signs & signifiers textual analysis of music magazines

Signs and Signifiers Frederica Williams Davies

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Post on 08-Aug-2015




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Signs and Signifiers

Frederica Williams Davies

The typography used for the masthead, cover lines and anchorage are sans serif for Billboard, creating an informal image. Q magazine uses serif typography creating a formal image, which is an iconic sign. This creates a house style and masthead that’s recognisable to a regular reader and a unique appearance individualising it from any other magazines.

On both front covers the masthead is prominent and situated in the conventional place at the top of the magazine. However on Q magazine the image of Robbie Williams is super imposed upon the masthead. As Q is an established brand they know people will recognise the magazine even though the masthead is not clear. Also, Robbie Williams is a populated performer liked by various ages and social classes attracting a wide audience to this edition of Q.

Front Cover

Whereas on Billboard magazine the masthead is super imposed above the image. The preferred reading could be that this is how Billboard believed it looked best when designed. However the oppositional reading could be that Billboard believes their brand is more important and will increase sales instead of Beyoncé.

Both magazines use a medium close up image of a renowned performer on their front covers these are iconic signs. On Billboard magazine the image uses direct address and is there's little space around the artists head creating a lack of personal space, this is a symbolic sign. The preferred reading of this would be that even though Beyoncé is a big star she’s still close to her fans. However, the oppositional reading could be that she is fierce and not welcoming as of the intense look in her eye and lack of personal space.

Whereas, Q magazines image doesn’t use direct address however because it’s a medium close up you can see Robbie’s humorous facial expressions, this is a symbolic sign. The preferred reading of this sign would be that he’s a happy individual and that his music is fun. On the other hand, the oppositional reading of his facial expressions would be that he’s childlike and doesn’t take his music seriously.

Billboard magazine has a specific section on their contents page for informing the reader of the top charts in music. This is an iconic sign and is something that their target audience will find interesting. Q magazine have a section of their contents page identifying there's an “Oasis Special” this is a iconic sign as most contemporary music listeners will know of Oasis and will find it interesting there's extra information on them.

Both contents pages use the same colour scheme as the front cover creating a house theme throughout the magazine ,which is an iconic sign, by having this it creates an identity for the magazine separating it from competitors. For Q magazines simplistic colour scheme the preferred reading would be that its sophisticated and smart. Unlink the oppositional reading which would be that its boring and plain.

Contents Page

Whereas, Billboards magazine’s colour scheme is vibrant and colourful. The preferred reading of this would be that its exciting and something interesting to the eye. However, the oppositional reading could be the colour scheme is garish and child like.

For the double page spreads both magazines use sans serif typography, this is an iconic sign. The preferred reading of using sans serif typography for the article could be that the article, and artist its about, is formal, serious and sophisticated.

Also, both double page spreads include a black and white medium close up of Lady Gaga. For Q magazines double page spread Gaga has heavy make up and no clothing yet covering her chest. This is a symbolic sign as the preferred reading is that Gaga is baring all information in this article or that she is confident enough to share a photo of this kind with thousands of people. The oppositional ready of the image could be that Gaga is a bad role model for young people as the photo is a bit racy or that she is vain

Double Page Spread

For Billboard magazine Gaga, in the black and white image, has little make up on in the photo. This is a symbolic sign as the preferred reading is that Gaga’s confident in her own skin and that the article is the ‘bare’ truth of Gaga’s story. The oppositional reading however could be that Gaga’s changed as she’s normally in extravagant outfits or that the pressure of being a big star has made her tired and not enough time to do the little things such as applying make up.

The title of Billboards article “The Real lady gaga” is an iconic sign that relates to the supporting symbolic image. The preferred reading of the title could be that “Real” means the articles the inner thoughts of Lady Gaga and not yet known information on her. Whereas, the oppositional reading could be that so far Lady Gaga has been fake until now.