september 2021 candlestick final

A monthly publication of the Pine Brook Jewish Center. Serving the needs of our diverse Jewish community for more than 120 years. CANDLESTICK Clergy and Staff Mark David Finkel, Rabbi Menachem Toren, Cantor Dr. Asher Krief, Rabbi Emeritus Michelle Zuckerman, Executive Director Mary Sheydwasser, Educational Director Lisa Lerman and Jill Buckler, Nursery School Co-Directors Sandy Gonzalez, Melanie Lewis, and Karen Herbst, Office Administrators Robin Mangino, Religious School Administrator Esterina Herman, Bookkeeper Synagogue Officers Michael Weinstein, President Seth Friedman, 1st Vice President Betsy Steckelman, 2nd Vice President Michael Singer, 3rd Vice President Steven Sandler, Treasurer Barry Marks, Financial Secretary Padi Nazmiyal, Corresponding Secretary Beverly Berkowitz, Recording Secretary Evan Zuckerman, Immediate Past President Jay Thailer, Men’s Club President Fran Simmons and Ilene Thailer, Sisterhood Co-Presidents Religious Service Times Friday Evenings at 8:00 p.m. The family service is held on the first Friday of each month at 7:00 p.m. instead of 8:00 p.m. from September though June. Saturday Mornings at 9:45 a.m. with preliminary prayers at 9:30 a.m. Emergency Contact Information Please use the following protocol in the event of an emergency or if you lose a loved one: Call the synagogue office at 973-244-9800. If the office is closed, call Rabbi Finkel at (973) 287-7047 (home) or (973) 407-0065 (cell). If you are unable to reach the Rabbi, contact Cantor Toren at (973) 980-7777 or Michelle Zuckerman at (973) 886-5456.

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A monthly publication of the Pine Brook Jewish Center. Serving the needs of our diverse Jewish community for more than 120 years.

CANDLESTICK Clergy and Staff

Mark David Finkel, Rabbi Menachem Toren, Cantor

Dr. Asher Krief, Rabbi Emeritus Michelle Zuckerman, Executive Director Mary Sheydwasser, Educational Director

Lisa Lerman and Jill Buckler, Nursery School Co-Directors Sandy Gonzalez, Melanie Lewis, and Karen Herbst, Office Administrators

Robin Mangino, Religious School Administrator Esterina Herman, Bookkeeper

Synagogue Officers Michael Weinstein, President

Seth Friedman, 1st Vice President Betsy Steckelman, 2nd Vice President

Michael Singer, 3rd Vice President Steven Sandler, Treasurer

Barry Marks, Financial Secretary Padi Nazmiyal, Corresponding Secretary Beverly Berkowitz, Recording Secretary

Evan Zuckerman, Immediate Past President Jay Thailer, Men’s Club President

Fran Simmons and Ilene Thailer, Sisterhood Co-Presidents

Religious Service Times Friday Evenings at 8:00 p.m. The family service is held on the first Friday of each month

at 7:00 p.m. instead of 8:00 p.m. from September though June. Saturday Mornings at 9:45 a.m. with preliminary prayers at 9:30 a.m.

Emergency Contact Information Please use the following protocol in the event of an emergency or if you lose a loved one:

Call the synagogue office at 973-244-9800. If the office is closed, call Rabbi Finkel at (973) 287-7047 (home) or (973) 407-0065 (cell). If you are unable to reach the Rabbi,

contact Cantor Toren at (973) 980-7777 or Michelle Zuckerman at (973) 886-5456.

September 2021 Elul 5781 – Tishrei 5782 1


A Lifeline When Navigating a Storm-Tossed Sea

Among the Jewish traditions that lead us towards the High Holy Days are 7 haftarah portions which are

chanted on each of the 7 shabbatot leading up to Rosh HaShanah. Each of these haftarah portions come from

the second half of the book of Isaiah.

There is a disagreement as to when and where Isaiah lived when he spoke these words that became our

haftarot. Many of you know that I am among those who believe that the second half of the book of Isaiah was

written by a 2nd person, also named Isaiah.

I believe that those words were spoken at a time when the balance of power in the Middle East was shifting

from Babylonia being the superpower in the world to Persia becoming the new superpower. This second Isaiah

was among those to whom G-d gave the ability to see and understand the shifting sands of the ancient Middle

East. Isaiah knew that windows of opportunity often open and close very quickly and that one needs to be

vigilant to seize the moment and utilize those new opportunities.

The goal was to get as many Jews as possible out of Babylonia to return to Judea to rebuild their homes, their

lives, and if given the opportunity, to rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem. King Cyrus of Persia gave the Judeans

that opportunity when he conquered Babylonia in 540 BCE and pursued a policy towards the Judeans of: “The

enemy of my enemy is my friend.” Isaiah used every ounce of his G-d given wisdom, strength, and creativity to

awaken the Judeans that “the time” to return home had arrived.

For much of the next 25 years, Isaiah was able to convince many Judeans to risk their lives on what was

potentially a dangerous 2,000-mile journey home. Like the wagon trains that traveled through the American

West in the 1800’s, the Judeans understood that when making this long, dangerous journey, there was “safety

in numbers,” but Isaiah and his listeners never lost sight that the journey was, in fact and in perception,


He compared their lives to ships being tossed in a stormy sea. Each of them needed to navigate their lives with

a balance of strength, courage, and caution.

Jews have read these haftarot for 2,000 years just before Rosh haShanah to remind us that life still has its

challenges and its dangers, but also its solutions; and G-d has both charged us and challenged us to navigate

our lives and to help others navigate their lives in what continues to be a stormy sea.

Last week I watched as homeowners and boat owners needed to decide whether to shelter in place or to

evacuate in the face of oncoming hurricane Henri. This week we watch on our TV's hurricane Ida as it gains

strength on a path towards Louisiana, ironically on the anniversary of Hurricane Katrina.

I find it odd that I have never linked hurricane season and Rosh haShanah. I suppose most years I have been

too busy getting ready for Rosh haShanah, and on those few and, thank G-d, far between years when I have

been in the path of a hurricane, thinking about Rosh haShanah was a luxury.

Perhaps it is also because those have not been the only things on our minds this time of year. For 20 years

9/11 has weighed heavily upon us (and we think back of how Rosh haShanah was exactly a week after 9/11 in

2001). Just as those of a certain age can remember the Rosh haShanah of 2001, those who are part of an

older cohort remember the Yom Kippur War of 1973 at this time of year.

This year we have a laundry list of messy and potentially messy things in our lives: the evacuation of Louisiana

and the evacuation of Afghanistan, pondering when some of us will be getting our 3rd COVID shot and when

others will wake up and get their 1st COVID shot (I wish Isaiah could return to prophesy to America’s religious


September 2021 Elul 5781 – Tishrei 5782 2

Among the sidebars in these stories is the Jewish component. We look with pride at the number of Jewish

experts, once again, beyond our percentage of the population, who have been among those encouraging and

shepherding America in the storm-tossed sea called COVID. It has also been a source of pride (and relief) that

Jews have been far less among our percentage of the population among the quacks on the news and social

media on how to deal with COVID. We have taken pride that Israel has been at the forefront of testing and

guiding the world through the storm-tossed sea of COVID.

Last High Holy Days the options were “gathering outside” or “participating remotely.” This year is more

complicated: we ache to join together for our High Holy Days, but we understand even as we mitigate risk, the

danger has not been eliminated.

Just as we say: “Next Year in Jerusalem” on Pesah, let us say: “Next High Holy Days inside the PBJC building

at capacity,” but this year, let us navigate among “in the building,” “gathering outdoors,” and “watching on

Zoom and Livestream as makes us feel comfortable and safe. It’s a personal choice, hopefully made and

executed with sakhel, UN-common sense.

May 5782 be a year of calm following what has been a tempest of a year.

May it be a year of goodness,

and sweetness,

and health,

and life,

Rabbi Finkel

September 2021 Elul 5781 – Tishrei 5782 3


Happy New Year! We made it! 5782 is sure to bring great promise. Sure, it may not have all gone the way we

had hoped for our families and loved ones, but this is a moment to be thoughtful and reflect, then be

appreciative for all of the good stuff and for a hopeful future. You can hit the restart button only after you

recognize the stories of resilience and success that dominate our day-to-day. I’m struck by the effort that

people have put forth to keep their lives fulfilled and full of purpose.

Our Congregation offers just the venue to grow the meaningful, and we can look no further for examples than

our wildly successful 2021 Pine Brook Jewish Center Golf, Tennis, & Game Room Classic, held recently on

August 9th. Great sport, food, and tricky tray and raffle prizes, combined with a great turnout and great weather

was not only the recipe for fun, but raised significantly more funds from our annual outing than in at least the

last decade. We especially offer our appreciation to Mark Yudkin, Erica Paris, and Staci Handler and to all of

the volunteers for their hard work and our own Executive Director, Michelle Zuckerman, for the extra work that

she did to make this event so successful. Thank you also to all of the willing participants, sponsors, and donors

who seemed particularly gracious and generous in their support. Mazel Tov to all of you! One can’t help but

feel how wanting our community is to connect and get out there and as we are poised for the start of the year

5782, you can feel the promise.

Fundraising events exist to raise funds, but when we see this kind of vitality and eagerness to participate, it’s

hard not to recognize the resilience of our PBJC community. Events like this help to supplement PBJC’s

budget, but most of all they are community events, emblematic of what we can do together, both purposeful

and fun. It seems obvious to me - our congregation can figure things out and is poised to take the steps and

the leaps when they have the opportunity.

In early August, we celebrated our retiring longtime employee, Arlene Lopez, during a Friday night service. The

Shabbat dinner held in her honor attracted over 100 congregant attendees and together with the service will be

long-remembered as one of those special nights that people enjoyed for its substance and compassion. We

ate outside that night because we wanted to be sure to be safe, but it didn’t stop us from walking the line for

community and safety that continues be redrawn. PBJC will never compromise the safety of our congregants

and will not cease to make the best decisions we can in an ever-changing landscape. We ask that you walk

this with us and continue to support our best efforts as we collectively never forget the importance of why we

are all here- for spiritual connection, for community, and for meaningful life.

The protocol for the High Holidays is exemplary of the best and most informed decisions we could muster.

Thank you for supporting your synagogue and for accepting worship in what may be altered ways. If you are

worshipping in-person, thank you for providing your vaccination cards, for wearing masks, for following our

rules, and for acting selflessly so your community is as safe as possible. If you worship from home, thank you

for your safety-minded sacrifice and for being accepting and understanding.

Above all, it’s the New Year! Let’s not forget our great moments of connection and purpose. We will have many

more events - spiritual, fundraising, and whatever else we can dream up, but as we move carefully, please be

ready with your contributions. Your Executive Board and Chevra Board is forever there to be your voice.

Please do not hesitate to share, suggest, and step up along with them to discover what role you may fulfill.

Let’s keep doing it together and look to the promise of 5782. In the Jewish spirit, it’s hard not to think that

things are only getting better! L’Shanah Tovah my family and me to you and yours for a happy and healthy

New Year!


September 2021 Elul 5781 – Tishrei 5782 4


LISA LERMAN and JILL BUCKLER Nursery School Co-Directors

As the last few days of camp conclude, we reflect just how quickly summer has passed. We can’t believe we are preparing the first Candlestick article for the new school year 2020 -2021!

Summer 2021 at PBJC Day Camp was wonderful for BOTH our campers and our staff. We may be small in size, but we are extremely large in fun, spirit, and creativity! Every day we had specials which included Sports with Coach Matt, Science with Miss Lori, and arts and crafts. Our mighty fish gathered every morning to sing our camp songs and then we SWAM OFF to a marvelous, fun, action packed day. The campers were kept busy, active, and entertained with something unique every single day. They spent time on our playground, splashing around during water play, cooking yummy treats, and doing some very creative craft projects. The children were so busy they loved every minute. Some highlights of our themed weeks included a visit from our Eyes of the Wild friends, dressing up as their favorite superhero or princess, decorating their very own camp shirt and so much more. We capped off our summer with an ice cream party. Overall, summer 2021 was AMAZING! If you can imagine, we are already making plans for summer 2022 to be even more fabulous! Please stay tuned for more details.

The 2021 - 2022 school year promises to be a fantastic year for all! Our calendar is filled with lots of new programs and we are looking forward to an exciting, exhilarating year. The beginning of the year will be filled with meeting new friends, adjusting to new routines, and taking part in many stimulating activities as we learn about the holidays we will be observing. We will even be taking part in a Shofar Factory program for Rosh Hashana as well as eating snacks in the Sukkah!

We look forward to welcoming all PBJC nursery families back to school on September 10th!

Wishing you and your family L’shana Tova! Here is to new beginnings - may this be a safe, sweet, and happy year for all!

Warm regards,

Lisa Lerman/Jill Buckler

Nursery School Co-Directors

September 2021 Elul 5781 – Tishrei 5782 5


MARY SHEYDWASSER Educational Director

We hope that you had a great summer and are enjoying the remaining days before the start of the school year.

We would like to welcome you all back and take this opportunity to say “bruchim habaim”. Welcome also to

our new students and their families; we are thrilled to have you be a part of our community. Our first day back

to school for kitot aleph through hey (3-7), is Tuesday, September 14th, 2021! Our primary classes (k-2)

will begin on Sunday, September 26th, 2021!

Our theme for the upcoming year is Growing Together. This is especially relevant in these changing times as we have not been together in person since March 2020. As we approach the New Year in an in-classroom setting, we hope our students will be inspired, excited and, of course, looking forward to sharing their experiences with us. Working in partnership with you and our teaching professionals, we will help your children develop strong, positive Jewish identities, and provide them with a well-rounded Jewish education in our nurturing community. Of paramount importance, we want to ensure the health and safety of our entire school community during these unprecedented times. Due to the current situation, all children are required to wear face masks. This will include faculty, administrators, and security individuals!

You will have received all the pertinent information regarding the school year. We are constantly implementing changes to make our school the very best it can be. Special programs to enhance our students’ Jewish experience are planned. Our Junior Congregation services will be more engaging and interactive. Please refer to the calendars as we do have special workshops scheduled for your children. Tishrei is the Jewish month that is jam-packed with the holidays. We start the New Year off celebrating with families and friends. We move through the Yamim Nora’im reflecting on the past year, asking for forgiveness, and contemplating how we will lead our lives in the upcoming year. This Tishrei, let us reflect on the past and contemplate on the future regarding the educational programs at the school. Much of my time this past summer has been spent reflecting and assessing how to build on our pedagogical strengths. After all, we must dream about the possibilities that lie in front of us. I look forward to working with you, the families, to fulfill our dream of making our school the best it can be. Please do not hesitate to contact me via email or calling me on my cell, 201-704-3469. Wishing you a happy, sweet, and healthy 5782; Shanah Tovah U’Metukah! Mary Sheydwasser Educational Director

September 2021 Elul 5781 – Tishrei 5782 6

ELIOT SAKOLSKY AARON MELZER SCHOLARSHIP Arlene and David Sakolsky, along with their three sons, Eliot, Harvey, and Bill, were pillars of the Jewish

community. Eliot was the United Synagogue Youth (USY) leader at Congregation Beth Shalom in Pompton

Lakes. He passed away at the age of thirty-one.

A scholarship fund was established by Congregation Beth Shalom in Eliot’s memory. The goal of the fund is to

provide financial aid to youth participating in Jewish activities, such as Kadima, USY, Camp Ramah, Israel

trips, and other Jewish educational activities.

Congregation Beth Shalom has transferred the fund to Pine Brook Jewish Center, where it will continue to

perpetuate Eliot’s memory. May his memory be a blessing to your youth.

Eliot’s brothers, Harvey and Bill, are current members of Pine Brook Jewish Center. Upon learning of the

sudden and tragic loss of Aaron Melzer, a Pine Brook Jewish Center Religious School student, Congregation

Beth Shalom honored the Melzer family by rededicating the fund as the Eliot Sakolsky Aaron Melzer

Scholarship Fund.

Aaron is the son of Margo and Jason Melzer, and the older brother of triplets, Anna, Brielle, and Brian. Aaron

was a Religious School Student at Pine Brook Jewish Center, beginning at the age of two in its Nursery

School. Aaron was a kind, loving, thoughtful and empathetic young man who was looking forward to his Bar

Mitzvah. It was Aaron’s dream to travel to Israel, but he never did, as a result of his sudden passing at the age

of eleven. The Melzer family shares the Sakolsky family’s mission to offer financial assistance to Religious

School students so that they can further their Jewish studies at home and abroad.

In memory of Eliot Sakolsky and Aaron Melzer, this fund will continue to financially assist Jewish youth to

obtain a meaningful Jewish education and to fulfill their own individual dreams. Please note that recipients of

this scholarship must be members of Pine Brook Jewish Center and students in high school or college. All

decisions related to this fund will be governed by the Eliot Sakolsky Aaron Melzer Scholarship Fund


Please contact the Eliot Sakolsky Aaron Melzer Scholarship Fund Committee chairperson, Beverly Berkowitz,

at [email protected] with any questions.

We are pleased to announce that we awarded two scholarships last year and two again this year.

We would like very much to award many more in years to come; however we need more applicants and

donations from congregants. If you would like to make a donation to PBJC, we would like you to consider the

Sakolsky/Melzer Scholarship Fund.


September 2021 Elul 5781 – Tishrei 5782 7

B’NAI MITZVAH Emma Friedman September 4, 2021

On June 27, 2008 our beautiful small but mighty Emma Jordyn Friedman was born 2 weeks early but ready to brighten our world. Her smile, enthusiasm, and kindness has been a constant presence in everything she does - whether she is creating a new craft business, playing with makeup, working hard at school, or just being a friend to someone in need. Emma is a caring big sister to Madison and her dog Charlie and is always sharing her love of the show FRIENDS with everyone! Emma has always put her whole heart into everything she does. Recently, she has become a rocking drummer, caring babysitter, and her love of animals is always at the forefront of her passions. As she enters 8th grade at Lazar Middle School, Emma plans to donate money to the World Wildlife Fund for her Mitzvah Project. As Emma becomes a Bat Mitzvah on September 4, 2021, it will be a beautiful example of how far she has come in her Hebrew studies. It is also incredibly special knowing that her great grandmother was a hidden child of the Holocaust, and Emma understands the importance of how lucky she is to have the freedom to practice Judaism and read from the Torah. We could not be more proud!

Jonas Leibowitz September 25, 2021

Jonas Matthew Leibowitz was born on July 25, 2008. Jonas is an extremely bright and gentle soul. He is both mentee and mentor as little brother to Ethan Leibowitz and big brother to Zoey Leibowitz and the calming force that keeps the peace and levity in our family. Despite the challenges of this past year and a half, Jonas consistently achieved High Honors at Lazar Middle school and continued to excel at the game of soccer, which he has been playing from a very young age both at the travel and club team level. Anybody that knows Jonas knows how easy going and good natured he is. We are inspired by his patience and huge heart. For his mitzvah project, Jonas will be organizing a card collection for Conversations to Remember, a non-profit organization that connects volunteers and patients at assisted living facilities through virtual conversations. We are extremely proud of the amazing young man Jonas has become. Mazel Tov, Jonas. We love you so very much!!

September 2021 Elul 5781 – Tishrei 5782 8

September 2021 Elul 5781 – Tishrei 5782 9


The Torah Fund theme for 2021–2022 is B’Yachad, which means ‘Together’. This theme signifies the joy of sisterhood members working together year-round to make important contributions to the Jewish community through their volunteer efforts at synagogues across the United States and Canada. Our pride in being Jewish shows in everything we do. The Women's League for Conservative Judaism (which you are all a part of) in the Torah Fund B’Yachad Campaign supports scholarships and programming at The Jewish Theological Seminary in New York, Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies in Los Angeles, Schechter Institutes of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem, Seminario Rabinico Latinoamericano in Buenos Aires, and Zacharias Frankel College in Potsdam. Help strengthen Jewish education and ensure the vibrancy of the Jewish people for decades to come, with your gift to Torah Fund. You each can make a difference and do make a difference every time you donate a small $18. $36 or bigger amounts where you are given a gift of a B'Yachad pin as a Thank You, you each make a difference for the future. Women's League for Conservative Judaism understood, decades ago, that they had to support the future leaders and educators of our communities, and they began the Torah Fund Campaign now supporting the five centers of education mentioned above. I look forward to connecting with each of you and answer any questions you may have, as well as helping Pine Brook Jewish Center, The Garden State Region of WLCJ and Women's League for Conservative Judaism reach their goals during 2021-2022, so our children, grandchildren, families and communities benefit as we move forward into the future together, "B'Yachad" !!! Sincerely, Heddy Belman Past Sisterhood President PBJC Torah Fund Cabinet and WLCJ Board, Worldwide Communications WLCJ AND Representing you on various Boards in the Greater Jewish Community

September 2021 Elul 5781 – Tishrei 5782 10


We wish everyone a happy, healthy new year. Due to all of the holidays falling in September, Friendship Club

will not have a program this month. We had originally planned to run the AARP Safe Drivers Program in

October, but with the resurgence of COVID cases and our inability to serve food in the synagogue, we thought

that a six hour in-person program does not make sense right now. We will hold that program as soon as

possible. In the meantime, there was such positive feedback from John Kenrick’s How Musicals Get to

Broadway presentation in August that we have asked him to run another program for us on October 19th at

7:30pm (meet and greet at 7:15pm). John will discuss Jews in the American Theatre. One reason we

selected John again so soon is that he is local and if we are in a position to do an in person event on October

19th, he will speak live at PBJC. If people are wary of meeting in person, or if the PBJC protocols change, we

can do this as another Zoom program. Stay tuned.

For anyone that missed the August program, John is an entertainment historian who has worked in the theatre

business at every level from amateur to Broadway, eventually serving as personal assistant to six Tony Award

winning producers, including the team behind the original production of Rent. He has taught musical theatre

history courses, written books and he runs the educational website

If you have suggestions for future programs or want to be more involved and join the Friendship Club

Committee, please reach out to us at [email protected]. L’shanah tovah,

Beth and Fran


SASS wishes everyone at PBJC and their families a Happy and Healthy New Year. I had so hoped that by the

high holiday season we would be well on our way to saying goodbye to Covid and SASS would be back to our

socially active programming. Unfortunately, the latest Delta variant of the virus just does not want to give us

our wish. As much as I try to find enjoyable and safe outside activities for us, the excessive heat and

abundance of stormy weather this summer has prevented SASS from getting together. Hopefully in the fall, we

can gather one afternoon for a GAME meeting in a local park. Everyone can bring their own food and SASS

will provide bottles of water and watermelon slices. We can enjoy Bingo, Maj Jong, Canasta, Scrabble, etc. –

whatever you wish to bring. More information will follow after the high holidays. Please call or email with any

questions you have about our group of Socially Active Single Seniors.

L’Shana Tova

Elaine Nachshen 973-263-0407 [email protected]

September 2021 Elul 5781 – Tishrei 5782 11

nourish.NJ Louis Schwartz Chair

I would like to send a heartfelt thank you to everyone who helped PBJC help nourish.NJ. Due to the generosity of our congregants, we collected $2,200 in cash donations and once again delivered a full car load of food to people in need. Given the current circumstances with the pandemic, these donations are so greatly appreciated. Our next formal collection for nourish.NJ will be in October. I'd like to send a special thanks to: Jennifer and Jason Abfier Rosalyn and Peter Lippa

Mindy and Dean Baker Marian and Peter Lowenfish

Sheila and Jordan Basem Sue and Gil Mandel

Beverly Berkowitz Catherine and Loren Mendelsohn

Kye and Arnold Brenner Monique and Jedd Mendelson

Sophie and Chloe Bressler Beverly and Michael Miller

Sue Charnet Michelle and Craig Nadel

Diane and Frank Dalton Sharyn and Stewart Nadel

Judy and Art Eisen Maryam and Kia Nili

Gail Feldman Reese and Micah Schachter

Sheila and Wally Ferguson Marlene Scheinthal

Sharon and Bob Fields Sondra and Rich Schuman

Nancy and Mickey Gilbert Louise Shapiro

Barbara and Abe Goll Paige and Jared Silverman

Marcy and Alan Guilder Jodi and Alan Sokaler

Sharon and Joe Huber Estelle Stein

Gayle and Jeffrey Isacson Myra Sumka

Paula and Ed Kadushin Nancy Stanton Tuckman and Steven Tuckman

Bea and Sy Katz Pam and Michael Weinstein

Barbara and Marvin Kaufman Marianne and Lester Wolfson

Shirley and Sheldon Kavesh Howard Youngman

Carol Kotch Michelle and Evan Zuckerman

Melinda Krause

September 2021 Elul 5781 – Tishrei 5782 12


Click Here for the full PBJC Calendar Click Here for the High Holy Day Section of the PBJC Website Click Here for the High Holy Day Service Schedule with General Information about Attending Services In-Person, as well as Livestream and Zoom Information

September 2021 Elul 5781 – Tishrei 5782 13


Happy Anniversary to… 9/1 – Robin and Richard Mark 9/2 – Marcia and Andy Kalfas 9/4 – Beth and Michael Fuchs, Monique and Jedd Mendelson, Heather and Ian Handler 9/5 – Tracy and Steven Horowitz 9/6 – Dana and Steven Schneiderman 9/8 – Lisa and Michael Carver, Shari and Paul Mallen 9/12 – Vickie and Matthew Hall, Jamie and Michael Singer 9/14 – Lynn and Terry Glass, Lori and Matthew Kayne, Karen and David Kraut 9/15 – Amy and Marvin Stein 9/22 – Eve and Scott Fields, Erika and Don Rosenthal 9/24 – Abby and Rich Edelman

Happy Birthday to… 9/1 – Janet Coleman, Jerrold Langer, Ross Lesser, Ian Nazmiyal, Levi Robbins 9/3 – Gail Feldman 9/4 – Jason Bergman, Lyssa Jacobs, Eli Gluck 9/5 – Gerald Kirk 9/6 – Glenn Fox, Erin Willner 9/7 – Marvin Kaufman, Saundra Rosen 9/8 – Mel Sanders 9/9 – Jack Atkins, David Leibowitz, Erica Schachter 9/10 – Matthew Kraut, Emily Schneidkraut 9/11 – Erik Bodow, Tara Freifeld, Peter Lieber, Beth Shillin 9/12 – Scott Coleman, Lila Neadel, Judith Stoller 9/13 – Zachary Bray, Juliet Irushalmi 9/14 – Mered Frankel 9/15 – Martin Helfant, Michael Willner, Steve Wortman 9/17 – Andrea Orris 9/18 – Madeline Carver, Deborah Colfin, Gay Gershberg 9/19 – Ilysa Berkowitz, Lori Kayne, Jamie Kideckel 9/21 – Jennifer Katz, Elahna Weinflash 9/22 – Sheila Basem, Ari Robbins, Sami Silverman 9/23 – Sage Drewke, Randee Fox, Francine Teitelbaum 9/25 – Angel Ramos 9/26 – Josh Feinstein, Matthew Martino, Samuel Martino, Margot Reich, Austin Singer 9/27 – Alice Gordon, Ethan Horowitz, Anne Kirk, Daniel Seewald 9/29 – Fran Hoberman 9/30 – Irene Davis Note: Children of members are included on the birthday list until their 21st birthday.

September 2021 Elul 5781 – Tishrei 5782 14


RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND By: Irene Gaffin (Anshei Chesed) Wishing a Sweet New Year and much appreciation to Rabbi Finkel, Cantor Toren and the PBJC congregation By: Alan and Marcy Guilder In honor of Lee and Stacy’s wedding By: Adam Todd Rosen In memory of Ray Feldman, father of Len Feldman, husband of Gail CANTOR’S DISCRETIONARY FUND By: Sondra Levine In memory of her beloved mother, Helen Regenstrief PBJC CARING COMMITTEE By: Alan and Jill Bernstein In honor of the birth of Pam and Steve Deitz’s granddaughter In honor of the marriage of Lee Guilder By: Frank and Diane Dalton In memory of Diane’s beloved father, Martin Gitomer By: Peter and Rosalyn Lippa In memory of Ray Feldman, a true gentleman, who will be sorely missed. May his memory be for a blessing. By: Harriet Sepinwall For a Refuah Shlema (complete healing) for Leonard Wallach

ELIOT SAKOLSKY/AARON MELZER SCHOLARSHIP FUND By: Beverly Berkowitz In memory of her beloved mother, Sally Axelrod and beloved mother-in-law, Ann Berkowitz By: Ilysa Berkowitz In memory of her beloved grandmothers, Sally Axelrod and Ann Berkowitz By: Susan Charnet In memory of her beloved father, Andor Rosenberg By: Frank and Diane Dalton In honor of Beverly Berkowitz’s birthday By: Peter and Rosalyn Lippa In memory of Roz’s beloved second grader, Aaron Melzer, who is always in her heart. PBJC GENERAL DONATION By: The Cozewith, Schneidkraut, and Kramen families In memory of their beloved aunt, Estelle Edelman

OUR CONDOLENCES TO: Scott Coleman, on the loss of his beloved father, Milton Coleman Abby Crane on the loss of her beloved brother, Steven Burkam

September 2021 Elul 5781 – Tishrei 5782 15

YAHRZEIT DONATION By: Philip Adest In memory of his beloved mother, Amalia Lehrer By: Irene Davis In memory of her beloved mother, Evelyn Lenner By: Arnold Decof In memory of his beloved father, Myer Dichowski By: Jacqueline Fenton In loving memory of her beloved parents, Saul and Mildred Koss By: Peter & Rosalyn Lippa In memory of their beloved parents, Ann and Paul Monka and Yehudit and Edward Lippa In memory of their beloved grandparents, Sarah and Leon Stoll and Grace and Era Monka By: Mark Lipsky In memory of his beloved mother, Ann Davis Lipsky By: Michael Miller In memory of his beloved father, David Miller

By: Mel Sanders In memory of his beloved father, Murray Sanders By: Arthur Schutzer In memory of his beloved father, Harry Schutzer By: Eleanor Schutzer In memory of her beloved mother, Anna Jean Dworkin By: Francine Teitelbaum In memory of her beloved father, Jack Altman By: Toby Wolfman In memory of her beloved father, Isidore Fox By: Lester Wolfson In memory of his beloved wife, Kate Wolfson In memory of his beloved uncle, Morris Flax By: Ann Zych In memory of her beloved father, Gilbert Kempner

September 2021 Elul 5781 – Tishrei 5782 16


To: Dean Baker – In memory of your father, Howard Baker From: Roz and Peter Lippa To: Scott Coleman – In memory of your father, Milton Coleman From: Jennifer and Brad Horowitz To: Abby Crane – In memory of your brother, Steven Burkham From: Janice and Fred Aibel, Tammy and Ben Buren, Sheryl and Howard Chester, Alice Gordon, Roz and Peter Lippa, Michelle and Craig Nadel, Ina and Mark Roffman To: Roseanne Dawer – Wishing you a Speedy Recovery From: Roz and Peter Lippa To: Gail Feldman – In memory of your husband, Ray Feldman From: Judy Stoller To: Hanna and Blake Friedman – Mazel Tov on Emma's Bat Mitzvah From: Sisterhood To: Abe Goll – Wishing you a Speedy Recovery From: Beverly and Ilysa Berkowitz To: Alan Guilder – In memory of your father, Norman Guilder From: Roz and Peter Lippa, Judy Stoller To: Marcy and Alan Guilder – Mazel Tov on the aufruf of your son, Lee Guilder and Stacy Berkowitz From: Ina and Mark Roffman, Estelle Stein To: Marcy and Alan Guilder – Mazel Tov on the marriage of your son, Lee Guilder to Stacy Berkowitz From: Roz and Peter Lippa To: Fran Hoberman Schenkel – Wishing you a speedy recovery From: Bev and Michael Miller, Estelle Stein

To: Roberta and Bob Kanarick – Mazel Tov on your granddaughter Melina's Bat Mitzvah From: Karen Adelman, Natalie and Len Wallach To: Ilanit and David Leibowitz – Mazel Tov on Jonas' Bar Mitzvah From: Sisterhood To: Roz Lippa – Wishing you a Happy Birthday From: Myra Sumka To: Arlene Lopez – Best wishes on your Retirement From: Janice and Fred Aibel, Tammy and Ben Buren, Bea and Sy Katz, Melinda Kraus, Judy Stoller To: Margaret Miller-Sanders – In memory of your mother, Sherell Miller From: Judy Stoller To: Craig Nadel – In memory of your mother, Estelle Rose White Nadel From: Roz and Peter Lippa To: Robin and Arnie Pallay – Mazel Tov on the birth of your newest grandchild, Caleb Heath From: Judy Stoller To: Esther Soussa – In memory of your sister, Hannah Shahmoon From: Roz and Peter Lippa To: Myra Sumka – In memory of your husband, Mal on his Yahrzeit From: Roz and Peter Lippa To: Evan Zuckerman – In memory of your father, Martin Zuckerman From: Roz and Peter Lippa

September 2021 Elul 5781 – Tishrei 5782 17

We welcome Pam Weinstein as the newest member of the tribute card team!! If you want to send a tribute card, please contact a member of the tribute team according to your last name. Tribute cards may be sent to synagogue members and non-members, but only members will be listed in the Candlestick. Email notification is preferred. No calls on the Sabbath, Jewish holidays, before 9:00 AM, or after 9:00 PM please.

A-GO Marlene Scheinthal [email protected] 973-227-5142 (only if not sending email)

GR-M Pam Weinstein [email protected] 973-296-7020 (only if not sending email)

N-Z Estelle Stein [email protected] 973-588-7332 (only if not sending email)

September 2021 Elul 5781 – Tishrei 5782 18


8/13/21 – 5 Elul Jack Pleener READ ON FRI/SAT, 9/3 and 9/4

9/4/21 – 27 Elul Lena Davis Martin Burdick Beatrice Lerner Solomon Listfield Norman Maurer

9/8/21 – 2 Tishrei Berta Fichtelberg Lillian Schoenberg READ ON FRI/SAT, 9/10 and 9/11

9/11/21 – 5 Tishrei William Fagan Andre Perlmutter Sylvia Kostner

9/15/21 – 9 Tishrei Myer Dichowski Israel Silberman Benjamin Deutsch Ann Berkowitz Stella Kass Philip Lurin

9/5/21 – 28 Elul Kate Wolfson Stanley Nochenson Tessie Klein Lawrence F. Cohn 9/9/21 – 3 Tishrei Sally Axelrod Raizel Monka Nancy Berestetsky Abraham Handelman Belle Golden Leo Gerlach Mary Malachowsky Irving J. Kahn Merwin Zuckerman

9/12/21 – 6 Tishrei Estelle Kantor 0. Jules Kaplan Oscar Alster

9/16/21 – 10 Tishrei Ray Greenbaum Israel Davis Sarah Plotnick Sam Amador

9/6/21 – 29 Elul Ruth Strauss Gordon Phyllis Glick Sari Fox Judge Ruth Marks 9/10/21 – 4 Tishrei Isidore Fox Evelyn Lenner Joseph Reinhorn Martin Reiff Joseph Konner

9/13/21 – 7 Tishrei Sidney Dorfman Jack Brahms Goldie Fish Lois Daniels Esther Wnuk Murray Sanders Sarah Weststein Dave Frank

9/17/21 – 11 Tishrei Rose Gordon Bernard Wasser Jack Domash Hyman Freedman Sydney Schneider Lillian Jacob Joseph Nachshen

9/7/21 – 1 Tishrei Rachel Estern Emanuel W. Nadel Louis Klass Sarah Edelstein Minna Levine Auerbach Arthur Merkatz Philip Falk Frances Zwick Israel Estern Fannie Salzberg

9/14/21 – 8 Tishrei Louis Mintz Roslyn Garin Aaron Marcus

September 2021 Elul 5781 – Tishrei 5782 19

READ ON FRI/SAT, 9/17 and 9/18 9/18/21 – 12 Tishrei Millie Heller Rebecca Grossman Jacob Feinbloom Jules Levine 9/22/21 – 16 Tishrei Ruth Lipsky Ruth Markowitz David Miller Morris Flax Isidore Lescht Sara Arnofsky READ ON FRI/SAT, 9/24 and 9/25 9/25/21 – 19 Tishrei Ida Teich Louis Rogers Beatrice Bernstein David S. Myers 9/29/21 – 23 Tammuz Habibolah Adel Harry Schrager Steven Massarsky Elsie Monk Lena Goldstein Vera Alexander

9/19/21 – 13 Tishrei Helen Rosenthal Joseph Osterling Max Brodsky Marc J. Terner Linda Kraus Dora Hurwitz 9/23/21 – 17 Tishrei Juda Mittman Bernard Wallach Sidney Greenfield Stanford Stoller Goldy Schneider 9/26/21 – 20 Tishrei Henrietta Friedman Bertha Marine Fannie Rotter Barnet Bader Paul B. Finby Bertha Fagan Barney Rubin Stephen Richter Sarah Kritzer Archie Gellman 9/30/21 – 24 Tishrei Josephine Dubovy Shaoul Laniado William Schkolnick Mollie Disler Max Arnofsky

9/20/21 – 14 Tishrei Ethel Halprin Eric Reiser Ken Shenker Abraham Nochenson 9/24/21 – 18 Tishrei Gilbert Kempner Carl Miller 9/27/21 – 21 Tishrei Louis Kahn Benjamin Harrison Shuster Isadore Gerver Rita Gottlieb Blossom Zivin 10/1/21 – 25 Tishrei Martin Gitomer Samuel Biber Henry Sirot Brian Weinberg Rose Stein Shuster Eleanor Alper

9/21/21 – 15 Tishrei Stiche Greifer Sylvia Leibowitz Howard Rothstein Celia Fisch 9/28/21 – 22 Tishrei Marcus Scherl Grace Monka