sets relations and functions

Login! Register! NTSE CAT Medic al Engineer ing Free Practice Questions on Sets, Relations and Functions Go Back To chapters S.No . Question 1 2 For non-empty sets A and B, 3 If m elements are in set A and n elements are in set B, then number of S earch

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Post on 17-Aug-2015




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Login! Register!NTSECATMedicalEngineering Free Practice Questions on Sets, Relations and FunctionsGo Back To chaptersS.No. Question12 For non-empty sets A and B,3 If m elements are in set A and n elements are in set B, then number of elements in set AB is!"Search#$%&'1(11 )hi*h of the statements +i,en belo-, is different from the other.12 If t-o sets A and B are ha,in+ '' elements in *ommon then the number of elements *ommon to ea*h of t...13 /he relation *on+ruen*e modulo m is!1"1#1$1%1&1'2( 0onsider the follo-in+ statements! 1a2Identity relation in a finite set A is the +reatest relation...21 0onsider the follo-in+ statements!1a2 /he produ*t of t-o e,en or odd fun*tion is an e,en fun*tion is...22 In a *ertain to-n 2#3 families o-n a phone and 1#3 o-n a *ar,$#3 families o-n neither a phone nor a...232"2#2$2%2& )hi*h of the follo-in+ fun*tion is not in,ertible.2'3(3132333"3#3$3%3&3'"("1"2"3"""#"$"%"&"'#(#1#2#3#"###$#%#'$($1$2$3$"$#$$$%$&$'%(%1%2%3%"%#%$%%%&%'&(&1&2&3&"

&$&%&& If f12 is a polynomial satisfyin+ f12 f1142 5 f12 6 f1142 and f132 5 2& then f122 is +i,en by&' A root of the e7uation, sin5-1, lies in the inter,al'('1'2'3 )hi*h of the follo-in+ is *orre*t.'"'#'$ 0onsider the follo-in+ statements 8 ! Suman is brilliantQ ! Suman is ri*h9 ! Suman is honest/he ne+a...'%'&''1(( Ne+ation of :9am is in *lass ; or 9ashmi is in *lass ;II: is1(11(21(31("1(#1($1(%1(&1(' If p! Nidhi is a +irl and 7 ! Anura+ is a boy, then the statement :Nidhi is a +irl and Anura+ is a b...11(11111211311"11#11$11%11&11'12(121