short-term effects of fishing on life history traits of fishes

ICES Journal of Marine Science, 55: 371–391. 1998 Short-term eects of fishing on life history traits of fishes Marie-Joe ¨lle Rochet Rochet, M. J. 1998. Short-term eects of fishing on life history traits of fishes. – ICES Journal of Marine Science, 55: 371–391. An important aspect of species susceptibility to fishing are the changes in demographic characteristics of populations that fishing might induce. The purpose of this study is to show the short-term eects of fishing on growth and reproduction patterns. This assessment is made through a comparative study of key parameters (mortality, size, age and size at maturity, fecundity) among stocks subject to various levels of exploitation. Data have been assembled for 77 separate (primarily commercial) fish stocks. Trait variation is partitioned into eects attributable to size, phylogeny, and population. High adult mortality appears to lead to short-term apparently plastic changes in age and size at maturity: exploited populations are characterized by earlier age and increased size at maturity. This compensatory response to exploitation may conceal longer term selection eects, and may be worth considering in stock assessments. ? 1998 International Council for the Exploration of the Sea Key words: allometry, comparative method, fishing eects, life history, mortality, phenotypic plasticity, reproduction, teleost fishes. Received 7 January 1997; accepted 11 November 1997. Marie-Joe ¨lle Rochet: Laboratoire MAERHA, IFREMER, Rue de l’Ile d’Yeu, B.P. 21105, 44311 Nantes Cedex 03, France: tel: +33 2 40 37 41 21; fax: +33 2 40 37 40 75; e-mail: [email protected] Introduction Demographic traits of fishes, such as growth an repro- duction patterns, may change under fishing pressure. For example, changes in the growth of Pacific Salmon (Ricker, 1981) and of North Sea sole (de Veen, 1976) and plaice (Rijnsdorp and van Leeuwen, 1996) have been documented. Age and size at sexual maturity have changed for Atlantic cod on the Scotian Shelf (Beacham, 1983), for Atlantic Salmon in North America (Schaer and Elson, 1975), for North-east Arctic cod (Jørgensen, 1990) and for many stocks of cod, haddock and other fish of the North-west Atlantic (Trippel, 1995). Changes in fecundity have been reported for Atlantic Herring in the Western Gulf of Maine (Kelly and Stevenson, 1985) and for North Sea plaice (Horwood et al., 1986; Rijnsdorp, 1991). These changes in life history may influence population dynamics. In some cases, their importance in stock assessment has been shown by empirical models: density-dependent growth should be taken into account for North Sea plaice and haddock, otherwise the poten- tial increases in yield expected from a reduced fishing intensity or increased mesh size would be overestimated (Beverton and Holt, 1957). An assessment taking into account the compensatory responses of the North-west Atlantic mackerel stock led to less optimistic yield projections than classical assessment (Overholtz et al., 1991). It has, however, proven dicult to demonstrate the fishing origin of these changes because of phenotype- environment interactions (Pitt, 1975; Hempel, 1978; Kotilainen and Aro, 1991; Rijnsdorp et al., 1991; Parmanne, 1992; Rijnsdorp and van Leeuwen, 1992). In addition, published analyses may result in conflicting conclusions: for example, under sustained fishing pres- sure, length at maturity decreased in North Sea cod from 1920 to 1970 (Hempel, 1978) and in Scotian Shelf cod between 1959 and 1979 (Beacham, 1983), but remained stable in Grand Bank American Plaice from 1957 to 1971 (Pitt, 1975), and increased in North Sea sole between 1957 and 1973 (de Veen, 1976). Some of these diculties can be overcome by a comparative approach that consists of comparing data from a large number of populations. The eects of fishing are then statistically separated from residual environmental fluctuations. The purpose of this study is to investigate the short- term eects of fishing on growth and reproduction patterns. Demographic traits (mortality, size, age and 1054–3139/98/030371+21 $30.00/0/jm970324 ? 1998 International Council for the Exploration of the Sea

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ICES Journal of Marine Science, 55: 371–391. 1998

Short-term effects of fishing on life history traits of fishes

Marie-Joelle Rochet

Rochet, M. J. 1998. Short-term effects of fishing on life history traits of fishes. – ICESJournal of Marine Science, 55: 371–391.

An important aspect of species susceptibility to fishing are the changes in demographiccharacteristics of populations that fishing might induce. The purpose of this study is toshow the short-term effects of fishing on growth and reproduction patterns. Thisassessment is made through a comparative study of key parameters (mortality, size,age and size at maturity, fecundity) among stocks subject to various levels ofexploitation. Data have been assembled for 77 separate (primarily commercial) fishstocks.

Trait variation is partitioned into effects attributable to size, phylogeny, andpopulation. High adult mortality appears to lead to short-term apparently plasticchanges in age and size at maturity: exploited populations are characterized by earlierage and increased size at maturity. This compensatory response to exploitationmay conceal longer term selection effects, and may be worth considering in stockassessments.

? 1998 International Council for the Exploration of the Sea

Key words: allometry, comparative method, fishing effects, life history, mortality,phenotypic plasticity, reproduction, teleost fishes.

Received 7 January 1997; accepted 11 November 1997.

Marie-Joelle Rochet: Laboratoire MAERHA, IFREMER, Rue de l’Ile d’Yeu, B.P.21105, 44311 Nantes Cedex 03, France: tel: +33 2 40 37 41 21; fax: +33 2 40 37 40 75;e-mail: [email protected]


Demographic traits of fishes, such as growth an repro-duction patterns, may change under fishing pressure.For example, changes in the growth of Pacific Salmon(Ricker, 1981) and of North Sea sole (de Veen, 1976)and plaice (Rijnsdorp and van Leeuwen, 1996) havebeen documented. Age and size at sexual maturity havechanged for Atlantic cod on the Scotian Shelf (Beacham,1983), for Atlantic Salmon in North America (Schafferand Elson, 1975), for North-east Arctic cod (Jørgensen,1990) and for many stocks of cod, haddock and otherfish of the North-west Atlantic (Trippel, 1995). Changesin fecundity have been reported for Atlantic Herring inthe Western Gulf of Maine (Kelly and Stevenson, 1985)and for North Sea plaice (Horwood et al., 1986;Rijnsdorp, 1991).

These changes in life history may influence populationdynamics. In some cases, their importance in stockassessment has been shown by empirical models:density-dependent growth should be taken into accountfor North Sea plaice and haddock, otherwise the poten-tial increases in yield expected from a reduced fishingintensity or increased mesh size would be overestimated(Beverton and Holt, 1957). An assessment taking into

account the compensatory responses of the North-westAtlantic mackerel stock led to less optimistic yieldprojections than classical assessment (Overholtz et al.,1991).

It has, however, proven difficult to demonstrate thefishing origin of these changes because of phenotype-environment interactions (Pitt, 1975; Hempel, 1978;Kotilainen and Aro, 1991; Rijnsdorp et al., 1991;Parmanne, 1992; Rijnsdorp and van Leeuwen, 1992). Inaddition, published analyses may result in conflictingconclusions: for example, under sustained fishing pres-sure, length at maturity decreased in North Sea codfrom 1920 to 1970 (Hempel, 1978) and in Scotian Shelfcod between 1959 and 1979 (Beacham, 1983), butremained stable in Grand Bank American Plaice from1957 to 1971 (Pitt, 1975), and increased in North Seasole between 1957 and 1973 (de Veen, 1976).

Some of these difficulties can be overcome by acomparative approach that consists of comparing datafrom a large number of populations. The effects offishing are then statistically separated from residualenvironmental fluctuations.

The purpose of this study is to investigate the short-term effects of fishing on growth and reproductionpatterns. Demographic traits (mortality, size, age and

1054–3139/98/030371+21 $30.00/0/jm970324 ? 1998 International Council for the Exploration of the Sea

size at maturity, fecundity) of many fish populationssubject to various levels of exploitation are collated fromthe literature. These traits are analysed with methodsdeveloped in the field of evolutionary ecology in order toseparate the effect of fishing from other effects. Relation-ships between adult mortality, variation in which isassumed to be mainly due to fishing, and the other traitsare then analysed by multivariate analyses.


Demographic traits

Traits to be included in such a comparative study maybe numerous (Stearns, 1992; see e.g. Hutchings andMorris, 1985; Jennings and Beverton, 1991; Beverton,1992). The main constraint upon trait selection is theneed for reliable estimates of the variables, otherwise theconclusion of the comparative analysis may be spurious(Gaillard et al., 1994). We concentrated on female traitsand the following are included:- We define the time-to-5%-survival (T0.05) as the time

elapsed from sexual maturity until 95% of a cohort isdead. Life span, commonly used as an indicator ofsurvival, is often estimated by maximum observedage (Beverton and Holt, 1959; Murphy, 1968; Mannet al., 1984; Roff, 1984; Hutchings and Morris, 1985;Jennings and Beverton, 1991; Beverton, 1992). How-ever, such estimates may be biased and highly depen-dent on the size of the sample used. Krementz et al.(1989) demonstrated that annual survival rates arepreferable to observed maximum lifespan in com-parative life-history studies. However, annual sur-vival rates may vary between age classes for fish.Moreover, in most fish senescence will not occur andthe mortality patterns in a population will not beuniform. Therefore time-to-5%-survial is better suitedto fish than life expectation (time-to-50%-survival), asit integrates mortality rates over most adult life.Time-to-5%-survival is estimated from an exponen-tial mortality model, on the basis of total mortalitycoefficients Z=F+M estimated by VPA or catchcurves. This overcomes the problem of the naturalmortality coefficient M, which is generally poorlyestimated, because errors on M are compensated forby errors on the estimated fishing mortality F. Thiswas checked by a sensitivity analysis (Appendix A):VPA-based estimates of Z are most sensitive to errorsin M in the young partially recruited age-classesbecause M/F is high in these age classes relative toolder age classes. These young age classes are notincluded in the computation of time-to-5%-survival.This is valid for exploited stocks with F>M in olderage classes. In unexploited or weakly exploited popu-lations, Z is estimated by a catch-curve. Time-to-5%-survival is directly influenced by fishing as it includesfishing mortality.

- Length-at-5%-survival (L0.05) is an adult-size par-ameter, arbitrarily measured at time-to-5%-survivalbecause of the indeterminate growth of fishes. TheL£ parameter of the von Bertalanffy (1934) growthmodel is usually used in comparative studies ofgrowth or size in fishes (Beverton and Holt, 1959;Beverton, 1963, 1992; Adams, 1980; Pauly, 1980;Roff, 1984, 1991; Gunderson and Dygert, 1988;Jennings and Beverton, 1991). Hutchings and Morris(1985) use maximum length, which has the samepotential disadvantages as maximum lifespan. Pauly(1980) defines L£ as ‘‘the mean size the fish of a givenstock would reach if they were to grow indefinitely inthe manner described by the [von Bertalanffy] for-mula’’. We are mostly interested in exploited stocks,where few, if any, fish have the opportunity to reachthat size. Moreover, L£ is generally poorly estimatedin stocks for which data are available only for young(and small) age-classes.

- Age and length at sexual maturity (Am and Lm): weuse length and age at which 50% of the individualsreach maturity, as published by the authors.

- Fecundity (Fb): a mean fecundity per female is diffi-cult to estimate and would include the errors onmany terms (e.g. size structure and size-specific fecun-dity). It seems therefore preferable to include in thestudy the parameters of the fecundity–length rela-tionship: F=aLb. However, the estimate of a isgenerally biased because of the log–log procedureused. Finally we use only the power b of therelationship, which is the slope of the log–logfecundity–length regression.

The data are collated from published papers andWorking Groups Reports (listed in Appendix B). Onedifficulty is the need for contemporaneous estimates ofall traits for a given stock. The purpose of the study isindeed to examine the effects of fishing mortality on lifehistory traits, but we do not know beforehand howrapidly such effects might appear. I compiled life historydata on 77 populations from 49 species of primarilycommercial teleost fishes; for some of them I have datafor different periods of time. The data are available fromthe author.

Phylogenetic information

Most of the phylogenetic information used to removethe phylogenetic effects (see Methods below) arises fromEschmeyer (1990) and Lecointre (1994). Additionalinformation obtained from Lecointre (pers. comm.) per-mits construction of the topology of a phylogenetic treewith few unresolved nodes (Fig. 1), based on morpho-anatomical characters. Branch lengths however are notknown: DNA sequence data from parts of the genomecan provide information for branch length estimation(Nei, 1987; Harvey and Pagel, 1991), but they are not

372 M.-J. Rochet

Engraulis capensis (cap)Engraulis encrasicholus (enc)

Sprattus sprattus (spr)

Clupea harengus (har)

Argentina silus (sil)

Sardina pilchardus (pil)

Salvelinus alpinus (alp)

Salvelinus malma (mal)

Mallotus villosus (vil)

Gadus morhua (mor)

Melanogrammus aeglefinus (aeg)

Trisopterus esmarki (esm)

Molva dypterygia (dyp)Merluccius gayi (gay)

Lophius budegassa (bud)Atherina boyeri (boy)

Scomberomorus cavalla (cav)

Trachurus trachurus (tra)Lethrinus mahsena (mah)

Mullus surmuletus (sur)Pseudupeneus prayensis (pra)Lutjanus purpureus (pur)Lutjanus synagris (syn)Rhomboplites aurorubens (aur)Epinephelus cruentatus (cru)Dicentrarchus labrax (lab)Pagellus bellottii (bel)Pagellus erythrinus (ery)Boops boops (boo)Pachymetopon blochii (blo)Pagrus pagrus (pag)

Pomatoschistus minutus (min)Argyrozona argyrozona (arg)

Gobius niger (nig)

Solea solea (sol)

Pleuronectes platessa (pla)

Platichthys flesus (fle)

Limanda limanda (lim)Microstomus pacificus (pac)

Hippoglossus stenolepis (ste)

Gymnapistes marmoratus (mar)Sebastes mentella (men)

Sebastes alutus (alu)

Micromesistius poutassou (pou)

Merluccius hubbsi (hub)

Merluccius merluccius (mer)

Merluccius productus (pro)

Scomber scombrus (sco)

Pomatoschistus microps (mic)


Figure 1. Phylogenetic tree of the sample of teleost fishes analysed. Data from Lecointre (1994, and pers. comm.). The position oftaxa along the vertical axis has no phylogenetic meaning. P: Perciforms. In parentheses: species coding for Figure 4.

373Short-term effects of fishing on life history traits of fishes

available for all populations of our study. Moreover,branch length estimations depend dramatically on thepart of the genome used in the analysis, and the criteriato be used in selecting the part of the genome to beanalysed are unclear. Therefore, branch lengths werearbitrarily set as follows: branch length=5 from popu-lations to species, 1 from species to genera, and 4 for allother branches (i.e. the distance between two conspecificpopulations is 10, between two congeneric populationsof different species is 12, between two populations ofdifferent genera of the same family is 20, etc). Othercombinations of arbitrary distances were used in orderto test the sensitivity of the results to branch lengths.The sensitivity of the results to incomplete knowledge ofthe topology of the phylogeny is also checked by com-paring the results of Perciforms considered as mono-phyletic (Fig. 1) or polyphyletic (Fig. 1 with length ofbranch ‘‘P’’ set to zero).



Most life history traits change with body size. Size is amajor constraint upon metabolic rates and energyassimilation, and thus affects the entire lives of animals,including growth and reproduction (Reiss, 1989) andsurvival (Calder, 1985). The analysis of the correlationsbetween several of these traits must take into accountthe fact that size may act as a confounding variable: twotraits may be correlated because each is correlated withsize. Comparative studies therefore usually removesize-effects (Harvey and Pagel, 1991).

Size-effects are usually described by the power rela-tionship Y=áLâ, where L is body size, Y is any traitvarying with size, á and â are the parameters of theequation. The slope â of the transformed equationln(Y)=ln(á)+â ln(L) was estimated by least-squaresregression for each trait (except the parameter b of thefecundity–length relationship, which was already scaledfor length), with length-at-5%-survival as the scalingvariable. A fair agreement (Table 1) was found betweenthe values of slopes and the expected values of 0.75generally attributed to time variables (e.g. Platt andSilvert, 1981; Calder, 1985; Brown et al., 1993), and of 1

for length at maturity. The estimated values were thenused for removing the part of variation of each traitrelated to body size: subsequent analyses were per-formed on size-corrected traits (i.e. on ln(Am)"0.71ln(L0.05); ln (Lm)"0.93 ln(L0.05); ln(T0.05)"0.60ln(L0.05)), and results are discussed relative to body size.

Removing phylogenetic correlation

In the framework of evolutionary ecology, many com-parative methods have been developed. They allow oneto test hypotheses by comparing the attributes of manyspecies. Ad hoc methods are needed because speciesare not statistically independent, but share a commonhistory through their phylogeny: they evolved fromcommon ancestors (e.g. Harvey and Pagel, 1991;Stearns, 1992). I shift this approach by one step andcompare populations instead of species. Doing so, Iintend to separate phylogenetic and long-term evolvedeffects from short-term and local effects, which shouldbe influenced by the present environment, especiallyfishing.

Among the different comparative methods available,we cannot use those derived from Felsenstein’s methodof pairwise independent comparisons or contrasts(Felsenstein, 1985; Garland et al., 1992; Purvis andRambaut, 1995) because these methods require thereconstruction of higher node (ancestors) traits, usuallyby averaging traits of descendants. In the case ofexploited fish populations, we know that the influence offishing on the mortality of populations has increasedwith time. Therefore we are not allowed to reconstructpast traits on the basis of simple assumptions. For thesame reason, we cannot use nested ANOVA or similarmethods, which estimate mean traits of higher taxo-nomic levels (Stearns, 1983; Harvey and Clutton-Brock,1985; Bell, 1989). We use the so-called phylogeneticautocorrelation method, developed by Cheverud et al.(1985) and Gittleman and Kot (1990); the explanationsbelow are mainly based on the latter paper. This methodallows one to partition the phenotypic value of a traitinto a phylogenetic component (reflecting common evo-lution) and a population component (environment-dependent). The method is based on phylogeneticdistance (in a cladogram or phylogenetic tree) andspatial autocorrelation statistics, which measure effectsthat vary with distance.- Moran’s I statistic is an autocorrelation coefficient

that measures the extent to which each observationresembles that of its neighbours. It is used to answerthe question: Are there phylogenetic effects?

- This autocorrelation can be evaluated at differentlevels and brought together into so-called ‘‘phylo-genetic correlograms’’ to determine the taxonomiclevel at which phylogenetic correlation occurs. Here Icomputed Moran’s I to measure autocorrelation

Table 1. Relationships between the logarithm of demographictrait and the logarithm of length-at-5%-survival (L0.05) in 77populations of fishes: correlation coefficients (r), allometricslopes (â) &standard error, and robust allometric slopes (âr).

Demographic trait r â âr

Age at maturity Am 0.73 0.71&0.08 0.72Length at maturity Lm 0.97 0.93&0.03 0.89Time-to-5%-survival T0.05 0.61 0.60&0.09 0.48

374 M.-J. Rochet

between populations within species, between specieswithin families, and between families within orders;these levels are dictated by the composition of thedata set.

- Finally the method allows one to remove phylo-genetic correlation by means of an autoregressivemodel, which takes the form Y=ñWY+å, where Y isa vector of observed trait values, ñ is an autocorrela-tion coefficient, W is a weighting (neighbouring)matrix, and å are the residuals. ñWY estimates thephylogenetic part of the trait, and å the population(environmental) component. The weighting matrix Wis derived from a distance matrix D describing therelative positions of the populations on a phylo-genetic tree by: wij=1/dá

ij (neighbouring betweenpopulations i and j). á is a flexibility parameter thataccounts for the levels at which autocorrelationoccurs. Large á values describe reduced influence ofdistant populations on the estimated trait – conse-quently higher influence of close neighbours.

A maximum-likelihood procedure is used to estimatethe parameters ñ and á of the autoregressive model. Theability of the model to remove phylogenetic correlationis checked by R2, which estimates the proportion of totalvariance accounted for by phylogeny, and by a phylo-genetic correlogram of the residuals (which should notbe significant).

Multivariate analysis

Whereas the above fits were performed for each traitseparately, we analyse the residuals together by means ofa principal component analysis (PCA; Lebart et al.,1984). PCA is performed on the correlation matrix ofsize-corrected and phylogeny-corrected traits to quantifythe residual covariations of life-history traits: therelationships between their environmental component,which variations are assumed to be mainly due tofishing.


Phylogenetic autoregression

All five of the traits in our study show phylogeneticautocorrelation at some level (Table 2). Length-at-5%-survival is the most autocorrelated trait, and also theonly one with significant autocorrelation between famil-ies within orders. On the other hand, length at maturityis weakly autocorrelated: most of the variance isexplained by size (Table 1) and its residual variance maybe mostly explained by population factors.

We used autoregressive models to partition eachdemographic trait into a phylogenetic and a populationcomponent (Table 3). á estimates vary from 1.3 to 4.3,reflecting the levels at which most autocorrelation

occurs. The variance accounted for by phylogeny isquite variable, ranging from less than 10% in length atmaturity and the parameter b of fecundity to more than70% for length-at-5%-survival (Fig. 2). In order to checkif the model removes all phylogenetic correlation, wecomputed the phylogenetic correlograms for thepopulation components of each trait (Table 4). Allautocorrelation coefficients become non-significant,demonstrating the ability of the model to removephylogenetic correlation.

Multivariate analysis

Correlation matrices of size-corrected demographictraits and of their phylogenetic and populationparts show different patterns of correlation (Table 5).Spearman’s rank correlations were estimated becausethe distribution of the residuals is unknown: most of theobserved correlations are robust, especially the onesdiscussed below (Table 6). Interestingly, more corre-lation coefficients are significant in the phylogeneticcomponents matrix than in the size-corrected traitsmatrix (Table 5: five significant correlation coefficients inphylogenetic components, two in unpartitioned traits).Moreover, two of these correlation coefficients haveopposite signs in the phylogenetic and population com-ponents (Table 6: r(Lm, T0.05)>0 for the phylogeneticcomponent, <0 for the population component; r(Fb,L0.05)<0 for the phylogenetic component, >0 for thepopulation component): in the phylogenetic component

Table 2. Phylogenetic correlograms, enumerating normalizedMoran’s I for each trait (to be interpreted as correlationcoefficients). *: 0.05<p<0.01; **: 0.01<p<0.001; ***: p<0.001;otherwise p>0.05. Am: age at maturity; Fb: parameter b of thefecundity-length relationship; Lm: length at maturity; L0.05:length-at-5%-survival; T0.05: time-to-5%-survival.

Taxonomicrank Am Lm L0.05 Fb T0.05

Species 0.60*** 0.05 0.74*** 0.33** 0.49***Family 0.31*** 0.11 0.44*** 0.27*** 0.22**Order 0.08* 0.03 0.15*** 0.03 "0.11

Table 3. Autoregressive model: maximum likelihood estimatesof the model’s parameters á (distance exponent) and ñ (auto-correlation coefficient), and R2-statistic (proportion of totalvariance accounted for by phylogeny) for each trait.

Am Lm L0.05 Fb T0.05

á 3.1 1.3 4.3 2.1 2.4ñ 0.965 0.827 0.977 0.980 0.912R2 0.36 0.01 0.73 0.09 0.17

375Short-term effects of fishing on life history traits of fishes

of the traits, short life is associated with small size andearly age at maturity.

Principal component analysis of the population partsof these traits exhibits the positive correlation of time-to-5%-survival with age at maturity, and its negativecorrelation with length at maturity (1st axis); and apositive link between length at maturity and the par-ameter b of fecundity (2nd axis; Fig. 3). Time-to-5%-survival is the variable with the highest contribution to

the structure of the analysis (with the highest loading forthe first component: 12.7% of total variability). On theother hand, length at maturity and its positive link withFb appear on the orthogonal second component,although their correlation coefficient is not significantbecause of non-linearity. This may be interpreted as aphenotypic trade-off between length-at-maturity and theslope of the fecundity–length relationship: individualfecundity in populations with a large size at maturitywould potentially increase steeply with length, andconversely; this trade-off seems independent oftime-to-5%-survival, and also of fishing.

On the plot of the populations’ first two components(Fig. 4a), populations of all taxa appear mingled and notsorted by taxa: as the method removes the phylogeneticpart of the variation, the residuals are free of thisconstraint. In order to display the effect of fishing on thepatterns in life history, I plotted the first two compo-nents together with an expanding symbol proportionalto the ratio of fishing mortality to natural mortality

Length at maturity Length-at-5%-survival








20 40 60

RC Ar S G A P Pl Sc






20 40 60


C Ar S G A P Pl Sc








20 40 60







20 40 60









20 40 60







20 40 60


Figure 2. The trait vector (T) and its phylogenetic (P) and residual (R) components. (Left) Plot of size-corrected length at maturityfor 77 populations of teleost fishes from the orders Clupeiformes, Argentiniformes, Salmoniformes, Gadiformes, Atheriniformes,Perciformes, Pleuronectiformes, and Scorpaeniformes, and its partition into phylogenetic and population components. (Right)Same decomposition for length-at-5%-survival. The abscissa is ordered from the most ancestral to the most derived taxon used inthe analysis.

Table 4. Phylogenetic correlograms, enumerating normalizedMoran’s I for the population component of each trait. Allautocorrelation coefficients are unsignificant at the 0.05 level.

Taxonomic rank Am Lm L0.05 Fb T0.05

Species 0.13 0.00 0.08 0.08 0.15Family 0.03 0.03 0.06 0.12 0.01Order 0.03 "0.01 "0.05 0.00 "0.06

376 M.-J. Rochet

(Fig. 4b). As fishing and natural mortality are difficult toestimate, the ratio was converted into four categories.Although most of these figures are not perfectly reliable,their overall distribution is consistent with the assump-tion that variation in the population component of

time-to-5%-survival is mainly due to fishing. The firstcomponent shows a gradient from unexploited stockswith delayed maturity at a small size (e.g. unexploitedchar of Baffin Island alpO7 and South African SparidaeargA6 and bloA6, left) to short-lived stocks with preco-cious maturity at a large size (e.g. Mediterranean gobyminM8, West African red mullet praA7, Cuban snappersynO7, right). The case of North Sea plaice is of specialinterest: in the forties, after fishing was interruptedduring Second World War, the population has themortality and maturity traits of an unexploited popula-tion (plaN4). In the 1970s, the population is amongother exploited populations (plaN7).

Sensitivity analyses

Autoregressive models were fit to the data with differentbranch lengths: (i) as described previously; (ii) allbranches=1; (iii) branch length=1 from populations tospecies and from species to genera, and 4 for all otherbranches. Estimates of á consistently increase as thespecies-population distance increases, whereas ñ esti-mates and the proportion of total variance accountedfor by phylogeny remain constant. The ability of themodel to remove phylogenetic correlation is slightlybetter with set (i): all autocorrelation coefficients becomenon-significant, whereas L0.05 autocorrelation remainssignificant at the family level with sets (ii) and (iii). Asthe results of the subsequent multivariate analysis

Table 5. Correlation matrices of (a) size-corrected demographictraits; (b) their phylogenetic components; (c) their populationcomponents. Only significant correlation coefficients at the 0.05level are shown.

(a) Demographic traits Am Lm L0.05 Fb

Lm 1L0.05 1Fb 1T0.05 0.51 "0.24

(b) Phylogenetic components Am Lm L0.05 Fb

Lm 1L0.05 1Fb 0.21 "0.32 1T0.05 0.67 "0.34 0.25

(c) Population components Am Lm L0.05 Fb

Lm 1L0.05 1Fb 0.24 1T0.05 0.36 "0.31

Table 6. Spearman’s rank correlation matrices of (a) size-corrected demographic traits; (b) their phylogenetic compo-nents; (c) their population components. Only significantcorrelation coefficients at the 0.05 level are shown.

(a) Demographic traits Am Lm L0.05 Fb

Lm 1L0.05 1Fb 1T0.05 0.54

(b) Phylogenetic components Am Lm L0.05 Fb

Lm 0.22 1L0.05 1Fb "0.42 1T0.05 0.66 0.28 "0.30

(c) Population components Am Lm L0.05 Fb

Lm 1L0.05 1Fb 0.23 1T0.05 0.38 "0.29




–1.0Axis 1


s 2




–0.5 0.0 0.5

Fb Lm




Figure 3. Scaled principal component analysis of the popula-tion parts of five demographic traits: plot of the originalvariables on the first two principal axes. The first two axesaccount for 56% of total variance: Am: age at maturity; Fb:parameter b of the fecundity–length relationship; Lm: length atmaturity; L0.05: length-at-5%-survival; T0.05: time-to-5%-survival.

377Short-term effects of fishing on life history traits of fishes

2–2Axis 1





s 2








s 2





Figure 4.

378 M.-J. Rochet

did not differ significantly, set (i) was used in furthercomputations.

A bias may arise in the results because cod popula-tions used in the study are all under high fishingpressure. Because of the difficulty of finding data onweakly exploited stocks of cod, the influence of thespecies on final results was checked by comparing theresults with and without cod. Autocorrelation andautoregression coefficients are similar; some correlationcoefficients of the model and residual matrices becomeunsignificant, but the ones discussed here are robust.The same kind of result is obtained when removing allGadidae with a short time-to-5%-survival.

Comparing the results of considering Perciforms aspolyphyletic or monophyletic shows that the results ofthe analysis are not sensitive to this uncertainty in thetopology of the phylogenetic tree.


Autoregressive method

The autoregression method proves able to remove mostof phylogenetic autocorrelation. Whereas the partitioninto phylogenetic and population components was per-formed on each trait independently, there remains sig-nificant correlations in the population componentsmatrix (Table 5). This argues for the ability of the modelto separate components which reflect actual parts of thevariability. Moreover, more correlation coefficients aresignificant in the phylogenetic and population compo-nents than in the original size-corrected traits: themethod seems able to make visible patterns that wereconcealed in the original data.

I used Gittleman and Kot’s method (1990) as sug-gested in their conclusion: I correlated the residualcomponents of several traits together, and tested thesecorrelations independently of confounding phylogeneticcorrelations. As these authors have pointed out, theirmethod is appropriate only if there is sufficient geneticvariation in the traits. Although life history traits havelower heritabilities than morphological or behaviouraltraits, their heritabilities are significantly greater thanzero (Stearns, 1992). Moreover, there is plenty of geneticvariation for life-history traits in natural populations.Therefore it seemed appropriate to apply the auto-regression method at the population level, in order to

take into account intraspecific variation in interspecificcomparisons.

Phylogenetic information and sampling

Phylogenetic information to be used in comparativestudies should be as complete and accurate as possible(Harvey and Pagel, 1991). The phylogenetic autocorre-lation method may result in type I errors when thetopology of the phylogeny is known very incompletely(Purvis et al., 1994). In the case of teleost fishes, thetopology of the tree is well known, except the Perciformbranch (Lecointre, 1994), but the results of our study arenot sensitive to this uncertainty.

A good knowledge of branch lengths is also requiredbut seldom available (Harvey and Pagel, 1991). Branchlengths elaborated on a common basis are unavailablefor the sample of populations used here. But the phylo-genetic autoregression method is not the most sensitiveto incorrect branch lengths (Purvis et al., 1994) becausethe parameter á introduces flexibility with regard todistances. The study is representative only of the mostlycommercial stocks used in the sample and not of allteleost fishes. This is because sampling was constrainedby the availability of data, and it was not possible toobtain a good sampling across phylogeny: many taxa arelacking and represented taxa are not given an equalweight.

Another sampling difficulty arises from the fact thatdifferent populations of one species are often exploitedwith a similar intensity; an extreme case is cod, whichhas only highly exploited populations. Ideally the studyshould involve together exploited and unexploited popu-lations of each species, because the autocorrelationmethod will ascribe to phylogeny the common featuresof conspecifics. Nevertheless, the low á value estimatedfor time-to-5%-survival (2.4) indicates that distant popu-lations still have some weight in predicting this trait:conspecifics are not the only populations taken intoaccount in estimating time-to-5%-survival of a givenpopulation.

The population component

With regard to the population component, long-livedpopulations appear to have a small size a maturity at alate age, whereas high adult mortality is associated with

Figure 4. (a) Scaled principal component analysis of the population parts of five demographic traits: the first two principalcomponents of populations. Coding of the populations: first three letters=species name (see Fig. 1); capital letter=location (A:South Atlantic. B: Baltic Sea. C: Channel and Celtic Sea. E: North East Atlantic. G: Bay of Biscay. I: Indian Ocean. M:Mediterranean. N: North Sea. O: West Atlantic. P: Pacific Ocean); number=decade of the XXth century (e.g. 6 means during thesixties). (b) Same figure with an expanding symbol proportional to the ratio of fishing mortality to natural mortality for eachpopulation (dots: no fishing mortality. Small circles: 0<F/M¦1. Intermediate circles: 1<F/M¦2. Large circles: F/M>2).

379Short-term effects of fishing on life history traits of fishes

early maturity at a large size. The shift of North Seaplaice in this trade-off when exploited or not, is anargument for an environmental component of the varia-bility of these traits. Time-to-5%-survival is the mostcontributing variable to the structure of this environ-mental component; the exploitation level is associatedwith this structure (Fig. 4b). Both arguments indicatethat fishing would be an important aspect of thisenvironment. These short-term environmental effects areof larger magnitude than phylogenetic components, asevidenced by the proportion of total variance accountedfor by phylogeny for age and size at maturity andtime-to-5%-survival (Table 3). I interpret these short-term environmental effects as the expression of thephenotypic plasticity of growth and maturation in fishes.Phenotypic plasticity was defined by Schmaulhausen(1949) as the ability of a genotype to express variousphenotypes across an environmental gradient. Althoughphenotypic plasticity of growth has been commonlyobserved, especially density-dependent growth (e.g.Beverton and Holt, 1957; Hubold, 1978; Ross andAlmeida, 1986; Overholtz, 1989), in my results it appearsmainly in the variations of size and age at maturity,because I worked relative to size by removing sizeeffects.

These results show a good agreement with availableexperimental evidence. Alm (1959) reports that in someexperiments with brook trout, size at maturity increasesand age at maturity decreases as growth rate increases.Reznick (1993) showed by a series of experiments onguppies that increased resource availability (which maybe in natura a consequence of fishing, which reducespopulation densities) causes an increase in the size atmaturity and a decrease in the age at maturity. Another

experiment by Belk (1995) on bluegill sunfish shows thatthe variance in growth patterns and age and size atmaturity observed between populations apparentlyresulted mostly from environmental differences, notfrom genetic variation; and that observed patterns ofvariation between populations are best explained byeffects of differences in predator populations.

Many observations of maturity changes under fishingpressure in natural populations have been reported. Ageat maturity has been observed to decrease under exploi-tation in Grand Bank American plaice (Pitt, 1975), inScotian Shelf cod (Beacham, 1983), in halibut caughtin Northern Norway (Haug and Tjemsland, 1986), inNorth-east Arctic cod (Jørgensen, 1990) and in NorthSea plaice (Rijnsdorp, 1989). Trippel (1995) compileddata for 8 cod stocks and 4 haddock stocks of theNorth-west Atlantic, and 11 other fish populations: inall but one age at maturity of both males and femalesdeclined under exploitation, as much as 1 to 3 years ormore. Age at maturity was much higher in the unex-ploited cod of Ogac Lake than in any of the neighbour-ing exploited stocks (Patriquin, 1967). Also age atmaturity decreased as stock biomass decreased (indirecteffect of fishing) in North Sea herring (Hubold, 1978),North Sea cod (Hempel, 1978) and Grand Bank cod (Xuet al., 1993).

The negative association between longevity and size atmaturity is more unexpected. This finding is in accord-ance with experimental evidence (Alm, 1959; Reznick,1993) and with theoretical predictions (Stearns andKoella, 1986; Hutchings, 1993). However, most of thepublished studies based on field data conclude thatlength at maturity decreases or remains stable underfishing pressure (Table 7). Most of these changes are of

Table 7. Changes in size at maturity in various exploited populations (length at which 50% of the individuals reach maturity).

Reference Species Location Period Sex

Size at maturity (cm)at beginning and

end of periodChange insize at age

Pitt (1975) American plaice ICNAF Div. 3L 1961–1972 FM



ICNAF Div. 3N 1957–1971 FM



de Veen (1976) Sole North Sea 1957–1973 F 27.5–30.0 IncreasedBowering (1989) Witch flounder Newfoundland 1950–1986 F 46.0–43.0 IncreasedRijnsdorp (1989) North Sea plaice Dogger 1904–1986 F



Southern Bight F 34.0–30.0 IncreasedBeacham (1983) Cod Scotian Shelf 1959–1979 64.0–43.0

61.0–44.0No changeNo change

Hempel (1978) Cod North Sea 1920–1970 FM


No changeNo change

Rowell (1993) Cod North Sea 1893–1974 FM


No changeNo change

Clark and Tracey (1994) Orange roughy New Zealand 1984–1990 FM


Not availableNot available

380 M.-J. Rochet

low magnitude. Still we have to explain this discrepancy.Comparing results on size at maturity is difficult for tworeasons. (i) I corrected size at maturity by adult size,whereas other studies did not. Exploitation removeslarge individuals and hence reduces the mean size of fishin the population. As L0.05 decreases, ln(Lm)"0.93ln(L0.05) may increase if the variation in Lm is low.However, correction by size is necessary because other-wise size would act as a confounding variable, and inorder to take into account, when comparing size atmaturity, the concomitant changes in length at age andin the mean size of the population. Moreover, from atheoretical point of view, the dimensionless numberLm/L£ was considered useful in looking for life historygeneralization (Charnov and Berrigan, 1991). Beverton(1963) and Beverton (1992) used this number in com-parative studies and concluded that it tends to beconstant within taxa. I also find that adult size explainsthe most part of length at maturity (94%: Table 1), but Iseek to interpret the remaining variation. (ii) The seconddifficulty arises from the fact that most of publishedstudies of Table 7 consider relatively long series (20years or more): in these observations long-term effects offishing may be entangled with short-term plasticity weare dealing with. For age at maturity long-term andshort-term effects act in the same direction, but this isnot the case for length at maturity (Table 6; Reznick,1993). This is an advantage of large comparative studiessuch as ours, which allow one to disentangle long-termand short-term effects.

Another interesting observation, although not directlyrelated to fishing effect, is the positive correlationbetween the slope of the fecundity–length relationshipand L0.05: populations with a larger size have a higherfecundity–length slope than populations with a smallersize (Tables 5 and 6). This pattern is not apparent onFigure 3 but on the fourth axis of the PCA (not shown).The slope of the fecundity–length relationship is alsopositively associated with size at maturity (Fig. 3). Thesepatterns may be interpreted in terms of phenotypictrade-offs. In fish the widespread trade-off betweencurrent and future reproduction (Stearns, 1992) appearsin the strong negative correlation between the par-ameters a and b of the fecundity–length relationshipF=aLb (from my data set: r(a,b)= "0.85, and "0.88when corrected for size effects): the lower fecundity is atmaturity, the steeper it can increase later. After maturitythe surplus power, i.e. the fraction of ingested energyremaining after an individual has paid metabolic costs, isto be shared between growth and reproduction (Ware,1984). We may hypothesize that if fecundity is high atmaturity, a lower part of the surplus power remains forgrowth, and that consequently fish reach a smaller size.This phenotypic trade-off would be consistent with theone observed by Jennings and Beverton (1991) in acomparative study of life history traits of nine stocks of

Atlantic herring: a low annual reproductive outputis associated with late maturity and slow post-maturational growth towards a large maximum size(and vice versa).

Theoretical aspects and mechanisms of theplasticity of size and age at maturity

Several theoretical models have been developed to pre-dict the reaction-norm of size and age at maturity infishes, with different assumptions on the constraints thatwill act on the reaction-norm (Stearns and Crandall,1984; Stearns and Koella, 1986; Perrin and Rubin, 1990;Roff, 1992). These models may not be suitable forexploited populations, because they assume a stable agedistribution (Stearns and Crandall, 1984). Some of thesemodels predict dome-shaped norms of reaction for size-to-age at maturity in fishes, which fit Alm’s (1959)observations. Stearns and Crandall (1984) show thatother shapes of these norms of reaction are plausibleunder different assumptions. The difficulty in interpret-ing these conclusions is that a high adult mortality isusually not taken into account as a constraint thatmay act directly or indirectly on this reaction-norm.Hutchings (1993) constructed reaction-norms by deter-mining how optimal age and size at first reproductionvaried with growth rate in two unexploited brook troutpopulations. Harvesting might result in decreased juven-ile density and in increased growth rate; optimal size atmaturity increases with growth rate in one populationand varies little in the other population, whereas optimalage at maturity declines as growth rate increases in bothcases. Moreover, size selective mortality might changethe slope of the reaction norm.

How adult mortality due to fishing may act on growthand maturation processes is not clear. The main hypoth-esis is that fishing decreases the population’s density,that growth would be density-dependent, and that thenorm of reaction for size-to-age at maturity would beconstrained by growth. Evidence of density-dependentgrowth is abundant in various populations of distantlyrelated taxa (e.g. Beverton and Holt, 1957; Hubold,1978; Ross and Almeida, 1986; Overholtz, 1989).Growth-dependent plasticity of size and age at maturitywas also demonstrated by experimental evidence (Alm,1959; Reznick, 1993; Belk, 1995) and by field data onlake whitefish (Jensen, 1981). However, other mecha-nisms may act, for example Rijnsdorp et al. (1991), in anextensive study of the variations of growth, maturationand fecundity in several North Sea stocks, suggestedthat the observed compensation in total egg productionmay be due to effects of reproductive variability relatedto the age composition of the spawning population,rather than to density-dependent effects.

Other possible phenotypic effects of high adult mor-tality may be mediated by maternal effects, defined by

381Short-term effects of fishing on life history traits of fishes

Bernardo (1996) as direct effects of a parent’s phenotypeon the phenotype of its offspring. Maternal effectsappear as a kind of cross-generation phenotypic plastic-ity, and may affect many demographic traits, includingoffspring growth and recruitment. Maternal effects arelargely documented in mammals, birds, salamanders,lizards, and plants (Bernardo, 1996). Reznick et al.(1996) demonstrated experimentally that food avail-ability to mother Poeciliid fishes affects the size of young.Chambers and Leggett (1996) use comparative methodsto show that egg size is likely to be significantly modu-lated by the maternal environment during oogenesis inmarine teleost populations; differences in egg size may bepropagated through growth into variation in sizes oflarvae, juveniles and even adult fishes. Investigating thetiming of short-term fishing effects would allow to assessthe importance of maternal effects in the observedphenotypic plasticity.

Phylogeny of phenotypic plasticity

This paper concentrates on the population componentof teleost life history traits, and investigates fishingeffects on life history tactics. The complementary com-ponent of these traits, namely the phylogenetic compo-nent, is worth investigating in detail. This would givemore basic insights into teleost demographic strategies,which are the range of flexible tactics a species maydeploy, depending on the environment (Wootton, 1984).This would allow a re-examination of the conclusions ofpioneering works about this subject by Beverton andHolt (1959), Beverton (1963), Adams (1980) and Roff

(1984), who did not address the problem of separatinglong-term evolved effects from environmental effects.

This study is based on the hypothesis that the pheno-typic part of the answer to fishing would be the same inall taxa of teleost fishes: this phenotypic answer is indeedthe residual variation of traits, once the resemblance ofphylogenetically close populations has been removed.Hence this work will only reveal the general features ofthis plasticity throughout our sample of teleost fishes.But it seems plausible that different taxa would haveevolved different plasticity patterns in response to agiven stress. Table 7 suggests that average size at ageincreases under fishing pressure in Pleuronectiformes,but remains unchanged in cod. Also Rijnsdorp et al.(1991) show that compensation for fishing by enhancedreproductive output appears in three North Sea stocksby three different mechanisms (earlier maturation inplaice, enhanced growth in sole and increased fecundityin cod). Their study has the disadvantage of long-termand short-term effects being entangled (30 years seriesanalysed), and this is a common feature to most studiesof fishing effects. There is a need for investigating thedifferences in short-term responses to fishing in differentteleost taxa.

Another criticism that may be addressed to this studyis that life-history traits are co-evolved: there are link-ages between traits, that constrain the simultaneousevolution of two or more traits (Stearns, 1992). Here weinvestigate phylogenetic autocorrelation trait by trait,and hence leave co-evolution out of account. This is ageneral gap in comparative methods, most of whichconsider the variations of no more than two traits(Harvey and Pagel, 1991); for example, Gittleman (1986)and Read and Harvey (1989) successively investigatedthe covariations of many pairs of life history traits. Amultivariate method that would test for differences inthe relationships between several traits, independently ofphylogenetic correlation, would be an importantadvance in this field.

The effects of fishing and fisheries management

Fishing has three types of effects on fish populationdynamics: direct effects on population density and onthe mean size of individuals; short-term environmentaleffects on growth and reproduction, mediated by pheno-typic plasticity and density-dependent mechanisms; andlong-term effects due to the selective pressure imposedby harvesting. Whereas the problems raised by the firsttype of effects are commonly addressed by fisheriesassessment models and management policies, the othertwo types of effects are seldom considered.

This is partly because these effects are difficult toseparate, and may be contradictory. In the phylogeneticcomponent of our traits, short life is associated with asmall size and an early age at maturity; this result is inagreement with Reznick (1993) who showed experimen-tally that, in the longer term, increased adult mortalityselects for earlier maturity at a smaller size. Hence wesupport the conclusion of this author, that compensa-tory responses of populations to fishing may conceallonger-term selection effects.

Moreover, Nelson (1993) emphasizes that the evolu-tionary response to selection and its detection dependupon the joint reaction norms of growth and reproduc-tion to changes in density and environmental factors;only when these joint reaction norms have been ident-ified can their evolutionary change be detected. Thiswork is a first step towards this aim: in a rather largesample of teleosts, we document evidence that fishingimposes a phenotypic response in growth and reproduc-tion. It would be worth investigating the shape andgenetic variation in the reaction norm. Its influence onexploited population dynamics should be checked: theempirical works of Beverton and Holt (1957) and Over-holtz et al. (1991) may be given a more basic support inorder to develop general models, suitable to variouspopulations.

On the other hand, fishing applies a selective pressurethat may shift the long-term selective advantage from a

382 M.-J. Rochet

reproductive pattern to another (Ware, 1984). Furtherwork should use our first results on short-term effects toinvestigate these changes.


This work demonstrates a general trend of the short-term effects of fishing on demographic traits in a largesample of teleost fishes: populations develop compensa-tory responses to fishing by decreasing their age atmaturity and increasing their size at maturity. Theseeffects are of large magnitude and may conceallonger-term selection effects.

These effects should be better analysed and quantifiedand, if necessary, taken into account in stock assessmentand management.

A first consequence of this result is the recommenda-tion that maturity ogives used in stock assessment andprojections should be regularly updated.


I thank Dominique Pontier for much stimulating discus-sion during the course of this work and Jean Boucherand an anonymous referee for valuable comments onprevious versions of this paper. I thank GuillaumeLecointre (Laboratoire d’Ichtyologie et ServiceCommun de Systematique Moleculaire, MuseumNational d’Histoire Naturelle, 43 rue Cuvier, 75231Paris Cedex 05, France) who provided the phylogeneticinformation. I thank Annick Radenac for help incollating the data, and S. Flatman, L. Motos, N. Perez,J. C. Poulard, and J. A. Tomasini for making their dataavailable to me. Christine Maisonneuve drew the phylo-genetic tree. This study was partly supported by theProgramme National Dynamique de la Biodiversite etEnvironnement.


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Appendix A: Sensitivity analysis of totalmortality to errors in natural mortalityin VPA

The linear sensitivity coefficient of total mortality at agea Za to natural mortality at age i Mi, Fa being fishingmortality at age a, is defined as:

Which means that, the higher the fishing mortality, thelower the ratio M/Z and hence the sensitivity.

Which means that total mortality at age a is mostsensitive to natural mortality at age a, relative to naturalmortality at other ages.

An example of S(Za/Ma) for haddock in division VIa(West of Scotland), 1983–1992 (data from ICES, 1993) isprovided in Table 8.

Appendix B: References of the data


South African Engraulis capensis cap A7

Le Clus, F. 1979. Fecundity and maturity of anchovy Engrauliscapensis off South West Africa. Fish. Bull. S. Afr., 11: 26–38.

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Bay of Biscay Engraulis encrasicholus encG8

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385Short-term effects of fishing on life history traits of fishes

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Gulf of Lions Engraulis encrasicholus encM8

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Baltic Sea Sprattus sprattus sprB8

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North Sea Sprattus sprattus sprN7

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North Sea Clupea harengus harN2 and harN6

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Mediterranean Sardina pilchardus pilM7Bouchereau, J. L. 1981. Contribution a l’etude de la biologie et

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Adriatic Sardina pilchardus pilM8Sinovcic, G. 1984. Summary of biological parameters of sardine

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Table 8. Sensitivity of total mortality at age a to natural mortality at age a for West Scotland haddock.

Age 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 Mean

0 0.973 0.982 0.986 0.944 0.721 0.343 0.829 0.973 0.726 0.725 0.820251 0.251 0.31 0.251 0.473 0.227 0.17 0.274 0.186 0.154 0.305 0.260062 0.201 0.218 0.219 0.271 0.153 0.184 0.181 0.082 0.118 0.221 0.18473 0.288 0.123 0.192 0.177 0.137 0.134 0.159 0.125 0.11 0.15 0.139524 0.226 0.125 0.136 0.234 0.13 0.136 0.124 0.123 0.071 0.143 0.144855 0.242 0.165 0.172 0.274 0.118 0.114 0.109 0.143 0.075 0.105 0.151746 0.197 0.153 0.124 0.322 0.073 0.22 0.068 0.252 0.092 0.107 0.160847 0.161 0.123 0.156 0.224 0.089 0.14 0.103 0.151 0.087 0.147 0.138078 0.225 0.186 0.22 0.286 0.15 0.204 0.165 0.214 0.148 0.211 0.2009

386 M.-J. Rochet

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Iceland Argentina silus silE8

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Norway Argentina silus silE8

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Labrador Salvelinus alpinus alpO7

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Baffin Island Salvelinus alpinus alpO7

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Alaska Salvelinus malma malP6

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Barents Sea Mallotus villosus vilE6

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North Sea Gadus morhua morN7

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North East Arctic Gadus morhua morE8

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Baltic Sea Gadus morhua morB6

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West Scotian shelf Gadus morhua morO8

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North Sea Melanogrammus aeglefinus aegN2 andaegN7

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North Atlantic Micromesistius poutassou pouE7

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North Sea Trisopterus esmarki esmN6 (twoperiods)

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North East Atlantic Molva dypterigia dypE7

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Chile Merluccius gayi gayP6

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Argentina Merluccius hubbsi hubA8

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Gulf of Lions Merluccius merluccius merM9

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Bay of Biscay Merluccius merluccius merG8

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Spain Merluccius merluccius merE7

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North East Pacific Merluccius productus proP7

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Ægean Sea Lophius budegassa budM7

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388 M.-J. Rochet

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Gulf of Lions Atherina boyeria boyL7 (twostocks)

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Florida and Carolina Scomberomorus cavallacavO7 (two stocks)

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East Atlantic Scomber scombrus scoE9

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Bay of Biscay Trachurus trachurus traG8

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South African Trachurus trachurus traA7

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Reunion Lethrinus mahsena mahP8

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Bay of Biscay Mullus surmuletus surG8

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West African Pseudupeneus prayensis praA7

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Cuba Lutjanus synagris synO7

Claro, R. 1981. Ecologia y ciclo de vida de la biajaiba, Lutjanussynagris (Linnaeus), en la plataforma cubana. II. Biologiapesquera. Academia de Ciencias de Cuba, InformeCientifico-tecnico, 177: 53 p.

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Trinidad Lutjanus synagris synO8

Manickchand-Dass, S. 1987. Reproduction, age and growth ofthe lane snapper, Lutjanus synagris (Linnaeus) in Trinidad,West Indies. Bulletin of Marine Science, 40, 1: 22–28.

Brazil Lutjanus purpureus purO6

De Menezes, M. F. and Gesteira, T. C. V. 1974. Idade ecrescimento do pargo, Lutjanus purpureus Poey, do nortee nordeste do Brasil. Arq. Cien. Mar, 14, 2: 81–85.

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North Carolina Rhomboplites aurorubens aurO7

Grimes, C. B. 1978. Age, growth, and length-weight relation-ship of vermilionsnapper, Rhombopiltes aurorubens from

389Short-term effects of fishing on life history traits of fishes

North Carolina and South Carolina waters. Trans. Am. Fish.Soc., 107, 3: 454–456.

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Curacao Epinephelus cruentatus cruO7

Nagelkerken, W. P. 1979. Biology of the Graysby, Epinepheluscruentatus, of the coral reef of Curacao. Stud. FaunaCuracao, 60: 1–118.

Gulf of Lions Dicentrarchus labrax labM7

Barnabe, G. 1973. Contribution a la connaissance de lacroissance et de la sexualite du loup (Dicentrarchus labrax L.)de la region de Sete. Ann. Inst. oceanogr., 49, 1: 49–75.

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West African Pagellus bellottii belA7

Franqueville, C. 1983. Biologie et dynamique de population desdaurades (Pagellus bellottii, Steindachner 1882) le long descotes senegambiennes. These de Doctorat d’Etat, Universited’Aix-Marseille II: 276 p.

Gulf of Lions Pagellus erythrinus eryM7 andBoops boops booM7

Girardin, M. 1980. Poissons Sparides du Golfe du Lion.Rapport de l’Universite des Sciences et Techniques duLanguedoc, Montpellier.

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South African Pachymetopon blochii bloA6 andArgyrozona argyrozona argA6

Nepgen, C. S. de V. 1977. The biology of the hottentotPachymetopon blochii (Val.) and the silverfish Argyrozonaargyrozona (Val.) along the cape South-west coast. Investl.Rep., Sea Fish. Brch. S. Afr., 105: 1–35.

North Carolina Pagrus pagrus pagO7

Manooch, C. S. III. 1976. Reproductive cycle, fecundity, andsex ratios of the red porgy, Pagrus pagrus (Pisces: Sparidae)in North Carolina. Fish. Bull., 74: 775–781.

Manooch C. S. III and Huntsman, G. R. 1976. Age, growthand mortality of the red porgy, Pagrus pagrus. Trans. Am.Fish. Soc., 106: 26–33.

Gulf of Lions Gobius niger nigM8

Joyeux, J. C., Bouchereau, J. L., and Tomasini, J. A. 1991. Lareproduction de Gobius niger (Pisces, Gobiidae) dans lalagune de Mauguio – France. Rapports gonadosomatiques,fecondites, ponte, ouefs et larves. Vie Milieu, 41, 2/3: 97–106.

Joyeux, J. C., Bouchereau, J. L., and Tomasini, J. A. 1991.Croissance et structure demographique de la population deGobius niger Linne 1758 (poisson, teleosteen) dans unelagune nord-mediterraneenne. Cah. Biol. Mar., 32: 415–437.

Gulf of Lions Pomatoschistus minutus minM8

Bouchereau, J. L., Quignard, J. P., Tomasini, J. A., Joyeux,J. C., and Capape, C. 1990. Cycle sexuel, condition, feconditeet ponte de Pomatoschistus minutus (Pallas, 1770) (Gobiidae)du Golfe du Lion, France. Cybium, 14, 3: 251–267.

Bouchereau, J. L., Quignard, J. P., Tomasini, J. A., Joyeux, J. C.,and Capape, C. 1989. La population de Pomatoschistusminutus (Pallas 1770) de la lagune de Mauguio, France.Parametres demographiques et croissance individuelle. Cah.Biol. Mar., 30: 487–514.

Gulf of Lions Pomatoschistus microps micM8

Bouchereau, J. L., Joyeux, J. C., Tomasini, J. A., andQuignard, J. P. 1989. Cycle sexuel, fecondites et condition dePomatoschistus microps (Kroyer 1838) (Gobiides) dans lalagune de Mauguio – France. Bull. Ecol., 20, 3: 193–202.

Bouchereau, J. L., Joyeux, J. C., and Quignard, J. P. 1989.Structure de la population de Pomatoschistus microps(Kroyer 1838) Poissons, Gobiides, lagune de Mauguio(France). Vie Milieu, 39, 1: 19–28.


Bristol Channel Solea solea solC8

Horwood, J. 1993. The Bristol Channel sole (Solea solea (L.)):A fisheries case study. Adv. Mar. Biol., 29: 215–368.

ICES. 1992. Report of the Irish Sea and Bristol ChannelWorking Group. ICES C.M. 1992/Assess: 1.

Bay of Biscay Solea solea solG8

ICES. 1992. Report of the Study Group on the Fecundity ofSole and Plaice in Sub Areas IV, VII, and VIII. ICES C.M.1992/G: 16.

ICES. 1993. Report of the Working Group on thessessment of Southern Shelf Demersal Stocks. ICES C.M.1993/Assess: 3.

Gulf of Lions Solea solea solM8

Cejpa, A. M. 1988. La sole (Solea vulgaris) dans le golfe duLion: parametres biologiques. Rapport IFREMER-CEPRALMAR: 75 p.

Deniel, C. 1987. Variations geographiques de fecondite de lasole Solea vulgaris. Contrat IFREMER-UBO No. 85 5 300001, rapport final.

390 M.-J. Rochet

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North Sea Pleuronectes platessa plaN4 andplaN7

ICES. 1990. Report of the North Sea flatfish working group.ICES C.M. 1990/Assess: 6.

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Simpson, A. C. 1959. The spawning of the Plaice (Pleuronectesplatessa) in the North Sea. Fish. Invest. Lond. Ser., 2, 22, 7:111 p.

Celtic Sea Pleuronectes platessa plaC9

Flatman, S. Personnal communication for growth data.Horwood, J. W. 1993. Fecundity and biomass of plaice (Pleu-

ronectes platessa L.) in the northern Celtic Sea. ICES Journalof Marine Sciences, 50: 315–323.

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Gulf of Lions Platichthys flesus fleM8

Vianet, R. 1985. Le flet du Golfe du Lion, Platichthys flesusLinne 1758. Systematique – Ecobiologie – Peche. These del’Universite des Sciences et Techniques du Languedoc,Montpellier.

Baltic Sea Platichthys flesus fleB5

Cieglewicz, W. 1959. Flounder investigations in Gdansk Bay in1959. Annales Biologiques, CIEM, 16: 111–112.

Cieglewicz, W. 1962. Composition of Polish flatfish catches inthe Baltic in 1962. Annales Biologiques, CIEM, 19: 84.

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Channel Limanda limanda limC8

Deniel, C. 1981. Les poisson plats (Teleosteens, Pleuronecti-formes) en baie de Douarnenez. Reproduction, croissance, et

migrations des Bothidae, Scophthalmidae, Pleuronectidae etSoleidae. These de Doctorat d’Etat de l’Universite deBretagne Occidentale, Faculte des Sciences et TechniquesdeBrest, 476 p.

Deniel, C. and Tassel, M. 1986. Reproduction et croissance dela limande Limanda limanda (Linnaeus, 1758) (Teleosteen,Pleuronectidae) en Manche orientale et baie de Douarnenez.Cybium, 10, 2: 155–176.

Tassel, M. 1988. Biologie halieutique de la limande (Limandalimanda L.) en Manche orientale et mer du Nord. These del’Universite des Sciences et Techniques, Lille, 237 p.

California Microstomus pacificus pacP4

Hagerman, F. B. 1952. The biology of the Dover sole Micros-tomus pacificus (Lockington). Calif. Dept. Fish Game FishBull., 85: 1–48.

Pacific Hippoglossus stenolepsis steP7 (two stocks)

Hoag, S. H. and McNaughton, R. J. 1978. Abundance andfishing mortality of Pacific Halibut, cohort analysis, 1935–1976. International Pacific Halibut Commission, ScientificReport, 65: 45 p.

Schmitt, C. C. and Skud, B. E. 1978. Relation of fecundity oflong-term changes in growth, abundance and recruitment.International Pacific Halibut Commission, Scientific Report,66: 31 p.


Tasmania Gymnapistes marmoratus marP7

Grant, C. J. 1972. The biology of the soldier fish, Gymnapistesmarmoratus (Pisces: Scorpaenidae). Aust. J. mar. Freshwat.Res., 23: 151–163.

North Pacific Sebastes alutus aluP6 (two stocks)

Gunderson, D. R. 1977. Population biology of Pacific OceanPerch, Sebastes alutus, stocks in the Washington–QueenCharlotte Sound region, and their response to fishing. Fish.Bull., 75, 2: 369–403.

Gulf of St Lawrence Sebastes mentella menO8

Morin, B. and Bernier, B. 1992. Evaluation du stock de sebaste(Sebaste spp.) du golfe du Saint-Laurent: 4RST+3Pn4Vn(jan.–mai). CAFSAC Research Document 92/59: 45 p.

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