september 14th & 15th, 2019 — 24º sunday in the ordinary … · 2019. 9. 15. · september...

September 14th & 15th, 2019 — 24º SUNDAY IN THE ORDINARY TIME September 21st & 22nd -2019 Altar Society– Gilbert B, Consuelo A. Counter—Ana U, Miguel C, Marn C, Luis M, Luz E. Shut-Ins– Rolando C, Clarita C, Judy C, George H. 5:00 P.M. Commentator –John J. Welcome Desk - John J, Readers—Robert A. Eucharisc: John J, Teresa A, Rolando C. 9:30 A.M. Commentator— Yvonne C. Welcome Desk– Michelle L. Readers– Marion I, Cindy D. Eucharisc: Mike C, Yvonne C, Jennifer S, Nick I, Fran M. LITURGICAL MINISTRY SCHEDULE WHAT’S AHEAD THIS WEEK Tuesday September 17th: Over 50’s Card C @ 1 p.m. (Hall) Social Committee Meeting @ 7:30 p.m. (Sacristy) Wednesday September 18th: TNT Theatre Group @ 1 p.m. (Hall) ) Thursday September 19th: Triangle Group (AA) @ 8 p.m. (Hall) Parish Council Meeting @ 7 p.m. (Cathcart Room) Friday September 20th: Charismatic choir @ 7pm(Cahtchart R) St. Vincent the Paul Meeting @ 7 pm (SVdeP Room) Saturday September 21st: Baptism Preparation @ 9:00 a.m. (Cathcart Room) Prayer Group @ 10:00 a.m. (Church) Youth Group @ 8 p.m. (Cathcart R.) 8:30 a. m. Mass 5:00 p.m. English - 6:30 p.m. Spanish Sunday September 22nd Mass 9:30 a.m. English - 11:30 a.m. Spanish Tuesday, Sept 17th—7 p.m. +Nancy Campbell - Virginia Campbell Spanish Mass 5p.m. +Adolfo Gomez + Ana y Luis Ulloa Wednesday, Sept 18th -8 a.m. +Nancy Campbell - Jim Campbell Spanish Mass 5p.m. + Carlos Merlano Thursday, Sept 19th—8 a.m. + Nancy Campbel - Nora Campbell Spanish Mass 5p.m. Grandwood Park Residence Mass - 11:00 a.m. Intention for John & Michelle Lemon - Alice Halwig Friday, September 20th- 8:00 a.m. + Nancy Campbell - Brenda & Paul Campbell Spanish Mass 5:00 p.m. Saturday, September 21st- 8:30 a.m. +Nancy Campbell - Kathleen Van Alphen Spanish Mass 6:30 p.m. An Invitaon from The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul to our 2019 fall “Feast Day” Celebrang the day will include: Free BBQ Lunch & free Bag of Grocery (First come, First served) On Saturday, September 21th, 2019 11 a.m. at the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul Thriſt Store 585 York Street, London Ontario Collecon of foods needed for bags are as follows: cereal, soup, peanut buer, jam, canned fruit, canned vegetables, pasta and pas- ta sauce, canned tuna or ham. PLEASE bring your donaons to the Parish BOXES WILL BE PLACED AT THE BACK OF THE CHURCH, Thank you for your support. Bi-Lingual Bible Study Your are invited to come and bring your Bible on the 1º & 3º Friday of each month at 7:00 p.m. in the Stage Room. Enjoy a Bi-Lingual discussion and meet new friends. Together we will try to beer understanding of the Bible First meeng Friday 20th September 2019 Registration for RCIA. For persons who are interested in the RCIA Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, please call the Office. Concert and Workshop with David Haas is the composer of such well-loved hymns as “Blest Are They,” “You Are Mine,” “We Are Called,” and “You Are the Voice.” Concert: Friday, October 25, 2019 | 7:30 PM The Chapel at Windermere on the Mount (1486 Richmond Street, London) Cost: $10 Workshop: Saturday, October 26, 2019 | 8:30 AM to 3:00 PM King’s University College (266 Epworth Ave- nue, London). Cost: $20 London Public Square Rosary Rally Saturday, October 12th, 2019 Victoria Park Band shell Gathering Time: 11:45am ● Duration: about 1 hour Come pray with us to celebrate the anniversary of the Miracle at Fatima.

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Page 1: September 14th & 15th, 2019 — 24º SUNDAY IN THE ORDINARY … · 2019. 9. 15. · September 14th & 15th, 2019 — 24º SUNDAY IN THE ORDINARY TIME September 21st & 22nd -2019 Altar

September 14th & 15th, 2019 — 24º SUNDAY IN THE ORDINARY TIME

September 21st & 22nd -2019 Altar Society– Gilbert B, Consuelo A. Counter—Ana U, Miguel C, Martin C, Luis M, Luz E. Shut-Ins– Rolando C, Clarita C, Judy C, George H.

5:00 P.M. Commentator –John J. Welcome Desk - John J, Readers—Robert A. Eucharistic: John J, Teresa A, Rolando C.

9:30 A.M. Commentator— Yvonne C. Welcome Desk– Michelle L. Readers– Marion I, Cindy D. Eucharistic: Mike C, Yvonne C, Jennifer S, Nick I, Fran M.



Tuesday September 17th:

Over 50’s Card C @ 1 p.m. (Hall)

Social Committee Meeting @ 7:30 p.m. (Sacristy)

Wednesday September 18th:

TNT Theatre Group @ 1 p.m. (Hall) )

Thursday September 19th:

Triangle Group (AA) @ 8 p.m. (Hall)

Parish Council Meeting @ 7 p.m. (Cathcart Room)

Friday September 20th:

Charismatic choir @ 7pm(Cahtchart R)

St. Vincent the Paul Meeting @ 7 pm (SVdeP Room)

Saturday September 21st:

Baptism Preparation @ 9:00 a.m. (Cathcart Room)

Prayer Group @ 10:00 a.m. (Church)

Youth Group @ 8 p.m. (Cathcart R.)

8:30 a. m. Mass 5:00 p.m. English - 6:30 p.m. Spanish

Sunday September 22nd

Mass 9:30 a.m. English - 11:30 a.m. Spanish

Tuesday, Sept 17th—7 p.m.

+Nancy Campbell - Virginia Campbell

Spanish Mass 5p.m.

+Adolfo Gomez + Ana y Luis Ulloa

Wednesday, Sept 18th -8 a.m.

+Nancy Campbell - Jim Campbell

Spanish Mass 5p.m.

+ Carlos Merlano

Thursday, Sept 19th—8 a.m.

+ Nancy Campbel - Nora Campbell

Spanish Mass 5p.m.

Grandwood Park Residence Mass - 11:00 a.m.

Intention for John & Michelle Lemon - Alice Halwig

Friday, September 20th- 8:00 a.m.

+ Nancy Campbell - Brenda & Paul Campbell

Spanish Mass 5:00 p.m.

Saturday, September 21st- 8:30 a.m.

+Nancy Campbell - Kathleen Van Alphen

Spanish Mass 6:30 p.m.

An Invitation from

The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul to our 2019 fall “Feast Day”

Celebrating the day will include: Free BBQ Lunch & free Bag of Grocery (First come, First served)

On Saturday, September 21th, 2019 11 a.m. at the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul Thrift Store

585 York Street, London Ontario Collection of foods needed for bags are as follows: cereal, soup,

peanut butter, jam, canned fruit, canned vegetables, pasta and pas-ta sauce, canned tuna or ham.

PLEASE bring your donations to the Parish BOXES WILL BE PLACED AT THE BACK OF THE CHURCH, Thank you for your support.

Bi-Lingual Bible Study Your are invited to come and bring your Bible on the 1º & 3º Friday of each month at 7:00 p.m. in the Stage Room. Enjoy a Bi-Lingual discussion and meet new friends. Together we will try to better understanding of the Bible First meeting Friday 20th September 2019

Registration for RCIA. For persons who are interested in the RCIA Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, please call the Office.

Concert and Workshop with David Haas is the composer of such well-loved hymns as “Blest Are They,” “You Are Mine,” “We Are Called,” and “You Are the Voice.”

Concert: Friday, October 25, 2019 | 7:30 PM The Chapel at Windermere on the Mount (1486 Richmond Street, London) Cost: $10 Workshop: Saturday, October 26, 2019 | 8:30 AM to 3:00 PM King’s University College (266 Epworth Ave-nue, London). Cost: $20

London Public Square Rosary Rally

Saturday, October 12th, 2019

Victoria Park Band shell

Gathering Time: 11:45am ● Duration: about 1 hour Come

pray with us to celebrate the anniversary of the Miracle at Fatima.

Page 2: September 14th & 15th, 2019 — 24º SUNDAY IN THE ORDINARY … · 2019. 9. 15. · September 14th & 15th, 2019 — 24º SUNDAY IN THE ORDINARY TIME September 21st & 22nd -2019 Altar

14 y 15 de Septiembre /2019 – 24º DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO

SERVIDORES DE LA LITURGIA -Septiembre 21 & 22—2019

MISA - 6:30 p.m. Ministerio de Comunión: Carmen A, Roberto M, Cristabel M. Ministerio de Palabra: Carmen C, Alvaro R, Jorge R, Carmen D. Ministerio de Hospitalidad: Jose M, Hector M. Ministerio de Acólitos: JuanM H, Benedicto C, David D. JuanJ H

MISA - 11:30 a.m. Ministerio/Comunión: Valeria A, Jose A, Martin C, Marina V. Ministerio de Palabra: Amparo R, Clara F, Jorge E, Delia P. Ministerio/Hospitalidad: Maritza A, Blanca C, Anayeli R.

Ministerio Acólitos: Hania G, Carmen D, Daniela H, Luis M.

September/Septiembre 7 & 8th, 2019

Regular Collection/Colecta Regular $ 4,706.00

Special Donation/Colecta Especial $ 212.00

Loose Collection– Colecta Suelta $ 586.10

Total $ 5,504.10

Total de Sobres\ Envelopes: 186

Promedio\ Average $ 29.60


LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: 1 Tm 2:1-8; Sal 28; Lc 7:1-10 Martes: 1 Tm 3:1-13; Sal 101; Lc 7:11-17 Miércoles:1 Tm 3:14-16; Sal 111; Lc 7:31-35 Jueves: 1 Tm 4:12-16; Sal 111; Lc 7:36-50 Viernes: 1 Tm 6:2c-12; Sal 49; Lc 8:1-3 Sábado: Ef 4:1-7, 11-13; Sal 19; Mt 9:9-13 Domingo: Am 8:4-7; Sal 113; 1 Tm 2:1-8; Lc 16:1-13

Los Caballeros de Colon de Nuestra Parroquia Nos invitan a un Desayuno/Almuerzo (Brunch)

Domingo 29 de Septiembre de 2019 después de las misa de 9:30 y 11:30 a.m.

Tendremos, huevos, papas fritas, chorizos, pancakes, tostadas, jugos café o te.

Valor adultos $ 7:00 Niños menos de 12 años—$ 5:00 Niños menores de 5: Free

Los tickets se venderán antes. No habrá venta de tickets en la puerta.

Este dinero será para comprar abrigos para los niños mas necesitados.

ESTUDIO BIBLICO BILINGUE Todos están invitados a ser parte del grupo de estudio bíblico bilingüe de nuestra Parroquia. Favor traer su biblia y venga a las clases los primero y tercer Viernes de cada mes a las 7:00 p.m. en el Stage Room (cuarto pegado a la coci-na). Únete al grupo bíblico bilingüe, con nuevos hermanos y escrutando la palabra de Dios.

CWL Membership 2020 Information Fee: $ 25:00 Due: November 2019Three ways to pay: (Be sure to include your name with your payment) Place envelope, marked CWL Member-ship, in the collection at Mass. Give payment directly to Sue Cole-man or Marj Dupuis Contact Sue ~ 519 680 2233 for address to mail cheque, or for pick-up.