sensing energy


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Sensing energy. Slide 1. Cody Barnes 2 nd period Animal sense is infrasound. Background information Slide 2. I choose the elephant it uses infrasound. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation



Cody Barnes2nd period

Animal sense is infrasound


Background information Slide 2• I choose the elephant it

uses infrasound.• The elephant live in Africa

or Asia. With 36 different countries in Africa 2 species live in the Africa- Savanna Elephants which live in grass lands, marshes and lakes.

• Forest elephants live in the dense rainforests. Asian elephants have smaller ears, and Indian elephants live in 11 countries.

Background information cont.…Slide 3• Elephants eat 330Lb a day!

And drink 50 gallons of water a day! They will eat grass and trees, fruits and vegetables it all depends on where they live.• It wouldn’t prey on anything

but they are afraid of mice• Elephants also like to crush

watermelons with their feet before eating them • They also eat bark, roots and


Background information cont.…Slide 4• They can also get very angry

for no reason which I thing is dumb because when you get annoyed you don’t kill a rhino cause they can…..• Elephants can’t gallop or

jump. • Elephants are what a lot of

people think are dwarf mammoths which died off around he time of the ice age.• The elephant can live up to

70 yrs. and have a 30 foot trunk

Slide 5• Infrasound is having or

relating to a frequency below the audibility range of the human ear utilizing or produced by infrasonic waves or vibrations.

• Elephants use infrasound as a type of communication which is to high for humans to hear. Or the sound is to low pitches for us to hear.

• They also use it kind of like reading minds like sensing brain waves also they can know the location of other elephants

• The skin will flutter and vibrate as air passes though on their forehead.• The rumbles that they send

out will go high to low all day if they have to but they go to high to hear of to low to hear.

Slide 6• Elephants don’t need to find

prey because they don’t eat other animals.• The elephant will rarely get

attacked predators lions who are hungry or tigers maybe crocodiles • They find mates by using

infrasound to find where a male or female is located. Some might have more luck using it than others.

Slide 7 SELL!!!!!•My conclusion is that elephant are very smart and they use their infrasound very well.•They use it so many different ways and they are so big I would want one as my pet…•Who wouldn’t want infrasound because of all the cool things you can do with it! Being able to tell where everyone is… weird…. Also when you are lost you can find them using the waves or vibrations of the pitches.