show you care love your students more love = more productivity more love = better performance ©...

Show You Care Love Your St udents More Love = More Productivity More Love = Better Performance © Kappa Delta Pi 2014

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Page 1: Show You Care Love Your Students More Love = More Productivity More Love = Better Performance © Kappa Delta Pi 2014

Show You Care

Love Your Students

More Love = More Productivity

More Love = Better Performance

© Kappa Delta Pi 2014

Page 2: Show You Care Love Your Students More Love = More Productivity More Love = Better Performance © Kappa Delta Pi 2014

Memories . . .

Questions to Ponder

What were the characteristics of your favorite teachers that made them special to you?

What do you want your students to say about you and being in your class ten years from now?

© Kappa Delta Pi 2014

Page 3: Show You Care Love Your Students More Love = More Productivity More Love = Better Performance © Kappa Delta Pi 2014

Show You Care

Greet students as theyenter your classroom.

Ask “personal” questions(without prying).

Call students by name.

© Kappa Delta Pi 2014

Page 4: Show You Care Love Your Students More Love = More Productivity More Love = Better Performance © Kappa Delta Pi 2014

Show You Care

Take interest in their interests (music, TV, movies, sports, and hobbies).

Attend some of theirextra-curricular activities.

Catch students being good.

© Kappa Delta Pi 2014

Page 5: Show You Care Love Your Students More Love = More Productivity More Love = Better Performance © Kappa Delta Pi 2014

Show You Care

Take time to listen to and talkwith students.

Communicate love andrespect not only in what yousay, but how you say it.

Encourage efforts, evenwhen not perfect.

© Kappa Delta Pi 2014

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NOT Showing Care





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NOT Showing Care

Mocking attitude


Ridiculing a studentcomment or idea

Negative facial expressions or body language (e.g., rolled eyes)

© Kappa Delta Pi 2014

Page 8: Show You Care Love Your Students More Love = More Productivity More Love = Better Performance © Kappa Delta Pi 2014

Rx for ZestTalk with another mentor\professionalyou truly admire; ask questions!

Observe respected teachers; learn from their teaching.

Attend professional development events.

Read educational journals.

Inventory accomplishments; set new goals. © Kappa Delta Pi 2014