shell canada energy jackpine mine expansion …e-mail: [email protected] kirk lambrecht...

JOINT REVIEW PANEL ESTABLISHED BY THE ALBERTA ENERGY RESOURCES CONSERVATION BOARD AND THE CANADIAN ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AGENCY Shell Canada Energy Jackpine Mine Expansion Project Fort McMurray Area ______________________________________ Curriculum Vitae for witnesses of Environment Canada, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Natural Resources Canada and Transport Canada ______________________________________ DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE (CANADA) 300 Epcor Tower 10423-101 Street Edmonton, Alberta T5H 0E7 Telephone: (780) 495-2968 Facsimile: (780) 495-8491 E-Mail: [email protected] KIRK LAMBRECHT

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Page 1: Shell Canada Energy Jackpine Mine Expansion …E-Mail: KIRK LAMBRECHT LIST OF WITNESSES CEAR Reference Number: 59540 Shell Canada Energy Jackpine Mine




Shell Canada Energy

Jackpine Mine Expansion Project Fort McMurray Area


Curriculum Vitae for witnesses of Environment Canada, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Natural Resources Canada and Transport Canada ______________________________________ DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE (CANADA) 300 Epcor Tower 10423-101 Street Edmonton, Alberta T5H 0E7 Telephone: (780) 495-2968 Facsimile: (780) 495-8491 E-Mail: [email protected]


Page 2: Shell Canada Energy Jackpine Mine Expansion …E-Mail: KIRK LAMBRECHT LIST OF WITNESSES CEAR Reference Number: 59540 Shell Canada Energy Jackpine Mine

LIST OF WITNESSES CEAR Reference Number: 59540

Shell Canada Energy Jackpine Mine Expansion Project Fort McMurray Area, Alberta

October 2012

Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO)

• Brian Makowecki – Manager, Northern Alberta District and Oil Sands • Marek Janowicz – Senior Environmental Assessment Analyst • Court D Berryman – Senior Environmental Assessment Analyst

**NOTE: Certain DFO experts involved in the review and development of the models employed for the habitat assessments are not available for questioning/follow-up. For example, the development of the Habitat Suitability Index (HSI Model) was in large part dealt with by DFO’s retired scientist, Kris Katopodis.

Environment Canada (EC)

• Baraniecki, Cheryl - Regional Director, EPOD – PNR - Team Lead.

• Bennett, Ron - Manager of Ecosystem Conservation Section; SARA and related policies.

• Bonsal, Barrie – Research Scientist at the national Hydrology Research Centre; Climate change impacts modelling.

• Booty, William – Section Head of Integrated Modelling in the National Water Research Institute; Water quality modelling.

• Chambers, Patricia – Research Scientist; Technical aspects of the aquatic component of the Canada-Alberta Joint Oils Sands Monitoring Program, & on overall surface water quality.

• Fox, Dave - Air Pollution Management Analyst; Technical air quality questions

• Morrison, Heather – Manager, Air Quality Research Division; Air component section of the Integrated Oil Sands Monitoring Plan.

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• Song, Samantha - Head of Population Assessment Unit; Non-game migratory birds and Terrestrial biodiversity & habitat disturbance component of the Integrated Oil Sands Biodiversity Monitoring Program.

• Spry, Doug – Manager with National Guidelines and Standards Office; Chronic Effects Benchmarks (CEB), exceedances of CEBs, mixtures of chemicals, and general aquatic toxicology.

• Virc, Stephen, A/Manager of the National Recovery Projects, Boreal Woodland Caribou and the boreal Woodland Caribou Recovery Strategy.

• Watt, Corinna - Air Pollution Analyst, Technical air quality questions with respect to the air section of the Environment Canada written evidence.

• Wiacek, Richard - Senior Environmental Assessment Officer; Species-At-Risk and Migratory Birds.

• Greg Bickerton – Senior Hydrologist

Natural Resources Canada (NRCan)

• Shelley Ball – Senior Environmental Assessment Officer • Kim Kasperski – Senior Scientist / Manager • Miroslav Nastev – Research Scientist, Geological Survey of Canada • Baolin Wang – Research Scientist, Geological Survey of Canada

Transport Canada (TC)

• Dale Kirkland (Regional Manager of Environmental Services) • Shannon Vollema (Regional Officer, Navigable Waters Protection Program)

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Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Pêches et Océans Canada

Brian Makowecki

Manager, Northern Alberta District and Oil Sands Fisheries and Oceans Canada Central and Arctic Region Prairies Area, Edmonton District Office 1028 Parsons Road Edmonton, Alberta T6X 0J4 Tel: 780 495-3889 Fax: 780 495-8606

EDUCATION B.Sc. Biology Augustana University, 1996


Manager, Northern Alberta District and Oil Sands Fisheries & Oceans Canada, Habitat Management Manage DFO’s mandate in Northern Alberta including resources dedicated to the review of Oil Sands developments. Provide advice, guidance and coordination to staff reviewing proposals under my direction that have the potential to affect fish and fish habitat. Some specific responsibilities include:

Develop and provide input into national policy and national guidance materials Represent DFO in during hearings and audits of departmental performance DFO representative for CEMA Government Caucus Director on CEMA management board Brief senior management in DFO as well as other departments, and other levels of

government on issues related to DFO’s mandate with respect to Oil Sands development. Management of external contracts for delivery of goods and services Provide testimony at Joint Panel Hearings Lead for Government of Canada witness panel Lead DFO’s involvement in the development of the Water Management Framework Provide advice to staff during the review of Oil Sands development proposals that have

the potential to affect fish habitat


Impact Assessment Biologist Fisheries & Oceans Canada, Habitat Management Review projects and provide guidance and coordination to staff reviewing proposals that have the potential to affect fish and fish habitat. Specific responsibilities include:

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Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Pêches et Océans Canada

review and provide conditions and recommendations from a fish and fish habitat perspective on proposals for a wide range of development activities including stream crossings, shoreline disturbances, water withdrawals, stream realignments, stream restorations, industrial spill reclamation, SAG-D oil developments, storm water management, gravel extraction and oil sands mine developments.

liaison between interest groups and government agencies including provincial and federal departments, municipal governments, industry, consultants and private individuals.

Provide evidence at Joint Panel Oil Sands Hearings supervision of habitat biologist staff reviewing proposals in the Edmonton DFO office


Fisheries Biologist Alberta Provincial Government, Fisheries Management, Lac La Biche, AB Conduct fish population status assessments. Monitor and assess commercial fisheries. Review projects that may affect fish habitat or Provincial Fish Management Objectives.

collection and analysis of biological data for population assessments. review and provide conditions and recommendations for land use referrals. conducting field programs including fish population index netting, test fishing assessing potential habitat fish habitat liaison between interest groups and government agencies including other provincial arms,

federal authorities, municipal governments, native groups, industry, and the public at large

provided comments on design of a man-made fishery in Lac La Biche


Fisheries Biologist Westworth Associates Environmental Ltd., Edmonton, AB I had conducted and managed fish habitat assessments and environmental impact assessments for numerous studies with the Westworth team. Responsibilities included:

determine fish species presence using electrofishing, seine nets, gill nets, minnow traps, trap nets, angling, and visual assessments

assess and map fish habitat through the collection of field assessment data, air photo interpretation, and aerial reconnaissance

waterbody restoration and design for waterbodies affect by industrial and infrastructure development activities

leading Ministry of Environment (BC) field audits for fish and fish habitat inventories contributing and primary author for a number of Westworth reports liaison between clients, contractors, and government agencies


Isle Pierre Fish and Fish Habitat Inventory Morkill River Fish and Fish Habitat Inventory Camp Creek/Canoe River Fish and Fish Habitat Inventory

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Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Pêches et Océans Canada

Valemount Water Intake Fish Habitat Assessment Morkill River Road Sedimentation Assessment Genesis Fish Tissue Collection Byram Waste Disposal Aquatic Assessment Getty Copper Baseline Fish and Aquatic Information Collection Blue Ridge Lumber Detailed Forest Management Plan Grandin Pond Assessment Restoration and Realignment of Astotin Creek Highway 43 Highway upgrade (numerous Fish and Fish Habitat Assessments) Lakeland County ER Bylaw Development Alexander Hamilton Trout Pond Walleye spawning access assessment and enhancement Rock Island River (Calling Lake) Winefred Lake Commercial viability testing Winefred Lake walleye population assessment Kinnaird Lake walleye population assessment Skeleton Lake walleye population assessment Elinor Lake walleye population assessment Pinehurst Lake walleye/northern pike population assessment Beaver Lake walleye/northern pike population assessment Calling Lake Fall Walleye Index Netting Seibert Lake Fall Walleye Index Netting Heart Lake Fall Walleye Index Netting Mile 7 Lake fish habitat suitability assessment Grist Lake fish collection for tissue analysis Rat Creek fish collection for tissue analysis Walleye spawning run assessment (Owl River) Numerous Commercial Fishery Sampling Events and Analysis In addition to the above projects in which I have been directly involved in field work, I have participated and been responsible for the review of hundreds of other projects that have the potential to impact fish or fish habitat, including participation as a DFO witness for the Shell Jackpine, CNRL Horizon, Shell Muskeg River Mine Expansion, and Imperial Oil Kearl Oil Sands Mine joint review panels and as the Federal Government witness panel lead for Total’s Joslyn Oil Sands Mine.

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Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Pêches et Océans Canada

Marek Janowicz Senior Environmental Assessment Analyst Fisheries and Oceans Canada Central and Arctic Region Prairies Area, Edmonton District Office 1028 Parsons Road Edmonton, Alberta T6X 0J4 Tel: 780 495-8486


B.Sc. Environmental and Conservation Sciences, University of Alberta, 1996

PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 2008-present Senior Environmental Assessment Analyst, Oil Sands Major Projects, Edmonton Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Habitat Management Specific responsibilities include:

Review and provide conditions and recommendations from a fish and fish habitat perspective on oil sands mines, SAGD oil developments, water withdrawals, and pipeline crossings for development activities in the oils sands region

Engage in consultation with other government departments and agencies (federal, provincial, municipal), Aboriginal groups, industry and other stakeholders

Participate in departmental, interdepartmental and intergovernmental environmental assessment reviews of proposed development projects

Conduct pre and post-construction compliance and biological monitoring of development proposals to confirm impact assessment predictions and ensure the conditions specified by the Department are implemented

Represent DFO on advisory, technical and multi-stakeholder groups

Participated as a DFO witness for the Shell Muskeg River Mine Expansion, and Imperial Oil Kearl Oil Sands Mine, and Total Joslyn North Mine Joint Review Panels

Cooperate with senior management in DFO as well as other departments, and other levels of government on issues related to DFO’s mandate with respect to Oil Sands development

Management of external contracts for delivery of goods and services 2002-2008 Fish Habitat Biologist Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Habitat Management

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Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Pêches et Océans Canada

Specific responsibilities included:

Reviewed and provided conditions and recommendations from a fish and fish habitat perspective on proposals for a wide range of development activities, including stream crossings, shoreline disturbances, water withdrawals, stream realignments, stream restorations, industrial spill reclamation, SAG-D oil developments, storm water management, and gravel extraction

Represented DFO as an expert witness during Joint Review Panel Hearings

Participated in departmental, interdepartmental and intergovernmental environmental assessments of various development projects

Represented the Department on various committees and working groups established to address Departmental, interdepartmental and intergovernmental environmental issues

Conducted pre and post-construction compliance monitoring

Reviewed biological monitoring of projects to confirm impact assessment predictions and ensure the conditions specified by the Department for fish habitat protection are implemented

Assessed impacts of unauthorized development projects on fish and fish habitat and participating in the development of recovery strategies

1996-2002 Fisheries Biologist Fins Consulting Ltd., Terrace, B.C. Specific responsibilities included:

Collected and analysed biological data for population assessments.

Reviewed developmental projects affecting fish habitat and provide conditions and recommendations regarding fish habitat.

Conducted field programs including fish population sampling.

Conducted environmental assessment of fish habitat.

Prepared professional reports outlining the findings of field assessments.

Managed Projects including budget tracking, major purchases and field logistics for field season sampling programs.

1996-2002 Fisheries Biologist, Principal Bio-Aqua Environmental Consulting, Edmonton, AB Responsibilities included:

Participated in various fish and fish habitat assessment for numerous studies.

Determined fish species presence using electrofishing, seine nets, gill nets, minnow traps, trap nets, angling, and visual assessments

Assessed and mapped fish habitat through the collection of field data, air photo interpretation, and aerial reconnaissance

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Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Pêches et Océans Canada

Analysed various biological parameters related to fish growth and benthos invertebrates

Provided advice related to fish habitat in waterbodies affected by industrial and infrastructure developmental activities

Contributed to and prepare a number of reports

Acted as liaison between clients, contractors, and government agencies

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Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Pêches et Océans Canada

Court D Berryman

Senior Environmental Assessment Analyst Central and Arctic Region Prairies Area, Edmonton Office 1028 Parsons Road Edmonton, Alberta T6X 0J4 Tel: 780-495-8482 Fax: 780-495-8606

EDUCATION B.Sc. Environmental Biology University of Alberta, 2006

PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 2008-present Senior Environmental Assessment Analyst, Oil Sands Major Projects, Edmonton Fisheries & Oceans Canada, Habitat Management Responsibilities include:

Review and provide conditions and recommendations from a fish and fish habitat perspective on SAGD oil developments, oil sand mines, water withdrawals, and pipeline crossings for development activities in the oils sands area.

Engage in consultation with other government departments and agencies (federal, provincial, municipal), aboriginal groups, industry and other stakeholders.

Participate in departmental, interdepartmental and intergovernmental environmental assessment reviews of proposed development projects.

Conduct pre and post-construction compliance and biological monitoring of development proposals to confirm impact assessment predictions and ensure the conditions specified by the department are implemented.

Participation as a DFO expert witness for the Total Joslyn North Oil Sands Mine Project Joint Review Panel.

Management of external contracts for delivery of goods and services Represent DFO on advisory, technical and multi-stakeholder groups.

2007-2008 Fish Habitat Biologist Alberta District Fisheries & Oceans Canada, Habitat Management Responsibilities included:

Review and provide conditions and recommendations from a fish and fish habitat perspective on proposals for a wide range of development activities including stream crossings, shoreline disturbances, water withdrawals, stream realignments, stream restorations, SAGD oil developments, storm water management facilities, gravel extraction, and pipeline crossings.

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Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Pêches et Océans Canada

Conduct site visits to generate recommendations for mitigation, compensation, and contingency measures.

Conduct pre and post-construction compliance monitoring and review biological monitoring of projects.

Responding to inquiries from clients and the public, representing DFO on advisory committees and working groups.

Assessing impacts of unauthorized development projects on fish and fish habitat and participating in the development of recovery strategies.

Participate in departmental, interdepartmental and intergovernmental environmental assessments of various development projects.

2006-2007 Environmental Technician EXH Engineering Services Ltd. Responsibilities included:

Conduct environmental site assessments including soil and vegetation assessments. Ensure field construction operations are in compliance with applicable government

regulations. Write professional reports outlining the findings of field assessments. Project management including budget tracking, major purchases and field logistics for

contaminated and reclamation sites, as well as the preparation of reclamation certificate applications.

Prepare sediment and erosion control plans for construction projects. Assist with surveying of construction project sites including road, bridge and culvert

projects. 2005 Limnology Research Assistant University of Alberta, Department of Biological Sciences Responsibilities included:

Coordinate and implement water quality and chemistry sampling. Implement fish habitat assessments and invertebrate assemblage sampling programs. Collaborated with government agencies for aerial bird population surveys. Conduct biological sampling in boreal and alpine lakes, conduct laboratory analysis, and

report preparation.

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Cheryl Baraniecki (née Gauthier)

Regional Director Environmental Protection Operations Division Environment Canada Edmonton, Alberta (780) 951-8866 [email protected]

Education M.Sc. in Microbiology and Biotechnology – University of Alberta Sep 96 – Jan 00

• Thesis – Characterization of Sphingomonas paucimobilis ANT 17, an Oil Degrading Bacterial Isolate From Antarctica

• Supervisor: Julia M. Foght, Ph.D.

B.Sc. with specialization in Microbiology with Distinction – Univ. of Alberta Sep 92 – Jun 96

• Undergraduate research thesis – Biodegradation of Alberta Sweet Mixed Blend Crude Oil in an Artificial Sea Water System by a Mixed Bacterial Population

• Supervisor: Julia M. Foght, Ph.D. Relevant Experience:

Environment Canada

Regional Director, Environmental Protection Operations – Prairie and Northern Region (March 2010 – present; Acting Regional Director August – December 2009)

• Responsible for the regional delivery of Environmental Protection Operations programs including environmental assessment, emergencies, compliance promotion, contaminated sites, and other sector specific programs

• Oversee the regional salary budget, staffing actions and other human resource matters

• Planning and reporting on budget expenditures, pressures and other corporate matters

• Oversee and approve of docket responses, briefing notes, and ATIP responses Manager, Environmental Assessments and Marine Programs: (April 2006 – September 2009)

• Responsibility for the delivery Environment Canada’s obligations for Environmental Assessments in the region (AB, SK, MB, NWT and NU).

• Program includes preparing departmental submissions for panel reviews and departmental responses, providing departmental technical advice for other EA

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________________________________________________________________________________________________ Environment Canada – CVs – Submission to the CEAA/ERCB Joint Review Panel – Shell Jackpine Mine Expansion

processes, preparing briefing notes and responding to ATIP requests, ministerial letters and media enquiries.

• Includes the management of three work units consisting of 25 employees, financial resource management and strategic planning.

• Program delivery coordinated with and issues addressed collaboratively with national counterparts.

Manager, Toxic Substances Division: (April 2005 – April 2006)

• Responsibility for the operations and program delivery of the Toxic Substances Division within the Environmental Protection Branch, Prairie and Northern Region

• Programs responsibilities include: the EP laboratories (inorganic and organic chemistry, ecotoxicology and microbiology), Risk Assessment, Risk Management, National Pollutant Release Inventory, Environmental Effects Monitoring, Compliance Promotion, and Contaminated Sites.

Regional Compliance Promotion Coordinator: (October 2001 – April 2005)

• Developed and implemented a regional strategy to deliver the regional compliance promotion program

• Coordinated the delivery of the regional program through a regional team of ~10 members

• Report on activities and performance to regional managers and national working groups, inform management of issues and propose solutions to address challenges to program delivery

• Direct supervision of three indeterminate/term staff plus students and casuals • Manage the expenditure of A-base and short-term project based resources • Additional program related duties as described in the New Substances Officer

position Associate Director, Environmental Protection: Assignment (March 2004 – October 2004)

• Participated as a full member on the Regional Management Committee (RMC) • Represented the RD and the Branch at meetings and on conference calls, prepared

and distributed notes capturing the issues addressed, action items assigned and decisions made

• Oversaw the implementation of operational plans, projects, human resource actions (RPA approvals), and financial requirements (such as approving travel expense claims and hospitality)

• Provided advice, guidance and operational assistance to the EPB Management team

• Responded to situations on behalf of the RD at meetings and through correspondence with other senior executive of Environment Canada

• Participated in the analysis, tracking and reporting of initiatives to the Director and EPB Management team

New Substances Officer: October 2000 – October 2001

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________________________________________________________________________________________________ Environment Canada – CVs – Submission to the CEAA/ERCB Joint Review Panel – Shell Jackpine Mine Expansion

• Reviewed draft control instruments and participated in the development of national compliance strategies and compliance promotion plans to ensure effective regional implementation

• Developed and delivered compliance promotion materials, both written and oral, to regulatees and stakeholders

• Responded to questions and inquires regarding CEPA 1999 and the Fisheries Act from stakeholders, other government departments and non-governmental organizations

• Supported regional enforcement personnel as a CEPA analyst through the assistance of inspections, providing information of potential non-compliance and providing regulatory information

• Provided scientific expertise to enforcement and other regional and national Environment Canada personnel


Captain, Cadet Instructor Cadre Reserve Officer (CIC) Edmonton Gliding Centre – Villeneuve, AB Sep 92 – Apr 09

• Supervision of staff members and cadets, airfield inspections, conduct briefings and debriefings on daily operations, coordination of the daily operations with tower personnel, ensure equipment serviceable; track the unit’s finances, gliding instructor/check pilot and tow pilot

• Currently transferred to the Supplementary Reserve Various Military Courses and Training Received

• Training included basic military and occupational knowledge, leadership knowledge and skills, instructional techniques, planning and organization, supervision, briefings and military administrative procedures

Gliding Instructor – Gimli, MB summer 2000

Air Studies Flight Commander – Penhold, AB summer 1995 Teaching (University of Alberta) Microbiology 345 (Microbial Laboratory Techniques) teaching assistant Jan – Apr 98 / 99

• DNA and RNA preparation, in vitro transcription, protein purification Microbiology 392 (Environmental Microbiology) teaching assistant Sep – Dec 97 / 98

• Enumeration of bacteria in environmental samples, biodegradation, oil extraction, GC-FID analysis of extracted oil, 14C-labelled compound uptake and

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________________________________________________________________________________________________ Environment Canada – CVs – Submission to the CEAA/ERCB Joint Review Panel – Shell Jackpine Mine Expansion

mineralization, aerosol generation, sampling airborne microorganisms, anaerobic culturing, isolation of an environmental organism capable of degrading a pure compound; Statistical analysis of data

Biology 107 (Introduction to Cell Biology) teaching assistant Jan – Apr 97; Sep – Dec 97

• General lab skills and aseptic technique, microscopy, spectrophotemetry, bacterial isolation, membrane integrity, photosynthesis, cell enumeration, DNA extraction, restriction digestion, transformation, gel electrophoresis

Microbiology 313 (Microbial Physiology Laboratory) teaching assistant Sep – Dec 96

• Spectrophotemetry, cell wall determination (amino acid, hexosamine), cell transport, cell content determination (RNA, DNA, protein), cell growth curves, TLC, enzyme production, enzyme repression

Research and Laboratory:

Laboratory preparation for Biology 107 at University of Alberta Jan – Mar 00 • Prepared materials, reagents and cultures for Biol 107

labs, set-up lab rooms, inventory and maintain equipment and supplies, troubleshoot labs in progress, fire marshall and first aid as required

Thesis Research for M.Sc. Sep 96 – Jan 00

• Media and solution preparation, culturing techniques, microscopy, spectrophotometry, radiochemicals (14C, 32P, 35S) and scintillation, mineralization, DNA extraction and purification, gel electrophoresis, oil-liquid extraction, gas chromatography

Summer Student Research Assistant – Julia M. Foght, Ph.D. May – Aug 96

• Differentiate 4 biotypes of Shewanella putrifaciens using molecular biology techniques

Publications and Conference Presentations: C. Baraniecki, J. Aislabie and J.M. Foght. 2002. "Characterization of Sphingomonas sp. Ant 17, an aromatic hydrocarbon-degrading bacterium isolated from Antarctic soil." Microbial Ecology 43:44-54.

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________________________________________________________________________________________________ Environment Canada – CVs – Submission to the CEAA/ERCB Joint Review Panel – Shell Jackpine Mine Expansion

J. Aislabie, C. Baraniecki and J. Foght. Distribution and diversity of phenanthrene–degrading bacteria from soils of the Ross Sea region, Antarctica. Poster presented at the New Zealand Microbiological Society meeting, Wellington, November 2001. Baraniecki, C.A. 2000. Characterization of Sphingomonas paucimobilis ANT 17, an oil degrading bacterial isolate from Antarctica. M.Sc. Thesis. University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB. J. Foght, K. Semple, C. Gauthier, D.W.S. Westlake, S. Blenkinsopp, G. Sergy, Z. Wang and M. Fingas. 1999. Effect of nitrogen source on biodegradation of crude oil by a defined bacterial consortium incubated under cold, marine conditions. Environmental Technology 40:839-849. C.A.P. Gauthier and J.M. Foght. Biodegradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by Sphingomonas sp. ANT 17, a psychrotroph isolated from Antarctica. Seminar presented at the International Symposium on Microbial Ecology, Halifax, August 1998. C.A. Gauthier and J.M. Foght. Biodegradation of aromatic compounds by a cold-tolerant Sphingomonas sp. isolated from Antarctica. Poster presented at the American Society for Microbiology General Meeting, Atlanta, May 1998. Awards and Scholarships:


GSA Graduate Student Teaching Award Mar 98 UTS Graduate Student Teaching Award Apr 98 Dept. of Biological Sciences Excellence in Teaching Award Apr 98 Letter of Commendation for Teaching Mar 97 and Mar 99


Graduate Studies and Research Scholarship Sep 98 – Apr 99 Graduate Teaching Assistantship Sep 96 – Apr 99 Faculty of Science Tuition Scholarship Sep 96 – Apr 99 Imperial Oil Higher Education Award Sep 92 – Apr 96 Alexander Rutherford Scholarship Sep 92

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________________________________________________________________________________________________ Environment Canada – CVs – Submission to the CEAA/ERCB Joint Review Panel – Shell Jackpine Mine Expansion

Ron Bennett Manager, Ecosystem Conservation Section Canadian Wildlife Service Environment Canada Room 200, 4999-98 Avenue Edmonton, AB, T6B 2X3 Tel: (780) 951-8673 Email: [email protected] Education Master of Science , Department of Biological Sciences, University of Alberta - 1997 Bachelor of Science (Honours), Environmental Biology, University of Alberta - 1995 AWARDS: • NSERC Post-Graduate Scholarship • Walter H. Johns Fellowship • NSERC Undergraduate Research Scholarship • University of Alberta Dean’s Silver Medal in Science Current Position Manager, Ecosystem Conservation Section, Canadian Wildlife Service, Environment Canada, Prairie & Northern Region Primary duties: • management of Environment Canada’s species at risk, protected areas, and

stewardship programs in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. • providing advice to senior managers and external agencies on policy and program

issues related to implementation of Environment Canada legislation, particularly the Canada Wildlife Act and the Species at Risk Act.

Previous Positions April 2002 to October 2009

Head, Protected Areas and Stewardship Unit, Canadian Wildlife Service, Environment Canada, Prairie & Northern Region

Responsible for management of Environment Canada’s protected areas and stewardship programs in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. November 1998 to March 2002

Wildlife/Habitat Biologist (BI-02/BI-03), Environmental Conservation Branch, Environment Canada, Prairie & Northern Region

Responsible for delivering habitat stewardship program, reviewing environmental impact assessments for oilsands projects, and implementing habitat/wildlife monitoring programs.

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Prior to November 1998 Field Technician, Alberta Research Council Worked on forestry-related projects in the Boreal forest and Foothill regions of Alberta Research Associate, Sustainable Forest Management Network Managed and analyzed data on the effects of forestry and forest fires on lakes. Publications Dechka, J., Franklin, S., Watmough, M., Bennett, R., and Ingstrup, D. 2002.

Classification of wetland habitat and vegetation communities using multi-temporal Ikonos imagery in southern Saskatchewan. Can. J. Remote Sensing 28:679-685

Bennett, R. 1999. Status of the Red-tailed Chipmunk (Tamias ruficaudus) in Alberta. Alberta Environmental Protection, Fisheries and Wildlife Management Division, and Alberta Conservation Association, Wildlife Status Report No. 19, Edmonton, AB. 15pp.

Bennett, R. 1999. Effects of food quality on growth and survival of juvenile Columbian ground squirrels (Spermophilus columbianus). Can. J. Zool. 77:1555-1661

Neuhaus, P., Bennett, R. and Hubbs, A. 1999. Effects of a late snowstorm and rain on survival and reproductive success in Columbian ground squirrels (Spermophilus columbianus). Can. J. Zool. 77:879-884.

Bennett, R.P. 1997. Effects of variation in food quality on growth and survival of Columbian ground squirrels. M.Sc. thesis, University of Alberta, Edmonton.

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________________________________________________________________________________________________ Environment Canada – CVs – Submission to the CEAA/ERCB Joint Review Panel – Shell Jackpine Mine Expansion

Barrie R. Bonsal Watershed Hydrology and Ecosystem Research Division Water Science and Technology Directorate Environment Canada 11 Innovation Boulevard Saskatoon, SK S7N 3H5 Tel: 306-975-5754 E-mail: [email protected] Education 1996 Doctor of Philosophy: Department of Geography University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Specialty Area: Climatology Dissertation Title: Teleconnections between ENSO Events and Growing Season Precipitation on the Canadian Prairies 1991 Master of Science: Department of Geography University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Specialty Area: Climatology Thesis Title: Possible Teleconnections between North Pacific Sea Surface Temperatures and Extended Dry Spells and Droughts on the Canadian Prairies 1988 Bachelor of Science High Honours in Physical Geography: Department of Geography University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Research Experience Research Scientist: Environment Canada, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan (January, 2001 - Present) • Research aimed toward an improved understanding of past and future climatologic

impacts (including synoptic controls) on various hydrologic processes such as runoff regimes, extreme events, droughts, and ice phenology over Canada and the Northern Hemisphere.

Climate Variability and Trends Analyst: Climate Research Branch, Meteorological Service of Canada, Downsview, Ontario (January, 1998 – January, 2001) • Recent trends and variability in several Northern Hemispheric climate related

variables with particular emphasis on Canada. Variables included seasonal and daily temperature and precipitation (including extreme events), dry spells and droughts, and various low frequency variability modes such as the North Atlantic Oscillation, El Niño-Southern Oscillation, and the Pacific Decadal Oscillation.

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________________________________________________________________________________________________ Environment Canada – CVs – Submission to the CEAA/ERCB Joint Review Panel – Shell Jackpine Mine Expansion

Postdoctoral Fellow: Climate Research Branch, Meteorological Service of Canada, Downsview, Ontario (January, 1996 - January, 1998) • Canadian precipitation responses to the Southern Oscillation. • Canadian Prairie growing season precipitation variability and associated mid-

tropospheric and sea level pressure circulation patterns. Hydroclimatologist: National Hydrology Research Centre, Environment Canada, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan (June - August, 1991) • Worked on a project entitled "Climatological and Hydrological Variability and

Change in theRed River Basin". Duties included computer programming, data processing, and development of procedures for the production of map graphics incorporating upper atmospheric teleconnection indices (including thorough documentation).

Rereed Publications Stewart, R.E., B.R. Bonsal, P. Harder and W. Henson. 2012. Cold and hot periods

associated with dry conditions over the Canadian Prairies. Atmosphere-Ocean, 50, 364-372.

Bonsal, B.R., R. Aider, P. Gachon and S. Lapp. 2012. An Assessment of Canadian Prairie Drought: Past, Present, and Future. Climate Dynamics, DOI: 10.1007/s00382-012-1422-0.

Sauchyn, D.J. and B.R. Bonsal. 2012. Climate change and North American Great Plains’ drought, Encyclopedia of Environmetrics, second edition, in press.

Dibike, Y., T.D. Prowse. B.R. Bonsal, L. de Rham and T. Saloranta. 2012. Simulation of North American lake-ice cover characteristics under contemporary and future climate conditions. International Journal of Climatology, 32, 695-709.

Prowse, T.D., K. Alfredsen, S. Beltaos, B.R. Bonsal, C. Duguay, A. Korhola, J. McNamara, W. Vincent, V. Vuglinsky and G. Weyhenmeyer. 2011. Changing lake and river-ice regimes: Trends, effects and implications. In: Snow, Water, Ice and Permafrost in the Arctic (SWIPA): Climate Change and the Cryosphere. Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP), Oslo, Norway. xii + 538 pp.

Prowse, T.D., K. Alfredsen, S. Beltaos, B.R. Bonsal, C. Duguay, A. Korhola, J. McNamara, W. Vincent, V. Vuglinsky and G. Weyhenmeyer. 2011. Arctic freshwater ice and its climatic role. Ambio, 40, 46-52.

Prowse, T.D., K. Alfredsen, S. Beltaos, B.R. Bonsal, C. Duguay, A. Korhola, J. McNamara, W. Vincent, V. Vuglinsky and G. Weyhenmeyer. 2011. Past and future changes in Arctic lake and river ice. Ambio, 40, 53-62.

Prowse, T.D., K. Alfredsen, S. Beltaos, B.R. Bonsal, C. Duguay, A. Korhola, J. McNamara, W. Vincent, V. Vuglinsky and G. Weyhenmeyer. 2011. Effects of changes in Arctic lake and river ice. Ambio, 40, 63-74.

Bonsal, B.R., E.E. Wheaton, A. Chipanshi, C. Lin, D.J. Sauchyn and L. Wen. 2011. Drought research in Canada: A review. Atmosphere-Ocean, 49, 303-319.

Bonsal, B.R., E.E. Wheaton, A. Meinert and E. Siemens. 2011. Characterizing the surface features of the 1999-2005 Canadian Prairie drought in relation to previous severe 20th century events. Atmosphere-Ocean, 49, 320-338.

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Shabbar, A., B.R. Bonsal and K. Szeto. 2011. Atmospheric and oceanic variability

associated with growing season droughts and pluvials on the Canadian Prairies. Atmosphere-Ocean, 49, 339-355.

Hanesiak, J.M., R.E. Stewart, B.R. Bonsal, P. Harder, R. Lawford, R. Aider, B.D. Amiro, E. Atallah, A.G. Barr, T.A. Black, P. Bullock, J.C. Brimelow, R. Brown, H. Carmichael, C. Derksen, L.B. Flanagan, P. Gachon, H. Greene, J. Gyakum, W. Henson, E.H. Hogg, B. Kochtubajda, H. Leighton, C. Lin, Y. Luo, J.H. McCaughey, A. Meinert, A. Shabbar, K. Snelgrove, K. Szeto, A. Trishchenko, G. van der Kamp, S. Wang, L. Wen, E. Wheaton, C. Wielki, Y. Yang, S. Yirdaw and T. Zha. 2011. Characterization and summary of the 1999-2005 Canadian Prairie drought. Atmosphere-Ocean, 49, 421-452.

Bonsal, B.R. and A. Shabbar. 2011. Large-scale climate oscillations influencing Canada, 1900-2008. Canadian Biodiversity: Ecosystem Status and Trends 2010 Technical Thematic Report No. 4., Canadian Councils of Resource Ministers. Ottawa, ON. Available at

Prowse, T.D., R.R. Shrestha, B.R. Bonsal and Y.B. Dibike. 2010. Changing Spring Air-Temperature Gradients along Large Northern Rivers: Implications for Severity of River-Ice Floods. Geophysical Research Letters, 37, L19706, doi:10.1029/2010GL044878.

Goulding H.L., T.D. Prowse and B.R. Bonsal. 2009. Hydroclimatic controls on the occurrence of break-up and ice-jam flooding in the Mackenzie Delta, NWT, Canada. Journal of Hydrology, 379, 251-267.

Prowse, T., C. Furgal, B.R. Bonsal and T. Edwards. 2009. Climatic Conditions in Northern Canada: Past and Future. Ambio, 38, 257-265.

Prowse, T., C. Furgal, B.R. Bonsal and D.L. Peters. 2009. Climate Impacts on Northern Canada: Regional Background. Ambio, 38, 248-256.

Cuell, C. and B.R. Bonsal. 2009. An assessment of climatological synoptic typing by principal component analysis and kmeans clustering. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 98, 361-373.

Bonsal, B.R. and B. Kochtubajda. 2009. An assessment of present and future climate in the Mackenzie Delta and near-shore Beaufort Sea region of Canada. International Journal of Climatology, 29, 1780-1795.

Bonsal, B.R. and A. Shabbar. 2008. Impacts of large-scale circulation variability on low streamflows over Canada: A review. Canadian Water Resources Journal, 33, 137-154.

Furgal, C., Prowse, T.D., B.R. Bonsal, R. Chouinard, C. Dickson, T. Edwards, L. Eerkes-Medrano, F. Jackson, H. Melling, D. Milburn, S. Nickels, M. Nuttall, A. Ogden, D. Peters, J. Reist, S. Smith, M. Westlake and F. Wrona. 2008. Chapter 3 – Northern Canada; in From Impacts to Adaptation: Canada in a Changing Climate 2007, edited by D.S. Lemmen, F.J. Warren, J. Lacroix, and E. Bush; Government of Canada, Ottawa, ON. pp. 57-118.

Walker, I.J., Sydneysmith, R., D. Allen, K. Bodtker, D. Bonin, B.R. Bonsal, A. Carroll, S. Cohen, A. Dallimore, H. Dolan, Z. Gedalof, A. Gill, R. Hebda, R. Hicks, P. Hill, K. Hyatt, R. Matthews, B. Menounous, T. Murdock, D. Neilsen, R. Ommer, A. Pape-Salmon, M. Pellatt, D. Peters, T. Prowse, D. Spittlehouse, S. Sheppard, B. Taylor, A.

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Werner, P. Whitfield, T. Williamson, J. Wolfe and M. Wynn. 2008. Chapter 8 – British Columbia, in From Impacts to Adaptation: Canada in a Changing Climate 2007, edited by D.S. Lemmen, F.J. Warren, J. Lacroix, and E. Bush; Government of Canada, Ottawa, ON. pp. 329-386.

de Rham, L.P., T.D. Prowse and B.R. Bonsal. 2008. Temporal Variations of River-ice Break-up over the Mackenzie River Basin, Canada. Journal of Hydrology, 349, 441-454.

Beltaos, S., T. Prowse, B. Bonsal, T. Carter, R. MacKay, L. Romolo, A. Pietroniro and B. Toth. 2007. Climate Impacts on Ice-Jam Floods in a Regulated Northern River. pp. 345-361. In Ming-ko Woo (ed.), Cold Region Atmospheric and Hydrologic Studies, The Mackenzie GEWEX Experience Vol. II: Hydrologic Processes. Springer, Berlin.

Prowse, T.D., B.R. Bonsal, C.R. Duguay, D.O. Hessen and V.S. Vuglinsky. 2007. River and Lake Ice. In Global Outlook for Ice and Snow, United Nations Environment Programme, ISBN: 978-92-807-2799-9, pp. 202-213.

Bonsal, B.R. and M. Regier. 2007. Historical comparison of the 2001/2002 drought in the Canadian Prairies. Climate Research, 33, 229-242.

Prowse, T.D., B.R. Bonsal, C.R. Duguay and M.P. Lacroix. 2007. River-Ice Break-Up/Freeze-Up: A Review of Climatic Drivers, Historical Trends and Future Predictions. Annals of Glaciology, 46, 443-451.

Pohl, S., P. Marsh and B.R. Bonsal. 2007. Modelling the impact of climate change on spring runoff and annual water balance of an Arctic headwater basin, Arctic, 60, 173-186.

Bonsal, B.R., T.D. Prowse, C.R. Duguay and M.P. Lacroix. 2006. Impacts of large-scale teleconnections on freshwater-ice duration over Canada, Journal of Hydrology, 330, 340-353.

Bonsal, B.R. and T.D. Prowse. 2006. Regional assessment of GCM-simulated current climate over northern Canada, Arctic, 59, 115-128.

Duguay, C.R., T.D. Prowse, B.R. Bonsal, R.D. Brown, M.P. Lacroix and P. Menard. 2006. Recent trends in Canadian lake ice covers, Hydrological Processes, 20, 781-801.

Beltaos, S., T.D. Prowse, B.R. Bonsal, R. Mackay, L. Romolo, A Pietroniro and B. Toth. 2006. Climatic effects on ice-jam flooding of the Peace-Athabasca delta. Hydrological Processes, 20, 4031-4050.

Romolo, L.A., T.D. Prowse, D. Blair, B.R. Bonsal and L.W. Martz. 2006. The synoptic climate controls on hydrology in the upper reaches of the Peace River basin. Part I: Snow accumulation. Hydrological Processes, 20, 4097-4111.

Romolo, L.A., T.D. Prowse, D. Blair, B.R. Bonsal, P. Marsh and L.W. Martz. 2006. The synoptic climate controls on hydrology in the upper reaches of the Peace River basin. Part II: Snow ablation. Hydrological Processes, 20, 4113-4129.

Bonsal, B.R. and E.E. Wheaton. 2005. Atmospheric circulation comparisons between the 2001 and 2002 and the 1961 and 1988 Canadian Prairie droughts. Atmosphere-Ocean, 43, 163-172.

Toyra, J., A. Pietroniro and B.R. Bonsal. 2005. Evaluation of GCM simulated climate over the Canadian Prairie Provinces. Canadian Water Resources Journal, 30, 245-262.

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Bonsal, B.R., G. Koshida, E.G. O'Brien and E. Wheaton. 2004. Chapter 3. Droughts. pp. 19-25. In Threats to Water Availability in Canada, National Water Research Institute, Burlington, Ontario. NWRI Scientific Assessment Report Series No. 3 and ACSD Science Assessment Series No. 1. 128 p.

Prowse, T.D. and B.R. Bonsal. 2004. Historical trends in river-ice break-up: A review. Nordic Hydrology, 35, 281-293.

Shabbar, A. and B.R. Bonsal. 2004. Association between low frequency variability modes and winter temperature extremes in Canada. Atmosphere-Ocean, 42, 127-140.

Bonsal, B.R., T.D. Prowse and A. Pietroniro. 2003. An assessment of GCM-simulated climate for the western cordillera of Canada (1961-90), Hydrological Processes, 18, 3703-3716.

Bonsal, B.R. and T.D. Prowse. 2003. Trends and variability in spring and autumn 0°C isotherm dates over Canada, Climatic Change, 57, 341-358.

Shabbar, A. and B.R. Bonsal. 2003. An assessment of changes in winter cold and warm spells over Canada, Natural Hazards, 29, 173-188.

Vincent, L.A., X. Zhang, B.R. Bonsal and W.D. Hogg. 2002. Adjusted daily temperatures for the analysis of trends in extremes over Canada, Journal of Climate, 15, 1322-1334.

Bonsal, B.R., X. Zhang, L.A. Vincent and W.D. Hogg. 2001. Characteristics of daily and extreme temperatures over Canada. Journal of Climate, 14, 1959-1976.

Bonsal, B.R., A. Shabbar and K. Higuchi. 2001. Impacts of low frequency variability modes on Canadian winter temperature. International Journal of Climatology, 21, 95-108.

Zhang, X., W.D. Hogg and B.R. Bonsal. 2001. A cautionary note on the use of seasonally varying thresholds to assess temperature extremes: Comments on “The use of indices to identify changes in climate extremes”. Climatic Change, 50, 505-507.

Skinner, W.R., B.J. Stocks, D.L. Martell, B. Bonsal and A. Shabbar. 2000. The relationship between area burned by wildland fire in Canada and circulation anomalies in the mid-troposphere. In J.L. Innes, M. Beniston, and M.M. Verstraete (eds.), Advances in Global Change Research: Biomass Burning and its Inter-Relationships with the Climate System. Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, pp. 101-125.

Bonsal, B.R., X. Zhang and W.D. Hogg. 1999. Canadian Prairie growing season precipitation variability and associated atmospheric circulation. Climate Research, 11, 191-208.

Bonsal, B.R. and R.G. Lawford. 1999. Teleconnections between El Niño and La Niña events and summer extended dry spells on the Canadian Prairies. International Journal of Climatology, 19, 1445-1458.

Skinner, W.R., B.J. Stocks, D.L. Martell, , and A. Shabbar. 1999. The association between circulation anomalies in the mid-troposphere and area burned by wildland fire in Canada. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 63, 89-105.

Shabbar, A., B. Bonsal and M. Khandekar. 1997. Canadian precipitation patterns associated with the Southern Oscillation. Journal of Climate, 10, 3016-3027.

Maybank, J., B. Bonsal, K. Jones, R. Lawford, E.G. O'Brien, E.A. Ripley and E. Wheaton. 1995. Drought as a natural disaster, Atmosphere - Ocean, 33, 195-222.

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Bonsal, B.R., A.K. Chakravarti, and R.G. Lawford. 1993. Teleconnections between North Pacific SST anomalies and growing season extended dry spells on the Canadian Prairies, International Journal of Climatology, 13, 865-878.

Feature Articles Bonsal, B.R., 2011. Large-Scale Atmospheric Circulation Patterns and Severe Droughts

on the Canadian Prairies, pp. 25-28 in: R. Stewart, R. Lawford, and A.A. Boisvert (eds.) The 1999-2005 Canadian Prairies Drought: Science, Impacts and Lessons, Drought Research Initiative, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB.

Hanesiak, J.M., B.D. Amiro, E. Atallah, A.G. Barr, T.A. Black, B. Bonsal, P. Bullock, J.C. Brimelow, R. Brown, H. Carmichael, C. Derksen, L.B. Flanagan, H. Greene, J. Gyakum, P. Harder, W. Henson, T. Hogg, B. Kochtubajda, R. Lawford, H. Leighton, C. Lin, Y. Luo , J.H. McCaughey, A. Meinert, R. Stewart, A. Shabbar, K. Snelgrove, K. Szeto, A. Trishchenko, G. van der Kamp, S. Wang, L. Wen, E. Wheaton, C. Wielki, Y. Yang, S. Yirdaw, T. Zha, 2011. Physical Characterization of the 1999-2005 Canadian Prairie Drought, pp. 13-22 in: R. Stewart, R. Lawford, and A.A. Boisvert (eds.) The 1999-2005 Canadian Prairies Drought: Science, Impacts and Lessons, Drought Research Initiative, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB.

Bonsal, B.R. 2008. Droughts in Canada: An Overview. CMOS Bulletin 36 (3), 79-86. Wheaton, E., V. Wittrock, S. Kulshreshtha, B. Bonsal, G. Koshida, C, Grant, P. Adkins,

A. Chipanshi, G. Bell, A. Howard, B. MacGregor, and G. Brown. 2006. Impacts of the 2001 and 2002 droughts in Canada: Some highlights, Prairie Water News, 16 (1), pp. 6-7.

Reports Meinert, A., B.R. Bonsal, E. Wheaton, and E. Siemens. 2010. An Assessment of Various

Drought Indices Associated with the 1999-2005 Canadian Prairie Drought Capturing the Dynamics of the 1999-2005 Canadian Prairie Drought. Saskatchewan Research Council Environment and Forestry, SRC Publication No. Publication No. 11602-2E10, 59 pp.

Wheaton, E., G. Koshida, B. Bonsal, T. Johnston, W. Richards, and V. Wittrock. 2007. Agricultural Adaptation to Drought (ADA) in Canada: The Case of 2001 to 2002. Saskatchewan Research Council Environment and Forestry, SRC Publication No. 11927-1E07, 25 pp.

Bonsal, B.R., B. Kochtubajda, and T. Stene. 2007. Climate Change Scenarios over the Mackenzie Delta and near-shore Beaufort Sea Region. Internal report prepared for the Beaufort Sea Strategic Regional Plan of Action Committee.

Bonsal, B.R. and M. Regier. 2006. The 2001 and 2002 Canadian Drought: Historical Context and Potential Future Occurrence. Environment Canada Water Science and Technology Directorate internal report No. AE1-TN-06-002, 58 pp.

Wheaton, E., Wittrock, V., Kulshreshtha, S., Koshida, G., Grant, C., Chipanshi, A., and Bonsal, B.R., 2005: Lessons Learned from the Canadian Drought Years of 2001 and 2002: Synthesis Report, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Saskatchewan Research Council Publication No. 11602-46E03, Saskatoon, SK.

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Wheaton, E., Kulshreshtha, S., Wittrock, V., Bonsal, B.R., Chipanshi, A., Grant, C.,

Koshida, G., 2004: Canadian Droughts of 2001 and 2002: Climatology, Impacts, and Adaptations. Volumes I and II, Prepared for Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Saskatchewan Research Council, Saskatoon, SK.

Bellisario, L., H. Auld, B. Bonsal, M. Geast, W. Gough, J. Klaassen, J. Lacroix, A. Maarouf, N. Mulyar, K. Smoyer-Tomic, and L. Vincent, 2001. Assessment of Urban Climate Extremes in Canada - Temperature Analyses. Emergency Preparedness Canada.

Bonsal, B.R. 1991. CLIRED Task Report on the Calculation of 50 Kpa Teleconnection Indices, Internal Report, Hydroclimatological Section, Canadian Climate Centre, National Hydrology Research Centre, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, 192 pp.

Recent Invited Presentations Canadian Prairie Climate: Past, Present, and Future. Annual Saskatchewan Wild Rice

Council Meeting, May19, 2011, La Ronge, SK. From Droughts to Floods: What’s causing these Extreme Climatic Events. Annual Grain

World Conference, February 27 – March 1, 2011, Winnipeg, MB. From Droughts to Floods: What’s causing these Extreme Climatic Events. Saskatchewan

Agriculture Speaker Series, March 24, 2011, Regina, SK. Climate Change: Implications for Northern Water Resource Management. Science in the

Changing North Workshop, June 15-16, 2009, Yellowknife, NT. Regional Hydro-Climatology and Its Relationship to Northern Oil and Gas Development.

United States and Canada Northern Oil and Gas Research Forum: Current Status and Future Directions in the Beaufort Sea, North Slope and Mackenzie Delta, October 28-30, 2008, Anchorage, Alaska.

Droughts in Canada: An Overview. Coordinated Energy and Water Cycle Observation Project (CEOP) Extremes Workshop, May 21-23, 2008, Vancouver, BC.

Climate Change: An Overview of Emerging Issues and Research Directions Regarding Climate and the Mackenzie River Basin. WaterWise: Mackenzie Basin Water Information Workshop, November 14-15, 2007, Yellowknife, NT.

Climate Impacts on Hydrology and Aquatic Ecosystems. Prairie and Northern Science Forum Meeting, August 14, 2007, Saskatoon, SK.

Impacts of Large-Scale Circulation Variability on Low Flows over Canada. Prediction in Ungauged Basins (PUB) Workshop, April 12-13, 2007, Quebec City, QC.

The Drivers of Hydro-Climate Variability in Western Canada. Past and Future Hydroclimatic Variability: Applications to Water Resource Management in the Prairie Provinces, March 17-18, 2008, Canmore, AB.

Climate Impacts on Hydrology and Aquatic Ecosystems. Pacific and Yukon Science Forum meeting, February 13, 2007, Vancouver, BC.

Droughts in Canada: An Overview. American Geophysical Union Annual Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 11-15, 2006.

Climate Change in the Mackenzie Valley. Mackenzie Oil and Gas - Climate Change and Permafrost Workshop, May 2-4, 2005, Inuvik, NT.

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Large-Scale Drivers of Hydro-Climatic Trends and Variability over Western Canada. Cold Regions Research Centre Symposium – Managing Water in the Peace-Athabasca-Slave River Corridor, April 15-16, 2005, Waterloo ON.

Climate Impacts on River Ice over Canada. Mackenzie-GEWEX Scientist Stakeholder Workshop, September 15-17, 2004, Edmonton, AB.

Large-Scale drivers of hydro-climatic trends and variability over Canada. Understanding Climate Change Impacts on Manitoba’s Water Resources, June 17-18, 2003, Winnipeg, MB.

Surface Water and Climate Change in the Prairies and the North. C-CIARN Water Resources Workshop, September 9-10, 2002, Montreal, PQ.

Climate variability and Great Lakes water levels during the 20th century. Trends in Canadian Hydrological Time Series workshop, March 9, 2001, Burlington, ON.

The effect of ENSO on the Canadian climate. NOAA’s Office of Global Programs, February 12, 1999, Washington, D.C.

Monitoring of climate variability over Canada with emphasis on the Canadian Prairies. Canada-China Workshop on Climate Change, October 26-27, 1998, Edmonton, Alberta.

Professional Affilitations Adjunct Professor, Department of Geography, University of Victoria Adjunct Professor, Department of Geography, University of Saskatchewan

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William Booty Section Head, Integrated Modelling Section Watershed Hydrology and Ecology Research Division Water Science and Technology Directorate Environment Canada 867 Lakeshore Dr. Burlington, ON L7R 4A6 Tel: 905 336-4718 Email: [email protected] Education 1983 McMaster University – Hamilton Doctor of Philosophy in Geology 1977 McMaster University – Hamilton

Master of Science in Geology 1975 University of Waterloo Hons. Bachelor of Science Employment History 2009-Present Section Head, Integrated Modelling Section, Environment Canada, Burlington, ON. 1988-2009 Research Scientist, National Water Research Institute, Burlington,

ON. 1983-1988 Research Assistant Professor, Dept. of Civil and Environmental

Eng., Clarkson University, Potsdam NY. Relevant Experience Dr. Booty has led a team of scientists at Environment Canada over the last 24 years in the development of a wide range of watershed and lake models within a decision support system framework, with specific focus on water quality issues. These range from examining the impacts of pulp and paper, mining, oil and gas, municipal, and agricultural effluents, as well as atmospheric deposition and climate change impacts on stream and lake water quality across Canada and around the world. He was the lead scientist in the development of the Great Lakes Toxic Chemical Decision Support System that was adopted by the US EPA. He was also the lead scientist in the development of the river models component of ChemSim as well as the Integrated Lakes

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Modelling System (ILMS) that supported the Department’s CEPA program by providing the Risk Assessment Directorate with modelling technology that has helped to evaluate over 25,000 chemicals. He led a project called the Integrated Ecosystem Effects Modelling for NREI that involved the assessment of nutrient and water quality issues for the Peace and Athabasca River Basins using the RAISON for Windows decisions support system that was developed by his group at NWRI. Dr. Booty was also the study leader for the Environmental Effects Monitoring (EEM) Decision Support System project that was developed for the National EEM office. In 1997 he acted as a consultant for the World Bank to design projects with the Vice Ministry of Mining and Mettalurgy, Corporacion Minera de Bolivia (COMIBOL), and the National Geological and Mining Service (SERGEOMIN) in Bolivia to implement decision support systems to assist in environmental permitting of new and existing mining operations, cost-effective mitigation and reclamation investments, and environmental risk assessments.

Recent Publications Journal Publications Booty, W.G., Wong, I.W., McCrimmon, R.C., Leon, L.F., Fong, P., Richard, C.L.

(2011). A two-way calibration of the SWAT and OneLay/PolTra models using integrated modelling approach for the Lake Winnipeg Basin, In Chan, F., Marinova, D and Anderssen, R.S. (eds) MODSIM 2011, 19th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation. Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand, December 2011, pp.2296-2302. ISBN: 978-0-9872143-1-7.

Binding, C.E., J.H. Jerome, R.P. Bukata and W.G. Booty. 2010. Suspended particulate matter in Lake Erie derived from MODIS aquatic colour imagery. International Journal of Remote Sensing 31(9), DOI:10.1080/01431160903302973.

Leon, L.F., Booty, W.G., Wong, I., McCrimmon, C., Melles, S., Benoy, G., and Vanrobaeys, J. 2010. Advances in the Integration of Watershed and Lake Modelling in the Lake Winnipeg Basin, International Environmental Modelling and Software Society (iEMSs) 2010 International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software Modelling for Environment’s Sake, Fifth Biennial Meeting, Ottawa, Canada.

Booty, W.G. and Benoy, G. 2009. Multi-Criteria Review of Non-Point Source Water Quality Models for Nutrients, Sediments and Pathogens, Water Quality Research Journal of Canada, Vol. 44, No. 4.

I.W. Wong, W.G. Booty, G. Benoy, C. Nielsen, P. Fong and R.C. McCrimmon, 2009. Integrated Land and Water Scenarios of the Raisin River Watershed using the SWAT Model, Water Quality Research Journal of Canada, Vol. 44, No. 4.

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Binding, Caren E., John H. Jerome, William G. Booty, and Robert P. Bukata, 2008. Spectral absorption properties of dissolved and particulate matter in Lake Erie. Remote Sensing of the Environment Journal. 112:1702-1711.

Binding, C.E., Jerome, J.H., Bukata, R.P., and Booty, W.G. 2007. Trends in water clarity of the lower Great Lakes from remotely sensed aquatic colour. Journal of Great Lakes Research 33:828-841.

Booty, W.G., Wong, I., Lam, D., and Resler, O. 2008. A Decision Support System for Environmental Effects Monitoring, J. Env. Modelling and Software 24(8), 889-900.

Dube, M. Johnson, B., Dunn, G., Culp,J., Cash, K., Munkittrick, K., Wong, I, Hedley,K., Booty,W, Lam, D., Resler, O. and Storey, A. 2006. Development of a New Approach to Cumulative Effects Assesment: A Northern River Ecosystem Example. Environ. Monitoring and Assessment Vol. 113 (1-3), pp 87-115.

Booty, W.G., Lam, D.C.L., and McCrimmon, C. R. 2006. Integrated Modeling: Examining the Fate and Transport of Contaminants in Canadian Lakes and Rivers, 2006 Summit on Environmental Modelling and Software, 3rd Biennial meeting of the International Environmental Modelling and Software Society (iEMSs), July 9-13, Burlington, Vermont, USA.

Booty, W.G., Lam, D.C.L., Bowen, G.S., Resler, O, and Leon, L. 2005. Modelling Changes in Streamwater Quality due to Climate Change in a Southern Ontario Watershed. Canadian Water Resources Journal 30(3), 211-226

Booty, W.G., Resler, O., and McCrimmon, C. 2005. Mass balance modelling of priority toxic chemicals within the Great Lakes toxic chemical decision support system: RateCon model results for Lake Ontario and Lake Erie. Environmental Modelling and Software 20(6):671-688.

Leon, L.F., Booty, W.G., Bowen, G.S., and Lam, D.C.L. 2004. Validation of an agricultural non-point source model in a watershed in southern Ontario. Agricultural Water Management 65: 59-75.

Brownlee, B.G., Booty, W.G., MacInnis, G.A., Bourbonniere, R, and Lee, J. 1995. A Two-Dimensional Contaminant Model for the Lower Athabasca River. Proceedings of the Second SETAC World Congress, Vancouver, B.C.

Booty, W.G. and Wong, I.W.S. 1994. Water Quality Modelling Within the RAISON Expert System. J. Biological Systems, Vol. 2, No.4, p. 453-466.

Booty, W.G., Lam, D.C.L., Wong, I.W.S., Kay, D.F., and Bowen, G.S. (1991), Water Quality Modelling System for Acid Mine Drainage. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on the Abatement of Acidic Drainage. Vol. 2: 427-448.

Technical Reports Booty, W.G. and McCrimmon, C. 2006. Integrated Lake Modelling System: Users

Manual. A report prepared for the Risk Assessment Directorate, Existing Substances Branch, Assessment Division, EPS, Environment Canada, 100 pp.

Booty, W.G. and McCrimmon, C. 2005. Integrated Lake Modeling System: Report 1. A report prepared for the Risk Assessment Directorate, Existing Substances Branch, Assessment Division, EPS, Environment Canada, 14 pp.

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Booty, W.G. and McCrimmon, C. 2003. ChemSim Water Quality Modules: Version 1.0. A report prepared for Toxics Pollution Prevention Directorate, Existing Substances Branch, Assessment Division, EPS, Environment Canada, 22 pp.

Booty, W.G., Brownlee, B.G., MacInnis, G.A., and Resler, O. 1996. A Two-Dimensional Contaminant Fate and Transport Model for the Lower Athabasca River. NWRI Contribution No. 96-202, 56p.

Booty, W.G. Mixing Characteristics of the Athabasca River using Conservative Ions. NWRI Contribution 94-152.

Booty, W.G., Wong, I.W.S., Kay, D.F., and Lam, D.C.L. Athabasca River Toxic Chemical Model: Preliminary Results. NWRI Contribution 91-153.

Booty, W.G., Wong, I.W.S., Kay, D.F., and Lam, D.C.L. Athabasca River Toxic Chemical Model, Part I:Hydraulic Submodel. NWRI Contribution 91-150.

Conference Presentations and Workshops An invited presentation of the NWRI 2-dimensional fate and transport model

(ATHMOD2) and its application to discharges from the Suncor Tar Sands extraction was given at the Suncor EIA Modelling Workshop on April 2, 1996, in Calgary, Alberta.

Invited to present a seminar at the NREI Decision Support System Workshop held in Edmonton, Feb. 22-23, 1999. Examples of RAISON DSS applications were presented along with suggestions on applications to the Northern Rivers Basin.

Invited to be a member off a critical review of the Northern Watershed Project funded by Alberta Environment, Alberta Conservation Association, Alberta Pacific Forest Industries, Alberta Research Council, Manning Diversified Trust Fund and Trans Canada Pipelines. This involved participation in the Northern Watershed Project Cumulative Effects Workshop, Edmonton, Alberta, 2-3, September 1999, which was organized by the Alberta Research Council. Plans reviewed included the derivation of predictive models of the effects of landscape disturbances on fish communities and the integration of effects within a larger-scale management-based cumulative effects model.

Presented research based upon a fugacity model for assessing chemical fate in 24 ecoregions of Canada at the State of the Environment workshop held at NWRI, Jan. 21-22, 1993.

Presented a mine effluent expert system at the ARIES (Artificial Intelligence Research in Environmental Sciences) conference, held in Monterey California, Oct. 27-30, 1992

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Patricia Ann Chambers, Ph.D. A/Director, Aquatic Ecosystem Impacts Research Division Environment Canada 867 Lakeshore Rd., PO Box 5050 Burlington, Ontario L7R 4A6 Telephone: 1-905-336-4529 Email: [email protected] Education Ph.D. Department of Botany, University of St. Andrews 1978-1982 St. Andrews, Scotland

Honours B.Sc. Trent University, 1974-1978 (Biology) Peterborough, Ontario Employment A/Director, Environment Canada 2010-2012 Aquatic Ecosystem Impacts Research Division

Section Head, Environment Canada 1990-present Burlington, ON and Saskatoon, SK

Research Scientist, Environment Canada 1989-present Burlington, ON and Saskatoon, SK Academic Appointments Adjunct Professor Department of Biology 2005-present

University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, NB

Associate Canadian Rivers Institute 2004-2010

University of New Brunswick Adjunct Professor Department of Biological Sciences, 1990-2005

University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB Sessional Lecturer/ ZoologyDepartment, 1986-1989 Post-Doctoral Fellow University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB Post-Doctoral Fellow Department of Biology, McGill University 1982-1986

Montreal, Quebec

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Research Interests and Experience Water quality and aquatic ecosystem health, specialising in assessment of inputs of nitrogen, phosphorus and oxygen-consuming material on water quality of lakes and rivers and aquatic plant production. Research has encompassed: • assessment of nutrient loading from agricultural activities and its effects on stream

water quality; • investigation of effects of land use change on the health of stream ecosystems; • analysis of the impact of pulp mill effluent on water quality of northern rivers; • examination of factors controlling the abundance and composition of aquatic plant

communities; • study of the impact of municipal sewage effluent loading on water quality. Scientific Leadership and Selected Publications Effects of Oil Sands Development on Regional Water Quality: Lead of an EC team contributing to the implementation of the Governments of Canada and Alberta Lower Athabasca Water Quality Monitoring Plan by investigating effects of oil sands development on water quality of tributaries to the Athabasca River. Development of Criteria to Protect Water Quality and Quantity in Agriculturally-Dominated Watersheds: Led a multidisciplinary research team to evaluate approaches and recommend standards to protect ecosystem health of rivers from agriculturally-derived inputs of nutrients, sediments and pathogens, or abstraction of water. Chambers, P.A., J.M. Culp, E.S. Roberts and M. Bowerman. 2012. Development of

environmental thresholds for streams in agricultural watersheds. Journal of Environmental Quality 41:1-6.

Chambers, P.A., D.J. McGoldrick, R.B. Brua, C. Vis, J.M. Culp and G.A. Benoy. 2012. Development of environmental thresholds for nitrogen and phosphorus in streams. Journal of Environmental Quality 41: 7-20.

Chambers, P.A., G.A. Benoy, R.B. Brua and J.M. Culp. 2011. Application of nitrogen and phosphorus criteria for streams in agricultural landscapes. Wat. Sci. Technol. 64:2185-2191.

Assessment of the effects of nitrogen and phosphorus on Canadian ecosystems: Led a federal government review, requested by the Parliamentary Standing Committee on the Environment and Sustainable Development, to assess the effects of anthropogenic nutrients on Canadian ecosystems. Holeton, C., P.A. Chambers and L. Grace. 2011. Wastewater release and its impacts on

Canadian waters. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 68: 1836-1859.

Chambers, P.A., M. Guy, E.S. Roberts, M.N. Charlton, R. Kent, C. Gagnon, G. Grove and N. Foster. 2001. Nutrients and their Impact on the Canadian Environment. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Environment Canada, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Health Canada, and Natural Resources Canada. En21-205/2001E.

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Advances in the Ecology and Control of Aquatic Plants: Led national and international teams in developing new insights into factors determining aquatic plant abundance and diversity, developing quantitative models for river managers to predict plant biomass, and inventing new non-toxic methodologies for controlling their excessive growth. Chambers, P.A., P. Lacoul, K.J. Murphy and S.M. Thomaz. 2008. Global diversity of

aquatic macrophytes in freshwater. Hydrobiologia 595:9–26. Bowman, M.F., P.A. Chambers and D.W. Schindler. 2007. Constraints on benthic algal

response to nutrient addition in oligotrophic mountain rivers. River Research and Applications 23: 858–876.

Effects of Pulp Mills on Nutrients and Oxygen of Northern Rivers: Led a working group as part of the joint Alberta Environment - Environment Canada initiative The Northern River Basins Study to investigate the impact of effluents from pulp mills on water quality and aquatic biota. Chambers, P.A., J.M. Culp, N.E. Glozier, K.J. Cash, F.J. Wrona and L. Noton. 2006.

Northern Rivers Ecosystem Initiative: Nutrients and Dissolved Oxygen – Issues and Impacts. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 113: 117-141.

Scrimgeour, G.J. and P.A. Chambers . 2000. Cumulative effects of pulp mill and municipal effluents on epilithic biomass and nutrient limitation in a large northern river ecosystem. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 57: 1342-1354.

Recognition Awards and Honours 2008 Environment Canada Citation of Excellence 2001 Environment Canada Citation of Excellence 1998 Environment Canada Citation of Excellence 1997 Environment Canada Citation of Excellence 1994 Technical Excellence Award from the North American Lake Management Society 1994 Commemorative Medal for the 125th Anniversary of Canadian Confederation 1992 Environment Canada Award for Innovation in Human Resource Management 1978 United Kingdom Commonwealth Scholarship Key Invited Talks and Lectures Development of Environmental Thresholds for Nitrogen and Phosphorus in Streams.

Invited speakers at the 14th International Conference on Diffuse Pollution and Eutrophication (September 2010), Beaupré, Québec.

Role of Research in Informing Science Policy: Experiences gained from Canada’s Ecosystem and Issue Initiatives”. Invited expert at the Joint meeting of the American Society of Limnology and Oceanography and the North American Benthological Society (Santa Fe, NM; June 6-11, 2010)

Eutrophication of Agricultural Streams: Defining Nutrient Concentrations to Protect Ecological Condition. Invited Expert at the 12th International Conference on

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Integrated Diffuse Pollution Management (IWA DIPCON 2008), August 2008, Khon Kaen, Thailand.

Global Diversity of Aquatic Macrophytes in Freshwater – Analysis of the Data. Invited expert at the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences workshop “Freshwater Diversity Assessment, the next step: exploring possible ways to analyze data”, Dec. 2008, Brugge, Belgium.

Impacts and Control of Nutrient Loading to Lakes and Rivers. Invited expert at a World Bank “Hai River Basin Integrated Water Resources Planning Workshop”, Nov. 2005, Tianjin, China.

The Role of Aquatic Macrophytes as Structuring Elements in Aquatic Ecosystems. Invited plenary speaker by the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences at a workshop “A Global Assessment of Animal Diversity in Continental Waters”, Oct. 2005, Brussels, Belgium.

Water quality and water management in Canada. Invited presentation to the Chinese State Environmental Protection Agency, November 2002, Beijing.

Scientific Societies Society of Canadian Limnologists (Past President) International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology (past representative for

Canadian) American Society of Limnology and Oceanography (member) Society of Wetland Scientists (past Associate Editor of "Wetlands") North American Benthological Society (member and past Associate Editor)

Complete listing of scientific publications available upon request

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David Fox Air Pollution Management Analyst Environmental Protection Operations Division Environment Canada 5204-50 Ave, Suite 301 Yellowknife, NT, X1A 1E2 Tel: 867-669-4752 E-mail: [email protected] Education Master of Science - Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario, Canada 2000 Thesis: Modelling total ozone fields from observed climate variables. Thesis Supervisor: Dr. W. F. J. Evans

Bachelor of Science - Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario, Canada 1993 Major: Physics Relevant Experience Environment Canada Air Pollution Management Analyst (2006 - Present)

• Review air quality components of Environmental Assessments. • Develop air emission inventory. • Conduct regional air quality modelling.

Atmospheric Processes Modelling Specialist (2003-2006) • Science lead of the Prairie and Northern Region Regional Modelling Program • Chair of the Prairie and Northern Regional Modelling Team • Ongoing air quality modelling project for CASA: Regional air quality source-

sector analysis for Alberta • Ongoing air quality modelling project for the NOx Sox Management Working

Group, Cumulative Effects Management Association: Current and future state of regional air quality in the Oil Sands.

Atmospheric Issues Data Analyst (1996 -2003)

• Developed a visual air quality model to investigate visibility degradation from air pollution in mountain parks

• Developed a linear transfer acid deposition model used by the Clean Air Strategic Alliance (CASA) Target Loading Subgroup in developing the Alberta Acid Deposition Management Framework.

• Implemented regional photochemical air quality models (UAM-V, CAMx and CMAQ) in western and northern Canada

• Developed model emission inventories for western Canada

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• Completed training for regulatory dispersion models ISC, CALPUFF and AIRMOD.

• Participated as science advisor to the Ozone Modelling Group, Wood Buffalo Environmental Association.

• Participated in the Operational Steering Committee, CASA Environmental Assessment Experience Provided air quality expertise for the Environment Canada review of the following environmental assessment projects: Alberta Oil Sands • Frontier Oil Sands Mine, Teck Resources Ltd.; • Pierre River Mine Project, Shell Canada Ltd.; • Jackpine Mine Expansion Project, Shell Canada Ltd.; • Joslyn North Mine Project, Total E&P Joslyn Ltd.; • Mildred Lake Upgrader Expansion Project, Syncrude Canada Ltd.; and • Millennium Project, Suncor Energy Inc. Northwest Territories • Gahcho Kue Diamond Mine, De Beers Canada; • Thor Lake Rare Earth Element Project, Avalon Rare Metals Inc.; • Cantung Mine, North American Tungsten Corp. Ltd.; • Yellowknife Gold Project, Tyhee NWT Corp.; • NICO Project, Fortune Minerals Ltd.; • Giant Mine Remediation Project, AANDC; • Prairie Creek Mine; Canadian Zinc Corp.; • Bluefish Hydroelectric Power Dam, NTPC; • Tundra Mine Remediation Project; AANDC; • Taltson Hydroelectric Expansion Project, Dezé Energy Corp.; • Pine Point Pilot Project, Tamerlane Ventures Inc. • Mackenzie Gas Project; • Cameron Hills O&G Project, Paramount Resources; • Snap Lake Diamond Mine, DeBeers; Nunavut • Mary River Project, Baffinland; • Meliadine Gold Project, Agnico-Eagle; • Meadowbank Gold Mine, Cumberland Resources; • Doris North Gold Mine, Miramar; • Jericho Diamond Mine, Tahera Diamond Corp.;

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Publications and Presentations Wilson, A., and D. Fox, G. Poole and R. Bujold. (2011) Linking Incineration to Dioxins

and Furans in Lakebed Sediments, Intre. Environ. Assess. Manag., p 302, v7, 2011. Fox D., and A. Wilson. (2010) Overview of Northern Incineration, Independent

Environmental Monitoring Agency – Ekati Diamond Mine Air Quality Workshop, Yellowknife.

Fox, D. (2010) Overview of Northern Incineration, Environmental Monitoring Advisory Board Annual General Meeting, Yellowknife.

Fox, D. (2010) Air Emissions from the Canadian Mining Sector, Prepared for the Mining and Processing Division, Environment Canada, 2010.

Fox, D. (2010) Development in Northern Canada, International Joint Commission International Air Quality Advisory Board Expert Consultation, Whitehorse.

Fox D., A.J. Chandler, A. David, M. Lewis and M. Hamilton. (2009). An Overview of the Technical Document for Batch Waste Incineration, Yellowknife Gesoscience Forum, Yellowknife.

Fox, D., and M. Kellerhals. (2008) Causes of Summertime High Ozone in Alberta, Canada. Proceedings of the 2008 AWMA Annual Conference, Portland, Oregon.

Stroud, C.A., G. Morneau, P.A. Makar, M.D. Moran, W. Gonog, B. Pabla, J. Zhang, V.S. Bouchet, D. Fox, S. Venkatesh, D. Wang and T. Dann. (2008). OH-reactivity of Volatile Organic Compounds at Urban and Rural Sites Across Canada: Evaluation of air Quality Model Predictions Using Speciated VOC Measurements. Atmospheric Environment 42, 7746-7756.

Sassi, M., L-P. Crevier, S. Ménard, G. Morneau, D. Niemi, P. Makar, W. Gong, and D. Fox. (2008) Emissions Processing Methodology For The New GEM-MACH Model, Proceedings of the 17th Annual International Emission Inventory Conference, Portland Oregon.

Fox D. and M. Kellerhals. (2008) Modelling of Ozone Levels in Alberta: Base Case, Sectoral Contributions and a Future Scenario, Environment Canada report.

Fox, D. (2008) Air Issues in Northern Canada, International Joint Commission International Air Quality Advisory Board Expert Consultation, Anchorage Alaska.

Fox, D. (2006) Industrial source-sector analysis of ground-level ozone production in Alberta using CMAQ, Air Modelling Conference, Air and Waste Management Association (AWMA), Calgary.

Fox, D. (2006) Air Quality Thresholds: Experience from the Alberta Process, Thresholds: From Theory to Practice Workshop, Yellowknife.

Fox, D. (2006) Air Quality Issues in Northern Canada, Invited Speaker, AQ2006, Banff. Fox, D. (2004) Prairie and Northern Regional Air Quality Modelling Program, AQ2004,

Quebec City. Fox, D. (2003) Alberta Demonstration Project Phase 2: Model Analysis, National

Workshop on the Canada-wide Standards Guidance Document on Achievement Determination Demonstration Projects, Montreal.

Fox, D. (2002) Influence of biogenic emission uncertainties on ozone predictions in the Oil Sands Region, Air Quality and Health: State of the Science 2002 Science Symposium, Clean Air Strategic Alliance, Red Deer.

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Kharrat, A., Rongzhou Man, J. Stewart, L. Cheng, K. McDonald, and D. Fox. (2000) Assessing the terrestrial biogenic emissions of volatile organic compounds in Alberta, Proceedings of the Air & Waste Management Association’s 2000 Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Salt Lake City.

Fox D. (2000) Role of boreal forest emissions on regional air quality, Landscape Ecology Seminar Series, University of Alberta, Edmonton.

Fox D. (2000) Meteorological data and its application to air quality in Alberta, Clean Air Strategic Alliance Data Workshop, Edmonton.

McDonald, K. and D. Fox. (1999) Application of the Alberta-Developed Potential Acid Input Method to the Province of Saskatchewan: Depositions and Predictions. Environment Canada report to the Saskatchewan Environment and Resource Management.

Fox, D. (1999) Modelled estimates of terrestrial isoprene emissions and their potential for inducing errors in regional air quality modelling exercises, Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society 33rd Annual Congress, Montreal.

Fox D., K. McDonald, P. Zannetti and Z. Nejedley. (1997) Impact of north-western emission changes on visibility in the Rocky Mountain parks, Proceedings of the Air & Waste Management Association’s 1997 Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Toronto.

Cheng L., K. McDonald, D. Fox and R. Angle (1996) Total Potential Acid Input in Alberta, Alberta Environmental Protection Publication 1494-A9701.

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Heather A. Morrison Manager Air Component of the Integrated Oil Sands Monitoring Plan Air Quality Research Division Environment Canada 10 Michigan Drive Toronto, ON M2M 3J1 Tel: (416) 221-9374 Email: [email protected]

Education Ph.D. Ecotoxicology specializing in mathematical modelling and risk assessment,

University of Windsor 1996 B.Sc. Honours in Biological Sciences, Queen’s University 1992 Professional Experience Manager, Air Component of the Integrated Oil Sands Monitoring Plan (Environment Canada, Air Quality Research Division, May 1, 2012 – present) • Manage the implementation of the integrated oil sands monitoring plan for

Environment Canada, including relationships with internal and external partners and stakeholders and program planning and budgeting.

Acting Manager, Science Integration (Environment Canada, Science and Technology Integration Division, July 1, 2011 – April 29th, 2012) • Manage planning, and human and financial resources to ensure that the air quality and

climate change science advisory team can provide coordinated, timely, credible and relevant information to Canadians and decision-makers about the human and environmental impacts of current and future levels of atmospheric pollutants through scientific advice and assessment. This has required the development of work plans, budgets and briefing materials for senior management and implementation of the work force adjustment process.

Senior Science Advisor for Mercury (Environment Canada, Atmospheric Science Assessment and Integration, March, 2007 with assignments in between until present) • Led the development and management of a national, multi-disciplinary and

extensively partnered mercury science program designed to provide scientific information needed to support both domestic and international policy and regulatory development and effectiveness evaluation (i.e., Clean Air Regulatory Agenda (CARA) and United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Global Mercury Programme). The development of this program is described in a peer-reviewed scientific journal article (see Appendix) and the results will be reported in the first Canadian Mercury Science Assessment.

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• Leading the development of the first Canadian Mercury Science Assessment and its companion document for policy-makers which will describe the state of the Canadian environment with respect to mercury pollution; evaluate the effectiveness of past and current regulatory activities; and, project the likely effects of proposed regulatory actions and climate change. To date, this process has involved leadership of four workshops attended by ~50 researchers from across Canada to develop the table of contents, science-policy questions, work plans and detailed chapter outlines. These workshops were also designed to foster networking opportunities, enthusiasm and a sense of community that are necessary to produce a coordinated national science program and an assessment.

• Actively contributed to the work of the Interdepartmental Steering Committee to develop the Memorandums to Cabinet for both the Canadian position on whether to initiate a process to negotiate a global legally-binding agreement on mercury and, subsequently, on Canada’s negotiating position during this process (on-going).

• Leading the development of position papers on research, monitoring and assessment and co-leading the development of position papers on effectiveness evaluation to support the Canadian delegation at the negotiation meetings for a global, legally-binding agreement for mercury under UNEP.

• Led the development of the research, monitoring and assessment components of the Government of Canada’s Risk Management Strategy for Mercury (

• Successfully briefed senior risk managers from Environment Canada on the state of mercury science and scientific activities in Canada which led to support for federal mercury science from the policy, risk management and sector departmental leads in the long-term and new support for key scientific work in the short-term (co-funding the development of an up-dated global inventory of anthropogenic mercury emissions through financial support to UNEP and AMAP).

• Guest editor of the special issue of Environmental Pollution on the state of mercury in the Great Lakes Basin; Co-authored first chapter of the CACAR III Assessment of mercury; Member of the Scientific Steering Committee for the 10th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant and co-chair of a Special Session at this meeting on the CARA Mercury Science Program.

• Led the OPSC U170 on CEPA Integrated Environmental Monitoring and Science Assessment and developed a framework for integrating CMP and CEPA monitoring and science into a seamless reporting process in keeping with the Treasury Board directive on performance measures (2007).

Acting Manager, Processes Research Section (Environment Canada, Air Quality Research Division, July 2010-December 2010) • Managed 53 people comprised of research scientists, physical chemists, chemists,

technicians, post-doctoral fellows, co-operative students and administrative staff. • Responsible for the occupational health and safety of active field and laboratory

research programs in the areas of criteria air contaminants and atmospheric toxics in the temperate and Arctic regions of Canada (an example of initiatives to promote OHS includes organization of a course on First Aid in Remote Environments for all

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of the applicable groups in ASTD; follow-up on implementation of Task Hazard Assessment recommendations).

• Developed the capital plan for this section, initiated staffing actions and provided input to the process to develop the Memorandum to Cabinet for the renewal of the Clean Air Regulatory Agenda.

• Developed a suite of briefing materials on air quality related issues in the oil sands. • Delivered two presentations at AQRD’s Mid-Term Review; one on the work of the

Processes Research section and one on the CARA Mercury Science Program. Air Quality Program Advisor (Environment Canada, Air Quality Research Division, December, 2008 – January, 2009) • Led the work- and program-planning activities for OPP 3C1b: Air Quality

Information for Decision-Making in support of the OPP lead, the Director of the Air Quality Research Division. Activities in support of this function included the following: o Development of the Results Management and Accountability Framework

(RMAF) for EC’s portion of the Clean Air Regulatory Agenda (CARA) Program 5: Science in Support of Regulatory Accountability and Decision-making. This included the development and refinement of performance measures, outcomes and objectives and the effective reporting against these program measures through the Horizontal Report on Plans and Priorities for the Clean Air Agenda.

o Provided input on behalf of the Air Quality Research Division to the Departmental Report on Plans and Priorities.

o Prepared briefing decks for senior management on the scientific contributions of 3C1b to departmental decision-making.

o Organized and facilitated the multi-divisional work planning and budgetary process for 3C1b including the 4-day Mid-Term Review work shops (2008 and 2009).

o Organized and consolidated the costed work plans for the nine interdivisional OPSC’s within 3C1b for presentation to management and senior management.

Acting Manager of Atmospheric Science Assessment and Integration (ASAI) (Environment Canada, Science and Technology Integration Division; March, 2008 – June, 2008) • Responded to the information needs of senior management and staff during a

reorganization of ASAI’s line management through decks, briefing notes and oral briefings.

• Prepared impact statements for senior management in response to a 74% reduction in the section’s operating and management budget.

• Prepared submissions on behalf of ASAI for the Treasury Board-led Strategic Review that were on-time and required few revisions.

• Navigated the complicated process of dealing with an off-site employee with a workplace injury and long-standing performance related issues.

• Participated in hiring two new staff and arranging for a staff member to go on assignment.

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Senior Science Advisor for Acid Deposition (Environment Canada, Atmospheric Science Assessment and Integration; Sept., 2002 – March, 2007) • Led the development of the 2004 Canadian Acid Deposition Science Assessment and

its companion document, the Summary of Key Results, that describe the state of knowledge in Canada regarding acid deposition levels and effects for scientists and policy-makers. The conclusions of this assessment became the basis of the CCME National Acid Rain Science Plan and contributed to the science rational for the Clean Air Regulatory Agenda and the initiation of negotiations of a PM Annex under the Canada-U.S. Air Quality Agreement (AQA).

• As Secretariat of Sub-Committee 2 of the Canada-U.S. Air Quality Committee, led the development of a complete draft of the Transboundary Particulate Matter Science Assessment, the bi-national science foundation for potentially pursuing a PM Annex under the Canada-U.S. AQA; and, facilitated the production and reporting of science as it pertains to transboundary flows of pollution to stakeholders and senior management.

• As Secretariat to the Science Sub-committee of the Acid Rain Task Group of the CCME and EC’s representative on the Acid Rain Task Group of the New England Governors/Eastern Canadian Premiers, communicated scientific information in support of decision-making to policy-makers.

• Co-led, with the Acid Rain Program Manager, EC’s Acid Rain Issues Coordination Group (ARIC) which developed a costed five-year EC acid rain science plan and delivered this plan to senior management.

Policy and Intergovernmental Relations Officer (Environment Canada – Ontario Region; Sept. 2000 – 2002) • Led Ontario Region’s Water Policy Research Project which entailed the development

of the following: 1) a comprehensive Diagnostique that analyzed and interpreted the impacts of policy initiatives, science assessments and trends in governance on water management issues; 2) a Strategic Options paper that described strategies to address water management issues that are compatible with EC’s jurisdiction; and 3) an Action Plan that described strategies that EC-OR could pursue to advance water management in the region. Multiple stakeholders were engaged throughout all stages of the project and the project was presented to senior management in report and presentation formats.

• Successfully managed the contribution of input from the Governance Working Group – a group of senior managers from across EC – to a new federal water strategy being developed by EC’s Water Steering Committee.

• Efficiently prepared briefing materials and ministerial correspondence that effectively informed senior government employees about the impacts of government initiatives, third party policies and advances in science on Environment Canada and Ontario Region.

• Prepared a briefing note on the potential implications of the privatization of water treatment and distribution that was chosen for inclusion in a briefing package on topics of interest for the Minister of Environment (The Honorable David Anderson).

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Principal Investigator/Project Manager (Aqualink; 1996-2001). Projects include: • URB-MAN: A Habitat-Based Risk Assessment Tool for Managing Toxic Chemical

(TC) Exposure in Urban Fisheries (1998-2000) • Successfully developed an innovative risk assessment and management methodology

(URB-MAN) to enable environmental managers to design habitat restoration projects that optimize fish production and minimize exposure to toxic chemicals by fish and fishers;

• Awarded funding for URB-MAN from the prestigious Toxic Substances Research Initiatives Fund.

• Strong endorsements from, and successful collaboration with, scientists and managers with Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Environment Canada, Health Canada, and a local environmental group, have resulted in the application of URB-MAN to optimize habitat rehabilitation efforts in Hamilton Harbour;

• Methodology was showcased in a journal publication and a book chapter entitled ‘Geographic Information System Applications for the Management of Fisheries and Fish Habitat in Lakes’ (see appendix). The Effects of Invading Species on the Transport and Fate of Toxic Chemicals (TCs) in the Great Lakes (1993-1999)

• Developed a aquatic transport and fate model which was used to i) predict the effects of two invading species (e.g. zebra mussel and round goby) on concentrations of TCs in sport fish and ii) quantify risk to fish, wildlife, and humans associated with TC exposure;

• Conclusions of studies were adopted by the bi-national Lake Erie Management Committee to direct policy and research funding related to invading species;

• Research has been published in five prestigious scientific journal publications, one book chapter and, six reports; has been cited over 300 times; and, has drawn invitations to speak at sixteen scientific conferences and meetings in Canada, the U.S. and India (see appendix).

Other Professional Accomplishments • Successfully worked with Canadian and American scientists and chemical industry

representatives to determine the risk to anglers from consumption of sport fish from Lake Ontario contaminated with toxic chemicals. Results have been published in a peer-reviewed scientific journal (see appendix) and were considered by the Lake Ontario Management Committee in their efforts to develop a fisheries management strategy.

• Effectively worked with provincial and federal members of the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME) to determine the risk to Canadian wildlife associated with exposure to mercury for CCME’s development of Canada-Wide Standards for mercury.

• Facilitated and coordinated the bi-national Aquatic Biodiversity Investment Areas (ABIAs) project which is being used by Canada and the U.S. to designate areas within the Great Lakes that should be protected from human perturbations; ABIA

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methodology has been published in a peer-reviewed scientific journal, a bi-national government report, and an educational Internet Web site (see appendix).

• Critically reviewed the environmental impact statement prepared for Inco’s Voisey’s Bay Project.

Professional Courses • Occupational Health and Safety for Employee Orientation, February, 2011 • Values and Ethics, April, 2010 • The Essentials of Managing in the Public Service (G110), Canada School of Public

Service, 2008 • Mastering the Media, January, 2005 • Leading Scientific Teams (G100), Canada School of Public Service, 2003 • Building Better Working Relationships: New Techniques for Results-Oriented

Communication, American Management Association (AMA), 2002 • Making Presentations in a Government Setting, Terence Heath & Associates, 2002 • Group Facilitation Methods, ICA Associates, 2002 • Negotiating to Win, American Management Association (AMA), 2001 • Thinking on Your Feet (AMA), 2001

Language Skills • French language level (2012) Comprehension: C, Grammar: B, Oral: B Assessments 1. Morrison, H., J. Chetelat, E. Kruemmel, J. Stow. In press. Introduction. Ch. 1. In:

The Canadian Arctic Contaminants Assessment Report Phase 3 on Mercury. Eds. J. Chetelat and B. Braune. Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada, Northern Contaminants Program.

2. Steffen, A., A. Cole, A. Dastoor, M. Antoniadis, P. Ariya, H. Morrison. In press. Atmospheric Mercury. Ch. 3. In: The Canadian Arctic Contaminants Assessment Report Phase 3 on Mercury. Eds. J. Chetelat and B. Braune. Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada, Northern Contaminants Program.

3. Evers, D.C., J.G. Wiener, C. Driscoll, D. Gay, N. Basu, B. Monson, K. Lambert, H. Morrison, J. Morgan, K. Williams, A. Soehl. 2011. Great Lakes Mercury Connections: The extent and effects of mercury pollution in the Great Lakes Region. Biodiversity Research Institute. Gorham, ME, USA.

4. Environment Canada (2005). 2004 Canadian Acid Deposition Science Assessment, [CD-ROM]. Available: Environment Canada [February, 2005].

5. Environment Canada (2005). 2004 Canadian Acid Deposition Science Assessment: Summary of Key Results. Pp. 32. Available: Environment Canada [February, 2005].

6. Canada-U.S. Air Quality Committee Subcommittee 2: Scientific Cooperation. 2004. Canada-United States Transboundary Particulate Matter Science Assessment. Available: Environment Canada [December, 2004].

7. Meteorological Service of Canada. 2002. Atmospheric Science of PM in Canada:

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Update in Support of the Canada-wide Standards for Particulate Matter and Ozone (Time period covered: 1997 –2002). Available: CCME [October, 2002].

8. Morrison, H.A. 2001. Diagnostique: Federal Water Policy and Ontario Region. Environmental Policy and Assessment, Environment Canada-Ontario Region. April 2001. 112 pp.

Journal Publications Wiener, J.G., D.C. Evers, D.A. Gay, H.A. Morrison and K.A. Williams. 2012. Mercury

contamination in the Laurentian Great Lakes region: Introduction and overview. Environ. Pollution. 161:243-251.

Morrison, H.A. 2011. The Canadian Clean Air Regulatory Agenda Mercury Science Program. Ecotoxicology. 20:1512-1519.

Evers, D.C., J.G. Wiener, N. Basu, R.A. Bodaly, H.A. Morrison and K.A. Williams. 2011. Mercury in the Great Lakes region: bioaccumulation, spatiotemporal patterns, ecological risks, and policy. Ecotoxicology. 20:1487-1499.

Hebert, C.E. and H.A. Morrison. 2003. Consumption of Fish and Other Prey Items by Lake Erie Waterbirds. J. Great Lakes Res. 29:213-227.

Morrison, H.A., G.D. Haffner and D.M. Whittle. 2002. A comparison of the transport and fate of PCBs in three Great Lakes food webs. Environ. Toxicol. and Chem. 21:683-692.

Morrison, H.A., C.K. Minns and J.F. Koonce. 2001. A methodology for identifying and classifying Aquatic Biodiversity Investment Areas: Application in the Great Lakes basin. Aquat. Ecosys. Health and Manag. 4:1-12.

Morrison, H.A., D.M. Whittle and G.D. Haffner. 2000. The relative importance of species invasions and sediment disturbance in regulating chemical dynamics in western Lake Erie. Ecological Modelling. 125:279-294.

Morrison, H. A., D.M. Whittle and C.D. Metcalfe and A.J. Niimi. 1999. Application of a food web bioaccumulation model for the prediction of PCB, dioxin and furan congener concentrations in Lake Ontario aquatic biota. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 56:1389-1400.

Morrison, H., R. Lazar, D.M. Whittle and G.D. Haffner, F.A.P.C. Gobas. 1998. Projected changes to the trophodynamics of PCBs in the western Lake Erie ecosystem attributed to the presence of zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha). Environ. Sci. Technol. 32:3862-3867.

Morrison, H.A., F.A.P.C. Gobas, R. Lazar, D.M. Whittle and G.D. Haffner. 1997. Development and verification of a benthic/pelagic food web bioaccumulation model for PCB congeners in western Lake Erie. Environ. Sci. Technol. 31:3267-3273.

Morrison, H.A., F.A.P.C. Gobas, R. Lazar and G.D. Haffner. 1996. Development and verification of a bioaccumulation model for organic contaminants in benthic invertebrates. Environ. Sci. Technol. 30:3377-3384.

Morrison, H.A., T. Yankovich, R. Lazar and G.D. Haffner. 1995. Calibration and use of zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) to estimate bioavailable organic chemical concentrations in water. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 52:2574-2582.

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Book Chapters 1. Minns, C.K., C. Bakelaar, P. Brunette, S. Doka, H.A. Morrison, S. Millard. 2004. GIS

Applications for the Management of Fisheries and Fish Habitat in Lakes. In: Geographic Information Systems in Fisheries. Eds. W.L. Fisher and F.J. Rahel. . Amer. F. Soc. Bethesda, Maryland.

2. Gobas, F.A.P.C. and H.A. Morrison. Bioconcentration and Biomagnification in the Aquatic Environment. In: Handbook of Property Estimation Methods for Environmental and Health Science. Eds. D. Mackay and R.S. Boethling. CRC Press, Boca Raton. 1999. Ch.9.

Reports Morrison, H.A. 2007 (Internal Report). Laying the Foundation for National Mercury

Science Planning. Environment Canada. October, 2007. 20pp. Morrison, H.A. 2007 (Internal Report). Mercury in the Atmosphere and its Impacts:

Determining EC’s Scientific Capacity to Support and Assess Current and Future Domestic and International Legislation. Environment Canada. April, 2007. 26pp.

Morrison, H.A. 2000. Frameworks and Models for Assessing the Effects of Hydropeaking on the Productivity of Aquatic Ecosystems. Great Lakes Laboratory for Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, Fisheries and Oceans Canada. March, 2000. 61pp.

Morrison, H.A. 1999. Evaluation and sorting of an expanded database of mercury levels in fish and wildlife in the Canadian Environment. Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment Inc., July 1999. 30pp.

Morrison, H.A. 1999. URB-MAN: A methodology for assessing and managing risk to humans and wildlife utilizing contaminated urban fisheries. Great Lakes Laboratory for Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, March 1999. 38pp.

Whittle DM, Russell RW, Carswell AA, Morrison HA. 1999. The ebb and flow of contaminants in the aquatic community. Lake Erie at the Millennium - Changes,Trends, and Trajectories, Windsor, ON, Canada.

Morrison, H.A. 1998. A food web bioaccumulation model for the prediction of PCB congeners in aquatic biota from the Bay of Quinte: Verification and Use. Great Lakes Laboratory for Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, August 1998. 35pp.

Morrison, H.A. 1997. The feasibility of modelling toxaphene in the Lake Superior food web. Great Lakes Laboratory for Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, November 1997. 34pp.

Morrison, H.A. 1997. Benthic/pelagic food web bioaccumulation model for PCDD, PCDF and PCB congeners in Lake Ontario biota. Great Lakes Laboratory for Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, November 1997. 25pp.

Morrison, H.A. 1997. The feasibility of using stable isotopes to quantify diet compositions of aquatic organisms. Great Lakes Laboratory for Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, November 1997. 6pp.

Morrison, H.A. 1996. Food web bioaccumulation model for polychlorinated biphenyls in

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eastern Lake Erie: Theory and Verification. Lake Erie Lake Management Plan, September 1996. 35pp.

Morrison, H.A. 1996. A food web bioaccumulation model for OCS, HCB, and QCB in Lake St. Clair: Theory and Verification. University of Windsor, September 1996. 25pp.

Morrison, H. A. 1995. Rates of ingestion, egestion and gill ventilation in benthic invertebrates. Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Number 955.

Abstracts from Platform Presentations Morrison, H.A. 2011. The Clean Air Regulatory Agenda Mercury Science Program.

Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant. July 24-29th, 2011, Halifax, NS. Pp. 174.

Morrison, H.A. 2010. Mercury Science in Canada: Links to the Mercury Fate and Transport Partnership. UNEP Workshop: Combined meeting of MEC7, UNEP Coal Partnership and UNEP Fate and Transport Partnership. June 17th, 2010. Glasgow, Scotland.

Morrison, H.A. and P. Blanchard. 2009. Atmospheric Mercury Monitoring in Canada. Proceedings of the 2009 Mercury Science and Policy Conference with a Special Focus on the Northeast and Great Lakes Regions. Chicago, IL.

Morrison, H.A. 2008. The CARA Mercury Science Program. Proceedings of the Integrating Multimedia Measurements of Mercury in the Great Lakes Region Workshop. Onalaska, WI.

Morrison, H.A. 2004. The 2004 Canadian Acid Deposition Assessment. Proceedings of the NADP 2004 Technical Committee Meeting and Scientific Symposium. Halifax, NS. P.25.

Morrison, H.A.. 2002. Comments on whether physical and biological processes can be sufficiently integrated in the Detroit River-Lake Erie Corridor. Eds. L.A. Tulen and J.H. Ciborowski. Frameworks for Modelling Ecological Change in the Detroit River-Lake Erie Corridor. Workshop of the Council of Great Lakes Research Managers, IJC, Windsor, ON, March 29, 2001.

Caux, P.-Y., B. Miskimmin, H. Morrison, J. Parks, R. Post, K. Stone, S. L. Roe. Nov. 1999. “A Canada-wide GIS analysis of methylmercury in fish – Exploring relative risks to wildlife and human health”. Proceedings of the 20th Annual Meeting of SETAC. Philadelphia, PA. p.75.

Morrison, H.A., D.M. Whittle, G.D. Haffner. May 1999. “Analyses of changes in PCB levels in aquatic biota from the western basin of Lake Erie before and after the proliferation of the round goby”. Proceedings of the 42nd Conference on Great Lakes Research. Cleveland, OH. p.82.

Morrison, H.A., G.D. Haffner, D.M. Whittle. May 1999. “Application of a benthic/pelagic food web bioaccumulation model to answer contaminant-related questions in Lake Erie”. Proceedings of the 42nd Conference on Great Lakes Research. Cleveland, OH. p.82.

Koonce, J.F., C.K. Minns and H.A. Morrison. May 1999. “Aquatic biodiversity investment areas in the Great Lakes Basin: Identification and Verification.” Proceedings of the 42nd Conference on Great Lakes Research. Cleveland, OH. p.62.

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Morrison, H.A., D.M. Whittle, G.D. Haffner. April 1999. “Analyses of changes in PCB levels in aquatic biota from the western basin of Lake Erie before and after the proliferation of the round goby”. Proceedings of the 9th International Zebra Mussel and Aquatic Nuisance Species Conference. Duluth, MN. p.116.

Whittle, D.M., R.W. Russell, A.A. Carswell, H.A. Morrison. April 1999. “The ebb and flow of contaminants in the aquatic community”. Proceedings of the Lake Erie at the Millennium – Changes, trends, and trajectories. Windsor, ON. p54.

Koonce, J.F., C.K. Minns, H.A. Morrison. October 1998. “Aquatic biodiversity investment areas in the Great Lakes basin: Identification and Validation”. Proceedings of the State of the Lakes Ecosystem Conference. Buffalo, NY.

Morrison, H.A., D.M. Whittle, A.J. Niimi, C.D. Metcalfe. May 1998. “Verification and use of a food web bioaccumulation model for the prediction of PCB, dioxin and, furan congener concentrations and dioxin equivalent concentrations in Lake Ontario sport fish”. Proceedings of the International Association for Great Lakes Research 41st Conference. Hamilton, ON. p.77.

Morrison, H.A., D.M. Whittle, R. Lazar, G.D. Haffner, F. Gobas. January 1997. “Derivation and application of a food web bioaccumulation model for organic contaminants in western Lake Erie”. Proceedings of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Green Plan Toxic Chemicals Program Wrap-up Conference. Ottawa, ON. P.22.

Morrison, H., F.A.P.C. Gobas, D.M. Whittle, R. Lazar, G.D. Haffner. November 1995. “Steady-state model describing bioaccumulation of organic contaminants in benthic invertebrates.” Proceedings of the Second SETAC World Congress. Vancouver, BC.

Morrison, H., Haffner, G.D., Gobas, F.A.P.C. May 1995. “A steady-state model describing bioaccumulation of organochlorine contaminants by benthic invertebrates.” Proceedings of the International Association for Great Lakes Research 38th Conference. East Lansing, Michigan. p.65.

Morrison, H., Lazar, R., Haffner, G.D. June 1994. “The toxicokinetics of PCBs in Dreissena polymorpha Pallas.” Proceedings of the International Association for Great Lakes Research and Estuarine Research Federation 37th Conference. Windsor, Ontario. p. 136.

Morrison, H., Lazar, R., Haffner, G.D. October 1993. "A field and laboratory based determination of uptake and elimination rate constants for PCBs in Dreissena polymorpha Pallas" Proceedings of the 20th Annual Aquatic Toxicity Workshop, Quebec City, Quebec. p.10.

Morrison, H., Lazar, R., Haffner, G.D. June 1993. "The distribution and dynamics of coplanar PCBs in the food web of the western basin of Lake Erie." Proceedings of the International Association for Great Lakes Research 36th Conference, De Pere, Wisconsin, p.108.

Morrison, H., Lazar, R., Haffner, G.D. May 1993. "The accumulation of coplanar PCBs in western Lake Erie biota." Proceedings of the Ontario Ecology and Ethnology Colloquium, Windsor, p.40.

Abstracts of Poster Presentations Evers, D.C., J.G. Wiener, C.T. Driscoll, N. Basu, D. Bodaly, H.A. Morrison, K.A.

Williams, M.A. Turnquist. 2011. Mercury in the Great Lakes Region: Bioaccumulation, Spatiotemporal Patterns, Ecological Risks, and Policy.

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Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Meeting of SETAC North America. Boston, Massachusetts.

Morrison, H.A. 2005. The 2004 Canadian Acid Deposition Science Assessment. Proceedings of Acid Rain 2005. Prague, CZ.

Morrison, H.A. 2005. The 2004 Canadian Acid Deposition Science Assessment. 37th Air Pollution Workshop and International Symposium. Banff, AB.

Drouillard, K., H.A. Morrison, R.W. Russell, R. Lazar, G.D. Haffner. 2001. Biological monitoring and application of food web bioaccumulation models in the Detroit River. Lake Erie in the Millennium - Progress and Issues. Windsor, ON.

Morrison, H.A., G.D. Haffner, D.M. Whittle. Oct. 1999. “Application of a lacustrine food web bioaccumulation model to address contaminant-related issues”. International Conference on Tropical Aquatic Ecosystems: Health, Management and Conservation. Nainital, India. p. 14.

Morrison, H.A., D.M. Whittle, A.J. Niimi, C.D. Metcalfe. May 1998.“Verification and use of a food web bioaccumulation model for the prediction of PCB, dioxin and, furan congener concentrations and dioxin equivalent concentrations in Lake Ontario sport fish”. Proceedings of the 41st Conference of IAGLR. Hamilton, ON. P.77.

Morrison, H.A., C.D. Metcalfe, D. Mackay, S.A. Kafafi, A.J. Niimi, D.M. Whittle. November 1997. “Assessing environmental risk associated with halogenated aromatic hydrocarbons.” Proceedings of 18th Annual Meeting of the SETAC. San Francisco, CA.

P. 135. Morrison, H., F.A.P.C. Gobas, D.M. Whittle, R. Lazar, G.D. Haffner. November 1995. “A

non-equilibrium model for predicting bioaccumulation of organic contaminants in aquatic food-webs.” Proceedings of the Second SETAC World Congress. Vancouver, BC.

Morrison, H., Lazar, R., Haffner, G.D. October 1994. “In situ bioaccumulation of polychlorinated biphenyls by zebra mussels”. 21st Annual Aquatic Toxicity Workshop, Sarnia, Ontario, p.70.

Morrison, H., Lazar, R., Haffner, G.D. November 1993. "The distribution and dynamics of coplanar PCBs in the food web of the western basin of Lake Erie." 14th Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicologists and Chemists, Houston, Texas. p.298.

Morrison, H., Lazar, R., Haffner, G.D. October 1993. "The distribution and dynamics of PCBs in biota from the western basin of Lake Erie." Regional Meeting of the Society of Environmentalists and Toxicologists and Chemists, East Lansing, Michigan.

Seminars 1. Morrison, H.A. 2005. The 2004 Canadian Acid Deposition Science Assessment.

Atmospheric Research Seminar Series. Downsview, ON. 2. Morrison, H. December 1998. The Feasibility of Modelling Population Level Effects of

Toxic Chemicals. Great Lakes Laboratory of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Seminar Series. Burlington, ON.

3. Morrison, H. December 1997. Modelling PCBs in Lake Erie. Great Lakes Laboratory of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Seminar Series. Burlington, ON.

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Ph.D. Dissertation “The effects of zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha Pallas) on the transport and fate of polychlorinated biphenyls in the western Lake Erie food web”. 175pp.

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Samantha J. Song Head, Population Assessment Unit Canadian Wildlife Service Environment Canada Room 200, 4999-98 Avenue Edmonton, AB T6B 2X3 Tel: (780) 951-8965 E-mail: [email protected] Education Ph.D., Department of Biological Sciences, University of Alberta 1993 - 1998 M.Sc.F., Faculty of Forestry, University of Toronto 1991 - 1993 B.Sc. Zoology, University of Toronto 1986 - 1990

Current Position Head, Population Assessment Unit, Prairie & Northern Region, Canadian Wildlife

Service, Environment Canada, 2009 – present. Areas of responsibility: Non-game bird planning, monitoring & management for AB,

SK, MB; Science lead for Biodiversity & Habitat Disturbance component of Joint CA-AB Oil Sands Monitoring; Status assessment for Species at Risk.

Adjunct Professor, 2002-present. Department of Renewable Resources, University of

Alberta. Edmonton, Alberta. Past Positions Acting Manager, Population Conservation Section, Prairie & Northern Region, Canadian

Wildlife Service, Environment Canada, 2009 – 2010. Acting Head, Landscape Assessment & Planning, Prairie & Northern Region, Canadian

Wildlife Service, Environment Canada, 2008 – 2009. Boreal Ecologist and Coordinator, Western Boreal Conservation Initiative, Prairie &

Northern Region, Canadian Wildlife Service, Environment Canada, 2002 - 2009. Research Scientist, 2000-2002. Forest Resources Business Unit, Alberta Research

Council Inc., Vegreville, Alberta. Research Associate, 1998-2001. Eco-Research Chair of Environmental Law & Policy,

Faculty of Law and School of Environmental Sciences, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC. Research specialisation: Political economy of conservation biology.

Publications Peer-Reviewed Publications

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Matsuoka, S.M., E.M. Bayne, P. Solymos, P.C. Fontaine, S.G. Cumming, F.K.A Schmiegelow, and S.J. Song. 2012. Using bionomial distance-sampling models to estimate the effective detection radius of point-count surveys across boreal Canada. The Auk 129(2): 268-282.

Cumming, S.C., K.L. Lefevre, E. Bayne, P. Fontaine, F.K.A. Schmiegelow, and S.J. Song. 2010. Toward conservation of boreal Nearctic forest avifauna: Design and application of ecological models at continental extents. Avian Conservation and Ecology 5(2): 8. [online] URL:

Schieck, J. and S.J. Song, 2006. Changes in bird communities throughout succession following fire and harvest in boreal forests of western North America: a literature review and meta-analyses. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 36(5): 1299-1318.

Song, S.J. and R.M. M’Gonigle. 2001. Science, power and system dynamics: the political economy of conservation biology. Conservation Biology 15(4): 980-989.

Song, S.J. and S.J. Hannon, 1999. Predation in heterogeneous forests: a comparison at natural and anthropogenic edges. Ecoscience 6(4): 521-530.

Song, S.J., R.S. Bourchier and S.M. Smith 1997. Effect of host diet on acceptance of eastern spruce budworm eggs by Trichogramma minutum. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 84(1): 41-47.

Bourchier, R.S., S.M. Smith and S.J. Song 1993. Host acceptance and parasitoid size as predictors of parasitoid quality for mass-reared Trichogramma minutum. Biological Control 3: 135-139.

Technical reports, websites - selected Boreal Avian Modelling Project. 2012. Boreal Avian Modelling Project website. Steering committee member, lead editor. Environment Canada. 2011. Integrated Monitoring Plan for the Oil Sands: Terrestrial

Biodiversity Component. Lead author for Habitat Disturbance section, pages 22-66.

Matsuoka, S., P. Solymos, E. Bayne, S. Song. 2011. Suggestions for collecting additional data during point count surveys conducted by paid Breeding Bird Atlas crews in Canada. Report to Environment Canada, Edmonton.

Song, S.J. (editor), 2010. Western Boreal Conservation Initiative Final Report, 2003-2008.Towards the conservation of Canada’s boreal forests. Environment Canada.

Cooke, H.A., S.J. Hannon, and S.J. Song, 2010. Conserving old forest cavity users in aggregated harvests with structural retention. Knowledge Exchange and Technology Extension Synthesis Report. Sustainable Forest Management Network, Edmonton, AB. 35 pp

Hannon, S.J., H. Clarke, S.J. Song, H.A. Cooke, 2009. Impacts of partial harvest of riparian buffer strips on cavity and bark-nesting birds in boreal mixedwood forest. Sustainable Forest Management Network Research Note Series No. 54. Edmonton, AB.

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Song, S.J. and K.C. Hannah, 2005. Birds in Canada’s Boreal Forest: New Paradigms for Paradise Found. In: The State of Canada’s Forests, 2004-2005. Natural Resources Canada, Ottawa, ON.

Song, S.J. 2004. Effect of understorey protection on boreal songbirds. In: Bradbury, S., J. Fisher, S.J. Song, C. Gray, and D. McKinnon. Mixedwood Stand Biodiversity: The Influence of Understorey Protection Harvesting on Forest Structure and Biodiversity in Alberta Boreal Mixedwood Stands. Final Report. Alberta Research Council Inc., Vegreville, AB.

Song, S.J. editor. 2002. The ecological basis for stand management: A summary and synthesis of ecological responses to wildfire and harvesting. Alberta Research Council Inc., Vegreville, AB.

Song, S.J. 2002. Management for social perceptions of changing harvesting practices in the western boreal forest. In: Song, S.J. editor. The ecological basis for stand management: A summary and synthesis of ecological responses to wildfire and harvesting. Alberta Research Council Inc., Vegreville, AB.

Schieck, J. and S.J. Song, 2002. Ecological responses of boreal birds to wildfire and harvesting. In: Song, S.J. editor. The ecological basis for stand management: A summary and synthesis of ecological responses to wildfire and harvesting. Alberta Research Council Inc., Vegreville, AB.

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Douglas J. Spry Manager, National Guidelines and Standards Office Science and Risk Assessment Directorate, Environment Canada Fontaine Bldg, 200 Sacre Coeur Gatineau QC K1A 0H3 Tel: 819-953-3206 Email: [email protected]. Education 1982-87 PhD by research thesis and course work. Thesis: Zinc uptake in the rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri (Richardson), as affected by dietary and waterborne zinc and waterborne calcium. Supervisor: Dr. C.M. Wood McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario. 1979-82 MSc by research thesis and course work. Thesis: Effects of zinc on the acid-base status of Salmo gairdneri. Supervisor: Dr. C.M. Wood McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario. 1967-72 BSc (Honours) Marine Biology University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario. Present Position 2007 to present Manager, National Guidelines and Standards Office Responsibilities • Direct the work of 5 full time staff, plus consultants and trainees, in developing

national environmental quality guidelines. • Coordinate the delivery of national environmental quality standards through task

groups of the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment • Represent the Directorate, Department and the Federal Government on departmental

and interdepartmental committees, and federal-provincial-territorial and task forces dealing with environmental quality problems and issues

• Promote the implementation and use of Canadian Environmental Quality Guidelines nationally, and internationally

• Enable sound environmental management by providing advice to risk managers on the policies and science of environmental quality guideline development.

• Lead in the communication of information related to environmental quality assessment and management to senior management,

• Carry out work planning, manage work load and budget, hire staff and trainees

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Societies • Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Previous positions a/Manager National Guidelines and Standards Office 2003-2007 Environment Canada Environmental Quality Guidelines Scientist, later Section Head 2000-2003 Environmental Quality Branch Environment Canada Senior Aquatic Toxicologist 1989-2000 Standards Development Branch Ontario Ministry of the Environment Past Work Experience 1987-89 University of Waterloo - Post-doctoral research associate Venue: Ontario Ministry of Environment, Dorset Research Centre, Dorset, Ontario. Researched sensitivity of native cyprinids to acid as affected by life stage and environmental chemistry 1973-79 Great Lakes Biolimnology Laboratory Canada Centre for Inland Waters, Burlington, Ontario. Toxicity technician – Conducted bioassays on acute and chronic toxicity of arsenic, selenium or lead to rainbow trout. Refereed Publications Goulet, R.R., C. Fortin and D.J. Spry. 2011. Uranium in Homeostasis and Toxicology of

Non-Essential Metals. eds Wood, C.M., A.P. Farrell, C.J. Brauner. Fish Physiology 31B: 391-428.

Sappington, K.G., T.S. Bridges, S.P. Bradbury, R.J. Erickson, A.J. Hendriks, R.P. Lanno, J.P. Meador, D.R. Mount, M.H. Salazar and D.J. Spry. 2011. Application of the tissue residue approach in ecological risk assessment. Integr Environ Assess Manag 7: 116-140.

Welsh, P.G., J.L. Parrott, D.G. Dixon, P.V. Hodson, D.J. Spry and G. Mierle. 1996. Estimating acute Cu toxicity to larval fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas) in soft water from measurements of dissolved organic carbon, calcium and pH. Can. J. Fish Aquat. Sci. 53:1263-1271.

Wiener, J.G. and D.J. Spry. 1996. Toxicological significance of mercury in freshwater fish. In Environmental Contaminants in Wildlife: Interpreting Tissue Concentrations. N. Beyer, G. Heinz and A.W.Redmon-Norwood (eds). CRC Lewis Publishers, New York, NY.

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Welsh, P.G., J.F. Skidmore, D.J. Spry, D.G. Dixon, P.V. Hodson, N.J. Hutchinson and B.E. Hickie. 1993. Effect of pH and dissolved organic carbon on the toxicity of copper to larval fathead minnow Pimephales promelas in natural lake waters of low alkalinity. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 50(7):1356-1362.

Spry, D.J. and J.G. Wiener. 1991. Metal toxicity and bioavailability to fish in low-alkalinity lakes: a critical review. Environ. Pollut. 71:243-304.

Spry, D.J. and C.M. Wood. 1989. Induction of metal ligands in the gill, liver and intestine of rainbow trout exposed to dietary and waterborne zinc: quantitation by 109Cd radioassay and evaluation of the assay. J. Fish Biol. 35: 557-576.

Spry, D.J., P.V. Hodson and C.M. Wood. 1988. Relative contributions of dietary and waterborne zinc in the rainbow trout, (Salmo gairdneri). Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 45:32-41.

Selected Technical Reports Fletcher, T., D.J. Spry, C.D. Wren, G.L. Stephenson, J. Wang and B.W. Muncaster.

1995. Scientific Criteria Document for the Development of a Provincial Water Quality Objective for Arsenic. Ontario Ministry of Environment. 81p.

Stephenson, G.L., D.J. Spry, B.W. Muncaster, C.D. Wren and T. Fletcher. Scientific Criteria Document for the Development of an Interim Provincial Water Quality Objective for Vanadium. Ontario Ministry of the Environment. 34p

Spry, D.J. et al. 1999. Assessment of the potential ecological risks associated with chemical emissions from modern municipal solid waste incinerators or landfills in Ontario – aquatic aspects. 47p. Report C in Environmental Risks of Municipal Non-Hazardous Waste Landfilling and Incineration. Socha, A. and B. Birmingham (eds). Ontario Ministry of the Environment. ISBN-0-7778-8959-5

Rutherford, G.M., D.J. Spry and P. Dennis. 1995. Deriving receiving-water based, point source effluent requirements for Ontario waters. Ontario Ministry of Environment and Energy. PIBS 3302E. 32p+appendix.

Spry, D.J., C.M. Wood, and P.V. Hodson. 1981. The effects of environmental acid on freshwater fish with particular reference to the soft water lakes in Ontario and the modifying effects of heavy metals. A literature review. Can. Tech. Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci. #999. 144 p.

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Stephen J. Virc, R.P.F A/Manager, National Species at Risk Projects National Recovery Projects Canadian Wildlife Service Environment Canada 351 St.Joseph Blvd., 15th floor Gatineau QC K1A 0H3 [email protected] Telephone 819-934-2987 Facsimile 819-994-3684 Summary of Qualifications:

• Completely fluent in both French and English. • Sound scientific understanding of landscape/ecosystem concepts. • Exceptional abilities in organizing, coordinating, facilitating extended

communities of people with various and sometimes competing interests in reaching consensus and moving forwarded collaboratively.

• Reliabilty and Security: Secret • Experience with personal computers; knowledge of various computer

software. • Valid Class G Drivers License.

Education: Sept. 1989 - May 1993 University of Toronto, Faculty of Forestry

Bachelor of Science in Forestry June 1989 École secondaire Étienne Brûlé

Grade 13 Diploma, OAC All courses taught in French.

Work Experience: August 2010 – Present Environment Canada- Canadian Wildlife Service A/Manager – National Species at Risk Projects (PC05) June 2009 – July 2010 Environment Canada – Wildlife Landscape and Science

Directorate A/Director – Landscape Science and Technology Division

(PC05) July 2006 – May 2009 Environment Canada– Wildlife Landscape and Science

Directorate Chief – Landscape Ecology Unit – Landscape Science and Technology Division (PC04)

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January 2006 – June 2006 Environment Canada – Canadian Wildlife Service A/Chief – Habitat Conservation (PC05)

• Manage the Habitat Conservation Section of the Canadian Wildlife Service which includes 13 staff; responsible for the development and delivery of habitat conservation policies and initiatives, with an emphasis on ecosystem approaches targeting a habitat foundation for the protection of all of Canada’s biodiversity; including but not limited to: SARA Critical Habitat policy direction and delivery (identification, protection); policy advice/direction to the habitat aspects of migratory bird conservation initiatives; development and coordination of federal wetland initiatives, specifically the Federal Wetlands Policy and the Ramsar Convention; liaison with major land-affecting industrial sectors, relevant federal government department(s) processes, provincial /territorial/aboriginal government habitat/land use planning programs, and ENGOs active in habitat/landscape conservation.

October 2002 – Dec.2005 Environment Canada - Canadian Wildlife Service National Protected Areas Coordinator (PC04) • Responsible for coordinating and managing Environment Canada s̀ 11 million hectare

protected areas network consisting of 143 Migratory Bird Sanctuaries and National Wildlife Areas; member and chair of federal/provincial/territorial working groups and councils, national-level departmental working groups and international meetings (e.g. Convention on Wetlands; Wildlife Trilateral Committee) . advising the federal government on protected areas policy, engaging with the UNCBD, Ramsar, and the IUCN on international protected areas policy, and liaison with NGOs active in protected areas and broader landscape conservation, such as Wildlife Habitat Canada, Nature Conservancy Canada, Nature Canada and others.

February 2001 – August 2002 Fisheries and Oceans Canada May 2000 - October 2000 Senior Habitat Biologist (PC04) • Responsible for stewardship activities and coordinating the Species at Risk planning

for the Department. July 1997 – January 2001 Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources Stewardship Coordinator • Organize and lead partnership based, sustainable forestry acitivities with direction from a volunteer stewardship council consisting of representatives from various backgrounds and different interests. Responsible for project management, budget, partnership building, organizing and leading meetings, communications. All activities mainly conducted in French. May 1997 – June 1997 Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources

Resource Technician 3 • Assist in data gathering and compilation for the development of the Natural Resource

Values Information System for the Kemptville District. Sept. 1993 - April 1997 Eastern Ontario Model Forest

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Informatics Coordinator • Managed finances of a $5 million/year program. Developed and maintained the

computer network. Assisted in the coordination of 40 forestry related projects. Participated in, and led various committees such as the Eastern Ontario Community Forestry Committee, the Trails and Outdoor Education Committee and the Forest Science Committee. Organized board meetings.

Sept. 1996 - Nov. 1996 Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources

Forester 1 • Developed a generic guide describing the steps in protecting natural woodlots before,

during and after building a home in a woodlot. June 1993 - Sept. 1993 The Really Effective Environmental Solution

Forest Restoration Supervisor • Managed and maintained plantations in Metro Toronto; conducted soil and vegetation

analyses; administrative work. June - Aug. 1992 The Finnish Forest Research Institute.

Plant Physiology Researcher • Designed and implemented a broad physiological field study on plantations

throughout Finland treated with herbicides. May 1992 10,000 Trees For The Rouge. Tree Planting Supervisor • Organized and supervised tree planters in the town of Markham. July - Aug. 1991 The Plant Physiology Department, University of Toronto. Laboratory Assistant • Extracted plant products and maintained the laboratory. Achievements & Awards: April 2006 Coach of the Year awarded by the Rockland Minor Hockey

Association August 2005 Ordre de la Francophonie awarded l’Association

Canadienne Française de Prescott-Russell. May 1999 Forester of the Year awarded by the Ontario Professional

Foresters’ Association. Aug.1996 - Dec. 1996 Completed a 5 month long program offered by the

Canadian Society of Association Executives called “Association Law, Finance and Administration.”

July 1996 Certificate in “Spanish for Beginners”.

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Oct. 1995 Re-certified in Standard First Aid. June 1995 Successfully completed the “Integrated Leaders

Workshop” that allows me to teach others how to use the education programs Focus on Forests, Fishways and Project Wild.

May 1995 Awarded Registered Professional Forester status by the

Ontario Professional Forestry Association. May 1993 A.F. Buell Award in Forest Management May 1992 F.K. Morrow Forestry Scholarship; and Class of 5T2

Award May 1991 John A. Gillies Scholarship Sept. 1989 Forestry Memorial Admission Scholarship Activities & Interests:

• Past Chair of the Prescott-Russell Stewardship Council, • Member of the Ontario Professional Foresters Association, the Canadian

Institute of Forestry, the Ontario Forestry Association, the EOMF, and Boisés Est.

• Enjoy parenting, coaching children’s sports, traveling, hockey, soccer, mountain biking, hiking and canoeing.

References: - Available upon request.

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Corinna Watt Air Pollution Analyst Environmental Protection Operations Division Environment Canada Room 200, 4999-98 Avenue Edmonton, AB T6B 2X3 Tel: 780-951-8934 Email: [email protected] Education: Master of Science – Environmental Health Sciences (Thesis) - 2003

Department of Public Health Sciences University of Alberta Bachelor of Science – Environmental Sciences - 1999

Specialization – Environmental Chemistry University of Northern British Columbia

Relevant Experience: Environment Canada Air Pollution Analyst - 2008 – present

• Coordinate the air quality review of environmental assessments in the Prairie and Northern Region.

• Participate in the review of the air quality sections of environmental assessments. • Particpated in the regulatory environmental hearing for the Total Joslyn Mine.

Environment Canada Environmental Assessment Coordinator – 2004-2008 Science Section – Air Quality Unit

• Coordinate and review the air quality, climate change and hydrology aspects of environmental assessments.

• Participated in regulatory environmental hearings for the Imperial Kearl Mine, Albian Muskeg River Mine Expansion and the North West Upgrader projects.

Other Training: Advanced CALPUFF Dispersion Modelling Course - 2012

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Richard Wiacek Senior Environmental Assessment Officer Canadian Wildlife Service Environment Canada Room 200, 4999-98 Avenue Edmonton, AB T6B 2X3 Tel: 780-951-8702 Fax: 780-495-2615 Email: [email protected] Education: Master of Science: Wildlife Biology - 1992

Department of Zoology University of Guelph Bachelor of Science: Zoology - 1989

Specialization – Honors in Biology Department of Zoology University of Toronto

Relevant Experience: Environment Canada Canadian Wildlife Service Senior Environmental Assessment Officer: 2010 – present

• Participate in departmental, interdepartmental and intergovernmental environmental assessment (EA) reviews of proposed development projects, including oil sands mines.

• CWS lead for the Shell Jackpine Mine Expansion Project, Shell Pierre River Mine Project, and Teck Frontier Mine Project, as well as various in situ oil sands projects.

• Conduct and coordinate the review of wildlife (migratory bird and species at risk) information presented in EAs and provide recommendations for mitigating project effects.

• Engage in consultation with other government departments and agencies (federal and provincial), Aboriginal groups, industry and other stakeholders.

• Participate in regional strategic cumulative effects assessments of industrial activities.

• Participate in regional migratory bird and species at risk monitoring programs. • Participate in regional multi-stakeholder groups (e.g., CEMA)

Stantec / Westworth Associates Environmental Ltd. Senior Wildlife Biologist: 1997 – 2010

• Participated in a wide variety of projects in Alberta, British Columbia, Newfoundland / Labrador, Yukon Territory and the Northwest Territories

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including environmental impact assessments, wildlife / biodiversity inventories and field surveys (birds, mammals and amphibians), environmental (wildlife) monitoring, and wildlife management planning.

• Led and/or participated in the development of the terrestrial wildlife component of environmental impact assessments for major industrial and infrastructure projects, including pipelines, highways, hydro-electric projects and in situ oil sands projects.

• Represented proponents at regulatory hearings and meetings. BC Hydro Environmental Affairs Division Wildlife Biologist: 1994 – 1996

• Assessed proposed and existing hydro developments to determine impacts on wildlife.

• Developed and implemented wildlife and habitat enhancement plans. • Conducted breeding bird surveys (point counts) along transmission line rights-of-

way to assess alternative management/clearing options.

University of British Columbia Fisheries Centre Research Assistant: 1993 – 1994

• Assisted in studying the response of Pacific giant salamanders and tailed frogs to forestry practices in south-western British Columbia.

• Planned, organized and implemented field work; conducted intensive amphibian and habitat surveys, mark-recapture and radio telemetry studies.

• Assisted in project development by reviewing funding proposals, preparing field methodology and equipment, and establishing radio telemetry implant protocol.

• Interacted extensively with government, university and industry personnel. Project Experience: Environment Canada Teck Frontier Mine Project Shell Jackpine Mine Expansion Project Shell Pierre River Mine Project Total Joslyn North Mine Project Cenovus Narrows Lake Project Cenovus Christina Lake Expansion Project Devon Jackfish 3 Project Ivanhoe Energy Tamarack Project KNOC BlackGold Expansion Project Southern Pacific Resource STP McKay Thermal Project CNRL Kirby Expansion Project CNRL Grouse Project Stantec / Westworth Associates Northern Gateway Pipeline Project

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Mackenzie Gas Pipeline Project Lower Churchill Hydroelectric Project Value Creation Inc. Terre de Grace SAGD Project Value Creation Inc. Halfway Creek SAGD Project Connacher Oil Sands Ltd. Great Divide In Situ Project Great Divide Oil Corp. Algar SAGD Project Grizzly Oil Sands ULC Algar Lake SAGD Project Southern Pacific Resources Corp. Leismer SAGD Project Southern Pacific Resource Corp. STP McKay SAGD Project Patch Energy Inc. Dover SAGD Project Sunshine Oilsands Ltd. West Ells SAGD Project Laricina Energy Ltd. Germain Pilot SAGD Project Laricina Energy Ltd. Saleski Pilot SAGD Project Syncrude Canada Ltd. Wildlife Assessment of Syncrude’s Gateway Hill Reclamation Area BC Hydro and Parks Canada Peace-Athabasca Delta Muskrat Study Parks Canada Wood Buffalo National Park Proposed Winter Road Project EPCOR Power Development Corp. Genesee Generating Station Project INAC Highway 58 Extension to Garden Creek and Fox Lake Project Alberta Transportation Lethbridge Trade Highway Project Swan Hills Treatment Centre Wildlife Monitoring Project Pembina Area Landfill Wildlife Monitoring Project DOW Chemical Canada Inc. Greenbelt Project CEMA Review of Existing Information for Key Wildlife Species in RSDS Study Area Shell Canada Ltd. Muskeg River Mine Bird of Prey and Amphibian Inventories ATCO Pipelines Muskeg River Pipeline Wildlife Inventory Canadian Forest Products Ltd. Burnt River Watershed Wildlife Baseline Study Slocan Forest Products Ltd. Canoe River / Camp Creek Watershed Wildlife Baseline Study Slocan Forest Products Ltd. Hugh Allan / Blackman Creek Watershed Wildlife Baseline Study Blue Ridge Lumber Ltd. Sustainable Forest Management Practices for Wildlife Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro, Labrador Hydro Project Moose Study

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Greg Bickerton, M.Sc., P.Eng. Senior Hydrogeologist, Groundwater Section Water Science & Technology Directorate Environment Canada 867 Lakeshore Road, Burlington, Ontario L7R 4A6 (905) 336-4597 [email protected] Education University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, 1998-2001

• M.Sc. in Earth Sciences (Hydrogeology)

• Thesis: Optimal Decision Analysis for Investments in Municipal Water-Service Infrastructure (Supervisors: E.A. Sudicky, Ph.D., P.Eng. & P. Forsyth, Ph.D.)

• Dean of Science Award for creative research as presented in an M.Sc. thesis

University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, 1990-1995

• B.A.Sc. (1st Class Honours) in Geological Engineering with Water Resources Option

McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, 1985-1990

• Honours B.Sc. in Geological Sciences

Current Employment

Senior Hydrogeologist: Environment Canada, National Water Research Institute (Water Science & Technology Directorate – Groundwater Section) Burlington, Ontario. October 2001 to present

• Project leader for Environment Canada’s groundwater activities in the oil sands region of Alberta (2009-present) (a) Environment Canada’s groundwater lead for the Joint Canada-Alberta Implementation

Plan for Oil Sands Monitoring (2012-present) (b) Study lead for active research project examining groundwater-surface water

interactions in the oil sands region (2009-present) (c) Member of the governance and technical committees for the Alberta Government’s

Northern Alberta Oil Sands Regional Groundwater Monitoring program (2011-present)

• Hydrogeological technical specialist for Environment Canada research studies and operational programs. Provide technical expertise on physical hydrogeology, contaminant transport and numerical modeling for active research programs, policy development and other federal priorities. Groundwater research and expertise have included: (a) Groundwater surface-water interactions and implications for aquatic ecosystems

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Gregory Bickerton

(b) Contaminant transport and natural attenuation of petroleum contamination in fractured bedrock in the presence of permafrost

(c) Intrinsic bioremediation of petroleum contamination in cold climates (d) Hydrogeological characterization of fractured bedrock environments (e) National survey of perchlorate usage in Canada and its occurrence in Canadian

groundwater & surface waters (f) Hydraulic control of groundwater and leachate using phreatophytes at abandoned


Professional Affiliations • Professional Engineer - Professional Engineers Ontario • Member - National Groundwater Association • Member - International Association of Hydrogeologists

Selected Publications

1. Refereed Journal Publications

Gagne, F., Douville, M., Andre, C., Debenest, T., Talbot, A., Sherry, J., Hewitt, L.M., Frank, R.A., McMaster, M.E., Parrott, J., Bickerton, G., 2012. Differential changes in gene expression in rainbow trout hepatocytes exposed to extracts of oil sands process-affected water and the Athabasca River, Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Toxicology and Pharmacology (Part C), 155C(4), 551-559. Roy, J.W. and Bickerton, G., 2012. Toxic groundwater contaminants: An overlooked contributor to urban stream syndrome?, Environmental Science and Technology 46, 729-736. Headley, J.V., Barrow, M.P., Peru, K.M., Fahlman, B., Frank, R.A., Bickerton, G., McMaster, M.E., Parrott, J. and Hewitt, L.M., 2011. Preliminary fingerprinting of Athabasca oil sands polar organics in environmental samples using electrospray ionization Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry, Rapid Communications in Mass Spectroscopy, 25, 1899-1909. Van Stempvoort, D.R., Roy, J.W., Brown, S.J., Bickerton, G., 2011. Artificial sweeteners as potential tracers in groundwater in urban environments, Journal of Hydrology, 401(1-2), 126-133. Roy, J.W. and Bickerton, G., 2010. Proactive screening approach for detecting groundwater contaminants along urban streams at the reach-scale, Environmental Science and Technology 44, 6088-6094. Roy, J.W. and Bickerton, G., 2010. Comment on "Estimation of actual LNAPL thickness at a fuel-contaminated Arctic mine site" by Olumide Iwakun, Kevin Biggar and David Sego, Cold Regions Science and Technology, 65(2), 269-270.

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Gregory Bickerton

Iwakun, O., Biggar, K., Van Stempvoort, D., Bickerton, G. and Voralek, J., Fuel contamination characterization in permafrost fractured bedrock at the Colomac mine site, Cold Regions Science and Technology, 53(1), 56-74, 2008. Novakowski, K., G. Bickerton, P. Lapcevic, J. Voralek and N. Ross, Measurements of groundwater velocity in discrete rock fractures, Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 82, 44-60, 2006. Novakowski, K. S., G. Bickerton and P. Lapcevic, Interpretation of injection-withdrawal tracer experiments conducted between two wells in a large single fracture, Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 73, 227-247, 2004. Zanini, L., K. Novakowski,, P. Lapcevic, G. Bickerton, J. Voralek., and C. Talbot, Regional groundwater flow in the fractured carbonate aquifer underlying Smithville, Ontario, inferred from combined hydrogeological and geochemical measurements, Groundwater, 38(3), 350-360, 2000. Novakowski, K. S. and G. S. Bickerton, Borehole measurement of the hydraulic properties of low-permeability rock, Water Resources Research, 33(11), 2509-2517, 1997. Novakowski, K. S., P. A. Lapcevic, J. Voralek and G. Bickerton, Preliminary interpretation of tracer experiments conducted in a discrete rock fracture under conditions of ambient flow, Geophysical Research Letters, 22(11), 1417-1420, 1995. 2. Recent Conference Proceedings & Presentations Bickerton, G., and Hazewinkel, R., Overview of the Groundwater Component for the Joint Canada-Alberta Implementation Plan for Oil Sands Monitoring. In Proceedings of the 39th International Association of Hydrogeologist Congress, Niagara Falls, Ontario, September 16-21, 2012. Roy, J.W., L. Grapentine, P. Gillis, G. Bickerton . 2012. Assessment of potential effects of contaminated groundwater discharge to an urban stream. Seminar presented to 39th Congress of the International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH), Niagara Falls, ON, Sept. 15-21, 2012. Van Stempvoort, D.R., J.W. Roy, A.El-Shaarawi, J.Grabuski, S.J. Brown, G. Bickerton and E. Sverko. 2012. Artificial sweeteners and pharmaceutical compounds as co-tracers of urban wastewater in groundwater. Seminar presented to 39th Congress of the International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH), Niagara Falls, ON, Sept. 15-21, 2012. Kinsman, L., C. Robinson, J. Gerhard, G. Bickerton and J.W. Roy. 2012. Characterizing groundwater flows in the Alberta oil sands using major ions. Poster presented to 39th Congress of the International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH), Niagara Falls, ON, Sept. 15-21, 2012.

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Grapentine, L., Roy, J., and Bickerton, G. 2012. Assessment of contaminated groundwater effects on benthic invertebrates in streams. Seminar presented to 46th Central Canadian Symposium on Water Quality Research, Burlington, ON, Feb. 21-22, 2012. Roy, J.W., P.L. Gillis, R. McInnis, and G. Bickerton. 2012. Risk to benthic organisms (juvenile mussels) from road salt in groundwater discharging to an urban stream. Seminar presented to 46th Central Canadian Symposium on Water Quality Research, Burlington, ON, Feb. 21-22, 2012. Frank, R.A., G. Bickerton, J.V. Headley, M.E. McMaster, S.J. Rowland, and L.M. Hewitt. 2011. Using synchronous fluorescence spectroscopy to prioritize environmental samples for high resolution mass spectrometry in Canada’s oil sands. Seminar presented to the Society of Environmental Toxicologists and Analytical Chemists (SETAC), Boston, MA, November 16, 2011. Roy, J.W., P.L. Gillis, R. McInnis, and G. Bickerton. 2011. Risk to benthic organisms, such as the freshwater mussel Lampsilis siloqueodea, from groundwater contaminated with road salt and discharging to an urban stream. Seminar presented to Geological Society of America (GSA) Annual Meeting & Exposition, Minneapolis, MI, Oct. 9-12, 2011. Grapentine, L., Roy, J., and Bickerton, G. 2011. Contaminated groundwater discharges to streams: establishing exposure and effects to benthic invertebrates. Seminar presented to 38th Aquatic Toxicity Workshop, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Oct. 2-5, 2011. Roy, J.W., G. Bickerton. 2011. Screening for the potential ecological hazard posed by groundwater contaminants to urban streams in Canada. Seminar presented to 46th Central Canadian Symposium on Water Quality Research, Burlington, ON, Feb. 22-23, 2011. Van Stempvoort, D.R., J.W. Roy, S.J. Brown, G. Bickerton. 2011. Artificial sweeteners in groundwater as potential tracers of urban wastewater and other sources. Seminar presented to 46th Central Canadian Symposium on Water Quality Research, Burlington, ON, Feb. 22-23, 2011. Roy, J.W., G. Bickerton. 2010. Groundwater contaminants in the deep benthic zone of urban streams in Canada. Seminar presented to American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting. Dec. 13-17, 2010. San Francisco, CA. (Invited) Barnes, R., J.W. Roy, G. Bickerton. 2010. Groundwater contaminants affecting urban streams in the Lake Simcoe watershed. Seminar presented to 53rd Annual Conference on Great Lakes Research, Toronto, ON, May 17-21, 2010. Roy, J.W., G. Bickerton, and J. Voralek. 2009. Potential threat of groundwater contaminants to an urban stream ecosystem. Seminar presented to Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America, Portland, OR, October 18-21, 2009. Bickerton, G., Roy, J. and Voralek, J., Screening of Groundwater Contaminants Discharging to Urban Streams. In Proceedings of the 10th Joint CGS/IAH-CNC Groundwater Conference,

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Halifax, Nova Scotia, September 20-24, 2009. Van Stempvoort, D. Spoelstra, J., Bickerton, G., Brown, S. and Voralek, J., Anaerobic microbial processes in a petroleum plume in fractured rock, Northern Canada. In Proceedings of the 10th Joint CGS/IAH-CNC Groundwater Conference, Halifax, Nova Scotia, September 20-24, 2009. Lapcevic, P., Kingerlee, A., Bickerton, G. and V. Carmichael, The geochemistry of groundwater on Salt Spring Island, British Columbia, Canada. In Proceedings of the 9th Joint CGS/IAH-CNC Groundwater Conference, Edmonton, Alberta, 2008. Bickerton, G., D.R. Van Stempvoort, J. Voralek and K. Biggar, Hydrogeological setting of petroleum contamination at Colomac Mine, NWT: A permafrost region of the Canadian Shield. In Proceedings of the 8th Joint CGS/IAH-CNC Groundwater Conference, Ottawa, Ontario, 2007. Bickerton, G., Van Stempvoort, D., Alvarez, M. and Rose, S., Potential use of phreatophytes in passive management of groundwater seepage. Environmental Sciences & Engineering Magazine, 32-33, September 2005. Bickerton, G., D. Van Stempvoort, and K. Millar. Natural attenuation of petroleum hydrocarbons in a cold-climate fuel plume in groundwater, northern Ontario. In: Proceedings of the Assessment and Remediation of Contaminated Sites in Arctic and Cold Climates (ARCSACC), Edmonton, Alberta, May 8-10, 2005.

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Senior Environmental Assessment Officer, Environmental Assessment Coordination, Science and Policy Integration, Natural Resources Canada

580 Booth Street, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0E4


1990 BSc. Biology (High Honours), Carleton University 1994 M.Sc. Biology, University of Toronto 2000 Ph.D. Biology, University of Missouri – Columbia RECENT EMPLOYMENT 2009 – present Senior Environmental Assessment Officer, Environmental Assessment Coordination, Natural Resources Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. 2003 – 2009 Research Officer & Post Doctoral Fellow, Molecular Diagnostics Laboratory, Bio-protection Research Centre, Lincoln University, New Zealand. 2001-2003 Post Doctoral Research Fellow, Department of Biology, University

of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada. 2000-2001 Assistant Professor of Ecology (sabbatical replacement), Bates College, Lewiston, Maine, USA. AREAS OF EXPERIENCE

Dr. Ball has worked as a Senior Environmental Assessment Officer for Natural Resources Canada since August 2009. She has experience in coordinating and managing federal Environmental Assessment (EA) of a variety projects, including mines, wind farms, biogas facilities, and hydroelectricity generation projects. She has specifically been involved in the reviews of mining EA’s projects in Alberta and BC for the Science and Policy Integration Sector of Natural Resources Canada (NRCan). In this capacity, she has coordinated the reviews and recommendations on behalf of the various sectors of NRCan (e.g. Earth Sciences Sector, Minerals and Metals Sector, Explosives Regulatory Division). She has supplied submissions at all stages of the EA process.

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Kim L. Kasperski – Résumé



CanmetENERGY - Devon


UNIVERSITY OF ALBERTA - Edmonton, AB Doctor of Philosophy, Physical Chemistry (Thermodynamics) – 1988

McGILL UNIVERSITY – Montreal, PQ Master of Science, Biochemistry – 1983

UNIVERSITY OF LETHBRIDGE – Lethbridge, AB Bachelor of Science (with Honours), Chemistry – 1977


1) CanmetENERGY - Devon, NATURAL RESOURCES CANADA – DEVON, AB Manager, Oil Sands Water (since 2002) and Tailings (since 2011) Research Group Team Projects:

Studies of the treatment of oil sand tailings Study of partitioning of volatile hydrocarbons in oil sand tailings; Determination of the persistence and fate of oil sand process chemicals; Modeling and study of oil sand process water (inorganic) chemistry. Built computer

models or performed modelling for Suncor, Albian, True North, Imperial Oil, CNRL, Synenco, and Syncrude; (model work since 1998);

Determination of factors affecting partitioning of naphthenic acids in oil sands tailings. Study of high temperature and pressure chemistry of oil sand process water relevant to in

situ operations; Produced an extensive review of emerging water treatment technologies and their

potential application to the oil sand industry.

2) CanmetENERGY - Devon, NATURAL RESOURCES CANADA – DEVON, AB Research Scientist, Emulsions and Tailings Group – 1988 to 2002 Areas of work:

Water chemistry of oil sand tailings / process water systems; Analysis of oil sand multiphase systems; Hydrocarbon partitioning in oil sand process streams; Thermodynamics of oil sand; Thermal analysis of polymers; Toxicity of oil sand process water;

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Kim L. Kasperski – Résumé

PUBLICATIONS 11 papers in refereed journals or books. 37 papers presented at conferences or in conference proceedings (as author or co-

author). 143 divisional reports including confidential client reports.

The above include two major reviews, one on oil sands tailings (1988) and one on oil sand bitumen extraction fundamentals (2001).

ADDITIONAL Past-chair of the Canadian Oil Sand Network for Research and Development (CONRAD)

water focus group (2006 to 2010); Appeared before House of Commons Standing Committee on Natural Resources (2006)

and House of Commons Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development (2009) as expert witness on oil sands water issues;

Provide technical expertise on oil sand tailings and water issues to the executive branch of the federal department of Natural Resources Canada.

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Miroslav Nastev Research Scientist Geological Survey of Canada Earth Sciences Sector Natural Resources Canada 490, rue de la Couronne Québec, QC G1K 9A9 ____________________________________________________ Education: 1998 Ph.D., Geology, Laval University, Quebec 1986 M.Sc., Civil Engineering, St. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje, Macedonia 1980 B.Sc., Civil Engineering, St. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje, Macedonia Relevant Experience: Dr. Miroslav Nastev’s broad-ranging national and international engineering, management and scientific expertise extends over a unique spectrum of competencies and experience. He has been managing high profile projects and providing first-hand technical and scientific knowledge to support important decisions for the protection of the public health, safety, and environment. Throughout his career, Dr. Nastev practiced his engineering and scientific leadership and integrative skills developing broad multi-institutional cooperative and collaborative activities. He has a broad and multi-disciplinary experience and is recognized for his work on: earthquake engineering; geotechnics; geology, hydrogeology; biogas generation and migration; waste management; environmental assessment and reclamation; atmospheric dispersion of airborne pollutants; and development of numerical software. He has participated in many international projects and has had the opportunity to work in Canada, United States, Japan, Macedonia, Turkey, and Iraq. Currently, Dr. Nastev directs and coordinates major research and application studies with the Geological Survey of Canada (Natural Resources Canada). 1999/present Geological Survey of Canada: Large-scale multi-disciplinary and multi-institutional studies

in the fields of hydrogeology and earthquake engineering. Research Scientist and Project Manager: Mirabel rock aquifers Chief of the modeling laboratory, GSC-Quebec Châteauguay River basin Chaudière River basin Microseismicity of the Québec City region Quantifying geohazard risks – Hazus Canada

1989/99 Series of major construction, environmental and R&D projects. Project Manager: Dessau-Soprin: Multi-layered capillary barrier, Lorraine Mine, Québec (1997/98) Soprin-ADS and Dessau-Soprin: Atmospheric dispersion of airborne pollutants

(1996/98) Soprin-ADS: Closure capping system, CESM landfill site, Montréal (3rd largest landfill

site in North America (1996/98) ADS : Hydrocarbon plume reclamation, Cap-aux-Meules, Magdalene Islands, Québec

(1996/97) Data Engineering: Development of computer-based applications, Macedonia (1991/92)

Chief Engineer:

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ENKA Insaat (Turkey) in collaboration with Bechtel Corp. (CA): Field Laboratory at the Bekhme-Dam construction project, Iraq. +30 engineers and technicians, world largest earthfill dam (1989/91)

1980/88 Earthquake engineering, seismic parameter, design of nuclear power plants, dynamic response of soils, seismic risk analysis, microzonation, lifeline systems performance. Assistant professor: University of St. Cyril and Methodius - Institute of Earthquake Engineering and

Engineering Seismology, Skopje, Macedonia (1980/88) Visiting scientist: Kyoto University - Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Japan (1986/88) Columbia University - Department of Civil Engineering, New York (1987)

Memberships and Professional Activities 2012-present Adjunct professor: University of Western Ontario, London 2011 Signatory of the Technical Annex to the Agreement between the Governement of the

United States and the Government of Canada for Cooperation in Science and Technology for Critical Infrastructure Protection and Border Security.

2010 Guest Editor, Special Issue - Canadian Water Research Journal CWRJ. 2009-present Adjunct professor: Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology -

IZIIS, University Saints Cyril and Methodius, Skopje, Macedonia. 2009-present Member: Groupe sur la Recherche et Développement Durable Maroc-Canada 2008-present Member: Canadian Association for Earthquake Engineering 2008 Member: Canadian Geotechnical Society 2008-present Member: International Association for Engineering Geology 2008 Member of the Expert Committee for the elaboration of Water Master Plan for

integrated water management in the Châteauguay River watershed (QC). 2008 Member of the Expert Committee for the elaboration of the Québec’s Program of

Acquisition of Groundwater Knowledge – Programme d’Acquisition de Connaissances sur l’Eau Souterraine du Québec. Québec Ministry of Environment (QC).

2008 Interview CBC: Proposed County of Franklin Solid Waste Management Authority Landfill expansion, County of Franklin, New York (USA), July 9, 2008

2007 Member of the Experts Committee for the elaboration of Water Master Plan for integrated water management of the Rivière du Nord watershed (QC).

2007-present Member: Association des Hydrogéophysiciens du Québec 2006 Member of the Scientific Committee for the Restoration of the hydrocarbon

contamination of the Mercier Lagoons (QC). 2006-present Adjunct professor: Dept. of Civil Engineering, Laval University, Quebec 2006 Guest Editor: Canadian Water Research Journal - CWRJ 2005 Organizer: Workshop on Landfill Methane Emissions, CANMET Varennes 2005-present Adjunct professor: Université de Québec à Chicoutimi, Québec 2005 Advisor: BAPE - Hydrogeology, Oka Niobium plant, Oka, Quebec 2004/06 Member: Steering Committee Hydro Météorologie Appliquée - HYMAP 2003/06 Member: Steering Committee Adirondack Aquifers 2003/07 Associate Editor: Hydrogeology Journal (HJ) 2003/09 Member: International Association of Hydrogeologists 2002 Advisor: BAPE - Radon gas migration at Niobium plant, Oka, Quebec 2001 Advisor: BAPE - Hydrogeology and landfill gas migration at the Sanitary landfill site -

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Lachute, Quebec 2001-present Member: Canadian Ground Water Association 1999-present Adjunct professor: Dept. of Geology and Engineering Geology, Laval University,

Quebec 1999-present Adjunct professor: Institut National de Recherche Scientifique Eau Terre

Environnement – INRS ETE, Quebec 1994/2006 Professional Engineer: Ordre des Ingénieurs du Québec 1980/88 Assistant professor: University of St. Cyril and Methodius - Institute of Earthquake

Engineering and Engineering Seismology, Skopje, Macedonia 1981/~ Professional Engineer: Association of Engineers, Macedonia Participation in the ERCB-CEAA Hearing: Appearing on behalf of Natural Resources Canada Area of expertise/evidence – Hydrogeology, geotechnics Selected Publications, Reports, Theses and Presentations Guay, C., Nastev, M., Paniconi, C. and Sulis, M., 2012. Comparison of two modeling approaches for groundwater–surface water interactions. Hydrological Processes, Published online in Wiley Online Library - Nastev, M., and C., Lamontagne, 2010. Preface to the Special Issue on the Hydrogeology of the Chateauguay River Watershed. Canadian Water Resources Journal, Vol. 35(4): 355-358. Nastev, M. and C., Lamontagne, 2010. Survol hydrogéologique de l’aquifère transfrontalier du bassin versant de la rivière Chateauguay, Canada - États-Unis. Canadian Water Resources Journal, Vol. 35(4): 359-376. Tremblay, T., Nastev, M., and Lamothe, M., 2010. Grid-based hydrostratigraphic 3D modelling of the Quaternary sequence in the Chateauguay River watershed, Québec. Canadian Water Resources Journal, Vol.35(4): 377-398. Tremblay, T., Hunter, J., Lamontagne, C., and Nastev, M., 2010. High resolution seismic survey in contaminated esker area, Chateauguay River watershed, Québec. Canadian Water Resources Journal, Vol.35(4): 417-432. Latifovic, R., Darren, P., and Nastev, M., 2010. Use of remote sensing for mapping agriculture land-use, land-use change, and crop type area distribution. Canadian Water Resources Journal, Vol.35(4): 433-450. Croteau, A., Nastev, M., and Lefebvre, R., 2010. Recharge assessment in the Chateauguay River watershed, Quebec. Canadian Water Resources Journal, Vol.35(4): 355-358. Lavigne, MA., Nastev, M., Lefebvre, R., 2010. Numerical Simulation of Groundwater Flow in the Chateauguay River Aquifers: Hydraulic properties and model calibration. Canadian Water Resources Journal, Vol.35(4) : 469-486. Lavigne, MA., Nastev, M., Lefebvre, R., and Croteau, A., 2010. Regional sustainability of Groundwater Resources in the Chateauguay River Aquifers. Canadian Water Resources Journal, Vol.35(4): 487-502. Blanchette, B., Lefebvre, R., Nastev, M., and Cloutier, V., 2010. Hydrochemical assessment of groundwater quality in the Chateauguay River watershed, Québec. Canadian Water Resources Journal, Vol.35(4): 503-526. Franzidis, J-P., Héroux, M., Nastev, M., and Christophe Guy, 2008. Lateral Migration and Offsite Surface Emission of Landfill Gas at City of Montreal Landfill Site. Journal of Waste Management and Research, Vol.26(2): 121-131.

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Nastev, M., R. Morin, R. Godin, and A. Rouleau, 2008. Hydrogeologic characterization of sandstone aquifers in southwestern Quebec, Canada, Hydrogeology Journal, Vol.16: 373-388. Morin, R., R. Godin, M. Nastev, and A. Rouleau 2007. Hydrogeologic controls imposed by mechanical stratigraphy in layered rocks of the Chateauguay River Basin, a U.S.-Canada transborder aquifer, J. Geophysical Research, 112, B04403 Paniconi C., Broda S., Gauthier M.J., Larocque M., Nastev, M., Rivard C., 2007. Representativity and challenges in the simulation of subsurface flow at hillslope and sub-catchment scales: Case studies from Quebec and Nova Scotia (Canada). American Geophysical Union 2007 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 8 p. CD version. Nastev, M., Lefebvre, R., Rivera, A., Martel, R., 2006. Quantitative assessment of regional rock aquifers, south-western Quebec, Canada. Water Resources Management 20: 1-18. Stojanov, M. and Nastev, M., 2006. Electrokinetic Treatment of Soft Australian Clays. Australasian Conference on the Mechanics of Structures and Materials, Christchurch, New Zealand, pp.8, CD version. Paradis, D., Martel, R., Karanta, G., Lefebvre, R., Michaud, Y., Therrien, R., Nastev, M., 2006. Comparative study of methods for wellhead protection area delineation. Ground Water Vol.45, No.2, pp 158-167. Nastev, M., Savard, M.M., Lapcevic, P., Lefebvre, R., Martel, R., 2003. Hydraulic properties and scale effects investigation in regional rock aquifers. Hydrogeology Journal 12: 257-269. Nastev, M., Therrien, R., Lefebvre, R., Gelinas, P., 2001. Landfill gas production and migration in sanitary landfills and geological formations. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 52:187-211. Abo-El-Ezz, A., Nollet, M.J., and Nastev, M., 2012. Development of Seismic Vulnerability Functions for Stone Masonry Buildings. Structural Engineering Institute's 2012 Structures Congress, Chicago, IL, March 29 -31, 2012. Elsabbagh, A., Sawada, M., Saatcioglu, M., Ploeger, S.K., Rosseti, E., and Nastev, M., 2012. Integrated desktop/mobile GIS application for building Seismic Risk Assessment in Ottawa, Canada. Joint GSDI 13 World Conference, GEOIDE Annual Scientific Conference and Canadian Geomatics Conference, Quebec City, Quebec, May, 2012. Elsabbagh, A., Sawada, M., Saatcioglu, M., Ploeger, S.K., Rosseti, E., and Nastev, M., 2012. Seismic Risk Assessment in Ottawa, Canada. Joint GSDI 13 World Conference, GEOIDE Annual Scientific Conference and Canadian Geomatics Conference, Quebec City, Quebec, May, 2012. Nastev, M., 2012. Adaptation de Hazus pour son usage au Canada. 80e Congrès de l’Association francophone pour le savoir – ACFAS, Montréal Mai 2012, Québec, abstract and poster. Abo-El-Ezz, A., Nollet, M.J., and Nastev, M., 2012. Vulnérabilité sismique des bâtiments en maçonnerie de pierre. 80e Congrès de l’Association francophone pour le savoir – ACFAS, Montréal Mai 2012, Québec, abstract and poster. Lefebvre, R., Martel, R., Gloaguen, E., Pugin, A., Parent, M., Rivard, C., Michaud, Y., Rivera, A., Savard, M., Nastev, M., Paradis, D., Ouellet, M., Morin, R., 2012. Évolution de la caractérisation des systèmes aquifères au Québec. 80e Congrès de l’Association francophone pour le savoir – ACFAS, Montréal Mai 2012, Québec, abstract. Abo-El-Ezz, A., Nollet, M.J., and Nastev, M., 2012. Development of Seismic Hazard Compatible Vulnerability Functions for Stone Masonry Buildings. Canadian Society of Civil Engineers - CSCE 3rd International Structural Specialty Conference, Edmonton, June, 2012. Benoit, N., Nastev, M., Morin, R., Godin, R., Rouleau, A., 2012. Conceptual hydrogeological model for Potsdam sandstone in southwestern Quebec. Canadian Water Research Association 2012 National Conference, Banff (AB) June, 2012, abstract and poster. Benoit, N., Nastev, M., M.Brun Kone, J.Molson, 2012. Sustainability of the groundwater resources in the Chaudière River Watershed, Québec. Canadian Water Research Association 2012 National Conference, Banff (AB) June, 2012, abstract and poster.

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Nastev, M., Hastings, N., Journeay, M., Struik, B., Parent, M., Prieto, J., M., Wojtarowicz, C., Wagner, W., Chow, J.R., Rivard, N., Benoit, 2012. Standardized methodology for risk assessment in Canada. Canadian Water Research Association and Canadian Geophysical Union 2012 National Conference, 1st Pan-Candian Hazus Special session, Banff (AB) June, 2012, abstract and poster. Nollet, M.J., Nastev, M., Abo-El-Ezz, A., 2012. Sensitivity analysis of input parameters for earthquake damage estimation. Canadian Water Research Association and Canadian Geophysical Union 2012 National Conference, 1st Pan-Candian Hazus Special session, Banff (AB) June, 2012, abstract and poster. Nollet, M.J., Nastev, M., C., Désilets, 2012. Development of inventory methodology for urban seismic risk study. Canadian Water Research Association and Canadian Geophysical Union 2012 National Conference, 1st Pan-Candian Hazus Special session, Banff (AB) June, 2012, abstract and poster. Elsabbagh, A., Sawada, M, Saatcioglu, S., Ploeger, K., Rosseti, E., Nastev, M., 2012. Urban RAT (Rapid Assessment Tool): Integrated desktop/mobile GIS application for building assessment in Ottawa, Canada. Canadian Water Research Association and Canadian Geophysical Union 2012 National Conference, 1st Pan-Candian Hazus Special session, Banff (AB) June, 2012, abstract and poster. Parent, M., Rivard, J.R., Nastev, M., Benoit, N., Hunter, J., Crow, H., Pugin, A., Russell, H., Smirnoff, A., 2012. Site conditions map of the central St. Lawrence Lowlands based on surficial geology. Canadian Water Research Association and Canadian Geophysical Union 2012 National Conference, 1st Pan-Canadian Hazus Special session, Banff (AB) June, 2012, abstract and poster. Hastings, N., Nastev, M., Journeay, M., Struik, B., J., 2012. Prieto and Wojtarowicz, M., Adapting Hazus for use in Canada. Canadian Water Research Association and Canadian Geophysical Union 2012 National Conference, 1st Pan-Canadian Hazus Special session, Banff (AB) June, 2012, abstract and poster. Benoit, N., Nastev, M., Morin, R., Godin, R., Rouleau, A., 2012. Conceptual hydrogeological model for Potsdam sandstone in southwestern Quebec. GeoHydro 2011, 39th International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH) Conference, Niagara Falls, September 2012, 8 p. and poster. Brun Kone, M., Molson, J., Benoit, N., Nastev, M., 2012. Analyse Hydrogéologique et Modélisation Numérique du Bassin Versant de la Rivière Chaudière, Québec. 39th International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH) Conference, Niagara Falls, September 2012, 8 p. and poster. Benoit, N., Nastev, M., Morin, R., Godin, R., Rouleau, A., 2012. Sustainability of the groundwater resources in the Chaudière River Watershed, Québec. 39th International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH) Conference, Niagara Falls, September 2012, 8 p. and poster. Wojtarowicz, M., Hastings, N., Nastev, M., 2012. Assessing the risks from natural hazard events. The Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of British Columbia - APEGBC Annual Conference and Annual General Meeting, Victoria, October 2012, abstract. Abo-El-Ezz, A., Nollet, M.J., and Nastev, M., 2012. Seismic Risk Assessment of Existing Buildings in Old Quebec City, Canada. 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Lisabon, Portugal September 2012, 8 p and poster. Hastings, N., Nastev, M. Journeay, M., Struik, B., Wagner, C., Chow, W., Prieto, J., Wojtarowicz, M., Ulmi, M., 2012. New methods and tools for reducing risks from natural hazards. 9th Annual Canadian Risk and Hazard Network - CHRNet Symposium, Vancouver, October 2012, abstract and poster. Elsabbagh, A., Sawada, M, Saatcioglu, S., Ploeger, K., Rosseti, E., Nastev, M., 2012. Urban RAT (Rapid Assessment Tool): Integrated desktop/mobile GIS application for building assessment in Ottawa, Canada. 9th Annual Canadian Risk and Hazard Network - CHRNet Symposium, Vancouver, October 2012, abstract and poster. Parent, M., Rivard, J.R., Nastev, M., Benoit, N., Hunter, J., Crow, H., Pugin, A., Russell, H., Smirnoff, A., 2012. Quantifying geohazard risk on a broad scale using a standardised methodology: the Eastern Canada Pilot Project. 9th Annual Canadian Risk and Hazard Network - CHRNet Symposium, Vancouver, October 2012, abstract and poster. Benoit, N., Blanchette, D., Nastev, M. and Cloutier, V., 2011. Dynamique d’écoulement et évolution

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géochimique du bassin versant de la rivière Chaudière (secteur Basse-Chaudière), Québec. GeoHydro 2011, 1st Joint conference of the Canadian Quaternary Association (CANQUA) and the Canadian Chapter of the International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH-CNC), 8 p. Kone, M-Y B., Molson, J.W., Benoit, N. and Nastev, M., 2011. Analyse hydrogéologique et modélisation numérique du bassin versant de la rivière Chaudière, Québec. GeoHydro 2011, 1st Joint conference of the Canadian Quaternary Association (CANQUA) and the Canadian Chapter of the International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH-CNC), 8 p. Abo-El-Ezz, A., Nollet, M.J., and Nastev, M., 2011. 79e Congrès de l’Association francophone pour le savoir – ACFAS, Sherbrooke, Quebec (poster) Struik, L.C., J.M. Journeay, M., Hastings, N., Dercole, F. and Nastev, M., 2011. Disaster resilience by integrated design. Joint annual GSC/MAC meeting, Ottawa, Ontario. Abo-El-Ezz, A., Nollet, M.J., and Nastev, M., 2011. Analytical Displacement-Based Seismic Fragility Analysis of Stone Masonry Buildings. 3rd ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering - COMPDYN 2011, Corfu, Greece, 25–28 May 2011 Abo-El-Ezz, A., Nollet, M.J., and Nastev, M., 2011. Characterization of historic stone masonry buildings for seismic risk assessment, example of Old Quebec City. Canadian Society of Civil Engineers - CSCE General Conference, Ottawa, Ontario, June 14-17, 2011 Elsabbagh, A., Mike Sawada, M., Saatcioglu, M., Ploeger, S.K., Rosseti, E., and Nastev, M., 2011. Integrating ArcGIS, Android and Google Services for Seismic Risk Assessment in Ottawa, Canada. ESRI Canada User Conference, Ottawa, October (invited abstract) Nastev, M., Lin, L., and Naumoski, N., 2010. Modeling seismic response of representative soil deposits in the Quebec City region, Canada. 14th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering - ECEE. Ohrid, Macedoine, 8 p. Morin, R., Williams, J., Nastev, M., Lefebvre, R., and Rivard, C., 2010. The Importance of Bedrock Hydrogeology in Assessing U.S.–Canada Transboundary Groundwater Resources: the Chateauguay River and Champlain Lake Basins. National Ground Water Association - 2010 Ground Water Summit and 2010 Ground Water Protection Council Spring Meeting, Denver, CO, (abstract + poster) Paniconi, C., Broda, C, Camporese, M, Chaumont, D., Guay, C., Harvey, R., Larocque, M., Mazzia, A., Nastev, M., Noël, P., Orlandini, S., Putti, M., Rivard, C., Rousseau, A., Sulis, M., and Weill, S., 2010. Modeling hydrosphere interactions: assessing process representations at the hillslope, subcatchment, and watershed scales. Ouranos Symposium, Montreal, (poster). Nastev, M., Hastings, N., Struik, B., Journeay, M., 2010. Putting Canada on the HAZUS-MH map. 4th Hazus Annual Conference, Indianapolis (IN), August 2010, abstract and poster. Tremblay, T., Lamothe, M., and Nastev, M., 2009. Esker hydrostratigraphy and 3D mapping in the St-Lawrence Lowlands. AGU-2009 Special Session – Transboundary Aquifer Issues, Spring Meeting, Toronto, (abstract + poster) Morin, R., Williams, J., and Nastev, 2009. The Hydrogeologic Properties of Potsdam Sandstone in the Chateauguay River Basin and Their Implications Regarding U.S.-Canada Transboundary Water Issues. AGU-2009 Special Session – Transboundary Aquifer Issues, Spring Meeting, Toronto (abstract + poster) Benoit, N., Nastev, M., Blanchette, D., Roy, N., 2009. Hydrochemical assessment of groundwater in the Chaudière river watershed, Québec. GeoHalifax 2009 - 62nd Canadian Geotechnical Conference, Halifax 2009, 8 p. Benoit, N., Forest, G., Nastev, M. and Roy, N., 2009. Cartographie hydrogéologique régionale du bassin de la rivière Chaudière, Québec. 62nd Canadian Water Resources Association Annual conference, Québec City, (abstract + poster) Guy, C., Nastev, M. and Paniconi, C., 2009. Characterisation of groundwater-surface water interactions at hillslope (local) scale. 62nd Canadian Water Resources Association Annual conference, Québec City, 2009, 8 p.

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Williams, J.H., Reynolds, R.J., and Nastev, M., 2008. Hydrogeology of the Potsdam Sandstone aquifer and springs in the Chateaugay area, northern New York. Geological Society America GSA Northeastern meeting, Bufallo, NY (poster). Nastev, M., L., Lin and N., Naumoski, 2008. Seismic motions compatible with the NBCC 2005 Uniform Hazard Spectrum for Quebec City. 36th Annual Conference of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering, Québec 2008, 8 p. Nastev, M., L., Lin, N., Naumoski, D., Perret, M., Parent, L., Lamarche, 2008. Effects of soil behaviour modelling on the seismic response of representative soils in the Québec City region. 36th Annual Conference of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering, Québec 2008, 8 p. Benoît, N., Forest, G., Roy, N., and Nastev, M., 2008. Développement d'un modèle hydrogéologique conceptuel pour le bassin de la rivière Chaudière, Québec. 61st Canadian Geotechnical Conference, Edmonton 2008, 8 p. Nastev, M., L.Lin, N.Naumoski, D.Perret, M.Parent, and L.Lamarche, 2008. Seismic site response modelling of representative soil columns in the Quebec City region. 61st Canadian Geotechnical Conference, Edmonton 2008, 8 p. Broda, S., Camporese, M., Guay C., Larocque, M., Nastev, M., Paniconi, C., Ricard, S., Rousseau, A., Sulis, M., and Trudel. M., 2008. Improved water–groundwater interactions at the watershed models for surface water and subcatchment scales: Chateauguay river basin, southwestern Quebec. 3e Symposium scientifique sur la climatologie regionale et l’adaptation aux changements climatiques, Montréal, (poster) Nastev, M., Lin L., Naumoski, N., 2007. Characteristics of seismic motions recorded on bedrock in the Quebec City region. 60th Canadian Geotechnical Conference & 8th joint CGS/IAH-CNC Groundwater Conference, Ottawa 2007, 8 p. Lin L., Nastev, M., and Naumoski, N., 2007. Representative bedrock seismic motions for Quebec City. 60th Canadian Geotechnical Conference & 8th joint CGS/IAH-CNC Groundwater Conference, Ottawa 2007, 8 p. Rannaud R., Cabral A., Allaire S., Lefebvre R., Nastev, M., 2007. Simulation de la migration d’oxygene et l’oxydation du methane dans les barrières d’oxydation passive. 60th Canadian Geotechnical Conference & 8th joint CGS/IAH-CNC Groundwater Conference, Ottawa 2007, 8 p. Paniconi C., Broda S., Gauthier M.J., 2007. Larocque M., Nastev, M., Rivard C., Representativity and challenges in the cimulation of cubsurface flow at hillslope and subcatchment scales: Case studies from Quebec and Nova Scotia (Canada). American Geophysical Union 2007 Fall Meeting, San Francisco (abstract). Tremblay T., Nastev M., Lamothe M., 2007. Quaternary Sequence Grid-Based Hydrostratigraphic 3D Modelling by the Relative Method, Châteauguay River Watershed, Quebec. Annual Meeting, Geological Society of America, Denver, Colorado, 2007, 7 p.. Godin, R., Rouleau, A., Morin, R., M. Nastev, and Cousineau, P., 2006. Caractérisation hydrogéologique du socle rocheux du basin versant de la rivière Châteauguay. Geological Association of Canada – Mineralogical Association of Canada (GAC-MAC) annual meeting, Planet Earth, Montreal, May 2006 (abstract). Rivera, A., Savard, M.M., Nastev, M., and Rivard, C., 2006. Key regional-scale aquifers in Canada assessed in pre-development conditions. Geological Society of America (GSA) Annual meeting, Philadelphia, October, 2006, GSA Vol.38, No.7, (extended abstract). Williams, J., Reynolds, R., and Nastev, M., 2006. Hydrogeology of the Potsdam Sandstone aquifer and springs in the Chateauguay area, Northern New York. Annual meeting of the Geological Society of America, Philadelphia, October, 2006, GSA Vol.38, No.7, (extended abstract and poster). Ballard, J.M., Camporese, M., Grondin, N., Lefebvre, R., Paniconi, C., Ricard, R., Sulis, M., Villeneuve, J-P., Michaud, Y., Nastev, M., Broda, S., Larocque, M., Doré, G., Roy, R., and Lamontagne, L., 2006. Improved models for surface water–groundwater interactions at the watershed and subcatchment scales:

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Châteauguay river basin, southwestern Québec. Conférence Ouranos, Montréal (poster). Stamatoska S., Nastev, M., Petrovski D., 2006. Uniform hazard Spetra. First European Conférence on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, Geneva, Switzerland, September 2006, 10 p. Chalifoux, S., and M. Nastev, 2006. Land Use and Land Cover Mapping Using Landsat Imagery for Aquifer Recharge Modeling. 3rd International Symposium on Transboundary Water Management, Ciudad real, Spain, May 2006, 4 p. Rivera, A., Savard, M.M., Nastev, M., and Rivard, C., 2006. Key regional-scale aquifers in Canada assessed in pre-development conditions. Geological Society of America (GSA) Annual meeting, Philadelphia, October, 2006, GSA Vol.38, No.7, abstract 2 p. Williams, J., Reynolds, R., and Nastev, M., 2006. Hydrogeology of the Potsdam Sandstone aquifer and springs in the Chateauguay area, Northern New York. Geological Society of America (GSA) Annual meeting, Philadelphia, October, 2006, GSA Vol.38, No.7, abstract 2 p Benoit, N., Pasquier, P., Marcotte, D., Nastev, M., 2005. Conditional stochastic inverse modelling of the Châteauguay river aquifers. ModelCare 2005, The Hague, Netherlands. 6 p. Blanchette, D., Lefebvre, R., Nastev, M., Lamontagne, C., Croteau, A., Lavigne, MA., Roy, N., Cloutier, V., 2005. Hydrochemical assessment of groundwater in the Châteauguay river watershed, Québec. 6th Joint IAH-CNC and CGS Groundwater Specialty Conference, Saskatoon 2005, 8 p. CD version Lavigne, MA., Nastev, M., Lefebvre, R., Blanchette, D., Croteau, A., Benoît, N., Lamontagne, C., 2005. Hydraulic properties of sedimentary rock aquifers in the Châteauguay river watershed, Quebec, Canada. 6th Joint IAH-CNC and CGS Groundwater Specialty Conference, Saskatoon 2005, 8 p. CD version Dagenais, MP., Nastev, M., 2005. A case study of a conflict over groundwater - When hydrogeology is not sufficient. 6th Joint IAH-CNC and CGS Groundwater Specialty Conference, Saskatoon 2005, 8 p. CD version Croteau, A., Nastev, M., Lefebvre, R., Lamontagne, L., Lamontagne, C., Lavigne, MA., Blanchette, D., 2005. Estimation of spatial and temporal distribution of recharge to des Anglais River aquifer system, Québec. 6th Joint IAH-CNC and CGS Groundwater Specialty Conference, Saskatoon 2005, 8 p. CD version Morin, R., Godin, R., Nastev, M., Rouleau, A., 2005. Fracture Partitioning and its Controls on the Distribution of Transmissivity in Layered Sedimentary-Rock Aquifers, Chateauguay River Basin, New York – Quebec. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, San Francisco 2005, 86 (52) H41B-0412 Rivera, A., and Nastev, M., 2005. Overview of the groundwater resources in Canada. Groundwater Intensive Use, Sahuquillo, A., Capilla, J., Martinez-Cortina, L., and Sanchez-Vila, X. Editors. A.A. Balkema Publishers, pp. 157-165. Nastev, M., Rivera, A., Lefebvre, R., Martel, R., Savard, MM., 2005. Numerical simulation of groundwater flow in regional rock aquifers, soutwestern Quebec, Canada. Hydrogeology Journal 13: 835-848. Vigneault, H., Lefebvre, R., and Nastev, M., 2004. Numerical Simulation of the Radius of Influence for Landfill Gas Wells. Vadose Zone Journal 3: 909-916. Nastev, M., Lamontagne, C., Tremblay, T., Lavoie, D., Hardy, F., Lamothe, L., Croteau, A., Blanchette, D., Lavigne, M-A., Roy, N., Paradis, D., Benoît, N., Lefebvre, R., Marcotte, D., Gaudin, R., Rouleau, A., 2004. Hydrogeological overview of the transboundary aquifers in the Châteauguay River Basin, Canada-United States. 5th Joint IAH-CGS Groundwater Specialty Conference, Quebec 2004, 7 p. CD version Murat, V., Martel, R., Savard, M., Nastev, M., Paradis, D., Michaud, Y., Lefebvre, R., Therrien, R., 2004. Comparing vulnerability mapping methods in two Canadian hydrogeological settings. 5th Joint IAH-CGS Groundwater Specialty Conference, Quebec 2004, 5 p. CD version Ballard, J.-M., Lefebvre, R., Martel, R., Nastev, M., Fagnan, N., Carrier, C., Boutin, A., 2004. Impact of private septic installations on the fractured rock aquifer at the Mount-Cervin housing development.

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5th Joint IAH-CGS Groundwater Specialty Conference, Quebec 2004, 8 p. CD version Nastev, M., Lamontagne, C., Morin, R., Tremblay, T., Hardy, F., Lamothe, M., Croteau, A., Blanchette, D., Lavigne, MA., Roy, N., Lavoie, D., Benoît, N., Lefebvre, R., D. Marcotte, D., Gaudin, R., Rouleau, A., 2004. Hydrogeology of the transboundary sedimentary rock aquifers in the Châteauguay River basin, Canada-United States. Fractured rock conference – State of the science and measuring success in remediation, NGWA/US EPA Portland: 483-486 Nastev, M., Lefebvre, R., Therrien, R., Gelinas, P. 2003. Numerical Modeling of Lateral Landfill Gas Migration. Journal of Solid Waste Technology and Management 29 (4): 265-276. Nastev, M., 2003. Spatial distribution of the hydraulic conductivity of regional rock aquifers. Hydrogeological map HR-2.12 in Atlas hydrogéologique du système aquifère fracturé du sud-ouest du Québec - Part III. Editors: Paradis, D., Savard, M.M., Nastev, M., Lefebvre, R., Geological Survey of Canada, 48 p. Nastev, M., 2003. Apparent well yields. Hydrogeological map EQ-2.2 in Atlas hydrogéologique du système aquifère fracturé du sud-ouest du Québec - Part III. Editors: Paradis, D., Savard, M.M., Nastev, M., Lefebvre, R., Geological Survey of Canada, 48 p. Nastev, M., 2003. Simulated piezometric levels of regional rock aquifers. Hydrogeological map EQ-3.1 in Atlas hydrogéologique du système aquifère fracturé du sud-ouest du Québec - Part III. Editors: Paradis, D., Savard, M.M., Nastev, M., Lefebvre, R., Geological Survey of Canada, 48 p. Nastev, M., 2003. Hydraulic conductivity of the interface aquifer unit. Hydrogeological map EQ-3.2, in Atlas hydrogéologique du système aquifère fracturé du sud-ouest du Québec - Part III. Editors: Paradis, D., Savard, M.M., Nastev, M., Lefebvre, R., Geological Survey of Canada, 48 p. Nastev, M., 2003. Simulated regional recharge rate. Hydrogeological map EQ-4.1 in Atlas hydrogéologique du système aquifère fracturé du sud-ouest du Québec - Part III. Editors: Paradis, D., Savard, M.M., Nastev, M., Lefebvre, R., Geological Survey of Canada, 48 p. Nastev, M., 2003. Zones suitable for groundwater development. Hydrogeological map EQ-6.1 in Atlas hydrogéologique du système aquifère fracturé du sud-ouest du Québec - Part III. Editors: Paradis, D., Savard, M.M., Nastev, M., Lefebvre, R., Geological Survey of Canada, 48 p. Nastev, M., 2003. Principles of hydrogeological assessment of regional aquifers. Macedonian waters 10: 35-40. Nastev, M., Rivera, A., Lefebvre, R., Savard, M.M., 2003. Numerical simulation of regional groundwater flow in the St. Lawrence Lowlands of South-western Quebec. 4th Joint IAH-CGS Groundwater Specialty Conference, Winnipeg 2003, 8 p. CD version, 2003. Rivera, A., and Nastev, M., 2003. Groundwater resources in Canada. International Symposium on Intensive Use of Groundwater – Challenges and opportunities (SINEX), Valencia, Spain, 10 p. CD version, 2002. Murat, V., Martel, R., Savard, M., Nastev, M., Paradis, D., Michaud, Y., Lefebvre, R., Hamel, A., Therrien, R., 2003. Comparing Various Vulnerability Evaluation Methods in Two Canadian Hydrogeological Settings. 1st International Workshop on Aquifer Vulnerability and Risk, Salamanca, Mexico, 1: 60-70p. Nastev, M., 2003. Caractérisation régionale de l’aquifère rocheux et des eaux souterraines des Bases-Laurentides. Les Journées Horticoles des Laurentides. Ministère de l’Agriculture, Pêcherie et Alimentation, 2003 Sainte-Scholastique : 70-72. Vigneault, H., Lefebvre, R., Nastev, M., 2003. Numerical simulation of the radius of influence for landfill gas recovery wells. TOUGH Workshop 2003, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkely, CA, 8 p. Rivera, A., and Nastev, M., 2003. Groundwater resources in Canada. Selected for the special issue of the International Symposium on Intensive Use of Groundwater – Challenges and opportunities (SINEX), Valencia, Spain, 10 p.

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Martel, R., Lefebvre, R., Savard, M.M., Ouellet, M., Paradis, D., Michaud, Y., Nastev, M., 2003. Guide méthodologique pour la caractérisation hydrogéologique régionale des systèmes aquifères en roches sédimentaires fracturées, Chapitre 7 - Intégration des données générées et gestion des eaux souterraines, Guide submitted to Québec Ministry of Environment, 23 p. (in press) Nastev, M., Savard, M.M., Lefebvre, R., Martel, R., Fagnan, N., Bourque, E., Hamel, A., Karanta, G., Lemieux, J.M., 2001. Regional Hydrogeologic Mapping Project of The St. Lawrence Lowlands of South-western Quebec: Hydrogeologic Characterisation Works 1999-2000. GSC Current research 2001-D9, 18 p. Nastev, M., Savard, M.M., Lapcevic, P., Paradis, D., Lefebvre, R., and Martel, R., 2001. Investigation of hydraulic properties of regional fractured rock. 2nd Joint IAH-CGS Groundwater Specialty Conference, Calgary 2001, 8 p. CD version. Tremblay, M., Heroux, M., and Nastev, M., 2001. Monitoring of three instrumented capping systems at City of Montreal landfill site. 8th International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium, Volume III - Barriers, waste mechanics and groundwater pollution, Sardinia, Italy, 2001: 375-384. Karanta, G., Martel, R., Nastev, M., Threrrien, R., Paradis, D., Lefebvre, R., 2001. Comparative study of methods for wellhead protection area delineation in fractured rock. 2nd Joint Joint IAH-CNC and GSC Groundwater Specialty Conference, Calgary 2001, 8 p. CD version. Clouitier, V., Bourque, É., Lefebvre, R., Savard, M.M., Nastev, M., Martel, R., and Threrrien, R., 2001. Regional groundwater hydrogeochemistry of fractured rock aquifers in south-western Quebec. 2nd Joint IAH-CGS Groundwater Specialty Conference, Calgary 2001, 8 p. CD version, 2001. Nastev, M. and Aubertin, M. 2000. Hydrogeological modelling for the reclamation work at the Lorraine mine, Quebec. 53rd Canadian Geotechnical Conference, Montreal: 311-318. Nastev, M., Lapcevic, P., Girard, F., Étienne, M., Voralec, J., Savard, M.M., 2000. Hydraulic Characterisation of Fractured Aquifers of St-Lawrence Lowlands in South-Western Quebec. 53rd Canadian Geotechnical Conference, Montréal, 1st Joint IAH-CNC and GSC Groundwater Specialty Conference Proceedings: 33-39. Nastev, M., Lefebvre, R., Therrien, R., Gelinas, P. 2000. Numerical modelling of lateral landfill gas migration in unsaturated sands. 53rd Canadian Geotechnical Conference, Montreal: 65-72. Savard, M.M., M. Nastev, R. Lefebvre, R. Martel, N. Fagnan, E. Bourque, V. Cloutier, K. Lauzière, P. Gélinas, D. Kirkwood, P. Lapcevic, G. Karanta, A. Hamel, A. Bolduc, M. Ross, M. Parent, J.-M. Lemieux, E. Boisvert, O. Salad Hersi, D. Lavoie, F. Girard, K. Novakowski, R. Therrien, M. Etienne, R. Fortier, 2000. Regional hydrogeology of fractured rock aquifers in Southwestern Quebec (St.Lawrence Lowlands). 53rd Canadian Geotechnical Conference, Montréal, 1st Joint IAH-CNC and GSC Groundwater Specialty Conference Proceedings, session GW6: 247-253. Cloutier, V., Bourque, É., Lefebvre, R,. Savard, M.M., Nastev, M. and Martel, R. 2000. Regional Hydrogeochemical Characterisation of Groundwater in Fractured Aquifers of the St. Lawrence Lowlands. 53rd Canadian Geotechnical Conference, Montréal, 1st Joint IAH-CNC and GSC Groundwater Specialty Conference Proceedings: 3-10. Nastev, M., Lefebvre, R., Therrien, R., Gélinas, P.J, Vigneault, H., 1999. TOUGH-LGM: A numerical simulator for landfill gas production and migration. American Geophysical Union Conference, Boston (Massachusetts, USA) 5 p. Nastev, M., 1999. Modelling of infiltration rate, groundwater flow and heavy metals contaminant transport in un-saturated and saturated zone, Melri sand quarry, St-Roch-de-Richelieu, Dessau-Soprin, 22 p. + annexes. (in French) Nastev, M., 1998. Gas production and migration in sanitary landfills and geological formations. Ph.D. thesis, Laval University, Québec, 372 p. (in English) Nastev, M., Lefebvre, R., Therrien, R., and Gélinas, P., 1998. Numerical modelling of landfill gas production and migration with a N2-CO2-CH4-H2O and a production function. TOUGH Workshop ‘98, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkely, CA.

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Nastev, M., et al., 1998. Modelling of infiltration and drainage rates, conception and design of leachate collection storage and treatment system, design of the gas recovery system Pavona landfill site, Venezuela, Dessau-Soprin. (in French) Nastev, M., 1998. Test plots monitoring at Centre Environnemental St.-Michel Landfill site, City of Montreal, Dessau-Soprin, 259 p. (in French) Nastev, M., et al., 1998. Modelling of infiltration and drainage rates, conception and design of leachate collection storage and treatment system, design of the gas recovery system El Guayabal landfill site, Venezuela, Dessau-Soprin. (in French) Nastev, M., 1997. Numerical modelling of styrene dispersion - ADS Composites facilities at St. Johnsbury (Vermont, USA), Soprin-ADS, Quebec. (in English) Nastev, M., 1996. Measurement and modelling of landfill gas production and migration - assessment of the efficiency of the horizontal recovery wells. St-Étienne-des-Grès sanitary landfill site, REGDIM, Trois Rivières, Laval University. (in French) Nastev, M., 1996. Numerical modelling of infiltration and ground water flow St-Armand rock quarry, Paroisse de St-Armand Ouest, Soprin-ADS. (in French) Nastev, M., Therrien, R., Gélinas, P., 1995. Modélisation numérique de l’écoulement souterraine et du transport des contaminants. St-Étienne-des-Grès sanitary landfill site, REGDIM, Trois Rivières, Laval University, 46 p. (in French) Nastev, M., 1994. Modelling of groundwater flow and mass balance, Doyon Mine site, Abitibi-Témiscamingue Québec, Laval University. (in French) Nastev, M., 1989/1991. Various reports on quality control of soil, concrete and steel, Bekhme Dam job-site, Iraq, ENKA Construction Comp., Turkey (1989/91, in English, no records). Nastev, M., 1988. Design and construction of groundwater pumping and treatment system for the recovery of the LNAPL plume at the Manège militaire St-Malo, Quebec, Dessau-Soprin. (in French) Nastev, M., et al., 1987. Director plan for integral waste management for Metropolitan area of San Salvador, El Salvador, Soprin-ADS. (in French) Engineering reports - Environmental Assessment Nastev, M., 1998. Albright & Wilson Amérique, Buckingham, Québec, Dessau-Soprin. (in French) Nastev, M., 1998. CP Railway - Quebec City Yard, Ancienne-Lorette, Québec, Dessau-Soprin. (in English) Nastev, M., 1997. Environmental assessment of the back-fill at the Stationnement d’incitation, City of Châteauguay, Québec, Soprin-ADS. (in French) Nastev, M., 1997. Centre Biathlon Myriam Bédard, Québec; MND - Various sites, Valcartier, Québec, Soprin-ADS. (in French) Nastev, M., 1996. Characterization of the LNAPL plume at the Entrepôt Molson, Quebec, Soprin-ADS. (in French) Nastev, M., 1996. Gaspesia plant, Chandler, Soprin-ADS. (in French) Environmental Assessment Review - LERA Nastev, M., 2007. Expertise sur l’étude ‘Étude hydrogéologique - Mise aux normes des deux ouvrages de captage municipaux, Municipalité de Ste-Eulalie (Québec)’. Nastev, M., 2007. Expertise sur l’étude ‘Whites Point Quarry and Marine Terminal Project, Digby County, Nova Scotia’. Nastev, M., 2006. Expertise sur l’étude ‘Implantation d’un terminal méthanier á Lévis - Étude d’impact sur l’environnement’. Nastev, M., 2006. Expertise sur l’étude ‘Baie de Beauport - Aménagement du parc nautique’.

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Nastev, M., 2006. Expertise sur l’étude ‘Whites Point Quarry & Marine Terminal - Environmental impact statement’. Nastev, M., 2006. Expertise sur l’étude ‘Projet de recherche en eau souterraine pour alimenter en eau potable le centre de ski Pin Rouge (Gaspésie) – Étude Hydrogéologique’. Nastev, M., 2005. Rapport d’expertise sur l’étude : ‘Hydrogeological investigation of Elora test well 4B – township of centre Wellington Elora, Ontario’, GSC, 2 p. Nastev, M., 2004. Rapport d’expertise sur l’étude d’Évaluation environnementale de l’Amélioration de la Route 175 à 4 voies divisées du km 84 au km 227 (143 km) dans la réserve faunique des Laurentides et dans la Ville de Saguenay, Québec’, GSC, 3 p. Nastev, M., 2004. Rapport d’expertise sur l’étude d’impact environnemental du projet ‘Aménagement hydroélectrique de la Chute-Allard et des Rapides-des-Coeurs, d’Hydro-Québec - Évaluation des impacts sur la qualité de l’eau souterraine et de surface à proximité d’un dépôt en tranchée à la suite de la mise en eau du bief de la Chute-Allard Wemotaci, Québec’, GSC, 3 p. Nastev, M., 2003. Rapport d’expertise sur l’étude d’Impact environnemental du développement du versant Soleil et du Camp Nord, Mont Tremblant, Québec’, GSC, 3 p. Nastev, M., 2003. Rapport d’expertise sur l’étude d’Évaluation environnementale du réaménagement de la Route 185 entre Rivière-du-Loup et Saint Antonine, et à Dégelis, Québec’, GSC, 2 p. Nastev, M., 2003. Rapport d’expertise sur l’étude de ‘Caractérisation des biogaz et évaluation de l’impact du compactage dynamique des sols versus l’écoulement souterrain de la nappe phréatique – Secteur d’un ancien dépôt Axe McConnell-Laramée du Chemin de la Montagne à la promenade de la Gatineau, Gatineau, Québec’ GSC, 3 p. Nastev, M., 2001. Rapport d’expertise sur l’étude l'Aménagement d'un seuil sur la rivière Chaudière à la hauteur de St-Georges (Beauce), GSC, 3 p.

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Baolin Wang, Ph.D, P.Eng Research Scientist Geological Survey of Canada Earth Sciences Sector Natural Resources Canada 601 Booth St. Ottawa, ON K1A 0E8 ____________________________________________________ Education: 1992 Ph.D., Geotechnical engineering, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario 1985 M.Sc., Geomechanics & hydro dams, Tianjin University, Tianjin, China 1982 B.Sc., Water resources and hydro power engineering, Tianjin University, China Relevant Experience: Dr. Wang is Research Scientist and geotechnical engineer by training and experience. He has more than 20 years of geotechnical research and consulting experience in mining, transportation, civil engineering and energy industries. His experience includes geotechnical analysis, design, field investigation, monitoring, laboratory testing, and construction inspection. He has carried out a large number of geotechnical research and consulting projects, including: Porgera Mine Waste Dump, Papua New Guinea (Geotechnical Engineer) Monteith Bay Rock Quarry ARD Remediation, BC (Project Manager) Teck Cominco Warfield Old Landfill Closure, Trail, BC (Project Manager) Teck Cominco Warfield Current Landfill, Trail, BC (Project Manager) Myra Falls Mine Paste Plant Foundation Excavation Monitoring, BC (Geotechnical Engineer) QR Mine Open Pit Spillway Inspection, BC (Geotechnical Engineer) Craigmont Magnetite Mine Tailings Dyke, BC (Geotechnical Engineer) Dona Lake Mine Closure of Tailings Facilities, Ontario (Geotechnical Engineer) HB Mine, Tailings Dam Decommissioning, BC (Project Manager) Nanisivik Mine, Stope Stability Review, NWT (Geotechnical Engineer) Diavik Diamond Mines, Open Pit & Water Retention Dyke review, NWT (Geotechnical Engineer) Vancouver Skytrain (RTP2000) VCC Station and Downtown Guideway Foundations, BC (Project

Manager / Geotechnical Engineer) Eskay Creek Mine, Homestake Aggregate Storage Retaining Wall, BC (Geotechnical Engineer) Polaris Mine, Geothermal Regime & Ground Subsidence, NWT (Geotechnical Engineer) Brewery Creek Mine, Soil Cover Evaluation for Heap Leach Facilities, Yukon (Geotechnical

Engineer) Ekati Mine, Open Pit Geothermal Regime and Slope Stability, NWT (Geotechnical Engineer) Sakhalin Offshore Platform Foundations, Russia (Geotechnical Engineer) Las Cruces Mine, Dry Tailings Facilities, Spain (Geotechnical Engineer) Pogo Mine Tailings Facilities, Alaska, USA (Geotechnical Engineer) Vancouver Skytrain (SAR Transit), Vancouver, BC (Geotechnical Design Engineer) Huckleberry Mines Tailings Dam, BC (Geotechnical Engineer) Antamina Mine Waste Dumps, Peru (Geotechnical Engineer) Omsukchan Tailings Facilities, Russia (Geotechnical Engineer) Quintette Coal Mine, Rock Slope & Waste Dumps, BC (Geotechnical Engineer) Kemess Mine Tailings Dam, BC (Geotechnical Engineer)

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La Coipa Mine Tailings, Chile (Geotechnical Engineer) La Colorada Silver Tailings, Mexico (Geotechnical Engineer) Delta Landfill, Slope Stability, Vancouver, BC (Geotechnical Engineer) Niagara Water Diversion #4 Tunnel, ON (Geotechnical Engineer) Esquimalt Graving Dock Rock Slope, BC (Geotechnical Engineer) Centra Gas Pipeline, Rockfall, Coquitlam, BC (Geotechnical Engineer) Mill Lake Flagstone Quarry, ON (Geotechnical Engineer) McNab Creek LNG Storage Tank Foundation, BC (Geotechnical Engineer) TransCanada Pipelines, Machine Foundation, Quebec (Geotechnical Engineer) Golden Giant Mine, Tailings Dam, Hemlo, ON (Geotechnical Engineer) Noranda New Brunswick #12 Mine, Slope Stability and Liquefaction, NB (Geotechnical Engineer) Squamish-Whistler Pipelines (Proposed), Rockfall Mitigation Design Guidelines, BC (Geotechnical

Engineer) Imperial Oil, Water Treatment Tank Site Investigation, BC (Geotechnical Engineer) Mitchell Island Industrial Site, Geotechnical Site Investigation, BC (Geotechnical Engineer) Highland Valley Copper Mine, Open Pit Slope Stability, BC (Project Leader) CANMET Strategic Deep Mining Project (Project Leader) Lamefoot Mine, Ground Subsidence, Washington (Project Scientist) CANMET Research Scientist responsible for development of various numerical models including:

BSM, CANSAFE, VISROCK, WEDGE, and BEEP3D Copper Rand Mine Shaft Stability, Québec (Research Scientist) Detour Lake Mine, Underground Stopes, Ontario (Research Scientist) Red Lake Abandoned Mine Stopes & Pillars Stability, Ontario (Research Scientist) GSC geomechanics research on shale gas fracking impact on groundwater (Project Manager) GSC geomechanics research on shale gas fracking induced seismicity (Project Manager) GSC climate change geoscience program (acting Program Manager and geotechnical specialist) NRCan geotechnical “expert” on 11 Environmental Assessment projects:

Gunnar Mine, SK Jackpine Oil Sand Mine Expansion, AB Jolu Central Mill Gold Mine, SK Kitsault Mine, BC Mackenzie Gas Project, NWT Marathon PGM-Cu Mine Project, ON NICO Mine, NWT Ottawa Transit Tunnel, ON Red River Floodway Expansion Project, MB Schaft Creek Mine, BC Sea-to-Sky Highway Improvement Project, BC

GSC Public Safety Geoscience Program, Canada Landslide Guidelines Project (Chapter Leader) GSC Environmental Geoscience Program, Northern Pipelines Project (Project Leader) GSC Norther Energy Development Program, Mackenzie valley landslide geotechnical project

(Leader) GSC Natural Hazards Program, Canada Landslides Project (Geotechnical Specialist) GSC International Development Program, China-Canada Landslides Project (Geotechnical

Specialist) GSC International Development Program, India-Canada Landslides Project (Geotechnical

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Specialist) Xiao-Lang-Di Hydro Dam Project, dam foundations, China (Researcher) Laxiwa Hydro Dame Project, In-situ stresses, China (Researcher) Ertan Hydro Dam Project, underground power houses, China (Researcher) Lu-Bu-Ge Hydro Dam Project, underground powerhouses, China (Researcher) Employment History: 2003–date: Research Scientist, Geological Survey of Canada / NRCan, Ottawa 2001–2003: Geotechnical Engineer, Project Manager, Klohn Crippen Consultants Ltd., Vancouver, BC 2000–2001: Geotechnical Engineer and Project Manager, BGC Engineering Inc., Vancouver, BC 1998–2000: Geotechnical Engineer, AMEC Earth & Environmental Ltd., Vancouver, BC 1992–1998: Research Scientist, CANMET, NRCan, Ottawa, ON 1987–1991: Ph.D Candidate, Research Assistant, Geotechnical Engineering, University of Ottawa, ON 1985–1987: Assistant Lecturer, Dept. of Water Resources Engineering, Tianjin University, China Participation in the Jackpine Mine Extension EA Hearing: Appearing on behalf of Natural Resources Canada Area of expertise/evidence – Geotechnical Slope Stability Selected Publications: Wang, B., B. Paudel, H. Li, (2012). A test plot study of a permafrost slope in Mackenzie Valley,

NWT, GeoManitoba2012, Winnipage, paper #395. Couture R., Bobrowsky P.T., Blais-Stevens, A., VanDine D., Wang B., (2012). An Introduction to the

Canadian Technical Guidelines and Best Practices related to Landslides. Paper submitted to the Joint 11th ISL & 2nd NASL, Banff (Canada), 4-8 June 2012, 6 pages. ESS Contribution No. 20110293.

Wang B., Ruel M., Couture R., Bobrowsky P.T., Blais-Stevens A. (2012). Review of existing landslide guidelines – Canadian Technical Guidelines and Best Practices related to Landslides: a national initiative for loss reduction. Geological Survey of Canada Open File 7058, 13 pages.

Rivard, C., J. Molson, D. J. Soeder, E. G. Johnson, S. Grasby, B. Wang and A. Rivera, (2012). A review of the November 24-25, 2011 shale gas workshop, Calgary, Alberta – 2: Groundwater resources. Geological Survey of Canada Open File #7096. 70 pages.

Couture R., Blais-Stevens, A., Bobrowsky P.T., Wang B., VanDine D., (2012). Canadian Technical Guidelines and Best Practices Related to Landslides – A National Initiative for Loss Reduction. Paper accepted to the International Consortium on Landslides 10th Anniversary Book, IPL#149-Canadian Landslides Best Practice Manual, Springer, Chapter 22: 316-322.

Wang, B., Ruel M., Couture R., VanDine D., Bobrowsky P.T., and Blais-Stevens A. (2011). Current status of landslide guidelines around the world. Proceedings, the 2nd World Landslide Forum, Rome, Italy, Sept. 19-25, 2011.

Couture, R., Blais-Stevens A., Bobrowsky P.T., Wang B. and VanDine D. (2011). IPL Project #149-Canadian Landslide Best Practice Manual: National technical guidelines and best practices related to landslides: a national initiative for loss reduction. Proceedings, the 2nd World Landslide Forum, Rome, Italy, Sept. 19-25, 2011.

Wang, B., (2011). Retrogression rate of thaw slumps in permafrost – an update from the latest monitoring data. Proceedings, 14th Pan-American Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Toronto, Oct. 2-6, 2011. Paper #893.

Wang, B., Ruel M., Couture R., VanDine D., Bobrowsky P.T., and Blais-Stevens A. (2011). A review

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of available landslide guidelines. Proceedings, the 5th Canadian Conference on GeoHazards, Kelowna (BC), May 15 – 17, 2011. Paper #181.

Couture R., Blais-Stevens A., Bobrowsky P.T., Wang B., and VanDine D. (2011). Canadian technical guidelines and best practices related to landslides: a national initiative for loss reduction. Proceedings, the 5th Canadian Conference on GeoHazards, Kelowna (BC), May 15 – 17, 2011. Paper #118.

Wang, B., 2011. Understanding retrogression behaviour of thaw slumps. Permafrost Engineering, Proceedings of the IX International Symposium, 3-7 Sept. 2011, Mirny, Russia (ed. R.V. Zhang). 498-502p.

Couture R., Blais-Stevens, A., Bobrowsky P.T., VanDine D., Wang B., (2011). Canadian Technical Guidelines and Best Practices related to Landslides: a National Initiative for Loss Reduction. Paper submitted to the International Conference Engeo-Pro-2011 – Environmental Geosciences and Engineering Survey for Territory Protection and Population Safety. Moscow (Russia), 6-8 Sept. 2011: 817-820 p. ESS Contribution No. 20110108.

Paudel, B & Wang, B. (2010). Freeze-thaw effect on consolidation properties of fine grained soils from the Mackenzie valley, Canada. Proceedings of the 63rd Canadian Geotechnical Conference, Calgary, Sept. 2010. pp. 992-996.

Wang, B. (2009). Review of Progress in Landslide Science by Sassa, K., Fukuoka, H., Wang, F. and Wang, G (eds). International Journal on Landslides, Vol. 6, No. 4, p.375.

Paudel, B. & Wang, B. (2009). Coefficient of consolidation of soils from the Mackenzie valley, Canada. 62nd Canadian Geotechnical Conference, Halifax. pp.67-73.

Cormier, J. & Wang, B. (2009). Laboratory studies of near surface temperature and moisture conditions of permafrost soils. 62nd Canadian Geotechnical Conference, Halifax. pp. 1051-1059.

Wang, B., Paudel, B. & Li, H (2009). Retrogression characteristics of landslides in fine-grained permafrost soils, Mackenzie Valley, Canada. International Journal on Landslides. Vol.6, No.2, pp.121-127.

Wang, B., Paudel, B. & Li, H. (2008). An update on landslide retrogression rate and its implication to design of cut slopes in ice-rich permafrost. Abstracts Volume, the 36th Geoscience Forum, Yellowknife. p.61.

Lesage, K. & Wang, B. (2008). Experimental studies of thaw consolidation of fine grained permafrost soils from the Mackenzie Valley. Proceedings of the 61st Canadian Geotechnical Conference, Edmonton. pp.911-918.

Wang, B., Li, H & Paudel, B. (2008). The transient layer and slope stability in fine-grained permafrost soils. Proceedings of the 61st Canadian Geotechnical Conference, Edmonton. pp.919-924.

Wang, B., Li, H. & Paudel, B. (2008). Movement behaviour of thawflows in permafrost soils. Proceedings of the 4th Canadian Conference on Geohazards: From Causes to Management, Quebec. pp. 125-130.

Wang, B. & Cavers, D. (2008). A simplified approach for rockfall ground penetration and impact stress calculations. International Journal on Landslides. Vol. 5. No. 3; Springer-Verlag, DOI 10.1007/s10346-008-0123-6. pp.305-310.

Wang, B., Paudel, B., Li, H. & Lesage, K. (2007). Recent geotechnical studies of landslides in the Mackenzie Valley. Abstract Volume of the 35th Annual Yellowknife Geoscience Forum, Nov. 20-22, 2007. P.66.

Wang, B. & Lesage, K. (2007), Impact of climate change on slope stability in permafrost regions. Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Cold Region Development, September 25-27, 2007, Tampere, Finland

Wang, B. & Saad, B. (2007). In-situ measurements of ground response to heat penetration induced by

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removal of organic cover in fine-grained permafrost soils, to appear in Proceedings of the First North American Landslide Conference, Vail, Colorado, June 3-8, 2007. p.1595-1604.

Wang, B. & Saad, B. (2006). Geotechnical Investigations of Landslides in Fine-Grained Permafrost Soils in the Mackenzie Valley, NWT. 34th Annual Yellowknife Geoscience Forum: abstracts of talks and posters; Jones, A L; Irwin, D. Northwest Territories Geoscience Office, Yellowknife Geoscience Forum Abstracts Volume 2006, 2006; pages 109-110.

Su, X., Wang, B. & Nichol, S. (2006). Back Analysis of a Slope Failure in Permafrost in the Mackenzie Valley, Canada. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Cold Regions Engineering, July 23-26, 2006, Orono, Maine, paper #15217.

Wang, B., Nichol, S. & Su X. (2005). Geotechnical Studies of Permafrost-Related Landslides in the Mackenzie Valley, NWT. Abstracts of Talks & Posters, 33rd Annual Yellowknife Geoscience Forum, 15-17 November 2005, Yellowknife, NWT, p.126.

Wang, B., Nichol S. and Su, X. (2005). Geotechnical field observations of landslides in fine-grained permafrost soils in the Mackenzie Valley, Canada. Landslides – Risk Analysis and Sustainable Disaster Management, Proceedings of the First General Assembly of the International Consortium on Landslides, K. Sassa, H. Fukuoka, F. Wang & G. Wang (Eds.) 13-14 October 2005, Washington, D.C., Chapter 25, pp. 203-212.

Wang, B., Cavers, D. and Wong, B. (2004). Surface failure mechanism and support design of a stratified sandstone slope. Proceedings of the IX International Symposium on Landslides, Rio, Brazil, June 28 to July 2, 2004. pp.475-480.

Wang, B. (2003). Geotechnical considerations of landslide impact on caissons during earthquake induced soil liquefaction. Proceedings of the 56th Canadian Geotechnical Conference, Winnipeg, September 28 to October 1, 2003. Vol. 2, pp.407-411.

Wang, B. and Murray, L. (2003). An unsaturated soil seepage analysis for design of a soil cover system to reduce oxidation of a mine tailings deposit. Unsaturated Soils: Numerical and Theoretical Approaches, Proceedings of the International Conference “From Experimental Evidence towards Numerical Modelling of Unsaturated Soils”, Weimar, Germany, Sept. 18-19, 2003, Vol. II, pp.359-368.

Wang, B. & D. Cavers, (1999). Evaluation of rockfall impact and ground penetration for design of buried pipelines. Proceedings of the 52nd Canadian Geotechnical Conference, Regina, Saskatchewan, Oct. 24-27, 1999. pp.461-468.

Zhu, W., Qiu, X. & Wang, B. (1999). Application of deformable BSM method to stability analysis of slopes. Chinese Journal of Rock and Soil Mechanics, Vol. 20, No. 4, pp. 50-53

Chen, W., Zhu, W., Wang, B. & Ren, W. 1998. Numerical simulation and testing study of large deformation for cavern's surrounding jointed rockmass. Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering. Vol. 17, No.3, pp.223-229.

Wang, B., S. Daly & P. Lighthall, (1998). Stability study of open pit slope at Highland Valley Copper. Intl. Symp. on Mine Planning & Equipment Selection, Calgary, Alberta. pp.113-118.

Li, G. and Wang, B. (1998). Development and application of a 3-D Block-Spring Model for jointed rocks. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Mechanics of Jointed and Faulted Rock, Vienna, Austria, April 6-9, 1998. pp. 469-474.

Zhu, W., Chen, W. and Wang, B. (1997). Numerical simulation and experimental study of excavation and anchoring support of underground chambers in jointed rock mass. 1st Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium (ARMS), Seoul, Korea, October 13-15, 1997.

Yu, Y., Toews, N., Vongpaisal, S., Boyle, R. and Wang, B. (1997). Mine-wide ground stability assessment and mine planning using the finite element technique. 9th International Conference of the International Association for Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics, Wuhan, China, Nov. 2-7, 1997. Paper #580.

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Wang, B., K. Dunne, Pakalnis, R. and Vongpaisal, S. (1997). Prediction and measurement of hangingwall movements of Detour Lake Mine SLR stope. 9th International Conference of the International Association for Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics, Wuhan, China, Nov. 2-7, 1997. Paper #702.

Wang, B., S. Kwon, H.D.S. Miller, D.H. Lee and H.K. Lee, (1997). Physical model and numerical model analyses of jointed rocks. Environmental and Safety Concerns in Underground Construction, proceedings of the 1st Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium (ARMS), Seoul, Korea, October 13-15, 1997. pp.649-654.

Zhu, W, Qu, X., Chen, W., and Wang, B., (1997). Application of Block-Spring Model to slope stability analysis of Three Gorges project, Internal report as an accomplishment to a national key research project funded by Natural Sciences Foundation of China and Three Gorges Project Development Corporation. 17 p.

Wang, B. (1996). Deformable Block Modelling of Jointed Rocks with the Block-Spring Model. 2nd North American Rock Mechanics Symposium, Montréal, pp.1945-1950.

Wang, B., Vongpaisal, S., Yu, Y. (1996). Analysis of Stability of 660-885 and 745-885 Stopes at the Detour Lake Mine - Final Report; CANMET Client Report vol.96-060(CR), 1996; 34 pages.

Yu, Y. S., Toews, N.A., Boyle, R., Vongpaisal, S., Wang, B. and S. Thomson (1996). Very Large-Scale 3-D Modelling of Mine Structures Using the Finite Element Technique. 2nd North American Rock Mechanics Symposium, Montréal, pp.1871-1878.

Wang, B., Y. S. Yu and T. Aston (1995); Stability Assessment of an Inactive Mine Using the Numerical Model. The 3rd Canadian Conference on Computer Applications in the Mineral Industry, Montréal. pp.390-399.

Wang, B., Yu, Y.S., Aston, T. and Bétournay, M. (1995). Assessment of the Effect of Crown Pillar Removal on Regional Stability at Howey and Hasaga Inactive Mine Sites, Red Lake, Ontario; CANMET Client Report MRL 94-041(CL), 1995; 78 pages.

Wang, B., Yu, Y. S. and Vongpaisal, S., (1995). A Case Study of Sub-Level Retreat Mining at Detour Lake Mine Using BSM Models. The 2nd International Conference on Mechanics of Jointed and Faulted Rocks, Vienna, Austria, pp.927-932.

Wang, B., Yu, Y. S. and Aston, T., (1995). Stability Assessment of an Inactive Mine Using the Block-Spring Model. CANMET Division Report, #MRL 95-029(OPJ). 10 p.

Wang, B., Yu, Y S; Vongpaisal, S. (1994). Progress Report on Ground Stability Guidelines for Sub-Level Retreat Mining at Detour Lake Mine (Task 3 Milestone 7); CANMET Client Report vol.MRL94-015(CL), 1994; 16 pages.

Wang, B., Yu, Y S; Vongpaisal, S. (1994). Ground Stability Guidelines for Sub-Level Retreat Mining at Detour Lake Mine, Final Report; CANMET Client Report vol.MRL94-023(CL), 1994; 77 pages.

Wang, B., Yu, Y.S. and Vongpaisal, S., (1994). A Case Study of Sub-Level Retreat Mining at Detour Lake Mine Using BSM Models. A CANMET Technical Report, MRL 94-054(OPJ).

Wang, B. (1994); BSM - A Windows Application Package of the Block-Spring Model for Analysis of Jointed Rocks (User’s Manual); CANMET Technical Report #MRL94-012(TR). 46p.

Yu, Y S; Wang, B. (1994). A Parametric Stability Assessment of the No.6 Shaft between Levels 3000 and 3300 at the Copper Rand Mine, Chibougamau, Quebec; CANMET Client Report vol.MRL94-020(CL), 1994; 44 pages.

Yu, Y S; Wang, B. (1994). Stability Assessment of the Howey and Hasaga Shallow Mine Workings, Red Lake, Ontario; in, Geomechanical Investigation of the Howey and Hasaga Shallow Mine Workings, Red Lake, Ontario; . CANMET Client Report MRL 93-056(CL), 1994; 49 pages.

Yu, Y. S., Wang, B. and Bétournay, M., (1994). VISROCK: A Two-dimensional Finite Element Package for Elasto-Viscoplastic for Potash and Soft Rock Mining Applications. Proceedings for the Rock Mechanics and Ground Control in the Soft Rock and Coal Industries, A One-day

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Workshop Organized by the Soft Rock and Coal Engineering Subcommittee of the Rock Mechanics and Strata Control Committee of CIM; Sydney, Novascotia, June 29, 1994; Paper No.11.

Wang, B. (1994). A Curved Structural Element Model for Rock Surface Linings in Discontinuous Rock Analysis. Rock Mechanics Models and Measurements Challenges from Industry; Proceedings of the First North American Rock Mechanics Symposium, Austin, Texas, USA. P. P. Nelson and S. E. Laubach (Eds.); Published by A.A. Balkema. pp. 623-630.

Wang, B. & Garga, V.K., (1993); A Numerical Method for Modelling Large Displacements of Jointed Rocks – Part I: Fundamentals; Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Vol.30, No.1, pp.96-108.

Garga, V.K. & Wang, B., (1993); A Numerical Method for Modelling Large Displacements of Jointed Rocks – Part II: Modelling of Rockbolts and Groundwater, and Applications; Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Vol.30, No.1, pp.109-123.

Wang, B., & Yu, Y. S. (1993). Analysis of Donkin-Morien Mine Access Tunnel Using Block-Spring Model; Proceedings of the International Symposium on Application of Computer Methods in Rock Mechanics and Engineering, Xian, China, Liu Huai-heng (Ed.), Shanxi Science and Technology Press, Xian, China, Vol.1, pp.259-266.

Yu, Y.S., Toews, N.A. and Wang, B., (1993). An Analytical Approach for Solving the Factor of Safety of a Block Sliding on Two Planes - Wedge Type Failure. CANMET Technical Report #MRL 93-097 (TR), 21 p.

Yu, Y.S. and Wang, B. (1993). Progress Report on Ground Stability Guidelines for Sub-level Retreat Mining at Detour Lake Mine -Task 3. CANMET Technical Report #MRL 93-074(TR).7 p.

Yu, Y.S., Wang, B. and Bétournay, M., (1993). An Introduction of Numerical Modelling Capabilities at the Mining Research Laboratories, CANMET. CANMET Report #MRL 93-089 (OP), 19 p.

Wang, B. & Garga, V. K., (1992). A Numerical Model for Rock Bolts. Rock Support in Mining and Underground Construction, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Rock Support, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada, P.K. Kaiser & D.R. McCreath (Eds.), pp.57-65.

Wang, B., (1992). Introducing BSM - A Computer Program of the Block-Spring Model for Analyzing Jointed Rocks. CANMET Technical Report #MRL 92-124 (TR), 10 p.

Wang, B., (1992). Modelling of Ground Support with Block-Spring Model. CANMET Technical Report #MRL 92-005 (TR). 11 p.

Wang, B. & Garga, V.K., (1991). A Block-Spring Model for Analyzing Discontinuous Rocks; Proceedings of 44th Canadian Geotechnical Conference, Calgary, Vol.1, Paper No.32.

Wang, B., (1991); A Block-Spring Model for Jointed Rocks. Ph.D. Thesis. Department of Civil Engineering, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. 204 p.

Wang, B. & Garga, V.K., (1990). A Block-Spring Method for Stability Analyses of Excavations in Jointed Rocks; Proceedings of Speciality Conference: Stresses in Underground Structures, Oct. 2-3, Ottawa, Ontario, pp.120-129.

Ma, Q. & Wang, B., (1990); A Method of Prediction of In-Situ Ground Stresses from Ground Deformation Measurements in Rocks; Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, Vol.12, No.3, pp.10-21.

Wang, B. & Ma, Q., (1986); Boundary Element Methods for Ground Stress Field of Rock Masses; International Journal of Computers and Geotechnics, Vol.2, pp.261 274.

Ma, Q. & Wang, B., (1986); Interpretation and Analyses of Measured Stresses for Design of Large Underground Openings at Lu-Bu-Ge Dam Project; (Won a ministry award [1986] and a China national award [1987]); Paper compiled in “Achievements of Key Research Projects in China’s 6th Five-Year National Plan”, File No. 15-2-1, Vol.2, pp.131 144.

Wang, B. & Ma, Q., (1986); Boundary Element Techniques for Evaluation of Initial Ground Stresses in Rocks; (Won a China State Education Commission award); Paper compiled in “Achievements of

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Key Research Projects in China’s 6th Five-Year National Plan”, File No. 15-2-1, Vol.4, pp.364 372.

Wang, B. & Ma, Q., (1985). Boundary Integral Methods for Ground Stress Field in Rocks; China 1st National Conference on Boundary Element Method in Geotechnical Engineering, Wuhan, China, Dec. 1985.

Wang, B. & Ma, Q., (1985). A Direct Boundary Element Method for Rock Ground Stress Calculation; China 2nd National Symposium on Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, Xian, China, Nov. 1985.

Wang, B., (1985); Boundary Element Techniques for Interpretation of In-situ Ground Stresses in Rocks. M.Sc. Thesis. Department of Water Resources Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin, China. 110 p.

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Curriculum Vitae

Dale Kirkland Regional Manager Environmental Services, Programs Transport Canada, Prairie and Northern Region 1100, 9700 Jasper Avenue T5J4E6


With Transport Canada, I presently manage the delivery of the environmental services program in the Prairie and Northern Region, which includes the three Prairie Provinces and three Territories. This includes environmental impact assessments, environmental impact assessment regulatory and hearing processes, contaminated sites program, environmental protection oversight, and the implementation of the regional environmental management system.

Professional Experience

Regional Manager - Environmental Services Transport Canada Prairie and Northern Region Edmonton, Alberta, Canada August 2011 - present Environmental Assessment Scientist Parks Canada Agency Elk Island National Park / Wood Buffalo National Park September 2009 - August 2011 Senior Environmental Assessment Coordinator Environment Canada Prairie and Northern Region Edmonton, Alberta, Canada July 2004 – August 2009 Environmental Assessment Coordinator Environment Canada Edmonton, Alberta and Gatineau, Quebec Canada May 1998 - June 2004

Regulatory Hearing Experience

Baffinland Mary River Project Fortune Minerals NICO Project Inuvik-Tuktoyaktuk Highway Project Dunvegan Hydroelectric Project Total Joslyn Project

CNRL Horizon Project Kearl Lake Project Millennium Oilsands Project Cheviot Coal Mine Project Muskeg Mine Project

Keephills Generation Project GP3 Generation Project Muskeg River Mine Expansion Jackpine Mine Project Fort Hills Project

Suffield Shallow Gas Infill Project

Educational Experience

Bachelor of Science in Environmental and Conservation Sciences University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

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Shannon Vollema Regional Officer - Navigable Waters Protection Program Transport Canada - Marine Prairie and Northern Region 1100 – 9700 Jasper Ave, Edmonton AB T5J4E6

Professional Profile As Regional Officer for the Navigable Waters Protection Program (NWPP), I ensure regional consistency in application of the Navigable Waters Protection Act (NWPA) and carry out regulatory reviews related to complex resource projects.

Professional Experience Transport Canada – Marine, Prairie and Northern Region September 2011 - Present Regional Officer – Navigable Waters Protection Program

• Provide regional oversight and ensure consistency in program delivery • Conduct regulatory reviews of complex infrastructure and resource

projects • Provide technical analysis and recommendations on major projects to

review boards, senior management and stakeholders

Transport Canada – Marine, Prairie and Northern Region and Pacific Region September 2009 – September 2011 Navigable Waters Protection Officer

• Responsible for the Major Projects Management Office portfolio • Administer the NWPA, including conducting navigation impact

assessments for works, identifying terms and conditions of approval and compliance and monitoring activities

• Investigate public concerns regarding obstructions to navigation

Canadian Coast Guard, Pacific Region June 2006 – September 2009 Navigation Officer

• Navigate vessels and conduct Coast Guard operations in accordance with applicable Acts and Regulations, Codes of Practice and general practices of good seamanship

Education Canadian Coast Guard College (affiliated with Cape Breton University), Sydney NS Bachelor of Technology – Nautical Sciences June 2006

Certification Certificates of competency – Chief Mate, Near Coastal and Watchkeeping Mate