sharepoint fest denver - practical tools and techniques for the sharepoint business analyst and...

#SPFest @RHarbridge Practical Tools and Techniques for the SharePoint Business Analyst & Information Architect #SPFest @RHarbr Facilitated By: Richard Harbrid

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Post on 20-Aug-2015




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Page 1: SharePoint Fest Denver - Practical Tools and Techniques for the SharePoint Business Analyst and Information Architect

#SPFest @RHarbridge

Practical Tools and Techniques for the SharePoint Business Analyst &Information Architect

#SPFest @RHarbridge

Facilitated By: Richard Harbridge

Page 2: SharePoint Fest Denver - Practical Tools and Techniques for the SharePoint Business Analyst and Information Architect

#SPFest @RHarbridge

Who am I?

BostonWe Washington

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

SPTechConThe SharePoint Technology Conference

SPTechConThe SharePoint Technology Conference

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Special Mention…

Ruven Gotz


[email protected]

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

What We Will (Try To) Cover Today:

1. Why is SharePoint IA so difficult?2. Visualizing and Communicating SharePoint Concepts3. Information Architecture Tips and Tricks

This deck is already up on slideshare – and even larger decks can be found online at

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Why is SharePoint BA/IA so difficult?

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

SharePoint is huge…






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#SPFest @RHarbridge

The people stuff is complex…

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

It started out simple

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Then it grew

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Then it got TOTALLY out of control!!

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Decision Makers Cant Seem To Agree…

Not as much as a kitten picture rotator!

We need a records management solution!

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

The CFO Watches Costs Increase

Actually that requires a third party product..

Easy! Just need to customize one thing…

That requires enterprise CALs…

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

IT Services Can’t Support The Flood Of New Requests

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Shared UnderstandingOf Objectives

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#SPFest @RHarbridgeConcept Courtesy of Andrew Jolly

1 2



6 7 8 910

Abundance Of Helpful Data1. Area Map2. Our Direction3. Our Route4. Points Of Interest5. Our Route Risks6. Upcoming Action7. Distance/Time To Goal8. Estimated Duration9. Current Speed/Limit10. Current Road

The Destination Matters

What If We Haven’t Identified Our Destination/Goal?

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Identifying Our Objectives

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Abstract Objectives (Platitudes)

These are not good objectives!

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

In Canada we learn this right after hockey appreciation in grade school.

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

We would like to automate and improve our

‘paper based’ ‘legal’ ‘contract mngmt’’

‘contract rview’ processes. Specifically we would

like to ‘imprv request rspnse time’ by…

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Legal Contract Solutions

• Contract Review Workflow• Request Contract Review Form• Integration with ClientDB• Client Contracts Site

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Prioritizing Objectives Requires Understanding Value And Difficulty

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

The Simplest Prioritization Formula Ever…

Estimated Value

Estimated Difficulty

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Prioritization Example I have a difficult solution. It’s an 8 in difficulty (out of 10).

I have an easy solution. It’s a 2 in difficulty (out of 10).

The expected value of the difficult solution is 4 (out of 10).

The expected value of the easy solution is 6 (out of 10).

Estimated ValueEstimated Difficulty

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Prioritize and Plan S.M.A.R.T. Objectives

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

The Right ApproachTo Achieving Objectives

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

What is the best approach to use when working with SharePoint?

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#SPFest @RHarbridge


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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Why Iterative? SharePoint is a very large platform. It takes time to understand SharePoint. SharePoint is great for rapid prototyping,

and for proof of concept work. It ensures there is enough time to

review, adjust, and communicate.

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

How people think it works…

Image from Paul Culmsee

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

How it really works…

Image from Paul Culmsee

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

SharePoint is not a Silver Bullet…

SharePoint is not a Silver Bullet at

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Utilized by Business Users to develop and implement business solutions that use technology without IT’s direct involvement.

Our primary unified application delivery platform.

Our primary workflow/business process automation platform.

Our intranet and communication center for internal corporate communications.

SharePoint will be…

Our (external) web content management platform.

Our primary document management platform.

Our contact management platform.

SharePoint will not be…

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#SPFest @RHarbridge




SharePoint has Multiple Options




On Site

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

It’s Big Ecosystem

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Implemented LegalContracts Solution!

Have we achieved our objective?

Implemented SharePoint!

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

A Lesson Courtesy Of The Mars Rover

Primary among the mission's scientific goals is to search for and characterize a wide range of rocks and soils that hold clues to past water activity on Mars.

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Have We Achieved Our Goal?

Concept Courtesy of Andrew Jolly

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Have We Achieved Our Goal?

Concept Courtesy of Andrew Jolly

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Have We Achieved Our Goal?

Concept Courtesy of Andrew Jolly

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Have We Achieved Our Goal?

Concept Courtesy of Andrew Jolly

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Have We Achieved Our Goal?

Concept Courtesy of Andrew Jolly

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Launch Minded People Think…

Pre Launch Launch

Don’t blow up!

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Pre Launch Launch Flight Landing

Post Launch People Think…Have we succeeded in gaining adoption?

Have we achieved our objectives?

What are our objectives?

How will we achieve them?

Don’t blow up!

What feedback are we getting?

How should we adjust our trajectory?

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Back to our friend the Mars Rover…

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Have We Achieved Our Goal?

Concept Courtesy of Andrew Jolly

Achieved Primary Objective

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

How Important Was Launch?

Concept Courtesy of Andrew Jolly


How many people understood how much was involved in planning for launch?

How many people understood how much was involved after launch?

Post Launch

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Requirements Definition and Mapping

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

What makes something a requirement?

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We can do that for $10

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

We can do that for $1 Million

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

The Power Of Zero $$ Change Orders

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SharePoint chicken & egg problem

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

DON’T demo SharePoint

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Understand Their Workload & Identify Challenges






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OK to demo SharePoint

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Simple Scenarios Are Your Best Friend

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

When To Demo SharePoint When you need help scoping requirements and

managing expectations. When you need help building awareness. When validating requirements and solution approaches. When you want to get people excited!

When Not To Demo SharePoint When you haven’t identified any of the audiences needs. When you aren’t familiar with the tool/feature set being


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How do you scale this?

Send a questionnaire/survey before/after…

You have three primary goals:• Get people excited enough to respond in the

survey/questionnaire.• Evangelize a better way of doing things.• Better understand people’s needs/pain points.

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Visualizing and Communicating IA Concepts

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Adapted from the “pea soup” story by Serge Tremblay

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What is our Base Metaphorfor files?

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What if we saw this?

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Solve with folders

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Hire an intern

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This is metadata!

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The #1 rule of SharePoint?

Never use folders

Except when it makes sense


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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Folders for Security

Permissions assigned per folder

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Customer Type• Lab• Hospital• Clinic• Mobile

Sector• Private• Public

Size• Large• Medium• Small

Location• Urban• Rural

University• Yes• No


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Adding Metadata (when uploading)

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

A SharePoint Simulation

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

What are content types?

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Name _________Emp. # _________Date _________

Dates Requested:From __________To: __________

Manager ________Approved Y/N

Name _________Emp. # _________Date _________

Dates Requested:From __________To: __________

Manager ________Approved Y/N

Name _________Emp. # _________Date _________

Drug Used:Name __________Cost: $ _________

Manager ________Approved Y/N

Name _________Emp. # _________Date _________

Drug Used:Name __________Cost: $ _________

Manager ________Approved Y/N

Vacation Request

Drug Reimbursement

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Both Content Types in One Library

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Content Types for:



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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Tools For TheInformation Architect

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Mind Mapping Demonstration

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Navigation workshops

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Navigational Map

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Navigation Systems• Global navigation• Local navigation• Breadcrumbs/Up One Level Control• Contextual navigation• Supplemental navigation– Sitemap

– A-Z Index

– Guides

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IBIS mapping demonstration

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

What is Card Sorting?

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

“Card sorting is a great, reliable, inexpensive method for finding patterns in how users would expect to find content or functionality.” - Donna Spencer

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Why use Card Sorting?• Card sorting can help you identify trends– Do the users want to see the information grouped

by subject, process, business group, or information type?

– How similar are the needs of the different user groups?

– How many potential main categories are there?• What should those groups be called?

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Types of Card Sorting• Open Card Sorting– Participants are given cards showing site content

with no pre-established groupings.

• Closed Card Sorting– Participants are given cards showing site content

with an established initial set of primary groups.

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Open card sorting process



Rolls RoyceHonda






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Rolls RoyceHonda







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#SPFest @RHarbridge

But not always what you expect

Ford Ferrari

Rolls Royce






ScaryCute Domestic European


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#SPFest @RHarbridge

But not always what you expect


Rolls RoyceHonda






LuxuryAnimals Regular

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Advantages of Card Sorting• Simple• Cheap• Quick to execute• Established• Involves users• Provides a good foundation

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Disadvantages of Sorting• Does not consider users’ tasks• Results may vary • Analysis can be time consuming• May capture “surface” characteristics only

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Document inventory workshops

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Analyze Existing Content• What type of content is it?

• How is the content organized today?

• What is the purpose of the content?

• Who is the author of the content?

• What format is the content in?

• Who uses the content?

• Where is the content currently located?

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Use Survey Tools!

Compiling results from 20 to 50 participants using excel sheets/hand outs can be painful.

If you expect many responses use a survey tool instead.

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

The Inventory Worksheet

Ruven Gotz
This needs to be expanded
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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Build Mind Map (based on inventory worksheet)

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Wireframing, andProcess Mapping

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Wireframing Workshops

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Common Intranet ComponentsComponent Name PurposeMessage from the President/Owner/Founder InformativeNews and Announcements InformativeBlog Updates InformativeWiki Updates InformativeSystem Status InformativeUpcoming Events/Calendar InformativeNew Hires/Arrivals InformativeEmployee Anniversaries/Milestones/Years of Service InformativeRecent Departures/Retirements InformativeVideos InformativePhotos InformativePodcasts InformativeStock Quotes InformativeStock Chart? InformativeWeather InformativeWorld Clocks/Office Time InformativeEmployee Spotlight InformativeContacts InformativeRecent Discussions InformativeQuick Links/Shortcuts/ NavigationSite Map NavigationTag Cloud NavigationSearch Box (Employee Search, Intranet Search, Etc) NavigationPolls FeedbackProvide Feedback Feedback

Component Name PurposeEmail This Page SharingPrint This Page SharingSearch Tips InformativeNew Job Openings/Postings InformativeQuick Start to Services NavigationHow do I/Training/Learning Materials InformativeAdvertisements InformativeNew Messages/Notes InformativeAvailability Dashboard InformativeUpcoming Calls/Web Meetings InformativeRecent Questions and Recent Answers InformativeCommunity Spotlight/Highlight InformativeSite/Department/Team Spotlight/Highlight InformativeInspiring Quote InformativeHighlighted/Urgent/Past Due Tasks InformativeMost Viewed Content InformativeMost Recently Contributed Content InformativeRecently Added Projects InformativeSurvey FeedbackBookmarked Content InformativeTop Searches InformativeDiscounts (Organizational for Retail) InformativeSales Goals InformativeVisitors/People Out Of Office InformativePhone List Informative

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Balsamiq DEMO

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Business Process Workshops

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Visio 2010 Demo

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Common Intranet Processes• Absence Reporting and Vacation Scheduling• Expense Reimbursement• Equipment and Room Reservation and Management• Meeting Planning and Management• Policy Review and Approval• Booking Travel• Interview Management and Hiring Processes• Training Sign Up and Management• Event Planning• Change Request Management• Timecard/Time Tracking• Product Planning• Help Desk Ticket Management• Compliance Support• Contacts Management• Inventory Tracking• Lending Tracking• Sales Lead Pipeline

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Questions? Ideas? Feedback? Contact me:Twitter: @RHarbridge Blog: http://www.RHarbridge.comEmail: [email protected]

Slides & SharePoint Resource Kit Available At:

How Do You Ensure Success?Shared Understanding and Value Lead To Shared Commitment…

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MakingInformation Architecture


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#SPFest @RHarbridge

The Importance of Making Good Information Architecture Decisions

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Governance and IA?

Home Page

Functional Areas

Department Site – “Public”

Department Team Site – “Private”

Project/Initiative Team Sites

Personal Sites– My Sites

“PUBLIC” SITES: Open to all employees

TEAM SITES: Generally open to team members

Tightly controlled,

formal governance

Looser control, less formal governance

Some control, some formal governance

“PRIVATE” SITES: Open to business group members

Animated Slide Provider: Susan Hanley

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Recommended Approach

Richard Harbridge
Map to Governance Pyramid
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Incorporate Feedback PlanningCouldn’t Find What You Were Looking For? Let Us Know (On Search Pages)

Do You Like The New Homepage Design? Click I Like It or Leave A Note!(Simple front end code/webparts means users don’t even have to go to the ribbon.)

Intranet Design or Improvement Contests

Want More? Give Users a Bookmark Feature and Analyze User BookmarksBlog New Features/Changes

and Encourage Comments

Provide Feedback Button & Custom List

How about a site review process where you encourage feedback?

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SharePoint Containment Hierarchy

Documents, Items and Pages

Folders and Document Sets

Libraries and Lists


Site Collections


Web Applications



What we care about from an information architecture perspective.

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SharePoint Containment Hierarchy


ItemDocuments, Events, Pages, Custom Item, Image, etc.

Folders and Document Sets

ListsDoc Libraries, Pages, Calendars, Discussions, Surveys, etc.

SitesTeam Sites, Publishing Sites, Meeting Workspaces, etc.

Site Collections

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Site Collection or Site (Subsite)?


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Site Collection

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Site Collection

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

When To Use A Site Collection

Page 131: SharePoint Fest Denver - Practical Tools and Techniques for the SharePoint Business Analyst and Information Architect

#SPFest @RHarbridge

When To Use A Site Collection

Page 132: SharePoint Fest Denver - Practical Tools and Techniques for the SharePoint Business Analyst and Information Architect

#SPFest @RHarbridge

When To Use A Site Collection

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

When To Use A Site Collection

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

When To Use A Site Collection

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

When To Use A Site Collection

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

When To Use A Site Collection

Site Collection 1 Site Collection 2

Webparts &Aggregation

Webparts &Aggregation

Masterpages &Page Layouts

Masterpages &Page Layouts

Search Across Site Collection Boundaries

Navigation Navigation

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

When To Use A Site Collection

Group A

Group B

Group C

Collection Admin A

Collection Admin B

Group Y

Group Z

Collection Admin Y

Collection Admin Z

Site Collection 1 Site Collection 2

Page 138: SharePoint Fest Denver - Practical Tools and Techniques for the SharePoint Business Analyst and Information Architect

#SPFest @RHarbridge

Purpose of a List?• To Replace Excel


• To Track Complex Input From Multiple People

• To Centralize Storage and Retrieval of Content

• To Provide Validation, Easy To Use Online Forms

• To Reduce Duplication of Effort

Page 139: SharePoint Fest Denver - Practical Tools and Techniques for the SharePoint Business Analyst and Information Architect

#SPFest @RHarbridge

One List or Multiple Lists?


Page 140: SharePoint Fest Denver - Practical Tools and Techniques for the SharePoint Business Analyst and Information Architect

#SPFest @RHarbridge

When To Use a Single List• You want to simplify viewing the same set of

items. (When dispersed across many lists it requires additional effort to aggregate the lists).

• You want to search for items in the same location.(When dispersed across many lists it requires additional effort to configure search scopes).

• You want to easily apply consistent versioning, approval, metadata or form settings.

• You want to receive consolidated updates on the collection of items (alerts or RSS).

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

When To Use Multiple Lists• You don’t expect people to need summaries of

the items together.(When dispersed across many lists it requires additional effort to aggregate the lists).

• You need to apply different versioning, approval, metadata, or form settings.

• You want to distribute management of versioning, metadata, workflows or form settings.

• You do not need to receive consolidated updates (alerts or RSS).

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Advanced Uses Of Lists

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Calendar or Calendar View? Capabilities Calendar list Calendar view Supports direct creation and editing of calendar entries. Yes No

Supports calendar overlays and group calendars. Yes Doesn't apply Supports future dates without requiring creation of a stub. Yes No

Can view future dates once 'stubs' are created in the library or list. Doesn't apply Yes

List or library updates affect the calendar. No YesCalendar updates affect the list or library. Yes Not typically Simplest option if you already have a list that includes a date option. Yes

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

One Library or Multiple Libraries?


Page 145: SharePoint Fest Denver - Practical Tools and Techniques for the SharePoint Business Analyst and Information Architect

#SPFest @RHarbridge

When To Use a Single Library• You want to simplify viewing the same set of

documents. (When dispersed across many libraries it requires additional effort to aggregate the libraries).

• You want to search for documents in the same location.(When dispersed across many libraries it requires additional effort to configure search scopes).

• You want to easily apply consistent versioning, approval, metadata or form settings.

• You want to receive consolidated updates on the collection of documents (alerts or RSS).

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

When To Use Multiple Libraries• You don’t expect people to need summaries of

the documents together.(When dispersed across many libraries it requires additional effort to aggregate the libraries).

• You need to apply different versioning, approval, metadata, or form settings.

• You want to distribute management of versioning, metadata, workflows or form settings.

• You do not need to receive consolidated updates (alerts or RSS).

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

What Can You Do With A Document?


New Document

Upload Document

Upload Multiple Documents

New Folder


Edit Document

Check Out/Check In/Discard Check Out

E-mail a Link

View Version History

Alert/Notify Me


Edit Document/Folder Metadata (Title, Name, etc)

Manage Document Permissions

Delete Document/Folder

Re-Order Documents/Folders (Explorer View/Move

Documents/Copy Documents)

Download a Copy

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Require Check Out or Don’t?


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#SPFest @RHarbridge

How do we do it?

• Library tab• Library settings

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Require Check Out?

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Require Check Out?

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Require Check Out?

Not Enabled By Default

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Require Check Out?

When enabled bulk uploading or explorer view additions are checked out by default. Pro?

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Require Check Out?

Work Around: Navigate to Manage Content and Structure and then to the library. Select all of the documents and choose Check In from the action menu.

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Require Check Out?

You cannot edit multiple documents in datasheet view.

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Require Check Out?

Work Around: By turning the require check out option off we can make edits in the data sheet view temporarily and then re-active require check out.

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Require Check Out?

Workflows and code must check the file out before being able to update it/it’s metadata.

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Require Check Out?

When required check out is enabled ‘storing files to local drafts’ is an enabled option.

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Require Check Out?

Co-Authoring is disabled on libraries where check out is required.

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

• Office 2007 and Office 2010 let’s the user know it is being used by someone else.

• This eventually times out. (15 mins on XP – 60 mins on Vista/Win7)

• Other formats don't notify user.

Don’t Require Check Out?

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Require Check Out?• You do not need to co-author documents.• You do not need to bulk update metadata.• There is typically a high number of people

updating the documents in this library.• Updates are made frequently to the same

documents by different people.

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

• You do need to co-author documents.• You do need to bulk update metadata.• There are few people updating documents

in this library.• Updates are not made frequently to the

same documents by different people.

Don’t Require Check Out?

Page 163: SharePoint Fest Denver - Practical Tools and Techniques for the SharePoint Business Analyst and Information Architect

#SPFest @RHarbridge

List and Content Type Tip!

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Default Content Types and Metadata Values

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Navigating with Metadata Tip!

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Navigating with Metadata, not Folders

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Set up with Library Settings

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Configure Setttings

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Filters the list

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Document Routing Tip!

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Content Organizer and Routing

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Configure the router

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Configure settings

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Create Rules

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Create/Modify Rules

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Use the Drop-off Library

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Add a document

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Enter Metadata

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Detour: 2010 Metadata

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Back to Drop-off library

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Your document was moved

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Rules don’t apply…

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

… it doesn’t get moved

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Folder or Metadata?


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#SPFest @RHarbridge

The #1 rule of SharePoint?

Never use folders

Except when it makes sense


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#SPFest @RHarbridge

What’s wrong with folders?

• Deep structures hard to navigate

• Finding stuff is hard• Figuring out where to put

stuff is even harder• Stuck with a rigid structure• Search is not the silver


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#SPFest @RHarbridge

What’s the alternative?

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

What’s the alternative?

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Metadata = No more folders

• Filtering• Views

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Really? No more folders? Ever?

• What situations would you use folders?• Subdivide large libraries/lists• Security/Permissions This is a favourite of mine

• Ease of use for users

Really? No more folders?Really?

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Downsides of Metadata

• No free lunch (there is pain here)• Awful architectural choices to make– Multiple site collections• Good Practice• Bad for Metadata

• Maintenance headache– Can be mitigated • Define at top level if possible

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Folders for easy permissions

• Create folder• Set permissions• Create view

without folders• Easy for users

(they only see what they are supposed to)

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Folders and Default Values

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

The Sales document library

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Drill down into Military folder

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Drill down into Air-to-Ground

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Add a new document here

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Note: Some metadata prefilled

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

How did we do that?

• Library tab• Library settings

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Column default value settings

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Select a folder and set defaults

• Note folder inheritance

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Set the default value

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

in SharePoint 2010

• Managed Metadata Service• Share Metadata across site collections• Multilingual Metadata (big gotcha )• Hierarchical Metadata• Navigate via Metadata (already discussed)• Keywords/Folksonomy (Out of scope today)• Folders can assign default metadata

(already discussed)

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Term Store Management

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Adding Terms

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Turn off “Available for Tagging”

• Add sub elements: Proposal, Quote, Invoice• Leave “Available for Tagging checked”

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Term Store Manager

• Painful & Slow• Needs a better way• I created a ‘toy’ to try out some ideas•– Article links to other solutions (Excel)

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

CSV file for Import to Term Store

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

To Sum Up…• SharePoint 2007– Folders BAAAAD!– Never use them– Except when the situation warrants

• SharePoint 2010– Folders GOOOOD!– Never use them– Except when the situation warrants

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Folder or Document Set?


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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Folders and Default Values

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Folders vs. Document Sets

Document Library





Folder Folder Document

Document Set




Document Set



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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Sites vs Pages?

• See this great whitepaper by Susan Hanley and Scott Jamison

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Information Architecture Tips and Tricks

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Make it easier to work with

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Make it easier to work with

Powerful Columns You Probably Didn’t Know About

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Make it easier to work with

Why Leveraging SharePoint Blog Features for News is a Great Idea

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Time Challengesin SharePoint Projects

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Giving Estimates

Two Simple Tricks For Making Better Estimates

Never Give a Single Number

6 Hours!

At least 2 hours… 4 hours maybe?

How Long Will X Take You?

16? Way too much. 8 Tops.I better pick something in between…

Forgotten/Not Shared Now That We Have Our Magic Number

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Always Give Ranged Estimates

Two Simple Tricks For Making Better Estimates

Ranged Estimates Help Communicate Confidence and Set Expectations

2-8 Hours!

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Are You Confident In That Range?

Two Simple Tricks For Making Better Estimates


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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Are You Confident In That Range?

Two Simple Tricks For Making Better Estimates

ORWithin RangeActual Result


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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Are You Confident In That Range?

Two Simple Tricks For Making Better Estimates

ORWithin RangeActual Result


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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Are You Confident In That Range?

Two Simple Tricks For Making Better Estimates

ORWithin RangeActual Result

90% Confident

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Give 90% Confident Ranged Estimates

Two Simple Tricks For Making Better Estimates

2-8 Hours!

Within Range


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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Visualizing Timelines

An easy way to create shared understanding of the impact estimates make on projects.

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Visualizing Existing Timelines

A great way to take existing project timelines and set stakeholder expectations or communicate impact of changes.

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

IBIS Dialog Mapping

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Productivity Hub

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

IUseSharePointDownload and install the ‘lunch’ and learn module - an interesting idea.

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

SharePoint Permissions

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

AD Groups or SharePoint Groups?


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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Advantages DisadvantagesSharePoint Group

• Not reliant on AD (if your AD is a mess)

• Distributed ownership and management options

• Managed by users• Can be managed by the

SharePoint Object Model• Members of these groups are

visible to users in SharePoint.

• Only used in SharePoint• Managed by (potentially)

untrained users• One more place to manage

security (independent of AD)• Cannot contain another

SharePoint group as a member.

Active Directory Group

• Managed by domain administrators

• Available in many systems• Centralized management and

easier removal

• Difficult to determine permissions assigned to people

• Requires lots of planning• Members of these groups are

not visible in SharePoint.• User can only be a member of

1024 AD groups (recursively).

SharePoint Groups vs AD Groups

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Item Level Permissions

Best Practi ces For Using Fine-Grained Permissions Whitepaper

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

“Item Level” Permissions

Best Practi ces For Using Fine-Grained Permissions Whitepaper

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Web Level Permissions

Best Practi ces For Using Fine-Grained Permissions Whitepaper

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Targeted Code

Best Practi ces For Using Fine-Grained Permissions Whitepaper

New in SharePoint 2010 SPRoleAssignmentCollection.AddToCurrentScopeOnly

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Do you have a Taxonomy Strategy?

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Do you have a Support Strategy?

SharePoint Standards Online

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Do you have a Staffing Strategy?

Building A SharePoint Team

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#SPFest @RHarbridge

Questions? Ideas? Feedback? Contact me:Twitter: @RHarbridge Blog: http://www.RHarbridge.comEmail: [email protected]

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