sep 3-5 se navigators laborers conference 1. 2 vision what does god want? how is he going to make it...

A Vision for Lordship and Laboring Sep 3-5 SE Navigators Laborers Conference 1

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Post on 16-Dec-2015




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Page 1: Sep 3-5 SE Navigators Laborers Conference 1. 2 Vision What does God want? How is He going to make it happen? How does this involve you and I?


A Vision for Lordship and


Sep 3-5

SE Navigators Laborers Conference

Page 2: Sep 3-5 SE Navigators Laborers Conference 1. 2 Vision What does God want? How is He going to make it happen? How does this involve you and I?


Vision•What does God want?•How is He going to make it happen?•How does this involve you and I?

Page 3: Sep 3-5 SE Navigators Laborers Conference 1. 2 Vision What does God want? How is He going to make it happen? How does this involve you and I?


Vision•1 Tim 2:3-4 This is good and pleases God our savior who wants all men to be saved and come to a knowledge of the truth.

Page 4: Sep 3-5 SE Navigators Laborers Conference 1. 2 Vision What does God want? How is He going to make it happen? How does this involve you and I?


•God wants to use people•He wants to use YOU•Each of us must join in on Christ’s Mission•Start by submitting to Christ


Page 5: Sep 3-5 SE Navigators Laborers Conference 1. 2 Vision What does God want? How is He going to make it happen? How does this involve you and I?


God’s VISIon

1 Tim 2:3-4


MATURING:•Ambassador•Recruiter•Trainer/ DM


Page 6: Sep 3-5 SE Navigators Laborers Conference 1. 2 Vision What does God want? How is He going to make it happen? How does this involve you and I?


Lordship•Jesus makes clear HE is Lord•John 13:13 “You call me ‘Teacher’ and ‘Lord’ and rightly so, for that is what I am.”•I must DESIRE and ACCOMPLISH what is important to my Lord

Page 7: Sep 3-5 SE Navigators Laborers Conference 1. 2 Vision What does God want? How is He going to make it happen? How does this involve you and I?


Page 8: Sep 3-5 SE Navigators Laborers Conference 1. 2 Vision What does God want? How is He going to make it happen? How does this involve you and I?


Page 9: Sep 3-5 SE Navigators Laborers Conference 1. 2 Vision What does God want? How is He going to make it happen? How does this involve you and I?


God’s VISIon

1 Tim 2:3-4


MATURING:•Ambassador•Recruiter•Trainer/ DM


Page 10: Sep 3-5 SE Navigators Laborers Conference 1. 2 Vision What does God want? How is He going to make it happen? How does this involve you and I?


Sent BY God•SENT by God to accomplish a task

Page 11: Sep 3-5 SE Navigators Laborers Conference 1. 2 Vision What does God want? How is He going to make it happen? How does this involve you and I?


Page 12: Sep 3-5 SE Navigators Laborers Conference 1. 2 Vision What does God want? How is He going to make it happen? How does this involve you and I?


Page 13: Sep 3-5 SE Navigators Laborers Conference 1. 2 Vision What does God want? How is He going to make it happen? How does this involve you and I?


Sent by God•John 20:21 “….As the Father has sent me- I am sending you.”•Jesus… God has sent me- I am sending YOU.

Page 14: Sep 3-5 SE Navigators Laborers Conference 1. 2 Vision What does God want? How is He going to make it happen? How does this involve you and I?


Sent by God•We are sent for a mission•Matt 28:18-20 “ … all authority is given to ME… MAKE DISCIPLES of all nations…. Teaching them to obey everything I’ve commanded…”

Page 15: Sep 3-5 SE Navigators Laborers Conference 1. 2 Vision What does God want? How is He going to make it happen? How does this involve you and I?


Sent by God•Jesus- I AM IN CHARGEoMAKE disciplesoReach the nationsoTeach them to OBEY MEoEvery believer has this mission

Page 16: Sep 3-5 SE Navigators Laborers Conference 1. 2 Vision What does God want? How is He going to make it happen? How does this involve you and I?


Sent by God•Mission - gives us purpose for why we MUST mature in our walk with God so that I become a laborer

Page 17: Sep 3-5 SE Navigators Laborers Conference 1. 2 Vision What does God want? How is He going to make it happen? How does this involve you and I?


God’s VISIon

1 Tim 2:3-4


MATURING:•Ambassador•Recruiter•Trainer/ DM


Page 18: Sep 3-5 SE Navigators Laborers Conference 1. 2 Vision What does God want? How is He going to make it happen? How does this involve you and I?


Maturing•To be effective in the mission- I MUST grow, mature, develop as a LABORER•The Basics create the atmosphere where I can grow

Page 19: Sep 3-5 SE Navigators Laborers Conference 1. 2 Vision What does God want? How is He going to make it happen? How does this involve you and I?


Maturing•The Basics of the Christian LifeoTime in the WordoFellowship and M2M discipleshipoWitnessing and RecruitingoPrayer

Page 20: Sep 3-5 SE Navigators Laborers Conference 1. 2 Vision What does God want? How is He going to make it happen? How does this involve you and I?


Maturing•Roles that I must develop:


Page 21: Sep 3-5 SE Navigators Laborers Conference 1. 2 Vision What does God want? How is He going to make it happen? How does this involve you and I?


Ambassador•Is 42:1… “put my Spirit on Him… bring justice to the nations.”•Jesus having God’s authority•Bring Justice to the nations

Page 22: Sep 3-5 SE Navigators Laborers Conference 1. 2 Vision What does God want? How is He going to make it happen? How does this involve you and I?


ambassador•2 Cor 5:17-21 …old has gone… new has come… reconciliation… Christ’s ambassadors…

Page 23: Sep 3-5 SE Navigators Laborers Conference 1. 2 Vision What does God want? How is He going to make it happen? How does this involve you and I?


Ambassador•Old – my old life, what I was before•New- me as an ambassador•Ambassador- representative•Ministry- an attendant or waiter

Page 24: Sep 3-5 SE Navigators Laborers Conference 1. 2 Vision What does God want? How is He going to make it happen? How does this involve you and I?


Ambassador•Reconciliation- reestablishing cordial communications•God wants to restore His relationship with people

Page 25: Sep 3-5 SE Navigators Laborers Conference 1. 2 Vision What does God want? How is He going to make it happen? How does this involve you and I?


Ambassador•As a representative of God…•BE A Good representative- Col 3:23-24 … as working for the Lord, not for men..

Page 26: Sep 3-5 SE Navigators Laborers Conference 1. 2 Vision What does God want? How is He going to make it happen? How does this involve you and I?


Ambassador•2 Tim 2:15 Study and be eager …do your utmost to present yourself to God approved … rightly handling and skillfully teaching…

Page 27: Sep 3-5 SE Navigators Laborers Conference 1. 2 Vision What does God want? How is He going to make it happen? How does this involve you and I?


Page 28: Sep 3-5 SE Navigators Laborers Conference 1. 2 Vision What does God want? How is He going to make it happen? How does this involve you and I?


Page 29: Sep 3-5 SE Navigators Laborers Conference 1. 2 Vision What does God want? How is He going to make it happen? How does this involve you and I?


Recruiter•Jesus recruited men to follow Him•John 1:43-39 …find Philip, He said to him “Follow Me”… Philip found Nathanael… come and see…

Page 30: Sep 3-5 SE Navigators Laborers Conference 1. 2 Vision What does God want? How is He going to make it happen? How does this involve you and I?


Recruiter•Jesus recruited men to follow Him•We must recruit men to come along with us AS we follow Christ

Page 31: Sep 3-5 SE Navigators Laborers Conference 1. 2 Vision What does God want? How is He going to make it happen? How does this involve you and I?


Recruiter•Cecil talked with me about having a mission…•Impacting the World for Christ•One person at a time…

Page 32: Sep 3-5 SE Navigators Laborers Conference 1. 2 Vision What does God want? How is He going to make it happen? How does this involve you and I?


Trainer- Disciplemaker

•Matt 4: 19 … follow ME… I will make you fishers of men.•Following Jesus= becoming a fisher of men•Each follower would become a trainer/ disciplemaker

Page 33: Sep 3-5 SE Navigators Laborers Conference 1. 2 Vision What does God want? How is He going to make it happen? How does this involve you and I?


Trainer- Disciplemaker

•Matt 28:18-20…make disciples of all nations… teaching them to obey everything I’ve commanded you. …

Page 34: Sep 3-5 SE Navigators Laborers Conference 1. 2 Vision What does God want? How is He going to make it happen? How does this involve you and I?


Trainer- Disciplemaker

•Jesus fully intended- followers would become disciplemakers•Disciple= disciplemaker

Page 35: Sep 3-5 SE Navigators Laborers Conference 1. 2 Vision What does God want? How is He going to make it happen? How does this involve you and I?


God’s VISIon

1 Tim 2:3-4


MATURING:•Ambassador•Recruiter•Trainer/ DM


Page 36: Sep 3-5 SE Navigators Laborers Conference 1. 2 Vision What does God want? How is He going to make it happen? How does this involve you and I?


Reproduce•We MUST grow and develop so that we can reproduce spiritually•Reproduction and Multiplication of disciples- strategy that Jesus used..

Page 37: Sep 3-5 SE Navigators Laborers Conference 1. 2 Vision What does God want? How is He going to make it happen? How does this involve you and I?


Trainer- Disciplemaker

•Matt 28:18-20…make disciples of all nations… teaching them to obey everything I’ve commanded you. …

Page 38: Sep 3-5 SE Navigators Laborers Conference 1. 2 Vision What does God want? How is He going to make it happen? How does this involve you and I?


Trainer- Disciplemaker

•Inherent to a disciple- ability, desire, follow through to make more disciples•Disciplemaking is in our DNA as a believer

Page 39: Sep 3-5 SE Navigators Laborers Conference 1. 2 Vision What does God want? How is He going to make it happen? How does this involve you and I?



•God wants to see 1 Tim 2:3-4•All men to be saved•All men to come to a knowledge of the Truth

Page 40: Sep 3-5 SE Navigators Laborers Conference 1. 2 Vision What does God want? How is He going to make it happen? How does this involve you and I?



•1 Sam 17:41-47 … I come against you in the name of the Lord almighty… the world will KNOW that there is a GOD in Israel….

Page 41: Sep 3-5 SE Navigators Laborers Conference 1. 2 Vision What does God want? How is He going to make it happen? How does this involve you and I?



•David’s defeat of Goliath was to display HIMSELF to all people•God wants all people to know Him and Know about Him

Page 42: Sep 3-5 SE Navigators Laborers Conference 1. 2 Vision What does God want? How is He going to make it happen? How does this involve you and I?


Wrap up and Close…

Page 43: Sep 3-5 SE Navigators Laborers Conference 1. 2 Vision What does God want? How is He going to make it happen? How does this involve you and I?


OBjective•God wants everyone to know Him•God’s plan …•Send Jesus

oAs the Picture perfect example

oTo show us who we take orders from

Page 44: Sep 3-5 SE Navigators Laborers Conference 1. 2 Vision What does God want? How is He going to make it happen? How does this involve you and I?


OBjective•Send Jesus

oInstall God’s strategy and gameplan to reach the world

oCharge us as His agents

Page 45: Sep 3-5 SE Navigators Laborers Conference 1. 2 Vision What does God want? How is He going to make it happen? How does this involve you and I?


God’s VISIon

1 Tim 2:3-4


MATURING:•Ambassador•Recruiter•Trainer/ DM


Page 46: Sep 3-5 SE Navigators Laborers Conference 1. 2 Vision What does God want? How is He going to make it happen? How does this involve you and I?


Close•Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery, General during World War II AKA “the

soldier’s general,” wrote-

“every single soldier must know, before he goes into battle, how the little battle he is to fight fits into the

larger picture, and how the success of his fighting will influence the battle as

a whole.”

Page 47: Sep 3-5 SE Navigators Laborers Conference 1. 2 Vision What does God want? How is He going to make it happen? How does this involve you and I?


Close•As a soldier must understand his own individual actions will influence the larger battle- we must take the same attitude for the our spiritual battle…

Page 48: Sep 3-5 SE Navigators Laborers Conference 1. 2 Vision What does God want? How is He going to make it happen? How does this involve you and I?


Close•Our actions to :oTo do Biblestudy/ QToMeet M2M or fellowshipoPrayoShare Gospel at work….

•Each contribute to meeting God’s objectives toward 1 Tim 2:3-4

Page 49: Sep 3-5 SE Navigators Laborers Conference 1. 2 Vision What does God want? How is He going to make it happen? How does this involve you and I?



•We have a mission•We are sent by God•GOD fully intends on us accomplishing it