shipbreaking powerpoint


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Page 1: Shipbreaking powerpoint










Page 2: Shipbreaking powerpoint

Shipbreaking : Grave yards ofships.....

Page 3: Shipbreaking powerpoint

i b ki d li i d t i

yment opportunity

The reasons are…….

The ship breaking and recyc ing industry inSouth Asia(Bangladesh, India and Pakistan) has grown over the past three decades and accounts forclose to 70% of the global ship breaking industry.

Source of Iron (more than 400 ships come on average)Feeding to the re-rolling mill Source of Revenue Employment opportunity Related business with SB

Contribution to the National Economy


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f l i l i

Features of Shipbreaking

•Dirty Job (no safety equipments, no care from owners etc)

•Most Hazardous Job (as per ILO)

•Deal with Hazardous waste (oil spills, sludge,liquid toxic, asbestos, etc)

•Tough to enforce legislationbecause of multi-ministerial involvements

• Ship’s arrival with toxic waste

•Lack of prior-decontamination and gas free,safe ship recycling plan, safe waste disposal

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Pollutants discharge from ship breaking

a. Persistent OrganicPollutants (POP’s):


PCBs (polychlorinated Biphenyl-



† PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride)

† Organotins

† PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic-Hydrocarbons)

b. Heavy metals

c. Oil pollution

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One Statement

When I go toshipbreaking yard of Chittagong, I take burial cloths with me……….

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Recent Victims of Shipbreaking

More than 200 workers died in last 7 years 9 months,more than one worker died on an average per month,

according to the available information.

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Types of Accidents

†Explosions or fire, as theships are full of toxic gas

†Suffocations by gases

the toxic

†Slipped and fall pieces

of iron

†Fall from the top of the ship

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Ok,Lets talk basedon

documentation.....(WORLD BANK)

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Accumulated hazardous materialamounts from shipbreaking and recycling in Bangladesh and Pakistan, 2010-30Hazardous material Unit Bangladesh Pakistan

Asbestos 79,000 tons (BD), 5,200 tons (PAK)

PCBs (mainly cables) 240,000 tons (BD), 16,000 tons (PAk)

ODS (mainly polyurethane foam) 210,000 tons (BD), 14,000 tons(PAK)

Paints (metals, tributyltin (TBT), and PCBs) 69,200 (BD) tons,4,550 tons (PAK)

Heavy metals 678 (BD) tons, 45 (PAK) tons

Waste liquid organic 1,978,000 (BD) m3, 130,000 (PAK) m3

Miscellaneous (mainly sewage) 107,000 (BD) m3, 7,000 (PAK) m3

Waste liquids inorganic (acids) 775(BD) tons, 51 (PK) tons

Reusable liquids organics 675,000 (BD) tons, 44,200 (PK) tons

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Contaminated sand exposed to sea level risein Chittagong and Gadani

BEACH Slope,Length Polluted sand under new high tide(0.21–0.48 m sea level rise)

Chittagong 0.05; 13 km 11,000–25,000 cubic meters

GADANI 0.08; 7 km 3,500–8,100 cubic meters

The estimates clearly indicate the risk of having vast amounts of sand contaminated from present and

historic ship breaking activities exposed to dynamic tidal and wave action over the long term.

This will also effect in the biodiversity, food chain, human health and overall eco system.

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Impacts climate change on ship breaking

yards and coastal areas

• Sealevelrise

Tidal erosion ofbeaches

Loss of beachingfacility

Coastal protectionworks

• Stormsurges

Damage toinfrastructure

Yard buildings


and lostLoss of coastalroads

Roadside shops destroyedRelocation

• Higher tides

Release of heavymetals,

TBTs, and PCBs from

yards into the coastal


Fisheries and shrimp

hatcheries poisoned

Pre-emptive de-pollutionor

stablization of cont.areas

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Why its in South Asia….South Asian countries are compromising their environment for certain

industries such as shipbreaking and that the methods used would

never be allowed in other parts of the world because of the harm done

to the environment and workers. South Asian countries should stop

being the dumping grounds for the industrialized countries and not

compromise health and environment for some tax income or to

protect the business model that benefits few people only.

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Sum up

Yes its Contributing

the country; but with huge damage of the environment

Providing employment; but with risk of death

Giving iron; but with

the waste of west

Providing food; but

with night-mare of theworkers’ families

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•Sources of the ships

•Basel Convention

•IMO Convention

•Cash buyer factors



•EU Regulations

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How Ship Dismantling is Done?Ship dismantling, also popularly referred to as “ship recycling” is a process of breaking

down a ship when it competes its life tenure. As one of the ship disposal techniques, ship

dismantling involves the retired ships to be stripped off their machinery, barring the

value-adding materials which are rightfully reused for new ships or for other applications.

The steel scraps obtained after dismantling an old ship is liquefied and used again in

building new vessels. The molten steel is renovated and proves useful even for many

other industries. Moreover, all other parts such as wooden furniture, glass etc. are also

reused for a variety of applications.

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Why is Ship Dismantling needed?

Ship dismantling is highly necessary as the maintenance expenses of a particular vessel

keep soaring with time and it becomes really difficult to handle the same. Therefore, the

ship owners seek the easy way out and hand over the old vessel for effective disposal, so

that they can concentrate on dealing with other regular expenses like port charges, fuel

charges, and also salaries of the crew members.

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How is Ship Breaking carried out?

The primary and the most common way to dismantle a ship is by breaking it apart into

several different parts before breaking them further. On some of the biggest ship breaking

yards in the world such as Alang in India, the process of dismantling starts by beaching

the ship on the shore. Several ship breaking contractors have their offices and yards along

the coast of Alang, Gujarat.

The vessel on its final journey needs to float steadily and hit the beach of the shipping

yard where it staggers and stops. Once on the shore, the engine is shut down and the

anchor is dropped to make the ship steady. The ship breakers then start working after

preparing a plan.

At the site, the labourers pull the vessel upon the beach, with the help of strong chains,

cables, and machinery systems. This is one of the most dangerous tasks of the ship

dismantling process. Sometimes chains might break during the process, leading to

unfortunate accidents and great harm to the labourers.

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Is Ship Dismantling dangerous?

Ship dismantling is regarded to be one of the most dangerous professions in the world as

it involves a great amount of risks and hazards. Several guidelines and programs have

been formed be tackled the consequences and control the oddities of this profession. It is

definitely a Herculean task to break apart a sturdy ship as it had been built to be

impregnable so as to withstand the harsh weather conditions and ocean storms and

support countless tones of cargo.

Many toxic ships contain dangerous substances such as asbestos, petrochemicals by

products, lead, mercury, Polychlorinated Biphenyls, radium, poisons and heavy metal

machinery, which are extremely harmful to humans and environment. Moreover, the

workers work with the least personal protective equipment and in really rough weather

and temperature conditions.

The labourers are also extremely poor and desperate to earn some quick money. They are

subjected to mortal perils every single day and the death toll in such ship breaking yards

are rising in spite of all the precautionary measures.

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Where does the Ship Dismantling business

thrive?Due to the large availability of cheap labours in poor nations such as Bangladesh, China,

Pakistan and India, ship dismantling business is thriving in these regions. Around 85 per

cent of the world’s shipbreaking activities occur in these above named countries. The

sites located in India are highly favourable as the shipyards offer high tidal ranges, 15-

degree slopes and the coastlines are free of mud.

As ships do not survive on water for more than thirty years, ship recycling becomes a

necessity. Moreover, the recycled steel is a boon to the steel plants. Such graveyards in

developing countries of Asia is a thriving business.

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How does it affect our environment?

Disassembling of vessels comes at a huge price for it causes various environmental

hazards. The non-eco friendly dismantling techniques are a serious international concern

and stringent regulations are implemented to prevent the disastrous consequences.

Especially, the companies that engage in the beaching dismantling method, face stern

opposition as beaching affects the ecosystem a lot. Interestingly, the ship disposal

companies flourish in the third-world or developing nations, mainly because of the easy

availability of cheap labour.

Other favourable conditions may include the slackened laws when it comes to

environmental protection or labour health, and the ever-increasing demand for steel. This

tragic lack of definite government rules leads to an inevitable bout of pollution in such

countries and the rate at which the workers are injured just keeps on increasing

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What is the role of the Basel

Convention?The Basel Convention is a renowned name as it is majorly involved in tackling the ship

disposal issues. The disposable vessels comprise of a vast range of hazardous substances,

for instance PCB, asbestos and certain waste oil products. As a recent development, the

Basel Convention has united with the International Maritime Organization (IMO) to

ascertain dedicated observance of improved rules and regulations in order to prevent the

environment from irreparable harm

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t i hi i SA b h

Final Message


to rights violation and dumping ofbeachestoxic ships in



to ship breakers’ and owners’liability and environmental justice

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Thank you very much