sentichenews - sentiment analysis on newspapers and tweets

SentiCheNews A tool for analyzing possible relationships between news and tweet sentiments Data Mining Class Sapienza, University of Rome A. Y. 2016 - 2017

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Post on 21-Jan-2018




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Page 1: SentiCheNews - Sentiment Analysis on Newspapers and Tweets

SentiCheNewsA tool for analyzing possible relationships between news and tweet sentiments

Data Mining Class

Sapienza, University of Rome

A. Y. 2016 - 2017

Page 2: SentiCheNews - Sentiment Analysis on Newspapers and Tweets

To begin Data Collection & Preprocessing Results Analysis


Simone [email protected]

Manuel [email protected]

George Adrian [email protected]


Page 3: SentiCheNews - Sentiment Analysis on Newspapers and Tweets

To begin Data Collection & Preprocessing Results Analysis


1 To begin• Sentiment Analysis: what is it?• Our goals• A good lexicon• Dictionary Structure

2 Data Collection & Preprocessing• Collecting Data• Preprocessing• Design Choices

3 Results Analysis• Dashboard• Analysis


Page 4: SentiCheNews - Sentiment Analysis on Newspapers and Tweets

To begin Data Collection & Preprocessing Results Analysis


1 To begin• Sentiment Analysis: what is it?• Our goals• A good lexicon• Dictionary Structure

2 Data Collection & Preprocessing• Collecting Data• Preprocessing• Design Choices

3 Results Analysis• Dashboard• Analysis


Page 5: SentiCheNews - Sentiment Analysis on Newspapers and Tweets

To begin Data Collection & Preprocessing Results Analysis

Sentiment Analysis. . .

. . . refers to the use of:

• natural language processing

• text analysis

• computational linguistic

to identify and capture subjectiveinformation from source materials(news, social media, reviews...)


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To begin Data Collection & Preprocessing Results Analysis

Our goals

Given a collection of italian news and italian tweets within the sametime there any connection between them? In particular:

• do newspapers and tweets report the same sentiment for a certainday (a sort of influence of the news on the tweets)?

• what is the newspaper whose average feeling is closer to theaverage of tweets feeling?

• are there any differences among newspapers’ sentiments?

• the variance in time for each newspaper


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A good lexicon

Sentiment Analysis for the englishlanguage is:

• a well studied problem, therefore

• there are a lot of excellent lexiconsready to use

This is not true for the italian language:WE HAD TO BUILD OUR OWNDICTIONARY starting from an englishdictionary available at:


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Dictionary Structure 1/2

Each row of the dictionary is representedby a tuple: < s, (p, n) > where

• s: string

• p: positive score

• n: negative score

Therefore, each string is represented by apositive and a negative score.


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Dictionary Structure 2/2

Given a tuple t: < s, (p, n) >

String s can be composed by a single word or up to four words,separated by underscore.


• tuple x : < a, (p,n)>

• tuple y : < a b, (p’,n’)>

• . . .

• tuple y : < a b c d, (p”,n”)>


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To begin Data Collection & Preprocessing Results Analysis


1 To begin• Sentiment Analysis: what is it?• Our goals• A good lexicon• Dictionary Structure

2 Data Collection & Preprocessing• Collecting Data• Preprocessing• Design Choices

3 Results Analysis• Dashboard• Analysis


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To begin Data Collection & Preprocessing Results Analysis

Collecting Data


• Step 1: getting Twitter APIkeys

• Step 2: connecting to TwitterStreaming API

• Step 3: for each tweet savetext and date


• We exploit the RSS Feed andfor each of them we save:

• date

• title

• newspaper source


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Tweets and news are preprocessed with the following techniques:

• stop-word removal

• normalization (lower case, accents, etc)

• stemming (but we realize that...)


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Design Choices: stemming operation

Stemming operation upon different words may produce the sameresult.


• ’amaro’

• ’amare’

have both the same root ’amar’ whereas they have an entirelydifferent meaning and different (positive, negative) values.

We do not apply the stemming preprocessing operation.


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Design Choices: string scoring

Given a string s (either a news or a tweet) we exploit as efficient aspossible the dictionary’s structure to assign a score to s.

In particular reason by four tokens at a time.


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To begin Data Collection & Preprocessing Results Analysis


1 To begin• Sentiment Analysis: what is it?• Our goals• A good lexicon• Dictionary Structure

2 Data Collection & Preprocessing• Collecting Data• Preprocessing• Design Choices

3 Results Analysis• Dashboard• Analysis


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Dashboard: spotting the results


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Mean & Variance

Each colored bubblerepresents a datasource, news ortweets, where:

• center representsthe sentiments’mean

• radius representsthe variance ofsentiments


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What’s inside each bubble?

A point for eachnews/tweet. Eachpoint is representedby a tuple <p,n,t>

• p: positive score

• n: negative score

• t: time


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Sentiments’ trend per time interval (mean)

Given time interval [t1, t2] there is a mean sentiment bubble every 6hours.


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Sentiments’ trend per time interval (variance)


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To begin Data Collection & Preprocessing Results Analysis

Thank you for your attention

All the material can be found at:

GitHub Repository
