seven basic plots in sims and games

Seven Plot Lines Dr Elyssebeth Leigh FutureSearch Sydney Serious Games BarCamp @ AFTRS 8/5/2010

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Notes for a session at Serious Games BarCamp, AFTRS, Sydney 8/5/2010


Page 1: Seven basic plots in sims and games

Seven  Plot  Lines  

Dr  Elyssebeth  Leigh  FutureSearch  


Serious  Games  BarCamp  @  AFTRS  8/5/2010  

Page 2: Seven basic plots in sims and games

Serious  GAmes  BarCamp  @  AFTRS  8/5/2010  

Page 3: Seven basic plots in sims and games

•  Overcoming  the  monster  –  heroes/heroines  in  the  story  defeat  some  strong  force  which  threatens  them/their  lives  

•  The  Quest  –  key  characters  are  propelled  –  or  choose  -­‐  to  enter  into  a  journey  driven  by  a  search  for  some  worthwhile  ‘thing’  or  place  –  in  most  versions  of  this  plot  the  searchers  are  successful  

•  Journey  and  Return  -­‐  the  hero/heroine  leaves  a  place  of  safety  (e.g.  home)  and  journeys  to  somewhere  ‘alien  and  strange’.  Their  return  reveals  they  have  had  experiences  that  –  most  oTen  –  have  created  a  change  in  them    

•  Comedy  –  this  is  not  limited  to  a  ‘funny’  story.  Usually  it  begins  with  some  kind  of  misunderstanding  or  ignorance  of  relevant  facts  that  keeps  heroes/heroines  apart  but  which  is  resolved  in  a  manner  that  brings  the  main  characters  back  together  by/before  the  story  ends  

•  Tragedy  –  the  heroes/heroines  are  tempted  in  some  way  that  ensnares  their  character’s  ‘flaw’  -­‐  vanity,  greed,  pride  etc.  They  become  increasingly  desperate  or  alienated  being  trapped  by  their  acXons  unXl  at  a  point  of  climax  one  or  more  key  characters  usually  die.    

•  Rebirth  –  the  heroes/heroines  are  captured  or  oppressed  in  some  specific  way.  All  seem  to  exist  in  a  state  of  exile  or  enslavement  unXl  all  seems  lost  –  oTen  a  miracle  or  unexpected  arrival  brings  the  longed  for  freedom  from  oppression    

•  Rags  to  Riches  –  this  is  so  familiar  as  to  be  a  self  explanatory  Xtle  

Serious  GAmes  BarCamp  @  AFTRS  8/5/2010  

Page 4: Seven basic plots in sims and games

Suspension  of  Disbelief  •  The  goal  is  to  have  players  accept  the  ‘unreal’  reality  of  their  experience    – We  know  what  we  know  and  will  not  go  far  beyond  that  before  we  stop  accepXng  the  story  

•  The  context  in  which  we/they  are  is  central  –  In  a  playground  we  accept  one  set  of  realiXes,  in  the  classroom  these  no  longer  apply  

•  Power  relaXonships  influence  acceptance  – Who  ‘tells’  the  story?  Who  owns  the  ending?  What  happens  aTerwards?  

•  Nature  of  the  engagement  determines  reacXons  –  They  must  be  ‘true’  to  individual  understanding  of  what  is  ‘reasonable’  (not  ‘possible’)  

Serious  GAmes  BarCamp  @  AFTRS  8/5/2010  

Page 5: Seven basic plots in sims and games

Overcoming  the  monster    

•  Key  players  defeat  strong  threatening  force.  Examples    –  Alien  –  Predator  –  How  to  train  your  dragon  –  Portal  –  valve  –  Harry  Po`er  –  Jaws  – Matrix  –  Donkey  Kong  –  Heavy  Rain  

Serious  GAmes  BarCamp  @  AFTRS  8/5/2010  

Page 6: Seven basic plots in sims and games

The  Quest    •  Characters  enter  a  journey  searching  for  a  worthwhile  ‘thing’    or  place  –  and  are  oTen  successful.  

•  Examples    – Mario  bros  –  Sinbad  –  Thelma  and  Louise  –  Lord  of  the  rings  – MMORPGs  -­‐  RPG’s  –  Branching  games  

Serious  GAmes  BarCamp  @  AFTRS  8/5/2010  

Page 7: Seven basic plots in sims and games

Journey  and  Return    

•  Characters  leaves  a  safe  place  to  journey  to  ‘alien  /strange’  places.  Return  shows  experiences  have  changed  them.  

•  Examples    –  Lord  of  the  Rings  –  Homer  –  the  illiad  

–  Paolo  Coehlo  •     

Serious  GAmes  BarCamp  @  AFTRS  8/5/2010  

Page 8: Seven basic plots in sims and games


•  Begins  with  misunderstanding  or  ignorance  of  facts  that  keeps  characters  apart  -­‐  resolved  in  a  way  to  brings  them  together  by/before  the  end.  

•  Examples?  

Serious  GAmes  BarCamp  @  AFTRS  8/5/2010  

Page 9: Seven basic plots in sims and games


•  Characters  are  tempted  in  way  that  ensnares  character  ‘flaw’  -­‐  vanity,  greed,  pride  etc  -­‐  become  increasingly  desperate  or  alienated,  trapped  by  their  acXons  unXl  at  climax  someone  dies.  

•  Examples?  

Serious  GAmes  BarCamp  @  AFTRS  8/5/2010  

Page 10: Seven basic plots in sims and games

Rebirth    •  Characters  are  captured  or  oppressed  in  some  

specific  way.  All  seem  to  be  exiled  or  enslaved  -­‐  all  seems  lost  –  oTen  a  miracle  or  unexpected  arrival  brings  the  longed  for  freedom  from  oppression  –  Shawshank  RedempXon  

–  Joseph  and  his  technicolour  dreamcoat  

Serious  GAmes  BarCamp  @  AFTRS  8/5/2010  

Page 11: Seven basic plots in sims and games

Rags  to  Riches    

•  Self  explanatory?  

Serious  GAmes  BarCamp  @  AFTRS  8/5/2010  

Page 12: Seven basic plots in sims and games

Factors    •  What  is  a  tragedy  for  them  may  be  a  comedy  for  me  •  “Two  story  lines  “stranger  comes  to  town  -­‐  OR  –  the  danger  

comes  to  you    •  TransacXonal  and  transformaXonal  perspecXves  of  the  

framework  •  Joseph  Campbell  as  ‘biographer’  of  the  “hero’s  journey”  •  If  games  only  pick  up/use  some  of  these  categories  why  is  

this  so?  –  Technology  limitaXons  –  What    else?  

•  But  wait  there’s  more  –  only  we  did  not  have  Xme,  this  Xme!  

•  If  this  presentaXon  was  a  ‘story’  which  of  these  ‘seven  plot  lines’  would  best  describe  it?    

Serious  GAmes  BarCamp  @  AFTRS  8/5/2010