si 520 websitemockup phase ii

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  • 8/13/2019 SI 520 WebsiteMockUp Phase II


    ECIRA worldwide living

    learning community

    Home Who We Are What We Do Support Archives Links & Resources Photos ContactVideos & Podcasts

    Global Friendship ProgramEngage other cultures while sharing your own. International students are

    paired with a local friend from the community (a family, couple or individual).

    Our program facilitates connections and provides opportunities for

    cross-cultural friendship.

    News Programs Volunteer

    Progrressive Dinner

    News for ECIR

    Read More

    American Sign Language Class

    51st Annual International Dineer

    Our Annual International Dinner attracts close to

    150 community members and internationalstudents and scholars each year. This year, our

    keynote speaker, Ramalingam Raja, will speak

    about A Culture of Peace: A Gandhian Approach.

    Our Annual International Dinner attracts close to

    150 community members and international

    students and scholars each year. This year, our

    keynote speaker, Ramalingam Raja, will speak

    about A Culture of Peace: A Gandhian Approach.

    Read More

    Read More


    Email: [email protected]: 734.730.7777 Copyright 2013 The Ecumenical Center and International Residence (ECIR). All rights reserved.


    Search EIRC GO

    Our Annual ECIR Progressive Dinner is back! On January 29,

    2013 from 6 pm to 8 pm we will serve a five course mealappetizers, salads, entree, vegetarian entree, and dessert.

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,

    consectetur adipiscing elit.

    Integer arcu eros, lacinia et nibh

    eu,this is a link.

    Aenean at lectus eros. Donec id

    tortor porttitor, pretium justo

    sed, cursus leo. Suspendisse


    Donate Now

  • 8/13/2019 SI 520 WebsiteMockUp Phase II


    ECIRA worldwide living

    learning community

    Home Who We Are What We Do Support Archives Links & Resources Photos ContactVideos & Podcasts

    Global Friendship ProgramEngage other cultures while sharing your own. International students are

    paired with a local friend from the community (a family, couple or individual).

    Our program facilitates connections and provides opportunities for

    cross-cultural friendship.

    News Programs Volunteer

    Progrressive Dinner

    News for ECIR

    Our Annual ECIR Progressive Dinner is back! On January 29,

    2013 from 6 pm to 8 pm we will serve a five course mealappetizers, salads, entree, vegetarian entree, and dessert.

    Read More

    American Sign Language Class

    51st Annual International Dineer

    Our Annual International Dinner attracts close to

    150 community members and internationalstudents and scholars each year. This year, our

    keynote speaker, Ramalingam Raja, will speak

    about A Culture of Peace: A Gandhian Approach.

    Our Annual International Dinner attracts close to

    150 community members and international

    students and scholars each year. This year, our

    keynote speaker, Ramalingam Raja, will speak

    about A Culture of Peace: A Gandhian Approach.

    Read More

    Read More


    Email: [email protected]: 734.730.7777 Copyright 2013 The Ecumenical Center and International Residence (ECIR). All rights reserved.

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,

    consectetur adipiscing elit.

    Integer arcu eros, lacinia et nibh

    eu,this is a link.

    Aenean at lectus eros. Donec id

    tortor porttitor, pretium justo

    sed, cursus leo. Suspendisse


    Donate Now





    GOSearch EIRC GO

  • 8/13/2019 SI 520 WebsiteMockUp Phase II


    ECIRA worldwide living

    learning community

    Home What We Do Support Archives Links & Resources Photos ContactVideos & Podcasts

    Email: [email protected]: 734.730.7777 Copyright 2013 The Ecumenical Center and International Residence (ECIR). A ll rights reserved.

    Who We Are

    Morbi dictum dolor nibh,

    dignissim gravida mi pharetra vel.

    Sed laoreet dignissim volutpat.

    Suspendisse ut augue euismod,

    congue lorem sed, faucibus urna

    John Doe, Attorney

    Meet Our Team

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,

    consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam eget

    risus sit amet neque aliquameuismod id pretium tortor. Nullam

    facilisis viverra.

    Jane Doe, Coordinator Mary Smith, Finance Tom Wang, Human Service

    nteger consectetur scelerisque lectus

    at porta. Quisque et metus sem. Duis

    et vestibulum sapien, ut placerat

    nunc. Etiam convallis tellus vitae


    Quisque quis tempus augue, eget

    venenatis enim. Vivamus dictum eros

    nec massa feugiat ullamcorper. Nunc

    hendrerit metus ege

    Stevenn Anderson, Administration

    Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique

    senectus et netus et malesuada

    fames ac turpis egestas. Phasellus

    cursus blandit sem ac gravida.

    Search EIRC GO

  • 8/13/2019 SI 520 WebsiteMockUp Phase II


    ECIRA worldwide living

    learning community

    Home Who We Are What We Do Support Archives Links & Resources Photos ContactVideos & Podcasts

    Email: [email protected]: 734.730.7777 Copyright 2013 The Ecumenical Center and International Residence (ECIR). All rights reserved.

    Wed love to hear from you

    Name Email



    921 Church St., Ann Arbor, MI 48104





    Contact Us

    Search EIRC GO

  • 8/13/2019 SI 520 WebsiteMockUp Phase II


    ECIRA worldwide living

    learning community

    Home Who We Are What We Do Support Archives Links & Resources Photos ContactVideos & Podcasts

    Email: [email protected]: 734.730.7777 Copyright 2013 The Ecumenical Center and International Residence (ECIR). All rights reserved.

    Typography Guide

    Used in the text titles

    Header 2 variation- Arial, bold, 18pt, #ffffff,leading 18pt

    Header 2 - Arial, bold, 18pt, #363f96. leading 18ptUsed in the menu bar

    Header 3. - Arial, bold, 14pt, #363f96. leading 14pt

    Used in the dropdown menu, tab area, second text title

    Header 3 variation- Arial, bold, 14pt, #ffffff,leading 14ptUsed in the dropdown menu

    Unvisited - Arial, regular, 14pt, #363f96, leading 12pt

    Body Text - Arial, regular, 14pt, #00000. leading 12pt

    Used in the body text

    Arial, regular, 14pt, #00000. leading 12pt

    Header 1 - Arial, bold,36pt,#ffffffUsed in the sliding panel title

    Hyperlink Guide

    Visited - Arial, regular, 14pt, #363f96, leading 12pt

    Footer Text - Arial, regular, 12pt, #00000. leading 12pt

    Used in the body text

    Button Guide

    Donate Now Arial, regular, 16pt, #00000. leading 12pt

    Bullet List Guide

    Arial, regular, 14pt, #000000,

    leading 16pt, first line left indent


    Pellentesque habitant morbi

    tristique senectus et netus et


    fames ac turpis egestas

    Phasellus cursus blandit sem ac


    Date Guide

    11/27/2013 Arial, regular, 14pt, #000000,

    leading 16pt

    Search EIRC

    Inpute Field Guide


    Arial, Italic, 14pt, #9f9f9f, leading 16pt

    Arial, regualr, 14pt, #ffffff, leading 16pt

    Search EIRC GO

    Yao Liu


    ECIRA worldwide livinglearning community

    Social Icons