sightlines/aplu capital infrastructure and deferred maintenance study - kickoff meeting

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APLU Study of Capital Infrastructure and

Deferred Maintenance

> Data Collection Webinar 2/27/2015

Page 2: Sightlines/APLU Capital Infrastructure and Deferred Maintenance Study - Kickoff Meeting

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> Overview of the purpose of the APLU Study– Ian Maw

> Basic Approach and Project Plan– Peter Reeves

> Overview of methodology, process, and timeline

> Outline of parameters to be used in identifying buildings to be included –

Peter Reeves

> Overview of data collection survey and building inventory – Peter Reeves

> Next Steps – Ian Maw & Peter Reeves

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> Data collected through a survey approach

> Submission of a simplified building inventory(Building level data) for defined subset of agriculture and related buildings.

> Response to a short survey regarding existing deferred maintenance study and campus investment.

> Deferred maintenance estimation

> Utilizing a proprietary model, Sightlines will establish a building level deferred maintenance estimate.

> For campuses with a existing deferred maintenance studies, campuses will submit data and Sightlines will perform a validation test.

> Deliverable of results

> Sightlines will prepare a Country/regional level analysis in a report, highlighting the existing needs for APLU/USDA facilities

> Sightlines will prepare and deliver a presentation at an APLU event

> Sightlines will provide each campus with their building specific data and deferred maintenance estimates


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Input from both facilities and administrative heads


• Take first attempt at identifying included buildings

• Collect relevant building information

Administrative head of Agriculture:

• Review list of building supplied by facilities

• Identify any exclusions that need to be made

• Identify and buildings that aren't included that need to be.

Combine Input for Building data and

Complete the survey portion

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Pre - WeeksSightlines Prework to prepare define scope and develop

documents and Survey. November 17th - 28th

Pre - Week Sightlines Meets with Steering CommitteeDecember 11th

Pre - Weeks Sightlines incorporates Feedback from Steering Committee,

Finalizes webinar kick-off. December 11th - 31st

Week 1 & 2 Sightlines Holds 2 Kick-off meetings.February 27th & March


Week 1Survey and Documents go live immediately follow kick-off

meeting February 27th

Week 6Sightlines provides update on response rate & Meet with the

steering committee April 10th

Week 8 Sightlines Closes Survey and begins data analysis.April 24th

Week 9 - 14Sightlines conducts preliminary analysis, identifies any

institutions that need additional follow-up meetings. May 1st - 29th

Week 10 Review Preliminary Findings with the Steering CommitteeWeek of May 18th

Week 12-14(If Necessary)Conduct follow-up meetings with any institutions deemed

necessary. May 18th - 29th

Week 14 Finalize Source data for ReportJune 5th

Week 16 Present Final Data Analysis to the Steering CommitteeWeek of June 15th

Week 18 Circulate Draft Report to Steering CommitteeJune 29th

Week 20 Finalize written report & PresentationJuly 15th

APLU Deferred Maintenance Study - Project Plan

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Parameters to be used in

identifying Included buildings


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> Broadly Defined:

> “Any space involved in teaching, research, and extension related to agriculture

broadly defined”

> Practically Defined:

> Any University owned(i.e. not leased) facilities that fall under that University’s

School of Agriculture and would be eligible for USDA funding.

This may include, but not be limited to:

• Animal Sciences

• Vet schools (if part of school of


• Environmental Sciences

• Food Science (Nutrition)

• Plant Sciences

• Forestry

• Entymology

• Coastal and Marine Science

• Agriculture & resource


• Textile and Clothing

• Biological and Agricultural


• Natural Resources

• Off-site farms/Research Stations

• Owned Extension sites

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For Off-site Facilities

Include if…

> They are owned or on long –term leases that include university responsibility for

capital improvements

> In the case of residences on farms/research stations, they are occupied by


> In the case of marine/coastal functions, if they are onshore

Exclude if…

> They are leased space with no or minimal capital improvement responsibility

> Residences are rented out to non-university personnel

> They are off-shore facilities(boats, platforms, etc.)


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For Multipurpose Facilities

> Include the entire building

> Building inventory will include a place to indicate approximate

percentage of building dedicated to included functions.

> i.e. Science building A (a four story building) has general science functions on

three floors with one floor of agriculture research. Building will be included, and

it will be indicated that it is 25% included functions


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Other considerations

> Simple buildings(ones without heat and electricity) will be

included, but noted as such.

> Animal care facilities will be included as long as the animal are

there for the purpose of teaching or research.

> Centralized or regional utility plants will be excluded. (includes

wind farms, solar farms, & traditional utility plants)


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Overview of data collection


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> 2 major components

> Building inventory

> Online survey

> Building inventory documents will be sent out with survey invitation, should be completed prior to beginning the survey

> Survey asks basic institutional questions and allows for building inventory and existing DM studies/Facilities condition assessments to be uploaded.

> Survey timeline – 8 weeks

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To be filled out by each institution participating in the survey

> Required fields:

> Building name

> Size of building (in Gross Square Feet)

> Building function – Teaching, Research,

Extension, Multi-use

> Building type (complexity)

> Construction year

> Renovation year (if applicable)

> Percent of building dedicated to included



All fields listed above are to be filled out for each building

included in the inventory..

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Click to Edit Master Title Style Building inventory template

To be filled out by each institution participating in the survey


The Sightlines Building Inventory Template:

Tip: Utilize the notes

column to add any


detail necessary

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Defining Sightlines’ building functions


Building Function Definitions and Examples

Classroom/Teaching Buildings with classrooms and/or faculty and administrative offices.

Includes libraries.

Sci. Research Science building with lab space and other research space. Includes

veterinary hospitals/animal care facilities

Extension Buildings dedicated to extension function

Farm/Animal Buildings Barns, animal handling, feed mills, animal quarters, etc.

Greenhouses Glass or plastic greenhouses

Support Facilities buildings, storage garages.

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Defining Sightlines’ building types based on complexity


Building Type Definitions and Examples


Buildings with complex systems. In addition to heating and cooling, they

have more sophisticated systems like Fume Hoods (>10), reheats,

greater outside air requirements and specilty dehumidification


Basic Buildings with basic systems. Standard Heating and cooling throughout.

Simple Buildings with simple systems. Most often just heating, possibly with

some local cooling.

Non-Utility Buildings without heating and electricity

Small Buildings under 5,000 GSF, with utility service.

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Splitting out buildings that have had additions over time


Buildings that have had additions over time – we want to track the construction

date of the original structure as well as the construction date of each addition

What to do in this situation:

• Enter the original GSF of the building on one line of the building inventory along with

the original construction date

• List any additions as separate lines of the inventory with their respective GSF and

construction dates.

Example: Sightlines Hall is a 30,000 GSF academic building

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Defining a major renovation


Fill out the Renovation Year column for any building that underwent a “major renovation”

Definition of a major renovation:

• A large-scale renovation that cost at least 50% of the building's replacement value

and/or the scope of which involved work done on at least 50% of the building's various

components, resetting their lifecycles.

• More than a basic space renewal renovation that simply modernizes interior finishes

and furnishings - should also include work on mechanical/electrical/HVAC systems, the

building envelope (windows, roof, exterior shell), and/or safety or code projects (ADA

work, asbestos remediation, etc.)

• Example: A building originally constructed in 1910 underwent a renovation in 2011 that

replaced HVAC systems, windows, and completed a full interior modernization. The

building now feels like a 2011-era building. The renovation should be tracked as 2011

in the building inventory.

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> Data Elements:

> Institutional Contact

> Existing Deferred Maintenance / Facilities Condition


> When completed

> Methodology

> Uploading of documents

> Historical Investment profile

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University Contact person should be

who we can follow up with regarding

the data if any issues arise.

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Click to Edit Master Title Style Basic Building and Campus information


Building inventory upload


Approximation of

average capital

investment over the last

5 years:

• All sources of funding

• Excludes new


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Whether or not you have

had a study performed

If so, when was it last


Upload data summary



• Internal – completed

by the university staff

• External – Completed

by an outside firm

• Life Cycle – A model

based estimate based

on age

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Next Steps


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> February 27th – Survey and Documents Live

> April 10th – Sightlines provides first update on response rate

> April 24th – Survey closes for submissions

> May 2015 – Sightlines conducts preliminary analysis and follow

ups as needed

> May – June 2015 – Completion of data analysis and preparation

or report.


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Questions and Comments