sg 04-2010

April 2010 Tyrrell County’s County Magazine ISSUE # Cover Photo by Neli Lemme

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Scuppernong Gazette April Issue 2010


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April 2010

Tyrrell County’s County Magazine

ISSUE # Cover Photo by Neli Lemme

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Lady of the Month Penny Rhodes Jones

April 2010

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Baby of the Month Joslyn Kay Voliva

Born May 26th, 2009


Saturday, 24 April - 7:00PM (Earth Day) Red Wolf Howling Safari—"Howl-O-Days" 2010

Join Alligator River National Wildlife Refuge staff on a Howling Safari for an unforgettable—and free-of-charge—evening! Learn about endangered red wolves, found only in the wilds of northeastern North Carolina, and get the chance of a

lifetime to hear their harmonious howls. Register by phone, please call 252.796.5600 or go to

Easter is, finally, only a week away and we can’t wait to bring the family together, cook a big meal and celebrated the new beginning. - This facebook thing is really crazy, we are actually now getting to know our readers, since Neli started the page. I am glad she did, first I was all against it, oh well! - We know that every one of

our issues is now flipped by circa 2000 readers (within 4 weeks) - from the day of release and

counting, since the mags stay online. Yes, and we are happy to display your advertising, at pretty low rates, if you are looking for exposure for

your business or service. Happy Easter from Ingrid & Neli. xox

z Quote of the Month z

As sure as the spring will follow the winter, prosperity and economic growth will follow recession. - Bo Bennett


P U B L I S H E R S : I N G R I D A N D N E L I L E M M E

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April 2010

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Brianna Smith, daughter of Virginia and Todd Smith, and a kindergarten student at White Oak School in Edenton, was chosen to display her artwork at the Chowan Arts Council "Youth in the Arts Exhibit" March 23, 2010.  Brianna is the granddaughter of Gay and Joe Davenport of Columbia and Linda and Larry Smith of Creswell.   She is also the great-granddaughter of Dimple Roughton of Columbia.

April 2010

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...On the Board Walk...Kid of the

Month Artist, Miss Brianna Smith, she is the daughter

of Virginia & Todd Smith.

Lady of the Month

Penny Rhodes Jones

Baby of the Month

Sweet Joslyn Kay Voliva, she was born May 26th, 2009 and is one precious baby girl.

Business of the Month

Columbia’s Food Lion

Film of the Month

The NC Weekend . Video On-Demand | UNC-TV feature of Harris Steak and Seafood . Notice in the beginning there is Don and Cherry Nixon, she teaches at Columbia High School. When the program first starts in Harris'. They are sitting right in front of the camera eating..

Book of the Month

“North Carolina in the Connected Age” Challenges and

Opportunities in a Globalizing Economy By Michael L. Walden

Organization of the Month

Tyrrell County’s

Relay for Life

Teen of the Month

Miss Samantha Brickhouse of Tyrrell County. Everyone seems to like “ Sammie” !

April 2010

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April 2010

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Event of the Month 4-H Livestock Show & Sale Wednesday, April 21st at

Tyrrell Hall

The 61st Annual Tyrrell County Livestock Show and Sale will be held at Tyrrell Hall in Columbia, NC on Wednesday, April 21, 2010.  The Young Extension & Community Club (YECA) will sponsor the Concession Stand with proceeds going to Relay for Life and other community needs. The Concession Stand will open at 10 am and continue throughout the event.  A Dress Your Lamb and Goat Contest will be at 12 noon.  Opening Ceremonies for the Livestock Show will begin at 2:30 pm.  This will be followed by the Hog, Goat and Lamb Championship Drive, Fitting and Showman-ship, and Non-Competitive Lamb and Goat.  A Barbeque Dinner catered by Topside Catering will be held on the grounds of Tyrrell Hall from 4 to 6:30 pm.  Dinner will consist of Barbeque, potatoes, coleslaw, hushpuppies and tea for $7.  Desserts will be sold separately.  Proceeds support the local 4-H Program.  Evening ceremonies will begin at 7 pm.  This includes pledges, the national anthem and greetings from local dignitaries.  Following will be the presentation of trophies and awards.  Businesses, individuals and others are invited to come out and bid during the Sale of Animals. In 2010 there will be 9 youth showing hogs and 6 youth showing lambs competitively.  There will also be 5 youth showing lambs and 5 youth showing goats non-competitively. - Photo by Ingrid Lemme April 2010

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   It was one of those lazy summer days at Norman Smith American Legion Beach, on the Albemarle Sound shore at River Neck. Several of us were “messin” around, swimming now and then and generally enjoying life. We noticed some good sized mullets jumping just offshore that afternoon, and a plot began to form in James Pledger’s mind.

   “Le’s go to Clumby, git a mullet neck and hav’a fish fry,” he said. You must admit that James had confidence. We “took off ” for town, where James bought a single length of net, and then returned to the beach. We set the net late in the afternoon and then returned to town to see “The Yearling,” a movie about an ex-Confederate soldier and his family’s struggles to pioneer a small farm near Florida’s Lake George in the 1870s. Old Slewfoot, a rogue bear with a deformed foot, raided the family’s hog lot and killed their brood-sow, a disaster for the dirt-poor family. Penny Baxter, the father, and his son, Jody, got their hound dogs and soon had a hot chase going. The hounds were “singing” full-

throat, and James, caught up in the excitement, poked me in the ribs and blurted, “Damn, ain’t that purty?” His comment brought down the house, but truth to tell, there were probably other hunters in the audience who felt the same way. A hog-killing bear was not a far-fetched idea to us. Just a few years before, a bear had raided Lee Barnes’ hog lot, just down the road from Cabin Swamp Church.

   James and I returned to the beach after the movie and paddled out to check the net. The flashlight beam showed that the lead line and cork floats were underwater, a good sign. There were mullets, a catfish or two, white perch and a “mess” of crabs in a badly mauled net. We cleaned our catch, and Tom and Helen Yerby, who ran the beach, asked us to wait until they closed so they could join us. We built a bonfire on the sand beach to the left of the pier so that the sand beneath the fire would be heated. That would give us a bed of hot coals and hot sand for cooking our catch.

   Helen cut up vegetables for salad and contributed bread. The cleaned fish were seasoned

with salt and pepper, wrapped in foil, and buried in the hot sand after the coals were brushed away. Then, the hot embers were brushed back over the buried fish and more wood was added to the fire.

   The whole bunch of us then ran down the pier, jumped off and waded and swam out to the float for a game of “swim tag.” By the time we reasoned that our fish were baked, there were ravenous appetites all around. Washed down with Pepsi or “suds,” the meal was outstanding.

   We had many similar good times at Legion Beach, and I remember another spur-of-the-moment feast. A number of us, boys and girls, were lazing around the beach, catching crabs from lines baited with chicken necks tied to strings affixed to the pier. The crabbing was especially good and we more than half-filled a bushel basket of them. Someone said, “Le’s have a crab cook” and it was on. We built a fire under the big slab of sheet steel in the covered barbecue pit, where cornbread was usually fried, for cooking the crabs. Then, the question was, “What are we gonna eat with ‘th’ crabs?”

April 2010

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We also sat on the pier during late afternoons when severe electrical storms slowly approached from across the sound and watched spectacular lightning displays. One afternoon Thomas, Ray McClees and I were fishing off Laurel Point when such a storm began to build from the Chowan shore. As the storm grew and the clouds became darker and closer the fish became more active and we hated to leave. Eventually, white scud clouds raced across the storm’s front and we knew it was time to retreat. We had a bumpy ride in Thomas’ small “water flea” boat and we seemed to hit only the tops of the waves. We arrived at the beach pier with just enough time to throw a couple of hitches around a stake and then ran full-tilt into the beach house. The storm that we had just outrun was a “Rip-snorter,” and the lights soon went out due to a lightning strike. We had been foolish and it could have cost our lives--but we were young and carefree.

April 2010

April 2010 Photos by Neli Lemme

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There was a corn field close by, roasting ears were is season, so some of us “snuck” into the field and borrowed an armful of corn. Helen loaned us a big pot, contributed butter for the corn, and we were soon underway. Just before the corn boiled, we dumped the living crabs atop the hot steel plate and cooked them until their carapaces turned bright red. Crabmeat, hot from the fire, buttered “roas’in ears,” and Pepsi comprised a memorable feast there under the oak and hickory trees, cooled by breezes off the Albemarle.

   egion Beach was an important part of Tyrrell County life during my teen years. On Saturday nights there was usually a full house of folks sipping “suds,” dancing to the juke box and simply getting together. At various times our numbers were swollen by marines and sailors from nearby Edenton Air Base. There were dances, beauty pageants, “big” Fourth of July celebrations, fish fries, horseshoe pitching (which Yvonne Brickhouse and Bobby Pinner usually won), and other functions. There were even fights now and then, but they were among friends and the participants usually sat back

around a table afterward and drank beer.

   On many afternoons we sat on the pier and watched Marine or Navy pilots practice bombing the target offshore from Laurel Point. At times the planes would approach the target at high speed from low altitude, parallel to the sound’s surface, pull up in a backward loop and “throw” the small, cast-iron, flash bomb toward the target. They were practicing the delivery of tactical nuclear bombs. At other times they practiced a typical dive-bombing run, using either the small flash bombs or larger, water-filled bombs. Sadly, some of the pilots never pulled out of their dives and died when their planes plunged into the woods and swamps at full power. Those were always sad times because we knew the pilots, who were frequent visitors to the beach.

   We also sat on the pier during late afternoons when severe electrical storms slowly approached from across the sound and watched spectacular lightning displays. One afternoon Thomas, Ray McClees and I were fishing off Laurel Point when such a storm began to build from the

Chowan shore. As the storm grew and the clouds became darker and closer the fish became more active and we hated to leave. Eventually, white scud clouds raced across the storm’s front and we knew it was time to retreat. We had a bumpy ride in Thomas’ small “water flea” boat and we seemed to hit only the tops of the waves. We arrived at the beach pier with just enough time to throw a couple of hitches around a stake and then ran full-tilt into the beach house. The storm that we had just outrun was a “Rip-snorter,” and the lights soon went out due to a lightning strike. We had been foolish and it could have cost our lives--but we were young and carefree.

   Today, Legion Beach is closed to the public and the people of Tyrrell County are poorer as a result. Many of my classmates and friends from those happy days have now passed away and “The Beach” is no longer the meeting place, but those of us who remain this side of dirt remember the good times.


April 2010

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William West in his microscopy lab while working at Carolina

Biological Supply Company.

Up close and personal with a lava heron while marine iguanas look on, in the Galapagos Islands.

“ I often worked "on the edge" while out in the real world, as you can see.  I can't really say which work venue, in the lab or out in nature, interested me more because both presented some highly interesting encounters. In the lab I was constantly having to solve problems in photographing or videotaping micro-organisms while in the field I was always trying to show my subjects in the most interesting way.  One thing is certain--you can never know how any living creature will act on any given moment.  They do not pose on que!  Maybe that was the mystique of the work.”




April 2010

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Since 1958, the Tyrrell County Scholarship Association has awarded a $1,000.00 scholarship to a high school senior to further his/her education. When funds are available, a $500 scholarship has also been awarded in recent years. This scholarship is funded solely through contributions from churches, civic organizations, businesses, and individuals such as yourself. It is a scholarship for Tyrrell County youth funded by Tyrrell County citizens.

As spring approaches, it is once again time to solicit funds for this scholarship. Any agency, organization, church, club, or individual who gives a donation of $50.00 or more becomes a member of the Tyrrell County Scholarship Committee with voting privileges.

We appreciate donations of any size and need your contribution to continue to award these educational scholarships. We sincerely hope you will give this request special consideration

and make your donation by April 16, 2010.

Checks should be made payable to Tyrrell County Scholarship Fund and mailed to: Tyrrell County Scholarship Fund

Post Office Box 603, Columbia, NC 27925-0603

Scholarship applications may be picked at the Columbia High School Guidance Counselor’s Office. Deadline for completed applications is April 23, 2010.

If you have questions or need additional information, please contact Arnette Parker at 796-1831 or [email protected]



are an important resource for genealogists – they are often the key element to ancestral research. Most Bible records were written by a family member at the time of the documented events or sometimes by their children. Regardless, they can provide needed evidence about a person’s life or at least suggest

where you might find additional information.

The Tyrrell County Genealogical and Historical Society is seeking to publish a collection of Family Bibles to be sold at the 2010 Scuppernong River Festival. However, for this project to be a reality, we need your need in providing us with transcribed copies of Family Bibles that may be in your possession.

Worksheets for transcribing the Family Bible information are available at the Tyrrell County Visitors Center, Pocosin Arts, Register of Deeds Office, Tyrrell County Public Library. If you need an application sent to you, please contact Arnette Parker at [email protected] or telephone 252-796-1831.

If you have a Family Bible and need help transcribing it, please call us; and we will make arrangements to get this done.

Deadline for receiving the information is April 1, 2010. Help us to make this project a reality and provide information that will be valuable in the future as we seek to discover and preserve our rich heritage.

April 2010

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The Columbia High School - CHS Beta Club is holding a strawberry fundraiser.  The strawberries are fresh Chandler variety berries and, for those of you who ordered and loved the strawberries from the Beta Club last year, are from the same supplier.   According to the supplier, Chandler strawberries are "...a whole lot sweeter than what you would buy in the grocery store."   The strawberries are available either by the flat or half-flat. A flat contains eight one-pound containers; a half-flat contains four one-pound containers.  The cost of a flat is $20; the cost of a half flat is $12.  Payment can be made when the order is placed or at the time the strawberries are picked up.  Checks should be made payable to the CHS Beta Club.   The strawberries will be delivered on Thursday, April 29, and should be picked up that afternoon at the iSchool Counselor's Office located in the Band Building.  Should you wish to support the CHS Beta Club by buying strawberries, please either complete the attached form and send it to me or send me an e-mail with your order.

 Orders must be received by me no later than 3:30 PM on Thursday, April 22. Thank you! - Barbara Rhodes

Columbia iSchool Counselor/CHS Beta Club [email protected]

April 2010

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My Reason to Relay

In 2006, I was diagnosed with Thyroid Cancer - what a crazy mix of emotions that day was for me.  I had been sick for about three years - with minor things like fatigue, skin issues, hair loss and weight gain.  Finally after ending up in the ER with heart palpitations, the doc set up a carotid artery ultrasound...and that's how we found the tumor.  During my first surgery, the surgeon said that my thyroid was completely calcified and was a real pain to get it out....that's how long the tumor had been there.  After surgery and treatment, I felt so much better that I was able to finally work a full time job again.  I was hired at DSS in June of 2007.  In July, I was sitting at my desk and felt a hard lump in my neck - my heart sank.  Although I told myself it was probably nothing, in my heart I knew.  And so, my fears were realized after a was in my lymph nodes.  I was so blessed to have an Aunt with connections who got me in to see one of the best endocrine surgeons in NC at UNC Hospital in Chapel Hill.  After a radical neck dissection, in which they took out 37 lymph nodes and lots of other "stuff" I was sent home to recover.  I was out of work for over a month - after only being an employee there for a month - my coworkers and other county employees donated leave time to me so that I could keep my job and my insurance - and my pay.  I found that when the going gets tough, friends and family really step up to help.  Having the support I had, really got me through the tough and depressing times. After another round of treatments and tons of testing, I was considered "cancer free"...what a relief !!  I just finished my yearly testing and scans which were all negative - Thank You Lord!!! From Charlene's Page

Relay For Life of Tyrrell County, NC - June 4, 2010 at Eastern 4-H CenterVisit Relay For Life of Tyrrell County, NC on facebook

April 2010

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RELAY FOR LIFE EVENTS The TES Bulldogs “Will not be bullied by cancer!” Relay For Life team is taking orders for Butter Braids. There are 8 different flavors which comes inside a big braided pastry – such as Apple, Cherry, Cinnamon and flavors with crème cheese as well! If you are interested in placing an order to help the TES Bulldogs, contact Davona Davenport or Amanda Fleming at 252-796-3881 to get yours today. All orders must be placed by April 12, 2010 and delivery will be on April 16th.

Relay For Life will be having their Survivor’s Celebration on April 13, 2010 from 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. at The Columbia Theater on Main street in Columbia. There will be finger foods, entertainment, a brief Survivor testimony and lots of good fellowship. If

you would like to attend, please RSVP to Terri Spear at 252-394-7333 before April 5 th.

The Relay For Life team “The Life Group” will be having a BBQ & Fried Chicken Dinner on April 30, 2010 at Columbia Middle School from 4 -7 p.m. Price is $8.00 per plate. If you would like to buy tickets, contact Monica Liverman or Casey Armstrong.

“The YECA Brigade” team for Relay For Life of Tyrrell County will be running the concession stand at the Livestock show on Wednesday, April 21st at Tyrrell Hall. There will be cheese biscuits for breakfast and hot dogs for lunch as well as other snacks and baked goodies starting around 9:00 a.m. All proceeds will be donated to Relay For Life. Call Sandi Brickhouse Smith at 252-796-7578 if you have questions.

“The Survivor’s” Team for Relay For Life of Tyrrell County will be having a Poker Runon May 22, 2010. Registration is from 8:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. at Columbia Crossing Café/Good Times Tavern. This will be a 120 mile ride – and will end up back at Columbia Crossing at 3:00 p.m. Prizes will be given at 3:30 p.m. We will have T-shirts for sale and tickets for 50/50 raffle. That evening, The Johnny Waters Band will be playing at Good Times Tavern – Cover charge will be $5.00 per person with all those proceeds going to Relay For Life. Call Terri Spear if you have any questions or would like to participate at 252. 394-7333.

or join on facebook > Relay for Life Tyrrell County

April 2010 Photo by Neli Lemme

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endeavors, including chasing tools, scribes, center punches, stone setting tools, scrapers, in addition to a few others.  Tim will also talk about the ergonomics of a studio environment, and its importance as it relates to efficiency and functionality when working with tools and material.

Tuition: $140 

(Scholarships are available)

(Registration & Payment Due: Friday, April 9th, 2010) Email, Mail or Fax us your Registration Form with payment or call Pocosin Arts at 252-796-2787 to register by phone. Email: [email protected] Fax: 252-796-1685

April 2010

Tool Making with Jim LazureSaturday & Sunday, April 24th & 25th, 2010

As metal smiths and artists we encounter many situations where the need for a perfect tool is essential. Often times, the tools we have just don’t do the job right, or that perfect tool for the job just doesn’t seem to exist.  In this workshop, we will begin to learn either how to fashion tools or improve or customize existing tools. Tim Lazure will cover how to make a variety of tools for addressing your creative

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Carolina Seafood

AvailabilityNorth Carolina


April 2010

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April 2010

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SCUPPERNONG Gazette436 Bridgepath RoadColumbia, NC

Photo by William R West

> Visit us on facebook! <

April 2010