sham communication neita corrected

Upload: sydney-miller

Post on 05-Apr-2018




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  • 8/2/2019 Sham Communication Neita Corrected


  • 8/2/2019 Sham Communication Neita Corrected



    This story was written to educate the audience of the pain and other affects

    of being seasonally employed on a sugar cane field. The sample focuses

    mainly on adults and teenagers. The writer intends to publish this through

    the use of business journal. This would be appropriate because the

    prospective audience is concerned with business and economic issues.

    The sample size used for the selected audience tends to be suitable as it

    grabs the attention of the reader and clearly outlines the main idea without

    lapsing the reader interest. The main character is the Jamaican woman who

    wanted to provide for her family in whatever way it maybe, since the cane

    field was her only source of employment; she was then faced with addition

    challenges although she was earning money. This is a situation to which

    most if not all Jamaicans can relate, being informed in this way will help

    them to find another option if this situation may occur.

    175 words.

  • 8/2/2019 Sham Communication Neita Corrected



    The pain, the strain, the aches of her body

    The sun pelts, the sweat drowns her happy thoughts,

    Stressed, confused, fustrated


    Why lord?

    Wah mek she one affi face this?

    The blister on her hands,

    The itches on her body, the suffering;

    For a good cause though

    She need to make bread; food for the family

    The laser hot rays of the sun sorched her being.

    Discomfort resonates through her every fibre and vein

    Exhausted, overwhelmed

    She heaved a vragged breath and exhaled

    The sweat ant tears

    Flowed as

    One river

    All in the same destination

    At times she worked like a man

    chopping, chopping, slashing,slashing

    her muscles ache, they burn

    like the fire of the cane now ;

    hell fire

    Like her life today ,A living hell

  • 8/2/2019 Sham Communication Neita Corrected


    Same yesterday, today and tomarrow

    Why? How can this be?

    Why is this happening to her?

    The sweet smelling smoke disappear into her nostril

    Then exploded in her head

    Her eyes reflected the fire; red and the tears

    Spurts from her eyes and nostril too

    She cough blood and spit,

    Looking up, the smoke ascend to the heavens

    The smut, like a flock of ravens

    Swirling in the air; blinding

    Lawd Jeezus, mi cya tek it noo more fada she said.

    This dry crooked ground from which the cane comes

    The cane; my source of employment,

    The source of her pain

    The life she had to live

    Seasonally; Spring no wuk

    Summer no wuk, mi did jus affi wait until winter come again.

    She said.

    The nights for resting were interrupted by the tractors

    Pulling there carts to the factory

    What sense does it make?

    After working herself to wrecked still not enough money earned to meet the

    needs of the family for the next six months.

  • 8/2/2019 Sham Communication Neita Corrected


    Only option now was to play roulette

    Yes, her children come first

    So she will make all effort to ensure that she meet their basic needs

    Did her children make this a waste?

    Did they use this to motivate them to be successful?

    Oh yes, it motivates them

    Today their mother works no more

    They have achieve the highest they could

    Now their mother, their first priority,

    Their motivator


    Their reason for living

    Life changes in the morning without a sparkle you would think you are
