shenandoah herald.(woodstock, va) 1905-06-30. lelsow, "i'apa wants to gc, and tmthe only...

FASTEST TRAIN IN WORLD IS WRECKED. 20 ARE KILLED, FLYER Bl RNS. L*ke ; Shore Record Bresker Runs Into Open Switch.>, O., June 22 -Seven teen lives were lest, according to re¬ ports niven out by a railway official and at the hospital this morning, ii the wreck ot the Twentieth Centurj Limited at Mentor at 0:90 hat night* |iiu errs BWm ii. The Ltke Shore record-breaking trail', hound for New York, hit a' open switch, and In an instant thi monster locomotive and all bul om ot the cara behind it were piled iu t great lite-crushing heap* Miro than a score ot persona were injured, Tin limited recently placed on thc run li t qua! the lighteen-hour schedule <,( the Pennsylvania special, wai passing through thc staion at Mentor, jual weet of Paintsville, when the wreck occurred* The operator had been oi* dared to give the train a clear signal. He did so. Tl.e flyer was going per- hapee*venty mileeanhonr through the little Ohio town, but directly ii ti ont of the depot the locomotiv veered. The train checked and thu plied on top of the engine. The en nine had plunged into an open switch. The station was partially wrecked and thc broken train staggered 01 until it struck the freight hons few hundred feet further on. Tl I heavy timberi stopped tie enghu and it turned over on ita >i ie. Ti* town, with its 1,000inhabitants, a it awakened hy the terrific shock* Tin wreck caught fire and rescuers fought with the Aimee to recover the dead and succor the wounded. Few peo¬ ple in the forwai d e»r, a combination Minker and baggage car, escaped d ath or irjur>. sw ll. ii TAMPXBXD WITH. W. il. Marshall, general superin¬ tendent <<i the Like Shore, was earl} at the Union depot. He talked to the trainmen oathe wrecked tlyt r, und wLile declining to make a posi¬ tive ttau ment at that time, indi* ated bis be liel that the switch had l»een intentional)- tampered with. Kodol Dyspepsia (ure. Digests all clashes of tood, I and strengthens the stoma* li and di- geetive organs. 'Cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Stomach Troubii s, makes rich red blood, md strength. Kudo! Dpsjiepsia Cur< rebuilds wornout tissues, 6v. G W. Atkinson, ot W. Va. Bays: 41 fa ive used a number of b ." es Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and 1 i-i lound lt to be a very eflec ive. ai indeed, a poweriul remedy lor stom- aohc ailments, I recommend it lo my ilifcllds.,, Sold by L' K. Irwin. Friend.-I suppose the biby in fond ot sou? Tapa.Fond of mt? Why, he sleeps all day when I'm not at home and stays up all night just lo en j >y mv society! R. R. TIES WAHiKD. I will pay highest ca.-h price for bett white oak and pealkd chestnci 0A& TIES. J D. Gkabill, Wood-tock. Va. \\% ful I ate of ISMSrtlftlC ^utt.-r*.. Bad tailoring, like sin, nncomfortahle and unhappy, hui tailoring, lik< 11 actions, u them feel ut eau l they ar lng. The cutter of men's clothes shonkl therefore always hear In mind th*- fact that be ls a |»owerful Influence in the world for -.''"1 .t" !>.. does _' .»! but for evil if bis work is Lad. and should keenly feel that he deserves honor fur thc one and disgrace fur the other, lt' bis work is had hi- punish meiit, oven though it may no1 ?':T the rhine and make him utterly wretched, will surely so till his days with shame, apprehension, -!.u Iden of horror, snub.*: and Insults rh it be I »ite himself and will wiall in every w hour thru night will e 'iue un 1 him forgetfn at <s ind ilways thr the night will long for <1 pe in its light ;ind bustle the } and silent - of n guilt] science..Tailor mid Cut ti (niling n <|fie«*n ll»-.«*«. Wlnir. Dallas Lore S - a moth otl of prevent!] - swarm In the Country nu queens clipped I men ts. your fears the Preventl rn ot Ci N y-»ur Ideas thal it lurts ber, your fi el killing b (jet your ifla Seize her 1 J <»:.e v. g f >u can't better) and. ti Ming ber : tlie frame, snip off oi won't stop t!.'.» nv but it keep the heel from ' iSC lUdillg, f ir the swami won*! ^> ott without qneea while j .¦: arc away. Ro . are often al le I oft the strike uni k > beek to (lip your qnei toona, give them shanie at the hoi hours If neceaaary, shake them if they show slirns <>f swarming and k.-* p the colonies atrong. Thr Plot urra or I'mil JnnfR. "Paul Jones," says a wjjter. "was portrayed In every costume that I rat** eawJd be expected to tnaaqner In. and his whiskers were Of the lon goat, hlnekest and CMlleet Ile li por¬ trayed in all degrees, from the sardon¬ ic gentleman cutthroat to the blood and wounds Dill Bowline type of jar, hut always with as noah sofs pillow stuff¬ ing as pjsslble. One portrait presents him In a neat militia uniform, some thing like that of the time of the M. \ lean war and with the pattern of whis¬ kers afterward known to fame as 'Burnsides.' Thara seems to l>e one point nf ."eeuracy in all these pictures if they are of the three*iiiarters or full length, .loiies is always represented with a girdle full of pistols, a habit af dress to which he was a.-eustjmej." immmm CORN FIELDS ARE GOLD FIELDS to the farmer who under¬ stands how to feed his crops. 1'Vrtilizers for Corn most contain at least per cent, actual Potash Send for our hooks.they tell why Potash is as necessary to plant life as sun ami rain; sent free, if you ask. Write to-dav. OERMAN KAU WORKS New York -03 Nassau .Street, or Alkata,«-a.....' Suuth Broad St. Q9*&.£*£!!'*~£*t(BQas> cs>«« DliLR PARK MOTLL, Deer Park, Md This famous Allegheny Monntaii I lost thy will open on June 84, with .rosptets los thc most brilliant aea- mui lu its history. The hotel am: 'OttSgee have been renovated rind .ainud, inside and out. Two ot tin shoioeat cottages can he st cured i' pp ic ni- ai la made at once. Man\ uites ot rooms have been engagt d ii the hotel building and both an- >e\ ^. The popularity of Deer Park i> lue to its splendid location. \),N<Mi Vi t above the sea level, out ol rai g< it malaria and mosquitoes. Ever} onvenience ls provided lor guests rhe r. oms are delightful and cuiaim li nt. The Hotel is provided di modern improvements foi .mi.fort; with Bowling Alleys, Bil¬ lard Kooma, Tennii Courts, Goll Ian ks, Swimming Pools, etc., for iniusement. An entirely new Livery Equipment bas been installed. Deer 1'aik is on tbe direct line A the Baltimore & Ohio between New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, Cincinnati, Louisville, m. Louis, Wheeling, Columbus and icagOj having the excellent ad- v ii i through vestibuled trains Irom each ol' these cities, with through Pullman service during the ic -ii Irom and to Pittsburg, Address W. E. Bi KWELL, Mana¬ ger. Di er Park, Maryland, Quality va. Quantity. Hard muscles and strong body do ' '¦< pt nd «'!) thc quantity ol t od eat, but on its perfect digestion aid proper assimilation. When you Kodol Dyspepsia Cure youl a stem gets all the nourishment oul il ail the food you cat. Il digi - - that you eat regardless ol the con¬ ic.i ol the stomach and conveys i nut lien! ptopt nus to the bl .: d tiKsues. Ti is buildi up and gillens the enure system. Kod »! ure- Indigestion, Dytipepsia, lob¬ ing, Sour Stomach, Weah Hear. Sold l.v I.. K. Irwin. But lt ls Not. "All a woman asks ia to beloved," Biya a gushing poet. Then all thu stuff about lier wanting new bonnet* and jewelry must be a vile slander. ..Chicago Journal, Ihe woman who e.n make good 1 utter, darn seeks to a frazzle, coi k a meal that tickles her husband clem- to the waistband, and ke-]» the children's neck and ears clean. - dom figures in a divorce case. "Are;."'! going to the circus, Wi! lie," Sr ked the \ i.-itor. "Ia'po**? I'll have to," replied the little lelSow, "i'apa wants to gc, and Tm the only ixcuse lu's ^ot.'; The Salve That Penetrates. DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salve pen¬ etrates the pores ol the skin, and by it* antiseptic, rubifocient and healing it Buddnesi inti mi mation and cures Boils, Burns, Cuts, Eczema, Tetter, Ring Worra aili ali skin diseases. A specific for blind, bleeding, Itching and protrup- ng Piles. Tlc original and genuine Y\ itch II izel Salve is made by E. C. De Witt A Co. and sold by L R. Irwin. J. N Davis & Co. Real Estate Agts Woodstock, Va. Desire to rill attention to the fact, that now is tlie time to sell your tum-, it will show up better now than any time of the year. We have nts <d inquiries tor large and small lamia in this section, ll you want to sell, send description of location to tis arith a reasonable price and we are -ure are cati sell it for yoi.; it will coal you nothing unless we sell. vVe have eight residences in Woodstock foi sall ; some "t which are the most .nie in the town.h cation ideal and puc' unable, It you want me to town to lne, call on us and let us show you what we have in i if you have a farm for sale |*| us . .ir Irom you at on . J, N. Davis<ft Co. Beal Est Agts, Woodstock, Va. For Sale. An ereelent tarm ol f tim- pro ductlre limestone land, about I acm iii oi lal uni tlml>er. ti fairly ie**! roomy 'I welling bani an<1 all "th-. necessary outbuildings as mlU"« wist of v oodstnek. Va. j ne srhols place i*. wHI watered and fenced. Thin is a ralnable pniiili farm on account of the quality of the land. Aj>ply at ,mic»- to IN. DAVIS A CO.. Kcal Estate A»;ts. Woodstock, Vk. For Sale A nice horne on SprinK street Woodntoek, Va., corner lot of S ac ie.a good dwellinK with nine room*, five of which are papered, I halla, new ii Int porch, staltle and all other neccatiarv outbuildings- new roof on dweJ- I n>r,* for price apply at one#» tn J. Bl. davis * co Kial Estate Atfta. NtMaiwt, Va, BLUE COAT ANO (1RAY. lu 1864, several IL ion and Con filtrate wounded loldfofl lay in I firm bones in the Shenandoah Val¬ ley. Mrs i;-, the mother ol'one ot the hitler, rode ten miles. even >lay to ssc her boy, bringing socli little con fol - ll i;¦¦ COttld, II- . douse was burned, the plantation In r lins, tram] led down by the ann}. )ii. 1 iv she carri, d him some bet t ..I. livery drop waa prcciou*; for it wis with ijreal difficulty that sh.e had retained thc bael from which it w,i> nade. As she sat walebing Inr hov sj the steaming, savory broth, bet eye cm.-ht th< ry look on the Minn on tlie next cot. He was a Yankee, perhaps one of the very han I wbo hal burned her home, 8bt >\ ;is :i bitter secessionist. But slit wits also a noble hearted a oman. Her eye stole back to tin [tale, sunken fae ; and she remem¬ bered the words ol the Master, "Ii thine enemy thirst give him drink." After a moment's pans.1, and with pressed lips, for it requited all ihe moral force she could comm md, sin filled a howl with the broth and pu! ii to lils lips, repeating t<> herself the .voids, UP, r His i ikt; for Elia saki: lor His sake I do it.'' Then she brought trish water, and bathed the soldier's lace and hands as gently a*' if he, too, had bt en her son. The next day, when she returned, he WSJ gone, having been i rehanged to tin north. Lastwicter the son of a Senatoi from a northern State brought borne with iiim, during the Christmas vaca¬ tion, a young engineer Irom Virginia lie was the only living son ot Mrs* 15., the other boy whom she had nursed having been killed during tin later yeats of the war. She had 8trui»uh-d for yean to educate ibu hoy as a civil engineer, and bad done it. But without inflnence h c mid not obtain t p >si lon, and was supporting hims!.!! by copying. St nator Blank v. quin d into his q lalific itions, and finding them g< . jon alter st enid his apjK>iutmeni . rn the st. I! of i ngin ployed t<- c nstrtict riii important mil way. Th* S nator enclosed with ihe appoint¬ ments letur to Mrs. U, rt minding uer ol the 1 millions . on the Slienan doab, and adding, "1 waa the wound¬ ed man to whom you gave thal i»ou! ol broth." The divine principle embodied ii 'lils act <-f th souther! mother was never iter * \ imp iii rd; and the fr ul of it, lik those ot evi ry obedii nee to dh In* i tu, w;.s a natural result and tu ti n. nt vi ti ii promise th.a k lo. ad I] .!. I hi be hine! i manj da}.-."' i>> lng ol I mimic is, in its tei Hunts, ike dying of con* sumption. Tne p'ogn ss ofcontump* '.i< n. Irom the beginning t<» the rj end, is a long torture, both to victln md friends. "Winn I had consump¬ tion in its first si *..' writes ^ in Myeis, ofCearibss, Md., "after try¬ ing diflerent medicines and a good .li ctor, in vain, I at last took I>r King's New Dixjovery, which quick¬ ly and perfect ) c in d me " Prompt relief and sure cnn lorcocghs, colds. -»!.. throat, bronchitis, etc l'os itively prevents pneumonia. Guar< ante* d at L, R. Irwin's drug store* urice "><>, and ll ,"» a bottle. Trial bottle fri e. UUl I ara prepared to 1 uild WAGONS, ofall kinds at m\ wagon making establishment on South Main street WAGONS. BUGCIES.&c. taircd i Sort .Notice, anl> nv FIRST CLASS WORKJ/EN. Call to see me. I am prepared to dc good work ami guarantee satisfaction. Buggiei and wagons painted and trjrii* med Idff* Wagoni ironed at liberal ratts CHARLES U FOGAL, WOOOSTOCMT, \'a. 8-15-tf- Dr. VV. A. COYNER Qrsdcats Ontario Veterinary Collegs, Toronto, Canada. Calls Promptly Answered both in City, County and State. Special Attention to Dis¬ eases of Cattle. OFFICE: <i ka it vs i.ivkhy' -Ul I N ,\ N I m \ h CO.. CHUNK wo. ar. Ml 1 AI.. IM'TII. IKU.T/MW. WOODbTOCK, VIBOHIA. Sept. 18. tf. THB VALLBY Buildin^r & Loao Association WOODSTOCK, VA OFFICERS : J1 Ti. Wisma*, Pres, ana Gen Itanagar. L. 8, Ww kkk, V. President. \V W. Logan, Sect), and Treas I'l l; K< l .i.s : J. L. Wismah, Geo. It. GraRY *, W. Looa*, L. 8. Walker, P rV Magruder. \ddress \\ W.LOGAN, Secy. «fc Treas. Woodstock. V. Heart Weakness. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure has made many hearts well after they have been pronounced hopeless. It has completely cured thousands, and will al¬ most inv iriably cure or benefit every case . I heart disease. hort breath, pain around heart, palpitation, fluttering, dizzy, fainting and smothering* spells should not be neglected. Take Dr. Miles' Heart Cure and see how quick you will be relieved. Tt cannot make a new heart, but will restore a sick one by strengthening thc heart nerves and muscles, relieving the unnatural strain, and restoring its vitality. 'I had a very Kid case of heart tmuMu. For Pix ir.onths I mu'.d not Last July I v>u* pfowiag oom ami fssllna baa nil day; in the after¬ noon In plowing ono row I had to lav d<>wn, or f;ill clown, three times. Sly 1 rt throbbed ns though lt would burst through, and I had difficulty In gvttlng ruy breath, I purchased a bottle of Dr. Miles' Heart Cure, and i I bsd used half of lt I could lav down and sl.-ep all night. Prevl- ously 1 bsd to get up from five to ten times a night. I have taken serei 1 bottles, nnd my heart is as regular as clock work. I feel like a new man. ai l cen work considerable for an old man, MU rears old." H. D. M. GI LL, Frost, Ohio. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure ls sold by your druggist, who will guarantee that the first bottle will benefit. If lt fails he will refund your money. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind .'Did you iver have any trouble with blset inti rn Ireland, Bridget?1 "No, ms'm, hut I bid tome trou¬ ble ore . with a white uncle." BARBER MOP. Count St,, Woodstock, Va. Warden Fravel, Propr. rv Prom pt attention given to sit custo mers A Share of tbs public patronage ao dd. Valuable Residential Property lor Sale. .-... W< odstock, Vs ,bel ne to t tte Wm. S riger, oi - a large bri k bouse, coatsiniuf" - ..!. nnd thit-e porches, an cv .cullen! smoki I oil other set esasi; n g s acres re oi .. nty of nice fi i eptioi illy v iluabli D*X Wltll 80 tba court boone Saving-all the a*. town snd beisg jost I - lc il linn not . t' ll on e to J. K. DAVIS *C<».. Res! Estate Agents, Baltimore & Ohio R. E. SPECIAL LOW PABB8. Summer Season 1905. amii RY PARK, If. I.- National Fdoea* tional Association Tickets on tale Ju v I.Sand I,good returning until July io. Itu iIt< ATLANTIC C1TT, ( uk May. OCKAM 'nv . Sea Isle Titi S. J., Oceas Citt, Sn ,:. | Ki HoBOTH BEAI H, DEL. i ited Jw \ - rand i. 1 .t BALTI YORE Md ' ty Chi si u i \ . , s \ ; ... and 1 , Jnlf ii-ij DENVER, I . Very Loo if ii *.-..'! :> r . Oj iruntil Joli RH UOL. «. A. K. Kn am p Tl AN I i 'i. i i I nore a Cl BALTIMORE & ORIO R. K. CO. Twontv-becond International Convention. Christian Endeavor, Baltimore, Md., July 5- 10. via ll vi LtMORK & OHIO RAILROAD, ail poi ni ' " W t Martin n Va fc nth ol L w i leta « I bel nm Kn. .,j: foi tb* ronod trip. I i >vets k.'<>..(! v.'o::.k,' July ... , ami 5. va!.J !>>r : thea July <, nor later tlian .1. 1 not return limit to Angas* .,1 maj of tu Wei and ps] Bf Bl ot Agent at Baltimore; Mu. SI s>evers will ba silos I, M* Laka Park, Deer I'ark and Washington, in Foi detal D Spply to nearest B ft O. ricket A] C, ts.,O. P. A.. B. A O. lc. lt Baltimors, I i. EPWORTH LEAGUE CONVENTION, Derive*, Col., July 5-0, via BALTIlfOaUl ll OHIO RAILROAD, VKKV LOW RATES* From all pointi Bsst of the Ohio B rei told Jooe .-y to lol? (.inclusive alid returnirg to and including July 17, 1905. Extension of reta ra imitb Atuj tn may r»bta edon leposlt of ticketaad payment of Cents. For foll parti itara, sddresa nesrsst B, A 0. Ticket Agent « C. W. bassett, (i P. A.. B.A O, K H. Rsltimots. A Rare Chance for a flerchant I Wo. will tell the good will anti fixtures nnd ¦ nice new clean stock ot genera] merchandise of an entail- Itsbed business* (no booki*) of niue thousand dollars (19000.00) pir year, riie only reason lor telling is the owner, ha* been overworked and hi> health bli failed and he bas to ^ret oat of the store The stock will in¬ voice about 13500.00 all new and . mian, large new store house 22x70 lt. mid, in attractive new cottage residence ol 6 rooms and bay win¬ dow, and other outbuilding! lecitcd at Strasburg Junction, Va, would *ell the realty also; but pnter to lease it, 3 years with the miviieg.' of live years. This proposition will bear hii.ii> investigation and is a money maker. Apply to J. K.Daviss%Co. Heal Bit Airls Woodstock, Va (JOOL* FLOUR. Whisnen's Pride of Virginia ii kep regularly In stock by F. S. Bowman and T. (ilenn Locke. Il you have not used hlsflour, try ir and you wi 1 be pleased- oct. 60 YEARS' IENCE Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Ac Anrone fending a uko!eh and A**cr\nt i< ... may quickly n»rertain nnr opinion tn* wnrtbvr an ttivpnilon lu prohiiMf |iA!«ul«til«. Com ra un lr*. rion«pirlctlr*,o«ilMeiitl»l. MMOSOOK on Pat«-ntt . .¦'it f »..' Oldest apenry for »*>cui-inf patanta. Puttnta I ak wi th much Munn 4 Co. racalva tj-'-.u ' 'i '. without chaw, la the Scientific JUtierkan. A h*f..1«onif it llloatrato-t watkty. Ijtrtmnt ett. filiation of any artenUflc Journal. Tarro*. St a four mont ha, IL Wmt by all SSWSSSSSam tCo.«-,-~^JIewTort O»oa. Ok r ItU TKtmmmctom, U CL Holding His Own. 1 l>tc;uiio oftfcat young roi n .vlio used to have such a beautiful mitidr* a>ked the sentimental gili ( Married," replied b»»f chum, "and fOU ou^'ht to pee the beautiful mind he hns nov. .'Tn Ire.)?" Ml. -, twins.1*.»Detroit Tribune. OASTOTIIA. Bean the /* ^'e ^'^ V J Ha>s A:Aa/S BcLghl Pst Dully."It I knew the toinn an' place ov me death, I'd lie ns br from th' place at th' toitn a* p MW li'-." illino Tsmk. It was i huge ta>k, lo undertak* the cure ol Mich a had case ol kidney disc sse, ii that ot (J. V. Collier, ol Cherokee,ts*, ont Electric Uiiteis did u. Ile writes: "My kidneys were -<> tar i^one, 1 could not sit on n chair without a cusbior; and inf fered Irom dreadful backache, h»ad .che, aid depression. In Eltctrie Bitten*, howerer, I found a cure, and hy them Mas restored to perfect health, I recommend this threat tonic medicine to all with w»»:;k kidneyi liver or stomach. Guaranteed by L, It Irwin, druggist; price 50c. IT DOESN'T PAY. Them are many things in this kvoiid that it doesn't piy to do. It doesn't piy to try to | ass yourself oil' for .nore than you aie worth; it ten is to depress your narket quotation, I ' esn't pay to lie, ior ymir lits all be kept on file ni ly and in tiie course of time some ot them ire pretty certain to get on tb. wrong book. A liar needs a bettei mi tpory than anyone is ipi t<» possi ^s It doesn't pay to try to get a liv¬ ing without work. Yon will work larder and get a poorer living than it yon di I honest work. Ll doesn't pty t«> rest when yon ought io bs lt work; if you do, yon an- Ipt to biye to work when you ought to be resting. It doesn't pay to cry orer spilled milk, neither does ii piy to spill th« milk .Dr. S. A Stelie. CASTOR IA Tor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho Signature of Attention! Fa m s and Breeders! Rketched from s photograph of Onycha. The (ireat Onycha Wilkes. 17616, 2.21| is one of tin- fastest trotting! stallione ever foaled, has just arrived al Woodstock and will make the re maining portion of "u season HERE and at NEW MARKET, STRAS¬ BURG ami all points between, al "lo. insurance. This low price i> on account of tl I less < reason, - vi ar his fi vane- (>XYI HA WILKES, I7H16, 2.21*. | MILE RECORD 3d HEATOF WIN¬ NINI; KA* K 1.04J a | In > - _'.ol p's it, cnn a peed better than ¦ two minute jrait. II. U ;i Heh I ands high, sreighs ll s. S foal getter and hi> set are said t<» !>«. the tin.^t in Washington, D. < a .'! yr old, recently trotted a* in 1.11 In a race al Brightwood, where he was os ned. He sold for $1,500 a few years ago and 12,500.00 has been refused for him. His breeding ;> of the best in the Wilkes family, hi> gr. sire old ¦. ird" hi .ids the list of Wilkes -'¦-.. g -tl is lias beei hy a Thia horse and "Supremacy, *J._'.'." gives us two great Stallions, and i- surely the rri it opportunity ed the 3 of !his sectioi it in any country. a|'< r than red liefore in any county. A Great Opportunity Two Standard-bred and Registered Trotting Stallions ONYCHA WILKES, 17616. RECORD 2.2H. \ mile record l.04|. Only $10. to insure. BKOADU3 BOYD, Groom. SUPREMACY, 13323. (RECORD 329, TRIAL 2.17.) Only sl(). to insure l - ' l>on'i fail to send for pedigree and particulars. DR. i) l) CARTER, or j. w. CLEM, Manager. WOODSTOCK, VA. Shenandoah Ufanufacuring ComPanv WOODSTOCK, VIRGINIA. Hanufacturers of Staves, Heading, Barrels, &c. FLOORING, WKATH HOARDING and all KINDS of LUMBER DRESSED at short notice. Machinery of all kind? promptly rapaircd at our Machine Shops. t*r STAVE a rd HEADING WOOD WANTED. Address, U. L. SHITPE, Manager, Feb,* Woodstock, Va. -^THB OLD4- Saddle &Harness Factory. ESTABLISHED 1839 J. A. DYSART Sec., COURT ST.. WOODSTOCK, VA. I All kinds of Harness irjrn the cheapest machine made te the best [Tan made. Alarie lot orCollars, from the lightest Buggy to the Heaviest Draft. Everything in the line constantly on hand1 We are prepared to meet competition and to guarantee prices, and jollity of worn. AU work guaranteed to be as represented. tfjT Grateful for past'iavors, we will endesror to merit^ a {contra Lance ol the same. Tho Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in uso for over ,'SO years, bas borne tho signature of -. and lias boen madonmlor his per- //JjTji-p-' aon i Miin rvision sime its infancy. X''&tc«><ryV. A1V ray no one to deeei ve you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and"Just-as-£<>o<r,arc but Experiments that tritle with and ondaiijror thc health or Infants and Children.Experience against Experiment. What ls CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil* Pare* gorio, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worina and allays Feverishness. It runs Diarrlwa and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Trouble s, cures Oonstfpotsott and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regalotei tho Stomach and Bowels, | ring I Itli md nit ural sleep. The Children's Panacea.Tho or's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THC CCMTAOK COMMNV, Tt MURRAY .TUCCT, MW *0»* CITY. Santa Railway SCHEDULE BETWEEN ALEXANDRIA, WASHINGTON, MA- KASS VS IND HA *< >NHURG. Ettccth t, 19< ". t 2(3 i "I pm I pm in pm i 16 pru .' pta .: pm : pm ' pu. " pm \4fn lim*. i.jno Lt. Ar. i- pm B « a .,'. pm '. pm . pm '1 pm 51 pm ilpili lu sm ira i 9'. mi 10 li :im 1" u am lu .'vj am li tam ll! |. am 11 ¦ . - 7:1 pm UT, im -I . ». C'lria. Va. . .:. .i . . Kim. Mart .. . . Mai -> a . I I t ','14 n v. ana I 38 uni *m i am am nen am 9 M nm I sm tu : tn SOO pm i ; m I 7 5 pm r 7 IS pm 6 43 pm D ti<>, am t ti 4 J .un I ri Vi .un 7 \i un 7 W am - I" - .") ,im - t i< ti im 10 0»i am :. 7 - pm 7 12 pm i 7 pm t 7 o pm 7 - pm t ", t 7 5 i 7'.' pm s os pm i 16 pm i pm' B ia pm - . . pm I pm i '.'i" pm t 9 lr) tn pm ll SS am ll Liam il - am Ml i- pm ill -¦. pm pm la I l li W pm t 12 ¦'.. pm pm 1 ! I ¦?> pm f 1 i pm ;>m 1 2 17 pm pm M -. . .-1 i .1 Lil I roj urg POD .\r. ; .. n in- t am f «i» t 274 '¦> fO pm 5 *7 i>n \ I p 11. ;!.[ Hi I 53 pl I 44 | * 1- pm 8 'Ufl* tu s " p ll f i * p.ui 7 rs t o ¦>'< pm f 7 *2) rn, 7 .Vi pul .A) pa n poe ia pa *-pm fl pm -pm li i rn S pm nf, pat es pa BO pm m pm ll pm * Daily. a tra! rrtve it and 4 v. i. D. ..wi imitrum Baltimore, i'hilaU«.-lph'a air! New 0. il. Ackiirt, General Manager. LS B vn, Genl. A WASHINGTON, D.C. f U ttk <hits. Por W .h Ticket Rats ^t A^'cut or writ* to Hardwick. G. P. A. Baltimore & Ohio railroad. Time Table in effect May 17, 1903, until further notice. NORTHBOUND $ 14 44 Stations. Psst Pass. Mix - Ly. Lexington 4 ItV-H ll 40am '2 00 Staunton 5 45am 1 15pm 4 87 Uarrisonb'g ti 84aul 2 10pm T 0U Train 2 connects with Southern Ry. at Harrisonburg at 8.45 a. m. foi 81 ¦Junction and Harper's Ferry Division. I 20 - 14 P-.i^s. Pass, Pasi -P.M. Lr. Strasburg Jc 5am! 5 00 Capon l: g 28ai Winchester 6 00am 9 13am Stephenson ti 00am * 24a Charles Tu'n ti 45amrUJ 6 81 Ar. Harper's F'y 7 OdumllO 27am 8 55 Washington 9 8J*m|12 80am 9 40 Baltimore 10 80amI I 44am ll 10 Philadelphia! 12 54pm 105pm 3 55 New York 3 00pm ti 35pm 6 52 SOUTH BO'MD 59 1 19 Stations. Pass. Pass. Psss. - p.m. lv. Xew York 10 25am ll 30 PhilaJelp'Ia 1.150pm I Baltimore j 6 35am 2 56pm 4 Washinsjt'n y 85am 4 15pm 5 30 . Harper'sFy '10 40am 5 48pm s 00 CharlesTo'n ll 00am 6 11pm 8 21 ' Stephenson ll 84am '! 61pm s ">? Wincnoter ll 44am 7 03 pm 8 7 Middlewtoaj Caponoad [IS 17pm 7 40pmI A.r. Strasburg ll 80pm 7 42pm Trains 59 and 1 connect with Southern Ky. at Strasburg Junction at 12.50 and 7.45 p. m. for Harrisonburg. , 95 17 Mil Pass. Pass. Lt. Harrisaonb'g!l6 20 7 15am 8 80pm Staunton 12 30 8 10am 8 45pm A.r. Lexington | 9 45 am 5 22pm Pullman Palace Sleepinj- cars are run througn to Cincinnati, St Louis and Chicago oo all trains. For rates, tickets, baggage chi ipply lo any ofhVe ot' the B. & 0. Rail¬ road, or to C. E. Dudrow, Traveling Passenger Agt., Harper's Ferry, W. Ya D. B. Martix, Mani-Pass Trc W. Barret. Gen. Pass. *\sj8> Kl LL tm COUCH ¦md CURE the LUNCS M,TH Dr. King's New Discovery Cr 0NSUMPTI0N Pries OUGHSand 50c a $1.00 OLDS Free Trial. Surest and Quickest Cure for all THROAT and LUNG TROUB¬ LES, or MONEY BAGS. N&WNorfolk^Wester Schedule in Effect SUNDAY. JAN- 22.1 I9C5' TBAIXI LEATB ki\KKTc>N, Va.. I v v. N 9*45 A V sourHBorND Foi flasie, tluena Vista, Roa¬ noke, J- t-t hjidtord. blueSe d farewell, Kortoa, lJ<«-ah<>nta!* Retch, *.' 'V*. Natural Bridge. ht>- d Intermediate Hatton*. Pullman ^:«eper to (ville, Connectl at Hoan<>ko 't witta St. L" lia 1 spree*. Through No. fl Pul n an - 1 to Coln rebut. 7 13 P* V!- v* .¦'..«< * . Va. For S ali interme- roi 0 tl N NORTHBOUND 1.39 A- M. For h< rryi :;ie, Ha* - ' aoelpaia, and the 1 illmao sheper to Pbi.a- d< ptua. I r fl rn and mtc-mediat fl heinendoak Junction witn li \ tt. t<>r *a»b- DIMCti al HatM-r*-- Harrlsbuif - 1.'nb. berrjmue. Harristown tf Station*. Con¬ ti Ht >hou8ndoah lunctkti witta B \ 0. foi M. nfbin^t* ti 1 nrouitfa Sta per via Hager*- N rn York. nt ional ihfor- stion to Ageats I or. W. I! HI A 11.1. it. F. HKAliG. ii.ty. Pa*». Auont Ki aaoke. Va. 8*3 AM \ it 1 . * P. M. fricoco: £nflne of ali kinds Threshers, Saw nillsr SHAFIfe, PULLEYS, Ac. I ar agent for the abo?e celebrated marh'n-ry'J lujrH M. H. HOTTEL* REVIVO restores VITALITY Made a We'1 Mao TOE^OK IlE^n3DT trodocr b the ahovo result* In 30 day a. It act rwrrfullv and q jickly Cures wbtn all o.hetvtai.. fcurg mon ¦¦IU regain their lott manhood, aod oki neo will re-over their youthful t.gor by wdaa ;ETIYO. lt quickly and mire ly re* torte Nenroua i6M. Lott Vl'jhtv. Impotency. NlgLtlr r*''.>«nar m%%lower,Falling Memory, **VaBti.i« DUeasta.sar il effect! of felf-abuse cr exceMand iDdlarrrUca. rLu'fc ucflfai one for t Indy, bualneea or rn amata, tf tot only cure? by ftart ii,- at tho Mat c f dlaeaae. hue . agreat ncrre tonio and blood, builder, br:n#- :.g back tbe pink g'0%7 to pale check*rr 4 rt- torlng the fire of j >nth. It warda eff Ko-l: » .nd Consumption, luau* on bating REV1YO, j ithar. It can be carried tn vest pockitt. By lunn. ll .00 per package, or six for Su.OO, with c. r ok. ine written -(naram ee to core or ra rime* he aioney. h ^k an,* »>lvlse freo. A ?dre*.. tOY-a MEOlffliE C0.,6&te~i&'" H. 0CHIflTr^]Dlsxmsssa °aS^' Early Rieere

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L*ke ; Shore Record Bresker RunsInto Open Switch.>, O., June 22 -Seventeen lives were lest, according to re¬

ports niven out by a railway officialand at the hospital this morning, iithe wreck ot the Twentieth CenturjLimited at Mentor at 0:90hat night*

|iiu errs BWm ii.

The Ltke Shore record-breakingtrail', hound for New York, hit a'

open switch, and In an instant thimonster locomotive and all bul om

ot the cara behind it were piled iu t

great lite-crushing heap* Miro thana score ot persona were injured, Tinlimited recently placed on thc run lit qua! the lighteen-hour schedule <,(

the Pennsylvania special, wai passingthrough thc staion at Mentor, jualweet of Paintsville, when the wreckoccurred* The operator had been oi*

dared to give the train a clear signal.He did so. Tl.e flyer was going per-hapee*venty mileeanhonr throughthe little Ohio town, but directly ii

ti ont of the depot the locomotivveered. The train checked and thu

plied on top of the engine. The en

nine had plunged into an openswitch.The station was partially wrecked

and thc broken train staggered 01

until it struck the freight honsfew hundred feet further on. Tl I

heavy timberi stopped tie enghuand it turned over on ita >i ie. Ti*

town, with its 1,000inhabitants, a it

awakened hy the terrific shock* Tin

wreck caught fire and rescuers foughtwith the Aimee to recover the deadand succor the wounded. Few peo¬ple in the forwaid e»r, a combinationMinker and baggage car, escapedd ath or irjur>.

sw ll. ii TAMPXBXD WITH.

W. il. Marshall, general superin¬tendent <<i the Like Shore, was earl}at the Union depot. He talked tothe trainmen oathe wrecked tlyt r,und wLile declining to make a posi¬tive ttau ment at that time, indi* atedbis beliel that the switch had l»een

intentional)- tampered with.

Kodol Dyspepsia (ure.

Digests all clashes of tood, Iand strengthens the stoma* li and di-geetive organs. 'Cures Dyspepsia,Indigestion, Stomach Troubii s,makes rich red blood, md

strength. Kudo! Dpsjiepsia Cur<rebuilds wornout tissues, 6v. GW. Atkinson, ot W. Va. Bays: 41fa ive used a number of b ." esKodol Dyspepsia Cure and 1 i-i

lound lt to be a very eflec ive. ai

indeed, a poweriul remedy lor stom-aohc ailments, I recommend it lo

my ilifcllds.,, Sold by L' K. Irwin.

Friend.-I suppose the biby infond ot sou?

Tapa.Fond of mt? Why, hesleeps all day when I'm not at homeand stays up all night just lo en j >ymv society!

R. R. TIES WAHiKD.I will pay highest ca.-h price for bett

white oak and pealkd chestnci0A& TIES.

J D. Gkabill,Wood-tock. Va.

\\% ful I ate of ISMSrtlftlC ^utt.-r*..Bad tailoring, like sin,

nncomfortahle and unhappy, huitailoring, lik< 11 actions, uthem feel ut eau l they ar

lng.The cutter of men's clothes shonkl

therefore always hear In mind th*- factthat be ls a |»owerful Influence in theworld for -.''"1 .t" !>.. does _' .»!but for evil if bis work is Lad. andshould keenly feel that he deserveshonor fur thc one and disgrace fur theother, lt' bis work is had hi- punishmeiit, oven though it may no1 ?':T therhine and make him utterly wretched,will surely so till his days with shame,apprehension, -!.u Iden of horror, snub.*:and Insults rh it be I »itehimself and will wiall in every whour thru night will e 'iue un 1him forgetfn at <s ind ilways thrthe night will long for <1 pe inits light ;ind bustle the }and silent - of n guilt]science..Tailor mid Cut ti

(niling n <|fie«*n ll»-.«*«. Wlnir.Dallas Lore S - a moth

otl of prevent!] - swarmIn the Country nu

queens clipped Imen ts. your fearsthe Preventl rn ot Ci N

y-»ur Ideas thal it lurts ber, your fiel killing b (jet your iflaSeize her 1 J <»:.e v. g f >u can'tbetter) and. ti Ming ber :

tlie frame, snip off oiwon't stop t!.'.» nv but itkeep the heel from ' iSC lUdillg, f ir

the swami won*! ^> ott withoutqneea while j .¦: arc away. Ro .

are often al le Ioft the strike uni k > beek to(lip your qneitoona, give them shanie at the hoihours If neceaaary, shake them if theyshow slirns <>f swarming and k.-* p thecolonies atrong.

Thr Plot urra or I'mil JnnfR."Paul Jones," says a wjjter. "was

portrayed In every costume that Irat** eawJd be expected to tnaaqnerIn. and his whiskers were Of the longoat, hlnekest and CMlleet Ile li por¬trayed in all degrees, from the sardon¬ic gentleman cutthroat to the blood andwounds Dill Bowline type of jar, hutalways with as noah sofs pillow stuff¬ing as pjsslble. One portrait presentshim In a neat militia uniform, some

thing like that of the time of the M. \

lean war and with the pattern of whis¬kers afterward known to fame as

'Burnsides.' Thara seems to l>e one

point nf ."eeuracy in all these picturesif they are of the three*iiiarters or fulllength, .loiies is always representedwith a girdle full of pistols, a habit afdress to which he was a.-eustjmej."



to the farmer who under¬stands how to feed his

crops. 1'Vrtilizers for Cornmost contain at leastper cent, actual

PotashSend for our hooks.they

tell why Potash is as necessaryto plant life as sun ami rain;sent free, if you ask. Writeto-dav.

OERMAN KAU WORKSNew York -03 Nassau .Street, orAlkata,«-a.....' Suuth Broad St.

Q9*&.£*£!!'*~£*t(BQas> cs>««

DliLR PARK MOTLL,Deer Park, Md

This famous Allegheny MonntaiiI lost thy will open on June 84, with

.rosptets los thc most brilliant aea-

mui lu its history. The hotel am:

'OttSgee have been renovated rind

.ainud, inside and out. Two ot tinshoioeat cottages can he st cured i'

pp ic ni- ai la made at once. Man\uites ot rooms have been engagt dii the hotel building and both an-

>e\ ^.

The popularity of Deer Park i>

lue to its splendid location. \),N<MiVi t above the sea level, out ol rai g<it malaria and mosquitoes. Ever}onvenience ls provided lor guestsrhe r. oms are delightful and cuiaim

li nt. The Hotel is provideddi modern improvements foi

.mi.fort; with Bowling Alleys, Bil¬lard Kooma, Tennii Courts, GollIan ks, Swimming Pools, etc., foriniusement. An entirely new LiveryEquipment bas been installed.Deer 1'aik is on tbe direct line

A the Baltimore & Ohio betweenNew York, Philadelphia, Baltimore,Washington, Cincinnati, Louisville,m. Louis, Wheeling, Columbus and

icagOj having the excellent ad-v ii i through vestibuled trainsIrom each ol' these cities, with

through Pullman service during theic -ii Irom and to Pittsburg,Address W. E. Bi KWELL, Mana¬

ger. Di er Park, Maryland,

Quality va. Quantity.Hard muscles and strong body do'

'¦< pt nd «'!) thc quantity ol t od

eat, but on its perfect digestionaid proper assimilation. When you

Kodol Dyspepsia Cure youla stem gets all the nourishment oul

il ail the food you cat. Il digi - -

that you eat regardless ol the con¬

ic.i ol the stomach and conveysi nut lien! ptopt nus to the bl

.: d tiKsues. Ti is buildi up andgillens the enure system. Kod »!

ure- Indigestion, Dytipepsia, l» lob¬ing, Sour Stomach, Weah Hear.Sold l.v I.. K. Irwin.

But lt ls Not."All a woman asks ia to beloved,"

Biya a gushing poet. Then all thustuffabout lier wanting new bonnet*and jewelry must be a vile slander...Chicago Journal,

Ihe woman who e.n make good1 utter, darn seeks to a frazzle, coi ka meal that tickles her husband clem-to the waistband, and ke-]» thechildren's neck and ears clean. -

dom figures in a divorce case.

"Are;."'! going to the circus, Wi!lie," Srked the \ i.-itor.

"Ia'po**? I'll have to," replied thelittle lelSow, "i'apa wants to gc,and Tm the only ixcuse lu's ^ot.';

The Salve That Penetrates.DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salve pen¬

etrates the pores ol the skin, and byit* antiseptic, rubifocient and healing

it Buddnesi inti mi

mation and cures Boils, Burns,Cuts, Eczema, Tetter, Ring Worraaili ali skin diseases. A specific forblind, bleeding, Itching and protrup-ng Piles. Tlc original and genuineY\ itch II izel Salve is made by E. C.DeWitt A Co. and sold by L R.Irwin.

J. N Davis & Co. Real Estate AgtsWoodstock, Va.

Desire to rill attention to the fact,that now is tlie time to sell yourtum-, it will show up better now

than any time of the year. We havents <d inquiries tor large and smalllamia in this section, ll you want tosell, send description of location to tis

arith a reasonable price and we are

-ure are cati sell it for yoi.; it willcoal you nothing unless we sell. vVehave eight residences in Woodstockfoi sall ; some "t which are the most

.nie in the town.h cation idealand puc' unable, It you want

me to town to lne, call on us

and let us show you what we havein i if you have a farm for sale |*| us

. .ir Irom you at on .

J, N. Davis<ft Co.Beal Est Agts, Woodstock, Va.

For Sale.An ereelent tarm ol f tim- pro

ductlre limestone land, about Iacm iii oi laluni tlml>er. ti fairly ie**! roomy 'I welling banian<1 all "th-. necessary outbuildings asmlU"« wist of v oodstnek. Va. j ne srholsplace i*. wHI watered and fenced. Thin is aralnable pniiili farm on account of the qualityof the land. Aj>ply at ,mic»- to

IN. DAVIS A CO..Kcal Estate A»;ts. Woodstock, Vk.

For SaleA nice horne on SprinK street Woodntoek,

Va., corner lot of S acie.a good dwellinKwith nine room*, five of which are papered, Ihalla, new ii Int porch, staltle and all otherneccatiarv outbuildings- new roof on dweJ-I n>r,* for price apply at one#» tn

J. Bl. davis * coKial Estate Atfta. NtMaiwt, Va,


lu 1864, several IL ion and Confiltrate wounded loldfofl lay in I

firm bones in the Shenandoah Val¬

ley. Mrs i;-, the mother ol'oneot the hitler, rode ten miles. even

>lay to ssc her boy, bringing soclilittle con fol - ll i;¦¦ COttld, II- .

douse was burned, the plantation Inr lins, tram] led down by the ann}.)ii. 1 iv she carri, d him some bet t

..I. livery drop waa prcciou*; for itwis with ijreal difficulty that sh.e had

retained thc bael from which it w,i>

nade.As she sat walebing Inr hov sj

the steaming, savory broth, bet eyecm.-ht th< ry look on theMinn on tlie next cot. He was a

Yankee, perhaps one of the veryhan I wbo hal burned her home, 8bt>\ ;is :i bitter secessionist. But slitwits also a noble hearted Christi.ina oman. Her eye stole back to tin

[tale, sunken fae ; and she remem¬

bered the words ol the Master, "Iithine enemy thirst give him drink."After a moment's pans.1, and with

pressed lips, for it requited all ihemoral force she could comm md, sinfilled a howl with the broth and pu!ii to lils lips, repeating t<> herself the.voids, UP, r His i ikt; for Elia saki:lor His sake I do it.'' Then she

brought trish water, and bathed thesoldier's lace and hands as gently a*'

if he, too, had bt en her son. Thenext day, when she returned, he WSJ

gone, having been i rehanged to tinnorth.

Lastwicter the son ofa Senatoifrom a northern State brought bornewith iiim, during the Christmas vaca¬tion, a young engineer Irom Virginialie was the only living son ot Mrs*15., the other boy whom she hadnursed having been killed during tinlater yeats of the war. She had8trui»uh-d for yean to educate ibuhoy as a civil engineer, and baddone it. But without inflnence hc mid not obtain t p >si lon, and was

supporting hims!.!! by copying.St nator Blank v. quin d into his

q lalific itions, and finding them g<.jon alter st enid his apjK>iutmeni. rn the st. I! of i ngin ployed t<-

c nstrtict riii important milway. Th*S nator enclosed with ihe appoint¬ments letur to Mrs. U, rt mindinguer ol the 1 millions . on the Slienandoab, and adding, "1 waa the wound¬ed man to whom you gave thal i»ou!ol broth."The divine principle embodied ii

'lils act <-f th souther!mother was never iter * \

imp iii rd; and the fr ul of it, likthose ot evi ry obedii nee to dh In*i tu, w;.s a natural result and tu tin. nt vi ti ii promise th.a k lo. ad

I] .!. I hi be hine!

i manj da}.-."'

i>> lng ol I mimic

is, in its tei Hunts, ike dying of con*

sumption. Tne p'ogn ss ofcontump*'.i< n. Irom the beginning t<» the v« rjend, is a long torture, both to victlnmd friends. "Winn I had consump¬tion in its first si *..' writes ^ in

Myeis, ofCearibss, Md., "after try¬ing diflerent medicines and a ctor, in vain, I at last took I>rKing's New Dixjovery, which quick¬ly and perfect ) c in d me " Promptrelief and sure cnn lorcocghs, colds.-»!.. throat, bronchitis, etc l'ositively prevents pneumonia. Guar<ante* d at L, R. Irwin's drug store*

urice "><>, and ll ,"» a bottle. Trialbottle fri e.

UUlI ara prepared to 1 uild WAGONS,

ofall kinds at m\ wagon makingestablishment on South Main street


taircd i Sort .Notice,anl> nv

FIRST CLASS WORKJ/EN.Call to see me. I am prepared to dcgood work ami guarantee satisfaction.Buggiei and wagons painted and trjrii*med

Idff* Wagoni ironed at liberal rattsCHARLES U FOGAL,

WOOOSTOCMT, \'a.8-15-tf-


Qrsdcats Ontario Veterinary Collegs,Toronto, Canada.

Calls Promptly Answered both inCity, County and State.

Special Attention to Dis¬eases of Cattle.

OFFICE: <i ka it vs i.ivkhy'-Ul I N ,\ N I m \ h CO.. CHUNK wo. ar.Ml 1 AI.. IM'TII. IKU.T/MW.



Buildin^r & Loao AssociationWOODSTOCK, VA


J1 Ti. Wisma*, Pres, ana GenItanagar.L. 8, Ww kkk, V. President.\V W. Logan, Sect), and Treas

I'l l; K< l .i.s :

J. L. Wismah, Geo. It. GraRY*, W. Looa*, L. 8. Walker, PrV Magruder.\ddress \\ W.LOGAN,

Secy. «fc Treas.Woodstock. V.

HeartWeakness.Dr. Miles' Heart Cure has

made many hearts well afterthey have been pronouncedhopeless. It has completelycured thousands, and will al¬most inv iriably cure or benefitevery case . I heart disease.

hort breath, pain aroundheart, palpitation, fluttering,dizzy, fainting and smothering*spells should not be neglected.Take Dr. Miles' Heart Cureand see how quick you willbe relieved.

Tt cannot make a new heart,but will restore a sick one bystrengthening thc heart nervesand muscles, relieving theunnatural strain, and restoringits vitality.

'I had a very Kid case of hearttmuMu. For Pix ir.onths I mu'.d not

Last July I v>u* pfowiag oomami fssllna baa nil day; in the after¬noon In plowing ono row I had to lavd<>wn, or f;ill clown, three times. Sly1 rt throbbed ns though lt wouldburst through, and I had difficulty Ingvttlng ruy breath, I purchased abottle of Dr. Miles' Heart Cure, andi I bsd used half of lt I couldlav down and sl.-ep all night. Prevl-ously 1 bsd to get up from five to tentimes a night. I have taken serei 1bottles, nnd my heart is as regular asclock work. I feel like a new l cen work considerable for an oldman, MU rears old."

H. D. M. GI LL, Frost, Ohio.Dr. Miles' Heart Cure ls sold by

your druggist, who will guarantee thatthe first bottle will benefit. If lt failshe will refund your money.Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind

.'Did you iver have any troublewith blset inti rn Ireland, Bridget?1"No, ms'm, hut I bid tome trou¬

ble ore . with a white uncle."

BARBER MOP.Count St,, Woodstock, Va.

Warden Fravel, Propr.rvProm pt attention given to sit custo


A Share of tbs public patronage ao


Valuable Residential Property lorSale.

.-... W< odstock, Vs ,belne to t tte Wm. S riger, oi

- a large bri k bouse, coatsiniuf" -

..!. nnd thit-e porches, an cv.cullen! smoki

I oil other set esasi;ng s acres

re oi.. nty of nice fi

i eptioi illy v iluabliD*X Wltll 80

tba court boone Saving-all the a*.

town snd beisg jost I - lc illinn not . t'

ll on e to J. K. DAVIS *C<»..Res! Estate Agents,

Baltimore & Ohio R. E.SPECIAL LOW PABB8.

Summer Season 1905.amii RY PARK, If. I.- National Fdoea*

tional Association Tickets on tale Ju v

I.Sand I,good returning until July io.

Itu iIt<ATLANTIC C1TT, ( uk May. OCKAM 'nv

. Sea Isle Titi S. J., Oceas Citt,Sn ,:. | Ki HoBOTH BEAI H, DEL.

i ited Jw\ - rand i. 1


BALTI YORE Md ' ty Chi si ui

\ . , s \ ; ... and 1, Jnlf ii-ij

DENVER, I . Very Looif ii *.-..'! :> r . Oj

iruntil JoliRH UOL. «. A. K. Kn am

p Tl AN I i 'i. i i I

nore a Cl


Twontv-becond International Convention.Christian Endeavor, Baltimore, Md.,

July 5- 10. viall vi LtMORK & OHIO RAILROAD,

ail poi ni ' "

W t Martin n Va fc nth olL w i leta « I bel

nm Kn. .,j: foi tb* ronod trip.I i >vets k.'<>..(! v.'o::.k,' July ... , ami 5. va!.J !>>r

: thea July <, nor later tlian.1.

1 not return limit to Angas* .,1 majof tu Wei and ps] Bf Bl

ot Agent at Baltimore; Mu.SI s>evers will ba silos I, M*

Laka Park, Deer I'ark and Washington, in

Foi detal D Spply to nearestB ft O. ricket A] C, ts.,O. P.A.. B. A O. lc. lt Baltimors, I i.

EPWORTH LEAGUE CONVENTION,Derive*, Col., July 5-0, via


From all pointi Bsst of the Ohio B reitold Jooe .-y to lol? (.inclusive

alid returnirg to and including July 17, 1905.Extension of retara imitb Atuj tn may

r»bta edon leposlt of ticketaad payment ofCents.

For foll parti itara, sddresa nesrsst B, A 0.Ticket Agent « C. W. bassett, (i P. A.. B.AO, K H. Rsltimots.

A Rare Chance for a flerchant I

Wo. will tell the good will antifixtures nnd ¦ nice new clean stockot genera] merchandise of an entail-Itsbed business* (no booki*) of niuethousand dollars (19000.00) pir year,riie only reason lor telling is theowner, ha* been overworked and hi>health bli failed and he bas to ^retoat of the store The stock will in¬

voice about 13500.00 all new and. mian, large new store house 22x70lt. mid, in attractive new cottageresidence ol 6 rooms and bay win¬dow, and other outbuilding! lecitcdat Strasburg Junction, Va, would*ell the realty also; but pnter to leaseit, 3 years with the miviieg.' of liveyears. This proposition will bearhii.ii> investigation and is a moneymaker. Apply to

J. K.Daviss%Co.Heal Bit Airls Woodstock, Va

(JOOL* FLOUR.Whisnen's Pride of Virginia ii kep

regularly In stock by F. S. Bowman andT. (ilenn Locke. Il you have not usedhlsflour, try ir and you wi 1 be pleased-oct.


Trade MarksDesigns

Copyrights AcAnrone fending a uko!eh and A**cr\nt i< ... may

quickly n»rertain nnr opinion tn* wnrtbvr anttivpnilon lu prohiiMf |iA!«ul«til«. Com raun lr*.rion«pirlctlr*,o«ilMeiitl»l. MMOSOOK on Pat«-ntt. .¦'it f »..' Oldest apenry for »*>cui-inf patanta.Puttnta Iakwi thmuch Munn 4 Co. racalva

tj-'-.u ' 'i '. without chaw, la the

Scientific JUtierkan.A h*f..1«onif it llloatrato-t watkty. Ijtrtmnt ett.filiation of any artenUflc Journal. Tarro*. St four mont ha, IL Wmt by all SSWSSSSSam

tCo.«-,-~^JIewTortO»oa. Ok r ItU TKtmmmctom, U CL

Holding His Own.1 l>tc;uiio oftfcat young roi n

.vlio used to have such a beautifulmitidr* a>ked the sentimental gili

( Married," replied b»»f chum, "andfOU ou^'ht to pee the beautiful mindhe hns nov.

.'Tn Ire.)?"Ml. -, twins.1*.»Detroit Tribune.

OASTOTIIA.Bean the /* ^'e ^'^ V J Ha>s A:Aa/S BcLghl

Pst Dully."It I knew the toinnan' place ov me death, I'd lie ns brfrom th' place at th' toitn a* p MW


illino Tsmk.It was i huge ta>k, lo undertak*

the cure ol Mich a had case ol kidneydiscsse, ii that ot (J. V. Collier, olCherokee,ts*, ont Electric Uiiteisdid u. Ile writes: "My kidneyswere -<> tar i^one, 1 could not sit on n

chair without a cusbior; and inffered Irom dreadful backache, h»ad.che, aid depression. In EltctrieBitten*, howerer, I found a cure, and

hy them Mas restored to perfecthealth, I recommend this threat tonicmedicine to all with w»»:;k kidneyiliver or stomach. Guaranteed by L,It Irwin, druggist; price 50c.


Them are many things in thiskvoiid that it doesn't piy to do.

It doesn't piy to try to | ass

yourself oil' for .nore than you aie

worth; it ten is to depress yournarket quotation,

I ' esn't pay to lie, ior ymir litsall be kept on file ni ly and

in tiie course of time some ot themire pretty certain to get on tb.wrong book. A liar needs a betteimi tpory than anyone is ipi t<»

possi ^s

It doesn't pay to try to get a liv¬ing without work. Yon will worklarder and get a poorer living thanit yon di I honest work.

Ll doesn't pty t«> rest when yonought io bs lt work; if you do, yonan- Ipt to biye to work when youought to be resting.

It doesn't pay to cry orer spilledmilk, neither does ii piy to spill th«milk .Dr. S. A Stelie.

CASTOR IATor Infants and Children.

The Kind You Have Always BoughtBears tho

Signature of


Fa m s and Breeders!

Rketched from s photograph of Onycha.The (ireat Onycha Wilkes. 17616,2.21| is one of tin- fastest trotting!stallione ever foaled, has just arrivedal Woodstock and will make the re

maining portion of "u season HEREand at NEW MARKET, STRAS¬BURG ami all points between, al"lo. insurance. This low price i> on

account of tl I less < reason,- vi ar his fi vane-

(>XYI HA WILKES, I7H16, 2.21*.| MILE RECORD 3d HEATOF WIN¬NINI; KA* K 1.04J a | In > -

_'.ol p's it, cnn apeed better than ¦ twominute jrait. II. U ;i Heh I

ands high, sreighs ll s. Sfoal getter and hi> set are said t<» !>«.

the tin.^t in Washington, D. <

a .'! yr old, recently trotted a* in 1.11In a race al Brightwood, where he was

os ned.He sold for $1,500 a few years ago

and 12,500.00 has been refused for him.His breeding ;> of the best in theWilkes family, hi> gr. sire old

¦. ird" hi .ids the list of Wilkes-'¦-.. g -tl is

lias beei hy a

Thia horse and "Supremacy, *J._'.'."gives us two great Stallions, and i-

surely the rri it opportunityed the 3 of !his sectioi

it in any country.a|'< r than

red liefore in any county.

A Great OpportunityTwo Standard-bred and RegisteredTrotting StallionsONYCHA WILKES, 17616.

RECORD 2.2H. \ mile record l.04|.

Only $10. to insure.BKOADU3 BOYD, Groom.

SUPREMACY, 13323.(RECORD 329, TRIAL 2.17.)

Only sl(). to insurel -

' l>on'i fail to send for pedigree and particulars.DR. i) l) CARTER, or j. w. CLEM, Manager.


Shenandoah Ufanufacuring ComPanvWOODSTOCK, VIRGINIA.

Hanufacturers of

Staves, Heading,Barrels, &c.

FLOORING, WKATH HOARDING and all KINDS of LUMBERDRESSED at short notice.Machinery of all kind? promptly rapaircd at our Machine Shops.


Address, U. L. SHITPE, Manager,Feb,* Woodstock, Va.


Saddle &Harness Factory.ESTABLISHED 1839


All kinds of Harness irjrn the cheapest machine made te the best[Tan made. Alarie lot orCollars, from the lightest Buggy to the

Heaviest Draft. Everything in the line constantly on hand1We are prepared to meet competition and to guarantee prices, and

jollity of worn. AU work guaranteed to be as represented.tfjT Grateful for past'iavors, we will endesror to merit^ a {contra

Lance ol the same.

Tho Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been

in uso for over ,'SO years, bas borne tho signature of-. and lias boen madonmlor his per-

//JjTji-p-' aon i Miin rvision sime its infancy.X''&tc«><ryV. A1V ray no one to deeeive you in this.

All Counterfeits, Imitations and"Just-as-£<>o<r,arc but

Experiments that tritle with and ondaiijror thc health or

Infants and Children.Experience against Experiment.

What ls CASTORIACastoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil* Pare*

gorio, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. Itcontains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcoticsubstance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worinaand allays Feverishness. It runs Diarrlwa and WindColic. It relieves Teething Trouble s, cures Oonstfpotsottand Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regalotei tho

Stomach and Bowels, | ring I Itli md nit ural sleep.The Children's Panacea.Tho or's Friend.


The Kind You Have Always BoughtIn Use For Over 30 Years.




Ettccth t, 19< ".

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i. D. ..wiimitrum Baltimore, i'hilaU«.-lph'a air! New

0. il. Ackiirt, General Manager.LS B vn, Genl. A


f U ttk <hits.

Por W .h Ticket Rats^t A^'cut or writ* to

Hardwick.G. P. A.

Baltimore & Ohiorailroad.

Time Table in effect May 17, 1903, untilfurther notice.

NORTHBOUND $ 14 44Stations. Psst Pass. Mix-

Ly. Lexington 4 ItV-H ll 40am '2 00Staunton 5 45am 1 15pm 4 87Uarrisonb'g ti 84aul 2 10pm T 0U

Train 2 connects with Southern Ry. atHarrisonburg at 8.45 a. m. foi 81¦Junction and Harper's Ferry Division.

I 20 - 14P-.i^s. Pass, Pasi

-P.M.Lr. StrasburgJc 5am! 5 00

Capon l: g 28aiWinchester 6 00am 9 13amStephenson ti 00am * 24aCharlesTu'n ti 45amrUJ 6 81

Ar. Harper's F'y 7 OdumllO 27am 8 55Washington 9 8J*m|12 80am 9 40Baltimore 10 80amI I 44am ll 10Philadelphia! 12 54pm 105pm 3 55New York 3 00pm ti 35pm 6 52

SOUTH BO'MD 59 1 19Stations. Pass. Pass. Psss.

- Xew York 10 25am ll 30

PhilaJelp'Ia 1.150pm IBaltimore j 6 35am 2 56pm 4Washinsjt'n y 85am 4 15pm 5 30

. Harper'sFy '10 40am 5 48pm s 00CharlesTo'n ll 00am 6 11pm 8 21 '

Stephenson ll 84am '! 61pm s ">?Wincnoter ll 44am 7 03pm 8 7MiddlewtoajCaponoad [IS 17pm 7 40pmI

A.r. Strasburg ll 80pm 7 42pmTrains 59 and 1 connect with Southern

Ky. at Strasburg Junction at 12.50 and7.45 p. m. for Harrisonburg.

, 95 17Mil Pass. Pass.

Lt. Harrisaonb'g!l6 20 7 15am 8 80pmStaunton 12 30 8 10am 8 45pm

A.r. Lexington | 9 45 am 5 22pm

Pullman Palace Sleepinj- cars arerun througn to Cincinnati, St Louis andChicago oo all trains.For rates, tickets, baggage chi

ipply lo any ofhVe ot' the B. & 0. Rail¬road, or to C. E. Dudrow, TravelingPassenger Agt., Harper's Ferry, W. Ya

D. B. Martix, Mani-Pass TrcW. Barret. Gen. Pass. *\sj8>


M,TH Dr. King'sNew Discovery

Cr0NSUMPTI0N PriesOUGHSand 50c a $1.00OLDS Free Trial.

Surest and Quickest Cure for allTHROAT and LUNG TROUB¬LES, or MONEY BAGS.

N&WNorfolk^WesterSchedule in Effect

SUNDAY. JAN- 22.1 I9C5'TBAIXI LEATB ki\KKTc>N, Va..Iv v.

N9*45 A V

sourHBorNDFoi flasie, tluena Vista, Roa¬noke, J- t-t hjidtord. blueSe dfarewell, Kortoa, lJ<«-ah<>nta!*

Retch, *.' 'V*.Natural Bridge. ht>-

d IntermediateHatton*. Pullman ^:«eper to(ville, Connectl at Hoan<>ko't witta St. L" lia 1 spree*. ThroughNo. fl Pul n an - 1 to Coln rebut.7 13 P* V!- v* .¦'..«< * . Va.For S ali interme-roi0 tl

N NORTHBOUND1.39 A- M. For h< rryi :;ie, Ha*- ' aoelpaia, and the

1 illmao sheper to Pbi.a-d< ptua.I r fl rn and mtc-mediat

flheinendoakJunction witn li \ tt. t<>r *a»b-DIMCti al HatM-r*--

Harrlsbuif- 1.'nb.

berrjmue. Harristowntf Station*. Con¬

ti Ht >hou8ndoah lunctktiwitta B \ 0. foi M. nfbin^t* ti1 nrouitfa Sta per via Hager*-N rn York.nt ional ihfor-

stion to AgeatsI or.W. I! HI A 11.1. it. F. HKAliG.

ii.ty. Pa*». AuontKi aaoke. Va.

8*3 AM

\ it1 . * P. M.

fricoco:£nflne of ali kinds

Threshers, Saw nillsrSHAFIfe, PULLEYS, Ac.

I ar agent for the abo?e celebratedmarh'n-ry'JlujrH M. H. HOTTEL*


MadeaWe'1 Mao

TOE^OK IlE^n3DTtrodocrb the ahovo result* In 30 daya. It actrwrrfullv and q jickly Cures wbtn all o.hetvtai..fcurg mon ¦¦IU regain their lott manhood, aod okineo will re-over their youthful t.gor by wdaa;ETIYO. lt quickly and mire ly re*torte Nenrouai6M. Lott Vl'jhtv. Impotency. NlgLtlr r*''.>«narm%%lower,Falling Memory, **VaBti.i« DUeasta.saril effect! of felf-abuse cr exceMand iDdlarrrUca.rLu'fc ucflfai one for t Indy, bualneea or rnamata, tftot only cure? by ftartii,- at tho Mat c f dlaeaae. hue. agreat ncrre tonio and blood, builder, br:n#-:.g back tbe pink g'0%7 to pale check*rr 4 rt-torlng the fire of j >nth. It warda eff Ko-l: ».nd Consumption, luau* on bating REV1YO, jithar. It can be carried tn vest pockitt. By lunn.ll.00 perpackage, or six for Su.OO, with c. r ok.ine written -(naram ee to core or rarime*he aioney. h ^k an,* »>lvlse freo. A ?dre*..tOY-a MEOlffliE C0.,6&te~i&'"H. 0CHIflTr^]Dlsxmsssa

°aS^' Early Rieere