setb paper1 english pmr

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  • 7/27/2019 SetB Paper1 English PMR


    SULIT 12/1


    Questions 1 10 are based on the information given

    1 The word

    them refersto

    A lead

    B focus

    C goals

    D success [ comprehension : L ]

    2 The editor of the Teens World

    A needs amusing articles

    B is eager to give away cash

    C wants us to be happy always

    D will print any piece of writing [ comprehension : M ]

    12/1 SULIT



    Everyone has a funny story. Just send us yours and if we

    publish it in Teens World, youll be laughing all the way

    to the bank.

    Humour Editor, Teens World

    TAKE THE LEADTo achieve success, you must set sightson your goals and never lose focus on them

    Pictures/ Logos

    Give the extra impact to your

    advertisement with a picture or a logo in

    black & white for an additional

    RM10 or in colour for an

    additional RM20 per insertion

  • 7/27/2019 SetB Paper1 English PMR


    SULIT 12/1

    3 If you want your advertisement to get the attention of buyers, you should

    A add an image

    B do it without colour

    C pay a minimum of RM20

    D either pay RM10 or RM20 [ comprehension : M ]

    4 From the cartoon strip, we can conclude that

    A Earl was not aware of the plastic bag

    B the lady wants her plastic bag back

    C Earl feels that one year is not too long

    D the lady cares about the environment [ comprehension :M]


    12/1 SULIT


    30 Minutes DeliveryOr a free voucher


  • 7/27/2019 SetB Paper1 English PMR


    SULIT 12/1

    5 You will receive a complimentary pizza voucher if

    A you order online

    B there is a delay in sending

    C you order a minimum of one pizza

    D they send within the time specified [ comprehension : L ]

    6 According to the advertisement,

    A the house is either for sale or lease

    B a telephone has been installed

    C only the kitchen is equipped

    D furniture is provided [ comprehension :M ]

    12/1 SULIT




    HOUSE for RENTFully-furnished

    Interested?Please call 013 4545670

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    SULIT 12/1

    7 Which of the following statements is true?

    A There are limited household things on display

    B The exhibition will begin in a couple of days

    C This is the first exhibition held in Malaysia

    D The exhibition will last for two days [ comprehension : H ]

    8 Which of the following phrases show that we can purchase things there?

    A glamorous designs

    B lifestyle exhibition

    C open to public

    D crazy bargains [ knowledge : H ]

    12/1 SULIT


    excellent living 13





    nOpen toPublic

    10 -12CrazyBARGAINS




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    9 All the following statements are true except

    A Spices are good for us

    B Spices make our food colourful

    C It is difficult to cook without spices

    D Malaysia is well-known for its savoury cuisine [ comprehension : H ]

    10 Which of the following statements is true?

    A You are not allowed to take home coins

    B Help the needy by donating all your cash

    C Before heading home, donate your loose change [ comprehension :

    H ]

    D Money changers are reluctant to change foreign currency

    12/1 SULIT


    Imagine your food without spices. Unimaginable,

    isnt it? Malaysia has a long culinary tradition of

    creating complex and flavourful dishes that are

    rich with spices. Apart from adding colour, flavour

    and taste, consumption of spices provide infinite

    health benefits.

    Money changers dont accept coins. When travelling,

    use up all your coins before leaving for home look

    for donation boxes at the airport and do your bit for

  • 7/27/2019 SetB Paper1 English PMR


    SULIT 12/1


    Questions 11 - 20

    Each question in the text below refers to a numbered blank. For each question, choose the

    best answer from the options A, BandC or A, B, CandD to fit the numbered blanks.

    Once upon a time the tigers were regarded as adangerto those whodared to venture

    into the thick jungles of the country. They ________(11) feared by many. _______(12)

    they are hungry, they hunt other animals. Being carnivores, they maul their prey

    __________(13) pieces to eat. But man actually is not their natural prey _______ (14),

    like all animals, they always try to avoid man.

    As the human population _______ (15) , rainforests eventually have to make way for

    social and economic development. Day by day, they _________(16) fewer jungles to

    roam. Hence there are fewer preys to _________ (17) in the forests. ________(18)

    food supply is getting scarcer.

    The tigers roaming the country that once _________ (19) in the thousands, count for

    less than 500 today. With a lifespan of about 15 years in the wild, ________ (20)fascinating creatures of God are truly in danger of extinction. It thus calls for adequate,

    strong and effective measures to protect them and their habitat.

    11 A were 14 A and

    B was B but

    C are C since

    D is [ application : L ] D though [ application : H ]

    12 A Which 15 A grow

    B When B grew

    C What C grows

    D Where [ application : L ] D growing

    [ application::M ]

    13 A in 16 A has

    B to B had

    C into C have

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    SULIT 12/1

    D from [ application : H ] D having [ application:

    L ]

    17 A find 19 A number

    B finds B numbers

    C found C numbered

    D finding [ application : L ] D numbering [application:M ]

    18 A They 20 A this

    B Their B that

    C Them C those

    D Theirs [ application : L ] D these [ application : L ]

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    SULIT 12/1


    Questions 21 23

    Read the dialogue belowand choose the best meaning for the phrases underlined.

    Mother : Whats wrong dear? You havent touched your dinner.

    Shiela : I miss Comel very much

    Mother : All of us are cut up (21) over the loss. But you must not leave your

    stomach empty. Its not good for your health.

    Shiela : I know mum, but it is not easy. We had had him since he was a kitten.

    Mother : I know it is not easy dear. It will take some time but Im sure you will get

    over (22) it.

    Shiela : If only I had been more careful!

    Mother : Shiela, stop blaming yourself, dear. Its not your fault that Comel was run

    down (23) by a speeding motorcycle. You tried your best to save her but it

    was late.


    21 cut up

    A angry

    B upset

    C anxious

    D disappointed [ knowledge : H]

    22 get over

    A overcome

    B survive

    C defeat

    D heal [ knowledge : L]

    23 run down

    A thrown

    B killed

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  • 7/27/2019 SetB Paper1 English PMR


    SULIT 12/1

    C hurt

    D hit [ knowledge : H]

    Questions 24 26

    Read the text below and choose the best meaning for the expressions underlined.

    The children are excited when Mr Lim, their teacher mentions to them that their school is

    organizing a visit to Seri Bahagia, an orphanage in town.

    All the students in Class Bestari raise their hands eagerly to register and participate in the

    special trip. Mr Lim stress that the purpose of visiting the shelter is to lend a hand (24) to

    the less fortunate children there. The orphanage is a stones throw away (25) so they can

    walk there.

    The trip will teach students many valuable lessons about the life of the poor and the needy

    around them. Not every child is born with a silver spoon in his mouth. (26)

    24 lend a hand

    A offer help

    B give advice

    C donate food

    D distribute clothes [ knowledge : L]

    25 a stones throw away

    A quite far

    B distant

    C remoteD very near [ knowledge : L]

    26 born with a silver spoon in the mouth

    A gifted

    B wealthy

    C healthy

    D intelligent [ knowledge :


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    SULIT 12/1


    Questions 27 32

    Study the notice and answer the questions that follow.


    SP Exposed, Edition 1 2013

    12/1 SULIT



    Eating fish oncea week couldlower your risk

    of depression by30%


    reduces lifeexpectancy by

    7-8 years.


    Practicing deep

    breathingreduces bloodpressure and

    muscle tension


    Dark chocolatecan help keep

    your heartrunning well bylowering badcholesterolMASSAGING

    Gentlymassaging thespace betweenyour eyebrowsinduces deep



    MEDICINEToo muchmedicineruins your



    STAIRSClimbingjust twoflights ofstairs perday couldresult inloss of

    2.7kg peryear

    KEEP A PETPetting a cat or

    any otheranimal would

    instantly makeyou feel less



    BANANASGreen tippedbananas are

    better for yourhealth thanover- ripebananas

  • 7/27/2019 SetB Paper1 English PMR


    SULIT 12/1

    27 The advertisement is specially for those who

    A believe in healthy living

    B love animals and plants

    C enjoy eating good food

    D dislike smoking [ comprehension :


    28 Excessive medication will

    A improve our blood pressure

    B make us live longer

    C damage ourselves

    D make us dizzy [ comprehension :


    29 The word induces can best be replaced withA makes

    B causes

    C persuades

    D encourages [ knowledge : H]

    30 If you feel tensed with school work, you are advised to

    A rear a pet

    B eat chocolates regularly

    C walk down the steps often

    D take deep breath occasionally [ comprehension : H]

    31 All the following statements are true except

    A smoking can shorten our lives

    B dark chocolate cuts down cholesterol

    C eating fish every day prevents depression

    D ripe bananas are recommended for good health [ comprehension :


    12/1 SULIT


  • 7/27/2019 SetB Paper1 English PMR


    SULIT 12/1

    32 If you want to stay slim,

    A refrain from smoking

    B avoid using the escalator

    C have green bananas for breakfast

    D practise deep breathing in the morning [ comprehension : M]

    Questions 33 40

    Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow.


    KUALA LUMPUR: After nearly two decades of building a career racing cars on rough

    terrains, retired French rally legend Jean Ragnotti decided to slow down his pace, choosing

    to make Malaysia his home a place where he says he can live permanently on vacation.

    Ragnotti, 67, who currently lives in Kuala Lumpur with his wife Elisabeth, 66, under

    the Malaysia My Second Home programme, said that they fell in love with Malaysia after

    coming here for a visit in 1992.

    When they returned here in 2008, they decided to make Malaysia their home. Thecouple have a grown-up son who lives and works in Paris.

    What we love most about Malaysia is the kindness and warmth of the people. We

    also enjoy the weather; its never too hot or too cold here and and we love the food and the

    golf courses here, he said through an interpreter.

    Ragnotti, a three-time World Rally Championship winner who raced for Renault,

    does not speak much English but gets on fine communicating with non-French speakers

    using hand gestures. Sometimes, his wife helps him translate.

    We have been to every state, except Sabah and Sarawak, and we plan to go there

    next year.

    Ragnotti said it was always his dream to become a rally driver he was 10 years old.

    My parents could not afford to buy me a car. So, when I was 18, I got a job as a

    truck driver delivering flowers from Holland to different parts of Europe. I saved up and

    bought my first rally car, Renault 8 Gordini.

    Despite having retired as a professional rally racer, Ragnotti still competes in friendly

    races and drives demo cars for Renault.

    The Star, 1 April


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  • 7/27/2019 SetB Paper1 English PMR


    SULIT 12/1

    33 Jean Ragnotti has been a rally driver

    A since 1992

    B since ten years old

    C for about twenty years

    D after returning to Malaysia [ comprehension : M]

    34 Ragnotti s homeland is

    A France

    B Holland

    C Malaysia

    D Sarawak [ comprehension : L]

    35 The main reason he came back to Malaysia is because of

    A its climate

    B the incredible food

    C its beautiful golf courses

    D the hospitality of Malaysians [ comprehension : M]

    36 Ragnotti can hardly speak English because

    A he does not like the language

    B it is not his mother tongue

    C his wife discourages him

    D he prefers using hand gestures [ comprehension: L]

    37 Which of the following statements is true?

    A Ragnotti has visited every state in Malaysia

    B Ragnotti s son is residing in Malaysia

    C Ragnotti became a rally driver at 18

    D Ragnottis wife can converse in English [ comprehension : H]

    38 Ragnotti owned his first rally car

    A after driving trucks

    B without his parents approval

    C when he saved enough money

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    SULIT 12/1

    D after sending flowers to Holland [ comprehension : L]

    39 Which of the following statements shows Ragnottis passion for driving?

    A He still races for fun

    B He drives around Malaysia

    C He sends flowers in a truck

    D He bought a brand new Renault [ comprehension : H]

    40 Form the headline Ex-racer at home in Malaysia, we can conclude that Ragnotti

    A misses his native country very much

    B has adapted well in Malaysia

    C loves Malaysia and France

    D likes the Malaysian weather [ comprehension : H]

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