session 1 low volume rural road principles€¦ · 5 upper limits low volume rural roads (lvrrs)...

1 Session 1 Low Volume Rural Road Principles Summary Session 1 lays out the general principles that govern the appropriate design, construction and long term management of Low Volume Rural Roads (LVRRs) within the overall requirements of rural infrastructure development. This session describes the function that LVRRS have to perform and how this together with the have to perform and how this together with the road environment must have a direct impact on their design if they are to be part of a sustainable infrastructure.

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Page 1: Session 1 Low Volume Rural Road Principles€¦ · 5 Upper Limits Low Volume Rural Roads (LVRRs) < 150-200 motor vehicles/day < 4 to 6 t axle loads < 250,000 esa This limit has been


Session 1

Low Volume Rural Road Principles

SummarySession 1 lays out the general principles that govern the appropriate design, construction and g pp p glong term management of Low Volume Rural Roads (LVRRs) within the overall requirements of rural infrastructure development.

This session describes the function that LVRRS have to perform and how this together with thehave to perform and how this together with the road environment must have a direct impact on their design if they are to be part of a sustainable infrastructure.

Page 2: Session 1 Low Volume Rural Road Principles€¦ · 5 Upper Limits Low Volume Rural Roads (LVRRs) < 150-200 motor vehicles/day < 4 to 6 t axle loads < 250,000 esa This limit has been


Points to ConsiderWhat are Rural Roads?

What key functions do they perform?y y p

Why should do they need special attention?

The Requirement

Page 3: Session 1 Low Volume Rural Road Principles€¦ · 5 Upper Limits Low Volume Rural Roads (LVRRs) < 150-200 motor vehicles/day < 4 to 6 t axle loads < 250,000 esa This limit has been


Within a low volume traffic environment it is

Basic Concept

Within a low volume traffic environment it is possible to focus on specific design and construction procedures such that more roads can be built and maintained within constrained budgets.


Road TaskRoad EnvironmentEnvironment


Page 4: Session 1 Low Volume Rural Road Principles€¦ · 5 Upper Limits Low Volume Rural Roads (LVRRs) < 150-200 motor vehicles/day < 4 to 6 t axle loads < 250,000 esa This limit has been


What is a Low Volume Rural Road ?

In general terms a Low Volume Rural Road is a road carrying limited traffic whose performance is not wholly dominated by the traditional factors of traffic and sub-grade strength.

Its performance and design are governed by a much wider range of factors known collectively as the Road Environment

Traffic and Non-Traffic Impacts

Million standard axles (8.2T

About 150 motorised ADT with up to about 20 medium trucks/day

Page 5: Session 1 Low Volume Rural Road Principles€¦ · 5 Upper Limits Low Volume Rural Roads (LVRRs) < 150-200 motor vehicles/day < 4 to 6 t axle loads < 250,000 esa This limit has been


Upper Limits

Low Volume Rural Roads (LVRRs)

< 150-200 motor vehicles/day< 4 to 6 t axle loads< 250,000 esa

This limit has been suggested as appropriate for a substantial portion of the Cambodian rural road network in

LVRR Upper Limit

the Cambodian rural road network in consideration of current and likely future traffic demand, and the pragmatic management of the road network with the limited resources available.

Bigger roads cost more money

Page 6: Session 1 Low Volume Rural Road Principles€¦ · 5 Upper Limits Low Volume Rural Roads (LVRRs) < 150-200 motor vehicles/day < 4 to 6 t axle loads < 250,000 esa This limit has been


Working within the LVRR Envelope

It is important to note that the LVRR Classification does not imply that all Rural Roads must comply with say a 6T limit; only that roads to be designed under the LVRR principles must do so.

If some Rural Roads are deemed to require a qhigher axle load or higher traffic standard then logically they must be dealt with under other design procedures.

There are clearly areas within Cambodia where the rate of

Be Clear when NOT to use the LVRR Approach

economic development is such that the application of LVRR principles is inappropriate.

There are also roads where the risk of axle overloading is suchrisk of axle overloading is such that they should be subject to design procedures outside the LVRR approach..

Page 7: Session 1 Low Volume Rural Road Principles€¦ · 5 Upper Limits Low Volume Rural Roads (LVRRs) < 150-200 motor vehicles/day < 4 to 6 t axle loads < 250,000 esa This limit has been


Construction of sustainable rural roads compatible with:

LVRR Engineering Objectives


The TASK they have to perform

The ROAD ENVIRONMENT in which they exist


The Road Environment and its Impact

Page 8: Session 1 Low Volume Rural Road Principles€¦ · 5 Upper Limits Low Volume Rural Roads (LVRRs) < 150-200 motor vehicles/day < 4 to 6 t axle loads < 250,000 esa This limit has been


In reality the performance of a LVRR depends on a whole range of factors that cumulatively can be

What is the Road Environment?

whole range of factors that cumulatively can be described as the “road environment”.

Factors important to the road environment can be broadly grouped as those on which we can some influence and those on which we have little or no influence as illustrated in the following slideinfluence – as illustrated in the following slide




Appropriate LVRR Designs













Page 9: Session 1 Low Volume Rural Road Principles€¦ · 5 Upper Limits Low Volume Rural Roads (LVRRs) < 150-200 motor vehicles/day < 4 to 6 t axle loads < 250,000 esa This limit has been


The nature, engineering character and location of

Construction Materials

construction materials are key aspects of the road environment assessment for LVRRs where the use of locally available materials is

k ia key issue.

Construction Regime

The construction regime governs whether or not the road design can be applied in an appropriateroad design can be applied in an appropriate manner. Key elements include:

Appropriate plant use

Selection and placement of materials

Compliance with specificationCompliance with specification

Technical supervision

LVRRs should designed to be within the capabilities of the construction regime.

Page 10: Session 1 Low Volume Rural Road Principles€¦ · 5 Upper Limits Low Volume Rural Roads (LVRRs) < 150-200 motor vehicles/day < 4 to 6 t axle loads < 250,000 esa This limit has been


Maintenance Regime

All roads, however designed and constructed will require regular maintenance to ensurewill require regular maintenance to ensure that the design life is reached.

LVRRs should not designed on the basis of unrealistic maintenance expectations.

The capacity and available funding to carry out the necessary maintenance works is a primary consideration in selecting LVRR options


Traffic is still a key issue in the appropriate design of sustainable LVRRs. In particular the assessment of risk in terms of heavy trucksterms of heavy trucks or axle over-loading is a vital issue.

Page 11: Session 1 Low Volume Rural Road Principles€¦ · 5 Upper Limits Low Volume Rural Roads (LVRRs) < 150-200 motor vehicles/day < 4 to 6 t axle loads < 250,000 esa This limit has been


Road SafetyLVRRs are very likely to carry mixed traffic; light t k t d t itrucks to pedestrians.

There is a significant risk to non-motorised users that must be addressed bythat must be addressed by appropriate design measures


Terrain reflects the geological and g ggeomorphological history. Apart from its obvious influence on the grade of the road, the characteristics of the terrain will also i fl th t f ilinfluence the type of soil present, and availability of materials.

Page 12: Session 1 Low Volume Rural Road Principles€¦ · 5 Upper Limits Low Volume Rural Roads (LVRRs) < 150-200 motor vehicles/day < 4 to 6 t axle loads < 250,000 esa This limit has been


The prevailing climate will influence the supply evaporation and movement


evaporation and movement of water. Climate impacts upon the road by erosion and on the moisture regime within the pavement. It has a particular influence onparticular influence on unsealed pavement options


It is often the interaction of water or more specificallywater, or more specifically its movement, within and adjacent to the road structure that has an over-arching impact on the road performance. High water p gtables and flooding are a particular influence

Page 13: Session 1 Low Volume Rural Road Principles€¦ · 5 Upper Limits Low Volume Rural Roads (LVRRs) < 150-200 motor vehicles/day < 4 to 6 t axle loads < 250,000 esa This limit has been


Sub-grade ConditionsThe sub-grade is essentially the foundation layer for the pavement and as such the assessment of its condition is fundamental to anfundamental to an appreciation of the road environment.

The “Green” EnvironmentConstruction and ongoing road use have impacts on the natural environment,. These have to be assessed and mitigated by appropriate design and pp p gconstruction procedures.

Page 14: Session 1 Low Volume Rural Road Principles€¦ · 5 Upper Limits Low Volume Rural Roads (LVRRs) < 150-200 motor vehicles/day < 4 to 6 t axle loads < 250,000 esa This limit has been


Impact on Design Approach

The road environment factors should be a significant influence on the thebe a significant influence on the the various aspects of LVRR design:





Therefore LVRR Should Be ?

Task based – they should suit the road function and its traffic.

Local resource based – be compatible with the the engineers and technicians who will design the roads; the contractors and labourers who will construct them; the villagers who maintain them; and, the gconstruction materials that are available.

Affordable – they must facilitate the construction of roads that will not exhaust budgets or place excessive burdens on local communities.

Page 15: Session 1 Low Volume Rural Road Principles€¦ · 5 Upper Limits Low Volume Rural Roads (LVRRs) < 150-200 motor vehicles/day < 4 to 6 t axle loads < 250,000 esa This limit has been



Do you know why we build rural roads?Do you know why we build rural roads?

Why are they a “Special Case” ?

Why is there a need for a new approach to rural road design and construction ?

Page 16: Session 1 Low Volume Rural Road Principles€¦ · 5 Upper Limits Low Volume Rural Roads (LVRRs) < 150-200 motor vehicles/day < 4 to 6 t axle loads < 250,000 esa This limit has been


emeron T I1o

eKalkarN _RK wH k ñúgkareRKagbøg;s agsg; n igRKb;RKgpøÚv l MCnbT

segçb / SummaryemeronTI1enH nbgñajGMBIeKalKMnitcm,g² Bak;B½nçeTAnwg ³

karsik aKMeragpúvlMCnbTkarskS aKeragpÚvlCnbTkarsagsg;nigkarRKb;RKgry³eBlEvg

edayQrelImUldçancaM)ac;nanaé nkarGPivDÆ n_ehfarcnasm<½nçCnbT.emeronenH BN’naGMBIPaBcaM)ac;é nkareRKagbúg;púÚvlMmYyEdlsmRsbeTAnwgl½kçx½NÐ bridçan nigplb:H eTAelIpúÚvnimYy² .

Page 17: Session 1 Low Volume Rural Road Principles€¦ · 5 Upper Limits Low Volume Rural Roads (LVRRs) < 150-200 motor vehicles/day < 4 to 6 t axle loads < 250,000 esa This limit has been


c MN ucK YrB ic arN a

etIGVIeTACapúÚvlM? etIvamannaTIGIVxúH ?ehtuGIV)anCavaTamTareGaymankarykcitþTukdak;CaBiess?

t MrUv karK Wen AT Ien H The Requirement

Page 18: Session 1 Low Volume Rural Road Principles€¦ · 5 Upper Limits Low Volume Rural Roads (LVRRs) < 150-200 motor vehicles/day < 4 to 6 t axle loads < 250,000 esa This limit has been



eKalKMn itmUld æan



cMNucsMxan;sMrab;GñkeRKagbúg;púÚvlMKWepþateTAelIkarsagsg;eGay)anRbEvg I M ieRcInedaycMNayfvikarTab.

Fn;FanEdlmanenAmUldçanAvailable Materials

tMrUvkareRbIR)as;púÚvktþabridçan ÚRoad TaskRoad Environment

karGPiv D Æn _pøÚv l Meday c irPaBkarGPiv D Æn _pøÚv l Meday c irPaB

Page 19: Session 1 Low Volume Rural Road Principles€¦ · 5 Upper Limits Low Volume Rural Roads (LVRRs) < 150-200 motor vehicles/day < 4 to 6 t axle loads < 250,000 esa This limit has been


et IGIVeTACapøÚv l MCnbT?

CaTUeTApúÚvlMCnbTKWCapúÚvEdlmancracrN_tictYc ehtuenH ehIykarxUcxatrbs;púÚv KWminsuT§EtbgáreLIgedaycracrN_b¤k¾KuNPaBdIsRKwH púÚvenaH eT.

PaBCab;maMrbs;púÚvlM nigkareRKagbúg;KWGaRs½yeTAnwgktþaepS g² eRcIneTot EdleKehAfaktþabridçan.EdleKehAfaktþabrdan.

kt þac racrN _ n igkt þaepS geTot EdlnaMeGay pøÚv xUcTraffic and Non-Traffic Impacts

Million standard axles (8.2T

RbEhl150yanynþkñúgmYyé f¶ EdlkñúgenaH GacmanRbePTrfynþdwkTMnijFunmFü mRbEhl 20eRKOgkñúgmYyé f¶

Page 20: Session 1 Low Volume Rural Road Principles€¦ · 5 Upper Limits Low Volume Rural Roads (LVRRs) < 150-200 motor vehicles/day < 4 to 6 t axle loads < 250,000 esa This limit has been


RBMEdnkMNt;sMrab;púÚvlMCnbT (Upper Limits)

Ednk MN t ;pøÚv l MCnbT

ÚcMnYnyanynþminelIsBI 150 eTA 200 kñúgmYyé f¶TMgn;elIePúArfynþminelIsBI 4 eTA 6etancMnYnePúArfynþsmmUlsMrab;mYyGayukalminelIsBI 250/000 ePArfynþsþgdar. (design life<250 000 esa)ePúArfynþsþg;dar. (design life<250,000 esa)

Ednk MN t ;s Mrab;p øÚv l MCnbT?

Page 21: Session 1 Low Volume Rural Road Principles€¦ · 5 Upper Limits Low Volume Rural Roads (LVRRs) < 150-200 motor vehicles/day < 4 to 6 t axle loads < 250,000 esa This limit has been


RBMEdnkMNt;enH GacsmRsbeTAnwgmYyEpñkFMé nbNþajpúÚvCnbTenAkm<úCa edayEp¥keTAelIsanPaB cracrN_bc©b,n nigeTAGnaKt

EdnkMN t ;s Mrab;p øÚv l MCnbT

edayEpkeTAelsßanPaB cracrNbcúb,nñ ngeTAGnaKt RBmTaMgRbB½n§RKb;RKgpúÚvlMCnbTEdlEtgEtmankgVH xatEpñkfvikar.

púÚvkan;EtFM KWkan;Eté fú

vamansarsMxan;Nas;EdleKminRtUvyl;xusfapúÚvCnbTTaMgGs;RtUvEteRKagbúg;CamYyTMgn;kMritkMNt;mYy ¬]TahrN_ 6etan¦. TMgnkMritkMNten KWsMrabGnvtþeTAelI

smt ßPaBRTRTg;rbs ;pøÚv l MCnbT

Tgn;krtkNt;enH Ksrab;GnuvtþeTAel púÚvCnbTNaEdlRtUv)aneFVIkareRKagbúg; nigsagsg;edayEp¥kelIeKalkarN_ é npúÚvlMCnbT.

RbsinebIGñksikS aKMeragKitfapúÚvCnbTNamYytMrUveGayeKGnuBaÚatieGaymancracrN_GaymancracrN FunF¶n;enaH eKminGacykeKalkarN_eRKagbúg;púÚvlMCnbTmkGnuvtþ)aneT.

Page 22: Session 1 Low Volume Rural Road Principles€¦ · 5 Upper Limits Low Volume Rural Roads (LVRRs) < 150-200 motor vehicles/day < 4 to 6 t axle loads < 250,000 esa This limit has been


tMbn;EdlmansnßúH é nkarGPivDÆ n_esdçkic©elOn

s Umy l ;eGay ) anc,as ;B Il½kçx½N ÐEdlminGacy keKalkarN _ LVRR mkGn uv t ü



GPivDÆ n_púÚvlMCnbTRbkbedaycirPaBEdleqúIytbeTAnwg:

eKalkarN R_K wH ç nkareRKagbøg;p øÚv l MCnbT




Page 23: Session 1 Low Volume Rural Road Principles€¦ · 5 Upper Limits Low Volume Rural Roads (LVRRs) < 150-200 motor vehicles/day < 4 to 6 t axle loads < 250,000 esa This limit has been


kt üabrid æan n igplb:H Bal ; The Road Environment and its Impact

PaBCabmaMrbspúv KWGaRs½yeTAelIktþaCaeRcInEdlktþaTaMgena RtveKkMNt

et IGIVx øH Cakt üabrid æan Edlman\T i¦Blel IkareRKag n igsagsg;

PaBCab;marbs;púÚv KGaRs½yeTAelktþaCaeRcnEdlktþaTagenaH RtUveKkNt; faCaktþabridçanrbs;púÚv.ktþabridçanrbs;púÚvGacEbgEckecjCaBIrRkumdUcmanbgañjenATMB½rbnßab;.

Page 24: Session 1 Low Volume Rural Road Principles€¦ · 5 Upper Limits Low Volume Rural Roads (LVRRs) < 150-200 motor vehicles/day < 4 to 6 t axle loads < 250,000 esa This limit has been


PaBCabmaMrbspúv KWGaRs½yeTAelIktþaCaeRcInEdlktþaTaMgena RtveKkMNt

et IGIVx øH Cakt üabrid æan Edlman\T i¦Blel IkareRKag n igsagsg;

PaBCab;marbs;púÚv KGaRs½yeTAelktþaCaeRcnEdlktþaTagenaH RtUveKkNt; faCaktþabridçanrbs;púÚv.ktþabridçanrbs;púÚvGacEbgEckecjCaBIrRkumdUcmanbgañjenATMB½rbnßab;.

et IGIVx øH Cakt üabrid æan Edlman\Ti¦Blel IpøÚv l M?

Page 25: Session 1 Low Volume Rural Road Principles€¦ · 5 Upper Limits Low Volume Rural Roads (LVRRs) < 150-200 motor vehicles/day < 4 to 6 t axle loads < 250,000 esa This limit has been


kt üabrid æan



Appropriate LVRR Designs














Page 26: Session 1 Low Volume Rural Road Principles€¦ · 5 Upper Limits Low Volume Rural Roads (LVRRs) < 150-200 motor vehicles/day < 4 to 6 t axle loads < 250,000 esa This limit has been


ktþaFmμCati lkçN³bec©keTs nigTItaMgrbs;sMPar³


sagsg;mansar³sMxan;Nas;sMrab;karsikS aktþabridçan rbs;púÚvnImYy² .

karyksMPar³EdlmanRsab;enAnwgkEnúgKWCacMNuc sMxan;kñúgkareRKagbúg;nigsagsg;púÚvlMCnbT. ; ñú R ; ; Ú

rbb ç nkarsagsg; rbbé nkarsagsg;KWCaktþakMNt;KuNPaBé nkarsagsg; eqúIytb)anb¤min)aneTAtamkarkMNt; é nkareRKagbúg;.

M iFatusMxan; nviFankñúgkarsagsg;rYmman³ eRKOgcRksmRsbkareRCIserIs nigTukdak;sMPar³sagsg; PaBRtwmRtUveTAtambTdçanbec©keTskarRtYtBinitü bec©keTs

visVkrKYreRKagpúÚvlMCnbTeGay)ansmRsbeTAnwgrbbé nkarsagsg;.

Page 27: Session 1 Low Volume Rural Road Principles€¦ · 5 Upper Limits Low Volume Rural Roads (LVRRs) < 150-200 motor vehicles/day < 4 to 6 t axle loads < 250,000 esa This limit has been


rbbEfrTaMpúÚvTaMgGs;eTaH bICasagsg;BIGVIk¾edayTamTar eGaymankarEfrTaMeGay)aneTogTat;edIm,IFanako ; ,areRbIR)as;)andl;RKb;GayukaleRKagbúg;.

minRtUveFVIkareRKagbúg;púÚvlMCnbTedayEp¥k elIrbbEfrTaMmYyEdlminGaceFVIeTA)an ¡smtPaBnigfvikarsMrabkargarEfrTaMEdlcaM)acsmtßPaBngfvkarsrab;kargarEfrTaEdlca)ac; KWCacMNucsMxan;kñúgkareRCIserIsRbePTé pßRkal púÚvlMCnbT.

c racrN _

cracrN_CaktþasMxan;mYyEdrkñúgkar M ieRKagbúg;púÚvlMCnbTCaBiesskar


Page 28: Session 1 Low Volume Rural Road Principles€¦ · 5 Upper Limits Low Volume Rural Roads (LVRRs) < 150-200 motor vehicles/day < 4 to 6 t axle loads < 250,000 esa This limit has been


s uv t i ßPaBGñkeRbIR) as ;pøÚv

CaTUeTApúÚvlMCnbTeRcInmancracrN_layLMKña edayrYmmanrfynþtUcFMrhUtdl;GñkefIμreCIg. Y U UvaBitCamanhaniP½yxagsuvtßiPaBsMrab;GñkefIμreCIg nigGñkCiH kg;EdlbBañaenH KYrEtRtUveKykmkKitKUr kñúgkareRKagbúg;.

s ßanPaBd IsßanPaBdIqúúH bgñajeGayeXIjPUtBÖsaRsþ nigRbePTfμ.R

sßanPaBdIeLIgcuH tMrUveGaypúÚveLIgcuH dUcKña.

sßanPaBé pkdIk¾man\Ti§BleTAelIkark¾ekItRbePTß é ß § RdI nigsMPar³sagsg;EdlGacrk)an.

Page 29: Session 1 Low Volume Rural Road Principles€¦ · 5 Upper Limits Low Volume Rural Roads (LVRRs) < 150-200 motor vehicles/day < 4 to 6 t axle loads < 250,000 esa This limit has been


Fat uGakastMbn;FatuGakasman\Ti§BleTAelIrbbTwkePúó g nigRbB½n§ lMhrTwkFmμCati.ngRbB½n§ lhUrTkFmCat.

FatuGakaseFVIeGayb:H Bal;púÚvdUcCa karhUreRcaH nigsMeNImRsTab;dIeRkampúÚv.

ktþaFatuGakasman\Ti§Bly:agxúaMgeTAelIpúÚv þ u § : ÚGt;Rkal.

ClsaRs ü

CaTUeTAKWcrnþTwkEdlenAEk,rxagsMNg;sil,H karEdleRcInEtbgárkarxUcxatpúÚv.


Page 30: Session 1 Low Volume Rural Road Principles€¦ · 5 Upper Limits Low Volume Rural Roads (LVRRs) < 150-200 motor vehicles/day < 4 to 6 t axle loads < 250,000 esa This limit has been


lkç½N RKwH eRkam (Sub-grade Conditions)

RKwH eRkamKWCaRsTab;RKwH rbs;púÚv. dUcenH kar vaytMé lsßanPaBRKwH eRkameGay)anRtwmRtUv mansar³sMxan;xúaMNas;kñúgkarEsVgyl;GMBI bridçanrbs;púÚv. Ú

brid æan ç btg

karsagsg; nigeRbIR)as;púÚvmanplb:H Bal; d idç μC i

The “Green” Environment

dl;brdanFmCat plb:H Bal;TaMgenH RtUvEtsikS aeGay)anm:t;ct; nigeFVIkarbeBa©ó sedaykareRKagbúg;rYm CamYynwgviFIsaRsþsagsg;mYyEdlsmRsb.

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\Ti§Blkt üabrid æan el IkareRKagbøg;

bridçanrbs;púÚvman\Ti§BleTAelIdMeNIkaré nkareRKagbúg;púÚvlMCnbTcab;taMgBI H

* kargardIsr * RbB½n§bgñÚrTwk* sMNg;sil,H kar * RsTab;RTRTg;rbs;púÚv

d Uec ñH eKK UreRKagpøÚv l MCnbTd Uc emüc?

Page 32: Session 1 Low Volume Rural Road Principles€¦ · 5 Upper Limits Low Volume Rural Roads (LVRRs) < 150-200 motor vehicles/day < 4 to 6 t axle loads < 250,000 esa This limit has been


d Uec ñH eKK UreRKagpøÚv l MCnbTd Uc emüc?

eqúIytbeTAnwgtMrUvkardwkCBa¢ Ún nigRbePTcracrN_ Ep¥kelIFnFanEdlmanenAtammUldçan. UsmRsbeTAnwgsmtßPaB niglTçPaBrbs;visVkrb¤Gñkbec©keTsEdl CaGñksikS aKMerag. smRsbeTAnwgGñkPUmiEdlCaGñkEfrTaM nigsmRsbeTAnwgsMPar³sagsg; EdlGacrk) anenAnwgmUldçan. Gacrkfvikarsagsg) anRKbRKanGacrkfvkarsagsg;) anRKb;RKan; -minRtUveGayé fúeBkEdlnaMeGayGs;luykNþalTIb¤k¾bgárCasm<aFFçn;FVördl;shKmn_.

Page 33: Session 1 Low Volume Rural Road Principles€¦ · 5 Upper Limits Low Volume Rural Roads (LVRRs) < 150-200 motor vehicles/day < 4 to 6 t axle loads < 250,000 esa This limit has been


s Mn YrB iPak S a

etIelakGñkdwgeTfa ehtuGIVeKsagsg;púÚvlM? ehtuGVIkareRKagbúg; nigsagsgpúvlMxsEbúkBIpúvd T? ; Ú u Ú éehtuGIV) anCatMrUveGaymanviFIsaRsþfI μkñ úgkareRKagbúg; nigsagsg;púÚvlMCnbT?

Page 34: Session 1 Low Volume Rural Road Principles€¦ · 5 Upper Limits Low Volume Rural Roads (LVRRs) < 150-200 motor vehicles/day < 4 to 6 t axle loads < 250,000 esa This limit has been

SEACAP 19 Inception Progress – Presentation 3 1

Session 2Session 2

Surfacing and Pavement Options

Points to Consider

The use of local materials

When unsealed surfaces are appropriate and when they are not.

The advantages and disadvantages of each pavement option

Page 35: Session 1 Low Volume Rural Road Principles€¦ · 5 Upper Limits Low Volume Rural Roads (LVRRs) < 150-200 motor vehicles/day < 4 to 6 t axle loads < 250,000 esa This limit has been

SEACAP 19 Inception Progress – Presentation 3 2

Unsealed Surface Roads

Engineered Natural Surface Roads - ENSRs

Gravel Wearing Course Roads - GWCRs


Low initial materials cost

Can usually be constructed with local labour and plant

Suitable for light basic access trafficaccess traffic

Suitable for local managment

Page 36: Session 1 Low Volume Rural Road Principles€¦ · 5 Upper Limits Low Volume Rural Roads (LVRRs) < 150-200 motor vehicles/day < 4 to 6 t axle loads < 250,000 esa This limit has been

SEACAP 19 Inception Progress – Presentation 3 3


•Unsuitable for di t hi h t ffimedium to high traffic

•Susceptible to erosion by flooding or rainfall-terrain combinations

•Dust hazards

•High input of low-level maintenance

GWCRsSEACAP research in Vietnam has identified limits to the sustainable use of GWCRs in terms of :l h l hi h i f ll hi h t ffi t i llong hauls, high rainfall, high traffic, poor material, steep gradients, flooding, poor construction practices and lack of maintenance capacity.

Page 37: Session 1 Low Volume Rural Road Principles€¦ · 5 Upper Limits Low Volume Rural Roads (LVRRs) < 150-200 motor vehicles/day < 4 to 6 t axle loads < 250,000 esa This limit has been

SEACAP 19 Inception Progress – Presentation 3 4

GWC use can be assessed in terms of gravel loss: Greater than 20mm/yr becomes unsustainable

Low delta/coastal

Subject to flood

Low delta/coastal

Minimal flood

Inland Flat

Rolling small hills


1. Basic Gravel Loss (mm/year)

40 25 30 20 35

Key Regional Factor

2. Adjustment t B i L

Poor quality material


Poor quality material

+5 mm/year

Poor quality




2-4%: +5 mm/year


2-4%: +5 mm/year

to Basic Loss for Regional


+10 mm/year 4-6%:

+10 mm/year

4-6%: +10 mm/year

3. Maintenance guaranteed

-30% -30% -30% -30% -30%

Gravel Loss Comparison


100 Unsealed coarse gravel surface

There `Must be Appropriate Use of Materials


ite C




Unsealed Lateritic Gravel:

Low lying Mekong

Northern Hills: Vietnam


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80Gravel Loss/Year (mm)

S Low lying Mekong Delta

Page 38: Session 1 Low Volume Rural Road Principles€¦ · 5 Upper Limits Low Volume Rural Roads (LVRRs) < 150-200 motor vehicles/day < 4 to 6 t axle loads < 250,000 esa This limit has been

SEACAP 19 Inception Progress – Presentation 3 5

Where specified quality material is locally available for construction and maintenance

Unsealed GWCR Use

Where road gradients are less than 4% in medium rainfall areas and 6% in low rainfall areas

Where adequate drainage is in place

Where an appropriate maintenance regime exists

Where flooding is only a minor local occurrence

Where traffic is below 200 motor vpd equivalent

Proven performance in tropical and sub-tropical, gravel-rich environments

GWCR Advantages


Suitable for light to medium traffic

Usually lower initial cost than most other surfacing options

Can be used as an intermediate surface in a planned and resourced ‘stage construction’ strategy

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May occur in limited natural deposits of variable quality Subject to unsustainable gravel loss (>20mm/yr) when

GWCR Disadvantages

use in inappropriate environments

Essential to have a sustained maintenance programme and regular re-gravelling to replace gravel loss.

Dust pollution in dry weather. Health & -Environmental concernsconcerns

Traffic, climatic and longitudinal gradient (<6%) constraints on use

Gravel LVRR SummaryUntil recently, the commonly appliedsolution for improving rural access ind l i t i t iddeveloping countries was to providegravel roads. Superficially, the attractionslooked convincing; low initial road cost,all-weather access and simple technologyHowever there significant shortcomingsg gassociated with gravel roads in the regionthat have become apparent.

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Appropriate Use of GravelThe research has clearly indicated that there

are appropriate uses for suitable quality laterite, colluvial and alluvial gravels:

As an unsealed road surface or shoulder material in certain road environmentsAs a base or sub-base materialAs a temporary road surface within a staged construction programmestaged construction programme



BaseGraded crushed

Flexible Sealed Pavements








Weathered rock gravel


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The principal seal options :

Bituminous emulsion stone chip seals, these can be either single SBST(E) or double bituminous surface treatment DBST(E)bituminous surface treatment, DBST(E).

Hot bitumen double or single chip seals (SBST, DBST)

Bituminous emulsion sand seal, SS(E)

Bitumen penetration macadam (PenMac)Bitumen penetration macadam, (PenMac)

OTTA seal





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Chip Seal

S d S lSand Seal

Otta seal uses a graded aggregate instead of the generally used one sized crushed rock aggregate and allows the use of relatively inferior and cheaper, naturally occurring, unscreened gravels. g

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Use of EmulsionPrincipal Advantages

Provide safer handling by avoiding the need to heat the bitumen to a high temperature, and it is not flammable.

For application using labour-based methods, bitumen emulsion is the safer and easier to use option[

Principal Disadvantages

Availability may be limited.

Shorter storing time Emulsion must be used within 3Shorter storing time. Emulsion must be used within 3 months of manufacture and regularly agitated (rolled if stored in drums) to prevent premature separation of the components.

Stabilised Bases and Sub-Bases

Sub-standard materials may be effectively improved in order to increase strength and bearing capacity by treatment with an additive such as cement, lime, bitumen or mechanical stabilisation (or blending). ( g)

Soil Properties

More than 25% <0.075 mm Less than 25% < 0.075mm Type of


PI < 10 10<PI<20 PI > 20 PI < 6; PP < 60 PI < 10 PI > 10

Cement S S M S S S

S: Suitable M: Marginally Effective X: Not Suitable

Lime M S S X M S

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Lime and Cement Stabilisation

Utilises locally available materials

Can use locally available

Difficult to construct during the rainy seasons.

Specific care needs to beyagricultural equipment for mixing.

Less curing time for cement than needed than for lime stabilisation

Specific care needs to be taken to complete mixing, correct moisture addition and adequate curing.

Limited time available for final compaction andfinal compaction and shaping after mixing is completed.

Stabilised Bases and Sub-Bases

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Mechanical Stabilisation

Utilises locally available materials with little haulage.

No significant health and safety issues

Testing programme Not effected as much by rain during construction as lime or cement stabilisation

g p grequired to identify mix proportions.

Requires careful control on mixing operations.

Non Stabilised Bases and Sub-Bases

In areas where there is an adequate supply of good natural gravel or crushed stone, the use of non-stabilised, or unbound, granular base and sub-bases i i t d i i i lis appropriate. drainage, or impervious layer.

The internal factors governing the engineering performance of an unbound gravel aggregate are the engineering behaviour and geometric properties of its constituent particles, its mass grading and the plasticity of its fines.

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Non Stabilised Bases and Sub-Bases

Natural Gravel Base or Sub-base

Armoured Gravel Road-Base

Sand Sub-Base

Quarry Run Sub-base

Graded Crushed Stone

Dry Bound or Water Bound Macadam

Natural Gravel

Low cost use of locally available materials

Local contractors well experienced in using this option

Requires adequate testing control on variable natural materials.

Some natural gravels may not achieve technical requirements unless stabilised

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Armoured Gravel Road-Base

The intention is the cost-effective use of suitable locally available natural gravels, and to i th ffi i tl timprove them sufficiently to accept a thin bituminous surfacing.

An initial component of natural gravel laid, followed by a topping or armouring (usually 50-75mm thick) of crushed/broken stone aggregate.

Natural Sand

Potential sub-base alternative providing thatalternative, providing that laboratory test on grading and initial site compaction testing indicate adequate compaction is possible

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Quarry Run

“Quarry Run” is used as a general term to cover naturally occurring rock and weathered rock materials excavated fromrock materials excavated from a quarry or borrow area and delivered to site without processing.

Likely to be highly variable in terms of grading and plasticity hence would require adequatehence would require adequate control testing and site monitoring of delivered material

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A Macadam layer essentially consists of a stone skeleton of single size stone (usually 35-50mm nominal size) in which the voids are filled with another material The stone skeleton because of its single sizematerial. The stone skeleton, because of its single size, has large amounts of voids but has a high shear strength. If confined properly, a crucial requirement for macadam basecourses, the stone skeleton forms the "backbone" of the macadam and is largely responsible for the strength of the constructed layer. The material used to fill the voids provides lateralThe material used to fill the voids provides lateral stability to the stone skeleton but adds little bearing capacity

The term Waterbound Macadam (WBM) is generally used to describe a material similar to DBM except that the fines are “slushed” into the voids.. The slushing process consists of saturating the macadam layer (coarse and fine aggregate) by spraying it with water,

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Block Pavement Options

Block paving is based on the proven ability ofindividual blocks to effectively disperse load.Concrete or clay brick and stone block options haveb d t d f ll i bl lt ti tbeen adapted successfully as a viable alternative togravel or unsealed macadam on low volume ruralroads, especially for high rainfall or steep terrain roadenvironments.

Blocks are re-usable so that if road base failureoccurs they can be merely taken up, cleaned andreused after the road-base/foundation has beenrepaired.

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Concrete Pavement Options

Cement concrete slab pavements are widely used to provide a high strength, d bl d f ithdurable road surface with very low maintenance requirements. However, they require a good quality non-erodible sub-base to support them. They are suitable for any traffic loading fromany traffic loading from bicycles to high flows of heavy trucks.

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Concrete Pavement Options

Three types of cement concrete slab pavement have been trialled under the SEACAP programme:-

1.Bamboo reinforced concrete pavementp

2.Steel reinforced concrete pavement

3.Non-reinforced concrete pavement.

Recent SEACAP research, has indicated that there is no significant benefit to be gained by the use of bamboo reinforcing over the use of well constructedbamboo reinforcing over the use of well constructed non-reinforced concrete

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Indicative CostCOST CONTEXT

Carriageway width: 3.0mShoulder: 0.5m

haule distance (gravel and aggregate): 50km

C t 2 fIndicative cost US$/Km US$/Km Cost per m2 of

pavementFrom To From To

Laterite surfaced road 10,000 15,000 3.3 5.0Armoured laterite with SBST 20,000 25,000 6.7 8.3Armoured laterite with DBST 22,000 27,000 7.3 9.0

Crushed stone RB & SBST 23,000 29,000 7.7 9.7Crushed stone RB & DBST 26,000 32,000 8.7 10.7

WBM ith SBST 24 000 30 000 8 0 10 0WBM with SBST 24,000 30,000 8.0 10.0WBM with DBST 27,000 34,000 9.0 11.3

Cobble stone with SBST 28,000 35,000 9.3 11.7Cobble stone with DBST 31,000 38,000 10.3 12.7

Un-reinforced concrete 34,000 40,000 11.3 13.3


What options are most suitable forWhat options are most suitable for Cambodia ?

Regional variations in pavement and surfacing use?

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SEACAP 19 Inception Progress – Presentation 3 1

emeronT I 2 - Session 2

RbePT é n é p Þk MralpøÚvSurfacing and Pavement


pøÚv \tRkalekAs U‘ Unsealed Surface Roads

M μ i IpøÚvRkalkMralFmμCati¬pøÚvdI¦ ENSRs

Engineered Natural Surface Roads - ENSRs

pøÚvRkalRKYsRkhm GWCRs

Gravel Wearing Course Roads -GWCRs

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ENSRsKuN Rbey aCn _cMNayGs føsMPar³ticcNayGs;é fsPar tcGacsagsg;)anedayeRbIBlkmμ nig]bkrN_kñúgRsuksmrmü sMrab;cracrN_tic

Ef M M M μGacEfTaM)anedaykMlaMgBlkmμ nig]bkrN_kñúgRsuk

ENSRsKuN v ibt üi

miGaceRbIsMrab;cracrN_mFü mb¤eRcInM w w iqab;b¤gayTTYlrgnUvsMNwkedaysarTwklic

b¤TItaMgEdlmanePøó gFøak;eRcInebomTwkFUlIhuybMBulbridæanlM)ak nigcMNayeRcInsMrab;karEfTaM RTg;RTaykMralpøÚv

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kareRbIR) as ;eGay ) an Rt wmRt Uv n Uv s MPar³ pøÚv GMB IRK Ys Appropriate Use of Gravel

mancMNucbec©keTsKYreGaykt;sMKal;mYycMnYnRtUv)anelIkeLIgTak;TgnwgkareRbIR)as; kMralpvGMBIRKs³kralpøÚvGBRKYs

dwkCBa¢ÚncMgayq¶ay kMritbrimaNTwkePøó gx<s; cMnYncracrN_eRcIn sMPar³KuNPaBGn; cMNucEdlman cMeNaT pøÚvekag tMbn;licTwk viFIsaRsþsagsg;min)anRtwmRtUv nigkgVH smtßPaBkñúgkarEfTaMpøÚv enaH eyIgBuMKYreRbIkMralpøÚvGMBIRKYseLIy .

GMNH GMNagxagelIenH tUv)anbgðajtamry³tarageRbIR)as;é nkMralpøÚvGMBIRKYs .

Gravel Loss Comparison

90100 Unsealed macadam type


bMerIbMras ;eGay ) an Rt wmRt Uv n Uv s MPar³ s Mrab;pøÚv K WCakt üas Mxan ; There Must be Appropriate Use of Materials






Unsealed Lateritic Gravel:

Low lying Mekong Delta


Northern Hills: Vietnam


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80Gravel Loss/Year (mm)

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enAkEnøgNaEdlmanRbPBRKYsEdlmanKuNPaBeKarBeTAtamtMrUvkarbTdæanbec©keTsRKb;RKan;sMrab;sagsg; nigCYsCul

bMerIbMras ;é nk MralpøÚv GMB IRK Ys

;R ; ; ; Y u- eRbI)anenAtMbn;EdlmanePøó gFøak;mFü m nigcMeNaTticCag 4% nig 6%sMrab;tMbn;EdlmanePøÓ gFøak;tic - eRbI)anenAké nøgEdlmanRbB½n§edaH TwkBIpøÚvRKb;RKan; - eRbI)ansMrab;pøÚvNaEdlmanEpnkarCYsCulRKb;RKan; ¬fvikar¦- eRbI)anenAkEnøgEdlmanTwklictictYcehIyqab;hYt- eRbI)anenAkEnøgEdlmancracrN_mFü mticCag 200 rfynþkñúgmYyé f

tamry³skmμPaBsagsg;RsavRCavknøgmkeXIjfaenAtMbn;RtUBicmanRKYsKuNPaBl¥ nigsmrmsMrabkarsagsg

KuN Rbey aCn _ GWCR (GWCR Advantages)

ngsmrmü srab;karsagsg;

- smrmü sMrab;cracrN_ticeTAmFü m

- CaTUeTAté møsagsg;dMbUgticCagRbePTkMralpøÚvepS g² eTot

- GaceRbIR)as;)ankMralbeNþaH GasnñsMrab;cracrN_ nigtMrUvsMrab;yuTæsaRsþeTAé f¶muxEdl MeRKagRkalekAsU‘ ¬karsagsg;CadMNak;kal¦

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mantMbn;mYycMnYnEdlktþaFmμCatiminGMeNayplsMrab;karsagsg;kMralpøÚvBIRKYsedayvaGacnwgRtv)atbgnvkMralpøv (>20mm/yr) ebIeyIgsgvaenAtMbnena .

K uN v ibt üi

cngRtUv)at;bg;nUvkralpÚv ( 20mm/yr) ebeygsg;vaenAtbn;enaH .

TamTarnUvEpnkarEfTaMCab;lab; nigCaRbcaMKWRtUvbEnßmkMralRKYsedIm,IbMeBj nUvkMras;Edl)an)at;bg;

enAeRkamGakasFatus¶tvanwgmanFUlIhuuybMBulb:H Bal;dl;brisßan R u ¶Þ U u u u :H ; ; ß

TMhMcracrN_ GakasFatu cMeNaTbeNþaypøÚv RtUvtUcCag6% KWCa]bsKÁé nkareRbI

bMerIb Mras ;n Uv k MralRK Yss Mrab;p øÚv CnbT EdlmanT Mh Mc racrN _t ic

rhUtdl;bc©úb,nñenH CarYmdMeNaH RsayedIm,IbegIánnUvcracrN_eTAkan;tMbn;CnbTdac;RsyalsMrab;RbeTskMBugGPivDÆ n_enaH kareRbIR)as;kMralpøÚvGMBIRKYsenAEtCau Ú YCMerIsd¾RbesIredaysarEt- tMé lé nkarsagsg;dMbUlTab- GaceRbIR)as;)anRKb;rdUvkalTamTarnvbec©keTssagsgsamBa-TamTarnUvbeckeTssagsg;samBa

edayELkeyIgkt;sMKal;eXIjfamankarkat;bnßynUvkareRbIR)as;pøÚvGMBIRKYsCak;;EsþgenAtamtMbn;mYycMnYn .

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kars ik S aeTAel Ik MralpøÚv GMB IRK Ys

eyIgeXIjfanAkñúgsßanPaBeRcInbMerIbMras;é nkMralpøÚvGMBIRKYsenAEtCaCMerIsd¾smrmü nigGacTTYlyk)an. eTa CayagNakedaytamry³karGegátRsavRCavenARbeTsevotNameK ankMNtnvkMriteTaH Cay:agNak¾edaytamrykarGegátRsavRCavenARbeTsevotNameK)ankNt;nUvkrt RBMEdnsMrab;kareRbIR)as;pøÚvGMBIRKYs

kareRbIR) as ;eGay ) an Rt wmRt Uv n Uv s MPar² p øÚv GMB IRK Ys

tamry³karRsavRCav)anbgðajy:agc,as;faKWmanEtkareRbIR)as; nigeRCIserIsnUvdIRkhm RKYsFmμCati nigRKYslMhUrEdlman

W MKuNPaBl¥KWCakarcaM)ac;

eRbIsMrab;pøÚvKμankMralekAsU‘ b¤cieBa©ImpøÚv b¤sMrab;kMNat;dak;Rcas;é npøÚvNamYyenAtMbn;NamYy.eRbIsMrab;CaRsTab;RKwH pøÚvÚeRbIsMrab;CakMralpøÚvbeNþaH GasnñrhUtdl;manfvikarsg;pøÚvekAsU‘Can;BIelI

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SEACAP 19 Inception Progress – Presentation 3 7



BaseGraded crushed

Flexible Sealed Pavements








Weathered rock gravel


eKalkarN_é nkareRbIkMralekAsU‘:

)acekAsU‘RtCak; ehIyerayRKab;RKYsBIelIenaH KWeyIgGaceRCIserIsfaRkalRKYs 1Can b¤ 2Can ; ¤ ;

)acekAsU‘ekþAehIyRkalRKYseFVI1Can; b¤2Can;

)acekAsU‘RtCak;ehIyerayxS ac;

RkalkMralfμmakadaM (macadam )ehIy)acekAs‘ R ( ) UOTTA seal

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Chip Seal

S d S lSand Seal

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Otta seal KWeyIgeRbIR)as;l,ayRKYscMruH CMnYseGaykMeTcfμEdl)ankMNt;kñúgTMhMRKab;fμkinbu:n² Kña. eKGaceRbIR)as;)annUvRKYsEdlmanTMhMtUcCag efakCag gayRsYlrknigmincaM)ac;Erg.

bMerIbMras ;ekAs U‘RtCak ;

KuNRbeyaCn_cm,gpþl;eGaynUvsuvtißPaBRbesIrCagkñúgkareRbIR)as;edaymincaM)ac;dutkMedAekAsU‘ rhteTAdlsItNðPaB xs nigminqabeq .rhUteTAdl;stuNPaB x<s; ngmnqabeqH . sMrab;kareRbIR)as;ekAsU‘edayeRbIkMlaMgBlkmμenaH ekAsU‘RtCak;mansuvtßiPaBCagekAsU‘ekþAniggay eRbICag . KuNvibtþicm,g-GacBi)akrk. -Tukmin)anyUr: ekAsU‘RtCak;RtUvEteRbIeGayGs;kñúgrvag3ExbnÞab;BIé f¶plit nigeFVIkarkUrRcbl;va CaRbcaM¬RtUvRbemó lebITukkñúgFug¦ edIm,IeCosvagnUvkarEjkecjBIKña é nrUbFatuEdlcUlpS M.

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Stabilised Bases and Sub-Bases

sMPar³EdlesIÞr b¤xVH KuNPaB KWeyIgGacbegIánKuNPaB)an edIm,IbegIánnUvrebIgrbs;vanigsmtßPaBRTRTg; rbs;va edayeFVIkarlayRcbl;bEnßmCamYysarFatuKImIdUcCa suIm:g;t_ kMe)arekAsU‘ b¤edayRcbl;tamlkéN³bec©keTsemkanic.

Soil Properties

More than 25% <0.075 mm

Less than 25% < 0.075mm Type of


PI < 10


PI > 20

PI < 6; PP < 60

PI < 10

PI > 10

Cement S S M S S S

Lime M S S X M S

S: Suitable M: Marginally Effective X: Not Suitable

Lime and Cement Stabilisation



Bi)akkñúgkarsagsg;eBl¬layva¦ enArdUvePøó gkarykTkdakCaBiesseTAelIkarlayKWCayRcbl;


karykTukdak;CaBesseTAelkarlayKCakarcaM)ac;edIm,IFana)annUvkarRcbl;)ansBVl¥ kMritsMeNImRtwmRtUvnigry³kalRbtikmμRtwmRtUv l¥.eBlevlakMNt;caM)ac;edIm,IGaceFVIkarbgáab;begIáy)anegáy)an nigeKoreFVICaragRTUgfñl;eRkayBIeBllaycb;ehIy.

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Stabilised Bases and Sub-Bases

lay eday eRbIbec ©keTsemkan ic


minsUvmanplbH Bal;dl;suxPaBkmμviFIeFVIetsþKWcaM)ac;edIm,IkMNt;nUvsmmaRt nkMritlay.minmankarb:H Bal;xøacePøó gkñúgeBlkMBugsag

sg;dUcCakarlayedayeRbIsuIm:gt_ b¤kMe)areT.

smmaRté nkrtlay.TamTarnUvkarykcitþTukdak;RtYtBinitü elIviFIsaRsþenAral;eBllay.

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RsTab;) at n igRsTab;RK wH B IFmμCat i

enAtMbn;EdlmanenAsMPar³EdlGacpÁt;pÁg;RKb;RKan;sMrab;eFVIpøÚv ehIysMPar³TaMgena EfmTaMgmanKNPaB leTotpgena ¬RKsBIFmμCati fμkin¦ehysPar TagenaH EfmTagmanKuNPaB l¥eTotpgenaH ¬RKYsBFmCat fkn¦ enaH KWeyIgmincaM)ac;layRcbl;vabEnßmeT KWeyIgGacykvamk eFVICaRsTab;)at nigRsTab;RKwH )anEtmþg . ktþaEdlnaMeGayeKmineRbIl,aykMeTcbMeBjsMrab;pøÚvRkalRKYsKWsMGageTAelIbec©keTs bTBiesaFn_ visVkmμpøÚvfñl; V Ú ñ ;nigeyageTAelIbNþMúé nkMritTMhMRKab;EdlpS McUlKñaTMgn;l,ayTMhMRKab; nigkMritsVité nl,aykMeTcepH .

RsTab;) at n igRsTab;RK wH B IFmμCat i

RsTab;)at nigRsTab;RKwH eFVIBIRKYsFmμCati Natural Gravel Base or Sub-base

RsTab;)atesIþgeFVIBIRKYsRsTab;)ateFVIBIxS ac; RsTab;RKwH eFVIBIl,aysMNl;fμkincMruHRsTab;)ateFVIBIfμkin EdlmankMMritnUvTMhMRKab;EdlcUlpS MRsTab)atedaymakadaMRsTab;)atedaymakada

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SEACAP 19 Inception Progress – Presentation 3 13

RK YsFmμCat i

tMé lefakebIGacrk)annUvkñúgRsukGñkem:Akarsagsg;kñúgRsukmanbTBiesaFn_eRcInkñúgkareRbIR)as;nUvRKsFmμCatienvRKYsFmCatenHTamTarnUvkareFVIetsþRtYtBinitü eGay)anRKb;RKan;elIRbePTRKYsFmμCatiepS g² KñaRKYsFmμCatimYycMnYnminmanKuNPaBRtwmRtUvRKb; RKan;eTAtamtMrUvkaré nbTdæanEdlTamTareGayeyIgRtveFIkarlayRcblsarFatvtKImIbEnm.eygRtUveFVkarlayRcbl;sarFatuvtßúKmbEnßm.

RsTab;) ates IügGMB IRK Ysfμ Armoured Gravel Road-Base

eKalbMNgEdleRbI Armoured Gravel Road base KW edIm,IsnS MnUvfvikar nigkat;bnßyeTAtambrimaNRKYsFmμCatiEdlmanenAkgRskFmCatEdlmanenAkñúgRsukehIyedIm,IGaceGayeKGacRkalBIelInUvRsTab;é pÞkMralekAsU‘esIþgBIelIbEnßmeTot.

RsTab;vapS MeLIgedayl,ayRKYsFmμCatibnÞab;mkdak; RkalnUvfμkinbMEbkBIelIEdlmankMras;CaTUeTA 50-75mm.

Page 67: Session 1 Low Volume Rural Road Principles€¦ · 5 Upper Limits Low Volume Rural Roads (LVRRs) < 150-200 motor vehicles/day < 4 to 6 t axle loads < 250,000 esa This limit has been

SEACAP 19 Inception Progress – Presentation 3 14

xS ac ;FmμCat i

eBlxøH eyIgGaceRbIxS ac;CMnYskEnøgé nRsTab;RKwH EteyIgRtUvykcitþTukdak;eTAel Ikarbgðab;taMgBIRsTab;dMbUgTamTarnUvviFIsaRsþ nigkarbgðab; EdlRKb;RKan;RtwmRtUvEdlGaceFVIeTA)an.

fμkinc MruHfμkincMruH b¤kMeTcfμcMruH KWpS MeLIgedayRbePTfμkMeTcEdlkinb¤kMeTcfμBIFmμCati EdlEbkexÞcedaysarGakasFat KWedayRKanEtdwkykBIkardæanvayfμ u R ;b¤BIkñúgdIehIyykeTAeRbIenAkardæanEtmþgedayKμaneFVIkarEké cñGIVeT. ehtudUcenH ehIyvamanTMhMRKab;xus² Kña kMritdIs¥itepS g² Kña ehtudUecñH ehIyvaTamTarnUvkareFVIetsþRttBinit eGay)anRtwmRtv nigenAeBlEdlþR Y ü R R UdwkCBa¢ÚneTAeRbIenAkardæan.

Page 68: Session 1 Low Volume Rural Road Principles€¦ · 5 Upper Limits Low Volume Rural Roads (LVRRs) < 150-200 motor vehicles/day < 4 to 6 t axle loads < 250,000 esa This limit has been

SEACAP 19 Inception Progress – Presentation 3 15

RsTab;RK wH eFVIB Ifμkin eday mank MN t;T Mh MRKab;tams üg;da

esckIþepIþmCaTUeTAvaminRtUv)aneKeRbIsMrab;CaCMerIskñúgkarekorpøÚvCnbTeT. EtedayELkeKeRbIsMrabeFVICaRsTabRKwHL R ; V R ;R Hb¤RsTab;)atedIm,CMnYsRsTab;)aTeFVIBImakadaM.

cMNucsMxan;sþIBIsMParsagsg;RbPBé nsMPar³RtUvEteFVIkareRCIserIs nigBiesaFn_ edIm,IFana)annUvsmtßPaBeFVIkarrbs;vainigmancMnYnRKb;Rkan; tamtMrUvkar.

ehIysMPar³eTotesatRtUveKarBeTAtambTdæanbec©keTsdUcCaTMhMRKab; kMlaMgRTRTg; ¬PaBrwgrbs;fμ¦ nigrUbragTMrg;é nTMhMRKab;nImYy² .

RsTab;m:akada M

RbePTfμ macadam CacaM)ac;RtUvmanRbePTfμEdledIrtYCaeRKagq¥wgEdlmanTMhMCaTUeTA ¬35-50mm¦ ehIycenøaH Rbehagrbs;vaRtUv)anbMeBjedaykMeTcfμl¥it. H R ; R U jedaysarEtfμmYyduM² manTMhMFMeBl tMerobcUlKñavaGacbegIánnUvsmtßPaBRTRTg;x<s;Emn etIvaenAsl;cenøaH RbehageRcIn² vamantYnaTIedIrtY y:agsMxan;sMrab;ykeFVICaRsTab;)atGMBIfμmakadaMKWfavamantYnaTICaGñkRTnUvTMgn; eRbobbIdUcCa {eRKagq¥wgxñg} é nmakadaMedIm,IRTnUvTMgn;é nRsTab;epS g BIelIva nigTMgn;rfynþ. sMPar³Edl ,R U ;é R ; S ; þeRbIsMrab;ykmkbMeBjcenøaH Rbehag edIm,IeFVIeGayvamané pÞrabesIμ Etvamin)anCYybegIánsmtßPaB RTRTg;bnÞúkrbs;fmakadaMbu:nμaneT.

Page 69: Session 1 Low Volume Rural Road Principles€¦ · 5 Upper Limits Low Volume Rural Roads (LVRRs) < 150-200 motor vehicles/day < 4 to 6 t axle loads < 250,000 esa This limit has been

SEACAP 19 Inception Progress – Presentation 3 16

RsTab;fμ macadam s¶ÞtKWpS MeLIgelIkartMerobRsTab; fμmYyduMFM² bBa© ÚlKña¬fμkin¦ EdlmanTMhMCaTUeTA 37>5mm eTA 50mm ehIybMeBj cenøaH Edleday kMeTcfμepH

RsTab;) aT¼RsTab;RK wH eFVIGMB Imakada M

fμm:akadaMesIm (WBM) KWdUcKñaeTAnwg (DBM) EdrEtxusKñaRtg;faeyIgeFVIkarbenS ImTwkedIm,IeGaykMeTcfμepH gayRsYlRCabcUleTAkñúgcenøaH Rbehag)aneBjl¥

j H HedayerayvaBIelIkMralfμEdl)antMerobehIyenaHehIyeFVIkar jak;bgðab;eGay kMeTcfμTaMgenaH cUlsBVcenøaH Rbehag edaymineRbITwkeT.

V S , H R Y R U ñú H R jKWfaeyIgRtUvdMbUgtMerobfμ ehIyeGaykMeTcfμ bnÞab;mk)aj;TwkBIelI rYceTIbbgðab;.

kareRbIR) as ;k MralpøÚv GMB Id uMk MralepS g²

kMralpøÚvGMBIduMepS g² KWGaRs½yeTAnwgsmtßPaBRTRTg;;nUvbnÞúkrbs;RbePTduMepS g²EdlvaGacRT)annUvbnÞúkedaymanRbsiTæPaB. duMebtug duM\dæ nigduMfμ KWCaCMerIsEdlRtv)aneKeRCIserIsykeRbIR)as)anCMnseGayRKsfμmakadaMKμanRkalekAs‘EdlRtUv)aneKeRCsersykeRbR)as;)anCnYseGayRKYsfmakadaKanRkalekAsUsMrab;pøÚvCnbTEdlmancracrN_tic nigCaBiesssMrab; tMbn;EdlmanePøó gFñak;eRcInkEnøgEdlmancMeNaTxøaMg.

duMbøúkTaMgenaH GacykmkeRbIR)as;vij)anenAeBlEdlpøÚvxUcenAkEnøgcMNucNamYynpøÚv KWeyIgRKan;EterIvaykmklagsMGatehIydak;bBa© ÚltMerobvij bnÞab;BICYsCulÚ Ú Þ

dIRKwH xageRkamvaehIy.

Page 70: Session 1 Low Volume Rural Road Principles€¦ · 5 Upper Limits Low Volume Rural Roads (LVRRs) < 150-200 motor vehicles/day < 4 to 6 t axle loads < 250,000 esa This limit has been

SEACAP 19 Inception Progress – Presentation 3 17

é pÞkMralvaeFVIeLIgedaytMerobnUvRsTab;\dæedaytMerobeTAtamCYrbeNþaybNeBjcenøaHbEnßm edaysuIm:g;t_ nigTb;sgxageTAedayi ©I I M I æ μ M

k MralpøÚv GMB Id I\d æd ut

TMhMé n\dæGacERbRbYleTAtamxñaté n\dæ EdleFVIenAtamtMbn; ehIyCaTUeTAKWeyIgGaceRCIserIsykkMras;vaCamFü m 100mm )anehIy.

cieBa©ImpøÚvenaH GaceFIVGMBI\debtug b¤fμtMerob.

vaTamTarCaBiessnUvKuNPaBé ndI\dæEdlykmkeRbIenaH . enARbeTserotNameKeFVI\dæEdlmankMlaMgdl;eTA 25Mpa .

kMralpøÚv GMB IfμPðMt Merob

esckIþGFib,aykMralpøÚvenH eFVIeLIgGMBIkartMerobnUUvfμPñMrag 4RCug EdleyIgeFVIkareRCIserIsnvTMhMfμEdlCaTeTAKWmanTMhMBI 100eRCsersnUvThfEdlCaTUeTAKmanThB 100-150mm ehIy RkalvaeGaymanragCaxñgGeNIþkbniþcKWfaeyIgRkalvaBIelI RsTab;xS ac;bnÞab;mkeKeFVIkarbgðab;vaeGaysuIcUleTAnwgRsTab;xS ac;xageRkamenaH .

cMNcsMxansMrabsMPar³cNucsxan;srab;sParfμEdlykmkeRbIKWRtUvEteFVIetsþva edIm,IFana)annUvkarRTkMlaMgsgát; PaBrwgteTAnwgsMNwknigmingayBuk puyedayEtGMbil.

Page 71: Session 1 Low Volume Rural Road Principles€¦ · 5 Upper Limits Low Volume Rural Roads (LVRRs) < 150-200 motor vehicles/day < 4 to 6 t axle loads < 250,000 esa This limit has been

SEACAP 19 Inception Progress – Presentation 3 18

kMralpøÚv GMB IfμPðMt Merob

cMNucsMxan;sMrab;sMPar³fμPMñKWRtUvEtmanlkéN³páafμduM4RCugeRKImnigmanEpñké pÞméagkñúgcMeNamTaMg4RCugenaH sMEb:t EdlGacykmkeFVICa é pÞ elIé nkMral)an.sMPar³EdlykmkbMeBjcenøaH rvagfμtMerobnImYy KWRtUvEttUc² GaccUleTAbMeBjcenøaH Rbehag)an dUcCakMeTcfμ RKYs b¤epH .

k MralpøÚv ebt ug

kMralpøÚvGMBIebtugRtUv)aneRbIR)as;y:agTUlMTUlayedaysarva pþl;nUvsmtßPaBRTRTg;)anl¥ pÞkMralenAfitefrCab;)anyUrÞ

nigTamTarnUvkarCYsCultictYcbMput. EtvaRtUvkarnUvRsTab; )atRKwHEdlCab;maMminrgnUvsMNwk b¤hUrdac;edaysarTwkePøó g b¤Twklic edIm,IRTva. vaGaceRbI)ansMrab;RbePTé n cracrN_ edayKitcabBIkgrhteTAdlrfynþFnFnFM .edayKtcab;Bkg;rhUteTAdl;rfynþFunF¶n;F .

Page 72: Session 1 Low Volume Rural Road Principles€¦ · 5 Upper Limits Low Volume Rural Roads (LVRRs) < 150-200 motor vehicles/day < 4 to 6 t axle loads < 250,000 esa This limit has been

SEACAP 19 Inception Progress – Presentation 3 19

kMralpøÚv GMB Iebt ug

KuNRbeyaCn_Cacm,gvaGacTTYlrg nigEbgEcknUvbnÞúkEdlmanenAelIva dUcenH KWvaGacsagsg;)anenAelIdIRKwH eRkamEdlGn;. ebIKiteTAelIGaykalTaMgmlKWfavamantM lefak.ebKteTAelGayukalTagmUlKfavamanté lefak.tMrUvfvikarCYsCulefakKWfavaGacRTnUvbnÞúkF¶n;rbs;rfynþFM² )an. vaGacTb;Tl;eTAnwglMhUreRcaH )an

KuNvibtþiCacm,gEdlKYrykcitþTukdak; cMNayfvikardMbUgeRcInKWvaTamTarnUvkarpøas;bþÚrekAsU‘RTnab;sMrab;cenøaH rIkrYm edaysarkMedACaerOy² .

k MralpøÚv GMB Iebt ug

KWmanRbePTkMralpøÚvGMBIebtug 3RbePT Edl)aneKykmkeFVIetsþBiesaFn_enAeRkamkmμviFIrbs; SEACAP: 1. kMralebtgpøvGMBIebtgbs I1. kralebtugpÚvGBebtugbsS2. kMralebtugpøÚvGMBIebtugGaem3. kMralpøÚvGMBIebtugsuTæ

karRsavRCavfIμenH rbs; SEACAP rkeXIjfaminmanplRbeyaCn_GIVbu:nμaneTsMrabkareFIkMralpøvebtgGMBIb£s I. kareFIkMralebtgGMBIebtgsTæeGay)anRtwmRtvena Gacsrab;kareFVkralpÚvebtugGBb£sS . kareFVkralebtugGBebtugsuTeGay)anRtmRtUvenaH GacCab;yUCagpøÚvebtugGMBIb£sS I.