sfaer 14th anniversary

Saint Francis of Assisi Private Ecumenical Retreat Myrtle Point, Oregon, USA

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Post on 22-Jan-2018




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Saint Francis of Assisi Private Ecumenical Retreat Myrtle Point, Oregon, USA

I now have four Great-Great Grandsons: Jason, Logan, Emery and Braydon

David and I (combined 161 years) have 120+ years of research experience in the fields of history, theology and physics. Dave’s work on the Name of God across Traditions can be found on the Internet under his Vaishnava title Bhakti Ananda Goswami. I am listed as Ralph Sherman in Eugene, Or., on LinkedIn.

My wife Judy (J M Richards), David and I began this ecu-menical ministry in 1982 when he returned from his Japan to Athens MA thesis field studies. .He traveled to Tokyo, Hong Kong, Singapore, India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, the Emirates Athens, London and back to New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Portland under his Course Contract with Marylhurst Uni., Lk. Oswego.

After graduating, he frequently lectured on his research, Gandhi and Applied Theology through the P.S.U. Global Forum and our Ministerial Association. Judy attended three colleges and two universities earning a Masters Degree in Educational Psychology at the U. of Michigan 1949. During the War years she worked in Detroit MI, Ypsilanti MI, Lansing MI, Columbus OH and Gadsden Al. where she was a clothing warehouse foreman (US Army Quartermaster Corp). Part of the temporary labor staff were German POW’s. She learned piano at seven. As a Sunday Church Pianist she typically played 20 pieces, 1974-1994.

At SFAER we have an archive of Judy’s music.

Photo: Dave at the World Assoc. of Vedic Studies Conference in N.J. circa 2000. He is a gifted public speaker who has made many formal and informal pres-entations of his research within the USA and over-seas. His topics include history, theology, social order , social justice, human rights, ecology and environmen-tal reclamation. See his Chapter in Embracing Earth.

The Charisma of God-Who-Is-LOVE is His Primal Name

Color coded by dots

God Who Is Love is also, and mercifully, All-Devouring Time

We have had a fruitful year. Through our internet connections we now reach about 9,000 Friends, Followers and Fans World wide. They in-turn share our messages with many more people. My Great Granddaughter, Hannah Williams, has been a real help to us, caring for us and working hard as a volunteer to maintain and improve the driveways and Landscaping of the Park. It was her idea to dig the Entry Lilly Pond and Garden. See her beautiful Park Photos on our Facebook “Saint Francis of Assisi Ecumenical Retreat Donations” Page. We are looking forward to 2017 with good hope, anticipating steady progress in being of more service to our friends. Yesterday there were five deer in the yard. Last spring David planted five pounds of several types of clover and the deer really like it.Ralph and David 11-28-2016

We have had a fruitful year. Through our internet connections we now reach about 9,000 Friends, Followers and Fans World wide. They in-turn share our messages with many more people. My Great Granddaughter, Hannah Williams, has been a real help to us, caring for us and working hard as a volunteer to maintain and improve the driveways and Landscaping of the Park. It was her idea to dig the Entry Lilly Pond and Garden. See her beautiful Park Photos on our Facebook “Saint Francis of Assisi Ecumenical Retreat Donations” Page. We are looking forward to 2017 with good hope, anticipating steady progress in being of more service to our friends. Yesterday there were five deer in the yard. Last spring David planted five pounds of several types of clover and the deer really like it.Ralph and David 11-28-2016