the generator drain cock and drain it until empty. You will have to close the drain cock.

Then, turn the power on; verify that the water pump runs. You should also verify that the

existing water level is reaching the pump inlet. Afterwards, you will have to disconnect the

tubing from the pump outlet.

You will also have to verify if the water now reaches the pump inlet. Then, turn the power off.

Check for any restrictions on the tubing leading to the pump inlet. If such a restriction is

located, you will have to consider repairing it because repair is necessary; then, reconnect

tubing. If no restriction is found, the pump is likely to be defective and must be repaired or even

replaced. After pump repair or replacement, you will have to reconnect the pump.

You should also verify that water is flowing right from the pump outlet; turn power OFF. If water

was flowing, the check valve is likely to be either defective or it has been installed backward.

You will have to replace the check valve or even reinstall it with the flow arrow pointing towards

the generator; afterwards, reconnect tubing. If water was not flowing, the pump is defective

and must be repaired or even replaced. After this pump repair or replacement, you will have to

reconnect the pump.

You will also have to disconnect the tubing right from the pump outlet; then verify that water

now flows from the pump outlet. Turn power OFF. If water begins to flow, the check valve is

either defective or it has been installed in the wrong manner or even backwards. Therefore,

you will need to replace the check valve or reinstall it with the arrow pointing right towards the



If water is not flowing, the pump is likely to be defective and it must be repaired or replaced.

After pump repair or replacement, you will have to reconnect the pump. Then, turn power on;

continue by verifying that no water is present in the tubing leading from the main generator to

the flame arrestor. Then, turn power Off.

You will also have to cut the generator water level switch wire connected to the HyTronics

positive power bus within about 6” of the generator. Strip ¼” from each end of the cut lead and

then connect as ohmmeter lead to the wire exiting the generator and the other lead to vehicle

ground .You should also verify that the ohmmeter indicates that the switch contacts are open.

You will have to remove de slosh shield and reinstall it in order to make sure the system will

work according to the plan.

Just be sure this shield is accurately centred around the switch float; then reconnect the

switch wires with a butt connector. You will also have to reconnect the switch wires with a

special butt connector. A defective component is likely to exist in the pump control circuit. You

will have to replace the defective component. You should also verify that the check valve in the

tubing leading to the engine is installed with the flow arrow pointing toward the car engine.

Afterwards, you will have to set the water container on the level surface; then mark the water

level on the side of the container, and dispose of water. Close the generator drain cock and

disconnect the gas outlet hose from the top of the generator. You will have to turn power on

and wait for the water pump to stop running and then shut power off.

You will have to open the drain cock in order to drain water into the container until the

generator is empty. Then, close the drain cock and check the water level and the present

dispose of water.


You should continue by reconnecting the tubing; then, disconnect the tubing from the

carburettor adapter. Then, turn power on and wait for the water pump to stop running. Shut

power off and open the drain cock and drain the existing water into the container until the

generator is totally empty. Then, close the drain cock and check the water level and the

existing dispose of water.

By doing all these steps, you will become aware whether everything goes according to the plan

or not. For instance, the adaptor can be either defective or requires adjustment. You will have

to follow the manufacturers’ instructions because this is the wisest solution for you and your

car; therefore, you should either adjust the adapter or return it right to the manufacturer for

proper and professional adjustment or repair. After this adjustment or repair, you will have to

reconnect the tubing.

So, you will need to reconnect the tubing and disconnect the one between the flame arrestor

and the chec valve. You will have to turn power on and wait for the water pump to stop

running. Then shut power off. Open the drain cock: drain water into the container until the

entire generator is empty. Close the drain cock. Then check the water level and dispose of

water. The check valve is likely to be defective. Replace the valve and then reconnect the


You have to be aware of the possibility that the flame arrestor has been constructed

incorrectly. Remove the whole flame arrestor from the tubing; remove its end fittings, and then

dispose of the flame arrestor. Return to the Flame Arrestor procedure. You have to do this in

order to provide your car with a good system that can increase its mileage in no time without

wasting your time and money. By following the instructions there, you will construct a new

flame arrestor.


Allow the CPVC cement to air dry for at lest 36 hours. Then apply a thin coating for pipe joint

compound right to the tapped threads in the ends of the flame arrestor and fittings. You can

continue by threading the fittings right into the flame arrestor and tighten them firmly. Install the

new flame arrestor into the tubing.

Then, turn the power off. You have to be aware that the most likely candidate for pump failure

is likely to be the pump itself. You will have to cut the pump negative bus wire; then check

pump operation while disconnected from the HyTronics module. If the pump still does not

function, or draws current in excess of 15 amps during start up, you should repair it or replace

it and reconnect the pump wires by using butt connectors.

Also check to see if the main and the most important fuse has blown. If the fuse has blown,

you will have to replace it. Then, you should observe the functioning pattern of the pump. If this

pump operates normally, try and reconnect the wire with a butt connector. You will have to

check to verify that the E30556T switch has not failed due to pump current overload.

If the switch has already failed, you will have to replace it with a switch of higher current

capacity. But if the switch has not failed, you will have to cut the generator water level switch

wire connected to the HyTronics positive power bus within about 6” of the generator.

Then strip ¼” from each end of the cut lea; you will have to connect an ohmmeter lead to the

wire exiting the generator; the other lead must be connected to vehicle ground. Then, you

should verify that the ohmmeter indicates that the switch contacts are closed in the right

position. If the all the switch contacts are closed, you have to become aware that either the

pump is defective or a pump circuit component is defective or wiring errors exist.

Therefore, you should try and do your best in order to solve the problem before being too late.

You will have to troubleshoot in order to locate the existing problem; you have to repair or

replace as necessary. If all the switch contacts are open, you have to become aware that the

switch slosh shield has been incorrectly installed. You will have to remove the slosh shield; you

must reinstall it.

You will have to make sure that the shield is accurately centred right around the switch float.

Therefore, you need to reconnect all the switch wires with a butt connector. You should also try

and verify that no water is present in the tubing leading from the generator to the flame



Now, you should follow some of the guidelines in order to make sure that the system will work

according to the previous instructions. You have to be aware that this system is likely to

depend on your mechanical skills and you will have to do your best in order to install this

hybrid system that will make wonders for your water powered car. Optimal performance can be

achieved thanks to these guidelines and you should not waste a moment thinking that they are

useless. On the contrary, they can boost the car performance and mileage in no time.

o at idle, Generator pressure should be 12 PSI to 28 PSI.

o at full power, Generator pressure should be 28 PSI to 62 PSI.

o For each driving (or idle)condition, be sure that CHT never exceeds 40 degrees

more than the

value recorded during the first operations. You will also have to make sure that

the CHT never exceeds 400 degrees.

You will also have to park your car with the engine at idle, transmission in neutral, and parking

brake set. You will also have to wait until the generator pressure stabilizes. Drive your vehicle

at 25 MPH in all residential areas.

Still, you will have to pay attention to some cautions in order to provide your car with its best

performance. By tweaking the water hybrid system, you can rest assured that the entire

process is easier, safer, and even faster if another person does the necessary driving while

you do the necessary tweaking.

The water hybrid system was designed to operate quite well over a wide range of different

electronic settings, operations and adjustments. Therefore, you should seize this opportunity

and provide your car with one of the most revolutionary methods that can boost its mileage


and efficiency in no time and without having to waste a fortune. Actually, this system was built

in order to be tolerant of just about anything short of gross adjustment errors.

However, you have to become aware that every car engine has unique requirements. By

paying attention to this aspect, you have to understand that obtaining the optimal performance

is likely to be a matter of making simple trial, effective and error adjustment. Therefore, you will

need to rotate the Frequency Adjust trim pot fully counter clockwise. Then, slowly rotate

clockwise. You will have to rotate slowly CW until pressure stops increasing; for instance, you

can try and rotate an additional 10 degrees.

You will have to wait until pressure stabilizes and you will have to record this pressure. Slowly

rotate CCW until the system pressure starts to drop. Slowly rotate CW until pressure increases

to the already recorded value. You must record that the Frequency Adjust pot is rotated CW in

order to increase pressure.

Then, try and rotate the Pulse Width Adjust trim pot full CCW. Then slowly rotate CW until

pressure stops increasing. Then rotate an additional 10 degrees and wait until the pressure

stabilizes and record this pressure. Then slowly rotate CCW until pressure begins to drop;

slowly rotate CW until pressure increases to the recorded value. You have to record that the

Pulse Width Adjust pot is rotated CW in order to increase pressure.

You should consider doing another operation especially if you find this necessary. For

instance, you may adjust engine idle speed by loosening hose clamps and sliding the arm and

sleeve assembly. Afterwards, tighten hose clamps firmly. Then rotate the Frequency Adjust pot

fully CW. Rotate slowly CCW until pressure stops increasing. Rotate an additional 10 degrees.

You should wait until the pressure stabilizes and record this new pressure.

Slowly rotate CW until pressure starts to drop. Slowly rotate CCW until pressure increases to

the recorded value. Record that the Frequency Adjust pot is

rotated CCW to increase pressure. You should continue by

rotating the Pulse Width Adjust pot fully CW. Slowly rotate CCW.

Rotate slowly CCW until pressure stops increasing. Rotate an

additional 10 degrees. Then wait until pressure stabilizes and

record pressure.


Slowly rotate CW until pressure starts to drop. Afterwards, slowly rotate CCW until pressure

increases to the recorded value. Record that the Pulse Width Adjust pot is rotated CCW to

increase pressure. By using a marking pen, you should place an alignment mark on the

Frequency Adjust and Pulse Width Adjust pots. You must determine the amount of pressure

exceeding 28 PSI. Then, reduce pressure to 28 PSI by alternately rotating each pot in the

correct direction a few degrees at a time.

Then attempt to divide the excess pressure equally between these two pots. By using a

marking pen, you should place an alignment mark on the Frequency Adjust and Pulse Width

Adjust pots. You must determine the exact amount of pressure exceeding 62 PSI. Then,

reduce the pressure to 62 PSI by alternately rotating each pot in the correct direction a few

degrees at a time. Then try to attempt to divide the excess pressure equally between these two


You will also have to make sure that the throttle linkage moves through its full range of travel

from idle to full power without binding of the rod within the arm. Drive the vehicle at 60 MPH on

a steep grade and try to listen closely for the sound of engine pre combustion. You have to

make sure that optimal mixture is achieved and you can achieve this by leaning parahydrogen

to the point of creating ping and then slightly receding until the ping noise disappears.

You will be sequentially “fine tuning” two different pots. You have to understand that it is very

important to closely monitor CHT while leaning to prevent excessively high CHT; you have to

be sure that the CHT does not exceed the recorded value by more than 40 degrees. Never

allow this CHT to exceed 400 degrees and this caution is to be taken into account especially if

you are planning to use the hybrid system for a longer period of time.

You will have to rotate the Pulse Width Adjust pot fully counter clockwise (CCW). Then, slowly

rotate CCW. If this CHT decreases, continue rotating CCW until CHT stops decreasing. If CHT

increases while you are rotating CCW, rotate fully CCW. Slowly rotate CW until CHT stops

decreasing. Then, rotate the Strength Adjust pot fully CCW.

All the previous procedures have been created in order to tune the coil circuit; this circuit will

create an ideal mixture of parahydrogen (the gas created by the coil) and orthohydrogen (the

gas created by created by the electrodes). Low levels of parahydrogen are likely to result in

excessively high cylinder head temperature and this excessive temperature is a common

cause of engine pre combustion . High levels of parahydrogen are likely to result in low CHT;


this means that you will have to face cooling combustion, decreasing efficiency, and even an

engine roughness. Then, try to rotate fully CW. Afterwards, turn power off. Slowly rotate

clockwise (CW) until ping starts. Slowly rotate CCW until ping stops and continue to rotate

CCW about 5 more degrees.

If CHT is more than 40 degrees higher than the value recorded in the previous, continue slowly

rotating CCW until CHT decreases to 40 degrees above the recorded value. Slowly rotate

CCW until ping starts. Slowly rotate CW until ping stops and continue to rotate CW about 5

more degrees. If CHT is more than 40 degrees higher than the value recorded in the previous

step, continue slowly rotating CW until CHT decreases to 40 degrees above the recorded


Then, slowly rotate CW until ping starts; slowly rotate CCW until ping stops and continue to

rotate CCW about 5 more degrees. If CHT is more than 40 degrees higher than the value

recorded in the previous step, continue slowly rotating CCW until CHT decreases to 40

degrees above the recorded value. Slowly rotate CCW until ping starts. Slowly rotate CW until

ping stops and continue to rotate CW about 5 more degrees.

If CHT is more than 40 degrees higher than the value recorded in the previous step, continue

slowly rotating CW until CHT decreases to 40 degrees above the recorded value. You should

continue by rotating the Pulse Width Adjust pot fully counter clockwise (CCW). Then, rotate

fully clockwise (CW). Slowly rotate CCW. If CHT increases, continue rotating CCW until CHT

stops increasing. If CHT decreases while rotating CCW, rotate fully CCW. Slowly rotate CW

until CHT stops increasing. Rotate the “Strength Adjust” pot fully CCW. Rotate fully CW. Then,

turn power off. The coil circuit is likely to produce some excessive parahydrogen.

You will have to replace the 10K resistor by

connecting pin 3 of component NE555 to the base

of component 2N3055 with a 20K pot. Then,

adjust the pot for about 11K resistance. Slowly

rotate clockwise (CW) until ping stops and

continue to rotate CW about 5 more degrees. If

the present CHT is more than 40 degrees higher

than the value recorded in the previous step, continue by slowly rotating CW until CHT

decreases to 40 degrees above the recorded value.


Slowly rotate CCW until ping stops and continue to rotate CW about 5 more degrees. If CHT is

more than 40 degrees higher than the value recorded in the previous step, continue by slowly

rotating CW until CHT decreases to 40 degrees above the recorded value. Slowly rotate

clockwise (CW) until ping stops and continue to rotate CW about 5 more degrees. If the

recorder CHT is more than 40 degrees higher than the value recorded in the previous step,

continue by slowly rotating CW until CHT decreases to 40 degrees above the recorded value.

Then, slowly rotate CCW until ping stops and continue to rotate CW about 5 more degrees. If

the present CHT is more than 40 degrees higher than the value recorded in the previous step,

continue by slowly rotating CW until CHT decreases to 40 degrees above the recorded value.

You have to know that a precise throttle adjustment is likely to be quite easy by using the

special feature of the water hybrid system throttle assembly.


You will have to disengage the arm right from the throttle rod. Then try and rotate the pot shaft

through the total range of rotation required in order to go from idle to full power. By using a

ruler, you should measure and even record the total distance travelled by the entire tip of the

throttle rod as the pot is rotated. You should continue by rotating the pot shaft right to its

midpoint of rotation; afterwards, position the throttle linkage at its midpoint of travel. Then slide

the arm onto the throttle rod and attach the arm and sleeve right onto the throttle linkage with

hose clamps.

Then raise or even lower the pot by rotating its mounting bracket about ¼” bolt until the throttle

linkage moves through its full range of travel. If you find it necessary, you may obtain some

obtain added distance between the pot and arm because the arm and sleeve assembly can be

inverted to position the arm right above the linkage.


In order to assure smooth operation without possible binding, you have to make sure that the

throttle rod is squared right with the surface of the arm when the linkage is at its midpoint of

travel. If you find it necessary, you can try and rotate the pot body within the limits of the 3/32”

slot; you can even rotate the sleeve about the axis of the linkage until the entire throttle rod is

square with the arm. Then, you may continue by adjusting idle to desired speed.

You have to try and operate the throttle through several cycles in order to verify smooth

operation without possible binding. You should firmly tighten mounting bolts, hose clamps, and

even the pot retaining nut. With the throttle at idle position, you will have to trim the throttle rod

to length so that it protrudes about ¼” above the system arm.

You will have to square the rod end with a file and debar with some sandpaper. Then, you

should mix a small quantity of epoxy and apply into the 3/32” slot in the area of the anti rotation

pin in order to secure the pot against rotation.

Still, you have to pay attention to some aspects in order to take proper care of the hybrid

system. You will have to maintain it in a perfect condition in order not to affect the proper

performance of the car. For instance, you will have to pay attention to the followings and you

will have to do it while driving:

• You must make sure that the leds are operating.

• You have to make sure that the Green PWR ON lights when power is ON and is

not lit when power is OFF.

• You will have to make sure that the green PUMP ON and yellow GEN WATER

LOW both light when the water pump is running and are not lit at all other times.

• You have to make sure that the red TANK WATER LOW is not lit when tank water

level is more than about 1/3 full, and blinks when water falls below that level.


You have to take care of all these aspects in order to guarantee the proper functioning

pattern of the leds. If they are not working as they should, you will have to troubleshoot

in order to locate the defective component or wiring error. You will have to repair or

even replace as necessary

So, let us congratulate you for the best hybrid system installed on your beloved car.

Still, you will have to firmly tighten hose clamps on all

fittings and you have to do it after 27 hours of driving.


And now, let us provide you with some useful tips in order to take full advantage of your hybrid

system. First, we will talk about the proper maintenance of this system in order for the

functioning pattern to provide your car with its best performance ever. For instance, the water

hybrid is practically maintenance free; the only thing that you will have to do is to fill up with tap

water and drive.

Still, you have to be aware that tap water is likely to contain minerals which can accumulate

within the main generator and coat parts. The electrode gap is likely to gradually fill with

deposits; efficiency will keep dropping until insufficient

hydrogen and oxygen are available to power the car engine.

Therefore, you must prevent mineral build up by periodically

flushing and cleaning the main generator. Let’s consider

flushing; this process is so quick, easy, and effective.

Therefore, you should flush the generator at least every



Actually, there’s no need to start the engine. You will have to simply open the drain cock and

turn the power ON for a couple of minutes. Then, close the drain cock and wait for the

generator to pump full, and turn power OFF. You will have to make sure that you have toped

offer the water tank.

Let’s consider the constant cleaning because cleaning is of paramount importance when it

comes to taking care of the hybrid system. You have to be aware that a thin layer of minerals

is likely to eventually coat the generator parts; this layer must be periodically removed.

Depending on the mineral content of the water and the amount of your driving, cleaning

requirements are likely to vary considerably.

Therefore, you should clean the system once a month in order to provide yourself with the

required safety conditions. You may use a mildly acidic mineral deposit cleaner because these

types of substances are likely to work very well. There are dozens of similar products are on

the market but you have to make sure you are going to choose only the quality materials. Such

substances are being used to clean deposits from humidifiers.

Still, you will have to make sure that the power is OFF. You will have to drain the Generator

and disconnect the outlet tube at the flame arrestor; close the drain cock. By wearing

protective gloves, you should mix cleaner about 50/50 with water and pour through the tube

until the generator is full. Allow the cleaner to work for a couple of minutes and drain into a

bucket or even a large container. You will have to repeat this procedure one more time.

Then, try and examine the drained cleaner and, if you find it necessary, you will have to repeat

until the drained cleaner is fairly clear. Then, close the drain cock, fill the generator with some

fresh water right through the tubing, and drain it all. Then repeat the entire procedure two more

times. Turn power ON; flush for a minute or two. Close the drain cock, wait for the generator to

pump full, and close the drain cock. Turn power off and reconnect the tube right to the flame

arrestor. You have to make sure to top off the water tank.

Next, we shall talk about the cold weather operation. If the outside temperature is below

freezing, you should pay attention to some extra tips in order to make sure everything will be

all right when it comes to driving your water powered car. Therefore, try and mix some

isopropyl alcohol with the water in order to prevent freezing.


Since alcohol will change the dielectric properties of water, the water hybrid system operating

frequency must be changed; you may do this by adjusting the “Frequency Adjust” trim pot for

peak performance. And we should not forget about the spare generator; you have to be aware

that, because of its great reliability and low maintenance aspect, it’s easy to forget that the

water hybrid system is likely to require at least some periodic attention.

Eventually the primary generator may become clogged with various mineral deposits due to

neglected maintenance and you must avoid this situation because the generator can even fail

due to improper maintenance.

So, you may want to consider building and installing a spare and extra generator in order to act

as a sort of backup. If you decide that this is the best option for you, you will have to pay

attention to some aspects in order not to spoil its normal functioning pattern. For instance, you

will have to make sure that you will keep all dimensions the same as the primary generator so

that no future retuning will be needed.

Another method when it comes to maintaining the system in the proper shape consists in the

proper use of the good stainless steel. The only combustion product that can be provided by

the water hybrid powered engine is likely to contribute to the overall exhaust composition; we

are talking about the common water vapour. Therefore, you should watch out for the side

effects of the water vapour; unless the car engine has already been equipped with the

necessary stainless steel valves, you must look into having them installed in order to prevent

valve corrosion problems.

Stainless steel valves are likely to be relatively inexpensive; almost any high performance shop

may install them. The exhaust system is also vulnerable to the common rust. Still, you can

come up with more options there. So, if the system is old, you can

choose to let it to rust and replace it with the strong stainless steel


But if the system is new, any one of the revolutionary and readily

available ceramic coating processes is likely to prevent the unwanted

rusting. So, the most practical answer when it comes to the rust

problem involves developing a water compatible additive that may

inhibit corrosion.


You have to learn that this system is to be controlled on a regular basis in order to prevent

possible problems. Preventing these problems is much cheaper that handling them when they

appear and affect the performance of your car.

Therefore, train yourself in order to keep an attentive eye right on the CHT and pressure

gauges. They are likely to tell you a lot about how the entire system is performing at a

particular moment. Any sudden, severe or unexpected change in temperature and/or pressure

is likely to signal that a serious problem has occurred. So, the wisest choice would be for you

to try and learn how to interpret all the signals coming from your car in order to prevent

possible problems that can damage the entire hybrid system.

And as a bonus, we would like to introduce you to a revolutionary device that can keep your

car on the road without having to spend huge amounts of money in order to achieve this.

Charles Garrett was the one who originally patented this gadget back in 1932 (US Patent

2,006,676), by terming it an “Electrolytic Carburettor.”

That was the moment when he proposed charging the

existing electrodes with a “storage battery”, a power source

that was considered hopelessly inadequate.

Lead plates were used in order to serve as the water

capacitor and weak sulphuric acid as electrolyte. Since the

water chamber has to be electrically non conductive, it was

constructed of bakelite.

An electric motor drove a gear with an offset pin and linkage, by actuating a switch to reverse

battery polarity to the plates thus mechanically creating a very low frequency, low voltage,

pulse. Water level was also mechanically controlled by means of a float and needle valve

assembly; this assembly was designed in order to restrict the water inlet port.

Looking at the Garrett Gadget, we can see that he was on the right track: all he needed was 70

more years of evolving and revolutionary technology that can make the difference when it

comes to running your car on water.

So, you should think about transforming your beloved car in a water powered vehicle because.

There are plenty of reasons why you should consider running your car on water but you will


stick to three of them because they are the most important ones. They can convince you that

water is the next best thing for your car in order to save your time and money. So, let’s think

about the car mileage.

You are accustomed to a normal mileage but you should reconsider this point of view because

water can increase this mileage in a dramatic manner. Water can increase it by up to almost

50% and you are likely to feel the difference when on the road. Actually, you will become

aware that all your expenses will be cut in half and you are going to save some extra money.

You will also be able to drive twice as long without having to fill the tank. Therefore, you should

think about this because you are going to fill your tank just twice a month. And if you are not

convinced, you should try and think about all the things you can buy with the saved money.

The second reason why you should consider running your car on water is the ecological

perspective because you are going to save your environment by transforming your vehicle into

one that does not release harmful pollutants into the air.

• Converting your car is not a difficult

task; the only thing that you will

need is a proper manual in order to

provide yourself with the necessary

guidance. Such tutorials can help

you through the whole process and

you will be able to avoid expensive

mistakes without wasting your time and efforts.

• Actually, the entire process can be performed using just half a day

and you are going to spend less than $100. This so called

underground technology may allow you to transform your car into a

sort of water powered vehicle. You can install it on every type of

car; for instance, you can use it for vans, trucks, diesel powered

cars and SUVs. Still, this system was not tested on the latest

hybrids and you should not try to test it by yourself if you own such

a hybrid;


• Your car is likely to become cost/effective and you will not have to

spend huge amounts of money for fuel. The car will produce clearer

emissions too and you will become a part of the eco-friendly

community in no time. You have to become aware that an ordinary

car run on conventional fuel is going to affect the environment

sooner or later especially if you are keen on driving for long

distances. Therefore, this is your chance to do something for your

environment. The amazing thing about this car is that you will not

have to waste extra efforts in order to reach the final result. On the

contrary, the conversion kit can be build in no time and without

spending a fortune.

• You can convert the car you own for one of the lowest prices. There

is a wide range of conversion kits available on the current market.

Still, you should choose the one that comes next because the best

features will be provided at a reasonable cost.

• The conversion kit can work with the plainest tap water and you will

not need special water additives and distilled water. The whole

process is a very simple one and the steps are easy to follow even if

you are not a professional. Actually, the beauty of the system

resides in its cheap components and its wide availability.

• And you should stop wondering about the effectiveness of the water

powered car because you can run such a car without having any

difficulty. The technology is affordable and easy; water can be used

as the necessary supplement to the conventional fuels and you will

need a small quantity in order to make your car run. Actually, only a

quart of this plain water is going to provide over 1000 gallons of

brown gas and this brown gas will increase the vehicle efficiency.

The emissions quality will be improved as well and you will be

saving your money in no time.

Your car will become the perfect tool for you to save the present environment

and even reduce the dangerous global warming. Therefore, you should consider


using water instead of the conventional fuels because this alternative fuel can

make your car run even more efficiently than before. The amount of dangerous

emissions will thus be reduced and you will keep the air cleaner. People should

not be afraid of using this system and they should be convinced that this is the

best thing for them and their vehicles.

Therefore, you should leave side your previous ideas concerning this matter and

rich into buying the necessary components of the conversion kit. This conversion

kit will make your life easier and healthier. You can relay and stop worrying about

the constant price rises when it comes to the conventional fuels. This alternative

is the perfect thing for you and it is also the safest solution that can be found on

the current market.

Your car will be extremely helpful when it comes to reducing the greenhouse

effect because this effect is threatening us all. The third thing to be taken into

account is that you can become eligible for a special tax break. So, every driver

who has his car transformed into one that can run on water will be eligible for the

clean air credit. Regardless of your perspective, you should pay attention to the

previous reasons because they can convince you to make a positive change in

your life.

Your driving experience will be improved because driving a car that runs on

water is going to be a situation in which you are very likely to win. Actually, you

are going to do your own part when trying to save the environment and your

convincing example can be followed by others too. Saving the environment has

never been so simple and you should consider this change as the key factor that

will improve your life without having to pay a fortune for it.

You should pay attention to some brilliant ideas in order to change your life for

good. People are constantly worrying about the safety of their environment. The

modern environment is filled with pollutants that can damage the individual’s

health in an irreversible manner.

Therefore, you should try and do something for your environment because this is

the best legacy for your children. And you can start by building a car that can run

on water. By using water as a fuel for your car, you will get rid of the dangerous


pollutants that can damage your health. Even your driving experience is going to

be improved because water can increase the mileage of your car.

The car engine can be altered in order to allow you to use water instead of the

conventional fuel. There are no risks and you should stop thinking about this

aspect because the next best thing for you and your car is already here. Actually,

converting an ordinary diesel engine is not a big deal. You can convert it to run

on the bio-diesel and you will not have to deal with difficulties. There are no

problems when it comes to modyfing the car engine in order to enable the vehicle

to run on water. If you are wondering about the costs, you may relax because

you are not going to be ruined.

You will not have to face other costs besides the ones related to the modification

itself and the common water bill. Virtually, there will be no extra costs and you

can rest assured that this change will not cost you a fortune. Instead, you will

save some extra money because no costs will be associated. You can provide

your car with water by using the water tap and you will be saving thousands of

dollars without any extra effort. You can forget about the huge costs of the

conventional fuels because water is going to make miracles for your car and your

driving experience.