(s~~i - delhi high court

RAVI 84 SEAS WATERS TRiBUNAL Government of India MINISTny OF ,IAL SHA!{Tl, 0/0 WATER RESOURCES, RD & GR Telephone 1\10. 26102230 (Office) EAST BLOCK NO.7 Tele Fax No 011-26102237 (000) R.K. PURAM NEW DELHI-110066 Nc'. 06!RB of Posts/202()1 '1-:;.- ',}.{, Dated: I·Jt.02. To L The Suprerne Court of India, TiJak Marg, New Delhi-II 0001 Rcgistnu' Cenentl, hi High Court, Sher Shah Road, New Delhi - 110503 Sut> Vacancy Cin.:uhw for (Group A & 3)'00 I basis in Tribunal. inviting Ueputation (including Unvi & BC:IS Wiltea's Tri . for filling short-b!rm hulHl' of UI) various contract & Bcas W posts basis) aters Sir. May I bring it to your kind consideration that Ravi & Beas Waters Tribunal, has publishcd its "Vucancy Circular" vide No.06/RBWT/Recruitment of Posts/2020i264 13 th advertisement in Employment News (published in February, 2021 issue) and detailed advertiscment published online on the wcbsite of Ministry of Jal Shakli, i.c. mowr.go".in., for nil ing lip of variolls posts (Group A & B) on Deputation (including short-term contract husis)/Re-cmployment basis. The copies or both Circulars are enclosed herewith for your kind reference. May, 1 request your goodsell"' that directions may please be issued Lo thc concerned for uploading of the cnclosed V(lcancy Circuhu' on the official website as well as for displaying the same on the Notice Board I any other conspicuous place of your good office. Regards, As above. VlfoO, RHWT Rend of the Dcpa.rt.mey"!·t 'Ravi &: Wil.tcr Ti'ilmnid

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RAVI 84 SEAS WATERS TRiBUNAL Government of India


Telephone 110 26102230 (Office) EAST BLOCK NO7 Tele Fax No 011-26102237 (000) RK PURAM

NEW DELHI-110066

Nc 06RB VTRecruitmen~ of Posts202()1 ~ 1-- Dated ImiddotJt02 ~021


L The S~~crevrj (~e~crd Suprerne Court of India TiJak Marg New Delhi-II 0001

~Z-Thc Rcgistnu Cenentl Dt~1 hi High Court Sher Shah Road New Delhi - 110503

Sutgt Vacancy Cinuhw for (Group A amp 3)00 I l~c-cmigt()Yll1cnt basis in Tribunal

inviting ~pplications Ueputation (including Unvi amp BCIS Wilteas Tri

for filling short-brm

hulHl of I~H

UI) various contract

Vi amp Bcas W

posts basis) aters


May I bring it to your kind consideration that Ravi amp Beas Waters Tribunal has

publishcd its Vucancy Circular vide No06RBWTRecruitment of Posts2020i264

13 thadvertisement in Employment News (published in February 2021 issue) and detailed

advertiscment published online on the wcbsite of Ministry of Jal Shakli ic mowrgoin

for nil ing lip of variolls posts (Group A amp B) on Deputation (including short-term contract

husis)Re-cmployment basis The copies or both Circulars are enclosed herewith for your

kind reference

May 1request your goodsell that directions may please be issued Lo thc concerned

for uploading of the cnclosed V(lcancy Circuhu on the official website as well as for

displaying the same on the Notice Board I any other conspicuous place of your good office


I~ncls As above

(S~~iVlfoO RHWT

Rend of the Dcpartmeymiddott Ravi amp o~amp Wiltcr Tiilmnid

~iI _ __m I~ ~ AHo In HlmU amp VuJu ~ __ wllwroj9mchrgovln ===================AnuoISUUCIPUO530=

Employment Login to wwwe-employmentnewscoin to subscribe e-version ( 400 per annum



U Ms Sameera S~urabh

mon Sudgt 202 t ~22 hnn boon Ono of Ihl) nloSI it1pottanl ilt1nou~JllIcn~

mcI(~ 0) till Oov~rlmCflt at rnditl l~ It colaquot-~ tinh1 nnlilltU Covid19 pmdomic Untotl ButJfjo1202tmiddot22 ill aJio Ihu Ul uvor dllJllal lutJucl tIn1 il iIJnllicwtCu lic in tht bel mlI Inc IlDUdenl econOi nie n nd SIOltcgir mlations in tho post Covfd Ul Ofld aro d(JIIUtr10 con~lmUy

Wnlle the bud9~1 2021J2 hI 10cuSlt)~ on honUh and VloUmiddotbeing as won DI tllOJbnunl it thust i~ un IlIfra~ttuclultJ

fllUJ Rufmm UrUlldtlJ The OudQCl h19 pushrd fetomlt bV docloelnq thQ IHiatizahon 01 two bunkraquo gnQ Insuramu C01Itmll lUtI $CVCtlt Olhef IlUtllc lCCI(U


Tho hmit on flca1 tluficit has tloo boan IlIolIl1n bull jlll Ult~ GovtII1IllUnt ilbandoninu 0 3 cn IntOc Of Iho fRaN optong 10f lvh httlhur fir-tal dufli 81J tho wny Co thll yunr 2015 Tllu flUW lirca_ dclicll ta[lu 111 110 noprn nil Ife ttcUtll pnvntlzWIi 01 Brel end oher PSUs OIhOlWio 1M ik fif hlghur inUiUion amJ intulUSI mill It 1)~fISl Tlli ~lf31C(JI c1n nueeeod m~lll fI ndcttlionOI rlSenl t1elh~l gnes Into llt1Uital u)uunlilvro rnthuf Ihl1ft fovunuu ~IIUHlhnJ

PSUli 11 proposed 10 Cn~IC multiple opp~fluollle$ M tuslom dury stUlCluw

will hr chnngtH to mnke 110mclhC m~tlutnc1udnn mOru numcllvc In a slgnlfieon movc lhe Gt)IrCfntnCnr Oflcd

InfmslfuctutO bodie suCH tt NHAI mul tho POlJiCr Grid COfllctrfton ntltl Lid wtll

poot esaurcoR t(Ont ne$O~ In sties IHltl

solt unit 10 fnor10fS 1(l1llng 01Oft6 (Ot

uluO 5fltln(1ing

Sp~nding on lural infttlamptucluru IIcloplll~nl MS crnn~ed by 3lt In 0000 CIOro 1nO rmcfo-krigOlion copus 01 1ltbull 10000 cml($ lith cnn )OO~I 1m incoUlo In tho hinlQf lunJ

In Older 10 I1ncourlJ9l AUOrdnblll Huut)IO tOl thu mWtllu cliiS Ov~iU projocts enn 1v)il WI holdnys to onf YOM I uplc Itl March 2U22 IrIQihon

ThO GOtcrnmonl has plnnned to rnise funtS~ tal futiRh co OlliS InfmSlludurt and haa 150 Iod Iho fOI limll in InstJrilntc rt1tlo 10 14~o 0m 49 I 3 LlfJ 10 oder 10nllr2Cl OV fundilig In fnc~rn9c t)lute$ to IncuHlc ICidlno pJDm oru in thu pir101lno to ornpowur an AnOI R~cOII~lNclion Mnnnlunleni CompIIY 10 loko avo doblloan bull

RG 554 I~~h crolos i bting Inoclad ~ physical GlimuluG tD support domond and


ATMANIRBHAR BHARATtllshllllnta Elonoml~lOy I 1I~Vy 02I1-Z1 PaOl U

Jayanta Roy Chowdhury 30 01 lho globlmiddotJaB HIGHLIGHTS I lho

Conknlpnnonntic (hoCISF GOUIlJIInr bvdgul unYoliod

c--n-r---I-I-nCdu-trl-I-s-o-c-uru-v on fcb I 2021 boolloo pundino Qn hcalthearo by 137~

fotco foqolroc 2000 Ex-Anny nd cOtllnllllcltf 10 srcnr1 inmc f Personnel Gn cOnlt3Cl bnt)is 554 luk crQfU Uta mfra1uctufU

lmH Onto 15032021 to hcln reVIc lhe ~rononl IIlnch Pago 1021 S tx~liomiddotvd It) hitU htln~ by

Oiler 17 ()fr cen in Ihe Gon(Jnt

IOCl yum It o liQod cp on Icraigo

Indtan 011 Copoallon Ltd irwOhncnl In JHsuroncu 31J camo up ~yith pill ar lUUfUStyO dlsinvoSlmunl ~lmJ

InI1ofgt ppIlClllonr for ~05

(lppro~) ToChnlCill and NonshyfinnncilI sector rcram whilo

Tcchntcal ApprcHHI(o kucpil1l1 incomu tax HttOl Siublu

l Onlo 26022021 Dellling tho bucgel tnlcrnunt hi PatUttrnuut FinulCJj

~_________-J MinlstOf Nirmnln Silhnrilmnn Pauo 8middot12

SPM olected IISC Ouricl or Ih --------- gnp buwoen goyornmuns SueurUy Papor hUll U1COnte ami CJpcntllltIJC of 68 Hoshnngobltl Invllo~ appllcmiddot 01 9ro damellic pnxtucl tor tHonG for gt rioupound pOS1s 202 -22 la9t Dale 12032021 Mosl nnnlyG15 feU oxlHl

ftgo 2 fJOI)(Jt) WilG r)QCc~SOfy 10 t~Ot ____==-____--J simlihe pnnd(mic-hiI economy r4ft QLth~u ltlo gOloHUuonl 1$ lully

U plopnred 10 uppott olYl rnolimlo ~~2~~~ IIIU ecollomys 0001 fH~~t~~~~~~I~~~ Sithorunan sald Thiamp hudgnl

ad Dconomic covot) IhclOby DivinO n ultltlucliol1 of Rbull 15 lath shull IIIUlufolU

DiU Puh tu mfr-tHJcturu whiCh (It tulll viifl be avadable lor 1000n$ Inkon up iU 3 Moueh 2022 for Iltu fHojUCil 0 Mfufdat)to

tCH1 0 IUIIII~Cf IlI1IlCI~l to tho (lgt(()nnHlY To cncourQO tnvcslmunJ Ut RE ITs nnd InVITo no TDS will un oodUCleltl on ~Mdol1d pu)lnon nu 5mllmiddotup 11 gal yepr moro 10 CIllIIll I IlnlldG)l lin oddlilonol yeftr on caplinl gllins Ln


~l5at mDnoUznllon 01 nonslratogic

prl)lldU3 aolY UflllOllunlty 101 oconcmy 0 tiampO and caplul Ih~ aco n nuuU3 or 11 SU$r~tinlbh grollth-shy

lhu CUHClll ycu wosJ eioc~Cd

10 and ith a fillClll daficil 01 051 he ~kllo hllhe Ihan IhO 35 budgolod In yoar Tho hiellOt tJulicii VilS 10111 On DCCQlIrtt 0 1M unprccoooniod old VfCtJIumnu IIlat Ino uovcrnmunt hod 10 undonoko 1n1 yeor to lata calO 01 gtCOIIO onu ~mlullty M by the Covld pondonilt A woll a lowor 11IC lett~etl 01S0 on Dccounl ollho pandomc

HovoOl Ihe Ighe IMII Y~unl fIenl tlofie~ In Iho curronl yenr Is 10 bCCl1usu lhO JOofnFllunt hns vorl gtOkllraquo dedCeltl 10 bllng

ImOfJ oUallillancu shoot oxponltllluro back Inlo olu(lal$null9 pl~lI~ In OIuur 10 WI morc tcoUQtlc rargotpound rOf

ftflcnu(J~ Anampll)sls (1l1hl v~ 1

nloro uooibl0 way 01 lYO~cntinD Ie VIII Illldgel

Tho most G(gnlfiennt oxomplu IS PMmcnl~ 10 lhO IO()(I

CorpolOlioll or India (fell which malVin~ and di~lrlbuloa loadglDin across Iho counlty 10 CI$Y( flJOltJ )lt)cUllly Olln Iho FCI would botroIJ to moko good shlltl(aliS In tlubsldy l~ynlcnl~ by Ihltgt Govommon An~lysls CIIlcIIIMC Ihesa pynlcnt~ 10 DC VlOl1h 18 por Cltnl 01 GOI in Ih cuftCtr )03r

In Itl IORlO oftor Iho Union

Contlnuod on P U~ 2

StlOG1 al Iblod n 1M L()~ Slbha Pmo Minlslo NtltCOlh 1 tlo~i Ulld Ihol UIC Bu~gt cnri It gt1lon of AII1~ulllbhjUtnil nwJ inclusion 01 ltIvery clllen anu sccUnn Hu snhJ Wo huvo UUfU

bDyond actlvo ond how oion 11 plOmiddot~tllvu uuuucl

The Ptttll Mini$If( doorllliGfl

tltu budfjut a aiuCu in CIIJlllll WUHlth alld wullnusf ill Ihll COVlltry Qllieil1J$ ustimtltc Ltt Ihu blJuDul t~ ~pu Illu coonern) 10 OOVI by 11 POt CJnl n$ tJ Josult 01 Uto invuutmutllS to fJu madu whIch Q)ultl umku ndia hu fnJlult JrUvfull milJur OCOllonty OI0b-3It) ahulltJ of Chinn lfhich b fUlUcna 10 VnM ~1 amp4 po cent

Tho Financu MinittCut propodud IQ incraaSQ hualUc1ru sronthna 10 fl 22 lokh toro 10 help imptoo public hcolth S)aIQm~

Bnd lund Iho country mn5~V valaquoinotion tlrlvo to bmnvltisQ IronUino wOlktlamp unJ lhQsi In

vulnorablo ~go group India Wtrcn~y ~PQnd nn nnnuni 101 GOP cn hOilh among aha IOVQr lor anV major OCltlnonlY

Con1tnu~d on plgc 2


Atal Blharl Vajpayee Institute of Medical Sciences amp Dr Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital

Ilow Dolhlmiddotll0001 (Nollea Inylllng ~ppllcallons for Senior Reldent amp Junior Roldonl (NonAcadoml) on Ragulo baGI)

fhe Itd(~ SIlMd 0bull Rom Mnnohtloh tlltgtspllnl amp AIWIMS NQw OcllllnvUes OppllCllllon Imln lmiu1 NOllie-nal in tho ptuampcribod lornt nillabtu on v41bstto fmlhnlcln for thu posts 01 Sonier Roldnt NonAe~deOllc nnd Junl Resldenl (NonAeadcmllt on regular basis Tho dglailnd ariyruHGOmool No 9 PPFih qtinlblljty t90dlUoOli pay s~ntm aOn srUfia QgDllcalloo form And Ather dylaUs cno tag pen In tbe full ndyeulsftIDeol pn tbo weballft (rolh Ills in Any cqrrlgondummodlflpd order mgRaUoS hiS niivmthamcnJ will bt IAlsuad 2 Ihg vmilsjtg only CODdldgtcG pro adyhjqd So (lsj hQGpltl YlObfillg on1b ole In Olgulady for tbla

tliUP9Mmiddot LoS dnl lor ylml~9n 01 PRglhnon II 22022021 1111 0400 PM Olllee lie (AClldomlcl

dvp 1114711t1G00812021 Ell 40141 For Mcdlealliuporinlandonl

No 261AdmnmiddotlI1lbour SuporvlsofDeputntlonl202190B O~IO 281Dl2021

AppllCltlllotls aro Il1vllllO 10 fill up ono lIoSI 01 LabolJr Suporvlampor In Iho Pay Mlllrix Lovol4 (Rs 25500~110() In Iho Lndy Hardlngo Modlcal Coll~gu amp Sml SK Hospilal Now OoUII on

doputalion basis

TrIO duly fillod applicatlol along Vlilh complolo and up 10 dDIO APAA ClOSGforl may bo sonl by

SpuudlRogiamplorultJ PU51 nodrossed 10 Olclor Lady Hardinoo Modica Collogo amp Sml SK

Hopill Now ani Ill wllhlll 110 dayn ftom Iho do 01 publlcaUon of IIll6 adyortlGomunlln

Employnl News

or tfaail~ login to website httpjmcho~pgovin

dvp 1714811002612021 EN 40139



7 Private Socrtarv 01 1VCI8 8 POODnal Abullbullitant () I t loyalmiddot G

o IMtgtlstanlAceounls) 0 I I Levelmiddot G 10bull UDC 01 Lcyel- 4

2 For more Inormo1I1Dntdolllllamp 01 Iho po 1001amp Gnll


middot Amiddot1202S10112019middotAOMN1

Go~ernmenl a Indls

Ministry of Tourism

Transport Chllwan

New Deihl

Rlt)crullmonl 10 Iho posl 0 OepulY Olroclor Gonorall Reglon1 Director

Applications ~re invited trom Vllfling nna eligible cundidotuo 10lt 01 poSI 01 Oepuly Olrecto CcnurullRcllonnl Olructor in MnI~lr1 01 Tourism all

~QPI~lion lncluOlno shol tuem CQnlfJcl) Oasi~ in the Pay Leul 12 R~ 78600middot 2092001middot) us pur 7111 epe Cieula 10 Ihi~ vacancy along ilh ~ppllcnlia 10111 an oillor oliOilJility conditions ac available al our wobsilo YlVlvltouriGnlgovin The

npplicnlon in Ino prOtrribod formal (complelo in IIll rlnpeclamp alono with 1ho supporUng documents lS

required in the circulnr) may be $cnl thrauoh prapcr ehnn1 50 fiS 10 cnclt Shrl PlkaJ Kumar OOllnl Undor SocrolMY (Admin

1rlIonI) Ministry o TOlI~m Room No 126 Tnsporl Bh1WgtIl I Pnrliamont Shoot Nnw 001hlmiddot01 Iithln ab looks 110m Iho dala 01 puhllcallon 01 Ihl ador1i50monl in Iho Employment NUWGI R010a SmaehM Applieamiddot tiontl reccivelJ after dYe date ot which s not in tho proscribed formal or without ((Quisilp documcnts wnl nol be enlcfUlillCd

PnnknJ Kumor Ovnll

Under Secetory 10 Ihe

Co~cII11 01 Ia (Iavp 42101l1ll0006lZ021

EN 40120

l4isllllOI ftrnim 3fu- MRQI4Cfl

gtMCfllaquo01 ~~ lffif fIifiT

m 1If qtlITtJmS 11t11 lirii ~-qfim W1laquol~mrt ~lI1ll ri~ -110016

Ij)Il1I 49536496 4~092970

Warehousing Development and Regulatory Authority

Government of Indl

41h Floor NCVI Building l ShllnsmulioMI Abullbullbull Auouamp1 Kronll M9 H~u Khat New Celhl middot110016

Tol No 49536496 40092978 f No Amiddot 42122021middotAampF OOlod 280120Z1

Roeultmonl ror valouo pooh on dopuI311brplion basibullbull

Tho WwohoulnO Dovolopnotll and Ruoullory Aulhorily (WORA) Govenmanl 01 India Invi( applicntians Iam oliOiblo pomOllnel VJeking In tho ControlSlnlo GvornrnonllConlral and Slnt PSUampI

AulonomDus Sttu(ory bodlnamp 101 Ina following posl to bo ftI~d on ltopulolionlobtDrp~on batismiddot

No of No 51 Nm of Iho Pool

Vocanclo 1 ro--p-ul-y-O~Io-C-IO-----------------~----~

(II SIaleQt Risk Md Ronrchmiddot I paS (HI SmkoholdDn Mllitmiddot I posl (III) SIkehnlllttl wllIllneamp nnd OUlfC3ch-t POl (Iv) mn amp Fin nnd Ctr1cts bull I po ILovclmiddot11 Rbull 61700middot208700 (lIh CPC))

2 Prlnelpol Pn~ulo SaeelDlY (PIS) ILbullbullol11 R 67700208700 171h CPC)J

3 Abullbull lobnIDIoclo (It S1f~legy Risk Md Ronrch (II) SlkollolCe AJIII$

(III) Hmon IlcooIICCI (Iv) Enloc1 ~tl Lol31 (vt Slkohof(JUI5 Iwilfono~s and Outft4ldl

(Lovolmiddot a Rbullbull 47000 -151100 (71h CPC))

4 51 Flold Ollleor ILovolS Ro 29aOO 92300 (7Ih CPC))


0 I


0 I

00111 InornllIan Y be een III Iho AUlltollly$ wcblte wwwdragoYlnundormiddotVconclos-llppllenolnIM

prorcrinlJd fotmat tfyuilablu on tho ob$itC may bo lubmiltod to tho

Oopuly Olroelo Ilogal) W~rohouGing Oovolopmonl and

Rooul310y Aulhorlty Now Oolhl wllhln 45 dayamp from Iho dato

01 publleallon 01 Iho vcIley cirelli In h Employmenl Nuwbullbull Carrgonaum ~Ic il nny sIlul1 bo pul up on 00 WORA ebi (Rakoh Kuma fadv)

EN 4013 Aui~lnnl Dlroel IAampF and ContraltI_)

Governmonl of India

Supreme Court of India No F612021sCAIRC) Now Dolhl datod 122021


Ollilno lIpplicltlllen3 pro 11I0d 1101 Ilbn Cillzcns who I(dl Uu ollowlng qu~ficatlen and011bullbull lIglbility condition ii on 112021 fo Ioctiol lor appelnlmont la UU pe~1 1 Cour1 AInl (Junior TranI~lot) In vOMCUUU IlI9~OO~ 10 2 pos) oncll III ADsomcso 8engall Talugu Gut~oi UrlIu loIoralhi Tsmil

KonlIltli MOlayolim Munlpu OIIla PunJabl Nuptll (I po~1) lind Hindi (5 p051s) plncod In Level 7 01 Pny Mntri vllh InitIal nle Pav 01 Ro 4400CII plus olM Iowanco lapprorJmlo Gobullbull Snlary wilh 1M Rs 60771 pur mouth) tiS admi$iblu undur lhu futUti

TIlo numlle 01 vonclbullbull I lentallve and suhlelt to ehnJl9 1( inCfuuo or dotroUio dUO 10 odmini1rutilo fUaiUns EuolIlI1 QU3l1ne~1I0ns Md E_perlen


I) A Il~cclo(~ OcoocGrdtSUDtQ willgt EnOIih nutS ~puclivc

vornoculo Inrguoge gt5 sullccts ANO II) A OlplomulCottiflt31a courso In tmnltion I ElYllih 10

rcpccllgtt) yumocul klnovr-gu ilrtJ VH(~Cf~ Irom UniYerullyllnsilula recognized by the Govennl UGC


Two ycgtrs ctpcenco In tr~nslllUou warllt 0111 rMroill Lnoul9D to EnOlish nod vke--varSii in CenllaVsnto Goynm~ mou oUi(O~PiUlinfrnt1StaiQ looilaturu SoaolVri3is ur CnltvStale Public SelttO UndCt1nklnngJH~h Court

In PrOrteiQnGY in com~utur opt)rolOnG and ~Oo 01 roluvnnt

ofrlcu 1oaoo vi vord ptOwsinJ in EnaHih IUfQUaUU anti re5pcllv4 wmncu1u lanougo

Auo Roqulramont TIlo clndlllnlOtJ ShO II bela 27 yctlo as on 112021 Usual Ibullbullotlon in ago ill b(l ndmlul~ 10 candidatos bQlonoing to

OlarYod caloooriogt ~ I GOomman Rulos doL1Iis 01 SCheme 01 eranllnnllOn MIltI GUI1C11l1 Intrucllon prosibcd lor tho soid IXgt con be downloaded Irom Suplama COUlt Waosllo wwcigoyin Tho lifbmi19hWl 01 online nrptiCAtiont AU commcnCIl lron oo~oo

Imum on 1522021111123~O hOUNl on 1332021 Pla~Q Now Colhl IRjOJh Kunw 00ltgt1)

01110 122021 RcgIWaIAoeNlunl) El 40147


Ravi and Beas Waters Tribunal GOlornmonl of Indio

Mlnlnlry or Jot ShakU Walet Rosourec~ RD amp GR eiamp1 Block No7 RK Purom No Oolhi middot11005amp

Telo No26102230 1 E ail cglslrrrbWlgmllcom No OGtR8WTJRocullmoni 01 Portr1202012ll4

VACANCY CIRCULAR ApptiQUOOji lrom oliOlblu canditJalu5 310 Inyilt-d lor lilling UII following (Group A 1 0) po on Depulnllon (Inchdono Sl1olmiddotterm conlrnel b3sl) I Rltomploymanl basi In Ravi amp eual WalO Tlbunul from 11gt0 omployoeSiOlflcors 01 Ino CenlJnl GovIlSL Oovl Union Tomlele GoIQOIrnunWPSUCoulJTribunl un uampunl lermg nnd con dill of dcpulnt10n Issued vide OOPT OM No 6r6l200ll-Eslt (Pay II) dalud 17th Juno 2010 or a mondud IOJ lime to tlmn nnd for Reimploymenl employeltsl 0111 ~Cd frcm Cuntrul Govl)UT1 51i1lu GOutnfll(ln1$IPSU on cJIIJlinU tUNn~ and condilion of ra-employmenl iued vida DOgtT DJ1 No 3103120ISmiddotE~IIcPny III dnleu OI052(17 0 as JC1ldcltS front limu 1011010

rs I Nam 01 11 Ito 01 Pny Lo-if INmiddotO+-___________ Po1 Poy Molnx 1 AuosSlt) 02 I LUYDI IS

2 I RoOItrot 01 I Lol-l2

3 Mglslllnl RegISI () I I levclmiddot 11

4 Prlneipal Plv~l Soerotlry (PPSI 03 IlOol bull 11

eOllditlons cle plUlC vblllhe Mlnblry 01 JI 5h~II Ooplt 01 Walar RuoureoG RO amp OR Wabslte 10 mowrlloyln Lasl dalo lor reccMng Ihe Ippl~lIon for IIIlt) abovementioned POSI me 30 dlys from tho dale

copy an bo 1ent through Email 10 rbwtrecnrtlmenl9mallcoj 3 Arlvmco coplei of lppl1e3Uon or ppllca1ion rocelvfJd aflo tho poerlbGd porlod 0 nol companlod wilh requl~lto Inlamotlonl dOCuOIents ure 1I0bl 10 b Ielod

(Subrala K Dbullbullu EN 4011 Itad 01 Oeptnl RaWl

Noof 1)05ts PA V L~VEL ill MATRIX

02 (evel- IS I

01 l~vel- 12----- shy I

01 lkvel- 11 Imiddot

03 middot-U~-II -

02 lampvel - I I f-- shy I

III IIlcvCl- 8-_ --J 01 - Jlwcl- 8


01 ~6 01 eVilI - ( ---i-01 cVfl

shy Ihe nbove mentiuned indpost are

I 1

data the

Ii I ( AU9cxUrc-S


MINISTRY OF JAL SIIAKTI WATER RESOURCES RIJ amp GR East Block 1110 7 RIlt Puram New Delhi -110066 i

Tele No26102230 Email registrarrbwtgmailcom1 No 06RBWTRecruitment of postS2020Jl


0ppica~~olls limiddotHIll eligible clildidillts arc invited tCJr lilling lip following (Group l amp B) posls on ICplilallon (Illdudlllg short-term cOI(mct basis) I Re-cmplnYlllcnl hasis in Ravi amp BeJgt Waters Tribunal 110111 lit cmployeesOlliccrs of Ihe Cenll(ll GovtStatc GovtU1ioll Territories (OV~II~Il1CnlSPSUCourtslTriblln~~ (Ill us~d I(nm alld olldiriollS 0 dcputt~tioll iSSll~d vide DOPT OM No 6Jf1l2009-Estl (Pay I) dalld II June wro Of ns am(I1dctl from IIOIC to tllnc And lOr Re-clI1ployrncnt clllployce1 olli(cr Ictind (rom Cellintl GovtJUTI State GlwcrIlllwntsPSU on Jxisling terms and condilions of fe-cmployment issued vide DOPampT OM No 30320 16Estt(Puy II) datdd 01052017 or as lllltndcd from lime In time I


icated ill AUlIlxllrc-IA to 11

J Condilions ur Eligibilityl Terms or AppninllllCIl tor

4 The applicans shuuld clccrrly indicah ill their bio In application lorml( (enclused as A nncxllrc-I I) 10 Ih is circular ie n~mc date of bil1h dalc (If superannuati()n presei~l dcsignation with pay scale pnst held 011 regular bmas With dtlte and pay scllc name of the dcpartOlpni wllh telephone FilS lIumher email I D scrvice I expcricllCl in chronulogical ordcr edudtiol1al I technical qualificatioll training if any undergone and any other infoJlllalion relevant to the pqst applied fur with the dcdarntion or completeness and correctness or application lind declaration t~mt hc will nOI be aIowed to withdraw his c(Jlldidillure once schctcd for Ihe post I I

5 Till I)CfS(l1l selecled for apPllilltlllcnt will NOT be eligihle Il)r Gov accomln~ldiltion during the periud of deptltation Rc-employmcnt in this Trihunal j

6 The rcspective oflicer I dcparllllellt while forwarding the applications of tI~ candidalc(s) lor deputation sh~lIld ~Iear~y cCItiry the pIIliCtllals along ~ ilh CR dossiers 101 pr~lfdillg 5 yc1f~ and enclose the list 01 malormlllor penalties lin posed (If any) together With VIPUlCCDISClphllary clearance Ii 1

7 PlrS~lII(s) applyillg li)1 l1Iore thall onepust should apply scpnlatcly Jill each post w li~h plt1n be mailed ill OIlC cnvelop All the application should reach to HClId or DCI)llrIIlUllt RIIi amp IDclIS Waters Tribunal al above address within 30 days flOm the date of I)ublication in the I mplQyrncnl News Fllr JIIorc iniorJIIlltiondetuils (If the I)Osts lenDS and conditions ctc 1)lc1JSC vi it the Ministry or lul Shakli nepU of Wuter Resources RD amp (n Website ic mowlmiddotgoviD II

Ii R Sofl copy of fhe llPllliclltion liS advance copy call be SCllt th o~gl~ EIIIIII to

rhwtrcclmiddotlitlll~middotlItgnUlilcolII I I

Advllnltt lopics uf llpplicatioll or llpplicnlion received after the Ilrcscrib d ll~Iiod or nol

I (

fI IU vv ~ JSU r~~1Iasu)

t1eIlJll~~Itl~~~mrmen f R8Vi bull Be Warer fdhunnl

~-gt---gt--------------------------- shy


II I~JRE- il


i trmH~ ij2 Dme )fl~irrll i

3 Datt) or iiupmiddotrnnmUliio1 i

4 Dcsigllalioil willi Grade Grout) ()f Post 1I

i 5 Post holding Dll regl basi and vcr 1


6 Pay Scalc On regullir basis we 1

7 NanlC of the Departmcni (ltlndod Oril~ I l Service Particular in chronologilal orJel point wist 1

[I f Ihe space is not uffkilnt H filparate sle~~1 I I)SI IIllay I)(~ cne OStC ~ ervlpc parnclI aIs 111 chronological order point wisc Ii

lt) EdliGatiollaITcchnilaIOualilicatioll 1n EI(pcriencc ITraining lIndlrgoie 1 I Speed or Shorthand and Typing 12 Knowlcdp( or Computer I J Prcscllt Address


1li IJlwnci Mo[)i Ie- No I AllY other inlixlllatioll ifclllY I

OECLAJATION Ii 1 hcrcl~y declare thai all the siaLelllellts mode in Ihis apPlicalioll ~re true complete ~lld Jorrect to Ihe hest of IllV knowledgE and I shall not wllhdraw IllV (al(hdaturl~ once selected for thJ post ~ bull I

II -

ii Sjgn~tllre of appliennt

Ad(hcgts amp Contllcr Nos ii __ _ ----r --shyI


II is ~ertjficcl that particulnr given above are corrlct ns per service rccord and tle ~tfcer will be rCIi~vcd fi~ appoinrnlen~ _011 deplltaliOl~ ba~is ~middotIishe~middot appliCtioll ISforwardef~ jalpngW~th (I) Vigilance Clcltlrancc Ccrllhcalc tlnd (2) CR DOSSiers ( lor last years)(11 1101 encl s9d the tllm on which ihese d()Clllllent~ will he sellt by the Department) Ii


Smiddot I i I igna u rc ~ Nllmc ~L~

Oesignatiou ~bulllL (Depa~tlllcnl of the fdfmiddotwar~iing ofticcr)

with date ir~d ~mce Seal I I Ii r I i

II il i IlIltSllr-1 B II

I NIIIIH of the post lcgistlul [I Nil III I I of pusts One ((j I ) ~

J CII~silitltinn Clr pusl GrlHlp A MiniStltrial II I

Pay Seale Pay Malri- Llvel IJ in llie lit CPC PAY MATRIX (78800- 2092(uh I

~ gc Limit Th~ maximum nlle limit It)I appoinlfllcnl bydeputlltion induding khorl helm COlllracl slmllllOl b -eecding 56 years on Ihe dll~illg date of receipt or application I

I As IH~I Hlenlitmeil Rules tht PI))t is mh~Illljl hy depulllioll ( illdudillg Shf~Itcrll cOlllra1 )

n-emrloymellt blsis in the rollowing IlIHlIICI il nl~pllaliml (indudill4 short term cOlllrlct) ~)U~~ II

Onicer lIndr rhl Central Governmeflll Slale GovclIllllcntl UTI PSUsI AlIll~nOlllOll~1 SClllishyGovcrnmenl~ Statulory Organisalions ~lc (i) having Gradll(lie lkgree rlbl1l recognized University or equivalent AND (ii) Holding annlogolls post on regul1r bnsis or l~ldil1g (I Pl)SI in Level II in tin 711 CPC Pay Matrix or ill pay balld or Rs 15600-39100 -I- tiP (600- (6 CPO with 5 years regular service in the grade ANI) (iii) having al leasl 5 yeII$11 expcriiIlGc (II handlilll Establishment Administration nl Account mlllers Prctcremc shall ~etivell III the Ia Ci~adlms with knowl~dgc or legul mailers and procedures and eXPc~iCI~CC or court proceedings II


NoH Period or dePlllatiOIl1 C(lnlrm1 il~clIdilig the peliod or d~plllui(lnl con~nlct ill alloth~r ~x middotcadre I) hdd 111 Il11ld 1111) prcccd~ng thiS appollllm~n~ III thi same l(lI~ spine olh~r OrlIl1zallonl Department 01 the Celltral (jlVt~rtlll)lllt shall ordmanly not cxceetl 1 v(ars or 1111 Ihe~ lili of the Tribllnal 01 iill lilrthcr orders whichever is earliet The lll11xiIllUlll ~Igc linlit 101 appoinllllcllI by deputation including $holl IeIm tonlrllC shallno( he exceeding ~6 yeufS


Hl-cm Illnvlllell i Oflkers retired rr(llll Ihe Ccntral Governillent State GovlrIlmcllIl UT Gnvl Iltiuding Stale Il1dicial S~ri(~1 ISUs Autollomolls Semi GOvLlSlllllllory OrganiSltlIioll dyen Haviug hdd nalog~us pn~ on regular bass mholdillg ltI pOSl illhc evel II in thc 710 CP~~ iijlyMatrix I~ay band nl Rs I )M10-39 100 + GJgt 66001- (6 111 CPC) With live ycnrs regular sefvlefll1d possesslIlg qualilicllioll llnd ~xpcrkllce as of (i) (ii) amp (iii) Prelir~ncc shall be glV~1l to th~ Law (iratluae wilh knowledge or leg I mall~rs and pn1ccdllres and eXI)cri~n~e of lOllrt prreeeciillgs Provicid Ihat Ihe initial nppo~I~lmenl shall be IO~ lllle year likely I~ he IXILIlI~ab~ 011 YCII 1(1 year bnsis sllbJect to the condition Ihat rellred (Iovcrnnhnt Servt appolllt~d I~

Registrar shall ~ease 10 hoid Ihe pOSt of Re~islrar a~iel he lains Ihe age or (lSi y~ars Beyond Ihal Iht tClln 01 IIHulllbcnt can be eXllnded turther lor a pcnod oinOI IIllH thllll IX months nn the same terms and conditiolls in public inleresl iflcquired I


I I i i 1




Ii Ii I t II Ill~(-I C

il NalllC III the post fliildpal Prill Stlrctltl) I lNUlllher of j)l)llS Tlml (03) II Classili~Iillll III lost Grollp A ivfinisleriai 1

I y ~eall p~IY ivlHlrix Level II inlhe 7 CPC PA Y MATRIX (67700- 2UK701~)

1 igt Lilllit Th maximllm age limii ibr appoirtimelH by diJlUlillioll including ~ht)r1 tertii contract

shull Ii- Il c~(eidil1 =6 uars on Ih dl)sinl dilW or rpoundcci) or 1)1)lkaliOIl 11- bull i i i

As pL ~ernlitlllcZlt Rules the I)OS[ is ml~tl III by dcpUllltioli ( illdudin~ shQImiddott CIIIl Ctllltrllct )

Ire-empluyment hasis in the fnilowing IIlltllUcr i

I)~ltaliull (indudillt sllorl term c(ufr-Ict) 1lsi~ Iii


Oliiecr under Ihe Ccntral (iocrnillel Stnl( Governmcnl UTI PSUsl AlIh~110110ll~1 Scmishy(illVCIIIiIlCl1li Stailitory OrglIlisatiol1$ Ie (i) a Graduate Ihun rCl~(lgl1izlq lJllivCIgtily or cqllivI~lIt having a speed or I~O word per minute in shorlhand ANI) (ii) 11(~Jcliilg analog)1~ posl on regular basis OR holdillg a POSI in Level 10 of 1111 71h CPC Pay Mati )i or in the pay hH1d Rs 15600 - 391001- + (Iigt Rs 5100middot (6 CPC) with livl yeal~ rcglliq service in the gracicOll Holding Ihe post in Level g of liIe [gtay Malrix 01 in the pHy banci or Rs )00 bull 34100middot oj- GI pound1800 (61h CPC) wilh six years regular s~~rvilc in Ihe gradcOI~ H1f)kling a pOSI ill Il~el 6 or lh( Pay Matrix or in lhe pay hand of Rs9300middot341WOimiddot - GP 4200( 611 CPC) vith tell var~ rCIular scrvi(( in IIle lrade - I

NOLl riod of d~pUlaliolll C~)I)Lralt including tl( period of deputation COlj)lllCI ill another

~i-cI(middotl I)(ISI hdd illllllecliatelyprlccd~l~ Ihis arpninlmen~ in the sUlm Ilor~ SOIllC (lih~r Org~IlZalloll J)cpartrnclIl 01 the Central (oJClIlmcllt shall ordinalll) nol cxce~icl years (lr 1111 Illl Ii Ii oj Ihe Tribunal or liil rurillcr orders whichcvcr is tarliesl The ll1aXil1l~lm att limit It)r

I shyI I) I)()ilit llllllt bv dCI)lIlatinn indlldinl shutltCrtll conlnicl shall nol be cxct~cdinJ (i cats - - II bull


HC-llIllllovlIlcnl Ii Ii

On~c~rs ~el ir~d rnlll~ Ihe Onlral G()vcnIIllt~lI State Governmentl ~IT ~~iWIIIIIlllIdil~g Stal Il1thclal Services PSUs A 1I10nOIlJOlIs Stnl (IOvLlStalulory OrJlIl1(IIOn cto( I) t lradualc from recognized Univcrsity or equivalent having a speed of 12() ~rds pCI l1lin~l~ in shorthand ~N i (ii) 1middotlolding a~mlogous pO~1 on 1IglI~lr has~ (~It havi~lg hdd_ POSI i~JiIIe1 I ( Ofh eYC Pay Matnx or III the pay band Rs 1)60(l-)lOO- 1 (P 1lt$ )400- (6 lCPC) Vllh II C

years rcgular strviec in Ihe grad Oil Holding the post in Level 8 of 7h CPC l~tY Mmrix or in th pay band or Rs 9300 - 34ROO I GP 4800 (6h CPC) wilh ~ix ytars rcgllli~r service ill t hl

~radeOI~ Holding n p~till Lev~16 Iflhe 7h CPC Pay ~1IIix or inlhe pay b~1Ild or Rs9JOOmiddot middot1100- + GP 4200 laquo(j CPC) with ten years reglilar service III thc grade 11

Provided that the initial appointment shall br onc yenr and likely (l b~ cxtcllqahlc (III ytar 10

yar b ~is Slll~ieci to Ihe condilion that the retired Govl Servant appointed as I~rilcipal Privltl Secretary alkl he altnills the age of 6~ ylars Bcyomj lilal Ihe lerlll or ill11UI11bcIlt can bc extended further 101 11 period or not mOre thnll six months Oil Ihe ~ilmc terms al~d cOllcliliollS ill

1 IPlI)II IC mt(orcstl lIqlllrc( IIII II II IiI II II IIil



Ii I bllll Ill lhc pri( j AssiaulI I~q~isltr II

i )

N IImhe1 III jlosts One (0 f) ii H

) ClassiilclIl illil (If IlHSl GroupA iVl illislcri1 jil

4 Pay S(llc Pay MHlri Leve II inlhe 7th (PC 1 Y MATRIX (67700- 201170(~)II

Age Limit Th~ 11iaxinHllll age lirilil fiJI appoinimcill by dtputmioll including ~horl Illl11 Ctllliract shilllIOi he ixneding 6 y~nrs (Ill rllt dt)sing 11lt nt middot(CciPI or applicalinll I

II (i As Jll I~lcruilmelli Jtulcs the JlO~j is filled lIP hy deplltation ( including sh~rmiddot1 tCrlll cuntrllI )

I n-einplnYIIlllIt hasis in the t1Ilowilll I1lalllllr 1

ikpuiaioujilcludilllt shiHt Icrlll ~OtltEl hji~ II

ll1m I Ihe C~I G~ tel G~menil UTI ISU AI~O smiddot l (lVClIlIllcnl SlalllltHY OrgalllsltWI ttc (I) HavlIlg [illalobOlls post on rculur basIs OR having tht potin Level 8 of the 71h CIC Pay Mlt1tri- or inthe pay hUlld or Rs (r- - 48UIli- ~ (itgt i 41iOO- (61h CPC) with six year regllillr service ill Ihe grade on holding lCP()SI in Lcvd () or Ihe 71h CPC Pay Malli orin the pay baud 0 Rs 9JOO-34ROO- + (ip Rs 100middot (61h CPC) wilh len years regular service in the grade ANIl (ii) Possessing nf al It~lst J y~ars cplricmc or Estahlishlllellt Aciminislnuion and AClcOlllll el( or the Governmcnt eSlabl iSlllfllnl

II Nllh~ Iriod or depulationi conlract including Ihe period of depolation COl~tnCl in anolher C-C~tdle post held imlllcdimdy pncedillg this Plwinllllclit in the $(llm 1101 some 1I11tr Organizalioll D(I~~umiddottment or lhe Cilllml CiI)VCllllllent shall ordinarily 1101 c(ceVd 3 ycars or till IItt Iii or Ihe Tribunal or lill lurtJ-r (Irdn whkhlvcr is carlilsl The Il1llXilllil1ll auc limil li)r

I I 11 I I II I I 11 ~PP(lII1l1l1Clli ))( cpLilallOlllll U( Illg gt1)1 111111 ~Olllrall Siii llol 1e exec( IlIglf- 6 ytars il II

~ ~(-tlJ)lolIIclit II

on~c~rs r(~lir~d from Ihc C~nttal Govrnmclll ~IC (~()verntllent Ln G(lVI~lltcll~dillg SI JudiCial ServlIls PSUs Autonomousl Semi (JovtlSlalUtory Orgalllsalloll Ictc() Holdlll~ mwlogous p(Jst on regular basb OR holdillg the post iii Lecl t or the 7 CPC )tay Matrix or n the pay bind or R 9300 - 31S00i- + Gr Rs 4800- (6middoth CPC) with six y~(lr r~glliar servIce III th grade (m holding Ihe post in iwel (~ or Ihe 71h CPC py jlatrix or ill Ihe p~ly band Ill

is tI30()3IXOOmiddot + CiP 1A2001- laquo(jIll CPC) with tell )ars reglilar scrvice ill Ih~ tradc ANI) (ii) tfgtses~ing or at Ielgtt Y~IIs cxpcrilllC Ill Establishmcnt AdlllinisllatiOI1lalld Account or IhI ltlilv~lIlllenleSlabllshll1nt

Provided lhal Ihe initial appoinlment shall bdwcclI olle year likely to be eXleJlllbk on year to year bISis sul~icci 10 lit condilion ihnl IllC rctired (iovL Strvlllldl appointcd ils

Assistant icislrar ltlrter hI Hila illS lht at of (i5 vcnrs 13011lt1 lilal the Itnll cil inculIlbenl can - 1

hc e~lcndcd iurlhcr for a pClicld or 1101 melfe tilan sii months 011 hi sami Icrlll~ and cOlldili(IIIS in puhlic ilierc~t iinqllired 1




~ i




7 Namc or Iht pma ssislalll (ACllUlll$) I ) Ilulllhcr of pmHS Olle (0 I) i

CIlssil1ittiml ofllost GrOllI I) Ministerial I II

I fl IY S(llc llny Matrix Level 6 in Ihe th epc PA Y MATRIX 054()O- 112IOO)I

II I -10 ifllil - I I I I IIg~ bull111111 IilnXlIllllll1 age Il)r appOlllllllcnt y uplllation lilt 1I( IIlg sect 1011 11111 contract

sl1(l11 not be ccccling 56 years Oil the closing (la1l of rctcipt of upplicaiillll it il

12 As r~~I Recruitmcllt Hulcs lIIIlSI is fillcd IIJl hl dCIIII11ioll ( including Sh(~r-I lell1I cl)lIlnlel ) Ire-elllployment hasis ill Ihe folowing lIl111mcr


I)0 10 ( 0h d nmiddot Ie 01 r1l h II

Oflko1 under 11K Ccntral GovolIlinentl Statcl Governilwiltl UTI PSUsl AlildnollwlIs Semimiddot (iovcrnmcllll Stalutt11-yOrgallisations etc (i)llaving a GradUal fiJm 1Icoglllized Univcrsity AND (ii) lding unah)golls posl 011 regular basis on holding post in Levcl ~ or tho 7 (PC 1(1Y Malli m in tile pay hand Rs 5200 -- 20200- -I- GP Is 2amp001- (6 Crp) with al Icast ()(lt11 Igular ervic~ Ol~ Holding post in Level 4 or illC t CPC Pay Matrix olllin till pay hand Rs 52()O - 10200- 1 (lP Rs 24001 (6 CI)C) wilh 10 years regular servi~e in Ihe grade Irclltrll1cc shall be given to eandidmes Iwving experience in administrative orlleashl CCOllIHS

alld having knowledge otoll11l1ter Ii II

Nul~~ Period or (itplIlltionl contraci illcillding Ihe period or dClllitUliOIl c(1I11raCI ill antllhlr cx-ar post held immediately preceding this appointment ill the SlIlI1e 1101 somc tHlll Orgl1izati~llli Department (I lhe Ccnlml Governmellt shall ordinarilv nol exceed J vcars or till Ihl~ lile or tho Tribllnal ortii further ordtr~ whichOvcr is earliest Ih~~ ll1aXilll~ln il~C lilllit for appointment by deputalioll incltlding short IeIm conlract shall 110 be exceeding r6 y~ars

IIItc-ellllllo) 111 cuI I

II Oniers retired Ihllll lile Cenlral GllvenlllllllIi Siale Gtwcrnmclltl UT Govli Induding Stal~ ludicial Servicesi ISUs lIlonolllousi Scmi GovtSlatU(Ory Organisation etc(i)I-lavillg a C duale from r~~ct)gnized University ANI) (ii) Holding nnlllogolls post Oil yengular hasigt Ol~ hilidillg p(lSt~l ~cvel 501 the 7 CPC Pay Matrix or n th pay ha~ld Rs 5~O(11- 20200~- G~ I~s YWO (6 CPC)wlth at least 6 year rcgular service Ol~ Holdlllg post III lij~v~1 ~ ollhi 7 CI( Pay Matnx ~1r 111 Ihe ply band Rs 5200 - 20200- + GP Rs 2LIOO- (6 ( PC) With 10

1y~ar~ rqlIlar servlc~ n the grIUC II

Provided tilal t1 111IIIai appOlllllllcllt shall betw~el1 tlllC ycar likely to he clClrciable Oil y~ar Iii

y~~ar Imsis ~l1bj~el ttl the cnnditioll Ihal the retired Gov Servant appointed as 4sistalll antr hc alia ins the middotago or 65 years Bcyol1J that the term or illumhellt can bc extell~ed further iw a I)(rilid 01 not morc than six months 011 the same lerms and conditions ill hUblilt inttret irmiddot

required i


-------------------------------------- shy

I ~



ilIi I I

Name M the IUlst Upper Divsi(lll Ckrk I I

Numher of fI()SC~ One (0 I) ~i 11

Cli~silicafioll of poo( Group IV rvlinisllri1 Ii bull 1

Pay SClll~ Pay Malri L~wd 4 iii the 7It (PC PA Y MlTI IX (~550() i II O(~)


s Age Limit The lllaXiUllIJlI ag( limit hI tlppnintllleni by deputalion includilrg shorl tell11 conlracl

shall nOI h~ excecdill 56 year 1)11 fhe dosing date of receipt of applicatioll

6 As pCI Hccluiilllellt Rilles th post nf Assessor is filled lip h delIlIlIitl ( indllliing shurt 1l~11ll Conlracl ) re-cllIploymcllt basis ill IIIpound flllluwillJ IIIllllllcr I

I)cpUIllioll (illclucliu~llrl h~rlll c(llIiracl) blsis

Onicel lIll(e Ihe CCIlWtl GovclllInenll Siale Govcnllnenll UTI PSUsl A~IOIlOIllOlS Scmimiddot Government SIH~~c1ory Organisalions tI (i)llavillg (l MlIIriculurillll ~rolll I~ ~)nized illslilUte or Board ANI) (II) Holding (UHltll~I)IIS pos on rglliar baSIS Ol~ holcling pos In Llvel 01 Ihe 7 CPC Pay Mltltrix or ill the pay band [so i200 - 20200 -I- GP Is 19001_(6 11 CPC) wilh al leasl Xyear rcgular service Person p()sesling rail kllowlcdge or service mldl and regulations Applieahle ill Cenlral Gov lI1d IUIVing experience on cash and 1lCOlllfts null Cilfllpuler

opcnlling Ollid ~1C given prcrcrelHe I Nule 1II(1d ot deplilatlOn contract Incilllllllg the pCllocl 01 deputatlonl conlraci 111 allolher lx-cndrc post held ill1mediah~ly preceding this appointment ill the ~am~ (II some other Organiltlliolll Dcpartment of the Ccnlr~i1 Govenllllel1l shallllrciinllily not exe~ed years or till the life ollhe Trihullal or lill timher (lrdmiddot~ls wldcheva is earlies The Illlt1XiI1llIll age limil Itll appoi 11 II lH1I I by deplIlal ion including shol t [crill (~lIltracl shall not be exceed il1_~ 56 years


nC-CIll p11lY1l1 elll

Officers rdind fwm Ihe Central GOVCIIIIlWIII Siale (Jovernmelltf UT Govqi Incllidillg StIlC

Judicial Sl~rviccs fgtSLJs tlItOllomOlisi Scmi CiovtSlallllolY Organisalion c~c (i) Ilavillg a M~llrielllali()1l from r~coglliled instilute 1)1 Brd AND (ii) I-folding anal()goll~ P()st on regular btli on Iwldillg pOSI in Level 2 of Ihe 71t CPC Pry llatrix or in Ihe pny bllId Rs 5200 shy10200middot ojup Rs _191~Oi ((i CIC) ~ith at lut1it8 year regular ser~ic~ (~ H)ding post ill Level 2 nl Ihc 7 CP( Pay Matn or 111 the pay Rs (Rs29200 - 92)00) willigt yars reglilar serviccin the grade Pdcrcncc shall be given 10 calldidates havillg knowledge all conipte

11 I

Provided Illal Ihc Illilial app)illlllcnl shall belV~ell (l~e year likely 10 b~ I)XICIlUahlc ~Il )car 1( yenr bl~as slIbJect 10 Ihe COllcilllOIl Ihal Ihe rei Ired (ov Servant uppOlillec ltIf UDC nllcr he lllaills Ih~ age of 65 years I~ey()nd lh1l1 the IeIm of illclHl1bent ean Ie cX~Cllcfd furlher rur a pell()d 0 t nOI more Ihall SIX IllOlllhs 011 Ih~ same lrlllS and condltlolls III I~phhc Inl~I(SI II

nquirtd II iI

II 1

iI t) illl C X 1I1t~lli

~J ii III NIlIll or the Ilfl)1 Clurl Ma~tct il

NiIIllIHuf jltlSIS Ivo (02) h

II Classificaliun 1)1 pHS Group A bull M illislerial II

1 Pay Scale Pay ~~ntrix Level II in lhe 71 CPC PAY MATRIX (67700middot 2(JR70i~) Age Iimil Th~ mnXillllllll age limit It) appOinllll(1I1 by (kplIlHlioll il1dudin~ ~jltJrt IIrll1 elllHnicl

shallllllt he ixmiddottding i6 years on Ihe closing date or receipt of uppliCtllion i


6 As I)l Reclllitlllcni Juks the IHlsr is fill~d up by dlpuhllion ( including shl~f( lenn CIIIIIIICI )

1 n-cmplnYlllclIl busis in tlie follilwing manner i


1 Ofliltci 1II1d~r Ihe Celllral (iOVCnlI11Clill Sialel Governlllcntl UTI PSUsl Allto~lonlollsl Semi-CiwcrIIl1lclIl StllIlniy OrgallisI[i(I IlS ~t( (i) f Graduate from recognizedi UniversllY or eqllivaiel1l havillg 120 words per minllie ill shorlhand AND (ii) Holding amjogolls post on regular blsis Olt holding Ihe P()I in Levcl 10 or Ihe 7h CPC Pay Malri~ or in tllc vay halld or Rs ISliOO -39 I 1)0- + Gtgt I~s 1400- (61i1 CtgtC) with five years ngular serviec 1[11 Ihe grad Oil Holding pOSI ill Level rlhc 71h clle Pay Matrix or in Ihe pay band of ls93PO -- 3400middot + GP Rs IROn- (6h CPC) wilh si1( year regular service in the grade on holdtllg jhc posl ill Ieve 6 )j Ihe 71h CPC Pay Malrix or ill the pay banci or Rs 9300-J4ampOOi- Iil GP ls4200middot ((i CIC) wilh len years ngular scrviec ill the grade NO (ii) Possessing of a~ least 3 years experience or Establishment Admillistration allel Accounl etc of the GovcrtlmclIlllcSlablislllnell1

I I - I I bull I I I I I I II IIN111( lIm 01 (CpUlallOll cOlltrtlel IIlC I( mg t e ptno( nl (eputatu)ll contrlel III aBot II

ex-cadn POSI held imllHdialely preceding this appoillllllcnt in the same (ir sonic 111111 Orglt1I1izatioll Departmellt (If the Central (kwcrnlllcni shall ordinarily not exceed years or lill Ihe IiI or thc Tribunal or till rurther orders whichevcr is ~arlicst The 1llIjllllll~~ agl limit il appoinllllLlll by del)ulalinn including short tLfI1l eOlilracl shall nnt be exceeding 5~i years

i I

(Cmiddott1II plo me nt 1

On~~rs Ielircd from Ihe Central Gnvcn~mc~II_Stat G(lcnlln~ntl IT ~j(lvt 11~~llldh~g SIal iudlclal ScrvlIcsl PSUsl Autonomousl Semi (IOVUSlatutory Orgamsatloll ctcQ1lA (raelliaic fH1m recognized Univlrsily or equivalent having 120 words pCI minule in shorthalltl AND (ii) I-laving held analogous POSI on Igubr basis OR Iwlding Ihe pus I in LcvclIO or Ih~~ 71h

CPC Pay Matrix or in Ihe pay hnnd (If lb 15600 - JCJIOOmiddot + GP Rs 54001- (6rhCPC) willi IiV years r~glliar service in the grad OR a post ill Level X Urlhe 7lh CPC Pay Mltrixor ~n the Pity bal~d 01 I~ 9300 - 348O- -I- Gfgt R 4tiOO~ (6~h PC) wtlh ~IX yelr regllllurerv~e II~ Ihe grade OR holdlllg the post 111 Level () 01 the 7th CPC Pay Matnx or III the pa~ band 01 R- 9300middot34XflOimiddotmiddot1 GI R$4~OO- (6th CICl with len years rcgular servi(t in thl grild~

Pi(widcd lilal Iht initial apP)intlllcllt shall httwen one year likely 10 be clemlal~le on year 10 year basis suhjeet 10 Ihe condition tlml the rClir(c1 Gov Servant appointed ns Cmll1 Maswr afler he allltlins till age of 65 years Beyond that Ihe term of inlumbelll Ctll bi cXIndc( fllrllH1 fill a period ill IO( Illore Ihan six monlils 011 the same IcrlllS and cont1ili)Il ill puhlie interesl if

rcquired l

1II 1I i I

II 11 II

I II 1

ii IIIH X II -c-I II il



ilNallll Ihe post Seetinl Oflke I NIIlhcl or IWS[s OI1QOI)


Classilicalioll of plisl Cillllp IV MiniSlerinl I

PIY S~i~ ~)~y Malr~x L~vl1 ~ il 11 7 1i CPC Pf~~Y M~TRIX (r60~- IS 11(0)11

Age Llllut I lie IIWXlflllll1l Igc Imil I lor lPPOIlUlHnl (y depulatlon IIlchlthng TIilorl tenll conlract

shall 1101 he c(ceding 56 YCl1lS 011 Ihe hsing Jalc of IcciPII)I appikati(lll i t

As IHI IccrllitllHnl Ilules the )lIsl is filh~d tfI h) tlcpulnliull( including SIH~h lerlll ClllltllI1 )

I n-empluyment hlsi ill Ihe fullowinglIIallnc i i

igtpoundJlnllioll (including slwrl I~III COliI-ncO hllSi~ Ii I

Officer under lilc Cenlnil Gt)vL~tPmenll ~ww GovlrnmlIi UTI PSUsi utOllOll1HISi Scmimiddot GovCnlll1Cnl1 Slallllor~1 OlglIIisalinll$ ele (i)HlVillg H Graduat (Om rccognil1zcd IJnivulsity AND (ii) Holding analogoll) pOSt ()f jtguiar basis Ol holding the pOSI ill LJvcl 6 or 11K 7 CIC Pay lvlallix or ill Ib 9300 - J4i(Il)middot -- CiP Rs 42()Omiddot (6 th CPC) wilh ~i lCast six f(r

ilgular ~urvice Prerer~nce shall hi givcrtW person~ POStssillg kl1owledge orjlAJl1lilliSllaliC (tllli Accounl mal tels 01 GovilIllllcl1l clahllsillneni l


NOte Periodmiddot of (hplIllaquotinn COlltracl in~ltlding Ihe pcriod or tI~Pllintionl con~rllct ill anolher ex-cadI post held 1111111Cdlalciy prceedll)g thiS applllllllllenl III the SllIlll ~or sOl11e olhr Organizilionl Dparlmelll of Ihe Celltral GilVcrnnlcllt shall ordinarily 1101 xcce~13 yl~IIS nr till the lik of th Trihunal or [ill further Meier whichever is carliest The maillllllll age lilllil lir appoilltmenl hy deplitalioll induding ~hort ten contract shall not be lxcccding 5 PYlars


IIc-clllpluVIIJ(Ilt J

()Ij I I II C I ( 1 C I UI c III I I s~ I ICirs rCllre( rom Ie Cl1lra lovernmCll tate JWCIIl Il1CIl I IOVI pc U( llig la L

tudiial ScrvicLS ISU~ lultlllOmOllsi Semi GIHltSla[lilor) Organisalion lul (I) Iaving ~I (inldualt irnlll lllogllicd University ANI) (ii) Having held analogous post ljl lIglllllr hasis ~)I~ holding Ihe POSI~ in Le~C1 6 of lh~ 711 CPC Pay lvIatrix or II Rs 9ilOO - _~IXO()-middot llt Rs 400 (611 cPt) with lIllcnsl SIX veal rCiularservlIc IretcrelHesh~1l be glVClllo persons posscs$i~g knowledge of A(It nilli-si ral ivc- alld Accoullt mallcrs lr Governinelll cSlablbhll1tnl

l PnJviclcd lhal Ihe inilial appoinlmeni shall between OIlC year likely to be CXlelld~bh 011 year to

year basi slll~ic(1 10 the condition Iha the relired Go1 Scrvanl UPP(JiIlHd liS Stclioll Oflieer an~r hc allaill the -we Ill 65 c a 1 I3cvond lilal the Icrm or incumhent call be d~elltkd nlier 1(1 a pltriod or IInl n~orc Ihilli monlils 011 ihe same terms and conditions in PtrlOli inl(IIsl il required I

1II IiIiIi I I III 01

1 I


1 11I 1I i


11 Annexure- II J i I




NIIIII~ 111 (he pUS I Iel~(lnal ssistalll I

NlIlllhlr III PSIgt On~ (0 I) II

Clasiiicaliull nr IuSI GroliP r IVlil~istria I I)ay Scale Pay Matrix Level 6 ill the 711 CPC PAY MATRIX (35400- 1124(0)1

~ Age Limit The maximllm age limit lor appoinlmtnt hy deputation including ~hlll1 [CIIIl contract

11lt111 1101 be exceeding 56 ycar~ on Ihe dosing dltl~ of receipt of application I

~ IlCI IhUllitmell[ ~tl~hs the pos ~s nlled up hy dlflltration lt inciIHling Slll~ erlll cOlltract ) I c-ellljlltlymelil hasls III lhe loIlIlWIII 1l1lUlIlel

0 II

l)elllllll~ClJclllding sllllr lellII cOlltnl~ll hl~is ii IIUIIIIlI tinder Ih~ Cel1lral GovclIllllenli Sialei Cillv(mIl1CIll UTI PSUsl AIII01(llllousl Semishy

GOVlrtllllClllJ SIaIUIOlY Organisatious ell (i) I-Iavillg a Graduate fWIll recogniz4~1 University or quivakl1 having l~ speed or Ion Wl)Id~ per min~llcgt in sh~~lhiIl~ ANI) (ii~ HOfling analognw pISI 011 1Igular baSIS OR holding post III Level) of Ihe 7 CPC Pay Malllx or III Ihe pay hand Is 5~O() - ~()200- + ar Is 2100- (611t CPC) wilh ltII Icast 6 year regular scrvi~lt em Hltllding post in I~vcl ltl 01 the tit CPC 1)(lY Matrix or ill the p~ly band Rs 5200 - 20~OO- (jp IsI

2400- ([11 CPC) wilh 10 years re~1I1al service in tl1 crnde Prcllcncc shill be ~ivn (1

callcJidal$ havillg knowledge or con~pllter - ~ 0 I ~

Null Period or deputalionl contlacl including lh~~ period or cieplIlHlion con act in anothcr cx-cadn post held inlillctliately prtccding Ihis appointlllellt in the same r Sliml olher Organizatinll rkpartlllcnt or the CCllIral GovernlllClll shall ordinarily 110t cxeecf J years 01 till th~ i I~ or Ihe lri bUllal (II Iill further orders whichever is earl iest The maxi llIui11 agt I intil fill appoilllmelll by deputation illdutiing short 111I1l conlract shall 1101 be cxcelciillg ~f years


i1-CIIIIu1lt I Orti~r$ 111 irtd 11(1111 lhe Ccnlml Governmentl Slale (iovclIlllleJlII UT (jov I lcilidillg SIltlI( Judicial Servicesl ISUs AulltJllonlOus Scmi GovtStatulorv QIfltlnisatiol1 ctc (i)Hilving a Graduate rWI11 recognized UniversilY ANn (ii) Holding amlog(l~s post 011 Ic4ul(ll ba~is on hlllding POSI ill Level 5 of Ihc 7h CPC Pay tvlatli 01 in Ihe pay blIId Rs 5(~O - 20200- + GP Ih 2XOO- (61h CPC) with al least 6 ylnr regular strvic Oil Holding post inLltvcl 4 ~)r the 71 CI( Pay Malr 01 in the pay ban(~ Rs 5200 - 202O- + GP I~ 24001- ~6111 CPC) with 10 ~~ars rcgultr serVICe III tht grade Pnlercl1(e shall be glVl1l to calHhdates IHlvlng kllowledge (I

I (1m pUleI

PIIidecilhaltIH~ inilial appoilllll1CIH shall bClween (jIlC year likely 10 be eXltndllblc on year II

year ba~is iubjeci 10 Ihe Cillldilioll thaI lhc retired (ilV Sc)valll appoinled as Pel~ollal Assistanl afler he lIlains Ihl age of 65 ycars Beyond Ihill Ihe term or incllmbent can be e~llellded lulthlt1 for a period or Ill mol thall six 11I0nlhs on the smne terms und conditions ill Plnlhlk ililerest if rl~qlli rcd - II shy





1 il


~iI _ __m I~ ~ AHo In HlmU amp VuJu ~ __ wllwroj9mchrgovln ===================AnuoISUUCIPUO530=

Employment Login to wwwe-employmentnewscoin to subscribe e-version ( 400 per annum



U Ms Sameera S~urabh

mon Sudgt 202 t ~22 hnn boon Ono of Ihl) nloSI it1pottanl ilt1nou~JllIcn~

mcI(~ 0) till Oov~rlmCflt at rnditl l~ It colaquot-~ tinh1 nnlilltU Covid19 pmdomic Untotl ButJfjo1202tmiddot22 ill aJio Ihu Ul uvor dllJllal lutJucl tIn1 il iIJnllicwtCu lic in tht bel mlI Inc IlDUdenl econOi nie n nd SIOltcgir mlations in tho post Covfd Ul Ofld aro d(JIIUtr10 con~lmUy

Wnlle the bud9~1 2021J2 hI 10cuSlt)~ on honUh and VloUmiddotbeing as won DI tllOJbnunl it thust i~ un IlIfra~ttuclultJ

fllUJ Rufmm UrUlldtlJ The OudQCl h19 pushrd fetomlt bV docloelnq thQ IHiatizahon 01 two bunkraquo gnQ Insuramu C01Itmll lUtI $CVCtlt Olhef IlUtllc lCCI(U


Tho hmit on flca1 tluficit has tloo boan IlIolIl1n bull jlll Ult~ GovtII1IllUnt ilbandoninu 0 3 cn IntOc Of Iho fRaN optong 10f lvh httlhur fir-tal dufli 81J tho wny Co thll yunr 2015 Tllu flUW lirca_ dclicll ta[lu 111 110 noprn nil Ife ttcUtll pnvntlzWIi 01 Brel end oher PSUs OIhOlWio 1M ik fif hlghur inUiUion amJ intulUSI mill It 1)~fISl Tlli ~lf31C(JI c1n nueeeod m~lll fI ndcttlionOI rlSenl t1elh~l gnes Into llt1Uital u)uunlilvro rnthuf Ihl1ft fovunuu ~IIUHlhnJ

PSUli 11 proposed 10 Cn~IC multiple opp~fluollle$ M tuslom dury stUlCluw

will hr chnngtH to mnke 110mclhC m~tlutnc1udnn mOru numcllvc In a slgnlfieon movc lhe Gt)IrCfntnCnr Oflcd

InfmslfuctutO bodie suCH tt NHAI mul tho POlJiCr Grid COfllctrfton ntltl Lid wtll

poot esaurcoR t(Ont ne$O~ In sties IHltl

solt unit 10 fnor10fS 1(l1llng 01Oft6 (Ot

uluO 5fltln(1ing

Sp~nding on lural infttlamptucluru IIcloplll~nl MS crnn~ed by 3lt In 0000 CIOro 1nO rmcfo-krigOlion copus 01 1ltbull 10000 cml($ lith cnn )OO~I 1m incoUlo In tho hinlQf lunJ

In Older 10 I1ncourlJ9l AUOrdnblll Huut)IO tOl thu mWtllu cliiS Ov~iU projocts enn 1v)il WI holdnys to onf YOM I uplc Itl March 2U22 IrIQihon

ThO GOtcrnmonl has plnnned to rnise funtS~ tal futiRh co OlliS InfmSlludurt and haa 150 Iod Iho fOI limll in InstJrilntc rt1tlo 10 14~o 0m 49 I 3 LlfJ 10 oder 10nllr2Cl OV fundilig In fnc~rn9c t)lute$ to IncuHlc ICidlno pJDm oru in thu pir101lno to ornpowur an AnOI R~cOII~lNclion Mnnnlunleni CompIIY 10 loko avo doblloan bull

RG 554 I~~h crolos i bting Inoclad ~ physical GlimuluG tD support domond and


ATMANIRBHAR BHARATtllshllllnta Elonoml~lOy I 1I~Vy 02I1-Z1 PaOl U

Jayanta Roy Chowdhury 30 01 lho globlmiddotJaB HIGHLIGHTS I lho

Conknlpnnonntic (hoCISF GOUIlJIInr bvdgul unYoliod

c--n-r---I-I-nCdu-trl-I-s-o-c-uru-v on fcb I 2021 boolloo pundino Qn hcalthearo by 137~

fotco foqolroc 2000 Ex-Anny nd cOtllnllllcltf 10 srcnr1 inmc f Personnel Gn cOnlt3Cl bnt)is 554 luk crQfU Uta mfra1uctufU

lmH Onto 15032021 to hcln reVIc lhe ~rononl IIlnch Pago 1021 S tx~liomiddotvd It) hitU htln~ by

Oiler 17 ()fr cen in Ihe Gon(Jnt

IOCl yum It o liQod cp on Icraigo

Indtan 011 Copoallon Ltd irwOhncnl In JHsuroncu 31J camo up ~yith pill ar lUUfUStyO dlsinvoSlmunl ~lmJ

InI1ofgt ppIlClllonr for ~05

(lppro~) ToChnlCill and NonshyfinnncilI sector rcram whilo

Tcchntcal ApprcHHI(o kucpil1l1 incomu tax HttOl Siublu

l Onlo 26022021 Dellling tho bucgel tnlcrnunt hi PatUttrnuut FinulCJj

~_________-J MinlstOf Nirmnln Silhnrilmnn Pauo 8middot12

SPM olected IISC Ouricl or Ih --------- gnp buwoen goyornmuns SueurUy Papor hUll U1COnte ami CJpcntllltIJC of 68 Hoshnngobltl Invllo~ appllcmiddot 01 9ro damellic pnxtucl tor tHonG for gt rioupound pOS1s 202 -22 la9t Dale 12032021 Mosl nnnlyG15 feU oxlHl

ftgo 2 fJOI)(Jt) WilG r)QCc~SOfy 10 t~Ot ____==-____--J simlihe pnnd(mic-hiI economy r4ft QLth~u ltlo gOloHUuonl 1$ lully

U plopnred 10 uppott olYl rnolimlo ~~2~~~ IIIU ecollomys 0001 fH~~t~~~~~~I~~~ Sithorunan sald Thiamp hudgnl

ad Dconomic covot) IhclOby DivinO n ultltlucliol1 of Rbull 15 lath shull IIIUlufolU

DiU Puh tu mfr-tHJcturu whiCh (It tulll viifl be avadable lor 1000n$ Inkon up iU 3 Moueh 2022 for Iltu fHojUCil 0 Mfufdat)to

tCH1 0 IUIIII~Cf IlI1IlCI~l to tho (lgt(()nnHlY To cncourQO tnvcslmunJ Ut RE ITs nnd InVITo no TDS will un oodUCleltl on ~Mdol1d pu)lnon nu 5mllmiddotup 11 gal yepr moro 10 CIllIIll I IlnlldG)l lin oddlilonol yeftr on caplinl gllins Ln


~l5at mDnoUznllon 01 nonslratogic

prl)lldU3 aolY UflllOllunlty 101 oconcmy 0 tiampO and caplul Ih~ aco n nuuU3 or 11 SU$r~tinlbh grollth-shy

lhu CUHClll ycu wosJ eioc~Cd

10 and ith a fillClll daficil 01 051 he ~kllo hllhe Ihan IhO 35 budgolod In yoar Tho hiellOt tJulicii VilS 10111 On DCCQlIrtt 0 1M unprccoooniod old VfCtJIumnu IIlat Ino uovcrnmunt hod 10 undonoko 1n1 yeor to lata calO 01 gtCOIIO onu ~mlullty M by the Covld pondonilt A woll a lowor 11IC lett~etl 01S0 on Dccounl ollho pandomc

HovoOl Ihe Ighe IMII Y~unl fIenl tlofie~ In Iho curronl yenr Is 10 bCCl1usu lhO JOofnFllunt hns vorl gtOkllraquo dedCeltl 10 bllng

ImOfJ oUallillancu shoot oxponltllluro back Inlo olu(lal$null9 pl~lI~ In OIuur 10 WI morc tcoUQtlc rargotpound rOf

ftflcnu(J~ Anampll)sls (1l1hl v~ 1

nloro uooibl0 way 01 lYO~cntinD Ie VIII Illldgel

Tho most G(gnlfiennt oxomplu IS PMmcnl~ 10 lhO IO()(I

CorpolOlioll or India (fell which malVin~ and di~lrlbuloa loadglDin across Iho counlty 10 CI$Y( flJOltJ )lt)cUllly Olln Iho FCI would botroIJ to moko good shlltl(aliS In tlubsldy l~ynlcnl~ by Ihltgt Govommon An~lysls CIIlcIIIMC Ihesa pynlcnt~ 10 DC VlOl1h 18 por Cltnl 01 GOI in Ih cuftCtr )03r

In Itl IORlO oftor Iho Union

Contlnuod on P U~ 2

StlOG1 al Iblod n 1M L()~ Slbha Pmo Minlslo NtltCOlh 1 tlo~i Ulld Ihol UIC Bu~gt cnri It gt1lon of AII1~ulllbhjUtnil nwJ inclusion 01 ltIvery clllen anu sccUnn Hu snhJ Wo huvo UUfU

bDyond actlvo ond how oion 11 plOmiddot~tllvu uuuucl

The Ptttll Mini$If( doorllliGfl

tltu budfjut a aiuCu in CIIJlllll WUHlth alld wullnusf ill Ihll COVlltry Qllieil1J$ ustimtltc Ltt Ihu blJuDul t~ ~pu Illu coonern) 10 OOVI by 11 POt CJnl n$ tJ Josult 01 Uto invuutmutllS to fJu madu whIch Q)ultl umku ndia hu fnJlult JrUvfull milJur OCOllonty OI0b-3It) ahulltJ of Chinn lfhich b fUlUcna 10 VnM ~1 amp4 po cent

Tho Financu MinittCut propodud IQ incraaSQ hualUc1ru sronthna 10 fl 22 lokh toro 10 help imptoo public hcolth S)aIQm~

Bnd lund Iho country mn5~V valaquoinotion tlrlvo to bmnvltisQ IronUino wOlktlamp unJ lhQsi In

vulnorablo ~go group India Wtrcn~y ~PQnd nn nnnuni 101 GOP cn hOilh among aha IOVQr lor anV major OCltlnonlY

Con1tnu~d on plgc 2


Atal Blharl Vajpayee Institute of Medical Sciences amp Dr Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital

Ilow Dolhlmiddotll0001 (Nollea Inylllng ~ppllcallons for Senior Reldent amp Junior Roldonl (NonAcadoml) on Ragulo baGI)

fhe Itd(~ SIlMd 0bull Rom Mnnohtloh tlltgtspllnl amp AIWIMS NQw OcllllnvUes OppllCllllon Imln lmiu1 NOllie-nal in tho ptuampcribod lornt nillabtu on v41bstto fmlhnlcln for thu posts 01 Sonier Roldnt NonAe~deOllc nnd Junl Resldenl (NonAeadcmllt on regular basis Tho dglailnd ariyruHGOmool No 9 PPFih qtinlblljty t90dlUoOli pay s~ntm aOn srUfia QgDllcalloo form And Ather dylaUs cno tag pen In tbe full ndyeulsftIDeol pn tbo weballft (rolh Ills in Any cqrrlgondummodlflpd order mgRaUoS hiS niivmthamcnJ will bt IAlsuad 2 Ihg vmilsjtg only CODdldgtcG pro adyhjqd So (lsj hQGpltl YlObfillg on1b ole In Olgulady for tbla

tliUP9Mmiddot LoS dnl lor ylml~9n 01 PRglhnon II 22022021 1111 0400 PM Olllee lie (AClldomlcl

dvp 1114711t1G00812021 Ell 40141 For Mcdlealliuporinlandonl

No 261AdmnmiddotlI1lbour SuporvlsofDeputntlonl202190B O~IO 281Dl2021

AppllCltlllotls aro Il1vllllO 10 fill up ono lIoSI 01 LabolJr Suporvlampor In Iho Pay Mlllrix Lovol4 (Rs 25500~110() In Iho Lndy Hardlngo Modlcal Coll~gu amp Sml SK Hospilal Now OoUII on

doputalion basis

TrIO duly fillod applicatlol along Vlilh complolo and up 10 dDIO APAA ClOSGforl may bo sonl by

SpuudlRogiamplorultJ PU51 nodrossed 10 Olclor Lady Hardinoo Modica Collogo amp Sml SK

Hopill Now ani Ill wllhlll 110 dayn ftom Iho do 01 publlcaUon of IIll6 adyortlGomunlln

Employnl News

or tfaail~ login to website httpjmcho~pgovin

dvp 1714811002612021 EN 40139



7 Private Socrtarv 01 1VCI8 8 POODnal Abullbullitant () I t loyalmiddot G

o IMtgtlstanlAceounls) 0 I I Levelmiddot G 10bull UDC 01 Lcyel- 4

2 For more Inormo1I1Dntdolllllamp 01 Iho po 1001amp Gnll


middot Amiddot1202S10112019middotAOMN1

Go~ernmenl a Indls

Ministry of Tourism

Transport Chllwan

New Deihl

Rlt)crullmonl 10 Iho posl 0 OepulY Olroclor Gonorall Reglon1 Director

Applications ~re invited trom Vllfling nna eligible cundidotuo 10lt 01 poSI 01 Oepuly Olrecto CcnurullRcllonnl Olructor in MnI~lr1 01 Tourism all

~QPI~lion lncluOlno shol tuem CQnlfJcl) Oasi~ in the Pay Leul 12 R~ 78600middot 2092001middot) us pur 7111 epe Cieula 10 Ihi~ vacancy along ilh ~ppllcnlia 10111 an oillor oliOilJility conditions ac available al our wobsilo YlVlvltouriGnlgovin The

npplicnlon in Ino prOtrribod formal (complelo in IIll rlnpeclamp alono with 1ho supporUng documents lS

required in the circulnr) may be $cnl thrauoh prapcr ehnn1 50 fiS 10 cnclt Shrl PlkaJ Kumar OOllnl Undor SocrolMY (Admin

1rlIonI) Ministry o TOlI~m Room No 126 Tnsporl Bh1WgtIl I Pnrliamont Shoot Nnw 001hlmiddot01 Iithln ab looks 110m Iho dala 01 puhllcallon 01 Ihl ador1i50monl in Iho Employment NUWGI R010a SmaehM Applieamiddot tiontl reccivelJ after dYe date ot which s not in tho proscribed formal or without ((Quisilp documcnts wnl nol be enlcfUlillCd

PnnknJ Kumor Ovnll

Under Secetory 10 Ihe

Co~cII11 01 Ia (Iavp 42101l1ll0006lZ021

EN 40120

l4isllllOI ftrnim 3fu- MRQI4Cfl

gtMCfllaquo01 ~~ lffif fIifiT

m 1If qtlITtJmS 11t11 lirii ~-qfim W1laquol~mrt ~lI1ll ri~ -110016

Ij)Il1I 49536496 4~092970

Warehousing Development and Regulatory Authority

Government of Indl

41h Floor NCVI Building l ShllnsmulioMI Abullbullbull Auouamp1 Kronll M9 H~u Khat New Celhl middot110016

Tol No 49536496 40092978 f No Amiddot 42122021middotAampF OOlod 280120Z1

Roeultmonl ror valouo pooh on dopuI311brplion basibullbull

Tho WwohoulnO Dovolopnotll and Ruoullory Aulhorily (WORA) Govenmanl 01 India Invi( applicntians Iam oliOiblo pomOllnel VJeking In tho ControlSlnlo GvornrnonllConlral and Slnt PSUampI

AulonomDus Sttu(ory bodlnamp 101 Ina following posl to bo ftI~d on ltopulolionlobtDrp~on batismiddot

No of No 51 Nm of Iho Pool

Vocanclo 1 ro--p-ul-y-O~Io-C-IO-----------------~----~

(II SIaleQt Risk Md Ronrchmiddot I paS (HI SmkoholdDn Mllitmiddot I posl (III) SIkehnlllttl wllIllneamp nnd OUlfC3ch-t POl (Iv) mn amp Fin nnd Ctr1cts bull I po ILovclmiddot11 Rbull 61700middot208700 (lIh CPC))

2 Prlnelpol Pn~ulo SaeelDlY (PIS) ILbullbullol11 R 67700208700 171h CPC)J

3 Abullbull lobnIDIoclo (It S1f~legy Risk Md Ronrch (II) SlkollolCe AJIII$

(III) Hmon IlcooIICCI (Iv) Enloc1 ~tl Lol31 (vt Slkohof(JUI5 Iwilfono~s and Outft4ldl

(Lovolmiddot a Rbullbull 47000 -151100 (71h CPC))

4 51 Flold Ollleor ILovolS Ro 29aOO 92300 (7Ih CPC))


0 I


0 I

00111 InornllIan Y be een III Iho AUlltollly$ wcblte wwwdragoYlnundormiddotVconclos-llppllenolnIM

prorcrinlJd fotmat tfyuilablu on tho ob$itC may bo lubmiltod to tho

Oopuly Olroelo Ilogal) W~rohouGing Oovolopmonl and

Rooul310y Aulhorlty Now Oolhl wllhln 45 dayamp from Iho dato

01 publleallon 01 Iho vcIley cirelli In h Employmenl Nuwbullbull Carrgonaum ~Ic il nny sIlul1 bo pul up on 00 WORA ebi (Rakoh Kuma fadv)

EN 4013 Aui~lnnl Dlroel IAampF and ContraltI_)

Governmonl of India

Supreme Court of India No F612021sCAIRC) Now Dolhl datod 122021


Ollilno lIpplicltlllen3 pro 11I0d 1101 Ilbn Cillzcns who I(dl Uu ollowlng qu~ficatlen and011bullbull lIglbility condition ii on 112021 fo Ioctiol lor appelnlmont la UU pe~1 1 Cour1 AInl (Junior TranI~lot) In vOMCUUU IlI9~OO~ 10 2 pos) oncll III ADsomcso 8engall Talugu Gut~oi UrlIu loIoralhi Tsmil

KonlIltli MOlayolim Munlpu OIIla PunJabl Nuptll (I po~1) lind Hindi (5 p051s) plncod In Level 7 01 Pny Mntri vllh InitIal nle Pav 01 Ro 4400CII plus olM Iowanco lapprorJmlo Gobullbull Snlary wilh 1M Rs 60771 pur mouth) tiS admi$iblu undur lhu futUti

TIlo numlle 01 vonclbullbull I lentallve and suhlelt to ehnJl9 1( inCfuuo or dotroUio dUO 10 odmini1rutilo fUaiUns EuolIlI1 QU3l1ne~1I0ns Md E_perlen


I) A Il~cclo(~ OcoocGrdtSUDtQ willgt EnOIih nutS ~puclivc

vornoculo Inrguoge gt5 sullccts ANO II) A OlplomulCottiflt31a courso In tmnltion I ElYllih 10

rcpccllgtt) yumocul klnovr-gu ilrtJ VH(~Cf~ Irom UniYerullyllnsilula recognized by the Govennl UGC


Two ycgtrs ctpcenco In tr~nslllUou warllt 0111 rMroill Lnoul9D to EnOlish nod vke--varSii in CenllaVsnto Goynm~ mou oUi(O~PiUlinfrnt1StaiQ looilaturu SoaolVri3is ur CnltvStale Public SelttO UndCt1nklnngJH~h Court

In PrOrteiQnGY in com~utur opt)rolOnG and ~Oo 01 roluvnnt

ofrlcu 1oaoo vi vord ptOwsinJ in EnaHih IUfQUaUU anti re5pcllv4 wmncu1u lanougo

Auo Roqulramont TIlo clndlllnlOtJ ShO II bela 27 yctlo as on 112021 Usual Ibullbullotlon in ago ill b(l ndmlul~ 10 candidatos bQlonoing to

OlarYod caloooriogt ~ I GOomman Rulos doL1Iis 01 SCheme 01 eranllnnllOn MIltI GUI1C11l1 Intrucllon prosibcd lor tho soid IXgt con be downloaded Irom Suplama COUlt Waosllo wwcigoyin Tho lifbmi19hWl 01 online nrptiCAtiont AU commcnCIl lron oo~oo

Imum on 1522021111123~O hOUNl on 1332021 Pla~Q Now Colhl IRjOJh Kunw 00ltgt1)

01110 122021 RcgIWaIAoeNlunl) El 40147


Ravi and Beas Waters Tribunal GOlornmonl of Indio

Mlnlnlry or Jot ShakU Walet Rosourec~ RD amp GR eiamp1 Block No7 RK Purom No Oolhi middot11005amp

Telo No26102230 1 E ail cglslrrrbWlgmllcom No OGtR8WTJRocullmoni 01 Portr1202012ll4

VACANCY CIRCULAR ApptiQUOOji lrom oliOlblu canditJalu5 310 Inyilt-d lor lilling UII following (Group A 1 0) po on Depulnllon (Inchdono Sl1olmiddotterm conlrnel b3sl) I Rltomploymanl basi In Ravi amp eual WalO Tlbunul from 11gt0 omployoeSiOlflcors 01 Ino CenlJnl GovIlSL Oovl Union Tomlele GoIQOIrnunWPSUCoulJTribunl un uampunl lermg nnd con dill of dcpulnt10n Issued vide OOPT OM No 6r6l200ll-Eslt (Pay II) dalud 17th Juno 2010 or a mondud IOJ lime to tlmn nnd for Reimploymenl employeltsl 0111 ~Cd frcm Cuntrul Govl)UT1 51i1lu GOutnfll(ln1$IPSU on cJIIJlinU tUNn~ and condilion of ra-employmenl iued vida DOgtT DJ1 No 3103120ISmiddotE~IIcPny III dnleu OI052(17 0 as JC1ldcltS front limu 1011010

rs I Nam 01 11 Ito 01 Pny Lo-if INmiddotO+-___________ Po1 Poy Molnx 1 AuosSlt) 02 I LUYDI IS

2 I RoOItrot 01 I Lol-l2

3 Mglslllnl RegISI () I I levclmiddot 11

4 Prlneipal Plv~l Soerotlry (PPSI 03 IlOol bull 11

eOllditlons cle plUlC vblllhe Mlnblry 01 JI 5h~II Ooplt 01 Walar RuoureoG RO amp OR Wabslte 10 mowrlloyln Lasl dalo lor reccMng Ihe Ippl~lIon for IIIlt) abovementioned POSI me 30 dlys from tho dale

copy an bo 1ent through Email 10 rbwtrecnrtlmenl9mallcoj 3 Arlvmco coplei of lppl1e3Uon or ppllca1ion rocelvfJd aflo tho poerlbGd porlod 0 nol companlod wilh requl~lto Inlamotlonl dOCuOIents ure 1I0bl 10 b Ielod

(Subrala K Dbullbullu EN 4011 Itad 01 Oeptnl RaWl

Noof 1)05ts PA V L~VEL ill MATRIX

02 (evel- IS I

01 l~vel- 12----- shy I

01 lkvel- 11 Imiddot

03 middot-U~-II -

02 lampvel - I I f-- shy I

III IIlcvCl- 8-_ --J 01 - Jlwcl- 8


01 ~6 01 eVilI - ( ---i-01 cVfl

shy Ihe nbove mentiuned indpost are

I 1

data the

Ii I ( AU9cxUrc-S


MINISTRY OF JAL SIIAKTI WATER RESOURCES RIJ amp GR East Block 1110 7 RIlt Puram New Delhi -110066 i

Tele No26102230 Email registrarrbwtgmailcom1 No 06RBWTRecruitment of postS2020Jl


0ppica~~olls limiddotHIll eligible clildidillts arc invited tCJr lilling lip following (Group l amp B) posls on ICplilallon (Illdudlllg short-term cOI(mct basis) I Re-cmplnYlllcnl hasis in Ravi amp BeJgt Waters Tribunal 110111 lit cmployeesOlliccrs of Ihe Cenll(ll GovtStatc GovtU1ioll Territories (OV~II~Il1CnlSPSUCourtslTriblln~~ (Ill us~d I(nm alld olldiriollS 0 dcputt~tioll iSSll~d vide DOPT OM No 6Jf1l2009-Estl (Pay I) dalld II June wro Of ns am(I1dctl from IIOIC to tllnc And lOr Re-clI1ployrncnt clllployce1 olli(cr Ictind (rom Cellintl GovtJUTI State GlwcrIlllwntsPSU on Jxisling terms and condilions of fe-cmployment issued vide DOPampT OM No 30320 16Estt(Puy II) datdd 01052017 or as lllltndcd from lime In time I


icated ill AUlIlxllrc-IA to 11

J Condilions ur Eligibilityl Terms or AppninllllCIl tor

4 The applicans shuuld clccrrly indicah ill their bio In application lorml( (enclused as A nncxllrc-I I) 10 Ih is circular ie n~mc date of bil1h dalc (If superannuati()n presei~l dcsignation with pay scale pnst held 011 regular bmas With dtlte and pay scllc name of the dcpartOlpni wllh telephone FilS lIumher email I D scrvice I expcricllCl in chronulogical ordcr edudtiol1al I technical qualificatioll training if any undergone and any other infoJlllalion relevant to the pqst applied fur with the dcdarntion or completeness and correctness or application lind declaration t~mt hc will nOI be aIowed to withdraw his c(Jlldidillure once schctcd for Ihe post I I

5 Till I)CfS(l1l selecled for apPllilltlllcnt will NOT be eligihle Il)r Gov accomln~ldiltion during the periud of deptltation Rc-employmcnt in this Trihunal j

6 The rcspective oflicer I dcparllllellt while forwarding the applications of tI~ candidalc(s) lor deputation sh~lIld ~Iear~y cCItiry the pIIliCtllals along ~ ilh CR dossiers 101 pr~lfdillg 5 yc1f~ and enclose the list 01 malormlllor penalties lin posed (If any) together With VIPUlCCDISClphllary clearance Ii 1

7 PlrS~lII(s) applyillg li)1 l1Iore thall onepust should apply scpnlatcly Jill each post w li~h plt1n be mailed ill OIlC cnvelop All the application should reach to HClId or DCI)llrIIlUllt RIIi amp IDclIS Waters Tribunal al above address within 30 days flOm the date of I)ublication in the I mplQyrncnl News Fllr JIIorc iniorJIIlltiondetuils (If the I)Osts lenDS and conditions ctc 1)lc1JSC vi it the Ministry or lul Shakli nepU of Wuter Resources RD amp (n Website ic mowlmiddotgoviD II

Ii R Sofl copy of fhe llPllliclltion liS advance copy call be SCllt th o~gl~ EIIIIII to

rhwtrcclmiddotlitlll~middotlItgnUlilcolII I I

Advllnltt lopics uf llpplicatioll or llpplicnlion received after the Ilrcscrib d ll~Iiod or nol

I (

fI IU vv ~ JSU r~~1Iasu)

t1eIlJll~~Itl~~~mrmen f R8Vi bull Be Warer fdhunnl

~-gt---gt--------------------------- shy


II I~JRE- il


i trmH~ ij2 Dme )fl~irrll i

3 Datt) or iiupmiddotrnnmUliio1 i

4 Dcsigllalioil willi Grade Grout) ()f Post 1I

i 5 Post holding Dll regl basi and vcr 1


6 Pay Scalc On regullir basis we 1

7 NanlC of the Departmcni (ltlndod Oril~ I l Service Particular in chronologilal orJel point wist 1

[I f Ihe space is not uffkilnt H filparate sle~~1 I I)SI IIllay I)(~ cne OStC ~ ervlpc parnclI aIs 111 chronological order point wisc Ii

lt) EdliGatiollaITcchnilaIOualilicatioll 1n EI(pcriencc ITraining lIndlrgoie 1 I Speed or Shorthand and Typing 12 Knowlcdp( or Computer I J Prcscllt Address


1li IJlwnci Mo[)i Ie- No I AllY other inlixlllatioll ifclllY I

OECLAJATION Ii 1 hcrcl~y declare thai all the siaLelllellts mode in Ihis apPlicalioll ~re true complete ~lld Jorrect to Ihe hest of IllV knowledgE and I shall not wllhdraw IllV (al(hdaturl~ once selected for thJ post ~ bull I

II -

ii Sjgn~tllre of appliennt

Ad(hcgts amp Contllcr Nos ii __ _ ----r --shyI


II is ~ertjficcl that particulnr given above are corrlct ns per service rccord and tle ~tfcer will be rCIi~vcd fi~ appoinrnlen~ _011 deplltaliOl~ ba~is ~middotIishe~middot appliCtioll ISforwardef~ jalpngW~th (I) Vigilance Clcltlrancc Ccrllhcalc tlnd (2) CR DOSSiers ( lor last years)(11 1101 encl s9d the tllm on which ihese d()Clllllent~ will he sellt by the Department) Ii


Smiddot I i I igna u rc ~ Nllmc ~L~

Oesignatiou ~bulllL (Depa~tlllcnl of the fdfmiddotwar~iing ofticcr)

with date ir~d ~mce Seal I I Ii r I i

II il i IlIltSllr-1 B II

I NIIIIH of the post lcgistlul [I Nil III I I of pusts One ((j I ) ~

J CII~silitltinn Clr pusl GrlHlp A MiniStltrial II I

Pay Seale Pay Malri- Llvel IJ in llie lit CPC PAY MATRIX (78800- 2092(uh I

~ gc Limit Th~ maximum nlle limit It)I appoinlfllcnl bydeputlltion induding khorl helm COlllracl slmllllOl b -eecding 56 years on Ihe dll~illg date of receipt or application I

I As IH~I Hlenlitmeil Rules tht PI))t is mh~Illljl hy depulllioll ( illdudillg Shf~Itcrll cOlllra1 )

n-emrloymellt blsis in the rollowing IlIHlIICI il nl~pllaliml (indudill4 short term cOlllrlct) ~)U~~ II

Onicer lIndr rhl Central Governmeflll Slale GovclIllllcntl UTI PSUsI AlIll~nOlllOll~1 SClllishyGovcrnmenl~ Statulory Organisalions ~lc (i) having Gradll(lie lkgree rlbl1l recognized University or equivalent AND (ii) Holding annlogolls post on regul1r bnsis or l~ldil1g (I Pl)SI in Level II in tin 711 CPC Pay Matrix or ill pay balld or Rs 15600-39100 -I- tiP (600- (6 CPO with 5 years regular service in the grade ANI) (iii) having al leasl 5 yeII$11 expcriiIlGc (II handlilll Establishment Administration nl Account mlllers Prctcremc shall ~etivell III the Ia Ci~adlms with knowl~dgc or legul mailers and procedures and eXPc~iCI~CC or court proceedings II


NoH Period or dePlllatiOIl1 C(lnlrm1 il~clIdilig the peliod or d~plllui(lnl con~nlct ill alloth~r ~x middotcadre I) hdd 111 Il11ld 1111) prcccd~ng thiS appollllm~n~ III thi same l(lI~ spine olh~r OrlIl1zallonl Department 01 the Celltral (jlVt~rtlll)lllt shall ordmanly not cxceetl 1 v(ars or 1111 Ihe~ lili of the Tribllnal 01 iill lilrthcr orders whichever is earliet The lll11xiIllUlll ~Igc linlit 101 appoinllllcllI by deputation including $holl IeIm tonlrllC shallno( he exceeding ~6 yeufS


Hl-cm Illnvlllell i Oflkers retired rr(llll Ihe Ccntral Governillent State GovlrIlmcllIl UT Gnvl Iltiuding Stale Il1dicial S~ri(~1 ISUs Autollomolls Semi GOvLlSlllllllory OrganiSltlIioll dyen Haviug hdd nalog~us pn~ on regular bass mholdillg ltI pOSl illhc evel II in thc 710 CP~~ iijlyMatrix I~ay band nl Rs I )M10-39 100 + GJgt 66001- (6 111 CPC) With live ycnrs regular sefvlefll1d possesslIlg qualilicllioll llnd ~xpcrkllce as of (i) (ii) amp (iii) Prelir~ncc shall be glV~1l to th~ Law (iratluae wilh knowledge or leg I mall~rs and pn1ccdllres and eXI)cri~n~e of lOllrt prreeeciillgs Provicid Ihat Ihe initial nppo~I~lmenl shall be IO~ lllle year likely I~ he IXILIlI~ab~ 011 YCII 1(1 year bnsis sllbJect to the condition Ihat rellred (Iovcrnnhnt Servt appolllt~d I~

Registrar shall ~ease 10 hoid Ihe pOSt of Re~islrar a~iel he lains Ihe age or (lSi y~ars Beyond Ihal Iht tClln 01 IIHulllbcnt can be eXllnded turther lor a pcnod oinOI IIllH thllll IX months nn the same terms and conditiolls in public inleresl iflcquired I


I I i i 1




Ii Ii I t II Ill~(-I C

il NalllC III the post fliildpal Prill Stlrctltl) I lNUlllher of j)l)llS Tlml (03) II Classili~Iillll III lost Grollp A ivfinisleriai 1

I y ~eall p~IY ivlHlrix Level II inlhe 7 CPC PA Y MATRIX (67700- 2UK701~)

1 igt Lilllit Th maximllm age limii ibr appoirtimelH by diJlUlillioll including ~ht)r1 tertii contract

shull Ii- Il c~(eidil1 =6 uars on Ih dl)sinl dilW or rpoundcci) or 1)1)lkaliOIl 11- bull i i i

As pL ~ernlitlllcZlt Rules the I)OS[ is ml~tl III by dcpUllltioli ( illdudin~ shQImiddott CIIIl Ctllltrllct )

Ire-empluyment hasis in the fnilowing IIlltllUcr i

I)~ltaliull (indudillt sllorl term c(ufr-Ict) 1lsi~ Iii


Oliiecr under Ihe Ccntral (iocrnillel Stnl( Governmcnl UTI PSUsl AlIh~110110ll~1 Scmishy(illVCIIIiIlCl1li Stailitory OrglIlisatiol1$ Ie (i) a Graduate Ihun rCl~(lgl1izlq lJllivCIgtily or cqllivI~lIt having a speed or I~O word per minute in shorlhand ANI) (ii) 11(~Jcliilg analog)1~ posl on regular basis OR holdillg a POSI in Level 10 of 1111 71h CPC Pay Mati )i or in the pay hH1d Rs 15600 - 391001- + (Iigt Rs 5100middot (6 CPC) with livl yeal~ rcglliq service in the gracicOll Holding Ihe post in Level g of liIe [gtay Malrix 01 in the pHy banci or Rs )00 bull 34100middot oj- GI pound1800 (61h CPC) wilh six years regular s~~rvilc in Ihe gradcOI~ H1f)kling a pOSI ill Il~el 6 or lh( Pay Matrix or in lhe pay hand of Rs9300middot341WOimiddot - GP 4200( 611 CPC) vith tell var~ rCIular scrvi(( in IIle lrade - I

NOLl riod of d~pUlaliolll C~)I)Lralt including tl( period of deputation COlj)lllCI ill another

~i-cI(middotl I)(ISI hdd illllllecliatelyprlccd~l~ Ihis arpninlmen~ in the sUlm Ilor~ SOIllC (lih~r Org~IlZalloll J)cpartrnclIl 01 the Central (oJClIlmcllt shall ordinalll) nol cxce~icl years (lr 1111 Illl Ii Ii oj Ihe Tribunal or liil rurillcr orders whichcvcr is tarliesl The ll1aXil1l~lm att limit It)r

I shyI I) I)()ilit llllllt bv dCI)lIlatinn indlldinl shutltCrtll conlnicl shall nol be cxct~cdinJ (i cats - - II bull


HC-llIllllovlIlcnl Ii Ii

On~c~rs ~el ir~d rnlll~ Ihe Onlral G()vcnIIllt~lI State Governmentl ~IT ~~iWIIIIIlllIdil~g Stal Il1thclal Services PSUs A 1I10nOIlJOlIs Stnl (IOvLlStalulory OrJlIl1(IIOn cto( I) t lradualc from recognized Univcrsity or equivalent having a speed of 12() ~rds pCI l1lin~l~ in shorthand ~N i (ii) 1middotlolding a~mlogous pO~1 on 1IglI~lr has~ (~It havi~lg hdd_ POSI i~JiIIe1 I ( Ofh eYC Pay Matnx or III the pay band Rs 1)60(l-)lOO- 1 (P 1lt$ )400- (6 lCPC) Vllh II C

years rcgular strviec in Ihe grad Oil Holding the post in Level 8 of 7h CPC l~tY Mmrix or in th pay band or Rs 9300 - 34ROO I GP 4800 (6h CPC) wilh ~ix ytars rcgllli~r service ill t hl

~radeOI~ Holding n p~till Lev~16 Iflhe 7h CPC Pay ~1IIix or inlhe pay b~1Ild or Rs9JOOmiddot middot1100- + GP 4200 laquo(j CPC) with ten years reglilar service III thc grade 11

Provided that the initial appointment shall br onc yenr and likely (l b~ cxtcllqahlc (III ytar 10

yar b ~is Slll~ieci to Ihe condilion that the retired Govl Servant appointed as I~rilcipal Privltl Secretary alkl he altnills the age of 6~ ylars Bcyomj lilal Ihe lerlll or ill11UI11bcIlt can bc extended further 101 11 period or not mOre thnll six months Oil Ihe ~ilmc terms al~d cOllcliliollS ill

1 IPlI)II IC mt(orcstl lIqlllrc( IIII II II IiI II II IIil



Ii I bllll Ill lhc pri( j AssiaulI I~q~isltr II

i )

N IImhe1 III jlosts One (0 f) ii H

) ClassiilclIl illil (If IlHSl GroupA iVl illislcri1 jil

4 Pay S(llc Pay MHlri Leve II inlhe 7th (PC 1 Y MATRIX (67700- 201170(~)II

Age Limit Th~ 11iaxinHllll age lirilil fiJI appoinimcill by dtputmioll including ~horl Illl11 Ctllliract shilllIOi he ixneding 6 y~nrs (Ill rllt dt)sing 11lt nt middot(CciPI or applicalinll I

II (i As Jll I~lcruilmelli Jtulcs the JlO~j is filled lIP hy deplltation ( including sh~rmiddot1 tCrlll cuntrllI )

I n-einplnYIIlllIt hasis in the t1Ilowilll I1lalllllr 1

ikpuiaioujilcludilllt shiHt Icrlll ~OtltEl hji~ II

ll1m I Ihe C~I G~ tel G~menil UTI ISU AI~O smiddot l (lVClIlIllcnl SlalllltHY OrgalllsltWI ttc (I) HavlIlg [illalobOlls post on rculur basIs OR having tht potin Level 8 of the 71h CIC Pay Mlt1tri- or inthe pay hUlld or Rs (r- - 48UIli- ~ (itgt i 41iOO- (61h CPC) with six year regllillr service ill Ihe grade on holding lCP()SI in Lcvd () or Ihe 71h CPC Pay Malli orin the pay baud 0 Rs 9JOO-34ROO- + (ip Rs 100middot (61h CPC) wilh len years regular service in the grade ANIl (ii) Possessing nf al It~lst J y~ars cplricmc or Estahlishlllellt Aciminislnuion and AClcOlllll el( or the Governmcnt eSlabl iSlllfllnl

II Nllh~ Iriod or depulationi conlract including Ihe period of depolation COl~tnCl in anolher C-C~tdle post held imlllcdimdy pncedillg this Plwinllllclit in the $(llm 1101 some 1I11tr Organizalioll D(I~~umiddottment or lhe Cilllml CiI)VCllllllent shall ordinarily 1101 c(ceVd 3 ycars or till IItt Iii or Ihe Tribunal or lill lurtJ-r (Irdn whkhlvcr is carlilsl The Il1llXilllil1ll auc limil li)r

I I 11 I I II I I 11 ~PP(lII1l1l1Clli ))( cpLilallOlllll U( Illg gt1)1 111111 ~Olllrall Siii llol 1e exec( IlIglf- 6 ytars il II

~ ~(-tlJ)lolIIclit II

on~c~rs r(~lir~d from Ihc C~nttal Govrnmclll ~IC (~()verntllent Ln G(lVI~lltcll~dillg SI JudiCial ServlIls PSUs Autonomousl Semi (JovtlSlalUtory Orgalllsalloll Ictc() Holdlll~ mwlogous p(Jst on regular basb OR holdillg the post iii Lecl t or the 7 CPC )tay Matrix or n the pay bind or R 9300 - 31S00i- + Gr Rs 4800- (6middoth CPC) with six y~(lr r~glliar servIce III th grade (m holding Ihe post in iwel (~ or Ihe 71h CPC py jlatrix or ill Ihe p~ly band Ill

is tI30()3IXOOmiddot + CiP 1A2001- laquo(jIll CPC) with tell )ars reglilar scrvice ill Ih~ tradc ANI) (ii) tfgtses~ing or at Ielgtt Y~IIs cxpcrilllC Ill Establishmcnt AdlllinisllatiOI1lalld Account or IhI ltlilv~lIlllenleSlabllshll1nt

Provided lhal Ihe initial appoinlment shall bdwcclI olle year likely to be eXleJlllbk on year to year bISis sul~icci 10 lit condilion ihnl IllC rctired (iovL Strvlllldl appointcd ils

Assistant icislrar ltlrter hI Hila illS lht at of (i5 vcnrs 13011lt1 lilal the Itnll cil inculIlbenl can - 1

hc e~lcndcd iurlhcr for a pClicld or 1101 melfe tilan sii months 011 hi sami Icrlll~ and cOlldili(IIIS in puhlic ilierc~t iinqllired 1




~ i




7 Namc or Iht pma ssislalll (ACllUlll$) I ) Ilulllhcr of pmHS Olle (0 I) i

CIlssil1ittiml ofllost GrOllI I) Ministerial I II

I fl IY S(llc llny Matrix Level 6 in Ihe th epc PA Y MATRIX 054()O- 112IOO)I

II I -10 ifllil - I I I I IIg~ bull111111 IilnXlIllllll1 age Il)r appOlllllllcnt y uplllation lilt 1I( IIlg sect 1011 11111 contract

sl1(l11 not be ccccling 56 years Oil the closing (la1l of rctcipt of upplicaiillll it il

12 As r~~I Recruitmcllt Hulcs lIIIlSI is fillcd IIJl hl dCIIII11ioll ( including Sh(~r-I lell1I cl)lIlnlel ) Ire-elllployment hasis ill Ihe folowing lIl111mcr


I)0 10 ( 0h d nmiddot Ie 01 r1l h II

Oflko1 under 11K Ccntral GovolIlinentl Statcl Governilwiltl UTI PSUsl AlildnollwlIs Semimiddot (iovcrnmcllll Stalutt11-yOrgallisations etc (i)llaving a GradUal fiJm 1Icoglllized Univcrsity AND (ii) lding unah)golls posl 011 regular basis on holding post in Levcl ~ or tho 7 (PC 1(1Y Malli m in tile pay hand Rs 5200 -- 20200- -I- GP Is 2amp001- (6 Crp) with al Icast ()(lt11 Igular ervic~ Ol~ Holding post in Level 4 or illC t CPC Pay Matrix olllin till pay hand Rs 52()O - 10200- 1 (lP Rs 24001 (6 CI)C) wilh 10 years regular servi~e in Ihe grade Irclltrll1cc shall be given to eandidmes Iwving experience in administrative orlleashl CCOllIHS

alld having knowledge otoll11l1ter Ii II

Nul~~ Period or (itplIlltionl contraci illcillding Ihe period or dClllitUliOIl c(1I11raCI ill antllhlr cx-ar post held immediately preceding this appointment ill the SlIlI1e 1101 somc tHlll Orgl1izati~llli Department (I lhe Ccnlml Governmellt shall ordinarilv nol exceed J vcars or till Ihl~ lile or tho Tribllnal ortii further ordtr~ whichOvcr is earliest Ih~~ ll1aXilll~ln il~C lilllit for appointment by deputalioll incltlding short IeIm conlract shall 110 be exceeding r6 y~ars

IIItc-ellllllo) 111 cuI I

II Oniers retired Ihllll lile Cenlral GllvenlllllllIi Siale Gtwcrnmclltl UT Govli Induding Stal~ ludicial Servicesi ISUs lIlonolllousi Scmi GovtSlatU(Ory Organisation etc(i)I-lavillg a C duale from r~~ct)gnized University ANI) (ii) Holding nnlllogolls post Oil yengular hasigt Ol~ hilidillg p(lSt~l ~cvel 501 the 7 CPC Pay Matrix or n th pay ha~ld Rs 5~O(11- 20200~- G~ I~s YWO (6 CPC)wlth at least 6 year rcgular service Ol~ Holdlllg post III lij~v~1 ~ ollhi 7 CI( Pay Matnx ~1r 111 Ihe ply band Rs 5200 - 20200- + GP Rs 2LIOO- (6 ( PC) With 10

1y~ar~ rqlIlar servlc~ n the grIUC II

Provided tilal t1 111IIIai appOlllllllcllt shall betw~el1 tlllC ycar likely to he clClrciable Oil y~ar Iii

y~~ar Imsis ~l1bj~el ttl the cnnditioll Ihal the retired Gov Servant appointed as 4sistalll antr hc alia ins the middotago or 65 years Bcyol1J that the term or illumhellt can bc extell~ed further iw a I)(rilid 01 not morc than six months 011 the same lerms and conditions ill hUblilt inttret irmiddot

required i


-------------------------------------- shy

I ~



ilIi I I

Name M the IUlst Upper Divsi(lll Ckrk I I

Numher of fI()SC~ One (0 I) ~i 11

Cli~silicafioll of poo( Group IV rvlinisllri1 Ii bull 1

Pay SClll~ Pay Malri L~wd 4 iii the 7It (PC PA Y MlTI IX (~550() i II O(~)


s Age Limit The lllaXiUllIJlI ag( limit hI tlppnintllleni by deputalion includilrg shorl tell11 conlracl

shall nOI h~ excecdill 56 year 1)11 fhe dosing date of receipt of applicatioll

6 As pCI Hccluiilllellt Rilles th post nf Assessor is filled lip h delIlIlIitl ( indllliing shurt 1l~11ll Conlracl ) re-cllIploymcllt basis ill IIIpound flllluwillJ IIIllllllcr I

I)cpUIllioll (illclucliu~llrl h~rlll c(llIiracl) blsis

Onicel lIll(e Ihe CCIlWtl GovclllInenll Siale Govcnllnenll UTI PSUsl A~IOIlOIllOlS Scmimiddot Government SIH~~c1ory Organisalions tI (i)llavillg (l MlIIriculurillll ~rolll I~ ~)nized illslilUte or Board ANI) (II) Holding (UHltll~I)IIS pos on rglliar baSIS Ol~ holcling pos In Llvel 01 Ihe 7 CPC Pay Mltltrix or ill the pay band [so i200 - 20200 -I- GP Is 19001_(6 11 CPC) wilh al leasl Xyear rcgular service Person p()sesling rail kllowlcdge or service mldl and regulations Applieahle ill Cenlral Gov lI1d IUIVing experience on cash and 1lCOlllfts null Cilfllpuler

opcnlling Ollid ~1C given prcrcrelHe I Nule 1II(1d ot deplilatlOn contract Incilllllllg the pCllocl 01 deputatlonl conlraci 111 allolher lx-cndrc post held ill1mediah~ly preceding this appointment ill the ~am~ (II some other Organiltlliolll Dcpartment of the Ccnlr~i1 Govenllllel1l shallllrciinllily not exe~ed years or till the life ollhe Trihullal or lill timher (lrdmiddot~ls wldcheva is earlies The Illlt1XiI1llIll age limil Itll appoi 11 II lH1I I by deplIlal ion including shol t [crill (~lIltracl shall not be exceed il1_~ 56 years


nC-CIll p11lY1l1 elll

Officers rdind fwm Ihe Central GOVCIIIIlWIII Siale (Jovernmelltf UT Govqi Incllidillg StIlC

Judicial Sl~rviccs fgtSLJs tlItOllomOlisi Scmi CiovtSlallllolY Organisalion c~c (i) Ilavillg a M~llrielllali()1l from r~coglliled instilute 1)1 Brd AND (ii) I-folding anal()goll~ P()st on regular btli on Iwldillg pOSI in Level 2 of Ihe 71t CPC Pry llatrix or in Ihe pny bllId Rs 5200 shy10200middot ojup Rs _191~Oi ((i CIC) ~ith at lut1it8 year regular ser~ic~ (~ H)ding post ill Level 2 nl Ihc 7 CP( Pay Matn or 111 the pay Rs (Rs29200 - 92)00) willigt yars reglilar serviccin the grade Pdcrcncc shall be given 10 calldidates havillg knowledge all conipte

11 I

Provided Illal Ihc Illilial app)illlllcnl shall belV~ell (l~e year likely 10 b~ I)XICIlUahlc ~Il )car 1( yenr bl~as slIbJect 10 Ihe COllcilllOIl Ihal Ihe rei Ired (ov Servant uppOlillec ltIf UDC nllcr he lllaills Ih~ age of 65 years I~ey()nd lh1l1 the IeIm of illclHl1bent ean Ie cX~Cllcfd furlher rur a pell()d 0 t nOI more Ihall SIX IllOlllhs 011 Ih~ same lrlllS and condltlolls III I~phhc Inl~I(SI II

nquirtd II iI

II 1

iI t) illl C X 1I1t~lli

~J ii III NIlIll or the Ilfl)1 Clurl Ma~tct il

NiIIllIHuf jltlSIS Ivo (02) h

II Classificaliun 1)1 pHS Group A bull M illislerial II

1 Pay Scale Pay ~~ntrix Level II in lhe 71 CPC PAY MATRIX (67700middot 2(JR70i~) Age Iimil Th~ mnXillllllll age limit It) appOinllll(1I1 by (kplIlHlioll il1dudin~ ~jltJrt IIrll1 elllHnicl

shallllllt he ixmiddottding i6 years on Ihe closing date or receipt of uppliCtllion i


6 As I)l Reclllitlllcni Juks the IHlsr is fill~d up by dlpuhllion ( including shl~f( lenn CIIIIIIICI )

1 n-cmplnYlllclIl busis in tlie follilwing manner i


1 Ofliltci 1II1d~r Ihe Celllral (iOVCnlI11Clill Sialel Governlllcntl UTI PSUsl Allto~lonlollsl Semi-CiwcrIIl1lclIl StllIlniy OrgallisI[i(I IlS ~t( (i) f Graduate from recognizedi UniversllY or eqllivaiel1l havillg 120 words per minllie ill shorlhand AND (ii) Holding amjogolls post on regular blsis Olt holding Ihe P()I in Levcl 10 or Ihe 7h CPC Pay Malri~ or in tllc vay halld or Rs ISliOO -39 I 1)0- + Gtgt I~s 1400- (61i1 CtgtC) with five years ngular serviec 1[11 Ihe grad Oil Holding pOSI ill Level rlhc 71h clle Pay Matrix or in Ihe pay band of ls93PO -- 3400middot + GP Rs IROn- (6h CPC) wilh si1( year regular service in the grade on holdtllg jhc posl ill Ieve 6 )j Ihe 71h CPC Pay Malrix or ill the pay banci or Rs 9300-J4ampOOi- Iil GP ls4200middot ((i CIC) wilh len years ngular scrviec ill the grade NO (ii) Possessing of a~ least 3 years experience or Establishment Admillistration allel Accounl etc of the GovcrtlmclIlllcSlablislllnell1

I I - I I bull I I I I I I II IIN111( lIm 01 (CpUlallOll cOlltrtlel IIlC I( mg t e ptno( nl (eputatu)ll contrlel III aBot II

ex-cadn POSI held imllHdialely preceding this appoillllllcnt in the same (ir sonic 111111 Orglt1I1izatioll Departmellt (If the Central (kwcrnlllcni shall ordinarily not exceed years or lill Ihe IiI or thc Tribunal or till rurther orders whichevcr is ~arlicst The 1llIjllllll~~ agl limit il appoinllllLlll by del)ulalinn including short tLfI1l eOlilracl shall nnt be exceeding 5~i years

i I

(Cmiddott1II plo me nt 1

On~~rs Ielircd from Ihe Central Gnvcn~mc~II_Stat G(lcnlln~ntl IT ~j(lvt 11~~llldh~g SIal iudlclal ScrvlIcsl PSUsl Autonomousl Semi (IOVUSlatutory Orgamsatloll ctcQ1lA (raelliaic fH1m recognized Univlrsily or equivalent having 120 words pCI minule in shorthalltl AND (ii) I-laving held analogous POSI on Igubr basis OR Iwlding Ihe pus I in LcvclIO or Ih~~ 71h

CPC Pay Matrix or in Ihe pay hnnd (If lb 15600 - JCJIOOmiddot + GP Rs 54001- (6rhCPC) willi IiV years r~glliar service in the grad OR a post ill Level X Urlhe 7lh CPC Pay Mltrixor ~n the Pity bal~d 01 I~ 9300 - 348O- -I- Gfgt R 4tiOO~ (6~h PC) wtlh ~IX yelr regllllurerv~e II~ Ihe grade OR holdlllg the post 111 Level () 01 the 7th CPC Pay Matnx or III the pa~ band 01 R- 9300middot34XflOimiddotmiddot1 GI R$4~OO- (6th CICl with len years rcgular servi(t in thl grild~

Pi(widcd lilal Iht initial apP)intlllcllt shall httwen one year likely 10 be clemlal~le on year 10 year basis suhjeet 10 Ihe condition tlml the rClir(c1 Gov Servant appointed ns Cmll1 Maswr afler he allltlins till age of 65 years Beyond that Ihe term of inlumbelll Ctll bi cXIndc( fllrllH1 fill a period ill IO( Illore Ihan six monlils 011 the same IcrlllS and cont1ili)Il ill puhlie interesl if

rcquired l

1II 1I i I

II 11 II

I II 1

ii IIIH X II -c-I II il



ilNallll Ihe post Seetinl Oflke I NIIlhcl or IWS[s OI1QOI)


Classilicalioll of plisl Cillllp IV MiniSlerinl I

PIY S~i~ ~)~y Malr~x L~vl1 ~ il 11 7 1i CPC Pf~~Y M~TRIX (r60~- IS 11(0)11

Age Llllut I lie IIWXlflllll1l Igc Imil I lor lPPOIlUlHnl (y depulatlon IIlchlthng TIilorl tenll conlract

shall 1101 he c(ceding 56 YCl1lS 011 Ihe hsing Jalc of IcciPII)I appikati(lll i t

As IHI IccrllitllHnl Ilules the )lIsl is filh~d tfI h) tlcpulnliull( including SIH~h lerlll ClllltllI1 )

I n-empluyment hlsi ill Ihe fullowinglIIallnc i i

igtpoundJlnllioll (including slwrl I~III COliI-ncO hllSi~ Ii I

Officer under lilc Cenlnil Gt)vL~tPmenll ~ww GovlrnmlIi UTI PSUsi utOllOll1HISi Scmimiddot GovCnlll1Cnl1 Slallllor~1 OlglIIisalinll$ ele (i)HlVillg H Graduat (Om rccognil1zcd IJnivulsity AND (ii) Holding analogoll) pOSt ()f jtguiar basis Ol holding the pOSI ill LJvcl 6 or 11K 7 CIC Pay lvlallix or ill Ib 9300 - J4i(Il)middot -- CiP Rs 42()Omiddot (6 th CPC) wilh ~i lCast six f(r

ilgular ~urvice Prerer~nce shall hi givcrtW person~ POStssillg kl1owledge orjlAJl1lilliSllaliC (tllli Accounl mal tels 01 GovilIllllcl1l clahllsillneni l


NOte Periodmiddot of (hplIllaquotinn COlltracl in~ltlding Ihe pcriod or tI~Pllintionl con~rllct ill anolher ex-cadI post held 1111111Cdlalciy prceedll)g thiS applllllllllenl III the SllIlll ~or sOl11e olhr Organizilionl Dparlmelll of Ihe Celltral GilVcrnnlcllt shall ordinarily 1101 xcce~13 yl~IIS nr till the lik of th Trihunal or [ill further Meier whichever is carliest The maillllllll age lilllil lir appoilltmenl hy deplitalioll induding ~hort ten contract shall not be lxcccding 5 PYlars


IIc-clllpluVIIJ(Ilt J

()Ij I I II C I ( 1 C I UI c III I I s~ I ICirs rCllre( rom Ie Cl1lra lovernmCll tate JWCIIl Il1CIl I IOVI pc U( llig la L

tudiial ScrvicLS ISU~ lultlllOmOllsi Semi GIHltSla[lilor) Organisalion lul (I) Iaving ~I (inldualt irnlll lllogllicd University ANI) (ii) Having held analogous post ljl lIglllllr hasis ~)I~ holding Ihe POSI~ in Le~C1 6 of lh~ 711 CPC Pay lvIatrix or II Rs 9ilOO - _~IXO()-middot llt Rs 400 (611 cPt) with lIllcnsl SIX veal rCiularservlIc IretcrelHesh~1l be glVClllo persons posscs$i~g knowledge of A(It nilli-si ral ivc- alld Accoullt mallcrs lr Governinelll cSlablbhll1tnl

l PnJviclcd lhal Ihe inilial appoinlmeni shall between OIlC year likely to be CXlelld~bh 011 year to

year basi slll~ic(1 10 the condition Iha the relired Go1 Scrvanl UPP(JiIlHd liS Stclioll Oflieer an~r hc allaill the -we Ill 65 c a 1 I3cvond lilal the Icrm or incumhent call be d~elltkd nlier 1(1 a pltriod or IInl n~orc Ihilli monlils 011 ihe same terms and conditions in PtrlOli inl(IIsl il required I

1II IiIiIi I I III 01

1 I


1 11I 1I i


11 Annexure- II J i I




NIIIII~ 111 (he pUS I Iel~(lnal ssistalll I

NlIlllhlr III PSIgt On~ (0 I) II

Clasiiicaliull nr IuSI GroliP r IVlil~istria I I)ay Scale Pay Matrix Level 6 ill the 711 CPC PAY MATRIX (35400- 1124(0)1

~ Age Limit The maximllm age limit lor appoinlmtnt hy deputation including ~hlll1 [CIIIl contract

11lt111 1101 be exceeding 56 ycar~ on Ihe dosing dltl~ of receipt of application I

~ IlCI IhUllitmell[ ~tl~hs the pos ~s nlled up hy dlflltration lt inciIHling Slll~ erlll cOlltract ) I c-ellljlltlymelil hasls III lhe loIlIlWIII 1l1lUlIlel

0 II

l)elllllll~ClJclllding sllllr lellII cOlltnl~ll hl~is ii IIUIIIIlI tinder Ih~ Cel1lral GovclIllllenli Sialei Cillv(mIl1CIll UTI PSUsl AIII01(llllousl Semishy

GOVlrtllllClllJ SIaIUIOlY Organisatious ell (i) I-Iavillg a Graduate fWIll recogniz4~1 University or quivakl1 having l~ speed or Ion Wl)Id~ per min~llcgt in sh~~lhiIl~ ANI) (ii~ HOfling analognw pISI 011 1Igular baSIS OR holding post III Level) of Ihe 7 CPC Pay Malllx or III Ihe pay hand Is 5~O() - ~()200- + ar Is 2100- (611t CPC) wilh ltII Icast 6 year regular scrvi~lt em Hltllding post in I~vcl ltl 01 the tit CPC 1)(lY Matrix or ill the p~ly band Rs 5200 - 20~OO- (jp IsI

2400- ([11 CPC) wilh 10 years re~1I1al service in tl1 crnde Prcllcncc shill be ~ivn (1

callcJidal$ havillg knowledge or con~pllter - ~ 0 I ~

Null Period or deputalionl contlacl including lh~~ period or cieplIlHlion con act in anothcr cx-cadn post held inlillctliately prtccding Ihis appointlllellt in the same r Sliml olher Organizatinll rkpartlllcnt or the CCllIral GovernlllClll shall ordinarily 110t cxeecf J years 01 till th~ i I~ or Ihe lri bUllal (II Iill further orders whichever is earl iest The maxi llIui11 agt I intil fill appoilllmelll by deputation illdutiing short 111I1l conlract shall 1101 be cxcelciillg ~f years


i1-CIIIIu1lt I Orti~r$ 111 irtd 11(1111 lhe Ccnlml Governmentl Slale (iovclIlllleJlII UT (jov I lcilidillg SIltlI( Judicial Servicesl ISUs AulltJllonlOus Scmi GovtStatulorv QIfltlnisatiol1 ctc (i)Hilving a Graduate rWI11 recognized UniversilY ANn (ii) Holding amlog(l~s post 011 Ic4ul(ll ba~is on hlllding POSI ill Level 5 of Ihc 7h CPC Pay tvlatli 01 in Ihe pay blIId Rs 5(~O - 20200- + GP Ih 2XOO- (61h CPC) with al least 6 ylnr regular strvic Oil Holding post inLltvcl 4 ~)r the 71 CI( Pay Malr 01 in the pay ban(~ Rs 5200 - 202O- + GP I~ 24001- ~6111 CPC) with 10 ~~ars rcgultr serVICe III tht grade Pnlercl1(e shall be glVl1l to calHhdates IHlvlng kllowledge (I

I (1m pUleI

PIIidecilhaltIH~ inilial appoilllll1CIH shall bClween (jIlC year likely 10 be eXltndllblc on year II

year ba~is iubjeci 10 Ihe Cillldilioll thaI lhc retired (ilV Sc)valll appoinled as Pel~ollal Assistanl afler he lIlains Ihl age of 65 ycars Beyond Ihill Ihe term or incllmbent can be e~llellded lulthlt1 for a period or Ill mol thall six 11I0nlhs on the smne terms und conditions ill Plnlhlk ililerest if rl~qlli rcd - II shy





1 il



Atal Blharl Vajpayee Institute of Medical Sciences amp Dr Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital

Ilow Dolhlmiddotll0001 (Nollea Inylllng ~ppllcallons for Senior Reldent amp Junior Roldonl (NonAcadoml) on Ragulo baGI)

fhe Itd(~ SIlMd 0bull Rom Mnnohtloh tlltgtspllnl amp AIWIMS NQw OcllllnvUes OppllCllllon Imln lmiu1 NOllie-nal in tho ptuampcribod lornt nillabtu on v41bstto fmlhnlcln for thu posts 01 Sonier Roldnt NonAe~deOllc nnd Junl Resldenl (NonAeadcmllt on regular basis Tho dglailnd ariyruHGOmool No 9 PPFih qtinlblljty t90dlUoOli pay s~ntm aOn srUfia QgDllcalloo form And Ather dylaUs cno tag pen In tbe full ndyeulsftIDeol pn tbo weballft (rolh Ills in Any cqrrlgondummodlflpd order mgRaUoS hiS niivmthamcnJ will bt IAlsuad 2 Ihg vmilsjtg only CODdldgtcG pro adyhjqd So (lsj hQGpltl YlObfillg on1b ole In Olgulady for tbla

tliUP9Mmiddot LoS dnl lor ylml~9n 01 PRglhnon II 22022021 1111 0400 PM Olllee lie (AClldomlcl

dvp 1114711t1G00812021 Ell 40141 For Mcdlealliuporinlandonl

No 261AdmnmiddotlI1lbour SuporvlsofDeputntlonl202190B O~IO 281Dl2021

AppllCltlllotls aro Il1vllllO 10 fill up ono lIoSI 01 LabolJr Suporvlampor In Iho Pay Mlllrix Lovol4 (Rs 25500~110() In Iho Lndy Hardlngo Modlcal Coll~gu amp Sml SK Hospilal Now OoUII on

doputalion basis

TrIO duly fillod applicatlol along Vlilh complolo and up 10 dDIO APAA ClOSGforl may bo sonl by

SpuudlRogiamplorultJ PU51 nodrossed 10 Olclor Lady Hardinoo Modica Collogo amp Sml SK

Hopill Now ani Ill wllhlll 110 dayn ftom Iho do 01 publlcaUon of IIll6 adyortlGomunlln

Employnl News

or tfaail~ login to website httpjmcho~pgovin

dvp 1714811002612021 EN 40139



7 Private Socrtarv 01 1VCI8 8 POODnal Abullbullitant () I t loyalmiddot G

o IMtgtlstanlAceounls) 0 I I Levelmiddot G 10bull UDC 01 Lcyel- 4

2 For more Inormo1I1Dntdolllllamp 01 Iho po 1001amp Gnll


middot Amiddot1202S10112019middotAOMN1

Go~ernmenl a Indls

Ministry of Tourism

Transport Chllwan

New Deihl

Rlt)crullmonl 10 Iho posl 0 OepulY Olroclor Gonorall Reglon1 Director

Applications ~re invited trom Vllfling nna eligible cundidotuo 10lt 01 poSI 01 Oepuly Olrecto CcnurullRcllonnl Olructor in MnI~lr1 01 Tourism all

~QPI~lion lncluOlno shol tuem CQnlfJcl) Oasi~ in the Pay Leul 12 R~ 78600middot 2092001middot) us pur 7111 epe Cieula 10 Ihi~ vacancy along ilh ~ppllcnlia 10111 an oillor oliOilJility conditions ac available al our wobsilo YlVlvltouriGnlgovin The

npplicnlon in Ino prOtrribod formal (complelo in IIll rlnpeclamp alono with 1ho supporUng documents lS

required in the circulnr) may be $cnl thrauoh prapcr ehnn1 50 fiS 10 cnclt Shrl PlkaJ Kumar OOllnl Undor SocrolMY (Admin

1rlIonI) Ministry o TOlI~m Room No 126 Tnsporl Bh1WgtIl I Pnrliamont Shoot Nnw 001hlmiddot01 Iithln ab looks 110m Iho dala 01 puhllcallon 01 Ihl ador1i50monl in Iho Employment NUWGI R010a SmaehM Applieamiddot tiontl reccivelJ after dYe date ot which s not in tho proscribed formal or without ((Quisilp documcnts wnl nol be enlcfUlillCd

PnnknJ Kumor Ovnll

Under Secetory 10 Ihe

Co~cII11 01 Ia (Iavp 42101l1ll0006lZ021

EN 40120

l4isllllOI ftrnim 3fu- MRQI4Cfl

gtMCfllaquo01 ~~ lffif fIifiT

m 1If qtlITtJmS 11t11 lirii ~-qfim W1laquol~mrt ~lI1ll ri~ -110016

Ij)Il1I 49536496 4~092970

Warehousing Development and Regulatory Authority

Government of Indl

41h Floor NCVI Building l ShllnsmulioMI Abullbullbull Auouamp1 Kronll M9 H~u Khat New Celhl middot110016

Tol No 49536496 40092978 f No Amiddot 42122021middotAampF OOlod 280120Z1

Roeultmonl ror valouo pooh on dopuI311brplion basibullbull

Tho WwohoulnO Dovolopnotll and Ruoullory Aulhorily (WORA) Govenmanl 01 India Invi( applicntians Iam oliOiblo pomOllnel VJeking In tho ControlSlnlo GvornrnonllConlral and Slnt PSUampI

AulonomDus Sttu(ory bodlnamp 101 Ina following posl to bo ftI~d on ltopulolionlobtDrp~on batismiddot

No of No 51 Nm of Iho Pool

Vocanclo 1 ro--p-ul-y-O~Io-C-IO-----------------~----~

(II SIaleQt Risk Md Ronrchmiddot I paS (HI SmkoholdDn Mllitmiddot I posl (III) SIkehnlllttl wllIllneamp nnd OUlfC3ch-t POl (Iv) mn amp Fin nnd Ctr1cts bull I po ILovclmiddot11 Rbull 61700middot208700 (lIh CPC))

2 Prlnelpol Pn~ulo SaeelDlY (PIS) ILbullbullol11 R 67700208700 171h CPC)J

3 Abullbull lobnIDIoclo (It S1f~legy Risk Md Ronrch (II) SlkollolCe AJIII$

(III) Hmon IlcooIICCI (Iv) Enloc1 ~tl Lol31 (vt Slkohof(JUI5 Iwilfono~s and Outft4ldl

(Lovolmiddot a Rbullbull 47000 -151100 (71h CPC))

4 51 Flold Ollleor ILovolS Ro 29aOO 92300 (7Ih CPC))


0 I


0 I

00111 InornllIan Y be een III Iho AUlltollly$ wcblte wwwdragoYlnundormiddotVconclos-llppllenolnIM

prorcrinlJd fotmat tfyuilablu on tho ob$itC may bo lubmiltod to tho

Oopuly Olroelo Ilogal) W~rohouGing Oovolopmonl and

Rooul310y Aulhorlty Now Oolhl wllhln 45 dayamp from Iho dato

01 publleallon 01 Iho vcIley cirelli In h Employmenl Nuwbullbull Carrgonaum ~Ic il nny sIlul1 bo pul up on 00 WORA ebi (Rakoh Kuma fadv)

EN 4013 Aui~lnnl Dlroel IAampF and ContraltI_)

Governmonl of India

Supreme Court of India No F612021sCAIRC) Now Dolhl datod 122021


Ollilno lIpplicltlllen3 pro 11I0d 1101 Ilbn Cillzcns who I(dl Uu ollowlng qu~ficatlen and011bullbull lIglbility condition ii on 112021 fo Ioctiol lor appelnlmont la UU pe~1 1 Cour1 AInl (Junior TranI~lot) In vOMCUUU IlI9~OO~ 10 2 pos) oncll III ADsomcso 8engall Talugu Gut~oi UrlIu loIoralhi Tsmil

KonlIltli MOlayolim Munlpu OIIla PunJabl Nuptll (I po~1) lind Hindi (5 p051s) plncod In Level 7 01 Pny Mntri vllh InitIal nle Pav 01 Ro 4400CII plus olM Iowanco lapprorJmlo Gobullbull Snlary wilh 1M Rs 60771 pur mouth) tiS admi$iblu undur lhu futUti

TIlo numlle 01 vonclbullbull I lentallve and suhlelt to ehnJl9 1( inCfuuo or dotroUio dUO 10 odmini1rutilo fUaiUns EuolIlI1 QU3l1ne~1I0ns Md E_perlen


I) A Il~cclo(~ OcoocGrdtSUDtQ willgt EnOIih nutS ~puclivc

vornoculo Inrguoge gt5 sullccts ANO II) A OlplomulCottiflt31a courso In tmnltion I ElYllih 10

rcpccllgtt) yumocul klnovr-gu ilrtJ VH(~Cf~ Irom UniYerullyllnsilula recognized by the Govennl UGC


Two ycgtrs ctpcenco In tr~nslllUou warllt 0111 rMroill Lnoul9D to EnOlish nod vke--varSii in CenllaVsnto Goynm~ mou oUi(O~PiUlinfrnt1StaiQ looilaturu SoaolVri3is ur CnltvStale Public SelttO UndCt1nklnngJH~h Court

In PrOrteiQnGY in com~utur opt)rolOnG and ~Oo 01 roluvnnt

ofrlcu 1oaoo vi vord ptOwsinJ in EnaHih IUfQUaUU anti re5pcllv4 wmncu1u lanougo

Auo Roqulramont TIlo clndlllnlOtJ ShO II bela 27 yctlo as on 112021 Usual Ibullbullotlon in ago ill b(l ndmlul~ 10 candidatos bQlonoing to

OlarYod caloooriogt ~ I GOomman Rulos doL1Iis 01 SCheme 01 eranllnnllOn MIltI GUI1C11l1 Intrucllon prosibcd lor tho soid IXgt con be downloaded Irom Suplama COUlt Waosllo wwcigoyin Tho lifbmi19hWl 01 online nrptiCAtiont AU commcnCIl lron oo~oo

Imum on 1522021111123~O hOUNl on 1332021 Pla~Q Now Colhl IRjOJh Kunw 00ltgt1)

01110 122021 RcgIWaIAoeNlunl) El 40147


Ravi and Beas Waters Tribunal GOlornmonl of Indio

Mlnlnlry or Jot ShakU Walet Rosourec~ RD amp GR eiamp1 Block No7 RK Purom No Oolhi middot11005amp

Telo No26102230 1 E ail cglslrrrbWlgmllcom No OGtR8WTJRocullmoni 01 Portr1202012ll4

VACANCY CIRCULAR ApptiQUOOji lrom oliOlblu canditJalu5 310 Inyilt-d lor lilling UII following (Group A 1 0) po on Depulnllon (Inchdono Sl1olmiddotterm conlrnel b3sl) I Rltomploymanl basi In Ravi amp eual WalO Tlbunul from 11gt0 omployoeSiOlflcors 01 Ino CenlJnl GovIlSL Oovl Union Tomlele GoIQOIrnunWPSUCoulJTribunl un uampunl lermg nnd con dill of dcpulnt10n Issued vide OOPT OM No 6r6l200ll-Eslt (Pay II) dalud 17th Juno 2010 or a mondud IOJ lime to tlmn nnd for Reimploymenl employeltsl 0111 ~Cd frcm Cuntrul Govl)UT1 51i1lu GOutnfll(ln1$IPSU on cJIIJlinU tUNn~ and condilion of ra-employmenl iued vida DOgtT DJ1 No 3103120ISmiddotE~IIcPny III dnleu OI052(17 0 as JC1ldcltS front limu 1011010

rs I Nam 01 11 Ito 01 Pny Lo-if INmiddotO+-___________ Po1 Poy Molnx 1 AuosSlt) 02 I LUYDI IS

2 I RoOItrot 01 I Lol-l2

3 Mglslllnl RegISI () I I levclmiddot 11

4 Prlneipal Plv~l Soerotlry (PPSI 03 IlOol bull 11

eOllditlons cle plUlC vblllhe Mlnblry 01 JI 5h~II Ooplt 01 Walar RuoureoG RO amp OR Wabslte 10 mowrlloyln Lasl dalo lor reccMng Ihe Ippl~lIon for IIIlt) abovementioned POSI me 30 dlys from tho dale

copy an bo 1ent through Email 10 rbwtrecnrtlmenl9mallcoj 3 Arlvmco coplei of lppl1e3Uon or ppllca1ion rocelvfJd aflo tho poerlbGd porlod 0 nol companlod wilh requl~lto Inlamotlonl dOCuOIents ure 1I0bl 10 b Ielod

(Subrala K Dbullbullu EN 4011 Itad 01 Oeptnl RaWl

Noof 1)05ts PA V L~VEL ill MATRIX

02 (evel- IS I

01 l~vel- 12----- shy I

01 lkvel- 11 Imiddot

03 middot-U~-II -

02 lampvel - I I f-- shy I

III IIlcvCl- 8-_ --J 01 - Jlwcl- 8


01 ~6 01 eVilI - ( ---i-01 cVfl

shy Ihe nbove mentiuned indpost are

I 1

data the

Ii I ( AU9cxUrc-S


MINISTRY OF JAL SIIAKTI WATER RESOURCES RIJ amp GR East Block 1110 7 RIlt Puram New Delhi -110066 i

Tele No26102230 Email registrarrbwtgmailcom1 No 06RBWTRecruitment of postS2020Jl


0ppica~~olls limiddotHIll eligible clildidillts arc invited tCJr lilling lip following (Group l amp B) posls on ICplilallon (Illdudlllg short-term cOI(mct basis) I Re-cmplnYlllcnl hasis in Ravi amp BeJgt Waters Tribunal 110111 lit cmployeesOlliccrs of Ihe Cenll(ll GovtStatc GovtU1ioll Territories (OV~II~Il1CnlSPSUCourtslTriblln~~ (Ill us~d I(nm alld olldiriollS 0 dcputt~tioll iSSll~d vide DOPT OM No 6Jf1l2009-Estl (Pay I) dalld II June wro Of ns am(I1dctl from IIOIC to tllnc And lOr Re-clI1ployrncnt clllployce1 olli(cr Ictind (rom Cellintl GovtJUTI State GlwcrIlllwntsPSU on Jxisling terms and condilions of fe-cmployment issued vide DOPampT OM No 30320 16Estt(Puy II) datdd 01052017 or as lllltndcd from lime In time I


icated ill AUlIlxllrc-IA to 11

J Condilions ur Eligibilityl Terms or AppninllllCIl tor

4 The applicans shuuld clccrrly indicah ill their bio In application lorml( (enclused as A nncxllrc-I I) 10 Ih is circular ie n~mc date of bil1h dalc (If superannuati()n presei~l dcsignation with pay scale pnst held 011 regular bmas With dtlte and pay scllc name of the dcpartOlpni wllh telephone FilS lIumher email I D scrvice I expcricllCl in chronulogical ordcr edudtiol1al I technical qualificatioll training if any undergone and any other infoJlllalion relevant to the pqst applied fur with the dcdarntion or completeness and correctness or application lind declaration t~mt hc will nOI be aIowed to withdraw his c(Jlldidillure once schctcd for Ihe post I I

5 Till I)CfS(l1l selecled for apPllilltlllcnt will NOT be eligihle Il)r Gov accomln~ldiltion during the periud of deptltation Rc-employmcnt in this Trihunal j

6 The rcspective oflicer I dcparllllellt while forwarding the applications of tI~ candidalc(s) lor deputation sh~lIld ~Iear~y cCItiry the pIIliCtllals along ~ ilh CR dossiers 101 pr~lfdillg 5 yc1f~ and enclose the list 01 malormlllor penalties lin posed (If any) together With VIPUlCCDISClphllary clearance Ii 1

7 PlrS~lII(s) applyillg li)1 l1Iore thall onepust should apply scpnlatcly Jill each post w li~h plt1n be mailed ill OIlC cnvelop All the application should reach to HClId or DCI)llrIIlUllt RIIi amp IDclIS Waters Tribunal al above address within 30 days flOm the date of I)ublication in the I mplQyrncnl News Fllr JIIorc iniorJIIlltiondetuils (If the I)Osts lenDS and conditions ctc 1)lc1JSC vi it the Ministry or lul Shakli nepU of Wuter Resources RD amp (n Website ic mowlmiddotgoviD II

Ii R Sofl copy of fhe llPllliclltion liS advance copy call be SCllt th o~gl~ EIIIIII to

rhwtrcclmiddotlitlll~middotlItgnUlilcolII I I

Advllnltt lopics uf llpplicatioll or llpplicnlion received after the Ilrcscrib d ll~Iiod or nol

I (

fI IU vv ~ JSU r~~1Iasu)

t1eIlJll~~Itl~~~mrmen f R8Vi bull Be Warer fdhunnl

~-gt---gt--------------------------- shy


II I~JRE- il


i trmH~ ij2 Dme )fl~irrll i

3 Datt) or iiupmiddotrnnmUliio1 i

4 Dcsigllalioil willi Grade Grout) ()f Post 1I

i 5 Post holding Dll regl basi and vcr 1


6 Pay Scalc On regullir basis we 1

7 NanlC of the Departmcni (ltlndod Oril~ I l Service Particular in chronologilal orJel point wist 1

[I f Ihe space is not uffkilnt H filparate sle~~1 I I)SI IIllay I)(~ cne OStC ~ ervlpc parnclI aIs 111 chronological order point wisc Ii

lt) EdliGatiollaITcchnilaIOualilicatioll 1n EI(pcriencc ITraining lIndlrgoie 1 I Speed or Shorthand and Typing 12 Knowlcdp( or Computer I J Prcscllt Address


1li IJlwnci Mo[)i Ie- No I AllY other inlixlllatioll ifclllY I

OECLAJATION Ii 1 hcrcl~y declare thai all the siaLelllellts mode in Ihis apPlicalioll ~re true complete ~lld Jorrect to Ihe hest of IllV knowledgE and I shall not wllhdraw IllV (al(hdaturl~ once selected for thJ post ~ bull I

II -

ii Sjgn~tllre of appliennt

Ad(hcgts amp Contllcr Nos ii __ _ ----r --shyI


II is ~ertjficcl that particulnr given above are corrlct ns per service rccord and tle ~tfcer will be rCIi~vcd fi~ appoinrnlen~ _011 deplltaliOl~ ba~is ~middotIishe~middot appliCtioll ISforwardef~ jalpngW~th (I) Vigilance Clcltlrancc Ccrllhcalc tlnd (2) CR DOSSiers ( lor last years)(11 1101 encl s9d the tllm on which ihese d()Clllllent~ will he sellt by the Department) Ii


Smiddot I i I igna u rc ~ Nllmc ~L~

Oesignatiou ~bulllL (Depa~tlllcnl of the fdfmiddotwar~iing ofticcr)

with date ir~d ~mce Seal I I Ii r I i

II il i IlIltSllr-1 B II

I NIIIIH of the post lcgistlul [I Nil III I I of pusts One ((j I ) ~

J CII~silitltinn Clr pusl GrlHlp A MiniStltrial II I

Pay Seale Pay Malri- Llvel IJ in llie lit CPC PAY MATRIX (78800- 2092(uh I

~ gc Limit Th~ maximum nlle limit It)I appoinlfllcnl bydeputlltion induding khorl helm COlllracl slmllllOl b -eecding 56 years on Ihe dll~illg date of receipt or application I

I As IH~I Hlenlitmeil Rules tht PI))t is mh~Illljl hy depulllioll ( illdudillg Shf~Itcrll cOlllra1 )

n-emrloymellt blsis in the rollowing IlIHlIICI il nl~pllaliml (indudill4 short term cOlllrlct) ~)U~~ II

Onicer lIndr rhl Central Governmeflll Slale GovclIllllcntl UTI PSUsI AlIll~nOlllOll~1 SClllishyGovcrnmenl~ Statulory Organisalions ~lc (i) having Gradll(lie lkgree rlbl1l recognized University or equivalent AND (ii) Holding annlogolls post on regul1r bnsis or l~ldil1g (I Pl)SI in Level II in tin 711 CPC Pay Matrix or ill pay balld or Rs 15600-39100 -I- tiP (600- (6 CPO with 5 years regular service in the grade ANI) (iii) having al leasl 5 yeII$11 expcriiIlGc (II handlilll Establishment Administration nl Account mlllers Prctcremc shall ~etivell III the Ia Ci~adlms with knowl~dgc or legul mailers and procedures and eXPc~iCI~CC or court proceedings II


NoH Period or dePlllatiOIl1 C(lnlrm1 il~clIdilig the peliod or d~plllui(lnl con~nlct ill alloth~r ~x middotcadre I) hdd 111 Il11ld 1111) prcccd~ng thiS appollllm~n~ III thi same l(lI~ spine olh~r OrlIl1zallonl Department 01 the Celltral (jlVt~rtlll)lllt shall ordmanly not cxceetl 1 v(ars or 1111 Ihe~ lili of the Tribllnal 01 iill lilrthcr orders whichever is earliet The lll11xiIllUlll ~Igc linlit 101 appoinllllcllI by deputation including $holl IeIm tonlrllC shallno( he exceeding ~6 yeufS


Hl-cm Illnvlllell i Oflkers retired rr(llll Ihe Ccntral Governillent State GovlrIlmcllIl UT Gnvl Iltiuding Stale Il1dicial S~ri(~1 ISUs Autollomolls Semi GOvLlSlllllllory OrganiSltlIioll dyen Haviug hdd nalog~us pn~ on regular bass mholdillg ltI pOSl illhc evel II in thc 710 CP~~ iijlyMatrix I~ay band nl Rs I )M10-39 100 + GJgt 66001- (6 111 CPC) With live ycnrs regular sefvlefll1d possesslIlg qualilicllioll llnd ~xpcrkllce as of (i) (ii) amp (iii) Prelir~ncc shall be glV~1l to th~ Law (iratluae wilh knowledge or leg I mall~rs and pn1ccdllres and eXI)cri~n~e of lOllrt prreeeciillgs Provicid Ihat Ihe initial nppo~I~lmenl shall be IO~ lllle year likely I~ he IXILIlI~ab~ 011 YCII 1(1 year bnsis sllbJect to the condition Ihat rellred (Iovcrnnhnt Servt appolllt~d I~

Registrar shall ~ease 10 hoid Ihe pOSt of Re~islrar a~iel he lains Ihe age or (lSi y~ars Beyond Ihal Iht tClln 01 IIHulllbcnt can be eXllnded turther lor a pcnod oinOI IIllH thllll IX months nn the same terms and conditiolls in public inleresl iflcquired I


I I i i 1




Ii Ii I t II Ill~(-I C

il NalllC III the post fliildpal Prill Stlrctltl) I lNUlllher of j)l)llS Tlml (03) II Classili~Iillll III lost Grollp A ivfinisleriai 1

I y ~eall p~IY ivlHlrix Level II inlhe 7 CPC PA Y MATRIX (67700- 2UK701~)

1 igt Lilllit Th maximllm age limii ibr appoirtimelH by diJlUlillioll including ~ht)r1 tertii contract

shull Ii- Il c~(eidil1 =6 uars on Ih dl)sinl dilW or rpoundcci) or 1)1)lkaliOIl 11- bull i i i

As pL ~ernlitlllcZlt Rules the I)OS[ is ml~tl III by dcpUllltioli ( illdudin~ shQImiddott CIIIl Ctllltrllct )

Ire-empluyment hasis in the fnilowing IIlltllUcr i

I)~ltaliull (indudillt sllorl term c(ufr-Ict) 1lsi~ Iii


Oliiecr under Ihe Ccntral (iocrnillel Stnl( Governmcnl UTI PSUsl AlIh~110110ll~1 Scmishy(illVCIIIiIlCl1li Stailitory OrglIlisatiol1$ Ie (i) a Graduate Ihun rCl~(lgl1izlq lJllivCIgtily or cqllivI~lIt having a speed or I~O word per minute in shorlhand ANI) (ii) 11(~Jcliilg analog)1~ posl on regular basis OR holdillg a POSI in Level 10 of 1111 71h CPC Pay Mati )i or in the pay hH1d Rs 15600 - 391001- + (Iigt Rs 5100middot (6 CPC) with livl yeal~ rcglliq service in the gracicOll Holding Ihe post in Level g of liIe [gtay Malrix 01 in the pHy banci or Rs )00 bull 34100middot oj- GI pound1800 (61h CPC) wilh six years regular s~~rvilc in Ihe gradcOI~ H1f)kling a pOSI ill Il~el 6 or lh( Pay Matrix or in lhe pay hand of Rs9300middot341WOimiddot - GP 4200( 611 CPC) vith tell var~ rCIular scrvi(( in IIle lrade - I

NOLl riod of d~pUlaliolll C~)I)Lralt including tl( period of deputation COlj)lllCI ill another

~i-cI(middotl I)(ISI hdd illllllecliatelyprlccd~l~ Ihis arpninlmen~ in the sUlm Ilor~ SOIllC (lih~r Org~IlZalloll J)cpartrnclIl 01 the Central (oJClIlmcllt shall ordinalll) nol cxce~icl years (lr 1111 Illl Ii Ii oj Ihe Tribunal or liil rurillcr orders whichcvcr is tarliesl The ll1aXil1l~lm att limit It)r

I shyI I) I)()ilit llllllt bv dCI)lIlatinn indlldinl shutltCrtll conlnicl shall nol be cxct~cdinJ (i cats - - II bull


HC-llIllllovlIlcnl Ii Ii

On~c~rs ~el ir~d rnlll~ Ihe Onlral G()vcnIIllt~lI State Governmentl ~IT ~~iWIIIIIlllIdil~g Stal Il1thclal Services PSUs A 1I10nOIlJOlIs Stnl (IOvLlStalulory OrJlIl1(IIOn cto( I) t lradualc from recognized Univcrsity or equivalent having a speed of 12() ~rds pCI l1lin~l~ in shorthand ~N i (ii) 1middotlolding a~mlogous pO~1 on 1IglI~lr has~ (~It havi~lg hdd_ POSI i~JiIIe1 I ( Ofh eYC Pay Matnx or III the pay band Rs 1)60(l-)lOO- 1 (P 1lt$ )400- (6 lCPC) Vllh II C

years rcgular strviec in Ihe grad Oil Holding the post in Level 8 of 7h CPC l~tY Mmrix or in th pay band or Rs 9300 - 34ROO I GP 4800 (6h CPC) wilh ~ix ytars rcgllli~r service ill t hl

~radeOI~ Holding n p~till Lev~16 Iflhe 7h CPC Pay ~1IIix or inlhe pay b~1Ild or Rs9JOOmiddot middot1100- + GP 4200 laquo(j CPC) with ten years reglilar service III thc grade 11

Provided that the initial appointment shall br onc yenr and likely (l b~ cxtcllqahlc (III ytar 10

yar b ~is Slll~ieci to Ihe condilion that the retired Govl Servant appointed as I~rilcipal Privltl Secretary alkl he altnills the age of 6~ ylars Bcyomj lilal Ihe lerlll or ill11UI11bcIlt can bc extended further 101 11 period or not mOre thnll six months Oil Ihe ~ilmc terms al~d cOllcliliollS ill

1 IPlI)II IC mt(orcstl lIqlllrc( IIII II II IiI II II IIil



Ii I bllll Ill lhc pri( j AssiaulI I~q~isltr II

i )

N IImhe1 III jlosts One (0 f) ii H

) ClassiilclIl illil (If IlHSl GroupA iVl illislcri1 jil

4 Pay S(llc Pay MHlri Leve II inlhe 7th (PC 1 Y MATRIX (67700- 201170(~)II

Age Limit Th~ 11iaxinHllll age lirilil fiJI appoinimcill by dtputmioll including ~horl Illl11 Ctllliract shilllIOi he ixneding 6 y~nrs (Ill rllt dt)sing 11lt nt middot(CciPI or applicalinll I

II (i As Jll I~lcruilmelli Jtulcs the JlO~j is filled lIP hy deplltation ( including sh~rmiddot1 tCrlll cuntrllI )

I n-einplnYIIlllIt hasis in the t1Ilowilll I1lalllllr 1

ikpuiaioujilcludilllt shiHt Icrlll ~OtltEl hji~ II

ll1m I Ihe C~I G~ tel G~menil UTI ISU AI~O smiddot l (lVClIlIllcnl SlalllltHY OrgalllsltWI ttc (I) HavlIlg [illalobOlls post on rculur basIs OR having tht potin Level 8 of the 71h CIC Pay Mlt1tri- or inthe pay hUlld or Rs (r- - 48UIli- ~ (itgt i 41iOO- (61h CPC) with six year regllillr service ill Ihe grade on holding lCP()SI in Lcvd () or Ihe 71h CPC Pay Malli orin the pay baud 0 Rs 9JOO-34ROO- + (ip Rs 100middot (61h CPC) wilh len years regular service in the grade ANIl (ii) Possessing nf al It~lst J y~ars cplricmc or Estahlishlllellt Aciminislnuion and AClcOlllll el( or the Governmcnt eSlabl iSlllfllnl

II Nllh~ Iriod or depulationi conlract including Ihe period of depolation COl~tnCl in anolher C-C~tdle post held imlllcdimdy pncedillg this Plwinllllclit in the $(llm 1101 some 1I11tr Organizalioll D(I~~umiddottment or lhe Cilllml CiI)VCllllllent shall ordinarily 1101 c(ceVd 3 ycars or till IItt Iii or Ihe Tribunal or lill lurtJ-r (Irdn whkhlvcr is carlilsl The Il1llXilllil1ll auc limil li)r

I I 11 I I II I I 11 ~PP(lII1l1l1Clli ))( cpLilallOlllll U( Illg gt1)1 111111 ~Olllrall Siii llol 1e exec( IlIglf- 6 ytars il II

~ ~(-tlJ)lolIIclit II

on~c~rs r(~lir~d from Ihc C~nttal Govrnmclll ~IC (~()verntllent Ln G(lVI~lltcll~dillg SI JudiCial ServlIls PSUs Autonomousl Semi (JovtlSlalUtory Orgalllsalloll Ictc() Holdlll~ mwlogous p(Jst on regular basb OR holdillg the post iii Lecl t or the 7 CPC )tay Matrix or n the pay bind or R 9300 - 31S00i- + Gr Rs 4800- (6middoth CPC) with six y~(lr r~glliar servIce III th grade (m holding Ihe post in iwel (~ or Ihe 71h CPC py jlatrix or ill Ihe p~ly band Ill

is tI30()3IXOOmiddot + CiP 1A2001- laquo(jIll CPC) with tell )ars reglilar scrvice ill Ih~ tradc ANI) (ii) tfgtses~ing or at Ielgtt Y~IIs cxpcrilllC Ill Establishmcnt AdlllinisllatiOI1lalld Account or IhI ltlilv~lIlllenleSlabllshll1nt

Provided lhal Ihe initial appoinlment shall bdwcclI olle year likely to be eXleJlllbk on year to year bISis sul~icci 10 lit condilion ihnl IllC rctired (iovL Strvlllldl appointcd ils

Assistant icislrar ltlrter hI Hila illS lht at of (i5 vcnrs 13011lt1 lilal the Itnll cil inculIlbenl can - 1

hc e~lcndcd iurlhcr for a pClicld or 1101 melfe tilan sii months 011 hi sami Icrlll~ and cOlldili(IIIS in puhlic ilierc~t iinqllired 1




~ i




7 Namc or Iht pma ssislalll (ACllUlll$) I ) Ilulllhcr of pmHS Olle (0 I) i

CIlssil1ittiml ofllost GrOllI I) Ministerial I II

I fl IY S(llc llny Matrix Level 6 in Ihe th epc PA Y MATRIX 054()O- 112IOO)I

II I -10 ifllil - I I I I IIg~ bull111111 IilnXlIllllll1 age Il)r appOlllllllcnt y uplllation lilt 1I( IIlg sect 1011 11111 contract

sl1(l11 not be ccccling 56 years Oil the closing (la1l of rctcipt of upplicaiillll it il

12 As r~~I Recruitmcllt Hulcs lIIIlSI is fillcd IIJl hl dCIIII11ioll ( including Sh(~r-I lell1I cl)lIlnlel ) Ire-elllployment hasis ill Ihe folowing lIl111mcr


I)0 10 ( 0h d nmiddot Ie 01 r1l h II

Oflko1 under 11K Ccntral GovolIlinentl Statcl Governilwiltl UTI PSUsl AlildnollwlIs Semimiddot (iovcrnmcllll Stalutt11-yOrgallisations etc (i)llaving a GradUal fiJm 1Icoglllized Univcrsity AND (ii) lding unah)golls posl 011 regular basis on holding post in Levcl ~ or tho 7 (PC 1(1Y Malli m in tile pay hand Rs 5200 -- 20200- -I- GP Is 2amp001- (6 Crp) with al Icast ()(lt11 Igular ervic~ Ol~ Holding post in Level 4 or illC t CPC Pay Matrix olllin till pay hand Rs 52()O - 10200- 1 (lP Rs 24001 (6 CI)C) wilh 10 years regular servi~e in Ihe grade Irclltrll1cc shall be given to eandidmes Iwving experience in administrative orlleashl CCOllIHS

alld having knowledge otoll11l1ter Ii II

Nul~~ Period or (itplIlltionl contraci illcillding Ihe period or dClllitUliOIl c(1I11raCI ill antllhlr cx-ar post held immediately preceding this appointment ill the SlIlI1e 1101 somc tHlll Orgl1izati~llli Department (I lhe Ccnlml Governmellt shall ordinarilv nol exceed J vcars or till Ihl~ lile or tho Tribllnal ortii further ordtr~ whichOvcr is earliest Ih~~ ll1aXilll~ln il~C lilllit for appointment by deputalioll incltlding short IeIm conlract shall 110 be exceeding r6 y~ars

IIItc-ellllllo) 111 cuI I

II Oniers retired Ihllll lile Cenlral GllvenlllllllIi Siale Gtwcrnmclltl UT Govli Induding Stal~ ludicial Servicesi ISUs lIlonolllousi Scmi GovtSlatU(Ory Organisation etc(i)I-lavillg a C duale from r~~ct)gnized University ANI) (ii) Holding nnlllogolls post Oil yengular hasigt Ol~ hilidillg p(lSt~l ~cvel 501 the 7 CPC Pay Matrix or n th pay ha~ld Rs 5~O(11- 20200~- G~ I~s YWO (6 CPC)wlth at least 6 year rcgular service Ol~ Holdlllg post III lij~v~1 ~ ollhi 7 CI( Pay Matnx ~1r 111 Ihe ply band Rs 5200 - 20200- + GP Rs 2LIOO- (6 ( PC) With 10

1y~ar~ rqlIlar servlc~ n the grIUC II

Provided tilal t1 111IIIai appOlllllllcllt shall betw~el1 tlllC ycar likely to he clClrciable Oil y~ar Iii

y~~ar Imsis ~l1bj~el ttl the cnnditioll Ihal the retired Gov Servant appointed as 4sistalll antr hc alia ins the middotago or 65 years Bcyol1J that the term or illumhellt can bc extell~ed further iw a I)(rilid 01 not morc than six months 011 the same lerms and conditions ill hUblilt inttret irmiddot

required i


-------------------------------------- shy

I ~



ilIi I I

Name M the IUlst Upper Divsi(lll Ckrk I I

Numher of fI()SC~ One (0 I) ~i 11

Cli~silicafioll of poo( Group IV rvlinisllri1 Ii bull 1

Pay SClll~ Pay Malri L~wd 4 iii the 7It (PC PA Y MlTI IX (~550() i II O(~)


s Age Limit The lllaXiUllIJlI ag( limit hI tlppnintllleni by deputalion includilrg shorl tell11 conlracl

shall nOI h~ excecdill 56 year 1)11 fhe dosing date of receipt of applicatioll

6 As pCI Hccluiilllellt Rilles th post nf Assessor is filled lip h delIlIlIitl ( indllliing shurt 1l~11ll Conlracl ) re-cllIploymcllt basis ill IIIpound flllluwillJ IIIllllllcr I

I)cpUIllioll (illclucliu~llrl h~rlll c(llIiracl) blsis

Onicel lIll(e Ihe CCIlWtl GovclllInenll Siale Govcnllnenll UTI PSUsl A~IOIlOIllOlS Scmimiddot Government SIH~~c1ory Organisalions tI (i)llavillg (l MlIIriculurillll ~rolll I~ ~)nized illslilUte or Board ANI) (II) Holding (UHltll~I)IIS pos on rglliar baSIS Ol~ holcling pos In Llvel 01 Ihe 7 CPC Pay Mltltrix or ill the pay band [so i200 - 20200 -I- GP Is 19001_(6 11 CPC) wilh al leasl Xyear rcgular service Person p()sesling rail kllowlcdge or service mldl and regulations Applieahle ill Cenlral Gov lI1d IUIVing experience on cash and 1lCOlllfts null Cilfllpuler

opcnlling Ollid ~1C given prcrcrelHe I Nule 1II(1d ot deplilatlOn contract Incilllllllg the pCllocl 01 deputatlonl conlraci 111 allolher lx-cndrc post held ill1mediah~ly preceding this appointment ill the ~am~ (II some other Organiltlliolll Dcpartment of the Ccnlr~i1 Govenllllel1l shallllrciinllily not exe~ed years or till the life ollhe Trihullal or lill timher (lrdmiddot~ls wldcheva is earlies The Illlt1XiI1llIll age limil Itll appoi 11 II lH1I I by deplIlal ion including shol t [crill (~lIltracl shall not be exceed il1_~ 56 years


nC-CIll p11lY1l1 elll

Officers rdind fwm Ihe Central GOVCIIIIlWIII Siale (Jovernmelltf UT Govqi Incllidillg StIlC

Judicial Sl~rviccs fgtSLJs tlItOllomOlisi Scmi CiovtSlallllolY Organisalion c~c (i) Ilavillg a M~llrielllali()1l from r~coglliled instilute 1)1 Brd AND (ii) I-folding anal()goll~ P()st on regular btli on Iwldillg pOSI in Level 2 of Ihe 71t CPC Pry llatrix or in Ihe pny bllId Rs 5200 shy10200middot ojup Rs _191~Oi ((i CIC) ~ith at lut1it8 year regular ser~ic~ (~ H)ding post ill Level 2 nl Ihc 7 CP( Pay Matn or 111 the pay Rs (Rs29200 - 92)00) willigt yars reglilar serviccin the grade Pdcrcncc shall be given 10 calldidates havillg knowledge all conipte

11 I

Provided Illal Ihc Illilial app)illlllcnl shall belV~ell (l~e year likely 10 b~ I)XICIlUahlc ~Il )car 1( yenr bl~as slIbJect 10 Ihe COllcilllOIl Ihal Ihe rei Ired (ov Servant uppOlillec ltIf UDC nllcr he lllaills Ih~ age of 65 years I~ey()nd lh1l1 the IeIm of illclHl1bent ean Ie cX~Cllcfd furlher rur a pell()d 0 t nOI more Ihall SIX IllOlllhs 011 Ih~ same lrlllS and condltlolls III I~phhc Inl~I(SI II

nquirtd II iI

II 1

iI t) illl C X 1I1t~lli

~J ii III NIlIll or the Ilfl)1 Clurl Ma~tct il

NiIIllIHuf jltlSIS Ivo (02) h

II Classificaliun 1)1 pHS Group A bull M illislerial II

1 Pay Scale Pay ~~ntrix Level II in lhe 71 CPC PAY MATRIX (67700middot 2(JR70i~) Age Iimil Th~ mnXillllllll age limit It) appOinllll(1I1 by (kplIlHlioll il1dudin~ ~jltJrt IIrll1 elllHnicl

shallllllt he ixmiddottding i6 years on Ihe closing date or receipt of uppliCtllion i


6 As I)l Reclllitlllcni Juks the IHlsr is fill~d up by dlpuhllion ( including shl~f( lenn CIIIIIIICI )

1 n-cmplnYlllclIl busis in tlie follilwing manner i


1 Ofliltci 1II1d~r Ihe Celllral (iOVCnlI11Clill Sialel Governlllcntl UTI PSUsl Allto~lonlollsl Semi-CiwcrIIl1lclIl StllIlniy OrgallisI[i(I IlS ~t( (i) f Graduate from recognizedi UniversllY or eqllivaiel1l havillg 120 words per minllie ill shorlhand AND (ii) Holding amjogolls post on regular blsis Olt holding Ihe P()I in Levcl 10 or Ihe 7h CPC Pay Malri~ or in tllc vay halld or Rs ISliOO -39 I 1)0- + Gtgt I~s 1400- (61i1 CtgtC) with five years ngular serviec 1[11 Ihe grad Oil Holding pOSI ill Level rlhc 71h clle Pay Matrix or in Ihe pay band of ls93PO -- 3400middot + GP Rs IROn- (6h CPC) wilh si1( year regular service in the grade on holdtllg jhc posl ill Ieve 6 )j Ihe 71h CPC Pay Malrix or ill the pay banci or Rs 9300-J4ampOOi- Iil GP ls4200middot ((i CIC) wilh len years ngular scrviec ill the grade NO (ii) Possessing of a~ least 3 years experience or Establishment Admillistration allel Accounl etc of the GovcrtlmclIlllcSlablislllnell1

I I - I I bull I I I I I I II IIN111( lIm 01 (CpUlallOll cOlltrtlel IIlC I( mg t e ptno( nl (eputatu)ll contrlel III aBot II

ex-cadn POSI held imllHdialely preceding this appoillllllcnt in the same (ir sonic 111111 Orglt1I1izatioll Departmellt (If the Central (kwcrnlllcni shall ordinarily not exceed years or lill Ihe IiI or thc Tribunal or till rurther orders whichevcr is ~arlicst The 1llIjllllll~~ agl limit il appoinllllLlll by del)ulalinn including short tLfI1l eOlilracl shall nnt be exceeding 5~i years

i I

(Cmiddott1II plo me nt 1

On~~rs Ielircd from Ihe Central Gnvcn~mc~II_Stat G(lcnlln~ntl IT ~j(lvt 11~~llldh~g SIal iudlclal ScrvlIcsl PSUsl Autonomousl Semi (IOVUSlatutory Orgamsatloll ctcQ1lA (raelliaic fH1m recognized Univlrsily or equivalent having 120 words pCI minule in shorthalltl AND (ii) I-laving held analogous POSI on Igubr basis OR Iwlding Ihe pus I in LcvclIO or Ih~~ 71h

CPC Pay Matrix or in Ihe pay hnnd (If lb 15600 - JCJIOOmiddot + GP Rs 54001- (6rhCPC) willi IiV years r~glliar service in the grad OR a post ill Level X Urlhe 7lh CPC Pay Mltrixor ~n the Pity bal~d 01 I~ 9300 - 348O- -I- Gfgt R 4tiOO~ (6~h PC) wtlh ~IX yelr regllllurerv~e II~ Ihe grade OR holdlllg the post 111 Level () 01 the 7th CPC Pay Matnx or III the pa~ band 01 R- 9300middot34XflOimiddotmiddot1 GI R$4~OO- (6th CICl with len years rcgular servi(t in thl grild~

Pi(widcd lilal Iht initial apP)intlllcllt shall httwen one year likely 10 be clemlal~le on year 10 year basis suhjeet 10 Ihe condition tlml the rClir(c1 Gov Servant appointed ns Cmll1 Maswr afler he allltlins till age of 65 years Beyond that Ihe term of inlumbelll Ctll bi cXIndc( fllrllH1 fill a period ill IO( Illore Ihan six monlils 011 the same IcrlllS and cont1ili)Il ill puhlie interesl if

rcquired l

1II 1I i I

II 11 II

I II 1

ii IIIH X II -c-I II il



ilNallll Ihe post Seetinl Oflke I NIIlhcl or IWS[s OI1QOI)


Classilicalioll of plisl Cillllp IV MiniSlerinl I

PIY S~i~ ~)~y Malr~x L~vl1 ~ il 11 7 1i CPC Pf~~Y M~TRIX (r60~- IS 11(0)11

Age Llllut I lie IIWXlflllll1l Igc Imil I lor lPPOIlUlHnl (y depulatlon IIlchlthng TIilorl tenll conlract

shall 1101 he c(ceding 56 YCl1lS 011 Ihe hsing Jalc of IcciPII)I appikati(lll i t

As IHI IccrllitllHnl Ilules the )lIsl is filh~d tfI h) tlcpulnliull( including SIH~h lerlll ClllltllI1 )

I n-empluyment hlsi ill Ihe fullowinglIIallnc i i

igtpoundJlnllioll (including slwrl I~III COliI-ncO hllSi~ Ii I

Officer under lilc Cenlnil Gt)vL~tPmenll ~ww GovlrnmlIi UTI PSUsi utOllOll1HISi Scmimiddot GovCnlll1Cnl1 Slallllor~1 OlglIIisalinll$ ele (i)HlVillg H Graduat (Om rccognil1zcd IJnivulsity AND (ii) Holding analogoll) pOSt ()f jtguiar basis Ol holding the pOSI ill LJvcl 6 or 11K 7 CIC Pay lvlallix or ill Ib 9300 - J4i(Il)middot -- CiP Rs 42()Omiddot (6 th CPC) wilh ~i lCast six f(r

ilgular ~urvice Prerer~nce shall hi givcrtW person~ POStssillg kl1owledge orjlAJl1lilliSllaliC (tllli Accounl mal tels 01 GovilIllllcl1l clahllsillneni l


NOte Periodmiddot of (hplIllaquotinn COlltracl in~ltlding Ihe pcriod or tI~Pllintionl con~rllct ill anolher ex-cadI post held 1111111Cdlalciy prceedll)g thiS applllllllllenl III the SllIlll ~or sOl11e olhr Organizilionl Dparlmelll of Ihe Celltral GilVcrnnlcllt shall ordinarily 1101 xcce~13 yl~IIS nr till the lik of th Trihunal or [ill further Meier whichever is carliest The maillllllll age lilllil lir appoilltmenl hy deplitalioll induding ~hort ten contract shall not be lxcccding 5 PYlars


IIc-clllpluVIIJ(Ilt J

()Ij I I II C I ( 1 C I UI c III I I s~ I ICirs rCllre( rom Ie Cl1lra lovernmCll tate JWCIIl Il1CIl I IOVI pc U( llig la L

tudiial ScrvicLS ISU~ lultlllOmOllsi Semi GIHltSla[lilor) Organisalion lul (I) Iaving ~I (inldualt irnlll lllogllicd University ANI) (ii) Having held analogous post ljl lIglllllr hasis ~)I~ holding Ihe POSI~ in Le~C1 6 of lh~ 711 CPC Pay lvIatrix or II Rs 9ilOO - _~IXO()-middot llt Rs 400 (611 cPt) with lIllcnsl SIX veal rCiularservlIc IretcrelHesh~1l be glVClllo persons posscs$i~g knowledge of A(It nilli-si ral ivc- alld Accoullt mallcrs lr Governinelll cSlablbhll1tnl

l PnJviclcd lhal Ihe inilial appoinlmeni shall between OIlC year likely to be CXlelld~bh 011 year to

year basi slll~ic(1 10 the condition Iha the relired Go1 Scrvanl UPP(JiIlHd liS Stclioll Oflieer an~r hc allaill the -we Ill 65 c a 1 I3cvond lilal the Icrm or incumhent call be d~elltkd nlier 1(1 a pltriod or IInl n~orc Ihilli monlils 011 ihe same terms and conditions in PtrlOli inl(IIsl il required I

1II IiIiIi I I III 01

1 I


1 11I 1I i


11 Annexure- II J i I




NIIIII~ 111 (he pUS I Iel~(lnal ssistalll I

NlIlllhlr III PSIgt On~ (0 I) II

Clasiiicaliull nr IuSI GroliP r IVlil~istria I I)ay Scale Pay Matrix Level 6 ill the 711 CPC PAY MATRIX (35400- 1124(0)1

~ Age Limit The maximllm age limit lor appoinlmtnt hy deputation including ~hlll1 [CIIIl contract

11lt111 1101 be exceeding 56 ycar~ on Ihe dosing dltl~ of receipt of application I

~ IlCI IhUllitmell[ ~tl~hs the pos ~s nlled up hy dlflltration lt inciIHling Slll~ erlll cOlltract ) I c-ellljlltlymelil hasls III lhe loIlIlWIII 1l1lUlIlel

0 II

l)elllllll~ClJclllding sllllr lellII cOlltnl~ll hl~is ii IIUIIIIlI tinder Ih~ Cel1lral GovclIllllenli Sialei Cillv(mIl1CIll UTI PSUsl AIII01(llllousl Semishy

GOVlrtllllClllJ SIaIUIOlY Organisatious ell (i) I-Iavillg a Graduate fWIll recogniz4~1 University or quivakl1 having l~ speed or Ion Wl)Id~ per min~llcgt in sh~~lhiIl~ ANI) (ii~ HOfling analognw pISI 011 1Igular baSIS OR holding post III Level) of Ihe 7 CPC Pay Malllx or III Ihe pay hand Is 5~O() - ~()200- + ar Is 2100- (611t CPC) wilh ltII Icast 6 year regular scrvi~lt em Hltllding post in I~vcl ltl 01 the tit CPC 1)(lY Matrix or ill the p~ly band Rs 5200 - 20~OO- (jp IsI

2400- ([11 CPC) wilh 10 years re~1I1al service in tl1 crnde Prcllcncc shill be ~ivn (1

callcJidal$ havillg knowledge or con~pllter - ~ 0 I ~

Null Period or deputalionl contlacl including lh~~ period or cieplIlHlion con act in anothcr cx-cadn post held inlillctliately prtccding Ihis appointlllellt in the same r Sliml olher Organizatinll rkpartlllcnt or the CCllIral GovernlllClll shall ordinarily 110t cxeecf J years 01 till th~ i I~ or Ihe lri bUllal (II Iill further orders whichever is earl iest The maxi llIui11 agt I intil fill appoilllmelll by deputation illdutiing short 111I1l conlract shall 1101 be cxcelciillg ~f years


i1-CIIIIu1lt I Orti~r$ 111 irtd 11(1111 lhe Ccnlml Governmentl Slale (iovclIlllleJlII UT (jov I lcilidillg SIltlI( Judicial Servicesl ISUs AulltJllonlOus Scmi GovtStatulorv QIfltlnisatiol1 ctc (i)Hilving a Graduate rWI11 recognized UniversilY ANn (ii) Holding amlog(l~s post 011 Ic4ul(ll ba~is on hlllding POSI ill Level 5 of Ihc 7h CPC Pay tvlatli 01 in Ihe pay blIId Rs 5(~O - 20200- + GP Ih 2XOO- (61h CPC) with al least 6 ylnr regular strvic Oil Holding post inLltvcl 4 ~)r the 71 CI( Pay Malr 01 in the pay ban(~ Rs 5200 - 202O- + GP I~ 24001- ~6111 CPC) with 10 ~~ars rcgultr serVICe III tht grade Pnlercl1(e shall be glVl1l to calHhdates IHlvlng kllowledge (I

I (1m pUleI

PIIidecilhaltIH~ inilial appoilllll1CIH shall bClween (jIlC year likely 10 be eXltndllblc on year II

year ba~is iubjeci 10 Ihe Cillldilioll thaI lhc retired (ilV Sc)valll appoinled as Pel~ollal Assistanl afler he lIlains Ihl age of 65 ycars Beyond Ihill Ihe term or incllmbent can be e~llellded lulthlt1 for a period or Ill mol thall six 11I0nlhs on the smne terms und conditions ill Plnlhlk ililerest if rl~qlli rcd - II shy





1 il


Noof 1)05ts PA V L~VEL ill MATRIX

02 (evel- IS I

01 l~vel- 12----- shy I

01 lkvel- 11 Imiddot

03 middot-U~-II -

02 lampvel - I I f-- shy I

III IIlcvCl- 8-_ --J 01 - Jlwcl- 8


01 ~6 01 eVilI - ( ---i-01 cVfl

shy Ihe nbove mentiuned indpost are

I 1

data the

Ii I ( AU9cxUrc-S


MINISTRY OF JAL SIIAKTI WATER RESOURCES RIJ amp GR East Block 1110 7 RIlt Puram New Delhi -110066 i

Tele No26102230 Email registrarrbwtgmailcom1 No 06RBWTRecruitment of postS2020Jl


0ppica~~olls limiddotHIll eligible clildidillts arc invited tCJr lilling lip following (Group l amp B) posls on ICplilallon (Illdudlllg short-term cOI(mct basis) I Re-cmplnYlllcnl hasis in Ravi amp BeJgt Waters Tribunal 110111 lit cmployeesOlliccrs of Ihe Cenll(ll GovtStatc GovtU1ioll Territories (OV~II~Il1CnlSPSUCourtslTriblln~~ (Ill us~d I(nm alld olldiriollS 0 dcputt~tioll iSSll~d vide DOPT OM No 6Jf1l2009-Estl (Pay I) dalld II June wro Of ns am(I1dctl from IIOIC to tllnc And lOr Re-clI1ployrncnt clllployce1 olli(cr Ictind (rom Cellintl GovtJUTI State GlwcrIlllwntsPSU on Jxisling terms and condilions of fe-cmployment issued vide DOPampT OM No 30320 16Estt(Puy II) datdd 01052017 or as lllltndcd from lime In time I


icated ill AUlIlxllrc-IA to 11

J Condilions ur Eligibilityl Terms or AppninllllCIl tor

4 The applicans shuuld clccrrly indicah ill their bio In application lorml( (enclused as A nncxllrc-I I) 10 Ih is circular ie n~mc date of bil1h dalc (If superannuati()n presei~l dcsignation with pay scale pnst held 011 regular bmas With dtlte and pay scllc name of the dcpartOlpni wllh telephone FilS lIumher email I D scrvice I expcricllCl in chronulogical ordcr edudtiol1al I technical qualificatioll training if any undergone and any other infoJlllalion relevant to the pqst applied fur with the dcdarntion or completeness and correctness or application lind declaration t~mt hc will nOI be aIowed to withdraw his c(Jlldidillure once schctcd for Ihe post I I

5 Till I)CfS(l1l selecled for apPllilltlllcnt will NOT be eligihle Il)r Gov accomln~ldiltion during the periud of deptltation Rc-employmcnt in this Trihunal j

6 The rcspective oflicer I dcparllllellt while forwarding the applications of tI~ candidalc(s) lor deputation sh~lIld ~Iear~y cCItiry the pIIliCtllals along ~ ilh CR dossiers 101 pr~lfdillg 5 yc1f~ and enclose the list 01 malormlllor penalties lin posed (If any) together With VIPUlCCDISClphllary clearance Ii 1

7 PlrS~lII(s) applyillg li)1 l1Iore thall onepust should apply scpnlatcly Jill each post w li~h plt1n be mailed ill OIlC cnvelop All the application should reach to HClId or DCI)llrIIlUllt RIIi amp IDclIS Waters Tribunal al above address within 30 days flOm the date of I)ublication in the I mplQyrncnl News Fllr JIIorc iniorJIIlltiondetuils (If the I)Osts lenDS and conditions ctc 1)lc1JSC vi it the Ministry or lul Shakli nepU of Wuter Resources RD amp (n Website ic mowlmiddotgoviD II

Ii R Sofl copy of fhe llPllliclltion liS advance copy call be SCllt th o~gl~ EIIIIII to

rhwtrcclmiddotlitlll~middotlItgnUlilcolII I I

Advllnltt lopics uf llpplicatioll or llpplicnlion received after the Ilrcscrib d ll~Iiod or nol

I (

fI IU vv ~ JSU r~~1Iasu)

t1eIlJll~~Itl~~~mrmen f R8Vi bull Be Warer fdhunnl

~-gt---gt--------------------------- shy


II I~JRE- il


i trmH~ ij2 Dme )fl~irrll i

3 Datt) or iiupmiddotrnnmUliio1 i

4 Dcsigllalioil willi Grade Grout) ()f Post 1I

i 5 Post holding Dll regl basi and vcr 1


6 Pay Scalc On regullir basis we 1

7 NanlC of the Departmcni (ltlndod Oril~ I l Service Particular in chronologilal orJel point wist 1

[I f Ihe space is not uffkilnt H filparate sle~~1 I I)SI IIllay I)(~ cne OStC ~ ervlpc parnclI aIs 111 chronological order point wisc Ii

lt) EdliGatiollaITcchnilaIOualilicatioll 1n EI(pcriencc ITraining lIndlrgoie 1 I Speed or Shorthand and Typing 12 Knowlcdp( or Computer I J Prcscllt Address


1li IJlwnci Mo[)i Ie- No I AllY other inlixlllatioll ifclllY I

OECLAJATION Ii 1 hcrcl~y declare thai all the siaLelllellts mode in Ihis apPlicalioll ~re true complete ~lld Jorrect to Ihe hest of IllV knowledgE and I shall not wllhdraw IllV (al(hdaturl~ once selected for thJ post ~ bull I

II -

ii Sjgn~tllre of appliennt

Ad(hcgts amp Contllcr Nos ii __ _ ----r --shyI


II is ~ertjficcl that particulnr given above are corrlct ns per service rccord and tle ~tfcer will be rCIi~vcd fi~ appoinrnlen~ _011 deplltaliOl~ ba~is ~middotIishe~middot appliCtioll ISforwardef~ jalpngW~th (I) Vigilance Clcltlrancc Ccrllhcalc tlnd (2) CR DOSSiers ( lor last years)(11 1101 encl s9d the tllm on which ihese d()Clllllent~ will he sellt by the Department) Ii


Smiddot I i I igna u rc ~ Nllmc ~L~

Oesignatiou ~bulllL (Depa~tlllcnl of the fdfmiddotwar~iing ofticcr)

with date ir~d ~mce Seal I I Ii r I i

II il i IlIltSllr-1 B II

I NIIIIH of the post lcgistlul [I Nil III I I of pusts One ((j I ) ~

J CII~silitltinn Clr pusl GrlHlp A MiniStltrial II I

Pay Seale Pay Malri- Llvel IJ in llie lit CPC PAY MATRIX (78800- 2092(uh I

~ gc Limit Th~ maximum nlle limit It)I appoinlfllcnl bydeputlltion induding khorl helm COlllracl slmllllOl b -eecding 56 years on Ihe dll~illg date of receipt or application I

I As IH~I Hlenlitmeil Rules tht PI))t is mh~Illljl hy depulllioll ( illdudillg Shf~Itcrll cOlllra1 )

n-emrloymellt blsis in the rollowing IlIHlIICI il nl~pllaliml (indudill4 short term cOlllrlct) ~)U~~ II

Onicer lIndr rhl Central Governmeflll Slale GovclIllllcntl UTI PSUsI AlIll~nOlllOll~1 SClllishyGovcrnmenl~ Statulory Organisalions ~lc (i) having Gradll(lie lkgree rlbl1l recognized University or equivalent AND (ii) Holding annlogolls post on regul1r bnsis or l~ldil1g (I Pl)SI in Level II in tin 711 CPC Pay Matrix or ill pay balld or Rs 15600-39100 -I- tiP (600- (6 CPO with 5 years regular service in the grade ANI) (iii) having al leasl 5 yeII$11 expcriiIlGc (II handlilll Establishment Administration nl Account mlllers Prctcremc shall ~etivell III the Ia Ci~adlms with knowl~dgc or legul mailers and procedures and eXPc~iCI~CC or court proceedings II


NoH Period or dePlllatiOIl1 C(lnlrm1 il~clIdilig the peliod or d~plllui(lnl con~nlct ill alloth~r ~x middotcadre I) hdd 111 Il11ld 1111) prcccd~ng thiS appollllm~n~ III thi same l(lI~ spine olh~r OrlIl1zallonl Department 01 the Celltral (jlVt~rtlll)lllt shall ordmanly not cxceetl 1 v(ars or 1111 Ihe~ lili of the Tribllnal 01 iill lilrthcr orders whichever is earliet The lll11xiIllUlll ~Igc linlit 101 appoinllllcllI by deputation including $holl IeIm tonlrllC shallno( he exceeding ~6 yeufS


Hl-cm Illnvlllell i Oflkers retired rr(llll Ihe Ccntral Governillent State GovlrIlmcllIl UT Gnvl Iltiuding Stale Il1dicial S~ri(~1 ISUs Autollomolls Semi GOvLlSlllllllory OrganiSltlIioll dyen Haviug hdd nalog~us pn~ on regular bass mholdillg ltI pOSl illhc evel II in thc 710 CP~~ iijlyMatrix I~ay band nl Rs I )M10-39 100 + GJgt 66001- (6 111 CPC) With live ycnrs regular sefvlefll1d possesslIlg qualilicllioll llnd ~xpcrkllce as of (i) (ii) amp (iii) Prelir~ncc shall be glV~1l to th~ Law (iratluae wilh knowledge or leg I mall~rs and pn1ccdllres and eXI)cri~n~e of lOllrt prreeeciillgs Provicid Ihat Ihe initial nppo~I~lmenl shall be IO~ lllle year likely I~ he IXILIlI~ab~ 011 YCII 1(1 year bnsis sllbJect to the condition Ihat rellred (Iovcrnnhnt Servt appolllt~d I~

Registrar shall ~ease 10 hoid Ihe pOSt of Re~islrar a~iel he lains Ihe age or (lSi y~ars Beyond Ihal Iht tClln 01 IIHulllbcnt can be eXllnded turther lor a pcnod oinOI IIllH thllll IX months nn the same terms and conditiolls in public inleresl iflcquired I


I I i i 1




Ii Ii I t II Ill~(-I C

il NalllC III the post fliildpal Prill Stlrctltl) I lNUlllher of j)l)llS Tlml (03) II Classili~Iillll III lost Grollp A ivfinisleriai 1

I y ~eall p~IY ivlHlrix Level II inlhe 7 CPC PA Y MATRIX (67700- 2UK701~)

1 igt Lilllit Th maximllm age limii ibr appoirtimelH by diJlUlillioll including ~ht)r1 tertii contract

shull Ii- Il c~(eidil1 =6 uars on Ih dl)sinl dilW or rpoundcci) or 1)1)lkaliOIl 11- bull i i i

As pL ~ernlitlllcZlt Rules the I)OS[ is ml~tl III by dcpUllltioli ( illdudin~ shQImiddott CIIIl Ctllltrllct )

Ire-empluyment hasis in the fnilowing IIlltllUcr i

I)~ltaliull (indudillt sllorl term c(ufr-Ict) 1lsi~ Iii


Oliiecr under Ihe Ccntral (iocrnillel Stnl( Governmcnl UTI PSUsl AlIh~110110ll~1 Scmishy(illVCIIIiIlCl1li Stailitory OrglIlisatiol1$ Ie (i) a Graduate Ihun rCl~(lgl1izlq lJllivCIgtily or cqllivI~lIt having a speed or I~O word per minute in shorlhand ANI) (ii) 11(~Jcliilg analog)1~ posl on regular basis OR holdillg a POSI in Level 10 of 1111 71h CPC Pay Mati )i or in the pay hH1d Rs 15600 - 391001- + (Iigt Rs 5100middot (6 CPC) with livl yeal~ rcglliq service in the gracicOll Holding Ihe post in Level g of liIe [gtay Malrix 01 in the pHy banci or Rs )00 bull 34100middot oj- GI pound1800 (61h CPC) wilh six years regular s~~rvilc in Ihe gradcOI~ H1f)kling a pOSI ill Il~el 6 or lh( Pay Matrix or in lhe pay hand of Rs9300middot341WOimiddot - GP 4200( 611 CPC) vith tell var~ rCIular scrvi(( in IIle lrade - I

NOLl riod of d~pUlaliolll C~)I)Lralt including tl( period of deputation COlj)lllCI ill another

~i-cI(middotl I)(ISI hdd illllllecliatelyprlccd~l~ Ihis arpninlmen~ in the sUlm Ilor~ SOIllC (lih~r Org~IlZalloll J)cpartrnclIl 01 the Central (oJClIlmcllt shall ordinalll) nol cxce~icl years (lr 1111 Illl Ii Ii oj Ihe Tribunal or liil rurillcr orders whichcvcr is tarliesl The ll1aXil1l~lm att limit It)r

I shyI I) I)()ilit llllllt bv dCI)lIlatinn indlldinl shutltCrtll conlnicl shall nol be cxct~cdinJ (i cats - - II bull


HC-llIllllovlIlcnl Ii Ii

On~c~rs ~el ir~d rnlll~ Ihe Onlral G()vcnIIllt~lI State Governmentl ~IT ~~iWIIIIIlllIdil~g Stal Il1thclal Services PSUs A 1I10nOIlJOlIs Stnl (IOvLlStalulory OrJlIl1(IIOn cto( I) t lradualc from recognized Univcrsity or equivalent having a speed of 12() ~rds pCI l1lin~l~ in shorthand ~N i (ii) 1middotlolding a~mlogous pO~1 on 1IglI~lr has~ (~It havi~lg hdd_ POSI i~JiIIe1 I ( Ofh eYC Pay Matnx or III the pay band Rs 1)60(l-)lOO- 1 (P 1lt$ )400- (6 lCPC) Vllh II C

years rcgular strviec in Ihe grad Oil Holding the post in Level 8 of 7h CPC l~tY Mmrix or in th pay band or Rs 9300 - 34ROO I GP 4800 (6h CPC) wilh ~ix ytars rcgllli~r service ill t hl

~radeOI~ Holding n p~till Lev~16 Iflhe 7h CPC Pay ~1IIix or inlhe pay b~1Ild or Rs9JOOmiddot middot1100- + GP 4200 laquo(j CPC) with ten years reglilar service III thc grade 11

Provided that the initial appointment shall br onc yenr and likely (l b~ cxtcllqahlc (III ytar 10

yar b ~is Slll~ieci to Ihe condilion that the retired Govl Servant appointed as I~rilcipal Privltl Secretary alkl he altnills the age of 6~ ylars Bcyomj lilal Ihe lerlll or ill11UI11bcIlt can bc extended further 101 11 period or not mOre thnll six months Oil Ihe ~ilmc terms al~d cOllcliliollS ill

1 IPlI)II IC mt(orcstl lIqlllrc( IIII II II IiI II II IIil



Ii I bllll Ill lhc pri( j AssiaulI I~q~isltr II

i )

N IImhe1 III jlosts One (0 f) ii H

) ClassiilclIl illil (If IlHSl GroupA iVl illislcri1 jil

4 Pay S(llc Pay MHlri Leve II inlhe 7th (PC 1 Y MATRIX (67700- 201170(~)II

Age Limit Th~ 11iaxinHllll age lirilil fiJI appoinimcill by dtputmioll including ~horl Illl11 Ctllliract shilllIOi he ixneding 6 y~nrs (Ill rllt dt)sing 11lt nt middot(CciPI or applicalinll I

II (i As Jll I~lcruilmelli Jtulcs the JlO~j is filled lIP hy deplltation ( including sh~rmiddot1 tCrlll cuntrllI )

I n-einplnYIIlllIt hasis in the t1Ilowilll I1lalllllr 1

ikpuiaioujilcludilllt shiHt Icrlll ~OtltEl hji~ II

ll1m I Ihe C~I G~ tel G~menil UTI ISU AI~O smiddot l (lVClIlIllcnl SlalllltHY OrgalllsltWI ttc (I) HavlIlg [illalobOlls post on rculur basIs OR having tht potin Level 8 of the 71h CIC Pay Mlt1tri- or inthe pay hUlld or Rs (r- - 48UIli- ~ (itgt i 41iOO- (61h CPC) with six year regllillr service ill Ihe grade on holding lCP()SI in Lcvd () or Ihe 71h CPC Pay Malli orin the pay baud 0 Rs 9JOO-34ROO- + (ip Rs 100middot (61h CPC) wilh len years regular service in the grade ANIl (ii) Possessing nf al It~lst J y~ars cplricmc or Estahlishlllellt Aciminislnuion and AClcOlllll el( or the Governmcnt eSlabl iSlllfllnl

II Nllh~ Iriod or depulationi conlract including Ihe period of depolation COl~tnCl in anolher C-C~tdle post held imlllcdimdy pncedillg this Plwinllllclit in the $(llm 1101 some 1I11tr Organizalioll D(I~~umiddottment or lhe Cilllml CiI)VCllllllent shall ordinarily 1101 c(ceVd 3 ycars or till IItt Iii or Ihe Tribunal or lill lurtJ-r (Irdn whkhlvcr is carlilsl The Il1llXilllil1ll auc limil li)r

I I 11 I I II I I 11 ~PP(lII1l1l1Clli ))( cpLilallOlllll U( Illg gt1)1 111111 ~Olllrall Siii llol 1e exec( IlIglf- 6 ytars il II

~ ~(-tlJ)lolIIclit II

on~c~rs r(~lir~d from Ihc C~nttal Govrnmclll ~IC (~()verntllent Ln G(lVI~lltcll~dillg SI JudiCial ServlIls PSUs Autonomousl Semi (JovtlSlalUtory Orgalllsalloll Ictc() Holdlll~ mwlogous p(Jst on regular basb OR holdillg the post iii Lecl t or the 7 CPC )tay Matrix or n the pay bind or R 9300 - 31S00i- + Gr Rs 4800- (6middoth CPC) with six y~(lr r~glliar servIce III th grade (m holding Ihe post in iwel (~ or Ihe 71h CPC py jlatrix or ill Ihe p~ly band Ill

is tI30()3IXOOmiddot + CiP 1A2001- laquo(jIll CPC) with tell )ars reglilar scrvice ill Ih~ tradc ANI) (ii) tfgtses~ing or at Ielgtt Y~IIs cxpcrilllC Ill Establishmcnt AdlllinisllatiOI1lalld Account or IhI ltlilv~lIlllenleSlabllshll1nt

Provided lhal Ihe initial appoinlment shall bdwcclI olle year likely to be eXleJlllbk on year to year bISis sul~icci 10 lit condilion ihnl IllC rctired (iovL Strvlllldl appointcd ils

Assistant icislrar ltlrter hI Hila illS lht at of (i5 vcnrs 13011lt1 lilal the Itnll cil inculIlbenl can - 1

hc e~lcndcd iurlhcr for a pClicld or 1101 melfe tilan sii months 011 hi sami Icrlll~ and cOlldili(IIIS in puhlic ilierc~t iinqllired 1




~ i




7 Namc or Iht pma ssislalll (ACllUlll$) I ) Ilulllhcr of pmHS Olle (0 I) i

CIlssil1ittiml ofllost GrOllI I) Ministerial I II

I fl IY S(llc llny Matrix Level 6 in Ihe th epc PA Y MATRIX 054()O- 112IOO)I

II I -10 ifllil - I I I I IIg~ bull111111 IilnXlIllllll1 age Il)r appOlllllllcnt y uplllation lilt 1I( IIlg sect 1011 11111 contract

sl1(l11 not be ccccling 56 years Oil the closing (la1l of rctcipt of upplicaiillll it il

12 As r~~I Recruitmcllt Hulcs lIIIlSI is fillcd IIJl hl dCIIII11ioll ( including Sh(~r-I lell1I cl)lIlnlel ) Ire-elllployment hasis ill Ihe folowing lIl111mcr


I)0 10 ( 0h d nmiddot Ie 01 r1l h II

Oflko1 under 11K Ccntral GovolIlinentl Statcl Governilwiltl UTI PSUsl AlildnollwlIs Semimiddot (iovcrnmcllll Stalutt11-yOrgallisations etc (i)llaving a GradUal fiJm 1Icoglllized Univcrsity AND (ii) lding unah)golls posl 011 regular basis on holding post in Levcl ~ or tho 7 (PC 1(1Y Malli m in tile pay hand Rs 5200 -- 20200- -I- GP Is 2amp001- (6 Crp) with al Icast ()(lt11 Igular ervic~ Ol~ Holding post in Level 4 or illC t CPC Pay Matrix olllin till pay hand Rs 52()O - 10200- 1 (lP Rs 24001 (6 CI)C) wilh 10 years regular servi~e in Ihe grade Irclltrll1cc shall be given to eandidmes Iwving experience in administrative orlleashl CCOllIHS

alld having knowledge otoll11l1ter Ii II

Nul~~ Period or (itplIlltionl contraci illcillding Ihe period or dClllitUliOIl c(1I11raCI ill antllhlr cx-ar post held immediately preceding this appointment ill the SlIlI1e 1101 somc tHlll Orgl1izati~llli Department (I lhe Ccnlml Governmellt shall ordinarilv nol exceed J vcars or till Ihl~ lile or tho Tribllnal ortii further ordtr~ whichOvcr is earliest Ih~~ ll1aXilll~ln il~C lilllit for appointment by deputalioll incltlding short IeIm conlract shall 110 be exceeding r6 y~ars

IIItc-ellllllo) 111 cuI I

II Oniers retired Ihllll lile Cenlral GllvenlllllllIi Siale Gtwcrnmclltl UT Govli Induding Stal~ ludicial Servicesi ISUs lIlonolllousi Scmi GovtSlatU(Ory Organisation etc(i)I-lavillg a C duale from r~~ct)gnized University ANI) (ii) Holding nnlllogolls post Oil yengular hasigt Ol~ hilidillg p(lSt~l ~cvel 501 the 7 CPC Pay Matrix or n th pay ha~ld Rs 5~O(11- 20200~- G~ I~s YWO (6 CPC)wlth at least 6 year rcgular service Ol~ Holdlllg post III lij~v~1 ~ ollhi 7 CI( Pay Matnx ~1r 111 Ihe ply band Rs 5200 - 20200- + GP Rs 2LIOO- (6 ( PC) With 10

1y~ar~ rqlIlar servlc~ n the grIUC II

Provided tilal t1 111IIIai appOlllllllcllt shall betw~el1 tlllC ycar likely to he clClrciable Oil y~ar Iii

y~~ar Imsis ~l1bj~el ttl the cnnditioll Ihal the retired Gov Servant appointed as 4sistalll antr hc alia ins the middotago or 65 years Bcyol1J that the term or illumhellt can bc extell~ed further iw a I)(rilid 01 not morc than six months 011 the same lerms and conditions ill hUblilt inttret irmiddot

required i


-------------------------------------- shy

I ~



ilIi I I

Name M the IUlst Upper Divsi(lll Ckrk I I

Numher of fI()SC~ One (0 I) ~i 11

Cli~silicafioll of poo( Group IV rvlinisllri1 Ii bull 1

Pay SClll~ Pay Malri L~wd 4 iii the 7It (PC PA Y MlTI IX (~550() i II O(~)


s Age Limit The lllaXiUllIJlI ag( limit hI tlppnintllleni by deputalion includilrg shorl tell11 conlracl

shall nOI h~ excecdill 56 year 1)11 fhe dosing date of receipt of applicatioll

6 As pCI Hccluiilllellt Rilles th post nf Assessor is filled lip h delIlIlIitl ( indllliing shurt 1l~11ll Conlracl ) re-cllIploymcllt basis ill IIIpound flllluwillJ IIIllllllcr I

I)cpUIllioll (illclucliu~llrl h~rlll c(llIiracl) blsis

Onicel lIll(e Ihe CCIlWtl GovclllInenll Siale Govcnllnenll UTI PSUsl A~IOIlOIllOlS Scmimiddot Government SIH~~c1ory Organisalions tI (i)llavillg (l MlIIriculurillll ~rolll I~ ~)nized illslilUte or Board ANI) (II) Holding (UHltll~I)IIS pos on rglliar baSIS Ol~ holcling pos In Llvel 01 Ihe 7 CPC Pay Mltltrix or ill the pay band [so i200 - 20200 -I- GP Is 19001_(6 11 CPC) wilh al leasl Xyear rcgular service Person p()sesling rail kllowlcdge or service mldl and regulations Applieahle ill Cenlral Gov lI1d IUIVing experience on cash and 1lCOlllfts null Cilfllpuler

opcnlling Ollid ~1C given prcrcrelHe I Nule 1II(1d ot deplilatlOn contract Incilllllllg the pCllocl 01 deputatlonl conlraci 111 allolher lx-cndrc post held ill1mediah~ly preceding this appointment ill the ~am~ (II some other Organiltlliolll Dcpartment of the Ccnlr~i1 Govenllllel1l shallllrciinllily not exe~ed years or till the life ollhe Trihullal or lill timher (lrdmiddot~ls wldcheva is earlies The Illlt1XiI1llIll age limil Itll appoi 11 II lH1I I by deplIlal ion including shol t [crill (~lIltracl shall not be exceed il1_~ 56 years


nC-CIll p11lY1l1 elll

Officers rdind fwm Ihe Central GOVCIIIIlWIII Siale (Jovernmelltf UT Govqi Incllidillg StIlC

Judicial Sl~rviccs fgtSLJs tlItOllomOlisi Scmi CiovtSlallllolY Organisalion c~c (i) Ilavillg a M~llrielllali()1l from r~coglliled instilute 1)1 Brd AND (ii) I-folding anal()goll~ P()st on regular btli on Iwldillg pOSI in Level 2 of Ihe 71t CPC Pry llatrix or in Ihe pny bllId Rs 5200 shy10200middot ojup Rs _191~Oi ((i CIC) ~ith at lut1it8 year regular ser~ic~ (~ H)ding post ill Level 2 nl Ihc 7 CP( Pay Matn or 111 the pay Rs (Rs29200 - 92)00) willigt yars reglilar serviccin the grade Pdcrcncc shall be given 10 calldidates havillg knowledge all conipte

11 I

Provided Illal Ihc Illilial app)illlllcnl shall belV~ell (l~e year likely 10 b~ I)XICIlUahlc ~Il )car 1( yenr bl~as slIbJect 10 Ihe COllcilllOIl Ihal Ihe rei Ired (ov Servant uppOlillec ltIf UDC nllcr he lllaills Ih~ age of 65 years I~ey()nd lh1l1 the IeIm of illclHl1bent ean Ie cX~Cllcfd furlher rur a pell()d 0 t nOI more Ihall SIX IllOlllhs 011 Ih~ same lrlllS and condltlolls III I~phhc Inl~I(SI II

nquirtd II iI

II 1

iI t) illl C X 1I1t~lli

~J ii III NIlIll or the Ilfl)1 Clurl Ma~tct il

NiIIllIHuf jltlSIS Ivo (02) h

II Classificaliun 1)1 pHS Group A bull M illislerial II

1 Pay Scale Pay ~~ntrix Level II in lhe 71 CPC PAY MATRIX (67700middot 2(JR70i~) Age Iimil Th~ mnXillllllll age limit It) appOinllll(1I1 by (kplIlHlioll il1dudin~ ~jltJrt IIrll1 elllHnicl

shallllllt he ixmiddottding i6 years on Ihe closing date or receipt of uppliCtllion i


6 As I)l Reclllitlllcni Juks the IHlsr is fill~d up by dlpuhllion ( including shl~f( lenn CIIIIIIICI )

1 n-cmplnYlllclIl busis in tlie follilwing manner i


1 Ofliltci 1II1d~r Ihe Celllral (iOVCnlI11Clill Sialel Governlllcntl UTI PSUsl Allto~lonlollsl Semi-CiwcrIIl1lclIl StllIlniy OrgallisI[i(I IlS ~t( (i) f Graduate from recognizedi UniversllY or eqllivaiel1l havillg 120 words per minllie ill shorlhand AND (ii) Holding amjogolls post on regular blsis Olt holding Ihe P()I in Levcl 10 or Ihe 7h CPC Pay Malri~ or in tllc vay halld or Rs ISliOO -39 I 1)0- + Gtgt I~s 1400- (61i1 CtgtC) with five years ngular serviec 1[11 Ihe grad Oil Holding pOSI ill Level rlhc 71h clle Pay Matrix or in Ihe pay band of ls93PO -- 3400middot + GP Rs IROn- (6h CPC) wilh si1( year regular service in the grade on holdtllg jhc posl ill Ieve 6 )j Ihe 71h CPC Pay Malrix or ill the pay banci or Rs 9300-J4ampOOi- Iil GP ls4200middot ((i CIC) wilh len years ngular scrviec ill the grade NO (ii) Possessing of a~ least 3 years experience or Establishment Admillistration allel Accounl etc of the GovcrtlmclIlllcSlablislllnell1

I I - I I bull I I I I I I II IIN111( lIm 01 (CpUlallOll cOlltrtlel IIlC I( mg t e ptno( nl (eputatu)ll contrlel III aBot II

ex-cadn POSI held imllHdialely preceding this appoillllllcnt in the same (ir sonic 111111 Orglt1I1izatioll Departmellt (If the Central (kwcrnlllcni shall ordinarily not exceed years or lill Ihe IiI or thc Tribunal or till rurther orders whichevcr is ~arlicst The 1llIjllllll~~ agl limit il appoinllllLlll by del)ulalinn including short tLfI1l eOlilracl shall nnt be exceeding 5~i years

i I

(Cmiddott1II plo me nt 1

On~~rs Ielircd from Ihe Central Gnvcn~mc~II_Stat G(lcnlln~ntl IT ~j(lvt 11~~llldh~g SIal iudlclal ScrvlIcsl PSUsl Autonomousl Semi (IOVUSlatutory Orgamsatloll ctcQ1lA (raelliaic fH1m recognized Univlrsily or equivalent having 120 words pCI minule in shorthalltl AND (ii) I-laving held analogous POSI on Igubr basis OR Iwlding Ihe pus I in LcvclIO or Ih~~ 71h

CPC Pay Matrix or in Ihe pay hnnd (If lb 15600 - JCJIOOmiddot + GP Rs 54001- (6rhCPC) willi IiV years r~glliar service in the grad OR a post ill Level X Urlhe 7lh CPC Pay Mltrixor ~n the Pity bal~d 01 I~ 9300 - 348O- -I- Gfgt R 4tiOO~ (6~h PC) wtlh ~IX yelr regllllurerv~e II~ Ihe grade OR holdlllg the post 111 Level () 01 the 7th CPC Pay Matnx or III the pa~ band 01 R- 9300middot34XflOimiddotmiddot1 GI R$4~OO- (6th CICl with len years rcgular servi(t in thl grild~

Pi(widcd lilal Iht initial apP)intlllcllt shall httwen one year likely 10 be clemlal~le on year 10 year basis suhjeet 10 Ihe condition tlml the rClir(c1 Gov Servant appointed ns Cmll1 Maswr afler he allltlins till age of 65 years Beyond that Ihe term of inlumbelll Ctll bi cXIndc( fllrllH1 fill a period ill IO( Illore Ihan six monlils 011 the same IcrlllS and cont1ili)Il ill puhlie interesl if

rcquired l

1II 1I i I

II 11 II

I II 1

ii IIIH X II -c-I II il



ilNallll Ihe post Seetinl Oflke I NIIlhcl or IWS[s OI1QOI)


Classilicalioll of plisl Cillllp IV MiniSlerinl I

PIY S~i~ ~)~y Malr~x L~vl1 ~ il 11 7 1i CPC Pf~~Y M~TRIX (r60~- IS 11(0)11

Age Llllut I lie IIWXlflllll1l Igc Imil I lor lPPOIlUlHnl (y depulatlon IIlchlthng TIilorl tenll conlract

shall 1101 he c(ceding 56 YCl1lS 011 Ihe hsing Jalc of IcciPII)I appikati(lll i t

As IHI IccrllitllHnl Ilules the )lIsl is filh~d tfI h) tlcpulnliull( including SIH~h lerlll ClllltllI1 )

I n-empluyment hlsi ill Ihe fullowinglIIallnc i i

igtpoundJlnllioll (including slwrl I~III COliI-ncO hllSi~ Ii I

Officer under lilc Cenlnil Gt)vL~tPmenll ~ww GovlrnmlIi UTI PSUsi utOllOll1HISi Scmimiddot GovCnlll1Cnl1 Slallllor~1 OlglIIisalinll$ ele (i)HlVillg H Graduat (Om rccognil1zcd IJnivulsity AND (ii) Holding analogoll) pOSt ()f jtguiar basis Ol holding the pOSI ill LJvcl 6 or 11K 7 CIC Pay lvlallix or ill Ib 9300 - J4i(Il)middot -- CiP Rs 42()Omiddot (6 th CPC) wilh ~i lCast six f(r

ilgular ~urvice Prerer~nce shall hi givcrtW person~ POStssillg kl1owledge orjlAJl1lilliSllaliC (tllli Accounl mal tels 01 GovilIllllcl1l clahllsillneni l


NOte Periodmiddot of (hplIllaquotinn COlltracl in~ltlding Ihe pcriod or tI~Pllintionl con~rllct ill anolher ex-cadI post held 1111111Cdlalciy prceedll)g thiS applllllllllenl III the SllIlll ~or sOl11e olhr Organizilionl Dparlmelll of Ihe Celltral GilVcrnnlcllt shall ordinarily 1101 xcce~13 yl~IIS nr till the lik of th Trihunal or [ill further Meier whichever is carliest The maillllllll age lilllil lir appoilltmenl hy deplitalioll induding ~hort ten contract shall not be lxcccding 5 PYlars


IIc-clllpluVIIJ(Ilt J

()Ij I I II C I ( 1 C I UI c III I I s~ I ICirs rCllre( rom Ie Cl1lra lovernmCll tate JWCIIl Il1CIl I IOVI pc U( llig la L

tudiial ScrvicLS ISU~ lultlllOmOllsi Semi GIHltSla[lilor) Organisalion lul (I) Iaving ~I (inldualt irnlll lllogllicd University ANI) (ii) Having held analogous post ljl lIglllllr hasis ~)I~ holding Ihe POSI~ in Le~C1 6 of lh~ 711 CPC Pay lvIatrix or II Rs 9ilOO - _~IXO()-middot llt Rs 400 (611 cPt) with lIllcnsl SIX veal rCiularservlIc IretcrelHesh~1l be glVClllo persons posscs$i~g knowledge of A(It nilli-si ral ivc- alld Accoullt mallcrs lr Governinelll cSlablbhll1tnl

l PnJviclcd lhal Ihe inilial appoinlmeni shall between OIlC year likely to be CXlelld~bh 011 year to

year basi slll~ic(1 10 the condition Iha the relired Go1 Scrvanl UPP(JiIlHd liS Stclioll Oflieer an~r hc allaill the -we Ill 65 c a 1 I3cvond lilal the Icrm or incumhent call be d~elltkd nlier 1(1 a pltriod or IInl n~orc Ihilli monlils 011 ihe same terms and conditions in PtrlOli inl(IIsl il required I

1II IiIiIi I I III 01

1 I


1 11I 1I i


11 Annexure- II J i I




NIIIII~ 111 (he pUS I Iel~(lnal ssistalll I

NlIlllhlr III PSIgt On~ (0 I) II

Clasiiicaliull nr IuSI GroliP r IVlil~istria I I)ay Scale Pay Matrix Level 6 ill the 711 CPC PAY MATRIX (35400- 1124(0)1

~ Age Limit The maximllm age limit lor appoinlmtnt hy deputation including ~hlll1 [CIIIl contract

11lt111 1101 be exceeding 56 ycar~ on Ihe dosing dltl~ of receipt of application I

~ IlCI IhUllitmell[ ~tl~hs the pos ~s nlled up hy dlflltration lt inciIHling Slll~ erlll cOlltract ) I c-ellljlltlymelil hasls III lhe loIlIlWIII 1l1lUlIlel

0 II

l)elllllll~ClJclllding sllllr lellII cOlltnl~ll hl~is ii IIUIIIIlI tinder Ih~ Cel1lral GovclIllllenli Sialei Cillv(mIl1CIll UTI PSUsl AIII01(llllousl Semishy

GOVlrtllllClllJ SIaIUIOlY Organisatious ell (i) I-Iavillg a Graduate fWIll recogniz4~1 University or quivakl1 having l~ speed or Ion Wl)Id~ per min~llcgt in sh~~lhiIl~ ANI) (ii~ HOfling analognw pISI 011 1Igular baSIS OR holding post III Level) of Ihe 7 CPC Pay Malllx or III Ihe pay hand Is 5~O() - ~()200- + ar Is 2100- (611t CPC) wilh ltII Icast 6 year regular scrvi~lt em Hltllding post in I~vcl ltl 01 the tit CPC 1)(lY Matrix or ill the p~ly band Rs 5200 - 20~OO- (jp IsI

2400- ([11 CPC) wilh 10 years re~1I1al service in tl1 crnde Prcllcncc shill be ~ivn (1

callcJidal$ havillg knowledge or con~pllter - ~ 0 I ~

Null Period or deputalionl contlacl including lh~~ period or cieplIlHlion con act in anothcr cx-cadn post held inlillctliately prtccding Ihis appointlllellt in the same r Sliml olher Organizatinll rkpartlllcnt or the CCllIral GovernlllClll shall ordinarily 110t cxeecf J years 01 till th~ i I~ or Ihe lri bUllal (II Iill further orders whichever is earl iest The maxi llIui11 agt I intil fill appoilllmelll by deputation illdutiing short 111I1l conlract shall 1101 be cxcelciillg ~f years


i1-CIIIIu1lt I Orti~r$ 111 irtd 11(1111 lhe Ccnlml Governmentl Slale (iovclIlllleJlII UT (jov I lcilidillg SIltlI( Judicial Servicesl ISUs AulltJllonlOus Scmi GovtStatulorv QIfltlnisatiol1 ctc (i)Hilving a Graduate rWI11 recognized UniversilY ANn (ii) Holding amlog(l~s post 011 Ic4ul(ll ba~is on hlllding POSI ill Level 5 of Ihc 7h CPC Pay tvlatli 01 in Ihe pay blIId Rs 5(~O - 20200- + GP Ih 2XOO- (61h CPC) with al least 6 ylnr regular strvic Oil Holding post inLltvcl 4 ~)r the 71 CI( Pay Malr 01 in the pay ban(~ Rs 5200 - 202O- + GP I~ 24001- ~6111 CPC) with 10 ~~ars rcgultr serVICe III tht grade Pnlercl1(e shall be glVl1l to calHhdates IHlvlng kllowledge (I

I (1m pUleI

PIIidecilhaltIH~ inilial appoilllll1CIH shall bClween (jIlC year likely 10 be eXltndllblc on year II

year ba~is iubjeci 10 Ihe Cillldilioll thaI lhc retired (ilV Sc)valll appoinled as Pel~ollal Assistanl afler he lIlains Ihl age of 65 ycars Beyond Ihill Ihe term or incllmbent can be e~llellded lulthlt1 for a period or Ill mol thall six 11I0nlhs on the smne terms und conditions ill Plnlhlk ililerest if rl~qlli rcd - II shy





1 il



II I~JRE- il


i trmH~ ij2 Dme )fl~irrll i

3 Datt) or iiupmiddotrnnmUliio1 i

4 Dcsigllalioil willi Grade Grout) ()f Post 1I

i 5 Post holding Dll regl basi and vcr 1


6 Pay Scalc On regullir basis we 1

7 NanlC of the Departmcni (ltlndod Oril~ I l Service Particular in chronologilal orJel point wist 1

[I f Ihe space is not uffkilnt H filparate sle~~1 I I)SI IIllay I)(~ cne OStC ~ ervlpc parnclI aIs 111 chronological order point wisc Ii

lt) EdliGatiollaITcchnilaIOualilicatioll 1n EI(pcriencc ITraining lIndlrgoie 1 I Speed or Shorthand and Typing 12 Knowlcdp( or Computer I J Prcscllt Address


1li IJlwnci Mo[)i Ie- No I AllY other inlixlllatioll ifclllY I

OECLAJATION Ii 1 hcrcl~y declare thai all the siaLelllellts mode in Ihis apPlicalioll ~re true complete ~lld Jorrect to Ihe hest of IllV knowledgE and I shall not wllhdraw IllV (al(hdaturl~ once selected for thJ post ~ bull I

II -

ii Sjgn~tllre of appliennt

Ad(hcgts amp Contllcr Nos ii __ _ ----r --shyI


II is ~ertjficcl that particulnr given above are corrlct ns per service rccord and tle ~tfcer will be rCIi~vcd fi~ appoinrnlen~ _011 deplltaliOl~ ba~is ~middotIishe~middot appliCtioll ISforwardef~ jalpngW~th (I) Vigilance Clcltlrancc Ccrllhcalc tlnd (2) CR DOSSiers ( lor last years)(11 1101 encl s9d the tllm on which ihese d()Clllllent~ will he sellt by the Department) Ii


Smiddot I i I igna u rc ~ Nllmc ~L~

Oesignatiou ~bulllL (Depa~tlllcnl of the fdfmiddotwar~iing ofticcr)

with date ir~d ~mce Seal I I Ii r I i

II il i IlIltSllr-1 B II

I NIIIIH of the post lcgistlul [I Nil III I I of pusts One ((j I ) ~

J CII~silitltinn Clr pusl GrlHlp A MiniStltrial II I

Pay Seale Pay Malri- Llvel IJ in llie lit CPC PAY MATRIX (78800- 2092(uh I

~ gc Limit Th~ maximum nlle limit It)I appoinlfllcnl bydeputlltion induding khorl helm COlllracl slmllllOl b -eecding 56 years on Ihe dll~illg date of receipt or application I

I As IH~I Hlenlitmeil Rules tht PI))t is mh~Illljl hy depulllioll ( illdudillg Shf~Itcrll cOlllra1 )

n-emrloymellt blsis in the rollowing IlIHlIICI il nl~pllaliml (indudill4 short term cOlllrlct) ~)U~~ II

Onicer lIndr rhl Central Governmeflll Slale GovclIllllcntl UTI PSUsI AlIll~nOlllOll~1 SClllishyGovcrnmenl~ Statulory Organisalions ~lc (i) having Gradll(lie lkgree rlbl1l recognized University or equivalent AND (ii) Holding annlogolls post on regul1r bnsis or l~ldil1g (I Pl)SI in Level II in tin 711 CPC Pay Matrix or ill pay balld or Rs 15600-39100 -I- tiP (600- (6 CPO with 5 years regular service in the grade ANI) (iii) having al leasl 5 yeII$11 expcriiIlGc (II handlilll Establishment Administration nl Account mlllers Prctcremc shall ~etivell III the Ia Ci~adlms with knowl~dgc or legul mailers and procedures and eXPc~iCI~CC or court proceedings II


NoH Period or dePlllatiOIl1 C(lnlrm1 il~clIdilig the peliod or d~plllui(lnl con~nlct ill alloth~r ~x middotcadre I) hdd 111 Il11ld 1111) prcccd~ng thiS appollllm~n~ III thi same l(lI~ spine olh~r OrlIl1zallonl Department 01 the Celltral (jlVt~rtlll)lllt shall ordmanly not cxceetl 1 v(ars or 1111 Ihe~ lili of the Tribllnal 01 iill lilrthcr orders whichever is earliet The lll11xiIllUlll ~Igc linlit 101 appoinllllcllI by deputation including $holl IeIm tonlrllC shallno( he exceeding ~6 yeufS


Hl-cm Illnvlllell i Oflkers retired rr(llll Ihe Ccntral Governillent State GovlrIlmcllIl UT Gnvl Iltiuding Stale Il1dicial S~ri(~1 ISUs Autollomolls Semi GOvLlSlllllllory OrganiSltlIioll dyen Haviug hdd nalog~us pn~ on regular bass mholdillg ltI pOSl illhc evel II in thc 710 CP~~ iijlyMatrix I~ay band nl Rs I )M10-39 100 + GJgt 66001- (6 111 CPC) With live ycnrs regular sefvlefll1d possesslIlg qualilicllioll llnd ~xpcrkllce as of (i) (ii) amp (iii) Prelir~ncc shall be glV~1l to th~ Law (iratluae wilh knowledge or leg I mall~rs and pn1ccdllres and eXI)cri~n~e of lOllrt prreeeciillgs Provicid Ihat Ihe initial nppo~I~lmenl shall be IO~ lllle year likely I~ he IXILIlI~ab~ 011 YCII 1(1 year bnsis sllbJect to the condition Ihat rellred (Iovcrnnhnt Servt appolllt~d I~

Registrar shall ~ease 10 hoid Ihe pOSt of Re~islrar a~iel he lains Ihe age or (lSi y~ars Beyond Ihal Iht tClln 01 IIHulllbcnt can be eXllnded turther lor a pcnod oinOI IIllH thllll IX months nn the same terms and conditiolls in public inleresl iflcquired I


I I i i 1




Ii Ii I t II Ill~(-I C

il NalllC III the post fliildpal Prill Stlrctltl) I lNUlllher of j)l)llS Tlml (03) II Classili~Iillll III lost Grollp A ivfinisleriai 1

I y ~eall p~IY ivlHlrix Level II inlhe 7 CPC PA Y MATRIX (67700- 2UK701~)

1 igt Lilllit Th maximllm age limii ibr appoirtimelH by diJlUlillioll including ~ht)r1 tertii contract

shull Ii- Il c~(eidil1 =6 uars on Ih dl)sinl dilW or rpoundcci) or 1)1)lkaliOIl 11- bull i i i

As pL ~ernlitlllcZlt Rules the I)OS[ is ml~tl III by dcpUllltioli ( illdudin~ shQImiddott CIIIl Ctllltrllct )

Ire-empluyment hasis in the fnilowing IIlltllUcr i

I)~ltaliull (indudillt sllorl term c(ufr-Ict) 1lsi~ Iii


Oliiecr under Ihe Ccntral (iocrnillel Stnl( Governmcnl UTI PSUsl AlIh~110110ll~1 Scmishy(illVCIIIiIlCl1li Stailitory OrglIlisatiol1$ Ie (i) a Graduate Ihun rCl~(lgl1izlq lJllivCIgtily or cqllivI~lIt having a speed or I~O word per minute in shorlhand ANI) (ii) 11(~Jcliilg analog)1~ posl on regular basis OR holdillg a POSI in Level 10 of 1111 71h CPC Pay Mati )i or in the pay hH1d Rs 15600 - 391001- + (Iigt Rs 5100middot (6 CPC) with livl yeal~ rcglliq service in the gracicOll Holding Ihe post in Level g of liIe [gtay Malrix 01 in the pHy banci or Rs )00 bull 34100middot oj- GI pound1800 (61h CPC) wilh six years regular s~~rvilc in Ihe gradcOI~ H1f)kling a pOSI ill Il~el 6 or lh( Pay Matrix or in lhe pay hand of Rs9300middot341WOimiddot - GP 4200( 611 CPC) vith tell var~ rCIular scrvi(( in IIle lrade - I

NOLl riod of d~pUlaliolll C~)I)Lralt including tl( period of deputation COlj)lllCI ill another

~i-cI(middotl I)(ISI hdd illllllecliatelyprlccd~l~ Ihis arpninlmen~ in the sUlm Ilor~ SOIllC (lih~r Org~IlZalloll J)cpartrnclIl 01 the Central (oJClIlmcllt shall ordinalll) nol cxce~icl years (lr 1111 Illl Ii Ii oj Ihe Tribunal or liil rurillcr orders whichcvcr is tarliesl The ll1aXil1l~lm att limit It)r

I shyI I) I)()ilit llllllt bv dCI)lIlatinn indlldinl shutltCrtll conlnicl shall nol be cxct~cdinJ (i cats - - II bull


HC-llIllllovlIlcnl Ii Ii

On~c~rs ~el ir~d rnlll~ Ihe Onlral G()vcnIIllt~lI State Governmentl ~IT ~~iWIIIIIlllIdil~g Stal Il1thclal Services PSUs A 1I10nOIlJOlIs Stnl (IOvLlStalulory OrJlIl1(IIOn cto( I) t lradualc from recognized Univcrsity or equivalent having a speed of 12() ~rds pCI l1lin~l~ in shorthand ~N i (ii) 1middotlolding a~mlogous pO~1 on 1IglI~lr has~ (~It havi~lg hdd_ POSI i~JiIIe1 I ( Ofh eYC Pay Matnx or III the pay band Rs 1)60(l-)lOO- 1 (P 1lt$ )400- (6 lCPC) Vllh II C

years rcgular strviec in Ihe grad Oil Holding the post in Level 8 of 7h CPC l~tY Mmrix or in th pay band or Rs 9300 - 34ROO I GP 4800 (6h CPC) wilh ~ix ytars rcgllli~r service ill t hl

~radeOI~ Holding n p~till Lev~16 Iflhe 7h CPC Pay ~1IIix or inlhe pay b~1Ild or Rs9JOOmiddot middot1100- + GP 4200 laquo(j CPC) with ten years reglilar service III thc grade 11

Provided that the initial appointment shall br onc yenr and likely (l b~ cxtcllqahlc (III ytar 10

yar b ~is Slll~ieci to Ihe condilion that the retired Govl Servant appointed as I~rilcipal Privltl Secretary alkl he altnills the age of 6~ ylars Bcyomj lilal Ihe lerlll or ill11UI11bcIlt can bc extended further 101 11 period or not mOre thnll six months Oil Ihe ~ilmc terms al~d cOllcliliollS ill

1 IPlI)II IC mt(orcstl lIqlllrc( IIII II II IiI II II IIil



Ii I bllll Ill lhc pri( j AssiaulI I~q~isltr II

i )

N IImhe1 III jlosts One (0 f) ii H

) ClassiilclIl illil (If IlHSl GroupA iVl illislcri1 jil

4 Pay S(llc Pay MHlri Leve II inlhe 7th (PC 1 Y MATRIX (67700- 201170(~)II

Age Limit Th~ 11iaxinHllll age lirilil fiJI appoinimcill by dtputmioll including ~horl Illl11 Ctllliract shilllIOi he ixneding 6 y~nrs (Ill rllt dt)sing 11lt nt middot(CciPI or applicalinll I

II (i As Jll I~lcruilmelli Jtulcs the JlO~j is filled lIP hy deplltation ( including sh~rmiddot1 tCrlll cuntrllI )

I n-einplnYIIlllIt hasis in the t1Ilowilll I1lalllllr 1

ikpuiaioujilcludilllt shiHt Icrlll ~OtltEl hji~ II

ll1m I Ihe C~I G~ tel G~menil UTI ISU AI~O smiddot l (lVClIlIllcnl SlalllltHY OrgalllsltWI ttc (I) HavlIlg [illalobOlls post on rculur basIs OR having tht potin Level 8 of the 71h CIC Pay Mlt1tri- or inthe pay hUlld or Rs (r- - 48UIli- ~ (itgt i 41iOO- (61h CPC) with six year regllillr service ill Ihe grade on holding lCP()SI in Lcvd () or Ihe 71h CPC Pay Malli orin the pay baud 0 Rs 9JOO-34ROO- + (ip Rs 100middot (61h CPC) wilh len years regular service in the grade ANIl (ii) Possessing nf al It~lst J y~ars cplricmc or Estahlishlllellt Aciminislnuion and AClcOlllll el( or the Governmcnt eSlabl iSlllfllnl

II Nllh~ Iriod or depulationi conlract including Ihe period of depolation COl~tnCl in anolher C-C~tdle post held imlllcdimdy pncedillg this Plwinllllclit in the $(llm 1101 some 1I11tr Organizalioll D(I~~umiddottment or lhe Cilllml CiI)VCllllllent shall ordinarily 1101 c(ceVd 3 ycars or till IItt Iii or Ihe Tribunal or lill lurtJ-r (Irdn whkhlvcr is carlilsl The Il1llXilllil1ll auc limil li)r

I I 11 I I II I I 11 ~PP(lII1l1l1Clli ))( cpLilallOlllll U( Illg gt1)1 111111 ~Olllrall Siii llol 1e exec( IlIglf- 6 ytars il II

~ ~(-tlJ)lolIIclit II

on~c~rs r(~lir~d from Ihc C~nttal Govrnmclll ~IC (~()verntllent Ln G(lVI~lltcll~dillg SI JudiCial ServlIls PSUs Autonomousl Semi (JovtlSlalUtory Orgalllsalloll Ictc() Holdlll~ mwlogous p(Jst on regular basb OR holdillg the post iii Lecl t or the 7 CPC )tay Matrix or n the pay bind or R 9300 - 31S00i- + Gr Rs 4800- (6middoth CPC) with six y~(lr r~glliar servIce III th grade (m holding Ihe post in iwel (~ or Ihe 71h CPC py jlatrix or ill Ihe p~ly band Ill

is tI30()3IXOOmiddot + CiP 1A2001- laquo(jIll CPC) with tell )ars reglilar scrvice ill Ih~ tradc ANI) (ii) tfgtses~ing or at Ielgtt Y~IIs cxpcrilllC Ill Establishmcnt AdlllinisllatiOI1lalld Account or IhI ltlilv~lIlllenleSlabllshll1nt

Provided lhal Ihe initial appoinlment shall bdwcclI olle year likely to be eXleJlllbk on year to year bISis sul~icci 10 lit condilion ihnl IllC rctired (iovL Strvlllldl appointcd ils

Assistant icislrar ltlrter hI Hila illS lht at of (i5 vcnrs 13011lt1 lilal the Itnll cil inculIlbenl can - 1

hc e~lcndcd iurlhcr for a pClicld or 1101 melfe tilan sii months 011 hi sami Icrlll~ and cOlldili(IIIS in puhlic ilierc~t iinqllired 1




~ i




7 Namc or Iht pma ssislalll (ACllUlll$) I ) Ilulllhcr of pmHS Olle (0 I) i

CIlssil1ittiml ofllost GrOllI I) Ministerial I II

I fl IY S(llc llny Matrix Level 6 in Ihe th epc PA Y MATRIX 054()O- 112IOO)I

II I -10 ifllil - I I I I IIg~ bull111111 IilnXlIllllll1 age Il)r appOlllllllcnt y uplllation lilt 1I( IIlg sect 1011 11111 contract

sl1(l11 not be ccccling 56 years Oil the closing (la1l of rctcipt of upplicaiillll it il

12 As r~~I Recruitmcllt Hulcs lIIIlSI is fillcd IIJl hl dCIIII11ioll ( including Sh(~r-I lell1I cl)lIlnlel ) Ire-elllployment hasis ill Ihe folowing lIl111mcr


I)0 10 ( 0h d nmiddot Ie 01 r1l h II

Oflko1 under 11K Ccntral GovolIlinentl Statcl Governilwiltl UTI PSUsl AlildnollwlIs Semimiddot (iovcrnmcllll Stalutt11-yOrgallisations etc (i)llaving a GradUal fiJm 1Icoglllized Univcrsity AND (ii) lding unah)golls posl 011 regular basis on holding post in Levcl ~ or tho 7 (PC 1(1Y Malli m in tile pay hand Rs 5200 -- 20200- -I- GP Is 2amp001- (6 Crp) with al Icast ()(lt11 Igular ervic~ Ol~ Holding post in Level 4 or illC t CPC Pay Matrix olllin till pay hand Rs 52()O - 10200- 1 (lP Rs 24001 (6 CI)C) wilh 10 years regular servi~e in Ihe grade Irclltrll1cc shall be given to eandidmes Iwving experience in administrative orlleashl CCOllIHS

alld having knowledge otoll11l1ter Ii II

Nul~~ Period or (itplIlltionl contraci illcillding Ihe period or dClllitUliOIl c(1I11raCI ill antllhlr cx-ar post held immediately preceding this appointment ill the SlIlI1e 1101 somc tHlll Orgl1izati~llli Department (I lhe Ccnlml Governmellt shall ordinarilv nol exceed J vcars or till Ihl~ lile or tho Tribllnal ortii further ordtr~ whichOvcr is earliest Ih~~ ll1aXilll~ln il~C lilllit for appointment by deputalioll incltlding short IeIm conlract shall 110 be exceeding r6 y~ars

IIItc-ellllllo) 111 cuI I

II Oniers retired Ihllll lile Cenlral GllvenlllllllIi Siale Gtwcrnmclltl UT Govli Induding Stal~ ludicial Servicesi ISUs lIlonolllousi Scmi GovtSlatU(Ory Organisation etc(i)I-lavillg a C duale from r~~ct)gnized University ANI) (ii) Holding nnlllogolls post Oil yengular hasigt Ol~ hilidillg p(lSt~l ~cvel 501 the 7 CPC Pay Matrix or n th pay ha~ld Rs 5~O(11- 20200~- G~ I~s YWO (6 CPC)wlth at least 6 year rcgular service Ol~ Holdlllg post III lij~v~1 ~ ollhi 7 CI( Pay Matnx ~1r 111 Ihe ply band Rs 5200 - 20200- + GP Rs 2LIOO- (6 ( PC) With 10

1y~ar~ rqlIlar servlc~ n the grIUC II

Provided tilal t1 111IIIai appOlllllllcllt shall betw~el1 tlllC ycar likely to he clClrciable Oil y~ar Iii

y~~ar Imsis ~l1bj~el ttl the cnnditioll Ihal the retired Gov Servant appointed as 4sistalll antr hc alia ins the middotago or 65 years Bcyol1J that the term or illumhellt can bc extell~ed further iw a I)(rilid 01 not morc than six months 011 the same lerms and conditions ill hUblilt inttret irmiddot

required i


-------------------------------------- shy

I ~



ilIi I I

Name M the IUlst Upper Divsi(lll Ckrk I I

Numher of fI()SC~ One (0 I) ~i 11

Cli~silicafioll of poo( Group IV rvlinisllri1 Ii bull 1

Pay SClll~ Pay Malri L~wd 4 iii the 7It (PC PA Y MlTI IX (~550() i II O(~)


s Age Limit The lllaXiUllIJlI ag( limit hI tlppnintllleni by deputalion includilrg shorl tell11 conlracl

shall nOI h~ excecdill 56 year 1)11 fhe dosing date of receipt of applicatioll

6 As pCI Hccluiilllellt Rilles th post nf Assessor is filled lip h delIlIlIitl ( indllliing shurt 1l~11ll Conlracl ) re-cllIploymcllt basis ill IIIpound flllluwillJ IIIllllllcr I

I)cpUIllioll (illclucliu~llrl h~rlll c(llIiracl) blsis

Onicel lIll(e Ihe CCIlWtl GovclllInenll Siale Govcnllnenll UTI PSUsl A~IOIlOIllOlS Scmimiddot Government SIH~~c1ory Organisalions tI (i)llavillg (l MlIIriculurillll ~rolll I~ ~)nized illslilUte or Board ANI) (II) Holding (UHltll~I)IIS pos on rglliar baSIS Ol~ holcling pos In Llvel 01 Ihe 7 CPC Pay Mltltrix or ill the pay band [so i200 - 20200 -I- GP Is 19001_(6 11 CPC) wilh al leasl Xyear rcgular service Person p()sesling rail kllowlcdge or service mldl and regulations Applieahle ill Cenlral Gov lI1d IUIVing experience on cash and 1lCOlllfts null Cilfllpuler

opcnlling Ollid ~1C given prcrcrelHe I Nule 1II(1d ot deplilatlOn contract Incilllllllg the pCllocl 01 deputatlonl conlraci 111 allolher lx-cndrc post held ill1mediah~ly preceding this appointment ill the ~am~ (II some other Organiltlliolll Dcpartment of the Ccnlr~i1 Govenllllel1l shallllrciinllily not exe~ed years or till the life ollhe Trihullal or lill timher (lrdmiddot~ls wldcheva is earlies The Illlt1XiI1llIll age limil Itll appoi 11 II lH1I I by deplIlal ion including shol t [crill (~lIltracl shall not be exceed il1_~ 56 years


nC-CIll p11lY1l1 elll

Officers rdind fwm Ihe Central GOVCIIIIlWIII Siale (Jovernmelltf UT Govqi Incllidillg StIlC

Judicial Sl~rviccs fgtSLJs tlItOllomOlisi Scmi CiovtSlallllolY Organisalion c~c (i) Ilavillg a M~llrielllali()1l from r~coglliled instilute 1)1 Brd AND (ii) I-folding anal()goll~ P()st on regular btli on Iwldillg pOSI in Level 2 of Ihe 71t CPC Pry llatrix or in Ihe pny bllId Rs 5200 shy10200middot ojup Rs _191~Oi ((i CIC) ~ith at lut1it8 year regular ser~ic~ (~ H)ding post ill Level 2 nl Ihc 7 CP( Pay Matn or 111 the pay Rs (Rs29200 - 92)00) willigt yars reglilar serviccin the grade Pdcrcncc shall be given 10 calldidates havillg knowledge all conipte

11 I

Provided Illal Ihc Illilial app)illlllcnl shall belV~ell (l~e year likely 10 b~ I)XICIlUahlc ~Il )car 1( yenr bl~as slIbJect 10 Ihe COllcilllOIl Ihal Ihe rei Ired (ov Servant uppOlillec ltIf UDC nllcr he lllaills Ih~ age of 65 years I~ey()nd lh1l1 the IeIm of illclHl1bent ean Ie cX~Cllcfd furlher rur a pell()d 0 t nOI more Ihall SIX IllOlllhs 011 Ih~ same lrlllS and condltlolls III I~phhc Inl~I(SI II

nquirtd II iI

II 1

iI t) illl C X 1I1t~lli

~J ii III NIlIll or the Ilfl)1 Clurl Ma~tct il

NiIIllIHuf jltlSIS Ivo (02) h

II Classificaliun 1)1 pHS Group A bull M illislerial II

1 Pay Scale Pay ~~ntrix Level II in lhe 71 CPC PAY MATRIX (67700middot 2(JR70i~) Age Iimil Th~ mnXillllllll age limit It) appOinllll(1I1 by (kplIlHlioll il1dudin~ ~jltJrt IIrll1 elllHnicl

shallllllt he ixmiddottding i6 years on Ihe closing date or receipt of uppliCtllion i


6 As I)l Reclllitlllcni Juks the IHlsr is fill~d up by dlpuhllion ( including shl~f( lenn CIIIIIIICI )

1 n-cmplnYlllclIl busis in tlie follilwing manner i


1 Ofliltci 1II1d~r Ihe Celllral (iOVCnlI11Clill Sialel Governlllcntl UTI PSUsl Allto~lonlollsl Semi-CiwcrIIl1lclIl StllIlniy OrgallisI[i(I IlS ~t( (i) f Graduate from recognizedi UniversllY or eqllivaiel1l havillg 120 words per minllie ill shorlhand AND (ii) Holding amjogolls post on regular blsis Olt holding Ihe P()I in Levcl 10 or Ihe 7h CPC Pay Malri~ or in tllc vay halld or Rs ISliOO -39 I 1)0- + Gtgt I~s 1400- (61i1 CtgtC) with five years ngular serviec 1[11 Ihe grad Oil Holding pOSI ill Level rlhc 71h clle Pay Matrix or in Ihe pay band of ls93PO -- 3400middot + GP Rs IROn- (6h CPC) wilh si1( year regular service in the grade on holdtllg jhc posl ill Ieve 6 )j Ihe 71h CPC Pay Malrix or ill the pay banci or Rs 9300-J4ampOOi- Iil GP ls4200middot ((i CIC) wilh len years ngular scrviec ill the grade NO (ii) Possessing of a~ least 3 years experience or Establishment Admillistration allel Accounl etc of the GovcrtlmclIlllcSlablislllnell1

I I - I I bull I I I I I I II IIN111( lIm 01 (CpUlallOll cOlltrtlel IIlC I( mg t e ptno( nl (eputatu)ll contrlel III aBot II

ex-cadn POSI held imllHdialely preceding this appoillllllcnt in the same (ir sonic 111111 Orglt1I1izatioll Departmellt (If the Central (kwcrnlllcni shall ordinarily not exceed years or lill Ihe IiI or thc Tribunal or till rurther orders whichevcr is ~arlicst The 1llIjllllll~~ agl limit il appoinllllLlll by del)ulalinn including short tLfI1l eOlilracl shall nnt be exceeding 5~i years

i I

(Cmiddott1II plo me nt 1

On~~rs Ielircd from Ihe Central Gnvcn~mc~II_Stat G(lcnlln~ntl IT ~j(lvt 11~~llldh~g SIal iudlclal ScrvlIcsl PSUsl Autonomousl Semi (IOVUSlatutory Orgamsatloll ctcQ1lA (raelliaic fH1m recognized Univlrsily or equivalent having 120 words pCI minule in shorthalltl AND (ii) I-laving held analogous POSI on Igubr basis OR Iwlding Ihe pus I in LcvclIO or Ih~~ 71h

CPC Pay Matrix or in Ihe pay hnnd (If lb 15600 - JCJIOOmiddot + GP Rs 54001- (6rhCPC) willi IiV years r~glliar service in the grad OR a post ill Level X Urlhe 7lh CPC Pay Mltrixor ~n the Pity bal~d 01 I~ 9300 - 348O- -I- Gfgt R 4tiOO~ (6~h PC) wtlh ~IX yelr regllllurerv~e II~ Ihe grade OR holdlllg the post 111 Level () 01 the 7th CPC Pay Matnx or III the pa~ band 01 R- 9300middot34XflOimiddotmiddot1 GI R$4~OO- (6th CICl with len years rcgular servi(t in thl grild~

Pi(widcd lilal Iht initial apP)intlllcllt shall httwen one year likely 10 be clemlal~le on year 10 year basis suhjeet 10 Ihe condition tlml the rClir(c1 Gov Servant appointed ns Cmll1 Maswr afler he allltlins till age of 65 years Beyond that Ihe term of inlumbelll Ctll bi cXIndc( fllrllH1 fill a period ill IO( Illore Ihan six monlils 011 the same IcrlllS and cont1ili)Il ill puhlie interesl if

rcquired l

1II 1I i I

II 11 II

I II 1

ii IIIH X II -c-I II il



ilNallll Ihe post Seetinl Oflke I NIIlhcl or IWS[s OI1QOI)


Classilicalioll of plisl Cillllp IV MiniSlerinl I

PIY S~i~ ~)~y Malr~x L~vl1 ~ il 11 7 1i CPC Pf~~Y M~TRIX (r60~- IS 11(0)11

Age Llllut I lie IIWXlflllll1l Igc Imil I lor lPPOIlUlHnl (y depulatlon IIlchlthng TIilorl tenll conlract

shall 1101 he c(ceding 56 YCl1lS 011 Ihe hsing Jalc of IcciPII)I appikati(lll i t

As IHI IccrllitllHnl Ilules the )lIsl is filh~d tfI h) tlcpulnliull( including SIH~h lerlll ClllltllI1 )

I n-empluyment hlsi ill Ihe fullowinglIIallnc i i

igtpoundJlnllioll (including slwrl I~III COliI-ncO hllSi~ Ii I

Officer under lilc Cenlnil Gt)vL~tPmenll ~ww GovlrnmlIi UTI PSUsi utOllOll1HISi Scmimiddot GovCnlll1Cnl1 Slallllor~1 OlglIIisalinll$ ele (i)HlVillg H Graduat (Om rccognil1zcd IJnivulsity AND (ii) Holding analogoll) pOSt ()f jtguiar basis Ol holding the pOSI ill LJvcl 6 or 11K 7 CIC Pay lvlallix or ill Ib 9300 - J4i(Il)middot -- CiP Rs 42()Omiddot (6 th CPC) wilh ~i lCast six f(r

ilgular ~urvice Prerer~nce shall hi givcrtW person~ POStssillg kl1owledge orjlAJl1lilliSllaliC (tllli Accounl mal tels 01 GovilIllllcl1l clahllsillneni l


NOte Periodmiddot of (hplIllaquotinn COlltracl in~ltlding Ihe pcriod or tI~Pllintionl con~rllct ill anolher ex-cadI post held 1111111Cdlalciy prceedll)g thiS applllllllllenl III the SllIlll ~or sOl11e olhr Organizilionl Dparlmelll of Ihe Celltral GilVcrnnlcllt shall ordinarily 1101 xcce~13 yl~IIS nr till the lik of th Trihunal or [ill further Meier whichever is carliest The maillllllll age lilllil lir appoilltmenl hy deplitalioll induding ~hort ten contract shall not be lxcccding 5 PYlars


IIc-clllpluVIIJ(Ilt J

()Ij I I II C I ( 1 C I UI c III I I s~ I ICirs rCllre( rom Ie Cl1lra lovernmCll tate JWCIIl Il1CIl I IOVI pc U( llig la L

tudiial ScrvicLS ISU~ lultlllOmOllsi Semi GIHltSla[lilor) Organisalion lul (I) Iaving ~I (inldualt irnlll lllogllicd University ANI) (ii) Having held analogous post ljl lIglllllr hasis ~)I~ holding Ihe POSI~ in Le~C1 6 of lh~ 711 CPC Pay lvIatrix or II Rs 9ilOO - _~IXO()-middot llt Rs 400 (611 cPt) with lIllcnsl SIX veal rCiularservlIc IretcrelHesh~1l be glVClllo persons posscs$i~g knowledge of A(It nilli-si ral ivc- alld Accoullt mallcrs lr Governinelll cSlablbhll1tnl

l PnJviclcd lhal Ihe inilial appoinlmeni shall between OIlC year likely to be CXlelld~bh 011 year to

year basi slll~ic(1 10 the condition Iha the relired Go1 Scrvanl UPP(JiIlHd liS Stclioll Oflieer an~r hc allaill the -we Ill 65 c a 1 I3cvond lilal the Icrm or incumhent call be d~elltkd nlier 1(1 a pltriod or IInl n~orc Ihilli monlils 011 ihe same terms and conditions in PtrlOli inl(IIsl il required I

1II IiIiIi I I III 01

1 I


1 11I 1I i


11 Annexure- II J i I




NIIIII~ 111 (he pUS I Iel~(lnal ssistalll I

NlIlllhlr III PSIgt On~ (0 I) II

Clasiiicaliull nr IuSI GroliP r IVlil~istria I I)ay Scale Pay Matrix Level 6 ill the 711 CPC PAY MATRIX (35400- 1124(0)1

~ Age Limit The maximllm age limit lor appoinlmtnt hy deputation including ~hlll1 [CIIIl contract

11lt111 1101 be exceeding 56 ycar~ on Ihe dosing dltl~ of receipt of application I

~ IlCI IhUllitmell[ ~tl~hs the pos ~s nlled up hy dlflltration lt inciIHling Slll~ erlll cOlltract ) I c-ellljlltlymelil hasls III lhe loIlIlWIII 1l1lUlIlel

0 II

l)elllllll~ClJclllding sllllr lellII cOlltnl~ll hl~is ii IIUIIIIlI tinder Ih~ Cel1lral GovclIllllenli Sialei Cillv(mIl1CIll UTI PSUsl AIII01(llllousl Semishy

GOVlrtllllClllJ SIaIUIOlY Organisatious ell (i) I-Iavillg a Graduate fWIll recogniz4~1 University or quivakl1 having l~ speed or Ion Wl)Id~ per min~llcgt in sh~~lhiIl~ ANI) (ii~ HOfling analognw pISI 011 1Igular baSIS OR holding post III Level) of Ihe 7 CPC Pay Malllx or III Ihe pay hand Is 5~O() - ~()200- + ar Is 2100- (611t CPC) wilh ltII Icast 6 year regular scrvi~lt em Hltllding post in I~vcl ltl 01 the tit CPC 1)(lY Matrix or ill the p~ly band Rs 5200 - 20~OO- (jp IsI

2400- ([11 CPC) wilh 10 years re~1I1al service in tl1 crnde Prcllcncc shill be ~ivn (1

callcJidal$ havillg knowledge or con~pllter - ~ 0 I ~

Null Period or deputalionl contlacl including lh~~ period or cieplIlHlion con act in anothcr cx-cadn post held inlillctliately prtccding Ihis appointlllellt in the same r Sliml olher Organizatinll rkpartlllcnt or the CCllIral GovernlllClll shall ordinarily 110t cxeecf J years 01 till th~ i I~ or Ihe lri bUllal (II Iill further orders whichever is earl iest The maxi llIui11 agt I intil fill appoilllmelll by deputation illdutiing short 111I1l conlract shall 1101 be cxcelciillg ~f years


i1-CIIIIu1lt I Orti~r$ 111 irtd 11(1111 lhe Ccnlml Governmentl Slale (iovclIlllleJlII UT (jov I lcilidillg SIltlI( Judicial Servicesl ISUs AulltJllonlOus Scmi GovtStatulorv QIfltlnisatiol1 ctc (i)Hilving a Graduate rWI11 recognized UniversilY ANn (ii) Holding amlog(l~s post 011 Ic4ul(ll ba~is on hlllding POSI ill Level 5 of Ihc 7h CPC Pay tvlatli 01 in Ihe pay blIId Rs 5(~O - 20200- + GP Ih 2XOO- (61h CPC) with al least 6 ylnr regular strvic Oil Holding post inLltvcl 4 ~)r the 71 CI( Pay Malr 01 in the pay ban(~ Rs 5200 - 202O- + GP I~ 24001- ~6111 CPC) with 10 ~~ars rcgultr serVICe III tht grade Pnlercl1(e shall be glVl1l to calHhdates IHlvlng kllowledge (I

I (1m pUleI

PIIidecilhaltIH~ inilial appoilllll1CIH shall bClween (jIlC year likely 10 be eXltndllblc on year II

year ba~is iubjeci 10 Ihe Cillldilioll thaI lhc retired (ilV Sc)valll appoinled as Pel~ollal Assistanl afler he lIlains Ihl age of 65 ycars Beyond Ihill Ihe term or incllmbent can be e~llellded lulthlt1 for a period or Ill mol thall six 11I0nlhs on the smne terms und conditions ill Plnlhlk ililerest if rl~qlli rcd - II shy





1 il


II il i IlIltSllr-1 B II

I NIIIIH of the post lcgistlul [I Nil III I I of pusts One ((j I ) ~

J CII~silitltinn Clr pusl GrlHlp A MiniStltrial II I

Pay Seale Pay Malri- Llvel IJ in llie lit CPC PAY MATRIX (78800- 2092(uh I

~ gc Limit Th~ maximum nlle limit It)I appoinlfllcnl bydeputlltion induding khorl helm COlllracl slmllllOl b -eecding 56 years on Ihe dll~illg date of receipt or application I

I As IH~I Hlenlitmeil Rules tht PI))t is mh~Illljl hy depulllioll ( illdudillg Shf~Itcrll cOlllra1 )

n-emrloymellt blsis in the rollowing IlIHlIICI il nl~pllaliml (indudill4 short term cOlllrlct) ~)U~~ II

Onicer lIndr rhl Central Governmeflll Slale GovclIllllcntl UTI PSUsI AlIll~nOlllOll~1 SClllishyGovcrnmenl~ Statulory Organisalions ~lc (i) having Gradll(lie lkgree rlbl1l recognized University or equivalent AND (ii) Holding annlogolls post on regul1r bnsis or l~ldil1g (I Pl)SI in Level II in tin 711 CPC Pay Matrix or ill pay balld or Rs 15600-39100 -I- tiP (600- (6 CPO with 5 years regular service in the grade ANI) (iii) having al leasl 5 yeII$11 expcriiIlGc (II handlilll Establishment Administration nl Account mlllers Prctcremc shall ~etivell III the Ia Ci~adlms with knowl~dgc or legul mailers and procedures and eXPc~iCI~CC or court proceedings II


NoH Period or dePlllatiOIl1 C(lnlrm1 il~clIdilig the peliod or d~plllui(lnl con~nlct ill alloth~r ~x middotcadre I) hdd 111 Il11ld 1111) prcccd~ng thiS appollllm~n~ III thi same l(lI~ spine olh~r OrlIl1zallonl Department 01 the Celltral (jlVt~rtlll)lllt shall ordmanly not cxceetl 1 v(ars or 1111 Ihe~ lili of the Tribllnal 01 iill lilrthcr orders whichever is earliet The lll11xiIllUlll ~Igc linlit 101 appoinllllcllI by deputation including $holl IeIm tonlrllC shallno( he exceeding ~6 yeufS


Hl-cm Illnvlllell i Oflkers retired rr(llll Ihe Ccntral Governillent State GovlrIlmcllIl UT Gnvl Iltiuding Stale Il1dicial S~ri(~1 ISUs Autollomolls Semi GOvLlSlllllllory OrganiSltlIioll dyen Haviug hdd nalog~us pn~ on regular bass mholdillg ltI pOSl illhc evel II in thc 710 CP~~ iijlyMatrix I~ay band nl Rs I )M10-39 100 + GJgt 66001- (6 111 CPC) With live ycnrs regular sefvlefll1d possesslIlg qualilicllioll llnd ~xpcrkllce as of (i) (ii) amp (iii) Prelir~ncc shall be glV~1l to th~ Law (iratluae wilh knowledge or leg I mall~rs and pn1ccdllres and eXI)cri~n~e of lOllrt prreeeciillgs Provicid Ihat Ihe initial nppo~I~lmenl shall be IO~ lllle year likely I~ he IXILIlI~ab~ 011 YCII 1(1 year bnsis sllbJect to the condition Ihat rellred (Iovcrnnhnt Servt appolllt~d I~

Registrar shall ~ease 10 hoid Ihe pOSt of Re~islrar a~iel he lains Ihe age or (lSi y~ars Beyond Ihal Iht tClln 01 IIHulllbcnt can be eXllnded turther lor a pcnod oinOI IIllH thllll IX months nn the same terms and conditiolls in public inleresl iflcquired I


I I i i 1




Ii Ii I t II Ill~(-I C

il NalllC III the post fliildpal Prill Stlrctltl) I lNUlllher of j)l)llS Tlml (03) II Classili~Iillll III lost Grollp A ivfinisleriai 1

I y ~eall p~IY ivlHlrix Level II inlhe 7 CPC PA Y MATRIX (67700- 2UK701~)

1 igt Lilllit Th maximllm age limii ibr appoirtimelH by diJlUlillioll including ~ht)r1 tertii contract

shull Ii- Il c~(eidil1 =6 uars on Ih dl)sinl dilW or rpoundcci) or 1)1)lkaliOIl 11- bull i i i

As pL ~ernlitlllcZlt Rules the I)OS[ is ml~tl III by dcpUllltioli ( illdudin~ shQImiddott CIIIl Ctllltrllct )

Ire-empluyment hasis in the fnilowing IIlltllUcr i

I)~ltaliull (indudillt sllorl term c(ufr-Ict) 1lsi~ Iii


Oliiecr under Ihe Ccntral (iocrnillel Stnl( Governmcnl UTI PSUsl AlIh~110110ll~1 Scmishy(illVCIIIiIlCl1li Stailitory OrglIlisatiol1$ Ie (i) a Graduate Ihun rCl~(lgl1izlq lJllivCIgtily or cqllivI~lIt having a speed or I~O word per minute in shorlhand ANI) (ii) 11(~Jcliilg analog)1~ posl on regular basis OR holdillg a POSI in Level 10 of 1111 71h CPC Pay Mati )i or in the pay hH1d Rs 15600 - 391001- + (Iigt Rs 5100middot (6 CPC) with livl yeal~ rcglliq service in the gracicOll Holding Ihe post in Level g of liIe [gtay Malrix 01 in the pHy banci or Rs )00 bull 34100middot oj- GI pound1800 (61h CPC) wilh six years regular s~~rvilc in Ihe gradcOI~ H1f)kling a pOSI ill Il~el 6 or lh( Pay Matrix or in lhe pay hand of Rs9300middot341WOimiddot - GP 4200( 611 CPC) vith tell var~ rCIular scrvi(( in IIle lrade - I

NOLl riod of d~pUlaliolll C~)I)Lralt including tl( period of deputation COlj)lllCI ill another

~i-cI(middotl I)(ISI hdd illllllecliatelyprlccd~l~ Ihis arpninlmen~ in the sUlm Ilor~ SOIllC (lih~r Org~IlZalloll J)cpartrnclIl 01 the Central (oJClIlmcllt shall ordinalll) nol cxce~icl years (lr 1111 Illl Ii Ii oj Ihe Tribunal or liil rurillcr orders whichcvcr is tarliesl The ll1aXil1l~lm att limit It)r

I shyI I) I)()ilit llllllt bv dCI)lIlatinn indlldinl shutltCrtll conlnicl shall nol be cxct~cdinJ (i cats - - II bull


HC-llIllllovlIlcnl Ii Ii

On~c~rs ~el ir~d rnlll~ Ihe Onlral G()vcnIIllt~lI State Governmentl ~IT ~~iWIIIIIlllIdil~g Stal Il1thclal Services PSUs A 1I10nOIlJOlIs Stnl (IOvLlStalulory OrJlIl1(IIOn cto( I) t lradualc from recognized Univcrsity or equivalent having a speed of 12() ~rds pCI l1lin~l~ in shorthand ~N i (ii) 1middotlolding a~mlogous pO~1 on 1IglI~lr has~ (~It havi~lg hdd_ POSI i~JiIIe1 I ( Ofh eYC Pay Matnx or III the pay band Rs 1)60(l-)lOO- 1 (P 1lt$ )400- (6 lCPC) Vllh II C

years rcgular strviec in Ihe grad Oil Holding the post in Level 8 of 7h CPC l~tY Mmrix or in th pay band or Rs 9300 - 34ROO I GP 4800 (6h CPC) wilh ~ix ytars rcgllli~r service ill t hl

~radeOI~ Holding n p~till Lev~16 Iflhe 7h CPC Pay ~1IIix or inlhe pay b~1Ild or Rs9JOOmiddot middot1100- + GP 4200 laquo(j CPC) with ten years reglilar service III thc grade 11

Provided that the initial appointment shall br onc yenr and likely (l b~ cxtcllqahlc (III ytar 10

yar b ~is Slll~ieci to Ihe condilion that the retired Govl Servant appointed as I~rilcipal Privltl Secretary alkl he altnills the age of 6~ ylars Bcyomj lilal Ihe lerlll or ill11UI11bcIlt can bc extended further 101 11 period or not mOre thnll six months Oil Ihe ~ilmc terms al~d cOllcliliollS ill

1 IPlI)II IC mt(orcstl lIqlllrc( IIII II II IiI II II IIil



Ii I bllll Ill lhc pri( j AssiaulI I~q~isltr II

i )

N IImhe1 III jlosts One (0 f) ii H

) ClassiilclIl illil (If IlHSl GroupA iVl illislcri1 jil

4 Pay S(llc Pay MHlri Leve II inlhe 7th (PC 1 Y MATRIX (67700- 201170(~)II

Age Limit Th~ 11iaxinHllll age lirilil fiJI appoinimcill by dtputmioll including ~horl Illl11 Ctllliract shilllIOi he ixneding 6 y~nrs (Ill rllt dt)sing 11lt nt middot(CciPI or applicalinll I

II (i As Jll I~lcruilmelli Jtulcs the JlO~j is filled lIP hy deplltation ( including sh~rmiddot1 tCrlll cuntrllI )

I n-einplnYIIlllIt hasis in the t1Ilowilll I1lalllllr 1

ikpuiaioujilcludilllt shiHt Icrlll ~OtltEl hji~ II

ll1m I Ihe C~I G~ tel G~menil UTI ISU AI~O smiddot l (lVClIlIllcnl SlalllltHY OrgalllsltWI ttc (I) HavlIlg [illalobOlls post on rculur basIs OR having tht potin Level 8 of the 71h CIC Pay Mlt1tri- or inthe pay hUlld or Rs (r- - 48UIli- ~ (itgt i 41iOO- (61h CPC) with six year regllillr service ill Ihe grade on holding lCP()SI in Lcvd () or Ihe 71h CPC Pay Malli orin the pay baud 0 Rs 9JOO-34ROO- + (ip Rs 100middot (61h CPC) wilh len years regular service in the grade ANIl (ii) Possessing nf al It~lst J y~ars cplricmc or Estahlishlllellt Aciminislnuion and AClcOlllll el( or the Governmcnt eSlabl iSlllfllnl

II Nllh~ Iriod or depulationi conlract including Ihe period of depolation COl~tnCl in anolher C-C~tdle post held imlllcdimdy pncedillg this Plwinllllclit in the $(llm 1101 some 1I11tr Organizalioll D(I~~umiddottment or lhe Cilllml CiI)VCllllllent shall ordinarily 1101 c(ceVd 3 ycars or till IItt Iii or Ihe Tribunal or lill lurtJ-r (Irdn whkhlvcr is carlilsl The Il1llXilllil1ll auc limil li)r

I I 11 I I II I I 11 ~PP(lII1l1l1Clli ))( cpLilallOlllll U( Illg gt1)1 111111 ~Olllrall Siii llol 1e exec( IlIglf- 6 ytars il II

~ ~(-tlJ)lolIIclit II

on~c~rs r(~lir~d from Ihc C~nttal Govrnmclll ~IC (~()verntllent Ln G(lVI~lltcll~dillg SI JudiCial ServlIls PSUs Autonomousl Semi (JovtlSlalUtory Orgalllsalloll Ictc() Holdlll~ mwlogous p(Jst on regular basb OR holdillg the post iii Lecl t or the 7 CPC )tay Matrix or n the pay bind or R 9300 - 31S00i- + Gr Rs 4800- (6middoth CPC) with six y~(lr r~glliar servIce III th grade (m holding Ihe post in iwel (~ or Ihe 71h CPC py jlatrix or ill Ihe p~ly band Ill

is tI30()3IXOOmiddot + CiP 1A2001- laquo(jIll CPC) with tell )ars reglilar scrvice ill Ih~ tradc ANI) (ii) tfgtses~ing or at Ielgtt Y~IIs cxpcrilllC Ill Establishmcnt AdlllinisllatiOI1lalld Account or IhI ltlilv~lIlllenleSlabllshll1nt

Provided lhal Ihe initial appoinlment shall bdwcclI olle year likely to be eXleJlllbk on year to year bISis sul~icci 10 lit condilion ihnl IllC rctired (iovL Strvlllldl appointcd ils

Assistant icislrar ltlrter hI Hila illS lht at of (i5 vcnrs 13011lt1 lilal the Itnll cil inculIlbenl can - 1

hc e~lcndcd iurlhcr for a pClicld or 1101 melfe tilan sii months 011 hi sami Icrlll~ and cOlldili(IIIS in puhlic ilierc~t iinqllired 1




~ i




7 Namc or Iht pma ssislalll (ACllUlll$) I ) Ilulllhcr of pmHS Olle (0 I) i

CIlssil1ittiml ofllost GrOllI I) Ministerial I II

I fl IY S(llc llny Matrix Level 6 in Ihe th epc PA Y MATRIX 054()O- 112IOO)I

II I -10 ifllil - I I I I IIg~ bull111111 IilnXlIllllll1 age Il)r appOlllllllcnt y uplllation lilt 1I( IIlg sect 1011 11111 contract

sl1(l11 not be ccccling 56 years Oil the closing (la1l of rctcipt of upplicaiillll it il

12 As r~~I Recruitmcllt Hulcs lIIIlSI is fillcd IIJl hl dCIIII11ioll ( including Sh(~r-I lell1I cl)lIlnlel ) Ire-elllployment hasis ill Ihe folowing lIl111mcr


I)0 10 ( 0h d nmiddot Ie 01 r1l h II

Oflko1 under 11K Ccntral GovolIlinentl Statcl Governilwiltl UTI PSUsl AlildnollwlIs Semimiddot (iovcrnmcllll Stalutt11-yOrgallisations etc (i)llaving a GradUal fiJm 1Icoglllized Univcrsity AND (ii) lding unah)golls posl 011 regular basis on holding post in Levcl ~ or tho 7 (PC 1(1Y Malli m in tile pay hand Rs 5200 -- 20200- -I- GP Is 2amp001- (6 Crp) with al Icast ()(lt11 Igular ervic~ Ol~ Holding post in Level 4 or illC t CPC Pay Matrix olllin till pay hand Rs 52()O - 10200- 1 (lP Rs 24001 (6 CI)C) wilh 10 years regular servi~e in Ihe grade Irclltrll1cc shall be given to eandidmes Iwving experience in administrative orlleashl CCOllIHS

alld having knowledge otoll11l1ter Ii II

Nul~~ Period or (itplIlltionl contraci illcillding Ihe period or dClllitUliOIl c(1I11raCI ill antllhlr cx-ar post held immediately preceding this appointment ill the SlIlI1e 1101 somc tHlll Orgl1izati~llli Department (I lhe Ccnlml Governmellt shall ordinarilv nol exceed J vcars or till Ihl~ lile or tho Tribllnal ortii further ordtr~ whichOvcr is earliest Ih~~ ll1aXilll~ln il~C lilllit for appointment by deputalioll incltlding short IeIm conlract shall 110 be exceeding r6 y~ars

IIItc-ellllllo) 111 cuI I

II Oniers retired Ihllll lile Cenlral GllvenlllllllIi Siale Gtwcrnmclltl UT Govli Induding Stal~ ludicial Servicesi ISUs lIlonolllousi Scmi GovtSlatU(Ory Organisation etc(i)I-lavillg a C duale from r~~ct)gnized University ANI) (ii) Holding nnlllogolls post Oil yengular hasigt Ol~ hilidillg p(lSt~l ~cvel 501 the 7 CPC Pay Matrix or n th pay ha~ld Rs 5~O(11- 20200~- G~ I~s YWO (6 CPC)wlth at least 6 year rcgular service Ol~ Holdlllg post III lij~v~1 ~ ollhi 7 CI( Pay Matnx ~1r 111 Ihe ply band Rs 5200 - 20200- + GP Rs 2LIOO- (6 ( PC) With 10

1y~ar~ rqlIlar servlc~ n the grIUC II

Provided tilal t1 111IIIai appOlllllllcllt shall betw~el1 tlllC ycar likely to he clClrciable Oil y~ar Iii

y~~ar Imsis ~l1bj~el ttl the cnnditioll Ihal the retired Gov Servant appointed as 4sistalll antr hc alia ins the middotago or 65 years Bcyol1J that the term or illumhellt can bc extell~ed further iw a I)(rilid 01 not morc than six months 011 the same lerms and conditions ill hUblilt inttret irmiddot

required i


-------------------------------------- shy

I ~



ilIi I I

Name M the IUlst Upper Divsi(lll Ckrk I I

Numher of fI()SC~ One (0 I) ~i 11

Cli~silicafioll of poo( Group IV rvlinisllri1 Ii bull 1

Pay SClll~ Pay Malri L~wd 4 iii the 7It (PC PA Y MlTI IX (~550() i II O(~)


s Age Limit The lllaXiUllIJlI ag( limit hI tlppnintllleni by deputalion includilrg shorl tell11 conlracl

shall nOI h~ excecdill 56 year 1)11 fhe dosing date of receipt of applicatioll

6 As pCI Hccluiilllellt Rilles th post nf Assessor is filled lip h delIlIlIitl ( indllliing shurt 1l~11ll Conlracl ) re-cllIploymcllt basis ill IIIpound flllluwillJ IIIllllllcr I

I)cpUIllioll (illclucliu~llrl h~rlll c(llIiracl) blsis

Onicel lIll(e Ihe CCIlWtl GovclllInenll Siale Govcnllnenll UTI PSUsl A~IOIlOIllOlS Scmimiddot Government SIH~~c1ory Organisalions tI (i)llavillg (l MlIIriculurillll ~rolll I~ ~)nized illslilUte or Board ANI) (II) Holding (UHltll~I)IIS pos on rglliar baSIS Ol~ holcling pos In Llvel 01 Ihe 7 CPC Pay Mltltrix or ill the pay band [so i200 - 20200 -I- GP Is 19001_(6 11 CPC) wilh al leasl Xyear rcgular service Person p()sesling rail kllowlcdge or service mldl and regulations Applieahle ill Cenlral Gov lI1d IUIVing experience on cash and 1lCOlllfts null Cilfllpuler

opcnlling Ollid ~1C given prcrcrelHe I Nule 1II(1d ot deplilatlOn contract Incilllllllg the pCllocl 01 deputatlonl conlraci 111 allolher lx-cndrc post held ill1mediah~ly preceding this appointment ill the ~am~ (II some other Organiltlliolll Dcpartment of the Ccnlr~i1 Govenllllel1l shallllrciinllily not exe~ed years or till the life ollhe Trihullal or lill timher (lrdmiddot~ls wldcheva is earlies The Illlt1XiI1llIll age limil Itll appoi 11 II lH1I I by deplIlal ion including shol t [crill (~lIltracl shall not be exceed il1_~ 56 years


nC-CIll p11lY1l1 elll

Officers rdind fwm Ihe Central GOVCIIIIlWIII Siale (Jovernmelltf UT Govqi Incllidillg StIlC

Judicial Sl~rviccs fgtSLJs tlItOllomOlisi Scmi CiovtSlallllolY Organisalion c~c (i) Ilavillg a M~llrielllali()1l from r~coglliled instilute 1)1 Brd AND (ii) I-folding anal()goll~ P()st on regular btli on Iwldillg pOSI in Level 2 of Ihe 71t CPC Pry llatrix or in Ihe pny bllId Rs 5200 shy10200middot ojup Rs _191~Oi ((i CIC) ~ith at lut1it8 year regular ser~ic~ (~ H)ding post ill Level 2 nl Ihc 7 CP( Pay Matn or 111 the pay Rs (Rs29200 - 92)00) willigt yars reglilar serviccin the grade Pdcrcncc shall be given 10 calldidates havillg knowledge all conipte

11 I

Provided Illal Ihc Illilial app)illlllcnl shall belV~ell (l~e year likely 10 b~ I)XICIlUahlc ~Il )car 1( yenr bl~as slIbJect 10 Ihe COllcilllOIl Ihal Ihe rei Ired (ov Servant uppOlillec ltIf UDC nllcr he lllaills Ih~ age of 65 years I~ey()nd lh1l1 the IeIm of illclHl1bent ean Ie cX~Cllcfd furlher rur a pell()d 0 t nOI more Ihall SIX IllOlllhs 011 Ih~ same lrlllS and condltlolls III I~phhc Inl~I(SI II

nquirtd II iI

II 1

iI t) illl C X 1I1t~lli

~J ii III NIlIll or the Ilfl)1 Clurl Ma~tct il

NiIIllIHuf jltlSIS Ivo (02) h

II Classificaliun 1)1 pHS Group A bull M illislerial II

1 Pay Scale Pay ~~ntrix Level II in lhe 71 CPC PAY MATRIX (67700middot 2(JR70i~) Age Iimil Th~ mnXillllllll age limit It) appOinllll(1I1 by (kplIlHlioll il1dudin~ ~jltJrt IIrll1 elllHnicl

shallllllt he ixmiddottding i6 years on Ihe closing date or receipt of uppliCtllion i


6 As I)l Reclllitlllcni Juks the IHlsr is fill~d up by dlpuhllion ( including shl~f( lenn CIIIIIIICI )

1 n-cmplnYlllclIl busis in tlie follilwing manner i


1 Ofliltci 1II1d~r Ihe Celllral (iOVCnlI11Clill Sialel Governlllcntl UTI PSUsl Allto~lonlollsl Semi-CiwcrIIl1lclIl StllIlniy OrgallisI[i(I IlS ~t( (i) f Graduate from recognizedi UniversllY or eqllivaiel1l havillg 120 words per minllie ill shorlhand AND (ii) Holding amjogolls post on regular blsis Olt holding Ihe P()I in Levcl 10 or Ihe 7h CPC Pay Malri~ or in tllc vay halld or Rs ISliOO -39 I 1)0- + Gtgt I~s 1400- (61i1 CtgtC) with five years ngular serviec 1[11 Ihe grad Oil Holding pOSI ill Level rlhc 71h clle Pay Matrix or in Ihe pay band of ls93PO -- 3400middot + GP Rs IROn- (6h CPC) wilh si1( year regular service in the grade on holdtllg jhc posl ill Ieve 6 )j Ihe 71h CPC Pay Malrix or ill the pay banci or Rs 9300-J4ampOOi- Iil GP ls4200middot ((i CIC) wilh len years ngular scrviec ill the grade NO (ii) Possessing of a~ least 3 years experience or Establishment Admillistration allel Accounl etc of the GovcrtlmclIlllcSlablislllnell1

I I - I I bull I I I I I I II IIN111( lIm 01 (CpUlallOll cOlltrtlel IIlC I( mg t e ptno( nl (eputatu)ll contrlel III aBot II

ex-cadn POSI held imllHdialely preceding this appoillllllcnt in the same (ir sonic 111111 Orglt1I1izatioll Departmellt (If the Central (kwcrnlllcni shall ordinarily not exceed years or lill Ihe IiI or thc Tribunal or till rurther orders whichevcr is ~arlicst The 1llIjllllll~~ agl limit il appoinllllLlll by del)ulalinn including short tLfI1l eOlilracl shall nnt be exceeding 5~i years

i I

(Cmiddott1II plo me nt 1

On~~rs Ielircd from Ihe Central Gnvcn~mc~II_Stat G(lcnlln~ntl IT ~j(lvt 11~~llldh~g SIal iudlclal ScrvlIcsl PSUsl Autonomousl Semi (IOVUSlatutory Orgamsatloll ctcQ1lA (raelliaic fH1m recognized Univlrsily or equivalent having 120 words pCI minule in shorthalltl AND (ii) I-laving held analogous POSI on Igubr basis OR Iwlding Ihe pus I in LcvclIO or Ih~~ 71h

CPC Pay Matrix or in Ihe pay hnnd (If lb 15600 - JCJIOOmiddot + GP Rs 54001- (6rhCPC) willi IiV years r~glliar service in the grad OR a post ill Level X Urlhe 7lh CPC Pay Mltrixor ~n the Pity bal~d 01 I~ 9300 - 348O- -I- Gfgt R 4tiOO~ (6~h PC) wtlh ~IX yelr regllllurerv~e II~ Ihe grade OR holdlllg the post 111 Level () 01 the 7th CPC Pay Matnx or III the pa~ band 01 R- 9300middot34XflOimiddotmiddot1 GI R$4~OO- (6th CICl with len years rcgular servi(t in thl grild~

Pi(widcd lilal Iht initial apP)intlllcllt shall httwen one year likely 10 be clemlal~le on year 10 year basis suhjeet 10 Ihe condition tlml the rClir(c1 Gov Servant appointed ns Cmll1 Maswr afler he allltlins till age of 65 years Beyond that Ihe term of inlumbelll Ctll bi cXIndc( fllrllH1 fill a period ill IO( Illore Ihan six monlils 011 the same IcrlllS and cont1ili)Il ill puhlie interesl if

rcquired l

1II 1I i I

II 11 II

I II 1

ii IIIH X II -c-I II il



ilNallll Ihe post Seetinl Oflke I NIIlhcl or IWS[s OI1QOI)


Classilicalioll of plisl Cillllp IV MiniSlerinl I

PIY S~i~ ~)~y Malr~x L~vl1 ~ il 11 7 1i CPC Pf~~Y M~TRIX (r60~- IS 11(0)11

Age Llllut I lie IIWXlflllll1l Igc Imil I lor lPPOIlUlHnl (y depulatlon IIlchlthng TIilorl tenll conlract

shall 1101 he c(ceding 56 YCl1lS 011 Ihe hsing Jalc of IcciPII)I appikati(lll i t

As IHI IccrllitllHnl Ilules the )lIsl is filh~d tfI h) tlcpulnliull( including SIH~h lerlll ClllltllI1 )

I n-empluyment hlsi ill Ihe fullowinglIIallnc i i

igtpoundJlnllioll (including slwrl I~III COliI-ncO hllSi~ Ii I

Officer under lilc Cenlnil Gt)vL~tPmenll ~ww GovlrnmlIi UTI PSUsi utOllOll1HISi Scmimiddot GovCnlll1Cnl1 Slallllor~1 OlglIIisalinll$ ele (i)HlVillg H Graduat (Om rccognil1zcd IJnivulsity AND (ii) Holding analogoll) pOSt ()f jtguiar basis Ol holding the pOSI ill LJvcl 6 or 11K 7 CIC Pay lvlallix or ill Ib 9300 - J4i(Il)middot -- CiP Rs 42()Omiddot (6 th CPC) wilh ~i lCast six f(r

ilgular ~urvice Prerer~nce shall hi givcrtW person~ POStssillg kl1owledge orjlAJl1lilliSllaliC (tllli Accounl mal tels 01 GovilIllllcl1l clahllsillneni l


NOte Periodmiddot of (hplIllaquotinn COlltracl in~ltlding Ihe pcriod or tI~Pllintionl con~rllct ill anolher ex-cadI post held 1111111Cdlalciy prceedll)g thiS applllllllllenl III the SllIlll ~or sOl11e olhr Organizilionl Dparlmelll of Ihe Celltral GilVcrnnlcllt shall ordinarily 1101 xcce~13 yl~IIS nr till the lik of th Trihunal or [ill further Meier whichever is carliest The maillllllll age lilllil lir appoilltmenl hy deplitalioll induding ~hort ten contract shall not be lxcccding 5 PYlars


IIc-clllpluVIIJ(Ilt J

()Ij I I II C I ( 1 C I UI c III I I s~ I ICirs rCllre( rom Ie Cl1lra lovernmCll tate JWCIIl Il1CIl I IOVI pc U( llig la L

tudiial ScrvicLS ISU~ lultlllOmOllsi Semi GIHltSla[lilor) Organisalion lul (I) Iaving ~I (inldualt irnlll lllogllicd University ANI) (ii) Having held analogous post ljl lIglllllr hasis ~)I~ holding Ihe POSI~ in Le~C1 6 of lh~ 711 CPC Pay lvIatrix or II Rs 9ilOO - _~IXO()-middot llt Rs 400 (611 cPt) with lIllcnsl SIX veal rCiularservlIc IretcrelHesh~1l be glVClllo persons posscs$i~g knowledge of A(It nilli-si ral ivc- alld Accoullt mallcrs lr Governinelll cSlablbhll1tnl

l PnJviclcd lhal Ihe inilial appoinlmeni shall between OIlC year likely to be CXlelld~bh 011 year to

year basi slll~ic(1 10 the condition Iha the relired Go1 Scrvanl UPP(JiIlHd liS Stclioll Oflieer an~r hc allaill the -we Ill 65 c a 1 I3cvond lilal the Icrm or incumhent call be d~elltkd nlier 1(1 a pltriod or IInl n~orc Ihilli monlils 011 ihe same terms and conditions in PtrlOli inl(IIsl il required I

1II IiIiIi I I III 01

1 I


1 11I 1I i


11 Annexure- II J i I




NIIIII~ 111 (he pUS I Iel~(lnal ssistalll I

NlIlllhlr III PSIgt On~ (0 I) II

Clasiiicaliull nr IuSI GroliP r IVlil~istria I I)ay Scale Pay Matrix Level 6 ill the 711 CPC PAY MATRIX (35400- 1124(0)1

~ Age Limit The maximllm age limit lor appoinlmtnt hy deputation including ~hlll1 [CIIIl contract

11lt111 1101 be exceeding 56 ycar~ on Ihe dosing dltl~ of receipt of application I

~ IlCI IhUllitmell[ ~tl~hs the pos ~s nlled up hy dlflltration lt inciIHling Slll~ erlll cOlltract ) I c-ellljlltlymelil hasls III lhe loIlIlWIII 1l1lUlIlel

0 II

l)elllllll~ClJclllding sllllr lellII cOlltnl~ll hl~is ii IIUIIIIlI tinder Ih~ Cel1lral GovclIllllenli Sialei Cillv(mIl1CIll UTI PSUsl AIII01(llllousl Semishy

GOVlrtllllClllJ SIaIUIOlY Organisatious ell (i) I-Iavillg a Graduate fWIll recogniz4~1 University or quivakl1 having l~ speed or Ion Wl)Id~ per min~llcgt in sh~~lhiIl~ ANI) (ii~ HOfling analognw pISI 011 1Igular baSIS OR holding post III Level) of Ihe 7 CPC Pay Malllx or III Ihe pay hand Is 5~O() - ~()200- + ar Is 2100- (611t CPC) wilh ltII Icast 6 year regular scrvi~lt em Hltllding post in I~vcl ltl 01 the tit CPC 1)(lY Matrix or ill the p~ly band Rs 5200 - 20~OO- (jp IsI

2400- ([11 CPC) wilh 10 years re~1I1al service in tl1 crnde Prcllcncc shill be ~ivn (1

callcJidal$ havillg knowledge or con~pllter - ~ 0 I ~

Null Period or deputalionl contlacl including lh~~ period or cieplIlHlion con act in anothcr cx-cadn post held inlillctliately prtccding Ihis appointlllellt in the same r Sliml olher Organizatinll rkpartlllcnt or the CCllIral GovernlllClll shall ordinarily 110t cxeecf J years 01 till th~ i I~ or Ihe lri bUllal (II Iill further orders whichever is earl iest The maxi llIui11 agt I intil fill appoilllmelll by deputation illdutiing short 111I1l conlract shall 1101 be cxcelciillg ~f years


i1-CIIIIu1lt I Orti~r$ 111 irtd 11(1111 lhe Ccnlml Governmentl Slale (iovclIlllleJlII UT (jov I lcilidillg SIltlI( Judicial Servicesl ISUs AulltJllonlOus Scmi GovtStatulorv QIfltlnisatiol1 ctc (i)Hilving a Graduate rWI11 recognized UniversilY ANn (ii) Holding amlog(l~s post 011 Ic4ul(ll ba~is on hlllding POSI ill Level 5 of Ihc 7h CPC Pay tvlatli 01 in Ihe pay blIId Rs 5(~O - 20200- + GP Ih 2XOO- (61h CPC) with al least 6 ylnr regular strvic Oil Holding post inLltvcl 4 ~)r the 71 CI( Pay Malr 01 in the pay ban(~ Rs 5200 - 202O- + GP I~ 24001- ~6111 CPC) with 10 ~~ars rcgultr serVICe III tht grade Pnlercl1(e shall be glVl1l to calHhdates IHlvlng kllowledge (I

I (1m pUleI

PIIidecilhaltIH~ inilial appoilllll1CIH shall bClween (jIlC year likely 10 be eXltndllblc on year II

year ba~is iubjeci 10 Ihe Cillldilioll thaI lhc retired (ilV Sc)valll appoinled as Pel~ollal Assistanl afler he lIlains Ihl age of 65 ycars Beyond Ihill Ihe term or incllmbent can be e~llellded lulthlt1 for a period or Ill mol thall six 11I0nlhs on the smne terms und conditions ill Plnlhlk ililerest if rl~qlli rcd - II shy





1 il





Ii Ii I t II Ill~(-I C

il NalllC III the post fliildpal Prill Stlrctltl) I lNUlllher of j)l)llS Tlml (03) II Classili~Iillll III lost Grollp A ivfinisleriai 1

I y ~eall p~IY ivlHlrix Level II inlhe 7 CPC PA Y MATRIX (67700- 2UK701~)

1 igt Lilllit Th maximllm age limii ibr appoirtimelH by diJlUlillioll including ~ht)r1 tertii contract

shull Ii- Il c~(eidil1 =6 uars on Ih dl)sinl dilW or rpoundcci) or 1)1)lkaliOIl 11- bull i i i

As pL ~ernlitlllcZlt Rules the I)OS[ is ml~tl III by dcpUllltioli ( illdudin~ shQImiddott CIIIl Ctllltrllct )

Ire-empluyment hasis in the fnilowing IIlltllUcr i

I)~ltaliull (indudillt sllorl term c(ufr-Ict) 1lsi~ Iii


Oliiecr under Ihe Ccntral (iocrnillel Stnl( Governmcnl UTI PSUsl AlIh~110110ll~1 Scmishy(illVCIIIiIlCl1li Stailitory OrglIlisatiol1$ Ie (i) a Graduate Ihun rCl~(lgl1izlq lJllivCIgtily or cqllivI~lIt having a speed or I~O word per minute in shorlhand ANI) (ii) 11(~Jcliilg analog)1~ posl on regular basis OR holdillg a POSI in Level 10 of 1111 71h CPC Pay Mati )i or in the pay hH1d Rs 15600 - 391001- + (Iigt Rs 5100middot (6 CPC) with livl yeal~ rcglliq service in the gracicOll Holding Ihe post in Level g of liIe [gtay Malrix 01 in the pHy banci or Rs )00 bull 34100middot oj- GI pound1800 (61h CPC) wilh six years regular s~~rvilc in Ihe gradcOI~ H1f)kling a pOSI ill Il~el 6 or lh( Pay Matrix or in lhe pay hand of Rs9300middot341WOimiddot - GP 4200( 611 CPC) vith tell var~ rCIular scrvi(( in IIle lrade - I

NOLl riod of d~pUlaliolll C~)I)Lralt including tl( period of deputation COlj)lllCI ill another

~i-cI(middotl I)(ISI hdd illllllecliatelyprlccd~l~ Ihis arpninlmen~ in the sUlm Ilor~ SOIllC (lih~r Org~IlZalloll J)cpartrnclIl 01 the Central (oJClIlmcllt shall ordinalll) nol cxce~icl years (lr 1111 Illl Ii Ii oj Ihe Tribunal or liil rurillcr orders whichcvcr is tarliesl The ll1aXil1l~lm att limit It)r

I shyI I) I)()ilit llllllt bv dCI)lIlatinn indlldinl shutltCrtll conlnicl shall nol be cxct~cdinJ (i cats - - II bull


HC-llIllllovlIlcnl Ii Ii

On~c~rs ~el ir~d rnlll~ Ihe Onlral G()vcnIIllt~lI State Governmentl ~IT ~~iWIIIIIlllIdil~g Stal Il1thclal Services PSUs A 1I10nOIlJOlIs Stnl (IOvLlStalulory OrJlIl1(IIOn cto( I) t lradualc from recognized Univcrsity or equivalent having a speed of 12() ~rds pCI l1lin~l~ in shorthand ~N i (ii) 1middotlolding a~mlogous pO~1 on 1IglI~lr has~ (~It havi~lg hdd_ POSI i~JiIIe1 I ( Ofh eYC Pay Matnx or III the pay band Rs 1)60(l-)lOO- 1 (P 1lt$ )400- (6 lCPC) Vllh II C

years rcgular strviec in Ihe grad Oil Holding the post in Level 8 of 7h CPC l~tY Mmrix or in th pay band or Rs 9300 - 34ROO I GP 4800 (6h CPC) wilh ~ix ytars rcgllli~r service ill t hl

~radeOI~ Holding n p~till Lev~16 Iflhe 7h CPC Pay ~1IIix or inlhe pay b~1Ild or Rs9JOOmiddot middot1100- + GP 4200 laquo(j CPC) with ten years reglilar service III thc grade 11

Provided that the initial appointment shall br onc yenr and likely (l b~ cxtcllqahlc (III ytar 10

yar b ~is Slll~ieci to Ihe condilion that the retired Govl Servant appointed as I~rilcipal Privltl Secretary alkl he altnills the age of 6~ ylars Bcyomj lilal Ihe lerlll or ill11UI11bcIlt can bc extended further 101 11 period or not mOre thnll six months Oil Ihe ~ilmc terms al~d cOllcliliollS ill

1 IPlI)II IC mt(orcstl lIqlllrc( IIII II II IiI II II IIil



Ii I bllll Ill lhc pri( j AssiaulI I~q~isltr II

i )

N IImhe1 III jlosts One (0 f) ii H

) ClassiilclIl illil (If IlHSl GroupA iVl illislcri1 jil

4 Pay S(llc Pay MHlri Leve II inlhe 7th (PC 1 Y MATRIX (67700- 201170(~)II

Age Limit Th~ 11iaxinHllll age lirilil fiJI appoinimcill by dtputmioll including ~horl Illl11 Ctllliract shilllIOi he ixneding 6 y~nrs (Ill rllt dt)sing 11lt nt middot(CciPI or applicalinll I

II (i As Jll I~lcruilmelli Jtulcs the JlO~j is filled lIP hy deplltation ( including sh~rmiddot1 tCrlll cuntrllI )

I n-einplnYIIlllIt hasis in the t1Ilowilll I1lalllllr 1

ikpuiaioujilcludilllt shiHt Icrlll ~OtltEl hji~ II

ll1m I Ihe C~I G~ tel G~menil UTI ISU AI~O smiddot l (lVClIlIllcnl SlalllltHY OrgalllsltWI ttc (I) HavlIlg [illalobOlls post on rculur basIs OR having tht potin Level 8 of the 71h CIC Pay Mlt1tri- or inthe pay hUlld or Rs (r- - 48UIli- ~ (itgt i 41iOO- (61h CPC) with six year regllillr service ill Ihe grade on holding lCP()SI in Lcvd () or Ihe 71h CPC Pay Malli orin the pay baud 0 Rs 9JOO-34ROO- + (ip Rs 100middot (61h CPC) wilh len years regular service in the grade ANIl (ii) Possessing nf al It~lst J y~ars cplricmc or Estahlishlllellt Aciminislnuion and AClcOlllll el( or the Governmcnt eSlabl iSlllfllnl

II Nllh~ Iriod or depulationi conlract including Ihe period of depolation COl~tnCl in anolher C-C~tdle post held imlllcdimdy pncedillg this Plwinllllclit in the $(llm 1101 some 1I11tr Organizalioll D(I~~umiddottment or lhe Cilllml CiI)VCllllllent shall ordinarily 1101 c(ceVd 3 ycars or till IItt Iii or Ihe Tribunal or lill lurtJ-r (Irdn whkhlvcr is carlilsl The Il1llXilllil1ll auc limil li)r

I I 11 I I II I I 11 ~PP(lII1l1l1Clli ))( cpLilallOlllll U( Illg gt1)1 111111 ~Olllrall Siii llol 1e exec( IlIglf- 6 ytars il II

~ ~(-tlJ)lolIIclit II

on~c~rs r(~lir~d from Ihc C~nttal Govrnmclll ~IC (~()verntllent Ln G(lVI~lltcll~dillg SI JudiCial ServlIls PSUs Autonomousl Semi (JovtlSlalUtory Orgalllsalloll Ictc() Holdlll~ mwlogous p(Jst on regular basb OR holdillg the post iii Lecl t or the 7 CPC )tay Matrix or n the pay bind or R 9300 - 31S00i- + Gr Rs 4800- (6middoth CPC) with six y~(lr r~glliar servIce III th grade (m holding Ihe post in iwel (~ or Ihe 71h CPC py jlatrix or ill Ihe p~ly band Ill

is tI30()3IXOOmiddot + CiP 1A2001- laquo(jIll CPC) with tell )ars reglilar scrvice ill Ih~ tradc ANI) (ii) tfgtses~ing or at Ielgtt Y~IIs cxpcrilllC Ill Establishmcnt AdlllinisllatiOI1lalld Account or IhI ltlilv~lIlllenleSlabllshll1nt

Provided lhal Ihe initial appoinlment shall bdwcclI olle year likely to be eXleJlllbk on year to year bISis sul~icci 10 lit condilion ihnl IllC rctired (iovL Strvlllldl appointcd ils

Assistant icislrar ltlrter hI Hila illS lht at of (i5 vcnrs 13011lt1 lilal the Itnll cil inculIlbenl can - 1

hc e~lcndcd iurlhcr for a pClicld or 1101 melfe tilan sii months 011 hi sami Icrlll~ and cOlldili(IIIS in puhlic ilierc~t iinqllired 1




~ i




7 Namc or Iht pma ssislalll (ACllUlll$) I ) Ilulllhcr of pmHS Olle (0 I) i

CIlssil1ittiml ofllost GrOllI I) Ministerial I II

I fl IY S(llc llny Matrix Level 6 in Ihe th epc PA Y MATRIX 054()O- 112IOO)I

II I -10 ifllil - I I I I IIg~ bull111111 IilnXlIllllll1 age Il)r appOlllllllcnt y uplllation lilt 1I( IIlg sect 1011 11111 contract

sl1(l11 not be ccccling 56 years Oil the closing (la1l of rctcipt of upplicaiillll it il

12 As r~~I Recruitmcllt Hulcs lIIIlSI is fillcd IIJl hl dCIIII11ioll ( including Sh(~r-I lell1I cl)lIlnlel ) Ire-elllployment hasis ill Ihe folowing lIl111mcr


I)0 10 ( 0h d nmiddot Ie 01 r1l h II

Oflko1 under 11K Ccntral GovolIlinentl Statcl Governilwiltl UTI PSUsl AlildnollwlIs Semimiddot (iovcrnmcllll Stalutt11-yOrgallisations etc (i)llaving a GradUal fiJm 1Icoglllized Univcrsity AND (ii) lding unah)golls posl 011 regular basis on holding post in Levcl ~ or tho 7 (PC 1(1Y Malli m in tile pay hand Rs 5200 -- 20200- -I- GP Is 2amp001- (6 Crp) with al Icast ()(lt11 Igular ervic~ Ol~ Holding post in Level 4 or illC t CPC Pay Matrix olllin till pay hand Rs 52()O - 10200- 1 (lP Rs 24001 (6 CI)C) wilh 10 years regular servi~e in Ihe grade Irclltrll1cc shall be given to eandidmes Iwving experience in administrative orlleashl CCOllIHS

alld having knowledge otoll11l1ter Ii II

Nul~~ Period or (itplIlltionl contraci illcillding Ihe period or dClllitUliOIl c(1I11raCI ill antllhlr cx-ar post held immediately preceding this appointment ill the SlIlI1e 1101 somc tHlll Orgl1izati~llli Department (I lhe Ccnlml Governmellt shall ordinarilv nol exceed J vcars or till Ihl~ lile or tho Tribllnal ortii further ordtr~ whichOvcr is earliest Ih~~ ll1aXilll~ln il~C lilllit for appointment by deputalioll incltlding short IeIm conlract shall 110 be exceeding r6 y~ars

IIItc-ellllllo) 111 cuI I

II Oniers retired Ihllll lile Cenlral GllvenlllllllIi Siale Gtwcrnmclltl UT Govli Induding Stal~ ludicial Servicesi ISUs lIlonolllousi Scmi GovtSlatU(Ory Organisation etc(i)I-lavillg a C duale from r~~ct)gnized University ANI) (ii) Holding nnlllogolls post Oil yengular hasigt Ol~ hilidillg p(lSt~l ~cvel 501 the 7 CPC Pay Matrix or n th pay ha~ld Rs 5~O(11- 20200~- G~ I~s YWO (6 CPC)wlth at least 6 year rcgular service Ol~ Holdlllg post III lij~v~1 ~ ollhi 7 CI( Pay Matnx ~1r 111 Ihe ply band Rs 5200 - 20200- + GP Rs 2LIOO- (6 ( PC) With 10

1y~ar~ rqlIlar servlc~ n the grIUC II

Provided tilal t1 111IIIai appOlllllllcllt shall betw~el1 tlllC ycar likely to he clClrciable Oil y~ar Iii

y~~ar Imsis ~l1bj~el ttl the cnnditioll Ihal the retired Gov Servant appointed as 4sistalll antr hc alia ins the middotago or 65 years Bcyol1J that the term or illumhellt can bc extell~ed further iw a I)(rilid 01 not morc than six months 011 the same lerms and conditions ill hUblilt inttret irmiddot

required i


-------------------------------------- shy

I ~



ilIi I I

Name M the IUlst Upper Divsi(lll Ckrk I I

Numher of fI()SC~ One (0 I) ~i 11

Cli~silicafioll of poo( Group IV rvlinisllri1 Ii bull 1

Pay SClll~ Pay Malri L~wd 4 iii the 7It (PC PA Y MlTI IX (~550() i II O(~)


s Age Limit The lllaXiUllIJlI ag( limit hI tlppnintllleni by deputalion includilrg shorl tell11 conlracl

shall nOI h~ excecdill 56 year 1)11 fhe dosing date of receipt of applicatioll

6 As pCI Hccluiilllellt Rilles th post nf Assessor is filled lip h delIlIlIitl ( indllliing shurt 1l~11ll Conlracl ) re-cllIploymcllt basis ill IIIpound flllluwillJ IIIllllllcr I

I)cpUIllioll (illclucliu~llrl h~rlll c(llIiracl) blsis

Onicel lIll(e Ihe CCIlWtl GovclllInenll Siale Govcnllnenll UTI PSUsl A~IOIlOIllOlS Scmimiddot Government SIH~~c1ory Organisalions tI (i)llavillg (l MlIIriculurillll ~rolll I~ ~)nized illslilUte or Board ANI) (II) Holding (UHltll~I)IIS pos on rglliar baSIS Ol~ holcling pos In Llvel 01 Ihe 7 CPC Pay Mltltrix or ill the pay band [so i200 - 20200 -I- GP Is 19001_(6 11 CPC) wilh al leasl Xyear rcgular service Person p()sesling rail kllowlcdge or service mldl and regulations Applieahle ill Cenlral Gov lI1d IUIVing experience on cash and 1lCOlllfts null Cilfllpuler

opcnlling Ollid ~1C given prcrcrelHe I Nule 1II(1d ot deplilatlOn contract Incilllllllg the pCllocl 01 deputatlonl conlraci 111 allolher lx-cndrc post held ill1mediah~ly preceding this appointment ill the ~am~ (II some other Organiltlliolll Dcpartment of the Ccnlr~i1 Govenllllel1l shallllrciinllily not exe~ed years or till the life ollhe Trihullal or lill timher (lrdmiddot~ls wldcheva is earlies The Illlt1XiI1llIll age limil Itll appoi 11 II lH1I I by deplIlal ion including shol t [crill (~lIltracl shall not be exceed il1_~ 56 years


nC-CIll p11lY1l1 elll

Officers rdind fwm Ihe Central GOVCIIIIlWIII Siale (Jovernmelltf UT Govqi Incllidillg StIlC

Judicial Sl~rviccs fgtSLJs tlItOllomOlisi Scmi CiovtSlallllolY Organisalion c~c (i) Ilavillg a M~llrielllali()1l from r~coglliled instilute 1)1 Brd AND (ii) I-folding anal()goll~ P()st on regular btli on Iwldillg pOSI in Level 2 of Ihe 71t CPC Pry llatrix or in Ihe pny bllId Rs 5200 shy10200middot ojup Rs _191~Oi ((i CIC) ~ith at lut1it8 year regular ser~ic~ (~ H)ding post ill Level 2 nl Ihc 7 CP( Pay Matn or 111 the pay Rs (Rs29200 - 92)00) willigt yars reglilar serviccin the grade Pdcrcncc shall be given 10 calldidates havillg knowledge all conipte

11 I

Provided Illal Ihc Illilial app)illlllcnl shall belV~ell (l~e year likely 10 b~ I)XICIlUahlc ~Il )car 1( yenr bl~as slIbJect 10 Ihe COllcilllOIl Ihal Ihe rei Ired (ov Servant uppOlillec ltIf UDC nllcr he lllaills Ih~ age of 65 years I~ey()nd lh1l1 the IeIm of illclHl1bent ean Ie cX~Cllcfd furlher rur a pell()d 0 t nOI more Ihall SIX IllOlllhs 011 Ih~ same lrlllS and condltlolls III I~phhc Inl~I(SI II

nquirtd II iI

II 1

iI t) illl C X 1I1t~lli

~J ii III NIlIll or the Ilfl)1 Clurl Ma~tct il

NiIIllIHuf jltlSIS Ivo (02) h

II Classificaliun 1)1 pHS Group A bull M illislerial II

1 Pay Scale Pay ~~ntrix Level II in lhe 71 CPC PAY MATRIX (67700middot 2(JR70i~) Age Iimil Th~ mnXillllllll age limit It) appOinllll(1I1 by (kplIlHlioll il1dudin~ ~jltJrt IIrll1 elllHnicl

shallllllt he ixmiddottding i6 years on Ihe closing date or receipt of uppliCtllion i


6 As I)l Reclllitlllcni Juks the IHlsr is fill~d up by dlpuhllion ( including shl~f( lenn CIIIIIIICI )

1 n-cmplnYlllclIl busis in tlie follilwing manner i


1 Ofliltci 1II1d~r Ihe Celllral (iOVCnlI11Clill Sialel Governlllcntl UTI PSUsl Allto~lonlollsl Semi-CiwcrIIl1lclIl StllIlniy OrgallisI[i(I IlS ~t( (i) f Graduate from recognizedi UniversllY or eqllivaiel1l havillg 120 words per minllie ill shorlhand AND (ii) Holding amjogolls post on regular blsis Olt holding Ihe P()I in Levcl 10 or Ihe 7h CPC Pay Malri~ or in tllc vay halld or Rs ISliOO -39 I 1)0- + Gtgt I~s 1400- (61i1 CtgtC) with five years ngular serviec 1[11 Ihe grad Oil Holding pOSI ill Level rlhc 71h clle Pay Matrix or in Ihe pay band of ls93PO -- 3400middot + GP Rs IROn- (6h CPC) wilh si1( year regular service in the grade on holdtllg jhc posl ill Ieve 6 )j Ihe 71h CPC Pay Malrix or ill the pay banci or Rs 9300-J4ampOOi- Iil GP ls4200middot ((i CIC) wilh len years ngular scrviec ill the grade NO (ii) Possessing of a~ least 3 years experience or Establishment Admillistration allel Accounl etc of the GovcrtlmclIlllcSlablislllnell1

I I - I I bull I I I I I I II IIN111( lIm 01 (CpUlallOll cOlltrtlel IIlC I( mg t e ptno( nl (eputatu)ll contrlel III aBot II

ex-cadn POSI held imllHdialely preceding this appoillllllcnt in the same (ir sonic 111111 Orglt1I1izatioll Departmellt (If the Central (kwcrnlllcni shall ordinarily not exceed years or lill Ihe IiI or thc Tribunal or till rurther orders whichevcr is ~arlicst The 1llIjllllll~~ agl limit il appoinllllLlll by del)ulalinn including short tLfI1l eOlilracl shall nnt be exceeding 5~i years

i I

(Cmiddott1II plo me nt 1

On~~rs Ielircd from Ihe Central Gnvcn~mc~II_Stat G(lcnlln~ntl IT ~j(lvt 11~~llldh~g SIal iudlclal ScrvlIcsl PSUsl Autonomousl Semi (IOVUSlatutory Orgamsatloll ctcQ1lA (raelliaic fH1m recognized Univlrsily or equivalent having 120 words pCI minule in shorthalltl AND (ii) I-laving held analogous POSI on Igubr basis OR Iwlding Ihe pus I in LcvclIO or Ih~~ 71h

CPC Pay Matrix or in Ihe pay hnnd (If lb 15600 - JCJIOOmiddot + GP Rs 54001- (6rhCPC) willi IiV years r~glliar service in the grad OR a post ill Level X Urlhe 7lh CPC Pay Mltrixor ~n the Pity bal~d 01 I~ 9300 - 348O- -I- Gfgt R 4tiOO~ (6~h PC) wtlh ~IX yelr regllllurerv~e II~ Ihe grade OR holdlllg the post 111 Level () 01 the 7th CPC Pay Matnx or III the pa~ band 01 R- 9300middot34XflOimiddotmiddot1 GI R$4~OO- (6th CICl with len years rcgular servi(t in thl grild~

Pi(widcd lilal Iht initial apP)intlllcllt shall httwen one year likely 10 be clemlal~le on year 10 year basis suhjeet 10 Ihe condition tlml the rClir(c1 Gov Servant appointed ns Cmll1 Maswr afler he allltlins till age of 65 years Beyond that Ihe term of inlumbelll Ctll bi cXIndc( fllrllH1 fill a period ill IO( Illore Ihan six monlils 011 the same IcrlllS and cont1ili)Il ill puhlie interesl if

rcquired l

1II 1I i I

II 11 II

I II 1

ii IIIH X II -c-I II il



ilNallll Ihe post Seetinl Oflke I NIIlhcl or IWS[s OI1QOI)


Classilicalioll of plisl Cillllp IV MiniSlerinl I

PIY S~i~ ~)~y Malr~x L~vl1 ~ il 11 7 1i CPC Pf~~Y M~TRIX (r60~- IS 11(0)11

Age Llllut I lie IIWXlflllll1l Igc Imil I lor lPPOIlUlHnl (y depulatlon IIlchlthng TIilorl tenll conlract

shall 1101 he c(ceding 56 YCl1lS 011 Ihe hsing Jalc of IcciPII)I appikati(lll i t

As IHI IccrllitllHnl Ilules the )lIsl is filh~d tfI h) tlcpulnliull( including SIH~h lerlll ClllltllI1 )

I n-empluyment hlsi ill Ihe fullowinglIIallnc i i

igtpoundJlnllioll (including slwrl I~III COliI-ncO hllSi~ Ii I

Officer under lilc Cenlnil Gt)vL~tPmenll ~ww GovlrnmlIi UTI PSUsi utOllOll1HISi Scmimiddot GovCnlll1Cnl1 Slallllor~1 OlglIIisalinll$ ele (i)HlVillg H Graduat (Om rccognil1zcd IJnivulsity AND (ii) Holding analogoll) pOSt ()f jtguiar basis Ol holding the pOSI ill LJvcl 6 or 11K 7 CIC Pay lvlallix or ill Ib 9300 - J4i(Il)middot -- CiP Rs 42()Omiddot (6 th CPC) wilh ~i lCast six f(r

ilgular ~urvice Prerer~nce shall hi givcrtW person~ POStssillg kl1owledge orjlAJl1lilliSllaliC (tllli Accounl mal tels 01 GovilIllllcl1l clahllsillneni l


NOte Periodmiddot of (hplIllaquotinn COlltracl in~ltlding Ihe pcriod or tI~Pllintionl con~rllct ill anolher ex-cadI post held 1111111Cdlalciy prceedll)g thiS applllllllllenl III the SllIlll ~or sOl11e olhr Organizilionl Dparlmelll of Ihe Celltral GilVcrnnlcllt shall ordinarily 1101 xcce~13 yl~IIS nr till the lik of th Trihunal or [ill further Meier whichever is carliest The maillllllll age lilllil lir appoilltmenl hy deplitalioll induding ~hort ten contract shall not be lxcccding 5 PYlars


IIc-clllpluVIIJ(Ilt J

()Ij I I II C I ( 1 C I UI c III I I s~ I ICirs rCllre( rom Ie Cl1lra lovernmCll tate JWCIIl Il1CIl I IOVI pc U( llig la L

tudiial ScrvicLS ISU~ lultlllOmOllsi Semi GIHltSla[lilor) Organisalion lul (I) Iaving ~I (inldualt irnlll lllogllicd University ANI) (ii) Having held analogous post ljl lIglllllr hasis ~)I~ holding Ihe POSI~ in Le~C1 6 of lh~ 711 CPC Pay lvIatrix or II Rs 9ilOO - _~IXO()-middot llt Rs 400 (611 cPt) with lIllcnsl SIX veal rCiularservlIc IretcrelHesh~1l be glVClllo persons posscs$i~g knowledge of A(It nilli-si ral ivc- alld Accoullt mallcrs lr Governinelll cSlablbhll1tnl

l PnJviclcd lhal Ihe inilial appoinlmeni shall between OIlC year likely to be CXlelld~bh 011 year to

year basi slll~ic(1 10 the condition Iha the relired Go1 Scrvanl UPP(JiIlHd liS Stclioll Oflieer an~r hc allaill the -we Ill 65 c a 1 I3cvond lilal the Icrm or incumhent call be d~elltkd nlier 1(1 a pltriod or IInl n~orc Ihilli monlils 011 ihe same terms and conditions in PtrlOli inl(IIsl il required I

1II IiIiIi I I III 01

1 I


1 11I 1I i


11 Annexure- II J i I




NIIIII~ 111 (he pUS I Iel~(lnal ssistalll I

NlIlllhlr III PSIgt On~ (0 I) II

Clasiiicaliull nr IuSI GroliP r IVlil~istria I I)ay Scale Pay Matrix Level 6 ill the 711 CPC PAY MATRIX (35400- 1124(0)1

~ Age Limit The maximllm age limit lor appoinlmtnt hy deputation including ~hlll1 [CIIIl contract

11lt111 1101 be exceeding 56 ycar~ on Ihe dosing dltl~ of receipt of application I

~ IlCI IhUllitmell[ ~tl~hs the pos ~s nlled up hy dlflltration lt inciIHling Slll~ erlll cOlltract ) I c-ellljlltlymelil hasls III lhe loIlIlWIII 1l1lUlIlel

0 II

l)elllllll~ClJclllding sllllr lellII cOlltnl~ll hl~is ii IIUIIIIlI tinder Ih~ Cel1lral GovclIllllenli Sialei Cillv(mIl1CIll UTI PSUsl AIII01(llllousl Semishy

GOVlrtllllClllJ SIaIUIOlY Organisatious ell (i) I-Iavillg a Graduate fWIll recogniz4~1 University or quivakl1 having l~ speed or Ion Wl)Id~ per min~llcgt in sh~~lhiIl~ ANI) (ii~ HOfling analognw pISI 011 1Igular baSIS OR holding post III Level) of Ihe 7 CPC Pay Malllx or III Ihe pay hand Is 5~O() - ~()200- + ar Is 2100- (611t CPC) wilh ltII Icast 6 year regular scrvi~lt em Hltllding post in I~vcl ltl 01 the tit CPC 1)(lY Matrix or ill the p~ly band Rs 5200 - 20~OO- (jp IsI

2400- ([11 CPC) wilh 10 years re~1I1al service in tl1 crnde Prcllcncc shill be ~ivn (1

callcJidal$ havillg knowledge or con~pllter - ~ 0 I ~

Null Period or deputalionl contlacl including lh~~ period or cieplIlHlion con act in anothcr cx-cadn post held inlillctliately prtccding Ihis appointlllellt in the same r Sliml olher Organizatinll rkpartlllcnt or the CCllIral GovernlllClll shall ordinarily 110t cxeecf J years 01 till th~ i I~ or Ihe lri bUllal (II Iill further orders whichever is earl iest The maxi llIui11 agt I intil fill appoilllmelll by deputation illdutiing short 111I1l conlract shall 1101 be cxcelciillg ~f years


i1-CIIIIu1lt I Orti~r$ 111 irtd 11(1111 lhe Ccnlml Governmentl Slale (iovclIlllleJlII UT (jov I lcilidillg SIltlI( Judicial Servicesl ISUs AulltJllonlOus Scmi GovtStatulorv QIfltlnisatiol1 ctc (i)Hilving a Graduate rWI11 recognized UniversilY ANn (ii) Holding amlog(l~s post 011 Ic4ul(ll ba~is on hlllding POSI ill Level 5 of Ihc 7h CPC Pay tvlatli 01 in Ihe pay blIId Rs 5(~O - 20200- + GP Ih 2XOO- (61h CPC) with al least 6 ylnr regular strvic Oil Holding post inLltvcl 4 ~)r the 71 CI( Pay Malr 01 in the pay ban(~ Rs 5200 - 202O- + GP I~ 24001- ~6111 CPC) with 10 ~~ars rcgultr serVICe III tht grade Pnlercl1(e shall be glVl1l to calHhdates IHlvlng kllowledge (I

I (1m pUleI

PIIidecilhaltIH~ inilial appoilllll1CIH shall bClween (jIlC year likely 10 be eXltndllblc on year II

year ba~is iubjeci 10 Ihe Cillldilioll thaI lhc retired (ilV Sc)valll appoinled as Pel~ollal Assistanl afler he lIlains Ihl age of 65 ycars Beyond Ihill Ihe term or incllmbent can be e~llellded lulthlt1 for a period or Ill mol thall six 11I0nlhs on the smne terms und conditions ill Plnlhlk ililerest if rl~qlli rcd - II shy





1 il


Ii I bllll Ill lhc pri( j AssiaulI I~q~isltr II

i )

N IImhe1 III jlosts One (0 f) ii H

) ClassiilclIl illil (If IlHSl GroupA iVl illislcri1 jil

4 Pay S(llc Pay MHlri Leve II inlhe 7th (PC 1 Y MATRIX (67700- 201170(~)II

Age Limit Th~ 11iaxinHllll age lirilil fiJI appoinimcill by dtputmioll including ~horl Illl11 Ctllliract shilllIOi he ixneding 6 y~nrs (Ill rllt dt)sing 11lt nt middot(CciPI or applicalinll I

II (i As Jll I~lcruilmelli Jtulcs the JlO~j is filled lIP hy deplltation ( including sh~rmiddot1 tCrlll cuntrllI )

I n-einplnYIIlllIt hasis in the t1Ilowilll I1lalllllr 1

ikpuiaioujilcludilllt shiHt Icrlll ~OtltEl hji~ II

ll1m I Ihe C~I G~ tel G~menil UTI ISU AI~O smiddot l (lVClIlIllcnl SlalllltHY OrgalllsltWI ttc (I) HavlIlg [illalobOlls post on rculur basIs OR having tht potin Level 8 of the 71h CIC Pay Mlt1tri- or inthe pay hUlld or Rs (r- - 48UIli- ~ (itgt i 41iOO- (61h CPC) with six year regllillr service ill Ihe grade on holding lCP()SI in Lcvd () or Ihe 71h CPC Pay Malli orin the pay baud 0 Rs 9JOO-34ROO- + (ip Rs 100middot (61h CPC) wilh len years regular service in the grade ANIl (ii) Possessing nf al It~lst J y~ars cplricmc or Estahlishlllellt Aciminislnuion and AClcOlllll el( or the Governmcnt eSlabl iSlllfllnl

II Nllh~ Iriod or depulationi conlract including Ihe period of depolation COl~tnCl in anolher C-C~tdle post held imlllcdimdy pncedillg this Plwinllllclit in the $(llm 1101 some 1I11tr Organizalioll D(I~~umiddottment or lhe Cilllml CiI)VCllllllent shall ordinarily 1101 c(ceVd 3 ycars or till IItt Iii or Ihe Tribunal or lill lurtJ-r (Irdn whkhlvcr is carlilsl The Il1llXilllil1ll auc limil li)r

I I 11 I I II I I 11 ~PP(lII1l1l1Clli ))( cpLilallOlllll U( Illg gt1)1 111111 ~Olllrall Siii llol 1e exec( IlIglf- 6 ytars il II

~ ~(-tlJ)lolIIclit II

on~c~rs r(~lir~d from Ihc C~nttal Govrnmclll ~IC (~()verntllent Ln G(lVI~lltcll~dillg SI JudiCial ServlIls PSUs Autonomousl Semi (JovtlSlalUtory Orgalllsalloll Ictc() Holdlll~ mwlogous p(Jst on regular basb OR holdillg the post iii Lecl t or the 7 CPC )tay Matrix or n the pay bind or R 9300 - 31S00i- + Gr Rs 4800- (6middoth CPC) with six y~(lr r~glliar servIce III th grade (m holding Ihe post in iwel (~ or Ihe 71h CPC py jlatrix or ill Ihe p~ly band Ill

is tI30()3IXOOmiddot + CiP 1A2001- laquo(jIll CPC) with tell )ars reglilar scrvice ill Ih~ tradc ANI) (ii) tfgtses~ing or at Ielgtt Y~IIs cxpcrilllC Ill Establishmcnt AdlllinisllatiOI1lalld Account or IhI ltlilv~lIlllenleSlabllshll1nt

Provided lhal Ihe initial appoinlment shall bdwcclI olle year likely to be eXleJlllbk on year to year bISis sul~icci 10 lit condilion ihnl IllC rctired (iovL Strvlllldl appointcd ils

Assistant icislrar ltlrter hI Hila illS lht at of (i5 vcnrs 13011lt1 lilal the Itnll cil inculIlbenl can - 1

hc e~lcndcd iurlhcr for a pClicld or 1101 melfe tilan sii months 011 hi sami Icrlll~ and cOlldili(IIIS in puhlic ilierc~t iinqllired 1




~ i




7 Namc or Iht pma ssislalll (ACllUlll$) I ) Ilulllhcr of pmHS Olle (0 I) i

CIlssil1ittiml ofllost GrOllI I) Ministerial I II

I fl IY S(llc llny Matrix Level 6 in Ihe th epc PA Y MATRIX 054()O- 112IOO)I

II I -10 ifllil - I I I I IIg~ bull111111 IilnXlIllllll1 age Il)r appOlllllllcnt y uplllation lilt 1I( IIlg sect 1011 11111 contract

sl1(l11 not be ccccling 56 years Oil the closing (la1l of rctcipt of upplicaiillll it il

12 As r~~I Recruitmcllt Hulcs lIIIlSI is fillcd IIJl hl dCIIII11ioll ( including Sh(~r-I lell1I cl)lIlnlel ) Ire-elllployment hasis ill Ihe folowing lIl111mcr


I)0 10 ( 0h d nmiddot Ie 01 r1l h II

Oflko1 under 11K Ccntral GovolIlinentl Statcl Governilwiltl UTI PSUsl AlildnollwlIs Semimiddot (iovcrnmcllll Stalutt11-yOrgallisations etc (i)llaving a GradUal fiJm 1Icoglllized Univcrsity AND (ii) lding unah)golls posl 011 regular basis on holding post in Levcl ~ or tho 7 (PC 1(1Y Malli m in tile pay hand Rs 5200 -- 20200- -I- GP Is 2amp001- (6 Crp) with al Icast ()(lt11 Igular ervic~ Ol~ Holding post in Level 4 or illC t CPC Pay Matrix olllin till pay hand Rs 52()O - 10200- 1 (lP Rs 24001 (6 CI)C) wilh 10 years regular servi~e in Ihe grade Irclltrll1cc shall be given to eandidmes Iwving experience in administrative orlleashl CCOllIHS

alld having knowledge otoll11l1ter Ii II

Nul~~ Period or (itplIlltionl contraci illcillding Ihe period or dClllitUliOIl c(1I11raCI ill antllhlr cx-ar post held immediately preceding this appointment ill the SlIlI1e 1101 somc tHlll Orgl1izati~llli Department (I lhe Ccnlml Governmellt shall ordinarilv nol exceed J vcars or till Ihl~ lile or tho Tribllnal ortii further ordtr~ whichOvcr is earliest Ih~~ ll1aXilll~ln il~C lilllit for appointment by deputalioll incltlding short IeIm conlract shall 110 be exceeding r6 y~ars

IIItc-ellllllo) 111 cuI I

II Oniers retired Ihllll lile Cenlral GllvenlllllllIi Siale Gtwcrnmclltl UT Govli Induding Stal~ ludicial Servicesi ISUs lIlonolllousi Scmi GovtSlatU(Ory Organisation etc(i)I-lavillg a C duale from r~~ct)gnized University ANI) (ii) Holding nnlllogolls post Oil yengular hasigt Ol~ hilidillg p(lSt~l ~cvel 501 the 7 CPC Pay Matrix or n th pay ha~ld Rs 5~O(11- 20200~- G~ I~s YWO (6 CPC)wlth at least 6 year rcgular service Ol~ Holdlllg post III lij~v~1 ~ ollhi 7 CI( Pay Matnx ~1r 111 Ihe ply band Rs 5200 - 20200- + GP Rs 2LIOO- (6 ( PC) With 10

1y~ar~ rqlIlar servlc~ n the grIUC II

Provided tilal t1 111IIIai appOlllllllcllt shall betw~el1 tlllC ycar likely to he clClrciable Oil y~ar Iii

y~~ar Imsis ~l1bj~el ttl the cnnditioll Ihal the retired Gov Servant appointed as 4sistalll antr hc alia ins the middotago or 65 years Bcyol1J that the term or illumhellt can bc extell~ed further iw a I)(rilid 01 not morc than six months 011 the same lerms and conditions ill hUblilt inttret irmiddot

required i


-------------------------------------- shy

I ~



ilIi I I

Name M the IUlst Upper Divsi(lll Ckrk I I

Numher of fI()SC~ One (0 I) ~i 11

Cli~silicafioll of poo( Group IV rvlinisllri1 Ii bull 1

Pay SClll~ Pay Malri L~wd 4 iii the 7It (PC PA Y MlTI IX (~550() i II O(~)


s Age Limit The lllaXiUllIJlI ag( limit hI tlppnintllleni by deputalion includilrg shorl tell11 conlracl

shall nOI h~ excecdill 56 year 1)11 fhe dosing date of receipt of applicatioll

6 As pCI Hccluiilllellt Rilles th post nf Assessor is filled lip h delIlIlIitl ( indllliing shurt 1l~11ll Conlracl ) re-cllIploymcllt basis ill IIIpound flllluwillJ IIIllllllcr I

I)cpUIllioll (illclucliu~llrl h~rlll c(llIiracl) blsis

Onicel lIll(e Ihe CCIlWtl GovclllInenll Siale Govcnllnenll UTI PSUsl A~IOIlOIllOlS Scmimiddot Government SIH~~c1ory Organisalions tI (i)llavillg (l MlIIriculurillll ~rolll I~ ~)nized illslilUte or Board ANI) (II) Holding (UHltll~I)IIS pos on rglliar baSIS Ol~ holcling pos In Llvel 01 Ihe 7 CPC Pay Mltltrix or ill the pay band [so i200 - 20200 -I- GP Is 19001_(6 11 CPC) wilh al leasl Xyear rcgular service Person p()sesling rail kllowlcdge or service mldl and regulations Applieahle ill Cenlral Gov lI1d IUIVing experience on cash and 1lCOlllfts null Cilfllpuler

opcnlling Ollid ~1C given prcrcrelHe I Nule 1II(1d ot deplilatlOn contract Incilllllllg the pCllocl 01 deputatlonl conlraci 111 allolher lx-cndrc post held ill1mediah~ly preceding this appointment ill the ~am~ (II some other Organiltlliolll Dcpartment of the Ccnlr~i1 Govenllllel1l shallllrciinllily not exe~ed years or till the life ollhe Trihullal or lill timher (lrdmiddot~ls wldcheva is earlies The Illlt1XiI1llIll age limil Itll appoi 11 II lH1I I by deplIlal ion including shol t [crill (~lIltracl shall not be exceed il1_~ 56 years


nC-CIll p11lY1l1 elll

Officers rdind fwm Ihe Central GOVCIIIIlWIII Siale (Jovernmelltf UT Govqi Incllidillg StIlC

Judicial Sl~rviccs fgtSLJs tlItOllomOlisi Scmi CiovtSlallllolY Organisalion c~c (i) Ilavillg a M~llrielllali()1l from r~coglliled instilute 1)1 Brd AND (ii) I-folding anal()goll~ P()st on regular btli on Iwldillg pOSI in Level 2 of Ihe 71t CPC Pry llatrix or in Ihe pny bllId Rs 5200 shy10200middot ojup Rs _191~Oi ((i CIC) ~ith at lut1it8 year regular ser~ic~ (~ H)ding post ill Level 2 nl Ihc 7 CP( Pay Matn or 111 the pay Rs (Rs29200 - 92)00) willigt yars reglilar serviccin the grade Pdcrcncc shall be given 10 calldidates havillg knowledge all conipte

11 I

Provided Illal Ihc Illilial app)illlllcnl shall belV~ell (l~e year likely 10 b~ I)XICIlUahlc ~Il )car 1( yenr bl~as slIbJect 10 Ihe COllcilllOIl Ihal Ihe rei Ired (ov Servant uppOlillec ltIf UDC nllcr he lllaills Ih~ age of 65 years I~ey()nd lh1l1 the IeIm of illclHl1bent ean Ie cX~Cllcfd furlher rur a pell()d 0 t nOI more Ihall SIX IllOlllhs 011 Ih~ same lrlllS and condltlolls III I~phhc Inl~I(SI II

nquirtd II iI

II 1

iI t) illl C X 1I1t~lli

~J ii III NIlIll or the Ilfl)1 Clurl Ma~tct il

NiIIllIHuf jltlSIS Ivo (02) h

II Classificaliun 1)1 pHS Group A bull M illislerial II

1 Pay Scale Pay ~~ntrix Level II in lhe 71 CPC PAY MATRIX (67700middot 2(JR70i~) Age Iimil Th~ mnXillllllll age limit It) appOinllll(1I1 by (kplIlHlioll il1dudin~ ~jltJrt IIrll1 elllHnicl

shallllllt he ixmiddottding i6 years on Ihe closing date or receipt of uppliCtllion i


6 As I)l Reclllitlllcni Juks the IHlsr is fill~d up by dlpuhllion ( including shl~f( lenn CIIIIIIICI )

1 n-cmplnYlllclIl busis in tlie follilwing manner i


1 Ofliltci 1II1d~r Ihe Celllral (iOVCnlI11Clill Sialel Governlllcntl UTI PSUsl Allto~lonlollsl Semi-CiwcrIIl1lclIl StllIlniy OrgallisI[i(I IlS ~t( (i) f Graduate from recognizedi UniversllY or eqllivaiel1l havillg 120 words per minllie ill shorlhand AND (ii) Holding amjogolls post on regular blsis Olt holding Ihe P()I in Levcl 10 or Ihe 7h CPC Pay Malri~ or in tllc vay halld or Rs ISliOO -39 I 1)0- + Gtgt I~s 1400- (61i1 CtgtC) with five years ngular serviec 1[11 Ihe grad Oil Holding pOSI ill Level rlhc 71h clle Pay Matrix or in Ihe pay band of ls93PO -- 3400middot + GP Rs IROn- (6h CPC) wilh si1( year regular service in the grade on holdtllg jhc posl ill Ieve 6 )j Ihe 71h CPC Pay Malrix or ill the pay banci or Rs 9300-J4ampOOi- Iil GP ls4200middot ((i CIC) wilh len years ngular scrviec ill the grade NO (ii) Possessing of a~ least 3 years experience or Establishment Admillistration allel Accounl etc of the GovcrtlmclIlllcSlablislllnell1

I I - I I bull I I I I I I II IIN111( lIm 01 (CpUlallOll cOlltrtlel IIlC I( mg t e ptno( nl (eputatu)ll contrlel III aBot II

ex-cadn POSI held imllHdialely preceding this appoillllllcnt in the same (ir sonic 111111 Orglt1I1izatioll Departmellt (If the Central (kwcrnlllcni shall ordinarily not exceed years or lill Ihe IiI or thc Tribunal or till rurther orders whichevcr is ~arlicst The 1llIjllllll~~ agl limit il appoinllllLlll by del)ulalinn including short tLfI1l eOlilracl shall nnt be exceeding 5~i years

i I

(Cmiddott1II plo me nt 1

On~~rs Ielircd from Ihe Central Gnvcn~mc~II_Stat G(lcnlln~ntl IT ~j(lvt 11~~llldh~g SIal iudlclal ScrvlIcsl PSUsl Autonomousl Semi (IOVUSlatutory Orgamsatloll ctcQ1lA (raelliaic fH1m recognized Univlrsily or equivalent having 120 words pCI minule in shorthalltl AND (ii) I-laving held analogous POSI on Igubr basis OR Iwlding Ihe pus I in LcvclIO or Ih~~ 71h

CPC Pay Matrix or in Ihe pay hnnd (If lb 15600 - JCJIOOmiddot + GP Rs 54001- (6rhCPC) willi IiV years r~glliar service in the grad OR a post ill Level X Urlhe 7lh CPC Pay Mltrixor ~n the Pity bal~d 01 I~ 9300 - 348O- -I- Gfgt R 4tiOO~ (6~h PC) wtlh ~IX yelr regllllurerv~e II~ Ihe grade OR holdlllg the post 111 Level () 01 the 7th CPC Pay Matnx or III the pa~ band 01 R- 9300middot34XflOimiddotmiddot1 GI R$4~OO- (6th CICl with len years rcgular servi(t in thl grild~

Pi(widcd lilal Iht initial apP)intlllcllt shall httwen one year likely 10 be clemlal~le on year 10 year basis suhjeet 10 Ihe condition tlml the rClir(c1 Gov Servant appointed ns Cmll1 Maswr afler he allltlins till age of 65 years Beyond that Ihe term of inlumbelll Ctll bi cXIndc( fllrllH1 fill a period ill IO( Illore Ihan six monlils 011 the same IcrlllS and cont1ili)Il ill puhlie interesl if

rcquired l

1II 1I i I

II 11 II

I II 1

ii IIIH X II -c-I II il



ilNallll Ihe post Seetinl Oflke I NIIlhcl or IWS[s OI1QOI)


Classilicalioll of plisl Cillllp IV MiniSlerinl I

PIY S~i~ ~)~y Malr~x L~vl1 ~ il 11 7 1i CPC Pf~~Y M~TRIX (r60~- IS 11(0)11

Age Llllut I lie IIWXlflllll1l Igc Imil I lor lPPOIlUlHnl (y depulatlon IIlchlthng TIilorl tenll conlract

shall 1101 he c(ceding 56 YCl1lS 011 Ihe hsing Jalc of IcciPII)I appikati(lll i t

As IHI IccrllitllHnl Ilules the )lIsl is filh~d tfI h) tlcpulnliull( including SIH~h lerlll ClllltllI1 )

I n-empluyment hlsi ill Ihe fullowinglIIallnc i i

igtpoundJlnllioll (including slwrl I~III COliI-ncO hllSi~ Ii I

Officer under lilc Cenlnil Gt)vL~tPmenll ~ww GovlrnmlIi UTI PSUsi utOllOll1HISi Scmimiddot GovCnlll1Cnl1 Slallllor~1 OlglIIisalinll$ ele (i)HlVillg H Graduat (Om rccognil1zcd IJnivulsity AND (ii) Holding analogoll) pOSt ()f jtguiar basis Ol holding the pOSI ill LJvcl 6 or 11K 7 CIC Pay lvlallix or ill Ib 9300 - J4i(Il)middot -- CiP Rs 42()Omiddot (6 th CPC) wilh ~i lCast six f(r

ilgular ~urvice Prerer~nce shall hi givcrtW person~ POStssillg kl1owledge orjlAJl1lilliSllaliC (tllli Accounl mal tels 01 GovilIllllcl1l clahllsillneni l


NOte Periodmiddot of (hplIllaquotinn COlltracl in~ltlding Ihe pcriod or tI~Pllintionl con~rllct ill anolher ex-cadI post held 1111111Cdlalciy prceedll)g thiS applllllllllenl III the SllIlll ~or sOl11e olhr Organizilionl Dparlmelll of Ihe Celltral GilVcrnnlcllt shall ordinarily 1101 xcce~13 yl~IIS nr till the lik of th Trihunal or [ill further Meier whichever is carliest The maillllllll age lilllil lir appoilltmenl hy deplitalioll induding ~hort ten contract shall not be lxcccding 5 PYlars


IIc-clllpluVIIJ(Ilt J

()Ij I I II C I ( 1 C I UI c III I I s~ I ICirs rCllre( rom Ie Cl1lra lovernmCll tate JWCIIl Il1CIl I IOVI pc U( llig la L

tudiial ScrvicLS ISU~ lultlllOmOllsi Semi GIHltSla[lilor) Organisalion lul (I) Iaving ~I (inldualt irnlll lllogllicd University ANI) (ii) Having held analogous post ljl lIglllllr hasis ~)I~ holding Ihe POSI~ in Le~C1 6 of lh~ 711 CPC Pay lvIatrix or II Rs 9ilOO - _~IXO()-middot llt Rs 400 (611 cPt) with lIllcnsl SIX veal rCiularservlIc IretcrelHesh~1l be glVClllo persons posscs$i~g knowledge of A(It nilli-si ral ivc- alld Accoullt mallcrs lr Governinelll cSlablbhll1tnl

l PnJviclcd lhal Ihe inilial appoinlmeni shall between OIlC year likely to be CXlelld~bh 011 year to

year basi slll~ic(1 10 the condition Iha the relired Go1 Scrvanl UPP(JiIlHd liS Stclioll Oflieer an~r hc allaill the -we Ill 65 c a 1 I3cvond lilal the Icrm or incumhent call be d~elltkd nlier 1(1 a pltriod or IInl n~orc Ihilli monlils 011 ihe same terms and conditions in PtrlOli inl(IIsl il required I

1II IiIiIi I I III 01

1 I


1 11I 1I i


11 Annexure- II J i I




NIIIII~ 111 (he pUS I Iel~(lnal ssistalll I

NlIlllhlr III PSIgt On~ (0 I) II

Clasiiicaliull nr IuSI GroliP r IVlil~istria I I)ay Scale Pay Matrix Level 6 ill the 711 CPC PAY MATRIX (35400- 1124(0)1

~ Age Limit The maximllm age limit lor appoinlmtnt hy deputation including ~hlll1 [CIIIl contract

11lt111 1101 be exceeding 56 ycar~ on Ihe dosing dltl~ of receipt of application I

~ IlCI IhUllitmell[ ~tl~hs the pos ~s nlled up hy dlflltration lt inciIHling Slll~ erlll cOlltract ) I c-ellljlltlymelil hasls III lhe loIlIlWIII 1l1lUlIlel

0 II

l)elllllll~ClJclllding sllllr lellII cOlltnl~ll hl~is ii IIUIIIIlI tinder Ih~ Cel1lral GovclIllllenli Sialei Cillv(mIl1CIll UTI PSUsl AIII01(llllousl Semishy

GOVlrtllllClllJ SIaIUIOlY Organisatious ell (i) I-Iavillg a Graduate fWIll recogniz4~1 University or quivakl1 having l~ speed or Ion Wl)Id~ per min~llcgt in sh~~lhiIl~ ANI) (ii~ HOfling analognw pISI 011 1Igular baSIS OR holding post III Level) of Ihe 7 CPC Pay Malllx or III Ihe pay hand Is 5~O() - ~()200- + ar Is 2100- (611t CPC) wilh ltII Icast 6 year regular scrvi~lt em Hltllding post in I~vcl ltl 01 the tit CPC 1)(lY Matrix or ill the p~ly band Rs 5200 - 20~OO- (jp IsI

2400- ([11 CPC) wilh 10 years re~1I1al service in tl1 crnde Prcllcncc shill be ~ivn (1

callcJidal$ havillg knowledge or con~pllter - ~ 0 I ~

Null Period or deputalionl contlacl including lh~~ period or cieplIlHlion con act in anothcr cx-cadn post held inlillctliately prtccding Ihis appointlllellt in the same r Sliml olher Organizatinll rkpartlllcnt or the CCllIral GovernlllClll shall ordinarily 110t cxeecf J years 01 till th~ i I~ or Ihe lri bUllal (II Iill further orders whichever is earl iest The maxi llIui11 agt I intil fill appoilllmelll by deputation illdutiing short 111I1l conlract shall 1101 be cxcelciillg ~f years


i1-CIIIIu1lt I Orti~r$ 111 irtd 11(1111 lhe Ccnlml Governmentl Slale (iovclIlllleJlII UT (jov I lcilidillg SIltlI( Judicial Servicesl ISUs AulltJllonlOus Scmi GovtStatulorv QIfltlnisatiol1 ctc (i)Hilving a Graduate rWI11 recognized UniversilY ANn (ii) Holding amlog(l~s post 011 Ic4ul(ll ba~is on hlllding POSI ill Level 5 of Ihc 7h CPC Pay tvlatli 01 in Ihe pay blIId Rs 5(~O - 20200- + GP Ih 2XOO- (61h CPC) with al least 6 ylnr regular strvic Oil Holding post inLltvcl 4 ~)r the 71 CI( Pay Malr 01 in the pay ban(~ Rs 5200 - 202O- + GP I~ 24001- ~6111 CPC) with 10 ~~ars rcgultr serVICe III tht grade Pnlercl1(e shall be glVl1l to calHhdates IHlvlng kllowledge (I

I (1m pUleI

PIIidecilhaltIH~ inilial appoilllll1CIH shall bClween (jIlC year likely 10 be eXltndllblc on year II

year ba~is iubjeci 10 Ihe Cillldilioll thaI lhc retired (ilV Sc)valll appoinled as Pel~ollal Assistanl afler he lIlains Ihl age of 65 ycars Beyond Ihill Ihe term or incllmbent can be e~llellded lulthlt1 for a period or Ill mol thall six 11I0nlhs on the smne terms und conditions ill Plnlhlk ililerest if rl~qlli rcd - II shy





1 il



7 Namc or Iht pma ssislalll (ACllUlll$) I ) Ilulllhcr of pmHS Olle (0 I) i

CIlssil1ittiml ofllost GrOllI I) Ministerial I II

I fl IY S(llc llny Matrix Level 6 in Ihe th epc PA Y MATRIX 054()O- 112IOO)I

II I -10 ifllil - I I I I IIg~ bull111111 IilnXlIllllll1 age Il)r appOlllllllcnt y uplllation lilt 1I( IIlg sect 1011 11111 contract

sl1(l11 not be ccccling 56 years Oil the closing (la1l of rctcipt of upplicaiillll it il

12 As r~~I Recruitmcllt Hulcs lIIIlSI is fillcd IIJl hl dCIIII11ioll ( including Sh(~r-I lell1I cl)lIlnlel ) Ire-elllployment hasis ill Ihe folowing lIl111mcr


I)0 10 ( 0h d nmiddot Ie 01 r1l h II

Oflko1 under 11K Ccntral GovolIlinentl Statcl Governilwiltl UTI PSUsl AlildnollwlIs Semimiddot (iovcrnmcllll Stalutt11-yOrgallisations etc (i)llaving a GradUal fiJm 1Icoglllized Univcrsity AND (ii) lding unah)golls posl 011 regular basis on holding post in Levcl ~ or tho 7 (PC 1(1Y Malli m in tile pay hand Rs 5200 -- 20200- -I- GP Is 2amp001- (6 Crp) with al Icast ()(lt11 Igular ervic~ Ol~ Holding post in Level 4 or illC t CPC Pay Matrix olllin till pay hand Rs 52()O - 10200- 1 (lP Rs 24001 (6 CI)C) wilh 10 years regular servi~e in Ihe grade Irclltrll1cc shall be given to eandidmes Iwving experience in administrative orlleashl CCOllIHS

alld having knowledge otoll11l1ter Ii II

Nul~~ Period or (itplIlltionl contraci illcillding Ihe period or dClllitUliOIl c(1I11raCI ill antllhlr cx-ar post held immediately preceding this appointment ill the SlIlI1e 1101 somc tHlll Orgl1izati~llli Department (I lhe Ccnlml Governmellt shall ordinarilv nol exceed J vcars or till Ihl~ lile or tho Tribllnal ortii further ordtr~ whichOvcr is earliest Ih~~ ll1aXilll~ln il~C lilllit for appointment by deputalioll incltlding short IeIm conlract shall 110 be exceeding r6 y~ars

IIItc-ellllllo) 111 cuI I

II Oniers retired Ihllll lile Cenlral GllvenlllllllIi Siale Gtwcrnmclltl UT Govli Induding Stal~ ludicial Servicesi ISUs lIlonolllousi Scmi GovtSlatU(Ory Organisation etc(i)I-lavillg a C duale from r~~ct)gnized University ANI) (ii) Holding nnlllogolls post Oil yengular hasigt Ol~ hilidillg p(lSt~l ~cvel 501 the 7 CPC Pay Matrix or n th pay ha~ld Rs 5~O(11- 20200~- G~ I~s YWO (6 CPC)wlth at least 6 year rcgular service Ol~ Holdlllg post III lij~v~1 ~ ollhi 7 CI( Pay Matnx ~1r 111 Ihe ply band Rs 5200 - 20200- + GP Rs 2LIOO- (6 ( PC) With 10

1y~ar~ rqlIlar servlc~ n the grIUC II

Provided tilal t1 111IIIai appOlllllllcllt shall betw~el1 tlllC ycar likely to he clClrciable Oil y~ar Iii

y~~ar Imsis ~l1bj~el ttl the cnnditioll Ihal the retired Gov Servant appointed as 4sistalll antr hc alia ins the middotago or 65 years Bcyol1J that the term or illumhellt can bc extell~ed further iw a I)(rilid 01 not morc than six months 011 the same lerms and conditions ill hUblilt inttret irmiddot

required i


-------------------------------------- shy

I ~



ilIi I I

Name M the IUlst Upper Divsi(lll Ckrk I I

Numher of fI()SC~ One (0 I) ~i 11

Cli~silicafioll of poo( Group IV rvlinisllri1 Ii bull 1

Pay SClll~ Pay Malri L~wd 4 iii the 7It (PC PA Y MlTI IX (~550() i II O(~)


s Age Limit The lllaXiUllIJlI ag( limit hI tlppnintllleni by deputalion includilrg shorl tell11 conlracl

shall nOI h~ excecdill 56 year 1)11 fhe dosing date of receipt of applicatioll

6 As pCI Hccluiilllellt Rilles th post nf Assessor is filled lip h delIlIlIitl ( indllliing shurt 1l~11ll Conlracl ) re-cllIploymcllt basis ill IIIpound flllluwillJ IIIllllllcr I

I)cpUIllioll (illclucliu~llrl h~rlll c(llIiracl) blsis

Onicel lIll(e Ihe CCIlWtl GovclllInenll Siale Govcnllnenll UTI PSUsl A~IOIlOIllOlS Scmimiddot Government SIH~~c1ory Organisalions tI (i)llavillg (l MlIIriculurillll ~rolll I~ ~)nized illslilUte or Board ANI) (II) Holding (UHltll~I)IIS pos on rglliar baSIS Ol~ holcling pos In Llvel 01 Ihe 7 CPC Pay Mltltrix or ill the pay band [so i200 - 20200 -I- GP Is 19001_(6 11 CPC) wilh al leasl Xyear rcgular service Person p()sesling rail kllowlcdge or service mldl and regulations Applieahle ill Cenlral Gov lI1d IUIVing experience on cash and 1lCOlllfts null Cilfllpuler

opcnlling Ollid ~1C given prcrcrelHe I Nule 1II(1d ot deplilatlOn contract Incilllllllg the pCllocl 01 deputatlonl conlraci 111 allolher lx-cndrc post held ill1mediah~ly preceding this appointment ill the ~am~ (II some other Organiltlliolll Dcpartment of the Ccnlr~i1 Govenllllel1l shallllrciinllily not exe~ed years or till the life ollhe Trihullal or lill timher (lrdmiddot~ls wldcheva is earlies The Illlt1XiI1llIll age limil Itll appoi 11 II lH1I I by deplIlal ion including shol t [crill (~lIltracl shall not be exceed il1_~ 56 years


nC-CIll p11lY1l1 elll

Officers rdind fwm Ihe Central GOVCIIIIlWIII Siale (Jovernmelltf UT Govqi Incllidillg StIlC

Judicial Sl~rviccs fgtSLJs tlItOllomOlisi Scmi CiovtSlallllolY Organisalion c~c (i) Ilavillg a M~llrielllali()1l from r~coglliled instilute 1)1 Brd AND (ii) I-folding anal()goll~ P()st on regular btli on Iwldillg pOSI in Level 2 of Ihe 71t CPC Pry llatrix or in Ihe pny bllId Rs 5200 shy10200middot ojup Rs _191~Oi ((i CIC) ~ith at lut1it8 year regular ser~ic~ (~ H)ding post ill Level 2 nl Ihc 7 CP( Pay Matn or 111 the pay Rs (Rs29200 - 92)00) willigt yars reglilar serviccin the grade Pdcrcncc shall be given 10 calldidates havillg knowledge all conipte

11 I

Provided Illal Ihc Illilial app)illlllcnl shall belV~ell (l~e year likely 10 b~ I)XICIlUahlc ~Il )car 1( yenr bl~as slIbJect 10 Ihe COllcilllOIl Ihal Ihe rei Ired (ov Servant uppOlillec ltIf UDC nllcr he lllaills Ih~ age of 65 years I~ey()nd lh1l1 the IeIm of illclHl1bent ean Ie cX~Cllcfd furlher rur a pell()d 0 t nOI more Ihall SIX IllOlllhs 011 Ih~ same lrlllS and condltlolls III I~phhc Inl~I(SI II

nquirtd II iI

II 1

iI t) illl C X 1I1t~lli

~J ii III NIlIll or the Ilfl)1 Clurl Ma~tct il

NiIIllIHuf jltlSIS Ivo (02) h

II Classificaliun 1)1 pHS Group A bull M illislerial II

1 Pay Scale Pay ~~ntrix Level II in lhe 71 CPC PAY MATRIX (67700middot 2(JR70i~) Age Iimil Th~ mnXillllllll age limit It) appOinllll(1I1 by (kplIlHlioll il1dudin~ ~jltJrt IIrll1 elllHnicl

shallllllt he ixmiddottding i6 years on Ihe closing date or receipt of uppliCtllion i


6 As I)l Reclllitlllcni Juks the IHlsr is fill~d up by dlpuhllion ( including shl~f( lenn CIIIIIIICI )

1 n-cmplnYlllclIl busis in tlie follilwing manner i


1 Ofliltci 1II1d~r Ihe Celllral (iOVCnlI11Clill Sialel Governlllcntl UTI PSUsl Allto~lonlollsl Semi-CiwcrIIl1lclIl StllIlniy OrgallisI[i(I IlS ~t( (i) f Graduate from recognizedi UniversllY or eqllivaiel1l havillg 120 words per minllie ill shorlhand AND (ii) Holding amjogolls post on regular blsis Olt holding Ihe P()I in Levcl 10 or Ihe 7h CPC Pay Malri~ or in tllc vay halld or Rs ISliOO -39 I 1)0- + Gtgt I~s 1400- (61i1 CtgtC) with five years ngular serviec 1[11 Ihe grad Oil Holding pOSI ill Level rlhc 71h clle Pay Matrix or in Ihe pay band of ls93PO -- 3400middot + GP Rs IROn- (6h CPC) wilh si1( year regular service in the grade on holdtllg jhc posl ill Ieve 6 )j Ihe 71h CPC Pay Malrix or ill the pay banci or Rs 9300-J4ampOOi- Iil GP ls4200middot ((i CIC) wilh len years ngular scrviec ill the grade NO (ii) Possessing of a~ least 3 years experience or Establishment Admillistration allel Accounl etc of the GovcrtlmclIlllcSlablislllnell1

I I - I I bull I I I I I I II IIN111( lIm 01 (CpUlallOll cOlltrtlel IIlC I( mg t e ptno( nl (eputatu)ll contrlel III aBot II

ex-cadn POSI held imllHdialely preceding this appoillllllcnt in the same (ir sonic 111111 Orglt1I1izatioll Departmellt (If the Central (kwcrnlllcni shall ordinarily not exceed years or lill Ihe IiI or thc Tribunal or till rurther orders whichevcr is ~arlicst The 1llIjllllll~~ agl limit il appoinllllLlll by del)ulalinn including short tLfI1l eOlilracl shall nnt be exceeding 5~i years

i I

(Cmiddott1II plo me nt 1

On~~rs Ielircd from Ihe Central Gnvcn~mc~II_Stat G(lcnlln~ntl IT ~j(lvt 11~~llldh~g SIal iudlclal ScrvlIcsl PSUsl Autonomousl Semi (IOVUSlatutory Orgamsatloll ctcQ1lA (raelliaic fH1m recognized Univlrsily or equivalent having 120 words pCI minule in shorthalltl AND (ii) I-laving held analogous POSI on Igubr basis OR Iwlding Ihe pus I in LcvclIO or Ih~~ 71h

CPC Pay Matrix or in Ihe pay hnnd (If lb 15600 - JCJIOOmiddot + GP Rs 54001- (6rhCPC) willi IiV years r~glliar service in the grad OR a post ill Level X Urlhe 7lh CPC Pay Mltrixor ~n the Pity bal~d 01 I~ 9300 - 348O- -I- Gfgt R 4tiOO~ (6~h PC) wtlh ~IX yelr regllllurerv~e II~ Ihe grade OR holdlllg the post 111 Level () 01 the 7th CPC Pay Matnx or III the pa~ band 01 R- 9300middot34XflOimiddotmiddot1 GI R$4~OO- (6th CICl with len years rcgular servi(t in thl grild~

Pi(widcd lilal Iht initial apP)intlllcllt shall httwen one year likely 10 be clemlal~le on year 10 year basis suhjeet 10 Ihe condition tlml the rClir(c1 Gov Servant appointed ns Cmll1 Maswr afler he allltlins till age of 65 years Beyond that Ihe term of inlumbelll Ctll bi cXIndc( fllrllH1 fill a period ill IO( Illore Ihan six monlils 011 the same IcrlllS and cont1ili)Il ill puhlie interesl if

rcquired l

1II 1I i I

II 11 II

I II 1

ii IIIH X II -c-I II il



ilNallll Ihe post Seetinl Oflke I NIIlhcl or IWS[s OI1QOI)


Classilicalioll of plisl Cillllp IV MiniSlerinl I

PIY S~i~ ~)~y Malr~x L~vl1 ~ il 11 7 1i CPC Pf~~Y M~TRIX (r60~- IS 11(0)11

Age Llllut I lie IIWXlflllll1l Igc Imil I lor lPPOIlUlHnl (y depulatlon IIlchlthng TIilorl tenll conlract

shall 1101 he c(ceding 56 YCl1lS 011 Ihe hsing Jalc of IcciPII)I appikati(lll i t

As IHI IccrllitllHnl Ilules the )lIsl is filh~d tfI h) tlcpulnliull( including SIH~h lerlll ClllltllI1 )

I n-empluyment hlsi ill Ihe fullowinglIIallnc i i

igtpoundJlnllioll (including slwrl I~III COliI-ncO hllSi~ Ii I

Officer under lilc Cenlnil Gt)vL~tPmenll ~ww GovlrnmlIi UTI PSUsi utOllOll1HISi Scmimiddot GovCnlll1Cnl1 Slallllor~1 OlglIIisalinll$ ele (i)HlVillg H Graduat (Om rccognil1zcd IJnivulsity AND (ii) Holding analogoll) pOSt ()f jtguiar basis Ol holding the pOSI ill LJvcl 6 or 11K 7 CIC Pay lvlallix or ill Ib 9300 - J4i(Il)middot -- CiP Rs 42()Omiddot (6 th CPC) wilh ~i lCast six f(r

ilgular ~urvice Prerer~nce shall hi givcrtW person~ POStssillg kl1owledge orjlAJl1lilliSllaliC (tllli Accounl mal tels 01 GovilIllllcl1l clahllsillneni l


NOte Periodmiddot of (hplIllaquotinn COlltracl in~ltlding Ihe pcriod or tI~Pllintionl con~rllct ill anolher ex-cadI post held 1111111Cdlalciy prceedll)g thiS applllllllllenl III the SllIlll ~or sOl11e olhr Organizilionl Dparlmelll of Ihe Celltral GilVcrnnlcllt shall ordinarily 1101 xcce~13 yl~IIS nr till the lik of th Trihunal or [ill further Meier whichever is carliest The maillllllll age lilllil lir appoilltmenl hy deplitalioll induding ~hort ten contract shall not be lxcccding 5 PYlars


IIc-clllpluVIIJ(Ilt J

()Ij I I II C I ( 1 C I UI c III I I s~ I ICirs rCllre( rom Ie Cl1lra lovernmCll tate JWCIIl Il1CIl I IOVI pc U( llig la L

tudiial ScrvicLS ISU~ lultlllOmOllsi Semi GIHltSla[lilor) Organisalion lul (I) Iaving ~I (inldualt irnlll lllogllicd University ANI) (ii) Having held analogous post ljl lIglllllr hasis ~)I~ holding Ihe POSI~ in Le~C1 6 of lh~ 711 CPC Pay lvIatrix or II Rs 9ilOO - _~IXO()-middot llt Rs 400 (611 cPt) with lIllcnsl SIX veal rCiularservlIc IretcrelHesh~1l be glVClllo persons posscs$i~g knowledge of A(It nilli-si ral ivc- alld Accoullt mallcrs lr Governinelll cSlablbhll1tnl

l PnJviclcd lhal Ihe inilial appoinlmeni shall between OIlC year likely to be CXlelld~bh 011 year to

year basi slll~ic(1 10 the condition Iha the relired Go1 Scrvanl UPP(JiIlHd liS Stclioll Oflieer an~r hc allaill the -we Ill 65 c a 1 I3cvond lilal the Icrm or incumhent call be d~elltkd nlier 1(1 a pltriod or IInl n~orc Ihilli monlils 011 ihe same terms and conditions in PtrlOli inl(IIsl il required I

1II IiIiIi I I III 01

1 I


1 11I 1I i


11 Annexure- II J i I




NIIIII~ 111 (he pUS I Iel~(lnal ssistalll I

NlIlllhlr III PSIgt On~ (0 I) II

Clasiiicaliull nr IuSI GroliP r IVlil~istria I I)ay Scale Pay Matrix Level 6 ill the 711 CPC PAY MATRIX (35400- 1124(0)1

~ Age Limit The maximllm age limit lor appoinlmtnt hy deputation including ~hlll1 [CIIIl contract

11lt111 1101 be exceeding 56 ycar~ on Ihe dosing dltl~ of receipt of application I

~ IlCI IhUllitmell[ ~tl~hs the pos ~s nlled up hy dlflltration lt inciIHling Slll~ erlll cOlltract ) I c-ellljlltlymelil hasls III lhe loIlIlWIII 1l1lUlIlel

0 II

l)elllllll~ClJclllding sllllr lellII cOlltnl~ll hl~is ii IIUIIIIlI tinder Ih~ Cel1lral GovclIllllenli Sialei Cillv(mIl1CIll UTI PSUsl AIII01(llllousl Semishy

GOVlrtllllClllJ SIaIUIOlY Organisatious ell (i) I-Iavillg a Graduate fWIll recogniz4~1 University or quivakl1 having l~ speed or Ion Wl)Id~ per min~llcgt in sh~~lhiIl~ ANI) (ii~ HOfling analognw pISI 011 1Igular baSIS OR holding post III Level) of Ihe 7 CPC Pay Malllx or III Ihe pay hand Is 5~O() - ~()200- + ar Is 2100- (611t CPC) wilh ltII Icast 6 year regular scrvi~lt em Hltllding post in I~vcl ltl 01 the tit CPC 1)(lY Matrix or ill the p~ly band Rs 5200 - 20~OO- (jp IsI

2400- ([11 CPC) wilh 10 years re~1I1al service in tl1 crnde Prcllcncc shill be ~ivn (1

callcJidal$ havillg knowledge or con~pllter - ~ 0 I ~

Null Period or deputalionl contlacl including lh~~ period or cieplIlHlion con act in anothcr cx-cadn post held inlillctliately prtccding Ihis appointlllellt in the same r Sliml olher Organizatinll rkpartlllcnt or the CCllIral GovernlllClll shall ordinarily 110t cxeecf J years 01 till th~ i I~ or Ihe lri bUllal (II Iill further orders whichever is earl iest The maxi llIui11 agt I intil fill appoilllmelll by deputation illdutiing short 111I1l conlract shall 1101 be cxcelciillg ~f years


i1-CIIIIu1lt I Orti~r$ 111 irtd 11(1111 lhe Ccnlml Governmentl Slale (iovclIlllleJlII UT (jov I lcilidillg SIltlI( Judicial Servicesl ISUs AulltJllonlOus Scmi GovtStatulorv QIfltlnisatiol1 ctc (i)Hilving a Graduate rWI11 recognized UniversilY ANn (ii) Holding amlog(l~s post 011 Ic4ul(ll ba~is on hlllding POSI ill Level 5 of Ihc 7h CPC Pay tvlatli 01 in Ihe pay blIId Rs 5(~O - 20200- + GP Ih 2XOO- (61h CPC) with al least 6 ylnr regular strvic Oil Holding post inLltvcl 4 ~)r the 71 CI( Pay Malr 01 in the pay ban(~ Rs 5200 - 202O- + GP I~ 24001- ~6111 CPC) with 10 ~~ars rcgultr serVICe III tht grade Pnlercl1(e shall be glVl1l to calHhdates IHlvlng kllowledge (I

I (1m pUleI

PIIidecilhaltIH~ inilial appoilllll1CIH shall bClween (jIlC year likely 10 be eXltndllblc on year II

year ba~is iubjeci 10 Ihe Cillldilioll thaI lhc retired (ilV Sc)valll appoinled as Pel~ollal Assistanl afler he lIlains Ihl age of 65 ycars Beyond Ihill Ihe term or incllmbent can be e~llellded lulthlt1 for a period or Ill mol thall six 11I0nlhs on the smne terms und conditions ill Plnlhlk ililerest if rl~qlli rcd - II shy





1 il


I ~



ilIi I I

Name M the IUlst Upper Divsi(lll Ckrk I I

Numher of fI()SC~ One (0 I) ~i 11

Cli~silicafioll of poo( Group IV rvlinisllri1 Ii bull 1

Pay SClll~ Pay Malri L~wd 4 iii the 7It (PC PA Y MlTI IX (~550() i II O(~)


s Age Limit The lllaXiUllIJlI ag( limit hI tlppnintllleni by deputalion includilrg shorl tell11 conlracl

shall nOI h~ excecdill 56 year 1)11 fhe dosing date of receipt of applicatioll

6 As pCI Hccluiilllellt Rilles th post nf Assessor is filled lip h delIlIlIitl ( indllliing shurt 1l~11ll Conlracl ) re-cllIploymcllt basis ill IIIpound flllluwillJ IIIllllllcr I

I)cpUIllioll (illclucliu~llrl h~rlll c(llIiracl) blsis

Onicel lIll(e Ihe CCIlWtl GovclllInenll Siale Govcnllnenll UTI PSUsl A~IOIlOIllOlS Scmimiddot Government SIH~~c1ory Organisalions tI (i)llavillg (l MlIIriculurillll ~rolll I~ ~)nized illslilUte or Board ANI) (II) Holding (UHltll~I)IIS pos on rglliar baSIS Ol~ holcling pos In Llvel 01 Ihe 7 CPC Pay Mltltrix or ill the pay band [so i200 - 20200 -I- GP Is 19001_(6 11 CPC) wilh al leasl Xyear rcgular service Person p()sesling rail kllowlcdge or service mldl and regulations Applieahle ill Cenlral Gov lI1d IUIVing experience on cash and 1lCOlllfts null Cilfllpuler

opcnlling Ollid ~1C given prcrcrelHe I Nule 1II(1d ot deplilatlOn contract Incilllllllg the pCllocl 01 deputatlonl conlraci 111 allolher lx-cndrc post held ill1mediah~ly preceding this appointment ill the ~am~ (II some other Organiltlliolll Dcpartment of the Ccnlr~i1 Govenllllel1l shallllrciinllily not exe~ed years or till the life ollhe Trihullal or lill timher (lrdmiddot~ls wldcheva is earlies The Illlt1XiI1llIll age limil Itll appoi 11 II lH1I I by deplIlal ion including shol t [crill (~lIltracl shall not be exceed il1_~ 56 years


nC-CIll p11lY1l1 elll

Officers rdind fwm Ihe Central GOVCIIIIlWIII Siale (Jovernmelltf UT Govqi Incllidillg StIlC

Judicial Sl~rviccs fgtSLJs tlItOllomOlisi Scmi CiovtSlallllolY Organisalion c~c (i) Ilavillg a M~llrielllali()1l from r~coglliled instilute 1)1 Brd AND (ii) I-folding anal()goll~ P()st on regular btli on Iwldillg pOSI in Level 2 of Ihe 71t CPC Pry llatrix or in Ihe pny bllId Rs 5200 shy10200middot ojup Rs _191~Oi ((i CIC) ~ith at lut1it8 year regular ser~ic~ (~ H)ding post ill Level 2 nl Ihc 7 CP( Pay Matn or 111 the pay Rs (Rs29200 - 92)00) willigt yars reglilar serviccin the grade Pdcrcncc shall be given 10 calldidates havillg knowledge all conipte

11 I

Provided Illal Ihc Illilial app)illlllcnl shall belV~ell (l~e year likely 10 b~ I)XICIlUahlc ~Il )car 1( yenr bl~as slIbJect 10 Ihe COllcilllOIl Ihal Ihe rei Ired (ov Servant uppOlillec ltIf UDC nllcr he lllaills Ih~ age of 65 years I~ey()nd lh1l1 the IeIm of illclHl1bent ean Ie cX~Cllcfd furlher rur a pell()d 0 t nOI more Ihall SIX IllOlllhs 011 Ih~ same lrlllS and condltlolls III I~phhc Inl~I(SI II

nquirtd II iI

II 1

iI t) illl C X 1I1t~lli

~J ii III NIlIll or the Ilfl)1 Clurl Ma~tct il

NiIIllIHuf jltlSIS Ivo (02) h

II Classificaliun 1)1 pHS Group A bull M illislerial II

1 Pay Scale Pay ~~ntrix Level II in lhe 71 CPC PAY MATRIX (67700middot 2(JR70i~) Age Iimil Th~ mnXillllllll age limit It) appOinllll(1I1 by (kplIlHlioll il1dudin~ ~jltJrt IIrll1 elllHnicl

shallllllt he ixmiddottding i6 years on Ihe closing date or receipt of uppliCtllion i


6 As I)l Reclllitlllcni Juks the IHlsr is fill~d up by dlpuhllion ( including shl~f( lenn CIIIIIIICI )

1 n-cmplnYlllclIl busis in tlie follilwing manner i


1 Ofliltci 1II1d~r Ihe Celllral (iOVCnlI11Clill Sialel Governlllcntl UTI PSUsl Allto~lonlollsl Semi-CiwcrIIl1lclIl StllIlniy OrgallisI[i(I IlS ~t( (i) f Graduate from recognizedi UniversllY or eqllivaiel1l havillg 120 words per minllie ill shorlhand AND (ii) Holding amjogolls post on regular blsis Olt holding Ihe P()I in Levcl 10 or Ihe 7h CPC Pay Malri~ or in tllc vay halld or Rs ISliOO -39 I 1)0- + Gtgt I~s 1400- (61i1 CtgtC) with five years ngular serviec 1[11 Ihe grad Oil Holding pOSI ill Level rlhc 71h clle Pay Matrix or in Ihe pay band of ls93PO -- 3400middot + GP Rs IROn- (6h CPC) wilh si1( year regular service in the grade on holdtllg jhc posl ill Ieve 6 )j Ihe 71h CPC Pay Malrix or ill the pay banci or Rs 9300-J4ampOOi- Iil GP ls4200middot ((i CIC) wilh len years ngular scrviec ill the grade NO (ii) Possessing of a~ least 3 years experience or Establishment Admillistration allel Accounl etc of the GovcrtlmclIlllcSlablislllnell1

I I - I I bull I I I I I I II IIN111( lIm 01 (CpUlallOll cOlltrtlel IIlC I( mg t e ptno( nl (eputatu)ll contrlel III aBot II

ex-cadn POSI held imllHdialely preceding this appoillllllcnt in the same (ir sonic 111111 Orglt1I1izatioll Departmellt (If the Central (kwcrnlllcni shall ordinarily not exceed years or lill Ihe IiI or thc Tribunal or till rurther orders whichevcr is ~arlicst The 1llIjllllll~~ agl limit il appoinllllLlll by del)ulalinn including short tLfI1l eOlilracl shall nnt be exceeding 5~i years

i I

(Cmiddott1II plo me nt 1

On~~rs Ielircd from Ihe Central Gnvcn~mc~II_Stat G(lcnlln~ntl IT ~j(lvt 11~~llldh~g SIal iudlclal ScrvlIcsl PSUsl Autonomousl Semi (IOVUSlatutory Orgamsatloll ctcQ1lA (raelliaic fH1m recognized Univlrsily or equivalent having 120 words pCI minule in shorthalltl AND (ii) I-laving held analogous POSI on Igubr basis OR Iwlding Ihe pus I in LcvclIO or Ih~~ 71h

CPC Pay Matrix or in Ihe pay hnnd (If lb 15600 - JCJIOOmiddot + GP Rs 54001- (6rhCPC) willi IiV years r~glliar service in the grad OR a post ill Level X Urlhe 7lh CPC Pay Mltrixor ~n the Pity bal~d 01 I~ 9300 - 348O- -I- Gfgt R 4tiOO~ (6~h PC) wtlh ~IX yelr regllllurerv~e II~ Ihe grade OR holdlllg the post 111 Level () 01 the 7th CPC Pay Matnx or III the pa~ band 01 R- 9300middot34XflOimiddotmiddot1 GI R$4~OO- (6th CICl with len years rcgular servi(t in thl grild~

Pi(widcd lilal Iht initial apP)intlllcllt shall httwen one year likely 10 be clemlal~le on year 10 year basis suhjeet 10 Ihe condition tlml the rClir(c1 Gov Servant appointed ns Cmll1 Maswr afler he allltlins till age of 65 years Beyond that Ihe term of inlumbelll Ctll bi cXIndc( fllrllH1 fill a period ill IO( Illore Ihan six monlils 011 the same IcrlllS and cont1ili)Il ill puhlie interesl if

rcquired l

1II 1I i I

II 11 II

I II 1

ii IIIH X II -c-I II il



ilNallll Ihe post Seetinl Oflke I NIIlhcl or IWS[s OI1QOI)


Classilicalioll of plisl Cillllp IV MiniSlerinl I

PIY S~i~ ~)~y Malr~x L~vl1 ~ il 11 7 1i CPC Pf~~Y M~TRIX (r60~- IS 11(0)11

Age Llllut I lie IIWXlflllll1l Igc Imil I lor lPPOIlUlHnl (y depulatlon IIlchlthng TIilorl tenll conlract

shall 1101 he c(ceding 56 YCl1lS 011 Ihe hsing Jalc of IcciPII)I appikati(lll i t

As IHI IccrllitllHnl Ilules the )lIsl is filh~d tfI h) tlcpulnliull( including SIH~h lerlll ClllltllI1 )

I n-empluyment hlsi ill Ihe fullowinglIIallnc i i

igtpoundJlnllioll (including slwrl I~III COliI-ncO hllSi~ Ii I

Officer under lilc Cenlnil Gt)vL~tPmenll ~ww GovlrnmlIi UTI PSUsi utOllOll1HISi Scmimiddot GovCnlll1Cnl1 Slallllor~1 OlglIIisalinll$ ele (i)HlVillg H Graduat (Om rccognil1zcd IJnivulsity AND (ii) Holding analogoll) pOSt ()f jtguiar basis Ol holding the pOSI ill LJvcl 6 or 11K 7 CIC Pay lvlallix or ill Ib 9300 - J4i(Il)middot -- CiP Rs 42()Omiddot (6 th CPC) wilh ~i lCast six f(r

ilgular ~urvice Prerer~nce shall hi givcrtW person~ POStssillg kl1owledge orjlAJl1lilliSllaliC (tllli Accounl mal tels 01 GovilIllllcl1l clahllsillneni l


NOte Periodmiddot of (hplIllaquotinn COlltracl in~ltlding Ihe pcriod or tI~Pllintionl con~rllct ill anolher ex-cadI post held 1111111Cdlalciy prceedll)g thiS applllllllllenl III the SllIlll ~or sOl11e olhr Organizilionl Dparlmelll of Ihe Celltral GilVcrnnlcllt shall ordinarily 1101 xcce~13 yl~IIS nr till the lik of th Trihunal or [ill further Meier whichever is carliest The maillllllll age lilllil lir appoilltmenl hy deplitalioll induding ~hort ten contract shall not be lxcccding 5 PYlars


IIc-clllpluVIIJ(Ilt J

()Ij I I II C I ( 1 C I UI c III I I s~ I ICirs rCllre( rom Ie Cl1lra lovernmCll tate JWCIIl Il1CIl I IOVI pc U( llig la L

tudiial ScrvicLS ISU~ lultlllOmOllsi Semi GIHltSla[lilor) Organisalion lul (I) Iaving ~I (inldualt irnlll lllogllicd University ANI) (ii) Having held analogous post ljl lIglllllr hasis ~)I~ holding Ihe POSI~ in Le~C1 6 of lh~ 711 CPC Pay lvIatrix or II Rs 9ilOO - _~IXO()-middot llt Rs 400 (611 cPt) with lIllcnsl SIX veal rCiularservlIc IretcrelHesh~1l be glVClllo persons posscs$i~g knowledge of A(It nilli-si ral ivc- alld Accoullt mallcrs lr Governinelll cSlablbhll1tnl

l PnJviclcd lhal Ihe inilial appoinlmeni shall between OIlC year likely to be CXlelld~bh 011 year to

year basi slll~ic(1 10 the condition Iha the relired Go1 Scrvanl UPP(JiIlHd liS Stclioll Oflieer an~r hc allaill the -we Ill 65 c a 1 I3cvond lilal the Icrm or incumhent call be d~elltkd nlier 1(1 a pltriod or IInl n~orc Ihilli monlils 011 ihe same terms and conditions in PtrlOli inl(IIsl il required I

1II IiIiIi I I III 01

1 I


1 11I 1I i


11 Annexure- II J i I




NIIIII~ 111 (he pUS I Iel~(lnal ssistalll I

NlIlllhlr III PSIgt On~ (0 I) II

Clasiiicaliull nr IuSI GroliP r IVlil~istria I I)ay Scale Pay Matrix Level 6 ill the 711 CPC PAY MATRIX (35400- 1124(0)1

~ Age Limit The maximllm age limit lor appoinlmtnt hy deputation including ~hlll1 [CIIIl contract

11lt111 1101 be exceeding 56 ycar~ on Ihe dosing dltl~ of receipt of application I

~ IlCI IhUllitmell[ ~tl~hs the pos ~s nlled up hy dlflltration lt inciIHling Slll~ erlll cOlltract ) I c-ellljlltlymelil hasls III lhe loIlIlWIII 1l1lUlIlel

0 II

l)elllllll~ClJclllding sllllr lellII cOlltnl~ll hl~is ii IIUIIIIlI tinder Ih~ Cel1lral GovclIllllenli Sialei Cillv(mIl1CIll UTI PSUsl AIII01(llllousl Semishy

GOVlrtllllClllJ SIaIUIOlY Organisatious ell (i) I-Iavillg a Graduate fWIll recogniz4~1 University or quivakl1 having l~ speed or Ion Wl)Id~ per min~llcgt in sh~~lhiIl~ ANI) (ii~ HOfling analognw pISI 011 1Igular baSIS OR holding post III Level) of Ihe 7 CPC Pay Malllx or III Ihe pay hand Is 5~O() - ~()200- + ar Is 2100- (611t CPC) wilh ltII Icast 6 year regular scrvi~lt em Hltllding post in I~vcl ltl 01 the tit CPC 1)(lY Matrix or ill the p~ly band Rs 5200 - 20~OO- (jp IsI

2400- ([11 CPC) wilh 10 years re~1I1al service in tl1 crnde Prcllcncc shill be ~ivn (1

callcJidal$ havillg knowledge or con~pllter - ~ 0 I ~

Null Period or deputalionl contlacl including lh~~ period or cieplIlHlion con act in anothcr cx-cadn post held inlillctliately prtccding Ihis appointlllellt in the same r Sliml olher Organizatinll rkpartlllcnt or the CCllIral GovernlllClll shall ordinarily 110t cxeecf J years 01 till th~ i I~ or Ihe lri bUllal (II Iill further orders whichever is earl iest The maxi llIui11 agt I intil fill appoilllmelll by deputation illdutiing short 111I1l conlract shall 1101 be cxcelciillg ~f years


i1-CIIIIu1lt I Orti~r$ 111 irtd 11(1111 lhe Ccnlml Governmentl Slale (iovclIlllleJlII UT (jov I lcilidillg SIltlI( Judicial Servicesl ISUs AulltJllonlOus Scmi GovtStatulorv QIfltlnisatiol1 ctc (i)Hilving a Graduate rWI11 recognized UniversilY ANn (ii) Holding amlog(l~s post 011 Ic4ul(ll ba~is on hlllding POSI ill Level 5 of Ihc 7h CPC Pay tvlatli 01 in Ihe pay blIId Rs 5(~O - 20200- + GP Ih 2XOO- (61h CPC) with al least 6 ylnr regular strvic Oil Holding post inLltvcl 4 ~)r the 71 CI( Pay Malr 01 in the pay ban(~ Rs 5200 - 202O- + GP I~ 24001- ~6111 CPC) with 10 ~~ars rcgultr serVICe III tht grade Pnlercl1(e shall be glVl1l to calHhdates IHlvlng kllowledge (I

I (1m pUleI

PIIidecilhaltIH~ inilial appoilllll1CIH shall bClween (jIlC year likely 10 be eXltndllblc on year II

year ba~is iubjeci 10 Ihe Cillldilioll thaI lhc retired (ilV Sc)valll appoinled as Pel~ollal Assistanl afler he lIlains Ihl age of 65 ycars Beyond Ihill Ihe term or incllmbent can be e~llellded lulthlt1 for a period or Ill mol thall six 11I0nlhs on the smne terms und conditions ill Plnlhlk ililerest if rl~qlli rcd - II shy





1 il


iI t) illl C X 1I1t~lli

~J ii III NIlIll or the Ilfl)1 Clurl Ma~tct il

NiIIllIHuf jltlSIS Ivo (02) h

II Classificaliun 1)1 pHS Group A bull M illislerial II

1 Pay Scale Pay ~~ntrix Level II in lhe 71 CPC PAY MATRIX (67700middot 2(JR70i~) Age Iimil Th~ mnXillllllll age limit It) appOinllll(1I1 by (kplIlHlioll il1dudin~ ~jltJrt IIrll1 elllHnicl

shallllllt he ixmiddottding i6 years on Ihe closing date or receipt of uppliCtllion i


6 As I)l Reclllitlllcni Juks the IHlsr is fill~d up by dlpuhllion ( including shl~f( lenn CIIIIIIICI )

1 n-cmplnYlllclIl busis in tlie follilwing manner i


1 Ofliltci 1II1d~r Ihe Celllral (iOVCnlI11Clill Sialel Governlllcntl UTI PSUsl Allto~lonlollsl Semi-CiwcrIIl1lclIl StllIlniy OrgallisI[i(I IlS ~t( (i) f Graduate from recognizedi UniversllY or eqllivaiel1l havillg 120 words per minllie ill shorlhand AND (ii) Holding amjogolls post on regular blsis Olt holding Ihe P()I in Levcl 10 or Ihe 7h CPC Pay Malri~ or in tllc vay halld or Rs ISliOO -39 I 1)0- + Gtgt I~s 1400- (61i1 CtgtC) with five years ngular serviec 1[11 Ihe grad Oil Holding pOSI ill Level rlhc 71h clle Pay Matrix or in Ihe pay band of ls93PO -- 3400middot + GP Rs IROn- (6h CPC) wilh si1( year regular service in the grade on holdtllg jhc posl ill Ieve 6 )j Ihe 71h CPC Pay Malrix or ill the pay banci or Rs 9300-J4ampOOi- Iil GP ls4200middot ((i CIC) wilh len years ngular scrviec ill the grade NO (ii) Possessing of a~ least 3 years experience or Establishment Admillistration allel Accounl etc of the GovcrtlmclIlllcSlablislllnell1

I I - I I bull I I I I I I II IIN111( lIm 01 (CpUlallOll cOlltrtlel IIlC I( mg t e ptno( nl (eputatu)ll contrlel III aBot II

ex-cadn POSI held imllHdialely preceding this appoillllllcnt in the same (ir sonic 111111 Orglt1I1izatioll Departmellt (If the Central (kwcrnlllcni shall ordinarily not exceed years or lill Ihe IiI or thc Tribunal or till rurther orders whichevcr is ~arlicst The 1llIjllllll~~ agl limit il appoinllllLlll by del)ulalinn including short tLfI1l eOlilracl shall nnt be exceeding 5~i years

i I

(Cmiddott1II plo me nt 1

On~~rs Ielircd from Ihe Central Gnvcn~mc~II_Stat G(lcnlln~ntl IT ~j(lvt 11~~llldh~g SIal iudlclal ScrvlIcsl PSUsl Autonomousl Semi (IOVUSlatutory Orgamsatloll ctcQ1lA (raelliaic fH1m recognized Univlrsily or equivalent having 120 words pCI minule in shorthalltl AND (ii) I-laving held analogous POSI on Igubr basis OR Iwlding Ihe pus I in LcvclIO or Ih~~ 71h

CPC Pay Matrix or in Ihe pay hnnd (If lb 15600 - JCJIOOmiddot + GP Rs 54001- (6rhCPC) willi IiV years r~glliar service in the grad OR a post ill Level X Urlhe 7lh CPC Pay Mltrixor ~n the Pity bal~d 01 I~ 9300 - 348O- -I- Gfgt R 4tiOO~ (6~h PC) wtlh ~IX yelr regllllurerv~e II~ Ihe grade OR holdlllg the post 111 Level () 01 the 7th CPC Pay Matnx or III the pa~ band 01 R- 9300middot34XflOimiddotmiddot1 GI R$4~OO- (6th CICl with len years rcgular servi(t in thl grild~

Pi(widcd lilal Iht initial apP)intlllcllt shall httwen one year likely 10 be clemlal~le on year 10 year basis suhjeet 10 Ihe condition tlml the rClir(c1 Gov Servant appointed ns Cmll1 Maswr afler he allltlins till age of 65 years Beyond that Ihe term of inlumbelll Ctll bi cXIndc( fllrllH1 fill a period ill IO( Illore Ihan six monlils 011 the same IcrlllS and cont1ili)Il ill puhlie interesl if

rcquired l

1II 1I i I

II 11 II

I II 1

ii IIIH X II -c-I II il



ilNallll Ihe post Seetinl Oflke I NIIlhcl or IWS[s OI1QOI)


Classilicalioll of plisl Cillllp IV MiniSlerinl I

PIY S~i~ ~)~y Malr~x L~vl1 ~ il 11 7 1i CPC Pf~~Y M~TRIX (r60~- IS 11(0)11

Age Llllut I lie IIWXlflllll1l Igc Imil I lor lPPOIlUlHnl (y depulatlon IIlchlthng TIilorl tenll conlract

shall 1101 he c(ceding 56 YCl1lS 011 Ihe hsing Jalc of IcciPII)I appikati(lll i t

As IHI IccrllitllHnl Ilules the )lIsl is filh~d tfI h) tlcpulnliull( including SIH~h lerlll ClllltllI1 )

I n-empluyment hlsi ill Ihe fullowinglIIallnc i i

igtpoundJlnllioll (including slwrl I~III COliI-ncO hllSi~ Ii I

Officer under lilc Cenlnil Gt)vL~tPmenll ~ww GovlrnmlIi UTI PSUsi utOllOll1HISi Scmimiddot GovCnlll1Cnl1 Slallllor~1 OlglIIisalinll$ ele (i)HlVillg H Graduat (Om rccognil1zcd IJnivulsity AND (ii) Holding analogoll) pOSt ()f jtguiar basis Ol holding the pOSI ill LJvcl 6 or 11K 7 CIC Pay lvlallix or ill Ib 9300 - J4i(Il)middot -- CiP Rs 42()Omiddot (6 th CPC) wilh ~i lCast six f(r

ilgular ~urvice Prerer~nce shall hi givcrtW person~ POStssillg kl1owledge orjlAJl1lilliSllaliC (tllli Accounl mal tels 01 GovilIllllcl1l clahllsillneni l


NOte Periodmiddot of (hplIllaquotinn COlltracl in~ltlding Ihe pcriod or tI~Pllintionl con~rllct ill anolher ex-cadI post held 1111111Cdlalciy prceedll)g thiS applllllllllenl III the SllIlll ~or sOl11e olhr Organizilionl Dparlmelll of Ihe Celltral GilVcrnnlcllt shall ordinarily 1101 xcce~13 yl~IIS nr till the lik of th Trihunal or [ill further Meier whichever is carliest The maillllllll age lilllil lir appoilltmenl hy deplitalioll induding ~hort ten contract shall not be lxcccding 5 PYlars


IIc-clllpluVIIJ(Ilt J

()Ij I I II C I ( 1 C I UI c III I I s~ I ICirs rCllre( rom Ie Cl1lra lovernmCll tate JWCIIl Il1CIl I IOVI pc U( llig la L

tudiial ScrvicLS ISU~ lultlllOmOllsi Semi GIHltSla[lilor) Organisalion lul (I) Iaving ~I (inldualt irnlll lllogllicd University ANI) (ii) Having held analogous post ljl lIglllllr hasis ~)I~ holding Ihe POSI~ in Le~C1 6 of lh~ 711 CPC Pay lvIatrix or II Rs 9ilOO - _~IXO()-middot llt Rs 400 (611 cPt) with lIllcnsl SIX veal rCiularservlIc IretcrelHesh~1l be glVClllo persons posscs$i~g knowledge of A(It nilli-si ral ivc- alld Accoullt mallcrs lr Governinelll cSlablbhll1tnl

l PnJviclcd lhal Ihe inilial appoinlmeni shall between OIlC year likely to be CXlelld~bh 011 year to

year basi slll~ic(1 10 the condition Iha the relired Go1 Scrvanl UPP(JiIlHd liS Stclioll Oflieer an~r hc allaill the -we Ill 65 c a 1 I3cvond lilal the Icrm or incumhent call be d~elltkd nlier 1(1 a pltriod or IInl n~orc Ihilli monlils 011 ihe same terms and conditions in PtrlOli inl(IIsl il required I

1II IiIiIi I I III 01

1 I


1 11I 1I i


11 Annexure- II J i I




NIIIII~ 111 (he pUS I Iel~(lnal ssistalll I

NlIlllhlr III PSIgt On~ (0 I) II

Clasiiicaliull nr IuSI GroliP r IVlil~istria I I)ay Scale Pay Matrix Level 6 ill the 711 CPC PAY MATRIX (35400- 1124(0)1

~ Age Limit The maximllm age limit lor appoinlmtnt hy deputation including ~hlll1 [CIIIl contract

11lt111 1101 be exceeding 56 ycar~ on Ihe dosing dltl~ of receipt of application I

~ IlCI IhUllitmell[ ~tl~hs the pos ~s nlled up hy dlflltration lt inciIHling Slll~ erlll cOlltract ) I c-ellljlltlymelil hasls III lhe loIlIlWIII 1l1lUlIlel

0 II

l)elllllll~ClJclllding sllllr lellII cOlltnl~ll hl~is ii IIUIIIIlI tinder Ih~ Cel1lral GovclIllllenli Sialei Cillv(mIl1CIll UTI PSUsl AIII01(llllousl Semishy

GOVlrtllllClllJ SIaIUIOlY Organisatious ell (i) I-Iavillg a Graduate fWIll recogniz4~1 University or quivakl1 having l~ speed or Ion Wl)Id~ per min~llcgt in sh~~lhiIl~ ANI) (ii~ HOfling analognw pISI 011 1Igular baSIS OR holding post III Level) of Ihe 7 CPC Pay Malllx or III Ihe pay hand Is 5~O() - ~()200- + ar Is 2100- (611t CPC) wilh ltII Icast 6 year regular scrvi~lt em Hltllding post in I~vcl ltl 01 the tit CPC 1)(lY Matrix or ill the p~ly band Rs 5200 - 20~OO- (jp IsI

2400- ([11 CPC) wilh 10 years re~1I1al service in tl1 crnde Prcllcncc shill be ~ivn (1

callcJidal$ havillg knowledge or con~pllter - ~ 0 I ~

Null Period or deputalionl contlacl including lh~~ period or cieplIlHlion con act in anothcr cx-cadn post held inlillctliately prtccding Ihis appointlllellt in the same r Sliml olher Organizatinll rkpartlllcnt or the CCllIral GovernlllClll shall ordinarily 110t cxeecf J years 01 till th~ i I~ or Ihe lri bUllal (II Iill further orders whichever is earl iest The maxi llIui11 agt I intil fill appoilllmelll by deputation illdutiing short 111I1l conlract shall 1101 be cxcelciillg ~f years


i1-CIIIIu1lt I Orti~r$ 111 irtd 11(1111 lhe Ccnlml Governmentl Slale (iovclIlllleJlII UT (jov I lcilidillg SIltlI( Judicial Servicesl ISUs AulltJllonlOus Scmi GovtStatulorv QIfltlnisatiol1 ctc (i)Hilving a Graduate rWI11 recognized UniversilY ANn (ii) Holding amlog(l~s post 011 Ic4ul(ll ba~is on hlllding POSI ill Level 5 of Ihc 7h CPC Pay tvlatli 01 in Ihe pay blIId Rs 5(~O - 20200- + GP Ih 2XOO- (61h CPC) with al least 6 ylnr regular strvic Oil Holding post inLltvcl 4 ~)r the 71 CI( Pay Malr 01 in the pay ban(~ Rs 5200 - 202O- + GP I~ 24001- ~6111 CPC) with 10 ~~ars rcgultr serVICe III tht grade Pnlercl1(e shall be glVl1l to calHhdates IHlvlng kllowledge (I

I (1m pUleI

PIIidecilhaltIH~ inilial appoilllll1CIH shall bClween (jIlC year likely 10 be eXltndllblc on year II

year ba~is iubjeci 10 Ihe Cillldilioll thaI lhc retired (ilV Sc)valll appoinled as Pel~ollal Assistanl afler he lIlains Ihl age of 65 ycars Beyond Ihill Ihe term or incllmbent can be e~llellded lulthlt1 for a period or Ill mol thall six 11I0nlhs on the smne terms und conditions ill Plnlhlk ililerest if rl~qlli rcd - II shy





1 il


ii IIIH X II -c-I II il



ilNallll Ihe post Seetinl Oflke I NIIlhcl or IWS[s OI1QOI)


Classilicalioll of plisl Cillllp IV MiniSlerinl I

PIY S~i~ ~)~y Malr~x L~vl1 ~ il 11 7 1i CPC Pf~~Y M~TRIX (r60~- IS 11(0)11

Age Llllut I lie IIWXlflllll1l Igc Imil I lor lPPOIlUlHnl (y depulatlon IIlchlthng TIilorl tenll conlract

shall 1101 he c(ceding 56 YCl1lS 011 Ihe hsing Jalc of IcciPII)I appikati(lll i t

As IHI IccrllitllHnl Ilules the )lIsl is filh~d tfI h) tlcpulnliull( including SIH~h lerlll ClllltllI1 )

I n-empluyment hlsi ill Ihe fullowinglIIallnc i i

igtpoundJlnllioll (including slwrl I~III COliI-ncO hllSi~ Ii I

Officer under lilc Cenlnil Gt)vL~tPmenll ~ww GovlrnmlIi UTI PSUsi utOllOll1HISi Scmimiddot GovCnlll1Cnl1 Slallllor~1 OlglIIisalinll$ ele (i)HlVillg H Graduat (Om rccognil1zcd IJnivulsity AND (ii) Holding analogoll) pOSt ()f jtguiar basis Ol holding the pOSI ill LJvcl 6 or 11K 7 CIC Pay lvlallix or ill Ib 9300 - J4i(Il)middot -- CiP Rs 42()Omiddot (6 th CPC) wilh ~i lCast six f(r

ilgular ~urvice Prerer~nce shall hi givcrtW person~ POStssillg kl1owledge orjlAJl1lilliSllaliC (tllli Accounl mal tels 01 GovilIllllcl1l clahllsillneni l


NOte Periodmiddot of (hplIllaquotinn COlltracl in~ltlding Ihe pcriod or tI~Pllintionl con~rllct ill anolher ex-cadI post held 1111111Cdlalciy prceedll)g thiS applllllllllenl III the SllIlll ~or sOl11e olhr Organizilionl Dparlmelll of Ihe Celltral GilVcrnnlcllt shall ordinarily 1101 xcce~13 yl~IIS nr till the lik of th Trihunal or [ill further Meier whichever is carliest The maillllllll age lilllil lir appoilltmenl hy deplitalioll induding ~hort ten contract shall not be lxcccding 5 PYlars


IIc-clllpluVIIJ(Ilt J

()Ij I I II C I ( 1 C I UI c III I I s~ I ICirs rCllre( rom Ie Cl1lra lovernmCll tate JWCIIl Il1CIl I IOVI pc U( llig la L

tudiial ScrvicLS ISU~ lultlllOmOllsi Semi GIHltSla[lilor) Organisalion lul (I) Iaving ~I (inldualt irnlll lllogllicd University ANI) (ii) Having held analogous post ljl lIglllllr hasis ~)I~ holding Ihe POSI~ in Le~C1 6 of lh~ 711 CPC Pay lvIatrix or II Rs 9ilOO - _~IXO()-middot llt Rs 400 (611 cPt) with lIllcnsl SIX veal rCiularservlIc IretcrelHesh~1l be glVClllo persons posscs$i~g knowledge of A(It nilli-si ral ivc- alld Accoullt mallcrs lr Governinelll cSlablbhll1tnl

l PnJviclcd lhal Ihe inilial appoinlmeni shall between OIlC year likely to be CXlelld~bh 011 year to

year basi slll~ic(1 10 the condition Iha the relired Go1 Scrvanl UPP(JiIlHd liS Stclioll Oflieer an~r hc allaill the -we Ill 65 c a 1 I3cvond lilal the Icrm or incumhent call be d~elltkd nlier 1(1 a pltriod or IInl n~orc Ihilli monlils 011 ihe same terms and conditions in PtrlOli inl(IIsl il required I

1II IiIiIi I I III 01

1 I


1 11I 1I i


11 Annexure- II J i I




NIIIII~ 111 (he pUS I Iel~(lnal ssistalll I

NlIlllhlr III PSIgt On~ (0 I) II

Clasiiicaliull nr IuSI GroliP r IVlil~istria I I)ay Scale Pay Matrix Level 6 ill the 711 CPC PAY MATRIX (35400- 1124(0)1

~ Age Limit The maximllm age limit lor appoinlmtnt hy deputation including ~hlll1 [CIIIl contract

11lt111 1101 be exceeding 56 ycar~ on Ihe dosing dltl~ of receipt of application I

~ IlCI IhUllitmell[ ~tl~hs the pos ~s nlled up hy dlflltration lt inciIHling Slll~ erlll cOlltract ) I c-ellljlltlymelil hasls III lhe loIlIlWIII 1l1lUlIlel

0 II

l)elllllll~ClJclllding sllllr lellII cOlltnl~ll hl~is ii IIUIIIIlI tinder Ih~ Cel1lral GovclIllllenli Sialei Cillv(mIl1CIll UTI PSUsl AIII01(llllousl Semishy

GOVlrtllllClllJ SIaIUIOlY Organisatious ell (i) I-Iavillg a Graduate fWIll recogniz4~1 University or quivakl1 having l~ speed or Ion Wl)Id~ per min~llcgt in sh~~lhiIl~ ANI) (ii~ HOfling analognw pISI 011 1Igular baSIS OR holding post III Level) of Ihe 7 CPC Pay Malllx or III Ihe pay hand Is 5~O() - ~()200- + ar Is 2100- (611t CPC) wilh ltII Icast 6 year regular scrvi~lt em Hltllding post in I~vcl ltl 01 the tit CPC 1)(lY Matrix or ill the p~ly band Rs 5200 - 20~OO- (jp IsI

2400- ([11 CPC) wilh 10 years re~1I1al service in tl1 crnde Prcllcncc shill be ~ivn (1

callcJidal$ havillg knowledge or con~pllter - ~ 0 I ~

Null Period or deputalionl contlacl including lh~~ period or cieplIlHlion con act in anothcr cx-cadn post held inlillctliately prtccding Ihis appointlllellt in the same r Sliml olher Organizatinll rkpartlllcnt or the CCllIral GovernlllClll shall ordinarily 110t cxeecf J years 01 till th~ i I~ or Ihe lri bUllal (II Iill further orders whichever is earl iest The maxi llIui11 agt I intil fill appoilllmelll by deputation illdutiing short 111I1l conlract shall 1101 be cxcelciillg ~f years


i1-CIIIIu1lt I Orti~r$ 111 irtd 11(1111 lhe Ccnlml Governmentl Slale (iovclIlllleJlII UT (jov I lcilidillg SIltlI( Judicial Servicesl ISUs AulltJllonlOus Scmi GovtStatulorv QIfltlnisatiol1 ctc (i)Hilving a Graduate rWI11 recognized UniversilY ANn (ii) Holding amlog(l~s post 011 Ic4ul(ll ba~is on hlllding POSI ill Level 5 of Ihc 7h CPC Pay tvlatli 01 in Ihe pay blIId Rs 5(~O - 20200- + GP Ih 2XOO- (61h CPC) with al least 6 ylnr regular strvic Oil Holding post inLltvcl 4 ~)r the 71 CI( Pay Malr 01 in the pay ban(~ Rs 5200 - 202O- + GP I~ 24001- ~6111 CPC) with 10 ~~ars rcgultr serVICe III tht grade Pnlercl1(e shall be glVl1l to calHhdates IHlvlng kllowledge (I

I (1m pUleI

PIIidecilhaltIH~ inilial appoilllll1CIH shall bClween (jIlC year likely 10 be eXltndllblc on year II

year ba~is iubjeci 10 Ihe Cillldilioll thaI lhc retired (ilV Sc)valll appoinled as Pel~ollal Assistanl afler he lIlains Ihl age of 65 ycars Beyond Ihill Ihe term or incllmbent can be e~llellded lulthlt1 for a period or Ill mol thall six 11I0nlhs on the smne terms und conditions ill Plnlhlk ililerest if rl~qlli rcd - II shy





1 il


11 Annexure- II J i I




NIIIII~ 111 (he pUS I Iel~(lnal ssistalll I

NlIlllhlr III PSIgt On~ (0 I) II

Clasiiicaliull nr IuSI GroliP r IVlil~istria I I)ay Scale Pay Matrix Level 6 ill the 711 CPC PAY MATRIX (35400- 1124(0)1

~ Age Limit The maximllm age limit lor appoinlmtnt hy deputation including ~hlll1 [CIIIl contract

11lt111 1101 be exceeding 56 ycar~ on Ihe dosing dltl~ of receipt of application I

~ IlCI IhUllitmell[ ~tl~hs the pos ~s nlled up hy dlflltration lt inciIHling Slll~ erlll cOlltract ) I c-ellljlltlymelil hasls III lhe loIlIlWIII 1l1lUlIlel

0 II

l)elllllll~ClJclllding sllllr lellII cOlltnl~ll hl~is ii IIUIIIIlI tinder Ih~ Cel1lral GovclIllllenli Sialei Cillv(mIl1CIll UTI PSUsl AIII01(llllousl Semishy

GOVlrtllllClllJ SIaIUIOlY Organisatious ell (i) I-Iavillg a Graduate fWIll recogniz4~1 University or quivakl1 having l~ speed or Ion Wl)Id~ per min~llcgt in sh~~lhiIl~ ANI) (ii~ HOfling analognw pISI 011 1Igular baSIS OR holding post III Level) of Ihe 7 CPC Pay Malllx or III Ihe pay hand Is 5~O() - ~()200- + ar Is 2100- (611t CPC) wilh ltII Icast 6 year regular scrvi~lt em Hltllding post in I~vcl ltl 01 the tit CPC 1)(lY Matrix or ill the p~ly band Rs 5200 - 20~OO- (jp IsI

2400- ([11 CPC) wilh 10 years re~1I1al service in tl1 crnde Prcllcncc shill be ~ivn (1

callcJidal$ havillg knowledge or con~pllter - ~ 0 I ~

Null Period or deputalionl contlacl including lh~~ period or cieplIlHlion con act in anothcr cx-cadn post held inlillctliately prtccding Ihis appointlllellt in the same r Sliml olher Organizatinll rkpartlllcnt or the CCllIral GovernlllClll shall ordinarily 110t cxeecf J years 01 till th~ i I~ or Ihe lri bUllal (II Iill further orders whichever is earl iest The maxi llIui11 agt I intil fill appoilllmelll by deputation illdutiing short 111I1l conlract shall 1101 be cxcelciillg ~f years


i1-CIIIIu1lt I Orti~r$ 111 irtd 11(1111 lhe Ccnlml Governmentl Slale (iovclIlllleJlII UT (jov I lcilidillg SIltlI( Judicial Servicesl ISUs AulltJllonlOus Scmi GovtStatulorv QIfltlnisatiol1 ctc (i)Hilving a Graduate rWI11 recognized UniversilY ANn (ii) Holding amlog(l~s post 011 Ic4ul(ll ba~is on hlllding POSI ill Level 5 of Ihc 7h CPC Pay tvlatli 01 in Ihe pay blIId Rs 5(~O - 20200- + GP Ih 2XOO- (61h CPC) with al least 6 ylnr regular strvic Oil Holding post inLltvcl 4 ~)r the 71 CI( Pay Malr 01 in the pay ban(~ Rs 5200 - 202O- + GP I~ 24001- ~6111 CPC) with 10 ~~ars rcgultr serVICe III tht grade Pnlercl1(e shall be glVl1l to calHhdates IHlvlng kllowledge (I

I (1m pUleI

PIIidecilhaltIH~ inilial appoilllll1CIH shall bClween (jIlC year likely 10 be eXltndllblc on year II

year ba~is iubjeci 10 Ihe Cillldilioll thaI lhc retired (ilV Sc)valll appoinled as Pel~ollal Assistanl afler he lIlains Ihl age of 65 ycars Beyond Ihill Ihe term or incllmbent can be e~llellded lulthlt1 for a period or Ill mol thall six 11I0nlhs on the smne terms und conditions ill Plnlhlk ililerest if rl~qlli rcd - II shy





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