shri hans ji maharaj

The so-called "His Royal Highness Yogiraj Param Hans Sadgurudev Shri Hans  ji Maharaj " (1900 - July 16, 1966) was a guru in India within the Sant Mat tradition. There is a Wikipedia biography. He claimed to be the Satguru or Perfect Master  of his time though he was not accepted by the majority of his Master 's other followers. He married twice, the second time to Jagat Janani Mata Shri Rajeshwari Devi, also known as "Mata Ji" and they had four sons and he had a daughter with his first wife. He was certainly not reticent in describing himself as God incarnate in human form and attacked his competitors unmercifully . In 1953 he called the gurus of the Hare Krishna movement the biggest frauds in what was meant to be a Parliament of Religions. Guru Maharaj Ji, what do you owe to your father? I won't tell you what I owe. If I took all the birds, the s un, moon and everything that exists in trying to repay my f ather , I wouldn't even be able to repay a single pennyworth. You know He has given me such a lot. Such a lot that He has made me king of the whole universe. So how can I repay Him? As a Guru. I regard Him as my father because He is my real father, and He is my Real Father . Real father and Real Father, real to Real. He is my real father because He has given me birth, and He is my Real Father because He has shown me the path. How can I repay Him for this real t hing He has given me? I can't even imagine repaying Him for it, but He says that if I can just do meditation it will be much more than He has given me. I don't think so. I don't think it is true. In 2009, Words of Shri Hans Ji Maharaj Shri Hans Ji Maharaj 1 of 14 09-10-2015 15:44

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Shri Hans Ji Maharaj


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The so-called "His Royal Highness Yogiraj Param Hans Sadgurudev Shri Hans ji Maharaj" (1900 - July 16, 1966) was a guru in India within the Sant Mat

tradition. There is a Wikipedia biography. He claimed to be the Satguru or

Perfect Master of his time though he was not accepted by the majority of his

Master's other followers. He married twice, the second time to Jagat Janani Mata

Shri Rajeshwari Devi, also known as "Mata Ji" and they had four sons and he

had a daughter with his first wife. He was certainly not reticent in describing

himself as God incarnate in human form and attacked his competitorsunmercifully. In 1953 he called the gurus of the Hare Krishna movement the

biggest frauds in what was meant to be a Parliament of Religions.

Guru Maharaj Ji, what do you owe to

your father?

I won't tell you what I owe. If I took all

the birds, the sun, moon and everything

that exists in trying to repay my father, I

wouldn't even be able to repay a single

pennyworth. You know He has given me

such a lot. Such a lot that He has made

me king of the whole universe. So how

can I repay Him? As a Guru. I regard Him as my father because He is

my real father, and He is my Real Father. Real father and Real Father,

real to Real. He is my real father because He has given me birth, and

He is my Real Father because He has shown me the path. How can I

repay Him for this real thing He has given me? I can't even imagine

repaying Him for it, but He says that if I can just do meditation it will

be much more than He has given me. I don't think so. I don't think it is


In 2009,

Words of 

Shri Hans Ji Maharaj

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Peace Global

released a






lineage in

which he

discussed his

father's career and told a story about his father's orders to the young Bal

Bhagwan Ji. A story which supposedly confirmed his own claim to have

inherited his father's spiritual authority and divinity.

According to his followers, Shri Hans was early in his life an egalitarian

iconoclast, and an opponent of the Hindu caste system. He was originally a

member of the Arya Samaj, but left that movement after he met a guru of the

Sant Mat tradition, Sri Swarupanand Ji Maharaj. Swarupanand initiated him into

the four techniques of Knowledge or kriyas, which are the centrepiece of his

religion. In the 1930s following the death of his guru, he began to travel in Sind

and Lahore and later to Delhi.

The death of a guru is nearly always followed by dissension as to whom should

be the new Satguru (see Radhasoami Reality by Professor Mark Jurgensmeyer).

Rawat's father was not accepted by Swarupanand's followers as the new Satguru

because he was a "householder" ie a family man. Their concerns were shown to

have some basis when Prem Rawat was disowned, disinherited and deposed byhis mother and elder brother due to his "unspiritual lifestyle" and the subsequent

public scandal which both brothers have attempted to hush up. It is not unusual

for successful gurus with families to pass their property and "spiritual capital" on

to their children. Hans' following grew informally for many years, spreading

across northern India. Apparently he could not foretell the future as the Punjab

where he had done most of his preaching and where the majority of his followers

lived became part of Pakistan in the Partition cutting him off from them. Heshowed little sympathy for their suffering:

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The refugees remembered God while escaping from Pakistan; had

they continued to remember Him with the same enthusiasm they could

have been relieved of all sorts of miseries. But being engrossed in

worldly comforts, they have again forgotten God. So they will have to

suffer miseries again.

He demonstrated a good head for business by setting up shop in a strategic

location on the outskirts of Haridwar knowing pilgrims on the way to the

Vaisakhi festival will pass by. He founded the Divya Sandesh Parishad or Divine

Light Mission in 1960 though he had resisted setting up a formal organisation.

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The best internet resource for information, albeit hagiographical, on Hans

Rawat, the father of Prem Rawat was the Manav Dharam website of his

'apostate' eldest brother, Bal Bhagwan, or Shri Satpal Ji as he now calls himself.

Satpal no longer has this information on that site but I copied the pertinent

information and it now seems that this site has the largest repository of 

information about and by Hans Rawat. Shri Bhole Ji Maharaj continues to

promote his parents on his Hans Lok  website. While Maharaji and his

organisations have sometimes mentioned his father they no longer have any

information about him available on the internet. Most of the publications

containing information about him available in the West were destroyed in the

early 1980's on Prem Rawat's direction. In the past, Rawat often acknowledged

that everything he had came from his his Shri Maharaji but his reservations

about the efficacy of the meditation techniques to change people directly

contradict many of the claims made by his father and his father's direct claims

about his own divinity are probably now embarassing.

One of Hans' methods of gaining publicity and possibly new followers was

performing 'yatras' basically a combination march and procession.

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Shri Hans wanted his "Knowledge" to be proselytised in the West. He was naive

enough to have letters sent to President John F. Kennedy and Bertrand Russell.

He was assertive to the point of megalomania in his claims to divinity in his

teaching. He proclaimed that using his methods of meditation and under his

guidance world peace could be achieved but "it is absolutely necessary that the

 politicians of the world be counselled and if necessary obliged to realise Divine

 Light by personal contacts with living Realised Soul and then the humanity will

be saved from ruination without much efforts." The major source of teachings,

doctrines, etc of Prem Rawat's father are his speeches that have been translated

into English and were published in official Divine Light Mission magazines in

the 1970's and on the web site of his eldest son. These are mainly

extemperaneous, contain many quotes from the Sant Mat religious tradition,

attacks on other Hindu sects and beliefs and are very repetitious to an English

reader. On July 19th, 1966 Shri Hans Ji Maharaj died at the age of 66.

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Video of Shri Hans Rawat

Hans Rawat was a canny businessman and successful Godman so he could

afford to be filmed and some video is available of him. There are clips

interspersed through many of the films, videos and DVDs published by Rawat's


SatGuru Has Come - 1971, DLM film

Who Is Guru Maharaj Ji? - 1973, DLM film

Mysterious Miracles, Aliens from Spaceship Earth, A Spiritual Odyssey -

this film used some footage from Who Is Guru Maharaj Ji?

Evolution - 1989, International Learning Center

Fulfillment - 1998, Visions International

Books By or About Shri Hans Rawat

Some books by or about him are published on this site, including:

His "masterwork" "Hans Yog Prakash" published by the Divine Light

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Mission in India in the 1960s

the booklet Antidote to Nuclear Bombs published by the Indian DLM in


and a book about him "Satgurudev Shri Hans Ji Maharaj" edited by C. L.

Tandon, Secretary Divine Light Mission published on 8th November, 1970

by the Indian DLM. This includes Shri Hans' teachings on the Bhagavad

Gita from 1956.

The Light Of Wisdom: Shri Hans Ji Maharaj Life And Teachings

Speeches of Shri Hans Rawat

Some of his speeches (or "satsangs") are published on this site, including:

Satsang and the Thief (excerpt) August 7, 1952 in Gandhi Ground, Delhi

My Holy Abode Delhi on August 7, 1952.

Indestructible, Ambrosial, Holy and True 8th February 1953, Gitabhavan,

Karnla Nagar, Delhi

God's Fascination is Endless August 28th, 1953

The Meaning of Religion 27 March, 1954, Parliament of Religions;

Constitution Club, New Delhi

The Real Shrine May 9, 1954, Company Bagh, Delhi, India, Divine Light


The Real Shrine May 9, 1954, Company Bagh, Delhi, India, Divine Times


The Divine Light Illuminates the Heart Delhi, March 21, 1955, India

The Goal of Human Life June, 1961, Prem Nagar, India

Antidote To Nuclear Bombs "Congregation of Saints of the Country", 18th

November, 1961, Gandhi Ground, Delhi, India

The Highest Seat September, 1963

The Gateway to Liberation Delhi, India, November, 1963

Infallible Technique For Improving Human Behaviour Delhi, India, 18th

November, 1963

Permanent peace lies within Excerpt: New Delhi India, 18th November


The Practice of Devotion February, 1964

Supreme Peace February, 1964 in Delhi, India

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Realize The Oneness February, 1964 in Delhi, India

Remembrance is the Unbreakable Devotion March, 1964

Give Us this Day our Daily Breath June, 1966, Dehra Dun, India

Shining Like Pearls

How To Save Mankind From Extinction Prem Nagar Ashram, Hardwar,


Perfect Published in 'And It Is Divine' Magazine, Volume 2, Number 2,

July 1974

A Prayer to His Perfect Master Sarupanand Ji Maharaj Published in

'Affinity' Magazine, Issue 52, June 1979

A series of his satsangs were formerly published on the Manav Dharam website

from 2007. They are reasonably short and presumably edited to nearly identicallengths.

Search, but in the Right Direction

Redemption Is Possible Only Through Meditation

True Religion Stands For Harmony And Goodwill

Human Life Itself Is The Door Of Salvation

The True Master Imparts Spiritual KnowledgeKnow The True Name Of God

Experience God Through Divine Vision

Know The Truth

The Spiritual Master Eradicates The Inner Darkness

Remember God's Name

Human Life Is A Waste Without Devotion To God

Meditation Is Essential For RealisationTrue Achievement Only Through Satsang

Selfishness Leads To Miseries

Holy Name - The Redeemer

The First Step In Devotion Is Satsang

Know The Supreme Master Within

Remembering The Master Removes All Obstacles

The Spiritual Master Imparts True KnowledgeSaints Live Only For The Sake Of Others

The Way To Integral Peace And Happiness

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The Essence Of Life Is Remembering Holy Name

The True Name Of God Is The Basis Of Bliss

Don't Waste This Rare Human Birth

Discourse - Param Sant Sadgurudev Shri Hans Ji Maharaj

Hans Rawat was certainly not a shy person nor a dull dresser. He dressed asKrishna (as his son did out of the public eye) and in his later years was up and

dancing and singing on stage at the drop of a mala.

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Further Information:

Shri Maharaj Ji Divine

Times, Millenium '73


An Introduction to

Divine Light Mission

Divine Times, Millenium

'73 Edition

The Holy Family And It

Is Divine: Millenium

Edition, November 1973

The Unbroken Garland

And It Is Divine:

Millenium Edition,

November 1973

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The Unbroken Garland

And It Is Divine:

Millenium Edition, November 1973

Prem Rawat's Childhood: The Legend Divine Times Volume II, No. 23 -

December 11, 1973

Endless Treasure And It Is Divine: Volume 2, Number 5, October 1974

A Swan Takes Flight Divine Times - Volume 4, Number 9, November 8,


Guru Puja Divine Times - Volume 7, Number 4 June/July 1978

My Real Father Divine Times - Volume 7, Number 6 September/October


Connaissance, A French language Collection of Hans Rawat's Teachings

and Photos

A Swan Takes Flight

Peace Is Possible pages 79-87

Satgurudev Shri Hans Ji Maharaj book 

Hans Yog Prakash

The Light Of Wisdom: Shri Hans Ji Maharaj - Life And Teachings book 

Hans' Letters to World Leaders

Antidote to Nuclear Bombs with A Practical Guide to Integral Happiness

Who Is Guru Maharaj Ji? book 

Satguru Has Come film

Prem Rawat's Teaching about Shri Maharaj Ji (his father) - In His Own


Hans Rawat's Teachings

Further Information - External Resources

Shri Hans Ji Maharaj Web Site

Prem Rawat aka Maharaji Information Resource

Manav Dharam Web Site

Hanslok Web Site

Ex-Premie Org

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These clips are from Elan Vital videos and come with commentary promoting

the youngest son, Prem Rawat. No doubt, the eldest son, Satpal Rawat, has

similar commentary in his videos, as he stresses his inheritance through his

father and mother, though they would be in Hindi.

"… his own father.

Shri Hans Ji

Maharaj, who was

of Royal Indian

descent, formerly

conveyed this

message throughoutIndia."

"Maharaji does not

teach a religion,

dogma or doctrine

nor is he the firstperson to impart this

message. Many

people have done so

before him

including his own

father. Shri Hans Ji Maharaj, who was of Royal Indian descent, formerly

conveyed this message throughout India."

"Maharaji does not teach a religion, dogma or doctrine nor is he the first

person to impart this message. Many people have done so before him

including his own father. Shri Hans Ji Maharaj, who was of Royal Indian

descent, formerly conveyed this message throughout India. Taking the

initiative of travelling to his audiences Shri Hans Ji Maharaj was able to reach

people who could not come to him."

Hans Ji Maharaj

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By the 1990's Prem Rawat had begun to reminisce about his childhood in a new

way where his father needed his help to draw crowds. He claimed that he was

the one who attracted the crowds for his father, His Royal Highness Param Hans

Ji Maharaj, whose organisation apparently couldn't raise a crowd advertising

their "Perfect Master". The days when he spoke of his father not needing anyone

to attract followers were gone but that is what he had claimed in the And It Is

Divine, Volume 3, Issue 4

"I've been doing it

since I was very

young. My father,

Shri Maharaji, he

would have events,

they would

advertise them and

they would do the

whole thing and the

time for the event would be coming and I would look out the window and see

how many people were there and many times there was nobody there so I'd go

out there and I'd start speaking and when I would start speaking they'd see this

little bitty thing there speaking and they'd all start coming and when the hall

was full my father would come and he would talk. It's not something I went to

school for, it's a gift too, it's a gift that I can show you how to catch that magic

when it happens."

Hans Ji Maharaj

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Hans Ji Maharaj