sharepoint 2013 level 1 - learnflex · sharepoint 2013 level 1 ... simpler sharing and permissions...

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SSttuuddeenntt GGuuiiddee

Version 1.1

Revision Date 2013-Nov-07

Course Length 3 hours

SShhaarreePPooiinntt 22001133 LLeevveell 11 SSttuuddeenntt GGuuiiddee

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Table of Contents

Quick Reference .................................................................................................................. 4 

Introduction to SharePoint ................................................................................................. 5 What is SharePoint? .............................................................................................................................................. 5 Understanding SharePoint Roles ............................................................................................................................ 5 

SharePoint Team Sites ........................................................................................................ 6 

Navigating in a Team Site ..................................................................................................................................... 6 Searching in SharePoint ........................................................................................................................................ 6 Viewing all Site Content ........................................................................................................................................ 7 

SharePoint Apps .................................................................................................................. 8 

Some Library or List Apps in Your Site .................................................................................................................... 8 Where Can I Find List Apps? .................................................................................................................................. 8 Using an App List ................................................................................................................................................. 8 Working with the Calendar App ............................................................................................................................. 9 Creating a View .................................................................................................................................................... 9 Setting Alerts ..................................................................................................................................................... 10 

SharePoint Document Library ........................................................................................... 11 Uploading Documents in the Library ..................................................................................................................... 11 Editing and Saving Documents ............................................................................................................................ 11 Using Check Out , Check In, and Versioning ......................................................................................................... 12 Delete and Recover Files ..................................................................................................................................... 13 

SharePoint Wiki Library .................................................................................................... 14 What is a Wiki Library? ....................................................................................................................................... 14 Editing Wiki Pages .............................................................................................................................................. 14 Creating Links to Pages ....................................................................................................................................... 14 Creating Pages ................................................................................................................................................... 14 Managing Your Wiki Library ................................................................................................................................. 14 Restoring a Page ................................................................................................................................................ 14 

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QUICK REFERENCE In SharePoint 2013 if you ever want to return to the home page of your site, click on the site logo near the top left of the page.

The ellipsis icon (…) will show you more options that you can do with the selected document or item.

The Setting icon can quickly show what your current permissions allow you to do inside your SharePoint Site.

SharePoint eHealth Site SharePoint Training Site

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What is SharePoint?

SharePoint is a browser-based tool that provides an environment for document and information sharing. SharePoint Collaboration Services include documents, calendars, announcement and postings. SharePoint is used to build intranet portals and share documents. In the case of SharePoint 2013, the improved browser support, device support, and windows/office integration can support related upgrades or the growing needs that result from new technologies in our workplace.

2013 END USER IMPROVEMENTS Easier drag and drop capability and general UI improvements. More robust Architecture allowing more capacity, and ability to upload, store and process more content. Simpler sharing and permissions management for sites. Improved task management and automatic (configurable) task rollup and aggregation (across SharePoint,

Exchange etc.). New Search Experience & Engine. Themes and a more accessible design experience for many developers or end users. Office Web Application integration/improvements such as hover over previews ( Require Office Web Apps

installation). New ways to work with Video and Rich Media. Better mobile support and browser support. Potential for building mobile solutions. Multi Browser Support. *Future feature* Embedded and intuitive social capabilities – My Sites, My Profiles, Blog, Follow, Tag (etc.)

Understanding SharePoint Roles By default, Windows SharePoint includes the following predefined user roles for Team Sites:

Visitor Has Read privileges. Includes permissions that enable users to view items on the site pages.

Member Has Read Contribute privileges. Includes permissions that enable users to add, edit and delete lists; can view, add, update and delete list items and documents.

Librarian/Owner Has Full Control privileges. Includes all permissions.

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Navigating in a Team Site

Searching in SharePoint Just below the top link bar is the search box. In here you can search for everything or narrow down to just people and conversations.

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Viewing all Site Content 1. On your team site, look for Site Contents on the Quick Launch bar.

2. Or look for > Site contents. 3. Once you are there you will see all the Lists and Libraries that are in your team site.

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Some Library or List Apps in Your Site Apps for SharePoint are self-contained pieces of functionality that extend the capabilities of a SharePoint website. In the past Apps were known as lists and libraries. The following are some common SharePoint 2013 apps: Document Library: Holds documents. Form Library: Holds business forms. This library

requires a compatible editor such as InfoPath. Wiki Page Library: Stores wiki pages. Picture Library: Stores pictures. Links: Contains HTML links. Announcements: Creates and sends

announcements. Contacts: Stores contacts. Calendar: Creates a calendar. Discussion Board: Enables users to discuss topics

in a threaded forum. Promoted Links: Creates a place to store links to

specific actions using a visual tile-based layout. Tasks: Stores tasks. Issue Tracking: Tracks issues. Custom List: Creates a blank app based on a list. Custom List in Datasheet View: Provides a

datasheet view (similar to the Custom List template).

External List: Connects to external data. Survey: Conducts surveys. Asset Library: Stores site assets such as images,

audio, and video files. Data Connection Library: Stores data

connections. Report Library: Stores reports.(Currently not

enabled) Access App: Provides the Office Access web-based

app. (Currently not enabled) Import Spreadsheet: Imports a spreadsheet and

its data.

Where Can I Find List Apps?

On your team site, look for the name of the list in the

navigation, or click Settings > Site contents. Click the name of the list to open it.

Using an App List

ADD AN ITEM TO A LIST In the list where you want to add an item, click new item.

Enter the information for the list item. Click Save.

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ADD OR EDIT MULTIPLE ITEMS IN A LIST At the top of the list you want to edit, click edit.

Type information in the boxes. When you’re finished editing, click Stop editing.



There are multiple ways to delete items in a list. Here’s the quickest way: Select the items you want to delete. Click Items > Delete Item.

Working with the Calendar App Your team might want to share important dates, meetings and events, so a SharePoint calendar is a great way to do that.

SharePoint Calendars are very much like Outlook, offering a one month, one week, one day, and even calendar overlay up to 10 different calendars.

To create a calendar event click the Events tab at the top.

To change the calendar view or create a Calendar overlay click the Calendar tab.

Creating a View

SORT OR FILTER A LIST BY COLUMN HEADING AND SAVE THE VIEW In the list, point to the heading you want to sort or filter the list by, and then click the arrow that appears. To sort by the heading, click A on Top or Z on Top.

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To filter, select the one or more check boxes.

To save the view you created, click SAVE THIS VIEW at the top of the list near the Search box.


At the top of the list, click the ellipsis (…) between the view names and the Search box, and then click Create View.

Choose a view type or start from an existing view. On the Create View page, type a name for the view. Select the columns you want to appear, and use the position numbers to set the order of the columns. Set the sorting, filter, and other options, and then click Save.

Setting Alerts Alert Me is a function in SharePoint that works with many different Web Parts. If you need to know when something has been added, edited, or deleted, this option sets up reminders that can send emails to you or a group. Email times include immediately, daily, weekly and even a specific time.

1. Select the document or list item that you want to be alerted on.

2. On the context bar at the top of the page click the Alert Me button.

3. Set your desired alert settings.

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Adding and removing files takes practice, and is best used when combined with good documentation practices. With a collaborative environment like SharePoint you can ensure there are not multiple copies, and old copies floating around.

Uploading Documents in the Library

HOW DO I FIND A DOCUMENT LIBRARY? 1. If your department has a team site, look for Shared

Documents or a similar name, typically on the left side.

2. Click the name of the library to open it. It may also be on your home page as a web part.



1. There are different ways to add files to a library, but the quickest way is to click the new document link.

2. You can also add more than one document at a time, and even drag files from Windows Explorer.

Editing and Saving Documents

EDIT A DOCUMENT IN A DOCUMENT LIBRARY 1. Select the item you want to edit.

2. Click the open menu ellipsis 3. Click Edit.

If Check Out is enabled then you will need to click the Check Out button before editing.

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SAVING A DOCUMENT Once you are finished editing your document and you want to save it. You will be asked to Check In your document.

If you click Yes then the Check in dialogue box will come up asking if the is a minor or major change that you did. Also adding version coments you help your team know what was done to the document.


1. Click on the ellipsis next to a file you want to

rename and then click the ellipsis on the callout.

2. Click Edit Properties. 3. Rename the file in the Name field and click Save.

Using Check Out , Check In, and Versioning

CHECK OUT 1. Select the document that you would like to check


2. Select the open menu ellipsis. 3. The document information window opens. Select

the ellipsis again. 4. Select Check Out.

WHO HAS THE DOCUMENT CHECKED OUT? To tell if someone has a document checked out, and to find out who it is, look for the green arrow in the bottom corner of the document icon.

Place your mouse over that icon and SharePoint will show you who has it checked out.

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1. Click the ellipsis of the document that you want to sign in.

2. The document properties open. Select the

ellipsis again. 3. Click Check In.

VIEW VERSION HISTORY Versioning enables you to track versions of files so you can see a history of changes and restore a version if you make a mistake.

1. Click the ellipsis of the document that you want to see the Version History for.

2. The document information window opens. Select

the ellipsis again. 3. Click Version History.

From this window you can View, Restore, or Delete an earlier version of this document. Note - Your site librarian/owner should set the document library limit to 4 major and 4 minor versions. Older versions will auto delete.

Delete and Recover Files


1. Click on the ellipsis next to a file you want to

delete and then click the ellipsis on the callout. 2. Click Delete. 3. Click OK to confirm sending the file to the Recycle



1. Go to the Recycle Bin by clicking the Settings gear icon and choosing Site Contents. The Site Contents page is displayed.

2. Click the Recycle Bin button in the upper-right corner to display the Recycle Bin.

3. Select the deleted document and then click the Restore Selection link. The file is restored to the app.

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What is a Wiki Library? Wikiwiki means quick in Hawaiian. A wiki library is a document library in which users can easily edit any page. The library grows organically by linking existing pages together or by creating links to new pages. If a user finds a link to an uncreated page, he or she can follow the link and create the page. In business environments, a wiki library provides a low-maintenance way to record knowledge. Information that is usually traded in e-mail messages, gleaned from hallway conversations, or written on paper can instead be recorded in a wiki library, in context with similar knowledge. Other example uses of wiki libraries include brainstorming ideas, collaborating on designs, creating an instruction guide, gathering data from the field, tracking call center knowledge, and building an encyclopedia of knowledge. Your SharePoint Librarian can enable the Wiki Web part for you.

Editing Wiki Pages This wiki library provides what-you-see-is-what-you-get (WYSIWYG) editing. To edit a page, click Edit at the top of the page. You can insert tables and pictures with the click of a button. When you are happy with your changes you can click OK to update the page.

Creating Links to Pages You can link to another page in this wiki library by enclosing the name of the page in double brackets on the edit form. For example, type [[Home]] to create a link to the page named Home and [[How To Use This Wiki Library]] to create a link to this page. To create a link to a page and have the link display different text than the page name, type a pipe character (|) after the page name, and then type the display text. For example, type [[Home|Home Page]] to create the link labeled Home Page that points to the page named Home. To display double opening or closing brackets without making a link, type a backslash before the two brackets. For example, \[[ or \]].

Creating Pages There are two main ways to create a new page in your wiki library: Create a forward link to another page and then click on it to create the page: This is the recommended way to create a page because it is easier for people to find the page when another page links to it. Forward links to pages that do not exist have a dashed underline. Start by adding the link. (Follow the Creating Links to Pages process earlier on this page). Click the link to go to the Create Page form where you can start typing your content. Create a page that is not linked to any other: In the Recent Changes section, click View All Pages. Then, on the New menu, click New Wiki Page. This takes you to the Create Page form where you can start typing your content.

Managing Your Wiki Library You can manage the pages in your wiki library by clicking View All Pages in the Recent Changes section.

Restoring a Page If you need to restore a previous version of a page, click History at the top of the page. You can then click on any of the dates to view the page as it existed on that date. When you find the version that you want to restore, click Restore this version on the toolbar.