sg'qtia~ - · •f . ....

I / .. , . (1 VOLUME Li( a, .... bi ..mace. $1.50 01Uaw1u.] SEVENTY-EIGHTH ANNUAL MEPO,.T .. BAliK OP NOVA , I . Capital, 53,000,000. R•••"• Fund, O"ICI, HAI..,AI. Q&M&IIIAI. IUtiAOCIII'a Omoa_ ToltCUrro. "' HAIIID OF OIIIIICTOU. J- " · , ......... , ....... c. ...... """"''""'""' 'lb ........., o. s.c.. ..._.. J. WaLnaA..... - , HKR&a&du-. AND \ .. ., .... Deer. , •• ,. ........ 0 ,. Ju. 18. ProN!oaforlonSoftreipBuk...... W ji;ooooo l>ec. 31. " Net profita for c:urreot year;'- by bad debca and pt"OYided fur •• 6ot,t2J 31 t?ot,Ms 15 1 909- Jan. tS. To Lo..s op c:ompoailioa with Bank ,,S.OOD oo Dec:. 3'· " OivWdlda Nos. 157, tsS, 159o t6o at Jljo.OOD oo · " Sp«ial bonuHoCicrlu&j110M:Ir Nanaeera JO,OOO oo " Cuatributloo to 011\c:en' t'enaioa 1- ' uotd JS,OOO oo "WrittmotrBaolc •• tJS,OODOO " " to Re.cne FWMI • • • • • tOO.OOD oo . . " BalaDc:e c:arriecH.,.. ••• •• • • • • +4o86515 !zo?,1!s 15 ' GENERAL STATEMENT AS AT DICtMaiR 3tn. tto8. LIABILITIES. Det-& .. noe barinar lotc:rctot •••••••••••• •a•11 w b9rina lnt-.t • . • • • • • • . • • • • • a , 717 29 lnt""""' accl)led on O.,posita .•. •••••• • • • .U.oal.w 93 by ot!wr Rank• In Canada • • • • • • • • • :1.47,119 65 oq-ita by otMr Banlca In United Kinad<- . • • • • IJ.,Jq 91 b7 othc:r &nb in Foreip Cowlllrk• • • • • 31 87 r\ota in Cimalauon . • . • • . . . . . • • • • • a,'4ao476 88 Drift. dnuro 0 ou t'llaOdinc • • • • • 10...S. 13 J,MJ.?6• ot CaPital paid up • • • , • • • • • • • • , • , , , • • ••••••• ••• ••• •• •••• S,49,S.OI,Jit , J-000,00000 J.)h,icl-s \\'Ur&nt• in(C ••••••• ••• •• $.,00.00000 ,SOIOOOOO 00000 +4o86s '5 '-49.057 1,1 c 4MOO ReNne for 1oM in the Onurio B&ulc • • • • SpeclaJ bomuo to Orrk,. a nd 1unior • • • • • Proll and .Iota, balance to 1910 • • • •• •• Rebate 'Of' ln&-1 Time: . • • • • , , Dividetad ·a't' ,vel Jan., 1910 ANn&. ••• •• •• •••• 0 •••• $1,t6o).766 49 Dolnlllion Notd-kpl Tm<k,., • • • • • • • • • • .ao Notesoland Cbeques on otlwr Bauka • • • • • • • • 0.. from otLer 8anlca in Yorcla.on Cou n t ric:a • , • • , 1 ,5.1J.s.Jtt •• .... .... .•.• •.. · 9:' no.o. u $' ... Jovestmenla, (Pr-o\·inc: lal , Munlc:lpalaAd othe-r BoCMb) • 6,6so,t6t 69 Call a-n., MCVn'CI hy Bond , a nd 6,8ij8,46o 71 hyG,.,.!n & olherStRplt• Con •modltief 2,812,;'16o 6o :t6 , 111,1,J6 54 Depo.ib 'llrith DoGJinion Governn>c:nl for of :\ote Clraalalion • • . • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • Loau to Pt'O\ inc:c-. :111d !llun ic:i palit 'c:-. •.• •• ••• Cvreat L.n,, ... -.:-un.-<1 hy BoncL. , nnd Sto. lc; c.....- Lo&o.., _.., MI b7 Grain aud otbu Su rk ., . . • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • but not "fk'c:ially ><X\lrutl ' • •• d!.counled aod curn•ut • • • • • • • AUDITORS' REPORT. We._. ceftlly 6ot- ..... cloak ... ........ ,.. ....... •• lh l oUa, T_ a .. aa-at. ..................... -"* ...... ... .._ ... .............. ...... "' doe (' - .............................. ""*- ..,.._...,..bulfta>_,_ .. ..... ..... ... .-lf:r-'lll ........... ., ............... ..... - ... ..... " ..... _. aa ... w...-.- . .... ,...,. ._. .. .,.,.""'c ........... ..... ..... ,...,ha -•"idodoc '- b ol l"" H ... .. ' ...... _ .... _ ,._ ... .._..., .... aldoe ciplalooo lh11 II lo a I..JI atod lair .._ ., ...... ,._ .. _ .... _ ..... a..a. ........ ", •• J- oCO, .,. .. D. H. C. A , -- ' I NAXTIISE ClltAIU)I I A . -.. ........ w . .1. BUilT, Kaaarar for Harbor Orau. Local and OUler News. -Placeatia eete a good enmple to other commaoltlea, la baYIDJ: a deb&tior dab, where topia of ia· tereat are dlac:aaaect weekly. The dab decided the other 4ay by a 1arp tbat bacbelore ebould DOt be " Why add to the mlaerii:D 'Of . Ullcle bla.edaeaa(?)" ,... we aappoae oae of the etroag arpmetata Of tbe majority. -B..n.. ,.a.ur ,... BUT.-Direct hom IJae ataDafaolann, oar Fall aD4 WID._ eCOOII: of nUIDp aD4 overoo.&- llt&8ueel by a •1o11a ellalk" lD quality aliil ,..._. all lmporta\loD" Ban f:B-' laS&' or O'l'erooal made Ia... .... Yc.ll: 11;Jie from tb- lrooda. Oldtn ldnll IJ*)Ial .U.n- lloa. Wlltl to-4a::rm m-n carda aDd...,. .. ... , baa orpolsed a Tech· olcal Clab io CODOedioa With tbe Io· teroatidaal Correepoadeoc:e Scbool.a. Sacc:aa to tbe mo.emeut. May it apread. FOR· ., i - 300- II. No. 1 SBINGLBS, .. Also llatchecl BOABD, &c. Firewood, Oats, Hay, Cattle Feed, Harness, &c., for sale. Also, Provisions and Groceries. Verbena Flour always in stock at price. 1'BOKAS WALSH, . Riverhead. HARBOR GRACE. NFLD., FRIDAY, FBBRUARY 4,1910. is now on · th road with .a complete line of sam_ples of Fine and Staple You will do well to see them befpre placing your orders . . for Spring. ' Fme BOots have indispensable features, Oora Combine Ule three. / · Pegged Boobi have STYLE as well as Ours have boUl. of Water -is, in itself, a peculiar •·A. ....... , ,. a " lietiriiific - .. . Pwocess. OUrs have this feature predominant. 'l'he)"have stood the test. ---- PLACE YOUR ORDERS EAllL Y •. lrclllld TJE PliiEEU If IIDERI 'HIE IN NEWFOUNDLAND WATER STREET. HARBOR GRACE. - 5 . ' YOUR 'CUSTOMERS VERBENA FLOUR llltead o{ The Purchaser is pleased and wiU oaly think of coming back for more. He knows wh at he is buying a nd Th e Lake of the \V cods Milling Co. guarantee that he gets what he VERBENA FLQUR· . THE VERY HIQ'HES,. . M.ANITO fA PATENT. ' I ...JUST TO BAND A SmaJJ Cargo of ROUND OOAT· Allo, Second-hand Lumber, all Illes : utew1ae Doors, ltiDdowa, and oUler h01188-IIUIDga. OUB PKICBS 1, tl(e Best In Caqadi for Bread or Pastry . Our Min Price always insures You a Good Pr ofi t and the demand for Our Ffour is increasing daily. Satis(acti?n guara nteed to all. Your order will be appreciated. ' . L. .. .. Board, Scantling, Dry Goods. Gooas, Groceries, Hardware. Lumber of Good Quality now in Stock. • · -ALSO- Full assortments of D ry G oods, Ptovisiona, G roceries, Hard- ware, Mattr as es, Crockerywar e, Furni ture, &c. Thomas oss, Harpor Grace. R. Sons. IMPqRTERB AND EXPORTERS. ProvisiCJns, Groceries, . Salt. CGttGa Riot Complaat. W.S.ftoodwin,D.O.S, Supplies, &c.· · -. F R E E MAN Beach Premises, : Harbor Grace. ;-- Graduate of Plliladelpbia d La ad Deotal aod Bo. PHOTOGRAPHS l Businees at Gra y. br or. pital of Ona Sa.rgery...... ·E···s···L .. ··o···D ... De ntal Ollic:e 00 Water St., out My atudio I• equipped with up-to-- S f door to Simmon' Grocery. • date •r.pliucea the operatiol! i oo,.:t•truf codted to H as the Oldest Estab lish Cd 1 reqllll'emeo .. o m ern PHOTOGRAPHic Instrument Housel perfectuaeatbetic. POR1'RAIT U RE. NOW E XI STENT IN -: . .... .. Sitting-a made froiD 10 a.m. to 4 Shoddy k ept. . CARD% I PIANOS AND •tjle or fiaiah dealred. Pnc:ea aa ;oulat ent with first-class From t he :Best Manufac turl rs in the World. .. i Eotraoc:e oo Ball.Derman Street. M. SE ARLE, Agent , for Harbor Gt-acc. ···········&lii!Jil•l•l•l ........................ ............ . ........... .. •' ..

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Page 1: SG'QTIA~ - · •f . . '\ The Standard to end of, 1910, fol' 00 ~ The Standard to end of December, 19l0,




, .


VOLUME Li( ~.1.00 a,.... bi ..mace. $1.50 01Uaw1u.]


BAliK OP NOVA SG'QTIA~ • • , I .

Capital, 53,000,000. R•••"• Fund, $~1500,000. H~O O"ICI, HAI..,AI. Q&M&IIIAI. IUtiAOCIII'a Omoa_ ToltCUrro.

"' HAIIID OF OIIIIICTOU. J- "· , ......... ,....... c. ...... """"''""'""' 'lb ........., o.s.c.. • ..._.. J. WaLnaA.....-, HKR&a&du-. u.c.~

----~FIT AND ~· \ .. .,.... Deer. , •• ,. ........ 0 • • • • • • • • • • • ·.~ftl ,. ·~ Ju. 18. • ProN!oaforlonSoftreipBuk......W ji;ooooo

l>ec. 31. " Net profita for c:urreot year;'- by bad debca ~tlmatod and pt"OYided fur •• 6ot,t2J 31 t?ot,Ms 15

1909- Jan. tS. To Lo..s op c:ompoailioa with Sov~iaro Bank ,,S.OOD oo Dec:. 3'· " OivWdlda Nos. 157, tsS, 159o t6o at 1.2~ Jljo.OOD oo

· " Sp«ial bonuHoCicrlu&j110M:Ir Nanaeera JO,OOO oo " Cuatributloo to 011\c:en' t'enaioa 1-' uotd • JS,OOO oo "WrittmotrBaolc ~i~Ac:c:-t • • • tJS,OODOO " " Tran~ to Re.cne FWMI • • • • • tOO.OOD oo

. . " BalaDc:e c:arriecH.,.. ••• •• • • • • +4o86515 !zo?,1!s 15


Det-& .. noe barinar lotc:rctot •••••••••••• •a•11 w ~ita b9rina lnt-.t • . • • • • • • . • • • • • a , 717 29 lnt""""' accl)led on O.,posita .•. •••••• • • • --~~ .U.oal.w 93 ~Hp<Mita by ot!wr Rank• In Canada • • • • • • • • • :1.47,119 65 oq-ita by otMr Banlca In United Kinad<- . • • • • IJ.,Jq 91 b7 othc:r &nb in Foreip Cowlllrk• • • • • 67•.~ 31 M~t7at 87 r\ota in Cimalauon . • . • • . . . . . • • • • • a,'4ao476 88 Drift. dnuro bee•~ 0 out'llaOdinc • • • • • 10...S. 13 J,MJ.?6• ot

CaPital paid up • • • , • • • • • • • • , • , , , • • ~eFund ••••••• • • • ••• •• ••••

S,49,S.OI,Jit, J-000,00000

J.)h,icl-s \\'Ur&nt• in(C ••••••• ••• ••

$.,00.00000 ,SOIOOOOO


+4o86s '5 '-49.057 1,1

c 4MOO

ReNne for 1oM in liquldali~ the Onurio B&ulc • • • • SpeclaJ bomuo to Orrk,. a nd 1unior !llan&g'~n • • • • • Proll and .Iota, balance c~ to 1910 • • • •• • •• Rebate 'Of' ln&-1 ~ Time: Loan~ . • • • • , ,

Dividetad No. ·,~ ·a't' ,vel Jan., 1910 • • • • • •



~ • ••• •• • • •• • • • •••• 0 •••• $1,t6o).766 49 Dolnlllion Notd-kpl Tm<k,., • • • • • • • • • • ~.8JO,i9-J .ao Notesoland Cbeques on otlwr Bauka • • • • • • • • ~, u8,~7' ~ 0.. from otLer 8anlca in Yorcla.on Countric:a • , • • , 1 ,5.1J.s.Jtt lilmlatr~ ••.... .... .•.• • . . '·'~72~

· 9:'no.o.u $'


Jovestmenla, (Pr-o\·inc:lal, Munlc:lpalaAd othe-r BoCMb) • 6,6so,t6t 69 Call a-n., MCVn'CI hy Bond , ~bmturcc a nd Stoc:k~ 6,8ij8,46o 71 eaua-o.,~cured hyG,.,.!n & olherStRplt• Con•modltief 2,812,;'16o 6o :t6,111,1,J6 54

Depo.ib 'llrith DoGJinion Governn>c:nl for ~urity of :\ote Clraalalion • • . • • • • • . • • • • • • • • •

Loau to Pt'O\inc:c-. :111d !llunic:ipalit 'c:-. •.• •• ••• Cvreat L.n,, ... -.:-un.-<1 hy BoncL., Do~b..'lltun."' nnd Sto. lc; c.....- Lo&o.., _..,MI b7 Grain aud otbu Surk., . . ~lrdnaiU.IOeCW"r'd • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~nlntilb,_i&uiUJthoriA!d but not "fk'c:ially ><X\lrutl ' • • •

d!.counled aod curn•ut • • • • • • •

AUDITORS' REPORT. We._. ceftlly 6ot- ..... ~It cloak ... ........ ,.. ....... •• lhloUa, T_ a .. aa-at.

..................... -"* ...... ... .._ ... ~, .............. ...... "' doe ('-.............................. ""*-..,.._...,..bulfta>_, _ .. ~~~......, .............

.-lf:r-'lll ........... ., ............... ..... ~ - "!"•~...,..... ... ..... " ....._. aa ... w...-.- . ....,...,. ._. .. .,.,.""'c ........... ~'"C.:~_. ..... .....,...,ha -•"idodoc '-b ol l"" H ... ~ .. '

...... _...._ ,._ ... .._..., .... aldoe ciplalooo lh11 II lo a I..JI atod lair .._ ~ • ., ......,._ .. _...._ ..... a..a. ........ ", •• o.c-bcr, l~ .

~ J-oCO, .,... D. H. IIUIII~. C. A , U~alloaj:ll. --' I NAXTIIS E ClltAIU)I I A . -.. ........

w . .1. BUilT, Kaaarar for Harbor Orau.

Local and OUler News.

-Placeatia eete a good enmple to other commaoltlea, la baYIDJ: a deb&tior dab, where topia of ia· tereat are dlac:aaaect weekly. The dab decided the other 4ay by a 1arp ma~::.!l tbat bacbelore ebould DOt be " Why add to the mlaerii:D 'Of. Ullcle bla.edaeaa(?)" ,... we aappoae oae of the etroag arpmetata Of tbe majority.

-B..n.. ,.a.ur ,... BUT.-Direct hom IJae ataDafaolann, oar Fall aD4 WID._ eCOOII: of nUIDp aD4 overoo.&­llt&8ueel by a •1o11a ellalk" lD quality aliil ,..._. all ~ lmporta\loD" Ban f:B-' laS&' or O'l'erooal made Ia... • .... Yc.ll: 11;Jie from tb-lrooda. Oldtn ldnll IJ*)Ial .U.n-lloa. Wlltl to-4a::rm m-n carda aDd...,. ..


, -~ab&oa baa orpolsed a Tech·

olcal Clab io CODOedioa With tbe Io· teroatidaal Correepoadeoc:e Scbool.a. Sacc:aa to tbe mo.emeut. May it apread.

FOR· SALE~. ., i -

300- II. No. 1 SBINGLBS, .. Also llatchecl BOABD, &c.

Firewood, Oats, Hay, Cattle Feed, Harness, &c., for sale. Also, Provisions and Groceries. Verbena Flour always in stock

at bo~m price. 1'BOKAS WALSH,

. Riverhead.


is now on · the· road with .a complete line of sam_ples

of Fine and Staple F~'Wear. You will

do well to see them befpre placing your orders . .

for Spring. •

' Fme BOots have thr~ indispensable features,

v•et~nd~ Oora Combine Ule three. / •

·Pegged Boobi have STYLE as well as ~i&ty.

Ours have boUl.

DIBDUf~ of Water ~~!J~~~W~~~~ -is, in itself, a peculiar

-·•·A. ....... ,,. a "lietiriiific - .. . Pwocess.

OUrs have this feature predominant.

'l'he)"have stood the test.


lrclllld _1-s~Jttd., · TJE PliiEEU If IIDERI 'HIE IA'Uf~8TURI'O






llltead o{ ~1. The Purchaser is pleased and wiU oaly think of coming back for more.

He knows what he is buying a nd The Lake of the \V cods Milling Co. g uarantee that he ge ts what he ~gbL


' I


A SmaJJ Cargo of

ROUND OOAT· Allo, Second-hand Lumber, all Illes : utew1ae Doors,

ltiDdowa, and oUler h01188-IIUIDga.


1, tl(e Best In Caqadi for Bread or Pastry . Our Min Price always insures You a Good Profi t

and the demand for O ur Ffour is increasing daily.

Sa tis(acti?n guaranteed to all.

Your order will be appreciated. ' . L. .. J~~ .. H:~~~:s.':r::::~:::!..J Board, Scantling, Dry Goods.

~ Gooas, Groceries, Hardware. Lumber of Good Quality now in Stock. • ·


Full assortments of D ry Goods, Ptovisiona, G roceries, Hard­ware, Mattras es, Crockeryware, Furniture, &c.

Thomas oss, Harpor Grace.


ProvisiCJns, Groceries, . C~diz Salt. T~, Pitc~

CGttGa Riot Complaat. W.S.ftoodwin,D.O.S, ~(!){!(!l!l[!] Fi~hery Supplies, &c. · · -. F R E E MAN Beach Premises, : Harbor Grace.;--

Graduate of Plliladelpbia d La ad Deotal ~ aod Bo. PHOTOGRAPHS l ~Bcanch. Businees at Gra y. br or. pital of Ona Sa.rgery...... •

"~'""c···H·· ·E···s···L .. E··~y···w·····9.· ··o···D ... s~ Dental Ollic:e 00 Water St., out My atudio I• equipped with up-to-- ~ S f door to Simmon' Grocery. • date •r.pliucea ~d the operatiol! i

roo~ • oo,.:t•truf codted to mee~the. Has the Oldest EstablishCd 1 reqllll'emeo .. o m ern

ouf~·~fa=~~; PHOTOGRAPHic - ~Musical Instrument Housel perfectuaeatbetic. POR1'RAITU RE. NOW EXIST ENT IN 1-."'E\VFO.UNDLA~D. -: . .,.._,...~.,.~.-. .... ~ .. ~I Sitting-a made froiD 10 a.m. to 4 ~Nothing Shoddy kept. .

CARD% rr:~:c:c;t::~~:.f~~":n~~:r~~ I PIANOS AND ORGANS~: •tjle or fiaiah dealred. Pnc:ea aa

~:rk~• ;oulatent with first-class From t he :Best Manufacturl rs in the World.

~. <:.:,~:_;:~= .. ~~" i ::::;·':::::~::;;~:· Stree:,··~;~·:::.:: ~ Eotraoc:e oo Ball.Derman Street. ~ M. SE ARLE, Agent, for Harbor Gt-acc. ···········&lii!Jil•l•l•l ........................ ~ ........................ .. •



Page 2: SG'QTIA~ - · •f . . '\ The Standard to end of, 1910, fol' 00 ~ The Standard to end of December, 19l0,


. . '\

The Standard to end of, 1910, fol' 00 ~ The Standard to end of December, 19l0, for $1.00. Ttte Standaid and the JIQD~aal PamUy Buald to end of J1IDe. :WIO; tor t~G·-'& The Standard and the Montreal Weekly Wtmess to end of June, 1910, for 80 OlllU.

•• tMi ibe< llollweat ram111 JieriJ4 to end ot., n;t6mber, 1910, tor $1.50 the llontreal Weekly Witness to eod or Dec.~ 1910, for 11.50 1: aa4 a Janie pair Nlckel-pla\ed Bclasora) fo end or Dec. 1910, lor $1.25

!hi and a halt Clozen J. B. Bog era' Tea Spoons) tQ end or Dec. 1910, for $1.50 - I (AJ.-L PAYABLE JN ADVANCB.) • I



THEY are tbe Remedy that the bounteous baad of nature bu

provided for all dl.aes arblaK fi'C'III IMPURB BLOOD.

• ~ven people who are U:~uiUn hei.lthy occasionally aome kind df a food tonic. rovim, that excellent combi. Dati~ of beef, iron and sherry wiDe, if taken when the sys­tem i!t run down from over. woric or a slight cold, will prevent a more serious illness. Ferrovim gi\'cs strength to con.

· valescents and all thin-blooded pc:ople. $1.00 n bottle.

RQral Loall Baak l,ll COIIlp&Dy with Cbfef of Polici-riiaea. wlth wholll be·was coa.eralar on the work 10 dear to him. wbea be fell aadde_nly IUl4 e~~ted lauaediately.

Mr. Thompson wap a native of Dumbartoa, Scotland, but bad &j)ellt thirty-eight )'ears ia Can­ada, tooetlr at Braadford. He leaves a wtdaw ud oae adopted IOD, Charles.

Mr. Thompson was active •JS churc beuc-volent work. Ia the of his early resid~ ~a B d ord, be was ver}' eaergettc • the work of the Y. M. C. A., ud at the time· of his death had

been foz: years a peat assistant to the' pastor of Ztoa Presbyterian Church, ia which be had long been an elder. He was chairman of the Public School Board. Ia the order of I .. O. 0. Fellows, be held the high position of DeJ?uty Gnutd Master, aad badlle hved .some months longer would have been honored with the higltest of­nee ia tiJat Jlourishiag soci~!Y·

But it w3s-&oto the work of aid-ing the great promising movemeat of after ne-glected children, the most• of his time •u'"""'"'.,. gies. .This subject seemed uppermost in his thoug~ts. • speaking on other topu:s wtth friend or acqaaiataace he often end up by saying, Moa JDUit tell you a ~- I heard morning about my bop. I got a lo:tter, e~c. By e children of BriUldford aad ces beyond, he was ~uch belov as a wise and kind friend; and was lield ia high esteem . as a most useful aad e~­eieat ugel ia carrying Qn this promisja' movement.

Such ta , brief is -the way the . newspapers of Bradford -a ad other p~ of the Province speak ·of

. -· ¥"r. Thompson. -----CONSTJPATfON AND HEADA.OilE.

Mn. JL Morrow, B~rldlte, write.: • For ~I wu ti'Otlbli!cl almott coo· 1tanUy wUb C!ODitlpaUOD and DOYef got auylblntc 10 do lfl~ lbllu&lnl!l ~tood Uiat bu toe.n obtala1811 from Dr. Obue'• Kid· ,.1.J.h•er Pill .. Np t only ba,.. tbey oui'od-cOn•U~UoD bat b ... e altO enUre-1 cared tbe beaclaebM r,_ wblob I ~eel ~a. .. u«rer lerrlblf aDd ban Lmprov· eel; til)' btalUIIQ lVII')' "aT•"

Fine Simulation · · Black Fox R.uft'

put in the case. Young; Robert Slater, a clever, concealed but "lovable 11 young law1er, half~­a-aa-ed to the murdered man's Cla~hter interests Jrimself in bciagial' the murderer to justice. CanOn Laces Aathoal in railway car about to ~ .. tn TAadnn tells him of htS uac:Wa death.

Anthony is dism~ at terrible aews. Carlon said to hiiiUidf: No more a murderer thu I am-urges him. if illaoceat to.;accoaat for his doiap alace he quit his uncle's busiaaa. He does 110 up to eight o'clock oa the fatal night, w&en he walked homeward to overtake his uncle. thinking he had gone home hia kDowiag it.

leave of hiarelative. Tim, theoae armed IIWl, ud Morria the coop­er, bore witaesa to the fact that they bad seeli the accused loiter­ing about the worb oa the evea· iag o(the murder, aad tbatshoh­lf after !ae had diuppeared, the ll4rht ht hiA """~ mom wu eera to haft ben ~ ~ '1'll,ey had naturally thoq•t thatJOuag Aa­thoay was aimpty waltial' to ac;­co•paay his uade home; ud it was aot till thez had heard that the youa'g; maa • 1raife had been found bestde the body of the de­ceased, tbat they remembered that the accused was seen by them as stated. The two .-a gave their testimony with evident relnctaace,

•'·Did you see nobody, or rather . as · youar Anthony was rather · a did uybody see you, whilst wait- ; favourite ~oag the workpeople; ia outside?'" . ~but ~he evtdence was .too clear to ~ 0 Ye!l· Several of the w~k- be ~t ~de, .ud the J~l'J. bad no

1 ;used Tim, the man '!flth esttation Jn comm1ttiag the =pa~!, wh~ wa.S hurt by the ' youair maa for trial oatil.! capit-machiaery, passed me; aad so did al charge cri murder. • • Morris the cooper." • ~bile the final ~ormaltties ol

."Notice yoa"?" th.e taqu_est Wfre~1ng:Proce~ed. " 0 yes. u Good-eveaiag, Mr~ ~th, .Mr. Sl.ater sat ~t ~e table

Aathoay" or something of that w1th u aaxwaa and thoughU~ Jciad, t1iey said." look upoa hls lace. ~o do~bt, hts

"Well, you were 'Uyiag you thoughts were away wtth the walked home 11

--·• Yes, vel'J fast to overtake him-m1 uncle. I woadered at still m111ing him, aad wu much aaaoyed. I wotlld not go ia. I saw Robert-Mr. Slater, I mean, the ~14;itor,:-leavc­

house; ·but I avotde'a hua; aad I went to a friend's house, J .

Be~ey, in Harrington Street; be · there. I stayed

night, and told~im ditllk1ulties.11

owa aceord, or did he \ asked me. He asked

the matter with. me. him of the sceae 1

l was golag to ..... r.uu;u. and atop th~

tbit· e oa their e unfortua·


~ackache Suffering

A- 1WC~ndo(l'ul lftiCIICIIM Ia til .. maa'a C:ncriptjon"of Dft. CHA811'8KID­

NEY-UVEft PILl& Yr. Fred. Oummor, Lllll81, Oat.,

'lr.lto.t: • 'I Ull honOIItl;y I&)' that Dr. C!UlfO'• Rhlne;y·Liver Pllll u. a WOII· dcrl'lll m~Hclno. For als -b Ian !::11 I eouhl Hareel;y walk aroiiDd for r!llat In tbe buk allill legs, aud wu alm01t eomrlotol;y llDJit · for 1JOrlt. 'l'llouj!h 1 tried lle\"e.n,J mec11ehl• I pt no b('tler. 1 aw ])(." Chue'a Kldaoy· Lh-er !'IDa a'hertlaed nd boarht 1,.. boxcJ.. Aflfr I laad u.ea tltree boltOII, I mlS WCAtly lmprOYid &Del by tht tlJDt I bad tbl'lll •ll ~felt u weU u I t'nr did. I woald adYiae aDJODe a.f. 1'o:.rlnn hom lrJdaey ~ to._. Dr. Chue 's )rldDoy·LlYer Pilla.

11\Vo ha\"O alto uaed Dr. Chuo'a S.mtp of LIQftd aad TDrpeatllle hr '•ad eoJda ud .are tJaroat alllll w011ld ""t bo withQ1JC th.. IIUIC!IdJia for !nnbla~." ·

Dr. Chau •a KidJI.,..J..I...., POJ1, oat .Ul A •lo~. 25 eeata ~ bu. at an dMI­

·.,.. {'r E.lntDUOD, Bat• II Co., '!'oroato. Y.'rht' fflr a free eery of Dr. Chue'a Cc<illCI Boot. _ • __ J

~ • ·HOLIDAY ~ ' 1Y ~- CIWIW lfiiCi'l


Nature Jlakea Demands Upon Them Which only Such a Tonic aa Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Can Supply.

· ~ . · l beela ba aad ;lfi.DIIURIAL GIIGUNOS. time she ha&beea as robust

girl coaJ4. to be. I WOUMll~ ~?'7' ·)'JC ae~ ·i¥ 'i"i' • .,.,.. ·"N )~ ., <' ~L ~ra: all =~e:::rc: to the ate.tner

we upect him Almost C)ppoeite Wesler• coaieaon &ad puton. It wiD be ifl.JibroQI':£e use of Dr. Wil­

Churcb, City :Joad, is tbe BuutiUl impoeaible to ·describe mauy of liama' Pink Pills. " five or six week's time. [To be married we opine.]

Field's Builal grouud. To the them: . Sold b7 all dealers in m.dicioe, aoacoaforatist of Baglaad there The 8tst aad most important is or will be •D& bJm&il, JIOd paid, is perbape DO apof 10 sacred, for the tomb ot •' 60 ceota pel' boz, or liz iioz•

Sunday, Oct. 28tb.-Excet:diag· ly wet morning, thought it best aot to open school.

thertj repoee~ the prec:ioua dust of JOHN Bt1JIYAN, ror H 70, bJ addN81lDI Mfllrl. T. thouiaada of thole who • the immortal dreamer aad author McMurdo .teo;. 'SL J'ohn'e

Sunday, Nov. ofth.-1 have re­solved that if there should only be two or three childrc:n assemb­led at aay future time and should the weather be ever so wet, to open school, and discharge our duties. This by God's help 1 hope to do.

WITIIS1'00D 'I'BB STOIUUI • of the." Pilf[rlm's Progress." H is and blasts of 'trou-lous time• and quiet rest ts undisturbed. His A."'iOTHER OLD RECORD. died for our · civil aad ftligious tomb bad sunk out of sight aad liberties. People walk that was raiel ud restored by the gravenrd with revereat attitude, Earl of Shaftesbury. Bora 1628, aad why? Because it is as the died 1688. He lived sixty years, .,oet. SOuthey cated it, "the and wrote aixtv separate •orks. Campo S&ato of oat NoacoafOf'lll· Twelve years were •pcu.t iD.., Bed· lug forefathers.'' Tbe "bluial ford gaol, and the world reaps place of thoee who for righteous- the beuefit. Not far from Buayan aesa sake bore aloft the standard lies the dust of of

SUSA~NAB WESLBV, UBilltTY OP CONSCJJCNCJt. daughter of Dr. Annesley, and

This land origiaall7 ~longed mother of Johti aad Charles Wes­to.;a . Prebendary Haltwfb, who ley, died 1742, aged 73 yc! had a stall ia ·st. l'aul'a Catbe- John Wesley preached her fuaeral dral. It subsequently passed into sermon to hsteniag thousands. the hud of the CorJ)tratioa. " Ia sure and s teadfast hope to When th~ Great Plague broke out rise, which .oon And r.laim her mansion of the

Pll.I.BD TBB GRAVllVARDS I skies ; of lAudon, the · people dyiag at A Christian, she her .flesh laid the r~teof 8000 to-l-2,000 per week, 1 • dowtl, BunhiU Fields was used for their 'JI'he cross exchanging for a burial. This was about the year crow a. 11 •

1665, aad until it was cl~ as a DANtBL Dln'OB, burial place ill't85Z the number of Author of "Robinson Crusoe." iatermeall amouated to 120,000. was l~d to restia 1731 in his 70th There is uo proof that this burial year. For publishing a satirical grquall was ever epi~pally con· work he w~ fined and imprisc:i'n­secrated. Theaameta bue of the ed. A spleadid monument was

SllAl.l. CJlXJCTBR~ erected O\'lef his remaias a few at the back of Wesley's Chapel. years ago,sl.lbscribed for b).' penny 0a oae occasion the late Dean subscripti~s of the Ju,,· S .. __ , · 'ted West • t b d ers 'of the • Boys Own Annual,"

~o&~~&ey YW ey s om aa A few ,ards . from 'Daniel Defoo's enquired of the sexton, wbo coo- .1

aecrated this grave-yard ? The tTave is the tomb of Sexton wittia,g}y replied, "the . "OR. ISAAC WATTS. ,bones of .. Joha Wesley, sir I The He takes his place OIJloag the best liberal-minded dean repli~, "I of English R ymn writers. He don't know bul you are rigtlt II' was paster of a Cbu~cb of Christ

This antiquated l{r&Ve-J'Ud of in Loadon aad successor to Dr. Buahill Fields with sta more than John Owea and others. He wtote 6000 tombs ud grave-stones, is the iascrip~oa himself. well kept·IUld thousands of people After fifty years 6f feeble labors visit it from all parts of the ia the Gospel, interrupted by four 'tfOrld. Fourteen ol these tombs years of tiresome sickneas. he was are erected to the memory of atJnst diamissed to rest Nov.25th, learned doctors of divinity. Here 1748, aged 75 yeou:s. How many reposes haec beea cheered by his hymas

THB DUST ia the house of their pilgrimage. of • hiatoriaas, poets, warriors, ~ -ro be continued.

--Paris Floods are abating. _,

-Mr. J~pb Brazil!.. formerly for a ' year ;1U1 apprentl"ce at thlS office, has been several years aow ia Boston. He was lately heard fro~ nd is doing wen.

-Gooo' to proving that Notes for Poor Re­.lfef will ~ paid in the same way that Roatf money are aow paid­b1 Cash Notes-has been iatrodu· ced by the Minister of Justice and ao doubt will pass. Poor Notes were uasatiafactory ia at least tliree ways.

- J4r. R. K. Reaaedy who has been confined to his holfle this put th~ weeks suffering from a severe cibl4 is agaitl able to be about. ·,,

...._--.- I -Mr. A. G. Lenneux, represent­

ing the firm of Carnear Ltd., .Que. arrived by Tuesday week's train.

-Our enterpr1siag towasmatl, Mr. Willis Davis, was oa a short busiaesa trip to St John's, last weely

Harbor Grace Presbyterian Sab­bath School, " ~ Jillard" Superiatcadent, keeps a. Ojary. In our last issue, we gave a

.ewutary of the content~ of Mr. Minard's Linilllflnt Garos DiDblllerta. Jillard's record. We naw go back and give selections: • Wh;y boautlful woman bat1II11Jri1Jto

Harbor Grace, Sunday, SepL a n.Juabluobma.rlnc mllClblno!-Beeauao 2nd, 1855.- Very wet WQrning, •he lladJvJag bello (beJI).

sobool opened by Superintendent ~ta..'~Tuor..lntbo torm oc na,·t1• :\Jeou1•

at a quarter past 10 o'clock. Mr. ol Sah•o Ia &bo beat applleaOon for m ot­A -ch. •runn, teacher o{ 1st Class, quho ""d ln•oot bltea and nlnge, old fi<l • .._ eoret, otc:. :.!:5c:. A Uu atdrugglllta.. present just after opening. ~· Rob<'rt Muna, teacher of 2ad Why are all pollncmoo well behaved

ass, not preseat, being unwcll. ltof-~auae thoy are oh·Jt ot· ~rs. Pitt, teac'ber of 1st Class Kirls , present, but Yery late. Miss Jillard, teacher of 2nd Cla.sS girls, present in good tjme, con­sidering the weather of the morn­ing. About 10 boys and a dozen girla assembled, John Allea, a boy belonging to Mr. Robert Muon's class, got througb.his les-sons e."tcee(Hngly well, I hope lhe

Yon needn't !0110 you! hair. Bl;Anl~J: Will keep II ltrOnK and healthy. Tho Canadian Ucar grueo In tho pomado 11 tho eftt'CUvo lblug. 60c.. a Jar)

rest of the boys and giTis of the first and second class di_Sl the same Why •• tho profH Jon or a a l· but I bad not a good opportunity way• t>recartoust-Boo• bo U\·u of knowing, being enlf:lgcd nearly from hand to month. all the time in teacbLD~ a small C'ot•ou A..'~l.l Cot.Dli.-U everyiblog hu class. Sch ses wsth pra!er fall~l. try AUon'• LUJig Dalr~am and bo by our Minis r ev. Ale:~. Rois, oured. at tea minutes to ven o'clock. Why arc tho tind •tar11 llko wlckl'<l

Sunday Morning, pt. 9, 1855. old pooplef-BeeallH thoy •clnWI•tc(siu - Eight boys and se,·en girls as· tllllato). sembled. At 10 miautes to eleven the childrca were e.~autined by our .Miaister from the lesson Mat. 3·1 to lOth. Stewart and William Munn gave the answers best; rn•-..''"" ""'" other lads aad all the girls were very defective. School closed-with praye~ _" ~

JTbis Stewart was pro¥bly t one who died in SQuth Af~]

Sunday, Sept. 16.-Eight bo.xs aad four girls assembled, which i:; nearly all the school. It is Ia small btgianing but hope through God's blessi}Jg on our efforts our aumbers graduallj increasing, until we shall count the children by hundreds, but hope to see a \•ast amouat of good done to their im.mortal souls, but should we be not permitted to see aay good fruit from our labors, while on t.his earth, that we shall kaow in a world to come, that' our labour!$ have pot been ia vain.

Sulillal;.o SepL 23.-Did aot at­tend the sch09l, being unwell,

Makes Solld nesh Bec:lnse 1t creates no nppetitc.

lt bnilda up the jnd~l. run-down system 1n n natllral 1'.'11)'

SOc. and $.1.00 bottlet at o.U drug-e)sts. •

Be aure you get t he genuine. Da¥11 It LA'"eott Co.. l!OD~I.


Cu rr.nm::- lll'I'T IH , •• : uoon ocberwlllt! cbey will be pony, ,lekly and dello.tce.. IJ sour children are pale, ow· Jy axhau~cod, .:lve tbem • )•:Rno \·l"ll, the lovl~toratln~ tonic. whlob 1t eompo~~ed of trc•uo lean beor, Citrate of Iron and pnro old panltb Sherry Nothing ooold bo moro benellelill 1n aueh C!Uea. tl a pe~tUe. •

W II a rbeumatlo peraon like a ~:tau wind be la fall or paJna (pan •

Tbe publlllhcr or tho tx-.t Farmer·~ peper lo \bo l!faraUme Pro\1oeea !n Wl'll· lag to ua I late•:

" l would IIY that I do 1101 know of a mecllolne that h .. 8tood the con of limo Uko !\UNARO'S 'LTNtMENT. It h DH bec-11 an nofallln_g remedy ln our bnul&­bold over alnoe I'c!an rem em bor, and h.:.o onlU\"ed wu:ent of "oold·boeompe&ltor• and lmUa&ora. "

\\'by 11 a fop Ukc a h•nnc:h qh ·<'mton! -Boc:aa."b bo 1a a bit of a buck.


There are llmetln l'hc lite nt n~arh· ovoryoblld '"bon Ot.Chuo1a•Oiri tmNil provr• Juett a bleulng. • tend,•r ilk In ohaCt't and Ia Irritated by I he l'l .~th· ll)~. Oftontlme8 bam· eczema dt"l'<'loa~o~ f_i'Q,m fhll \"'crv t'aos£ In ado~en "'"~ 01'. Cba_•o'" Olntml!nt can ~ u~l~l ·,., Poolh and heal tbe,.kiJt and pro\"l'nt ~uC· C~IDit ot tbo lltUe one. No treatment Is 10 well aultl!d tor tbls purpoa11 'and nono u eo entirely 1at1.6factory.



<._ .

Page 3: SG'QTIA~ - · •f . . '\ The Standard to end of, 1910, fol' 00 ~ The Standard to end of December, 19l0,

' . •

Why -import Offertory Calendars, when you Standard Office, with. :views racy of the soil at W!JJ import anJthing from a potato to a p1 of J)rint.tng, wbaa tou can get what wUl suit 1on in the country.

em-· done ~t the caper rates ?tE1

See sampl~s at office.


"':~~~~~.:. ~:);~· of Jf/14 ClitrrtJ 1 ... k- o. ;;.,.,.,;.fill.! fuNrlt• ftH- •rt- I trttld• of r ,.,,. -"'~· r ttl.<l I• lo-o .. t Uw ~WNI".gu /1 .Bo~J.nlll ~,. ell \

"lrty God is the Rock or my Re­fuge."~Pa. xciv, 22.


Who can face this cha11gdul world,·

And sta11d the Tempest's shock? Be whose Hope is built on God,

The Everlasting Ro~k. Who can stand when friends for­


J~ncse Menthol is unequal- t your readers ~Jetter tllau I '1 · 1'" · t I do bow long tins papct filled the ~a ~!D r<: 1~~l:1S' ngch ,;

1gap 1>Ctorc the STAND.\ttP was

Apphcd 111 the D. & L~ · founded. The tith: of Conception Menthol Plaster it is the most Bay-man was set up in a four or effectiv6 remedy known for ab line fancy type, which we in Lumbago Sciatica, Rheumatic the Herald office used to call A b d' p · T "D '· Cat's Teeth," from a c:crtaio pe-

e cs an nlDS. ry n • culiariLv. We were not in lo•e & L." Menthol Plaster the with it; and it was of litUe use in next time you are suffering the HerlLid office from ant one of these com- WUiiam 0. St. Johu (Mr. St. • plaints and be convinced. 25c. Johu•a scco~d soa) and I Caf\\e to

' I

THROAT AND LliNG J{ DISE!Sf..~. /;,;.._

It •JH"" lli•~••,;., .. JHif• ~{;. ... ~, ez~t. ft.. .. _,.. 114· h" l"'"ll.t, .... • ., - ., (l.t t:" •

And foes malicious mock ? He who bas a Friend in God,

The Everlasting Rock .

h dru . die coadUSloa <IDe, day tb~t a eac nt ggtsts. Harbor Gruce.papu oughl to bde

a more dignified heading, and we ;; ERR_l1- ¥1M weat to the Dickenson Type Foun­

., ... , .... "' ,...,,, .. ,. ............ '"'""~ ~ ,.,..riJI •PJHIII• ..... •'- 1 • ,,..,.t]th ..... ,; ....... ..,.,..

Who has perfect Peace .Jthin, Peace as a river's Oow?

He whose mind is stayed ott God, AHke itt weai and woe.

dry add bad aa electrotype head-

~.-..- u.aDit in g. made in Test. r Tbt: manager ·-~ of the Dickeasoo said to us that

J>•llul, '-""

~-..-~ .. ., .,, ~'·· ; SETH W. FOWLE I. 801111, . -• IIOaTON, MA .. ,

l'~.-... --.~~~


~s~nratttt .~a' n. . I Ll.lll'l'JIID ~



, LL.B. •



J. A. Whitman, Merchant Tailor

• • Who .las rest amid the surgp. "'

or this life'~ restleas sea ? He whose re•t is found ia God :

He fears 110 enemy.

Wbo baS' shelter from the heat, Safe-guarded with His Flock?

He' whose Refus-e is in God, • The E'•erlasttag Rock.


A ......... ":onJo ..... upthe.,... ~the

~, ••-•11a1111111e•• .\ .._ ......

.... w.u....w......_ ,. DPIIA~eo., J1o1:1NL

up-more ali veto necessity of cultivating tbe good-will of the Colonies..- if not by '' lzqpe.rial Preference" itt ~r subs.ntia.l ways:-if'onl.>:JF a set-off to that policy.j$._..,_ _ _ _


Our readers through the public messages and other sourcea ha111e beea kept informed daily of the progress of the great electoral • coaBict that is aow ragiag itt the Jupiter is the lar,reat of the

ritisb Isles between the Liberal pliUletS, and the most brilliiUit ex-rty and the Uaioaist. brought ccptiug the planet Venus. Jupi­

about by the action of the House ter revolves about the sun at the or Lords in~e'ectiag the Budget distauce of 493 milliotts of miles paSS(d by the ouse of Commoaa. from that bod~·· aad his periodi­'rbat we h e ade ao reference cal revolution taestimated at 4330 to it is due t lack of iaterest. days,' 14 hours, 39 min .. 2 sec .. or Au article wr1 teo-at the outbreak about twelve of our yean. His of the struggle lies where 90 ma11y loqest diameter is aeArly 9$),000 articles prepared for weelcly jour- miles in length ; and the length aala lie, in the limbo of the crush- of his day and night is equal to ed out. In it there was a sort of aomewhat less than tea of our forecast made to the effect that hours. It bas ~herefote beca e~t;l­tbe Corces the Lords could' mar- ,Cl;llated ~bat tblS planet mov~s 10 shall were very formidable, lllld h1~ or.btt at the rate of 2 .. ,~ the issue n~ple, It would be mdes I!J aa hour, and t~at his difficult for the Liberals to briag eq~atortal Pat;ts are carrift !iS the enemy to the spot they,.the s.n.ruy_ as th.1a arouad the axu, Liberals would fain choose as their 1!hl!=h IS 25 hmes faster thau .the battle-ground, namely, as to whc- ~mdar parts of ~urearth. Juptter tber the House of Logta,aot chclscu IS surro~nd~d w1th what are call· by the electorate or in touch with ed ~y us hts zones or belts, but them, would be permitted to reject whtch have ~11 sup~ ~o be a· Budget that has passied the clouds. The a~ts of Juptter 1s so House of Commoas elected by the nearl,r perP_Cadicular to the P!&Jie voice of the people. It was aot a of bts orbtt.s tbat he bas !•ttle question of obtaining a mandate cbaag_e of. seasons. The differ­to ead or evea to mend the House ence 1n_ b1s. leagth o~ polar aad of Lorda. The la~ iatereats equatotial dtameters 1s equal to aM the DIOI1eyectlu~ tbe betr 6000 miles, th6 'fotbtet lfelne; ~ aad other liquor idterests, i a the th~ latter as 1.2 •to 13. Tbt~ 1s Old Country arc exceedingly ev1d.ently occasto~ed b,Y t~e qu.tck powerful.Jl'hen the question that mohon round. hts ruus.. Juptter Joseph Chamberlain bas bcea b~ four satelhtes revolvrng a~ut cbieDy instrumental ia throwing· bn~ ; these are frequently c:chps­into the arena of "live questions", ed tn. the shado!' of ~eir pnmary

Our Fall llll~ Wiater Stock 'of that of protection of home iadus- or btdden behtad. hta body, aad Suitiags, Overcoatiap and Trou- tries from .unfair foreiga competi- th<: ~t subservteacy of th~ seriap of all kinds-largest and tion, "'and the bindiag uretber of eclt~ 'to""geog:rap~y and a~lVl­best we e.ver imported-now in, the Empire by granting t.bcir pro- gat&oa bas oc:cas'Oneii tb~ nu>tioas

the compouadi11g of the_»ay-maa • woald 11ot do, that if any com­pouad must be, it abould be Conception-Bav. So the headline wu lllade "The ConC(ptioa Bay Maa; attd we shippi:d it *9 ML Webber, witH a little note, tngnecl W. O. St. J. and C. E. H. Mr. Webber was profuse in his thanks to the "two patriotic young Har­bor Gracia11s," and the eat's teeth headiag was dispensed with.

A lew mouths later I was or­dered to Newfoun<Jlaad ia interest of The .c\.aglo Saxon. tbe new paper stafteil in lloston bv B~Uett and St. Joha, i11 the ia--------=:-:z-- · ----- --



Monuments, Headstones, Tablets and such like Work,

C4n be suited by addressing th~ Propt"ietor of the nbove­nameu 'Vorks.

~Outport letters of cnqniry pr-omptly nnswer-cd,.csLimntcs

of prices and styles furnished, nr.sntisfnction assured to customers. -

' , J. Mol.N1'YRE, Pl'oprjetor.

" -Tal'! 0UTfOR'l' DA \' AT HAN o- ·~~!I!I!!!!!!!J!!!!!!!!I-!!i!l!!!!!!!l!!ll!!!l


show the beneficial ef­fects o f

Scott's Emulsion in a very short time. It n9t only builds her up, but curiches the mg ther's

milk and properly nour­ishes the child.

' N early aJl mothers who nurse their children should ta~e this splendid food­tonic, not only to keq>

upthciro~t to ,prop~rly nourish their children.

rou IJ.u.£. ,.r AU. IHUJOour&

........ ..... _.., __ .,. ........ t •aut .. t .._..._. ........ ~IN"• hr , ••= 111-t. --·-a-......

ICIOTTa..,. uaw.......,......,w ... ......_a., of -.e deatla of S. •

c.-............. repowW

... ....,....., ... D, .........

=~~;at tkia-~<\11.. lt.D f.'ll:.o;r..":t:~..= I Uft ... 1114 lianal~ toaDd I& 10 c:f C =--~ I ,_'!-;::[:a::: 4~ ,,....,, Oolllld~ nbJ.o& 10 ~-and ~ ecleplalDia,"

d; :IIO.oiiOo., aDd II per lie. Sold b- ell ••••ntrf'n,.nfly,and b7 T MelliUdo ~Co.,S~JobD'I. •

What II lb•t whJch II .... ,., In n.t· ble yet nntr oal ot llabt!-The l•tt•r I

RlrK17.11.ATUK CUJUID. 8oldler'a Con, N. 8. J'•a. 30, IMM

Tbt W. B. Comatock Oo., Lid. Dear 81n:-YOQr Dr.lloi'H'I llldlall

Rool .Pilla are the belt modlcloe tor rbeum•U.m tb•t 1 h•v• ever uMd. Lul lprlng 1 wu troubled gre•Oy wltb It lu my leg; r uaed ono boX of llorM'• PI.U.. aud wu cured'.

Youre sratetnll:r, A Ll.BIC CAM r at:J.t..

Why Ia a m&n ~eolng to bo married Ute. ll felon belng conduc ted to tbe Jtallowe? -Becauao ho lt being led to tho aJLir (hiller ).

s.oll8 of IBiland- Benefit Society. ESTABLISHED 1874.

ducts a lower rate of import duty of the satelhtes to be (/ery carc­amoagst them the new lllld fash- than that imposed on foreign com- fully observed. -Selected for Staa-ioaable green shades. petitors that question would be dard b,r Eros.

Co~nNc.-The Newfoundland mauu· facturiog lnduatry ia making aome 'tridea. Saya the Board •of Trade teport, one million dollars a year watrea is paid out in our 'l':lrioua fac· tonea. A pity it ie that the out· port g'et 10 little benefit. But the day of the out portia at band. There ia more. room 10 the outports. cost of li•ing is on the whdlc cheaper. therefore a certain amount of wagea JtO further, rents are lower. local taxee ail. Hr ... Grace. Carbonear, Brigua and other towna will .aoon have their innioga. aoon. we hope.

Present Memb~p 20,000. / .,

Measure Cards and patterns --- --supplied on application. tavolved in the struggle. As our ANOTHER LETTER FROM

Custom work of all kinds exe- readen know the struggle may be PISLEY cuted at 1owest prices and with called at best from the Liberaf MR. HIP • dcsp_a, tch. standpoint a drawn battle, with ,......z the eaemy ia such a sit9ation of lliir"Fit, Slyle, and Workmanship vantage that no one would oo

guaraotced.1il very much su~ri~ if they will ===========~'IF= be able to br1ag.l oa in a few -&az) ) months another geaeral engage-

- ~ • ment, when the Preferential ver-sus Free Trade will play a still

.JAMES D. MUNN, trrcater part in the coaftict than Dealer ia Real Estate, Comdiis- tt tlid in this and when victory may

aioa, Conveyancer, Com. perch oa their banners." The full of Sup. Court, Allctioueer, ete result of the stru~rrlc will not be

. knoy.rn for .SOple ttme yet ; but it Harlxrr GTa~, - Newfoundland. seems certain . that the Liberal~

will be so w_eak in the aew House Lut•cr, Jea,c-Aqlsblqg,. of eommons"\hat tbey wm not be able tO cap-y any measure-even ia·

OUR MOTTO: " Best Quality f Lowest Prices!"

We have all grades of Lumber in stoclc, •nd persons requiring material in that line are asked to inspect them and obtain the prices.

On hand-6o,ooo feet of 5-8 Spruce, siutAble for Fencing. The lot is olrer eel for ooe month .from date at 90 c:t1. ~ JOO Ceet-chei.""p and ~ood fencing.

'l'o arri.e-a large sh1pment of aU ltindJ Of Lumber. Au. AS DRY AS SMOIU. H~F'Ulisllings for inside and out·

side work. All . neatly finished and supplied at abort noth;e..

Seod us your ~>rdetlt and receive prompt at!Dtioo, soocS ~ and the best pnca.

1111 BOSSE liD OJ, I


tt,r.anor era" Stanba . -~

CONOBl'TION BAY ADVBRmBR b prilll«l IUl4 ~bU.hecl •nry l'rtaa7 enDIDI, a' till 8r.utDA&D Oatoe, Vlo­t.orla 8&., lhrbor 0~ b;:r KuD.D & Oil a

tlut.C!rtptloa Batee:-To IDbeorlben (olil &Dd ue•) PATJ•O J1C AOVAl'fOa,.l.cJO p41r y.~r • r.o oellbl per ball Jear r to tbe l]altecl Sta&ee, 60 oeubl 8dd1Uon_. lor potilaflo To olben,old ratee.

AclYtrillllDC Ra.__. oeDU per lnob tor en' IDMrUou: • ~rnr lDob for MOb CIODIIJUlaUOD. HNe 101 lhrll or JDON iaoll~ I DIJIDbel' of ID,.riiOIP Of ldY.niMIDIDta IDU.l be e~ecl b7 tbeldnrt~Ar •.

that Bouse that tbe Unionists op­pose, except with the assi:ltance of the Nahonalists, aup be power­leas to pass any measqre that the House of Lords will think fit to oppoae. It is easy to speculate as to th~ course thiap will take; but lt ia very risky to be prophesying.

It ~~ a pity from our stand­poillt that a BIJdcet· auch u the LloJd, oae that we tblllk shoUld qMDmead itself to aU n.s generally speakiag a fair and scasible oae. should meet with so muclt oppositida ; that the House of Lorcfs could aot be so mended as to promote its eftlciency and usefulness ; that Home Rule on the Canalijanmodel should aot be granted, not only to Irelud but siq1ultaaeously to ScoUaud -and \Vales and England, leaving the Imperial Parliament, repre$Catiag as tt does at present the lour, to deal with matters of general na­tional coaceru as the ii'a.riff, the Army and Navy. But boaesUy­coaceived difference of opinion self-ittt.erest, pnty-iuterest, dis­like of change, want of eaerq,

itt aJI mundane affairs come tn pr~t or to retac:._d. • WhiJ t there may be much to

et. the war things have ae i the election, the promi­

n nee given to the Prefe~tial vemeat will have the eJfectof

'11gtbeLiberal Party-a large ~tion of whom aeed the atirriag

Talks Intemtingly of the Old Conception Bay Printers­" Cat's Teeth" - A Patriotic Deed.


The good time that the sTAN· DARD is having over its fiftieth anniversary-its Jnbilc~calls up the time between. the Herald aad the STANDARD.

I left the Herald in May, 1853, and came to the United Stares in June, Mr. St. Johu continued the publication of the Herald for a year and a ha,lf after this, aad he and his family arrived in Boston OQ Christmas Day, 1854. The Herald ~ing discontinued, the plant seems to have goae into the possession of 'Mr. George Webber of St. John's, who uudcrtook the publicatiOQ of a pa)>er called the Conception Bay-mao ; • you and

Nerves at' Hig~Tension

Slight extna atnln m••n• ooii•P••­Rectoretlon obtained by ualngDR.

A.W.CHASE'S NEftVIIE FOOD Tbo sueecuCul moo and women are

often ot the blstb .. truog aen-oos type :....keen Dnll 3Cli\'o-but wilh too llttlo r~ter\'O toree.

A llttlo utr. "'ony and anxiety and I!Up g()('S tho IIOI'VOUI 1)'1Wn. 'Veeb lltld mouths 11ro often required boloro energy nnd vigor rega!ced.

Rut heir.,, eo doee .tresh air and uoreise: hnt tho blood tr.ut .Jeo ~ made rleh •nd red b;:r lilt of Dr. A. lf'· Ch1110 'If Nern Food. •

Mr. Wm. Br.nto~ Vletorla St., Stratlt­roy, Ont., 'lf'rltea:-M:r n~rvou1 aywtem teemed all ullttrUbJ. I eonld not lleep. hllll 110 aprioti to, 1IQ" dlpatlon -wu poor ned ! hd jerking of the limbe. Dr. Ch1110'1 Nerv~F6oil helped me and I t on tinned WII il I had taken twenty· four bozea. Thia treatmat IIU.mado n r:1dlet~l eb:lnJ:IIIn m:r ~•clition, build· irJt up tbo •Y*um al!d itreogthenhiC tho ntrvea." Dr. Chue'a NerYe Food, 50 e~nb 11 box, _.1 dealen or Edmaa· 1011, Bates 4i Co., ToN~~to.

those years, and the prospects are good for the future.

DIN R BELL ~1USIC. The music bf the dlnner-.beli Ia alwa111

" ·elcorue to tbe healthy man or women­aJil:c to lhe worldog man or woauUI who c::~u n pla in mtt~l at noooclay, o r .to peop!c: or easier ll"es who enjor a rlc:h dinner In lhe enning. But to the D)apep. tie tl1c:re a no l n the dinner-bell- it c;;~!Js him to a trial few whlc:h he knows be iJ unfit. No one Clllt enjoy n meal, or get nourishment .nd aEret~gth £ron1 it, know­fbg th;~.t pain and d !at.rua will follow afte~. Tbe true counc, even for healthy ):ltOple, is to help the digt~~tl\-e toyateJD, from time to tim~. with that excellent tonic medlcloe, Molb~r Siegel's Syru_p.

?olr. Michael nureaa , of ~taaham, ~e­'bccCounty, P.Q.,wrlte.s ! "For'-ome umc I •uO'ered from Indigestion. I bad head. ac:hcs which made ttrea misery. I could not t b :pst aig bto.nd aflereatlnRl felt a seuaa· t lou of fulnc::ss IUid pains, "; tb heart palpl· t.alloa. • I took no medicine for thl.s illneas enc:p\ Mother Seigel'• Syn1p and wat eured wJMn 1 bad used one bottle or h."


JUST ISSUEb.~ &L-i. Chief, Dr. W.T.Harrif,fonter U.S. Co:a. of ~ Th4 Wel.&r Trac!i!ioca Den)oped .,. lloclea Sdatific:~ Lrtolit­erabre w Sen!1Cen:.ries. CeDen1 laf ........ tiGa Pnc:ticaJJJ w

\ - ) zroo Pares: 6ooo mustratJoDs. 400!000 'Words and Phrases.)i

GET THE BEST In Scholarship: Conve·n­

ce, Authority.~ Utili~ • ·~ -"- - ..

I did not frealize the Jact that the '3TANDARD was older thattllny of .ita contemporaries. save the perennial .Gazette. When I left Nfid. the Newfoundlande:, the Times, and Courier were flcurish­ing, and I somehow tbo}_lgbt oae or more of them were st!ll in the field. But alas ! the Sheas, the M'Coubreys, and the Seatons must have all made theh: exit, and ." their w~s do follow them.''

-BYM£lC£AL.-A preltJ ~'weddiog I -The muy tobk place at the Goulda, near BriJC- Cramm. Cdoper. services at ua. oo the lOtlt. ioat., when Miu B. parties and elsewhere as!} player Duoa, of the Ridge wns married to oo violin. etc. will be~lled to mind. Mr. George Lane, aonof Mr. William haa been heard from lately. Mr. Lane of the Goulds. Tbe c:eremony Cramm aod hia wife qave be~ivin~r wu performed by Rev. MgT. \Valeh. in Watertown . .Maaa., since e left MI .. Kitty Lane waa the bridesmaid thiL He ie enjoying good ealth. and Mr. Nicbolaa rhne bell man. has had steady emploJme aa a The bride was attired in a light blue ccioper at the Warren So Works dre11, aad looked very Jfretty. The since his arrival, and haa bad his bridesmaid was alao bt.Fomingly waj!"es rn.ised three times, tetlif7ing gowned. A supper: a tea. and a to the value placed on his serv1cea. dance cloaed the day's festive pro. l\1rL Cramm. though not ao ,t.rong ceediars. Tbeir many !rienda JOin as her friends could wish. ia enjo1· io wialiiag the happy couple many inA" much, better health than she d1d yeara of happiness an~ prosperity. a year ago. aJld the doctor thinks

abe will soon be an right again.

Now that Mr. Claudius Watts has gone, I suppose there ' is no one tor very few, if any) left to tell of th'e labors of Mr. Burtoa, M~ Comer, -A{r,..St. John aad Mr. Thomas Westlake Spry, ia behalf of Conception Bay, in presenting the u aews of the world." There­were some thiags in those days J which are ialauea of to-day as welL Sir Joba Franklin lllld the l Arctic was then as live a.-Jasue as ~s aow Peary and the North l?ole ; and mea and women every-

1 where have still to labor !or "the bread that perisheth."

Dcm't t:y to ~tch up 11 tln~­' ing l:oqb by ~rimeutiu~;. Take I

.Aile:[i9§. / I Lunm B~a.~

' C. E. HIPPISI,BY. t 6/r~"' ent.C!rlber aol ~h'lDg hla All d.:t!~r·. ~ I)' w1U taYOr U. b)' prompl J);\\ll!l LA Wt:P.NCC CO., U or.'Te\!.

110Wioa a. ~==========r/

tu!• relief is cerh in tu Collr, Cur~ th • l!.:n·t t\ tlu~t.: eutlt.:h' C' ~1•1,;, 1 -'l tbrt;«U. ur b.-unc:lu~J h:il.:.Jnm:tl!OI:.

They both tbink often of the good old towb, ao long thc:ir home. and wish the place and peopre all pros· perity. Mr. Cramm is one of those Newfouadlandera abroad that ap· preciate the S'l'ASDARD to .. the .taking Point. " s •

' -On Sunday last, Racbael, wid-

O\V of.Ricbard Bray, aged 82 .yrs. Fuocr.ll took place on Tuesday afternoon last, interm~nt from St. Paul's Church.

linar4's ~niment cari DISlenfD~r.

~- -

Jobo W. Carter, Sup. Ur•nd Seo., Toronto

Dr A. B. Lehr, Tientist,



9 to u , a.m. : 1 2 to 3, 7 to SJPn.

01'PICR AND RasJDRNCl>-Victoria Street, Harbor Grace.

IOIR'S MARBLE WORKS. ;~ Cabot Building, Water Street •

St. John's.

(&tabluhed 1sn.)

Full linea Craoite and Marble Headstones. Monuments and Cerne-' tery Decoration• now oo band. Oeaign• and 'eetimate" on 3pp\ica. ti~n. Beat workmanship. ';.LQweat prtcea. · '




Page 4: SG'QTIA~ - · •f . . '\ The Standard to end of, 1910, fol' 00 ~ The Standard to end of December, 19l0,

R'YAN --..... TBINift, NFLD.--~


ImporteR ot Britiab, American, Canadian, French and Germu

lry •••· Pnll)l•••· ll"lllliu, 'anlware,Laa.._. -uroaTaa• orf-- ' .r

C.,_, CH Ill. Cedllftr Ill, Sal•an, 'liTIDI, Lili,_,. BllAXCH BsTAIUIHNUTs AT


BaUeaux, Webber~s ilarbor, Orleans and Hawk's Harbor.

FISHING OUTFITS Supplied ~ the a~ve Establishment{ HIGRBST P~ PAID for aJ1 kiodt of Produce.


•-r· Jtadlot erau Staabatll AD

OOICBP'riOI BiT lDmmEB. _ ,.._, ., ,...._, . ,,,,._,,._, ,,,, ,_ ,.._,,,,,,, ...,,,_,...u oooou ... , ..... , .,

FRIDAY, 1-'EBRUARY .. 1910.

and litr'•t•~~· favor by p•

atven to th tlon end extenel

we reply to him in the

ou Of old. Thla-that oat- ourht 1e to ba.-e

aocl aot to ba•e lrit the other ll8doae. BoUa mea. t>otb acbiuemto ta 110t to .-Jr of tbe deed of dering do at CarbOaear Ialucl. we daire tbia 1•r to celebrate with the Ter-cen· ~ cleMne all we· aa do for tblaL Let aa clo hODor to them all.)


CUPIDS 1TEMS. An exchange of pulpita wna made laat Sunday between tbe ~u. J . W.

J. M. LeDrew left for BellJAJ~od. Bartlett oi Hr. and Rev. s. by Tueeday'a traln where lie will Spowden of tbi~ pla~e. take a poaition, in' Mr. J • .B. Mar} .Min Kitty l<'l7uo. of Br. Crace tin'a otJice. who ia oow teacbipg a t ;3ay R'>bert~

Mi .. Maud DwJer lea1ee bJ this apent Satutda7 h,:rc. g ue t of Miu uening' a train for the CapJtah l ht Roae Fole7. will spend a while wilb Mra. Capt. Dr. Shankel and Mr. 1•'. flue. were Cro... - paue11 ra lb St. Jobn'a by Wedoea-

Tbe Quarterl7 Official meetlpg day e•eolog 'a train. . -of tbdletbodlat Board wuheld her~ Sea· birds are •ec'J plentiful tbia yeaterday. lboae being preaent w~re aeaiJon, quaolitiea being t~ecuted all Meaara. Serrlck, Pauooa, Noatwor- t&e time by our aporUmeo. tb7 and Jerrett, ' ele. Re•, T. H. T be wedding of Mr. George Janes Jamea occup1iog the chair. o! thia place and Mi .. Edith 'Belbin

The Re<y, Dr. L . Curti a, ia bere at o( Bay Roberta will be' eolemoiud at preeeat to inapect tbo' Melbodiat t'llat place tocla7. We wlah the: youo~ &boola .. He will alao deli•er aa ad· couple eve&y bappioeaa io their wed-drt111 in the Methodiat Church on ded life. . -Tbureda.y night, weather permit· CoRR£SJ'ONO£NT. ting. A goocl congregation ia expect· Brigua, .feb. 3rd. 1910. , ed.

Mr. seele7 of Barenec:d occupied C. B. B. ~· BAND CONCERT. tbe pulpit In tbe Metllodiat Cburcil on Wedoeada7 night, the weather A very large and appreciaH•e au· beia~r 10 disagreeable, there waa a die~ greeted the British Band 011 amall gatberiar • Tuesday airht. · The weather waa

Oa Tuncl&y the atork Yiaited tbia 10 bad tbat lbe larce atteudaace towa lea1'1. a J'011111' .,. to tlr. ... aU tile mole By a claa~


aa4 lin. Wm. 8. K~ (CoaCftllil· at tbe proc1'&1Date our reaclera will . latloaa) . lrtaow.frwa t.he aamea~bereon at •

We leam that Oil day e.eaiar the ooacert wu repreae i•e a aociable bac:ladiDI'aoaca.dl~ ~ac:h abilltr aad "f. · ty. Of Hte u4 a dluace will ~ ciwea la the Jt. chl'ereat lad&CJ and teotlemtu who C. Bc:hool Room Rader the aulliclla eo ably a .. iatld we oec:d not 11peak of the ladla IUid reatlemeu of tbe ia -daail, their talent• are well· JL C. ptlriah illcludial' the lfiMea kdowa ~ad valued b7 ua all. It will Breea. Beebu, Byrae. ~. not ~ unidjoua, however, to make Ba~ &ad otben &ad Meara. Ke&r- apccia.l reference to the placlnc be· . oe1, Delaaey, Croake. Ba~ Pea-: fore a. Jilarbor Grace aadieace for d.Hpat IUid Xbera. A ~tilDe Ia tbe &ret time of tbe popular lOaf ID &tole for all wbo atlllid. ~ coaapoeitloa of 01U' felJow.u.waa:

llr. Pritcllanl oi •--··--·-·1 T .Baanb&o, "Bow Cook

tile Pole." laSt. Joba'e.

A~ c>Maadioa wltla the The marriaJre of Mr. J. Bogan GaUd 1•111'*-... beWlll the c. of E. 10~ of the late Patrick Bogan. u; 8c1aoo1 ~ lut alrbt, ud, in Ma .. Kate ~y. dauchter of Mr. aplte 'Of the iaclement weatber. a John Doody, took place on Suoda7 2'0ocl atldieace wu ia attendance. afternoon at 5 o'clock ia the Roman '!'be Cbalraaaa. Re•. G. H. Field, Catholic Catbedrat The Rev. F. D. opeaed It with a abort addreas, aad McCarthy performed the eeremooy, eoloe. cboraaee a.od dia.loguea were W~ e~tend our heartieat coogratu. rea.lerocl in a pla.'•r manaer b,1 lat&on~ to the newly married couple. the diftereat perforaaera. but the and wtab them health aad proaperi­IODf of the c\'enlag, .. Bow Cook ty duriog their future life. FoaDd tbe Pole. ·~· gifea b7 Mr. The wedding of l!r. Wm. Dwyer Ernat Smith. i~ aall&l bamor- ll.Gd Mias Knox of the Valley Road, oua alJle. Mi .. Elbel Jerrett acted takea place oo Sunday afternoon •• accompaniat throughout the uen· in the Roma.n Catholic Cathedral. lag, At the Cloae of the eotertain· The Rev. F . D. McCarthy will tie meot a hot eupper waa acned. The the nuptial knot. receipta came up to $37 which gcno- We notice that the interi9f ot the warda ,PDrchaaing a braaa band for Poet Office waa made larger durin$r the 10C&et7. t he put week. Why was thia dooe ?

Capt. Samuel Bartlett, left on It was time eooug h to get tbat done Taeada7 for New Yorlt to atteod a when the public ,wanted. T he peo­COGYeGtioa, ~hich .i• to be held there pte a re iodjgoa.nt 011er the: matter. oa the 18th. 1nat., 111 honor of Peary. beca.uae it was an unneceaaary ex-~r. F~ Jerrett. went oullby Fri- , penae which they will have to bear.

da7 • train to Hr. Groce, returning CoRRESPOSDE.'IT. on Saturday. II> Carbonear, Feb, rd. 1910.

0arr's ~isc~its · ' Are manufactured in Carlisle, England,

and artr noted for their RICHNESS and . PURITY. ~When. you are buying a dainty Biscuit for your Attemoon Tea, or

• ~en you want a delicious Cream Cracker ba'hp to specify CARR'S. .

Reid N ewf~nd~and Company Are you .going to Gs:eat.;Britain, Europe' or the Orient ?

If so, why not travel in ~ase and comfort? ·



"EMPRESS OF IRELAND" off~ the most luxurious' and quickest service.

