shinyo has big passenger liststeamer alcatraz nnisued the discharge of 300.---000 feet of lumber for...

MOVEMENT OF VESSELS SHINYO HAS BIG PASSENGER LIST Liner, Due Today, Reports by Aerogram Vessel Is on Schedule Time TTH 4,200 tons of; cargo and 330 pas- sengers, the Toyo Kisen Kaisha Shin- yo Maru is due to arrive early today from the orient via Honolulu. Advices received by L. E. Bemiss, in charge of the local offices of the com- pany, are to tl»e effect that Captain H. Stanley Smith expects to bring his command to dock in schedule time, an aerogram received yesterday if rom|the vessel, about 225 miles off the Golden gate, stated' that all was well, and smooth weather enabled .the -liner to make good speed. The Shinyo left Honolulu Tuesday on the last leg of Its voyage after an enjoyable trip from Asiatic ports. There arc i(9 cabin passengers, 92 second class and 139 Asiatic steerage passengers aboard the Shinyo. A large amount of i the cargo?l,loo tons?is consigned here for overland shipment, a valuable con- signment of silk being included in the goods that will be sent across the con- y ttnent to eastern manufacturing cen- W s. In addition to the many friends of v yagers who will be op. hand to greet the liner, a delegation of officials from the exposition company "will also be on hand. They will extend welcome to two Japanes commissioners to the 1915 exposition. A number of prominent San Francis- cans are coming home on the Shinyo. Stars, and Stripe* for BrltUacr The British built steamer Damara, owned by fesehen & Minor of this port, arrived yesterday from Buenos Ayres via Pan Pedro. Considerable interest is attached to the big freighter by shipping men, for the reason that it has just recently "been granted the right to fly the Amer- ican flag, by special act of congress. This privilege of registry is extended rarely to vessels of foreign build, but was given because of the fact that Jl' in repair? was spent on the Damara subsequent to its being run asnore on the Fort point rocks two years ago. This equaled more than half the original cost of the freighter, ful- filling the requirement of maritime law that a foreign vessel shall not operate under the stars and Ptripes unless such an expenditure is made for either re- pairs or improvements, the work to be done in an American shipyard. The Damara came into port with the British flag at its masthead, but will leave with that of the United States flying. During the voyage from South America pleasant weather was encoun- tered al! the way and no untoward incident was reported by Captain Mc- I-ennan. A cargo of 6.334 tone of niter and 1.999 bags of sugar was brought by the freighter. The Damara will be put into the canal trade with the opening of that avenue between the oceans. Heavy settling? in Prtbyloffa A great number of sealskins are being taken on the government seal rookeries in the Pribyloff group under federal supervision, according to ad- vices received by the marine depart- ment of the chamber of commerce. The skins are being Btored at St. Paul island in the little camp maintained there for the purpose, and a vessel will be chartered from this port soon to bring the valuable furs here. They will be re-dressed, being pre- »'s< -ve4 in salt until turned over to the ers, and then shipped to London. 4 cargo the vessel will bring from the Islands will be valued at thousands of dollars. Under the treaty which went into effect December 15, 1911, the Canadian government receives 15 per rent from all seals taken at the famous rr.keries. Inspectors are maintained there by the dominion for the purpose r>f keeping count of the animals taken in the killings. Wllhelmlna Due Teraorrow "With a heavy cargo of island products and a large passenger list. the liner TVilnelmina of the Matson tine is due to arrive tomorrow morning f -om Honolulu. Wireless advices are to the effect that the steamer has enjoyed ropitioufl weather durins , the trip D\u03b1 the territory, arid that it will - !?= in about daylight and dock before on. Funeral of Popular Pilot The funeral of Captain Steve Castle, ? t oldest pilot of the port in point of - rvice, having been in the service since 1879 until recently, when hie last illness caused him to retire, was held ypsterdav from King Solomon's hall under the auspices of the Oriental j Io4f« of Masons, of which fraternity the deceased was a member for many years. The services were attended by many 6hipping men, as well as other friends of the veteran pilot, among whom he enjoyed a reputation for uprightness and fairness of mind, tempered with a sterling character. Beautiful floral offerings were in evidence at the fu- neral, testifying to the esteem in which raptain Castle was held. The body was cremated at Cypress lawn ceme- tery. Rineon Rock Demolished Engineers who have been engaged in dynamiting rtincon rock off the foot of Harrison street for the last six months have completed the work, *nd the old menace to navigation^is corrtpletely gone. The work has be>n accepted as satisfactory to the govern- ment. Where the rocke formerly threat- ened damage to vessels in the south part of the harbor there is now 42 feet of water at high tide. Water Frost Jfotee The Estbrook Steamship company has received its new steam schooner, Speedwell, which will be put Into com- Jfc. '-sion in the coastwise trade. The Br-eedwell will operate in conjunction with the Fifield aed Bandon of the company's fleet. The steam schooner Brunswick ar- rived yesterday from Fort Bragg and reported speaking the tug Dauntless, which is towing a big log raft from the Columbia river to San Diego. The Pacific Coast steamship com- pany's steamer Governor arrived yes- terday from Seattle with a heavy cargo and large Hat of passengers. BY TTNITED WIRELESS Saturday. Jnlf 2f>. BARGE 91?In tow ti!2 Deflanre. hence Jiilv 30 for Astoria: S j>. in., passed Point Bomlta: mn<l- crate northwest trind and $ta; clear; barom- eter 2*.S*. BRITISH STEAMER PERSIA?Hence Juir 20 for China yin Honeftjlu; S p. m.. *7 mile* nft , Si;] Fran -Isco; nnrtbwfst wind; clear; barotu- j eter 30."7. BY MAECONI WIRELESS Katurdaj. July 20. STEAMER ARGYLL?From San Franoinoo for St-i\u25a0?'.\u25a0; 8 p. ni.. 44" rni!<-s from Saii Francisro; freatber in*: wlm! pootheast; H-a smooth; h«mm<'ter 20.9.">; temperature f>2. STEAMER OLEUM?From Portln?id for Tort San r,m«: s p. in.. 475 mile* north <>f Psn Fran- rtoco; Hjrht smitli wrtnd; f-a sin'«>t',i: weal her i hazy: baroawtcc 20.52; temperature W. Sunday. Jniv 21. STEAMER ATLAS?With bar»e Stt in tow, from Seattle f«r San Francisco, will arrive 6 p. n>. STEAMER CARLOS? Tnm rWUaai for «?an Frauci*co; will «rrire 4:30 p. uj. STEAMER WASHTENAW?4>ue at San Fran- .'?!«<?<» t p. m. STEAMER GOVERNOR?From Seattle for San FranHeco: due 2:l'* i>. m. . PIER DIRECTORY NORTH OF MARKET STREET SOI TH OF MARKET STREET ' MOVEMENTS OF STEAMERS TO ARRIVE ??-?- ? ?? TO RAIL FROM SEATTLE Sun. Moos and Tide United States coast and jteodetic stirrer ?Time ! and height* of tides at Fort Point. For city front (Minion street wharf) add 2."i mtnutps. MONDAY. JULY 22 HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE Pf-nth at mean low water, entrance to harbor. V. %. Rrnnrh Hj-dropraphlo Offve A brftnrli of the United Stato* hydro«repble Ofn>r. livatPrt in the Merchatits , Exchange, if maintained In San Francisco fcr the benefit of rnarioer*. without reesrrt to nationality and free of expense. Navigators are cordially Invited to risit the office, where a complete set of chart* and sailing directions of the world are kept at hand for r-omperison and reference, and the latent information can always be obtained ngsrdlng lights. danger* to navigation and matters of lDterest to ocean commerce. W. H. FAHLBUSCH. Temporarily In Ctiarge. SHIPPING NEWS OF COAST Items of Interest to Mariners of the Pacific [Special Dispatch to The Call] EUREKA, July 2i.?The Mearner City of To- pek*. with freight, mail and pas«enger*. ar- rived from B*n Francisco eerly thU morning and departed In the afternoou on the return trip : SO'! Til. The uteamera San Pedro and Despatch arrived from San FrancUeo early tbia afternoon to lead lumber cargo at hay owinta. The power boati Martha «nrt Katata departed tuix aftern.v>n for Kla math point*. V'-reign Khtproenrs, which have been rather Mack dnrinjt the la*t or so. will recelre 'irenewed impetus tht* week with the arrival of ' thf Brltinh uteamer Kali Ma. due here Tuesday, mid the Strathmore. which !? expected Friday. Lumber will cempoeie the cargoes of both. ASTO&IA. July 21.?The atcftmer Bear, with freight and paMengera from Ran Franeteco, ar- rired early this mornfnjr and proceeded. The steam echrwjner Toaater arrlred from Cali- fornia today with ncenertl freight far Portland and will load lumber for a return. The uteamer Ro«noke. with freight and p*e«en> gfrs from San Pedro and way port*, arrived thta afternoon and pniceeded. The st.*amer Alliance, with freight and pa»- M>ngers from Eiirek* and Com Bay. arrived this afteroonn and proceeded. The ateamer Beaver, with freight and pawen- gera for San Frtncltco and Ran Pedro, tailed tela evening. SAX PEDRO, July 21?The San Prandaeo and Port lend company , * eteamer Rose City arrived thin morning on ntbeduln from Portland via Aa- torla and Ban Franoieco with a large paaaenger ami freight lift and will clear on the return voyage tomorrow afternoon. The Pacific Coant company's ateamer Queen re- turned this morning from Ran Diego and aftar taking paxiiengera and additional cargo proceeded for Ban Franciwo via Kant* Barbara. TUe Bteamer (Jeorge W. Faowick completed Ue discharge of 2,550,000 feet of lumber for the Hammond Lumber company at Terminal and cleared in balla»t for the Columbia rlrer direct to load a return canto for the »m« company. The Bteamer Santa Barbara arrired yesterday from Wlllapa harbor rla San Francisco and has gone to Long Beach to discbarge 180.000 feet of lumber consigned to the Lous Beach Improremeat company. Carrying passengers and freight for the West Coast Steamship company and 575.000 feet of lumber for the Southern California Lumber com- pany and other consignee*, the steamer Norwood has cleared from Graya Harbor Tia San Francisco for tiiiti port. The Pacitc Navigation company's steamer Yale arrived this morning from Ran Diego. Steamer Alcatraz nnisued the discharge of 300.- --000 feet of lumber for the Southern California Lumber company and cleared for Greenwood via San Francisco to load a return cargo for the same company. The steamer Daisy Freeman ha* arrived, five days from Llnnton. bringing 850.000 feet of lumber consigned to tbe San Pedro Lumber com- pany. The steamer Balnier today began the discbarge of a cargo of lumber at the wharf of the Pacific Wharf and Storage company, recently completed at a cost of 1110.000. at East San Pedro. The facilities for handling cargoes at this wharf are modem in every respect and tbe Rainler's cargo is the first to be discharged at the new wharf. The Pacific Navigation company's steamer Har- vard, arriving thin morning from San Fram-lsco with passengers and freight, doubled back to San Franciaco tonight and on arrival will go on dryilook fur oleauiug and repair*. The steamer Vale will dor,!>!«> up on tbe schedule while the Harvard is t> ? V.\t ways. With a pt-nernl carjro of Atlantic coast mer- chandise. th<: li! Ifle Mail freighter Aztec, Cap- tain Holland, is due from Balboa Tuesday. The Koemos eteatuer Sals, from Hamburg with a cargo of European aud South American mer- chandise for Log Angele* and San Franclnco con- signees, left Iquique. Chile. July 8, and should arrive here next week. The harbor improvements to be made by the Salt Lake railroad will includt great coal bunkeru at East San Pedro, according to information jtiven the harbor commission by officials of the road, to store large quantities of coal shipped froni rtah. W. A. Clark, president of the road, intimated that the plans would call for coal Imnkrrs wheu he was in San Pedro a few months ago. The work of the Standard American Dredging company of San Francisco on tbe big municipal fill at Wilmington is practically completed and the turbine, the only dredger of Its kiud. will be transferred to otht-r work, probably in the outer harbor. Tbe turbine has been having bad lack at Wilmington on account of overloading. Shortly after the big machine began work there a casting on the tnrbine engine broke, costing $8,000 to replace it. and a few days ago a sec- ond break cost $.">,OOO. In Honolulu tbe machine ran without a break and made $250,000 for the company. Arrivals today include the steamer Shasta, five days from BeHiughaai. carrying 900.000 feet of lumber consigned to the E. K. Wood Lumber com- pany. The achooner Oceania Vance is ont two days from Aberdeen with BOO.OUO feet of lumber for consignees at this port. The big barkentiae Oeogina has arrived, eight day* from Grays Harbor, carrying 1.175,000 feet of lumber -consigned to the San Pedro Lumber company and other local wholesale yards. The steamer Mendalay. arriving this afternoon three days from Crescent City via Sun Francisco, discharged paseeugers end freight for the West Coast Steamship company and proceeded tonight for San Diego carrying 400,000 feet for different consignees at the southern port. The steamer Wlllapa has arrived, five days from Willapa harbor, carrying 850.000 feet of lumber consigned to the San Pedro Lumber com- panr. The steamer Tahoe. arriving this morning five days from Willapa harbor, will discharge 900.000 feet of lumber for the Southern California Lum- ber company. The steamer Tamplco completed the discharge of 1,750.000 feet of lumber in the Southern Pa- cific slip for various consignee* and cleared for San Francisco in ballast for orders. One hundred members of the I. W. W. made an attempt thle morning to tie up business on the water front when 100 members of that organiza- tion went on strike and refneed to work veseels In the harbor. Tbe crew discharging the steamer Santa Barbara was called out. but all other ves- sels were able to obtain sufficient men to dis- charge their cargoes. Including the passenger and freight steamer Rose City, arriving this morning from Portland. PORTLAND. July 21.?The steamer Pleiades will sail at miilnlßbt for Gray* Harbor to load lumber for Panama. The steamer l*thniian will sail at 0 o'clock tomorrow rooming for San Francisco with a cargo of general merchandise for the east. The oil tank steamer W. S. Porter sailed for California today after havinf discharged a cargo of fuel oil. The ateamer Bear arrived thie afternoon from San Pedro and San Francisco with 300 passen- gers and 1.700 toes of freight, after a pleaMnt and uneventful passage. It sailed at 2 o'clock Friday afternoon from San Francisco and loafed np the coast In time to reach the mouth of the Columbia nnd from in at daylight. The eteaw schooner Yellowstone, with a cargo of lumber from St. Helen* for Sau Pedro, is ex- pected to go to sea tomorrow,morning. Tbe steamer Rotinoke arrived late tonight from San Pedro and San Francisco with freight and passengers. The steam schooner Coaster arrived today from San Francisco with a general cargo and will load lumber for a return. The steam sehoouer Jim Butler, with a cargo of lumber from Knappton for San Francisco, went to sen today. Tbe steamer Beaver sailed this morning for San Francisco and San Pedro with a cabin ca- pacity and a large freight cargo. The freight steamer Alliance arrived late to- night from Eureka and Coos Bay with freight and passengers. The Standard Oil company's barg? No. 92, with a cargo ofNjfuel'oll. is due to arrive today from San trancisoo in tow of the Defiance. SEATTLE. July i>l.?Arrived?Steamers Jeffer- son, from Skagway; Prince George, from Prince Rupert: Hornet, from San Francisco. Sailed ?Steamers Senator, for Nome; Hum- boldt. for Skagwar: Prince George., for Prince Rupert; Yukon, for S*an Francisco. SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE ABEIVEP Saturday. July 20. 8:40 p. m., pnirer sehr Randolph. Anderson, 55 hours from Port Qrford; 4.000,000 shingle« to Robert Dollar company. Snnday, July 21. 1 p. m.. stmr Washteuaw. Graham. 3Vi day* fron Vancouver; ballast to Unioa Oil company; up river direct. 1:40 p. m.. »(mr Brooklyn, Swanaon. 45 hours from Bandon; passenger* and merchandise to Sud- den * Cbri»ten»*>n. 1:40 p. in., attnr Prentiso, Hansen. 83 hours from Eureka: 400,000 feet lumber to Pacific Lumber company. 1:30 p. n>.. Br stmr Damara. SlcLellan, "?" day* from Bnrnoc Aires, via Callao 18 days. tI« San Pedro 42 hour*: fi,S54 too* nitre, 1,998 bags coco* to W. R. Orare. 2:85 r>. m.. stmr Phoenix. Kokeritt, 23 hours from Eureka; 263,600 feet lumber to £. J. Dod*e 4 Co. Else p. Di.. stmr Governor, Cousin*. 53 hour* from Seattle; passengers and merchandise to parlflc Coaat Steamship company. 3:40 p. tn.. stmr Carlo*. Peterson. 56 boars from Astoria: 700 tone wbeat, 400,000 feet lumber to Olson k Mabony. 4 p. m.. stmr Hoqaiam, Re!nertsen, 71 boars from Grays Harbor; 740,000 feet lumber to Bowes & Andrews. 4:25 p. m.. wfmr Westerner. Kelly, 75 hour* from Grays Harbor; 530,000 feet lumber to Olson * Mabony. 4:25 p. m.. stmr Hardy. Micbelsen, 55 hours from Cone Bay: 470,000 feet lumber to C. A. Smith Lumber company. 4:25 p. m.. etmr Atlaa. Smith. 3«, i day* from Seattle; ballast to Standard OH company. 4:25 p. m . barjre HS. Klrkwood. 3^3 days from Seattle; ballast to Standard Oil company. 4:33 p. m.. ftmr Hyade*. Madten. 8 days 17 feoare from Hllo; merehandlme to Matsoo Naviga- tion company. p. m.. etmr RaralH. Nelson. 24 bonrs from Enreka; 840.WM) feet lumber to Hammond Lumber company. 6:05 p. o>.. atmr Santa Clara, Jensen. 22 hours from Port San paMenger* and merchandise to North Pacific Steamship company. SAILEt) Saturday. July SO. 11:40 p. m.. atmr Point Arena, Fagerstrom, Eureka. ftp. m., etmr Daisy, Smith, Grays Harbor. 0:40 p. m.. atmr Bee. Wehman, Vancouver. . 10:2". p. m., star Fair Oaks, Ahlln. Grays Harbor. Sunday. July 21. 11:35 a. m., etmr James 8. Htgglna, Eliasen, San Pedro. 12:30 p. m., stmr Centralta, Carlson, San Pedro. 12:30 p. m., stmr G. W. Elder, Thomsen, Saa Pedro. 12:40 p. m., etmr Noyo, Johnson. San Pedro. (; 20 p. m.. stmr Porno. Ulleland, Albion. 3 p. m., stmr Acme. Olsen. Burelca. TBLRGRAPHIC POINT LOBOS. July 21. 10 p. ra? Weather hasy; wind NW; velocity 8 miles an hour. DOMESTIC PORTS SANTA BARBARA?Arrived July 21?Stmr Qoeen. from San Diego. Sailed July 21?Stmr Queen, for San FrancUco. BANDON?Arrived July 20, 3 p. m.?Stmr KUzabetu. hence July I\u03b2: 3 p. m., etmr Bandon, hence July 18. SAN DlEGO?Arrived July 20? Br tug Dread- fql. from Newcastle. Eng. SANTA CRtT^?Arrived Jely 20?tT. 8. nun- marines Carp and Barracouta. hence July 20. TACOMA?Sailed July 20, midnight?Ster Arisonan. for Honolulu. ASTORIA?SaiIed July 21. 10 a. m.?Rtmr W. S. Porter, for Monterey; 6 p. a., etmr Beaver, for San Francisco. Arrived July 21, 1 p. m.?#tmr Roanoke, hence July 19; ?. p. m.. stmr Alliance, from Ooos Bay; «tmr Northland, hence July 19. ECREKA?Arrived July 21, 2 p. m.?Stmr Ban Pedro, hence. July 20; 3 p. to., star Despatch, hence July 20. TATOOSH?Passed July 21. 4 a. m.?Star Capt. A. F. Lucas, from Seattle (or San ftaa- c|sco; 5 a. n>.. etmr Falrhaven, from for ffiin Francisco; 9:24 a. m.. Ocr bar* Frieda Mabn, from Victoria (or Unite* Kingdom; 1:20 f>. m., stmr Arizonan. from Tacoma for Hono- ulu. Outside bound in July 21?Three masted flchr. COOS BAY?Sailed July 21, 3 p. m.?Stmr Breakwater, for Astoria. SEATTLE?Arrived July 21, 4:30 a. m.?Stmr Hornet, hence July 16. Bailed July fl. 10 a. m.?Stmr Senator, for Nome; stmr Hutuboldt, for Skitgway; 2 p. m., stmr Yukou, for San Francisco. JUNEAi:?Sailed July 19?Stmr Admiral Samp- son, for Sen tile. WRAXGEIX?Arrived July 20?Stmr Dolphin, from Skagway. GRAYS HARBOR ?Arrived July 21, 12 in.? Stmr Daisy Mitchell, hence July 18. Sailed July 21, 2 p. m.?Stmr Newburg, for San Francisco. PORT SAN LUIS? Arrived July 21, 3 p. m.? Bktn KiilitTton, ia tow tug Stea Rover, hence July 20. Sailed July 21, 1 a. m.?Stmr Santa Rita, for Honolulu; 8 a. m.. stnir WUittier, for San Francisco: 10 a. m., stmr Catania, for San Fran- cisco; 0 p. in., bktn Fuller ton, in tow tug Sea Rorer. for San Francisco. POUT TOWNSEND?SaiIed July 21?Schr Rob- ert Lewers, for Honolulu. ISLAND PORTS' HONOLTTI.r? Arrived July 21?Nor etmr Pro- nietheiis, from Kakatoa. OCEAN STEAMERS NEW YORK?Arrived July 21?Stmr Cale- donia, from Glasgow; stmr Csar, from Libau. DOVER ?Arrived July 21?Stmr Finland, from Stockholm for New York: stmr Lapland, from New York for Antwerp, and proceeded. Sniled July 'Jl?Stuir Vaderland, for New York. SOUTHAMPTON?Arrived July i',l? Stmr Ma- jestic, from New York. Army Transports) Buford?At San Francisco. Crook?At San Francisco. Logan?Left San Francisco July 5 en route to Manila. P. I. Sheridan ?Due at Tacoma about 15th Instant from Alaskan ports. Sherman?At San Francisco. Thomas? At Manila. Scheduled to sail for San Francisco July 15. « \u25a0 .. » I Weather Report j \u2666> ! *\u25a0 Ugited States Department of Agriculture? Weather bureau. Sau Francisco. July 21, 1912: RAINFALL DATA PACIFIC COAST STATIONS In the following tables the maximum aod mini- mum temperatures and rainfall arc given. EASTERN' STATIONS SYNOPSIS OF WEATHER CONDITIONS A trough of low pressure overlies the inter- mountain rescion cousin* cloudy weather, wtth showers and thunder storms over the north Pacific states and in Arizona, and fair weather elsewhere west of the Rocky mountains. An- other depression is central o»#r the north At- lantic coast causing generally cloudy and unset- tled weather with thunder storms and rain east of the Rocky mountains. The temperature changes have been slight in all districts. Con- ditions are favorable for fair weather In this district Monday. FORECAST Forecast for the 30 hours ending at midnight, Saturday. July 20, 1»12: Saw Francisco and vicinity?Fair Monday; moderate west wind. Sacramento Valley?Fair Monday; light south wind. Santa Clara Valley?Fair Monday; night north- west wind. San .Toaquin Valley?Fair Monday; light north- Wfst wind. California, nouta of Tehachapi?Fair Monday; light west wind. «. H. WILLSON. local forecaster. THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, MONDAY, JULY 22, 1912/ 7 3 WashtnEtcnlTier IT T T n1oo 1 r. Jackson |Pi« 13 Union 2 7 PwUc'PlM 21 Filbert 9 Broadway HPier 23 Ownwloii 1 11 Broadwar 2!rier Greenwich 2 13 Vallfjo Pier 27 Lombard 15 GroenlPifr 51 Powell Pier 2 .Mtsnion 1 (Pier 24 Spear Pier 4 Mission 2'Pler 28 Main Pipr A Howard UPearJW Beele Pier S Howanl 2if'iPr .",« Fremont Pipr 10 Howard 8iPi*r 3ft Hret Pier 12 Foleom 1 'Pier 401 Pier 14 Fnlsom 2 Pier 42 } P. M. S. S. Co. Pier I\u03b2 Herrlxon'PlCT 44 J Pi«»r 20 mmmtt Tier 54 Fonrth i Date Log Angles In<iu« IJuly 22 Sal. Cm« & Sao Diepo. |N>T«(lan July 22 Oray* Harbor jCentnilia (July 22 Is*. Angeles lobrtiall* |J"l. v T2 Hnmboldt |F. A. Ktlburn.. .iJnly Ti Mendoclno £ Sliei. CovelSea F>t*m iJuly 22 Buenos Aire« & Cullao.-Darnara July 22 OravB Harbor (Norwood IJuly 22 Portifind & Astoria |Yo*enitte 'Ju'T 22 Nanaimo rO'eHlnpton Uuly 22 Tacoma iSheridan IJnly 22 (Jrays Harbor !Tamalpi»h« 'July 22 r.rays Harbor I\u03b2. C. Undauer.. jJuiy 22 Sen Di*go & Ijou Ann.. Harvard I-Tiily 22 fian Diego & Los Anjr.. |Quwn i.Tuly 22 China & Japan iShlnyo JIani J«!r 22 Tort San Lnls Coos B«.v I July 22 Willapn Harbor Daisy Cadsby... Tnlr 22 Tooe Bay IRedondo 'Jnljr 2.'{ Humboldt IVanjruard J"ly 23 Honolulo IWilhelmina ! JoI.v 2^ lx» Anpeles |Row City .Inly 2-T liumboidt ICity of Topeka.. Jnly 23 Portland & Astoria JBmw |J«ly 23 San Plpprv & L(M Ang..!Yalr Unly 24 f .C\u03b2 Anpeles-. 'Haoalel ! Jtily 24 Shuttle & Tacoma !VuH'ii ! lv 24 Shanghai iBuffalo j-luly 24 I-os Anceles !S«nta Barbsra. ..I.Tuly 2.1 Sau DIpro & Los Anjr.Geo. W. Elder.. IJnly 25 rortUnd & Asterin jlstUmlan (July 25 I'ofnt Arena & Albion.. ll'ouio J"ly 25 Balboa & San Pedro !A«t«>e July 25 San I>dro & Way PortsiCnrarao July 26 San Diego & I.os Ang. .[Governor i.Tuly 2e Puiret Sound Portu [Tuiatilla 'July Z\u03b2 Fort Brajrg iBrunswlrb July 27 Bult-oa !Ran Jo»e ! J«"'y 27 Portland & Aetorta , IRoanoke \3n\y 27 Manila & Mororan IBpssIp Dollar. . ..'July 2i Shanehai Pakotah iJuly 27 WHlapa Hnrbor [Santa Monica. . July 27 Date I Steanwr I Destination | SalU *Pl*r Jnly 22 Iaqua jHumhoIdt ..! » pmj r>3 Julv 22 Yosomite Lo« Angeles.! 4 pm 51 July 22 Chebalis ;Orajn« Harbor: 10 am July 22 jCuracao 'San Pedro... :in ami 11 July 22JNorwood iLoo AnKflee.! 2 pm! July 22!K«r«-ka (Santa Crnz.. 1 e pm 13 July 22 Governor iSan DIe*o. ..< 2 pmj 9 July 22T. A. Kilburn..'Humboldt .. W am! 13 Jnly 22 Svoa 'Gray* Harbor 3 pm' 10 July 20 Santa Clara 'Sen DI*r°--- : 2 pm 13 July 23 City of Pu«bU. IPnsret Sound. 2 pm 9 July 23 'PujrPt Sound. 3 pm 10 July 24 Carlo* Portland ... T pm 27 July 24 Peni 'Balboa |12 ra 42 July 24'Row City Portland ...|12 m' July 24 Manuka 'Sydney 11 am! 12 July M-'Lnrltne "Honoltilu ...12 Bit ft July 24'Cooa Bay !Pt. San Lul». 4 pm, 11 July 24 Sea Foem .. 4 pm 4 Jolv 24 Yale Ken I>lw>... 4 pm 7 July 24'Bronewick !F«rt Bragg..! 3 pm' 8 July 24 PlKK-nix Humboldt .. j 1 pm! 10 July 24'Tiwton Wwfft Sonnd.| 4 pm 1 19 July 25 Reflondo DM Bay 3 pmj 10 July 25 nty of Top*ka.iHiimboldt ..ill am! 11 July 25 Hahnlti (I>» Angrl**. 2 pm 19 J.ily 25 Santa Barbara.. "VVUlapa Her. July 25 M* AnjMee.ill »m 40 July U?> Daisy Gadsbr... Willapa Her.! 4 pm 27 July 2." Queen San IUego... Ill aw! ft July 2ft Korea IHoBRkonp ...j I pmj 42 July 26 Chae. Nelson... JTuget Sound.] 5 pml 3* July 2e:O«v>. W Elder. (Portland ...10«m|13 July 26;Vanp«ard iHumboldt ..10 am 19 July 27 Roenoke ISan. Dieffo.. . 7 pm> 13 July 27 Governor 'Pupet Sfmnd. 2 pmj 9 July 27 Yunon ....iPuret 8wmd. 3 pm! 10 July 27!Santa Monica... !f,os Anitelea. 10 am! 81 Destination St'-nmor IPate Nome & St. MIeht*! Skagway & Way Port*. City of Seattle..! Vald« & S*ward Ad. 8ami»son Pkatrwa.v k. War Ports. 'Spokane 3S 99 27 n Sun rta*a Jsjj S«n «*ts 7:28 Moon *rU «? in. FuU moon Jnly 28. at 8:19 p. m. Last quarts moon Aupist 5. at R:0O t>. m. i Ft rime , iTime 1 ! Ft ! ?- Ft Ft L W !H Wj |L W| II W| 22.' 0:17 1.1 7:011 ».7 ( ll:2li 2.7j 6:12 5.7 23-. l:3O t 0.7 8:271 S.5|12:13 3.H 6:5« 5.8 24..' 2:29 0.2 9:40! ».«' 1:18) 3.3! T:43 5.9 25..' 3:17?O.2'lft:S71 3.7' 2:12! 8.51 8:27 «.» 2«.. 3.»' itS S-\u03b2: »:1« .VW <>T 4-;'.5'?fl.e!l2:«2? 4.0 t:SBj I.W 9:50 .V« 2R \u25a0 r.OT ?O.7 12:Se' 4.1! 4:4O' S.4'10:34ln^ PLACE ! Ft I Date | Her 17 in channel. Colli m. t . ~23 : Jiily 1 north nndor thf r»«f. II Channel fairly «trai*ht May 25! und just north of bar I I buo.v . Siufrlaw June 2TC h a n n * 1 shifting to an we*tward. .in Tl. STraieui runntii lie II. »u»nui vuauirro HmWdt B- IS !Jnl» 2! bo soundins* In aorth (hann<"l: north channel } J not used. S Pfdro Bl fa |J»ly t Ch»nn»l 200 t*tt widf. S~nifg«« n; 31 |Jnn«> 1»! S Pablo B* XT»s Nov. 3o;T>pth In dredfed chan- ! LJ 1 * , !: ? Als*7« B.i T iMay 24!StraF*Ut channel and II goxl width. -: \u25a0\u25a0' v ?: . ..--, v \u25a0 '?\u25a0\u25a0>_ . . \u25a0 . STATIONS ' o' ?A S\u03b2 Si; 2* :\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0 - \u25a0 '\u25a0\u25a0 . ,.. , . \u25a0' Eureka Red BluBf Sacramento Mt. Tamalpais San Francisco '.. San Jose Fresno Independence San I.uln Obispo | Los Anrelea J San Diego 0.00 I 0.0* I 0.11 O.OO 0.04 I 0.00 0.00 ' 0.00 i 0.00 0.00 I 0.00 0.01 o.oo ! o.oo o.oi 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.6H I 0.00 0.00 I O.ftO [ 0.01 0.00 T. I 0.00 0.00 I O.Ofi I 0.00 I I I ! 0.00 \u25a0 0.00 0.00 0.02 ; T. 0.00 T. T. T. T. 0.12 I ; - \13aJB8! STATIONS 11! I II ? I"! I STATIONS £ fc 3 2 : 3 2 I Btker 1 7«,52 .20 Bolne 86!eo M Del Monte.' 72'5)<l ;<K|| Eureka ...' W .'0 .00 Flantaff . T4 54. .O\u03b2 Fresno I 90s e2! .W Helena 82 56; T. Honolulu ..' .0( Iiidepndence.! MI52 .00 Kallspell ...' 78|5e .00 Lou Angele* §0 62 .00 Modena S\u03b2!5«! .fifi M. Tanmlpx! «2(93' .<Hi Head) 5* S\u03b2! .22 Nortli Head SSlsej .22 r. r. u«ht! eo|52| m ; Portland ..| O\u03b2 Red Bluff..! M| Reno 78'. Rosebura , .. 7ftt: Salt Lake... 72|i iSan Diego.. 72 < San Franeco «4 jSan Joee... 7fi; S.K. Faraln 02, Spokane ...! 84 < Summit flli; iTacouw 62 iTatootib B2! Walla 801 : Wtnnemca i m< JYnma |10e|j .04 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .I\u03b2 .00 .00 .02 I -24 I.09 ! .oo Abilene ... »4 "?! .(X. I Kansas Cty! 841741 .08 Atlantic Cty 7e[e6 ..TO Knoxvllle J 90;? .0<i Boston 70ra9rl.(e Louisville . 86 76 .50 Buffalo 72W)S ,?.2 Memphis ..$*>'76 .00 Charleston . 8O|7)*j .00 Montgomery j 00'74 .01 Chicago ... «6«4 .S\u03b2 Mnntrp«l ,| UfW .O\u03b2 DenTor | lelflO 1 . .011 Monrhoa.l ..! T4)M] .00 Pes Molnes.; fi2' .00 N«-w Orleans' »? 7H , .74 !>f»dc*> Clty.'niee! .00 NVw York. 74 <W 1.90 Duluth I «4'54 .,00 ! North Platte 86 -'.S! .00 DuiHiigo ...| 82152 .02f Oklahoma . flft!7fii .00 Kastport ...! (B 4A .02i Plttubure .. 74 6e!2.36 OaWeston ..| 8R82 .00 |St. Ij>ui«...l KS7R .02 Orfen Bay. 76 58! .02JSt. Paul... 7K'r..S .00 Hatteras .. 84!74 .OOllTainna ! r)2i74, ! .00 Ha»re I 82150! .OOJ 7e!6e .12 Huron I 8O!eoj .00>jWishtnpton I 00164 .20 Jacksonville | «2'74| .3«iiWinn!poK .! RR , ?| .00 eMeroM.,, INCOKPORATKO '^J CONSULTING and * CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERS PUBLIC SERVICE PROPERTIES FINANCED and MANAGED SO Pin* Street New York AUCTION SALES E. CURTIS AtrCTIONEBR Offtee and salesroo*. coraer Van N«w and Sae- rameato (former Walter bonding). Phooe? mnklln 2804, B«M OMSS; (iaMraea. M\u03b2 Aaa. bury. &S Jfes £& AUCTION SALE TUESDAY JULY 23 11 A. M. 75 head of all purpose horses and mares at Mission Sale Stable. 430 Valencia st. Outside stock sold on commission. H. COHEN, Auctioneer. FOR SALE «V-^ 2&£ At the GOLDEN WEST STABLE .2fcS 2TO and 272 Fell St. ~~-» One car of mares and horses, weight from I.SOO to I.TOO lbs: young and sound, all good workers; some good farm horses and ruar*«. sore footed. Phone Market 3S7T. JOS. LEVY. AUCTION SALES MARK J. LEVY AUCTION CO. Ottea art Salaarooaia. 114* MeAll*** *V Pars highest arm far all *to*e «* fJaroltßre. awretaaaW ?«? Hoeaae boegfct la thctr ?»- tlraty. Goods sold an eoeelaeioe. Phone?Park MO, S2e*2. J H. TAYLOR CURTIS, Auctioneer 4 { BOOKS i \ EXECUTOR'S SALE A <7 The Library of the Late |r f Edward Wesson $ } HOW COmffieDC,Dg JULY St. 1W» t A at 8 p. m.. in the A 7 BUTTEB STREET SALESBOOMB. f t 532-534 Sutter St. t A Containing Bare Work* on .. Q \ ARCHAEOLOGY. OEOeBAPHY. HIS- \ A TOHY, TRAVEL. SCIEKCE. AST, Q \ KELIGIOK AM) FICTIOH. \ A CATALOGUER OX APPLICATION. h V H. TAYXOB CUBTIS, Auctioneer. f £f* Jfe £& FIXE LOT BROKESCOtJrrRYHQRSES Juet In?Weigh* 1.200 to 1.700 ponads. HORSES AND VEHICLES TO LET G. LINDAUEB. 122 Clara St. PACIFIC OCEAN TRAVEL LOS ANGELES M ?SANTA BARBARA v<s'^>v SAN DIEOO EUREKA rNSILvi SEATTLE \XW%J TACOMA VICTORIA \sbL*-tf6y VANCOUVER ALASKA LEAVE FBOM PIERS » ASD 11 Berth and Meals Included In Fare Lou A \u25a0vein. San Diego, * Santa Barbara President or Gorernor Every Monday. 2 p. m. ?Queen Every Thursday. 11 a. b>. 'Only steamer calling at Santa Barbara. Seattle (Direct), Taeoma, Totraaead, Victoria, Vancouver, Alaaka President or Governor.. .Every Saturday. 2 p. na. City of Pnebla or Umatilla.. .Every Tnea.. 2p. m. Eureka (Hnraboldt Bay) Topeka.July 20, 26, 20. 11 a. m.; Aug. 3, 12 noon Alaska Cruises, 1912. Leare Seattle Spokane...Wednesday. July 31; Aug. 1«. 0 p. m. Some, St. Michael (Direct), Leave Seattle Senator Jnly 21, Aug. I\u03b2, Sept. il, Oct. 7 Right reserved to change tbls schedule. TICKET OFFICES?PaIace Hotel, 958 Market at, 16 Market ft. and Broadway Wharf. Telephone Xearny 4M. OAKLAND?I 226 Broadway. Tel. Oakland 5680. BERKELEY?2I2S Shattuck ay. Tel. Berke. 44. C. D. DL'XAXS. Passenger Traffic Manager. ©AMERICAN-HAWAIIAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY Tehuantepec Route Regular Faat Fretg-fct Service NEW YORK TO PACIFIC COAST PORTS AND HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. R&ilinß from New York every six days, making , direct connections with Pacific steamers sailing , from Salina Crux, Mex., every six days for San Francisco. PACIFIC COAST PORTS TO NEW YORK. Also to Mexican and all prin- cipal European ports under through rates and through bills of lading. Sail- insrs from San Francisco every 12 days. For rates a/id further particulars ap- ply to DEARBORN & LAPHAM, Gen- eral Agents, 8 Bridge street. New York. WILLIAMS, DIMOND & CO.. General Agents, Pacific Coast. 310 Sansome St., San Francisco. TOYO KISEN KAISHA ORIENTAL STEAMSHIP COMPANY a. 8. Bhinyo Mara <n«w).. Satordar. Aag. «, ltlt B. 8. Chive Mara Saturday. Aogvat SI. UIS 8. 8. Nippon Mam (Intermediate Barrio* Saloon accommodations at reduce* rates) Saturday. September Ml, 1918 S. S. Tenyo Mara < via Manila direct) Friday. September 17, 1911 Steamers sail from eompaay's pier. Mo. 94. near foot of Brnnnan it., at 1 p. m.. for Yoko- hama and Hongkong, calling at Honolulu, Kobe (Hlogo) and Nagasaki and Shanghai, and con- necting at Hongkong with atearaen for Manila, India, etc. No cargo received on board on day of sailing. Konnd trip tickets at reduced ratea. For freight and paaaage apply at office, 4th floor. Western Metropolis National Bank building. 685 Market tt W. H. AVEBY, Aaaiatant General Manager. SYDNEY SHORT LINE 19 DAYS FROM SAN FRANCISCO Splendid steamer* (10,000 ton*). VBXTL'fiA nails July 30. SONOMA, Aug. 37. and ever? 28 days, for HONOLULU, PANOO I'ANGO (SAMOA) and SYDNEY. Low rates. nO' T ND WORLD $600 Ist claas, $375 -'d claa«, vU Cey- lon and Mediterranean. Stopovers. HONOI,O.r *110 and Bark Flrat Claaa gailings July 1«. 30; Aug. 11, 27. ate. OCEANIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY UTS Market St. Plume gutter 94S IL Le * ,e ". f «^:^ P p* c nf. oBte^t L JI Ki-fy rWTUN DinO, Wadaaadaya and Fridays. For folders, tions aad informatien appL* »* ft* laarket St. t^^^T^^tk fuliiiili I a » SID HflU'AI 111 I! 8 - 8 - LUBLIN! (13,000 nimULULU tons) sails noon. July 24. for Honolulu and Kahnlul. WILHET.MINA (13,290 tons) valla noon. July 31, for Honolulu and Hllo. 8. 8. BONO- LULAN (13.000 tonx) satin soon. Augvtt T. for Honelalu and Kahulni. Bound trip, San Fraa- cisco to Honolulu, 9110 and up. MATSO.% NAVIGATION COMPANY see Market St., S. F. AUSTRALIA and New Zealand VIA TAHITI. KABOTONGA * WELLINGTON 8. 8. MANUKA OU.OuO tone) aalla 11 a.m. July 24 b. 8. AOBANOI (8,000 tooa) saiU 11 a. a>. Aug. SI And every 28 days thereafter. WIOV 8. 8. CO. Or MVW ZXALAX9. JLXD. HIND, KOLI'IX * CO.. Gee. A*ta., aio Cat. at. Ticket Office: 67ft Market at.-iel- Douglas 3100. 18^ [ a^W^^ l .'^^ MUIR WOODS MT. TAMALPAIsS VIA SAUBAUTO FERRY WT UNiON HKT, FOOT Of MARKST ITIIiET U.tHfraatto j U iiir Wwai U.HtTaHsnH Weekd.y saaa»7 Weakeajf Saaday Waefcaay laaaay S:4la 1:15 i t 7:20* 1 :4Ba ?:20al®10:]t* |:«P S:lsa 1:40 a 19:Sft 11 1&a II :45t 4:SI» ! :§*>» * t:l6p :} » ij:4s« 4:s|t 4* :«? i.Up 4:4f» ! :< 5p 41:459 |:4» J 3:4Sp © MoirWoodtonly C:4ffp ?Saturda.veonly. f Monday* only. ? Mt. Tune pals only. Ti/.t*t Offi/v. f ?«e«»'«te Ferry?Tel. Kearny 4980 ? wt vmm ' 657 >!arke*-fel. Kearny 2751 General offiee->;ffl Valley. Gal. TtL Mfll Valley Sub. 81 -Tmm tiltm** , mi "Milwrm ****** mm Rait and Water Trips your BACK BAST *a- cation tours aak the ticket aaTJaTlvltat «f«t to root* you via Tn» IKULtaal *i ntA Tntak Hyataa TAlaaaal HUS tnroflga Lower Ontario to Toronto er Klagatea by saad talaada of tSe beaa> fMRtUI tifal St. Lawrence Blvar to Montreal, taaaoa taa tjrjfa . Mmtaifta «t y^ \u25a0raatto Boatoa er W*ita Meeitalae to part. laad. retarataa vlasteaawr ar rail to Raw York Track lUwte to Ojlcago *la Niagara Falle. o> tat rtreraa of thla «wte. Liberal stopevera paTamee. Write a. tat fwrtaae «Malla aai MaaaJtiertr SMf.. ?*? IMumlmm, FRENCH LINE Cll. OLE. TRANSATLANTIQUR DIRECT LINE TO HAVRK?PARIS Hinge Btwt Thoraday «nd Saturday FROM MEW YORK TO HAVRfi lT«ry Thorjdayat I\u03b2 a. a. U. Traitmi*.. July «J £« lemlu. .Aaf. 15 UTouraiM.Aug. 1 < Fnuio*(new) .An*, t> FROM WKW TORK TO HAVRK Sww a»tw«*y *t » p. «. Chtoe** Wjr" chicle a... i 7 BordMnx July «T yi?i-i. -. .AnC' * Tourain*. .Au». Jl lUnri Ant. M WUy*r« Upt. 7 rVOAZZ UOI, TvMe <W KMMtm. MO C A& p^f??& rt m t i«as^s o ««T. CANADIAN PACIFIC ?BMrRESIBS OP THB ATLAWTIC* AND OTHBR STEAMSHIPS \u25a0ONTRBAX, LIVERPOOL SCENIC ROPTB TO EtrmOPß Olf THB ST. LAWRENCE RITER AMD LESS THAW FOUR DAYS AT SBA 2,1133 MILES FORT TO PORT THESHORTEST OCEAN PASSAGE Flr«t CeWe fjSJHI ??« m 9 ssajsttx'j***:. as uj:: ?mtr« Clwe-uw«t ntn m w«wit. Canadian Pacific Office. 145 Market gt., San Francisco, and all local amenta. UHHON. PMUS. HAMBURG aßSrkwdSSratffc!:::::^ ?To Membent rU SoaUmn* (24 and 34 elm). tßlte-Carltoo a la Cute Bestaurant. GIBRALTAR, MAPLES. GENOA S. S. MOLTKE. Aegort 20. H A. H. S. ft. HAMBURG Sept. IS, 1 P. M. Tourist D«*t. tee lVtoe Kv«tywh#re. H nui RG-AMBRICABi LIMQ RAILWAYTRAVWL aaBBBBBBa1aaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaaBBaaBBBBB^r3KT"^C3BBBBBBBBBBBVBBaaB^^ » TRAINS LEAVE *W> ARC DUE TO ARRIVE FROM JUNE 12. l>l2 , ? VIA COAST LI.NB Leave (Third and Townaend Streets) Arm* \u25a0 (Subject to ehaag* without notice) t 5.06 a Valeacia Street, Ocean View, Cohaa. I Cemeteries, Btden, San Bruao t 9-3S* i 9.00* Swith San Francisco, San Jose, Gilroy. Sargent, Fajaro, Wateonville, Santa Cnu 7JOf j 7.00* Mayfield, Los Altos, LosGatoe 12.30p f 7.00 aSouth San Francisco, Pab Aito, San Jok. Way SUtione 7.30s X 7 -00a Monterey Excursion?San Joee, Mor- ganhiU, Gilroy, Chittenden, Pajaro. Watsonville, Sacta Crus, Del Monte, Moßteray, Pacific Grove.... \u2666 IOJOp B.ooa Shore Line Limited?Paso Roblea Hot Springe, Santa Barbara, Lot Angeles 9.50p , 8.05 a isayfield.Los A Hos.Los Gatos, Wright, Glenwood (BouWer Creek). Santa Cnu, Watsonvilie, CastroviUe, Del Monte, Monterey, Pacific Grove 9M$ i 9.00 a Baa Jok, Gilrey, Bargent, Salinas. Boledad. San Miguel, Paw Roblea Hot Springs, San Luis Obispo ? 4.00 a \u25a0 9.00 a Hoffistet, Tre» Finos?"W'atsonville, i Santa Cn;z?Dei Monte, Monterey. Pacific Grove 4UOp j 10.40 a South San Francisco, Burlingame, Sao Mateo, Faio Alto, Saa Jose t «-30» i 10.40 a L\u03bc AUoa, Monta Vista. Los Gatos.. {\u2666 f^ I 11.30 a Valencia Street, Ocean View. Cohna, Cemeteries, Baden. San Bruno 148 a 11.40 a South San Francisco, San Joee t 8.20 a 1.20 a Saturdays only? S*n Mateo, Redwood. Mayaeld, Los Altos, Los Gatos, Wright, Laurel, Glenwood. ielton, Boulder Creek. Saata Crus % 9J6f ! 2Mp Del Monte Express?San Jose, Gilroy, Sargent (Watsonville, SanU Crus), Del Monte, Monterey, Pacific Grove, (Salinas) l£S9p ; SLOSa South San Francisco, Pab AHo, Saa I Joee ?.?O\u03b2 j &00p South San Francisco, San Mateo. Saa Jose, Gilroy. Tree Finos, Salinas... 10.1 to ' 3.00 a Wstaonville, Santa Cnjs, Castroville. Del Monte, Monterey, Pacific Grove 10.10* ; 3.25 aBurlingame, San Mateo, Redwood. Palo Alto. Mayneld, Lot Altos, Los Gates B-SOp i 4.00 a Stjcset Express?Tucson, Demlng, El Paso. Houston. New Orleans. Chi- cago 9.18* 4.00 a Washington Sunset Route?Wathinc' ten. D.(X.Kew York and East 9.18 a, 4.00 a Salinas, Paso Roblee Hot Springs, Saa Luis Obispo. SanU Barbara, Ven- tura and Los Angeles 9.15 a 4.00 aKansas City, St. Louis, Chicago 9.15 ft 420 a South San Francisco, San Jose t 7.ZH f 4*6 a SanU Crux Limited?MayfieM. Lea AHoe, Los Gatoe, Felton. Boulder Creek, SanU Crus 8.45 a t 5.00 a Limited?San Jose only 1155 a t 5.06b Burlingame, San Mateo, Palo Alto. .Mr San Josa and Way SUtioas 9.45 a t 5.20 aRedwood. Fair Oaks, Menlo Park, Palo AHo, Mayfield, MounUin View, Sunnyvale, Sea Jose t 9.00 a t 8.20 aLoeAhos.MonUVisU.LosGatoe..{| IJoJ t 5.25p Eastoa, Redwood, Mountain View, San Jose I.IOp t BJOa Loop?Valencia Street, Ocean View, Cemeteries, South San Francisco, 23d Street, 3d and Townsend \ 8.40p 5.40 aSan Bruno, San Mateo, Redwood, Palo Alto, SanU Clara, San Jose... 3.25 a t 5.40 a Los Altos, MontaYitta, Los Gatos.... 7.20 a t 9.00p Millbrse, San Mateo, Redwood, May- field, Los Ahos. Los Gatos t B.ooa t 6.05p 23d Street, Visitarioa, South San Francisco, Valencia Street t 7. ISp 9.30p South San Francisco, San Jose 8.46p 7.40p The Lark?Paso Roblee Hot Springs, SanU Barbara, Los Angeles 9.30 a 8.1 Op Saa Joss and Way Sutions 7.35 a Io.oob Los Angelw Paseeneer? SaHnas, Paso Roblcs Hrt Springs. Saa Luis Obis- po, SanU Sarbara and Los Anselee 8.25 a 11.45p South San Francisco. Palo Alto, San 1 7.ajp Joee J 7.4 ip LOCAL FERRY TRAINS?Via AUmeda Pier. Ta Oakland, 14th an4 Franklin «*.? 8-15. 6.45 a. so. and then 15 and 45 minutes pant the hour until 7.45 p. m.; then 8.30. 9.16, 10.00, 10.45. 11.30 p. m. and 12.13 a. m. Ta Alameda, North and South Side? 6.15, 6.45 a. m. and then 15 and 45 minutes past tha hour until 7.45 p. m.; then 8.30. 9.15. 10.00, 10.46, 11.30 p m. and 12.15 a. m. LOCAL FERRY TRAINS-Vla Oakland Pier. To Oakland. Iftth St. and Berkeley via Shattuck Aye' and Ellsworth St. Line*?Daily?From (5.00 a. m., and every twenty minutes until 8.20 p. m., inclusive; then 9.00,9.40, 10.20,11.00,11.40 p. m., 12.20 snd 1.20 a.m. . Additional boats Saturdays and Sundays only, 8.40 p. bl. 9 JO. 10.00,10.40 and 11 20 p. m. To Berkeley via California St. ant Wait Berkeley. Albany via Ninth It Lines-Daily?From *&00 a. m., t0.20, ?6.40, t7.00 a. m. and every twenty minutes until 8.20 p. m. inclusive; then 9.00,9.40,10.20,11.00,11.40 p. n>. 12.20 and 1.20 a. m. Additional boats Saturdays and Sundays only. 8.40 p. m.. 9.20,10X0,10.40 aad 11 JO p.m. i Tt Vtaorit Stags, Pullman, Flehmond-t6.40 aad 7.40 a. ea. 3-20 p. m, 4JX), 6.20, 6J20 p. m. i T\u03b2 OaklaM Washington-Breadway. East Oakland, FreitvaJe and Metro* via Seventh St-Daily-Froni 6XO ajsu. and every twenty minutes until BJQ pja., Inclusive; then 9.00, 9.40. 10.20. 11X0, 11.40 p. m.. 12.20 and IJOa. m. Additional boats Saturday aad Sunday only. 8.40 p. m., 9£o, 10X0,10.40 aad 11 JO p.m. i Horteshoa la Oakland, Washinfton-Braadway. Fnritvak Alameda, North SWe-Dailv-From 6.00 a. m., t6.20. 6.40. 7.00, 7 JO, 7.4 a 8.00. 8.40 aad forty minutes oast the how until 3.40 p. m.; then 4.00, 4.40, 5.00,120, 5.40. 6.00. 6.20, 6.40. 7.00, 7.40, BJO, 9.00,9.40,10J0. 11.00, 11.40 p. m.. 12.20 and IJO a. m. , To Stenehwtr?Hs.oo, t6.40. t7.20, 19.00. JlO.OO a. a., tl JO p. &, J2.00, taXO, taJO, HM, »SXO. *SMaad IKS** AUTOMOBILES. HOTORCYCLES AND VEHICLES. OAKLAND HARBOR FERRY?From San FrancJaaa, Seata End of Ferry BuiMing, for ireedwav Wharf. Oakland Week days 6.00 a. m. and ?rerjr nak* hour ' until 9.00 p. m.. Inclusive. Sundays too holidays 6.00 a. m. and every naif bour un- til 11.00 p. m.. inclusive. Boats leave Broadway wharf?Week days 6.15 a. m. and every half hour until R. 45 p. m., in- clnslve. Sunday* and holidays ft. 15 a. m. and every half hour until 10.45 p. m.. In- clusive. a for Morning. *DailT. p for Afternoon. tSunday excepted. JSunday only. {Sundays and Mondays, a Monday. Union Tranafer Ce. authorised to aafek Bag- gage direct from residence. * I I I \u25a0IB 111 BBBBsI ? Through the j GRAND CAN YON OF THE FEATHER RIVER and THE ROYAL GORGE Tfce "Paeama-Paelfle" Expreaa and I The "1015" Mall Leave and are due to arrive Union Ferry Depot from June 9. 1912 Lfttve Through Trains Arrive 9:10 a Salt Lake. Denver. Omaha. Chicago. Kan?* (itj. St. Louie 8:45e 7:Wp Salt Lake. Dt-nver Omaha. Chicago. Kansas city St. Loots a:SOa 9:10 a Sacramento f:fOa 7:»0p <1» f=«P 9:10 a... Stockton A : ?S* 4:10p do 10^^0m ' 7:BCp Hi ?:**» ? Throuith Standard and Twiriet Slepplag C«ra vtft Veti & Hi» <;ran<tc an<l Hiirlinpton Route, via ? I>pn & Rio, Grande and Kock Island Lines, Tia iPen" & R!o Grande md Missouri Pacific. Through train*. Ot>wr»«tlon C'«r». Dining Cars. ElectrK , Lights and Electric Pane. i ??????-^i 1 ? ,^??^^ ' BAY AND IXTERI'ItBAN ROTJTBt -ITiiPA:nu*wßenTF t Ili^^ca-wMvAAie^T^tt I * »^_^^i^iaV '* flCawO Be> fft» \u25a0IMhB O Sft CttfvCW \u25a0Baf Alfk*l_ Mllfih #jmM VIA OAKLAND PUBR t Lam (Foot of Market Street) Arrive (Subject to change without aotiee) 2.15 a Nilas, Livermore. Tracy, Latarop, Stockton, Lodi, Gah, Elk Grora. Baerameato,RosßviUe,Auburn.Colfaz 10.40 a | ?.lsa Sacramsato, MarysviUe. Dins, Chiro. 10.40s { 8,40 a Richmond, Fort Coeta. starUaes. An- t'oca. Byron Hot Springs, Tracy, Patterson, Newman, Los Banos, j Ingle, Kernun, Fremo II .59p 8.48 a Ban Leandro, Uayward, Kites, Saa Joee 850 a 7.00 a The Statesman?Richmond, Valiejo Junction. Port Costa, BsnirU, Sui- sun. Klmirs, Davis, Sacnunento 8.50 a 7J\u03b2* Guldfleld Pass.? Truckee. Haien, V.'a- buska (Yerrington, Hudson), Mina, fonopah, GoWfield. Laws, Keelcr . B.loa 7.20* Richmond, Fort Costa, Beoiria, Suisua Dixon. SacratnenU 7.50 a 7.20 aRosev-ille. MarygvUle (Orovilie), Red- . dins, D'insmuir 7.50p 7.20 a Elmira. Vacaville, Rumsey 7.50 a 7.20 a Darii, Woodland. Wiliiam.i, Maxwell, ' Willows, Baciiltoa, Coming, Red Bluff.. 7.50t * 7.20 a Nile*", Pfewanton, Livermore, Tracy, | Lathrop, Stockton (Oakdiie), Lodi, j Sacramento 7.30 a ; 7.20 a Tracy, Patterson, Newman, Los Banos, laite, K*rman, Fresno 4.30 a ' 7.40 a Vallejo. Napa, Caiistogs, Santa Rosa, Port Costa, Crockett, Mart inez 8.1 Op 7.40 a Avon. Walnut Creek, San Ramon, Livermore 8.50 a B.ooa Newark. West San Jose, Los Gatos, Wright. Felton (Ben Lomond, Boul- der Creek), Santa Crui 5.50 a 8.40 cPort Cc«ta, Martiner, Byron Hot Springs, 'fracy, (Stockton), Merced, Berenda, Ma3cra, Fresno, Fowler, Selma. Traver, Goaben Junction ((Haaford, Armona), Tulare, Bak- ersfield 4.30 a 8.40 aVmlia. Lindsay, Porterville. Ducor.. 7.1 Of 8.40 aYosemite Valley via Merced 4.30 a 9.00 a Iryiagton, Saa Jose 7.30b 9.03 a NilesT Pleasanton, Livtimore, Stock- ton (*siilton), YaUey Spring, lone, Sacramento 4.30 a 9.00 a Tuolimne.Snnora, Jamestown, Angels 2.50 a 9.00 a Atlantic Express?Sacramento. Truc- kee (Lake Tahoe),Ogden. Salt Lake City. Denver. Kansas City, Omaha, Chicago BJOo 9.00 a Tonopah-Goktfifld Standard Sleeper.. B.loa 9.00 a YallcjoJunction, Vallejo [ y^ 9.40 a Richmond, San Pablo. Pinole, Vallejo Junction, Crockett, Port Costa, Mar- tinei, Avon. Concord 8. lOf 10.29 a SaaFranciaco Overiand limited?Den- ver, Kansas City, St. Louis, Omaha, Chicago 2.10 a 1040* Vallejo, Mare bland. Napa 12.50 a 10.48* Stockton { 3j{£ 10.404 Los Angeles Passenger?Port Costa, llartines, Byron Hot Springs. Tracy. Stockton, Merced, Madera. Fresno. (Haaford. Coaling*, VisaJia) Bak- ewfield, Los Angelen 7.10 a 11.20* Shasta Limited?Portland. Tacoma, Seattle 8.50 a 12.00b Richmond, Port Coeta, Benicia, Bui- \ 10.30 a sun, Elmira, Dixon. Sacramento . J 11.1 Oa 12.00 a Davis,Williams,Colusa June...Willows. Germaatown.Ortand. Hamilton 8.50 a 12.0011 MwysviUs, Chieo, Red Bluff 4.30f I.ooa Nile*. Irviniton, B%n Jose JJ ........ 2.50 a L2op Saa Leandro, Miles. Centervgle, New- ark.3anJose 7.50 a 1.40 a Newark, Alviso, Agnew, Baata Clara, West San Joee, Los Gatos, Wnght. » SanU Crus.. 9.10 a 2.40 aSaa Leaadro, Niles. Baa Joee 8.50p 3.00p Beniria,Winters, Sacramento?Wood- land. Tudor. Yub» Qty. Uarysville, OroviUe \u25a0\u25a0??? H-'O* S.2op Richmond, Port Costa, Martinet, Byroa Hot Springs, Modesto, Merced, Ma- dera, Fresno yvav ,o ' 4o, 4.00p Port Costa, Martiaes, Concord, Wai- nut Creek, San Ramon, Livermore. 9 30a 4.00p Richmond, Vallejo, Napa. OaHstoga, Glen El!»n. Santa Rosa 9.30 a 4.00p Niles. Sunol, Pleasaaton, Livermore, Tracy Stockton. Lodi, Sucramento 12.50p 4.40 a Valley Flyer-Port Costa. Byron Hot Sarinp, Tracy, Modesto, Merced, Madera, Fresno. Gosheo Junction, Tulare, Baken&eld, Mojave, Los Ampslee.. l2JOp 4UOp Tncy.Patterson, Newntaa, Los Banoe, Kenaaa, Fresno 10.40p 4.40p San Leandro, Hay ward. Niles, Pleae- antoo, livermore SiS 1 4.40p Irvingtoa, Saa Joes 9.30 a fcOOp ValleTo. Port Costa, Benicia. Suisua. Sacrameate, RosevUle. Lineeln, Wheatlaod, Marysvilh (Orovilie), Gndley. Bise,Chieo .^...... MJOt e\QOa Davis, Arbnekle, Williams. Willows, Orlsad, Tehama 10.40p 6.00p RubwH. Santa Oara, Saa J05e....... 9 Joa 6.00p Saturdays and Sundays?Wnght, Santa Cruz 5 9.30* fS.2Op Ran Leandrn, Lontnso, Hay ward, Niles fS.5Op 8.20p Owl Limited?Port Costa, Tracy. Fresno, Los Angeles B.loa 8.20p Hayward, Nike and Saa Jose 7.30 a 9.40 a Eastern Express?Ogdea, Puebb.Den- ver.Kansu aty,Bt.Louis,Chicago.. 8.30p 8.40p Port Costa, Benleia, Sacramento, Colfax, fru-kee (Lake Tahoe), Reno, Sparks BJ6p 7Mp China aad Japaa Mail?Ogdea, Cheyenne, Denver, Kansas City, Omaha, Chicago J.IOf 7.00? Port Costa. Byron Hot Springs, Stock- ton. Sacramento, Colfax, Truckee. Reno 3.18p J7.00p Richmond (Valkio), Port Costa, Mar- tines, Concord, Walnut Creek, Pleas- anton, Nilse, Oakland a 12.48 a 8.20p Orecon Express?Sacramento, Rose- viue, Marysville, Reddinc (Klamath Falls), Ashlaad, Portland, Tacoma, . Seattle. Spokane I.IOp 9.00p Mt. Ederi. Alvarado. Newark, SanU Clara, San Joee 9.30 a. 9.40p Yosemite VaOey and Maripoea Big Trees-Sleeper, via Merced 7.50* 9.40 aBakersSeld. McKittrick. HaseKon, Monarch! Moron. Fellow, Shale... 7.50* 9.40p Richmond, Port CosU, Tracy. Mo- desto. Merced, Madeta, Preaao. Haaford, Tulare 7.89* 9.40 a Haaford, Armona, Lemoore, Huron, Coalinga 7.80* 9.40p Visalia, Exeter, Lindsay. Porterville, Dttcor. Famoso ". 7JO* 10.20 aPortlanl Express?Davis, Willows, Red Bluff. Weed (Klamath Falls). Ashland, Rosebunt, Portland, Ta eoma,Seattie 7.30* NETHCRLANDS ROUTE?Tram Pasrfie Street Wharf. This route oilers exceptional opportunity for Auto- mobilists to reach all points oa the Sacramento River;, CollinsviDe, Eaueaton, Rio Vista, lahtoa, Ryde, Wamut, Qfove, Vordea, Courtlaad, Clarksburg. Sacrameato. Steamer Samlnola or Nava]o. leaves Saa Francisco 8:31 a. m. daily except Sunday aad Wednesday, arrivini Sacramento 7M p. m. Leave Sacramento 8.30 a. m. daily except Sunday aad Wednesday, anifiag Saa Francisco 5.30 p. m. Stepping ia either direction at afl potato shown above. Steamer pfodac or Apache, leaves San Francisco 1.00 p. at. daily, except Sunday; arrive Sao Francisco 11.30 p. m. daily except Monday. Steamer Mayajo or Samlnola, leave Saa Fraaeiseo QJ6O p. m. daily except Stmdavs, arriving flacrameate 7.00 a. m. daily except Monday. Leave Sacramento 0,.0Q a. ra. daihr except Sundays, striving '«n Francisco 7.00 a. m. dairy except Monday. No stops oa route ia aither direction. /otf&\ Schedule Effective July x , 912 LNl'»\ FERRY DEPOT VIA sAfaALIiU i Arrlvo 10:45 a Petaluma. Santa Roea. Oueroevllle,; Duueau Mill«. Casadero $»:f«D 7:15 a Sonoma. Glen Ellen 6:05p 7:43« l Petalutna, Santa Rosa. Healrie- ! burjf. Cloverdale. i;klah. Wtllita. I Loogvale, *S«baatopol 1 7:35p B:lsa!Pt. Keye*. Camp Meeker. Moote| i Kio. Dnncaa Mills, C'aamdero... ( 7:35p B:iaajPet*iama, Bant« Ro«a. Guerne- villf. Monte ttlo, Dtinoen Milltt. CaMdero f 7:<Sp J9:lsa S<M»ma. Glen Bllea JB:.lSj> i9:lsaiLagun!tait, Point Reyes I ti:Osp 10:45a(Petnluma v Santa Rmm. lleaU}*- f burg (to Sonotna anil Glen Ellen I week days only) 5:05p 2:43p Petalniaa, SantA Roea. Ouerne- I viUe. Monte Rio. Duncan Mills. 10:85 a 12:45p Point*. Camp Meeker. Monte I Rio Duncan Mill*. Taaariero... f10:35a 3:lsp|Peta)nu»a, Santa Itma, Ilealds- I bnrar. Olorerdale. T'kiah, Wlltnts.l I ??Sehaatopol ( II :35a 4:4sp'*orK>mn. Glen Ellen ! R:ST»a s:lsp!Petalnm«. Santa Rfwa. Ilealds-' I burjt' 9:0 Be t.trtSn'Pt. Iteyw (Sundays 7:1.1 p. m.V 1 &'.&>* BLJCSTRIC RfBI'BBAN VIA BATSALITO gauealito. Mill Valley. San Rarael?Dally every %) minute* from B:4ft a. m. until 0:45 a. tu.; bonrlr until 2:45 p. m.. then 3:15 p. m. and every 30 mtontes until 7:45, then 0:l.\ 10:45 p. m. and 12:15 a. in. '«>n Sandaye in addlUoa ?Every fty minutes fmm 9:45 a. m. to 3:15 p. m., except 4:15 i>. m.) Falrfex?leaves 16:45. 7:t.">. 7:43. 8:15, 8:45, 8:13. 9:45. $10:15. 1»:4S. J11:1S. 11:45 a. m.: JW:IS, 12:45. Jl:15, 1:45. *!45, 3:15, 3:45, 4:18. 4:45, 5:15. 5:4T,. C:l5. «:45. t":13. 7:45, 9:15, 10:45 p. m.: £12:15 a. m. Baa Qneutin via San Rafael?Leave dally at 9:15 a. in. and 1:45 p. in. Tlburon and Belvedere?Dailr every hoar from fi:43 a. m. until 1:45 p. m.; then 3:U p. m. and every hoar until 6:15. then 7:43, 9:15. 10:43 p. m. and 12:15 a. tn. ?Artiven 7:<« p. m. ??Arrive* 10: M a. m. fEteept Sundays. $Saßdaye * only. tSatunlay only. IMfwUr only. Paciflo Transfer t'otupany'a agenta are author- teed to cheek baggage direct from residence.

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Post on 06-Feb-2020




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Page 1: SHINYO HAS BIG PASSENGER LISTSteamer Alcatraz nnisued the discharge of 300.---000 feet of lumber for the Southern California Lumber company and cleared for Greenwood via San Francisco


Liner, Due Today, Reports byAerogram Vessel Is on

Schedule Time

TTH 4,200 tons of;cargo and 330 pas-sengers, the Toyo

Kisen Kaisha Shin-yo Maru is due toarrive early today

from the orient viaHonolulu.

Advices receivedby L. E. Bemiss, incharge of the localoffices of the com-pany, are to tl»eeffect that Captain

H. Stanley Smithexpects to bring hiscommand to dock inschedule time, anaerogram receivedyesterday ifrom|the

vessel, about 225 miles off the Goldengate, stated' that all was well, andsmooth weather enabled .the -liner tomake good speed.

The Shinyo left Honolulu Tuesday onthe last leg of Its voyage after anenjoyable trip from Asiatic ports. Therearc i(9 cabin passengers, 92 second classand 139 Asiatic steerage passengersaboard the Shinyo. A large amount ofithe cargo?l,loo tons?is consigned herefor overland shipment, a valuable con-signment of silk being included in thegoods that will be sent across the con-

y ttnent to eastern manufacturing cen-W s.

In addition to the many friends ofv yagers who will be op. hand to greetthe liner, a delegation of officials fromthe exposition company "will also be onhand. They will extend welcome to twoJapanes commissioners to the 1915exposition.

A number of prominent San Francis-cans are coming home on the Shinyo.

Stars, and Stripe* for BrltUacrThe British built steamer Damara,

owned by fesehen & Minor of this port,arrived yesterday from Buenos Ayresvia Pan Pedro.

Considerable interest is attached tothe big freighter by shipping men, forthe reason that it has just recently

"been granted the right to fly the Amer-ican flag, by special act of congress.

This privilege of registry is extendedrarely to vessels of foreign build, butwas given because of the fact thatJl' in repair? was spent on theDamara subsequent to its being runasnore on the Fort point rocks twoyears ago. This equaled more than halfthe original cost of the freighter, ful-filling the requirement of maritime lawthat a foreign vessel shall not operateunder the stars and Ptripes unless suchan expenditure is made for either re-pairs or improvements, the work to bedone in an American shipyard.

The Damara came into port with theBritish flag at its masthead, but willleave with that of the United Statesflying. During the voyage from SouthAmerica pleasant weather was encoun-tered al! the way and no untowardincident was reported by Captain Mc-I-ennan. A cargo of 6.334 tone of niterand 1.999 bags of sugar was brought bythe freighter. The Damara will be putinto the canal trade with the openingof that avenue between the oceans.

Heavy settling? in Prtbyloffa

A great number of sealskins arebeing taken on the government sealrookeries in the Pribyloff group underfederal supervision, according to ad-vices received by the marine depart-ment of the chamber of commerce. Theskins are being Btored at St. Paulisland in the little camp maintainedthere for the purpose, and a vessel willbe chartered from this port soon tobring the valuable furs here.

They will be re-dressed, being pre-»'s< -ve4 in salt until turned over to the

ers, and then shipped to London.4 cargo the vessel will bring from

the Islands will be valued at thousandsof dollars. Under the treaty whichwent into effect December 15, 1911, theCanadian government receives 15 perrent from all seals taken at the famousrr.keries. Inspectors are maintainedthere by the dominion for the purposer>f keeping count of the animals takenin the killings.

Wllhelmlna Due Teraorrow

"With a heavy cargo of islandproducts and a large passenger list.the liner TVilnelmina of the Matsontine is due to arrive tomorrow morningf-om Honolulu. Wireless advices are tothe effect that the steamer has enjoyedropitioufl weather durins , the trip

D\u03b1 the territory, arid that it will- !?= in about daylight and dock beforeon.

Funeral of Popular Pilot

The funeral of Captain Steve Castle,? t oldest pilot of the port in point of- rvice, having been in the service

since 1879 until recently, when hie lastillness caused him to retire, was heldypsterdav from King Solomon's hallunder the auspices of the Oriental jIo4f« of Masons, of which fraternitythe deceased was a member for manyyears.

The services were attended by many6hipping men, as well as other friendsof the veteran pilot, among whom heenjoyed a reputation for uprightnessand fairness of mind, tempered witha sterling character. Beautiful floralofferings were in evidence at the fu-neral, testifying to the esteem in whichraptain Castle was held. The bodywas cremated at Cypress lawn ceme-tery.

Rineon Rock DemolishedEngineers who have been engaged

in dynamiting rtincon rock off thefoot of Harrison street for the lastsix months have completed the work,*nd the old menace to navigation^iscorrtpletely gone. The work has be>naccepted as satisfactory to the govern-ment. Where the rocke formerly threat-ened damage to vessels in the southpart of the harbor there is now 42 feetof water at high tide.

Water Frost Jfotee

The Estbrook Steamship companyhas received its new steam schooner,Speedwell, which will be put Into com-Jfc. '-sion in the coastwise trade. TheBr-eedwell will operate in conjunctionwith the Fifield aed Bandon of thecompany's fleet.

The steam schooner Brunswick ar-rived yesterday from Fort Bragg andreported speaking the tug Dauntless,which is towing a big log raft from theColumbia river to San Diego.

The Pacific Coast steamship com-pany's steamer Governor arrived yes-terday from Seattle with a heavy cargoand large Hat of passengers.

BY TTNITED WIRELESSSaturday. Jnlf 2f>.

BARGE 91?In tow ti!2 Deflanre. hence Jiilv 30for Astoria: S j>. in., passed Point Bomlta: mn<l-crate northwest trind and $ta; clear; barom-eter 2*.S*.

BRITISH STEAMER PERSIA?Hence Juir 20for China yin Honeftjlu; S p. m.. *7 mile* nft ,Si;] Fran -Isco; nnrtbwfst wind; clear; barotu- jeter 30."7.


STEAMER ARGYLL?From San Franoinoo forSt-i\u25a0?'.\u25a0; 8 p. ni.. 44" rni!<-s from Saii Francisro;freatber in*: wlm! pootheast; H-a smooth;h«mm<'ter 20.9.">; temperature f>2.

STEAMER OLEUM?From Portln?id for Tort Sanr,m«: s p. in.. 475 mile* north <>f Psn Fran-rtoco; Hjrht smitli wrtnd; f-a sin'«>t',i: weal her ihazy: baroawtcc 20.52; temperature W.

Sunday. Jniv 21.STEAMER ATLAS?With bar»e Stt in tow, from

Seattle f«r San Francisco, will arrive 6 p. n>.STEAMER CARLOS? Tnm rWUaai for «?an

Frauci*co; will «rrire 4:30 p. uj.

STEAMER WASHTENAW?4>ue at San Fran-.'?!«<?<» t p. m.

STEAMER GOVERNOR?From Seattle for SanFranHeco: due 2:l'* i>. m. .





??-?- ? ??


Sun. Moos and Tide

United States coast and jteodetic stirrer ?Time !and height* of tides at Fort Point. For cityfront (Minion street wharf) add 2."i mtnutps.



Pf-nth at mean low water, entrance to harbor.

V. %. Rrnnrh Hj-dropraphlo OffveA brftnrli of the United Stato* hydro«repble

Ofn>r. livatPrt in the Merchatits,

Exchange, ifmaintained In San Francisco fcr the benefit ofrnarioer*. without reesrrt to nationality and freeof expense. Navigators are cordially Invited to

risit the office, where a complete set of chart*and sailing directions of the world are kept at

hand for r-omperison and reference, and the latentinformation can always be obtained ngsrdlnglights. danger* to navigation and matters oflDterest to ocean commerce.

W. H. FAHLBUSCH. Temporarily In Ctiarge.


Items of Interest to Mariners ofthe Pacific

[Special Dispatch to The Call]EUREKA, July 2i.?The Mearner City of To-

pek*. with freight, mail and pas«enger*. ar-rived from B*n Francisco eerly thU morningand departed In the afternoou on the return trip :SO'! Til.

The uteamera San Pedro and Despatch arrivedfrom San FrancUeo early tbia afternoon to leadlumber cargo at hay owinta.

The power boati Martha «nrt Katata departedtuix aftern.v>n for Klamath point*.

V'-reign Khtproenrs, which have been ratherMack dnrinjt the la*t or so. will recelre

'irenewed impetus tht* week with the arrival of

'thf Brltinh uteamer KaliMa. due here Tuesday,mid the Strathmore. which !? expected Friday.Lumber will cempoeie the cargoes of both.

ASTO&IA. July 21.?The atcftmer Bear, withfreight and paMengera from Ran Franeteco, ar-rired early this mornfnjr and proceeded.

The steam echrwjner Toaater arrlred from Cali-fornia today with ncenertl freight far Portlandand will load lumber for a return.

The uteamer Ro«noke. with freight and p*e«en>gfrs from San Pedro and way port*, arrived thtaafternoon and pniceeded.

The st.*amer Alliance, with freight and pa»-M>ngers from Eiirek* and Com Bay. arrived thisafteroonn and proceeded.

The ateamer Beaver, with freight and pawen-gera for San Frtncltco and Ran Pedro, tailed telaevening.

SAX PEDRO, July 21?The San Prandaeo andPort lend company ,

* eteamer Rose City arrivedthin morning on ntbeduln from Portland via Aa-torla and Ban Franoieco with a large paaaengerami freight lift and will clear on the returnvoyage tomorrow afternoon.

The Pacific Coant company's ateamer Queen re-turned this morning from Ran Diego and aftartaking paxiiengera and additional cargo proceededfor Ban Franciwo via Kant* Barbara.

TUe Bteamer (Jeorge W. Faowick completed Ue

discharge of 2,550,000 feet of lumber for theHammond Lumber company at Terminal andcleared in balla»t for the Columbia rlrer directto load a return canto for the »m« company.

The Bteamer Santa Barbara arrired yesterdayfrom Wlllapa harbor rla San Francisco and hasgone to Long Beach to discbarge 180.000 feet oflumber consigned to the Lous Beach Improremeatcompany.

Carrying passengers and freight for the WestCoast Steamship company and 575.000 feet oflumber for the Southern California Lumber com-pany and other consignee*, the steamer Norwoodhas cleared from Graya Harbor Tia San Franciscofor tiiiti port.

The Pacitc Navigation company's steamer Yalearrived this morning from Ran Diego.

Steamer Alcatraz nnisued the discharge of 300.---000 feet of lumber for the Southern CaliforniaLumber company and cleared for Greenwood viaSan Francisco to load a return cargo for thesame company.

The steamer Daisy Freeman ha* arrived, fivedays from Llnnton. bringing 850.000 feet oflumber consigned to tbe San Pedro Lumber com-pany.

The steamer Balnier today began the discbargeof a cargo of lumber at the wharf of the PacificWharf and Storage company, recently completedat a cost of 1110.000. at East San Pedro. Thefacilities for handling cargoes at this wharf aremodem in every respect and tbe Rainler's cargois the first to be discharged at the new wharf.

The Pacific Navigation company's steamer Har-vard, arriving thin morning from San Fram-lscowith passengers and freight, doubled back toSan Franciaco tonight and on arrival will goon dryilook fur oleauiug and repair*. The steamerVale will dor,!>!«> up on tbe schedule while theHarvard is t> ? V.\t ways.

With a pt-nernl carjro of Atlantic coast mer-chandise. th<: li! Ifle Mail freighter Aztec, Cap-tain Holland, is due from Balboa Tuesday.

The Koemos eteatuer Sals, from Hamburg witha cargo of European aud South American mer-chandise for Log Angele* and San Franclnco con-signees, left Iquique. Chile. July 8, and shouldarrive here next week.

The harbor improvements to be made by theSalt Lake railroad will includt great coal bunkeruat East San Pedro, according to informationjtiven the harbor commission by officials of theroad, to store large quantities of coal shippedfroni rtah. W. A. Clark, president of the road,intimated that the plans would call for coalImnkrrs wheu he was in San Pedro a few monthsago.

The work of the Standard American Dredgingcompany of San Francisco on tbe big municipalfill at Wilmington is practically completed andthe turbine, the only dredger of Its kiud. willbe transferred to otht-r work, probably in theouter harbor. Tbe turbine has been having badlack at Wilmington on account of overloading.Shortly after the big machine began work therea casting on the tnrbine engine broke, costing$8,000 to replace it. and a few days ago a sec-ond break cost $.">,OOO. In Honolulu tbe machineran without a break and made $250,000 for thecompany.

Arrivals today include the steamer Shasta, fivedays from BeHiughaai. carrying 900.000 feet oflumber consigned to the E. K. Wood Lumber com-pany.

The achooner Oceania Vance is ont two daysfrom Aberdeen with BOO.OUO feet of lumber forconsignees at this port.

The big barkentiae Oeogina has arrived, eightday* from Grays Harbor, carrying 1.175,000 feetof lumber -consigned to the San Pedro Lumbercompany and other local wholesale yards.

The steamer Mendalay. arriving this afternoonthree days from Crescent City via Sun Francisco,discharged paseeugers end freight for the WestCoast Steamship company and proceeded tonightfor San Diego carrying 400,000 feet for differentconsignees at the southern port.

The steamer Wlllapa has arrived, five daysfrom Willapa harbor, carrying 850.000 feet oflumber consigned to the San Pedro Lumber com-panr.

The steamer Tahoe. arriving this morning fivedays from Willapa harbor, will discharge 900.000feet of lumber for the Southern California Lum-ber company.

The steamer Tamplco completed the dischargeof 1,750.000 feet of lumber in the Southern Pa-cific slip for various consignee* and cleared forSan Francisco in ballast for orders.

One hundred members of the I. W. W. made anattempt thle morning to tie up business on thewater front when 100 members of that organiza-tion went on strike and refneed to work veseelsIn the harbor. Tbe crew discharging the steamerSanta Barbara was called out. but all other ves-sels were able to obtain sufficient men to dis-charge their cargoes. Including the passenger andfreight steamer Rose City, arriving this morningfrom Portland.

PORTLAND. July 21.?The steamer Pleiadeswill sail at miilnlßbt for Gray* Harbor to loadlumber for Panama.

The steamer l*thniian will sail at 0 o'clocktomorrow rooming for San Francisco with acargo of general merchandise for the east.

The oil tank steamer W. S. Porter sailed forCalifornia today after havinf discharged a cargoof fuel oil.

The ateamer Bear arrived thie afternoon fromSan Pedro and San Francisco with 300 passen-gers and 1.700 toes of freight, after a pleaMntand uneventful passage. It sailed at 2 o'clockFriday afternoon from San Francisco and loafednp the coast In time to reach the mouth of theColumbia nnd from in at daylight.

The eteaw schooner Yellowstone, with a cargoof lumber from St. Helen* for Sau Pedro, is ex-pected to go to sea tomorrow,morning.

Tbe steamer Rotinoke arrived late tonight fromSan Pedro and San Francisco with freight andpassengers.

The steam schooner Coaster arrived todayfrom San Francisco with a general cargo andwill load lumber for a return.

The steam sehoouer Jim Butler, with a cargoof lumber from Knappton for San Francisco,went to sen today.

Tbe steamer Beaver sailed this morning forSan Francisco and San Pedro with a cabin ca-pacity and a large freight cargo.

The freight steamer Alliance arrived late to-night from Eureka and Coos Bay with freightand passengers.

The Standard Oil company's barg? No. 92, witha cargo ofNjfuel'oll. is due to arrive today fromSan trancisoo in tow of the Defiance.

SEATTLE. July i>l.?Arrived?Steamers Jeffer-son, from Skagway; Prince George, from PrinceRupert: Hornet, from San Francisco.

Sailed ?Steamers Senator, for Nome; Hum-boldt. for Skagwar: Prince George., for PrinceRupert; Yukon, for S*an Francisco.


Saturday. July 20.8:40 p. m., pnirer sehr Randolph. Anderson, 55

hours from Port Qrford; 4.000,000 shingle« to

Robert Dollar company.Snnday, July 21.

1 p. m.. stmr Washteuaw. Graham. 3Vi day*fron Vancouver; ballast to Unioa Oil company;up river direct.

1:40 p. m.. »(mr Brooklyn, Swanaon. 45 hoursfrom Bandon; passenger* and merchandise to Sud-den * Cbri»ten»*>n.

1:40 p. in., attnr Prentiso, Hansen. 83 hoursfrom Eureka: 400,000 feet lumber to PacificLumber company.

1:30 p. n>.. Br stmr Damara. SlcLellan, "?"day* from Bnrnoc Aires, via Callao 18 days. tI«San Pedro 42 hour*: fi,S54 too* nitre, 1,998 bagscoco* to W. R. Orare.

2:85 r>. m.. stmr Phoenix. Kokeritt, 23 hoursfrom Eureka; 263,600 feet lumber to £. J.Dod*e 4 Co.

Else p. Di.. stmr Governor, Cousin*. 53 hour*from Seattle; passengers and merchandise toparlflc Coaat Steamship company.

3:40 p. tn.. stmr Carlo*. Peterson. 56 boarsfrom Astoria: 700 tone wbeat, 400,000 feetlumber to Olson k Mabony.

4 p. m.. stmr Hoqaiam, Re!nertsen, 71 boarsfrom Grays Harbor; 740,000 feet lumber toBowes & Andrews.

4:25 p. m.. wfmr Westerner. Kelly, 75 hour*from Grays Harbor; 530,000 feet lumber to Olson

* Mabony.4:25 p. m.. stmr Hardy. Micbelsen, 55 hours

from Cone Bay: 470,000 feet lumber to C. A.Smith Lumber company.

4:25 p. m.. etmr Atlaa. Smith. 3«, iday* fromSeattle; ballast to Standard OH company.

4:25 p. m . barjre HS. Klrkwood. 3^3 days fromSeattle; ballast to Standard Oil company.

4:33 p. m.. ftmr Hyade*. Madten. 8 days 17feoare from Hllo; merehandlme to Matsoo Naviga-tion company.

p. m.. etmr RaralH. Nelson. 24 bonrsfrom Enreka; 840.WM) feet lumber to HammondLumber company.

6:05 p. o>.. atmr Santa Clara, Jensen. 22 hoursfrom Port San paMenger* and merchandiseto North Pacific Steamship company.

SAILEt)Saturday. July SO.

11:40 p. m.. atmr Point Arena, Fagerstrom,Eureka.

ftp. m., etmr Daisy, Smith, Grays Harbor.0:40 p. m.. atmr Bee. Wehman, Vancouver. .10:2". p. m., star Fair Oaks, Ahlln. Grays

Harbor.Sunday. July 21.

11:35 a. m., etmr James 8. Htgglna, Eliasen,San Pedro.

12:30 p. m., stmr Centralta, Carlson, SanPedro.

12:30 p. m., stmr G. W. Elder, Thomsen, SaaPedro.

12:40 p. m., etmr Noyo, Johnson. San Pedro.(; 20 p. m.. stmr Porno. Ulleland, Albion.3 p. m., stmr Acme. Olsen. Burelca.

TBLRGRAPHICPOINT LOBOS. July 21. 10 p. ra? Weather

hasy; wind NW; velocity 8 miles an hour.DOMESTIC PORTS

SANTA BARBARA?Arrived July 21?StmrQoeen. from San Diego.

Sailed July 21?Stmr Queen, for San FrancUco.BANDON?Arrived July 20, 3 p. m.?Stmr

KUzabetu. hence July I\u03b2: 3 p. m., etmr Bandon,hence July 18.

SAN DlEGO?Arrived July 20? Br tug Dread-fql. from Newcastle. Eng.

SANTA CRtT^?Arrived Jely 20?tT. 8. nun-marines Carp and Barracouta. hence July 20.

TACOMA?Sailed July 20, midnight?SterArisonan. for Honolulu.

ASTORIA?SaiIed July 21. 10 a. m.?Rtmr W.S. Porter, for Monterey; 6 p. a., etmr Beaver,for San Francisco.

Arrived July 21, 1 p. m.?#tmr Roanoke, henceJuly 19; ?. p. m.. stmr Alliance, from Ooos Bay;«tmr Northland, hence July 19.

ECREKA?Arrived July 21, 2 p. m.?Stmr BanPedro, hence. July 20; 3 p. to., star Despatch,hence July 20.

TATOOSH?Passed July 21. 4 a. m.?StarCapt. A. F. Lucas, from Seattle (or San ftaa-c|sco; 5 a. n>.. etmr Falrhaven, from forffiin Francisco; 9:24 a. m.. Ocr bar* FriedaMabn, from Victoria (or Unite* Kingdom; 1:20

f>. m., stmr Arizonan. from Tacoma for Hono-ulu.

Outside bound in July 21?Three masted flchr.COOS BAY?Sailed July 21, 3 p. m.?Stmr

Breakwater, for Astoria.SEATTLE?Arrived July 21, 4:30 a. m.?Stmr

Hornet, hence July 16.Bailed July fl. 10 a. m.?Stmr Senator, for

Nome; stmr Hutuboldt, for Skitgway; 2 p. m.,stmr Yukou, for San Francisco.

JUNEAi:?Sailed July 19?Stmr Admiral Samp-son, for Sen tile.

WRAXGEIX?Arrived July 20?Stmr Dolphin,from Skagway.

GRAYS HARBOR?Arrived July 21, 12 in.?Stmr Daisy Mitchell, hence July 18.

Sailed July 21, 2 p. m.?Stmr Newburg, forSan Francisco.

PORT SAN LUIS? Arrived July 21, 3 p. m.?Bktn KiilitTton, ia tow tug Stea Rover, henceJuly 20.

Sailed July 21, 1 a. m.?Stmr Santa Rita, forHonolulu; 8 a. m.. stnir WUittier, for SanFrancisco: 10 a. m., stmr Catania, for San Fran-cisco; 0 p. in., bktn Fuller ton, in tow tug SeaRorer. for San Francisco.

POUT TOWNSEND?SaiIed July 21?Schr Rob-ert Lewers, for Honolulu.

ISLAND PORTS'HONOLTTI.r? Arrived July 21?Nor etmr Pro-

nietheiis, from Kakatoa.OCEAN STEAMERS

NEW YORK?Arrived July 21?Stmr Cale-donia, from Glasgow; stmr Csar, from Libau.

DOVER?Arrived July 21?Stmr Finland, fromStockholm for New York: stmr Lapland, fromNew York for Antwerp, and proceeded.

Sniled July 'Jl?Stuir Vaderland, for New York.SOUTHAMPTON?Arrived July i',l? Stmr Ma-

jestic, from New York.

Army Transports)Buford?At San Francisco.Crook?At San Francisco.Logan?Left San Francisco July 5 en route

to Manila. P. I.Sheridan ?Due at Tacoma about 15th Instant

from Alaskan ports.Sherman?At San Francisco.Thomas? At Manila. Scheduled to sail for

San Francisco July 15.« \u25a0 . . »

I Weather Report j\u2666> ! *\u25a0

Ugited States Department of Agriculture?Weather bureau. Sau Francisco. July 21, 1912:


PACIFIC COAST STATIONSIn the following tables the maximum aod mini-

mum temperatures and rainfall arc given.


SYNOPSIS OF WEATHER CONDITIONSA trough of low pressure overlies the inter-

mountain rescion cousin* cloudy weather, wtthshowers and thunder storms over the northPacific states and in Arizona, and fair weatherelsewhere west of the Rocky mountains. An-other depression is central o»#r the north At-lantic coast causing generally cloudy and unset-tled weather with thunder storms and rain eastof the Rocky mountains. The temperaturechanges have been slight in all districts. Con-ditions are favorable for fair weather In thisdistrict Monday.

FORECASTForecast for the 30 hours ending at midnight,

Saturday. July 20, 1»12:Saw Francisco and vicinity?Fair Monday;

moderate west wind.Sacramento Valley?Fair Monday; light south

wind.Santa Clara Valley?Fair Monday; night north-

west wind.San .Toaquin Valley?Fair Monday; light north-

Wfst wind.California, nouta of Tehachapi?Fair Monday;

light west wind.«. H. WILLSON. local forecaster.


3 WashtnEtcnlTier IT TTn1oo 1r. Jackson |Pi« 13 Union 27 PwUc'PlM 21 Filbert9 Broadway HPier 23 Ownwloii 1

11 Broadwar 2!rier Greenwich 213 VallfjoPier 27 Lombard15 GroenlPifr 51 Powell

Pier 2 .Mtsnion 1(Pier 24 SpearPier 4 Mission 2'Pler 28 MainPipr A Howard UPearJW BeelePier S Howanl 2if'iPr .",« FremontPipr 10 Howard 8iPi*r 3ft HretPier 12 Foleom 1 'Pier 401Pier 14 Fnlsom 2 Pier 42 }P. M. S. S. Co.Pier I\u03b2 Herrlxon'PlCT 44 JPi«»r 20 mmmtt Tier 54 Fonrth

iDateLog Angles In<iu« IJuly 22Sal. Cm« & Sao Diepo. |N>T«(lan July 22Oray* Harbor jCentnilia (July 22Is*. Angeles lobrtiall* |J"l.v T2Hnmboldt |F. A. Ktlburn.. .iJnly TiMendoclno £ Sliei. CovelSea F>t*m iJuly 22Buenos Aire« & Cullao.-Darnara July 22OravB Harbor (Norwood IJuly 22Portifind & Astoria |Yo*enitte 'Ju'T 22Nanaimo rO'eHlnpton Uuly 22Tacoma iSheridan IJnly 22(Jrays Harbor !Tamalpi»h« 'July 22r.rays Harbor I\u03b2. C. Undauer.. jJuiy 22Sen Di*go & Ijou Ann.. Harvard I-Tiily 22fian Diego & Los Anjr..|Quwn i.Tuly 22China & Japan iShlnyo JIani J«!r 22Tort San Lnls Coos B«.v I July 22Willapn Harbor Daisy Cadsby... Tnlr 22Tooe Bay IRedondo 'Jnljr 2.'{

Humboldt IVanjruard J"ly 23Honolulo IWilhelmina !JoI.v 2^lx» Anpeles |Row City .Inly 2-Tliumboidt ICity of Topeka.. Jnly 23Portland & Astoria JBmw |J«ly 23San Plpprv & L(M Ang..!Yalr Unly 24f .C\u03b2 Anpeles-. 'Haoalel !Jtily 24Shuttle & Tacoma !VuH'ii !J«lv 24Shanghai iBuffalo j-luly 24I-os Anceles !S«nta Barbsra. ..I.Tuly 2.1Sau DIpro & Los Anjr.Geo. W. Elder.. IJnly 25rortUnd & Asterin jlstUmlan (July 25I'ofnt Arena & Albion.. ll'ouio J"ly 25Balboa & San Pedro !A«t«>e July 25San I>dro & Way PortsiCnrarao July 26San Diego & I.os Ang. .[Governor i.Tuly 2ePuiret Sound Portu [Tuiatilla 'July Z\u03b2Fort Brajrg iBrunswlrb July 27Bult-oa !Ran Jo»e !J«"'y 27Portland & Aetorta

, IRoanoke \3n\y 27Manila & Mororan IBpssIp Dollar. . ..'July 2iShanehai Pakotah iJuly 27WHlapa Hnrbor [Santa Monica. . July 27

Date I Steanwr I Destination | SalU *Pl*r

Jnly 22 Iaqua jHumhoIdt ..! » pmj r>3Julv 22 Yosomite Lo« Angeles.! 4 pm 51July 22 Chebalis ;Orajn« Harbor: 10 amJuly 22 jCuracao 'San Pedro... :in ami 11July 22JNorwood iLoo AnKflee.! 2 pm!July 22!K«r«-ka (Santa Crnz.. 1 e pm 13July 22 Governor iSan DIe*o. ..< 2 pmj 9July 22T. A. Kilburn..'Humboldt .. W am! 13Jnly 22 Svoa 'Gray* Harbor 3 pm' 10

July 20 Santa Clara 'Sen DI*r°---: 2 pm 13July 23 City of Pu«bU. IPnsret Sound. 2 pm 9July 23 'PujrPt Sound. 3 pm 10July 24 Carlo* Portland ... T pm 27July 24 Peni 'Balboa |12 ra 42July 24'Row City Portland ...|12 m' 4«July 24 Manuka 'Sydney 11 am! 12July M-'Lnrltne "Honoltilu ...12 Bit ftJuly 24'Cooa Bay !Pt. San Lul». 4 pm, 11July 24 Sea Foem .. 4 pm 4

Jolv 24 Yale Ken I>lw>... 4 pm 7July 24'Bronewick !F«rt Bragg..! 3 pm' 8July 24 PlKK-nix Humboldt .. j 1 pm! 10July 24'Tiwton Wwfft Sonnd.| 4 pm 1 19July 25 Reflondo DM Bay 3 pmj 10July 25 nty of Top*ka.iHiimboldt ..ill am! 11July 25 Hahnlti (I>» Angrl**. 2 pm 19J.ily 25 Santa Barbara.. "VVUlapa Her.July 25 M* AnjMee.ill »m 40July U?> Daisy Gadsbr... Willapa Her.! 4 pm 27July 2." Queen San IUego... Ill aw! ft

July 2ft Korea IHoBRkonp ...j I pmj 42July 26 Chae. Nelson... JTuget Sound.] 5 pml 3*July 2e:O«v>. W Elder. (Portland ...10«m|13July 26;Vanp«ard iHumboldt ..10 am 19July 27 Roenoke ISan. Dieffo.. . 7 pm> 13July 27 Governor 'Pupet Sfmnd. 2 pmj 9July 27 Yunon ....iPuret 8wmd. 3 pm! 10July 27!Santa Monica... !f,os Anitelea. 10 am! 81

Destination St'-nmor IPate

Nome & St. MIeht*!Skagway & Way Port*. City of Seattle..!Vald« & S*ward Ad. 8ami»sonPkatrwa.v k. War Ports. 'Spokane


Sun rta*a JsjjS«n «*ts 7:28Moon *rU «? in.FuU moon Jnly 28. at 8:19 p. m.Last quarts moon Aupist 5. at R:0O t>. m.

i Ftrime, iTime1! Ft ! ?- Ft Ft

L W !H Wj |L W| IIW|22.' 0:17 1.1 7:011 ».7(ll:2li 2.7j 6:12 5.723-. l:3Ot 0.7 8:271 S.5|12:13 3.H 6:5« 5.824..' 2:29 0.2 9:40! ».«' 1:18) 3.3! T:43 5.925..' 3:17?O.2'lft:S71 3.7' 2:12! 8.51 8:27 «.»2«.. 3.»' itS S-\u03b2: »:1« .VW<>T 4-;'.5'?fl.e!l2:«2? 4.0 t:SBj I.W 9:50 .V«2R \u25a0 r.OT ?O.7 12:Se' 4.1! 4:4O' S.4'10:34ln^

PLACE ! Ft IDate |

Her 17 in channel.

Collim. t. ~23 : Jiily 1

north nndor thf r»«f.I I Channel fairly «trai*htMay 25! und just north of barI I buo.v.Siufrlaw

June 2TC h a n n * 1 shifting toa n


.in Tl. STraieui runntiilie II. »u»nui vuauirro

HmWdt B- IS !Jnl» 2! bo soundins* In aorth(hann<"l: north channel

} J not used.S Pfdro Bl fa |J»ly t Ch»nn»l 200 t*tt widf.S~nifg«« n; 31 |Jnn«> 1»!S Pablo B* XT»s Nov. 3o;T>pth In dredfed chan-! LJ 1*

,!: ?

Als*7« B.i T iMay 24!StraF*Ut channel andI I goxl width.

-: \u25a0\u25a0' v ?:. ..--, v\u25a0'?\u25a0\u25a0>_ . . \u25a0 .STATIONS 'o' ?A S\u03b2Si;

2*:\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0 -\u25a0 '\u25a0\u25a0 .,.. , . \u25a0'

EurekaRed BluBfSacramentoMt. TamalpaisSan Francisco '..San JoseFresnoIndependenceSan I.uln Obispo |Los Anrelea JSan Diego

0.00 I 0.0* I0.11O.OO 0.04 I 0.000.00 ' 0.00 i0.000.00 I0.00 0.01o.oo ! o.oo o.oi0.00 0.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.000.00 0.6H I 0.000.00 IO.ftO [ 0.010.00 T. I 0.000.00 IO.Ofi I 0.00




0.00 \u25a00.000.000.02 ;





11! I II? I"! I STATIONS £ fc3 2 : 3 2


Btker 1 7«,52 .20Bolne 86!eo MDel Monte.' 72'5)<l ;<K||Eureka ...' W .'0 .00Flantaff . T4 54. .O\u03b2Fresno I 90se2! .WHelena 82 56; T.Honolulu ..' .0(Iiidepndence.! MI52 .00Kallspell ...' 78|5e .00Lou Angele* §0 62 .00Modena S\u03b2!5«! .fifiM. Tanmlpx! «2(93' .<Hi

Head) 5*S\u03b2! .22Nortli Head SSlsej .22r. r. u«ht! eo|52| m


Portland ..| O\u03b2Red Bluff..! M|Reno 78'.Rosebura , .. 7ftt:Salt Lake... 72|iiSan Diego.. 72 <San Franeco «4jSan Joee... 7fi;S.K. Faraln 02,Spokane ...! 84 <Summit flli;

iTacouw 62iTatootib B2!Walla 801

: Wtnnemca i m<JYnma |10e|j


I-24I.09! .oo

Abilene ... »4 "?! .(X. IKansas Cty! 841741 .08Atlantic Cty 7e[e6 ..TO Knoxvllle J 90;? .0<iBoston 70ra9rl.(e Louisville . 86 76 .50Buffalo 72W)S ,?.2 Memphis ..$*>'76 .00Charleston . 8O|7)*j .00 Montgomery j00'74 .01Chicago ... «6«4 .S\u03b2 Mnntrp«l ,| UfW .O\u03b2DenTor | lelflO1. .011 Monrhoa.l ..! T4)M] .00Pes Molnes.; 7« fi2' .00 N«-w Orleans' »? 7H, .74!>f»dc*> Clty.'niee! .00 NVw York. 74 <W 1.90Duluth I «4'54 .,00 ! North Platte 86 -'.S! .00DuiHiigo ...| 82152 .02f Oklahoma . flft!7fii .00Kastport ...! (B 4A .02i Plttubure .. 74 6e!2.36OaWeston ..| 8R82 .00 |St. Ij>ui«...l KS7R .02Orfen Bay. 76 58! .02JSt. Paul... 7K'r..S .00Hatteras .. 84!74 .OOllTainna ! r)2i74, ! .00Ha»re I 82150! .OOJ 7e!6e .12Huron I 8O!eoj .00>jWishtnpton I 00164 .20Jacksonville | «2'74| .3«iiWinn!poK .! RR

,?| .00



FINANCED and MANAGEDSO Pin* Street New York


AtrCTIONEBROfftee and salesroo*. coraer Van N«w and Sae-

rameato (former Walter bonding). Phooe?mnklln 2804, B«M OMSS; (iaMraea. M\u03b2 Aaa.bury.



75 head of all purpose horses and mares atMission Sale Stable. 430 Valencia st. Outsidestock sold on commission.

H. COHEN, Auctioneer.

FOR SALE «V-^2&£ At the GOLDEN WEST STABLE .2fcS2TO and 272 Fell St. ~~-»

One car of mares and horses, weight fromI.SOO to I.TOO lbs: young and sound, all goodworkers; some good farm horses and ruar*«. sorefooted. Phone Market 3S7T. JOS. LEVY.


Ottea art Salaarooaia. 114* MeAll****VPars highest arm far all *to*e «* fJaroltßre.awretaaaW ?«? Hoeaae boegfct la thctr ?»-tlraty. Goods sold an eoeelaeioe.

Phone?Park MO, S2e*2.

J H. TAYLOR CURTIS, Auctioneer 4


<7 The Library of the Late |r

f Edward Wesson $}HOW COmffieDC,Dg



Juet In?Weigh* 1.200 to 1.700 ponads.HORSES AND VEHICLES TO LET

G. LINDAUEB. 122 Clara St.






LEAVE FBOM PIERS » ASD 11Berth and Meals Included In Fare

Lou A\u25a0vein. San Diego, *Santa BarbaraPresident or Gorernor Every Monday. 2 p. m.?Queen Every Thursday. 11 a. b>.

'Only steamer calling at Santa Barbara.Seattle (Direct), Taeoma, Totraaead,

Victoria, Vancouver, AlaakaPresident or Governor.. .Every Saturday. 2 p. na.City of Pnebla or Umatilla.. .Every Tnea.. 2p. m.

Eureka (Hnraboldt Bay)Topeka.July 20, 26, 20. 11 a. m.; Aug. 3, 12 noon

Alaska Cruises, 1912. Leare SeattleSpokane...Wednesday. July 31; Aug. 1«. 0 p. m.Some, St. Michael (Direct), Leave SeattleSenator Jnly 21, Aug. I\u03b2, Sept. il, Oct. 7

Right reserved to change tbls schedule.

TICKET OFFICES?PaIace Hotel, 958 Market at,16 Market ft. and Broadway Wharf.

Telephone Xearny 4M.OAKLAND?I226 Broadway. Tel. Oakland 5680.BERKELEY?2I2S Shattuck ay. Tel. Berke. 44.

C. D. DL'XAXS. Passenger Traffic Manager.


Regular Faat Fretg-fct ServiceNEW YORK TO PACIFIC COAST

PORTS AND HAWAIIAN ISLANDS.R&ilinß from New York every six days,making, direct connections with Pacificsteamers sailing, from Salina Crux,Mex., every six days for San Francisco.

PACIFIC COAST PORTS TO NEWYORK. Also to Mexican and all prin-cipal European ports under throughrates and through bills of lading. Sail-insrs from San Francisco every 12 days.

For rates a/id further particulars ap-ply to DEARBORN & LAPHAM, Gen-eral Agents, 8 Bridge street. NewYork. WILLIAMS, DIMOND & CO..General Agents, Pacific Coast.

310 Sansome St., San Francisco.


a. 8. Bhinyo Mara <n«w).. Satordar. Aag. «, ltltB. 8. Chive Mara Saturday. Aogvat SI. UIS8. 8. Nippon Mam (Intermediate Barrio*

Saloon accommodations at reduce* rates)Saturday. September Ml, 1918

S. S. Tenyo Mara < via Manila direct)Friday. September 17, 1911

Steamers sail from eompaay's pier. Mo. 94.near foot of Brnnnan it., at 1 p. m.. for Yoko-hama and Hongkong, calling at Honolulu, Kobe(Hlogo) and Nagasaki and Shanghai, and con-necting at Hongkong with atearaen for Manila,India, etc. No cargo received on board on day ofsailing. Konnd trip tickets at reduced ratea.

For freight and paaaage apply at office, 4thfloor. Western Metropolis National Bank building.685 Market tt W. H. AVEBY,

Aaaiatant General Manager.


Splendid steamer* (10,000 ton*). VBXTL'fiAnails July 30. SONOMA, Aug. 37. and ever? 28days, for HONOLULU, PANOO I'ANGO(SAMOA) and SYDNEY. Low rates. nO' T NDWORLD $600 Ist claas, $375 -'d claa«, vU Cey-lon and Mediterranean. Stopovers.HONOI,O.r *110 and Bark Flrat Claaa

gailings July 1«. 30; Aug. 11, 27. ate.OCEANIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY

UTS Market St. Plume gutter 94S

IL Le*,e".f«^:^P p*cnf.oBte^t L JIKi-fyrWTUN DinO, Wadaaadaya andFridays. For folders,

tions aad informatien appL*

»* ft*laarket St. t^^^T^^tkfuliiiili I a » SID

HflU'AI 111 I! 8- 8- LUBLIN! (13,000nimULULU tons) sails noon. July 24.

for Honolulu and Kahnlul.WILHET.MINA (13,290 tons) valla noon.July 31, for Honolulu and Hllo. 8. 8. BONO-

LULAN (13.000 tonx) satin soon. Augvtt T. forHonelalu and Kahulni. Bound trip, San Fraa-cisco to Honolulu, 9110 and up.


AUSTRALIAand New ZealandVIA TAHITI. KABOTONGA * WELLINGTON8. 8. MANUKAOU.OuO tone) aalla 11 a.m. July 24b. 8. AOBANOI (8,000 tooa) saiU 11 a. a>. Aug. SI

And every 28 days thereafter.WIOV 8. 8. CO. Or MVW ZXALAX9. JLXD.HIND, KOLI'IX * CO.. Gee. A*ta., aio Cat. at.Ticket Office: 67ft Market at.-iel- Douglas 3100.

18 [̂a^W^^l .'^^MUIR WOODS



U.tHfraatto j U iiir Wwai U.HtTaHsnHWeekd.y saaa»7 Weakeajf Saaday Waefcaay laaaay

S:4la 1:15it 7:20* 1 :4Ba ?:20al®10:]t*|:«P S:lsa 1:40 a 19:Sft 11 1&a

II:45t 4:SI» ! :§*>» * t:l6p :} »ij:4s« 4:s|t 4*

:«? i.Up 4:4f»! :< 5p 41:459 |:4»J 3:4Sp © MoirWoodtonly C:4ffp

?Saturda.veonly. fMonday* only. ? Mt.Tune pals only.Ti/.t*t Offi/v. f ?«e«»'«te Ferry?Tel. Kearny 4980? wt vmm ' 657 >!arke*-fel. Kearny 2751

General offiee->;ffl Valley. Gal. TtL MfllValley Sub. 81-Tmm tiltm**

,mi "Milwrm******mm

Rait and Water TripsT» your BACK BAST *a-cation tours aak the ticketaaTJaTlvltat «f«t to root* you via Tn»IKULtaal *intA Tntak Hyataa

TAlaaaal HUS tnroflga Lower Ontario toToronto er Klagatea by

saad talaada of tSe beaa>fMRtUItifal St. Lawrence Blvar

to Montreal, taaaoa taatjrjfa . Mmtaifta «t y^

\u25a0raatto Boatoa er W*ita Meeitalae to part.laad. retarataa vlasteaawr ar rail to Raw York

Track lUwte to Ojlcago *la Niagara Falle. o>tat rtreraa of thla «wte. Liberal stopeverapaTamee. Write a. tat fwrtaae «Malla aai

MaaaJtiertr SMf.. ?*? IMumlmm,


DIRECT LINE TO HAVRK?PARISS« Hinge Btwt Thoraday «nd Saturday

FROM MEW YORK TO HAVRfilT«ry Thorjdayat I\u03b2 a. a.

U. Traitmi*.. July «J £« lemlu. .Aaf. 15UTouraiM.Aug. 1 < Fnuio*(new) .An*, t>

FROM WKW TORK TO HAVRKSww a»tw«*y *t » p. «.

Chtoe** Wjr" chicle a... i 7BordMnx July «T yi?i-i. -.

.AnC' * L» Tourain*. .Au». JllUnri Ant. M WUy*r« Upt. 7rVOAZZ UOI, TvMe <W KMMtm. MO

CA&p^f??&rtmti«as^s o







THESHORTEST OCEAN PASSAGEFlr«t CeWe fjSJHI ??« m 9ssajsttx'j***:. as uj::?mtr« Clwe-uw«t ntn m w«wit.

Canadian Pacific Office. 145 Marketgt., San Francisco, and all local amenta.

UHHON. PMUS. HAMBURGaßSrkwdSSratffc!:::::^?To Membent rU SoaUmn* (24 and 34 elm).

tßlte-Carltoo a la Cute Bestaurant.GIBRALTAR, MAPLES. GENOA

S. S. MOLTKE. Aegort 20. H A. H.S. ft. HAMBURG Sept. IS, 1 P. M.

Tourist D«*t. tee lVtoe Kv«tywh#re.H nui RG-AMBRICABi LIMQ




VIACOAST LI.NBLeave (Third and Townaend Streets) Arm* \u25a0

(Subject to ehaag* without notice)

t 5.06 aValeacia Street, Ocean View, Cohaa.I Cemeteries, Btden, San Bruao t 9-3S*i 9.00* Swith San Francisco, San Jose, Gilroy.

Sargent, Fajaro, Wateonville, SantaCnu 7JOf

j 7.00* Mayfield, Los Altos, LosGatoe 12.30p

f 7.00 aSouth San Francisco, Pab Aito, SanJok. Way SUtione 7.30s

X 7-00a Monterey Excursion?San Joee, Mor-ganhiU, Gilroy, Chittenden, Pajaro.Watsonville, Sacta Crus, DelMonte, Moßteray, Pacific Grove.... \u2666 IOJOp

B.ooa Shore Line Limited?Paso Roblea HotSpringe, Santa Barbara, Lot Angeles 9.50p, 8.05 a isayfield.Los A Hos.Los Gatos, Wright,Glenwood (BouWer Creek). SantaCnu, Watsonvilie, CastroviUe, DelMonte, Monterey, Pacific Grove 9M$

i 9.00 aBaa Jok, Gilrey, Bargent, Salinas.Boledad. San Miguel, Paw RobleaHot Springs, San Luis Obispo ? 4.00 a

\u25a0 9.00 aHoffistet, Tre» Finos?"W'atsonville,i Santa Cn;z?Dei Monte, Monterey.

Pacific Grove 4UOpj 10.40 a South San Francisco, Burlingame, Sao

Mateo, Faio Alto, Saa Jose t «-30»

i 10.40 aL\u03bc AUoa, Monta Vista. Los Gatos.. {\u2666 f^I 11.30 aValencia Street, Ocean View. Cohna,

Cemeteries, Baden. San Bruno 148 a11.40 a South San Francisco, San Joee t 8.20 a1.20 aSaturdays only? S*n Mateo, Redwood.

Mayaeld, Los Altos, Los Gatos,Wright, Laurel, Glenwood. ielton,Boulder Creek. Saata Crus % 9J6f

! 2Mp Del Monte Express?San Jose, Gilroy,Sargent (Watsonville, SanU Crus),Del Monte, Monterey, Pacific Grove,(Salinas) l£S9p

; SLOSa South San Francisco, Pab AHo, SaaI Joee ?.?O\u03b2j &00p South San Francisco, San Mateo. Saa

Jose, Gilroy. Tree Finos, Salinas... 10.1 to

' 3.00 aWstaonville, Santa Cnjs, Castroville.Del Monte, Monterey, Pacific Grove 10.10*

; 3.25 aBurlingame, San Mateo, Redwood.Palo Alto. Mayneld, Lot Altos, LosGates B-SOp

i 4.00 aStjcset Express?Tucson, Demlng, ElPaso. Houston. New Orleans. Chi-cago 9.18*

4.00 a Washington Sunset Route?Wathinc'ten. D.(X.Kew York and East 9.18 a,

4.00a Salinas, Paso Roblee Hot Springs, SaaLuis Obispo. SanU Barbara, Ven-tura and Los Angeles 9.15 a

4.00 aKansas City, St. Louis, Chicago 9.15ft420a South San Francisco, San Jose t 7.ZH

f 4*6a SanU Crux Limited?MayfieM. LeaAHoe, Los Gatoe, Felton. BoulderCreek, SanU Crus 8.45 a

t 5.00aLimited?San Jose only 1155 at 5.06b Burlingame, San Mateo, Palo Alto. .Mr

San Josa and Way SUtioas 9.45 at 5.20 aRedwood. Fair Oaks, Menlo Park,

Palo AHo, Mayfield, MounUin View,Sunnyvale, Sea Jose t 9.00 a

t 8.20aLoeAhos.MonUVisU.LosGatoe..{| IJoJt 5.25p Eastoa, Redwood, Mountain View,

San Jose I.IOp

t BJOa Loop?Valencia Street, Ocean View,Cemeteries, South San Francisco,23d Street, 3d and Townsend \ 8.40p

5.40 aSan Bruno, San Mateo, Redwood,Palo Alto, SanU Clara, San Jose... 3.25 a

t 5.40 aLos Altos, MontaYitta, Los Gatos.... 7.20 at 9.00p Millbrse, San Mateo, Redwood, May-

field, Los Ahos. Los Gatos t B.ooa

t 6.05p 23d Street, Visitarioa, South SanFrancisco, Valencia Street t 7. ISp

9.30p South San Francisco, San Jose 8.46p7.40p The Lark?Paso Roblee Hot Springs,

SanU Barbara, Los Angeles 9.30 a8.1 Op Saa Joss and Way Sutions 7.35 aIo.oob Los Angelw Paseeneer? SaHnas, Paso

Roblcs Hrt Springs. Saa Luis Obis-po, SanU Sarbara and Los Anselee 8.25 a

11.45p South San Francisco. Palo Alto, San 1 7.ajpJoee J 7.4ip


Ta Oakland, 14th an4 Franklin «*.?8-15. 6.45 a. so. and then 15 and 45 minutes pant thehour until 7.45 p. m.; then 8.30. 9.16, 10.00, p. m. and 12.13 a. m.

Ta Alameda, North and South Side?6.15, 6.45 a. m. and then 15 and 45 minutes past thahour until 7.45 p. m.; then 8.30. 9.15. 10.00, 10.46,11.30 p m. and 12.15 a. m.


To Oakland. Iftth St. and Berkeley via Shattuck Aye'and Ellsworth St. Line*?Daily?From (5.00 a. m., andevery twenty minutes until 8.20 p. m., inclusive; then9.00,9.40, 10.20,11.00,11.40 p. m., 12.20 snd 1.20a.m.. Additional boats Saturdays and Sundays only, 8.40p. bl. 9JO. 10.00,10.40 and 11 20 p. m.

To Berkeley via California St. ant Wait Berkeley. Albanyvia Ninth It Lines-Daily?From *&00 a. m., t0.20,?6.40, t7.00 a. m. and every twenty minutes until8.20p. m. inclusive; then 9.00,9.40,10.20,11.00,11.40 p. n>.12.20 and 1.20 a. m. Additionalboats Saturdays andSundays only. 8.40 p. m.. 9.20,10X0,10.40 aad 11JOp.m. i

Tt Vtaorit Stags, Pullman, Flehmond-t6.40 aad 7.40 a.ea. 3-20 p. m, 4JX), 6.20, 6J20 p. m. i

T\u03b2 OaklaM Washington-Breadway. East Oakland,FreitvaJe and Metro* via Seventh St-Daily-Froni6XO ajsu. and every twenty minutes until BJQ pja.,Inclusive; then 9.00, 9.40. 10.20. 11X0, 11.40 p. m..12.20 and IJOa. m. Additional boats Saturday aad

Sunday only. 8.40 p. m., 9£o, 10X0,10.40 aad 11 JOp.m. i

Horteshoa la Oakland, Washinfton-Braadway. FnritvakAlameda, North SWe-Dailv-From 6.00 a. m., t6.20.6.40. 7.00, 7JO, 7.4 a8.00. 8.40 aad forty minutes oastthe how until 3.40 p. m.; then 4.00, 4.40, 5.00,120,5.40. 6.00. 6.20, 6.40. 7.00, 7.40, BJO, 9.00,9.40,10J0.11.00, 11.40 p. m.. 12.20 and IJO a. m. ,

To Stenehwtr?Hs.oo, t6.40. t7.20, 19.00. JlO.OO a. a.,tlJO p. &, J2.00, taXO, taJO, HM, »SXO. *SMaadIKS**


Seata End of Ferry BuiMing, for ireedwav Wharf.Oakland Week days 6.00 a. m. and ?rerjr nak* hour

' until 9.00 p. m.. Inclusive. Sundays tooholidays 6.00 a. m. and every naif bour un-til 11.00 p. m.. inclusive. Boats leaveBroadway wharf?Week days 6.15 a. m.and every half hour until R. 45 p. m., in-clnslve. Sunday* and holidays ft. 15 a. m.and every half hour until 10.45 p. m.. In-clusive.

a for Morning. *DailT. p for Afternoon.tSunday excepted. JSunday only. {Sundays

and Mondays, a Monday.

Union Tranafer Ce. authorised to aafek Bag-gage direct from residence.


I I I \u25a0IB 111 BBBBsI

? Through thej GRAND CANYON


Tfce "Paeama-Paelfle" Expreaa andI The "1015" Mall

Leave and are due to arrive UnionFerry Depot from June 9. 1912

Lfttve Through Trains Arrive

9:10 aSalt Lake. Denver. Omaha. Chicago.Kan?* (itj. St. Louie 8:45e

7:Wp Salt Lake. Dt-nver Omaha. Chicago.Kansas city St. Loots a:SOa

9:10 a Sacramento f:fOa7:»0p <1» f=«P9:10 a... Stockton A:?S*4:10p do 10^^0m

' 7:BCp Hi ?:**»? Throuith Standard and Twiriet Slepplag C«ra vtft

Veti & Hi» <;ran<tc an<l Hiirlinpton Route, via? I>pn & Rio, Grande and Kock Island Lines, TiaiPen" & R!o Grande md Missouri Pacific.

Through train*. Ot>wr»«tlon C'«r». Dining Cars.ElectrK , Lights and Electric Pane.

i??????-^i 1? ,^??^^


-ITiiPA:nu*wßenTFt Ili^^ca-wMvAAie^T^ttI * »^_^^i^iaV

'* flCawO Be> fft» \u25a0IMhB O Sft CttfvCW\u25a0Baf Alfk*l_ Mllfih #jmM

VIAOAKLAND PUBR tLam (Foot of Market Street) Arrive

(Subject to change without aotiee)2.15 a Nilas, Livermore. Tracy, Latarop,

Stockton, Lodi, Gah, Elk Grora.Baerameato,RosßviUe,Auburn.Colfaz 10.40 a|

?.lsa Sacramsato, MarysviUe. Dins, Chiro. 10.40s {8,40 aRichmond, Fort Coeta. starUaes. An-

t'oca. Byron Hot Springs, Tracy,Patterson, Newman, Los Banos, jIngle, Kernun, Fremo II.59p

8.48 aBan Leandro, Uayward, Kites, SaaJoee 850 a

7.00 a The Statesman?Richmond, ValiejoJunction. Port Costa, BsnirU, Sui-sun. Klmirs, Davis, Sacnunento 8.50 a

7J\u03b2* Guldfleld Pass.? Truckee. Haien, V.'a-buska (Yerrington, Hudson), Mina,fonopah, GoWfield. Laws, Keelcr . B.loa

7.20* Richmond, Fort Costa, Beoiria, SuisuaDixon. SacratnenU 7.50 a

7.20 aRosev-ille. MarygvUle (Orovilie), Red-. dins, D'insmuir 7.50p7.20 a Elmira. Vacaville, Rumsey 7.50 a7.20 a Darii, Woodland. Wiliiam.i, Maxwell, 'Willows, Baciiltoa, Coming, Red

Bluff.. 7.50t* 7.20 aNile*", Pfewanton, Livermore, Tracy, |

Lathrop, Stockton (Oakdiie), Lodi, jSacramento 7.30 a ;

7.20 aTracy, Patterson, Newman, Los Banos,laite, K*rman, Fresno 4.30 a '7.40 a Vallejo.Napa, Caiistogs, Santa Rosa,Port Costa, Crockett, Martinez 8.1 Op

7.40 a Avon. Walnut Creek, San Ramon,Livermore 8.50 a

B.ooa Newark. West San Jose, Los Gatos,Wright. Felton (Ben Lomond, Boul-der Creek), Santa Crui 5.50 a

8.40 cPort Cc«ta, Martiner, Byron HotSprings, 'fracy, (Stockton), Merced,Berenda, Ma3cra, Fresno, Fowler,Selma. Traver, Goaben Junction((Haaford, Armona), Tulare, Bak-ersfield 4.30 a

8.40 aVmlia. Lindsay, Porterville. Ducor.. 7.1 Of8.40 aYosemite Valleyvia Merced 4.30 a9.00 aIryiagton, Saa Jose 7.30b9.03 aNilesT Pleasanton, Livtimore, Stock-

ton (*siilton), YaUey Spring, lone,Sacramento 4.30 a

9.00 aTuolimne.Snnora, Jamestown, Angels 2.50 a9.00 aAtlantic Express?Sacramento. Truc-

kee (Lake Tahoe),Ogden. Salt LakeCity. Denver. Kansas City, Omaha,Chicago BJOo

9.00 aTonopah-Goktfifld Standard Sleeper.. B.loa9.00 aYallcjoJunction, Vallejo [ y^9.40 aRichmond, San Pablo. Pinole, Vallejo

Junction, Crockett, Port Costa, Mar-tinei, Avon. Concord 8.lOf

10.29 a SaaFranciaco Overiand limited?Den-ver, Kansas City, St. Louis, Omaha,Chicago 2.10 a

1040* Vallejo, Mare bland. Napa 12.50 a10.48* Stockton { 3j{£10.404 Los Angeles Passenger?Port Costa,

llartines, Byron Hot Springs. Tracy.Stockton, Merced, Madera. Fresno.(Haaford. Coaling*, VisaJia) Bak-ewfield, Los Angelen 7.10 a

11.20* Shasta Limited?Portland. Tacoma,Seattle 8.50 a

12.00b Richmond, Port Coeta, Benicia, Bui- \ 10.30 asun, Elmira, Dixon. Sacramento . J 11.1Oa

12.00 aDavis,Williams,Colusa June...Willows.Germaatown.Ortand. Hamilton 8.50 a12.0011 MwysviUs, Chieo, Red Bluff 4.30fI.ooa Nile*. Irviniton,B%n Jose JJ........ 2.50 aL2op Saa Leandro, Miles. Centervgle, New-

ark.3anJose 7.50 a1.40 aNewark, Alviso, Agnew, Baata Clara,

West San Joee, Los Gatos, Wnght. »SanU Crus.. 9.10 a

2.40 aSaa Leaadro, Niles. Baa Joee 8.50p3.00p Beniria,Winters, Sacramento?Wood-

land. Tudor. Yub» Qty. Uarysville,OroviUe \u25a0\u25a0??? H-'O*

S.2op Richmond, Port Costa, Martinet, ByroaHot Springs, Modesto, Merced, Ma-dera, Fresno yvav ,o'

4o,4.00p Port Costa, Martiaes, Concord, Wai-

nut Creek, San Ramon, Livermore. 9 30a4.00p Richmond, Vallejo, Napa. OaHstoga,

Glen El!»n. Santa Rosa 9.30 a4.00p Niles. Sunol, Pleasaaton, Livermore,

Tracy Stockton. Lodi, Sucramento 12.50p4.40 aValley Flyer-Port Costa. Byron Hot

Sarinp, Tracy, Modesto, Merced,Madera, Fresno. Gosheo Junction,Tulare, Baken&eld, Mojave, LosAmpslee.. l2JOp

4UOp Tncy.Patterson, Newntaa, Los Banoe,Kenaaa, Fresno 10.40p

4.40p San Leandro, Hay ward. Niles, Pleae-antoo, livermore SiS 1

4.40p Irvingtoa, Saa Joes 9.30 afcOOp ValleTo. Port Costa, Benicia. Suisua.

Sacrameate, RosevUle. Lineeln,Wheatlaod, Marysvilh (Orovilie),Gndley. Bise,Chieo .^...... MJOt

e\QOa Davis, Arbnekle, Williams. Willows,Orlsad, Tehama 10.40p

6.00p RubwH. Santa Oara, Saa J05e....... 9Joa6.00p Saturdays and Sundays?Wnght,

Santa Cruz 5 9.30*fS.2Op Ran Leandrn, Lontnso, Hay ward, Niles fS.5Op

8.20p Owl Limited?Port Costa, Tracy.Fresno, Los Angeles B.loa

8.20p Hayward, Nike and Saa Jose 7.30 a9.40 aEastern Express?Ogdea, Puebb.Den-

ver.Kansu aty,Bt.Louis,Chicago.. 8.30p8.40p Port Costa, Benleia, Sacramento,

Colfax, fru-kee (Lake Tahoe),Reno, Sparks BJ6p

7Mp China aad Japaa Mail?Ogdea,Cheyenne, Denver, Kansas City,Omaha, Chicago J.IOf

7.00? Port Costa. Byron HotSprings, Stock-ton. Sacramento, Colfax, Truckee.Reno 3.18p

J7.00p Richmond (Valkio), Port Costa, Mar-tines, Concord, Walnut Creek, Pleas-anton, Nilse, Oakland a 12.48 a

8.20p Orecon Express?Sacramento, Rose-viue, Marysville, Reddinc (KlamathFalls), Ashlaad, Portland, Tacoma,. Seattle. Spokane I.IOp

9.00p Mt. Ederi. Alvarado. Newark, SanUClara, San Joee 9.30 a.

9.40p Yosemite VaOey and Maripoea BigTrees-Sleeper, via Merced 7.50*

9.40 aBakersSeld. McKittrick. HaseKon,Monarch! Moron. Fellow, Shale... 7.50*

9.40p Richmond, Port CosU, Tracy. Mo-desto. Merced, Madeta, Preaao.Haaford, Tulare 7.89*

9.40 aHaaford, Armona, Lemoore, Huron,Coalinga 7.80*

9.40p Visalia, Exeter, Lindsay. Porterville,Dttcor. Famoso ". 7JO*

10.20 aPortlanl Express?Davis, Willows,Red Bluff. Weed (Klamath Falls).Ashland, Rosebunt, Portland, Taeoma,Seattie 7.30*

NETHCRLANDS ROUTE?Tram Pasrfie Street Wharf.This route oilers exceptional opportunity for Auto-

mobilists to reach all points oa the Sacramento River;,CollinsviDe, Eaueaton, Rio Vista, lahtoa, Ryde, Wamut,Qfove, Vordea, Courtlaad, Clarksburg. Sacrameato.

Steamer Samlnola or Nava]o. leaves Saa Francisco 8:31a. m. daily except Sunday aad Wednesday, arriviniSacramento 7M p. m. Leave Sacramento 8.30 a. m.daily except Sunday aad Wednesday, anifiag SaaFrancisco 5.30 p. m. Stepping ia either direction at aflpotato shown above.

Steamer pfodac or Apache, leaves San Francisco 1.00p. at. daily, except Sunday; arrive Sao Francisco 11.30p. m. daily except Monday.

Steamer Mayajo or Samlnola, leave Saa FraaeiseoQJ6O p. m. daily except Stmdavs, arriving flacrameate7.00 a. m. daily except Monday. Leave Sacramento0,.0Q a. ra. daihr except Sundays, striving '«n Francisco7.00 a. m. dairy except Monday. No stops oa route iaaither direction.

/otf&\ Schedule EffectiveJuly x , 912


VIA sAfaALIiU i Arrlvo10:45 aPetaluma. Santa Roea. Oueroevllle,;

Duueau Mill«. Casadero $»:f«D7:15 a Sonoma. Glen Ellen 6:05p7:43«lPetalutna, Santa Rosa. Healrie-! burjf. Cloverdale. i;klah. Wtllita.I Loogvale, *S«baatopol 1 7:35p

B:lsa!Pt. Keye*. Camp Meeker. Moote|i Kio. Dnncaa Mills, C'aamdero... ( 7:35p

B:iaajPet*iama, Bant« Ro«a. Guerne-villf. Monte ttlo, Dtinoen Milltt.CaMdero f 7:<Sp

J9:lsa S<M»ma. Glen Bllea JB:.lSj>i9:lsaiLagun!tait, Point Reyes I ti:Osp10:45a(Petnluma v Santa Rmm. lleaU}*-f burg (to Sonotna anil Glen EllenI week days only) 5:05p

2:43p Petalniaa, SantA Roea. Ouerne-I viUe. Monte Rio. Duncan Mills. 10:85 a12:45p Point*. Camp Meeker. MonteI Rio Duncan Mill*. Taaariero... f10:35a

3:lsp|Peta)nu»a, Santa Itma, Ilealds-I bnrar. Olorerdale. T'kiah, Wlltnts.lI ??Sehaatopol ( II:35a

4:4sp'*orK>mn. Glen Ellen ! R:ST»as:lsp!Petalnm«. Santa Rfwa. Ilealds-'I burjt' 9:0Bet.trtSn'Pt. Iteyw (Sundays 7:1.1 p. m.V1 &'.&>*

BLJCSTRIC RfBI'BBAN VIA BATSALITOgauealito. Mill Valley. San Rarael?Dally

every %) minute* from B:4ft a. m. until 0:45a. tu.; bonrlr until 2:45 p. m.. then 3:15 p. m.and every 30 mtontes until 7:45, then 0:l.\10:45 p. m. and 12:15 a. in. '«>n Sandaye in

addlUoa ?Every fty minutes fmm 9:45 a. m. to3:15 p. m., except 4:15 i>. m.)

Falrfex?leaves 16:45. 7:t.">. 7:43. 8:15, 8:45,8:13. 9:45. $10:15. 1»:4S. J11:1S. 11:45 a. m.:JW:IS, 12:45. Jl:15, 1:45. *!45, 3:15, 3:45, 4:18.4:45, 5:15. 5:4T,. C:l5. «:45. t":13. 7:45, 9:15,10:45 p. m.: £12:15 a. m.

Baa Qneutin via San Rafael?Leave dally at9:15 a. in. and 1:45 p. in.

Tlburon and Belvedere?Dailr every hoar fromfi:43 a. m. until 1:45 p. m.; then 3:U p. m. andevery hoar until 6:15. then 7:43, 9:15. 10:43 p. m.and 12:15 a. tn.

?Artiven 7:<« p. m. ??Arrive* 10: M a. m.fEteept Sundays. $Saßdaye * only. tSatunlayonly. IMfwUr only.

Paciflo Transfer t'otupany'a agenta are author-teed to cheek baggage direct from residence.