service level agreements 2011/12 cass facilities a driving ... · service excellence . service...

Cass Facilities A driving force to provide the very best in customer service excellence Service Level Agreements 2011/12

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Page 1: Service Level Agreements 2011/12 Cass Facilities A driving ... · service excellence . Service Level Agreements 2011/12 . ... 1.2 Annual Works Programme . Departments undergoing annual

Cass Facilities

A driving force to provide the very best in customer

service excellence

Service Level Agreements


Page 2: Service Level Agreements 2011/12 Cass Facilities A driving ... · service excellence . Service Level Agreements 2011/12 . ... 1.2 Annual Works Programme . Departments undergoing annual

Cass Facilities


Cass Facilities ........................................................................................................................ 4

1. Introduction ............................................................................................................ 4

1.1 Service Cover..................................................................................................................... 4

1.2 Annual Works Programme ............................................................................................. 4

1.3 Emergency Maintenance/Breakdowns ........................................................................ 4

1.4 Special Needs .................................................................................................................... 4

1.5 Change Control / Business Case Proposals ............................................................. 4 Proposing changes .............................................................................................................. 5 Assessing Impact of Changes ............................................................................................ 5 Approving or rejecting proposed changes / business cases.......................................... 6 Change Request / Business Case proposal Procedures ................................................. 7 Change Control /Business Case Proposal Form .............. Error! Bookmark not defined. Document Change Record .................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

1.6 Communication Strategy .............................................................................................. 10

2. Estate Management ............................................................................................ 11

2.1 Sustainability ................................................................................................................... 11

2.2 Secure Environment ...................................................................................................... 11

2.3 Building and Service Maintenance ............................................................................ 11

2.4 Loss of Critical Services ............................................................................................... 12

2.5 Response Times ............................................................................................................. 13

2.6 Project Management ...................................................................................................... 16

3. Fault reporting Guidelines ............................................................................... 16

3.1 Reporting Building related faults ............................................................................... 16

3.2 How to check progress of a work order ................................................................... 16

3.3 Notification of completion of work orders ..................................................................... 16

Housekeeping ...................................................................................................................... 17

Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 17

Housekeeping Services Aims .................................................................................................. 17

1. Service Level Standards for Building, Office and Washroom Cleaning .......... 18

1.1 Response Times ............................................................................................................. 26

1.2 Dealing with Enquiries .................................................................................................. 26

1.3 Housekeeping Service Provision ............................................................................... 26

2. Service Level Standards for General Assistants ................................................... 27

Page 3: Service Level Agreements 2011/12 Cass Facilities A driving ... · service excellence . Service Level Agreements 2011/12 . ... 1.2 Annual Works Programme . Departments undergoing annual

2.1 Services Provided ........................................................................................................... 27

2.2 Service Agreement ......................................................................................................... 27

2.3 Performance Aims.......................................................................................................... 27

2.4 Response Times ............................................................................................................. 28

2.5 Monitoring and Evaluation ........................................................................................... 29

3. Service Level Standards for Confidential waste. ................................................... 30

3.1 Monitoring and Evaluation ........................................................................................... 30

4. Service Level Standards for Feminine Hygiene. .................................................... 31

4.1 Monitoring and Evaluation ........................................................................................... 31

5. Service Level Standards for Pest Control ................................................................ 32

5.1 Monitoring and Evaluation ........................................................................................... 34

Mail Room .............................................................................................................................. 35

Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 35

1. Our Aims ........................................................................................................................... 35

2. General levels of Service .............................................................................................. 35

3. Complaints and Disputes ............................................................................................ 35

4. Monitoring ....................................................................................................................... 35

Reception .............................................................................................................................. 36

Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 36

1. Our Aims ........................................................................................................................... 36

2. General levels of Service .............................................................................................. 36

3. Complaints and Disputes ............................................................................................. 36

Security Services ................................................................................................................ 37

Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 37

1. Objective ........................................................................................................................... 37

2. Scope ................................................................................................................................. 37

3. Services Provided ........................................................................................................... 37

4. Our aims and responsibilities ..................................................................................... 37

5. Students, Staff and Visitors Responsibilities ......................................................... 37

Page 4: Service Level Agreements 2011/12 Cass Facilities A driving ... · service excellence . Service Level Agreements 2011/12 . ... 1.2 Annual Works Programme . Departments undergoing annual

Cass Facilities

1. Introduction This Service Level Agreement sets out the operational objectives of Facilities, which will impact on our customers (students and staff). The agreement takes into account the Schools Strategic Plan and the Facilities Strategy. It describes the service we will deliver to members of the School within an agreed budget, with the level of resources intended to match the demands, made in delivering the mission of the School. Our key objective is for all members of the team to work to deliver a friendly and efficient service responds to the needs of the School. Through the introduction of Concept, a Computer aided Facilities Management (CAFM) system, we will give regular feedback to our customers and be able to demonstrate the level of response times and any backlog/outstanding works which for whatever reason fail outside our stated response times. 1.1 Service Cover This is to be provided wherever possible with alternative staff members being kept informed as required, particularly where expertise depends on a single member of staff. This should ensure unbroken service for the University from all departments in the group and is part of succession planning. 1.2 Annual Works Programme Departments undergoing annual maintenance should be advised in a timely way prior to the start of any work. We will work with Heads of Department or their identified contact throughout the work. Where necessary, staff may be provided with alternative offices with telephone and PCs (subject to availability). Departments in surrounding areas which may be affected by the work will also be informed, so the effects of any disruption may be minimised. 1.3 Emergency Maintenance/Breakdowns Any emergencies will be responded to as quickly as possible. Where the situation demands, services will be isolated until the fault is remedied. Where time and space allow, we will work to ensure that alternative office or teaching space is found as a matter of urgency for staff affected by major failures. 1.4 Special Needs The special needs of disabled students or staff will always be given priority, whether in the provision of teaching rooms or offices. Formal assessments will be required to provide advice on the provision of special accommodation or furniture. 1.5 Change Control / Business Case Proposals Our effective change control / business case proposal procedure will provide a mechanism for accepting changes that improve the product overall while rejecting those that degrade it. Allow for formal acceptance (approval) of service level changes / business case proposal after

their initial formative development has been completed.

Facilitate efficient changes to service standards after their initial acceptance, recognizing that the impact of a change to a service standard is dramatically different after it has been accepted.

Allow all parties materially affected by proposed changes to assess the resource, schedule, and/or product impact of the changes.

Page 5: Service Level Agreements 2011/12 Cass Facilities A driving ... · service excellence . Service Level Agreements 2011/12 . ... 1.2 Annual Works Programme . Departments undergoing annual

Allow changes to be proposed and evaluated, schedule and quality impact assessed, and approved or rejected into service standards in a controlled manner.

Notify interested parties on the periphery of development regarding change proposals, their assessed impact, and whether the changes were approved or rejected.

Provide an historic trail of the development of service levels, including all proposed changes.

Proposing changes Whenever it has been determined that some aspect of an accepted service level should be changed, then that party submits a change / business case proposal to the Facilities Manager for consideration. The change proposal: Identifies the work product in question.

Describes the aspect of the service that the party feels is in need of change.

Includes a description of the impact, from the submitting party's point of view, of leaving the service level as-is compared with incorporating the suggested change. This gives the Property and Facilities Committee a better understanding of why the change is being submitted and what importance it has from the perspective of the submitting party.

Assessing Impact of Changes Once a change / business case proposal has been submitted to the Property and Facilities Committee, the proposal is circulated to those parties that may be impacted by the change. These parties are responsible for producing an estimate of the effects of implementing the proposed change. Proposed changes should account for: Additional management effort to revise the schedule and notify affected parties

The distraction of the affected parties from their primary work while they assess the impact of the proposed change

Impact on product specifications

Impact on product design documents

Impact on product test procedures

Impact on installation program or procedures

Impact on training materials (including tutorial program, if any)

The general tendency of quality to degrade with change

The dramatically increased cost of change at later stages of the project

In the interest of efficiency, the Property and Facilities Committee may decide to queue a series of change proposals to be processed as a group. This will depend upon the frequency and importance of change proposals as determined by the Committee.

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Approving or rejecting proposed changes / business cases Once the impact of the proposed change / business case to each area is assessed, the Property and Facilities Committee must make a decision whether to accept or reject it. The Committee may reject a proposed change /business case out-of-hand if it determines that the cost of formally assessing the impact outweighs its perceived benefit. Since defects are treated like all other change requests, the Committee selects for correction only those defects which represent an acceptable benefit/risk trade-off based on the phase of the project and the distance from the next important milestone. If accepted, the assessed impact on the development schedule must be incorporated into the existing schedule and a new schedule produced. If the Committee deems it necessary, trade-offs between time, function, and manpower may be made in an attempt to mitigate the effects of change to the existing schedule. However, in no circumstances will changes be approved without sufficient consideration of their associated schedule implications. Regardless of whether a change / business case is approved or rejected, the following information is recorded and made available to the party submitting the proposal (and any other interested parties that desire to monitor the progress of the service level): The date, description, and party submitting the proposed change / business case.

The estimated impact of the change / business case on the development areas listed above.

The date when the change / business case was accepted, rejected, or deferred.

If accepted, the overall impact on the project schedule (which includes the effects of any mitigating strategies and their descriptions).

If rejected, the reason for rejection.

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Change Request / Business Case proposal Procedures Status Description

Submitted An originator has submitted a change control / business case proposal form

Authorised The impact assessment is authorised (impact assessment can take time and detract from other project activities – all forms need to be authorised after submission to allow impact assessment to proceed)

Canceled The change control / business case proposal has been cancelled either by the Originator (or the Approver has not authorised the change to be impact assessed).

Impact Analysis Impact Analysis is underway

Approved The Property and Facilities Committee has agreed to implement the change and any associated cost, schedule or functionality changes are explicitly sanctioned.

Rejected The Property and Facilities Committee has not agreed to the change request.

Complete The change requested has been completed, pursuant to the current phase of the project.

The Originator Completes the

Change Control Request / Business case proposal and

Submits to the Facilities Manager

The Facilities Manager either authorises or

cancels it

The PAF Committee instructs the

proposal to be Impact Analysed by the Facilities


The PAF Committee

agrees or rejects the impact - the

proposal is Approved or


The PAF Committee instructs the

Facilities Manager to ensure the

change is completed.

The Facilities Manager reports back to the PAF Committee when

the change is completed.

Submitted Authorised


Impact Analysis


Approved Complete

Page 8: Service Level Agreements 2011/12 Cass Facilities A driving ... · service excellence . Service Level Agreements 2011/12 . ... 1.2 Annual Works Programme . Departments undergoing annual

Change Control /Business Case Proposal Form Section A

Department Location

Identification of Aspect to be Changed / proposed

For Document give section number / page number

Change / Business case Details Include indication of importance and urgency

Tick if Continued Overleaf

Requester of Change / Business Case Print Name

Date Raised

Section B Investigator of Change / Business Case

Impact, give details of other items affected (include the “do nothing” option)


give details of costs that include furniture, portering, building changes, service changes etc)


give details of relevant budget code and obtain signature to confirm

Budget Code:


Investigation Outcome Reject / Action at No Cost / Action at Cost

Suggested Priority High / Medium / Low

Date Investigated

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Section C Implementor Date


Section D

Change Implemented Signature Date Implementor

Facilities Manager

How to Use this Form Change Requester completes ALL boxes in Section A and passes to Facilities Manager. Facilities Manager arranges investigation of request, depending on requests, impact and cost to be assessed first, or depending on outcome request is rejected, or given a priority and cost, and with investigator completes Section B & C, form is then retained on file. Once change is implemented Section D is signed-off. Document Change Record

Date Version Author Change Details

Page 10: Service Level Agreements 2011/12 Cass Facilities A driving ... · service excellence . Service Level Agreements 2011/12 . ... 1.2 Annual Works Programme . Departments undergoing annual

1.6 Communication Strategy

An effective cascade of information to all Cass Business School staff, key stakeholders and the wider University community, where appropriate, is essential to promote a trusted sense of direction and to understand, within the overarching University strategy, the plans by which the Facilities Department deliver estate management.

Why develop a communication strategy?

To ensure the dissemination of all available information to the end users and customers of Cass Business School, in order to:

• forge a sense of community

• establish a shared understanding of the Facilities strategy and the implementation of it's plan

• maintain links with our customers

• raise awareness of the issues and provide accurate information and guidance

• publicise

What is our approach?

Various channels of communication exist at the University and it is important to make full use of these.

Examples of communication channels might include:

• Face to face (eg departmental meetings, team meetings, staff forums, management cascades)

• Electronic (eg e-mail, website)

• Print (eg university newsletter, flyer for main reception areas or posters for main noticeboards)

• Other media channels (eg telephone)

To promote and maintain:

• A Facilities website. The site will be kept up-to-date and maintained internally by one website editors who have been trained in the management of web pages. This will enable all our customers to put themselves in the picture concerning the events which may be of interest to them

• Target audience - all interested parties can access the latest information on demand. • An electronic bulletin to targeted stakeholders. We recognise that there are stakeholders

within the wider community who we may need to target specifically via more direct means. We need to give them the information that we believe they need and we will coordinate our efforts accordingly. These stakeholders will be fully briefed as to our expectations in turn that these communications will be filtered through to all persons who need to be involved.

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2. Estate Management The Cass Business School has13,743 sq m Gross Internal Area (area of premises excluding external structure) and 10, 412 sq m Net Internal Area (internal area of premises excluding core, structure and plant). The sum insured for the total estate is of £54,408,000.00 2.1 Sustainability To maximise energy efficiency, we will continue to develop the use of Building Management Systems (BMS) across the School. • We aim to provide an internal ambient temperature of:

- 16oC - minimum at the start of the working day (Workplace Health, Safety & Welfare Regulations 1992, Section 7). - 19oC - desired space temperature (Fuel and Electricity Order 1980).

- 23oC - temperature to which areas will be comfort cooled where available (not to offices).

• We will ensure that such systems allow responsive variations depending on building use. 2.2 Secure Environment We will continue to ensure that all buildings and equipment comply with statutory regulations for fire, safety and electrical supply. • Each week, via Reception, we will advise all members of the Weekly Fire Testing • The Safety Liaison Officer will organise fire evacuation exercises for Cass Business School

periodically throughout the Academic year • All Cass buildings to be subject to a minimum of one fire evacuation exercise per year; where

identified by the Regulatory Reform order. • Where possible, all statutory testing will be undertaken at times to minimise disruption to staff

/students. • The Safety Liaison Officer will provide information to advise new students on residential Health

and Safety and Fire Safety. • Concerns about Health and Safety, Security and Fire Safety will be dealt with as a matter of

urgency through the Facilities Office. 2.3 Building and Service Maintenance We will continue to strive to maintain high levels of maintenance for the benefit of all members of the School. We will undertake regular assessments of the physical condition and statutory compliance to inform the planned preventative maintenance programme and the annual maintenance and upgrade of plans. Every 3 years a full LTM (Long Term Maintenance) Condition Appraisal will be undertaken. We will continue to develop Concept to maximise the efficiency to which we respond to the many lines of fault reporting. The response time will depend on the nature of the fault and the workload of the

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department, examples of typical electrical, mechanical and building breakdowns can be seen below. • We will work to develop systems to advise staff /students on the progress of repairs. • Wherever possible, we will ensure that repairs are carried out with the minimum impact on the

work of the School, working with the Timetabling Officer to advise staff of teaching affected by proposed works.

• We will continue to ensure that all contractors operating in the School are also appropriately

qualified and are coordinated with the work of the School and comply with the permit to work documentation etc.

• We will continue to provide to supply 365 day, 24h emergency. This intended as a “make safe”

response 2.4 Loss of Critical Services During any potential loss of critical services i.e. water, electricity or gas, the Facilities Team will liaise with the relevant contractors to ascertain the severity of the disruption, including down time. If the School were to be without these critical services for any length of time that would be detrimental to the daily running of the School, the Facilities Management will contact the Cass Local Incident Management Team. This will allow Senior Management to make informed decisions in regards to potential building closure and the subsequent impact to Business Continuity.

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2.5 Response Times The following Tables set out the response times to fault reporting in order of priority: All Priority 1 calls will consist of a “Repair and make safe” service Note: all responses are within working hours. Any emergency calls out of normal working hours that require assistance will be logged with the City University Maintenance team who are on call Electrical Priority 1 Response within 1 hour

Persons stuck in lift

Alarms activated

Loss of power to computers, fridges and other sensitive equipment

Emergency exits and/or release mechanism failure

Priority 2 Response within 4 hours

Power loss to sockets – other than those specified in Priority 1

Light switch failure

Lights out on stairs

Emergency exit sign failure

Ventilation supply fan failure

Power supply failure to air conditioning unit

Priority 3 Response within 72 hours

Tube lights flickering

Odd lights out in rooms or corridors

External lighting

Work by arrangement

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Mechanical Priority 1 Response within 1 hour


Reports of gas escape

Alarms for mechanical systems

Toilets blocked

Urinals blocked

Domestic hot water system cold

Heating system cold (adjustment will be made within the hour, however the time

it takes for the change to take effect will take longer)

Ventilation system failure

Taps leaking

Sink waste blockage

Blocked drains

Priority 2 Response within 4 hours Broken toilet seat Door floor springs Any work with normally a same day response that is reported late afternoon

Priority 3 Response within 72 hours

Any non urgent work

Work by arrangement

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Joinery and Locksmith Priority 1 Response within 1 hour

Door off hinges

Emergency exit jammed

Broken glass in dangerous position or security problem

Gaining access to rooms

Priority 2 Response 4 hours Break-ins

Door sticking

Locks difficult to operate

Key pad sticking

Window openers sticking

Priority 3 Response within 72 hours

Pre-planned work

Work which would normally be same day response that is reported late afternoon

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2.6 Project Management We continue to work with relevant departments in planning building work to ensure integration of services.

• Wherever possible, projects will be planned with advice from potential users where they have been identified.

• Delivery to an appropriate level of quality and to time and budget relies upon any project being

“signed off‟ (agreed) before commencement by the Project Manager. 3. Fault reporting Guidelines These guidelines explain how to report building related faults, how to check the progress of a call and notification of work completion. 3.1 Reporting Building related faults There are three ways to report a fault Online via the Facilities website Contacting the Facilities Helpdesk on extension 3344 or 020 7040 3344 Email Facilities Helpdesk [email protected] We would recommend reporting all faults via the Facilities Website or e-mail apart from the emergency call outs. For emergency callouts outside of office hours, please contact the Security office on ext. 5117. Please provide your name, telephone number with an accurate description of the fault, and its exact location when reporting via telephone. NOTE: If you do not provide sufficient information, we may not be able to rectify the fault. You will receive a confirmation email with the call order number allocated to the request and details you have provided 3.2 How to check progress of a work order There are three ways to check progress of a work order Email Facilities Helpdesk [email protected] Online via Facilities website Contacting the Facilities Helpdesk on extension 3344 or 020 7040 3344 3.3 Notification of completion of work orders Once a contractor has attended to a call and reported back to the Facilities office, a work completion email will be sent to the person who logged the call stating the feedback provided by the contractor. If the work order requires further action, the feedback will advise of this. The Facilities office may raise further suborders to complete the work and completion emails will be sent accordingly.

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Housekeeping Introduction Housekeeping Services provide a number of services within Cass Business School. The services provided are: Building, Office and Washroom Cleaning Room Set ups Waste Disposal/Recycling Confidential Waste Feminine Hygiene Window Cleaning Pest Control Housekeeping Services Aims To contribute to providing a safe and healthy working environment for all students, staff and

visitors using the Cass Building School buildings To enhance the appearance of our facilities and contribute to the delivery of the School’s core

activities. To provide the School with a cost effective service. To encourage internal customers to feedback comments regarding the quality of the service directly

through the Facilities Helpdesk To ensure that all operatives are adequately trained to supply quality services in a safe and

effective manner. Aspire to only use eco friendly chemicals that are not harmful to the environment. To promote Sustainability and increase levels of recycling throughout the University.

Page 18: Service Level Agreements 2011/12 Cass Facilities A driving ... · service excellence . Service Level Agreements 2011/12 . ... 1.2 Annual Works Programme . Departments undergoing annual

1. Service Level Standards for Building, Office and Washroom Cleaning Cass Business School MONTH:

1 Full Staffing Contract to be fully staffed at all times.

2 Training All staff attending site to be fully trained with regard to site requirements.

3 Staff Retention Retention of staff is the key to efficient time operation of contract.

4 Staff Appearance All staff to be dressed in agreed uniform at all times.

5 Staff Knowledge All staff to present a professional and courteous service image in accordance with Client customer service charter.

6 Cleaning Standards

In accordance with Quality Control Inspection sheets monthly.

7 Consumable Goods

Constant supply of consumables ie toilet rolls, black sacks etc.

8 Periodic Cleaning In accordance with specifications.

9 Management Liaison

Various levels of management to liaise on a formal and informal basis through the period of the contract.

10 Site Supervisor Liaison with Client

Avaliability of a senior member of on site staff should liaise with Client.

11 Health & Safety In accordance with Client's requirements and prevailing Health & Safety legislation.

12 Security All Operatives to complete Signing-in book. All doors of offices to be locked.

13 Written Correspondence

Should Client communicate with Principle Services in written format, a response should be returned in written format.

14 Response to Problems Am Cleaning

Problems logged and response to within agreed parameters.

15 Response to Ad-Hocs Work AM

Problems logged and response to within agreed parameters.

16 Reactive Work AM Fast and effective dealing with complaints issued by Client.

17 Complaint Action Am Cleaning

Fast and effective dealing with complaints issued by Client.

18 Response to Problems Day Staff/Weekends

Problems logged and response to within agreed parameters.

19 Response to Ad-Hocs Work Day Staff and Weekends

Problems logged and response to within agreed parameters.

20 Reactive Work Day Staff and Weekends

Fast and effective dealing with complaints issued by Client.

21 Complaint Action Day Staff/Weekends

Fast and effective dealing with complaints issued by Client.

22 Invoicing Accurate invoicing.

Scoring: Excellent 5Above Average 4Acceptable performance 3Needs some improvement 2Below standard 1

Signed on behalf of Principle Cleaning Services: Name:Date:

Signed on behalf of Cass Business School:Name:Date:


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Cass Business School – 106 Bunhill Row Floor……………………………….. Side………………………………….

Toilets Checklist


t R




d To





Monday 06:00 10:00 14:00 18:00

Tuesday 06:00

10:00 14:00 18:00

Wednesday 06:00

10:00 14:00 18:00

Thursday 06:00

10:00 14:00 18:00

Friday 06:00

10:00 14:00 18:00

Saturday 06:00

10:00 14:00 18:00

Sunday 06:00

10:00 14:00 18:00

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Day Cleaner’s Schedule - Operative 1 – 10:00am to 19:00pm



Check toilets on Floors 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Ground & Basement., replenishing toilet paper, hand paper & soap.

11:00am 12:00pm

Check toilets on 5th & 4th Floors including cleaning mirrors, hand basins, toilet bowls, drying floors & emptying bins. replenishing toilet paper, hand paper Check kitchens on 6th, 5th & 4th Floors.



Check toilets, on 5th 4th floors washing the floors on 2nd, 1st, Ground & Basement Floors. replenishing toilet paper, hand paper



Lunch (30 minutes)



Check/clean toilets on 5th 4th floors and empty any rubbish in corridors and in bins.



Check toilets on 5th & 4th Floors including cleaning mirrors, hand basins, toilet bowls, drying floors & emptying bins. replenishing toilet paper, hand paper



Break (15 minutes)

15:15pm 16:15pm Check toilets 5,4th and kitchens on 6,5,and 4th

16:15pm 17:15pm Clean toilets including 6th, 5th, 4th, Ground & Basement Floors. Wash floors on 2nd, 1st, Ground & Basement Floors. And replenish toilet paper hand paper.

17:15pm 17:30pm Break (15 mins)

17:30pm 19:00pm

Check and clean toilets Floors 6th 5, 4,3,2,1, 3, 2, 1, Ground & Basement, replenishing toilet paper, hand paper. Clean mirrors, hand basins& emptying empty bins

19:00pm Finish

Day Cleaner’s Schedule - Operative 1 – 10:00am to 19:00pm continued

Ad-hoc tasks: Wash down skirting boards, bins, walls, doors in corridors and filing cabinets in walkways. Clean balustrades on all staircases. Also clean white doors, deep clean toilets & clean classrooms where possible.

Page 21: Service Level Agreements 2011/12 Cass Facilities A driving ... · service excellence . Service Level Agreements 2011/12 . ... 1.2 Annual Works Programme . Departments undergoing annual

Day Cleaner’s Schedule - Operative 2 – 10:00am to 19:00pm



Check toilets on all Floor replenishing toilet paper, hand paper & soap.

11:00am 12:00pm

Clean toilets on 3rd & 2nd Floors including cleaning mirrors, hand basins, toilet bowls, drying floors & emptying bins. And replenish toilet paper, hand paper. Check kitchens on 3rd, 1st & Ground Floors.



Check/clean toilets on 3rd & 2nd Floors. Wash toilet floors on Basement, Ground, 1st & 2nd Floors. And replenish toilet paper, hand paper.



Lunch (30 minutes)



Check/clean toilets on 3rd & 2nd Floors. Including cleaning mirrors, hand basins, toilet bowls, drying floors & emptying bins. replenishing toilet paper, hand paper



Check toilets on 3rd & 2nd Floors replenishing toilet paper, hand paper Including cleaning mirrors, hand basins, toilet bowls



Break (15 minutes)

15:30pm 16:00pm Check toilets Floors 6th 5, 4,3,2,1, Ground & Basement, replenishing toilet paper, hand paper. Clean mirrors, hand basins, dry floors and empty bins

16:00pm 16:30pm

. Wash toilet floors on Basement, Ground 1st & 2nd &3rd floor Including cleaning mirrors, hand basins, toilet bowls, drying floors & emptying bins. Replenishing toilet paper, hand paper.

16:30pm 17:30pm

Check toilets Floors 6th 5,4,3,2,1 Ground & Basement, replenishing toilet paper, hand paper. Clean mirrors, hand basins& emptying empty bins

17:30pm 17:45pm Break (15 minutes)

Page 22: Service Level Agreements 2011/12 Cass Facilities A driving ... · service excellence . Service Level Agreements 2011/12 . ... 1.2 Annual Works Programme . Departments undergoing annual

Day Cleaner’s Schedule - Operative 2 – 10:00am to 19:00pm continued

17:45pm 19:00pm

Check Toilets Floors 6th 5,4,3,2,1, 3, 2, 1, Ground & Basement, replenishing toilet paper, hand paper. Clean mirrors, hand basins& emptying empty bins

19:00pm Finish

Ad-hoc tasks: Wash down skirting boards, bins, walls, doors in corridors and filing cabinets in walkways. Clean balustrades on all staircases. Also clean white doors, deep clean toilets & clean classrooms where possible.

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Day Cleaner’s Schedule - Operative 3 – 11:00am to 20:00pm



Check/clean ashtray empty bins outside and clean glass doors and lifts.

11:30am 12:00pm

Check/clean toilets on 1st & Ground Floors cleaning hand basins, mirrors, toilet bowls and removes rubbish, replenishing with toilet paper, hand paper and soap.



Wash toilet floors on Basement, Ground, 1st & 2nd Floors. Cleaning hand basins, mirrors, toilet bowls and removes rubbish, replenishing with toilet paper, hand paper.



Check toilets and cleaning hand basins, mirrors, toilet bowls and remove rubbish, replenishing with toilet paper, hand paper and soap.



Lunch (30 minutes)



Check/clean toilets on Basement, Ground and 1st & Ground Floors, and clean ashtrays outside and bins replenishing with toilet paper, hand paper.



Check toilets including 6th, Ground & Basement Floors. Wash toilet floors on Basement, Ground, 1st & 2nd Floors. replenishing with toilet paper, hand paper

16:00pm 16:15pm Break (15 minutes)

16:15pm 17:15pm Check toilets including 6th, Ground & Basement Floors. Wash toilet floors on Basement, Ground, 1st & 2nd Floors. replenishing with toilet paper, hand paper

17:15pm 18:00pm

Check toilets and clean, Ground & Basement Floors. Wash toilet floors on Basement, Ground, 1st & 2nd Floors. replenishing with toilet paper, hand paper

18:00pm 18:15pm Break (15 minutes)

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Day Cleaner’s Schedule - Operative 3 – 11:00am to 20:00pm continued

18:15pm 18:45pm

Check toilets and outside6th, 5th, 4th, 3rd, 2nd, 1st, Ground & Basement Floors. replenishing with toilet paper, hand paper

18:45pm 20:00pm

Check all toilets, including 6th, 5th, 4th, 3rd, 2nd, 1st, Ground & Basement Floors. replenishing with toilet paper, hand paper

20:00pm Finish

Ad-hoc tasks: Wash down skirting boards, bins, walls, doors in corridors and filing cabinets in walkways. Clean balustrades on all staircases. Also clean white doors, deep clean toilets & clean classrooms where possible.

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Day Cleaner’s Schedule - Operative 4 – 07:00am to 16:00pm



Take milk and newspapers to all floors

08:00am 10:00am

Check/clean all toilets and replenish with toilet paper, hand paper and soap.



Break (15 minutes)



Check/clean toilets on 6th, Ground & Basement Floors. cleaning hand basins, mirrors, toilet bowls and remove rubbish



Check toilet paper, hand paper and clean replenish with toilet cleaning hand basins, mirrors, toilet bowls and remove rubbish



Lunch (30 minutes)



Check toilets and clean on 6th floor Ground floor and Basement. and replenish with toilet paper, hand paper Remove any rubbish (this may be in corridors), empty bins and wash the corridor bins

14:00pm 14:45pm

Check toilets on 3rd & 2nd Floors, cleaning hand basins, mirrors, toilet bowls and remove rubbish. On 6th floor Ground floor and Basement.

14:45pm 15:00pm Break (15 minutes)

15:00pm 16:00pm Check toilets on 6th, Ground & Basement Floors, replenishing with toilet paper, hand paper. cleaning hand basins, mirrors, toilet bowls and remove rubbish.

16:00pm Finish

Ad-hoc tasks: Wash down skirting boards, bins, walls, doors in corridors and filing cabinets in walkways. Clean balustrades on all staircases. Also clean white doors, deep clean toilets & clean classrooms where possible.

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1.1 Response Times

Priority Response Time Works covered

Priority 1

1 hour Hygiene, toilet re-stock, spillages, broken glass etc

Priority 2

24 working hours

office deep cleans, carpet stains

Priority 3

72 working hours

carpet cleaning and open ended for booked works (events etc)

1.2 Dealing with Enquiries Throughout Housekeeping Services in dealing with enquiries from our customers we shall: Review requests to ensure that an appropriate response is provided Make every effort to assist with and resolve the majority of enquiries at the initial point of contact Provide accessible, accurate and reliable information and advice Provide service in a polite, courteous and professional manner In dealing with enquiries by telephone we shall: Respond to the telephone in a professional manner providing a name as a point of reference for the

caller. Construct a professional, current voicemail message for daily use In dealing with complaints we shall respond to: Written complaints, by acknowledgement, within 2 working days Verbal complaints immediately by referring to a Manager or Supervisor on duty at the time of

complaint. Supervisors are empowered to deal with issues in terms of compensation at the time of complaint, in the absence of a Manager. In the instance that a verbal complaint cannot be resolved by a Supervisor and a Manager is not present, the complaint will be referred to the Facilities Manager as soon as possible

Housekeeping Services has the expectation that customers will: Treat Housekeeping Services staff in a polite, courteous and professional manner Bring to the attention of Facilities Manager any service level issues in order that appropriate action

can be taken to resolve them 1.3 Housekeeping Service Provision Housekeeping Services will provide the staff, equipment and materials required to provide the

agreed service, within the resources available. At times of staff shortages we will prioritise the areas to be cleaned.

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2. Service Level Standards for General Assistants


Cass Facilities provides a range of logistical services to the Cass Business School. The purpose of this Service Level Agreement is clearly define the responsibilities required for delivering these services and the performance standards used to support the School. The objective of this Service Level Agreement is to promote the services offered by the Facilities team.

2.1 Services Provided The Facilities Team provide a logistic, Goods In and storage service for the varied needs all of the departments of the School, including goods delivery service between various sites. Services provided are: Liaise with staff and agree appropriate plans for office relocations or removals of furniture as

required Provide packing boxes as required prior to office moves Support and liaise with other departments to ensure effective office moves/removals. Manage the storage of surplus School furniture to reduce overall spend on the School’s furniture

requirements Manage the use and allocation of storage space within the loading bay Remove broken furniture for repair, replacement or disposal Provide a collection and delivery service from the loading bay to departments

2.2 Service Agreement Our aims and responsibilities To provide an effective logistics service to staff and students of the School Respond and advise on requests for logistics services and agree timescales Offer advice and details over any arranged moves including room layouts, furniture requirements

and provision of support Provide uniformed, trained and competent staff to plan responsible removals and logistical


2.3 Performance Aims The Facilities Team aim to: Check the generic email account and voicemail periodically Ensure correct and up to date information is available from the website including contact details Provide daily and complete delivery service around the School Ensure all staff are trained appropriately for manual handling services and to provide a helpful and

friendly service

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2.4 Response Times

Priority Response Time Works covered Priority 1 1 hour Health and Safety

Priority 2

No deadline

Reactive callouts i.e. parcel deliveries, moving boxes etc


No deadline

Booked events in advance

Service We will What we need from you Comments

Prepare teaching rooms

Tidy and set-up for furniture each morning & provide flip chart paper, whiteboard cleaners and pens

Please ask students (& staff) to refrain from eating & drinking in teaching areas and to place litter in the bins Please do not leave teaching material in lecture rooms/ classrooms.

Deliver ad hoc AV equipment to meeting rooms

Deliver data projectors, OHP’s and flipchart stands as requested.

At least 4 hours notice, by e-mail.

Deliver teaching materials

Provide assistance if possible.

Discuss requirements well in advance.

Collect bulk mail

On request from departments, collect bulk mail or other goods-out and take to the Post Room or reception.

At least 4 hours notice, by e-mail.

Set up for Meetings, Conferences , Seminars, Exhibitions

Arrange furniture and room layouts

Written notification by email with logistics form of the room set-up & other requirements for events, with 48 hours notice

Additional services

• Remove unwanted or broken furniture.

• Provide crates for small office moves. • Arrange external

staffing for several office moves large

amounts of furniture

Please contact the Facilities Helpdesk for guidance in advance

Please note: the bigger your requirements are, the more notice we will need. If you no longer require our services, please inform the Facilities Helpdesk

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2.5 Monitoring and Evaluation Regular internal monitoring is carried out via the Facilities Manager and Facilities Co-ordinator on the standard of service via regular area visits. The use of a “Morning Checklist” is in place for the General Assistants to confirm that they have checked and set up all areas ready for the start of each day.

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3. Service Level Standards for Confidential waste. There are three ways to report an issue/request a collection Online via the Facilities website Contacting the Facilities Helpdesk on extension 3344 or 020 7040 3344 Email Facilities Helpdesk [email protected] 1 Equipment

To provide and maintain a reasonable supply of locked security consoles and other related equipment for the collection and storage of customer's confidential materials

2 Document Collection and Destruction Waste to be physically collected on a regular scheduled basis of 2 weekly. Upon physical collection of the confidential materials, destroy or in reasonable proximity to customer's business premises, the confidential materials through the use of mechanical shredding devices

3 Certification At the conclusion of the document destruction process, Shred-it will immediately provide customer with a certificate of destruction

4 Inspection Rights Upon customer's request, an authorised representative of the customer may, at any time, inspect the document destruction process

3.1 Monitoring and Evaluation Regular internal monitoring is carried out via the Facilities Manager and Facilities Co-ordinator on the standard of service via regular area visits. The use of Key Performance Indicators are in place for the contract.

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4. Service Level Standards for Feminine Hygiene. There are three ways to report an issue/request a collection Online via the Facilities website Contacting the Facilities Helpdesk on extension 3344 or 020 7040 3344 Email Facilities Helpdesk [email protected] 1 Sani Bin Service (06:00 - 17:30 Monday to Friday)

Scheduled servicing for every two weeks. Bins to be emptied, wiped clean inside and out and new liners installed

2 On site repair for Sani Bins (06:00 - 17:30 Monday to Friday) Within 24 - 48 hours of call logged date. To rectify faulty sani pods on site.

3 Customer Service - Response to call outs Phone lines open 0839 to 1700 Monday to Friday Return phone calls usually within 2 hours. Accessible by e-mail and return e-mails within 2 hours.

4 Electrical repairs to Hand dryers (06:00 - 17:30 Monday to Friday) Within 5 working days.

4.1 Monitoring and Evaluation Regular internal monitoring is carried out via the Facilities Manager and Facilities Co-ordinator on the standard of service via regular area visits. The use of Key Performance Indicators is in place for the contract.

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5. Service Level Standards for Pest Control There are three ways to report an issue/request a collection Online via the Facilities website Contacting the Facilities Helpdesk on extension 3344 or 020 7040 3344 Email Facilities Helpdesk [email protected] Service Requirements a) By means of Risk Assessment and / or exception reports the contractor will determine the

level of service required at the premises listed in appendix A. b) Advise on the areas which may be at risk, preventative measures and on procedures to

reduce risk, the minimum frequency of visits. The contractor will provide the necessary resource to ensure a pest free environment exists at the premises and guaranteed ongoing reduction of pest infestation. Provide a schedule of rates for items included and excluded from the contract, details of monthly fees and a break down of costs for equipment used and services provided.

c) The service provider shall provide clear definitions of his interpretation of the following in

respect of the pests specified in appendix B.

Control Eradication


The service provider shall provide a schedule of all methods that are proposed to be included in the comprehensive programmed and reactive pest control service provided.

d) The service provider shall provide a schedule of methods and pests that are excluded from the

comprehensive programmed and reactive pest control service provided.

e) For the duration of the contract the service provider shall provide:

Initial Riddance Preventative (planned) Reactive (requested) On call out of hours service arrangements

f) Service facility must apply in and out of normal working hours, 24 hours per day and 7 days a

week for dealing with non-routine, urgent and emergency requests and must respond if requested, visit the site(s) and take appropriate action. The service provider will be required to provide “same day” emergency response. “Same day” shall be construed broadly to mean what it says with respect to requests made before 14.00 hours and within 18 hours for requests made after 14.00 hours.


g) The service provider shall agree a form of reporting with City University prior to the

commencement of the contract to measure, record and report information. The information required by the university will encompass the following:-

h) Details the locations and areas inspected and treated and the product name and COSHH

number of pesticide used if applicable.

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i) Number, type and location of infestations reported.

j) Date and frequency of pest control staff visits.

k) Any evidence of any pest and any belief that any infestation is associated with any other

premises whether it is part of the City University portfolio of buildings as listed in appendix A or otherwise that may affect City University.

l) Recommend preventative measures to minimise reinfestation. Maintenance m) The service provider will provide a monthly service summary report giving a complete

overview on pest control activity within the portfolio of City University buildings during the previous month identifying future actions.

n) Initially for the first 3 months of the contract period, regular monthly service review meetings

will be held at City University between the service providers account manager and City University Facilities Manager (or nominated representative). Thereafter service review meetings will be held at the end of every 2 months. A schedule of review meetings will be agreed upon prior to the commencement of the contract.

o) On each completed site visit an inspection sheet, clearly legible, dated and signed should be

left on site specifying:-

Type of infestation – what pests have been found Where the pests have been found Type of control measure taken, e.g. bait laid, traps set etc. (If chemical baits have been left

information about safety precautions.) Location of bait and / or traps. Areas inspected during visit. Any other actions taken by the pest control operative. Recommendations / advice given by pest control operative (e.g. cleaning housekeeping,

storage, pest proofing, refuse management etc.) Any extra treatments and emergency visits.

p) Prior to commencement of the service, the service provider will provide an organizational chart

with details of telephone and mobile numbers of account manager, operations supervisor and relevant persons responsible for providing City University with pest control services. Contact details for the Helpdesk and the hours that it is manned are required and if applicable details provided of the frequency of interrogating answer phone devices and how the deposited message will be processed.

Health and Safety q) All work will be completed in a safe and cost effective manner reducing to an absolute

minimum the risk in terms of safety, food hygiene, infection control damage to land and buildings and loss of service of university’s facilities.

r) The service provider shall provide safe and efficient methods of catching, destroying and

safely disposing of pests, adopting safe and humane procedures in all instances. The service provider shall ensure all insect and rodent control systems shall be tamper resistant.

s) The service provider will supply all materials and equipment necessary to carry out the work

and comply with the provision of the Health & Safety at Work Act and with the Health and

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Safety Policy of City University and all relevant Hygiene Acts and any other relevant statutory requirements.

t) The service provider shall only use products, including pesticide chemicals that are subject to

current authorisation and approval by the relevant legal authority, normally MAFF / DOE and the BPCA.

u) The service provider shall provide City University in advance of the commencement of the

service, a written schedule of all chemicals and equipment likely to be used in the course of work and shall provide full safety data on chemical, relative to the various strengths used.

v) Use of any chemical preparation shall be strictly in accordance with the requirements of the

Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 1994 (COSHH). Full safety information will be provided by the service provider to the manager of the premises or nominated City University contact before work commences.

w) All chemical usage, be it active, passive or diagnostic treatment, shall be properly recorded, in

respect of quantity and location.

x) All diagnostic bait boxes / tubes etc shall be dated when laid down.

y) The service provider shall provide City University evidence of their ability, qualifications and last 2 years of accounts and public liability insurance.

5.1 Monitoring and Evaluation

Regular internal monitoring is carried out via the Facilities Manager and Facilities Co-ordinator on the standard of service via regular area visits.

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Mail Room Introduction The service of the Post Room function is led by the Facilities Manager. The department is responsible for the despatching of all outgoing mail, the receipt of all incoming mail including recorded delivery / special delivery items and courier mail to other campuses. The mail room function operates daily from 7am until 16.00pm. 1. Our Aims To provide a welcoming postal service for the staff of the University. 2. General levels of Service What you can expect of us: All external mail delivered to the mail room by 4pm each week day will leave via the Royal mail,

duly franked, on that same day. There will be no Royal Mail collections at weekends or bank holidays.

All internal mail will be sorted via pigeon hole system by 10am each week day. All mail destined for distribution within other Schools will be despatched from the post room via the

University postal service by 9am each week day Recipients of items received via recorded delivery / special delivery will receive their items on

normal delivery rounds. The Post room area will be tidy and welcoming at all times What we expect of you: To treat the mail room staff in a polite, courteous and professional manner. All mail to be pre-sorted into class and forward facing i.e. first, second, air mail with no staples and

department code detailed on top left hand corner. 3. Complaints and Disputes In the event of any complaint or dispute between the department and internal customers, this should be dealt with through the Facilities Co-ordinator in the first instance. If the complaint is unresolved with 5 working days, it will be escalated to the Facilities Manager. 4. Monitoring Random checking of outgoing mail for accuracy of franking is in operation.

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Introduction The service of the reception function is led by the Facilities Manager. The service is line managed by the Facilities Co-ordinator. The department is responsible for answering and transferring incoming telephone calls to the School as well as providing a professional and welcoming Reception service to students, visitors and staff. The reception function will operate daily from 8am until 21.30pm Monday to Friday and from 8am until 18:00pm Saturdays and Sundays. Calls outside these times will be handled by the University Security staff. 1. Our Aims To provide a welcoming, professional and informative first point of contact for our students, visitors and staff. To provide a courteous, prompt and polite telephone answering service. 2. General levels of Service What you can expect of us: Callers will be put through to the required extension and if the person they want to speak with is

unavailable and no-one within the office picks up the phone, the caller will have the opportunity to leave a voicemail message (if set up).

The receptionists are not permitted to take messages A meet and greet service will be provided that is courteous, polite and professional to our students,

staff and visitors. Visitors will be signed into the building. Relevant departments will be contacted to announce the arrival of their visitor and Reception will after the visitors until they are collected

Reception will network with other departments with the organisation to ensure they are fully up to

date with meetings, conferences, visitors etc. Reception will use the intranet based people search as the source of information in respect of

extension numbers, room numbers etc. All reception staff will wear a corporate uniform and are individually identified by name badge The visitor reception area will be tidy and welcoming at all times What we expect of you: To treat the reception staff in a polite, courteous and professional manner. To collect visitors promptly from the visitor area and not ask them to find their own way. To advise the team in advance of any meetings, conferences, visitors either by phone or e-mail 3. Complaints and Disputes In the event of any complaint or dispute between the department and internal customers, this should be dealt with through the Facilities Co-ordinator in the first instance. If the complaint is unresolved with 5 working days, it will be escalated to the Facilities Manager.

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Security Services Introduction The Security department provides a range of services to the Cass Business School. The purpose of this document is to represent a service level agreement which clearly defines the responsibilities required and the performance standards used to support the School’s infrastructure. 1. Objective The objective of this Service Level Agreement is to promote a unity between the Security Department and other departments within the School 2. Scope This document is an agreement of the services provided by the Security Department, as specifically described in the security operational procedures. 3. Services Provided The Security Department is a professional and flexible unit that is able to respond effectively to any situation that may occur. Some of the services we currently provide include: Student liaison. Key holding and alarm response services. CCTV, fire and intruder alarm monitoring from our control room Foot and mobile security patrols. Liaison with the emergency services at incidents. Security consultancy advice for events. Car parking enforcement. 4. Our aims and responsibilities To provide an effective service to our students, staff and visitors in a manner that is considered to

be polite, professional and courteous. We will make every effort to deal with customer requests and enquiries. We aim to provide advice and support to all students, staff and visitors. Investigate any complaints about the quality of service provided by the Security Department and

rectify any issues where possible. It is the responsibility of the Security Department to provide a safe and secure environment for all

students, staff and visitors. The Security Department will respond to all emergency situations and where possible we will

provide first aid provisions for injured persons. 5. Students, Staff and Visitors Responsibilities It is the responsibility of the students and staff who work for Cass Business School to inform the Security Department of any issues that may impact on the welfare of any users of the building. The welfare of our staff remains paramount to us; therefore we expect the courteous manner that has been bestowed upon students, staff and visitors by the security department to be reciprocated.