serious thread for every player how to improve your elo

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Post on 05-Apr-2018




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  • 8/2/2019 Serious Thread for Every Player How to Improve Your Elo


    This will be a serious thread about serious topics because I'm stuck at home andmy brother's hogging the computer. Take this advice as you will, but I guarantee you your ELO and your general game sense will improve. You will not only be better at the game, you will feel better at the game.Of course if you're like 2k+ ELO, disregard this (or read it for lulz and replywith something condescending/hilarious).I am a 1500 ELO player with a low normal-game hidden ELO due to excessive dicking around (random locks, testing crazy builds, etc). I just played a normal gamethat inspired this post in which my team made classic errors and demonstrated shallow understanding of the game. I checked their pages afterwards, and most of them were unranked or right at the 1250 border.I am not the best player ever, by far, but I wanted to give people some tips onhow to improve their own play. These are not absolute, but relative - in other words, this isn't a "ward, map awareness, etc" post, this is a post on how you can improve your play using self-analysis and team interaction.To start off, here is what not to do:Don't assume your teammates are inferior to you. This may or may not be true, but it benefits everyone to be cooperative and assume people are equally skilled as you. To apply a skill filter after the game, check your teammates' profiles using the "Recently Played" list.Don't trash your teammates for mistakes, even if they are obviously inferior players. No one likes getting berated for mistakes, even something as simple as a sarcastic "pro" or "nice" when someone screws up is enough to throw a game if they're sensitive or just feeling trolly. A good rule of thumb is, when you are abo

    ut to type something: If it doesn't directly relate to something in the game, such as a baron, dragon, incoming gank, etc, or a constructive tip on builds, suchas we need more MR, etc, it is not worth saying until the post-game lobby.Above all, don't give up. The vast majority of the winnable games that I've lostare due to someone giving up after an early disadvantage and playing like crapas a result. Don't give up, don't stop trying, don't just plop down and sit there with a "fuck my team" face on. Even if you end up losing anyway, you can stillimprove your own abilities by trying. If you don't actively try, you cannot improve. There are no exceptions to this rule. None.Now here are some do's:Do cooperate with your team. This means chatting, pinging, and overall being anactive team member. Regardless of whether or not you win the match, being a silent and unresponsive team member who wins his lane is just as bad as being a sile

    nt and unresponsive team member who feeds when it comes to helping the rest of your team improve their skills. Talk to your team. Respond to your team. It's called a team for a reason.This ties in with the above - do actively watch your team. Always act like yourteam is composed of 4 of your friends. All too often (and I do this too sometimes) I see people play super passively, I see bot lanes ignore pings on an enemy team doing dragon and as a result the jungler and mid are killed trying to contest it, leading to rage. Teamwork wins games, and teamwork does not happen if youmentally afk in your lane. Remember, mental afk is just as bad as physical afk.Do try new things. The tips above do not mean you have to bend over backwards tosuit your team; depending on your ELO, new and unexpected strategies can surprise and overwhelm your opponents. I have seen a Sona/Soraka bot lane dominate after being raged at by the team in lobby, just as I've seen a jungle Kennen kick a

    ss.Those are all the tips I have for now, but if you have more ideas or want to discuss my ideas, please feel free to comment, I will be reading all of these.Also, I'm "TheDramaLlama" for those of you who are interested in queuing with me, although I will be stuck at home until Sunday night EST.Edit: Forgot. TL;DR: Play good.