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  • 8/7/2019 SI 520 - Lab 4: Postcard


    Book Talk

    Acclaimed Author Rita Mae

    Brown Discusses Her NewMemoir

    'Animal Magnetism:My Life With Creatures

    Great And Small'

    Monday October 19, 2010:7:00 pm to 8:30 pm

    Downtown Library:Multi-Purpose Room

    There's no disputing the fact that Rita Mae

    Brown has lived a dynamic life full of incredibleexperiences - she's been a literary icon, ground-breaking feminist, Hollywood darling, and nowa working farmer tending thousands of acres in

    rural Virginia. But throughout it all, one thingshe has always been is a passionate lover ofanimals - from the cat that purred her to sleepin her cradle to the foxhounds and horses thatfill her barn, an animal companion has alwaysbeen by her side. She will share some of themany experiences that she had with animals asshe discusses her new memoir Animal Magne-tism: My Life With Creatures Great And Small.

    The event will include a book signing and bookswill be on sale at the event.

    Acclaimed Author Rita Mae Brown DiscussesHer New Memoir 'Animal Magnetism: My Life

    With Creatures Great And Small'

    Monday October 19, 2010:7:00 pm to 8:30 pm

    Downtown Library:Multi-Purpose Room

    AADL343 South Fifth Avenue,Ann Arbor, MI 48104

    John Bonk - Lab 4