simon frith’s 3 typologies

Simon Frith’s 3 typologies

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Post on 12-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Simon frith’s 3 typologies

Simon Frith’s 3 typologies

Page 2: Simon frith’s 3 typologies

Typology 1 Performance

This is when the band or artist just preforms either rehearsing or at a concert.

An example of this is ‘Paris’ by Kanye West

Page 3: Simon frith’s 3 typologies

Typology 2: Narrative

This is when a video tells a story which involves the music artist relating to the lyrics of the song.An example is ‘Friday night’ by Katy Perry

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Typology: 3 Concept

This is when a video Creates a mood or atmosphere similar to the song without telling a story An example of this is ‘This is war’ by 30 seconds to mars