sidlak 3rd news letter

Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain. - 1 Corinthians 15:58 BCBP CONSOLACION CHAPTER JULSEP 2015 Volume#3 Outreach: Missionary of Charity by Miriam Loren On July 12, 2015, Unit B had a humbling opportunity to grace and lead an out- reach event at Missionary of Charity located in Pasil, Cebu City. This institu- tion houses malnourished and sick children where missionaries and nuns feed them not just with healthy food but also nourish them with love and care. They bathe the chil- dren and even play with them. It’s a very touching experience to witness the selfless act of the missionaries. Eight sacks of rice, wherein half of the cost was subsidized by the Consolacion Chapter, were given by Unit B. We were not allowed to take pictures to protect the identity of the children. May we all continue to serve our God through helping our less fortunate neighbors especially the children. What’s inside? July - Sept 2015 activities 2-4 Reflection 5 Feature 6-8 Pope’s visit to US 9 Breakfast Sharers 10 Intercessory Schedule 11 Chapter Head’s Message 11 Q4 Calendar 12 SAVE THE DATE BCBP CONSOLACION CHAPTER ANNIVERSARY NOVEMBER 21, 2015

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God’s message1. Blessed is the man who follows joyfully God’s command. Don’t be afraid to do what’s right. Be humble and trust in the Lord - Bojie Velasco2. The Lord reminds us that He is our strength, trust and have faith in Him always. Do not doubt of the things you ask for, He will give it in His perfect time - Robert Lim3. The Lord wants us to be humble. Be good and forgive one another. Be kind and help others, expect nothing in return. Because at the end you will be rewarded as He promised - Axel Tumulak


“Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain.”

- 1 Corinthians 15:58


JUL—SEP 2015


Outreach: Missionary of Charity by Miriam Loren

On July 12, 2015, Unit B had a humbling

opportunity to grace and lead an out-

reach event at Missionary of Charity

located in Pasil, Cebu City. This institu-

tion houses malnourished and sick

children where missionaries and nuns

feed them not just with healthy food

but also nourish them with love and care. They bathe the chil-

dren and even play with them. It’s a very touching experience to

witness the selfless act of the missionaries.

Eight sacks of rice, wherein half of the cost was subsidized by the

Consolacion Chapter, were given by Unit B. We were not allowed

to take pictures to protect the identity of the children. May we all

continue to serve our God through helping our less fortunate

neighbors especially the children.

What’s inside?

July - Sept 2015 activities 2-4

Reflection 5

Feature 6-8

Pope’s visit to US 9

Breakfast Sharers 10

Intercessory Schedule 11

Chapter Head’s Message 11

Q4 Calendar 12




NOVEMBER 21, 2015



We thought Q2 was the most hectic quarter of the year till this quarter came. But through God’s

grace He arranges our time so we can serve and bring more people closer to Him. On July 12, 2015,

Unit B had a humbling opportunity to grace and lead an outreach event at Missionary of Charity lo-

cated in Pasil, Cebu City. Another and ongoing event is the BCLP 11 wherein a number of the mem-

bers are devoting their time to make it fruitful and life changing for the participants. Led by kuya Ed

Lanticse and supportive servants, we managed to go this far and remain on track to complete the

whole sessions by October 17. The music ministry is tirelessly singing worship songs and gracing

events almost every Sunday. Some of our members joined the St Paul Leadership retreat that was

held in Sto Nino Spirituality Center on July 18 to 19. The retreat facilita-

tors guided the participants in examining the leadership characteristics

of St Paul and his servant attitude that has direct relevance and practi-

cal use in leading an organization in today’s world. For the very first

time, our chapter and the Mandaue West Chapter held a joint chapter

teaching night at Big Hotel. NAC36 is coming to Cebu so who is not ex-

cited about it. Let us grab the early bird rate before October 4 and ex-

perience God’s exhilarating and motivating victories in marketplaces.

These are the following five letters that I have

learned from St. Paul’s Missionary Retreat held

at Sto. Nino Spirituality Center last July 18-19.



Every time I make a decision in my life, I

need to humble myself first to pray to the

Lord asking His guidance. In doing so, I con-

sult my elder brothers who are experts and

more experienced than me so that I will be

guided for a particular service that I plan to

commit. Afterwards, I thank God for the an-

swered prayer. Finally, I will be able to make

my own decision joyfully.


In every decision I make, I will be responsi-

ble and accountable for the output either

Jules and Melody Foronda

What Have I Learned From St. Paul’s Missionary Leaders Retreat?

by Bojie Velasco

good or bad. I have no one to blame but

myself because God has given me already so

much gifts to live and survive each day’s

challenges. The truth is I need to reflect

more deeply and repeatedly before making

any commitment.


As a leader, I will strive consistently to be

an energetic person for oftentimes people

are looking forward for my example and my

leadership. That is why, in facilitating a

particular activity I have to perform well to

the highest level with self confidence so that

others will be influenced and motivated to

offer freely their commitment to serve the


continued to next page


Enthusiastic members of the BCBP Cebu chapters

attended the Regional Breakfast Fellowship held at

Mariners’ Court, Pier 1, Cebu City last August 8,

2015. The venue was filled with pleasant noise of

laughter, brisk conversation of some members, and

songs gloriously sung by the choir. There were also

first timers who came all the way from far provinces

of Cebu to witness what BCBP breakfast was like – a

joyous event yet inspiring as everyone listens to

couple’s transformational life story.

The couple sharer was no other than our BCBP

President Joe and Lulu Avellana who flew from Ma-

nila to impart with us their life stories. What they

shared was not simply all about hardships and tri-

umphs they have encountered but more on how

God made them destined to be together in spite the


Regional Breakfast Fellowship by Melody Foronda

When they opened their doors to BCBP, they de-

voted their time, energy and love as they willingly

accepted almost all kinds of services the commu-

nity needs. Kuya Joey as the head of his company,

head of the family and head of the entire BCBP

community, is able to carry on simply because he,

together with his loving wife, are truthfully serving


Retreat Participants (L-R): Miriam and Richard Loren, Julius and

Melody Foronda, Fely and Axel Tumulak, Bojie and Ellen

Velasco, Juda and Marvin Soco. Not in picture: William & Ann


What Have I… continued from p.2


I always make an action plan for every pro-

ject that I’ll be undertaking. I put my plans

from A to Z into writing whenever necessary.

Then, I will appoint responsible persons who

can help me achieve the plan and turn over to

them as needed.


Why am I doing this? God has given me this

gift of LOVE that is meant to be shared. Our

Lord Jesus has called me to continue to do His

mission through a family, community and

church where I belong. In retrospect, I find

myself still needing to look for my life pur-


Consolacion members at Mariner’s Court

God’s message

1. Blessed is the man who follows joyfully God’s

command. Don’t be afraid to do what’s right.

Be humble and trust in the Lord - Bojie


2. The Lord reminds us that He is our strength,

trust and have faith in Him always. Do not

doubt of the things you ask for, He will give it

in His perfect time - Robert Lim

3. The Lord wants us to be humble. Be good and

forgive one another. Be kind and help others,

expect nothing in return. Because at the end

you will be rewarded as He promised - Axel



BCLP #11 by Ed Lanticse

The Honor is mine: I actually did not volunteer to be the course leader, but when I was nominated and offered the position, I saw it as an opportunity to serve our Lord and our commu-nity. I decided to accept the responsibility as a chance to impart my knowledge and capabilities to incoming members of BCBP. I am much honored to have been given this opportunity to help spread the word of the Lord and to entice more people to help us win the mar-ketplace for Christ.

The Victory I owe to God: I realized that being the course leader is not an easy task. It takes a lot of research, planning and coordination to organ-ize each week of the CLP. But by our Lord’s grace and with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, I am able to complete my weekly tasks. I consider it as a great victory that we have inspired 16 of our participants to continue, commit their selves to the community and to practice the BCBP way of Life

The Gratitude I give: First of all I would like to extend my most heartfelt gratitude to our CLP 11 participants for diligently attending our weekly sessions and for wholeheart-edly participating in our discussions. I am very ex-cited to welcome you all to the BCBP and I promise you that joining the community will turn to be one of the best decisions you have ever made.

1st BCLP session

Eleazar Leyson Sheila Mae Leyson

Raul Raymond Alpha Marie Kapuno

Orly Secretario Resty Secretario

Arnel Bihag Gina Bihag

Carlito Conde Nolie Conde

Warren Clyde Tompong Rhesel Joan Tompong

Ma. Bernadette Algar Melody Camus

Sheryl Padillo


Participants and DGL in a Discussion group

The BCLP choir service team


Peace Be With You by Judy Gloria

Action Group Meeting

Method used: Seven Steps

Step 1: Invite the Lord

Lord you said when two or more are gathered in your name

you are with them. We claim your words that you are with us now in

this action group meeting. Thank you for your presence. Guide our

thoughts, our selection of words and verses to reflect on. Help us

make you the center of our reflection tonight and in our sharing.

Step 2: Open your Bible to select the book, chapter and verse

Step 3: Please read Bible Verse aloud so we may able to listen. (Read from three different Bible inter-

pretations to better understand the verses.)

Step 4: Please select a word or verse from the Bible Verses that touches you. Say it aloud prayerfully

three times with reverence.

Example: John 20:26

“…. Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you …”

“…. Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you …”

“…. Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you …”

Step 5: For 2-3 minutes let us silently reflect on the words we have selected; associate it with current

experiences; it should be Christ centered and how it is applied to your current situation;

Step 6: For 5 minutes or less let us share to the group our reflection; Say the word or verse before you

start your sharing. Let us listen to the sharer. Please refrain from interrupting her or him. And do not

give advices.

Step 7: Let us discuss other matters and then close the AGM with a prayer. As we pray kindly say

aloud your thanks giving and petitions. Then we will sing a thanksgiving song.

Example: I thank you father for the friendship and support we have from each member of our action

group. Give each one of us the blessing, protection, providence and the gifts of the Holy Spirit that we

need in our journey to our eternal home. Amen

Step 8: Plan for next activity or other matters and assess the seven steps. Was it conducted in a

prayerful manner; is there a room for improvement?


Obedience and Faithfullness Amidst Adversity by Julie Despi

“But Samuel replied: ‘Does the Lord

delight in burnt offerings and

sacrifices as much as in obeying the

Lord? To obey is better than sacrifice,

and to heed is better than the fat of


(1 Samuel 15:22)

When we talk about commitment to

the community, who could best

epitomize this word than one of the

pillars of BCBP Consolacion, Kuya

Joe Caminade, who in spite of his

challenging physical condition, he

never cease to amaze us with the

kind of dedication he shows by

attending the BCBP breakfasts and

the various act ivit ies in the


It’s my privilege to share a few but

great thoughts from Kuya Joe, and I

hope you will be inspired by his


Good morning Kuya Joe, to start, may

you kindly give us a brief background

about your journey with the


Kuya JC: I am proud to say that I

have been with the BCBP for more

than 21 years. I used to be part of

BCBP Mactan and I’m a graduate of

BCLP 1. Throughout the 21 years, I

have handled various services in the

community such as action group

leader and unit leader to name some.

Wow! That’s really a long time now.

How was your journey with God? And

how has it affected your personal life?

Kuya JC: Well, looking back, I have a

lot of blessings. I’ll just categorize

them in different aspects of my life.

Career: After being an accountant for

15 years, I took the leap of faith to

build my own business. However, it

did not become easy for me. Being

jobless was difficult as I cannot

provide a steady income for the

family. But when I completely

entrusted myself to God and became

active in the community, my income

became stable, and never again have

I experienced any problems with

money. God is truly generous,

because blessings just keep on


Family Life: Before, I had problems

with my temper. But through the

grace of God, I was able to reduce

gradually my temper and extend my

patience. I am always thankful to God

that in spite of financial challenges,

God has given me a very loving wife,

and very supportive children. Now my

kids are doing great in their respective

endeavors; Joeffrey is now in Florida,

USA together with his family. While,

Jovanni is in Manila, and has his own

business. They have been supporting

us financially as well.

We highly honor and appreciate your

dedication in consistently attending

the BCBP activities in spite of the

illness that you are currently facing.

What keeps you motivated to

continually attend the various BCBP


Kuya JC: I enjoy the BCBP group. It

also serves as a therapy for me,

because If I confine myself in the

house, I’ll just be depressed. It pays

to go out and reach out to people.

Being more engaged makes me feel

younger. And I hope my visibility in

BCBP activities will also encourage

our fellow members to be more

engaged in the community.

God is certainly a great provider! And

he as greatly blessed you and your

family. What advise(s) can you

provide to all our fellow members in

the community:

Kuya JC: First for the couples: It’s

normal for couples to have conflicts.

But always ask guidance from God ,

because conflicts easily subside if the

family prays everyday. As a couple,

you need to talk about the problem

even before going to sleep in order to

avoid the problem to aggravate.

Openness and good communication

are the keys.

Second, for your children: Always be

there to take care and guide them

even if they are already grown up.

There are tendencies wherein they

might lose their way while growing up

continued next page

Joe Caminade


The Catechism of the Catholic Church listed

down 12 Fruits of the Holy Spirit (CCC 1832)

while the Letter of St. Paul to the Galatians has 9

(Gal 5:22-23). Patience is one among these


We must be aware that there are conditions how

and when God answers what we petition in

prayer. God’s outright positive response cer-

tainly increases our faith in Him. But He has his

reasons when He doesn’t give what we ask for.

We need to discern what is best for us according

to His will and plan. A delayed response is a test

of our patience.

Perseverance, endurance, steadfastness, persis-

tence, consistency and sustainability are term

synonymous to patience. The poet Henry Wads-

woth Longfellow must be inspired by the Acts of

the Apostles to “pray in faith…it is necessary for

us to undergo many hardships to enter the King-

dom of God” (Acts 14:22) and the Letter of St.

Paul to the Colossians, “persevere in prayer that

God may open the door” (Col 4:2). He claimed,

“perseverance is a great element of success. If

you only knock long and loud enough at the gate,

you are sure to wake up somebody”.

Last August 27, 2015 on the occasion of my per-

severing wife Judy’s 58th birthday and first

founding anniversary of Rhodora Inn, we cele-

brated a Holy Mass in thanksgiving and house

blessing officiated by Rev. Fr. Clyde Salitrero,

OCam. We are reminded of “St. Monica’s pa-

tience with her husband, her long years of

Obedience and… continued from p6

because of peer influences and pressures normed by the society. Never let them go astray and encourage them to join

a spiritual community, so they will always be grounded towards God’s teachings.

For the community life: We always experience trials and harrasments in life. The community serves as a support

system for all of us. If ever you have problems, discuss with your Action Group. As much as possible, be present in the

various BCBP functions, for once you slow down, it will be difficult to get back on track.

Patient But Not A Patient by Nestor Gloria

prayer coupled with a strong, well-disciplined

character finally led to the conversion of her hot-

tempered husband and her once wayward son,

now St. Augustine. She is a model wife and

mother. St. Monica is our model of pa-

tience” (Sabbath 2015. p. 246).

In BCBP Consolacion Chapter, we experience

and are witnesses to manifestations of God’s

grace through patience and persevering inter-

cessory prayer as a Community. The birth of Sis

Girlie & Bro. Wilbert Ang’s daughter after 17

years is one among the many answered prayers.

Kuya Joe Caminade is patient but not a patient.

The noun patient means a person is undergoing

treatment while the adjective patient means a

person tolerates affliction with calmness. Pati is

the Latin word which means to endure.

When asked

by a BCBP

sister now

residing in




how we are?,

I readily re-


“We are what

you see!”.

Kuya Joe and I, with our respective wives are

pioneering members of BCBP Mactan since

1994. Together, we were moved to Mandaue




A Simple Path by Mother Teresa, A candid look at her

everyday life

Chapter and now, we are with the Consolacion.

That span of time is a measure of our endurance

and perseverance tempered with patience, the

fruit of the Holy Spirit.

Kuya Joe is a self-made man. After his retire-

ment from money-making activities associated

with financial setbacks due to bankruptcy in his

business, he occupied himself with his skill and

passion for carpentry that brought him to an

accident. The electric drill he used fell and in-

jured his foot. The serious bacterial infection

prompted the doctors to recommend for imme-

diate amputation. However, through the

prayers of brothers and sisters in the BCBP

Community, he was “saved by the bell”. After

more than a week of hospitalization, he was bed

-ridden for 2 months and 6 months more for

physical therapy. During this period, brothers

and sisters took turns in praying-over him in

their home during their visits to console him.

It was during his periodical laboratory examina-

tions that he was found out to be inflicted with

the third stage of lung cancer. It was a shock for

him. Like anyone who is diseased, he underwent

the 5 stages of denial, anger, bargaining, depres-

sion and finally acceptance (Life Lessons by

Kubler-Ross & Kessler. pp. 78-79). Feeling that

his earthly life is over, the Caminade couple an-

ticipated a celebration and renewal of marriage

vows on their 45th wedding anniversary at

home well-attended by brothers and sisters in

the BCBP. After a financially draining chemo-

therapy and radiation excluding the free profes-

sional fee of an oncologist BCBP brother, he gave

up and turned to proper nutrition through

internet researches. He has “an able body” al-

though his mobility is limited. He has “an open-

mind” keeping himself occupied by gathering

knowledge and information on proper nutrition

online. He has still a mission to comply.

Through their nightly couple prayer, he is

“sanctifying his spirit”. The cheerful and sociable

Ate Norms is his persevering care-giver loving

him “forever more”. Indeed, Kuya Joe is in

“perfect health” brought about by an able body,

an open-mind and a sanctified spirit. Instead of

self-pity, he makes himself available in almost

all BCBP activities specially the regular Saturday

breakfast fellowships. He is passionately en-

gaged in home-baking and preparation of “finger

foods”. In fact, during some of our intercessory

prayer times when their action group is as-

signed, he used to share with us food for snacks.

The BCBP Consolacion brethren regularly inter-

cede for his healing. With expectant faith, he

looks forward to celebrate their 50th wedding

anniversary in 2016.

Kuya Joe is blessed to be an epitome, our model,

idol and inspiration of calmness and patience

amidst adversity. “Obedience and submission to

God’s will being better than sacrifice” (1 Sam

15:22) is his guiding post that “everything is

going to be fine developing our faith that God

has a plan” for all of us.

In 2010 before his papacy, Pope Francis pon-

dered on the theme of patience. “There are

times when our lives do not call so much for

doing as far as our ‘enduring’, for bearing up

with our own limitations as well as those of


Patient but not… continued from p7

Chicken Soup for the Soul -Think Positive by Jack Canfield. 101 Inspirational Stories about Count-ing Your Blessings and Having a Positive Attitude


Pope Francis finished his final day in the United States with a Mass in Philadelphia’s Benjamin Franklin

Parkway. His 6-day, three-city trip on U.S. soil from September 22-27 was marked by several memorable


Here is a look at some of the highlights of Pope Francis’ historic visit to the United States.

1. Francis canonizes the first saint on U.S. soil

In the first canonization on U.S. soil, Francis elevated Junipero Serra to sainthood , an 18th-century mis-

sionary who brought Catholicism to the American West Coast, during a Spanish-language Mass at the Ba-

silica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington.

Serra was a Franciscan friar who marched north from Baja California with conquistadors from his native

Spain, establishing nine of the 21 missions in what is now California.

2. Francis asks for people to pray for him

Pope Francis wrapped up his whirlwind trip to New York City with a Mass for 18,000 people at Madison

Square Garden. He concluded the service with the customary "go in peace and serve the Lord" and added,

"Please, I ask you, don't forget to pray for me."

3. Francis blesses 10-year-old boy in a

wheelchair on the tarmac in Philadelphia

Francis was set to kick off the Philadelphia-

leg of his trip, when he spotted a young boy

in a wheelchair on the tarmac at the airport

in Philadelphia. He quickly asked the driver to

stop his black Fiat and walked up to the boy,

giving him a blessing and a kiss on the fore-


4. Vatican flag flies at the United Nations for

the first time

The pope spoke to world leaders gathered for

a U.N. General Assembly summit on Friday,

where he championed the causes of protecting the environment, helping less affluent nations, aiding vul-

nerable people and avoiding war.

5. Francis urges immigrants to be “responsible citizens”

In an emotional Spanish-language speech in front of 40,000 people gathered outside of Independence

Hall, Francis delivered a simple but clear message of hope to the U.S. Latino community.

Pope Francis' top 5 most memorable moments during his visit to the U.S. Published September 28, 2015 in Fox News Latino

Pope kisses the 10-yr old boy in wheelchair



Bong & Anafe Duldulao

We know that there will always

be struggles and heartaches.

But as long as our Lord God is

here to guide and comfort us,

ours will be a walk in the clouds Allan & Vangie Incorporado

The work of the Holy Spirit in our lives has melted our differences and weaknesses and blended them to strengthen one another. Together we can be a tower of strength for the work of the Lord

Marvin & Juda Soco

Serving God through the com-munity has become our source of joy. The different BCBP teachings and retreats have enriched us spiritually. The trials we underwent made us

more dependent on God

Norman & Tita Advincula

It has come to our realization that there is no limit to our relationship with God. BCBP has given us broth-ers and sisters who surround us with piety and compassion

Sabino & Lourdes Chua

We decided to cut down our exces-

sive lifestyles to live a simple and

humble life. And finally, we are hap-

pier now. Being a BCBP member

helped us realize that in this life we

must love God above all

Mon Figueroa

He redeemed me from my vicious past

and brought me into the light, into

freedom. With Him there is no more


Nelson Mabugnon

I have learned and understood that the

storms, trials and failures that the Lord

allowed me to experience are His ways of

letting me kneel down, surrender myself

and trust in Him

Wilbert & Girlie Ang

Our lives are a series of big and little

leaps of faith. While the worldly would

say “To see is to believe”, our journey

will prove that you need to believe first

Lando & Exal Grape

The joy that we are experiencing

through loving God is immeasurable.

We shouldn’t contain the joy to our-

selves instead let it radiate and be felt

by others. We can do this by continuously serving the com-

munity in whatever way we can

Peping Roa

Yes brothers, I found peace and con-

tentment as I abandon all my cares in

the hands of Jesus who alone can sat-

isfy the deepest longings of my heart

Ryan & Eyen Ty

In our distress, we called upon Him

and He answered us. During our

trying times, God opens our eyes

and let us experience things that are more valuable than

money, that is, our family, friends and this community

Sherwin & Kathy Bacalla

Saying “YES” to every task assigned

to us have allowed us to grow more

and mature in faith. Services may

vary and complex at times but it is

our best way of expressing our gratitude to Him


Intercessory Schedule for Q4

Chapter Head’s Message












Unit A Unit B Unit C Unit D

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Unit A Unit B Unit C Unit D

"LEADERSHIP is about making others BETTER as a result of your presence and making SURE that impact lasts in your ABSENCE." This post from Mr. Cris Widener has always been my guide in my service as the appointed Leader of the flock, the BCBP Consolacion Chapter. As a Leader, I have a lot of realization. Every day, something new would prop-up, events I have never

experienced in my whole life. But as a work-in-progress, I have to learn from it, adjust and understand since I am not a finished product. Sometimes, I get hurt in the process but I have to show a brave and a strong facade to all the members because everybody looks up to me. Likewise, I have always conditioned my mind that I'm doing service not for anyone but for God, it's in the tough times of our service that we find out what we're really made of. I have discovered in the struggles of my service that God is more interested in changing me than He is changing my circumstances. I'm not saying that God won't change the circumstances, certainly, He can and often does. Usually, I'm tested in the areas where I am most weak at. As a Leader, the trials that we always encounter are tests of our faith, character and endurance. Indeed, all of these experiences have made me a better per-son, to my family, business colleagues, constituents, and to my brothers and sisters in BCBP. Three months from now, I will be relinquishing my position and turn it over to our incoming Chapter Head, Kuya Butch and Ate Luz Gomez who will be serving Consolacion for the next 3 years. I'm very confident that with Kuya Butch's leadership, he would be able to steer our Chapter to greater heights with the able support of his young, dynamic and active governance team. Again, congratulations to the new leaders and more power to all of you! To God be the glory!

JUL 2015 A






N 2










5 A






Marvin and Juda Soco




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Unit A Unit B Unit C Unit D



God has not called me to be successful, God has called me to be faithful

- Mother Teresa