shenley brook end & tattenhoe parish council · shenley brook end & tattenhoe parish...

Parish Council Meeting – 27.02.17 Page 1 SHENLEY BROOK END & TATTENHOE PARISH COUNCIL 1 Wimborne Crescent Westcroft District Centre Milton Keynes MK4 4DB Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council held at the Parish Office 1 Wimborne Crescent, Westcroft, on Monday 27 th February 2017 No ITEM Action 1 Present: Cllr. J Nicholas – Chairman Cllr. D Nicholas Cllr. P Humphrey Cllr. K Geaney – Vice Chairman Cllr. S Raja Cllr. C Osler Cllr. M Chapman Cllr. M Dynes Cllr. M Cato Cllr. M Verma Cllr. M Geaney Cllr. D Edmonds Cllr. C Williams Cllr. R Verman Cllr. D Livingstone Ward Cllr. Canon PCSO Burn - left meeting 19:30 Sharon Kerr – Minute Taker 2 Apologies: Apologies were received from:- Ward Cllr. E Bald Members agreed unanimously to accept the apologies.

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Parish Council Meeting – 27.02.17

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PARISH COUNCIL 1 Wimborne Crescent

Westcroft District Centre

Milton Keynes


Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council held at the Parish Office 1 Wimborne Crescent, Westcroft, on Monday 27th February 2017

No ITEM Action



Cllr. J Nicholas – Chairman Cllr. D Nicholas Cllr. P Humphrey Cllr. K Geaney – Vice Chairman Cllr. S Raja Cllr. C Osler Cllr. M Chapman Cllr. M Dynes Cllr. M Cato Cllr. M Verma Cllr. M Geaney Cllr. D Edmonds Cllr. C Williams Cllr. R Verman Cllr. D Livingstone Ward Cllr. Canon PCSO Burn - left meeting 19:30 Sharon Kerr – Minute Taker


Apologies: Apologies were received from:- Ward Cllr. E Bald Members agreed unanimously to accept the apologies.

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Parish Council Meeting – 27.02.17

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Declaration of Personal and Prejudicial interest: There were no declarations of interest.


Public Time: There were no members of the public present.


Minutes of the meeting on Monday 30th January 2017: The minutes of the meeting held on the 30th January having already been circulated, were approved as a correct record and signed by the chairman. Matters Arising: There were no matters arising.


Reports Police: A report had previously been circulated to Council, PCSO Burns reported on 7 burglaries that had taken place over the last month which he confirmed was an average figure and that overall crime was down 26% on this time last year. It was also confirmed that 2 further PCSO’S had been appointed to cover the Parish council area and they would be starting in June 2017. The Council thanked PCSO Burn for attending the meeting. Chairman: The Chairman circulated a report to all members prior to the meeting. Ward Councillors: Ward Cllr. Bald submitted a report which is attached to these minutes (please see below)

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Parish Council Meeting – 27.02.17

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Ward Cllr. P Cannon reported the following:

That some of budget cuts had now been reversed

Grit bins would continue to be filled

Weed Spraying

Landscape budget not to be reduced as much as was first proposed. Ward Cllr. M Geaney reported the following: Cllr. M Geaney also commented on the budget and informed members that the Wider Use Grant had also now been re-instated. Ward Cllr. Williams reported the following: Cllr. Williams also spoke on the budget and the re-instatement of the Wider Use Grant, he also commented that if residents were to face a 5% increase in Council Tax they should have a clear understanding of how the 3% for adult social care is spent. Cllr. Williams also informed members that himself and Cllr. Canon had attended a Tree Planting on Saturday 25th February and would be submitting an article reporting on the event for the next edition of the Community News. Planning & Environment Committee: Minutes of the meeting held on the 6th February 2017, had previously been circulated to all Members. Community Committee: Minutes of the meeting held on the 13th February 2017, had previously been circulated to all Members. Policy & Finance Committee: There have been no further meetings.

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The Parks Trust: A report was circulated prior to the meeting. Cllr. J Nicholas asked members to pass on the information in this report to residents regarding the cutting down of trees. Shenley Lodge & Furzton Neighbourhood Action Group: Cllr. Canon reported the following;

There is to be no Electric Daisy Carnival held at the bowl this year.

Preparations are underway for the construction of the Golf Facility at Furzton Lake and that the NAG is monitoring the impact this is having on the surrounding area.

Parishes Forum: No further meetings, a joint conference with MKALC and MKC is been held on March 25th. WEASG: No further meetings SWMK: No further meetings The chairman updated progress in her report and advised members that she would be speaking at the DCC meeting to be held 9th March. EVCC Trust Cllr. D Nicholas informed members that following the meeting the trust had agreed a budget For 2017-18 (with the possibility of further amendments to be made at a later date) and an asset register was been prepared. It was also reported that the hall was running at full capacity and the centre had, had a successful year. The next Trust meeting is to be held 1st June and this will also be the AGM.


Finance Payments to be authorised including retrospectives were approved. Members were updated on all expenditure to January 2017 and year end prediction.

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Garthwaite Crescent Pavilion. Following the presentation held on February 20th, members requested a further meeting to discuss the amount of funding that would be needed and for a business plan to be drawn up. It was proposed that an informal discussion be held on the 20th March this was agreed with 14 in favour and 1 abstention.


Blinds in Chamber Cllr. J Nicholas proposed to members that black out blinds for the ceiling in the chamber were purchased, two quotation have been received and prices are in the region of £2000 Members agreed unanimously to purchase the blinds and instructed the office to go ahead and place the order.


Shenley Brook End Fete Cllr. Nicholas informed members that the fete was to be held on the 1st July it was agreed that the Community Committee would add this item to their agenda and arrange the Parish Council stall.

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Landscaping Cllr. Nicholas made the following statement to members:

Last Friday I had a phone call from MKC stating that they had not raised any paperwork in

respect of our taking over the devolved services on the 1st April and this would take some

time to complete, so it would probably have to be June before the changeover could take

place. This is despite us sending several emails and requesting at several meetings that

some form of contract should be produced. There is already a precedent set for this as four

councils took this work on almost four years ago, and so all it would need is changes of

names, dates etc and the same contracts could then be used.

They also called into doubt the amount we would get paid although this is not a problem as

we have email confirmation as proof of this so they cannot renege on this.

Although the 1st April start date is in doubt I suggest that we discuss and agree on which

contractors we should use so that once the problems with MKC are ironed out we will be in

a position to place the orders with contractors without having to bring this back to council.



Members considered the tenders submitted and agreed unanimously on the following:

Furzton Contract to be awarded to RTM

Emerson Valley Contract to be awarded to RTM

Kingsmead contract to be awarded to RTM

Shenley Brook End contract to be awarded to Lowthers

Shenley Lodge contract to be awarded to Barnetts

Tattenhoe contract to be awarded to RTM

Westcroft contract to be awarded to Lowthers

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Future Meeting dates: Planning & Environment Committee – Monday 6th March 2017 Community Committee – Monday 13th March 2017 Policy & Finance Committee – Monday 18th April 2017 Parish Council – Monday 27th March 2017 Cllr. D Livingstone took this opportunity to inform members that he would be resigning with immediate effect due to health issues. The council thanked Cllr. Livingstone for his thirteen years of service and wished him well for the future.


Date of next Meeting Monday 27th March 2017

The meeting concluded at 20:30 pm


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January 2017- Expenses

2 R Systems

Photo copier costs 59.85

AH Contracts

Bin service contract 2267.35

Anglian Water

Water rates allotments 146.38

Battery Clerk

New battery (SIDS) 40.24


Padlock - Windmill Hill 59.53


Telephone/internet costs 205.69

Cloud Above

Web hosting monthly costs 5.39

Crispin Rhodes

HR Consultancy Monthly Costs 102.00

D & I Windows

Window Cleaning costs 117.60


Electricity costs 358.52


Mobile phone contract 174.58


Youth resources/stationery 36.32

First Ave Supplies

Warden Uniforms 657.02

Fuel Genie

Van Fuel Costs 53.34

MK Food Bank

Grant 1000.00

MK Theatre

Over 60's trip - 1001.00


Business Rates 717.00


AR Conference costs 70.00


Grant 1100.00

On Site Training

PA6 course all wardens 1680.00


Monthly Payroll 21336.70


New PC and software 482.40


Tree Cutting - Windmill 144.00


Office cleaning - 390.00


Landscape contract 135.00


Gate repairs windmill 96.00


Payroll Subscription & Stationery 1030.80


Wardens PPE 78.54


Garden wire (stoneleigh) 9.98


RZ annual subscription 200.00

Smith Recycling

Skip hire - Windmill 264.00

Super Cool Central

Maintenance agreement 444.00

Virtual college

H & S course - KW,PB,AJ 108.00


Copier Lease 209.40


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Unitary Councillor Report

Report from Edith Bald. Geetha Morla and Gerald Small representing Tattenhoe Ward at Milton Keynes Council

Feb 2017

Councils budget

This was passed at the February Council meeting. A tough budget. Council tax goes up by

4.9% including 3% for adult social care. Other Key changes include

Resident parking charges and visitor parking introduced in restricted residential

parking zones.

Higher charges for employee permits especially low emission cars

Reduced street cleansing schedules albeit some improvement against original


Note that weeding and strimming previously taken out has been put back in

Wider use grants to be re examined and their removal is given a reprieve at least for


Grit bin refilling reinstated

The Council has received £20 million in New Homes Bonus allocation over the next 4 years.

This was not included in the Dec draft budget but is now already allocated, some as

provisions to protect against demand risk.

Ward issues

Kingsmead development new show homes now ready. Much interest from existing local

residents which is interesting. Road works on Shenley Road imminent. Continual issues

with signage on road closures especially at Whaddon end.

Working on safety measures outside Priory Rise with HCA and residents.

Santander Bike racks in Tattenhoe at St Ives Crescent are to be moved and plinths taken

out. Resident reps working with Santander on new location.

Trying to solve issue of non-blue badge holders parking in blue badge spaces at Westcroft

Centre. Nightmare, no solution yet.

Disused bus shelter removals will save Council ££s

From 27 February 2017 the Council will begin removing 28 obsolete bus shelters that

have no or very few bus services to them.

A further 20 disused shelters are earmarked for removal during 2017-2018.

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Notices will be placed inside any shelters affected.

If there is still a bus service operating to these shelters, a flag or pole will be used

instead to denote the bus stop area.

The Council is removing these shelters in order to save on maintenance costs such

as lighting upgrades and the cost of cleansing the shelter. All the shelters being

removed are the old green ones which require significant maintenance.

With energy and maintenance savings combined the Council will save (a year):

•£10,780 – by removing the first 28 shelters

•£5,700 – by removing the additional 20 shelters

Any reusable parts such as the light covers will be recycled into other shelters

providing additional savings.

There are no bus shelters earmarked for removal in Tattenhoe Ward


The next stage of Plan: MK will go to consultation in March for 12 weeks. This follows special

Cabinet meeting 21 February which was extremely well attended especially by residents

from rural MK.

The key point to note is that Plan MK will cover 15 years to 2031 reduced from 20 years in

the first consultation which has meant that the new settlement of 6k houses in North MK is

no longer required.

Growth of 1725 houses pa is catered for, of which 1250 approximately is required for organic


Officers have offered to visit Parish Councils to brief members on the consultation and / or

hold resident drop in sessions to promote the consultation.

L&Q completes the acquisition of Gallagher Estates

L&Q, a charitable housing association, completed the acquisition of Gallagher Estates on 2

February 2017, one of the largest strategic land companies in the UK, for approximately


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Gallagher Estates will become a wholly owned subsidiary of L&Q, and will continue to be run

by the current management team as a stand-alone entity. Gallager are the developers for

western expansion area.

Tony Gallagher, Chairman of Gallagher Estates, said “I am delighted to entrust the business

that I have developed over many years to L&Q. They have impressed me at every level

throughout this transaction. I have no doubt that they will achieve all their new housing

objectives and that they will play a big part in resolving the under-supply of housing for UK

Limited. I wish them all the luck in the world for the future.”

The acquisition does not include Tony Gallagher’s commercial and retail property

development and investment activities.

Milton Keynes 50th Birthday

On 23 January 2017 Milton Keynes turned 50! It is hard to believe that in 50 years Milton

Keynes has been transformed from 8,850 hectares of farmland into a city with a population

of 261,000, home to 11,850 businesses and an economy worth more than £10.4billion. 50

arts, leisure and heritage events were held over the birthday weekend. This included a huge

party organised with great partnership working between Milton Keynes Council and

Destination Milton Keynes and hosted at Bletchley Park. The event was attended by nearly

300 party goers, enjoying fantastic entertainment and a 4ft birthday cake made by local cake

artist Karrin Simpson, featuring lots of famous MK landmarks. There is more to come during

2017 as organisations, groups and businesses across the city have pulled together to create

a programme of events inspired by the past, present and future of Milton Keynes. To get

involved visit the official MK50 website or follow the twitter page


Powerhouse Report

What a great Birthday present as Milton Keynes is highlighted in the UK Powerhouse Q3

report for a Gross Value Added increase of 3.0% annually, overtaking Cambridge to take the

top spot. This was heavily driven by a strong service sector and healthy business

atmosphere. Milton Keynes was also the strongest performing city in terms of employment

growth, expanding employment in line with growth, with a 2.1% annual increase.

To view the most recent UK Powerhouse report please visit the website

Centre for Cities

The celebrations continue with results from the most recent Cities Outlook, reporting that

Milton Keynes ‘average weekly workplace wages’ ranking jumped from 10th to 4th place,

and ‘change in real wages’ jumped from 45th to 2nd place out of 64 other locations. These

increases should help to attract and retain skilled employees and support recruitment in

Milton Keynes.

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Centre for Cities is an independent think-tank dedicated to understanding and improving UK

city economies, by providing economic data on UK cities. To view the Cities Outlook 2017

visit the website

Oxford – Cambridge (via MK) Expressway

Good signs that this proposed development corridor is gaining traction, with strong mutterings about sponsorship for infrastructure development including the Expressway for which MK expressed its preferred route in December. An announcement in the autumn 2017 as to a preferred detailed path for the road is proposed.

Consultation on Clinical Priority and Best Value NHS Milton Keynes Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) is undertaking a public consultation from Wednesday 1 February until Wednesday 29 March 2017. The public consultation is called Clinical Priority and Best Value – a consultation on changes to podiatry services, adult hearing services, supply of medicines, procedures of limited clinical value and community inpatient services.

They need to hear your views to inform any future decisions and therefore hope that you will be able to attend one of the following consultation events: • Tuesday 14 March 2017, 6pm- 8pm at Christian Centre, Strudwick Drive, Oldbrook, Milton Keynes. MK6 2TG • Monday 20 March 2017, 1pm-3pm at Christian Centre, Strudwick Drive, Oldbrook, Milton Keynes. MK6 2TG To register your interest, please complete this simple form:

Housing White Paper: The 9 key takeaways

1) Ministers get tough on developers Developers that do not build out sites where they have planning permission will have their land seized by local authorities under government plans unveiled in the housing white paper. The government is preparing guidance to encourage local authorities to use compulsory purchase powers to seize “stalled” sites from developers and then auction off the land to other builders. The proceeds from the auction will then pay back the original developer.

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2) Government cracks down on local authorities that oppose development As well as getting tough on developers, the government will target local authorities who are not enabling development to go ahead. This involves the introduction of a new housing delivery test that will highlight local authorities that do not deliver the homes their area needs and introduce presumption in favour of planning permission in those areas. From November 2018, if housing delivery is less than 25% of need – as identified in the local plan or in projections – then developers will be granted automatic planning permission on sustainable schemes they bring forward apart from in exceptional circumstances. This proportion will increase to 45% in 2019 and 65% in 2020. The white paper also set out a requirement for all local authorities to be covered by a local plan that is amended every five years. The government will “intervene” if necessary to ensure plans are put in place. The government will also consult on introducing a standardised method of assessing housing need to help streamline the planning process.

3) Modular construction boost The government announced that it will examine how the planning system impacts on modern methods of construction – but most of the encouragement for modular construction will come from financial support from the Home Building Fund, administered by the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA), which will also target small and medium-sized developers. HCA chair Sir Edward Lister confirmed that the organisation plans to invest some of the £3bn in modular construction factories. The HCA is discussing plans for new factories with a number of developers, he said, and will consider taking a direct stake in the factories or providing loans for others to build and manage them. The HCA will also put its own land forward for modular construction factories, and has already identified one site on which a factory will be built, he said. 4) Build to rent encouragement The government announced a range of measures aimed at encouraging the build-to-rent (BTR) sector. These include allowing local authorities to proactively plan for BTR schemes, and making it easier for BTR developers to offer affordable private rented homes. To do this, the government will create a separate affordable housing class for BTR, called affordable private rent, which will require developers to deliver at least 20% of developments at a 20% discount on market levels. In exchange, developers will get greater planning certainty. The measures are outlined in a BTR consultation document published alongside the white paper. The government will also consult on plans for three-year tenancies to be offered on all BTR schemes. 5) Starter homes policy virtually abandoned The government backtracked on its landmark starter homes policy. Initially, ministers said that starter homes – available at a 20% discount to first-time buyers – would have to account for 20% of new developments. Now, 10% of all developments will have to consist of “affordable home ownership” units.

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Any starter homes will only be available to those buying with a mortgage, as opposed to cash, and a household income of less than £80,000, or £90,000 in London The target of 200,000 new starter homes by 2020, a manifesto pledge, has also been abandoned – now, the government is targeting 200,000 new home owners by that date 6) Government backs high density development Planning policy will be amended to ensure that low-density development is avoided in areas where there is a shortage of land. In a further bid to increase numbers, the government will promote the building of high-density sites in areas well served by public transport.

This could include replacing or building over low-density uses, like car parks, or building on top of existing buildings. 7) No green belt reform The government reaffirmed its commitment to protecting the green belt, contrary to reports ahead of the paper’s publication. It would introduce policy so that local authorities can only amend greenbelt when they have explored “all other reasonable options”, it said. Any loss of green belt must be offset by higher contributions from developers or improvement to existing green belt land. 8) More building on brownfield and small sites Local authorities must place “great weight” on the value of development on brownfield land in their local areas, the government said in the white paper. The government also signalled support for small and medium sized builders by announcing that 10% of all sites allocated for development must be half a hectare or less in size, and that local authorities must work with developers to divide up larger sites. 9) Planning fees increase From July, local authorities will be able to increase planning fees by 20% if they agree to invest the extra money into their planning department. The government will also consult on introducing fees for planning appeals, which would be refunded if the appeal is successful.

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