short film research


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Post on 18-Jan-2017




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Page 1: Short film research


Page 2: Short film research

PLOT The main plot of the production is how a lonely teenage boy finds love with a deaf girl his age. The story unfolds by showing his loneliness both at school and at home compared to some of the others that surround him. He tries reaching out to a girl at school and at first thinks she’s ignoring him like the rest of the school do, when in actual fact she is deaf. The pairs relationship flourishes until the boy comes to meet her and he sees her with another guy and leaves before she notices him. Eventually, they accidently come across each other in the hallway and unlike before where the pair had used a notepad to communicate , the girl attempts to speak to get the boys attention. He then asks her to be his prom date , something that from the beginning of the production we know this character is considering not even going.

Page 3: Short film research

USE OF CAMERA This is an example of a loose frame shot. This is the first shot the audience are presented with ,which highlights the boys loneliness due to spare seats on the bench and the vast space left unfilled by extra characters in the shot.

This is the pairs first meeting and the girl fills the recently empty space . Thus suggesting the boy feels like he is no longer alone.

Page 4: Short film research

USE OF CAMERAFrom this we get the impression the boy is curious to hear the girls voice however she refuses. This could be considered as a 180 Degree shot because we can see the from the Girls perspective what the boy is saying to her, Alike what we would do if they were talking.

After the boy sees the girl with another boy he instantly feels alone again and this is shown by similar loose frame shots like wesaw for the introduction of his character.

Page 5: Short film research

USE OF CAMERAThis shot would show the humbleness of the Character and how he feels he needs to practice The way he will ask ‘Emily’ to the prom.

This is an example of the director following the 180 degree rule.

This is the final shot showing the pair together and is the resolution to the film.

Page 6: Short film research


At first the tempo of the music is slow and the pitch is low . This is synchronous to the way the male protagonist is feeling. The audience are aware instantly that the character is dissatisfied or feeling down at the time of introduction.

When the boy and girl are together, the tempo and pitch of the diegetic sound increase to correspond with the energy the new friendship has brought to both of their silent lives in a literal and non literal way.

Page 7: Short film research

MIS EN SCENE When the boy overlooks a couple kissing in the corridor he is taken aback and does not know how to react. This would show how is a shy boy and has is very humble.

Also because he buys the girl a bunch of flowers when he asks her to prom would suggest how he is quite old fashioned and maybe not experienced with girls , also reinforcing his reserved character.

The fact that he is wearing glasses and a shirt would instantly lead the audience into a ‘geek’ stereotype making the ending of the film all the more likeable because we do not dislike this character and find it sweet to unfold.