sep. 2013 - 防衛省・自衛隊 · 2014-05-15 · officer to united nations peacekeeping...

Prime Minister Abe visits the ASDF Miyakojima Sub Base Prime Minister Abe visits the ASDF Miyakojima Sub Base Naming and Launch Ceremony of New Escort Vessel “IZUMONaming and Launch Ceremony of New Escort Vessel “IZUMOIntroduction to Equipment “A Flying ICU ~Kido-Eisei Unit~” Introduction to Equipment “A Flying ICU ~Kido-Eisei Unit~” Dispatch of International Peacekeeping Unit to South Sudan (The Forth Unit of Staff Officers) Dispatch of International Peacekeeping Unit to South Sudan (The Forth Unit of Staff Officers) Number of Scrambles in FY2012 and the First Quarter of FY2013 Number of Scrambles in FY2012 and the First Quarter of FY2013 Inauguration and Initiatives of the Cyber Defense Council Inauguration and Initiatives of the Cyber Defense Council Parliamentary Senior Vice-Minister of Defense Akinori Eto Visits the United States Parliamentary Senior Vice-Minister of Defense Akinori Eto Visits the United States Defense Minister Onodera Visits Europe (Austria and Finland) Defense Minister Onodera Visits Europe (Austria and Finland) SPECIAL FEATURE Response to Various Disasters Response to Various Disasters TOPICS Defense Posture Review Interim Report (Provisional Translation) Defense Posture Review Interim Report (Provisional Translation) Number of Scrambles in FY2012 and the First Quarter of FY2013 No. 44 SEP. 2013

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Page 1: SEP. 2013 - 防衛省・自衛隊 · 2014-05-15 · officer to United Nations Peacekeeping Operations. ... Given the following developments, ... - Further strengthen defense cooperation

Prime Minister Abe visits the ASDF Miyakojima Sub BasePrime Minister Abe visits the ASDF Miyakojima Sub Base

Naming and Launch Ceremony of New Escort Vessel “IZUMO”Naming and Launch Ceremony of New Escort Vessel “IZUMO”Introduction to Equipment “A Flying ICU ~Kido-Eisei Unit~”Introduction to Equipment “A Flying ICU ~Kido-Eisei Unit~”

Dispatch of International Peacekeeping Unit to South Sudan (The Forth Unit of Staff Officers)Dispatch of International Peacekeeping Unit to South Sudan (The Forth Unit of Staff Officers)

Number of Scrambles in FY2012 and the First Quarter of FY2013Number of Scrambles in FY2012 and the First Quarter of FY2013

Inauguration and Initiatives of the Cyber Defense CouncilInauguration and Initiatives of the Cyber Defense Council

Parliamentary Senior Vice-Minister of Defense Akinori Eto Visits the United StatesParliamentary Senior Vice-Minister of Defense Akinori Eto Visits the United StatesDefense Minister Onodera Visits Europe (Austria and Finland)Defense Minister Onodera Visits Europe (Austria and Finland)


Response to Various DisastersResponse to Various Disasters


Defense Posture Review Interim Report (Provisional Translation)Defense Posture Review Interim Report (Provisional Translation)

Number of Scrambles in FY2012 and the First Quarter of FY2013

No. 44SEP. 2013

Page 2: SEP. 2013 - 防衛省・自衛隊 · 2014-05-15 · officer to United Nations Peacekeeping Operations. ... Given the following developments, ... - Further strengthen defense cooperation

Three GSDF officers dispatched as staff officers

Three GSDF officers have been dispatched as staff officers to the United Nations Mission in the Republic of South Sudan (UNMISS). Lieutenant colonel Kawasaki (pictured at the middle) is the first female self-defense officer dispatched as a staff officer to United Nations Peacekeeping Operations. This dispatch mission contributes to not only promoting gender equality and enhancing the morale of female officers, but also fulfilling the United Nation’s request for the dispatch of female peacekeeping operation officers.

Dispatch of International Peacekeeping Unit to South Sudan (The Forth Unit of Staff Officers)

In FY2012, the ASDF scrambled 567 times. In FY2012, the number of scrambles against Chinese aircraft exceeded the number of those against Russian aircraft for the first time. The MOD/SDF are strengthening surveillance in the southwestern region, for example by operating E-2C and E-767 efficiently. The ASDF scrambled 115 times in the first quarter of FY2013, which marked an increase of 33 compared to the previous year. Broken down by region, the number of scrambles in the first quarter was 20 by the Northern Air Defense Force, 14 by the Central Air Defense Force, 6 by the Western Air Defense Force, and 75 by the Southwestern Composite Air Division.

Number of Scrambles in FY2012 and the First Quarter of FY2013









124124 118118 116116


193193 197197264264 247247 24824822 1313




3131 3838

9696 156156









2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 (FY)

Russia China Taiwan Other countries

Number of Scrambles in the Last Decade and its Breakdown

During the meeting with Director of the office of the OSCE Secretary General Peško, Mr. Onodera stated the need to establish a similar permanent body as the OSCE in Asia to hold weekly dialog in the region. During the courtesy call on Prime Minister of Finland Katainen, both parties agreed to maintain a sound bilateral relationship going forward and to strengthen cooperation between the countries further. Mr. Onodera also visited Finland’s Ministry of Defence where he was briefed by Permanent Secretary of Defence Räty on the country’s defense policy and defense reforms that are currently under-way. Mr. Onodera expressed his gratitude for hosting MSDF training squadron and provided a briefing on the security situation in East Asia.

Parliamentary Senior Vice-Minister of Defense Akinori Eto visited the United States from July 27 to August 1, and met with Deputy Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter and Deputy Secretary of State William Burns. In the meeting with the Deputy Secretary of Defense, Mr. Eto and Dr. Carter confirmed that the alliance between Japan and the United States continues to play a key role in ensuring the safety of Japan as well as peace and stability in the region. In addition, both parties agreed that they would continue to closely cooperate with each other to build a robust alliance. Mr. Eto explained to Dr. Carter on the in-house progress of the review work for Japan’s National Defense Program Guidelines (NDPG) including the details of the interim report released on July 26, and they exchanged views on this matter. Furthermore, Mr. Eto and Dr. Carter agreed that they would continue to closely cooperate on this matter in order to build a robust alliance while linking the NDPG review work with the U.S. drafting process of the next QDR

(Quadrennial Defense Review). At the meeting with the Deputy Secretary of State, Mr. Eto discussed regional situations with Dr. Burns, and the two agreed on the importance of strengthening trilateral relation-ships involving Japan, the U.S., and Korea, as well as Japan, the U.S. and Australia, while further enhancing the Japan –U.S. alliance. In addition, Mr. Eto also met with Senator McCain, Senator Reid, and Congresswoman Bordallo to ask for their cooperation for the realignment of U.S. forces in Japan including the relocation of U.S. Marine Corps units from Okinawa to Guam, and gained understanding on the impor-tance of this matter. Mr. Eto also visited the United States Naval Academy (Annapolis, Maryland) and Lock-heed Martin (Dallas, Texas), the manufac-turer of the F-35.

Parliamentary Senior Vice-Minister of Defense Akinori Eto Visits the United States

On July 17, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe visited the ASDF Miyakojima Sub Base. Mr. Abe offered words of encourage-ment to SDF personnel of the Miyakojima Sub Base at the front line of air defense of the southwestern area of Japan, as follows. “I ask that you exert every effort in your respective posts in order to firmly maintain Japan’s sovereignty with both confidence and pride.”

Prime Minister Abe visits the ASDF Miyakojima Sub Base

Minister of Defense Itsunori Onodera visited Austria and Finland from July 29 to August 2. During the visit, he met Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Yukiya Amano and Director of the office of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) Secretary General Peško in Vienna. In Helsinki, Mr. Onodera had a courtesy call on Prime Minister of Finland Jyrki Katainen, took part in a meeting with Permanent Secretary of Defence Arto Räty, and visited with MSDF training squadron that was calling on the local port to provide words of encouragement. During their meeting in Vienna, IAEA Director General Amano briefed Mr. Onodera on the important role the IAEA played in response to Japan’s nuclear accident and mentioned the need for the SDF to respond in a timely manner to serious nuclear accidents. Mr. Onodera pointed out the importance of a collaborative approach to dealing with North Korea that involves the entire international community, and stated his expectations for the MOD/SDF to strengthen a cooperative relationship with the IAEA to cope with Japan’s nuclear accident.

Defense Minister Onodera Visits Europe (Austria and Finland)

3SeptemberNo.44Visit the Japan Defense Focus website for photo and movie galleries that cannot be found in this pamphlet.2 September

No.44 Visit the Japan Defense Focus website for photo and movie galleries that cannot be found in this pamphlet.


Page 3: SEP. 2013 - 防衛省・自衛隊 · 2014-05-15 · officer to United Nations Peacekeeping Operations. ... Given the following developments, ... - Further strengthen defense cooperation

Parliamentary Senior Vice-Minister of Defense Akinori Eto

On August 6, the naming and launch ceremony of the MSDF’s new escort vessel “IZUMO” was held at Japan Marine United Corporation’s Yokohama Shipyard Isogo Works, with Parliamentary Senior Vice-Minister of Defense Akinori Eto in attendance. With a standard displacement of 19,500 tons, the new escort vessel “IZUMO” is the largest ship in the MSDF fleet. It allows more patrol helicopters to be carried than conven-tional helicopter carrier vessels, as well as enables the transport of large-scale vehicles and helicopters, making it an escort vessel capable of serving international peace coopera-tion and disaster relief activities.

Naming and Launch Ceremony of New Escort Vessel “IZUMO”Naming and Launch Ceremony of New Escort Vessel “IZUMO”Naming and Launch Ceremony of New Escort Vessel “IZUMO”Naming and Launch Ceremony of New Escort Vessel “IZUMO”

Activities of the Ministry of Defense (MOD) and Self-Defense Force (SDF) that require normal social infrastruc-ture such as electricity, transportation, and communications, as well as the development and maintenance of equipment for defense needs rely on the private sectors. Therefore, it is extremely important for the MOD/SDF to ensure the stability of cyber space for society as a whole. Within the private sectors, defense industries in particular, play an indispensable role for the continuous and stable operations of the MOD/SDF. For the MOD/SDF to carry out its mission, the normal functioning of defense industries must be ensured. For this reason, the MOD/SDF together with defense industries established the Cyber Defense Council (CDC) in July 2013. The purpose of the CDC is to ensure and foster a mutually beneficial partnership between the MOD, SDF and defense industries against cyber attacks as well as to utilize the diverse skills and knowledge each party has to offer in achieving 1) enhanced response capabilities of the MOD/SDF, 2) enhanced capabilities in maintaining and recovering functions and abilities of defense industries, and 3) stronger trust and rapport between the MOD and defense industries.

Inauguration and Initiatives of the Cyber Defense Council


DefenseHub function


Information Sharing








Information Sharing








Corporations,etc. 1


Corporations,etc. 2


Corporations,etc. 4


Corporations,etc. 3

Information 2

Information 4

Information 3

Information 1

Overview of the Cyber Defense Council (CDC)

Defense Posture Review Interim Report(Provisional Translation)Given the following developments, GOJ decided to review the National Defense Program Guidelines (NDPG) by the end of 2013, and the MOD established the “Defense Posture Review Commission” in January. - Regional security environment has become more tense, as seen by China’s increasing activities in Japan’s vicinity as well as North Korea’s missile launches - The U.S. is emphasizing its presence in the Asia-Pacific in cooperation with allies including Japan

- Lessons from SDF’s activities following the Great East Japan Earthquake need to be addressed - The Commission focused on development of joint operations and made an interim report about the directions and issues through its deliberations. The report is reported to the Defense Council on July 26.

1. Security environment: Global and surrounding security environment of Japan2. Japan’s own efforts: Strengthen government-wide comprehensive efforts3. Strengthen Japan–U.S. alliance:

- Further strengthen defense cooperation through discussions of roles and missions Japan should carry and review of Guidelines for U.S.–Japan Defense Cooperation

- Steadily proceed with realignment of U.S. Forces Japan, maintain U.S. deterrence while mitigating local impact in particu-lar on Okinawa

5. Defense posture:- Conduct capability assessment based on joint operations to ensure effectiveness of defense posture in responding to various

contingencies. Based on the assessment so far, areas to be emphasized for defense build-up are as follows:

8. Point of note:- Annex table for force structure should be maintained from perspective of defense build-up from mid- to long-term outlook

4. Promote cooperation in Asia-Pacific region and stabilize global security environment:- Strengthen cooperation with U.S., Australia, South Korea; promote dialogue and exchanges with China and Russia; expand

capacity building assistance- Stabilize security environment in cooperation with international community including NATO; actively promote interna-

tional peace cooperation activities

Summary of Interim Report

6. Foundations for defense capabilities:- Exercises and training: Continuously verify various contingency response plans through regular exercises in peacetime;

make full use of environment that enables sufficient exercises (i.e. Hokkaido)- Operational foundation: Strengthen resilience of bases and others; maintain facilities/lodgings; secure ammunition; raise

operational rate- Human resources: Deepen consideration of various human resource management measures (including expanding reserves)- Military medicine: Modernize and functionally upgrade military medicine; improve medevac capabilities in

contingency situations- Defense production and technology base: Maintain and strengthen defense production and technology base; examine

status of implementation of three principles on arms exports and take necessary measures; conduct future-oriented R&D including on unmanned equipment such as robots, cyber, and outer space

- Strengthen cooperation with local communities: consider status of local offices- Public relations

7. Linkage with MOD reform:- MOD reform being discussed in separate “MOD Reform Commission” established in February this year- To prevent recurrence of incidents of misconduct and make SDF more active and efficient, promote reforms to ensure that

civilian and uniformed staff work together, strengthen joint operations, and pursue an efficient workflow and organization for defense build-up with optimal resource allocation from joint and whole-of-SDF perspective. (Beyond individual service-led resource allocation)

Strengthen ISR capabilitiesRespond to BM and guerilla attacksRespond to large-scale natural disastersStrengthen intelligence capabilitiesStrengthen capability to operate overseas

Respond to attacks on remote isletsRespond to cyber attacksStrengthen joint operationsPromote use of outer spaceActive efforts for maritime security

5SeptemberNo.44Visit the Japan Defense Focus website for photo and movie galleries that cannot be found in this pamphlet.4 September

No.44 Visit the Japan Defense Focus website for photo and movie galleries that cannot be found in this pamphlet.


Page 4: SEP. 2013 - 防衛省・自衛隊 · 2014-05-15 · officer to United Nations Peacekeeping Operations. ... Given the following developments, ... - Further strengthen defense cooperation

Q4. Describe efforts for Preparation for Disaster Relief.A4. Following activities are taken in preparation for disaster relief.

(1) In order to respond to various disasters such as large-scale earthquakes with speed and accuracy, the SDF carries out various disaster prevention drills including joint exercises for rescue, in addition to formulating disaster relief plans. The SDF also actively participates in local government disaster prevention drills and is seeking to ensure coopera-tion with various ministries and agencies.

(2) The SDF has formulated various contingency plans for responses to large-scale earthquakes. For instance, because of concern about massive humanitarian and material damage in addition to damage to the central political, administration, and financial functions of the capital, the Contingency Plan for Tokyo inland earthquakes, which was revised in response to the Great East Japan Earthquake, stipulates that a joint task force should be organized to respond to them.

(3) The SDF participates in a number of disaster prevention drills and is proceeding with the strengthening of cooperation with local governments including enhancing information liaison systems and consistency with disaster control plans.

(2) Firefighting Support In FY2012, there were 62 dispatches of firefighting support, the second largest number of dispatches after transportation of emergency patients. Within this category, responses to fires in areas near SDF facilities were the largest in number, with 57 cases. The SDF also conducts aerial firefighting activities in locations where firefighting by cars are difficult, such as mountain and forest areas.

(3) Response to Natural Disasters In FY2012, the SDF conducted such activities as lifesaving missions, flood prevention activities, water supply support and transport of goods. For example, disaster dispatches were carried out to Ibaraki Prefecture following a storm, to Northern Kyushu following torren-tial rain, and to Hokkaido on a lifesaving mission follow-ing a blizzard.

(4) Response to Large-Scale Disasters The Great East Japan Earthquake caused destructive damage, mainly in coastal areas in the Tohoku region. Since immediately after the earthquake, the MOD and SDF have done their utmost to rescue disaster victims. The SDF’s disaster relief activity ended on December 26, 2011, when the dispatch for nuclear disaster relief expired. During the period, a total of around 10,660,000 SDF personnel engaged in such activities as supporting disaster victims’ everyday life, and searching for missing people.

(5) Response to Special Disasters (Nuclear Disasters) Countermeasures were enacted based on lessons learned from the critical accident that occurred at the uranium processing plant in Tokaimura, Ibaraki Prefecture in 1999. In accordance, the SDF Law was partially revised and Nuclear Disaster Relief Dispatch was systematized. Moreover, based on the lessons of the response to the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, which occurred on March 11, 2011, the Act for Establish-ment of the Nuclear Regulation Authority was enacted and the Nuclear Regulation Authority was established. In addition, the Act on Special Measures Concerning Nuclear Emergency Preparedness was revised, and the government is reforming the system for responding to nuclear disasters. In response to this, the MOD and SDF revised the Contin-gency Plan for Nuclear Disaster in March 2013.

Q3. What type of Disaster Relief Dispatches do the SDF provide?

A3. The SDF provides the following types of Disaster Relief Dispatches.

(1) Transportation of Emergency Patients The SDF uses its aircraft to transport emergency patients from isolated islands and remote areas with insufficient medical facilities. In FY2012, out of a total of 520 cases of disaster relief operations, 410 cases involved the transportation of emergency patients, with dispatches to the Southwestern Islands (Okinawa and Kagoshima Prefectures), the Goto Islands, the Izu Islands, and the Ogasawara Islands representing the majority of such cases. Furthermore, in the event that aircraft of other organizations are unable to respond, due to reasons including a short flight range, SDF aircraft will handle transportation of emergency patients from vessels navigating areas of ocean far from the mainland and transport patients with C-130H transport aircraft operated by the Mobile Medical Unit as a part of wide-area medical transportation operations.

disaster dispatch upon request of the Director of the Nuclear Disaster Countermeasures Headquarters (the Prime Minister).

(3) Nuclear Disaster Dispatch When a nuclear emergency alert is issued based on the Special Law on Nuclear Disaster Countermeasures, the Minister of Defense is authorized to order a nuclear

Municipal mayor

Request for dispatch

Request for withdrawal

The Minister of Defense or the individuals designated by the Minister

Order to dispatch Order to dispatch Alarm1

Disaster relief operations

Outbreak of a disaster

Withdrawal of units2Disbandment of alarm3

In case of particular urgency with no time towait for a request from prefectural governors

Demand a request from the prefectural governor

Direct notification(when a request cannot be demanded)

Dispatch of units(discretionary dispatch)

Dispatch of units Alarm in such cases as disasters (SDF ready reserve personnel), (SDF reserve personnel)

Prefectural governorsDirector-General of the Japan Coast GuardDirector General of the Regional MaritimeSafety HeadquartersDirector of the Airport Administrative Office

Order for withdrawalImplementation orders for disbandment

1) Procedure for requestNormally requested in writingRequested verbally or by telegram or telephone in case of emergency (a written request should later follow)

2) Content of requestCondition of the disaster and the reason for the requestDesired length for dispatchDesired area for dispatchand desired activitiesOther items for reference

*Request to be made to the nearest station or base

Notes: 1. SDF ready reserve personnel and SDF reserve personnel will be called on if necessary.2. Units are all withdrawn together.3. Disbandment of SDF ready reserve personnel and SDF reserve personnel.

Q2. Describe the SDF’ s types and frameworks of Disaster Relief Dispatch.A2. The Japan SDF’s disaster relief dispatch and frameworks are as follows.

Q1. What type of activities do the SDF engage in during a disaster?

epidemics, supplying water, and transporting personnel and goods. In particular, over 100,000 SDF personnel were dispatched at a peak time for relief operations for the large-scale earthquake and nuclear disaster based on the Great East Japan Earthquake in March 2011.

A1. When disasters such as natural disasters occur in any part of the country, the SDF works in collaboration with municipal governments, engaging in: the search for and rescue of disaster victims, missing ships or aircraft, controlling floods, offering medical treatment, preventing

Response to Various DisastersResponse to Various DisastersResponse to Various DisastersResponse to Various Disasters

the Minister of the disaster conditions. After receiving such requests from governors, the Minister of Defense or other personnel designated by the Minister can immediately dispatch units as neces-sary according to the disaster situation.Under circum-stances of particular urgency when there is no time to wait for a request, the Minister of Defense or those designated by the Minister may authorize an exceptional dispatch (discretionary dispatch). In order to render discretionary dispatches even more effective, the Disaster Prevention Plan was amended in 1995 to establish the basis for SDF unit commanders and other officials to order discretionary dispatches.

(1) Dispatches upon Request In principle, disaster dispatch is carried out at the request of prefectural governors and other officials. This is because prefectural governors assume primary responsibility for disaster control measures and are in a position to grasp the overall conditions of the disaster, and it is considered most appropriate for dispatches to be made upon their request in consider-ation of disaster relief capabilities within the prefec-ture or municipality including police and firefighting. Municipal mayors can ask prefectural governors to request a disaster relief dispatch by the SDF. In the event that mayors have made such a request to the prefectural governor or are unable to do so, they can inform the Minister of Defense or those designated by

rized to order an earthquake disaster relief dispatch based on the request of the Director of the Earthquake Disaster Warning Headquarters (the Prime Minister).

(2) Earthquake Disaster Relief Dispatch When an alert is issued based on the Law Concern-ing Special Measures for Large-Scale Earthquakes Countermeasures, the Minister of Defense is autho-

7SeptemberNo.44Visit the Japan Defense Focus website for photo and movie galleries that cannot be found in this pamphlet.6 September

No.44 Visit the Japan Defense Focus website for photo and movie galleries that cannot be found in this pamphlet.


Page 5: SEP. 2013 - 防衛省・自衛隊 · 2014-05-15 · officer to United Nations Peacekeeping Operations. ... Given the following developments, ... - Further strengthen defense cooperation

A Flying ICU~Kido-Eisei Unit~

Introduction to EquipmentIntroduction to Equipment

When the Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron performs medical treatment on the aircraft, the “Kido-Eisei Unit” which is the intensive care unit (ICU)-style module with sound-proof, electro-magnetic shielding, lighting capabilities, three beds, and various medical devices is used. There, the Squadron is able to perform monitoring, nursing, and emergency care at the same level as ICU in the cargo compartment of a C-130 transport aircraft. If the critically ill or severely injured patients cannot receive appropriate care in the local area under the situation of emergency or disaster, the Squadron will provide the necessary care to ensure the vital and functional prognosis during the long-distance transport by air, including using the fixed-wing aircraft.

8 SeptemberNo.44


Visit the Japan Defense Focus website for photo and movie galleries that cannot be found in this pamphlet.

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