shear strengthening ca

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  • 7/28/2019 Shear Strengthening CA


    Solutions with Sika Systems

    Shear StrengtheningSika CarboDur Composite Systems

    v Long term tested and approved systems

    v High strength composite systems

    v Corrosion resistant

    v Easy application

    v No maintenance cost

  • 7/28/2019 Shear Strengthening CA


    Sika CarboDur Composite Systems


    v Corrosion of steel reinforcementv Inadequate design of reinforcement

    vSubject to corrosion

    v High maintenance cost

    v Increased weight/static loading

    vLow material cost

    v Offsite fabrication and

    protection required

    v High installation cost

    Earthquake Column with shear failure

    Insufficient Sof Reinforced Concr


    Steel Shear Plates

  • 7/28/2019 Shear Strengthening CA


    Shear Strengthening Alternatives


    v Increased permanent, live and traffic loadsv Change of the structural use

    vDo not corrode

    v No maintenance cost

    vVery lightweight

    vMedium material cost

    v Easily cut/prepared on site

    v Low installation cost

    Increased load Beam with failure

    Sika CarboShear L Plates SikaWrap Fabrics

    ear Strengthe Structures due to


    Sika CarboDur Composites

  • 7/28/2019 Shear Strengthening CA


    Sika CarboDur Composite Systems


    Structural Requirements

    When the working load is applied, the Sika CarboDur Composites absorb the tensile forcesproportionally with the steel reinforcement. An unused load-bearing reserve must be avail-able in the concrete compression zone of the existing structure. The Sikadur adhesive layeris fully capable of levelling out any stress peaks.

    Sika CarboShear L

    Composite Plate System

    System Advantages

    v Precise material properties

    vWell defined anchoring

    v Fully corrosion resistant

    v High strengthvMinimum weight

    v Range of dimensions optimum design

    v Static loadingv Dynamic loadingv Crack bridgingv Creep preventionv Durability

    Strengthening Sys

  • 7/28/2019 Shear Strengthening CA


    Shear Strengthening Alternatives


    Composite Fabric System


    Environmental Influences

    Corrosion resistance is an important factor in achieving durability. Sika CarboDurComposites also have high chemical resistance to the pollutants normally occurring onstructures. There is absolutely no risk of underrusting.

    System Advantages

    v Carbon, glass, aramid and hybrid fabrics available

    v Uni- and/or bidirectional fabrics: 0, 0/90, +/45

    vVery easy applicationv Ideal for strengthening non-uniform or not square cross sections

    v Fully corrosion resistant

    v TemperaturevMoisturev Frost Freeze/thaw cyclesv Corrosive chemicalsv Ultra-violet radiation

    em Requirements

  • 7/28/2019 Shear Strengthening CA


    Sika CarboDur Composite Systems:

    SikaCarboShear L System

    System Components


    Testing for Shear Strengthening

    In 1998 the EMPA performed tests with Sika L-shapedCFRP plates. The objective was full scale testing of thesuitability of these plates for use in shear strengthening,as well as establishing a design proposal.

    EMPA: Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Testingand Research, Dbendorf, Switzerland

    Pretreatment of theCarboShear end withSikadur-30, 24 hoursbefore application in orderto shorten the anchoragelength.

    Patent No. DE 19702246, 30 July 1998

    EMPA Test Reports No. 169219E/1 and No. 169219E/2

    Shear Strengthened T-beam

    Beam T3 Strengthening with CarboShear L

    Sikadur-30 Sikadur -41Adhesive Mortar

    Compressive strength > 95 N/mm2

    > 75 N/mm2

    Bond strength on steel > 26 N/mm2

    > 10 N/mm2

    Bond strength on concrete > 4 N/mm2

    > 4 N/mm2

    (concrete failure) (concrete failure)

    E-modulus 12800 N/mm2

    9000 N/mm2

    Sikadur Epoxy Adhesives and Mortars

    F/4 F/4 F/4 F/4

    350 13601360 520 2240 520 1360 350


    1770110 125

    Sika CarboShear L CFRP Plates

    Type Leg length (mm) Width (mm) Thickness (mm)

    4/20/50 200 resp. 500 40 1.4

    4/30/70 300 resp. 700 40 1.4

    4/50/100 500 resp. 1000 40 1.4

    Sika CarboShear L Plates

    E-modulus (mean value) Tensile strength (minimum value)

    120000 N/mm2

    126 kN/40mm




    375 375150


    Sika CarboShear L

    CFRP plate

  • 7/28/2019 Shear Strengthening CA


    Technical Datas


    SikaWrapComposite Fabrics System

    System Components

    Testing for Shear Strengthening

    In 1999 the EMPA performed tests with SikaWrap compositefabrics. The objective was full scale tests to confirm the suita-bility of these composite fabrics for use in shear strengthening,as well as to establish a design proposal. Two identical beamswere strengthened with SikaWrapHex-230C unidirectionalfabric and Sikadur-330 resin.

    EMPA: Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Testingand Research, Dbendorf, Switzerland

    F/4 F/4 F/4 F/4

    350 13601360 520 2240 520 1360 350


    1770110 125

    EMPA Test Report No. 200137/E/1

    F/4 F/4 F/4 F/4

    350 13601360 520 2240 520 1360 350


    1770110 125

    EMPA Test Report No. 405552E

    Beam T4 Fabric Applied Vertically

    Beam T5 Fabric Applied with 45 Inclination

    SikaWrap Fabrics

    Carbon fiber fabrics Glass fiber fabrics

    SikaWrapHex-230C/-103C SikaWrapHex-430G/-100G

    Tensi le strength > 3500 N/mm2

    > 2250 N/mm2

    of fibers

    Tensile modulus > 230000 N/mm2

    > 70000 N/mm2

    of fibers

    Sikadur Epoxy Adhesives

    Sikadur-330 Sikadur -300/-306

    Flexural strength 3800 N/mm2

    3120 N/mm2

    Bond strength on concrete > 4 N/mm2

    > 4 N/mm2

    (concrete failure) (concrete failure)

    For additional information see the Product Data Sheets





    375 375150


    Sika Wrap fabric

    Shear Strengthened T-beam

  • 7/28/2019 Shear Strengthening CA


    Sika CarboDur Composite Systems:

    GFRP pads

    Tensile force

    Anchoragelength100 200 mm

    GFRP pads

    Basic Shear Plate Tests


    Ready for test

    After failure test

    Anchorage ZoneTensile Test

    Bend Zone Tensile Test

    Load-bearing Capacity of

    Sika CarboShear L Tests at the EMPA

    Beam T3

    Sika CarboShear L Plates

    Bend zone length150 300 mm

    Concretetest specimen

    Tensile force

    GFRP pads

    Mid-span Deflection of the Beams st








    0 20 40 60




    Mid-span Deflection of the Beams st




    EMPA Test Report No. 169219E/1

    Concretetest specimen

  • 7/28/2019 Shear Strengthening CA


    Performance Testing

    SikaWrap Tests at the EMPA

    Beam T4


    eams T3, T4 and T5

    Ready for test

    After failure test

    Test Set-upfor the Moir Measurements

    Ready for test

    After failure test

    Beam T5


    gthened with Sika CarboDur

    80 100 120

    Beam T3

    Beam T4

    Beam T5

    gthened with Sika CarboDur

    Deflection [mm]

  • 7/28/2019 Shear Strengthening CA


    Sika CarboDur Composite Systems:

    Preparation ofthe Concrete Substrate


    Sika CarboShear L Installation Procedure

    v Pretreatment of the anchor zone of the Sika CarboShear LPlate with Sikadur-30, 24 hours before fixing.

    v Blast cleaning or equivalent mechanical meansv Clean, oil and grease free surfacevVacuum the surface before resin applicationv Levelling with Sikadur mortars as necessaryv Smoothening the edge of the structure to fit the inner

    radius of the L-shaped plates

    Preparation of the

    Sika CarboShear L Plate

    Fixing Sequence

    v The CarboShear L Plate on the second side isthen installed in exactly the same way as on the first side.

    Bonded Bonded

    Sika CarboShear L Plates

    Inserting the Sika

    CarboShear L Plateand carefully removing

    the exuded excess resin.

    Drilling holes withdiamonds coated

    chain saw

    Sika CarboShear L

    Plate: completedinstallation

    v When the anchor lengthis reached, the plate ispressed with a rubberroller against the substrate.

    v The long leg of precutCarboShear L is slightlyinclined and pushed intothe boreholes prefilled withSikadur-30.

    Drilling Holes in the Concrete Slab and Filling them Completely

    with Sikadur


  • 7/28/2019 Shear Strengthening CA


    Installation and Application


    The SikaWrap Installation Procedure

    v Trowel apply the Sikadur-330 resin with a notchedtrowel and control the thickness.

    v Blast cleaning or equivalent mechanical meansv Clean, oil and grease free surfacevVacuum the surface before resin application

    Preparation of theConcrete Substrate

    Application of the Mixed

    Sikadur-330 to the PreparedSubstrate

    Careful Impregnation of the


    Fabric into the Sikadur

    Resin with the Laminating Roller

    Shear Strengthening of the

    Reinforced Concrete BeamCompleted withSikaWrap Fabric andSikadur-330 Resin


  • 7/28/2019 Shear Strengthening CA


    Basis of

    v Eurocode EC 2

    v EMPA and EPFL Test Reports

    vApprovals from SOCOTEC and ICBO

    Sika CarboDur Composite Systems:



    Sika CarboShear L Design Proposal

    vVservice Vconcrete + Vsteel stirrups + VCarboShear L

    National Standards

    2. Serviceability Limit State

    AS = Cross section of one stirrupfS = Stress in steel stirrups, 0.8fyielding , acc. fib/ACI-440

    LS= Strain in CarboShear LEL = Modulus of elasticity, CarboShear L Compatibility

    LS = Steel, with max. 0.8fyieldAS fS

    zs cotg +

    ALLSEL zs cotg

    v No sudden failure of the whole structure in case of

    loss of Composite/CarboShear L contribution

    vVd : Shear force design value

    =Shear force at working level with DL=LL=1.0

    vVRO : Shear resistance of unstrengthened section

    Therefore Vd1

    3. Unstrengthened Section

    Sika CarboShear L Plates

    vVd : Shear force design value = DLVDL + LLVLLDL, LL = Load factors, according to National Standards

    vVR : Shear resistance of the concrete section

    strengthened with CarboShear L

    = Vconcrete + Vsteel stirrups + VCarboShear L

    See EC2, or National Standards

    v Structural safety is proven if:Vd