sermon notes faith talk - berlin mennonite

Berlin Mennonite Church - BOX 217 - Berlin, Ohio 44610 Church Phone: 330-893-2320 Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9AM-3PM Betty (Secretary) - Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 8am-2pm Walt (Intentional Interim Pastor) - Wednesday and Friday Jeff (Family Life Pastor) Monday-Thursday 9am-3pm Website: One Call Now (phone messages) - 1-877-698-3261 Intentional Interim Pastor: Walt Morton 330-283-7940; [email protected] Family Life Pastor: Jeff Hochstetler 330-317-2161; [email protected] Treasurer: Jill Basinger 330-231-8894; [email protected] Secretary: Betty Troyer 330-231-5600; [email protected] Custodian: Linda Miller 330-231-1369 {Songs used with permission: CCLI # 1609961} CONTACT INFORMATION FAITH TALK SERMON NOTES Luke 1:2656: “Mary says YesHere are some ways to nurture faith at home based on this weeks story. For pre- school children, use the For familiespage in the Early Childhood leaflet. (1) Read Luke 1:3638, the end of Marys conversation with the angel. What words did Mary use to say yes to God? (2) (2) Marys prayer included the words, God has filled the hungry with good things.Gather up items to take to a food bank. (3) (3) Marys heart was full of joy. Tell about the happiest moment of your life. Did you know? What name in todays story means Gods prom- ise”? <Elizabeth> Prayer for the week: Thank you, God, that you love each of us. Fill our hearts with joy. Amen.

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Berlin Mennonite Church - BOX 217 - Berlin, Ohio 44610 Church Phone: 330-893-2320
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9AM-3PM Betty (Secretary) - Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 8am-2pm
Walt (Intentional Interim Pastor) - Wednesday and Friday
Jeff (Family Life Pastor) Monday-Thursday 9am-3pm
Website: One Call Now (phone messages) - 1-877-698-3261
Intentional Interim Pastor: Walt Morton 330-283-7940; [email protected]
Family Life Pastor: Jeff Hochstetler 330-317-2161; [email protected]
Treasurer: Jill Basinger 330-231-8894; [email protected]
Secretary: Betty Troyer 330-231-5600; [email protected]
Custodian: Linda Miller 330-231-1369 {Songs used with permission: CCLI # 1609961}
Luke 1:26–56: “Mary says Yes” Here are some ways to nurture faith at home based on this week’s story. For pre-
school children, use the “For families” page in the Early Childhood leaflet.
(1) Read Luke 1:36–38, the end of Mary’s conversation with the angel. What words did Mary use to say yes to God?
(2) (2) Mary’s prayer included the words, “God has filled the hungry with good things.” Gather up items to take to a food bank.
(3) (3) Mary’s heart was full of joy. Tell about the happiest moment of your life. Did you know? What name in today’s story means “God’s prom-
ise”? <Elizabeth> Prayer for the week: Thank you, God, that you love each of us. Fill our
hearts with joy. Amen.
December 16, 2018
JOY On this third Sunday of Advent we rejoice and join with the voice who calls out from the wilderness, converting us to the way of God’s justice. Out of this rejoicing comes the call to make changes in the way we live
so that this justice may be shared with others.
Gathering of God’s People…
Opening Song: “He Shall Reign Forevermore, Evermore”
Isaiah 12:1-6
Offering Ourselves and our Gifts
Hearing God’s word…
Children’s Story: Joy
Scripture: Isaiah 12:1-6
Sermon: Walt Morton Worship Leader: Eric Yoder Song Leader: Jesse Miller Offertory: Ralph & Co.
Usher: Myron Schlabach Next Week: Howie Hatfield Children’s Story: John & Kari Kraybill
Audio & Visual: Elliott Yoder/Dustin Yoder Power Point: Rochelle Cady
Today Greeters: Jr & Lois Schlabach Nursery This Sunday:
Jill Basinger & Lindsay/Michael
Nursery Next Week: Karina Yoder & Jodi Miller
General Fund: $6,862.00 Animal Project: $100.00 Cesar Education Fund $104.00
MYF $100.00 Alms: $11.00
Health Needs: Lorene Maxwell, Dave Miller, Geri Morgan, Norm Shank, Ivan Stutzman, and Susan Sullivan.
Walnut Hills Nursing Home Residents: Dean Hummel, Eileen Stutzman, Ivan Stutzman, Katie Wengerd, Joe Yoder, and Mary Ann Kandel.
Pray for our Mission Partners: MMN: Laura Schlabach, Tonya Starner, Gary & Martine Wittig; MAF: Rod & Valerie Hochstetler; RAM – Nicaraguan families.
Families in Focus: Please pray specifically this week for: Norm & Luci Shank; Merle & Anita Shetler; and Alma Shrock.
Mennonite Mission Network Prayer Request: for Mark and Mary Hurst as they prepare to move to a new area west of Sidney. Pray for them as they settle in and continue their ministry of teaching, peacemaking and hospitality with the Ana- baptist Association of Australia and New Zealand.
If you have a prayer concern or need, you are encouraged to contact
Walt Morton, Jeff Hochstetler, or one of the Elder Team either after
worship or during the week. Elder Team members are:
Carol Gerber, Becky Kandel, Ralph King, Leon Miller,
Michael Stutzman and Vaughn Troyer.