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Page 1: SHORINJI KEMPO - Vrije Universiteit Amsterdameliens/sk/syllabus/local/dictionary.pdf · 先生 sensei Teacher. Instructor 拳士 kenshi Person who practices Shorinji Kempo. Shorinji

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Name Shibu



Shorinji Kempo



World Shorinji Kempo Organization

Page 2: SHORINJI KEMPO - Vrije Universiteit Amsterdameliens/sk/syllabus/local/dictionary.pdf · 先生 sensei Teacher. Instructor 拳士 kenshi Person who practices Shorinji Kempo. Shorinji

Basic Words


Characters Pronunciation English

一 ichi 1

二 ni 2

三 san 3

四 shi. yon 4

五 go 5

六 roku 6

七 shichi. nana 7

八 hachi 8

九 kyu. ku 9

十 ju. to 10


Characters Pronunciation English

見習い minarai Beginner - white belt

三級 san kyu 3rd kyu - brown belt

二級 ni kyu 2nd kyu - brown belt

一級 ik kyu 1st kyu - brown belt

初段 sho dan 1st dan - black belt

二段 ni dan 2nd dan - black belt

三段 san dan 3rd dan - black belt

四段 yon dan 4th dan - black belt

五段 go dan 5th dan - black belt

六段 roku dan 6th dan - black belt, and so on...

Names and Titles

Characters Pronunciation English

本部 honbu Head quarter (in Japan)

開祖 kaiso Founder, So Doshin

館長 kancho Title for So Doshin ii, the present president

支部 shibu Branch

道院 doin Branch (douin = the institution of the way) only

in Japan

支部長 shibucho Branch Master (i.e. Branch Chief)

副支部長 fuku shibucho Assistant Branch Master

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先生 sensei Teacher. Instructor

拳士 kenshi Person who practices Shorinji Kempo.

Shorinji Kempo student

先輩 senpai Student that began practice earlier than you

後輩 kohai Student that began practice later than you

同輩 dohai Student that began practice at the same time as


見習い minarai Beginner

助教 jokyo Assistant instructor (i.e. helper to


Greetings and Etiquette

Characters Pronunciation English

合掌礼 gasshorei Greeting position in Shorinji Kempo style


脚下照顧 kyakkashoko Keep your shoes tidy

- everything starts from the base part.

礼 rei Greet (thank)

なおれ naore Finish. To be back in the position you started.

お願いします onegai shimasu Please. Allow me to ...

ありがとうございました arigato gozaimashita Greet. =thank you very much

解散 kaisan Break up, finish the present stance.

お互いに礼 otagai ni rei Greet each other

正面 shomen The wall where manji is located. The front.

集合 shugo Gather (and line up)

整列 seiretsu Line up neatly

右へならえ migi e narae Correct the lines towards the right

着座 chakuza Sit down on your knees

正座 seiza Sit on your knees = chakuza

安座 anza Sit with your legs crossed

起立 kiritsu Stand up

Practice Commands

Characters Pronunciation English

初め hajime Start

やめ yame Stop

用意 yoi Prepare

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構えて kamaete Take position

単演 tan’ en Single form practice

相対 sotai Pair form practice

交代 kotai Change (partner)

反対 hantai Opposite side

左 hidari Left

右 migi Right

前 mae Front

後ろ ushiro. ato Back

左向け左 hidari muke hidari 90°turn to the left

右向け右 migi muke migi 90°turn to the right

まわれ右 maware migi 180°turn to the right

予鈴 yorei The first bell for attention

号令 gorei Count aloud

休め yasume Rest position (hands in kesshu, feet apart)

休憩 kyuukei Break time

調息 chosoku Breath control

深呼吸 shinkokyu Breath control by breathing deeply

八方目 happoumoku Split vision (to 8 directions)

残心 zanshin Awareness, concentration after rapid movement

気合 kiai Shout, (shout in harmony with energy). ” A”

or “ Un”

極め kime Winning trick

早く hayaku Quickly

ゆっくり yukkuri Slowly

攻者 kosha Attacker

守者 shusha Defender

技あり waza ari Good technique

攻撃技 kogeki waza Attacking techniques

防御技 bogyo waza Defending techniques

それまで soremade Stop. All for now

補技 hogi (shikake waza) Attacking technique (from yourself)

わかれて wakarete Split up. Separate

Commonly Used Words in Shorinji Kempo

Characters Pronunciation English

道場 dojo Practice hall

武道 budo Way of “ Bu”

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学科 gakka Philosophy lesson

まんじ(卍) manji Symbol for buddhism, Shorinji Kempo

ダーマ dharma The law of universe

演武 embu Pair form for demonstrating Shorinji Kempo

乱補り randori Sparring. Free fighting

法形 hokei Pre set patterns (techniques)

連反攻 renhanko Free follow-up after Houkei

鎮魂 chinkon Calm mind practice. Meditation

座禅 zazen Sitting zen. Siting meditation

剛法 goho Hard techniques. Striking and kicking

柔法 juhou Soft techniques. Escaping and locking

整法 (整体) seiho (seitai) Pressure massage, (i.e. Correcting methods)

武階 bukai Technical rank. kyu and dan ranks

法階 hokai Philosophical rank, only at dan revel

僧階 sokai Priesthood rank

先 sen lead

心 shin Soul. Mentality

体 tai Body

知 chi Wisdom

気 ki Power. Energy

行 gyo Exercise, Practice

当て身 atemi Hit the body, (ate - from ateru = to hit, mi =


急所 kyusho Pressure points

作務 samu Cleaning. Work

前進 zenshin Moving forward

裏 ura Reverse side

表 omote Right side

内 uchi. nai In side

外 soto. gai Out side

順 jun In order

逆 gyaku In reverse

上段 jodan Upper part. Head

中段 chudan Middle part. Body

下段 gedan Lower part. Legs

片手 katate One hand on one

両手 ryote Two hands on two

諸手 morote Two hands on one

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各種 kakushu Several types

間合 maai Distance between one and another

一足一拳の間合 issokuikken no maai One step-one strike distance

引押 hiki oshi Pull-push

正中線 seichusen Center line of oneself

演武線 embusen Embu line

Common Techniques and Terms That Are Used Often But Not Listed Under the Headline Kihon

Characters Pronunciation English

胴蹴 do geri Kick against dou (body protector)

胴突 do zuki Strike against dou (body protector)

段反撃 dan hangeki Block and counter with the same hand

背負投げ seoi nage Back throw

横転より起き上がり oten yori okiagari Rolling up from the floor

投げの受け身 nage no ukemi Ukemi when thrown

振子突 furiko zuki Pendulum strike, (basic strike)

目打ち meuchi Type of urate uchi to the eye with fingers

前進突 zenshin zuki Strike while mowing forward

下段蹴 gedan geri Kick to the legs

足刀蹴 soku tou geri Side kick, (i.e. Foot edge kick)

同時蹴 doji geri Kick simultaneously as blocking

足払い ashi barai Leg sweep

二連攻 ni renko Two offensive techniques in a row

三連攻 san renko Three offensive techniques in a row

上中二連攻 jo chu nirenko Two attacks after each other, first to the head

and then to the body

上中上三連攻 jo chu jo sanrenko Three attacks after each other, first to the head,

then to the body and again to the head

段受 dan uke Several blocks after each other with the same


連受 ren uke Several blocks after each other with different


三防受 sambo uke Three blocks at the same time;

uchi uke, harai uke and hiza uke

基本 Kihon (fundamentals).

The fundamentals in shorinji kempo techniques are divided into six groups. These groups are as follows:

* tai gamae (体構え) - body positions,

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* sokui ho (足位法) - foot and leg placement,

* umpo ho (運歩法) - foot and leg motion,

* tai sabaki (体捌き) - whole body motion,

* kogi (攻技) -offensive techniques

* bogi (防技) - defensive techniques

In addition to these six main groups there is a seventh group called shuho (守法) - defensive methods, but

these are not practiced as separate techniques. All practice will require the performance of the above six

groups. In order to learn the techniques with any skill, one must master the basic components, which make

them up. For this practice, knowing the names is essential. To help you to understand the names, the

following guides may be helpful;

* tai gamae (体構え) names always end in gamae (構え)

* sokui ho (足位法) names always end in dachi (立),

* umpo ho (運歩法) names always end in ashi (足) or soku (足),

* tai sabaki (体捌き) names often end in -mi (身) or -shin (身).

Characters Pronunciation English

体構え Tai gamae Body position

正対構え sei tai gamae Both have kaisoku chudan gamae

対構え tai gamae Closed position, (both have the same foot front)

開き構え hiraki gamae Open position, (different foot front)

白蓮八陣 byakuren hachi jin Byakuren eight positions

1.合掌構 gassho gamae Greeting position

2.卍構 manji gamae Front hand closed, back hand open over the


3.乱れ構 midare gamae Front hand open, back hand open in front of the

other shoulder. Inviting attack to the head

4.八相構 hasso gamae Both hands open, in front of your chest. Inviting

attack to the body

5.待気構 taiki gamae Both hands open, front hand high around the

shoulder and back hand in front of chudan.

Inviting attack to the head

6.逆待気構 gyaku taiki gamae Reversed Taiki gamae. Front hand in front of

chudan and back hand around the shoulder

7.合気構 aiki gamae Like hasso gamae but the hands are hold more

higher and out from the body, especially the

back hand

8.白蓮中段構 byakuren chudan gamae Practice position, both feet parallel, closed


義和九陣 giwa kyu jin Giwa 9 positions

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1.結手構え kesshu gamae Left thumb in right hand, feet closed

2.一字構え ichiji gamae Side position, front hand open, back hand


3.仁王構え nio gamae Like Ichiji gamae, front hand more to the inside,

back hand more to the outside

4.中段構え chudan gamae Side position, both hands closed

5.下段構え gedan gamae Like Ichiji gamae, front hand turned that the

thumb can not be seen from the opponent

6.逆下段構え gyaku gedan gamae Reversed Gedan gamae

7.伏虎構え fukko gamae Knee standing position with hands like Ichiji


8.立無相構え tate muso gamae Front hand open under the back arms elbow

hold above the other hand

9.橫無相構え yoko muso gamae Front hand open above the back arms elbow

hold parallel to the ground

足位法 Sokui ho Foot position

位置 ichi Placement

1.開足立 kaisoku dachi Parallel feet, shoulder wide

2.閉足立 heisoku dachi Closed feet, heel together, toes 60°open

3.逆丁字立 gaku choji dachi Like in chudan gamae, often explained as Re

no ji dachi, with feet position in the character

“ レ”

4.八字足立 hachi ji ashi dachi Feet open parallel with toes inwards in the

character “ 八”

5.前鈎足立 mae kagi ashi dachi Re no ji dachi with front foot turned so that the

heel points slightly forward

6.後鈎足立 ushiro kagi ashi dachi Re no ji dachi with back foot turned outwards

like at Gyaku ten shin, etc.

7.横鈎足立 yoko kagi ashi dachi Leg crossed, one foot in front of another, front

foot toes pointing out to the side in the shape of

“ 「” .

8.交足立 kosoku dachi legs crossed at Jyuuji ashi or Harai uke, etc.

立方 tachi kata Standing way

1.くの字立 ku no ji dachi Knees bent like “ く”

2.前屈立 zenkutsu dachi Weight on the front leg

3.後屈立 kokutsu dachi Weight on the back leg

4.猫足立 neko ashi dachi cat foot -very hard Kou kutsu dachi, with front

foot only on toes

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5.騎馬立 kiba dachi Hachi ji dachi with horse riding-like positin

6.平馬立 heima dachi Harder Kiba dachi, at Kagi duki or chidori, etc.

7.四股立 shiko dachi “ Sumo” position

8.伏虎立 fukko dachi One knee on the ground.

運歩法 Umpo ho Footwork

出足 De ashi Stepping forward

踏込足 Fumikomi ashi Only one foot stepping forward

前寄 Maeyose ashi Back foot to the side or to the back of the front


差込足 Sashikomi ashi Pulling the back foot to the back of the front foot

差替足 Sashikae ashi Stepping the back foot in front of the front foot

前千鳥足 Mae chidori ashi Step diagonally forward

跳込足 Tobikomi ashi Jumping step on the back foot forward (hop)

前蜘蛛足 Mae kumo ashi Jumping on the front foot forwards with the back

foot followed by the front foot (trot)

前転足 Zentensoku Jumping on both feet forward

引足 Hiki ashi Pulling one leg backwards

後寄足 Ushiroyose ashi Pulling the front foot to the side or to the front of

the back foot

順退足 Jun sagari ashi First pulling the back foot back followed by the

front foot. =Sashikomi ashi to the back

開退足 Hiraki sagari ashi Pulling the front foot back of the back foot by

shifting and opening the body

後千鳥足 Ushiro chidori ashi step diagonally backwards

後跳退足 Ushiro tobi sagari ashi Jumping backwards from Zenkutsu dachi

後蜘蛛足 Ushiro kumo ashi Jumping on back feet backwards

後転足 Ko tensoku Jumping backwards with both feet at the same


横足 Yoko ashi Only one feet stepping sideways

蟹足 Kani ashi Both feet stepping sideways. Crab step

=Sashikomi ashi to the side

十字足 Juji ashi Cross step =Sashikae ashi to the side

横蜘蛛足 Yoko kumo ashi Jumping sideways -Kumo ashi to the side

横転足 Yoko tensoku Jumping sideways on both feet at the same


横跳込足 Yoko tobi komi ashi Jumping step sideways =Tobikomi ashi to the


転回足 Tenkai ashi Turning steps

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全転足 Zen tensoku Footwork in zen ten kan

逆転足 Gyaku tensoku Footwork in gyaku ten shin

半転足 Han tensoku Footwork in han ten shin

二足転回 Nisoku tenkai Footwork in 2 steps turning 180°

体捌き Tai sabaki Body movement

退身 Taishin Moving backwards

左退身 Hidari taishin Moving backwards by left foot hiki ashi

右退身 Migi taishin Moving backwards by right foot hiki ashi

開退り Hiraki sagari Moving backward by Hiraki sagari ashi

順退り Jun sagari Moving backwards by Jun sagari ashi

飛退り Tobi sagari Moving backwards by Ushiro tobi ashi sagari

入身 Irimi Moving forward / inwards

寄身 Yorimi Moving forward with the full body

開き入身 Hiraki irimi Moving forward and turning the body (=in

Kaishin zuki)

差替入身 Sashikae irimi Moving forward in Sashikae ashi

千鳥入身 Chidori irimi Moving forward with Chidori ashi

飛込み Tobikomi Moving forward by jumping

十字入身 Juji irimi Moving forward by Juji ashi

転身 Tenshin Body turning

半転身 Han tenshin Turn the body by pulling the back foot to the

back of front foot and face sideways

逆転身 Gyaku tenshin Turn the body by pulling the front foot back of

the back foot and face side ways

半転換 Han tenkan 90°turn

全転換 Zen tenkan 180°turn

二足半転身 Nisoku han tenshin Han ten shin in 2 steps (in uwa uke nage)

三足半転身 Sansoku han tenshin Han ten shin in 3 steps (in Gyaku gote)

二足全転換 Nisoku zen tenkan Zen ten kan in 2 steps (in Katate nage, Senage)

三足全転換 Sansoku zen tenkan Zen ten kan in 3 steps

振身 Furimi Body swings

横振身 Yoko furimi Stepping one foot sideways and swinging the

upper part of the body sideways (in Furiko duki)

反り身 Sorimi Pulling the upper part of the body backwards

引き身 Hikimi Pulling the belly backwards

流水 Ryusui Kusshin and Furimi

屈身 Kusshin Bend knees and drop waist movement to get

away from the attacks to the Jodan

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伏身 Fusemi Very deep ducking with hands or knees on the


廻転身 Kaiten shin Body rolling

前受身 Mae ukemi Rolling the body forward

後受身 Ushiro ukemi Rolling the body backwards

大車輪 Dai sharin Cartwheel

とんぼ返り Tombogaeri Somersault

開身 Kaishin The body to the side with one foot movement

転開身 Ten kaishin The body to the side with Kani ashi

飛開身 Tobi kaishin The body to the side with Kumo ashi

攻技 Kogi Offensive

突手 Tsuki te Strike

突方 Tsuki kata Ways of striking

すぐ突 Sugu zuki Straight strike from Chudan gamae with no

elbow pulling back nor fist twisting

捻突 Neji zuki Strike with fist twisting from palm up to down -

Karate basic strike

順突 Jun zuki Strike with the fist nearer to the opponent

逆突 Gyaku zuki Strike with the fist further to the opponent

連突 Ren zuki Several strikes one after another with both fists

段突 Dan zuki Several strikes one after another with one fist

双手突 Morote zuki Strike with both fist at the same time

直線 Chokusen Straight line

直突 Choku zuki Very basic strike, way of striking using power of

bending and straightening the elbow. Speed is

the most important in Choku zuki

上段直突 Jodan choku zuki Choku zuki mainly to the head or to the neck.

Strike straight to the Kyuusho with Neji zuki


中段直突 Chudan choku zuki Choku zuki mainly to the chest and the belly.

Keep your knees bent well so as not to strike


下段直突 Gedan choku zuki Choku zuki mainly used after throwing. After

you throw your opponent, by bending your

knees well, mainly to the head or the chest,

strike downwards.

鈎突 Kagi zuki Striking with your elbow kept in ” く” shape.

Use only the power from shoulder and waist

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上鈎突 Age kagi zuki Upper cut in boxing.

横鈎突 Yoko kagi zuki Kagi zuki from the side

立鈎突 Tate kagi zuki Kagi zuki with elbows attached to the body and

only shoulders movement, like a piston

後鈎突 Ushiro kagi zuki Kagi zuki used only when hugged from the

back, striking back above your shoulder

曲線 Kyokusen Arc lines

振突 Furi zuki Swing strike using palm or Kumade

上振突 Age furi zuki Furi zuki diagonally up against Mikaduki

下げ振突 Sage furi zuki Furi zuki diagonally down against neck

横振突 Yoko furi zuki Furi zuki from the side like in Hangetsu gaesh

返振突 Kaeshi furi zuki Furi zuki using Ura ken, big movement of the

shoulder, not the elbow

十字振突 Juji furi zuki Double Furi zuki with one fist, Shita furi zuki -

Kaeshi furi zuki =Tasuki gake

後振突 Ushiro furi zuki Furi zuki to the back against the opponent close


変化突 Henka zuki Not Choku zuki, Kagi zuki, nor Furi zuki. A very

special way of striking - Hebi zuki, Wa zuki,

Kaeshi zuki.

蛇突 Hebi zuki Arc line strike, like a snake jumping to its enemy

輪突 Wa zuki Similar to Dan zuki, but fist movement circular

返突 Kaeshi zuki Strike diagonally from inside to the outside

打手 Uchi te Strikes done mainly by fist, Shutou, Wantou

握拳打 Akken uchi 6 types of Uchi te with the fist mainly to the

head or to the neck

1.正拳打 Sei ken uchi Akken uchi with the right fist = Sei ken

2.裏拳打 Ura ken uchi Akken uchi with the back side of the fist =Ura


3.平拳打 Hira ken uchi Akken uchi with palm side of the fist = Hira ken

4.掌拳打 Sho ken uchi Akken uchi with the little finger side = Sho ken

5.大拳頭打 Dai kento uchi Akken uchi with the forefinger knuckle

6.双手打 Morote uchi Akken uchi with both hands folded like when


開手打 Kaishu uchi 6 types of Uchi te with open hands

1.平手打 Hira te uchi Kaishu uchi with palm = Slap

2.裏手打 Ura te uchi Kaishu uchi with the back side of the palm = Me

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3.手刀打 Shuto uchi Kaishu uchi with the edge on little finger side

4.丁字打 Choji uchi Kaishu uchi with Choji (betweenthumb and

forefinger) = as used in Uchi nuki

5.熊手打 Kuma de uchi Kaishu uchi with Kuma de mainly to the nose

6.鳥手打 Tori de uchi Kaishu uchi with Tori de

腕刀打 Wanto uchi 3 types of Uchi te with arm between elbow and


1.内腕刀打 Nai wanto uchi Wanto uchi with thumb side arm = inside

2.外腕刀打 Gai wanto uchi Wanto uchi with little finger side arm = outside

3.腕骨打 Wankotsu uchi Wanto uchi with back side of the palm, joint

bone of the wrist

切手 Kiri te Using hand as cutting something

1..手刀切 Shuto giri Using the palm edge on the little finger side

=Shuto, Kirite with the elbow always bent,

image push-cutting, mainly to the neck

2.平拳切 Hira ken giri Using the palm side = Hira ken, Kirite the

Kyuusho of face from outside to the inside

3.腕刀切 Wanto giri Kirite with the little finger side arm, image push-


肘当 Hiji ate 5 types of striking with the sharp point of bent

elbow, very powerful used when close. Palm

down when elbow straight, as you bend elbow

twist palm up, and Hiji ate.

1.上肘当 Age hiji ate Hiji ate upwards mainly to Mikazuki or Suigetsu.

2.横肘当 Yoko hiji ate Hiji ate sideways.

3.打肘当 Uchi hiji ate Striking with upper part of the elbow, effective

when opponent try head batting

4.下肘当 Sage hiji ate Hiji ate downwards mainly to the back when

opponent’ s head is around your waist

5.後肘当 Ushiro hiji ate Hiji ate to the back mainly to Sanmai or to

Suigetsu when hugged from the back

蹴方 Keri kata Ways of kicking

順蹴 Jun geri Kick with the near foot to the opponent

逆蹴 Gyaku geri Kick with the further foot to the opponent

差込蹴 Sashi komi geri Kick after Sashikomi ashi

差替蹴 Sashi kae geri Kick after Sashikae ashi

転身蹴 Tenshin geri Kick after Tenshin

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逆転身蹴 Gyaku tenshin geri Kick after Gyaku tenshin

半転身蹴 Han tenshin geri Kick after Han tenshin

十字蹴 Juji geri Kick one opponent on one foot and then Jyuji

ashi (Cross legs) and kick another opponent on

another foot on the other side

二段蹴 Nidan geri Two kicks one after another with same foot

連蹴 Ren geri Several kicks one after another with different


跳込蹴 Tobi komi geri Kicking after jumping step forward

飛蹴 Tobi geri Kick while jumping high. Do not keep balance

by arms, keep Kamae right

飛連蹴 Tobi ren geri Several kicks with both feet in Tobi geri

十字飛蹴 Juji tobi geri As like Jyuji geri but jumping when Jyuji ashi

転回連蹴 Tenkai ren geri Keri age followed by a spinning kick

蹴技 Keri waza Kicking techniques

直線 Choku sen Straight line

1.蹴上 Keri age Kicking upwards when opponent’ s body is

bent forward. Use mainly the power of the


2.蹴込 Keri komi Kicking slightly downwards when opponent’ s

body is either straight or slightly bent

backwards. Pull knee high, kick and pull back

quick so as not to be Fumi geri

3.打蹴 Uchi geri Kicking only by the power of the knee like

hitting, when opponent being very close or

thrown on the ground

4.金的蹴 Kinteki geri Kick to the testicles with the instep like slapping

5.橫蹴 Yoko geri Kicking sideways with Sokuto = foot edge, little

finger side, or Sokutei = whole bottom part of


6.後蹴 Ushiro geri Kicking backwards, kick away

曲線 Kyokusen Arc line

1.廻蹴 Mawashi geri Round kick to Sanmai

2.返蹴 Kaeshi geri Kicking from inside to outside used for 1st kick in

Nidan geri or Kinteki geri

3.振蹴 Furi geri Swing kick mainly with instep or ankle. When

very close, with knee

4.三日月蹴 Mikazuki geri High kick to Mikazuki from side to upwards

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刈足 Kari ashi Reap foot

1.脚刀刈 Kyakuto gari Kari ashi using back side of the leg from heel to

the back knee, to the opponent’ s back knee or

bottom part of the legs

2.後踵刈 Ushiro kakato gari Same as Kyakuto gari, but using the heel

3.足刀刈 Sokuto gari Kari ashi from the side or back to the back knee

with foot edge on little finger side = Sokuto

4.内足刀刈 Nai sokuto gari Kari ashi when Sotai, with inside foot edge =

Nai sokuto to San in ko

5.足底刈 Sokutei gari Kari ashi with bottom part of foot = Sokutei, like

Ashibarai inJudo

踏足 Fumi ashi Trample foot

1.踏蹴 Fumi geri Push-trample kick, no speed, but powerful

2.踏付 Fumi tsuke Trample on opponent’ s part of body so as not

to move

3.踏切 Fumi kiri Trample-cut opponent’ s foot with foot edge on

little finger side = Sokuto

膝当 Hiza ate Knee attack

1.上膝当 Age hiza ate Hiza ate upwards, to Suigetsu or Mae sanmai

2.横膝当 Yoko hiza ate Hiza ate sideways, like Mawashigeri with knee

3.踏膝当 Fumi hiza ate Trample-down with a knee to opponent on

ground after being thrown

頭突 Zu tsuki Head butt

1.前頭打 Zento uchi Zu tsuki with forehead, against Nichigetsu,

Sankaku, Sango, etc.

2.後頭打 Koto uchi Zu tsuki with backside of the head, against

opponent’ s face that attacked from the back

3.横頭打 Ohto uchi Zu tsuki with side of the head, used when too

close even to Zu tsuki. Swing head so as to

attack Sango

体当 Tai atari Body attack

1.肩当 Kata atari Tai atari with either shoulders to push away with

full power of the body

2.体当 Tai atari Similar to Kata ate, but with arms folded before

your body and push away with chest and belly

防技 Bogi Defensive

上受 Uwa uke Upward block in front of the face (open hand)

Uke = receive

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下受 Shita uke Downward block in front of the stomach (open


内受 Uchi uke Inside block in front of the face (open hand)

外受 Soto uke Outside block with arm right-angle to the ground

in front of the face (closed hand)

打上受 Uchi age uke Hit upward block with arm parallel to the ground

in front of the face (closed hand)

打落受 Uchi otoshi uke Hit downward block in front of the face (closed

hand or Shutou)

打払受 Uchi harai uke Hit-sweep block using arm under elbow (closed


掬受 Sukui uke Scoop up block, scoop opponent’ s Mawashi

geri with Tai sabaki (open hand)

押受(外、内) Oshi uke (soto, uchi) Push block, inside and outside, effective for Furi


上十字受 Ue juji uke Upward cross block (closed hands or Kumade

with palms up)

横十字受 Yoko juji uke Sideways cross block, one hand Uchi uke, the

other Harai uke at the same time, (open hands)

下十字受 Shita juji uke Downward cross block (closed hands or


拳受 Ken uke Fist block, effective when Kinteki geri

払受 Harai uke Sweep block in front of stomach using full arm

from the shoulder

半月受 Hangetsu uke Block to capture opponent’ s Tsuki te with wrist

bent inwards = Hebi te drawing circle in front of

the face

二連防 Niren bo Two combination defense of Tennou ken, one

hand Uwa uke, the other Shita uke

膝受 Hiza uke Knee block, with leg under the knee to ankle

蹴止 Keri dome Kicking block to the opponent’ s kick with

Sokuto or Zen soku tei

踏止 Fumi dome Stopping opponent’ s kick or movement by

trampling on

三連防 Sanren bo Three combination defense originally named

Sanboujin with Yoko jyuji uke and hiza uke

挾受 Hasami uke Scissors bloce against opponent’ s kick, one

hand Shita uke and the other Sukui uke keeping

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hold of the leg in between your arms

Note: nio uke (仁王受) is the simultaneously performance of soto uke and uchi uke

体捌き Tai sabaki Defense of the body movement

開身受 Kaishin uke Open body defense, when attacked to the head.

Usually used with hand defense

振身受 Furimi uke Swing body defense, when attacked to the

head. Both left and right

反身受 Sorimi uke Bending backward defense, when attacked to

the head

引身受 Hikimi uke Pulling stomach defense, when attacked to the


流水受 Ryusui uke Ducking upper part of the body and swaying

defense, when attacked to the head

屈身受 Kusshin uke Ducking defense with bending knee deep,

usually used with Ryusui

伏身受 Fusemi uke Ducking defense with hands on the floor

転身受 Tenshin uke Defense by turning the body, usually used with

hand blocks

守法 Shuho Defensive methods

鈎手守法 Kagite shuho Locked arm defense with your elbow“ 」”

衝立守法 Tsuitate shuho Straight arm defense Tsuitate = standing screen

三角守法 Sankaku shuho Triangle defense

木葉守法 Konoha shuho Leaf defense against finger attacks, by pinching

thumb and middle finger

丁字守法 Choji shuho Defense against Choji, higher Kagite so that the

opponent can not use Choji

首締守法 Kubi jime shuho Defense against choking = Kubijime, ducking

chin to your chest

羽交守法 Hagai shuho Defense against being arms locked from the

back = Hagai jime

Parts of the Body Used in Attacks and Defense

Characters Pronunciation English

攻防用器 Kobo youki Parts of the body used in attacks and defense

手の部 Te no bu Hand parts

握拳 Akken Fist

1.正拳 Sei ken Correct fist with thumb folded on top of

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forefinger and middle finger

2.裏拳 Ura ken Backside of the fist

3.平拳 Hira ken Palm side of the fist with thumb next to the

forefinger 2nd joint

4.掌拳 Sho ken Little finger side edge of Akken

5.内掌 Nai sho Thumb side edge of Hira ken

6.大拳頭 Dai kento First joint of forefinger in Sei ken

7.一本拳 Ippon ken Either middle finger or forefinger poked out so

as to use for pressure-point attack or light


開手 Kaishu Open hand

1.平手 Hira te Open hand, palm side

2.裏手 Ura te Open hand, back side

3.手刀 Shuto Open hand, little finger side edge

4.内手刀 Nai shuto Open hand, thumb side edge with thumb bent

deep using bottom part of forefinger

5.一本角手 Ippon tsuno de One finger, either thumb or forefinger

6.二本角手 Nihon tsuno de Two fingers, either thumb and forefinger or

forefinger and middle finger

7.四本角手 Yonhon tsuno de Four fingers, all but thumb. Sometimes 2nd joint


8.丁字手 Choji te Between thumb and forefinger first joint

変手 Henshu Special hands

1.熊手 Kuma de Bear hand, all fingers half bent to use palm to

strike or push

2.虎手 Tora de Tiger hand, all fingers bent slightly to grab or


3.鳥手 Tori de Bird hand, all fingers straight all together like a

bird’ s peak to peck in

4.蟹手 Kani te Crab hand, Thumb and forefinger or middle

finger to grab and pinch

5.巻鋏 Maki basami Roll-nip the 2nd joint of thumb with forefinger to

grab opponent’ s ear, finger and other special


腕部 Wan bu Arm part

1.腕刀 Wanto Arm part from wrist to elbow, little finger side


2.内腕刀 Nai wanto Arm part from wrist to elbow, thumb side edge

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3.肘 Hiji Elbow, used usually bent on the sharp point

4.蛇手 Hebi te Snake hand, open hand with hand bent inwards

to use the line from the palm to the wrist

5.裏手首 Ura tekubi Back side of the wrist when Hebi te to use the

sharp point of the wrist

足の部 Ashi no bu Foot part

足 Ashi Foot

1.爪先 Tsumasaki Toe

2.前足底 Zen sokutei Nearest part to the fingers of the sole of the foot

(front part of the sole)

3.踵 Kakato Heel

4.後踵 Ushiro kakato Back heel, sharp point under Achilles’ s tendon

5.足裏 Ashi no ura Sole of the foot

6.足刀 Sokuto Little finger side edge of the foot

7.内足刀 Nai sokuto Thumb side edge of the foot

8.足甲 Sokko (ashi no ko) Instep

脚部 Kyaku bu Leg part

1.膝頭 Hizagashira Knee -upper part to kick, lower part to pressure-


2.脚刀 Kyakuto Back side of the leg, from Achilles’ s tendon to

the back of the knee

3.外脚刀 Gai kyakuto Outer edge of the leg, from outside ankle to the

outside knee

体の部 Karada Body part

頭 Atama Head

1.前頭骨 Zentokotsu Forehead

2.後頭骨 Kotokotsu Back of the head

3.横頭 Oto (Yoko atama) Side of the head

4.目 Me Eyes (to see)

5.歯 Ha Teeth (to bite)

6.口舌 Kozetsu Mouth and tongue (to spit)

7.声 Koe Voice (to speak, to yell)

8.顔 Kao Face (to express)

体 Karada Body

1.肩 Kata Shoulders

2.背 Se Back

3.腰 Koshi Waist

4.腹 Hara Stomach

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Jitsugi wordlist


Characters Pronunciation English

剛法 Goho

流水蹴 Ryusui geri Ryusui = stream, geri = kick

内受突 Uchi uke zuki Uchi = inside, uke = block (i.e. Receive), zuki =


上受蹴 Uwa uke geri Uwa = up, uke = block, geri = kick

上受突 Uwa uke zuki Uwa = up, uke = block, zuki = strike

下受蹴 Shita uke geri Shita = down, uke = block, geri = kick

下受順蹴 Shita uke jun geri Shita = down, uke = block, jun = fore, geri =kick

突天一 Tsuki ten ichi Tsuki = strike, ten = heaven (here meaning that

the technique belongs to the group tenno ken),

ichi =one

柔法 Juho

腕十字固 Ude juji gatame Ude = arm, juji = cross, gatame = lock

立合掌固 Tate gassho gatame Tate = standing, gassho = greeting, gatame =


小手抜 Kote nuki Kote = wrist, nuki = escape

逆小手 Gyaku gote Gyaku = reverse, gote = kote = wrist

前指固 Mae yubi gatame Mae = in front of, yubi = finger, gatame = lock

片手寄抜 Katate yori nuki Katate = one hand, yori = go towards, nuki


両手寄抜 Ryote yori nuki Ryote = two hands, yori = go towards, nuki


巻抜(片手、両手) Maki nuki (katate, ryote) Maki = roll, nuki = escape, (katate = one hand,

ryote= two hands)

片手送小手 Katate okuri gote Katate = one hand, okuri = send, gote = wrist

送指捕 より連行 Okuri yubi dori yori ren ko Okuri = send, yubi = finger, dori = grip, yori=

"from-to", renko = take in / transport somebody

送巻天秤 Okuri maki tembin Okuri = send, maki = roll, tembin = balance

法形単演 Hokei tan en (single form).

天地挙第一系 Tenchi ken dai ikkei Tenchi = heaven and earth, ken = fist, dai =

Number, ikkei =first formation

龍王挙第一系 Ryuou ken dai ikkei Ryuou = dragon king, ken = fist, dai = Number

ikkei = first formation

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義和挙第一系 Giwa ken dai ikkei Giwa = Justice and peace, ken = fist, dai =

Number ikkei = first formation


Characters Pronunciation English

剛法 Goho

転身蹴 Tenshin geri Tenshin = turn the body, geri = kick

内受蹴 Uchi uke geri Uchi = inside, uke = block, geri = kick

橫転身蹴 Yoko tenshin geri Yoko= side, tenshin = turn the body, geri = kick

半転身蹴 Han tenshin geri Han = half, tenshin = turn the body, geri = kick

十字受蹴 Juji uke geri Juji = cross, uke = block, geri = kick

燕返 Tsubame gaeshi Tsubame = swallow, gaeshi = return

千烏返、刈足 Chidori gaeshi, kari ashi Chidori = plover, gaeshi = return, kari = reap,

ashi = leg

柔法 Juho

切抜 (内、外) Kiri nuki (uchi, soto) Kiri = cut, nuki = escape, (uchi = inside, soto


十字抜 Juji nuki (katate, ryote) Juji = cross, nuki = escape, (katate = one hand,

ryote= two hands)

合掌抜 Gassho nuki Gassho = greeting, nuki = escape

十字小手 (片手、両手) Juji gote (katate, ryote), Juji = cross, gote = wrist, (katate = one hand,

ryote= two hands)

十字固 Juji gatame Juji = cross, gatame = lock

略十字小手 Ryaku juji gote Ryaku = abbreviate, juji = cross, gote = wrist

両手送小手裏固 Ryote okuri gote ura gatame Ryote = two hands, okuri = send, gote = wrist,

ura = backside, gatame = lock

腕後捻上げ Ude ushiro nejiri age Ude = arm, ushiro = back, nejiri = twist, age =


切返抜 (片手、諸手) Kiri kaeshi nuki (katate, morote) Kiri = cut, kaeshi = return, nuki = escape,

(katate = one hand, morote = with both hands)

三角抜 Sankaku nuki Sankaku = triangle, nuki = escape

切小手 (片手、諸手) Kiri gote (katate, morote) Kiri = cut, gote = wrist, (katate = one hand,

morote = with both hands)

法形単演 Hokei tan en (single form).

義和挙第一系、第二系 Giwa ken dai ikkei, ni kei Giwa = Justice and peace, ken = fist, dai =

Number ikkei = first formation, nikei = second


天地挙第一系~第二系 Tenchi ken dai ikkei - dai ni kei Tenchi = heaven and earth, ken = fist, dai =

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Number, ikkei =first formation, nikei = second


白蓮挙第一系 Byakuren ken dai ikkei Byakuren = white lotus, ken = fist, dai =

Number, ikkei =first formation

法形相対 Hokei sotai (pair form).

天地挙第一系相対 Tenchi ken dai ikkei sotai Tenchi = heaven and earth, ken = fist, dai =

Number, ikkei =first formation, sotai = pair form


Characters Pronunciation English

剛法 Goho

外受突 Soto uke zuki Soto = outside, uke = block, zuki = strike

外受蹴 Soto uke geri Soto = outside, uke = block, geri = kick

押受突(外) Oshi uke zuki (soto) Oshi = push, uke = block, zuki= strike, (soto =


屈身突 Kusshin zuki Kusshin = duck, zuki = strike

屈身蹴 Kusshin geri Kusshin = duck, geri = kick

柔法 Juho

上膊抜 (片手、両手) Johaku nuki (katate, ryote) Johaku = upper arm, nuki = escape, (katate =

one hand, ryote = two hands)

押切抜 Oshi kiri nuki Oshi = push, kiri = cut, nuki = escape

上膊捕 Johaku dori Johaku = upper arm, dori = grip

逆小手裏返投 Gyaku gote ura gaeshi nage Gyaku = reverse, gote = wrist, ura = backside,

gaeshi = return, nage = throw

裏固 Ura gatame Ura = backside, gatame = lock

袖抜 Sode nuki Sode = sleeve, nuki = escape

袖捕 Sode dori Sode = sleeve, dori = grip

袖巻 Sode maki Sode = sleeve, maki = roll

袖巻天秤 Sode maki tembin Sode = sleeve, maki = roll, tembin = balance

襟抜 Eri nuki Eri = collar, nuki = escape

腕巻 Ude maki Ude = arm, maki = roll

片胸落 Kata muna otoshi Kata = one, muna = chest, otoshi = fall down

襟十字 Eri juji Eri = collar, juji = cross

法形単演 Hokei tan en (single form).

天地挙第一系~第四系 Tenchi ken dai ikkei - yon kei Tenchi = heaven and earth, ken = fist, dai =

Number, ikkei =first formation, yon kei = forth


義和挙第一系、第二系 Giwa ken dai ikkei, ni kei Giwa = Justice and peace, ken = fist, dai =

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Number ikkei = first formation, nikei = second


龍王挙第一系 Ryuo ken dai ikkei Ryuou = dragon king, ken = fist, dai = Number

ikkei = first formation

法形相対 Hokei sotai (pair form).


Tenchi ken dai ikkei, dai ni kei Tenchi = heaven and earth, ken = fist, dai =

Number, ikkei =first formation, nikei = second


義和挙第一系相対 Giwa ken dai ikkei Giwa = Justice and peace, ken = fist, dai =

Number ikkei = first formation, soutai = pair form


Characters Pronunciation English

剛法 Goho

金的蹴膝受波返 Kinteki geri hiza uke nami gaeshi Kinteki = bull’ s eye(i.e. Gold target, testicles),

geri = kick, hiza = knee, uke = block, nami =

wave, gaeshi = return

逆蹴膝受波返 Gyaku geri hiza uke nami gaeshi Gyaku = reverse, geri = kick, hiza = knee, uke =

block, nami = wave, gaeshi = return

廻蹴三防受波返 Mawashi geri sambo uke nami


Mawashi = round, geri = kick, sambo = three

defence, uke = block, nami = wave, gaeshi =


払受蹴 Harai uke geri Harai = sweep, uke = block, geri = kick

振天二 Furi ten ni Furi = swing, ten = heaven, ni = two

蹴天三 Keri ten san Keri = kick, ten = heaven, san = three

突天三 Tsuki ten san Tsuki = strike, ten = heaven, san = three

柔法 Juho

二段抜 Nidan nuki Nidan = two steps, nuki = escape

押小手 (片手、両手) Oshi gote (katate, ryote), Oshi = push, gote = wrist

閂固 Kannuki gatame Kannuki = bolt, gatame = lock

片手押抜 Katate oshi nuki Katate = one hand, oshi = push, nuki = escape

小手巻返 Kote maki gaeshi Kote = wrist, maki = roll, gaeshi = return

腕逆捕 Ude gyaku dori Ude = arm, gyaku = reverse, dori = grip

諸手引抜 Morote hiki nuki Morote = with both hands, hiki = pull, nuki =


巻小手 (片手、諸手) Maki gote (katate, morote), Maki = roll, gote = wrist, (katate = one hand,

morote = with both hands)

天秤固(裏) Tembin gatame (ura) Tembin = balance, gatame = lock, (ura =

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裏固 Ura gatame Ura = backside, gatame = lock

諸手十字抜 Morote juji nuki Morote = with both hands, juji = cross, nuki =


諸手十字小手 Morote juji gote, Morote = with both hands, juji = cross, gote =


十字固 Juji gatame Juji = cross, gatame = lock

法形単演 Hokei tan en (single form).

天地挙第一系~第六系 Tenchi ken dai ikkei - rokkei Tenchi = heaven and earth, ken = fist, dai =

Number, ikkei =first formation, rokkei = sixth


白蓮挙第一系 Byakuren ken dai ikkei Byakuren = white lotus, ken = fist, dai =

Number, ikkei =first formation

龍王挙第一系 Ryuo ken dai ikkei Ryuou = dragon king, ken = fist, dai = Number

ikkei = first formation

義和挙第一系、第二系 Giwa ken dai ikkei, ni kei Giwa = Justice and peace, ken = fist, dai =

Number ikkei = first formation, nikei = second


法形相対 Hokei sotai (pair form).

天地挙第一系、第二系 Tenchi ken dai ikkei, dai ni kei


Tenchi = heaven and earth, ken = fist, dai =

Number, ikkei =first formation, nikei = second

formation, sotai =pair form

白蓮挙第一系 Byakuren ken dai ikkei sotai Byakuren = white lotus, ken = fist, dai =

Number, ikkei =first formation, sotai =pair form

龍王挙第一系 Ryuo ken dai ikkei sotai Ryuou = dragon king, ken = fist, dai = Number

ikkei = first formation sotai =pair form

義和挙第一系 Giwa ken dai ikkei sotai Giwa = Justice and peace, ken = fist, dai =

Number ikkei = first formation, sotai =pair form

World Shorinji Kempo Organization

Wordlist, Kyukenshi