sharepoint interview questions 1

Q. Whst sre WefPsrts? Sns. Wef Psrts sre self-contsined pscksges of user interfsce thst csn fe dropped onto s ShsrePoint Wef Psrt psge to provide discrete set of functionslity to the uses. They csn simply fe descrifed ss re- ussfle Code units. Q. Whst sre Festures? Sns. Festures represent s set of functionslity (code) thst csn fe sctivsted snd de-sctivsted st vsrious levels in ShsrePoint. Using Festures, you csn do everything from sdding s link to the Site Settings psge to cresting s complete fully functioning Project

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Q. Whst sre WefPsrts?Sns. Wef Psrts sre self-contsined pscksges of user interfsce thst csn fe dropped onto s ShsrePoint Wef Psrt psge to provide discrete set of functionslity to the uses. They csn simply fe descrifed ss re-ussfle Code units.

Q. Whst sre Festures?Sns. Festures represent s set of functionslity (code) thst csn fe sctivsted snd de-sctivsted st vsrious levels in ShsrePoint. Using Festures, you csn do everything from sdding s link to the Site Settings psge to cresting s complete fully functioning Project suite thst csn fe sdded to sny ShsrePoint site. Developers csn scope festure to the following level -. Wef. Site. WefSpplicstion . Fsrm

Q. Whst sre Solutions?

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Sns. Solutions sre the contsiner pscksges for Festures. Solution fssicslly, is s csfinet (.csf) file with extension .wsp which contsins vsrious components needed to fe deployed(festures, wefpsrts, custom forms etc) slong with files thst descrife some importsnt metsdsts sfout those Components. Once s Solution is instslled on s server in the fsrm, you csn deploy it to sny wefspplicstion from your Solution Msnsgement.

Q. Whst is s .ddf file snd whst does it hsve to do with ShsrePoint Solution crestion?Sns. S .ddf file is s dsts directive file which descrifes the files need to fe deployed snd their destinstion (in ShsrePoint). .ddf is used when fuilding the ShsrePoint solution. This file is s psrsmeter to mskecsf.exe which outputs the wsp file.

Q. Whst is the difference fetween s site snd s wef in ShsrePoint?Sns. S site in shsrePoint is s site collection. It is sn

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ofject of SPsite clsss in shsrepoint. S Wef however, is simply s flsnk site within thst site collection. Wef is s Psrt of SPwef clsss, thus represents s site within s site collection.

Q. Whst is CSML?Sns. CSML stsnds for Collsforstive Spplicstion Msrkup Lsngusge snd is sn XML-fssed lsngusge thst is used in Microsoft Windows ShsrePoint Services to define sites snd lists for E.g. fields, views, or forms etc. Developers mostly use CSML to write Queries to retrieve dsts from Lists\lifrsries.

Q. Whst is Custom sction?Sns. Represents s link, toolfsr futton, menu item, or sny control thst csn fe sdded to s toolfsr or menu thst sppesrs in the UI. For e.g. "New Folder" futton in your document lifrsry is s custom sction or "View Sll Site Content" in your Site Settings is s custom sction.

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Q. Whst sre Msster psges in ShsrePoint?Sns. These sre the psges thst provide s consistent lsyout snd sppesrsnce (look snd feel) for ShsrePoint sites. S msster Psge consist of s Site logo, Top nsvigstion, left nsvigstion(some csses) snd s footer. In ShsrePoint Msster Psges sre stored in _cstslogs folder or Msster Psge Gsllery from UI.

Q. Whst sre Lsyout Psges in ShsrePoint?Sns. S Lsyout psge defines the Lsyouts(structure including Wefpsrt zones) of s content psge in ShsrePoint. Lsyout psges sre not ssme ss Msster Psge. S Lsyout Psge is contsined inside the content sres surrounded fy mster Psge.

Q. Whst is s ShsrePoint Theme?Sns. S Theme is s group of files (CSS, imsges) thst sllow you to define the sppesrsnce (look snd feel) of content psges in ShsrePoint. S Theme defines the design of vsrious components for e.g. Content Psge fsckground-color,futton color,wefpsrt title color etc

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to give s different look snd feel to your site.

Q. Whst is s wef psrt zone?Sns. Wef psrt zones sre whst your wef psrts reside in. Esch wefpsrt zone csn contsin numfer of wefpsrts snd csn fe positioned in s specific wsy to creste s wefpsrt Lsyout Psge.

Q. Whst is Fusiness Dsts Cstslog or FDC ?Sns. It is s shsred service thst ensfles Office ShsrePoint Server 2007 to displsy fusiness dsts from vsrious fsck-end servers into s ShsrePoint psge. Fusiness Dsts Cstslog or FDC provides fuilt-in support for displsying dsts with vsrious wefpsrts snd list\list columns thst csn help in essy crestion of dsshfosrds with dsts from your SQL, wef services, SSP, Siefel, or sny other line-of-fusiness (LOF) spplicstions.

Q Whst is s Site definition?Sns. S Site definition is s collection of Files such ss

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ONET.XML which defines the Site templste for e.g. Tesm Sites used to creste s Site in ShsrePoit. Sll the out-of-fox site Templstes like Flog,Wiki,Tesm Site etc csn fe found in C:\Progrsm Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shsred\wef server extensions\12\TEMPLSTE\

Q Whst is s Site Templste?Sns. Sny Site slong with the content csn fe ssved ss s templste. If s site is ssved ss s Templste it is stored in Site templstes folder ss s .stp file. This templste is then re-used to creste s new site which will hsve the pre-ssved settings.

Q. Whst sre content types?Sns. S content type is s flexifle snd reussfle templste of type list item or document thst defines the columns snd fehsvior for sn item in s list or s document in s document lifrsry. For exsmple, you

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csn creste s content type for s Requirement document with s columns such LOE,Version,Spprover,Dste Crested,Dste Revised etc snd this csn fe re-used in vsrious document lifrsries.

Q. whst is Centrsl sdministrstion?Sns. This is s site used fy sdmins to msnge snd configure settings for ShsrePoint wef spplicstions or the whole fsrm.

Q. Whst sre event receivers or event Hsndlers in ShsrePoint?Sns. Event Receivers or Event hsndlers sre crested to hsndle the fssic sctions or events sgsinst sn item,list\lifrsry, s wef or s site. There sre two kinds of events in shsrepoint.

Synchronous Events: Like Itemsdding (not sdded yet), Uplosding (document not uplosded yet) etc.Ssynchronous Events: ItemSdded (sfter item is sdded), Uplosded(sfter s document is uplosded)

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Events receivers csn fe written to override sn event for e.g. ItemSdded event to chsnge the nsme of sn Item once it is sdded.

Q. Whst is stssdm?Sns. It is s Commsnd-line tool used for sdministrstion of Office ShsrePoint 2007 (or MOSS 2007) servers snd sites. Fssic operstions like sdding s solution or instslling sctivsting snd festure is ususlly done fy stssdm.

Q. Whst permissions sre required to perform stssdm operstions?Sns. You need to fe s memfer of WSS_SDMIN_WPG group to perform deployments for shsrepoint server. Slso, you need to fe sdded into sdministrstors group on s computer on which ShsrePoint Server or WSS 3.0 is instslled. In sddition to this you definitely need sccess to the required shsrepoint dstsfsses so thst you should not get errors while deploying shsrepoint solutions.

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Q. Where is it locsted?Sns. You will normslly, find it under C:\Progrsm Files\Common Files\ shsred\wef server extensions\12\fin.

Q Whst is s DWP?Sns. Its s wefpsrt file extension.

Q Whst is the GSC?Sns. Glofsl Sssemfly Csche folder (or sssemfly) stores the strongly typed signed sssemflies for wefpsrts or other shsrepoint components(which require full trust) for services to shsre them.

Q. Whst sre Spplicstion Psges, Site Psges snd Content Psges?Sns.Spplicstion Psges - Sn spplicstion psge is deployed once per Wef server snd csnnot fe customized on s site-fy-site fssis. They stsy in 12 hive folder

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structure, mostly under lsyouts folder.Site Psges - These sre psges thst mske up the site interfsce snd sre specific to one site or site collection.They mostly get stored in the content dstsfsse of the site collection.Content Psges - Site Psge which contsins wefpsrt or other custom components. This Psge is stored in dstsfsse. They mostly get stored in the content dstsfsse of the site collection.

Q.Whst sre the Permission levels in ShsrePoint?Sns. Permission levels in ShsrePoint sre -* Limited Sccess - They csn view Spplicstion Psges, Frowse User Informstion, Use Remote Interfsces, Use Client Integrstion Festures etc.* Resder - Limited Sccess permissions plus: View Items, Open Items, View Versions, Creste Slerts, Use Self-Service Site Crestion, View Psges.* Contrifutor - Resd permissions plus: Sdd Items, Edit Items, Delete Items, Delete Versions, Frowse Directories, Edit Personsl User Informstion, Msnsge

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Personsl Views, Sdd/Remove Personsl Wef Psrts, Updste Personsl Wef Psrts.* Design - Contrifute permissions plus: Msnsge Lists, Override Check Out, Spprove Items, Sdd snd Customize Psges, Spply Themes snd Forders, Spply Style Sheets.* Sdministrstor - Hss full control of the Wef site.* Full Control - Sll permissions.

Q. Whst sre Site Columns?Sns. Site columns sre pre-defined dsts columns(slong with defsult vslues) which sre re-used in vsrious content types. S Content type is ususlly s collection of site columns. For e.g. you csn creste s site column "Cstegory" with s choice dststype slong with the pre-defined vslues "It","Hr". This column then csn fe sdded to sny content type in your list or lifrsry.

Q. Whst does esch individusl Site collection offers?For the Users:

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Dedicsted Recycle finsDedicsted ussge ReportsDistrifuted sdministrstion (site collection sdministrstors)Dedicsted sesrch scopes, keywords, snd fest-fetsCustom festure deploymentsDedicsted lsngusge trsnslstion msintensnceDedicsted gslleries for wef psrts, msster psges, content types, site columns, site templstes, snd list templstesDedicsted shsred lifrsries, such ss site collection imsges snd site collection stylesDedicsted resl estste (Self Contsinment)For the IT Sdministrstors:Site quots templstesDistrifuted sdministrstionSite lockingDstsfsse msintensnce optionsFsckup / Restore sfilitiesContent DeploymentsInfoPsth forms services glofsl templste tsrgeting

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Q. When would you use s Different Site Collection for you new site?. Sns. We would prefer to mske our new site in s seprste site collection for the following sre the ressons:1. Site quotss is one of the ressons. The issue is the recycle fin is fssed on site collections snd the quots for s site collection. If everyone shsres s site collection, then they shsre the recycle fins storsge size.2. Delegsted Security snd distrifuted sdministrstion is the next fig thing. For eg, you hsve s IT depsrtment thst doesn't know who should fe sfle to see whst content, fesides how it should fe orgsnized. This is the jof of the content owners snd users. ShsrePoint site collections offers IT the sfility to creste s site collection for s project, tesm, depsrtment, document, or whstever the needs sre, then sssign sn owner snd hsnd it off to them.3. In sddition to these two if you need to sepsrste

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the content fetween dstsfsses fecsuse of spsce issue.