shannon slade 2014 portfolio

Undergraduate Portfolio 2011 - 2014

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Portfolio of Undergraduate Work


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Undergraduate Portfolio2011 - 2014

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Housing Studio

Urban Master Plan

Harnessing Pressure Systems

Interstitial Observatory

Vertical Greenhouse


Texture Study


Sauna and Park Redesign

Wood Step

Pocket Potting Shed

Digital Morphology

















other design

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2011 - Present

Graduated 2011


Washington University in St. LouisCandidate for Bachelor of Science in ArchitectureDean’s List

The Brearley SchoolNew York, NY

Internships and work experience

Intern with Levien & Company in New York, NY Leading Real Estate Project Management & Owner’s Representation FirmPrepared proposals for range of projects including non-profit, educational, commercial and public-private partnerships through additional research and created templates for proposals, cover letters and weekly marketing update for firm.

September 2014-Present

June- August 2014

June - August 2013

June 2012

2011- Present

Intern with Gustavson/Dundes Architecture & Design LLP in New York, NYSmall 26-year old design firm with focus on New York metropolitan area pre- and post-war apartment renovations and large institutional design projects.Assisted principal architects with site visits, light drafting and office work.

Run front-of-house operations for visiting groups and student performances. Tasks include managing ushers and box office employees, coordinating operations with cast and crew, and interacting with patrons.

House Manager and Box Office Assistant at Edison Theater in St. Louis, MO

Architectural Intern with R&A Architecture + Design Inc.Culver City, CAWorked closely with Principals on a variety of mixed-use, urban planning and high-end residential projects. Prepared renderings, drawings, diagrams, site models, and presentations for the firm.Assisted with RFIs and transmittals/submittals.Designed community wall for client, including specifications for picture frames, digital modeling of the wall, and creation of presentation documents for the client.

Administrative Liaison with the Office of the DeanSam Fox School of Design and Visual Arts, St. Louis, MOWorking closely with the Assistant Dean to prepare documents, reports and presentations for the planning and administration of the Sam Fox School. Assist with designing materials for distribution and planning and execution of special events and school initiatives.

December 2012-June 2013

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Architectural Intern with R&A Architecture + Design Inc.Culver City, CA




Design Experience

St. Louis Zoo P.A.U.S.E. (Pollinators, Art, Urban Agriculture, Sustainablility, and Ecology) Initiative

December 2012-June 2013

Strong knowledge - Rhinoceros 3D, Adobe Suite (InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop), AutoCAD, and Microsoft Office.

Working knowledge - SketchUp 3D.

Introductory knowledge - Revit (1-month introductory class + 1-month refresher course), Grasshopper and T-Spline Plug-Ins for Rhinoceros 3D.

Founder and President of Women in Architecture and DesignWashington University in St. LouisOrganization of graduate and undergraduate architecture students dedicated to encouraging women architecture students to attain high levels of educational and professional achievement while promoting a culture of equality and respect within the Sam Fox School.In preliminary stages of organizing mentorship of younger students, meetings with local professionals and faculty, educating others about the role of female architects in the field, and beginning discussions with administration and faculty as to how to promote a respectful studio environment.

Organizer for Women in Architecture 1974 | 2014 Symposium Washington University in St. Louis Organized three-day symposium of women architects with over 300 attendees and 35 national and international speakers and panelists.Worked closely with faculty and administration to achieve sponsorship, select speakers, decide theme and panel topics for symposium, create and distribute

$200,000 project with Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs and Museums ConnectPart of select international student team that redesigned 3.5 acre urban park for Florissant, Missouri site and Zoo installation including planned landscape elements, infographics and pollinator habitat sculpture to educate public about pollinators and sustainable urban agriculture.


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Housing studioCentral West End, Saint Louis, MO

This reinterpretation of Rudolf Schindler’s Schindler Chace House looks at the concept of combining both dwelling and studio spaces for multiple residents. For my adaptation of the design, I abstracted the linear construction and interior ‘framing’ between an open plan and interior screens.

In the second phase of the project, I adapted the concept of shared dwelling through the examination of how the student population of Saint Louis University could be combined with the artistic and architectural practitioners in the area. This project included an “X” program of combined studio space between student and practitioner that would allow the residents to capitalize on the arts and culture of the Central West End in order to foster creative partnership across generations.

W o o d S c r e e n s

I n t e r i o r W a l l s

E x t e r i o r W a l l s

G h o s t e d m o d e l

S c h i n d l e r C h a c e H o u s e S t u d y

I n t e r i o r a n d E x t e r i o r V i e w s o f t h e h o m e

F r a m i n g S t u d y M o d e l

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5 Minute Walking Radius


Programmed Open Space

Open Space

5 Minute Walking Radius

S i t e t r a f f i c f r o m s t u d e n t s a n d p r o f e s s i o n a l s i n a r e a

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M a s s i n g S t u d y M o d e l s

I n i t i a l M a s s i n g M o d e l

Te x t u r a l S t u d i e s

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Interior enclosureExterior enclosure

cover / screen elements

A b s t r a c t e d d r a w i n g o f c o n s t r u c t i o n

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Interior enclosureExterior enclosure

cover / screen elements

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A x o n o m e t r i c V i e w

N o r t h - E a s t E l e v a t i o n

N o r t h - W e s t E l e v a t i o n

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P l a n V i e w

P e r s p e c t i v a l V i e w o f S i t e

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In this large-scale master plan for Cascine Park, my partner Alex Clouser and I redesigned the East end of the existing site in order to improve circulation and increase the site’s connection to the larger urban fabric of the city. The site, located between the historic center and more residential sprawling areas of the city, is an important connecting space between the past and the future of Florence. With the intersection of highway, tram line and parking lots, the existing site is in desperate need of reworking in order to make it more pedestrian friendly and forge a link between the areas surrounding it.

The new plan creates a series of interconnected green spaces, plazas, riverfront development and additional infrastructure that will revitalize the area and capitalize upon a growing cultural hub surrounding Cascine.The site plan, based upon sight lines and traffic patterns, will create a welcoming green space that allows for both recreation and circulation in the most efficient and natural way possible.

Bathroom and Sports Shop

Administration and Visitor Center

Opera house

Old Train Station/Convention Center

Sports Club


New Tram Stop

C i r c u l a t i o n a n d Z o n i n g O p e n v . P l a n t e d S p a c e

S i g h t L i n e a n d Tr e e F i l l

Urban Master PlanCascine Park, Florence, Italy

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E x p l o d e d A x o n o m e t r i c

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S i t e P l a n

S i t e S e c t i o n ( F a c i n g E a s t )

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S e c t i o n t h r o u g h A r n o r i v e r f r o n t w a l k w a y ( F a c i n g E a s t )

L o n g i t u d i n a l S e c t i o n t h r o u g h A r n o R i v e r f r o n t W a l k w a y

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V i g n e t t e s

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Based on studies of changing pressure systems and wind patterns in meteorological studies, the bubble tracker machine maps pressure changes in the user’s own breath. The wand of the machine, the wand head, and the “easel” are all easily adjustable, allowing for the creation a variety of different patterns and shapes in each plot.







1.18”30º N O A A p l o t o f a t r o p i c a l s t o r m p r e s s u r e

s y s t e m

D i a g r a m o f b u b b l e s p a n a n d c o n c e n t r a t i o n o f a i r p r e s s u r e d u r i n g b u b b l e c r e a t i o n

P l o t f r o m b u b b l e m a c h i n e

M u l t i - s u r f a c e w a n d v a r i a t i o n

Harnessing Pressure systemsWind and Breath Studies

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This project focused on the intersection of technology and the environment through the creation of a research-based observatory for environmental effects. This observatory, based upon the abstract concepts of liquid tectonics and the properties of bubbles, acts as both a residential space for the scientist as well as investigatory and public spaces.

In my design for the Chain of Rocks Bridge, I created a wind mapping center that would collect data from the site through large ‘sails’ that would channel and manipulate air flow over the site. These sails have to be able to support themselves against high winds while also being light enough to intertwine and hang from the existing bridge structure itself.

D i r e c t i o n a l i t y o f w i n d b y m o n t h o v e r o n e y e a r o n s i t e

Interstitial observatoryChain-of-Rocks Bridge, Saint Louis, MO

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S e c t i o n ( f a c i n g S o u t h - E a s t )

S e c t i o n ( f a c i n g N o r t h - E a s t )

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Multi-functional project designed for local ‘abandoned’ lot in St. Louis Soulard district. Programming included three-story greenhouse with perforated roof to allow controlled light conditions, partially below-grade restaurant allowed for the structure to be integrated into the landscape with a walk-able roof. Positioning of complex within site and contouring of the landscape encourages traffic flow from heavily populated areas into greenhouse landscape.

Vertical GreenhouseSoulard Neighborhood, Saint Louis, MO

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S i t e p l a n w i t h s u r r o u n d i n g c o n t e x t

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First Floor



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Second Floor



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A self-sustaining ecosystem, this project focused on the interface between the built environment and the natural one in order to prepare for the creation of a greenhouse. The cantilever design is ventilated with a fan and perforations to best allow for the air and water circulation necessary for plant life to survive in a closed environment.

TerrariumStudy Model

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A multi-step project beginning with the creation of a clustered module capable of manipulating light and texture, this sculptural study became the basis of a play space in a local park.

Texture Studies / PlaygroundClayton, Missouri

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This programmed playground includes seating, ramps, stairs and topographical variation in order to create a diverse and engaging space. The space is accompanied by a restroom and storage structure built in a similar style to the modules, allowing for a continuity of space in different scales.

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In this initial digital design project, I created a park and immersion pool structure around an undulating topography. This topography is oriented along the main traffic routes of the site in order to encourage pedestrian traffic to the park and to provide an area of respite in an otherwise busy commercial and business area.

Kaldi’s Coffee DeMun Park

S e c t i o n t h r o u g h i m m e r s i o n p o o l

Sauna and Park dEsignClayton, Missouri

L o n g i t u d i n a l S e c t i o n

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For this material study, I built a prototype for an alternative walking surface. Placed on the site as a walkway installation, the piece is contoured to the foot, rising from the ground to create an opportunity to engage with the landscape in a unique way.

Wood StepWellston, Missouri

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This “pocket” potting shed draws inspiration from the natural curves and structure of plant life. The structural ribs connect into rain water collectors, while the body of the building is open to allow circulation and provide shade to those working in the garden.

Pocket Potting ShedWellston, Missouri

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This examination of natural systems began with the texture of the base of a starfish, looking at recreating the same clusters of bumps and ridges that are both organized yet individually unique structures manipulated by the others around it. This observation cumulated in a final T-Spline model and 3D print.

I then created a Grasshopper definition to explore how to create the same sort of modular variation in a controlled way, by mapping manipulated bumps onto a hexagonal grid. The parameters I created for the model allowed me to explore changes in size, number, and height of mapped objects onto the surface. This definition was then transformed into a digital model for output, creating a ribbed frame, surface, and tabbed “bubble structures.” These bubbles varied in size, adding variety within the grouping and creating different levels of texture.

Digital MorphologyParametric Design for Digital Fabrication

Progression from image to digital model

3D Print

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Range of variation of parametric model

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DrawingVarious Projects

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Portrait | Charcoal on Paper | 18 x 24”

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“Two Nudes” | 10 min. study | Conte on Paper | 18 x 24”

“Ankle” Study | Conte on Paper | 5 x 7”“Female” | Charcoal on Paper

| 18 x 24”

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