set petty thfef to work - nys historic...

Htfttanan Evic CONEY I S U i O ! Country. Even If they would, few can escape the reflected glory ot Coney ismnd. An American tourist found tteat out as far away from bora* j ae Antwerp, | WMIe lounging on an Antwerp pier j be got mixed up with a lot of exctu* j •kmitts who had disembarked from a Hull steamer. The haekimm whe ' were on hand to drive tl» Hull trip- pers about the city grew tmpatiest \ with the methodical manner in which th«y sorted themselves out "Here, /ou Hull folk," <*ne ©f tbem I oalled oat in first rate English, "hurry ap here, if you waat *e see Antwerp ; In three hours." The American t&wfst happened to . be in the center ot the group ad- \ dressed, and he resented the whole- ' sale classification. "Don't you believe for one minute I that I come from Hull." be said. The hackman loofcefl him over se- renely. "Oh, I know yera don't," he said is I fcls excellent English. "I know where j you come from." j •'Where?" said the American. ; "Coney Island; said the man, and j turned his attention to the real n& \ tires of Hull. SET PETTY THfEF TO WORK ie exoww ballots therein shall be Flscwa [f t*v> -or more ballots «ha i be found thf.toutleft box-so folded together as to •«>sei« Uie appeawinoe of a si»Kle ballot, id «T the wh<*e number of ballot* In jeh ballot box exceed? tht- whole number r ballots fthovrn by the t*oii boohs and aiot clerk?" returns to have b«H>n de- .wsned therein, and 31 ot otherwise, they. <nough of •thorn to reduce the ballots the proper number, selection to be made ithout examination of any voting mark u'lvon. shaH similarly be Inclosed, sealed. iiiorsed and placed with the spoiled bal- If. however, there lawfully be more hnn one ballot box for the reception of -allots voted at the polling place, no -allot found in the wrong ballot box hail for that reason be rejected, but •hall be placed in its proper box by tht» nspectors upon the count of the ballots «>fore the canvass, and counted in the -a me manner as if found in the propi tit Hot box, if such ballot shall not. v :< ther with the ballots found in the proper •:>aHot box, make a total of more ballots ihan are shown by the poll-books and ballot clerks' returns to have been de- (jositt-il sii the proper box. No ballot th«t hais not the official in- riorsernem shall be counted except such ss are vo'ed sis accordance v.itli the pro- Msions of this chapter relating to unofn- chU ballots S iU Stvf.n! three hundred and sixty- ctcht ef s-uclj x?h:iptcr. as amended by v?;ju-n=r* two hundred and ninety-six and *i\ hundred and forty-nine of the laws of nineteen hundmt and eleven is hereby I 3SS, XI*-t>,od of canvassing. 1. Method of c&nvus&ttiK ballots generally. Kxcept as hereinafter specially provided, the ?nethod of canvassing ballots shall be as Jttllows: The chairman of the hoard of Inspectors shall personally unfold each ballot of the kind then to be canvassed in such a mrn- mr that its face shall be down and all marks therein shall be wholly concealed, .ad he shall place all the ballots, so un- Ucheme of Dorchester (Mass.) Judge I folded and with their faces down, tn That Seem* to Have Much to j pile. He shuil then take up each ballot in Reocmmwui It. ed on A Dorchest«r boy of twenty years j \, was convicted before Judge Sullivan j a of the municipal court of Boston, of stealing from a. ^ttwre laces valued at $73.08. The #attge fiaed him |i5 and | the "kind .1 is s the ease the ballot fac pile. When the fir told him he must gr to work and earn the money smd pay t i e fine at the rale of $3 a week, The boy has never t worked, and lie sassy hare eae hard life for a ttpn to get the $3 a week. ; but at that the <Jsd«6 was lenient with him, as be might lave seat him I to jail cr sasd€ kiss pay a Sse egsatl to the value of the good* he stole. Itj is the opinion of many judges that 1 the work floe is the winner fer keep-1 tng petty tfcieres an£ some other I criminals oat of the crooked ways. Work is a barsh word fsr the boy who lit* never <done it and sometimes it bounds even worse to boys who have blundered along at lisilss* Jobs, Bat It is a great corrector of evil If it is applied enough of the time to keep the criminal miad busy at the iegiU- . -ViS Of ^taW YOEK-By Authority Tot alt iTie-<«lcia'^5Sj5iiT«ri3Kirea"joT!ie election district ir> which they ar« serving; they shall etumt «erffy th». number of each king at unused ballots, And enter tt upon their returns; th«y shall thea open the l»«x for kaltees cancelad before delivery asfi spoiled - *nd returned by voters, aesaraie them Into tbeir several kinds, count aJJ . balJ^to is-f each Oraid and enter tiie ^22. g,tJh«*r re hl l^h theteltatt-.j y ^ Vac-S SertS? the ^!V names, words.and figures ac- cordlag ;to ,tl*e iOirections contained iin article nk*e of this chapter and prlntfid«a the fomoe, Each kjjad Qf,baL ! ot and each kind.,«f stub shall immediately after they ar* cottnted j& atocesaW be secureJy; tied \n& separate p«£ka«e, asnd shail be plainiy labeled, seated, aad returned to the box from which it w'Ksas taken, .;aos3 the box securely locked aod sealed. .The ballot •clerk shall <also ^acurely tie. ail unused balloto in A #ealad ^package, .fhey - shall then «igj» and swear to their returns befove one ,ot the inspectors and shall •deliver their returns,, tbe boxes,,packages, ballots And -state, together with tte key •ot the Jjoxes, to the chairtp^n ct the iboard etf lnspeators. The ballots so sealed ^ind delivered ^hall be .deposited and pre- served as ballot boxes ere herelnaftei required =to be deposited atd preserved. S. Poll olema. JtomedKtely upon .the .dose of the poUa sthe poll clerks -sl^l ;«ssist the inspector* of ..election in com paring the iPoH-bjesoto \yith the rcglstms as hereinafter pr»vj|fed, and shall matae -out in triplicate to ink an,d sign anC jewear to their returse before ^>ne of th« i*nspect«r« of ^lecUons .accordfcg to t^e #orms p«©vldedf *n4,4«4iver th»a to the hi poll provided in- official ret : - fided for the ; fthom tie i,i vote blank or iti cast ut tallies the case rn:iy L ment by .- shall not am candidate* Official tally shall be «••! its du which it » marks sh; order In ti When u Upon. the. kepet-in ro the we net .so i sible. by.;<l Ink one .or .•* The laliy > pared, veH;u and poil ! at the frw,; indicated M.-• didate the fo! and announce in a siTut voice, the vots regis- Flrst section or that the bal- that the section la Wank. nay be. He shall then turn r down and place it in a new -•e has announced fhe votes «•-. -uons of all the ballota of •% %M be canvassed, and the s all I** made as hereinafter proved to be correct, the ttmTKt.rd f<or it» article thlr- : ;?»d out and signed. Then, v. the chairman afaai; pro- = *.•* >ls Use manner ttoe votes it. ^-**-i;o-ri to be canvassed. s?".?•-{ r.r.---**ed until ail the .=•- .* iinrsOURee-i each poll ^ innately tally it in black Ijwnward stroke from right »e official tally sheet pro- tirpose, also carefully tally- 1; b'ank or void vote. Each tallies a vote shall clearly '.;tinf of the candidate lor s it, or that he tallies the s#id as the case may be, Mupturn submitted that he e "Yes" or "No" as the :iiul until such aanoum poll clerk the chairman mi-e another vote. When a me is not printed on th< net or return provided. H > in full thereon In ink in that is, in the order in s ,m the ballot. The tally e made in due nuaaerica <y spaces provided, e sections relating to th< nuestlon shall have beei number of ballots shall b< i he tally thereof. If th< 'i on the tally sheets doe! s ilit* results as shown by b;iHots, an error has been i recanvass must be HQi tnviiss, the tally must < from left to rtghtjacrosg. iUiv«i*»rr l TO"t)e' I c6rrect, the alt indicate the last tally ()i<tne by forthwith can t!.e next ten unused tally ur*> KO many, and if there '" , then as many as poe- 114 through them in red c horizontal straight lines. ins been thus pre- 4. Order of eaavaKsfoff. The halfet boxes hall then., ^nd not JbeCore, be opeaed aqd ballota shall : fae ..cant^issed, \m the q Pii»t. The staox, if afcF,;covi&ining 6* esi- e«O«a ballota. . ThefcoX Jf «ty,, ,«ral ballots; &!>• Thfa-4- The bs&ea, ,|f apy, ^allots Mpon .constitwtioasH J JOT other ijuestion* sHbn^lted, Jttven of such chapter 4s heasby to read as teltows; | 367. Comp*rfa«r poU4sooks and ter»; vertfyin*- number of *j boaxd of inspector* mhail ^ Q fe isanyaes by comparing th« t«w j«<l-booii» With the re^Jstera used on «l»etkai 4*y U> ihe number of votere voting sut th% ftlaetion, correcting- any mfataluw*^©. tuoA, after the ballot clerks haws 4el^«ned their returns to the ehatrmaa at tb# board, and not before, by counting the ballot* found in the ballot boxee without unfolding tbem, except so far ac to ascer- tain that each ballot is single, and by comparing the number of ballots found in each box with the number shown by t&e poll-books and the ballot clerks' returns to have been deposited therein. If th© ballot* found in- any box shall tw more tbaa the number of ballots so shown to have l>een deposited therein, such bal- lots «h*n *n replaced, without being unfolded,, in the box from which lh*r were taken, and shall be thoroughly mingled therein, and on« of the inspectors designated t»y the board shall, without « same and with bis back to the box, publicly draw out as many ballots AM shall be ecruel to such ezoem *nd, with- out unfoWing them, fta^hwlth itufes* them in an'envelope which he shall then and there s«ai and indorse "excess bal- lots f r w the beet fw ballots tor (presi- dential electors, or general officers, et cetera, «s the ease may be}." sicainc his B*m« tlk«r«ie. Mid such envelope witli pre imi closed, the inspectors >-ha)J sign the certificate •- H-h sheet in the places us Hots when more than ; -- ; to be elected to the :en more than one can- l-(ted to the same office, -ihod of canvass shall be t the necessities of the ead the names of t&e candMijic- wo(ed for in the order in -•wbich the;.- ,»;., ar in the section, and .each noil <•!•• '•: *-.h:^ll make an accurate tally of each voi«r as announced upon tho offlcaai tall: - :eei -.i.iovided for the pur- pest. The ci •>ii-ma:,i.t,iiall also announce the v^id ball •?>. if «ny, and th6 number of blanks, if :ny, <4>on the section, and each .poll cU-.k <hnl\ mvike as many tallies for eaeh voi.l bnllot *«ahere are candi- dates t&ereon ty be «si«^d to the office In..queswon. and one taayz-for each blank. 3. Cany, ssliur \u esid^siai ballots. The straight fc-Hlinrs. that is. ; ^i valid ballots on which *,!! ti.e Candida*** in any party eroup are voted for, placed in iPlles,-like.*ith like, and tt»e,*pHt ballots, that is, ail,* >ii,i ballots maaStftd in one or *&ore of tbfe individual votistg .squares or «^th names written thereon, shall be l one v ile. and all voifi ifcftllots and blank , Sal lots shall fc*e jlikewise in sepfc.-ate piles. Ba«b ,of the w « shall then *.e counted and Sh« result elea«ly annouu^I, and the naKitfoer of straight votes tor,each candidate .sfcfcll be entered in gross .^oposlte his nae^e,fin a tajly :«heet b> .ea^n poll clerk, *n^ "fthe imber of split, v<.id and wholly sljlank ballots 4loail be s«nislarly entered to *th«ir arppr^te places. The chairman jghsll ^n ta*e .the split fe^Iots and they 4hqii b? canv^sted, annoui^ed and talli««jl ,in th# manner above pr»«^ded foy canvass- ing ballot*,* hen mote #*&n one candidate is (t# be elecUid to the «a^e office. i. Sectipn ihree hunted and sixty- nine «f such «fcapter is l^reby amended *o rea$ as fo)}o*'S: S m. <Objeotj ft «ai to th« .hunting; dls- _ apal ,qf ballots. ^ objection jjs taken to the oomargn,* of j&w ballot or action, the blank" or "Wholly void," *a tb» be, and th«i memorandum of ahall be followed by ih* frtgn Chairman or other in»ifect<*r, •< lls ;** In each eatte tn which tfejectfe* ts' or in which any tatftot t* <Mnvtm wholly blank or wholly void, «ac1 clerk snail tally once In tn* vided at the foot of ttoe tally Whan alt the ballots «f any «!•» ktnd shall have been canvassed, the chatrman of the board of inspectors or, if h« fSfusa, one of the other Jn^ctors. shall carefully id securely place all the ballots of that kind as to the counting of which •bjectton was taken, all ballots which vholly void, and ballots which *r* Wt»lr7 blank, in a separate sealed packa*«, Whletl shall be Indorsed on the <1utsid« 1th t*« names of the inspectors*. & • designatkm of the election dlstriijt, and he number anfl kind ot balloUi contained .herein. The package so sealed abStt»j$* known as the package of -protested, i wholly blank ballots and Shall disposed of as hereinafter provided In J tions three hundred and seventy-six, threa hundred and seventy-seven, threa him" and seventy-eight and three hundred and eighty ©f this chapter. Tbe other ballots shall be tied together, labeled, and re* jrned to the ballot box fropi which they ere taken before, proceeding to eaavass the next kind of ballota to be canvassed. Any inspector who shall refuse to writs 1 ink upon the back of any ballot memorandum of a ruling, or objection the counting thereof, or shall refuse to place in the package of protested ballots any ballot as to the counting of which any Ejection has been taken, shall be guilty of a felony. S 22. Section three hundred and seventy of such chapter is hereby amended to is follows: 5 370. Proving the tallies. 1. Proving the tally of ballots other than those for presi- dential electors. Immediately upon oounf iner the vote for any question, or for an office other than that of presidential ele< tor, the poll clerks shall verify their figures by adding together ail tha votes tallied therefor, whether for s, """ " or for or against a question, or »M void blank. If, in a case whers more than one candidate is to be elected to OM o~" number of votes tallied (tnchidtn* and blank votes) does not exactly e tite number of ballots cast (Including void and blank ballots) multiplied by tn* nui of candidates to be elected, or if, is the case of a question submitted or in •use where only one candidate is to be >iected to an office, th» total number otes tallied (including void and bla •<,tes) shall not exactly equal the number if ballots cast (including void and blank >,iUots), an error has been committed and 1 it-canvass must be immediately made. ts hereinbefore provided In section three .::rdr«'d ami Qixty-eight of this chapter. 2. i'linins tho tally of ballots fer pros!* hMitial electors. Ie the cas« of ballots for .:«-r.ident!aJ electors, tha poll .-•^•ify their figures as follows: I'irsr. they shall add together the votes •'Mimed 1 or electors of each party; Jev^nd, they shall add together thi ,.>t.'< counted for candidates not on thi TLini. they shall add together the voi< Mid wholly blank ballota and shall mul ij>K- thr sum no obtained by the nunal >f electors to be elected; Fourth, they shall add together thi o:r:, ..!! the split ballots tallied as blank; Fifth, they shall then add together tin <>!,r sums so obtained. !f the-total of these four sums shall no1 ::;ut!.v equal the number of ballots ca iiriudin? void and blank ballots) muli liinl by the number of electors to i > <:<t<Mt, an error has been committed, am t •'-•anvass must be immediately made .eivinhefore provided In section three hi; i «ii and sixty-eight of this chapter. ; : *J3. Section three hundred and sevent; .Hit- of fcuch chapter is hereby amended ,<:;(\ H6 follows: j "71. General provisions as to canvass. ri.e ballots shall at all times be kept on top ot the table and in plain ill parties entitled to examine them, un1 «s that** s candidate; **-f V\t court sMS i ibc sttdtk conditteni. *« «tf notloe to esndklates or otherwise as % sbatt rife&wsary and proper. . — Section three hundred and seventy- five ot such chapter ts hereby amended 1* re*4 • * foltewe: l»«ciai«at!o«i of result. Upon & • _ - ^ ^ t f e » of »u«h canvasB «nd et ttte tlatemeints of the result thereof, the chatr- an «f the board ef inspectors shall m*Jc« puWi* oral proclamation of tbe whole number of votes cast at «uch election at such |«Uin» place for all candidates for each o«co; upon each proposed constttu- "^-"'"' amendment or other Question er ,jg &w at or action, the boai*d of fnspectpEs ,shall fbiibarith and befoflp c^»3«a8sing an» other bali^ or sec- tkm rtvle upw the ab}«#iion. if tjh« objec- ttoofar.con^ued s^t«r this mlktg, the chaimmn, w *T he nefu^. one of the other inspeetorsv JahaW write fe ink uppa the baek of trw iwtwt a weoswrandum <rf the ruling itnd jOamtion. f^ie «nemoran*um of the rullor 3**J1 fee fe the ^ "Cotd t&" 'iGfe |* e o r|*aak," ^ld te rullor 3** "Counted *ot&." or G»v* "Counted tot (jfimmtof itb# candidates or th» pr«#fdentia| In the eaae of a question jam "Counted tar Question Mo. ~~t •-Counted against Question^ N e . — / • as the ease may be. The memorandum of the objection shall be to the werds "Ob- jected to," followed by a brief statement ot the nature of the objection and the signature of the chairman or other in- Any ballot as to the counting of which objection is tk>t takes but which is wholly blaak or wholly void steal} be iadorned m ink by th« chairman of th« board of inspectors, or If he refuse, by on« of the other inspectors, witn th« words, "Wholly mrs fihan, during the canvass of _„ ij.illot. exhibit to him the ballot then bain, amassed, fully opened and in such condition that he may fully and careful] aad examine it, but no inspector sh; illow uny ballot to be taken from hi hand or to be removed from any pile b' any j*?ns©n but the chairman. Any persoi who shuli mark, tear or deface any ballo of another with the intent of defeating < altering a vote or ballot, shall be guilt of « felony, and shall be punished upoi eon-viction thereof by imprisonment in suite prison for a period of not less thai flv>- nor more than ten years. S ;»4. Section three hundred and seventy- tlir+^e of such chapter is hereby amended to read as follows: S 373. Seturns of canvass. Upon com- pleting tiie eaxivass, the inspectors and poU clerks shall make and sign in ink th«ir several returns in triplicate, anx shaH verify them before the respective [>ffi-ee!MB authorized for that purpose, a»< •iiuiil sign an4 certify in ink each tail sh^t to be certified by them. In making heir returns as aforesaid, the inspectors j.nd JH>11 clerks shall use the printed forms applied to them with the ballots, and .liey shall carefuBy insert in all the blank "paf-es thereon tbe appropriate names, A-.»;-4B and figures according to the dlrec- :io«« .contained i« article nine of this ?haj»t<fer and printed »n the forms. In the thsence of an officer authorized to take 1 ckmm'iedgments and proof of deeds, and 'or the purposes of this .chapter, any elec- tion officer shall be authorized to admin- ister the oath to any other election offl- Each of the two taJiy sheets shall oe securely attached by the chairman t< jne of the returns relating £0 the same >ffice or .question and ahsnil be treated as a jart thereof. Any election o|Aeer wJb© sha^ «i«n any tatement of the canvass at j»«y p3aoe >ther thaa the palling j^ace, «r At any ime other than injmediately after the canvass is completed, except uwder direc- tion of a eoiitt, and kny election officer or person who shail tak« fjsoaa the peJJtag place any Buea statement before it shall have been signed as herein provided, is guilty of a felony, and shall i>e punished upon conviction thereof, by imprisonment in ^ state prison tor not tens «jan two no,r more than five years. •*f changes be nece«eary in Mmy ot the UktvoM tor tallies and returns, w pr*, scribed in tnis article, the secretary of «tat*jffhail prescribe the three hundred And sweety- four red and chapter is hereby r f a p to rtad as fellows: i m Pneaervation of ballots. After tb# last te4ly sheets and returns are complet- ed, and aft &« stubs and bajfou, e*cep$ the protected, yoid and wholly blank bal- lots, are r«plao«4 in the boxes from which they were taken, each box shall b« M> curely loekaj and «*ai«d, and deposited, by an inspccU* 4«tf«joated for that pur- pose, with the ameer .or boftrd%furnishln« it. together with the separate sealed pack- age of unused official %eilots. The boxes and packages so deposited shall be ore- sirved inviolate for six months after the election, except that they may be opened ao4 their contents examined upon the or- der of any court of competent Jurisdic- tion. Unless ordered to be preserved by such a court, they shall be opeded and their content* destroyed after aUt months. The^>rot«sted, void a*d wljoily blank bal- lots shatt be preserved as provided m sec- tion four hundred an4 thtrty-«ev«n of this chapter. A*y candidate aHaU be entitled *• of right to an examtaatUMt tn p w o o tmtv^mihorimM a«ente of w»y bali*» n which bi# DM>« lawfully appeareir aa elector to vote for any P*TS%» tor **r o^ce. whether or not nominated «s a ean- dMt fc party or organisation, and ti I b*l«t» sMveey party or ogaia most £BH»ft votin* In ab*ol«t» My Such Saehlne shall aise be*o constructed that an tiector canwot vote for * eandl- d a O f c o r ^ a proposition fer w*om or on whkfc I t te sW lawfully eaOded Jb vo^ I t t b td to pre proi»osltion, « any* voted upon at such election; the whole number of votes «Jv*n for each person, with th« title of the office for which he was iamed on the ballot; Whole number of voU* given *e- _,_,„._ _,r and aimfnst each proposed oonstitatJoaal amendment or other ques- tion e* proposition, If any. BO submitted. •I n. Section three hundred and seventy- sis: of such chapter ts hereby amended to r«ad *s follows: I Snt 0eml^« •tatements. Each state- ment of canvass shall then be securely sealed with soling wax in separate en- velopes properly indorsed on the outside thereof by tha Inspector*, and shaH be kept Inviolate by the officers or board with whom,they are filed until delivered, together With the packages of protested, void and wholly blank ballots, to the county or city board of canvassers. §,«. Section «hree hundred and seventy- _ even- l M s«^r chapter, as amended by chapter six hundred and forty-nine of the laws of nineteen hundred and eleven, is hereby amended to read ae follows; 8 m. iWsMvery And fllityr of papers relat- ing to the election; general provisions. If the election b* othrt- than an eiec^on of town, ctfcr»« vOlaie or school officers, held at a different time from a general election, the chairman of the board of Inspectors of each election district, except In the city of H«V*forfc, shall forthwith upon the completion of the triplicate statement of the r^suitj deliver one set of returns to the supervisor of the town in which the election district, if outside of a city, is situated, and if in a city, to one of the supervisors of staid eity. If there be no supervisor, or he be absent or unable to attend the meeting of the county board of canvassers, it shall be forthwith de- livered to an assessor of such town or city. One set ot returns with tally sheets annexed, together with the poll books of the election, stfali be forthwith nled by such Inspectors, or by one of them deput- ed for that purpose, with the town clerk of such town, #<w the city clerk of such city, as the case may be. The package of protested, void and wholly blank bal- lots and the third s*t ef returns with tally sheets annexed shall, within twenty-tour hours after thi completion of such can- vass, be filed "by the chairman of 'the beard of hiapeetow, with the board of elections of the county in which the elec- tion district i* situated. The register of electors and public copy thereof shail be filed as prescribed hvsection one hundred and eighty of th|| chapter. The poll book containing ih« signatures of the electors who have votejl at an election and all "Identification statements fsr election day" received thereat shall within forty- eight hours after the close ef the canvass be Died tn pw son or by mail by the poll clerk of each election district having charge of such book, with the state super- intendents of elections in such one of their offices as they inay in writing des- ignate. I 29. Section tbpeeihnuired and seventy* eight of such chapter, as amended by chapters two hundred and seventy-four and six hundred and forty-nin« of the laws of nineteen hundred and eleven, is hereby amended to read as follows: $ S71 Delivery i n d filing of papers to the city of New Yo>k. in the eity of New i'ork the paefcajgf* of ^protested, void and svhoHy b!anK banbts and one set Of re- turns with tally sheets annexed, together with one ©f th^ poll books, shall be filed by *h* chalrmaiovof > tfce:bt»rtf of Inspec- tors within •"'- - . - whkfc I t te sW lawfully eaOded Jb ^ It most at** be so constructed a* to pre- vent, votmg for more than one person for tbe same office, except whees an elector is lawfully entitled to Vote for more than one person for that office, and it must *ty ford htm an opportunity to vote for as many persons for that office a» he is by law eaUtled to vote for and no toore, at the same time preventing his voting for the same person twice, tt must be pro- vided with a look or locks, by the use of which Immediately after the polls are dosed or the operation of stteh machine for such election Is completed, any ^^t^i Afstrtet i» located. One eel of returns with tally sheets annexed and tne Jther poll book shaU be filed within aueh *\me. with the board of elections *or with che chief Herk of the branch office ef the horttrd o£ elections, as the ease iaay tee, n tha bortugb within whicfe ttoe «Uetton •Vivtviet is located,- by an inspector desig- nated by the beard of Inspectors for that -Juty, and the third set of returns with the city clerk, by an inspector designated by the board of inspectors for that duty. In election districts in the city of New s'ork, the boardsf of inspectors of election nust, at the same time that they make uirt sign the atoresaid returns, make a :t'itiried copy of so much thereof as re- lates to any candidate for member of as- sembly, senator, or representative in con- srress. voted for both In said election dis- trict and in any part of any county not -Ithln the city of New York, and such Ttifled copy must within twenty-four ours after the completion of the canvass by. the inspectors, be filed by the chair- mwi of the board of inspectors with the clerk of the county outside of the city of New York in which sueh officers or any of them are voted for at such election. S 30. Section three hundred and eighty of sueh chapter is hereby amended to read s follows; S 380, Delivery and filing of papers in the county of Erie. In the county of Erie one txturn with tajly sheets annexed shall be filed forthwith by one inspector deputed tor that purpose, with the clerk of the town, or the clerk of the city of Buffalo, or the clerk of tfeer eity of Tonawanda, as the case may be, and one return with the clerk of the county of Brie. The package of protested, void and wholly blank bal- lots and the third return With tally sheet annexed shall, within twenty-tour hours after the completion of such canvass, be filed by the chairman of each board oif inspectors with the commissioner of elec- iions. All poll HstB for tha various elec- tion districts in the city of Buffalo shall toe filed with the commissioner of elec- tioos, and those for the eity of Tonawan- 4* with the clerk of such city, and those »r th* towns in Kris county with the town clerks thereof. •-..,>.-..- i 31. &*etkm threa hundred and eighty- i. Judicial investigation of ballots. If any abatement of the results of the can- in an election district shall show that any of the ballots counted atan elec- tion therein wer» protested ot were can- Jf mandamus may, upon the Of apy candidate voted for tion In sueb -district, within •• ter, lssu« out of board or body of ""* return of £ ? l return of M* ttSSBBSftua ich election district, and otherwiae to he Inspectors of elecUon making aueh tatement, requiring a rexjanvaasTf such ballots. If the c o u r t s h a l t S S S g£»°rd«r j*e error to be ooffedfed. tsoaros or invpectors of election districts, and boards of canvassers, mbail continue office for th* purpose of soch proceed- S*. ,.-. .- '. .'-"-' .•;.-< .. I 12. Section three hundred and nlnety- :we of such chapter, as amended toy chap- six hundred stud forty-nise of the laws nineteen hundred and eleven " ' "' ~~A*& read as folfcws: * Requirements of voting lg machine approved by tb« 9T votirig machine cdmmttsl e s* etastructcl as to prevM* 'fa- tor voting for such candidate* as naay »• no«kiata<i. It muM aiao pertaU ment of the voting or registering mechani Ism is absolutely prevented. It may also be provided with a separate ballot in each party column or row containing only the words "presidential electors" preceded by the party name, and a vote tor such bal- lot shall operate ae a vote for alt the can- didates of such party lor presidential electors, and shall be counted as #wcb- { M. Section three handed a»d"«W^- seven of sueh chapter, as, amended .-.••Wf chapter six hundred and forty-nine of the laws of nineteen hundred and sletes, !s hereby amended*to read as follows: |4«, Form of ballot*. AXL ballots snaO be printed in black ink on clear, White material, of such sise as wift fit the ballot fms£. and in as plain, clear type as the space will reasonably permit, The party emblem for each political party represent- ed on the machine, Which ha» been duty adopted by such party in accordance with this chapter, and the party name or other designation shall be affixed to the names, or. in case of presidential electors, to the list of candidates of suejt party. E*eb party may be further distinguished by a stripe of color below the patty ettsblem, which shall be adopted in the same man-. ner as the party emblem. The order of the lists or names of candidates of the several parties or organisations shall be arranged as provided by ^ i s chapter for blanket ballots, except that they may be arranged either vertically or hortseontally. When the same person has been nomi- nated fer the same office to be filled at the election by more than one party or independent body, all the provisions re- lating to torn official ballot in this chap- ter shall apply an4 th«r'voting machine shall be so adjusted that his name shall appear but once on the balkA. - * 6 34. Section four hundred and three of sueti chapter is hereby repealed. S 34-a. Section four hundred and ten of sueh chapter is hereby amended to read as follows: I 4M. Manner of voting. After the open- ing of ih« polls, the inspectors shall not allow any voter to pass within the guard- rail until they have ascertained that he is duly entitled to vote. Only one voter at a time shall be permitted to pass with- in the guard-rail to vote. Tha operating of the voting machine by the voter while voting shail be secret and obscured from all other persons except as provided by this chapter in cases of voting by assisted voters. No voter shall remain within the voting machine booth longer than three minutes, and If he shall refuse to leave it after tbe lapse of three minutes, he shall be removed* by the inspectors. 5 35. Section four hundred and thirteen of sueh chapter, as amended by chapter six hundred and forty-nine of the laws of nineteen hundred and eleven, is hereby amended to read as follows: § 413. Canvass of vx>te and proclamation of result. There shall be printed direc- tions in the statement of canvass to the election officers for their guidance before the polls are opened and when the polls are closed; a certificate of which shall be signed by the election officers before the polje are opened, showing* the delivery of the keys in a sealed envelope^ the number on the seal; the number registered on the protective' cfttqifrer^ it-One.J? provided; If public counter is set^Sfc-SSKh'^iSo); the ballot labels are properly placed in the machine. Also a certificate which shaH be filled out after the polis have been closed, that the machine has been locked against voting and sealed; the number of electors as shown on the public counters; the number on the seal; the number reg- istered on the protective counter, if one is provided; and that the voting machine is closed and locked. The Inspectors' re- turn and statement of canvass shall show the total number of votes east for each office, the number of votes cast for each candidate, as shown on his counter, and the number of votes for persons not nom- inated, which Shall be certified by the board of Inspectors. As soon as the pollr of the election are closed, the inspectors of election thereat shall immediately lock the voting machine against voting, and open the counting departments in the presence of the watchers and. all other persons who may be lawfully within the polling place, giving full view of all the counter numbers. The chairman of the board of inspectors shall, under the scru- tiny of an inspector of a different political party, in the order of the offices as their titles are arranged on the machine, read and announce in distinct tones the desig- nating number and letter on each counter for each candidate's name, the result as shown by the counter numbers, and shall then read the votes recorded for each of- fice on the irregular ballots. He shall also in the same manner announce the vote on each constitutional amendment, prop- osition or other question. The counter shaH not in the case of presidential elec- tors be read consecutively along the party row or column, but "shall always be read along the office columns or rows, com- pleting the canvass for each office. The vote as registered shall be entered by "the clerks on the tally sheets in ink, in the same order on the space which has the same designating number arid letter. Aft- er copying the vote from the tally sheets on the returns, the figures shall be veri- fied by being called off tn the same man- ner from the counters of the machine by an Inspector of a different political party. The counter compartment of the voting machine shall remain open until the offi- cial returns and all other reports have been fully completed and verified by the election board. During suoh time any candidate, watcher, or challenger of any party or Independent body duly accred- Hed as provided by jwetloB tferet hundred and fifty-two of tbe election law who may desire to be present shall be admitted to the polling place.' ^The proclamation of the result ©T .the votes cast ah»H be de- liberately announced in - » distinct voice by the chairman oi the board of Insx>ec- tors wh<* shall read tfce name w each^can- didate, with the * letter of his com .... _„ „. tered on such counter; also the vote cast for and against each qu.stion submitted. During such proclitoation ample OPDOT- tunity shaU be given to i fully present to J announced with the < that portion of the .*rd*M**l or W ether material within the ballot frames containing the name of tfte candidate and the emblem of t*» party organtoartion by which he was nominated, or a t *** m ® n . t of a proposed constitutional amewiment, or other question or proposition withi the word "Yes" for voting for «ny question or the word "No" for voting M»la»t « £ Question. The term "question shall mean any constitutional amendment, P^ 1 Uok or otherWestlon «ubm*tted to voters at any election. The t * " " ^ label" shall mean the ©Tinted » t «J cardboard containing the names ot candidates nominated, and th» --«M»ttns submitted. The term "irregular ballot shail mean a vote cast, by,or on a spe- cial device, for a person whose name does not appear on the ballot labels^The term "voting machine custodian" shall mean the person who shall have charge of pre- paring and arranging the voting machls* for elections. The term "protective count- er" shall mean a separate counter built into toe voting machine which cannot be f s M , which records the total number of movements of the operating lever. •'4 ST. Section four hundred and twenty- ow> of such chapter is hereby amended to read as follows: f 421. Saving clause. Nothing herein shall | be deemed to prohibit the adoption or use ; of any voting machine at any election j within any* town, eity or village that has j adopted the same prior to the tenth day of ^December, nineteen hundred and thir- teen, if the mechanism is or may be made adjustable to conform to the grouping of candidates under the title of tbe office, but the method of conducting an election therewith shall be in the manner pre- scribed by this chapter. 8 88, Section four hundred and thirty-one of such chapter hereby amended to read as follows: * 1 «f. Production of returns and tally sheets. As sooji as such board of county canvasser* shall have been organized, the officer with whom they weife filed shall deliver to such board of canvassers all the returns with tally Sheets annexed con- taining the original statements of canvass received from inspectors of election for districts within the county for which said board are county or city canvassers. The original state- nents which have been de- livered to .nv-mbers of the board of as- sessors* shaH then be delivered to the board. If *?•>• member of the county board of c'u.vassers shall be unable to attend the i st meeting of such board, before such meeting, cause i to the secretary of such inal statement thajt may -jiis possession. If, at the >f a county board of can- county, all returns with nnexed so required to be h not be produced before the !i,..; adjourn to some conven- by tits vo*er* «f «tH& erit> or any portion tfcete if, «m n-.tW&i KOOb - ?. The staiemeiV&TT&iu.fveil bv this section shaJteftCti etifefeett a* eune.-t nv>r th? signatures t$ tt* nxs'iib^e of the board jrit of U««* d h l i b sigat $ s or a majority of U#««»* and d h « and Is the h * « < ? li be they are Itted su amination of a < diction and ma of six months f j y fe* frimi he shall, at to be delKv board any have come i first meetiii vassers of tally shens produced board, it ient hou: and the sec special nu- such miSFi; wise he F!^ turns with ing that, t! 1 tally sheet;- fore such l such first ; inal stat. «. . of the vd election produced shall pr« rl'.- in ; I two of st * read a;> f<> 5 432. Co i tion dlst'':. ing to can appear t?i that ceita. such stat< inserted me or the next day, •."•>• of such board shall, by :,er or otherwise, obtain returns, if possible, otner- ;. isre the other set of re- :> sheets annexed, or. fail- •:, : .<.<l set of returns without s time to be produced be- 4 at its next meeting. At •"•is;, or as soon as an orig- i if the result of the canvass <:-.£ at such election in every . of the county shall be iv such board, the board trv ~ ~CfiTrvass the votes cast <• at such election. > four hundrea and rhirty- "•ipter is hereby amended to :,m of clerical errors in elec- •.tcments. If, upon proceed- .< such votes, it shall clearly cttinty board of canvassers , »Lt?ra are omitted from any which should have been any merely clerical mts- takes exjpt herein, thevshjBll.— _ _ ~r ,,rrc- - n-iW0r-xrT^reby given, to summon the < U ction officers whose names are sti and sue!) r ; ' meet and :i r, facts ..f t')p <• tion offices :-.;. decision b»-t».- . only cauft- ; . stated. The : may adjourn 1 ing three d.i- t obtaining w, i statements. § 40. SetUio-i seven of sue • to read as fn! § 437. Stat.- boards; ames thereto before such board, km officers shall forthwith ;e such correction as the se require; but such eiec- vli not change or alter any made by them, but shall ir canvass to be correctly aid of county canvassers om day to day not exceed- in all, for the purpose of receiving such corrected four hundred and thirty- chapter is hereby amended nts of canvass by county nation of protested, void and wholly hnnk ballots. Upon the com- pletion by si -umty board of canvassers of the canva.-'. of votes of which original statements <>•' canvass are by law re- quired to he .lelivered to them, by the boards of «> (.ers with whom the same may have b-v >, filed by the inspectors of election, thf shall make separate state- ments them:*' ..s follows: 1 One sta ! u«nt of all such votes cast for each nftv of elector of president and vice-presider/- nf the United States. 2. One stav >ient of all such votes cast for each stMt^ office. 3. One srt.i •• ont of all such votes cast for each <• • of representative in con gress, exce; t hat the board of canvasser in the county of New York shall not mi a statement of the votes cast in any ele< tion district Us said county, for any cai didate for tjv office of assemblyman, sei ator or representative in congress tf candidates for which were also voted -f< by voters in election districts county not vthin the city of New York." 4. One stawment as to all such voU cast upon every proposed constitution! amendment or other proposition or qu. tion duly submitted to all the voters the state. 5. One statement as to all the votes cu. for all and each of the candidates for eacl office of member of assembly for whicl the voters of such county or any portioi thereof, except as provided in paragraDi numbered three in this section, were en titled to vote at such election. 6. One statement as to all the votes cast for each county office, and office of school commissioner, for which the voters of such ©OVmty, or any portion thereof, were en- titled to vote at such election, and to be canvassed by them. ?. Ofte St&temehfc as to ail the votes If any, oast upon any proposition or question upon which only the voters of such-co ty were entitled to vote t h l p oy the voters of such-coui ty were entitled to vote at such election. and recotded Is t h e o« e« of u,e . ;unt> cterk of such *»**«<?. W4ien t i e whole canvass shall fee completed, the original statements of canvass u»ed thereat ^hali be filed In the offic** of the Secretary of the board. The original statement of tan- vasu not ufced at the canvass and th« packages of protested, void and wholly blank ballots shall be retained in the of- fice in which or by the officer with whom, they were filed. The packages of protest ed, void and wholly blank ballots shall be retained inviolate In, the office in which they are Itted subject to the order and ex- itio of a <*girt of competent juris destroyed at the end of six mont m the time of the com pletion of sucjj canvass, unless otherwise ordered by a court of competent jurisdic- tion. .-•; I 41. This act shall take effect immedi- ately. State of New York, Office of the Secre- tary of State, ss.: I have compared the preceding with the original law on tile In this office, and d, hereby certify that the same Is a Correct transcript therefrom and of the whole ot said original law, 34TTCHEJIJL MAY, -Secretary of State. UAW8 OF NEW YORK—By Authority. CHAP.S22, AN ACT to amend the election law, in re lation to tne direct election of United States senators. ~ :""•> Became a law December 17, U13, with the arpproval <jf the Governor. Passo-1. three-fifths being present. ^ The People of the State of New York represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows; Section 1. Article thirteen of chapter twenty-two of the laws of nineteen hun- dred and nine, entitled "An act In relation to the elections," constituting chapter seventeen of the consolidated- laws, as such article is thus renumbered »of chap- ter eight hundred Of the;|itws of nlnetf^n hundred and thirteen, is hereby amended by Inserting therein, immediately preced- ing section four hundred, and fifty a new section, to be section four hundred and forty-nine, tt* read as follows: 1449. United States senators. At the gen- eral election next preceding the expiration of the term of office-of a United States senator from this state, a successor to tuch office shall be elected by the peopic- for a full t«rif» of six years. If a vacancy occur in the ofltce of United States senator from this state in any calendar year less than thirty days prior to a general elec- tion, tbe governor, shall make a temporary appointment to fttt such vacancy until the first day of December in the succeeding calendar year. If such a. vacancy occur in any calendar year more than thirty days prior to a general election the gover- nor shall make a temporary appointment to fill such vacancy until the first day of December in such calendar year. Such an appointment to ilil a vacancy shall be evi- denced by « certificate of the governor which shall be filed In the tifflce of the secretary of h^ate. At the time of filing of such certificate the governor shall also issue, and fHe in the office of the secretary of state, i\ writ of election directing the election of a United States senator to ft!: sueh vacancy for the unexpired term a; -the general <?tectiorr next preceding the ex- piration of the term of such appointment The provisions of tills chapter relating to the canvass o' votes and of election re- sults sha) 1 apply to such an election to fill a vncanry'."' except that the canvass of vote? au.l results affecting the office of United Stales senator shall be completed by the f-ounty beard of canvassers, an<l statements thereof certified to the ?e< re tary of state within ten days after the el<K'tk'T\ and the canvass of suclf results- completed by th« state board of canvass- B's Ljxi) maUKii«nts thereof-certified to the seerruaf/ of .--state 1*gfore the first day of •December' following: the election. Each epumy- board ©f canvassers^shaU meet and organize for such purpose on the third day after the election and the state bouri of canvassers en the second Monday after- election. . ^-*»- § 2. Thi& act shall take effect imme- diately. State of New York. Office of the of State, ss.: I have compared the preceding with the original law on file in this office, and do hereby certify that the same is a correct transcript therefrom and of the whole or said original law. MITCHEUL. MAY, Secretary of State. e Stscre' ^ in original. .designating number and inter, and the vote regis- t then and there be made by the Section boa*!, after which the dodrs of thir voting machine shall be closed locked. operating lever of the.machine that the voting and counting mechi i g o oting and count h g prevented th>m frkmk\ I »6. Section four hundred ane twenty r ^ •f *»• &*ammonB. The list «f candW ttsed or £b lie utedTotf thi ffoft l ^ t i S voting machine shall be aeettjed official ballots under this chapter for ma election candidate; the number of .„«» „, ^.t tor each; and the wh«le number *r w votes cast for all the city of the !Hc«* voted for LAWS OF NEW YORK—By Authority. CHAP. S27. AN ACT making an appropriation for tne payment f>nd discharge of certain judg- ments and awards made by the board of claims with interest thereon, as provided by law. Became a law December 18, 1913, with the approval of the Governor. Passed. three-fifths being present. The People of the State of New York represented in Senate and Assembly, (h- enact as follows: Section 1. The sum of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($250,000), or so much thereof as may b« necessary, is hereby appropriated from any funds tn the state treasury not otherwise 'appropriated, for the payment of judgments and awards made by the board of claims, any claims- before said board, other than those on ac- count of canals of this state, with interest charge, as provided bylaw. $ 2. The treasurer shall pay on the war- rant of the comptroller tbe moneys ap- propriated in the first section of this act to the persons to whom said judgments and awards were granted or their assigns in the several amounts of said judgments and awards. ^5 3. This act shall take effect imme tate of New York, Office of the Secretary of State, ss.: " IJiave compared the preceding with the original law on file. In this office, and do- hereby certify that the same fs a correct transcript therefrom and of the whole off said original law. MITCHEUJ MAY, Secretary of Stats., tAWS OF NEW YORK^-By Authority CHAP. 828. LN ^°J to amend chapter seven hundred and thirty of the law* of nineteen hun- dred and thirteen, entitled "An act to provide for Jhe celebration of the cen- «^^^f^l >att M^ at # ur * rn ' the appointment of a eOTainasion, prescrib- ing its powers and duties and making a» appropriation therefor," generally Became a law December M, im, witft *- approval of the " folfcw Section J. fec ter seven hund f ninetesn g M.iffs^^ramr Tork, tted j^ Senate and Assembly, do folfcws-l V ; one and 4w of chap- and t h i r t y ^ jafe laws sd and thirteen^^ntiSed for *»• celebration of of a «»»n>i«*i«n, pre- rs a«4 duties and mak- ppopriation therefor," are hereby mended to «ad. respectively, as follows: SI. A commission is hereby created con- ij-tinar of eight citizens to be appointed by I ,, * rnqr - fiv * tnatani to be appointed n,e pi-*«M«,i f th

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Page 1: SET PETTY THfEF TO WORK - NYS Historic tbem, except so far ac to ascer-tain that each ballot

Htfttanan Evic



Even If they would, fewcan escape the reflected glory otConey ismnd. An American touristfound tteat out as far away from bora* jae Antwerp, |

WMIe lounging on an Antwerp pier jbe got mixed up with a lot of exctu* j•kmitts who had disembarked froma Hull steamer. The haekimm whe 'were on hand to drive tl» Hull trip-pers about the city grew tmpatiest \with the methodical manner in whichth«y sorted themselves out

"Here, /ou Hull folk," <*ne ©f tbem Ioalled oat in first rate English, "hurryap here, if you waat *e see Antwerp ;In three hours."

The American t&wfst happened to .be in the center ot the group ad- \dressed, and he resented the whole- 'sale classification.

"Don't you believe for one minute Ithat I come from Hull." be said.

The hackman loofcefl him over se-renely.

"Oh, I know yera don't," he said is Ifcls excellent English. "I know where jyou come from." j

•'Where?" said the American. ;"Coney Island; said the man, and j

turned his attention to the real n& \tires of Hull.


ie exoww ballots therein shall be Flscwa

[f t*v> -or more ballots «ha i be foundthf. tout left box-so folded together as to

•«>sei« Uie appeawinoe of a si»Kle ballot,id «T the wh<*e number of ballot* Injeh ballot box exceed? tht- whole numberr ballots fthovrn by the t*oii boohs andaiot clerk?" returns to have b«H>n de-.wsned therein, and 31 ot otherwise, they.

<nough of •thorn to reduce the ballots• the proper number, selection to be madeithout examination of any voting marku'lvon. shaH similarly be Inclosed, sealed.iiiorsed and placed with the spoiled bal-

If. however, there lawfully be morehnn one ballot box for the reception of-allots voted at the polling place, no-allot found in the wrong ballot boxhail for that reason be rejected, but•hall be placed in its proper box by tht»nspectors upon the count of the ballots«>fore the canvass, and counted in the-a me manner as if found in the propitit Hot box, if such ballot shall not. v:< ther with the ballots found in the proper•:>aHot box, make a total of more ballotsihan are shown by the poll-books andballot clerks' returns to have been de-(jositt-il sii the proper box.

No ballot th«t hais not the official in-riorsernem shall be counted except suchss are vo'ed sis accordance v.itli the pro-Msions of this chapter relating to unofn-chU ballots

S iU Stvf.n! three hundred and sixty-ctcht ef s-uclj x?h:iptcr. as amended byv?;ju-n=r* two hundred and ninety-six and*i\ hundred and forty-nine of the laws ofnineteen hundmt and eleven is hereby

I 3SS, XI*-t>,od of canvassing. 1. Methodof c&nvus&ttiK ballots generally. Kxceptas hereinafter specially provided, the?nethod of canvassing ballots shall be asJttllows:

The chairman of the hoard of Inspectorsshall personally unfold each ballot of thekind then to be canvassed in such a mrn-mr that its face shall be down and allmarks therein shall be wholly concealed,.ad he shall place all the ballots, so un-

Ucheme of Dorchester (Mass.) Judge I folded and with their faces down, tnThat S e e m * t o Have Much t o j pile. He shuil then take up each ballot in

Reocmmwui It. |£ ed onA Dorchest«r boy of twenty years j \,

was convicted before Judge Sullivan j aof the municipal court of Boston, ofstealing from a. ttwre laces valued at$73.08. The #attge fiaed him | i5 and | the "kind

.1 iss the ease

the ballot facpile. When

the fir

told him he must gr to work and earnthe money smd pay tie fine at therale of $3 a week, The boy has never tworked, and lie sassy hare eae hardlife for a ttpn to get the $3 a week. ;but at that the <Jsd«6 was lenientwith him, as be might lave seat him Ito jail cr sasd€ kiss pay a Sse egsatlto the value of the good* he stole. Itjis the opinion of many judges that 1the work floe is the winner fer keep-1tng petty tfcieres an£ some other Icriminals oat of the crooked ways.Work is a barsh word fsr the boy wholit* never <done it and sometimes itbounds even worse to boys who haveblundered along at lisilss* Jobs, BatIt is a great corrector of evil If it isapplied enough of the time to keepthe criminal miad busy at the iegiU-

. -ViS Of ^taW YOEK-By AuthorityTot alt iTie-<«lcia'^5Sj5iiT«ri3Kirea"joT!ieelection district ir> which they ar« serving;they shall etumt «erffy th». numberof each king at unused ballots, And entertt upon their returns; th«y shall theaopen the l»«x for kaltees cancelad beforedelivery asfi spoiled - *nd returned byvoters, aesaraie them Into tbeir severalkinds, count aJJ . balJ^to is-f each Oraid andenter tiie ^ 2 2 .

g,tJh«*r reh l

l h the teltatt-. j y ^ Vac-S SertS? the!V names, words.and figures ac-

cordlag ;to ,tl*e iOirections contained iinarticle nk*e of this chapter and prlntfid«athe fomoe,

Each kjjad Qf,baL!ot and each kind.,«fstub shall immediately after they ar*cottnted j& atocesaW be secureJy; tied \n&separate p«£ka«e, asnd shail be plainiylabeled, seated, aad returned to the boxfrom which it w'Ksas taken, .;aos3 the boxsecurely locked aod sealed. .The ballot•clerk shall <also ^acurely tie. ail unusedballoto in A #ealad ^package, .fhey - shallthen «igj» and swear to their returnsbefove one ,ot the inspectors and shall•deliver their returns,, tbe boxes,,packages,ballots And -state, together with tte key•ot the Jjoxes, to the chairtp^n ct theiboard etf lnspeators. The ballots so sealed^ind delivered ^hall be .deposited and pre-served as ballot boxes ere herelnafteirequired =to be deposited atd preserved.

S. Poll olema. JtomedKtely upon .the.dose of the poUa sthe poll clerks -sl^l;«ssist the inspector* of ..election in comparing the iPoH-bjesoto \yith the rcglstmsas hereinafter pr»vj|fed, and shall matae-out in triplicate to ink an,d sign anCjewear to their returse before >ne of th«i*nspect«r« of ^lecUons .accordfcg to t^e#orms p«©vldedf *n4,4«4iver th»a to the


pollprovided in-official ret : -

fided for the ;

fthom tie i,ivote blankor iti cast uttallies thecase rn:iy Lment by .-shall not amcandidate*Official tallyshall be «••!its duwhich it »marks sh;order In ti

When u

Upon. the.kepet-in rothe

w e net .so isible. by.;<lInk one .or .•*The laliy >pared, veH;uand poil !-.ieat the frw,;indicated M.-•

didatethe fo!

and announce in asiTut voice, the vots regis-Flrst section or that the bal-

that the section la Wank.nay be. He shall then turnr down and place it in a new-•e has announced fhe votes«•-.-uons of all the ballota of•% %M be canvassed, and thes all I** made as hereinafter

proved to be correct, thettmTKt.rd f<or it» article thlr-•:;?»d out and signed. Then,v. the chairman afaai; pro-

= *..•* >ls Use manner ttoe votesit. ^-**-i;o-ri to be canvassed.s?".?•-{ r.r.---**ed until ail the

.=•- .* iinrsOURee-i each poll^ innately tally it in blackIjwnward stroke from right

»e official tally sheet pro-tirpose, also carefully tally-1; b'ank or void vote. Each

tallies a vote shall clearly'.;tinf of the candidate lors it, or that he tallies thes#id as the case may be,Mupturn submitted that hee "Yes" or "No" as the:iiul until such aanoum

poll clerk the chairmanmi-e another vote. When ame is not printed on th<net or return provided. H> in full thereon In ink inthat is, in the order ins ,m the ballot. The tally

e made in due nuaaerica<y spaces provided,

e sections relating to th<nuestlon shall have beeinumber of ballots shall b<i he tally thereof. If th<

'i on the tally sheets doe!s ilit* results as shown byb;iHots, an error has beeni recanvass must be HQi

tnviiss, the tally must< from left to rtghtjacrosg.iUiv«i*»rrlTO"t)e'Ic6rrect, thealt indicate the last tally()i<tne by forthwith cant!.e next ten unused tallyur*> KO many, and if there

'" , then as many as poe-114 through them in red

c horizontal straight lines.ins been thus pre-

4. Order of eaavaKsfoff. The halfet boxeshall then., ^nd not JbeCore, be opeaed aqd

ballota shall :fae ..cant^issed, \m theq

Pii»t. The staox, if afcF,;covi&ining • 6* esi-e«O«a ballota.

. ThefcoX Jf «ty,,,«ral ballots; &!>•

Thfa-4- The bs&ea, ,|f apy,^allots Mpon .constitwtioasH JJOT other ijuestion* sHbn^lted,

Jttven of such chapter 4s heasbyto read as teltows;

| 367. Comp*rfa«r poU4sooks andter»; vertfyin*- number of * jboaxd of inspector* mhail Q feisanyaes by comparing th« t«w j«<l-booii»With the re^Jstera used on «l»etkai 4*y a«U> ihe number of votere voting sut th%ftlaetion, correcting- any mfataluw* ©.tuoA, after the ballot clerks haws 4el^«nedtheir returns to the ehatrmaa at tb#board, and not before, by counting theballot* found in the ballot boxee withoutunfolding tbem, except so far ac to ascer-tain that each ballot is single, and bycomparing the number of ballots found ineach box with the number shown by t&epoll-books and the ballot clerks' returnsto have been deposited therein.

If th© ballot* found in- any box shall twmore tbaa the number of ballots so shownto have l>een deposited therein, such bal-lots «h*n *n ^« replaced, without beingunfolded,, in the box from which lh*rwere taken, and shall be thoroughlymingled therein, and on« of the inspectorsdesignated t»y the board shall, without

« same and with bis back to thebox, publicly draw out as many ballotsAM shall be ecruel to such ezoem *nd, with-out unfoWing them, fta^hwlth itufes*them in an'envelope which he shall thenand there s«ai and indorse "excess bal-lots f r w the beet fw ballots tor (presi-dential electors, or general officers, etcetera, «s the ease may be}." sicainc hisB*m« tlk«r«ie. Mid such envelope witli

preimi closed, the inspectors>-ha)J sign the certificate•- H-h sheet in the places

us Hots when more than;--; to be elected to the:en more than one can-l-(ted to the same office,-ihod of canvass shall bet the necessities of the

ead the names oft&e candMijic- wo(ed for in the order in

-•wbich the;.- ,»;., ar in the section, and.each noil <•!•• '•: *-.h: ll make an accuratetally of each voi«r as announced upon thoofflcaai tall: - :eei -.i.iovided for the pur-pest. The ci •>ii-ma:,i.t,iiall also announcethe v id ball •?>. if «ny, and th6 numberof blanks, if :ny, <4>on the section, andeach .poll cU-.k <hnl\ mvike as many talliesfor eaeh voi.l bnllot *«ahere are candi-dates t&ereon ty be «si«^d to the officeIn..queswon. and one taayz-for each blank.

3. Cany, ssliur \u esid^siai ballots. Thestraight fc-Hlinrs. that is. ;^i valid ballotson which *,!! ti.e Candida*** in any partyeroup are voted for, placed in

iPlles,-like.*ith like, and tt»e,*pHt ballots,that is, ail,* >ii,i ballots maaStftd in one or*&ore of tbfe individual votistg .squares or«^th names written thereon, shall be

l one v ile. and all voifi ifcftllots andblank , Sal lots shall fc*e jlikewisein sepfc.-ate piles. Ba«b ,of the

w « shall then *.e counted and Sh« resultelea«ly annouu^I, and the naKitfoer ofstraight votes tor,each candidate .sfcfcll beentered in gross .^oposlte his nae^e,fin atajly :«heet b> .ea^n poll clerk, *n^ "fthe

imber of split, v<.id and wholly sljlankballots 4loail be s«nislarly entered to *th«ir

arppr^te places. The chairman jghslln ta*e .the split fe^Iots and they 4hqii

b? canv^sted, annoui^ed and talli««jl ,inth# manner above pr»«^ded foy canvass-ing ballot*,* hen mote #*&n one candidateis (t# be elecUid to the «a^e office.

i. Sectipn ihree hunted and sixty-nine «f such «fcapter is l^reby amended*o rea$ as fo)}o*'S:

S m. <Objeotjft«ai to th« .hunting; dls-_ apal ,qf ballots. ^ objection jjs taken tothe oomargn,* of j&w ballot or action, the

blank" or "Wholly void," *a tb»be, and th«i memorandum ofahall be followed by ih* frtgnChairman or other in»ifect<*r, •< l l s ;**

In each eatte tn which tfejectfe* ts'or in which any tatftot t* <Mnvtmwholly blank or wholly void, «ac1clerk snail tally once In tn*vided at the foot of ttoe tally

Whan alt the ballots «f any «!•» ktndshall have been canvassed, the chatrmanof the board of inspectors or, if h« fSfusa,one of the other Jn^ctors. shall carefully

id securely place all the ballots of thatkind as to the counting of which•bjectton was taken, all ballots whichvholly void, and ballots which *r* Wt»lr7

blank, in a separate sealed packa*«, Whletlshall be Indorsed on the <1utsid«

1th t*« names of the inspectors*. & •designatkm of the election dlstriijt, andhe number anfl kind ot balloUi contained

.herein. The package so sealed abStt»j$*known as the package of -protested, i

wholly blank ballots and Shalldisposed of as hereinafter provided In Jtions three hundred and seventy-six, threahundred and seventy-seven, threa him"and seventy-eight and three hundred andeighty ©f this chapter. Tbe other ballotsshall be tied together, labeled, and re*

jrned to the ballot box fropi which theyere taken before, proceeding to eaavass

the next kind of ballota to be canvassed.Any inspector who shall refuse to writs1 ink upon the back of any ballot

memorandum of a ruling, or objectionthe counting thereof, or shall refuse toplace in the package of protested ballotsany ballot as to the counting of which any

Ejection has been taken, shall be guiltyof a felony.

S 22. Section three hundred and seventyof such chapter is hereby amended tois follows:

5 370. Proving the tallies. 1. Proving thetally of ballots other than those for presi-dential electors. Immediately upon oounfiner the vote for any question, or for anoffice other than that of presidential ele<tor, the poll clerks shall verify theirfigures by adding together ail tha votestallied therefor, whether for s, """ "or for or against a question, or »M void

blank. If, in a case whers more thanone candidate is to be elected to OM o~"

number of votes tallied (tnchidtn*and blank votes) does not exactly etite number of ballots cast (Including voidand blank ballots) multiplied by tn* nui

of candidates to be elected, or if, i sthe case of a question submitted or in•use where only one candidate is to be>iected to an office, th» total numberotes tallied (including void and bla

•<,tes) shall not exactly equal the numberif ballots cast (including void and blank>,iUots), an error has been committed and1 it-canvass must be immediately made.ts hereinbefore provided In section three.::rdr«'d ami Qixty-eight of this chapter.2. i'linins tho tally of ballots fer pros!*

hMitial electors. Ie the cas« of ballots for.:«-r.ident!aJ electors, tha poll.-• •ify their figures as follows:

I'irsr. they shall add together the votes•'Mimed 1 or electors of each party;Jev^nd, they shall add together thi

,.>t.'< counted for candidates not on thi

TLini. they shall add together the voi<Mid wholly blank ballota and shall mulij>K- thr sum no obtained by the nunal>f electors to be elected;Fourth, they shall add together thi

• o:r:, ..!! the split ballots tallied as blank;Fifth, they shall then add together tin

<>!,r sums so obtained.!f the-total of these four sums shall no1

::;ut!.v equal the number of ballots caiiriudin? void and blank ballots) muli

liinl by the number of electors to i> <:<t<Mt, an error has been committed, amt •'-•anvass must be immediately made.eivinhefore provided In section three hi;i «ii and sixty-eight of this chapter.

;: *J3. Section three hundred and sevent;.Hit- of fcuch chapter is hereby amended• ,<:;(\ H6 follows:

j "71. General provisions as to canvass.ri.e ballots shall at all times be kept ontop ot the table and in plainill parties entitled to examine them, un1

«s that** s candidate; **-f V\t court sMS iibc sttdtk conditteni. *« «tf notloe toesndklates or otherwise as % sbattrife&wsary and proper.

. — Section three hundred and seventy-five ot such chapter ts hereby amended1* re*4 • * foltewe:

l»«ciai«at!o«i of result. Upon & •_ - ^ ^ t f e » of »u«h canvasB «nd et tttetlatemeints of the result thereof, the chatr-

an «f the board ef inspectors shall m*Jc«puWi* oral proclamation of tbe wholenumber of votes cast at «uch election atsuch |«Uin» place for all candidates foreach o«co; upon each proposed constttu-"^-"'"' amendment or other Question er

, j g &w a t or action, theboai*d of fnspectpEs ,shall fbiibarith andbefoflp c^»3«a8sing an» other bali^ or sec-tkm rtvle upw the ab}«#iion. if tjh« objec-ttoo far .con^ued s^t«r this mlktg, thechaimmn, w *T he nefu^. one of the otherinspeetorsv JahaW write fe ink uppa thebaek of trw iwtwt a weoswrandum <rf theruling itnd jOamtion. f^ie «nemoran*umof the rullor 3**J1 fee fe the ^" C o t d t&" ' i G f e |*e o


t e rullor 3**"Counted *ot&." or G»v*"Counted tot (jfimmtof itb#candidates or th» pr«#fdentia|In the eaae of a question j a m"Counted tar Question Mo. ~~t•-Counted against Question^ N e . — / • asthe ease may be. The memorandum ofthe objection shall be to the werds "Ob-jected to," followed by a brief statementot the nature of the objection and thesignature of the chairman or other in-

Any ballot as to the counting of whichobjection is tk>t takes but which is whollyblaak or wholly void steal} be iadornedm ink by th« chairman of th« board ofinspectors, or If he refuse, by on« of theother inspectors, witn th« words, "Wholly

mrs fihan, during the canvass of _„ij.illot. exhibit to him the ballot then bain,amassed, fully opened and in such

condition that he may fully and careful] aad examine it, but no inspector sh;illow uny ballot to be taken from hihand or to be removed from any pile b'any j*?ns©n but the chairman. Any persoiwho shuli mark, tear or deface any balloof another with the intent of defeating <altering a vote or ballot, shall be guiltof « felony, and shall be punished upoieon-viction thereof by imprisonment insuite prison for a period of not less thaiflv>- nor more than ten years.

S ;»4. Section three hundred and seventy-tlir+ e of such chapter is hereby amendedto read as follows:

S 373. Seturns of canvass. Upon com-pleting tiie eaxivass, the inspectors andpoU clerks shall make and sign in inkth«ir several returns in triplicate, anxshaH verify them before the respective[>ffi-ee!MB authorized for that purpose, a»<•iiuiil sign an4 certify in ink each tailsh^t to be certified by them. In makingheir returns as aforesaid, the inspectors

j.nd JH>11 clerks shall use the printed formsapplied to them with the ballots, and.liey shall carefuBy insert in all the blank"paf-es thereon tbe appropriate names,A-.»;-4B and figures according to the dlrec-:io«« .contained i« article nine of this?haj»t<fer and printed »n the forms. In thethsence of an officer authorized to take1 ckmm'iedgments and proof of deeds, and'or the purposes of this .chapter, any elec-tion officer shall be authorized to admin-ister the oath to any other election offl-

Each of the two taJiy sheets shalloe securely attached by the chairman t<jne of the returns relating £0 the same>ffice or .question and ahsnil be treated as ajart thereof.

Any election o|Aeer wJb© sha^ «i«n anytatement of the canvass at j»«y p3aoe>ther thaa the palling j^ace, «r At anyime other than injmediately after the

canvass is completed, except uwder direc-tion of a eoiitt, and kny election officeror person who shail tak« fjsoaa the peJJtagplace any Buea statement before it shallhave been signed as herein provided, isguilty of a felony, and shall i>e punishedupon conviction thereof, by imprisonmentin ^ state prison tor not tens «jan twono,r more than five years.

•*f changes be nece«eary in Mmy ot theUktvoM tor tallies and returns, w pr*,scribed in tnis article, the secretary of«tat*jffhail prescribe the

three hundred And sweety-four

red andchapter is herebyr f a p

to rtad as fellows:i m Pneaervation of ballots. After tb#

last te4ly sheets and returns are complet-ed, and aft &« stubs and bajfou, e*cep$the protected, yoid and wholly blank bal-lots, are r«plao«4 in the boxes from whichthey were taken, each box shall b« M>curely loekaj and «*ai«d, and deposited,by an inspccU* 4«tf«joated for that pur-pose, with the ameer .or boftrd%furnishln«it. together with the separate sealed pack-age of unused official %eilots. The boxesand packages so deposited shall be ore-sirved inviolate for six months after theelection, except that they may be openedao4 their contents examined upon the or-der of any court of competent Jurisdic-tion. Unless ordered to be preserved bysuch a court, they shall be opeded andtheir content* destroyed after aUt months.The^>rot«sted, void a*d wljoily blank bal-lots shatt be preserved as provided m sec-tion four hundred an4 thtrty-«ev«n of thischapter. A*y candidate aHaU be entitled*• of right to an examtaatUMt tn p w o otmtv^mihorimM a«ente of w»y bali*»

n which bi# DM>« lawfully appeareir

aa elector to vote for any P*TS%» tor **ro^ce. whether or not nominated «s a ean-d M t fc party or organisation, and

ti I b*l«t» sMveeyparty or o g a i a

most £BH»ft votin* In ab*ol«t» M ySuch Saehlne shall aise be*o constructedthat an tiector canwot vote for * eandl-daOfcor^ a proposition fer w*om or onwhkfc I t te sW lawfully eaOded Jb v o ^I t t b t d to pre

proi»osltion, « any* voted upon at suchelection; the whole number of votes «Jv*nfor each person, with th« title of the officefor which he was iamed on the ballot;

Whole number of voU* given *e-_ , _ , „ . _ _ ,r and aimfnst each proposedoonstitatJoaal amendment or other ques-tion e* proposition, If any. BO submitted.•I n. Section three hundred and seventy-

sis: of such chapter ts hereby amended tor«ad *s follows:

I Snt 0eml^« •tatements. Each state-ment of canvass shall then be securelysealed with sol ing wax in separate en-velopes properly indorsed on the outsidethereof by tha Inspector*, and shaH bekept Inviolate by the officers or boardwith whom,they are filed until delivered,together With the packages of protested,void and wholly blank ballots, to thecounty or city board of canvassers.

§,«. Section «hree hundred and seventy-_ even-lM s«^r chapter, as amended bychapter six hundred and forty-nine of thelaws of nineteen hundred and eleven, ishereby amended to read ae follows;

8 m. iWsMvery And fllityr of papers relat-ing to the election; general provisions. Ifthe election b* othrt- than an eiec^on oftown, ctfcr»« vOlaie or school officers, heldat a different time from a general election,the chairman of the board of Inspectorsof each election district, except In thecity of H«V*forfc, shall forthwith uponthe completion of the triplicate statementof the r^suitj deliver one set of returnsto the supervisor of the town in which theelection district, if outside of a city, issituated, and if in a city, to one of thesupervisors of staid eity. If there be nosupervisor, or he be absent or unable toattend the meeting of the county boardof canvassers, it shall be forthwith de-livered to an assessor of such town orcity. One set ot returns with tally sheetsannexed, together with the poll books ofthe election, stfali be forthwith nled bysuch Inspectors, or by one of them deput-ed for that purpose, with the town clerkof such town, #<w the city clerk of suchcity, as the case may be. The packageof protested, void and wholly blank bal-lots and the third s*t ef returns with tallysheets annexed shall, within twenty-tourhours after thi completion of such can-vass, be filed "by the chairman of 'thebeard of hiapeetow, with the board ofelections of the county in which the elec-tion district i* situated. The register ofelectors and public copy thereof shail befiled as prescribed hvsection one hundredand eighty of t h | | chapter. The poll bookcontaining ih« signatures of the electorswho have votejl at an election and all"Identification statements fsr electionday" received thereat shall within forty-eight hours after the close ef the canvassbe Died tn pw son or by mail by the pollclerk of each election district havingcharge of such book, with the state super-intendents of elections in such one oftheir offices as they inay in writing des-ignate.

I 29. Section tbpeeihnuired and seventy*eight of such chapter, as amended bychapters two hundred and seventy-fourand six hundred and forty-nin« of thelaws of nineteen hundred and eleven, ishereby amended to read as follows:

$ S71 Delivery i n d filing of papers to thecity of New Yo>k. in the eity of Newi'ork the paefcajgf* of ^protested, void andsvhoHy b!anK banbts and one set Of re-turns with tally sheets annexed, togetherwith one ©f th^ poll books, shall be filedby *h* chalrmaiovof > tfce:bt»rtf of Inspec-tors within •"'- - . -

whkfc I t te sW lawfully eaOded Jb ^It most at** be so constructed a* to pre-vent, votmg for more than one person fortbe same office, except whees an electoris lawfully entitled to Vote for more thanone person for that office, and it must *tyford htm an opportunity to vote for asmany persons for that office a» he is bylaw eaUtled to vote for and no toore, atthe same time preventing his voting forthe same person twice, tt must be pro-vided with a look or locks, by the use ofwhich Immediately after the polls aredosed or the operation of stteh machinefor such election Is completed, any

^ ^ t ^ i Afstrtet i» located. One eel ofreturns with tally sheets annexed and tneJther poll book shaU be filed within aueh*\me. with the board of elections *or withche chief Herk of the branch office ef thehorttrd o£ elections, as the ease iaay tee,n tha bortugb within whicfe ttoe «Uetton

•Vivtviet is located,- by an inspector desig-nated by the beard of Inspectors for that-Juty, and the third set of returns with thecity clerk, by an inspector designated bythe board of inspectors for that duty.

In election districts in the city of News'ork, the boardsf of inspectors of electionnust, at the same time that they makeuirt sign the atoresaid returns, make a:t'itiried copy of so much thereof as re-

lates to any candidate for member of as-sembly, senator, or representative in con-srress. voted for both In said election dis-trict and in any part of any county not-Ithln the city of New York, and such

Ttifled copy must within twenty-fourours after the completion of the canvass

by. the inspectors, be filed by the chair-mwi of the board of inspectors with theclerk of the county outside of the city ofNew York in which sueh officers or anyof them are voted for at such election.

S 30. Section three hundred and eightyof sueh chapter is hereby amended to read

s follows;S 380, Delivery and filing of papers in the

county of Erie. In the county of Erie onetxturn with tajly sheets annexed shall befiled forthwith by one inspector deputedtor that purpose, with the clerk of thetown, or the clerk of the city of Buffalo,or the clerk of tfeer eity of Tonawanda, asthe case may be, and one return with theclerk of the county of Brie. The packageof protested, void and wholly blank bal-lots and the third return With tally sheetannexed shall, within twenty-tour hoursafter the completion of such canvass, befiled by the chairman of each board oifinspectors with the commissioner of elec-iions. All poll HstB for tha various elec-tion districts in the city of Buffalo shalltoe filed with the commissioner of elec-tioos, and those for the eity of Tonawan-4 * with the clerk of such city, and those

»r th* towns in Kris county with thetown clerks thereof. • - . . , > . - . . -

i 31. &*etkm threa hundred and eighty-

i. Judicial investigation of ballots. Ifany abatement of the results of the can-

in an election district shall showthat any of the ballots counted a tan elec-tion therein wer» protested ot were can-

Jf mandamus may, upon theOf apy candidate voted fortion In sueb -district, within•• ter, lssu« out of

board or body of""* return of£ ? l r e t u r n of M* ttSSBBSftua

ich election district, and otherwiae tohe Inspectors of elecUon making auehtatement, requiring a rexjanvaasTf such

b a l l o t s . I f t h e c o u r t s h a l t S S S

g£»°rd«r j*e error to be ooffedfed.tsoaros or invpectors of election districts,and boards of canvassers, mbail continue

office for th* purpose of soch proceed-S*. ,.-. .- '. . ' - " - ' • .•;.-< ..

I 12. Section three hundred and nlnety-:we of such chapter, as amended toy chap-

• six hundred stud forty-nise of the lawsnineteen hundred and eleven " '"' ~~A*& read as folfcws: *

Requirements of votinglg machine approved by tb«9T votirig machine cdmmttsle s* etastructcl as to prevM* 'fa-tor voting for such candidate* as

naay »• no«kiata<i. It muM aiao pertaU

ment of the voting or registering mechaniIsm is absolutely prevented. It may alsobe provided with a separate ballot in eachparty column or row containing only thewords "presidential electors" preceded bythe party name, and a vote tor such bal-lot shall operate ae a vote for alt the can-didates of such party lor presidentialelectors, and shall be counted as #wcb-

{ M. Section three handed a»d"«W^-seven of sueh chapter, as, amended.-.••Wfchapter six hundred and forty-nine of thelaws of nineteen hundred and sletes, !shereby amended*to read as follows:

| 4 « , Form of ballot*. AXL ballots snaObe printed in black ink on clear, Whitematerial, of such sise as wift fit the ballotfms£. and in as plain, clear type as thespace will reasonably permit, The partyemblem for each political party represent-ed on the machine, Which ha» been dutyadopted by such party in accordance withthis chapter, and the party name or otherdesignation shall be affixed to the names,or. in case of presidential electors, to thelist of candidates of suejt party. E*ebparty may be further distinguished by astripe of color below the patty ettsblem,which shall be adopted in the same man-.ner as the party emblem. The order ofthe lists or names of candidates of theseveral parties or organisations shall bearranged as provided by ^ i s chapter forblanket ballots, except that they may bearranged either vertically or hortseontally.When the same person has been nomi-nated fer the same office to be filled atthe election by more than one party orindependent body, all the provisions re-lating to torn official ballot in this chap-ter shall apply an4 th«r'voting machineshall be so adjusted that his name shallappear but once on the balkA. - *

6 34. Section four hundred and three ofsueti chapter is hereby repealed.

S 34-a. Section four hundred and ten ofsueh chapter is hereby amended to readas follows:

I 4M. Manner of voting. After the open-ing of ih« polls, the inspectors shall notallow any voter to pass within the guard-rail until they have ascertained that heis duly entitled to vote. Only one voterat a time shall be permitted to pass with-in the guard-rail to vote. Tha operatingof the voting machine by the voter whilevoting shail be secret and obscured fromall other persons except as provided bythis chapter in cases of voting by assistedvoters. No voter shall remain within thevoting machine booth longer than threeminutes, and If he shall refuse to leave itafter tbe lapse of three minutes, he shallbe removed* by the inspectors.

5 35. Section four hundred and thirteenof sueh chapter, as amended by chaptersix hundred and forty-nine of the laws ofnineteen hundred and eleven, is herebyamended to read as follows:

§ 413. Canvass of vx>te and proclamationof result. There shall be printed direc-tions in the statement of canvass to theelection officers for their guidance beforethe polls are opened and when the pollsare closed; a certificate of which shall besigned by the election officers before thepolje are opened, showing* the delivery ofthe keys in a sealed envelope^ the numberon the seal; the number registered on theprotective' cfttqifrer it-One.J? provided; If

public counter is set Sfc-SSKh' iSo);the ballot labels are properly placed in

the machine. Also a certificate whichshaH be filled out after the polis have beenclosed, that the machine has been lockedagainst voting and sealed; the number ofelectors as shown on the public counters;the number on the seal; the number reg-istered on the protective counter, if oneis provided; and that the voting machineis closed and locked. The Inspectors' re-turn and statement of canvass shall showthe total number of votes east for eachoffice, the number of votes cast for eachcandidate, as shown on his counter, andthe number of votes for persons not nom-inated, which Shall be certified by theboard of Inspectors. As soon as the pollrof the election are closed, the inspectorsof election thereat shall immediately lockthe voting machine against voting, andopen the counting departments in thepresence of the watchers and. all otherpersons who may be lawfully within thepolling place, giving full view of all thecounter numbers. The chairman of theboard of inspectors shall, under the scru-tiny of an inspector of a different politicalparty, in the order of the offices as theirtitles are arranged on the machine, readand announce in distinct tones the desig-nating number and letter on each counterfor each candidate's name, the result asshown by the counter numbers, and shallthen read the votes recorded for each of-fice on the irregular ballots. He shall alsoin the same manner announce the voteon each constitutional amendment, prop-osition or other question. The countershaH not in the case of presidential elec-tors be read consecutively along the partyrow or column, but "shall always be readalong the office columns or rows, com-pleting the canvass for each office. Thevote as registered shall be entered by "theclerks on the tally sheets in ink, in thesame order on the space which has thesame designating number arid letter. Aft-er copying the vote from the tally sheetson the returns, the figures shall be veri-fied by being called off tn the same man-ner from the counters of the machine byan Inspector of a different political party.The counter compartment of the votingmachine shall remain open until the offi-cial returns and all other reports havebeen fully completed and verified by theelection board. During suoh time anycandidate, watcher, or challenger of anyparty or Independent body duly accred-Hed as provided by jwetloB tferet hundredand fifty-two of tbe election law who maydesire to be present shall be admitted tothe polling place.' ^The proclamation ofthe result ©T .the votes cast ah»H be de-liberately announced in - » distinct voiceby the chairman oi the board of Insx>ec-tors wh<* shall read tfce name w each^can-didate, with the * •

letter of his com . . . . _„ „.tered on such counter; also the vote castfor and against each qu.stion submitted.During such proclitoation ample OPDOT-tunity shaU be given to ifully present to Jannounced with the <

that portion of the .*rd*M**l or Wether material within the ballot framescontaining the name of tfte candidate andthe emblem of t*» party organtoartion bywhich he was nominated, or a •t***m®n.t

of a proposed constitutional amewiment,or other question or proposition withi theword "Yes" for voting for «ny questionor the word "No" for voting M»la»t « £Question. The term "question shall meanany constitutional amendment, P ^ 1

Uok or otherWestlon «ubm*tted tovoters at any election. The t * " " ^label" shall mean the ©Tinted »t«Jcardboard containing the names otcandidates nominated, and th» --«M»ttnssubmitted. The term "irregular ballotshail mean a vote cast, by,or on a spe-cial device, for a person whose name doesnot appear on the ballot labels^The term"voting machine custodian" shall meanthe person who shall have charge of pre-paring and arranging the voting machls*for elections. The term "protective count-er" shall mean a separate counter builtinto toe voting machine which cannot be

f s M , which records the total number ofmovements of the operating lever.•'4 ST. Section four hundred and twenty-ow> of such chapter is hereby amended toread as follows:

f 421. Saving clause. Nothing herein shall |be deemed to prohibit the adoption or use ;of any voting machine at any election jwithin any* town, eity or village that has jadopted the same prior to the tenth dayof ^December, nineteen hundred and thir-teen, if the mechanism is or may be madeadjustable to conform to the grouping ofcandidates under the title of tbe office,but the method of conducting an electiontherewith shall be in the manner pre-scribed by this chapter.

8 88, Section four hundred and thirty-oneof such chapter i» hereby amended to readas follows:* 1 «f. Production of returns and tallysheets. As sooji as such board of countycanvasser* shall have been organized, theofficer with whom they weife filed shalldeliver to such board of canvassers allthe returns with tally Sheets annexed con-taining the original statements of canvassreceived from inspectors of election fordistricts within the county for which saidboard are county or city canvassers. Theoriginal state- nents which have been de-livered to .nv-mbers of the board of as-sessors* shaH then be delivered to theboard. If *?•>• member of the countyboard of c'u.vassers shall be unable toattend the i st meeting of such board,

before such meeting, causei to the secretary of such

inal statement thajt may-jiis possession. If, at the

>f a county board of can-county, all returns with

nnexed so required to beh not be produced before the!i,..; adjourn to some conven-

by tits vo*er* «f «tH& erit> or any portiontfcete if, «m n-.tW&i KOOb - ?.

The staiemeiV&TT&iu.fveil bv this sectionshaJteftCti b« etifefeett a* eune.-t nv>r th?signatures t$ t t * nxs'iib^e of the board

j r i t of U « « * d h l i bs i g a t $ sor a majority of U#««»* and

d h «and Is theh * « < ?

li be

they are Itted suamination of a <diction and maof six months

f j

y fe*frimi

he shall, atto be delKvboard anyhave come ifirst meetiiivassers oftally shensproducedboard, itient hou:and the secspecial nu-such miSFi;wise he F!^turns withing that, t!1

tally sheet;-fore such lsuch first ;inal stat. «. .of the vdelectionproducedshall pr«

r l ' . -

in ;I

two of st *read a;> f<>

5 432. Co ition dlst'' to canappear t?ithat ceita.such stat<inserted

me or the next day,• •."•>• of such board shall, by

:,er or otherwise, obtainreturns, if possible, otner-

;. isre the other set of re-:> sheets annexed, or. fail-•:,:.<.<l set of returns withouts time to be produced be-4 at its next meeting. At

•"•is;, or as soon as an orig-i if the result of the canvass<:-.£ at such election in every

. of the county shall be• iv such board, the board

trv ~ ~CfiTrvass the votes cast<• at such election.> four hundrea and rhirty-"•ipter is hereby amended to

:,m of clerical errors in elec-•.tcments. If, upon proceed-

.< such votes, it shall clearlycttinty board of canvassers

, »Lt?ra are omitted from anywhich should have beenany merely clerical mts-

takes exjpt herein, thevshjBll.— _ _~r ,,rrc- - n-iW0r-xrT^reby given, tosummon the < U ction officers whose namesare stiand sue!) r;'meet and :i r,facts ..f t')p <•tion offices :-.;.decision b»-t».- .only cauft- ; .stated. The :may adjourn 1ing three d.i- tobtaining w, istatements.

§ 40. SetUio-iseven of sue •to read as fn!

§ 437. Stat.- •boards;

amesthereto before such board,

km officers shall forthwith;e such correction as these require; but such eiec-vli not change or alter any

made by them, but shallir canvass to be correctlyaid of county canvassersom day to day not exceed-in all, for the purpose ofreceiving such corrected

four hundred and thirty-chapter is hereby amended

nts of canvass by countynation of protested, void

and wholly hnnk ballots. Upon the com-pletion by si -umty board of canvassersof the canva.-'. of votes of which originalstatements <>•' canvass are by law re-quired to he .lelivered to them, by theboards of «> (.ers with whom the samemay have b-v >, filed by the inspectors ofelection, thf shall make separate state-ments them:*' ..s follows:

1 One sta ! u«nt of all such votes castfor each nftv • of elector of president andvice-presider/- nf the United States.

2. One stav >ient of all such votes castfor each stMt office.

3. One srt.i •• • ont of all such votes castfor each <• • of representative in congress, exce; t hat the board of canvasserin the county of New York shall not mia statement of the votes cast in any ele<tion district Us said county, for any caididate for tjv office of assemblyman, seiator or representative in congress tfcandidates for which were also voted -f<by voters in election districtscounty not vthin the city of New York."

4. One stawment as to all such voUcast upon every proposed constitution!amendment or other proposition or qu.tion duly submitted to all the votersthe state.

5. One statement as to all the votes cu.for all and each of the candidates for eacloffice of member of assembly for whiclthe voters of such county or any portioithereof, except as provided in paragraDinumbered three in this section, were entitled to vote at such election.

6. One statement as to all the votes castfor each county office, and office of schoolcommissioner, for which the voters of such©OVmty, or any portion thereof, were en-titled to vote at such election, and to becanvassed by them.

?. Ofte St&temehfc as to ail the votes Ifany, oast upon any proposition or questionupon which only the voters of such-coty were entitled to vote t h l

p o y the voters of such-couity were entitled to vote at such election.

and recotded Is the o« e« of u,e . ;unt>cterk of such *»**«<?. W4ien t ie wholecanvass shall fee completed, the originalstatements of canvass u»ed thereat ^halibe filed In the offic** of the Secretary ofthe board. The original statement of tan-vasu not ufced at the canvass and th«packages of protested, void and whollyblank ballots shall be retained in the of-fice in which or by the officer with whom,they were filed. The packages of protested, void and wholly blank ballots shall beretained inviolate In, the office in whichthey are Itted subject to the order and ex-

i t i o of a <*girt of competent jurisdestroyed at the end

of six mont m the time of the completion of sucjj canvass, unless otherwiseordered by a court of competent jurisdic-tion. .-•;

I 41. This act shall take effect immedi-ately.State of New York, Office of the Secre-

tary of State, ss.:I have compared the preceding with the

original law on tile In this office, and d,hereby certify that the same Is a Correcttranscript therefrom and of the whole otsaid original law,

34TTCHEJIJL MAY,-Secretary of State.

UAW8 OF NEW YORK—By Authority.CHAP.S22,

AN ACT to amend the election law, in relation to tne direct election of UnitedStates senators. ~ :""•>Became a law December 17, U13, with

the arpproval <jf the Governor. Passo-1.three-fifths being present. ^

The People of the State of New Yorkrepresented in Senate and Assembly, doenact as follows;

Section 1. Article thirteen of chaptertwenty-two of the laws of nineteen hun-dred and nine, entitled "An act In relationto the elections," constituting chapterseventeen of the consolidated- laws, assuch article is thus renumbered »of chap-ter eight hundred Of the;|itws of nlnetf^nhundred and thirteen, is hereby amendedby Inserting therein, immediately preced-ing section four hundred, and fifty a newsection, to be section four hundred andforty-nine, tt* read as follows:

1449. United States senators. At the gen-eral election next preceding the expirationof the term of office-of a United Statessenator from this state, a successor totuch office shall be elected by the peopic-for a full t«rif» of six years. If a vacancyoccur in the ofltce of United States senatorfrom this state in any calendar year lessthan thirty days prior to a general elec-tion, tbe governor, shall make a temporaryappointment to fttt such vacancy until thefirst day of December in the succeedingcalendar year. If such a. vacancy occurin any calendar year more than thirtydays prior to a general election the gover-nor shall make a temporary appointmentto fill such vacancy until the first day ofDecember in such calendar year. Such anappointment to ilil a vacancy shall be evi-denced by « certificate of the governorwhich shall be filed In the tifflce of thesecretary of h^ate. At the time of filing ofsuch certificate the governor shall alsoissue, and fHe in the office of the secretaryof state, i\ writ of election directing theelection of a United States senator to ft!:sueh vacancy for the unexpired term a;-the general <?tectiorr next preceding the ex-piration of the term of such appointmentThe provisions of tills chapter relating tothe canvass o' votes and of election re-sults sha)1 apply to such an election to filla vncanry'."' except that the canvass ofvote? au.l results affecting the office ofUnited Stales senator shall be completedby the f-ounty beard of canvassers, an<lstatements thereof certified to the ?e< retary of state within ten days after theel<K'tk'T\ and the canvass of suclf results-completed by th« state board of canvass-B's Ljxi) maUKii«nts thereof-certified to theseerruaf/ of .--state 1*gfore the first day of•December' following: the election. Eachepumy- board ©f canvassers^shaU meet andorganize for such purpose on the thirdday after the election and the state bouriof canvassers en the second Monday after-election. . ^-*»-

§ 2. Thi& act shall take effect imme-diately.State of New York. Office of the

of State, ss.:I have compared the preceding with the

original law on file in this office, and dohereby certify that the same is a correcttranscript therefrom and of the whole orsaid original law.

MITCHEUL. MAY,Secretary of State.

e Stscre'

^ in original.

.designating number andinter, and the vote regis-


then and there be made by theSection boa*!, after which the dodrs ofthir voting machine shall be closed J£locked.

operating lever of the.machine that thevoting and counting m e c h i i

g ooting and count


prevented th>m frkmk\I »6. Section four hundred ane twenty

r ^•f *»• &*ammonB. The list «f candW

ttsed or £b lie utedTotf thi ffoft l ^ t i Svoting machine shall be aeettjed officialballots under this chapter for ma election

candidate; the number of .„«» „, ^.ttor each; and the wh«le number *r w

votes cast for all the city of the!Hc«* voted for

LAWS OF NEW YORK—By Authority.CHAP. S27.

AN ACT making an appropriation for tnepayment f>nd discharge of certain judg-ments and awards made by the board ofclaims with interest thereon, as providedby law.Became a law December 18, 1913, with

the approval of the Governor. Passed.three-fifths being present.

The People of the State of New Yorkrepresented in Senate and Assembly, (h-enact as follows:

Section 1. The sum of two hundred andfifty thousand dollars ($250,000), or so muchthereof as may b« necessary, is herebyappropriated from any funds tn the statetreasury not otherwise 'appropriated, forthe payment of judgments and awardsmade by the board of claims, any claims-before said board, other than those on ac-count of canals of this state, with interestcharge, as provided bylaw.

$ 2. The treasurer shall pay on the war-rant of the comptroller tbe moneys ap-propriated in the first section of this actto the persons to whom said judgmentsand awards were granted or their assignsin the several amounts of said judgmentsand awards.

5 3. This act shall take effect imme

tate of New York, Office of the Secretaryof State, ss.: "IJiave compared the preceding with the

original law on file. In this office, and do-hereby certify that the same fs a correcttranscript therefrom and of the whole offsaid original law.

M I T C H E U J MAY,Secretary of Stats.,

tAWS OF NEW YORK^-By AuthorityCHAP. 828.

LN ^ ° J t o a m e n d chapter seven hundredand thirty of the law* of nineteen hun-dred and thirteen, entitled "An act toprovide for Jhe celebration of the cen-

«^^^f^l>attM^at#ur*rn' theappointment of a eOTainasion, prescrib-ing its powers and duties and making a»appropriation therefor," generallyBecame a law December M, i m , witft*- approval of the "

folfcwSection J. fec

ter seven hundf ninetesn g

M.iffs^^ramr Tork,tted j ^ Senate and Assembly, dofolfcws-l V ;

one and 4 w of chap-and t h i r t y ^ jafe laws

sd and thirteen^^ntiSedf o r *»• celebration of

o f a «»»n>i«*i«n, pre-r s a«4 duties and mak-

ppopriation therefor," are herebymended to «ad. respectively, as follows:SI. A commission is hereby created con-ij-tinar of eight citizens to be appointed byI , , * r n q r - fiv* tnatani to be appointed

n,e pi-*«M«,i f th