settlement and growth of fouling organisms at … ·...

I J SETTLEMENT AND GROWTH OF FOULING ORGANISMS AT ALAMEDA SAN FRANCISCO BAY, CALIFORNIA A Thesis Presented to the Graduate Faculty of California State University, In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Masters of Arts in Biological Science By Christopher P. Ehrl8r August, 1976 'u.', . ·- ,

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Page 1: SETTLEMENT AND GROWTH OF FOULING ORGANISMS AT … · fouling organisms are abundant and present thraughout the year, and it was within




A Thesis Presented to the Graduate Faculty


California State University, Ha~vard

In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for the Degree

Masters of Arts in Biological Science


Christopher P. Ehrl8r

August, 1976

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Page 2: SETTLEMENT AND GROWTH OF FOULING ORGANISMS AT … · fouling organisms are abundant and present thraughout the year, and it was within


I would like to thank the following people for

assistance and support during this study: Dr. Edward B.

Lyke, Dr. MichaelS. Foster, Dr. James W. Nybakken, Dr.

James M. Erickson and Mr. Jerry Thoss. Without their help,

this project and paper would have taken longer to complete.

Thanks must also go to the officers of Alameda Marina for

allowing this study to be carried out there.

I would also like to thank my wife Betsy, without

whose constant encouragement and personal contributions

this study would probably have not been undertaken and


' This research was partially funded by the Department

of Biological Science, California State University, Hayward.

I appreciate their support.

' J

f I t t

Page 3: SETTLEMENT AND GROWTH OF FOULING ORGANISMS AT … · fouling organisms are abundant and present thraughout the year, and it was within

., F.


Acknowledgements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J

Abstract.,·, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Introduction ......... . I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I 41 41 I 41 I I I I • I I 41 I 6

Methods and Materials ............................... 9

Results ..... , ........................ I I ••••••••••••• 14

Discussion and Comparison. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1?

Liter a tu r e C i t e d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

Figures. I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I f I I I I I I I I ' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I 35

Tables .............................................. 69


Page 4: SETTLEMENT AND GROWTH OF FOULING ORGANISMS AT … · fouling organisms are abundant and present thraughout the year, and it was within


Settling periods and maximum growth of fouling organisms

at Alameda Marina, San Francisco Bay, California, were examined

from January 1, 1975 to April 21, 1976. Plastic plates sus-

pended in a rack were exposed at a constant depth and retrieved

at one, two, six and twelve month periods. Organisms settling

during these periods were identified and size and numbers of

certain species were recorded. Particular seasons of settlement

were inferred fro~ when the species attached to the plates.

Settlement times and growth rates of these organisms at

Alameda Marina were compared with findings of other investiga-

tors. A direct correlation was noted between water temperature

and (1) the total number of attached species, (2) the total

number of attached individuals of six species, and (J) the

growth rate of eight species. In addition, a correlation was

found between salinity and nu~cers and growth for a few species.

The Index of Similarity was used to make a comparison

between the total number of species that attached after one

and six or tv.,relve month periods. 'rhe data indicated that

organisms did not disappear as the community developed, and

settlement was dependent o~ when the larvae or spores were in

the water. This development of the community was interpreted

as a seasonal progression, instead of a true succession.


Page 5: SETTLEMENT AND GROWTH OF FOULING ORGANISMS AT … · fouling organisms are abundant and present thraughout the year, and it was within


Many s"'!:;udies have been undert2.ken on different

aspects of the biology of fouling organisms, plants and

animals that attach to and grow on submerged man-made

objects. There are nearly 2,000 species of fouling organisms

from at least the following groups: Bacteria, Fungi, Algae,

Protozoa, Porifera, Cnidaria, Platyheln1inthes, Nemertea,

Rotifera, Bryozoa, Brachiopoda, Annelida, Arthropoda, Mollusca,

Echinodermata, Tunicata and Pisces (Woods Hole Oceanographic

Institute 1952). In some studies, submerged artificial test

panels have been used to accurately determine the season of

settlement (Coe 1932; Goodbody 1961; Nair 1967) and growth

rates (Nair 1967) of these organisms.

Several factors have been found to affect the settle­

ment of these organisms on fouling surfaces. The physico­

chemical factors i~clude type, color, texture, orientation,

and depth of the substrate, presence of silt, water current

moving over the substrate, time of year, length of submergence,

water temperature and salinity. The biological factors include

concentration of larvae, growth after attachment and longevity

of the breeding season (Visscher 1928; ~oods Hole Oceanographic

Institute 1952).

Some of these investigations have attempted to deter­

mine if the fouling community developed via a true succession

or by a seasonal progression. For true succession to occur


Page 6: SETTLEMENT AND GROWTH OF FOULING ORGANISMS AT … · fouling organisms are abundant and present thraughout the year, and it was within

,o-- -,...,.... •



(1) earlier organisms in the community must be essential to

the attachment of later ones, and (2) organisms must disappear

as the development of the community progresses (Shelford 1930).

Scheer (1945) showed that when bacteria were present on

glass plates, there was increased s2ttlement of hydroids. He

also found that the settlement seQuence did not depend on

when the plates were exposed, and thus development must have

been via true succession. Many investigators (Shelford 1930;

McDougall 1943; Reish 1964; and others) have found that

settlement depends on when the larvae or spores of any organ-

ism are in the water column, and that the presence of one

organisms is not essential for the attachment of another.

To my knowledge, only one study has been carried out

on the fouling organisms of San Francisco Bay, that of Graham

and Gay (1945). They found the community on wood to be domi­

nated by Tubularia crocea (Cnidar:.a), Polydora ligni

(Annelida), Corophium insid5osum (Amphipoda), Balanus

improvisus ( Cirripedia) ar,d ~:vtilu~ edulis (Pelecypoda).

The settlement of most of the organis~s in this study appeared

to be related to the changes in water temperature.

The purpose of my study was to answer the following

four questions: (1) What was the season of settlement of

the fouling organisms at Alameda ~arina, San Francisco Bay?

(2) What was the growth rate of certain of these fouling

organisms? (3) Was the season of settlement or growth rate

related to either water temperature or salinity changes?

' '


Page 7: SETTLEMENT AND GROWTH OF FOULING ORGANISMS AT … · fouling organisms are abundant and present thraughout the year, and it was within


(4) Did the development of the community take place via a

true succession or by a seasonal progression?

. , ~

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Page 8: SETTLEMENT AND GROWTH OF FOULING ORGANISMS AT … · fouling organisms are abundant and present thraughout the year, and it was within



The study was carried out from January 1, 1975 until

April 21, 1976 at Alameda Marina, Alameda, California. This

Marina is located on the Oakland Estuary, across from

Government Island (Figure 1) . ·l'he area was chosen because

fouling organisms are abundant and present thraughout the year,

and it was within one mile of Graham and Gay's (1945) study


Experimental fouling surfaces, 10 x 10 em, were con-

structed of 5 mm thick black acrylic sheeting. The plates

were sandblasted to roughen the surface (crevices about

0.1 mm wide and deep), and thus aid in the attachment of

organisms (Pomerat and Weiss 1946). A total of twenty-four

numbered plates were used for the entire Etudy.

Five sets of plates were used, w~th three replicates

per set in the rack (see below) at all times. These five

sets were as follows: (A) plates that were exposed for one

month, (B) and (C) plates that were exposed for two months,

(D) plates that were exposed for six mo~ths, and (E) plates

that were exposed for twelve months. T·wo plate types, (B)

and (C), were needed for t'iVo months exposure so that one

set could be collected at the end of each monthly period.

It should be noted that 'one month' in this study consisted

of exactly four weeks. Table 1 illustrates the chronological

sequence of placement and replacement of the plates.



Page 9: SETTLEMENT AND GROWTH OF FOULING ORGANISMS AT … · fouling organisms are abundant and present thraughout the year, and it was within



The pla~es were held in a rack constructed of rigid,

white one inch PVC tubing filled with concrete to create a

negative bouyancy (Figure 2). The rack was held together

with waterproof PVC glue and stainless steel hosP clamps.

The rack held fifteen randomly positioned plates oriented

vertically at a constant distance of 5 em from each other.

Stainless steel cable (5 mm diameter) was used to suspend

the ~ack at a constant depth of 76 em from an eyebolt which

was screwed in on the underside of the dock. The other end

of the cable hooked to the rack via a brass swivel which

enabled the rack to turn with water movement (Figure J). A

swivel and cable were also attached to the underside of the

rack for security reasons. This cable was hooked to a second

eyebolt, also attached to the underside of the dock. The

distance between the two eyebolts was approximately one meter.

Each 'month' the appropriate set of 1,2,6 and/or 12

month plates were collected from the rack and clean, ran-

domly selected plates were used to replace the collected

plates. The fouled plates were returned to the laboratory

in a carrying chamber. Photographs were taken of both front

and back of each plate, and within two days, all organisms

were identified and listed, and size and number of certain

species (called quantified species) were recorded. While 1n

the laboratory, the water in the carrying chamber was

aerated, and the temperature was kept within ~ 1°C of the

temperature at the study site.

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Page 10: SETTLEMENT AND GROWTH OF FOULING ORGANISMS AT … · fouling organisms are abundant and present thraughout the year, and it was within


During the study, representative examples of species

were removed from the plates and fixed in 10% neutral

formaldehyde. The plates were then scraped clean with a

razor blade and placed in a freshwater bath for one week.

The plates were then used again at a later date in the


Water temperature and salinity were monitored at a

depth of 10 em throughout the study. Temperature was determined

by use of a thermometer,,and salinity was determined by use

of a Goldberg T/C Refractomer (AO Instrument Company, Buffalo,

New York; accuracy=~ 1°/oo).

The total number of i~dividuals of many species that

attached to the one and ~No month plates was determined.

Certain species were not quantified, but from the presence

or absence of each species it was possible to determine when

they settled.

In an effort to determine the maximum growth rate of

the quantified species, the mean size of the three largest

individuals of each species on one and two month plates was

calculated. It was assumed that the largest individuals of

each species attached on the day the clean plates were placed

in tr.e water. Size of animals (bryozoans and

colonial tunicates) was determined with a planime~er and

expressed as total area cove:c·ed (mm2). Areas under 25 mm2

were estimated. Size of upright ar1imals (barnacle~, mussels

and simple tunicates) was determined ty use of a micrometer

Page 11: SETTLEMENT AND GROWTH OF FOULING ORGANISMS AT … · fouling organisms are abundant and present thraughout the year, and it was within


and expressed in mm. Figure 4 shows the parts of the body of

the erect species that were measured. Simple tunicates were

relaxed before measuring.

The Mann-Whitney test was used to determine if the

total number of attached individuals and their mean size were

statistically similar on both front and back of the one and

two month plates. Siegel's (1956; p.125) formula was used,

and the calculated Z values were compared as in Zar (1974;

p.112). Zar (1974) notes that the critical values of t and Z

are equal for large samples, and for~= 0.05, t and Z = 1.960.

Multiple correlations (Zar 1974) were carried out to

determine if the total number of attached species, or the

numbers or growth of individuals of the quantified species,

had any relationship with either temperature and/or salinity


A comparison was made between the total number of

species that attached after different lengths of submergence

to determine if the development of the fouling co~~unity took

place via a true succession or by a seasonal. progression.

This comparison was made by use of the Index of Similarity (S):

s = 2c a+b X 100

where a = number of species 1n month A, b = number of species

in month B and c = number of species 1n common to A and B

(Sorenson 1948). A high similarity between overlapping periods

Page 12: SETTLEMENT AND GROWTH OF FOULING ORGANISMS AT … · fouling organisms are abundant and present thraughout the year, and it was within

lJ . of long and short submergence would show that organisms do

not drop out as the community develops, and no one organism

was essential for the settlement of another. Thus such a high

similarity would indicate that community development was via

a seasonal progression. A low similarity between all overlapping

periods of long and short submergence would mean that organisms

were dropping out as the co~~unity developed and may indicate

that one organism was essential to the attachment of another

(development takes place via a true succession).

l I I


Page 13: SETTLEMENT AND GROWTH OF FOULING ORGANISMS AT … · fouling organisms are abundant and present thraughout the year, and it was within


The season of settlement of the fouling organisms at

Alameda Marina is shown in Figure 5. The solid lines denote

settlement on both one and two month plates, while a dotted

line signifies settlement only on two month plates. Only a

diatom film (probably composed of both bacteria and diatoms)

and Melosira sp. attached through0ut the entire study, the

rest of the species settled over only part of the year.

Certain species (ex. Zoothamnium sp., Obelia longissima

did not attach during the sum~er, while many others (ex.

Corophium sp., Mytilus edulis) did not settle during the

fall or winter.

The front and back of the plates were found to be

statistically similar in relation to the total number and

mean growth of all individuals of the quantified species on

the one and two month plates (Table 2). Thus, data from the

front and back of three plates in a set (N = 6) could be

used together, and the total number of settled individuals

and their maximum growth rates could be determined.

Figures 6 to 16 represent the total number of individ­

uals and the mean size + 1 S.E. of the three largest individ­

uals of the quantified species: the bryozoans Membranipora

membranacea, Cryptosula nallasiana, Sm~ttoidea prolifica,

the barnacle Balanus imnrovisus, the mussel Mvtilus edulis,

and the tunicates Botryllus s_p., Botrvlloides sp., Molgula

manhattensis, Ascidia ceratodes, and Cio:1a intestinalis. Many


Page 14: SETTLEMENT AND GROWTH OF FOULING ORGANISMS AT … · fouling organisms are abundant and present thraughout the year, and it was within



of the attached colonial t~nicates could not be identified

to genus due to their small size, and were placed in an

additional category, Family Botryllidae. Figure 17 shows the

total number of attached Mercierella eni&natica. No growth

data was collected for this species.

Multiple correlations were calculated to determine

water temperature or salinity changes (Figure 18) had a

significant effect on the total number or average growth of

all attached individuals of the quantified species (Table 3).

The number of attached C. uallasiana, ~· improvisus, Botryllus

sp., Botrylloides sp., Family Botryllidae and~· ceratodes, and

growth of C. pallasiana, B. improvi.sus, Botryllus sp.,

Botrylloides sp., Family Botryllidae, Molgula manhattensis,

Q. intestinalis and A. ceratodes were directly correlated with

water temperature. The relationship with salinity shows so~e

significant positive (C. intestinalis, Eotrylloides sp. and

Family Botryllidae) and negative (~. membranacea and M. edulis)

correlations fer numbers and growth.

Table 4 shows that there is a direct correlation

between the total number of attached species and temperature.

Salinity does not have a statistically significant effect.

Some Index of Similarity (S) values are shown in

Table 5. There is a high similarity between certain 1 and

6 or 12 month periods, such as June 1 month and June 6 month

plates and August 1 month and December 6 or 12 month plates.

Little similarity is seen between different 1 month periods,

such as J~nuary 1 month and August 1 month plates. It should

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Page 15: SETTLEMENT AND GROWTH OF FOULING ORGANISMS AT … · fouling organisms are abundant and present thraughout the year, and it was within


be noted that in all comparisons between 1 and 6 or 12 month

periods, there was one month of sutmergence in common to

both plate types. In other words, while the August 1 month

plates were in the water, so were the December 6 month plates.


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Page 16: SETTLEMENT AND GROWTH OF FOULING ORGANISMS AT … · fouling organisms are abundant and present thraughout the year, and it was within



Coe (1932) working at La Jolla, California, found

that algae settled year round. The settlement of algae is

usually best near the surface of the water (Pyefinch 1950).

In the present study, a diatom film and Melosira sp. attached

year round, while only during the spring were a few

Enteromorpha sp. and Ulva lobata found attached to the plates

(Figure 5). The docks at Alameda are covered with large

quantities of these algae, and the limited algal attachment

on the plates was probably due to the lack of a minimum

quantity of light at the depth of the rack, caused by shading

from the dock and a nearby boat, by the turbidity of the water,

and by the vertical orientation of the plates.


Coe (1932) and Graham and ~ay (1945) found that

protozoans settle year round. My study shows that protozoans

were always found attached to the plates, but no one species

was present throughout the year (Figure 5). Allen and Wood

(1950) in Australia, and Ganapathi et al (1958) in the

Indian Ocean, found that Zoothamnium sp. settled year round.

At Alameda, it only settled from November to May (Figure 5).

Zoothamnium sp., Folliculina sp. and Stentor sp. did not

attach during the su~~er at Alameda and might be limited by


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Page 17: SETTLEMENT AND GROWTH OF FOULING ORGANISMS AT … · fouling organisms are abundant and present thraughout the year, and it was within


warm water. 'The suctorians and unidentified protozans (all

ciliates) were able to settle during these warmer water

periods. Stentor sp. appears to also be limited by colder

water temperatures, and thus did not settle at either of the

extremes of temperature at Alameda (Figures 5, 18).


Nair (1962) working in Norway and Coe (1932) found

that sponges attach during the warmer water periods. Scypha sp.

at Alameda, followed this pattern, probably being limited by

cold water (Figures 5, 18). Kajihara et al (1975) in Japan,

found that Halichondria panoce~ settles from May to August,

while Halichondria bowerbankia at Alameda, attached for a

longer period of time, April to December (Figure 5). Fell

(1970) found that Haliclona eshasis has two periods of repro­

duction at the Berkeley Yacht Harbor, San Francisco Bay, spring

and fall. Settlement of Haliclona sp. at Alameda appears to

follow the same pattern (assuming season of settlement re­

flects period of reproduction), with the fall period lasting

longer than the spring period (Figure 5).


Visscher (1928) working on the East Coast of the

United States, found that hydroids settled from January

to April, while Coe (1932) found that Obelia dichotom~

attached from August to May. Obelia longissima at Alameda,

settled from November to June (Figure 5).

Page 18: SETTLEMENT AND GROWTH OF FOULING ORGANISMS AT … · fouling organisms are abundant and present thraughout the year, and it was within


Syncoryne sp. and the unidentified hydroid only

settled in the cool water periods of 1976, having not been


seen in 1975 (Figure 5) . The unidentified hydroid consisted

of small, less than 1 mm tall, single upright polyps, inter-

connected by a stolon-like structure. A hydromedus:l was con-

tained inside each polyp. The hydromedusae were small, less

than 1 mm across, and had four short tentacles. No feeding

polyps were seen.


Egg cases from an unidentified flatworm were found

on many plates (Figure 5). The adult flatworms were white in

color, with two dark anterior eyespots. Four to six young

were found in each egg case.


Mercierella enigrnatica settled from April to August

at Alameda (Figure 17), while Kajihara et al (1975) found it

attached in Japan from Nay to November. No aduJts of this

species were seen at or near Alameda Marina, but large popula-

tions live in Lake Merritt, a brackish lake in Oakland that

connects with the Oakland Sstuary via a canal. The individuals

on the plates might have been recruited from Lake Merritt.

Polydora ligni lives in a tube which it constructs

out of silt and debris (Graham and Gay 1945). It might be that

not enough of this type of material was found on the 1 month

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Page 19: SETTLEMENT AND GROWTH OF FOULING ORGANISMS AT … · fouling organisms are abundant and present thraughout the year, and it was within

plates for tube construction, individuals thus only being

found on two month plates (Figure 5).


Membranipora tenuis settled from April tc November


in North Carolina (Maturo 1959). At Alameda, d· membranacea

attached from February to June, with peak settlement from

April to late NT·J.y (Figure 6) . It is not k.nown why this species

did not attach again in the second year.

~· membranacea appears to have about the same growth

rate (Figure 6) as M· pilosa in Woods Hole (Parker 1924), but

much slower than Membranipora sp. in India (Paul 1942).

Cryptosula pallasiana has two settlement periods in

North Carolina, April to June and October to November (Maturo

1959), but in Norway, it settles continuously from April to

December (Nair 1962). At Alameda, it attached from February to

August and from October to November (Fig1Jre 7).

Settlement of Smittoidea nrolifica is during the

warmer water periods, with peak settlement from mid-June to

mid-July (Figure 8).

Settle~ent of Bu~ula californica in Japan took place

from May to August (Kajihara et al 1975), in North Carolina,

it attached from April to December (Maturo 1959) . Maturo

(1959) also found that this species began to settle when the

water temperature rose to 15°C. At Alameda, this species did

not settle until the temperature reached 19°C (Figures 5, 18).

Coe (19J2) and Maturo (1959) found that Eugula neritina

Page 20: SETTLEMENT AND GROWTH OF FOULING ORGANISMS AT … · fouling organisms are abundant and present thraughout the year, and it was within


began to attach when the water temperature rose to 15 - 16°C

{April) and continued until the end of fall (November, December).

It did not settle until the temperature reached 20°C (July)

at Alameda (Figures 5, 18). It continued until


Tricellaria occidentalis has not been listed as a

fouling organism by either the Woods Hole Oceanographic

Institute (1952) or Ryland (1965), yet it is the dominant

erect bryozoan in the fouling community at Alameda (Figure 5).

It is limited by the colder water temperatures during the

winter at Alameda.

Settlement of Bowerbankia gracilis appears to be

limited by high summer water temperatures (Figures 5, 18).

Settlement of Alcyonidium ~olvoum, Parrella elongata and

Electra crustulenta was rare and limited to spring and summer

(Figure 5) •

The unidentified bryozoans (Figure 5), both erect and

encrusting, were small (1 and 2 zooid) and probably young

individuals of the dominant species.


Graham and Gay (1945) found that Balanus irnnrovisus

attached from March (temperature 15°C) to Octooer. At Alameda,

it started to settle in i'i!arc!-1 ( FioTure --'

9) at a temperature of

11°C (a possible explanation for this difference will be

discussed later). The growth of this barnacle at Alameda

(Figure 9) is within the range that Graham and Gay (1945)

Page 21: SETTLEMENT AND GROWTH OF FOULING ORGANISMS AT … · fouling organisms are abundant and present thraughout the year, and it was within


found, an average growth of 4.4 rnrr. in 30 days.

The amphipod Corophium insidiosum began to settle

when the temperature reached 15°C at Oakland (Graham and Gay

1945). At Alameda, Corophium sp. (Figure 5) began to attach

at a temperature of 11 to 12°C (see below for a possible

explanation) .


Settlement of Mvtilus edulis is from June to August

in Long Island Sound (Engle and Lcosanoff 1944) and Maine

(Fuller 1946) and from March to May at Oakland (Graham and

Gay 1945). At Alameda, settlement appears to take place from

March until June and again in August and October (Figure 10).

Mytilus edulis exhibits a crawling behavior (Harger 1968)

and it 1s possible that the large N· edulis found on the

plates of June 18, August 13. October 10, 1975 and March 24,

1976 might have crawled onto the plates. If so, settlement

at Alameda takes place from March to June.

The growth of this species, minus the very large

individuals, ranges from 4 to 9 mm per month. A similar range

has been found in other stt<dies (Graham and Gay 1945; Fuller

1946; Reish 1964).

Settlemeni of Ostrea lurida at Alameda, did not begin

until the water temperature reached its maximum, 20°C (Figures

5, 18). Coe (1932) found that this species began to attach at

LaJolla, California, after the temperature had reached only

16°C, while McDougall ( 1943) found that .Q_strea virginica

Page 22: SETTLEMENT AND GROWTH OF FOULING ORGANISMS AT … · fouling organisms are abundant and present thraughout the year, and it was within


in North Car~lina, did not begin to spawn until the water

reached 20°C.


Maturo (1959) found that Barentsia laxa in North

Carolina settled from July (water temperature 28°C) to

October. At Alameda, Barentsia sp. did not attach until the

temperature had dropped to 16°C (Figures 5, 18).


Millar (1958) in Scotland, found that Botryllus


schlosseri began to attach when the water temperature was

8°C (April). At Alameda, ~otryllus sp. does not settle until

the temperature reached 11°C (Figures 11, 18). The growth

rate of Botrvllus sp. at Alameda was within the ranges for

both B. schlosseri (Parker 1924) and B. gouldii (Grave 19JJ).

The growth rate of this sp~cies was much less on the July

plates than on the June or August plates (Figure 11). It

might be that on the July plates, individuals did not start

to settle on the first day the plates were placed in the

water, and thus did not have the entire 'month' period in

which to grow.

The difference between the settlement of Botrylloides •

sp. on the 1 and 2 month plates (Figure 12) might be due to

the inability of identifying small (young) individuals. They

have to attain a certain size (age) in order to be identified.

Thus, more and larger individuals were seen after two months

Page 23: SETTLEMENT AND GROWTH OF FOULING ORGANISMS AT … · fouling organisms are abundant and present thraughout the year, and it was within


than one.

There was usually fewer Family Botryllidae individuals

on the two month than one month plates (Figure 13). This

might be due to the ability of identifying larger colonies,

and reclassifying them into one of the two genera of colonial


McDougall (19L~J) found that high summer temperatures

tended to stop reproduction in ~.1olgula manhattensis. This is

a possible explanation for the absence of this species on

the September one month plates (Figure 14).

Ciona intestinal~s attached from April to November

in Norway (Gulliksen 1972) and from May to October in Alamitos

Bay, California (Reish 1964). At Alameda, this species did

not settle until July of 1975, yet in 1976, it started to

attach in early March (Figure 15). This species was not

found attached to the docks of this Marina until July, 1975,

and thus may have been introduced to this Mar~na at that time.

Attachment of Ascidia ceratodes (Figure 16) and

Styela clava (Figure 5) appears to be limited to warmer

water periods (Figure 18). Settlement and growth of A.

ceratodes decreases as the temperature decreases.

Graham and Gay's (1945). study and results differed in

a number of respects from the present study. T~ey used 16 in2

(100 cm2 ) wooden panels suspended vertically at a constant

depth just below the water's surface. It has been found

(Aleem 1957) that wood and plastic have about the same suit-

ability for attachment and growth of organisms.

,.,.. ' 'JL '

. .:: ' . ' ,.·· .·,<.-·:.:;-.:.:.1, ·~··IJ' 1;),~.· ~~'"'-,.i/"",;~ ••. ,· ~ '.,..,

Page 24: SETTLEMENT AND GROWTH OF FOULING ORGANISMS AT … · fouling organisms are abundant and present thraughout the year, and it was within


Ectocarpus sp., Vaucheria sp., Eteone lighti, Eteone

californica and Tubularia crocea attached in 1945, but not in

the present study. I have found no specimens of the algae or

annelids and only one T. crocea attac~ed to the docks at


Polvdora sp., Corophium sp. and Balanus l!I!.P.rovisus

were found in both studies, but in 1945, the numbers of these

three that attached were statistically much higher than in


No bryozoans or ascidians attached to the plates or

were seen on nearby docks in 1945, yet they now dominate the

community at Alameda. Obelia lon£issima and Ostrea lurida

were also no~ present in 1945.

The reason for the differences 1n the two studies is

not known, but may be due to a number of factors. Graham

(personal comrr.unication) noted that there was considerable

pollution from a sanitary sewer in the area of their study.

The decomposition of this sewage might have decreased the

dissolved oxygen content in the water to a level which would

support only relatively few types of organisms. In 1945, the

California State Department of Public ]{ealth ordered an end

to the discharge of raw sewage into San Francisco Bay waters

(San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission

1969b), and in recent years, extensive improvements in the

treatment of industrial and municipal wastes have greatly

reduced the amount of pollutior1 in the Bay (San Francisco Bay

Page 25: SETTLEMENT AND GROWTH OF FOULING ORGANISMS AT … · fouling organisms are abundant and present thraughout the year, and it was within


Conservation and Development Commission 1969a).

Patrick, Hohn and ~allace (1954) found low diatom

density in polluted river water, with large numbers of indi­

viduals of each species (low diversity), while in unpolluted

water there were more species, but less individuals of each

species (high diversity). If this also happens for macroscopic

organisms, it could explain some of the differences seen

between the two studies now under comparison. In the more

polluted case, 1945, there was a large number of individuals

of a few species, while in 1975-76, there was less pollution,

and fewer individuals of a large number of species.

It is also possible that many organisms had not been

introduced into the Oakland Estuary by 1945, and thus the

differences seen between the two studies are due to the

introduction of new species and interspecific competition

for available niches.

Variations occur during the year in both the number of

attached individuals and growth rate of fouling organisms, and

they have been found to be regulated by water temperature

(Orton 1920; Coe and Allen 1937; Nicol 1960). In the present

study, temperature was correlated with the total number of

attached species, the total number of attached individuals of

six species and the growth rate of eight species.

It is known that spawning ir1 many marine organisms is

triggered by a certain temperature, which varies with species

(Vernberg and Vernberg 1972). Within any one species, the

breeding season will vary in different parts of its range

~ - . ~ ' < ~ ' • - .- ,. - /

' ' • • ' ' • 'I ... ·' ':~ ' ~ • ' .. ~ ;)t•~:.i+.J.-i'"':• ' ' '~_...,!: <I' ~ .,."'-""" *;' • • '-( : i' " ... ~ • ' '• • • ' ( ' ,'_.

Page 26: SETTLEMENT AND GROWTH OF FOULING ORGANISMS AT … · fouling organisms are abundant and present thraughout the year, and it was within


.. depending on the temperature variation at different latitudes

(Crisp 1957). This is the probable reason why certain species

in my study started to settle at a different temperature than

was indicated by other investigators. It is not certain why

two species (Balanu~ improvisus and Coronhium sp.) started to

attach at different temperatures at Oakland (Graham and Gay

1945) and Alameda. It is possible that the increased amount

of pollution in 1945 put an added stress on these organisms,

the adult and/or larval stages, and thus they did not begin

to settle until a slightly higher temperature.

Sastry (196J, 1968) found that scallops in Massachu-

setts start spawning when the temperature increases, while

more southern scallops spawn only as the temperature rises.

It appears in my study that all species begin to settle as

the temperature is increasing.

Nair (1967) found that salinity variations played a

maJor role in settlement and growth of the major fouling

organisms in Cochin Harbor, India. Orton (1920) found that

salinity had no affect on the breeding of many marine organ­

isms. I found that salinity and the number or growth of

attached individuals were only correlated for a few species.

The presence and grow~h of the attached species might

also be affected by certain biological factors. Predation

could have affected the number of attached individuals. Coe

(1932) found that ''even during the season when young barnacles

are daily attaching themselves to the blocks, the rate of

. . ~ . ' ' . . " - • ~ • '•lilt r,~.,_t \~r·-, J,to'> ,'' <' -~.,:t .. -. .,/~"; 4- ' .-.' -,. ' •j ·~

Page 27: SETTLEMENT AND GROWTH OF FOULING ORGANISMS AT … · fouling organisms are abundant and present thraughout the year, and it was within


mortality rna~ exceed the increment owing to new arrivals,

with a possible decrease in the population following an early

maximum''. This could also happen to other young organisms.

Flatworms, caprellid amphipods, nudibranchs and fish, which

were seen on the plates or in close proximity to them, might

have eaten and thus decreased the number of attached individuals.

Competition for food and space could also limit the

number of individuals and their growth rate. Coe (1932) found

that there was a definite competition for food among newly

attached individuals. The amount of food, if limited, can

greatly affect the growth rate of organisms (Coe and Allen

1937; MacGinitie and MacGinitie 1968). Possible competition

for food was not examined in this study.

Competition for space can also affect marine organ­

isms. Connell (1961) found that the lower limits of Chthamalus

stellatus in the rocky intertidal is limited by competition

for space with Balanus balanoides. In my study, overgrowing

by colonial organisms was only noticed twice, but in each

instance the bottom organism was dead. This overgrowing could

affect the number or size of individuals.

The monopolization of limited resources has been

found to affect community develop~ent. There will start to be

interspecific competition (interference) for the limited

resource as the number of individuals and species (diversity)

increases. As the competitively successful species become

dominant, the less successful will drop out of the community,

Page 28: SETTLEMENT AND GROWTH OF FOULING ORGANISMS AT … · fouling organisms are abundant and present thraughout the year, and it was within


and the dive'rsity will decrease (Grig;; and Maragos 1974). In

the present study, competition for space was never intense

enough, even on the twelve month plates, so that there was

a decline in the number of attached species. A comparison of

the climax community on the docks and that on the twelve month

plates shows that the number of species on the plates might

decline as development continues.

Grigg and Maragos (1974) while working on coral diver­

sity in Hawaii, found that during the succession of a biolog­

ically accomodated community, the diversity would be expected

to increase steadily, reaching a peak value at or near the

climax. Also, competition and preda t_~on would "provide regu­

lation and therefore confer stability to the community".

Physically controlled communities usualJ.y show a diversity

peak at an intermediate stage. The development of the fouling

com:rnunity at Alameda fits in between these two extremes,

showing characteristics of both biologically accomodated

and physically controlled communities.

Odum (19?1) states that succession lS composed of "an

orderly process of community development that involves changes

in species structure and community process with time''. Scheer

(1945) at Newport Harbor, California, found that the develop­

mental sequence of organisms on experimental panels leading

to a climax co~munity was not dependent on the time of year.

This does not happen at Alameda. Interpretation of the Index of

Similarity values shows that earlier organisms were not

Page 29: SETTLEMENT AND GROWTH OF FOULING ORGANISMS AT … · fouling organisms are abundant and present thraughout the year, and it was within


essential for settlement of later ones, organisms did not

disappear as the development of the co!nnmni ty took place, and

settlement was dependent on when the larvae or spores are

present in the water. Thus, development of the community was

via a seasonal progression and not a true succession. These

were also the findings of Coe (1932) and Coe and Allen (1937)

at La Jolla, California, Weiss (1948) in Biscayne Bay, Florida,

Kawahara (1962, 1963, 1965) in Japan, and others.

In conclusion, it is hoped that this study will aid

others in understanding certain aspects of the biology of

some of the organisms in San Francisco Bay. Additional studies

of this type must be carried otl.t to determine more about the

life histories of individual species, the year-to-year fluc­

tuations in the species composition, the seasonal variation

in growth under different environmental situations, and

interactions between different populations. Only then can any

far-reaching conclusions be drawn.

Page 30: SETTLEMENT AND GROWTH OF FOULING ORGANISMS AT … · fouling organisms are abundant and present thraughout the year, and it was within


Aleem, A.A. 1957. Succession of marine fouling organisms on test panels immersed in deen water at La Jolla, Calif;rnia. Hydrobiologica,-~: 40-58.

Allen, F.E. and E.J.F. Wood 1950. Investigations on underwater fouling. II. The biology of fouling in Australia. Result of a year's research. Aust. J. Mar. Freshwater Res., 1= 92-105.

Coe, W.R. 19J2. Season of attachment and rate of growth of sedentary marine organisms at the pier of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, California. Scripps Inst. Oceanography, Bull. Tech. Series, }: J7-87.

Coe, W.R. and W.S. Allen 19J7. Growth of marine organisms on experimental blocks and plates for nine years at the pier of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography. · Scripps Inst. Oceanography, Bull. Tech. Series, 4: 101-1J6.

Connell, J.H. 1961. The influence of interspecific competition and other factors on the distribution of the barnacle Chthamalus stellatus. Ecol., 42: 710-72J.

Crisp, D.J. 1957. Effects of low temperature on the breeding of marine animals. Nature (London), 122.: 11J8-·11J?.

Engle, J .B. and V .L. I!oo~anoff 1944. On seasons of attach,'71.ent of the larvae of Mvtilus edulis. Ecol., gj_: 4JJ-440.

Fell, P.E. 1970. The natural history of Haliclona eshasis de Laubenfels, a siliceous sponge of California. Pacific Science, 24: J81-J86.

Fuller, J. 1946. Season of attachment and growth of sedentary marine oY'ganisms at Lamoine, Maine. Ecol., gz: 150-158.

Ganapathi, P.N., M.V. Lakshmana Rao and R. Nagabhushnam 1958. Biology of fouling in Visakhapatnam Harbour. Anhra. Univ. Mem. in Oceano., _62: 19J-209.

Goodbody, I. 1961. Continuous breeding in three species of tropical ascidians. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., l}Q: 40J-409.

Graham, H.t'J. and H. Gay 1945. Season of attachment and growth of sedentary marine organisms at Oakland, California. Ecol., 26: J75-JS6.


Page 31: SETTLEMENT AND GROWTH OF FOULING ORGANISMS AT … · fouling organisms are abundant and present thraughout the year, and it was within


Grave, B.H. 1~33. Rate of growth, age at sexual maturity, and duration of life of certain sessile organisms at Woods Hole, Massachusetts. Biol. Bull. , .§2: 37 5-386.

Grigg, R.W. and J.E. Maragos 1974. Recolonization of hermatypic corals on submerged lava flows in Hawaii. Ecol., 22: 387-395.

Gulliksen, B. 1972. Spawning, larval settlement, growth, and distribution of Ciona intestinalis L. (Tunicata) in Borgenfjorden, North-Trondelag, Norway. Sarsia, 21.: 83-96.

Harger, J.R.E. 1968. The role of behavioral traits in influ­encing the distribution of two species of sea mussel, Mytilus edulis and Mytilus californianus. Veliger, 11: 45-49.

Kajihara, T., R. Hirano and K.Chiba 1975. Marine fouling animals in the Bay of Hamana-ko, Japan. Veliger, 18: 361-366.

Kawahara, T. 1962. Studies on the marine fouling communities: I. Development of a fouling community. Rep. Fac. Fish. Prefect. Univ. Mie., 4: 27-41.

Kawahara, T. 1963. Studies on the marine fouling communities: II. Differences in development of the test block communities with reference to the chronological differences of their initiation. Rep. Fac. Fish. Prefect. Univ. Mie., ~: 391-418.

Kawahara, r·., 1965. Studies on the marine fouling communities: III. Seasonal changes in the initial development of test block communities. Rep. Fac. Fish. Prefect. Univ. Mie., 2: 319-364.

MacGinitie, G.E. and N. MacGinitie 1968. Natural history of marine animals. Second edition. McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York, 523 pp.

Maturo, F.J.S. 1959. Seasonal distribution and settling rates of estuarine bryozoa. Ecol., 40: 116-127.

McDougall, K.D. 1943. Sessile marine invertebrates of Beaufort, North Carolina. Ecol. Monographs, l}: 323-374.

Millar, R.H. 1958. The breeding season of some littoral ascidians in Scottish waters. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K., J..1: 649-652.

Page 32: SETTLEMENT AND GROWTH OF FOULING ORGANISMS AT … · fouling organisms are abundant and present thraughout the year, and it was within

Nair, N.B. 1962. Ecology of marine fouling and wood-boring organisms of Western Norway. Sarsia, 8: 1-88.


Nair, N.B. 1967. The settlement and growth of major fouling organisms in Cochin Harbor. Hydrobiologia, }Q: 503-512.

Nicol, J.A.C. 1960. The biology of marine animals. Interscience Publishers, Inc., New York, 707 pp.

Odum, E.P. 1971. Fundamentals of ecology. Third edition. W.B. Saunders Co., 574 pp.

Orton, J.H. 1920. Sea temperature, breeding and distribution in marine animals. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K., 1£: 339-366.

Parker, G.H. 1924. The growth of marine animals on submerged metals. Biol. Bull., ~: 124-142.

Patrick, R., M. Hahn, and J. Wallace 1954. A new method of determining the pattern of the diatom flora. Academy of Nat. Sci. of Phil. : Notulae Natural, ill·

Paul, M.D. 1942. Studies on the growth and breeding of certain sedentary organisms in the Madras Harbour. Proc. Indian Acad. Sci., 12: 1-42.

Pomerat, C.M. and C.M. Weiss 1946. The influence of texture and composition of surface on the attachment of sedentary marine organisms. Biol. Bull., 21: 57-65.

Pyefinch, K. 1950. Notes on the ecology of ship fouling organisms. J. An. Ecol., 12.: 29-J5.

Reish, D. 1964. Studies on the Mytilus edulis community in Alamitos Bay, California. I. Development and des­truction of the community. Veliger, Q: 124-131.

Ryland, J.S. 1965. Catalogue of main marine fouling organisms. Volume 2. Polyzoa. Organization for Economic Co-opera­tion and Development, France,. 82 pp.

San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission 1969a. San Francisco Bay Plan. 4J pp.

San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission 1969b. San Francisco Bay Plan. Supplement. 5'?2 pp.

Sastry, A.N. 1963. Reproduction of the bay scallop, Aequinecten irradians Lamarck. Influence of temperature on matura­tion and spawning. Biol.. Bull., 12S: 146-1.53.

Page 33: SETTLEMENT AND GROWTH OF FOULING ORGANISMS AT … · fouling organisms are abundant and present thraughout the year, and it was within


Sastry, A.N. 1968. The relationship among food, temperature and gonad development of the bay scallop, Aequipecten irradians Lamarck. Physiol. Zool., 41: 44-53.

Scheer, B.T. 1945. The development of marine fouling communities. Biol. Bull., ~: 103-121.

Shelford, V.E. 1930. Geographic extent and succession 1n Pacific North American intertidal (Balanus) communities. Pub. Puget Sd. Mar. Biol. Stn., 1.: 217-222.

Siegel, S. 1956. Nonparametric statistics for the behavioral sciences. McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York, 312 pp.

Sorenson, T. 1948. A method of establishing groups of equal amplitude in plant sociology based on similarity of species content. K. Danske. Vidensk. Selsk., Biologiske Skrifter, 2: 1-34.

Vernberg, W.B. and F.J. Vernberg 1972. Environmental physiology of marine animals. Springer-Verlag, Inc, 346 pp.

Visscher, J.P. 1928. Natur2 and extent of fouling of ships' bottoms. Bull. Bur. Fisheries, ~: 193-252.

Weiss, C.M. 1948. The seasonal occurrence of sedentary marine organisms in Biscayne Bay, Florida. Ecol., ~: 153-172.

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute 1952. Marine Fouling and its Prevention. United States Naval Institute, 388 pp.

Zar, J.H. 1974. Biostatistical Analysis. Prentice-Hall, Inc., 620 pp.

Page 34: SETTLEMENT AND GROWTH OF FOULING ORGANISMS AT … · fouling organisms are abundant and present thraughout the year, and it was within


Figure 1. Map of San Francisco Bay. Parallel straight

lines Sj-mbolize water. Insert shows Alameda

Marina (A), Oakland Estuary (B) and Govern­

ment Island (C). At point D, Latitude is

)8°00' N and Longitude is 120°00'W. Total

scale equals 4 miles.

Page 35: SETTLEMENT AND GROWTH OF FOULING ORGANISMS AT … · fouling organisms are abundant and present thraughout the year, and it was within
Page 36: SETTLEMENT AND GROWTH OF FOULING ORGANISMS AT … · fouling organisms are abundant and present thraughout the year, and it was within

Figure 2. Rack with fifteen plates in place. Scale equals 15 ern.

PVC tubing

a) Restraints are attached to the rack with stainless steel bolts and keep the plates from falling out of the rack.

Page 37: SETTLEMENT AND GROWTH OF FOULING ORGANISMS AT … · fouling organisms are abundant and present thraughout the year, and it was within


Figure J. Suspension of rack, side view. Scale equals 15 em.

Stainless steel cable


Page 38: SETTLEMENT AND GROWTH OF FOULING ORGANISMS AT … · fouling organisms are abundant and present thraughout the year, and it was within


Figure 4. Measurement of upright species. Scales represent

parts of body rnea~ured. Measurements expressed in

mrn in text.

Page 39: SETTLEMENT AND GROWTH OF FOULING ORGANISMS AT … · fouling organisms are abundant and present thraughout the year, and it was within


Ascidia ceratodes

Ciona intesti~alis

Molgula manhattensis

Balanus improvisus

Mytilus edulis

Page 40: SETTLEMENT AND GROWTH OF FOULING ORGANISMS AT … · fouling organisms are abundant and present thraughout the year, and it was within


Figure 5. Settlement times of the fouling organisms at

Alameda Marina. Solid line indicates settlement

on 1 and 2 month plates; dotted line, settlement

only on 2 month plates.

Page 41: SETTLEMENT AND GROWTH OF FOULING ORGANISMS AT … · fouling organisms are abundant and present thraughout the year, and it was within

Diatom film Melosira sp. Entermorpha sp. Ulva lobata

Zoothamniwn sp. Folliculina sp. Stentor sp. Suctorians Unidentified protozoans

Halichondria bowerbankia Haliclona sp. Scypha sp.

Obelia longissima Syncoryne sp. Unidentified hydroid

Flatworm egg cases

Polydora sp. Mercierella_ enigmatica

Tricellaria occidentalis Bugula californica Bugula neritina l1!embrani pora membranacea Cryptosula pallisia~a Smittoidea prolifica Bowerbankia gracilis Alcyonidiwn polyown Farrella elongata Electra crustulenta Unidentified bryozoans

Corophitun sp. Balanus improvisus Balanus crenatus 'i3alai1uS s p .

!:!ytilus edulis Osuea lurida

Barentsia sp.

Botryllus sp. Botrylloides sp. Family Botryllidae i.fol~ula manhattensis Ascidia ceratodes Styela clava Ciona inteStinalis


Collectian dotes

1975 1976

.-1 ,-; w ,o "' 0 w ""

,, "' co "" ~ ..-;

(\4 rl .-1 .-1 ,_ ' " ---- ('J ('~ ~ ('J

" --, " ' '- ---- 0 .-1 ~ ~ " " " " ~' -D t'- tO C'· r~ ,.-j r-1 , .. ,., (·~ ..-, '-1



--------- .... - .. -·. . . . . . . .......


··---------------- " ........

-----------··----· .. ·---------··-------

-------- .. ·--

Page 42: SETTLEMENT AND GROWTH OF FOULING ORGANISMS AT … · fouling organisms are abundant and present thraughout the year, and it was within


Figure 6. Numbers and growth of Nlembranipora membranacea with

season. For Figures 6 to 16, the top graph indicates

the total number of individuals and the bottom graph

shows the mean size + 1 S.E. of the three largest

individuals that settled on three 1 and three 2

month plates (total plate area for each month equals

600 cm2). Solid line represents 1 month plates;

dashed line, 2 month plates. Arrow point indicates

that error bar extends up above scale.

Page 43: SETTLEMENT AND GROWTH OF FOULING ORGANISMS AT … · fouling organisms are abundant and present thraughout the year, and it was within








s.. 90 Cl> p E :::l 80 z:

...... C1l 70 .., 0

E-< 60









600 (\/

! 500

~ 400 .... {/)

s:: )00 C1l Q)

:.:: 200




I 1-

,, II I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I \ I I I \ I \ I I I I I I I I I l I I I I I I

l ! \ \ \

\ \ \




A /f\


I \ I I I I \ I \


I \ I l \ / \~' \

\ \

i 1 \ I \ I I I I I \

~ I -t--- \_ -·-~~--~--~=r--~--~=---~~~~---~~~. --~

NU +:"\./\ Q-,~ OJ'-0 ,_.. ,_.. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 .... N N N N ,_.. ,_.. >-• ,_.. ~~ a- a- ~ .... OJ a- u 0 OJ \.1\

19? 5 Collection dates

..... N ~ u

..... N ~ u



Page 44: SETTLEMENT AND GROWTH OF FOULING ORGANISMS AT … · fouling organisms are abundant and present thraughout the year, and it was within


Figure 7. Numbers and growth of Cryptosula pallasiana with

season. For explanation, see legend Figure 6.

Page 45: SETTLEMENT AND GROWTH OF FOULING ORGANISMS AT … · fouling organisms are abundant and present thraughout the year, and it was within

25 1\

20 I \

1-< I \ Ql I I p E 15 \ I \ =' z \ I \ r-i 10 \ I \

111 \ +> / 0

E-1 5 I I

/ 0 -·




C\J 250 ,-J T E I


Ql 200 t-1 ~

" {/} 150

r:: cO " C1l 100 " ::E '\T

50 l } " \ _...r-....~

0 '[-- ---- -----~ N \.,.) +:- \.;'\ 0\ --J co \0 t-" t-" 1-" t-" t-" N \.,.) +:-

.......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 0 1-" N N .......... "'-. .......... "'-. N N N N N ~ 1-" 1-" 1-" .......... .......... "'-. .......... N N N N \Q 0\ ~ \.,.) ~ co 0\ \.,.) 0 co \.;'\ lu.l \.,.) co \.;'\ +:- 1-"


1975 1976

Collection dates

Page 46: SETTLEMENT AND GROWTH OF FOULING ORGANISMS AT … · fouling organisms are abundant and present thraughout the year, and it was within


Figure 8. Numbers and growth of Smittoidea prolifica with

season. For explanation, see legend Figure 6.

Page 47: SETTLEMENT AND GROWTH OF FOULING ORGANISMS AT … · fouling organisms are abundant and present thraughout the year, and it was within









;; 6o

~ ..... 50



•ri 40 til

s:: ~ JO




D I ~

.......... N '\C)

( j

N w ~

.......... .......... .......... N N N 0'- 0'- w

I /


I /



1\ I \

I \ I \

I \


I \ I \

\ \ \ \

\--·- -·- -·-


\I I I I ....... I '

A \

\ \

I \ -... . 1----.--- --~--~

~ 0'- --J CD -..() ,___.


.......... .......... .......... .......... c 1-' N ~ ~ I-' ~ .......... .......... I-' CD 0'- w 0 CD V\

1975 Collection dates


------, ' ~ 1-' I-' N w ~ N N .......... .......... .......... ..........

.......... .......... N N N N u w CD V\ ~ ~



Page 48: SETTLEMENT AND GROWTH OF FOULING ORGANISMS AT … · fouling organisms are abundant and present thraughout the year, and it was within


Figure 9. Numbers and growth of Balanus improvisus with season.

For explanation, see legend Figure 6.

J " ~ '" ' .., ,; "' > .,, __ 1, ,, 0 • ' \; ' ! •• -1~ ·} ·~" < ·--~ " ~~~':( -1>. ' ',· - ' ' • '., - .... ; ~ •

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Page 49: SETTLEMENT AND GROWTH OF FOULING ORGANISMS AT … · fouling organisms are abundant and present thraughout the year, and it was within




I-< Q) 40

..0 e ;J :z ~

~ JO 0 8





~ 15 Q)

~ 10 [/)

@ 5 Q)



/\ I \ I \


II I I I \



\ I I I I I I I \

' ' \ \


\ \

Collection dates

...... ....... ....... >~ N N

......... ......... ......... '-" \...) \...)








Page 50: SETTLEMENT AND GROWTH OF FOULING ORGANISMS AT … · fouling organisms are abundant and present thraughout the year, and it was within

51 ..

Figure 10. Numbers and growth of Mytilus edulis with season.

For explanation, see legend Figure 6.

Page 51: SETTLEMENT AND GROWTH OF FOULING ORGANISMS AT … · fouling organisms are abundant and present thraughout the year, and it was within

10 r..


5 ro.o ...., e 0 ::l E-<Z



L~=== )0


e 20 e


15 ~



c 10 ro Q)

~ 5 ./

0 ./

.... N '._.) ~ V\ 0\ -..J ClJ '-() ,_. ,_. .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 0 ,_. N N N N N ....... .... ..... ....... .......... .......... \Q 0\ (1'\ \....) .... r:n 0\ \....) 0 (0 VI


Collection dates

,..... N

.......... \....)

], If I

I I I I I I \ I I I I I \


--~--!----._\ ,_. ,_. N I...J ~

N ..........

.......... .......... .......... .......... N N N I'J

\....) ()) V\ +- ,_. ......


Page 52: SETTLEMENT AND GROWTH OF FOULING ORGANISMS AT … · fouling organisms are abundant and present thraughout the year, and it was within


Figure 11. Numbers and growth of Botryllus sp. with season.

For explanation, see legend Fi~Jre 6. Arrow

points indicate that error bars extend up

above scale.

Page 53: SETTLEMENT AND GROWTH OF FOULING ORGANISMS AT … · fouling organisms are abundant and present thraughout the year, and it was within





















;:;j Boo c ~ 700 :E








,...... / '\ ...... / \

'-/ \

' \ \


l l 11 'i I I' 'I . \

. il· \ I I I \ 1 I

\ I I I /

1 I

\ / \. T I I \I


I I 1

\ \

!( I / 11\

I I 1


\ ..,.., . / \

\ \


' '

11 \

\ ~I I

I [ I \.i. t// \ I/ l '

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f \ 1 " ...... ..... 0 .....

.......... .......... OJ V\

...... N


1975 Collection dates







Page 54: SETTLEMENT AND GROWTH OF FOULING ORGANISMS AT … · fouling organisms are abundant and present thraughout the year, and it was within


Figure 12. Numbers and growth of Botrylloides sp. with season.

For explanation, see legend Figure 6.

Page 55: SETTLEMENT AND GROWTH OF FOULING ORGANISMS AT … · fouling organisms are abundant and present thraughout the year, and it was within


s.. 20 Cl> .0 e 15 :l z. ...-1 10 as ..... 0·

5 E-o





...... 6oo C\1

! 500 Cl> 1'1 400 oM

en s:: JOO ro (I)

::: 200



____ , / \

I \ I \

I \ ,I

/ \

/ .


(]'\ "'-l co ........... ........... ........... ..... ..... ..... co (]'\ \...}

1975 Collection dates


._.. N \...l ........... ........... ........... N i\) N co V\ +="


/ /

Page 56: SETTLEMENT AND GROWTH OF FOULING ORGANISMS AT … · fouling organisms are abundant and present thraughout the year, and it was within


Figure 1.3. Numbers and growth of Family Botryllidae with

season. For explanation, see legend Figure 6.

• "' ~ •• ' «-...."' '"" ., " __, .. "~..-,~"" ~ ' ~

; ~· ' <'" '•4' •' • 'I I •:·~~ ~. ~ I • ' <" 4 •, [ • • ) "• •' ,t ' / ' ' ~ ~ I ';

Page 57: SETTLEMENT AND GROWTH OF FOULING ORGANISMS AT … · fouling organisms are abundant and present thraughout the year, and it was within






C\1 25 e l T I

I e 20

Q.) I \ T I ~

''{ -I 15 I If) I c rl (II 10 Q) /----v ::;;;: / 1

5 ///.

0 - ,.:.. iv --(,., 0-. ~ Co u ~

........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ N N 1\) 1\) N .... .... .... -o a-- a-- u .... OJ a-- u

-D ,.:.. ,.:.. ........ 0 .... .... ........ ........ 0 OJ '-"

1975 Collection dates

\ \ \ \ \ \ \

.... N

........ u

\ \


-----.---.... --- ... .... N N ........ ........ ........ N N u Q:l '-" ....





---- ... -·-l:-u

'--... ........ N N ..,. ....



Page 58: SETTLEMENT AND GROWTH OF FOULING ORGANISMS AT … · fouling organisms are abundant and present thraughout the year, and it was within


Figure 14. Numbers and growth of Molgula rnanhattensis with

season. For explanation, see legend Figure 6.

' A • ~, • ,. "- - • -,, ·~' • "• ' \ ' < t -;. ,.""' ,r •, '; :

' ' •, :. • lo ~ ' "- • • I 1

•:_, ~~"<,>' 1 '\ ' 'f • .., ~ ,.,., ,' ~ ( • " • •


' " t • > f '~ '

Page 59: SETTLEMENT AND GROWTH OF FOULING ORGANISMS AT … · fouling organisms are abundant and present thraughout the year, and it was within

~ 50 /I


I 1


40 I \


'"' l I ~ I .c I e I =' I z:. JO

I I ,...;

I I ro \ +> I 0

E-< I I 20 \

I I \

I \

10 I I '

~ ' ' I ' I " ............ --' ' ,.,.......


0 "'""' --· 25 1

~ 20

- ' ',·--L ~ 15 c-1

•.-i Ul 10 !: Cll ~ 5 ~

0 ~ N w +=" V\ a-. --.J OJ "' ~

,.... ~ ~ ~ N w -

" " " " " " " " " 0 ~ N N " " " "'-N N N N N ~ ~ ,.... ~ " " " " N N N N -a a-. a-. w ~ OJ a-. w 0 co V\ w w co V\ +:- ~

1975 ~ 1976 Collection dates

Page 60: SETTLEMENT AND GROWTH OF FOULING ORGANISMS AT … · fouling organisms are abundant and present thraughout the year, and it was within


) L

Figure 15. Numbers and growth of Ciona intestinalis with

season. For explanation, see legend Figure 6.

Page 61: SETTLEMENT AND GROWTH OF FOULING ORGANISMS AT … · fouling organisms are abundant and present thraughout the year, and it was within


90 ~ ,,


I\ I' 70 \\

6o I I I I I

s. I 11 50 I

,, ,/:)

I' 6 ,, ;:1


z I .-1 I tU

I +' 40


0 I ~


1\ JO

r .\ l I I

20 I

10 f ;A} __ . .--




~ 40 l I ' T T

~ )0 / 1--L /'1 .... rn I 'l, ~ 20 y Ill ::E 10 '\.

0 ... 1'\) w .e- VI a- ....., ,., '-JJ .... .... ... ... N 'vJ ~ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 0 ... N N ........ ........ ........ N N N N ~J ... ... ... ... ........ ........ ........ ........ N N N N '-JJ a.. a- w ... co 0.. w 0 CJ VI w w co VI +=" .... ....

1975 1976 Collection d::J.tes

' ·· - ,. •.· ...

• . ""' ~ ,. I ~~ { w<(:-'

Page 62: SETTLEMENT AND GROWTH OF FOULING ORGANISMS AT … · fouling organisms are abundant and present thraughout the year, and it was within


Figure 16. Numbers and growth of Ascidia ceratodes with

season. For explanation, see legend Figure 6.

Page 63: SETTLEMENT AND GROWTH OF FOULING ORGANISMS AT … · fouling organisms are abundant and present thraughout the year, and it was within



~ 15 ..0 e i 10




e e -30



"" {/)


~ 20 ::;::


0 ....... N \...) .z ........ ........ ........ N N N N \Q 0"- 0"- \..;.)

/ /

\ \ \ \ I

r I I /

/ /

V\ 0"- -...J co \Q

........ ........ ........ ........ ........ N ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... co 0"- \...) 0

1975 Collection

/I \ I \ I \ I \

....... 0

........ co


;\ / \

I \


--I, ....... ....... ....... ....... N N

........ ........ ........ \.1\ \...) \...)


' ....... ........ N co







I \ I \ I \ r I \

I \



N \...) +=" ........ ........ ........ N N N \.1\ +:- .......


Page 64: SETTLEMENT AND GROWTH OF FOULING ORGANISMS AT … · fouling organisms are abundant and present thraughout the year, and it was within

Figure 17. Number of Mercierella eni@1atica with season.

Total number of attached individuals that settled

on three 1 and three 2 month plates (total plate

area for each month equals 600 cm2). Solid line

represents 1 month plates; dashed line, 2 month


Page 65: SETTLEMENT AND GROWTH OF FOULING ORGANISMS AT … · fouling organisms are abundant and present thraughout the year, and it was within

r... 15 (])

~ 10 :I z



I !

t_ .....

-........ N \C)

N w ~

-........ -........ -........ N N N 0"- 0"- w

' ..--"-........ , ~······ ..... ... '

1..1\ 0"- -.;) (1) '-0 -........ -........ -........ -........ -........ N ..... ..... ..... .... ..... (1) 0"- w 0

1975 Collection

- ,, ' · .: > .· ,· . ·,·_ ·:~'- · . '_ ~ _ •. cr..:p...,', "··. · .


'- -~~ ..... ..... ..... - ..... N w ~ 0 ..... N N -........ -........ -........ -........ -........ -........ -........ -........ N N N N (1) 1..1\ w w (1) 1..1\ ~ ..... ......

1976 dates

' " ~)-, ... ""' ~ ; ~

;, ... ·' .,-~:·. ~! . ·:t---

Page 66: SETTLEMENT AND GROWTH OF FOULING ORGANISMS AT … · fouling organisms are abundant and present thraughout the year, and it was within


Figure 18. Salinity and water temperature at Alameda Marina.

Page 67: SETTLEMENT AND GROWTH OF FOULING ORGANISMS AT … · fouling organisms are abundant and present thraughout the year, and it was within



J/24 \,() c-..

2/25 0'\ ~




11/5 (fl

10/8 (I)

+> ro 'tl

9/10 ~ 0

8/13 ...... +> (..)

7/16 "' (I)

c-.. ,.....f 0'\ ,.....f ~ 0

6/18 0






1/1 N 0 a) \,() ~ N 0 a) N N ~ -rl -rl -rl -rl

OaJ'-0 ~ N 0 a:> '-0 C'"\ N N N N N -ri -ri


• ~ ::::1

+> ro ~ 0 Q,l 0 I

p.. E Cll


Page 68: SETTLEMENT AND GROWTH OF FOULING ORGANISMS AT … · fouling organisms are abundant and present thraughout the year, and it was within

Table l. Schedule of plate placement and replacement.


l month plates (A)

2 month plates ( 8)

2 month plates (c)

6 month plates (D)

12 month plates (E)

l l 2 J 4 5 l 29 26 26 23 21

6 7 8 9 10 ll 18 16 13 10 8 5

12 12 l J Jl 28

2 J 4 25 24 21

P ._ R ~ R .,. R .,. R .,. R .,. R .,. R • R_.

P---------____.,.. R ---------___..,. R ------------1~

p R--------------~

P Placement of plates

R - Replacement of plates

Page 69: SETTLEMENT AND GROWTH OF FOULING ORGANISMS AT … · fouling organisms are abundant and present thraughout the year, and it was within


Table 2. ...

Comparison, using Mann-Whitney test, between total number and mean growth of the individual quantified specie~ found on front versus back of plates, during the entire study. 51-one month plates (J per month, 17 months) and 48-two month plates (3 per month, 16 months) were used.



Mercierella 1b 0.))1 NO DATA eniEQgatica 2c 0.478 NO DATA

Membrani:Qora 1 0.046 0.163 membranacea 2 0.259 0.239

Smittoidea 1 0.049 0.030 prolifica 2 0.573 0.523

Cryptosula 1 1. 389 1.301 :Qallasiana 2 1.121 0.274

Balanus 1 0.295 0.008 im12rovisus 2 0.598 0.76?

Mytilus 1 0.272 0.257 edulis 2 1.130 0.422

Botryllus sp. 1 O.J67 0.519 2 0.304 0.998

Botrylloides sp. 1 0.849 0.5J5 2 0.348 0.664

Family 1 0.472 1.265 Botryllidae 2 0.450 0.127

Mol@la 1 0.500 0.703 manhattans is '2 0.384 0.1J2

Ciona 1 0.205 0.115 intestinalis 2 0.109 0.515

As~idia 1 0.240 0.518 cera to des 2 1.046 1/124

a) Z values were calculated by the method of Siegel (1956). b) critical value (~=0.05, D.F.=51) = 1.960 (see Zar 1974,p.112) c) critical value (~=0.05, D.F.=48) = 1.960 (see Zar 1974,p.112) No significant difference is seen in the above values.

Page 70: SETTLEMENT AND GROWTH OF FOULING ORGANISMS AT … · fouling organisms are abundant and present thraughout the year, and it was within

Table 3. Multiple correlationsr total number and average growth of each quantified species on 3-one and 3-two month plates versus temperature and salinity (average during period of submergence). There was 17-one and 16-two month periods.




IVlercierella 1a 0.421 0.033 NO GROWTH DATA eniRmatica_ 2b 0.470 -0.302 NO GROWTH DATA

* Membrani:Qora 1 -0.050 -0.'?67* 0.180 -0.370* membranacea 2 -0 .184 -0.827 0.108 -0.657

* 0.076 * Cry"Qtosula 1 0.483* 0.493* -0.018 :Qallasiana 2 0._566 0.259 0._586 -0.050

Smittoidea 1 0.)43 0.034 0.)43 0.034 _prolifica 2 0 ,1}18 -0.139 0.466 -0 .192

* * Balanus 1 0.567* 0.029 0.628* -0.231 im:Qrovisus 2 0.499 -0.214 0.498 -0.436

Mytilus 1 0.138 -0.617 * 0 ,l.J-60 -0 .140 edulis 2 -0.059 -0.293 -0.102 -0.159

* * Botryllus sp. 1 0.583* -0 .115 0.616* -0.039 2 0. 835 0.044 0.497 -0.337

* * Botrylloides sp. 1 0.750* 0.394 0.647* 0.247* 2 0.661 0.462 0.825 0.498

* * * Family 1 0.658* 0.482* 0. 61~8* -0.171 Botryllidae 2 0.549 0.594 0.783 0.124


-..J ........

Page 71: SETTLEMENT AND GROWTH OF FOULING ORGANISMS AT … · fouling organisms are abundant and present thraughout the year, and it was within

Table 3. (cont.)




-0.054 * -0.063 Molgula 1 0.477 0.499* manhattensis 2 0.396 -0 .188 0.758 0.029

* * Ciona 1 0.312 0.205 0.536* 0.548* intestinalis 2 0.382 0.317 0.526 0.548

* * Ascidia 1 0.803* 0.435 0.682 0.284 ceratodes 2 0.522 0.460 0.259 0.419

* - significant difference a) critical value of r0.05(2),15 == 0.482 (from Zar 1974) b) critical value of r0.05(2) ,14 = 0.497 (from Zar 1974)

Page 72: SETTLEMENT AND GROWTH OF FOULING ORGANISMS AT … · fouling organisms are abundant and present thraughout the year, and it was within

Table 4. Multiple correlationsr total number of attached species on )-one and )-two month plates versus temperature and salinity (average during period of submergence) over the entire study. There was 17-one and 16-two month periods.

* a) b)


- significant difference

critical value of r0.05(2) ,15 critical value of r0.05(2),14





0.901 0.8)4

0.482 (from

0.497 (from

* *



0.199 0.)01



Page 73: SETTLEMENT AND GROWTH OF FOULING ORGANISMS AT … · fouling organisms are abundant and present thraughout the year, and it was within

Table 5. Index of Similarity (S) expressed in percent. All collections referred to were made in 1975.

S _ 2 x number of species in common to both months x 100 - number of species in month A plus number of species

Jan (1) 100.0

June (1)

Aug ( 1)

Dec ( 1 )

June ( 6)

Dec (6)

Dec (12)

(1) = 1 month submergence (6) = 6 months submergence (12)=12 months submergence

in month B

19.0 9.1 66.7

100.0 64.9 41.7

100.0 46.6


20.0 8.7 8.7

80.0 57 ·9 68.4

50.0 8?.2 ?6.9

29.6 46.7 46.7

100.0 54.1 69.4

100.0 85.0


MONTH : refers to the month in which the plates were collected and analysed. For example, June (1) plates placed May 21 and collected June 18.