siebel eservice customer training final

Page 1 Siebel eService Customer Training Moving to Siebel

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Siebel eServiceCustomer Training

Moving to Siebel

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What’s covered in this training?

• What/When is eService

• Accessing eService

• Entering a Service Request

• Working with a Service Request

• Managing your profile

• Authorizing billable Service Requests (for Group Management customers only)

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What is eService? For Whom? eService is online Service Request Management

Replaces 3 legacy systems

It’s for GEHCIT customers, where the GEHCIT Business is live on HCIT Siebel

It also offers online Profile Management (contact information)

SSO (Single Sign On) Enabled

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When is all this occurring? What should you expect?

• Go Live scheduled for Monday, May 16, 2011

• Active (not closed or deleted) cases will be in Siebel on day 1

• Inactive (closed/deleted) cases for 3 years will be available within a week

• Expecting a smooth transition with a few bumps– please be patient

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eService Customer Training

Siebel eServiceAccessing eService

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Page 6Getting Access to eService

Moving to Siebel

• Customer Contact person (eService user) needs to register for eService

• eService Registration consists of 2 parts

1. SSO ID assigned2. Contact person set up in Siebel and has Siebel settings set for eService

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eService Customer Training

Siebel eServiceEntering a Service Request

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Start a new

Service Request

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If you are not sure which

Asset (Product) to select,

choose any listed Asset and

your GE HCIT Support

Representative can make any

necessary updates to the

Service Request after it is


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In most cases you’ll have one choice. If you

have production servers in more

than one location, you’ll see the

location as part of the Environment


Example: Production:


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SR Type

• SR Type is a required field.

• The available options differ according to the product line. They are used to help internal routing.

• If you are ever unsure please use the Technical Service option.


Product Line Technical Service Upgrade/Update Service Billing Service Application Service Contracted ServiceCentricity EMR X X   X X

Centricity Practice Management and Centricity Practice Solution X   X X  Centricity Group Management X   X X X

Technical ServiceApplication ServiceBilling Service

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• Priority is a required field.

• The available options differ according to the product line

• NOTE: Critical is not a choice. Please call our support center for all critical issues.

Product Line High Medium Low

Centricity EMR   X X

Centricity Practice Management and Centricity Practice Solution     XCentricity Group Management X X X

High Medium Low

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SR Priority


• Non-critical problem that interferes with the customer’s ability to perform a key business function Not restricted to rare situations or a single occurrence

• Presents no reasonable workaround

• A critical issue that has an acceptable workaround


• Any other problem that interferes with the customer's ability to perform a business function or generates inaccurate results but which has an acceptable workaround


• All other problems (cosmetic problems)

High Medium Low

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GM customers only

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GM customers only

eCommerce customer with EDI issue.Choose proper standard part to allow Siebel to auto dispatchyour SR to proper Team from the start.

These standard parts are only avail if you choose eCommerce Support asset or core Group Management asset

Also, choose Billing Service For SR Type.

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Add up to FIVE on initial SR


•Attachments are optional.

•Add up to 5 attachments to a new Service Request and unlimited when updating.

•Maximum size is 5MB (combined file size) with a wide range of file formats (doc, xls, ppt, docx, xlsx, pptx, jpg, jpeg, bmp, pdf, zip, txt, gif, rtf, rpt)

•Attachments do not replace adding comments to the Service Request. Helpful attachments are screen shots or interface specs.

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• Safety Concern? and Patient Use? are regulatory and required fields.

• Safety Concern? As a result of the issue you are reporting, was there a death, or serious injury or the potential for a death or service injury? If it can be confirmed that no actual or potential death or serious injury has or could occur, choose No. Additional details should be provided to support Actual or Potential concerns.

• Patient Use? Was the Asset that the issue is being reported against being used for the treatment or diagnosis of a patient/condition? If it can be confirmed that the Asset was not being used for treatment or diagnosis at the time of the issue, choose No.

Safety Concern? and Patient Use?

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Description and CommentsOptional field, please

populate helpful for query and export capabilitiesCan’t edit once SR is

submitted255 characters accepted

Required free text field – provide full description of

issue being submittedCan’t edit once SR is

submitted2000 characters accepted

Optional field – can be used if you run out of room on

Description field for initial SR entry

1500 characters accepted

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SR Submitted

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SR Submitted

Failure Message: The system is unable to create Service Request. Please try again or contact helpdesk.

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What if there is no Asset for SR?

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What if there is no Asset for SR?

• Very few occurrencesExamples of acceptable use would be questions about the National User’s conference or to confirm GE off-hour support hours

• Low Priority issues ONLY.

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eService Customer Training

Siebel eServiceFinding an SR

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Finding an SR

• Converted SRs include any moved from legacy systems

• This will include all active cases (open or hold status) at time of go-live as well as 3 years of closed or deleted cases within a week of go-live

SR Numbering Format

Converted SRs = GM-#######, IPEMR-#######, IPPM-#######e.g. Group Management # 1234567 becomes GM-1234567 in


New SRs = 1-#########

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This hyperlink will bring you to a listing of all the SRs for which you are the contact, the status is hold and the sub status is either Pending Customer Action or Pending Customer Sign Off.

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Click SR# hyperlink to

jump to full SR detail page

Hover over SR# hyperlink to get popup display

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List of last 10 most recently edited SRs for which you are the


Hover over SR# to view popup display

Hover over description fields to view popup display


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The All Service Requests link allow you to see all service requests for assets for which you have access. This is a historical listing.

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Searching when you know the SR#…

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eServiceCustomer Training

Siebel eServiceUpdating an SR

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Updating a SR

General Info

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Updating a SR

The top section is where you can make updates or update information.Fields highlighted in orange can be updated

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Updating a SR

Whenever you update the contact on the SR please reference the change in the update comments. This will help alert GE to this change.

Ensure Comments include instructions if

updating Phone Number

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View Existing SR Attachments

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View Existing SR Attachments

A link to view the attachment

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Updating a SR


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View Existing SR Activities

Hover to see Contact Info

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Updating a SR

SR Details

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Hover to see Contact Info

View Service Request Details

These values can only be updated / entered by GE

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Print SR

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Email SR

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eServiceCustomer Training

Siebel eServiceService Request Closure

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Request SR ClosureIf you are ready to close an SR, you can do this at any time:

1. Enter comments on the SR indicating you are ready to close the case and then select the Request SR Closure link.



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Request SR Closure

2. This will trigger a popup asking confirm you wish to close the SR. If you select cancel you will be brought back to the update service request screen.

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Request SR Closure3. If you clicked ok at the confirmation to close pop-up you will

get a second popup asking if you really want to submit the SR changes. This is a double confirmation.

4. Upon clicking ok here you will get a confirmation message indicating the request to close has been successfully submitted.

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eServiceCustomer Training

Siebel eServiceContact Profile Management

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Manage Profile

Every user can and should update their own:

• Demographic / contact information

• Email notification preferences

An Admin User can also update this information for all other


Please keep your contact information up-to-date.

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Manage Profile

eService Homepage

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Contact Details

Manage Profile


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Manage Profile - Demographics

Fields with the red star (*) are required in order to save the contact

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Email Notifications

Manage Profile

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Manage Profile – Email Settings

No email: You will not receive any emails for eService updates.

Create SR: You will get a confirmation message an SR has been created. We saw an example of this earlier.

Closed SR: You will get a confirmation message when an SR has been closed.

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Manage Profile – Email Settings

Pending Customer Action: You will get an email anytime a GE user updates the case to a status of Hold, substatus of Pending Customer Action.

Pending Customer Signoff: You will get an email anytime a GE user updates the case to a status of Hold, substatus of Pending Customer Signoff.

Both of the last two statuses will show in the SRs needing your attention section but the emails may be helpful to you.

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Manage Profile – Email Settings

Select New button to add setting for additional Business Segments

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Admin Capabilities

• Update demographics for customer contacts

• Activate/Inactivate a contact

• Alter asset associations for customer contacts

• Request new user access

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Admin – Update Contacts

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Select Contact from list

and Update Contact

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Admin – Update Contacts

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Select Contact from list

and Associate New Assets to that contact

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Admin – Update Contacts - Associate New Asset

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Select Contact from list

and Check

Current Assets for that contact

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Admin – Update Contacts -View Associated Assets

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Admin – New User Access

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Admin – New User Access

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Admin – New User Access

• eService Access Levels - Definitions

• Admin – eService Administrator for the customer. The person has the ability to view/update all contacts for that customer, add/remove contacts, and review/update/create Service Requests associated to any of the of the customer's assets.

• Special - User can review/update/create Service Requests associated to any of the customer's assets.

• Basic - User can review/update/create Service Requests associated to the assets to which this user has been associated in Siebel.

• Read Only - User can view (not update or create) Service Requests that are associated to the assets to which this user has been associated in Siebel.

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eServiceCustomer Training

Siebel eServiceBilling Authorization

Centricity Group Management ONLY

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View Billing Information

• Link will always appear

• Check when activity indicates quote to see quote details

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View Billing Information

If there is no quote available or no quote history you will see just the billing detail for the SR.

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Discount applied, if applicable

Approving a Quote

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Take action on quote

Approving a Quote

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Enter PO number, if applicable

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Approving a Quote

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Updated Quote information

Approving a Quote

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Rejecting Existing Quote

It’s not possible to un-reject a quote

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Rejecting Existing Quote

If rejecting a quote, enter a comment to indicate why the quote was rejected so we can address the cause if necessary.

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Updated Quote information

Rejecting Existing Quote

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eServiceCustomer Training

Siebel eServiceAdditional Resources & Questions

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Additional Resources

I will send this presentation to the email list I have from acceptances for this training session.

We will also post it to our Centricity GM, PM/CPS, EMR web sites

– Link on main page– You will have on-going access to the training

materials and resources provided there as well as anything new

If you have questions about this training, please email us at [email protected]

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© 2011 General Electric Company. All rights reserved.

This does not constitute a representation or warranty or documentation regarding the product or service features. All illustrations are provided as fictional examples only. Your product features and configuration may be different than those shown. Information contained herein is proprietary to GE.

No part of this publication may be reproduced for any purpose without written permission of GE.

GE, GE Monogram, Centricity, and Imagination are trademarks of General Electric Company. All other products and brand names

are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.

Thank you for your time and interest!

Independent Practices