sense nonsense merleau ponty

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Muric MrluPty

ate, it a ece,

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Sense a o -ese

U L Y F U & LL U


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Norhweste Univsity PressEvanston, Inois 6001

Ognly pubished  i French as e e -e © 98 by Lesditions Nagel This trsation is based upon e �vised  edtion,

  issued by agel i 1961 Engsh translaon 196 by NorthwesteUniversi ss. Fst pubshed  196 by Nortweste Uversity Press.

Fst paperback edition pubshe 191 Sixth paperbak png 1991   ghts reseed

Pnted  i the Unted States of Ameca 

ISBN 0-8101066-1

The paper used  i this puaon meets the mum requements of e aon Stdd for Infoaon Siences-Peene of 

Paper fo Pnted Libr Matels ANSI Z98198

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E EE f te Libera, e-a S ad Mac Mu-Poty decided t ud a ju Sare's Ben andNnes ad aered tw ears befre, d Meeau-P wa

just com s maor lsc wrk, Penmenlg Pecen Now te wer eagr t test teir sed versis of estal nonoo aras f exeece Sare recs teir aitude We wuld be stalkrs eai. If tere is a t, te ust unt it everwere Ever sci rduct ad ever atiudete mst ublc ad te mst vatear it ilsive icati. Tey wud se tei sstmac ses t itrrt cutculural litic eea t s t tecca v

cabulae and ut rusig a amiliat wi te ist syyet eir readers awar e sca licaio evets F f esias tey ded L mpods Te ssays ected Sns and No-Sns aeed acles i tis ad ter eos betwee 1945 ad 1947 weMea-t was eect editr-i-cie ad c direcr f tjoul2 Tgeer t Sar' arcles cecte Sans teydslay a cmbatio f metasics, seci£ci, and luci que

i lsocal teraturex f Merleun Vn Sre's mg ccu s sc

h fell phls  her hc s pubs ss Le em Mdeec Melen (s 18485 p x6) ws prne Siuain g c w sp sns un Se.

. esn h ep helf Mern n is nm ppe r's n h m L em M njcurs h hs n epe hc kep ad b MlaPn c r's plcl nusasm

npeenc led hm n embssg s And ndd X hsnn ed br ve S's pp cs f ncms a bc sc


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x / N E N D N N N

Wtten when Merleau-Pontys inteest had just brodned omepistemoogy and the behaora scences to ncude aesthetcs, ethcs,  potica theory, and potcs, Sense an Sene is the bet toducton to eeau-Pontys thought, for it both smazes hs preous insghts and ges them thr dst rge of con Echessay opens a new perspecte on th fundamenta nsight that thexpernce of chaos props us to see rtonsm n hstorca perspecte , t ek phosophy hich epain the usurge o reason a wod not f its akn ad eaborates t insghtin a concret cntext Th rst at of the book, cled rts, ark  bck t enmenlg een The anayses of that work efocused an enriched i descripions of e primordial perceptua wod hch Czanne was ryng t paint, he encountr ith h th s xsd n the nol and the geal quaty of expeence broughtout by the techniqu of the deas, the second part f the book,introduce hat Merlea-Ponty has elsewhre clld s ontology of sense d set this ontology in ts context i he hioy of thoughthe third part, Ptics,'' makes use of these idas t ca he

  tica diemmas facin ieecta i ostwar rncediemahch s face anyone nt unctall ctted t the ideolog on of he two majr power

thoug each ac Sens n Nn-Sns a e netoo  its o tes, ach a als be understood as an application of Meau-Pnty's henoenolgy of prception Approached i thi wae coection reeals it theme enmenlg een Mereau-Pont draw on h os eent evelopments i phi

  oophy and the behaior scienceh phenomnoog f Husse,e estna philosophy f Heidegger ad Marc, and the results of gestat psychoogyto produc an rigina and comple analysis of hsorce and status of orde the perceptu d Fom sseMeeau-Ponty ee a techniqu for descbing expence thout reducng it t hat we think it t be on the bass of science or thedemands of an epistelogica theor He s eed o th ltHusse that rtonty order is not gien bfoehndethr n thewod of ideas, Gods mn, or in our on categoriesbut that orderis contnuy made ut of srder our abt t gv   eanng t

our experiencerom  he �eststs, on the oher hand, MeeauPonty lee at we dsve eaings by responding to solicittons aredy ourerene. Thus w are t h absote ur f eann We do no gv   ead-made sense ou experience from a ranscendntl pon uti wo e, u ae w ake sense f  I te eide

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Tanlas' nrun /

ge fte  Beng nd Tm whm Mee v  detad jut as Sate udetd the Hidegge f h s pei eeauPty fud phpc vesi f h w h ig ae ot gen exeece u eceved m MeeauP

fog edegge as te acty f gzig h wd podg o t fm t eigitewd ise."eeauPty stat his ayis fm h Gelts piipl h

e cee I pecee a gue gud A sp a pageappea t e n th page h pape is peceve peset ehi te sot tee apea sugget i its vey ppeaace smetig   e ich des t aea which s cele. his es hgue ca e ad t ae meg iceuke ute datum ad

  lke a ltc expesi wk f a efe yd wh eaty e F exame he peceie jec suc s ahue the te ack s ivld i s pecep eely a  le   pecep ch judge cud pdced I wakedud te hue a necea mpc ephue Istead he ack is expeieced cl pesetceaed u suggese y he ppec f . hilsphf a lguge such s Giler R hv    pi  

  tig ta ude diay cdtis we sa h w e he f hse u say ha w se hus m h . BtheeauPty ad the xfd phsphs wld g m chideati t sugget thee smethig g ith h adtiiew a we eeece sese "ld t cwch u the e gaized y e md.

he wy se his sm p c h he efeaace f pecepti uke tepetti I v xpeece

a e caged a f I have gd as eliev I tg a fa!ade the I ca se hs a shee   pe ee phsphi ames u wh I ely seeget me t ecee a fa!ade he I am cced I cg ahue My exeiece gazes itelf accdg s lw. Sim i ee lead me see wha I etu dg no hcae a he he apes lge h hz h a hezeth

Huel ecgized tha thi pait f pecepi epeet cuty f h ew a we eel  gve pee cuded ha th ascede eg whh giv he mag msdeelp hatual ways e w .Sate ighy ject tat te ti f pue seus acedet cciusess eig ud y hai is u He suggsts  pue csiuses de y h f

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xii E A D

thnkng it has don so i od t imi its awaness of its agoni dom. his only dsplacs the poblem. t is unclea in Satstoy why a pu consciousss is aaid ad how it can dld itslf.n te 920 Gabl Macl pointd out that " am my body." MauPonty taks up this suggso and is th s t guad heis his oinality in th phnomologic movment th cual hais a fd y h emodid pson.

ke Macl MPont mans y ody" ith a ojec known om wth o u subjc ompltey tasp islf. Fo M-Pont th body is just th capact peec

  peceptu solicitations nd to mae them moe e by ving to eal what is concald. nstad f  jdgin th he my   mo t objects ha s valed ou dy is ncty

s s  mo and this ancpanwhich w ao    texplains ou xpenc of th othe sids o ojcts s psn  o just as an Thi dy st-toplo h j esid of th subjct of th gu-gound suctu of xpeencthusts ou t b pecsly at ogg aci wic has n all x-istce" Meau-Ponty alluds o  his dat l of thody in his Sns and NonSns essay h nd the N Psy

cholo wh h concludes: mus scov commc tth wod and a psnc th wold which is old tha inllignc."Ou ody thn is ou way of ein-at-the-wold-omthn-i.

d to pci, w mus b invd i he wod w a  pcn.As Mau-Pony puts it n his posthumously ublishd bok isi t Znisi (Pas 964) Ou bdy is oh a objct among objcts and  hat whch ses and touchs thm." his poophy oincanation has wo vouionay consquncs.

Fst we mus hav an ousid" and thus b xposd t thngs ando os we ae to have wold a  o MelauPonty the pob  lm of ou elaton to oths dos no begn wh th quson: Howcould as a mnd ve gt t know minds? Rath, h giv us adciption of th way , as emodid peson   lad ohe embodid psons Phnomenologists and lgstic anysts ag iling into qustion th classic Catsia spation of mind andody d th lad w w o flngs y n

speo d th lings of os y dducions om th ehaioAs eleauPnty says n hs scussn of th ew psycholo, nspecon gves m lmos ohig." O h ohe and dayeine sow e dy ssve. o, e musje jd m ne ities u  ov, te, , e ee ne sne wess: e en whoes e ne she hae, nd ve e n syh as hdde

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rnlatrs ntrductin / xiii

a e botom of aoters coscouess: ey are pes of beaor orstyles f cndct whch re ble om the otsde Tey es s face or oe gesures, o de ben tem

Sec, sce s o he o t w perceve, u

  eeece s always perspectv, .e. cmpet. For houg   c be pcticy certn for eample tht see hose, ere swas more o bject t e c ve rcev Te referece o

  te g ch eads us to e grod may alwas be leng,a upo futer vesga e ay scvr aspects of e objec  c bng abou a e-orgao of or ece so a we se e objec a ere way r ve see a ere objec Tre, e do  o fte oce s fear o eec; e s

  cot t a cg n our percepto f h bjec rater t a cnge he bjec tself Te objec, e assum, s competly deterate and ndepedet of our vegao of s s a etablrejudce, accorg o Meea-Poy e asc as f eme  olg s o vercom u m s a epeenc evels   ncoveng the steps by hc percepo des  ts ctt of ogzton nd tus leds us to se the object as   dendnt enty Phenmelog h, s o simply the study f

  ow oets ap cmmn sne bt s a decptio of he way  bects Ts saes our percepu fat   e depedesldit o btr the, t cll ttentin to te fct tht t s

 ded a . A tu f the geneo of objects reels the fact t  percetu mnng c become stzd b a   neer ltlsece It m u we t or epence alws meng et l mencd disde nd nnne

f cnpts culd   be sho to go ou of prcepto

  hee t ct t edil contnc, reo nd od od  be ih pir epence nr gunteed Th ou be he stp in deelpng wht leunt cls an ntology of seneAll   exince wld be conted on the model of ercptul ee  en wih ner tly wtho eanng and hose meng s ner dete Mn wold oe betwee cho d he bslute.

At   th e he ws wtng tic in ense an NnSenseelent ws d plning a vlme to be cled Te gn

T i bok ws t e a precie dcptn the pg of pecet th into elit tt" (s a footnote he Metpsic in n" Sense an NnSense attet) He as st t ok on ths  prect when he de   yes ter Lacg hs nl n n hsment, we   e to jude he vle of his ont of senseragmc, by seeg weter cas e t o ers areas of  u erec Ma-Po av lcome s clene;

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v / E N E N D N O N E N

sss   L mp d vrsi rnt h ssys wh w s prsasv st isty

Th phenomenoogis is o lon i inestigaing how raonty  is hieve. Th pnter d wr r gg sm r  ps. Acrg Mau-Pn, y     lies shing howsomehing akes aing." Cz, r xal was n ntrsted in he naturaisti paining inheite fom the Renaissanc ichssiaed bjts t prste rao forms n placed hem geotcal persectiv. Nor as he satised ih th atemts of thImressonss isso this objev oder int its igina lemnts of lght a aosher. He as engage in �at he felt asthe ue bu fascai tsk of ainng a nscar s lfe ai ae m H e to th geneaog of so

Sla, ih the brakdn of ranas novel and poso  ph hav coverd n their conce man' exeience f t  od por

hugh about t. In their noels S and Simn

de Bauoir  t xess he suggle inoled in bemng  raionaan evelng moay. In Sandaous Auhr" Mau-Ponydefnds Sare' bsessio ih the chaic an sgusn as n aet to g benath the ercetual and soc oer t scoer its  rots n a mo savag exerience. Metacs an e su his oint in mr deta. I ges that Sione de eauvoir's noelse not imora but eal h oe caot acc he

an eea noms f their socit and ut reu t onactoyand nacing hu ineracons in an a o o out omoa orer through honsty and generost. No aer hat is subjec he tcniue of te m is eobcie  a exellene outhe traiona pter ay pesen shed bje n th es a bea in t say exac hat he means e esnce of e moio

  picur is at it conves th eng scene through he rhm(he duraion an sunce) of is sots. hus it roucs th ay

meanng eeges trough organizaio o exeenc.MePnty ls ha  20h enury he n an thheater  em horugy metahysic" he has grased thenta once f ntemorary onsiousness e oud eec n s approah illating ousie ranc nd n reas er aths h xcy reaed A tes as ight be e theater o sr, b wh gr dea hs tt b wh st ss

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ranslatrs' ntrdutin /

o eave bth ctcs and audiences opin for e ht words Can eheater o te absurd be undersood as d e evemen oratat Nt in its early phases, be sure onesco' plas bennormay euh, bu once ion e e es e cceeratg

steatn of order Even here, hwever, MereauPnty'hey is lpf. He recoe a since here n oer yhma ate on which o rey , ever one of man' cons hevas f metaphysic causes wa was o an od habt' o ex-plde. But Meeauny wou y o nec e sa fCaus' Te Sranger. t is easy o age and ctin of meag d to make hem seem bsud a oer ac,he act tha in an absurd word anuae and bevior do ave mean-

r thse who speak and ac, remans o be dersdRecey, however, new fo of the eter of e burdwicMeeaty wod udbte have reconed as tholmetaphsal has appeed   Enand. Tese a he pays ofHld ter. The Astotea cven tha dma as t have abeg de, ad end expresses concepton of order whiceah eet has telle atecedents d therefore iteible c-sequees A raoait become problem, ansion dramast

ke Iesc eet ths vew. The study disinteation Their playsma have bei but o end (oneco), neier be noran ed (Bekett. A metaphsia dama in MeeauPonty's specasese te te hwever wod hae midde an relave) enbt beg he ge uiversity is t be foud aheado s n te dale it wich our expeence of other peope thrwss b meas a mvemet t of whose sources a own t us.

Pte's plas cs on disorder: abrp d bsurd eents wh

are never eled. Ths cn be an inrusion f sorder from above,s   Te mbwaer where umbwae descend caterito the hideout of wo wa nmen; e erupon of disorder frombeow as T Room where bin eo a i y p edank cear t nude it Roses room; r ind f oona inuio as in T oecon wen mnae n eee inoein an incmpehensible ae naysis of y one of hese paseads ccs o concude Pinte i concee iion e

consius, or socia ieraction respectivey bu is misse hemmo eme of hree ork ometn e ude sand of order, sudde revein s sand' nerabiy d de andin respone Te respone my be ee em o nee od uesonso nd reasns for e ncy even d pace n convenon con e., Gu uesin T Dwer) my be nuesonin cceance o we e

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i S E N S E A N D N N S E N S E

es supply he exoc dishes he umbwaier ems Or oe cinoorate he hrea, as when Rose ives up anously in o seeeveryhin in (rosy lih and, i shock n perhaps relief, ndserse plued ino blindess. hatever the responseand her salways sme haraer wh takes up he chaene force upon Pinter's plays ulike Ioneso', d t onual reena el-eraion ito haos. They move oward he reesablishmen of rderOe is le wth the ueasy eeln tha i is menaced and preariousorder whih my any moment snere an he o be chievea; bu, as MeleauPoy remarks in his disussion of pitcs, mais wh oer men in dram which o ecesay enwe bu whh a ll events is movin toward some end There areconstan upsures o spntanety and coninenc, bu he mirae ishat with the aid o lauae et, coventon and reatty weways ake them oer and make sese of hemfr w\e. Meeau-Pony dwell on the theme that absurdity s no aeleratn but isconstatly ben amed Sae s o o t sis  

a we deeiveourselves whe e assume tha our meags ae seuy ahoedi ben e requires sk ad reative eor. Bu iis anther kind ofselfdeepton o suppose tha st beause hee is onneny, noorder can be aheved le Sate ad Ioeso try to show ha manis odemed to absurdit Pter dramaizes MeeauPon's conen-o tha we are demed o meain.

A he end o a Pter pla a member of he audience has uner-sd when he has ive up expecn explanion of he bpinusion. Lke he haraers he auence can make sense of evensoly in erms of heir eec; the onlookers are force o pcipe he eneron of sense m nnsense We a force o stop skinhe Aristoelian queons. Then we disover alon wih he chrctersa as MeeauPont pus i existee is he ver proess wherehe hihero mealess akes on mein. "

should t be surisin tha MerleauPo is able to hrow ino

relief cerain uque features o oemporar ar b

kin pereptios a model or atstc atvt. As he suests i his Pefae h ier-es percepton is itself an expression f the ontemporar conewih he basis ratinty. In Ideas eeauPonty situates sconcern with respc o oher hinkers. He shows hw he ceoes ofhe pheomenoloy of perepton can be understood as an otwthof, n conbuion o he behvir sciences, how mode f es

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ranslatrs' ntrducti / ii

basd o pereptio ssitizs s t th isights ad imitatiosof prvious phiosophrs, ad ho it sggst osiv ismsof ntemp orary phsophy

n dicussio of ang an h m, Meeau-Poty makes

ostant us of the gs of th gestat psyhoogists. h isovs of th e pshoogy" aso t ou o b ssia t th behaviora sinces thir stuy f prpo, e Gestaists foudstruture of exiene hos rganizig pies ied of our xit aarss ad onsious otro, yet hih hav to bdrstoo s if otrod by a ida, i, a fo g rsptto hi e parts i th srutur e assignd their roe n heMetahysia Ma," Meea-Pty tis to sh that this oo of a meanng o on eed be reetive aar of must be aiedover to the oher sciecs of ma o is to mak ses of phoma te s of nguitics, socioo, and histor Eah of the sie as becom sued by tng t derstad its subjet matter ie in terms of ehania ausan or in tes of t ong out of a cosciu iea hey av osated bete mpism ad iea Snce n tee aeas tere e no isoat eeents unaete b the oes of hih hey ar a pat, to b kd by aus and ee,

e must ea t reogize totity hr phma v mxresion to each other and re th sam basi thm" tdisipes der disssio, this amot ogg h

  guisi stutur" or th s of a soity." Sense n NonSenseas a oe utates ths tehiqu I sg to rv h udy  ing te of our age, Meeau-Pony takes u vaous asets f our utur an s attentio to their ia fatrs. h hm hihrges a be fated as a o th h stats f aso,  

this iea is ety apart from the paradigm ass hi mbody it, jus as a st of te ommo traits f th mebers of th Jos fay maynot atue their famiy resmba as we as a prspios gment of e famy aroud on of its ypi mmbrs

S h mat mira" hih ots Ma-Poty i hisstdy of prptio is h adv ss m  o-ss, h ss

  phosoher most attrav t him is Heg his may sem strag a st, ie Hege as ekegaards favot hippig-boy u

Hege as introued int Fr ony o geeao ag, after id  ism ha ru its ours i Geay, Ead, ad ma MraPonty, theefor, has a esh understag of Hegs sigHge is th phoshr ho sttd th attmpt t or th a·tiona an inteate it into a xaded reaso" h dii ph  ooe as te st t rejet the trationa oposio of matt dfo shd b ists ad dst k th i h

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iii S E N S E A N D N N S E N S E

can be azed t eagess daa o whch the d ves f r  eag ad the st t that expeece tself s pegat th  eag ege cteded that t was pecsely the duty of the phlsphe t evel the aet lgc f hma eeece ws thest t shw hat eag had t be acheved, tha e and agcsaes e eqed eas t bece aest i hst Btge was st a classcal pspheralbe the last e hed thatth tmph eas ws assed he stt that the a e f the ctdcts hst was pct each stage f thehtl pess the lagag f egels gi he Abste isp t hst

I eats vew, ege faed t take ses the tgec epeece evdet the pespectvt ad cpltabt peept If thee s a eag mpct epeece wch evetay be ade epct the the ed the specvty fpecepta epeece be vece; evetg be cea, theew be gre cceaed the gud, chance er, ad percept hve ted t scece F ebded wes ths caneve be the case Oce we recgze the educle cgecy fpeceptual epeece ad the fac a ral, ctr, ad ptphemea ae fuded percepo, we e onger ble claay gat fr the ultate achevee of order Ths is MereauPts wa f statg the Kekegaa cque o Hege wuappeag al ad regus expeiece Hege atepts overce e cpeteess ad ctracs vidu expeeceb absbg the ividual a vesl ha, thus egthe cate pecever (the epstelca equvale of Kekegaads dvdal wh rased e culies

erkegaard oppses hs psphy f exstece o Hegels absute ideals; Meeauty exstelzes egel Ephasizg theaecc whe plag dw the Abslue, he prpses basg glsgi hs hnno ind rather th e revese The reslis a ped egeas deled o pecepta e geealf eag whch he later stages are t cntaed he earres

Ths recastig f egels ew f he Abslute necessates ecast

g egels thery f the ea a Accdig Hege, e Abslteactuazes tsel by usg e uawae f th ultate eang f theneds f her age r the sgcace f e actio This he famouscug f reas MerleauPt agrees tha eag ces e wd hru the hught ad ac of ens is he etahysc ma bu sce hee is no Abslute e mus be awaref he forces of s order o elp em o essio

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Trnsors' Inroucion

e ructn conscus act,   ra, sfoMeeauPonty's aa estene Heg int M Mars we egel' Abslute delsm, as MeauPont understnds t,

 n ma�sm bu oso f ua acon M, as creatue

f neds caugt n e nonsns, the fusraton, f a vn socit  ust fore thes contradicons nt e lg un te becoe un bearabe nd must thn scend them n soe n, tmpor eso-  uon The gatess Msm s n n t vg trated ec-  nocs as e pcipe or que cus of sto but in t g cutura istry d ecomic stor as w absc asects  sn ross"

Msm thus undrsoo luss ust MuPon'

concpon of e scncs of n n aspct of cultur or pr-ony cant be understod solaon   deoog ma funcorntyas t or eft, borgois or proetindpng onthe tt stocal ituaon An ust s, n te understng of    ron, fctoratoug nterdndnae not equ mpo-ant (b beao beng more relable tan eeng eelngs, s e understanng f story the econmc erspctve, the ay ne u te elan t nature a t eac t, undmenta

  mortane N t s elans eeytng e cturl orde  but n ress can e mae n te culu e, n toc secan b aken uss te econm, wc s lke ts scem and mate  symbol, rgae in c w" A ew f cannt b vorced om man' needs an sca stuan wthou cong abstrac, e, erel anoterdo

Tis the weakness Meuonty ds i Srtr's Beng anongne   wc in gener e woleeare efens ts e

  hsis n th conngncy exprience Stre's plsoph s sl    osopy of consciousnes in spte f ts conce t volvmn,an consciousnss s pure notng s a the world but not n   t onsciousss Sre cks the pcity ncessar t accoun for the:rod chractr f prcption d e cott ncss tout for ts volvnt n certain soci histor Mrlu- Pont xpcts the uor t dvo tor of assit"

MruPonty ns is ctique f Sae, as we as s heo

o ho to vrcom Sr's dclies, rd cipt rx's  noon of raxis Once man is dene as coscousss, h bcomecut o fom things, m is bod and eecve stnce e  ust hrfore be ene as on t nsuments ad ojects   aton hc s not smply ne f thought bu hc nvovs  n wd such wa as to ve an etel aspect, an utseto  ae ee e e ·ujece " Lc

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xx / S E N S E A N D N N S E N S E

a tery f passivity and nvlvement, Stre as n place n Benan Nongne fr a accut f sciety and istry He as lsHegels and Mx's nsiht int te diaeccal relaon f man ad sword e bk remains t exclusively anthec: e esis fmy view of msef and e ote ew of mete anitesis of e foel and e n el often seem be ateative instead of beindescbed as lin bond and cocation beween oe eand te oer "

Sartre accepted this cricsm As e remks in is mem cle, was Meleau wo cnverted me e tau me [cce] a action wic since e and Ma as been calledpras " Sartrs rqe of alecca Reao sow e eed isessn wel He eces MeeauPnt refen t is frmer ex-stenasm as n deoy" and e ccepts (wiou acknowedmen of MeeauPontys specic suesns

Jus as n as d Plosopy MerleauPnty ticipated bysme ears comba of Msm and Enialism wicSe as just produced o Cnce Mas · e anticipatedts daners S ccepts e Mast view i reservatin im it prvides owlede a cpit K. " e otes wit appva Ms cla ta Msm foms d te system of ordiateswic alne pes it t siuate d dee a tut in any dmainwatseverom olica econom o pysic, iso etics "

Even 948, wen e wa nearst to Msm, MeeauPnty wasmre cautious e drew a e between is psin and what econsderd e eoneous iew of te Mrsts Mx ad indeedbrut pspy dwn t eart ad ven a cent place t man ine acievmen o raoliy Ma mself, even rized e cnnency of istry: tat ca d absurty wee on f the pssiblewas r stry o ed Bu Ma s sare e raditi as-sumpn tat he acievement f der is uarateed The evltin ccur; the prletaan class tumph ad put an end t thecntracs f histry It is this assurce that the end f histry is

  plict in eac f it stages whic MeeauPnty reects n witeels Absute Even stry has bee ratial up t nw we ave

uarty a i

cnnue to be s, since we n ner believe inGod or e Abslue e date of te revoutn i wtten n w in no etapysca eave " actin is pen ad therefemenaced Ter is nt even a uanty ta e supposed press upo a pint m o ino caos and ave o be retractively crssedo ju concordan depin perspecve o perep ob

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ranat nttin / xx

jet a b ts ater breakdwn shw the obe to have been an us If we at be se that n e end hstr prde cassesse n whh needs are sased we cann be sre now t theMast espeve s h bes w undersand conempor

eents Ths mght seem to cnadc Meens umen weevents are pt n perspeve " enm ses prvde the p-p condn fr understandn ce But MeePny s cero that r reatns th ature re ndmen e h oercura reatns presuppse hem jus s e persny reues ebd ther epanatr pwer s no ssured I Cneg Mx-sm he hds that we retan the ght t ve [cnmc cndtns

peged pace our nss of penmen s been estbshed that e ve mr fath dcatn of the corse f thinswhe oe s nsden suen broad seen of stry " Buths des nt mean that a Mst nass s hepfu n he srt rn fdatda ps r tht cnue be ue eve he n We can tes the hpthess on events nd mus nt frceevens t ur epanat " mod We ve n sce weve dsvered the sere of hsory

f MeeaPnt were o reew te recen wor o sefvwedpup he wud ert ctce severe fr hving frgtten hecnngen f percepn and fr prpoundn the M versn othe eret phsphe's snthe usn of bste ctwhh MereauPt seeks t reec so s to see cery or beter sese tr) th bsre order at evets We mst ndeed t tounderstad events bu histr ke percepn s erspev Mca at m wthn a stuatn ths ben undersood es of

hs bakgrund m whch e cn never compee emncpate) ad tes f the ancpted mein f hs cton never rezed b he an tsef)

Man des nt gve sese to hstor e app catees t sese-ess events; nr des h smp red the meag o process netab wrk ef ut He mus be d o rcuate and mpwtever meang he nds make wh sense e c of events We asmp nvted to make the gc of hstr umph over s cntn-

ency tht being ered an metaphsic res " Hstoreves man e o hve ater ess understnng of hs stuatnd tus to ac eecve or neecvy e word t ssube nd sber sense of hsory 1945 Mereun te s sep m e bues peepn e s pan

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ii / S E N S E A N D N N - S E N S

ug he Occupatin MeeauPon ee o men e use bysty. Each pesn has scia e; and  an occupie cuntyanythig he des any public pnuncemen e makess an actin epes as a citize the han as an inviual aectg eveynevict d vanquishe ike o a pesns tenon bu e oucmef his acts ae judged; n e's hands ae cean As sn as the wa wasoveMeeauPy ecode hese scoees   e s ssue of eTems Mee e wee no nge petted t be neuta i thecmbat. F the s e we wee e no oy waeness bu oaceptae te e f sciet. "

The cmbat meve id not en t the a MeeauPntyan ma the iteectuals etue m the isace wi eeizatin that he Ocupatin had bough i

 wa he us

atity f the pea ped had masked the fac hat sciety is by cits ad at no ac is thut cpicity. n he WaHas Take Place " eeauPty epessed the gee md. Outsde

he uivesty eedm is spaable m pwe ad vaues must bemade t ptipate i eistece Feedm idividuity and ati-aty have t be w i iteactin th othe. Te e ctadictis

  siety stt eveye ad veything within th scety butmens atins c be ecacius   ovecong ee contacns.MeeauPt emege m e w as a soesman f efsenc pcs

is s inclinatn again ie mos oe ec teecus a

e time was see the scia cnict a ass stuge an t em-bace evlutin as the oy hpe f eslun he tc anysescoected Sene and Nn-Sene tten ug his s o yeas asplical diet f es Tems Modee) evea the faest it fis sg t the eft. At a time when Ste ads ha e suttee the anguage MeeauPnt ea spke " MeeuPn sur-ee the plc situatin of ps ce e conue aefoism as n pnt of fac mossble a e coce as e-

o sciaism o ca e cene a ne ursue wasn eect e poc of te Cmmunis  Pven   hs s e o entusasm oee e as by no

eas nave; e accepte e oiy u no e ilosp o e Hs dsussin f Msm as plitic mvement emaiede o his phiospic cque he buen of is essays s a ees no absue p e n s n aan a Msm

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ansas' in / xxiii

ny umph He veges on wg o e caegoes o ars asso gene as o be useess fo unesng conempoay evens oreeg poii acon The con of h revouion is no acbu a ow. His ommen e ommunis Pay is no base on

e onion ha iwl

bu foows om h jugmen ha isho fo he wo no becoe oae no sop enngise uness e w eas invov wi he speiineess of impeiss reain ossession o econoc pprus"

This o change in he s o poucon oreove canno bbough abou by be refos ons o s o ibra prea i is sorclly dicuus o ain ha go by non

proaan eans an choosg sch means cey indicaes ha onis enuncg one's peene go" Since evouon was impossibea he momen he oy aeav was i onese wih he pywh spoke for he wokes he w. This was wa i meana ha e pusue he poiics o e Py As for he ouco, W pay is wg game wihou uions abou he eu behe om i an ou honong i h he name o iaecic"

This is MeeauPons onsisen view hougou Sense an NonSense

Bu a noe ae o o he Sak Tuh," pesumaby in147, aes a hange. The US.S.R. MeeaPony sovee, hao faih in wo evouion an was epeseng he nees noof  l wokes bu y o hose Russia This mae i neesy orhe nonommus Lef o se ea wy i was no omunisMeeauPonys subsequen wng reecs hi chang. He emphaizes he go ae he Pay.

He ha wien in his ae on faih a man's vue oes no

i in nquesone Insea, i consiss o gheraweness o whe i is reasonabe o ake ngs on us anhe mmen when quesong is in oe" hen wo reache 150 ha hee wee Rssian ncnaion camps he e he ime orquesong ha come He s e ha we have he se vuesas he ouss" b ece We ay so hink hey ae copomise in beng incae in os Cnis e was nonge wing o fuhe he oics"

MeeauPon os his Comunis ens bu for a me s reane poca ecor o L Tmp Thi was he ssage o Meeau-Pon's chng eaion Se. As Sae wa a  as eg he was isoy," erea-Pon was ecmg inceasiny awae of is compey Th as saw was he evienca he No Koans a sae war Koea eeauPoniscovere a S co pis hou remne

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xv / S E N S E A N D N O N S E N S E

t f L Tmp o tw y f ny mor rc bou poic. h n bra, coun byar a i 952 I id w n impy fc tha Mu-Pony nd Sr w tpory nmpny f ph wh ch MPonty wawy tp yn r. Mov, at imf pu i, I w ogmc; h wa m nunc At w MrPony  a bcm on w Communm c incaing civim n Cmmni ympthypy a ct f  O o i m MPny, w fou u oppoit an g i yt-y pc v.

In Antrs l Dilctiqu Mau-Pny pubcy ackt piti f a n

Ls Tmp osf ing conf,

cruou, n arrry. a w [of U.SSR.] no ui prv th int f t prota i i ym," o. In 95 h oug h ony v vuon wa chao.Nw t m a c  t n wt r  of fur  in gim wich o not caim t m ioy from h boomp bu y t chg i."

To St an t Comni cng m hocy inconnt. Hn't Mu-Pon rjc rfo a boycio? Ty c c vw i t": h iniiu go ong wh Pty . , i i bc h Pry

  pn it wrt, bc io in ity cu    prn h pro." Bt ch vr w cnn h dp tm f Mr-ty tgy f ppoch t  poiic wy bn mpc H i from th o f m t nch nct' tdcy iv rcon.

Nw noh ioog cmba r w u  to" c y vouny c Oc w av njrwy nagi f Cmunim," wot w wkn from yrm n ving bcom w d ig Th quon  wh Communi wou v in of pro hdt ci n h ba f v vinc, vincw ni tt th Pty h iio it no ht it ht prorat' rt . Mr-ny cnd t t

  on f o, wh St oy i ' ct covyIn Mpyic M" Mr-Ponty w gain t

ng f Au Knwg. f I biv t I an join o pncip of o vauaion . , ung I ct t t app, cm n I pioy cy v t p , tt t d

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anat nttion x

muns ay sme myseus ay alwe ndividual cr-csman exchange bewen pvae jugmens and Pary desons."w MereauPn read he signs diereny. Wihu reraig hiselie sm o he pariamenay sysem (a can be conroed  by he pwerul by means he press ec.) he conclude a one  mus wor ih a paramenary gime he pament s eoy known isuion hich aranees a imum opposiion anda leas sme truh" his reucan efence democracy s no anopimisc an. Raher ress om jecing he esiscnicion o the gh (hat rd s s precaous h mus  be presee a al coss an e pmism he (whih armstha he pre ie come afer he revoon juses a saes).

He bases his olrion of iamery dmor on a sens in  hisory s in ppon disordr may awys ep but order and sa-  biiy gneray pre. ehodi opmism" as MeeauPonyas i suggess hasince here an be no eive soluon an  ned e no oriby imosed orremorY1s he eas possie  poii ev. This conusion sy resembles he vie o Rein- hod iebuhr and he Amean neu ef.

he as wo essays n he coecon are no stcy poa.MeeauPony akes up uesons o ah ad commimen rs i ascussion o hs an hen an examnaon o he oalsuaon moe m.

he essay n a Goo Fth" s nesng because

  bgs MeeauPony's agnosism so cose o h esenia Chrsaniy of Kerkegaar ha e sane hic separae hem shaened by cnras. ik ierkegaard MereauPon see he n-cio as e t exi o Chrisii. This seemsJpausibleenough; bu as MeeauPony poins u Augusne's rein as sa   egion o the Fahe o rec communon w a Go beyon the and Chsiaity has remaine marke by hi enng.Kekegard makes he same pon hen he proess ha Chsia 

anger o undersanng ise as a reigon anence an he

sees n he Incaon e po a saon s n ay wn u bu resides n our rlo to Anotr MereauPon shis he emh-sis om Chs by regng hstian as e gn o e MeuPon give he ncan a soci inerpreaon. Fo    shows ha G s n longe Heaen bu   human scean communao" Hs aih s ot a ce a pary bu n

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te rlatn amng men" Tere i o met of te fac a h inua Cita i u t ae alan tu reatn to rit or a in eary ekegaa me or ecicuma being i a Saviu im

Acrng to erkegaar fait i a ievable cmmtmnt oe r metng o ene te tat t eny t mtmnt i t ety te lf an te l Suc a ft crae ainvl en of etaty or aurane eeauPny n t ntrary ntan a fait on e e of o erceta exerenceac f ur eretin i a c of faith i tat it am me tane tc n ne bject ae ineabe nd ur natiite" Ti lead t an unrtaning f an neerv mmitmetb nt of irevcable one on pit qog St-upryMeleauPnty eem t untenane uc an abute cmmmente hero goe io bate ece he wod b oin e er oback u" bt uc cmmitmen ul be n abl1e rk an  MerleauPnty aking ch i rd For Kieraard oo brd an for ht very rean he ca fait eretual fait hee i re cato If coen oe beyo reon hodnever run counter t reaon ef" T Meleau-nt o amcm of oa rea coeqenty c only conceiv oetey a rtrea time no ta invlvement in it necn ge beyod itr n n ca do ncr  aprivate eteity i ter mi a artica a the etey of mam beleve he i Go Orer d ee wich e h wor i e gue n e ro i ercetin are aay bec o retroactvecane No rntee ain o h c notig i enitive For Mee-nty a nd mn eaa i te roce of creatin temee b he ver ie atn irevcabe cmmen ere te on lteative ae o ou e cneuence f ti comimen or uer ot o.

raty hi hmantic etetial iab f certaintyd ain recover te pagan pibility f herim Bu i o Gree heroim guaraneed by a e of ci ale for ic teher ca acce imelf it te arace a hi acice beantne a aoe Nr i it a Hegelan erm i i thehero a ene a ltg he i nt ndert e i neverteeoing te of te W Srit an the Her" tten exrel�o conclue n and Nn-n inroce a exitenti ero Ther i omne t bngattel-frm-itnit an meanh conemne t fll u ae meaning tut eiter theum f an abue t f

s s ee co c' at en o ch o

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Tanstos ntotion xxii

dey ad too itte to e ure I am i a tat geaty to e piiewc ea Pasca by wa f h Wager to a vocab cotme to Chsity. But MeeauPon' agnsi of he piietat that t ae only cause e eek a absoue Kiekegadd Pasca dead uc a asou and otai it at he pice o anevocabe coet. MerleauPoty popose to reduc te k noucing e demand fo asue ein. If I ha unesthat trut a vaue e for u ohi ut te rult of te vecao or evauaton whc e make i contact he wo eother eope and gve situatio of noedg ad action the t o cover t texture and kowedg an aintrue ad fse good ad ev have sometig quesonae aboutthem pcisey becaue I o o a to hem ase edece" ephsical ad moal conciouses ie upo coa hte ase

If oe oe not seek aoue den MeeauPony asues usiua and soial comen a resut in a momnt o nwc t o reward Th s ipng to be ure ut the us f ast caenza MereauPont egec to etio one icu itwod ofom hi e o th otgecy of that ss ad

hat hs ue tha eve thouh a ori" a e experened aqueoale t may tu ou to ry. Ter o guay tat we ay ot ae be forced to repue he comien nto ve the acic mad or t a asted ot. Ho e a w ve tust these momet of vcory ?

o demand uc crtaty owever to Mreauony'ot aot eect te aurace romd Kerkegaa anac ut eer must uppo k arte ha th ace o

deat vcor i e see a van r is mning The peeuosiity of eor doe nt excude the mirace o vec pecepto or do h dges of nauaio and enusiasm excue heae" of a omitent whic s mained reserng the vadit o a moment of vcor eve afer he excient dis adepeds par upo u-o our aiiy to make ucient sceout f o to what we have ecoe" he es is o o hough we hav no guarany against disilusinn we s

su a moen an e i as n as i ss si Ijuice an nonense ae not eiiae ut he heo i he oeheroic or nt ein a san u ny a ma

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E RLR wou ik ha cBion fo hi rois eson aigis f h riex Bo E o his dioa ron of h a asc Sa Tos fo his fu susons fo h ocon M.T fo sporn h work a s  

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Talatr u

Aut Pa 3


1 Can' Doub

2 Mahsic and h Novl 63 A Scanalou Auhor 41 T d h N cholog 4

5 Heges Esenm 636 T Ba ovr Eenm 71 h pical n  oneg sm Mam and hlosoph 15


10 Th War Has Tkn Pce 1 Fr e Ske f 1312 aih and Goo F 17

1 e Heo 1

Blrap Not 1



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Sns n Nn-ns

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A ·U T H O R S


BGG of the centuy my great boshave exressed the evolt of lfe's immediacy agnst easo. Ei its on way has said that the nl aagement of sysem

of mors or poics o even of art is vaueless the face f thefeor f th moment the exlosive bice of iniidu lete "eitaion of te unwn.

t oul seem at the communion beeen a man and hs powet chse cannot ong be endued. ong the ebels some hae un

coditonaly suendeed to e ust dscipne othes to aeealed religon whie ohersthose most oya to ei youthavespt the lives in w in ei oes as citzens husbds lovers

ats hey oow e e o oseae eas ocgthei evolt in teatue pe wic eeby become a egon.

t is e eou at shee be scee soon as wedesir sometng o c thes to witness at is as soon as we ivewe iml that te wod i in pipe i n tsel anoes ith oules. We bo into ason to anguae. Butthe ason t wich we ae must nt be the se eason we abn-oned wi such a oush. e eence of  ason caot simplybe forgotten we must fo a new idea son.

When we conont a genune ove poem nng o m enw that a contct as been estabshed wi somethg that smeting has been gained fo me; e wo o  begns to ansmitn nnteted message. But e maning of te wo fo the arsto f the pubic cnnot be state ecept by te wo tself neie hethougt which ceated it no the thought which eceives it is comptely i wnaste zanne is an eampe of how precaiousy epssin d communcaon e achived. Eession i ie a stepten n te fo ne a wee t ead. Ee

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4 E N E A N D N N E N S E

ur mheics ger resembes lng ch o easMheic eiies c y be grsped by bque prcedure ·pvsed mehds s pque as un neral. Ised egie d hee e d ebue sepred by expses dess The d cuue s s discnuus s her dd hs s secre muis. Thee s cuur me hches d s f d sciece hugh his me peresmre sy h h f hisry r he physic rd The men a r r hey s s sepre frm s embdet she meg gie hghch is hy he meng c ever be epessed The highes m res brdes unreasn.

Liese e e escver syse ms e mus nd hugh c ih he ccs reveed by is. AsSie de Beauvis bk Lnve ps ut t a queti fg heher hee i indeed cei e cduc hch cusiy ech m he eyes f hs fes or hehe e corryur cii des mke ys f beh muuy unfrgvbe d heher such sui mrl pcpes e tmeey y ressue rher h sve rseves y vequesis sde sed f seng hem1 I mory s theres u fr he n h mke mve hu he he s gg d h s be ccurte d crl t eeryet Our y res s he speus mvemet wc nds u hers fr gd r u f seshess r geersy

Ls f he p expeiences f he pst hry yes oblgeus eve he bcgund f nese gaist hc ee uversudeig is shueed d y hich i s hetene h fureMsm s he hpe f eeis nteecus or rler

d hugh he e eve ni ee d n he ay respec d ji ech her Pehisy s gg o ed rd hdbee spe hih ed se h vs en hu s sie u We ee but iess he brh htsue ve d hee ever cus. Bu Mxism scee i is dig he s successful oy ecun i ed is pen ehd d resued hecssic es f hisy hiechy bedece my iequy d

pmc pie Jus e he e g hd res hpeh he spi is ud repper ht h mveme f heAmeic msses ud e up he bner This expecn s ex

e de eu el i een nled E undr e Sh Ce Say lelnd nd Ne rk .-ns

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Auos Prc / 5

ss s of ts ssay2 ow at t was a mistakeop d we are ow witessig the opositio of a eria amstaously preocui th "Redun (a Aeria slag te yporisis that Mast ritiis uveed i te ircoscousess) ad a oviet Uio whi nsiders the visi o thewod to two cas a ait accoli aets the itry utn asetable, ad does ot cot o any awakening of prletari eeom, speiy wen t sks ation retts i sissis

Just as Czae wonerd weter ht e hi hns hday meaig and woud be understood, just as a man of gd cos to doubt that ives a tie wit eah otr wn e nsdes te cots o his o pcl fe, so toys tiz is notsue wethe the ua wod is i

ut faiure s ot absolute Cae won out agist he, ame too, an provided they wi meaure the dners d te task

C Coc 12   th S o h 170

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 P A R T I


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ze's Dubt

E NEEDED ONE HNED working sssions fr a s fon hudrd and fty stgs for a portrat. What w c all hs work was

for h only an ssay a approach to patg Septmr 906 atth ag f - on month for hs dath - h wrot : " was n such astat o t atato n such grat confuso that for a time Iard ' wak raso would not survv Now t sems am bttr and that I s mor clarly th drecton my stds are takng. Wl I

vr arv at t oal so ntnsly souht and so long pursud? amstll lg from natur and t ss to I makng slow

progrss" Painting was i wo an is wa of e. work aonot sns wit amiain m i amy o noragmnt fom iis e pn on t afoon of t ay ismthr i n  0 was paining at a wi t oi wrafr him or oing rft st a momnts of obtaot tis voaion s grw o wonr wtr novy ofi p gt not com m rob wit is ys wr iswho a not bn base pon an ant f s boy. rainty or stiit of h ontmporaris ospond to tis ortan his obt. h paint f a rnkn pv clanr" s a ri  905 Evn toay C Maair ns Czann's aission ofpwsness an argmnt aginst m Mnwh Cza's ntg hav spra throghou� t wd. y so muh ncrtainty soch labor s man failr an sdn h ratst scss?

Zola Czn's nd m chood was th rs to n gnis d rst to spa of a a gnis gon ong" obsrvr of Czann' f sh as Zoa mr concd wi hischacter an with th min of s pann1 mit w cnd it mtan of iht.

F  f ac as 8, pon enten te oe Bobn a

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I S E N S E A N D N O N - S E N S E

Czanne orried is ends i s s of emper and dpression.Seven years laer aving decided o become an aris, doubed isalen and did no dar as is far-a haer and laer abaner-o send im o Pas Zolas leer reproach for isiabiy is eakness and his indeciion e nay cam oParis e oe : e ony ting ave caned is my laon mennui as fooed me" He coud no olerae cussions becaue eyore im ou an becae e could ever give arumen His nurea baiy aniou iig a e ou die young e mae isi a e age of 42; a 46 he as for six ons vicm of aven oee oveeig asion of ic no one nos eoucoe an o ic e ould never reer A 51 he idre o ee e n ancae ie o i genus bu ere alo ereued o e rld of s cood is moer and is siser Afere ea o i mer e ued o i son f ur Lie iseiing" e ul ofen say Reigion ic e en se aboupraccing for e ie begn or i i ear o le ad efear of eah I is ear" e exained a end; fee beon ear or anoer four ys-a en bieve in ie ae eaad I don an o rk roing in tu� Aloug is reigion laer deeened oigina movaon as e need o u i e in order and o be reeved of i He became more and moe imidmisrusful and seniive on is occasion viis o Pari e moioedis fend en sl far aay no o aproac i 193, afer ispicures ad begun o sell in Paris a tice e pc f ones anden young en lie Joaci Gaue and e eard came o seem nd as im ueis e unben a lie u i of ager cnined ( Aix a cild one i im as e assed by; afer a e coldno bear any conac ) ne ay en zanne as quie old, e ernad supored im a e mbled Czanne e in a rage H couldbe eard sding arou is suio and souing a e oul leanybody ge is oos ino m" ecause of tes oos" e pusedomen could ave modeed for im ou of i suio es,hom e caed sicy," ou of i fe, and ml eards eoesou of is mind, en e became oo insien

T loss of exible uman conac; is abiy o maser ne

iuaions;is ig io esablised habis amoee icpresend no probem; is gd opposiion hor nd pracic of

t oo" versus he feedm of a reclusl ese sypoms permion o spe of a morbi consuton and mr prisely, as, forexample, i e cae of Greco, of scorenia. The nion ofping from na" could b said s th sa assHi trl cls nn to c, the 

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Czae' Dub

character of hi panng (he d that a face houd be patd as anobjct) , hs dvoon t the visle world : all of ths wld thn olyprsnt a ght m the human wod, th alienaon of hishumanty

hs conjctures neverthess d not give any ida of the posvesde of hi work; one cannot erby cnclude that his pnng is apnomnn f dcanc and what Ntzsche cald mpvrshdfe or that t ha nthng t say to the educatd man Zola's and Bard' blf n Czann' falure praly ss om thr havgput t mch emphass on pschlgy ad th prn wledg ofCzn t s qte ps that, on the bai f hs nouswasss, Czann cncvd a f of art whch s vd fr

evn Lft to hmlf, h cld lk at nat as only a hmang an Th manng f his wr cannt be dtd hslf

Th nt c any cr n th lt of at hthat s, by ng n th nncs n Czann's mths thIta shl an Tntt, Dlacrx, Cut and th Irnit Ovn ra n h n jdgmnt f hs w

rst csu t at 7ar td fas : a

rap, a mr Th ar thfr almst always xcutd n radsks an nt th m hy f th actns rat tnthr vl asct It s thanks t th ImprSssts, d ptculayt Psr, that Czann lar cncvd pntng nt as th ncaatnof mand scnes, the prjctn f dr outward, but as th exacttdy f apancs : ls a rk f th tudo than a wg mnatr hanks to th mprssnit, he abandoned th barqetchnque, whos pmary aim s to captur movement, for sma dab

placd cls tghr and fr pant hatchngsHe qcly artd ways th th ImprSst, hwvr Imprs-sm t t captur, th atng, he vry way n whch ojcsk our e and attack O ns bjct a dctd as hapar t nttanus prcpn, thout xd contours, bntghr by ht and T catr ths enve of lght, n ha xcl snnas ochrs, and ack and us only th svn c f thpcm he clr of objecs culd n be represntd smly y

ttng n th canva thr l tn, that s, h clor thy tak slatd o thr suondngs one also had t pay attentin to thephomna of conat whch modfy lc colors n nature Fur-m by a st f rvral, vry clr w percve in natur cts theaparance of ts complmnt; and thee cmplemnta hghtenone r achive unlt coor a pctue whch b n ine d ht of aptments not on mus e be a grenif you  

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pining gassut lso the cmplemntay ed which ·vbae inay, the Impessonist eak dow the oca toe can geneally oa any col y juxtaposing athe th mxte cs hich make it up, heeby achieving a moe vibant hue. Theesu f ese pceues is at the canvahich no ongecespons point y pon to natueaos geneay tue mpesn though the aci of te sepaate pats po one aothe. But e same time, depicg he amosphee and ek p he toesubmeges the oject and causes to se ts pope weht Th cpsn of Czanne palette eads one to uppose tht he hanhe aim Isead of the seve colos of the spectum, one deigheen closix eds, ve yeows, thee lue, he ee, lack. Te use of wa colos ad ac show tha Cze wn epesent he object, to nd agai ehi the tmophee. Lewihe oes nt eak up the tne; athe, he eplace tis echnque wgauated colos, poesso of choatc uacecoss te oecta mulaion of cols which stays close t the ojet fo nd th ght it eceives . Doing aay ith exact contos eta cses, cl piity ve the oulinethese oousy ea dieet tfo Czane and fo the Impessot. The ojec o one coeey eecons nd s n t eshp to e tmosphee othe ojects : t seem utly lumted o wthi h m t, d the es s mpeo o oldt d substance. Moeove, Czan doe o ve p k wcolo viate ut chieve thi chomc esato tho th lue.

ne us heee say that Czane wshed to etu he oecwiho aandong the Impessioist ethec whch e tu

ts mel. Emile Bead emnde h hat, fo the ssca spainng demanded tine, compositio, dtto o hCzanne eplie : hey ceaed pictues; we ae ttemptg pece onaue" He said of te old mastes tha they epced eaty yiaginain an y the stacion whch accompane " O atue,he said that the st ust confo this pefec wok of Eveytng ces t us fom naue; we exist though it; noting elseis wth ememeig." He stted he wated to mae of Impesonis smeing soid, e the the ueums. i paitwas paaxica he was pusung eaity witho gn p hsensous suface, ih no the guide tha the mmedate mpessioof natue, whout followin the contu, th o ou to ec he colo, wih o pespeciva o pctoa agemet. Ths s whtBed cled Cze' icde m o e wh de he e o . c

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Czanne' Doub / 1

f ss ds s cs 1 870 ad 1890Cup and aucer o a tabe seen om the de should b lptial, buCzanne pans h two ends of he p swo ad aded Thwor abe in h portrat of Guav Geoey srthes, conay to th

law of perpective, to the lower part of the ptu. I gving up theouine zane wa abandonng hie o h chao of senaons,hh would upe th obec and ontany sugget iluion, a, forxampl, h lion w ha whe w move our head tht obetstheelve moving-f ur juden dd o contany e heapee traight Aorng o Berd, Czanne ubeged hisnng goran d hi md shadow." But n cnno relyjudge hi painting way excep by cloing n' mind to hlf of

wha h d and o's ye o what h paintd. e om hi conveaton with Ele Bard that zannewas way eeing to avoid h readymad alttves suggeted o : senatin veru uden; the pinter who ees agnt thepanter wh thin; tur eru compoton; pitm a opoedo tadion e hve to develop an opti," sad zanne, y wih a a lo von-ha s, one th o lmn of h aburd." Au paking of ou aue? " aed Beard. Cznn ha do

boh." u ar' ar ad r" I wa ma hemhe sam A s a person apperpo, wc mbody eations hch I a h drsadng o rgz a ig." 1 Bue se foulas pu too muh phai o orn otions fs or sensatons" ad undertndng -whih why C coul o cnce by arguments d rfe o paint sad. athr ha apply o hs wr dihoomes mor aproiate ts o sus raions ha o hos , hosophrs or p

rs, h thes tradtios, h rerrd seah for he rug f ag, hc s coul qusio radiio.Cze d o he had o hos bew feng and though, ordr ad chao He dd wa o spara th tabe thingshch see ad h hfng way whih hey appear; h wanted opct maer a ae on fo, h brth of order hrough sponaus orgza. H ms a b dtinon o beween thsess" and th underadin bu rther bewee he spontaeou

gzat o h hngs we pereiv and e human ognzation ofdas and sees. ee ing; we aree about them; we ae cd hm; and i i th natue" as ur bae tha we onsuc ou siece znn waned o ain h ordial wod,and hi piue theeoe eem o o e ue e oo

znscoron Ba d uveT UT au

Can (Ps 1912)a 

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/ S E N S E A N D N N - S E N S E

grphs of the se lndscpes suggest n's works, coveecnd nent presence Cznn evr wshed o pnt lke a svage.He wned to put nelgence, deas, sceces, perspectve nd tradton bck n uch wh the od of natur whc they ust coprhend He wshed, as e sd, conont the scences wh the tur ro whc they cae

By remang fthful t te enoea nvesgatos ofperspecve, Cznne scovered wt recet psycholgsts av c to oule : he lved perspectv, tat c w actua erv sot a geoetrc or phoograpc one Th obect w e cle at adapper sller, hose ar away seem rger t ty do aphooph (Ths c be seen n a move, where a tr aproaceand gets bgger muc fater th a re tr od d t  sccusncs ) T sy ha crce seen oblquely s see a a ellps s t sbsue for our acual percep wat w oud   r cers n relty we see a fo whch osctearoud t el whout beg an ellpse I a rtrat of M t ordr othe wllpaper on one sde of er body doe not f a stragt ln wtht on the oer nd ndeed t s kow that ass eneat ade strp f pper, he two vsble egents app dslocated. ustav Georeys tble strece to t otto of t cte d dedhen our eye ns over a lre surfce, the mage t successveyreceves re tke fr erent pots f ve, ad te wol ac s ped It s true that I eeze these dstortons rep he o he canvs sop the spotaneous movet wc teyple up n percepon and n whch they tend towrd te geoetcppc Ths s lso wh hppens wh colors k upo grapper coors he bckground green Acadec pntng shows th bckound s ry su ha e pcure wll prduc the saeeect of const s he rl objct pressons pnng uses eenn he bcround n ordr t cheve contr s blnt as tht ofobjecs n nue Doesn't hs fls he color rlanshp? t would t soppd hre bu he pners sk s o ody l the oher colors the pcue s hey ke w fo he ren bckound scrcescs of re colr lly, t s Czanes genu ta hen the erl copoon of e pcure s see globly,

perspecv dorons e o ongr vsble hr w gt utrher conrbue, s they do n tur vson to te presso f emerng rder of oect te act o appeng, rgnzg teefor our eyes I e e wy, the cnour f n oect coceved aa e ecrclng he oect belongs ot to t sle ord t toetry f o ou ape o a p t coto a oc o r t ct raer

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Cznnes oub /

de it tow whic the sdes f te pple cee depth. Not tcae any sape wou be to eprive e objects of he ie Ttrae ju a ne ouln saces eph-t is, te enson whch e ng i preente ot s spred ot beore s t

exhauble rety o reees. That is wh Czne fows hesweng te oject moate oors nd dcaes aou n bue. Rebounng mng hee, ones nce capures asae a eege om ang em , just s it oes in perceptoNohng cul be le arbrary thn thee faou rn hc,reover, Czne abaone hi t peod, fer 890 whe he lnr h canvae h crs wen e gave up eloelyven xtre o hs ses

The oune shoul thereore be rsult of he olors the world isto be gven n is ue eny For he wor is a m hot gap, sye o cr ar wc e receng perpecve, the oue,es, an cuve  cbe e lnes o forc; the sptia sucueibrae a i fre he une n e cors   o longerdict om each oer. To the exte h oe pnts, one otesh mr e cr nze, he e une bees prece . . hen te colr i t its chest, the f hs ehed pletude

Cze es ot o se colr o uggt he te sens whhwu ve hape eph. Tee ncons betwee toc sg re unnn n pr pereptn. I is oly s eult scence e uan bdy at we ay le to guih beeeour en. ve obect s ot recovere or cnrce o heba e nbun he sene; raher, it preet iel to u e ar a cnr ich hee cnbun raae. We h p, the one, he sfne, he hardnes of object

n a e e r. I e paner r · e aagn cr ut carry wi i e or e r y hn a ng an  t n eu uny, he prence he nuabepu r u he nn o e real. Ta i y ecbrur u y an nuber o cnn zne nr ur a br ung n a cernr r u cn e h,

e e n r e une n e ye"Ern sts n n .r zanne negec e pyy obe an face he

sy an cape i erng e cr. Png ea an b" n o ough." " reaze a e perinpr i," i Czae. he paer is ot n bece." Bu terpreti hol ot be reeco st m e ct of seeing.

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6 / S N S N D N O N S N S

I pain l h ll bls an a h n I r nnvy his ganc. W vs a hy wan isp w nan san a moh r mak a chk smil y wing sa go a r" n' pesonay is sen an gasp on's anc hich

  i wvr n mr han mbinan ls Or ins

 givn s nly as inaa s blnging an gssonng ih h isinins an y vsi i n s hr fo zann s s a prial xpnfom whh s nins rv   w  sp

  rab Th panr wh cncpalizs n k rsin miss h mysryrnw vry m w lk smn

  peson's appang  na. n Pu ag za sb aeclh whi as lay nwly ln snw pn wi

  pacsengs ris symmcaly crn ih bl ll." hogh yuh" a zann wan pn ha a ablf new snw Nw I nw ha n ms  nly pa h

  pacsings sing symmtcaly an h l   rls I I  pan coe' h i yo nsan? Bu  aly alc anshae my acsngs an os as hey in nt n y bsue ha h cns th snow an a h xmn    b hroo.

W in h mis f manma bcs amon ls sssree cts an mos f h m w s hm ny hrgh hun acons hch hem o u W becom s hnng h al f hs s ncssay an nshakaby. zan's paing suens hs hbs f hough an rees h bas f nhunau uon whic man as ina hmsef This is wy zann's eo sang as iwe by a caur of anhr scs Nau  if is si f h bus whch mak i ry r misicomuons h is n in n h nsca n movmn n hLac 'nnecy h zn bc ha as a h bgnnng h

 wo. It s an unfar wo in wch ne s ncomfotable and

 whch fob a human e s iveness. If  ne los at e wk  er   pats af se  ng Czann' ant  ings, on f ls smhow rlaxd,just  as conesaons resumed afer  ped mg ask  th bolue change an g  ie back he srv vs he r sid iy. Bu ineedony  a uman bing is ap   bl of su

c vis  ion w nr a gh  he roo f hngs beneat he im psed r der  humani. Ever-t h  ing ind caes t at an imals caot  look at hgs, no  pene tm n xpecan o nhing bu ru. E Brd' a-mn  a rais ·panr i ny p is for p risl opposite of  he uh, and one see how Czn w  bl o rv  as n of

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Czanne's Dubt 7

Cze's g deies eithe sciece o tdio. He wet toe Le evey day whe he ws Ps. He eleved hat oe mstle hw pat d hat he geomeric stdy of plnes and fs is eessay pa of s leg prss H qed at e

geolo sre of is ladscapes, coviced ht ese aactrelanshps, eressed, hwever, ts of the vsile wod, sldect e t of pg. The rles of tomy d desi re preent eah ske of hs rsh st s the rles of the gme derle eahsoke f teis mh Bt wht motivts the er's mvemetc eve e smply perspecve o geoey o he lws gvegclor, or, fo hat mte, pcl owledge Moivg all hemovemes om which picte gdly emerges tere c e oly

oe tg: the ladscpe its toy d is bsle fess,preiely what Cae caled He wold st y disveghe gelcal fds of the ladscape the ccordg MmeCza, he wd ha and lk at veryg wih widened eyes,gerna wh the nside The tas efore was, rt tfrge al he had ever leed m siene nd, seod troug thesesen recape he sre of e ladscape s an eenrgan�. T hs, al he pral vews ne cahes sgh f mus e

wel er; l hat e eye's versatty dspers must ereed; ne m, as Gaset pu i, he wdeng ds fae. "A e f he wl is gng y whh mst e paed i isfl ey. man wul udy e cnsuaed I havemy motif Canne wud say, d he wold expla at elandsap ha e ened neer h r t lw, aht ave e wh wuld let nhg esape The he ega t pa alps f 4e pang t he same me, sg pahes of clr to

sd his oal charc sketh of the gelc sele. Thepiur k n fs and deny; i ew sucure an aanc;it ca ay ll at one. he landsape hks iself e, hesd, d I am is niuses. h d e faher mtrim than his tive science. is ot imi r s itsoe manfaed crdg e wshes f st or gdase It is prcess of expressg. Jt as he cio of wrds is taeha is, asp he ature f what ppers o s cnfused

wy d o plce it efo s s reoible oect-so i is p tohe paer sad Gsqet, o oecf prect d est. Wrdsdo t lk lik the igs they deige d pic is o trm-lil Czne, his ow wrds, rote pag what hdeve yet ee ped d ted it ito g oce d f lForgeg he viscos eqivoc pperces, we go rgh hemt to s s T te ct d covets

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8 / S E N S E A N D N - S E N S E

ino visible obecs wa woud wiu ema walled up hsepaae life f eac consciousness e vibao of eancewic is e cae of ings Onl one emoio is possible fo iane-e feeing of sangeness-and onl one lcisa fe coninal ebi exisence

eonao da Vinci' mo was esisen g and te classicawoks on e a o oe us a e ceain of a is no easmae zane's cules-lke ose of Balzac Malla-of a een nae Balzac (obabl aking Delacoi f isoel) aged a ane wo wan o eess lie oug te use ofcoo oe a wo kees is maeiece idden We Fenoeie en n noing bu a caos of clos and elusive nes aw o g ze ws mve o eas wen e ead eCf-douv nconnu an decae a e imel ws Fenoee eo ae by Bza e obee eaiaon" ses o ze's In  a Pau d can c seks a ougo be exese" a sysem o be b" a science o eed" Hemakes oi Labe oe o e aboe gee o e mieHe y : I a eag owa ce scvees bow a I ecbe e owe wc b y ns so m moua e e oose eo o vocio" o sa ac e e o ed e ey o i e is no scienI i no eua ask escbe e ica aveng salesman ec e eac oeion" o eve o lay e ounaons of asocoo ce e ad named e vsibe oes suc mone ando oce e a ecbe e way ey eien ly wok Blzacwoneed wee i a e wa was e imes beind i wa wae ann o exame a oe woe eos ed owa smeukown ye o zaion" so e waned ndesandw ieo oce os e wo ogee a causes e olfeaio sibe os Fenoe ad e same idea abou e meaningo ann : A and is no smly a o e body bu e exession and coaion of a ou wic mus be capud and conveed . a is e eal suge Man panes um insncvelunawae o s eme of a You daw a woman bu u do no see" e ai is e one w aess e secacle wic mos meae a wiou eall seeing i d o makes sibl e osuman" among em

Te is us n a fo leasue's ske alone. On can invenleasuable obecs b lining old idea in a new wa and b peseningfos a av been se befo Tis wa of paining speaing asecond and is wa i geneall me b culue zanne's oBalzac's ais is o sased o b a culd anim b assiaes

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Cs Dob / 19

e culture d to ts ve oundns nd ve t a new sucture  e speks s te st mn spoke nd pnts s   on ad ever pnted befo. Wt e epresses cnnot ereore b e slato of a clerly ene tugt, snce suc clr ougs    tose wcve leady been uttered by ouselves or by oers. Concepton  cnnt pecede execuon." ee nong but a vgu feve bef  t act of stic eesson, nd oy t wok tself, cmpleed nd understood, s roof tt e ws somethi  rater tn ohg  to bsd. Becuse e etus to e souce of silent nd solity expeence

  n wic culture nd te excnge of des ave been bult n order tnow t, te rst launes is wrk ust as a mn once uced tt od, ot knoing eter t  b nyting more tn shu,

  hee t cn etch ielf om he o of iniul fe in hich it  ote nd ge the indeendent exitence of denblemning   eihe to he ftue of ht me inivu life o t theons ceng ih it to the open cunty of futue monas.e meg of ht te t s ging t sy does ot estnheent in ings, hich ye ve no ening no in te ie  i ne e It mons one y fo thee �niue en in hic culted men" e cntent to sut

heee o a en hich conin its on oins. Bens et to g   back to un nteienczanne reied I   oente tod th inelligence of te PaerOmnotns e in ny cae, oiene tord te de the

 poect o an nie ogos. zanne's uncetinty nd solitude e not eeni eine hi neous tepement but by te pupe of  is o eit y e ve gien im ic sensaons, stong eotion a e feeg of ngh o mystey ic upet the

 life gt ve wised fr imself nd wc cut m o om men  but tese quties cannot create a ork of tout te xpressvect, n they cn n me ccount for te dcuies tn fr tetues of tt act. Czne's culties    tose of rst wod. He  consdeed iself poees becuse e was nt omnpotent, becus  e ws not G nd wnted neverteess t poay te word, t  cnge t cmpletel nto spectcle, t me w e wdtoes  us.  new teoy of pyscs cn be provn becus cculons

  coect te de or menin of t t stndds of mesurementredy common to en. It s not enug for pnter ke Cznnn rtt, r a plosoper, to crete d expres n dea tey must sawke te eeences wc   mak er dea tk root n te  conscousnes of ohers. A succesfu wok as te stnge    poer t  tec ts on lessn. e reder o specttor w fws te cues o  t bok pting y setn up epp stones rebou

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S E N S E A N D N N - S E N S E

om side to side ide by the obsc lai f a picular sl, end y dioveng wh he tis aed t commiae. The ptern do n moe tn onstct an iag; he s ai for this image come t e o he eoe. Whe it does, he ok of haned tese see ves it

o longe st oy one f he

e a so dem o a esien deim no it eis on se a a ooed pice o cna. I e udide semnds, wi a am on ee ossbe mid ie a peenni acqisii.

Ths th "heediay tats the ences -h accdents Czne's ie-ae h text wih te histy a h deie. e gve on the ie enng o hs ok. B ais'sceon ie n's ee deons imose on this gi a gteense w dd no ee em. znne's e seems to s oc te seeds o hs wo wn it it is bee e �t o kw iswo t nd see e ne o e h t chgtem wh a enng wed o wo. te vens oznne w we ve en eneng nd w we e o seng non wee o ge in e we o ]es w he wste ve done so on eenn emves to him as hathe hd o ve evg o ve i ndeemined. An imosed them e t e ee wen ece in e esene o which heye t te monog nd the symbol o a ie hich eelyineeed ie.

et s make no mistke abou his eedom L us man st oce whh od semoe its eects on ies ieso wih e bees in ie's develoment thogh cettht mn's ie does not elan is ok i is equay cea a h

two e cnneced. Te tth is that this ork to be doe d for thislf Fom te ve stt he ony eiibim i Czanes l caom te so o his fte ok. His lie as h pjeco f he w. he wk to oe is hnted at bt i od on ae tee hnts o ses houh they d ak a sie atu i e nd ok Hee e ae beyond cases and eects ; boh cmtogee in e simnet o ee Czanne wh is at the saeme te o o wht he wned b nd h he e to o

Thee i a o eween Cznnes shizoid tememen n hs ee e wok eves a ehsic sense f the disease : aw o een e od eed to he toiy o foe apeanes,w exeve ves ended. s the ness eases t e anabs ct nd a e nd beoes a gene ossibity of hmxisence. It beomes so wen is stene bavely faces one of tsaaxes, th phemeo o eess. I his ses sci

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Cnn"s oub / 2I

be anne me e n. heefo poibe epate ae ity m that bha a fa a possle deat, eady ent n zae t gtur as a ld e way he ate hn The meann znn ae

object and fac n hs nngs rentd tsl to h i h d a  aed o hm. zne mply leasd meann: i wa heobjet d te face themsele a he saw th whch dandd to bepnt, ad Czane mply exrssd wha they aed to sy Howen an any eedom be nolved? rue, th ono of stnce oy a oncoune by way f a dtou hrough the aisode and te juscan onscousnss or to tsl W n olye what we ae by lookn ahad f slve, though the l of ou

, so ou fe alay h th fo of a proc o of a chocand thfo spontanou But t ay that w ar fro te tou ay of a a a pcul futur ol sy tt ourprojct hs a o it ou st ays of g that t coceh rad n a o u th ou st rah I xpc noxtl contrats, it is cause we ou wle xeo het ho t s rg an o t rot uonthe human Czan the ent and unce ch sd exeio t

and wh plannd hat hapnd to hm-tha atttu todmen ad oward the wod whh wa n hosen thruh dleane as it s om exte au, it in rsct to itslf? I he he no puhed bck byo ife an hoie ex wheee a ye n ely uated eld of pose, oly oneobaby nd a ee, oy one emptaton? If I am a ert poj om bth, he gen and the eatd nstnusal inme n! efore impoible to name a gle stue wch  

merely ity nae ne sur whh not ponaeou-bu impoble ne a estue whch i autey new

n ed that way of ein the wo whh om e

ey be, i myeThee no ene bwe sag au fe i cmpletely onsuced and a i mpletly gvn. Ifhee a true by an oy e abou n the ouse of ou feby ou ng bynd ou on tuatio and ye no asng to behe ae: i e polm Two ng ae etn aout om:

a we e nee detene an yt h we ha nceoo back on wha w were, we a lways nd nts of t wea bcme. I up u to ndest bot hese ng aeouly a wel a e way eedom da  thou brng ound h wd.

h bnd  way he een abe a hen w ruse t y . y a of D V V ee

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22 / S E N S E A N D O N - S E S E

onstr o pur ihout stresss crtors, ancots oravnurs No ra ntrvns tn hisl an th thng svs nong takn or gran suports s crnts an eos not ra hi at any faoe ag, uch a Pascal' bys.Ins sggng agans onsrs as unrso ataks tck has sa t y attnn, an has ruc to te tate o on tng oting coul r tat is ,ls u, than is ugnts on love an eh H ns at t ina ragnts ro notooks In t orc o ts assn,' hesys or r less xlcy, ov s sotng s uy tt th hunac u out ( ntur si rr) lovrs coul s atty r ong' s conpt s rout ou in arous sktcssnc te lsury xanaon o crt tngs i ar l th hgtof sco hus h no an agn ras anatoc unns ghtulcrsscons o ov's vry act" 2 H has coplt st o sans, os hat h ants gong at l o knol to e a supror elganc Eryng as knony, ant stic procss, k the ct rating or ig, os nt yon s knolge H has iscovr h ctral attu" on ea o ch it i equly pssle t o to ct, n t crete

cause acton an , hn turne nt xrc, e not contrary toach nleg He is an telectual poe"; he man f en"

Lt us ok or closly. For Lonar there as no laon;  V s, no ys yan at hs igh han ndutly true But nt nn, t rn an Cl," the Virgn's clo uggsts aulure r it touch te fac of the Ch re is that agmnton t gt of ir hr Da Vnci unly intpt lf t

pursu a clhoo ory s to v n stn to spcly cnc th te utu, fo n f the rst tg  Ir aout y co is a ultur ca to hn I as in t cral orc opn y out th t tal, struck mesevrl t n ps ih t" 8 n ths trasparntconcousns has ts ga, hthr uly cld' meo antsy o gro an t os not co out o nor, n os itustain its alon We caugt n scret story, a fort of

syols On oul surly prost Fru r to cp th dlo at e no aut th meaning e t f ird n bout2. Inrodcon a m�hode de L�onad de Vc" Va, p 185 En

ranaon by Toma McGeey, Indion o he Mehod o LeonaTdo Vini (ondon 1929.

gmnd Fed, Un soveniT d'enane LoT Vini p 65 Enssan by T Vi: dy n sycosey (Neo 197]

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Cnn's ou 23

feao fantase and the aton o te eod f nung. Bu i a act tha t th acet Egt th ulu wa the ymbo ofatety because they beeved a vulture we eale n that theywere eated by the nd It so a fa ha t Church Fathr

se s lee o reue, on the od o natural hsto ths wwere un t belev in a bh d i i ab haeonao came acros te egd th crs o hi ees eangHe foud n t te bo o h o fat: wa th eat oof a rch notary wh ed th nob Do Aba h vy Leonaro wa bo ang no hlden b , took Lond ini hme wen o wa v T Lon n t t fou ear o wh hs moe, th deserted eant e wa

hd thou fate, d o kno wd o o f n uo a I we now reca tha h wa nev n av tr en t av fe ntng k aion; w u-u quted-oosexuat t h a, e noing oun oe�ge xns nte wi d h o fi ohe bua, a we a th o of n n otn f w f tudent-en w on h e f ng od o

o on woan, oth nd a f f nhing ut the ato tnd fe f t y uund g h. In th ou decse ea of i dd fd bai ad o fathe home and into which h ad oud l h esure o oand a ow of abandn. H h f f oud n ttoward the nvestaon ad knowedg f wod, and, mselha bee "detahed, he had t a int powe

ha man wh wa nd, a g ong n ndeentincaable any strong indinaton, v at, f anngnshed to devote h to bz een; h eae eson whom h end te was as ardo had neve qut own u a ae n h eart hadalread been oe or, a si of vgaon wa a wa fo  to esce om le as e ad owe f asset nth s ea o hs e and a ea h hdo

nd. s ame we tho of hd V how ad wax ase and dun hi wak d o i dlaas hoow and d w w int h, he wod oa when   ad ad o f unWhen t wow fro Bd fn un zadd ad wn f i f nd g w meru

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4 / S E N S E A N D O N - S E N S E

the lizad move; he ikeise made ye, bea, h f te sme w, tamd it, put it in a box, and used this izard t teyhis s" H let his work hed, j a fate haaed He pid o hed to authoty and uted ly natrea s o ugmt mtters o knowledge, a fte h caeith pople ho hve t been raised he hado f a fahe'in protve pwer. Thu even thi pre poe fex, this soltu, ts uost-wh   th essence fdme Leoros oy eerene t it At, hht o is om h ws, i that , he cl he had ws t in way ly eause h as attahed a B pu iousess is just er a o tng ast u t world d ote people Leondo leed hi attd te stu hh hi bth ad childhood ad mader . e e n siusnss a i no staed by tpm volvemt i l d the mner tis volvemen.

tvr s artr i Feuds paao co n his conteirit psaalytia iiio. e, the de toppe ort o t l o ve. Why h an no sometng else?T qusio sms l t more prssing ne Fre ten erseveral iteets, eh symptom being edetermne accordig to him. Fina, it is ovious ha doc hch bngs exut vrwere cot, the rules o ndue oc,\ estabishits evss awh, sne, exluding eren caebeoe, it depve itsel o any conterevdenc. h i h tups over psholysis, but oly n paper. F th ggeno the alst cn never e prven, neithe can ey be ted:o ould it be posle t credit chc th e c<pe cep

enes h the psyhoaalys discver beten he chd and adult Ho an we dey at psyholysi a auh nticeehos, uss, repetions o oe ment o e t anothe-acocteatio e ould not dream dobng a tated eo behind it cecy? Ulike the natur cience, ychanya not meant o gve necesa en ca c� b oin t motton eatinhp hich   ncp mlossil. We should no ak end' fantay f t

ne past hih it masks, for a frce hch eeeJ tRather, it ike the ords o the racl, a b b cppie n ace eer sbe can f rese eer e, One's h and n as n catee i dmos whh do not pos ay prtiular ac bt ch can

I p 19

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zanne's Doub 2

 be fund n Weer Leonardo yelded to i cdood or eter e ed to e o t, e coud neer ae been er tan e ae ery decisin c transfo u are alay ade reference ta fctual ituaion; uc a iuatin can f coe be acceped or  refued, but t cannot fail to gi u ur petu nor to be for u, aa tuati t be accepted t be refued, e caton or uof te value we gve t t f t te f pycoaly t decribe excange betee futur d pat ad ow eac lifeue ve ddle we eg nower rtte do, tew ave g dead ducve gr t T pycoayt' eeeut u, wch ultiple e cunicatio

  betwee u d urelve, wi take exuaty a te ybol of ec tee y eut, wch loo i tea fr te ean of te future ad te future for te eanng of  pat, e ted goru dut t circularoveet ur lve, were te future ret n e pat, te past onte future, we everyting ymbolze eveytg ele Pycoa y doe ot ae reedo posible; t teace u to tn o tieed concretely, a a creave repeto of urele, alay,  etrpect, fathful urelve

Tu t ru bt tat te lfe an aut ca teac u otg d hatf e w hw terpret twe ca nd eeyn it,ince t open onto wor Jut a e ay oberve te oeent of  uni wtut undertandg e la c nabit andontrl te, o Czanne' berver dd ot gues te tran mutationwc e poed n eent and eeences; tey ere bnd to sgcne, t a w fro u f or c uouded i o te t te ut e ef a neer at te center of sef:

e day

ut f te   aw around wa te etcee of epr l lfe an<f unucceful attept, te letoer f anu pty Ye t w in te od tat e ad t reaze i reed, t colors upo caa a n te approal of oter tate had t wat fr e prof of ort at te reaon e quetied te pcture eergng beneat i and, wy e ung on tece e peple rected tard cava. a te easo e

 ever ed wrn We eve get away lfe We eer ee

u dea u ed face face

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etaphysis ad the Nvel

ht sries me is hat you toched such corete way y metaphysc stuN

But e ituo is cocrete, sid 0e, ewhole meag o my fe i at stake

not sayg it i't, Pe said t the same, th

ty of yors to put ody and ou to g ide ecepona

  de Beauvo, Lnvie

HE WOK of a great noveist wys rests on tw or treo ies For Sten tese te ntons o te Ego an

Liety; r te mystey of stor s te aene of amening e events; for ost te way te past is involved in te eent nd te pesene of times gone y. Te fnon of tenovelt is not to stte tese ieas temacly bt t ake tem stfor s in te wy tat tings est Stels roe is not to old fort objecvity it is enog tat make it pesent.1

t is noeteless rsg tat wen witers do tke a deierteinterest in posopy, tey av s dilty ecognizing te

anites Stel prises ideologists to t skies Baac comroses views on te eressive reatons of boy a oul coomcs andation by oing tem i te lngage of spituism rostomemes anates is iton abou m into a lavsc andskep pilosoy and at oter e it opes f immortiti stot it jst s m Vr repudiated t posoprs anted at lest to nnex te Itrodto l mthode de Lord For a long me it ookd as posop ad lterar ot l

ad dirent ways of syng tings bt ad dierent bjects as w. As he doe i e Re et l niT Oly I kow wht I mt have doe .

for others at mot prhap ey had oed me of e eecuon m at e momt whe death emed uet me, puic eye wodh rr me o to oy A ew perctve people, e y amongthe rocs, could hve gesed my weaes But oody wod hveseen it

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eaphyc a h Ne

Sinc th nd f t 19t cntu owe e beten tema n gtng cos and cos h rst si of ti conciiationas th aaance of d ods f ession ain ent o inma dr t hisopic tatis and t dioue Pu 

ok is a good xam. sod ite om en ned t ssimuanous ncs to iosy oics and iteatue in odtQ xss hs? Bcaus nw dimnsin of inegan wa ond u yon has a mtaysicsxcit icito edos not st" 2 Inctu wks ad ay n concd iestaishing a cn attitud towad te wod of wc itateand hosohy ik oic jst nt ssion; u oyno had s conc co cit One id not wait fo the

ioducon of stt hiosohy in Fance t d

if a nt hscs and ahyscs as ictaton" of humanif

hat isf as itnss to iscal ncssity andimotan of thi osohy It s t con to csciousnss of ammt o tan itsf whos an it s d osehh t accrats Casscal mhyscs coud s f a sciityih ch irtur had notn to do caus mtahys oatd

on t ss o uconsd nsm concd it cou k thold d huan if undstood an aangnt of concets Ias ss a at of xcitan th of nin if o ocng on it hat Pato said aot same" nd " us ais to th aons tn ons and oh oe; ascas sai aout Gods in te idnt of essnce and stncns in a cetain a to man d in an n as to hatocus f sucvit e it is imossile t isnuis t co

on o Gd o tout's coition f itsf t Kant said aouConsciosnss conc us e mo dict But afe , it is osam" and oth" that Pato is a; it is Gd that Dscats ist aout in t end it is Cnsciosns of wic Kant saksnot tat o c sts oposit o me o that s hic I aDesite te most dan e (fo exae in Dscts)posos a ndd dsciin ti on stnciti tanscndnt ttin o mont f icc o ag i

ncts the way pitie o esnt i and ojct it n t.tasic was umosed in m o ou natic wa god testd fouas and wic was nv qusond te uy tact dama of ec

cans we penomnoo o stenal

Chs P6y, No

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28 / S E S E D O S E S E

osoy asss sf t task, nt of ln the wor f ovn s onos of sby" but rar of foulan an of h wo, a onat t t wr wh pre  thou bot e world t what mtapys ma

anot b rdd to omthn usd s mp bn-to Go, Consousss Man s maysa s ry bn h v, hs has n hs ndvdual ad ole to. nd tapy  no logr h ouon of a fw ours pr mon a s s;t s rst as Pasa out n th t's sts mmn.

From ow on t asks f ratur and pso an no onb pad. Wn on s on w n oe hex of o ad shon ow onsousnss sas t

t wod, o an no longr rdt onslf w ata

prftansar f rsso Ploscl xrsson assums tam ambgus as ry xsso t world s suh at tot b xrss x n stors" ad as t od at n not oy ss aaran of b mde f xrsson, butt nov and ar om oouly taysa, vn not a sn wor s usd o voabuly f osohy. Furthror a aysal lraur ncssl b aor n a ran

sns, f tr s no ongr a uman aur on w to re.In

r o of mans aos t nvason of mayss aus watwas only an l abt" o elo

T vomt of a maysa rature n of a oral"raur : ts s what, for xa, moe e Ba' '!tss sn s x lt us xa t hnomnn morosly, ad, sn te arrs t bok prvok te trars to nsur m for moray t u s whr tr s not

u mory" beyod ort a w es har jr.

T a u unasss e ta bn

osous At t ot I rv a g I fl a was trbfor m ous y d of vso Tr a oo ofgs to as suog s ubr of gs wc I nas n fa T s o a locov ng mtythat wh I r us o aar for a lg nsant stns wh vrr ar rad to b rcvdsos fodt aen sado rowd reature. n e ngs

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aphys a h N 2

e ee oe de e s ntece e oe e ode e   ee te n oe s th I he ee o ont oe oe e oo be te odo o e

sby d e od o e bd o ke   be dde ke e tse e Tee nd and imid; t os ot know wha ; onnt t occpya bi o spacb ds o i y I e d I doe n i dicons ike ciosne as oy hat it i s . E oe   t estenc oy b din m of , and I am ys ey w tha thre a oh s o be me ad ha I se. Odnay, hoe, I et of thi

noge oy wa eed t esse ysf. I ose hat, af ,th hng e ord t e Oy hn I discoe heancae de n t hnd dos it fuy come a

o cnt imane what g wod b e i otaou o to, be s by e I I wh b into en thi odch smd to es ihot , o snd and sass . I amfor scioes, mdiaty prsnt t he o, andnoing can s tho oow bin caht e b o

my ence I not this pica ps�n o fac, his ni in:I m a pe tnes, ae gee eqa powe o the r'it. 

I s h ha oe onts o, ah, sbimt the epnceof t O W easiy escap o anscnnc as on as aredaing y h thns : e anscndc of oh pol i moesis If oh po ets, he to is consciosnss hn Is nnt e o oy ite oject dinae, isib at

tai pace i od If he is cosciosns I mst c o beconscousnss. Bu ho I thn o fgt that int astaon oy stece, tha contac o sf it sf wic s more c any extea enc and which is he po onio f einese? And o we o bde he isqie ece of ohr. hou the sme o me a h wors an hi fcs: ojcswhich t my wn pac o," as Frno in 'Ivie. Iman h ne o he wod. I a imbe bng h mo

au ( he wod and aimats ho and thruh. I cnoouly ite ysf fo hat appeaance I e to oth. I h n Foi smd sh as o utful t v fof fac; i aways a h easn sui sh cuht ie of i i. Most of tm sh di not tn sh hdon." vthing tha hapns is oy scace fo c-b, impari, d eneo ctto Ehing est fo

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30 / S E N S E A N D N O N - S E N S

No h e e pepe d ng o e e io iethe otrr, cse she h no pvte e l oter pole d hhole ord oe he. Here I m, imperon d e, h the idle of the dance h. I imeouly ontempte l eeve, thee c. Ad I ere o y m he, hey odsn isitae le foren dcpe"

ht tregthen Froie' itio i , by exordipiec of luc, een l hs t mde her reze her it DoutlePie hs ome o e mre to her hn oject i he prcuod, a ckop for her ife a oher me e. Bt fo th, heit a Oher Froise nd Piee he eihed h erityeteen them, have onstructed such machine of gag, that they

 ogeher ee he ing pr om e ohe d rmie thir nio. here jut oe fe d its eer ne beig,of hich e ud y either th i w e' o h i ,' toy e.''' Eer ought d ee ee of he y were mmni-ted d hred, eery ee mmeditey ieeted d mdeito a diogue he ees ted y t hppeed o econe of th. Fr Frnoise, ee i not opae eing who makeetig ele he i mpl mode of behior s cer\ her t

himlf, i hy ith ord h i no i pe doi bben equy o Fraise.o el e trut, there  rck i thi onto ght rm he

stt Sim d Beauvir pt ot me f hem he tartith e o the p f Froise. roie ooked i ee ee ee ther rlig he, the expett m: I I hdwt to . . . Perhaps it s w no te But h od hean" he cnslan i cnennt I lsg thg,· Frse

tll hrslf, cause I am m oe fr Pee. St, he i o t ep he she s nt see Grt, d nt cnsder n ithh, nr s sh tll i l hs r pvate thu. lshre"d ohr" have n n la th he mely n rssedI Frane hll as n h enss the hav cnuct Iat cn , rcra lag v day y th tilsconvrsains, rl h w ilf, r isn i rater n rcienrnnt av nt a he cmlacncs f h innr

f r s f th fe con ch queon hmself f theothr, ut efre hm re thy quened tgethr? Frans sainuousl eouh tha he cnr of Paris is was whe she isis mkes one thk f chre who s ae iner e" ad wys ve thslvs t in e mit of the world ecause theyproje eethg, icing heir dre, i od : ey min o h o e i he mid o ei bjeiiy, ie e

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aphysics a N / 31

do not disingsh ese dres o re gs Jus s cildrn d,r�oise wys recil befor gs becs y e pse the evroen she has constced for herself. he r wold,ih its hsess, does ot p s mch prauo If Fnois

d Pee ouse so mc envy d even e ound em isn't tecase e oers eel shut ou by wohded woder, ecusey never fe ccepted y he, bu ways bey by �ois Pe, by Pee h F�oise? Eisabe d so vi feered of ther substce, rceg ony sicy roned ndessesn re

s ee lov of Pe nd r�os s onthelss tepors not bn tretend by Pe oer love irs s conioal o

ee's ting an�se bou the, o e ecomg jects ofisussio simple proinces in he rld for o, ad o Piee's neverey etn olved n y f em. I s hppes ha Piesbses o es condins f s ccor : You kow vew' he si tht I never fee cpoised y wa goes o inside ofe " For i lv mes wang o exs d cout for oer.o e her lve me uld be to impose mysf upo her, to ener erwod and o ump here i ccorde her ues. . .

You kw er we at I hv sne eed o such umphs Bdo e women he oves" ever ey exs for im asoltely? Hisadventes o his e dvetu wch lves nly ith�oise Hs ned for othr lov s nxe befor he Oher ce t hg s mst cg quc wy fvn he vest o s life Sice ran�ose oes no e eeo love Gerbet, how cold she leav P e to love er woe?No tt whshe says, she does lov Pee's eece libet se

doesnt lve im tly in lov wih nother woma She does not love in s iet unes it is eedom o be ren, ee of voleens F�oise e Piee rems ee t be lov but not olove. Tey cost y ea oer wic is wy F�oi sbac efoe a ar th Geet tat wold mea enneinvolvement ad ina sees Xavie's tendeess The latte s at least aor er oe sely in heelf. Wat de-e o o o ae d is sd e ene t

e own ife . . ; noin ave Fa�oie eater joy thn s teo posesson; Xavie's estes her fae her ver life eee Fan-�oise in order to est. st as te os o Euro sense Fenhipeism eneah te niverlist oiies o the Naon Coeno, oe people cannot help feeig fsated tey only ddencis he wold of P d Fr�ose, d pel sens s y  c ts Te

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er persn is neer adied beeen hem ecep wy a ues.W he e sased h his rle?

The meaphsial dra wich iee d F�ise ad uc-eeded fgeg by f genersiy is abrupy reeed by eresene of Xavire Eah in his way ha achiee appeance f happinss and fen by mean of a gener nuncian.

for ne,' sd Xavir, as n b sied' Tey hugh eyad ercme elusy b he pence f anguage; bu whenXavir is equesed o erae her fe he epies, d' hae apuc sol One ld make no s abu he fac a eslec she dead i pehaps ha f equican d biufeengs, i may as be ha in whih e come deep be-

d l argues and es as ni,' he sd o Pieeih an ms p sne, u seemed o be ivin ins fo ncand n us ang abu hem ' avire chlene a he cnenns by whih Fran�ise and Piee had houh  make heir lenerale.

The drama siuan f 'it cud be se rh psychcal es: Xavire is qets, Piee si d Fr�ise is. his wld no be ng. I wd be mly special. Wha

is oquery n he need cun fr her pesn, cobined hhe fe f becg iled? Wha is desire? One des n iplydeire a bdyone desires a being which ne c ccupy nd rle oer.Piees dese is xed h his nsiusness f Xavie as a uablecreae, d her alue cms m he being cmpleely wha hefeels, as her geue d her fae shw a eey en Fly, say ha Frise is jealus is ly anher way of saing a Piee isted ta Xavie, ha he is fr ne g a e , d ha

n er cmian, no laly o he cnenns esabishedbeeen helf ad Franise ca eegae ha le in Franse erse The daa is heefre n pschlc bu meaphsil Froise hugh she cod e nd o Piee d e leae ee; n make a discn beeen erself and ; herselfb g , as eah s he he in he re f anian ens.The appee f avire o ly eeals hem a beng mwhom heir ues exuded bu so rees ha eah f em i

shu e her, ad hself. Amon Kanan cnscius-esses ny cn was be en fr grane Wha he characersn is bk discer is iheren inividuiy e elian ef wicees he dea f he her.

e paes whic ran(oie se e f er ciwld e perhaps h s beauif e bk She i no ner ahe h of a i :  

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as cener om which she is exclue i is plac wherPee Xae  o me. he oes hings ree beone gas bcom he snge ebs wol o which she n  nge hos e ke. The fuu ceses o be he naua enson o

e pesen me is aene, Fa�ose is no me an annnymous beg ceure whou hso, mass of chle eshSe now knws hee e siuans whic canno b communcean which can o be unesoo b vg hem Tee was uquepsaon wch pojce bo her vg pn, uure, wo,which aime gage or her h psion hs soppe

Does one eve v o s h Pi lve vir? A eng is hn convenona gven seies of inss, bu lif, wen

consiee uci is r

uce o his swang o insans wicchc aone gvs oon eani. n n cse h lov o�oise n Pie on seem e im inso s i los ise Oe c scap h bing o me onl b c f fahwich now sees o Frn�oise volun usion A lov is a vrbaconscon, or bes lifeless scholasicism. The h been pease hnk he ha no inner ives, he wer re iing fe cmmon Bu, in he ls anyss, i is e h e s no

ccep cmplici wi yne agans Fran�oise, is i no leas incompici w n, each moen is i no om hs suewhee he jges her h h shs once gan he inero e ha b? Hencefh Fan�ose c no loger owese ner evience one Se c no oger oub h, unere e a coupe she s n be an ou e eesse sees h self fo e ouse fo he s me An wha is she?A eo woman, maue woman o whom an hg

aeay eab mpsblewho fo example never be ble ane e F e s me se has e feeng f beng he b,en a alng she ha ugh ese cnsusness. Se hassae eeyg o s myh She has go napble of sna f e own of ng cose he ess an i s for i easona e has ease o be peous o Pee s Xave knows so wew be Ta pu ha unsshness, ha moai hey use oame become heu o her because e wee p o he sam

cn. a Pee hough he ha gone beyon nviuaiy; shbeeve sh ha overcome jealous an seshness. How was he knw? One she hs rcoge in a seousness h senc ohe peson n accepe h bjcve picue of her lif which shsees in he ans o oher peopl how oul Fran�ois ak sinubiable h o en bou hersel? ow i one rec ner e? s   ppd    h? d � s

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ealou? Doe e ely o ealouy? nt e ery out of  co tlf a onucon? An enate oncune n nebeeve n tself At te mment wen l poect tu lape weneen te e o te ken eat-w ne' ect aaese tout even upectn t up wee te yty ce t n eat that e peza f e fe  on uated fe a eecte Fan�oe

The ne wc ome ove e a ot of temp luo nthe cl to w e a een out e nete ak eelf anymore queton n oe e any lne fee abanne ecaue ehas broken wth er le Fo te moment, the ente of te world ntat oom and te mt mportant eent of e ay en Xaed o a e temperatue taken the rt meal e ong tget thng ae yterousl egne te ue t nte ofrgeae on the table, that enamele wa are ten n theelves Evey pasn oment epete an elfuen, an wenhe en coe up o Pas, te coe ut o.where ach tete appea d ae as tettet a characters a pla The pttyscssos they bg to her bese have n ret ese herotde, whch no longer solaton She a thwn o eha wr whe e wa er o te atrl word where shes a rze peace s orar langage so wel expresse t, she tkck Or wol the css whch now sbsg perap have bee les volent t a ot been or ague and the onco lnes?ra�oe herse never ow le eabl ago, there s never an way to now the ue men f wat we dnee, perhaps r acton have no sie e en

kese, ere s n wa to tell wethe the decson Fran�oereace whe, th renewed treh, she rese her place betweenPee d are a ore thu n theselve o whether theyerel exess the webeg an op o recove Xare anPee hve grown cloe to eac other n er bsence an haveee by areeng that the love one anoter T tme tere mut beo gvg n to an abguou uerng An ate peap the lyeaso Frncoe feels abandone that e re aloof Perap e can overtake t couple eay foe wtut e peap teyan ve te ae le f only Fran�oe ll alo acept epontyfo te entee of te o But e nw knw at ee uc athng a solte, at eeryne ee fo self, tat everone  onened t o aon e a t e luon f unobtrucuncaon f appne ten fo anted, an f puty Butwat te onl ostacle a een e wn eu appne ue eeom nt n t eef o om

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ely ivolveets bt ccepg so gog bey them?hat Xvie ha sce them om the schlascis which wasg the love? ht sh we to ecie to plge fowrith l he might iste of stig stock stl h limp empy

s?" t ws so sipl : is love which senly me he hetswe sweetess h wys bee t s ech sh h onltosch ot he h t shy eey h."

She th ech ot he h She sccee i sckg wih jeos psso fo ve t p to moment whehe spies o Xvie toh eyhole. A e i wl f neverheles Just becse t s ? Te the etese is sge oe Itis essen fo love to be tot since the love loves pon, ot jstlitie

te love wts to feel jsi i his vey esence.e presence of t perso even ough n in act just becausehe oo is love troces meal reseaion i each oes loe fohe ohe he o woul reay exist oy i one coul o longeguh wo pais of loer one pa of iens eah one loe he oer two th el eeing an i e goo oe o om hemin re we no just their love or m but heir loe o one anohe we i nay ey eay e as a eesoe ina o lig o

by to in al!eag complies h

general unio every now ten s is iossble but coule s h les iOsibleince each arner remns colicy ih hmsel he love oeree s no he sme s he love one gie e ieiae lies eveno two pe0e cao be mae one i is he commo tas n projectsthat make the_ couple. Th huma coule is o more ntrl altyth he o. Te l of the o (ie the success o coule)co be cee to ay atu pony e Xavire's eec en

to be hel sponsible? She is jeous of Pee jeous of Franoieeos heir eco fr e iens Peersely se pses a isloacy just to see what hapen" he is egoisc which is toay t she eve goes beyon here an eer put helf inoes lace : ve ot cae about mkig othe peoplehappy she took selsh eli i e pleasur of ving pleasre." heeve les o gives herself to ny project. She ot wrk tbecomig ctress o coss Ps to see moie. She eve scce

e eiate eve goes beyon the present momet She wyssticks o what she feels Ths there is cer ki of inacy shel lws eve oe m live bsie her bt eve wih her. Sheemins fcse o hsef lock i moos oe is eve s o yunersanig about wch perhaps here is no trh o be ersoo.B who kows? C we e wht ve wol be like nuon ee s evhee mol e oes ot go e f

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Fn�ise lve f Piee succes n cceping Piees lve f vie ecuse it is deepe n ; nd f hs ve esn ecn neve ccept h lve tween Piee nd Fn�se She senses hmn bween them which is ve he hed Befe meeing he the ive whle aou dux which s me essenti thn thei pelecn f he Is t nt pecisely the ttue f th t tht mkeshe incple f vng ihe i Fn90se n eest?

It s nt Xvs fu," n Fn�ise, n Piees; yet t s thefult f ch f hem. Ech ne s ttly espnsie cuse, if hected ent, the hes in tun wuld hve eted him deeny;nd ech cn fe cen cuse the thes eedm ws nvisile to nd the fce the eed t him ws xed s fe. It isipssie o cce ech ns e in the dm, impssie tevu the spnsibiies, t give ue vsin f he st, to putthe evens n hei pp pspcive he s n Ls ugment Nt nl d we nt knw he uh f he , ut hee is ntuhn he sie f hngs whe ue n flfi n unfi esepe ut. We e inxicb nd cnuse und up wih thew n wih hes.

Xvie sees n0is s sken jeus wm, e wih e pience" hee s n ne w f ths jugmn, much s itses h ingnin, which Fn90ise hs nt secey sid to hesef.She hs ft ise, sh hs wshe she might e lved s vie ws,nd she hs put up h, nt wished f, Pees love f vie. Thisdes not m tht Xve s t If Fn�ise ely hd eefsken, Xv wud nt hv fet so stny hw much she meantt Pee If Fn�ise h een jeus, she wuld nt hve sueedwih when he hmself ws jelu of vie : she loved Pee

hs liety. One mght nswe, t s te, tht Fn�se jelousydiminishes in dect ppin t he dmnishg hppinss f Peeslov f Xve And s n, nd s fth, ad nnt The tth s ttu cns d nt dmit f n ne mtivton o exnon; they evedeteined," s Feu s punly sd Yu wee jelus ofme, " Xvie ss t Fn0ise, cuse Luse ws lve thme. Yu me him lhe me n tk Geet w fm me s wel,t mke yu evenge evn swee. " Is ths tu, o s t fse? o s

Fn0ise? Is she wh she thnks f hesef wht Xi tnks fhe? Fn90ise i n nnd hut Xvie. She nly yieed to he fnness f Gebet cuse she hd cme t unesnd tht ech fus hs his wn lf nd ecuse she wnted t cnm he oestenc fe s mn es f enuncitin But is he mening ofo ctns t fun in u  ntntons in the et they hve onothes? And then gn a e eve cmpley unwe of ht the

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onseqences be? Dn e reall desir hese cnsqcs ohat secr lv for Gerbert ould be bond look ke rveg avirehich r!oise could hv gessd; and n g Gerber se ctl acceted his consequence C one even sa mlic  "? Sic s rderas austere ad re s a cicle Devotedsdained, stck i mral rut d she had said: N" ran!oiseted shaer he image f herself she had see i Xvires es Isis no hr a f sag that sh aned et ven ih Xavir?e ms no seak f h ncoscious her Xavir and the hstr o are quite l a te root te   ih Gerbert. I ssl ha  of ur actins hv sever meanngs, esecily as seefro he outside thrs, ad se manings are assmed i our 

acons because hers ar h ranent crdinaes f r lves. Once e aare he exisnce o ors, e cmmit ourselves t beg,aong ther tngs, at the hik s, since e recognize i emte exorbitant oer s us s   long as Xvire exists, Fran!oiseannt hel being hat Xaire thiks she s Frm his here follose ce ich, toug i is no souion, since Xaires death makesr ding image f Franoise teal, ends the bk.

Was ther an sluion? One might imagine reentan or sick 

aire smmnig Fr!oise to her side in rder o cnfess hr dece. ranis old have been sll ded le hs cf er Ther  s n ilege inheren h xalaio f reenanc r h s omes ne ma ver e feel tha n s cnldig ns lifnai t, d slemnl hanng ardos r crses her po 1 h nvr r h di ma drsads mse r ers beer h ore. We v hr esrc me h c ccrdig  dgmens v d

  ones s negy s psibl, as f es dgs wrnsbe. ld b dishs d olis ver qd y he dgmn f hers On men m a  u noher. Xares va cod ver obierate r red st ses e Franse des an h mm w h vr r hing ese.

T   bslte inocec dfr h sa

asoo bslue gt actio s resonse facta sao  hch e have no comletel chsen d fr hich, hs sns w n absolely resonsible s Pierres aul r Frans  e  o y d r g s t th

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er sle psene ndens Elisabeth to feeings of usan anienn? it teir fault hey we b? Hw can we ever feetaly anale fr any of our aons eve tse w havelbeately chsen sce t east the eessity f hosing ha bee

sed us fm e usde and sne we have bee st ewd ou :rst beng cnsulted? A peso gu is cndineand veele by te gne ad claby hf budens us by aug us to be b at ea· me, n a taenne, and th a etan fae; and we an neve fel jusedo ater what we do, desn our cndut eas to me? The wldis s� ta our acns chage heir eang as they issue n seaut m us Sft thuh her mees a anse ma the momen

she sen wih Gebet that u

cnain nong tat is radiant ue But he ame ve apeas base to Xae Sine this iho it alays is sine it is ur ievibl fe t be ee eey the way we see ourselves we hav er gh to fee thausaos m the outside o not qute pert t Th fundamet ntngency of ou lve make eel k he a tow es have but us A oduct wy sur n aabud wl, and w c aw delie rensibt f it ine n

or heart of heats, We

not f the wr" (mb).I is ue that we way f to ccept r refuse ife Byaein t we take th fatua stuans-our bdie or e our way f benguo ourselves; we acept our respnsbtie; we s conac th wd an h men Bu s eedm, the cndtnof a my is euly the basis of n abslue iorism beaust ens ene, n bth myself and es, aer evey sn beause i ake new bens of s at eve nstn w culd  

nvuneable bety efer y ne ne of cnduct, an one rlan to ante? ethe ne ephasize th cnng o our exsene o on te ona, our abslue libety u atins have ons and obeve aue-n he :s case, because tee ae node f bsud nd no cnduct an peven s bunand n te seod bue t e deees eed and nood n la us o pedn

T i tha te aates n 't lk an sese"

Tey do not :nd od d el n thns The o no beieve au e e akes an dene dads or ta i fls  elned lw as ees r bee do Te cnsder te wl(nun soet n eir ow bodes nse ee ok" -t use Malebanche poon phrasewhh tey questh u n teat ou

o mch  cos w bg do cnsu o se

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ccs Bs afr l e full aduer, prersion, and cimed ccs v me across he befor thi e let tns m mnag trois. Such "fmily is l fmiy. But i ccept t fct tht Piee, ranie, and Xare y igr the h ntur lw of the upe nd ht t y  es-nd iout, meer, in of exu ompiciy fm ? T snr i s cpd, eve i e stcssiis cuse he is pat of the ysem and, a a siner, d ntsi is pcies. Wht oe nds unbe i Pi dis is their disvl of moraliy, th ir of dr ndyu, t su lck of gravi, ess nd rmse I f,y s y a nd at a the hink

s qulii ly aquied hrough picism, d d we tt asole immorais te at wrd an "esensy Nt a l.'Thee i an exisntiis wich les todsticism but t i erl no a of LInt O the ptext thvry ro or ling oeraon ondene erin thicness fsece and i ob or te, n onld ha nothin besid ih ertay. O h petext ha t l all theiing whe dthed o ther nte an broken down in he

cpnent p (lk e ete of an an e but o not heauh te do of elephon boot) o one ha lcduc nsss t a p language and n of gnd t k the ee abd, ol on look at the fr enoug wa: th a Voltire techiq  icgau t hr cle, he fat that, n an absrd wod, langge adi d e eanin for thoe h peak and at ean beudrs. he hnds of Fre te tentali ay

o fll bc into the solan alyi w bre meu i unoned i�tn and rde life oleton of e ofcsciusnss3

As fr Simne de Beaoi, he not lnerable to uch isHer bok hws etence nderood betwe o limits on he oned re i e meda losd ghtl pn tslf beond and d an itmen (Xavire); ad, on he thr, ter is ansut cdenc language and raonl deiin, an esence

ch gr empt e eor to rancen itself (ranse a theen o t bok)· Between hes ament f me an tha

ctced Camus fo gng wa to tendenc Lane Englh lan et, nge (Ne ok, 1954)]

4. I am k awae of how eettae it to te such a wity comen aout a nove But the ove has wo its pc pui esteem dhas nong to os o g om k

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0 S E N S E A D N S E N S

etenity whic eoneous beeves it anscens tie tee i eective exisence which unos in pate o behavio is oganizedlke a elo an b eans o is pojects cus acoss te ithouteaving t Thee noubtey no lun ha pbems; oway fo exape to eiiate he anscenence o te the sepaation o consciousnesses which ay awas eappe to thaten oucoients no wa t test he authentici o tese coientswhic ay awas a ent o aigue seem ci conventionsto us But between hese two extee a whc xistence peishesttal esence is ou ecision by whic we ene tie n oe to ceat ou e wihin it huan pojects ae conaictoy because teysultaneousy atact an epel the ezatio One oy usue ting in oe to possess it an e i what I a ooking toay ustsoeay be ound (which is to say pass beyon) wy othe o looo it Because toa is oay an ooow to0\ I can no o look at y pesent om he point o view o te utue ta casee the eath om Siius5 I wul not ove a pe witout te ope being ecoize by hi an yet ths ecognon does not countunes it is alas ee hat is neve possesse ut ae love oeexist Counicaion eiss beeen the oents of m peson

tie as beween my tie an that o ohe peope and n spite o eval between them It exiss tat is i I it o not sink oit out o ba ath i I a o go aith i I punge into te tie wichboh sepaaes an unies us as the Chisan punges to o Tu moi oes not conss in oong eeo es o in especingobjecive vaues thee ae n ways to just o t save One would bee t pay ess atenon to the unusua stuation o the theechaaces in Invt an oe to the good ai the lyalty to

poses he espect o ohes he genesiy an the seiousness oe two pncipas Fo te vaue is thee It consists f acively beingwat we ae b chance o esabshng that couicaion wt ean wt ouseves o which ou tempo stue give S teoppouni an o which ou ibet is y the ough outne

5 T a bn vod on e avo y Cina

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Scnlus u

JA FmS GANCE ates ite fate pesets a msteto tse wo o him ma could be less povocative ad et as auto e ceates a scadal I met im oe da twent eas agowe te co Noe unashed is fu agaist oe of mcoolmates a mself fo vig ssed te taditioal og tooulg to suit u He slipped betwee us ad ou pesecutos adcoved a w fo us to get out of ou eoic ad iculous situao

tout cocessios o damages Dug te ea e spet as a psoeof wa atiCst establised codial elatiosps wit a geatma piests d esuits who cosulted him as a sesble ma aboutcet aspects of Mia eolog itea colleagues wo diske sdeas t make im ag b sugges te teses wc teeieve a ot cota to his ow He eects ods is head sas eagees a gives his ocutos a unded god easos to pesevee th chse diection This coupte of ouh tell those wo

cosult imabout some pesoal pobem that thei situaio is uiquetat o oe c decide fo tm ad that the must judge foemselves This ma wih a gnius fo pubiit loan upublishedmauscpts to feds w lose them o to obscue pesoalitie wc them o to ote coutis He wi how out oug attesecause te ave time to le abut life but liste to bog old mebcause he e old me Tis demoiacal" novelist-to use Claudeeessio-as eve be ko o lack tact deing wth thewo!t ptitoes as log a tey ae as simpe as himsef To sa Hells te pople" does ot mea Heave is me" f othe people a enstet of ou tote it is st ad foemost because te aedispeable to ou salvatio We ae so iemgled wit tem tatwe mut make wat de we ca out of tis cas ae put ac H t e a cowad but fo avg made wfe e

[4 ]

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disrespecf ahor scrploy osev i elaio wi oehe Sendhaan rle condming ack of coidrao.

This pe of goodness is prjeced o th carace of his ovel.In Le de ais Mathie accp h o of and ad fah.Mrcee od ony have o say h wod. H do o sdc Ivicecase he scos he cremoy of edcio : wod g contraryo acions insisence inirecion deceifl eav ad n th latanysis ecase he does o caim any gt o as  respecs her nd ishes her o e fre In Sarr ovls one notd hose daggerharp ord c o dgt t c of esteess hey are ered in He. Ther is n iigt o o selfsaisfacion no sensaiy except as sair ad t caacrs  aer sacrices. Sarres fvorie characers hav a good


propey. Ho does i happen he that th wpap ctic av spken ih amos one voice of h mmorali an spelesnessTere ms omehig in h very virs of hi ro ch makhem invisie or ven haef o common opini et sv he ddl.

I is reveig o examine he compains mst oen made aothim-he charge for exampe hat his ooks ar  of ine. mi Henrio ho does indeed seem a man of ase has cied as horrib he passage i Le de rais here Ivch nk fooishy and makeshersef sick This is he scene ha ends ih o sacriegios neshich sand a good chance of ecoming famos : "A h lile smelof vomi escaped from her pre moh Mahie passionaey inhedhat sme." The chaper in Le Ssis hich descris th eginings oflv eeen o invaids reconing he hmiiaios caed hemy he ness as e proclaimed intoeal" y Het o som 

oher ahor.2 The criics seem o hink i said nd done hen heyhave proved ha Sre hs a ceri fondnes fo h hoilt he re qesion is : What prpos doe ol ev

the ork of Sarr and ha does i signif W ar i he ai-anderhap it is o mre han ha-of dig t y th a of oecs. Hegel cod see i hi a th fola of a clasical wich had disappeared efor h da o haity ad thessence of romanic hich foo is no he harmy of the nd

ad appearancs herei ie aty of h k g t ahetheir dishaony Ranic ar no lnger aspir reprodce ife inth ta of iie sereiy : o t ota t t ack o

nl nlton by c tton, h Ag Ran Ne ork 4an

2 n tranlton o L SUTs by c Stton h R Ne ok-rns

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A candalou uthor / 4

is pcle beut d bgs iteity t jxtpsitin with llt is ccidental i exter fmas, iig ited lce etes chacte�e by wha is he antthesis of the beal." They r hible is e bai cash nner and ter The appearnce of

te spii amng this i a scd amn them, !d, recipcllygs he bare esene are scand for e pi. Rmc stmps cciden hacer bot iside ad o, establishes septi betwen ese w ses wi e e e eatioof nd reves e need for nsosness iover er fos thse orer n " 8 er n oter eeied, tei eeti  no be monio or beauful bu  hve, the, e lene o e se

We, need neiter elevae e tone nr n f he padx tod a minr sublim in e sentence Lg d iso which sshcked le Het, sbimty hou eloquence or lusinswich is, I beee, n iveti of ur e I is nng new o c a cmbao f gel d nim, but ms ctics lck Pscsdess They are relctn o te ange an the besl i mney ee smethig abe and beyod hum dsde, ad they do d s n eligin, they seek it in gin of the beatiul.

The cpli agist iess hee jOis the, e geecmplit en Sate wrote at evey wk at expesses stdtk but the blems o humn lie (icludig pltcl le ) dwhen he receny ed to rediscver the vitl decsin tugh whichdel ae a e temes of his sueng nd is pey, thesm Unasines or nger was ppat, this me mng ee uthrs Yo a leain s ack nto he rk ages," said Gide ect ose ho anno bear for auber or audeaie to be

quesed but e ue they de q ther lives keep on repeg freir o conslaon, a Sa s isThe eigin of sks becming a echique r kig tigs

ey euse to ne nay th life Gie, what is self oerly rett rase, ha ta er o oblems in fch the or of s no  aeqae solo. S ea of wul dey hat he ok of belo o e worl of ianan,a  ! s sense sfo rose f al fe, a

eressio oses obem Noneeess, e beliee a the wer'sainatie eee e wr oether or, raer, a the issuem oe source: the ay he has hse t e the wld, terpeple deh time. N auor has been s lite oceed withbioahy as S; he has neer sated i ieas excep is woks

s Janktch 254 nsh saon of Hegel'sJ F P. B. ssn hosopy o Fne A (4 vls ; London )

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/ D

nd hs no s e given us n nime di4 N ne, erefore,ud be ess eped o epn des or ors he circumsnce ofe os ie Te quesion hee s quie eren, ne f goig cko he nivie ie hi is one nd he sme ime he choce of ie nd of cei kind of r He queson he ri, he doe men bou s bsic decision-no reduce he rsc proces ohe propions of eved ngg bu qie e conr, ecuehe beieves h he moen o seepession r efcrein efound in ech of us Evering ppens on he leve f life ecue fes eps

The isunesn beeen rre nd he rsts" sems ome iss' uningess o quesion e dioom of r nd culurend eir nosgic sh o ei rder nd hrmon s umnibes Afe e ee o 1940, Gide spen his ime reding ndrereing he punged no ndr ook u rm�nn t Oohgn issse ssnnes e ue o councions usedhise ih ning heisich o i Vor Hugo e ivedin e od o e n e eqsie" neod ve hghh en n Gide hisef ee o eh us o mke orks of rnd beu possibe s pns eis o go rs Bu here one muc Gie ines gins Gide enever meeng or n nidenoccurs Gde s s sensive nd enive he occsin ndconcree humn brek n h Jornal Thus, de ree ohving seen he r om coser up no hving hd moe dvenured so conc is reesbsed ih r ife nd h dmreinsigt n oers-hich ees h he eligion of r Gidefunmenl pssion-once gi pper he longer mp he erer of oks f r h re foruu esence sef e bsoe vue nd Gie's response he queion of muie meing is pi h of rre he more one hku i e oe one s oveheed hi obvous ruh : hs neiher rhme nor reson (Anoine Thibu) Bu e devsd i n is n uineesing ie (Je osnd Bu h he od oud i ke fo his mice o cquire mporne ur ees or ou ee i oh o ineres?" 5 Beond he een of heork o r i s n's unjused exisence hch eresing

Peps re is sndou ju s Gde ecuse e cndes mn vue o be i ipefecon I d no ke me, dGde I ke h cnsume e" Srre' freedo cnume rg

Onl lel Se arahy t ccn f ch M (Ps n .

5.  Jourl, 1939-1942. [Engh translaon by Jus O'Ben, Gi: Jourals,V (Ne Yk, 1 .

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z umai. Mae, sky, avess, anims a auiful. Matudes, hs ve clothes, ar wness o he fac h e is of are rd. e is a aw i he amod f h wor. eah  gaze of hs beg who is o being a l, who has o ed insincts,

sl poin of equlibum and repose, ojecs lose hei selfsuciecyn sefevidnce and, in a sudden reversal, apea abitrary apeuous, u he oo is supruous the wo of objecs gesss colisio of ma as nothingess o edom h aure aspleude ad fate.

If humansm is h rgo o man as a nur spcies, or heiio of m as a perected creature, Sre is as far from humnismoday s he evr s othg m dos is bsout pure or verbe

ot eve pci o, h "prct oments he conrives for msfn fe or ar At th end o a N au a str o musi t sord sometng incontsbl but i was acciden h Srresced "So o Thse Ds or t l vion He tus rusdn advanc rgo of rt nd its onsoons n m g beondhis conngn in t he crs but eprssin even h isknon as rt is c bo of mn. The mirace tks paceeverywhe a groudevl in e prilged hven of ne arts

The pipls of ordr and dsordr r on; h conngenc of tngs ou l hich dotes i are u o e same cloth. IfS� oda cl hmsf a humi it does not men tha e hschgd his mnd wht he respcts in mn is s t bsicpefeio whc aos himand onl hmo cte hmsf Thesvager of La Nau is si tr; i is oly th Srre hs com oreize a me were close to his he eve whe he judged hemmos evrel "I can't hp it he sd one da in fron of he

swg Ga u Luxemoug, "these fellows intest me" Hebecame aware tha all aemps o live apr were octic becausewe myseusy elaed, because oes see us an so ecome aiaieabe nsion of ou lvsbcome, fc ousvs Teos of lod o spees cou for otng each of us is gnerc a oumos individul ince our dom ws for the recogiion of oerpeople a eeds hem become t i is he thrat of w ad eeece of the Occupion brougt out the postve vue hddn

eeah he sacasms of La ause ifee eas ago S said hapolics ws unthinkabe s is in evr respec he Othetht is acosciousness see om he ouside. Sice h he hs dscovereha i mus ideed e hougt since i must e ved nd heremus e somehig vli in it sie oug olits e ave exe

6 Engh non by oyd xndr aua (oo onn 949.

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asolu vl h plm is isl ha aial m,whih is h gaio of humai a a giv spis a which s appal fo a selfcae humai, in ma elaio an oansmue i io hiso.

I is saf o pi ha his w laguag   o ovo Stes si Chsias a axiss sm qua ag fogwhave was a hash a h s of h w aiions Mahiui Lge e rson ma i a ma of goo w, a o sa hs o wishs; u his o kon his rei Psonaforbearance is no wha was aske of him H is ae sacce he name of a naual law. H is asoud a eing a man an afahe, bu h is h oh han a acp h osquens of

hs stuaton H shoul ev ore b it he decaenc which threatns ligius hough mks an sligh viole escpon f the huma paox sem shog a blical As ifhsta ha anthg o o ih naue feshis as it had noestroed oo nd faml s o rea h on he sp  Chstis of t eas ago foun hmslvs fa o fa wih acose nsm whch egaed eigi as pu absur ut h olschool aionasts i o quso h uoms of rgaze

humn eng conen smpl as hm on eson a heiedom was o of god mpa his is wh h Cahocs afhavig polemicze agns hem fo so long now sem o miss hemand reserve ther sve fr Sr.

aogous phenmenon occurs among h Maxss : in genal,the seem more uus abu 8h Y ha aou Hgl orx The ak aou aleci much less tha aou siec which,rd ove no plcs prouces Com and hroug him Murras.

T o oud eh othe n ther strust of subjece o h r pont of explning Descaes ihou nce meng h  cogio.Een thou arsm is compleel base on t dea ha there is nosch g as esin ha sociological as ar vd o whn h ameork of a ceran hisorical sae f socet h s up o mno regn corol of h social appaaus a hang a histor tht isundergone no one ha is le; evn though Marxsm osunssumes a of hstor whch sees i as oen of man as mkr of IS

ft d sould be mpatc t al fors o rd csoenos o t cotra surprsng mt mos Mass Tetcsm o loger surpasses a conuers i ws esrs ures Mrsm's dominan viru is no logr darng but prnc wods leal whehe he arsts ber i ompa hor d th th functiong f soie

s oubtfu ha Saes mor h, wh h pulshs

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ndlos thor / 7

is his ctcs Wee he en, in his way, o ay e foundtion for objectiity f lues, wee he o ad a ese ue gien u situtn th sme tie as w inn the, he wuld stil bcticied f mking he subject o our nconon recoitin

nd cnsentwch ws, hweve, wha a hloshe ke Lgneaudid in less timid e Wel, Ste no gie ch o at oihen ee sek to e but eed," he used to sy, it is a they wee se3ng bout yself" H idenes hisef with thatnsency tht gity which is no of the wol and which, as hehs tten mkes feedom motal" Ta  ttion fo whichone g fd ut cannot t bacand which ose who shto em ee alwys nd disageeable The stoy i tld of a

Fench joust wh sen one of Se' recently ushed ectue oviet ctic, hg excused sef befoehnd f anyhingckwd" it and who was suise t he the wk highlyied in ely It hs a k we ha een neeng fo a lng time,"is e les wht he ctic aid He wa u  he e hed?The sme Cesin vtue f genesity which kes Ses behvihum d essung ay ke ook distubing, sncethey evl the ehumn t f such itue What kes the n

g aes the utho sdaluso e go is way, eeen h esee of oe and theof thes Thee is no need o fear tha the s g ut

Ste st otested when he joa aeled h estenlit" Then one day he d o hiself a he had n gh o esethe lbel, wch i what ohes see of hi, an he any tookexisttis's side Thse wh asume he is dogtic d nt knowhi e wl, hweve even when he i ending to the wok fte hs

lid ou f   he does so with a sile ne h sh tht tseedm wuld atee in o sod liteay iages, ut onecnt spak t higy f it it is uly the slt of the eth Thee  n indctin tht we  ging ou of leees and ets It igo tht m time to me hee is a ee an

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t Nw Psyly

ASSCA PSYCHOOGY considers ou isu e to be sum o mo of senatons, eac o wc is stcJ deped the local etin smulus whch oesponds t i Th ew pycogeveas, st of a, ta suc a paaelism etwee sesatios an he

nervous penomeno condtonng tem s uaceptabe ve  simpes and most immedate sensato Ou reti� geneus: cetan pats, for exmple a blin o bue d yt I ot see ay disolored aeas we ookig at a bue d sufa Tiis because startng at te eve of simpy seeig lo, y peeps not td to restering wat te retinal stim pescribe but reoranzes these smu so as to e-establh te eds homoeneityBoaly eakn, we should thnk of it not as a msai but as a sysem

of cnuatons. Goup ather tan juxtaosed eements ae pncpal and imary in our pection. We gou the sts nto te samontelaon a t ancents, et it is a o posie to daw tanly ma any othr ays. Gven the s

a b d e g i j

we al th do accon to the foua a-, cde-f, c. alhouh th on -c, de, f, etc. is equally probaipncle. A ck en ontmlatng the walaer i s o llddnly e t tanomed f the pae an ure become theground whl what is sually se as ground becomes the gue Thdea we ave of he wold would be oertued if we ould succed iseeng te inteals btwen ngs (fo exampe e spae betweete trees n t olevad as objes and invesey we aw t

1 etre evere Marc 1 15 at 'ttt e Hate te Cmao·apqe

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gs hselvsth sas the groud Ths is wha apps ules: w ano se th abbt o he hute beaue the elements ofte gus a loatd and a iteated ito o fos: fo ampl, what is to b th abbts ea s stl ut the mpty itva

etee two e foes. Th abb ad th ut boaet ough a pattio of th eld, a ew ogaatio of heho Camouag is he of maskg a fo by bldg itsip lines nto othe, mo ommanng foms

T sam ype of aalyss a be appd o heag: t wl simplyb a matte of empoal fos athe tha satal ones A melody, fo pl, is a g of soud ad does ot m wt t bakgouoes (u as th sre o heas i th dita dug a ot)

w may aompay i. The mlody is o a sum f os, s anot oy outs by vtu of th futo it sves th whole, whihis wy h lody do o ptibly ag wh sposed, thais, whe its nots a haged whle the iterrelatohips and hsutu of wol ma h sam O h o had, us o hage i h oships W b ough to modfy th ak-up of mlody S a pepto of h wol is moau d mo pmay tha the peptio of isolad lmet : i

as b se om odoed-ee pemets, whe, hough thaoao of a pie of mat wh a light o a soud, dogs ato epod to that ligh o soud by salivatig, that th trnng

aqe epoe to a eta sees of ote s smultaeoulyaqued fo any mlody with the same truu Thefo aalytieep, though whh w ve at abolut valu of the seaateelemts, s a belated and are atttudethat of the ett whoobe o of te phoohe who eets. The peepto of fos,

udetood very boadl a tuture, oug, o oguatio houldbe oideed ou sontaneou wa of eeng.Thee is sll anoth point on whh mode pyholog ve

thows he ejudces of claal phology and pyhology It s aomonla to ay that we hve ve ees, ad would seem, at sae, that eah of them lke a world ou of touch th the othes.h h o olos whih at upon the ee do not aet the eas o e {of ouh. Nevethele i ha ben own fo a long tme that

d people maag to pee th olos thy ao se bymas of h souds whh hey hea : fo eample, a blnd ma saidhat ed ought to b sometg lke a umpt pea F a og m iwas oug ta s poma w eptoal, whas ty a i fa, g Fo pop ud sa, souds a gUaompaid by spots of oo wos hu, fo, ad viss on s, f s Een n

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/ S E N S E N D N N - S E N S E

subjcs spk of ho cod sh o hd coors of suds ht ec sh briit ough meow of oft oises ad of petig gces Cze said th o coud se the vevtiess thehdss the softes ad eve the odo f ojecs My peceptio isthefore o a sum of visul tctie ad audie gives : I pecive ia to way wih my whole beig; I gas a uniqu stuctue of thethig a uique wy of beig which spaks my seses a oce.

tury cassic psychoogy was we awae that etioshipsest beee the ee pats of my viu eld jus a beeen th dta of my die sesesut it hd ths uty o be a costuctiod refed it to iteigece ad memoy I a famus pasage fromth Mditatis Dscts oe: I say ht I see me gog i testr but wht excy do I ely see? A I see a hts ad coswhich might equy we be coveig dols t oy move b spigsd if I sy tht I see me i is because appehd "though aispcto of th id wh I thou I bhd h my s I covcd tht objects cotiue exis h I · oge see hembhid m bck for xmpe. But it is obius tht fo cssichought hese ivisibe objcts subsist fo me oy becuse my judgmt kps hm prst E th objcts gh i ot of m re ott s but m though. Thus I cot s cube th is a soidh s surcs tv dgs; I ev s is prsiv ureo hich th r surfces r sored d the bck surce comp hidde If I m be t sp of cubes i is becus my midsts ths pprcs to rhs d rsors he hidd surfc I cot s cube s its gomcl diio prss it: I c o hiki The pcpt of momet shows ev mre cey the et tohich gce itvs wht cims t be visio. mytr srts ftr it hs b stg i th sttio I of "s thetri xt to mie bgi o mov Ssory dat e thefo eu ithsvs d c b ieey ipretd ccrg t the hpohesis o hich my md coms o est. Boay speag cssiclpschoo md pcptio a e dcipheg of sese d by theitigce a beg of sciece as it wee I am ve ceai ifrom hich I must ig ou the meig; I am pestwi a txwhich I mus ed o itepe Eve whe t akes h of the

pcpu d ito ccout cassic psychoogy em oyl to eotio of sstio which ws e stag poi of e aysis. Isgi coceptio o visu ta as a mosaic o sesaios forces i tobase the uity of the pcptu d o a opeao o h ellgece Wh dos stalt eoy tel u o this poit? y esoluteyecti e nn of sesao eaches us s dsiisheween ss and he icance between wa ene an wa 

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s juded Hw cud we dee te exact bjec utmeninin e subsance f wic it is made, itut sain, tisblue , f examle, ta t s a wl bue"? Cae asked wne s t disnus e c f tin e sae I i s

sible t understd ecei as te utati a eta sice certain sensibe sins, sce te mst imedate sesibe tetue tese sins cat be descbed tu ee t te jectte sii

Ou abit t ece bject deed b ceta cnstaneries dsite caes itin stems, t sme cess bwic elect takes te atue te cidet it t accuntand ddes te bjects ea c it, but te act ta te)

it wic dminate te envirnet acts ht and iediael assins te bject is ue clr f we lk at w laes undeunqul liin, te wl aea qu wit ad unequ edas lon as e beam f fom ndw us ur visu eldOn te er and, i we bsee e se lates tu a le in ascreen ne il imediel aea ra and e we and even we now a i is n bu an eec f te liin, n inellectuaans o e a a mae us see te rue clr f e

o s n we tu n e lis at dusk, te elcc lit seems  eo a s bu a moment la tends t lse all dee coor;eaivel e bjcs, wse cl was at rst eceibl med,res an aaance cmarable e ne e ave durn e daObjecs and lin fo a ssem wic tends tward a cerincnsanc and a cerain level f sabnt tru te eran ince but ru ver cnuain f e ld I d nttink e wld e act ercen it ranizes itself in n

m. ercive a cube, i is nt because reasn ses eerseciv aerances sr and ns e eeric dein a cube i resect em d t even ntice e disrins f esecive, muc less cect tem; I a at e cube tsef in ismaniesness u wat I see. Te bjects bed y back leise nt rresened me b se ea memr udgment; he a preset, they count f me, just as the oudw I d nt see cnnues nneteless t be eset benea te

:gure wich  pally  hides it.  Eve he  peeptio o ovem

nt,which atrst seems o depend direcly o the pot of eerence chose by e inec is tu oy one element the lobal organization of

the ed For, althouh t s tue at, whe eithe   trai o he oneext to it sarts, st one, the the the may appe to be ovg, oesould note  tha the usio s no  btra  and tha I cao wfuy 

duce it by the opety teet hoce f a ot  fee. If

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playing cars in my compament, the other tovng; if, on th other hand, ooking for en n h dc then mne ben t ro. In ach intanc th n wichsms satona is th n w hav chsen u d n wc, rh m being, is our enionment Movment d rst dstribtthemsevs in or suounings nt according t th hthss whicour inellence i leased o construct bu accoring to the way wsele oseles n te wo and th positon ur bodies assum in it.Somemes I see te steele moioess aganst th sky wih cudsoang above it, an soemes e louds apar st and h pfl trouh sae But hee again e chie of th xd point is ntmae b te inelligence te looeat object in which I anchor mysel alwas seem e, an I cannot tae ts meanng away from itexet b ooing elseee Nor I ive it is maning throutho Pee i t so of eig siene, an elementaryexerie of te ineene e mut eisoer a mece wth tho a a esene to e i i le tatelgene

Finall, te e solog o bs a ew concept of theeeio of oes Clial oly uq�esioninly acepede siion beween ne oseration, or itosecon, nd uteroseraon ''Psi fas-ae o fea, for examle-could beretly knon oly fom he inie ad y te person exeencingte t as thout t be selfeient tat I c grasp oy thco n o ange or fear om th outsie and that I hav t resort h ange or fear I know in myself throuh introsction n rdr tinteet tee sins. Toys syholosts have mad u nc that realty inosecion ives me almost nothng If I t study ov rhate urey om inner observation, nd vry it to descrb: few pans, a few hearthrobs-in short, rte atati wc nrve the essen of love or hate. Each time d mehin wrsaying, it is bcaus have not ben sased t concid with yfeeling, beause I ave sceeed in stuing it s way f behvng,as a mocaton of my relaions with ohrs nd with th od,becas I hav manaed to thnk about it as woud hink ut behavior of anoer eon om I hapened t witness n fact, young chdrn unrstand gesues nd facia xpressio n bfr thcan reprouce them on ther on; te maning must, s t seak,dher t the behavior We mst reect hat peudic which mak'inner realiies" out of lve, hat, or ager, leaig hem ccessibl toone single iness he eson who feels hem Anger, shame, hate, andv r not psychc facs hidn at the botm of anohrs cnsiousess: thy are tys of behao or ses of cnduct which ar viibl sid. xist n hi fac r in s gsu, t

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e i an e N scg /

e ehn em sychology d no ein evelo the a ave the distincon between in an body hen abandonehe w relative methods of neior observation an hysolocasycholoy We lee nothin abo emotion as lon as we te

selves to measin he rae o resiration or heatbea in an aneson, an e ddn�t l nytng oe when we e o exess theqiaie a ixpssib nuncs of ived anger To ate asychog of ngr is to t asi te meanng of ng to askonef ow i fUtin i hun e n what us it ss. Swe d ht oio is, s Jn sid, a sog etin whhome ino lay hnevr we e stc. O a ee level, as Ste hasshown, we n tat agr is a gi wy f acing by wih we

ao urseves a copy sbli satisfacion in he anatonafr nouing e i in wd, just s, in a convesa-tio, a pn who ct ie his pner wil stat hliniss i wi p g wo ds t destie hi pe w is st a i a distanc. Since i p i f t iin in urrlios th os d w whic is xpssd n our bdyaue, we o s igns of o ag  a in t

the osie obsrver an th we undsd ohs iniecy by inting he sins w ha to s tha hes ae dicy mnifest s as ir. Our bhi sie gs fh thn wethink. When ubise sujs ntd wh otgahs ofsvs, pis of s s f iig, nd gs fseve vis an a as o ut toghr fce a sihoee, a voiean a handwiing, i hs bn shown ha he elents ae saly uoether corecy or that, in any eve, the coec machn ea

outnber the incoct ons. Mihlngl's handwriing is attrbe Raphael n 36 cases, but n 221  insances i is corecy denewhich ns that we rogize a  tin comon struue n each

person's voice, face, gestus nd bein an tht each erson  hi mo nor lss to s thn this scte or way of bein n h o�( One ca n see ho hese remarks migh e ape h

psychOlg f lanage: just as a mn's body and "s are t twaspecs f h way of bing n the wold, s the wor an the huh

dcts shud  not be considee two extlly relate tes :  or brs it meang in the same wa y ha  the body ncae a

mnner of bhaior.The ew schoogy hs, nely sn, reealed man

no a nesann whic cnsrcs he wod b as a enown nto the wol nd atache to i by a nu bn As a resulit reecates in how t se this wld wch we tuh at eery pn

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f ur en, whereas classca psychl aandned the ved wor the ne whch scentc ntelence succeeded  csrucin.

If we nw cnsder the lm as a percetual ject, we can aplywa we have just sad aut pcen n eneal t he pecen fa lm. We see that this pnt of vew lumnas he naure andscane f he mves and that the new psychl leads ussat t the est seans f the aeshetcans f the cnema

Le us sa tha a m s nt a sum tal f maes ut amral gal Ths s the mment t recall Pudvkns famuse whh clea shws he meldc y f ms. ne dayPudvkn tk a clse-up f Msjukn wih a cleely massveexressn and prjected t afer shwin st, a wl o sup, then ayn wman lyn dead n her cn, and, last, a chd layn wih ateddear. The rst thn ntce wa that Msj seemed t elkn at the wl, the yung wman, and the cd, and next nend hat he was lk pensvel at the dsh, that he we aneessn f sw when lking at e wman: and that e had aln sme fr the chd. The audence was amazed at s vae oferessn althuh the same sht had acually been used a threetmes and was, f anythng, remaraby eressve The eani f sht therefre depend on wat pecees e ovie, an thsuccessn of scenes ceates a new ety wc s erey the suf s ts In an excellent article Est, R eenardt adde thane stl has t n e mefacto fr eac sot sort draons sutale fr an amuse sle, one f eeat ent fr anderent ace, and an extended one fo a soowul expressn2Leenhardt dew o ts he fllwin dentin of cinematraphicrhyhm "A certain rde f shts d a certn duratn fr each fthese shts r vews, s hat aken tgeher they prduce the desremressn wth amu eectveness" There reall then, acneatrac sysem f measuremens with very pecs an verympeu requireents. hen you see a ve, to uess ement wen a sht as ven ts an ust ve n, end, berelaced ether y chann the ane, the dstance, or the eld. Youwl et t knw that cnstictin of e est prouce b veongs wc raes e meen a ecousy atecquescence when a sho faes a e g me Sce a conssts n oly f ontage te seeto sots o ew, eore egt) s f e eeo e

2. s J3

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The im and the New Pchl / 55

sequences, and her order and ngh), ses o b n �reecomplex or nsde o whch ver g b cns andactons are akng plac v on h aws this omoreove, r to b iscvrd, hvng n nw n b sensd

by the ar or ac o h decto, wh hds cnmaographicanguage as a man apultes synax: who xlci nkngaout it a tot alays eng a poson t ot the ruleswch he ponaneousy oeys.

at e ave jus sa aout visua lms als appes o sondmoes, whh are t a sum tota o ord or noiss b a kewise st A rhyth ss or sonds js s or ages here s mtae o oes n sonds, as Leenhardt's xaple o th od sound

oerodw od

ows w actor are on stage. We e n ten t o them peak r parts Then mmedate there is coep, perng, ad we e aw o sometng they saygt eah oter unr ther breath. . . ." Th xpressve orce o thismtae es n ts aty to k sense the coexstence, thsmultaety o live n the sae wod, h cors s th a or usand or tselves, st s prevos, we sw Pdovkn's vumontage g an n  h gaz o th sgh whch suoun 

Just asa lm s not mrel a ply phoographed in on an thcho nd grpng o h shs onsits n ogn means oresso or the oion picur s, eqal, h soundack is no spe phonographc rerodton o noses and words b reqrs ctn nal orgzaton whch the ' creaor st nvet. ha cesor o he ove sonack is no h honograph bt thd play

Nor s hat all e hav been nsiderg sigh n son by turns

b in rety he way they re p together aks nother nw whole,whch ant e reced to ts compoen prs. A sond ovie s noa sent l emeshed wth wors an sounds whose only unt isto omplee the cematogrpc son. he bond beteen soud ndmage s mh cloer and the mage s ransormed by the promt oound Th i reay apparet n the case o dubed ls ee tpeope re made to speak wth the voes at peope, the young havte voces o the old and tal people th voices o t oneall o

wch s asrd wat we hv sad s e-namely, tat vocproe, and charaer or an ndivisb uni nd th union o soun an image ccr not ony ach caracter but n the m a a woe.It s not by accent th charcter r sen t oe oen n seakt anthr he teon o words and slnc is mnpute tra h ost ctve ge. hr a h sos o logu, Mru si n Ve ( ) rs b so og

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wh p i t th it of th dtic ctionko The oel d th l th id thi t f dilogue Thnthe is na dg whi gie u h ht ptil t d wh dit f xpl in Pot wh the

chte y hd to liz but e diby rcoizble sso thy tt to tl Th xtgt o pig us f wods,thi iche o eptis, thi pciion or cttion ree the f ht uly th y dciptios Tollg rly os i mois si th iile prce o the tor with hi ow ptilr mer f hig ly lnds itlf t tFill w h dtic dlogu which pets the dscusion ncoftti of the chts d whih i th i picip o

of dlog But it i f frm cotiu. One spks ceselesly n ttht t t i th it f t moi sid Mlux,a no dilgue ft log sttchs of silce, st vestb ito dilg ft log ntie pgs" us th distrbuion f ilecs d dilogu cotituts mtcs e n beyonthe eti of viio d soud, d the ptt o wods nd siencmo coplx thn the oth two, supiposs is rqueents uonth To coplte the lyi o wod till he o study the rol

mic i this ml lt us oly sy tht mic shoul opted ito t not xtpod t it Muic shud nt b use s stopgp o oic hols or s compltly exteior comentry tstit or the sens s o oftn hpps in mies: te stof wth uleshes th sto of brs, o the music lboiously ttes oottp or the sund o coin ig t the ound It st t k chg i 's styl: o exml the ssro n cion scene t the inid of th chctr, to t recoecton

o elr es to the cripton o lnscpe Gnrse t shld ccompny nd help b bout pture tesensory bce," s Jubet sid.8 sty, t must t e noter s xpio jxtpd to the viul xpon y th ue stctlusic hythm, fom itnto) nd by /steouschmy o cepodnces which ogh to be the very fondtio te copr's pfsion t shold rcrt sonoou substceeeth pltic substc o the g, shuld, ny, ke t

t hyhm f th see physiclly plpbl tut testrivin t lt t ntimtl, dtic, r oec ontet"(Jubert) It is ot the ob o wrs moe t d des t tmes, no is t the ob of usic t dd sntimets e ensemble tess somthin ery ei whch i· eith thout nor er ontets we h flt in ou s


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The Fim and the New Psychoogy / 5

What, then, does he nf what does it mean? Each lmtes a ha is i eaes a cean nube of evens which invoveceta chaactes and which cod, it seems, as be tod in rse, as,in eec, hey ae in he sena o which he s based The

taing , fequeny ovewheed by diaogue, competes thiusion Theefoe oion picures are ofen coceived as the visuad sonic epesenaion, the cosest possibe eproductio o drawhich lieratue coud evoke ony n wods and which the moie luck enough to be abe to photogaph. What supot this amguiy the fact that movies do have a basic reaim: the cto hod benata, the sesould be as reaistic as possibe; the we realit re�ased o he scree s such tat the least stylization ca

it t go a" (Leenhart) That doe nt mean weve t themoes fated et us see and hear what we wuld see and hear iwe were resnt at the eves eing reated; soud m ggestsome genea v of e the mane f n ediying tale Aeshetichs ed enunered ti robem in cnnecti wit te vel ith oety nve way h n ide tht c e med u few word scea wch few ne can exs A oem wrefers to thng or deas. And yet the unction of the ue novel or pue

poetis not simy tte us these fcts I it were, the oem coud eexac rnsposed nto ose ad the novel wold lose noting nsummy. deas and facts ae jus the raw maerials t: the rt te nove is n the chie of what one as and what ne does not sa,n thehice of especives ths chate be wtten om thepot of w of his haace, that chapter om anoher's poin fview), n he vaying tep of he naaive he essence f the at ofpoety s not the ddacic descipin of hgs o the exposition of ideas

but the ceation of a mchne of anguage which almost wihout fapus the eade in a ean poeic stae Moves ikewise awys have sto and fen an idea (fo exape n U the idea hatdeath is ebe y fo he a who has o consented to it), bu heuncion of he is not t ake hese fcts or ideas known to usan's !eak ha, in knowedge iaaion seves the udesanding, whJes in at the undersading seves the iagnaton, is pofound oe n ohe wods, ideas o posac facts are ony thee t

ve he ceato an oppotUnity to seek ou the ppabe symbos andto race thi isibe and sonoous monoga The meanng of is incoroaed nto is hyhm just as he meaning of a gesue mammediatey e ead that gestue: the m does not ean ayingut tself The dea is esened n a nascent tate and emeges frmthe tempr stucture of the as it does om the coexstence of thet intn e j rt e t met

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5 / E N E A N N N E E

tae o meningot by efeng to aey etbihed and ac-qued ie but by the tempo o pia angement of eemet e w abe a m(·ie ha meag he me wa tht a thig oe:neithe of them pek to a iolate uetng; rathe both

appel t ou powe tacity to ecipher the o or men nd t coetwih the It i true tht in ou oinay ve we le ight of thiaehetic value of the tiet pceive thing t i o true tht thepeie fom i never pect i eal fe that it ay ha blu1ge n ueuou matter a it ee Cinematogphic ai o pek negae tha ealife dama: it tke place i aw tht i moe eac th the eal o But i the lt ayipcepio permit u to unetd the mening of the cema

moie i not thought; it i peceiedThi i hy the oie can be o gippg the peentation ofmn: they do not e u hi thohts a noe ha oe fo o lngbu hi conduct o behavio They iecty preent to u_tht pecial wayof being the wod of eg with tg an otheppe which wecn e i the ign languge of getue a gaz a ch clelyene each peon we know If a moie wn to how u omenewh i izzy it hu not attempt to poty the teo ncpe of

izzne Duin inPr


nd Mux ina d

l wihed to o We w get a much bette ene of zzine ee it f the outie f e contempte tht unbne boycnte o ock o tht unteady tep tying to pt itef to whonw wht upheav of pe Fo the moie a fo moeychogy dizzine leue ef love and hte a wy fehaing

Thi pychoog hae with contempoy phophie the c-mon feue of peeing cocioune thow to the ubjectt the aze of othe nd eg om them wht it i it e nt the mnne of the claic phioophie peet id an woech picul coniune and the othe enenocl o eenti phohy i lagely a expein of upie at thi

heence of the ef he od and i othe a ecpin of thipadox and eeation and a attemt o make see the bodetween ubject an od betwee uec a othe athe than toelain it a the claica hloophie y reotg t aboluept Wel he movie are ecaly uite o mae maet thenio of mn ody a or d the eeio of oe he he ha i i o g a ctc ho evoe

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e Fi and te New sycoogy / 5

posophy i conneco th a Astuc hs revew of ntcciant uses Satin tes to recount the lm whch a deadn lves aer hs ody and s obged to nhat another The manns the same f himsf ut s eent for ohrs and he cnost untl though love a l reoes hm despte hs new exteod the hamny twee the or itslf and the fr othr s reetashed The etor of L Canar chain are anoyed at th andould ke to send Asuc ack to hs phlosophcal vestigaons. Buhe tuth s tha o partes are ght on ecause s not meant te a showcase for deas and the other ecause contempoary ploophy conssst in stgng cocepts together ut descnghe mngg of conscousness h the wold ts nvovement n a

ody and ts coestence wth othes and ecase ths s mov atea pa xclc.nly e ask ourseves why t s prcsely e m era tha

s phlosophy has developed we ovosly should ot ay that theovies grew o of the phlosophy Moto pcre rs andfoemost a thncal nventon whch phlosophy couts fo nothngut nether d we ave the rght to say that th philosophy ha oout of he cema whch t transposes to the level of deas for one can

akad moves; after he techncal stument has ee nveted ust e taen up y an astc wl and as t wee re vented eoeone can succeed n makng real ms. Therfore phlosophy s nhmony th the ciema f hought and technca eort are heang the me decon t s ecause the philosopher and the movemaker hae a cet way of being a cerain view of the wod whch elongso a geneaton t oers us yet anothe chance to conrm that modes ofthought coespond to technic methods and hat to use Goethe'

phrase hat s nsde s also outsde"

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l:s -Exstntlism

E HYPPLE, who rs became kow hroh hsanotate tratio of he Phnomnoloie de Zesprt, has sceblshe hs ense et strtre de a PhnomnoZoie de Zesprit,whch bon o mark a ecisve ste French stes of He2 Athe rehosohil)eas of the ast centrythe hilosohies ofM an etsche, henomenolo, Gean exstenasm, ansychoanysisha their beinnis eel; was he who sarte

the attem t exlore the rraional an nterae t no a exanereason c remis he ask of or cer He s he vetor of haReason, broar han he nerstanng, whc ca resec he vaeyan sinliy of nval consosesses, cvlaos, ways of an sto ontinecy b whch neverheless oes nove the attem to master hem n orer o e them o her owrth B, as t ts o Heels sccesors have lace moreemhass on ha hey reect his hetae hn on wha he owe ohm If we o not esr of a trth above a beyon verent intsf ew, we remn ecate o a new classicsm oranccaon while maintanin the shares sense of sbecvty, theno task in he tr orer is more re than reestabshin theconnetion eween o he one han, the thanless oces which ryto foret heir Heea oin an o the oher ha orin sel. Thas whre their ommon lanae c be fo a a ecsveconfontion ca ake lace Not that Heel mself oers th rthwe are seen ther are sver Heels, a eve the most obectivehsori be le to as whih of them wen fres bt orantitheses ca be fon n tha snle fe a work. here wol be no

oncernng J Hppoes lecure of sa le delvered o Feb. 1 17,o lnsu dEudes geaques

2 Ens raslao of egl Pheg de Geiste b J B BePhee f Md  Ne Y, 191 ).-T


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4 S E N S E A N D N N S E N S E

dox ioled i yig th itepetig Hegel e tki std o l the philoophil poltil elgios pole of ocety The get iteet of Hyppolite lete i tht f exitetii i coee it eg the tlti whih

ite the iio of o tie. i qite tl the hitotepeed the philoophe eey tep of the wy. Sie o is ohitoi let foow thi lete feely the th textlly, todigee oioly d oty to oet.

Kiekegd, the t to e exitee" i the ode ese of thewo delietely et hielf p i oppoto t Hegel The Hege hehd i d w the lte Hegel who teted hitoy e viiledeelopet of logi yte wh oght i the eltiosps

betwee ie the expltio of eet, d who sbotedthe idiidl epeiee of life to the life ppopite t ide, to dey. Thi Heel of 1827 oe s othig bt le of ides,"to e Kiekegd phe, whee l hitoic tithee ecoe bt oly by thoght. Kieked i ight becti tht eethoght i ot eogh to eble the inid t ecoe thecotditio fig hi tht he i fed with les eithe tef whih he c ccept Thi lt eel hs dest eeythi

exept hi ow hitoi itio; he hs tke eveythi itcot exept his ow etee, the ythei he oes is eythesi peiely ee it peted igoe of beig the odctf ceti idiid d ceti tie. Kiekegd's bectio,which is i ofd geeet with tht of Mx, cosist eidig the philosophe of hi ow heece i histoy: hee eyo peig om whe yo dge the wold's necle tht it tti pefetio i the Pi how c y

eed to be otide l ittios ee the ede o

the thikew exitee d jetiity ege with the ell t it.t the Heel of 1827 y be itiized fo hi ieli the me

cot e i of the Hegel of 1807. The Phnoogi d 'srit i ahistoy ot oly of ide t of the e hih eel the id twok: cto eooi tte legl itittios well wok of phloophy t i oee with epti tot ee ohitoy, eig the ie wog of the body soil, ot th

eliig the dete of id by debte o philoophes.Absot knowd the l stge i the eoltio o the spiit sheoeo wheei cocioe t lt becoes eq t itssoteos life d egi its elfoeio, is eh ot hilosophy bt wy of life. t i itt philoophy tht we d ite Phnonooi d 'st ot s yet ctoos e Aesies, p n e Pp d p u , ee y

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Hege's Existentiais / 65

ttes that phloohe do not crate hitoy but ways giv voice tuon redy !lhed i th wod efoe thir appeanc onte cne) 3 he el debate betwen Mx and Hegel hs nothing t with the eltoshp of ide to hstoy; rthe i involv h

oception of htoia oeent whch nd fo te Hegel of27

in hieachic city whoe eaning i accile to non excep looph but hch h Hgl of 1807 pehp saw culinatng enuine econciaon between en

ht is ctin in ny ce is that the Phnonologie de 'espritde not to hitory into a fawk of pretabshed ogcut attepts t bing ach doctne and ech ea back to lfe nd tolt itelf be gudby their nt logic with such rtiality t

cnc with syt es fogotten The introducton tates th theloopher sho not pu hielf in th plce of huan xences;i tk i sy o colect and deciher thes xpeiences as istok the avabl It is in th sn that can begin o spkf xitentilis" inc h doe not pop o cnnecconcept th inen ogic of huan xpenc n its ectos qustion is no long liitd, a it wa in h Critiquee la raison ue thorique t icoeng wht conditions ake scien

c xpc ssibl bu is on of knowing in gen a ho aesthi�, and reigiU expeience a posibl, f dscbinn's fundant ituao i h face f t w n othe me,d of undertaning religons thics works of art, conoc and gaytes a jut so ny ways for an t ee t conont hculties f his condition Expeence here no long ipl mesur entiely conelativ contact wih the snil wol as it did nnt; h wod resumes the tagic reonanc it has in ordin

lguag n n spak of wht h has livd hugh It is nolnr a loatoy tt but is a t of lfo oe ext H thoht xnilit n tht it v

n not a ng fo h tat cnoune in fu poeion of itn huh ut s a lf hh i o eont ndhich to dtd lf f h nonloie de sriece n eot o e hef t ey peod ofitoy h tat fo a uct ctny, kes hs acons

onfo to h dieton of tht cetnty ad witns the pi conuenc of h t tnon dicovein its obectvth H hn ode h poect ge ude w onc o gin

3 Enl ranlaon of Heel Gndlnn dr Phlhe de Rech bT M Kno Phlh Rgh (Oford :.ans

Enl ranlaon of Kan Kk de nen Veun b Nora Kep Cique f Pre en (do :933).-Ts

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S E N S E A N D N N - S E N S E

ecomes aware of the asract quitis of his ew project, utisbjcive cain nal s objcve uh and i he lgh ofcosciosss h ecomes fully what h alead obscurely wa. As loas is last stag o hso remas uaaed-d shold it ever e 

reaced, man, depved of ovemt, would b lke a animalman,as opposed to th pele which is what it is, is ee as a place ofues (nruhe) a costat eot to et ack to mself, anconseue hs refsal to it himself t� o or aohe of hiseteaios Consciousness threfore inediatey ecomesthe act of sassi the limt a, whe it as incopora his imitito itself, of supassi islf. osciousness thus srs at itsown hand the iolec which i spos lmied satisfacions

Fel this violenc, aety ay we shik for he tru, ayaspie a ted o sav th very thi whch is teateed ih loss, uthee is o cami this aiety: ts atpt to sik io a ouhessieria is i ai. 6 Whatvr elaionships m e sho to estbewee consciousess ad he oy or rai, a h discoves ofpheolo wi o suce o mae cosioss a bone fo a one issl a hing o a big, and e oy copons of wold wee tngs o engs, hee wold ot be eve a mce of wa w cl

an-ha is, a bin wich is o, wich dees hngs, an esece who a sseceToda his idea is , b it reans is foce if one apes it, as

dd Heg, to e elaionsps bewe le an o consciosnss of .Of cose, al we sa about fe has to do in eal h conscousessof f, snc w wo k bo i ar conscos of i. Howver,consciosness reapoaes as i and soce watecnscios lf wold hve bee I wod !n a foce wc

dspeses iself weeve i acs, a dn and beomn" wch woldo even be awae of sf as sc For hee o be conscioness of e, dseson wold ve o be ended; i wold ve o become olan e of sfc is n pnce iossbe fo fe. nabsnc of bng wod hv o coe ino wod, a ohngnssfom wch beng wol be vsbl, sc a consciosness of e,en adicly, is consciousness of dah Eve the docties wichwod imson us in or racil or local pecuiaies and hde or

huma o s ca on do so-sce he ar doctres adpopaandab fosang he immeda fe ad oowig shamefll fom consciousnss of dah. N ideoog is not o rpoachdor remid me of the traic ut for usi the traic and h etio

5 Pomnolog l'esp, an J ppote, on, p. 71

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Hl' Etntial   6 7

o death to gv a semblanc o orc to prehuman nsncts; shorr obscg th aw�nes o eah. T be aare of eah n tonk or reason e on and e se thng, sce one tinks only ysegrig wat is caracerstc of lfe and thu by cnceving

deathMa canbe mae unaware of ea excet by being reuce t stae o anim, n hen he wo b a or anim h rete any prt of his csciusness, sc consciousness imles teabi ste ack m any gven hing and to deny it. A anim ie n cotenmet in lfe an can seek salvaon in reprouconan on aces t h nivrsa is the act at h xists instad oerely liVg. Ths s th price e as or his humanit, an i is

e eason wh t id o th sound man is a yh, closey rlate toN myts " s sick aim, si Hege an old text f islhilohi pubishd y Homeister. Lf can only be tougt oa rvel t onsciousness of lif wc enies t.

onsioss is rfor unhapy, since it kows it is ascory o o fe d misses he inncece om wic it seses itcame. J3ims hisoc missn ha been t srea tis ses ofseara hrughout h enre wod, an, as Hypte sai to is

stue dg the r, we ar  Jews to he xtent that we creabout te uivers, refus to resi ourseves t merely eg, anwant t exst.

scuness of ea is, however, neier a eae nr a uterimit. Tee e two as of tkng abot eah: on paeic anompacen, buts agnst our en an see ng in it butthe mes exacebag vilence; te oher ry an resote, wichiegae ea to itsef and tus it no a sre awreness f e

Te g Hege seaks more y of eah; te oler Hegepefers t sea of negai\y The Heel f e Phnonologiejxae te aec lgic vcabaes ad makes us une-st wt role conscusess of eah las in te ae oumai. Dea is te egan f rc en beigs, ndconsciuses o death is a snnym fr conscousness of th univerl but t is oy an m or absac unversal as long as  reman t this pint. We an in fact cnceive nongness except

aginst a groud of being (or, as Srtre says, against th wo).Terfo, ny noon of eah whc clims t hod ou aeon ideceivng us, sin t s fact surpously un our consciousnesso eing o um our awreness of deah, w must transmue it into teoe t, as ge sd Th absact uivrsl which sttst posd to lif st ad onrt h s n iout

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68 S E N S E A N D N N S E N S E

notngness, but noness c st ony th oo be, nso coscousness of eah carries h i he ean o o beyon

The ony epeence wch bns cos to an thenc

awareness deth is the eeienc o contact th ohe sncude hs gaz I a ny an object jus s he is eey iec thwo une y own. Thus each consciousnes seeks he eah of thoer wch eels ispssesses i o its constie noess But o not fee heatened by the resence of othe uness I ren wrf y subjectivity at the ve oment hs gaze is reucin e t anoject; I do no reuce to savery uness he connues t b reseno me as consciousness an reeo recsey when he is an objec

my eyes We cannot be aware of the conct uness we ae awae of ourecprocal reaions ad or commo humaty. We o no enyeach oher eep by utual ecoito of ou coscosess. Thatneao of every an of ohers whh I a is Gmplee only byreplcag itself throuh anohers negaion of An just as ycosoness of myelf as eah a nohes s eceulcons a armaion of my beng an y lie s y consciousnessof anoher as a eemy compres rmaon o m as a equ f

I am neaon, he by ollow e plicaon of s uversanegao to is ulae concluon, I wess he elfe of hatvery eaio a is raformaon o coesence y yse Icao e free, or an I be a cocousnes or a ma a hat oerwhm I r saw as y rv is a riv only ecae he s ysel. Iicover myself n he oher, just a I scover of e coscousess of ah, because I am o the s mre of fea eah, sole a commuicaion, whh ea owr is

reoluo Domao, a, a volece esroy themselves jus ascoess f eah oes beyod itse. If eac articpan in theel o coees, o raerna enemes, succeee n fatlywo e oher, noh woul be left; here wou not even be apace for a are o he oer a ha aon of self whh ise pce be e rule. Thus, the a wh the os eacawaree of he ha suaon is not he ase (snce the aser

pree orace of h foundato of being and communicaionundery he pa of hs des and de) but the slave. The savehas been ruly aai, has given up tryng to conque by the sword, anhe is he oly one h eperece o eah because he one has othe ove of le The maser wans o et fo no one but self, but inact he seeks ecognion of s aste o soeone and s i eak his sength. h s const s y o the bt

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Hee xen / 69

evertheless it is h who chooses to go on livig on these terms, ad heterefo has sren in his wekness. Since he is beter acquaiedith man's vitl core than the master, it is he who naly have they possible masteat h xpense of natur, not of other peole.

is life is more anly red in he wold th is he master's, whchis recisely w he knows beer than te master what death means : hes reay eeenced anety, the "uidcai of eeng sableuman esence, which had been sk and gult, becmes historyogh ad mankind's sccessive decisions can be concetrated  one sin ac by which consciousness s made whle, and Godecomes m o, if you prefer, an becomes Gd.

his is where Hegel's thoght abandos is ial esism 

eg he trh abo deah ad sr is e lg acess b ich hiso overcoes is cntradicis ad fs these f huaresent in e cscisss f dah ad in esg h e rin e rlais ag e This isso where gel stops being an esenast, Hoite adds . Whereasfr Hider w es fr e sake f deah ad te wareess f deahens fda sy a we as beair, elss h a hier f f le. He therefre ves fm

e iividal t hisr, wereas f Sare te ca be n remdy fore conracns of the fO itself ad te fO othe wih the resltat his ecc is tcaed. One mih say at i s sense enonologiee l'espt makes ossble a Cost hlsoy ofte pt or a hlosh of e Chrch raher han a plosohy of teiid h as estentiais. It is re, adds Holie agn, thatere ar other ways of undersang esenism. This laststemen seems the mst accrat, sice we shold note hat, even in

eidegger, consciousness of death is ot auhentc fe the olyatudewch does not deceie us is the one whi s has a lacefr the fac of our estence The dcision we mst mke is to acceptdeah, bu hat cannt be searaed o the decision to ive and to geta new gp on or fortuitous existence. As for the estnce of e oerd e histricity which rsts, Heidegger does not deny it. t hasapeny been forgotten hat the last part of Sei ud Zei is devoed the notin of istory One mit even say that what Heidegger lacks

is not histociy but, on te conary, an aion of the individuhe does not menon at suge of consciousnesses and atopposo o eedom ithout ch coestenc snk into aonity and vryday banity t ven or cert at Frencestenalists e not aested at an awarenss of deat "My deat

6  s aslao o dggs 8en und et b . Macq d Eobson Beng nd me odo, Ig(2)T

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70 / S N S A N D N N - S N

ps my lf only we I de, a ta oy om t o of vwof oters Death does ot eJs for me whl I m av my poject gosgt toug t wtou meeg ay ostacle T f mp f myascedece uns to no arrrs it aone  dters wh t s

dowlke h sea wc stkes agaist a smoot sor 


a a ceta p, to go no further 7 A so I lv o fo a uforeve, a kews, ot for mysef aloe u t ot peopl Aoe omete denition of what is aed existentialism tha w geom tking of anxiet and the coracos of e uma otomight e found in the idea of a univesait whih me am o mplyy the mer fact of their eing a a the vey mome of oppostio to eah othe i the dea of a easn manet unreaso,of a

eedom whih omes into eing inte act of accepg ts a

o whih the east eeton te sgtest moveent of the  oy,  smest aon ea inontestae witness

7 oe de Beauvo et L

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Bttl vr ttilsm

I HAS BEEN w yeas sn the pubaton o JeanPau Sa�s £tre et le nnt1 At s a pooun sene sete ovei 7pg book: we th cis hog back he ik? Dos thet o h un on n even o phosophy? Wee ytn u a sssn wu agn b possbe? In any ase slene has now been boken n he L wees and eviews aebobae cal e whh hy o ubish. he Righ e aheas e up. Hico l e eagainst existiais as were he sn the centu. The une 3io

L C speks daer er a 18thceu

raions nd 19thcenury psivs I is eakable how aough discussion is alo lway o nil ler, whileis k te o o a wg the aithu Sares book slbeled Ois o ic e us eware iste of hiloic e i iscss is cdeed r i ble cosequenceead o o its insic si i aer s s, de r hig do is o enoce quantine. Fr e esabihedoces ruse discssi s o nca stre it s rueha any oung eople welcong he ew hilosophy wi opes, t wll ake oe ha these pevsh cci which elibeaeyaoid he question ras by Saes ok, o convince he o rejec.

The queson is ha o ans reatonsh t s ur or socilondngs Thee ae w classical views one e an a thersul h physi phsoogcal an sog inuns whihshae  o he ousde and e hi ne in aon any; he

I. Enh anaon b H E. Baes, Beg ad hge  New York,9)-

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72 / S E N S E A N D N O N - S E N S E

ther conit recozing an acc eedom h ina a s pit an repreent t el te very cae which ppey actpon On the ne hnd mn i a t o th wrld n the therh i the contitting concione te wod Neither view iatictory fter Decrte one cn oje t te rt on the gondthat i mn were indeed ne thng ang any e cl nt knoany of the ece he wold e locked i hi own liit like thi chor tht tle psnt t a cet loction in pce and theefoencaple f rprsntng t el the thr We t gnt ma vey peci wy eing-intention eng-wch conit ofeing oiented towrd thing t of not reiding in ny Bt if weted t concle om thi tht r ndentl ntre ke

aolte piit or coor and ocil te with the wod and oinetion i it wold ecome incopeenle d we ld gv ptinng aot the hmn conditon The et te new phloophi peciely tht it tre in the notion o extence t nd a way ofthinking aot r contion In the modene o J wrdexitence the mvement trgh wc a i t wrl anvolve hiel in a phic and ocial ittin wich then ecmehi pint vew n the wd nvlveenti amigo ecae it

oth nd retict a eedom: my ndertaking t d a certntng mean bth that it wl be pile or m nt t t andtht I exclde th poiilit y invlveent n natre and hitr ilkee a lttion my view n the wod d yet the y ay r  t pproach the world knw it and d mething n it Thereltionp betwee ject an ject n ler tht elatoshpof nong potlted y clical deam whein the ject waee the contction o the ject bt a reltinshp of bng

which prdoxic the jectis

dy hi wod and hittion a rt o exchngeWe ae not ng tht l'tr t l nan make t pradx

concion nd cton entiel cear I r opinion the ookrein too exclivel nthetic: th antihe my ew melfand nother view o e and the anthei he for tslf and the ntslf ften eem to e tetive inted eing decried a theliving ond nd comnication etween ne te an te ther It

o that te atho priary conce n deing with the bjectand eedom t preent them a nnvoved i any cmprmie withting n tht he i ptting the td the reztion ofnthingne n eing-which i action and ic make moritypile-ntil oe other tie L'£te et le nan s t aeonstratn tat the bject s e anc a neavty and

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Bae ver Eena

h hi ee hee othine u h o m h heubject onl othige h he eed beig o u mel he c oy be hough o agin bcgound o h wod ndy h h ed o beg ie he hdow i oer ed o

bood o hiving. We cn heeoe expc nne o clactiond copeti ae l'tre et le nant u t cnno be deed hSre' decption poe the cen poble o phioophy tppes te the cuiition o he l cenue pointedy n thew profundity After Decte w ipoible o deny hetenc concioune i dicly dee o exitence ing nd th he elatiohip o he wo ha o eptine olenitude. After the 19 cenu nd taugh us bou e

hitoicity o the piit w ipoibe o dey h conciounewy exit i iuion. I i up o u o udetnd boh gs oce. Sipy eg oe clic poition o he ohe i not aolution or either Cthoc o Mrxi Thi i impoibe e ndeven be accodig o he ie oc o Chiiy dm .

h uito o he in itself s he hg ejce b occic w h word whc o s h ough our os d o woe vov oud h hg h w perc. con cocoue o omhg s s o u o od hig d cociou ee hem o o pe biit whch c. Or aco d our gi uoudig r htringoit o our lowledge ech o u bei o hme

g to which ig hod up a mor I hereor ei or he ubjc peceive he object ode hn hime ee h h peed wod whc w o md o m d whicwoud hve bee mor peec wihou him. O cou hi ocy ue ince reeco how h being coceab thou wiee u uch deed i our it iuio we eeouree o be h idipebe coreiv o a beg whc evehe ide in itel Such he contdiction whch is u to he

objec. We cno hep bu envy h eud o urcropsrowng d en ucceeg one othe ccordce wih her peeu w In he ce o i oder m he ceure who ever chieve copeion. e s a a i wee he peceu bric o hd. u w o e comg bc wodr Gb ce o oms ocepo o cocous as

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/ S E N S E A N D N N S E N S E

impefect adaptation?" And e speaks elsewere f e crdelmatealistic bais of he doctine" 2 But i givig the word being" itf eanig theefoe ateriistic? Ho can reigion wic asthe icaaton of God ad he esurction of te bod isrpiin tat cosciousess-i al sense f te rdadere te wold and tat te beig of the wod alwa seems t it the verype of being

Coeaive, te Catoc ctics reec the inuitio hat thesubect is notingness Since it radicl disguise u m gand snatches u om thei dening repose, Sartre tins ta er exactl nohing-but a nothing whic is evertig. i le a crseand at e same time te souce of uma gade. I is indisiblte pinciple of caos and e prciple f uma rder. If, rder be sbect, he subect mut cut imself o from te oder of tings,man ave no state of cnsciusness, feg ic i part of this conumig eedom and wic ispurelYd pl wa iis, the wa thing ae From tis folows an lsi f wa fbeaving whic show tem a to be ambiuous Bad fait andiauthenicity a esseni to man because te e nscbed in teinteioa stucue of concioness whc is esence bot to itsef

and t thing Te ver wil to be god make goodness false, since idirects us toward ouselves at te momen we ould be diectedtowad the other The vey deciion to respect te te smacs selsness, fo it is s m geneosit t wic te ter owes mrecgnitio of him and about whic I am give is tobgate" Thus, oig in an is pure one sine act witwhic we can feel satised and whic a ble soul r a goodconscience can nd the consoaion or the assurce wic it loves. Bu

these pes simistic poposiios invove a eciprocal optimism : insofar asfreedom desto the uiy of aue, thee is nt a singe uman act rpasion wic does not tesif to man's umanit. ere is n a snelve whic is simp a body mechanism and wiceven and most ofl wen it attaces itself insanel to its object-does not ve urabili to put urselves o te test, our power of absolute elfdedication, our metapsical signicance Te prnipes of good andev e heefore but oe pinciple Man's wretcedess can be seen in

his grandeur and is gadeur i is wretcedness. Sartre' hilspy, ote anoter citic, stars b puttin out te lig f te spit 3Quite te contrar it make it shine everywere ecaue we are

2. Ga Marc Hoo tor pp. 249 248. [Eish sa by EmCrafrd Hoo Vtor Cicag 1951 ) .

ercir '' Ver ans s (Fe 945 ) p 20.

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e Bae e Exsenasm /

bod and spi o consciousnss cononting world bu spc, biiwod

A botom, w Ctoc cics w is dn. T cln iuii inr bn otr o suppl rdom

bcus would k ins o b cpbl o proclmn glo oGod nd m o hv a dsny lk a n. s obsacl runno is Pscl l silnc o s spcs s m.L us k s o mn a r is somng hoibl, rpulsiv, nduncllbl ou ins whch simply a wic r notng ong sops voluy o o sp l us undsand sp is ha which ca v sg plac-o n n pooo in n! rsablisd dsin, o n any pharisism Wih Psc

Cos rpui Crsian o h disincio bw h  ten- g wihou spid sc as consciousss-h pi ih o suppor in nu Mlbnc spok o a glo o God wch coms o H om h prco o hsnd snsd is "cics glo om a wich is orddHim b scc o m wh hy ecoiz H esor o ad coopr, s i we, Co is mn mkng a sh dsincon w Go o hings ad h God o m

i sid a hum od bs i dom. s prspciv rvlsh bsis o d i is o Csi and Msm congr bu sol nd Dscrs, o S homs ad Pscl Caolccicws o hins o rval a Goddecd onaion o woldand i or mn-lik ns-o noing u nu dngwrd s prcon. would k o dow ins ih spiri durn un spi no a n. Gl Mcl pps o "commosns cr scul sdom lociz isuing,

pav dom i c pvld acs. Ou dom would sconsis nly pung us ck und a lw wic ad rsidsihn s, i urnn ou ponili ino aculi M Mrcl spksvorbly o a "nu u, o a "crin condnc o sponnou n mpsicl, ord wc ncompsss ou isnc, "uptil ond wn mn nd l, nd o a "piywhic is o Ciin u rcrisin o, mor prcisl, pcsn. 4 Tus i is indd ida-isl pcsin-o nul

nli o mn which undrlis Mcl's ccism o l£tr et  nanth sm s o Mm J  Mci isoln id o a Goodidnicl wih n moivs en polmic ans Srrnoinnss nd lads h o blm i o udg us

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S E N S E A N D N N - S E N S E

troducng freedom. There i a Cartesian and Pascaian piety to whchwe owe the profoundest despions f man an compreenibe,conradictory monste whos old eio hbit r the onynaur he psesse n wh s grand bcaus of hi etchdnss,

wretched becas of hi grandeur. The Cthoic ctic want nothingmoe t do with tht phosoph, peferring th stoea idea ofman wih his prescbed end, like plant with the rescbed fomO may well ask whch de is the "materiam

Perhaps they ar ght in the n, wh i n done.Phaps he ony way to sus hritianiy s theoogy i o the bassof hism, perhaps the Pscalian cocept of being b thingand of spirt a volublty leaves room only fo mystca ction wit no

dogmatic content and fo faith whc, ike Kierkegaad, i t faiti any being. Perhaps in th nd the lgon f Godmemn arvby a unavoidable dialectic at a nthopolog n n9 teooy.Se ay that conciousnes teding, by th onsant moveent oinentioality, twar thingness without eve hig t seem ttsify to a idea ynthesis between itsf and beg not that he twoev become one, bu, on the conry, jst caus this itegratio alas indcaed ad lways impssibe. Pr nsense rpies

Gabel Marce: "How indeed cou omething whc h eve eybeen inegraed rea disnterae? Bt hen M Marce oers isown oution ome e farthe dow it consists of ayg that"reecing on iself, cnsciusness is d o consr isf add,whout beng abe, however, to thk i concret�rm about the wordbefore t F" 5 If og onnes is s unthinkab f M.Mace as it i fr Sartr, then it can be ed o by act of faihev oto cotent, th ny distcto between te two

concusion i that . ce-tea f assertig t dialecc of the and the -dec t ntoerab and want to overcoe t hrough co. Ee th tep not forbdde i Sarreperspectve : inded, it cou wel be th pciple moriy ofthis not proof o even n rn of Go but n atinof n. T maintai Cristianity fthold ti pery groud,one ut eject e ttng pnt, vey noto pit a ngativit.

But ca Chrisa t Fo t st nlyi, ve maneedo does coit eg h eestbished nature d hfo Tot would hav t on has t tht selizo s out   and dependent on and n msttreor ntroduc a second edo, radc ths whch s i

5 b 25.

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Battl ov Exitntialim / 77

bslute pwer t sy yes r rm this pi ht e has bee be t d t subje huma lberty t vie prerdi i ge  t qus f I sy yes r t my esy the the Gis t y gd uess agree to it thg hs ue i isef

's eedm is s Destes thuht, sese equal t Gd's Otis pt Thism is f m beng the ly Cs as ee swhat suse the me of he Jnseist Agsn the Jesuits kep hl e bsle pwer hi site f e presiee The ques  i t kw wh p eedmplys hether we w smeig wihu gg vtg e si eler th : t n seems t requrefurther elpmet is p th e wou ee e thr 

t elabr hery o passivity is sue hweer e bighights  s quest th it be smissed wut sbeg uerstd By ig the prblem Cthl ts is debertly pling itself beeath he ev eressy mitetee ees g, perhas beuse there ws ess hesitat bung fudmet ultes t me he belie was mtter f urse

ereas ath ts use Sarte mteism, Mxsle efebe es lse t reprahg ith resduids Ar t Lefebe, tg er the e beg he estabshet f the exstee f thers i eady gg tof O a nsusess l e t situde wud d thesetuth ew rettg that Egels held h he gret ques 

fudatal t l shy, ad eseiy mde shy, es the rela f ig d beig" efebe prses that wemedaty dt" what Ste has reiseredf Dest shghat 's rbes re meig fr e Chsa re eir meaessess fr e Mst, if e uses Srte befreGbel Marl, es' oe de befre efebe?

Thre is t be sure, Msm whih m the ery stat plaes itsel bve Sates prblems, the Mis whh bslutely denies 

inteQty, whih treats siusess s prt f the wrld reet f the bjet, byrdut beig, , ly, t use lngue wh has eer bee Maist, s epihee The

6 ensme et Mme, Acon (June 19457 Enge Ludwig FuTbch (Eons Socs 1945) p 1 n na·

o Ludg Fuerbach ad th E o Cassc G Poophy Bsiciings on Poiics nd Phiosophy: KT MTx an Fh Engs, e Feuer  C Y 5J

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8 S N S E A N D N O N - S N S

grtt M tr a foula ed t reWhn Eng wt t o b coe th tcturcton o objts n of te moment of orld" k tht on rtb the tru reatoh bt e re d

n th prouced y te umn ran c at tjut prouc of re ord" 8 e e t a te turo th wor pctur hi o o mtr a o metnk or ht the br the orgn tougt e agr a hrd to bu a brg etw t fomu and te Ctacogito Bu on mut d th mot Mrt cor m dqutehy n tmd th goo ronth expron of a mea-ph phoopy wch k phnoma o ne ubtce

mttr not o ctc phoophy c ny adt ofrpoc rtnhp btwn th rnt orer of poma adth mrgnc o rtonhp or ogn sutur oe b ofmt phnmn

th nm o Mm on t to xcute problm oubjctvty n nd te ery noto o t no o eermnnt of mtphc tim th oe mut b h Mrxm ont a uc depr reaon for abon te ubjt

conntrt on th objt n tory: th tt v o ocetht w a trough d trou th prou of ory rotourton nt e ord For Mrm hter ubjee juta-to my broug fort exlue rerc e teor objey n abtnto ad a wy of aVOn h re k mpoedon u rom th oute a ord e no d b -tt wt th pur Mxm o y at ploopy dbue piloopy y pruppoe rto e breai

th mmdt d h r i e codma f poopyIt sp typ of trngmt a ay of e o e eat beyon ru to b n ty te fc o routo burgeoty concnc T pooper oms are of f anothg n do g t doogc fou of mtrntng nto concpt t pe of tory re m' en xtn t ptd r m o m beu bogg own n h contro of ptm Te ry dea of

speculative phooy c ould try grp a e eee fm th wo tt o te poopr' et reuung h to work at tnforg te o to i

8. nls Siaism iq 0aism sieiq os u Pmm, 19), p. 13 [gh aio b E. Avg SiaZism Un nd Siec Yo 135.]

9 ees (Eo ss) XI 88 .

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T attl v Eistntialism / 7

efor e e humty hch ee tsef rough ork oug s her th seeg ee ts oce for  Theoy wy t obt ht phosophy seeks mpet gsp of thr-s tooect ourseves th sto ste cotepg t

s  Ma s fmous tet e y f phosophy s toesoy tMass sogest rumet gst phosophy of e subject

s  este" gumet It coes o t s ag aay ev  posohy s equte to wht t was o asp-thts, man's etencebecuse t tsef s crt wy o exsg prtm   l hsto osophers," s M v  oyinteree  wo vous wys the ont, however, s to chnge

t" 10 Gabl Marcl liks cczs Sa  for  impso ims ious cye o beg ad ogss ould haly y poi, h adds, " cg ha he s ore y  giv facs o sucu coos of ou sc Isnt the oeauhascdc  o du t wou to say o auic ascdig a ac yic w f ouslvs om hs daa ad hs codiios, placig m esfacs ad coions? 11 Boh sids us mak h s app o acio as h ay of

gig bd dalcic oposns eet tht Ma dos o claa by y ps w ca ejo a sss wc as alad coml heave, n he stutes sthess our futu ste ofousid s oin Kkgaad ad Mar, o alvs oga osry, ce togther but ther vey ppocheent s ood vc a Mas ps sould com cl abou s ods d mas t ss to rem dstct om mystc cto  agmsm It s vey wel to vte us to wa we e to eoe

onsus art of the ovemet o hstory wc w a volvdn any cas Bu w s av to kow wa is movm of isory s,wo ca ount o to hep us coete t we s hve to ow wh do from miue s qusios ar aisd, o s h dviual o udsand ad dcd   las aalysis o pus ack corol of s lif  gees that the mag soy av fo im dpds o mag ss Evy man, evn Mars, s obgd o agr h Dscas ha ou koldg of som 

ousi y dpds o ou avig appd h ouslvsa pocss b ic com o ko o in itelf od b accssil o us i i o a vy sam im  for ad h mig  d i dpds on our conset o an cn jc h  cogito ad

10 XI sur Fubach." [nsh ansla Tss Fubach," s Wngs on ots nd hlosophy, op c

Homo vo, 255.

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S E N S E A N D O N - S E N S E

  eny conscousness, on pn o no onger nowng wha he s sag o renounng staes ve ates one Marstes he sid oten an th good reson tt Mism oes no  eny te subjecv contons o hstory s not a ataism, tha

  men cete the hstory, an that ideolgies, even j   they exess a  clely ene economc an soca stuatn have a beang o  sty Bt tht i sing tht they do not eimin the sbjet s a fator    histoy Let us remin those who shudder at the vey worsubjectit o Marx's faous    phrase: e min ing rong wt   st mtelis s that t consder the thng, reity, the

  angble wo oy as bjec   or nto ot as concrete humactity as ctice,  ot subjecvey 12

M Leebe ves subjectity just ike eveyone else, thouh he  ld like to oe this ct Ee he mst somemes tiningabot lics r few hus and ret t t fter as t a dty his ife hs o a plic meaning, it s be he es it this  mening throu csons o hs ow I   the se way not  proletains Cmmunist, which is t sy th w cn sli aym r clss an o what we e The ilec between being an nhingness tkes place not on n Sarte's min but lso in the min

  o the owhearte woker who s wthrawng o the strugeWho woul are ss that no onemne n ee angush t is  et en   e es or hs class an or he utue o  mnind? As soon as an s touce as te   o istoyndMsm so portrays on s o onger   bngng n merey collectie m or class but s so ncuding indid an who etns  his wer to sere or o btray s cass and wh n this sense jins it  o his own accor Mar gves us   objectve etion o clss n

  terms o the eecve positon o iniidual    the podction cle,  but he tes us esewhere at ass cannot become a ecisie histoind eltin acor unless nus become awre of it, adg tt ts eness itself hs si mties, nd so n s histi  facto, clss s theee neither a simle bjee ft, nr is it, n the e hn, simle vue bl chsen b solitry conscius nesses It is ore n the natue a tvle or n inte e r  whih the ther remains to be wked out Tody, when ther

  ositins the nation oosiion o Fne nd GemY bh of  them n ot nd sied f si cnsisness by Hiteism nd  the Vih ee the ositin beteen te ne ld f ean the old Westen wod, between rch conties and those ih

  hve been bled to et) msk clss retnshis to a et extent

12. PremUre T�se  Feerbch" . c]

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e Btte ve tent  / 1

ever e Frec wrker mus mke u eebih cc it te I wrke espie e scis ggrsiof 19; e du It wrker mus mke er refrgee lik wit Frec wrker i spite f Frec prjecs e e

Ast Vey; etg e es ewee te ec rke isp Frec retive bewee he Frec wrker d his c Ameccui the iviul ers of b e subject's roe s istc ctr i clee h ever We mulyze vveme e mme we e subjecve bjectivecditios { sry becme bu geer w clss ess befreecg e iself sr e sus e sci eeme f c-esece Ltre et le nant es ye er hs

cia ery u i e pse e prbem e eciprc esbewee cusess e sci w s vgrusly s pssibe byrefug to f eem usie f siu by mig eubject sese reec s eihemesm wud ve it, bu eeecti'' i ccrce rs

ut ee i mre t be si r ere eedm e iiu bu s tesm eve ves m zzygrespsibiy s i were Isf s e euce s e sry

e spi ge u e syesis ere guree i w sciusess is cer v ers srcompete e very ez is psp Hw cu eep bei pimsic e sr ws scsesss e ise e e gic e ie s e ve i se ese ecesy f is retu m's pssiby f iig ai m rm ey? T is t eb Hege u ere eer ws ere im: e c be we e mus be

me muc mre e c bse is gic is pemegy h pemegy s gic u weer i ers tee fege r pspy wc reuces sue Spi ssry's mive rce wc kes s k is ee ic dmits ter es i gs rvee by emeeg ierc c   m pssiil whlees pstuae syesis reslvig crdics r its evible reliz Suc pspy ues see

evutiry eve s ctige s e e f the revutte w r y mepysic eve Te bekw cpitlsm y ed e w cs iste t e evlut me o t udertad e situi w ieee uss cdbrth my result i e et f t mther d bby e is ere ssis ure Aug sytesis es de jure ege eve e e f s er is

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8 / E N E A N N N E N

Hegelian quietism, there is necessy Maxst e ltgHegel's solid and endung foundation in tholo me it possible fo blindl t leave everthing t th nata c Qf n, rtprais-which can rel on nothing bt coexistenc among mn-de

not have the am esoce It cannot assi sty pcla nd  dvanc; it cannot even arm the dogm f "total man before ctually comes nt being If u cndictin medy t besolved, then that ay be the rst w kn f it Engls leedtalk about the way ncesity reabsorb storical · ccdent mcadmred, but how does he know that history is and contine t brational if he i n longe theit an idalist? Maxim i ni  that it inte u to mak the lgic f histoy tumph v t

cntingenc without oerg any metapic garnte V ne ght ask wh eistentialism is s eage t cJcilite MrmM Lefebre's gracious upposition is that t i t btt devu tThe truth-which, s shall see, is much m ightforwa-ithat many readers of Marx e in blt geen Wi yse lkXIII Baie for example, but feel nsas it cetain fM's own theoretical formula and bve a  t th f cmmntat. Accrding t these read, th Maxit icvy fsocial xistence as he most "interio dimeni f , f cadnamics as an integral process wher e economic nd cultur detr-nations endlessl intrsect and  inter-signy, dmit bt deands a ew concepion of consciousnes on th� plane, which would establish a basis for both its tonomy'ad its depndencb desciig it a  a nothingness which comes int the wod andwch could not keep its libert withot ngaging itself at everymoment. Accoding  to them, this is the conception of consciousness

whch Mxsm  has at  leastpr


its mot powerful concret ases, i ot fulated in theory. A lving Maism should "saveand integrte estentialist reseach instead of stng it.

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Th tayial i a

, TFG a cocepo of he w wihi he s a aie s ou of he quesio. O he ohe ha, wha eeyone cey sa is he meag e wo meahysical has gauayassume fo him, wha he oposes i, a his ieo in usig iThis ype of accou, which oly ee he ccep es of sse alue so o spea, is o eough o usify he eiio u is

a leas a legiimae coiuio o he sociolgy of ieas he laenmeahysis eeale n e use of he wod is suciely wideseadMea}sis, whih Kanianism edued o he sysem of pnciles

employed y easo i consiuing owlege he moal uiese (y o hve is gung ion u ly conesd ypsiivim) s no esed o lead a s of unlawful life, in lieaue and is ome n i dy I ee eaeas in he sienes so as o e i ld o ee aes agains em,

u s h dae innoy o a e o eig unno o sienisman wi e sines ave aduy ld o gnize I is ismasis in o whi we oose o dee moe cleay sainy inoduing i a e hizn e sienes of ma.

I o e ha o deny a gs sychogy oeus wha

could e caled he imlici oolog of sciece a foces us o eise ou cocion of e ndiins nd mis of sienc nowledgefo examle, he ide of oeie animal psyhology Koees

I. Cf. for exmpe embe ad Gaucre Rimbaud  p 234: "ephics ot ecea he ci aociao of oumea; maud fet hi morkeey h aoe retored a maphic o h ccr h saw  themeve owers m"

) 83]

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4 / N A N N N - N

work shows sputbly that, ddio to our perepuuverse we hve to recosttute the mal's uise i itsoty with its o" oetios, its ortits, a itlcue d ht ay uccess we my ve ome om tig our

hum exeece f the m s ou stg pot, dscbing curve of ts ouct as it appers , wih its qualita disctiosof eshness" and fague," good soluo" d oo oluon,"couity" and discouit," opti ot" eancioecton" so at mtely oe ese oclude no witquatttve smulusrepose lw whi woud e pible to seces bt th a over view of hw te hmp e, for exmpleeortes o give stmuli, of the himpazee's behvor uverse s

reveled by mehoc iterprtato of i codut. T worMs livigproof tht descpve see is posble d os relef tepardox tht to become trl scec, psychology st not rejectwhoesale our ua eeene of m on grouds tsuch eeriece s athroomorhic nor should it oer to becomeuly scetc, restt its quesos about he a to those physcssks bout a tom or a ac esurble relohips, we d hvo moopoly o truth, ad our notio f wt is objecve must be

completel reeed Koehler brought to iht a cert structre o theimal uiverse beg stuied an he ecie" which is ec o stmsresose retoshs ad he ased schol the ts of descbg ths esemble Ths cocpo turysred to pschopathoog d geerl psychology wh becme ivetory of typc behaviora ystems. If Intelligence e ineUieU proves ythig, it is tt oe ot tth e samemeag to teligece whe refeg to amals as whe refeg to

peole2 The boo ivite pschologsts to uderstd fos of behvior i tes of their lw of ite orgazatio isted of g o them he result of ombaon f simple ad uiversprcesses.

Strae to say, neter Koehler's book or, i geeral the researcof ths school hs been acclmed or ize o e si of its moovel cobuos. Intelligence e nge e impresses the

2 n anan f Wfang K Inelligenn(ungen an Menschenen by a W, he Menliy o Ape N Yk, 1959

I s , f xamp, J Pg Phoog Zinelligenc 197) nds ay anyn m an rn o asm s psycg[anlad by Malcm Pcy d D Br, he Psychology o InelligencN Yk, 1950) fac, i a s r f xpc pmn Kk D Gnge pchchen  EnickZung) dws ng n ps f cag f L ifn "

choog ( hiZoh n hT Ebn) ss e gi

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he Metphyicl i M / 8

reader as a rasc opoogy It is ess sesiive to the cotrastetee th ys me ad aimals es thgs tha to the act thamal ehavor presupposes  Gesu ust as hua coduct dead this purely o alogy prevas over the ost obvious descrip

ve dierecs Istead o eadig t reisio o the sciec idead meth01ogy hich had so og masked he realiy o he ge,gstalt psychlogy oy deveoped so as t rethed e e te oriud mehodoogy. The Berl School proposed to descbe  prileged oms o huma coduc o th oe had ad o th otheo det e cotios hch elicited this coduct. e tu todepio d te ppea to pheome a egimat source psycholo oedg prcudes pcip eag he esl as  

eser or dvve reaty d ig e iear processes ad teiolatble sequeces to ret the peg grated them y scietismut thee Schoo shrk eore these cosequeces they pre-eed to y ure act ttht the totty o pheoeael t the uverse o phyics erely to reer t oreaced o o phyics ad phyology to make us uerta o he lt lyi the most comlex os hve ther utos e ot sle Ther vote subjec o tuy s the ors whse

aeace eeclly e lboratory is more or les relr vea cr ber o exeal coo the oymous sey uc ey ee g to py y ce or rcisio i their olseve et aaoig to some exet the more comlex sch et he etre persoaty a les simply depet ve ex codiios d or that very reaso more cultto cove ut so mor vuale or the koedge huma e-aior e psychology o percepo has take over psychophys-

ls rl s the ceter o psychologic research. I reality they o h psychophysiooc ucos o isio (i the atrct

gel ad a l ss f ans s m cld's scrc as nd-ebndu�e f adul I s rl f xc wc s a h hr hch r shs Gss ma bu w h h udrsd rlsh b rd n b v cs d hr blc d scc aba F Gsss h ccmua xrnc ml maks sbl arscug wch w rah qubum bw g b d

s a r Idd h Pag hslf dscbs dvlpm   bs asss; u h s r quscs xc, hs cus h hd c h Gss cl ha whl s cs h mpl m p :   La Coon du eZcz Zenfan sm m sg a hr f c dcduc c xpd mly mr m d m xc g fc hr s esuses a rg rcua d clely [Tted by g hCos of h k 1 . ]

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86 / S E N S E A N D N N - S E N E

sese o seeg coors dstnces or cotours shou n have beepursued at the xse o the su o the ore os obehavior wch bg s o conac no er bu wiote e wih vt an soci sitaos Pschsissv 

o its o ogmss the nor eesio o coSisen gesscholog B rg wha s ere e perpher schoo sts core s the pschoog eent uctios was lter bou to eld the pscholog the whoe sip b he accuulaono eserch speci areas); b og the sesor ucios dheir ws to ret a udeserve pvege becase e oror ess suite to utiav eatent; b thus concntrag eors o the new pschog o the uco" he ecve"

we it had sougt t rediscover l hat is escpe" nd phenome" -b og these thigs scietism rete the evopento a psychoogica science

o the other hd e wa to give uprejc deon ogestt psychologs phosophic eaig we wo ve to s hatby reveg srucure" or o" s reucible emets o beig ihs g pu ito questio the clsscal lerae betwee exstecas hg d estece s coscousess" has estbishe a coui

cio betwee ad a ixur o objective a subjecive hascoceve psychologic kowedg i a ew wa as aempt o brek o hese typic esebes bu a eort oembrce the a to uersta the b reig th

goes without saying ht the exaple o oe scho ad a schoolabot which here s st disagreeet c prove nothig b itse.Hower te work o the school wou becoe sica oe cou show tht i geera ech o the scieces o n is oete  its

o wy towar te eviso o the subjectobject retio Now this isus wht we ote in guisics. on wts to pp gorus thosto e study o lguage oe has rst to repUdite the prescec oriisic cocepos which represet ch guge as orgaso a rtioal etit whose volutio erel grau revels itsvrible essence t was ereore propose th age be treate s a thng a oe t to dscover he lws whose terpla woul  he cts o anguage Bu guge k bhavior u 

scietistic retet. he noio o aw was chenge eve srts to phoetics which wo se to oer spec suitbe o edevor. he tept o etch the lw ro the cs to akethe cts isppear ide ito the aw h to be abnoe. hehse   plus   becoes h Frech between he th eghthcnes is jus as uch epression o a histoc vt which ookce once d or the hrse the Bourons red Fc o

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he etaphyical n an / 87

1589 to 4 Along wih the idl of a syse of laws "rur thafcts the e concption of language as pure objec was aan aledinto qustion Alrdy Saussur thOUght that the repudion of the oldcoprate grar hd been too hasty e ae he aid "certainges whch w cnnot do without. o insist that we use

ntes bu

those cosoning to the ealies of anguage s o cla that thesis no long hold any ystey fo us. 5 Just as gestal psychologdnds the ue of dscrip conps whch re orroed om o hun exprnce and which can i no ay be eplaed by functioconcpts d on esurets of corretive ritions, so Sussure's lngutis itis, in the study of anguage-beyond theperspiv osul xplion which lnks ech fct with a preousfct nd thu sprds lnguge bfore the linguist lke


oct-h rstive of t spking suject wo lves i hlguge who ay so cases chnge it). Fro the rst pin of viw a osic of fcts with no nterio; fro thescnd in contrst, it is a totaity. A schola  a goous as Melle fouls this porss of ngitic tion by sing tht "inguistic fs re qulittive nd, lsewhee, tht "eey lnguage fors asyst, whh ns tht it admis of a pncipe of t

orgniztion Saying tht inguisc fts are quitv says furhe tht th ne«d the edition of consciousnesses   their connectond delopent. Howe one cnnot conclud fro this tha consciouness s th locus o t of lnguag o tha language �s anstracion ad speang subjects te ony ey; o each speinsject, e if he odies the anguage eels copelled to se thosodes of exessio which ake copreensbe otherJust s psycoog to between the "objectie ethod and "intro

specon ny rahed qibrium th idea o form of behaioaccessi bot o the outsde ad om withn so nguistics ndsiself ononted by the ask of gong beyond e eatie ofnguage a g and language as the prout of speang subjectLguae us o eac spe jec e nsenth ts own inera ts ow demand, onsa, ad ine oic ust neertheess e pen o h aives f h subjet (asell as to e brte onbuons of vasions, fashions, nd hstori

evens wy apable o t ispaemen of manings, he ambigis, an fnon subsons whh v his loc its urhinggit Pehps te notion o ge or scr, old her perfo se seice d for psyhology, sn boh ases nvolve ensembls

4 W. vo Wbug t mtho f lnusu 94 95  F Suue CT lnustu gm 96 9 . [

n by Wd B CoTe in Lng N Yrk, I9S9.J

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88 S S N D O N - S S

whih are nt the pure manfestations of a ecv nsciousnesswhi e nt eliily aware of heir ow pniples:  d whiheetheless an and shuld be studied by proeeding O the whlet the pts A the he of eve nguag on od d aws ofequiu

mbe een a theme a ndaentl prect or as GGulue sas a subnuis sem" whih escapes noe whenwe wk wih he ateies f n sense or f e old grammarbut w ees its eete life wen he linguis sts up the newctegies equied t rdnate the fat Fr exple Greek Lathe a chcteistc iew f teS his iew xed i the cnjutins sicits eey ee f the lingustic muity m te ayhe is n et is th wrk of nne of hem It neereess is nt

ineite eining expsed t the uences t the secence

thugh which the lnguge nly ansfed into anhe tngueht gene st wih we al cnstute b liing ur lfe nn tht itenn lred depoited in the �n system f thenguge pecnscius ecse the speing suj esuses t efe he eces we it nd eletes it t he leel f knwedgend yet which ly subts n the nin f ein tken up rased by peaki sbjets ad ies n er deire fr cmnia-

tint in the el f lnuisis is inee he equilen of epslts' fm" equll alen to h obee estene of anatur press a to h mental estenc of a dea Bg neitherg nr iea language ike nidual consiou« be ap-prhed ly by a methd of cmprehension" wch nds aid hemultlit of fats a few tentions or decisive ms e rofoundan a wa seret fats upn which res he consction of thelnage "

ne mih arve at e sam conclusn by x h eelo-ment f sil om the mmen Dureim gave what e beievedt e a set meth I fat a nsideranof is famus work one oe leaie e eligiee tempts us to say haalthuh he enerely ced attenn to he study of he sial hemay hae sipped it of ts os eresng feaes by adisg tha

6. G. Gaum, Lahicniu p l ngue class(Cnhan, 1945)


. 16. dci f t ndnt tnn mut


b cly cnlld : h m s-n ng ibatd d vy cl tth mh f md phyic-mi b as mbg, whavrn i bt, cl cnct ban dp bsac rcn,  hch f f cus lays h last sn ln quad tmak dc abut nat f tin cin' l in aianc cnac t ban i n way t ach cncluin in i ac bt td, an dn bain nuth, t ndw it h w'hich it wld a t h to pn on no sn ut ts " i 17

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Th taphyica in an 8

be eaed e hing." It be remembered that he nmyene h ous the sacred, goes on to show hat i teicsociety the eXpeence of the sacred coicides wi momens ofeaet coheon, nd cncudes that reius ifeat leat i s eleenay fos d doubes is hger os as wellis hingbu societya of atg selfaweess t wold be out o place toquen the deniion o he reigiou in e of he saced, inceDkhe p�e it as preny d nomin one can nly obereha i de yet ow us t peneae he inner woring o rion,and oe may ees reeaons about · a ehod whch i mree ambng n tak exnn h wih theeaion 6f heir conent. Te idencai of he sacred wih e

ies sch reeain, fr hs i either

to bvi ad

b he whOle qen, o ele i is akn be an explanation o heu soci, in which cae it ides he proble m us Thatrs expeence ways occ in acu r viua ceciviyhat i plies a iea of ineeral reaon at, a reein orco, it ecy or ecy eess he acal hmanelanhip in given caon; that any concpn f sit bohc wt t a cerain concepin of the eatnhip beween

cncisnees nd, iversel owe soeg to our ence ofcomuicao-l is s certn, just s it is cern that lieaue,, scence,

d lguage e soci cts  e sene of facs of

comc ut eve we that a ee recoed, ne has ldoe oing: towd elag the elous phenoeno (or theerary, eec, or guisc peoe). The passage o theigius to t e soc does ot lead us o dness t light; weelin g d ol d the se oscuty or te se pbe

iing nder oer ae, leaving us wi the tas of aig eaccaons pcu ode of inteersl rlatinship d counicain. course to soi es cnot e cosdeed explo f rei0 or o e sacred uless one aes  immablesustance of the sci, n lroud cause, vague frce dened lby i ower of coercion ha i, e makes neelf bnd t eeveronal operaon f a socety i he process f esabng hesste of lecve eings troug which embers commui

cae ohing is ged y basing he relus r the sacred on thesoci, in one coe o he same paradoxe, he m ambivalence, and he same bend f nion and repulion, deie and farwhich aleady exed in h saced and made i a bem Dkheima he ocia as a r exe t the invidua and ens t

Eg aton by Joseh W Sw   E Fs f thRZiis f (Nw Yk nd Lndn 19I5)-T

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explain vertin tat is presented to t invidal as ath o o B ol annot po this seri nless t tself ears no reselane to a thin nless it enelops e indiidal,slaneously eckonn and tatenin nles ach conscosness oth nds and loses itself in s rationship wth other onscosneses, uless, nly, th socia is o colctie cocioe nterseity, a in relaonship and tension on ndvdals.Socolo shod not seek an xlanation o h eious in h soc(or, ndeed, o t ocal in relious) t ms onsider hm aswo aspts o t ral an fantasti uma od s s orkdot y th civlizaton ndr onsidrao and tr o ojei thsolion whih tat cizaion nts, n ts rion as in ts on

o or ts poltics o te prolm o m's rlaon th aturnd wh othr mn. If ratin soia ats lk thins mans hntino hir onstiv elments o or n t om on ot or as aus d c, thn this am rcp s opial soioloy annot oniz ny penn lmnts h eren hols into hich ty ar inta, o ats trna toon anoher, , i t cas o ah socit, sho oniz there pnomna iv mutua rssio a otr nd r

sa as hm. h s o maks ota ontions; t s an intration dren om th sum o h parts." 9 o u to asp is movn h mn assum n laora hvn condtions o th ov i a ro hm t orals and nstitutions, mst onc an vis our da of scntor ojtv knold s is poin, socoloicl  nold,k knowld o a person, reqres tat, an he ojtivndes as our d, roer t human attud hch maks p

spt o so

Bcae the stoan is onerned th th invda nd rainsn contt with an nxaustl ly, s vr posion makes tt d tha t sociolos aas dream o soverinknowled apal of at acss to ts nd o an asoltojctivit. To n aarnss o s ask, h istorian had nonthss rst to rjet is claim to a nvrsal istor opltely nfoldedefor the hstoian as wod eor h y o od. mus lso

coniz-and is s or dcu-that, om uarnteein sonidnc wth t past, ra os o snsm istoramttrs rsks iponin s in or mos sectiv views I md a noos fuse o sptv o h soran to stdn, o a v, sn

g M. Maus, nl 'ethnogTh (17) p. 70

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T tahyca a /

constellao which had made it ppearce possible.t Accoring o on cu Q s a f conns as "te pncpal ons oong al th cons or stat o te to ake n dcon. A cs t at pu t, an ty al

qualy is caus. T ae o d story, otg ta saccssor, tfJe othg that is sstia. Accorg to this methodac vt is rsu of a njunco and a accn e arefobdn to scovr any r mang in t, and the snsss tuof stoy os otg to te unstag. If on aps stho to a rv6luo, fr xape, i ake i appar stat oa uso o absur. n o ak a rvlutio k ty arsov a wch s pos ts; i ss to t at

t  a qun o spns to a solcon of t e. hethr they gt is, of corse, no sre-b we sl cannoassu h a ong. he chancs of eror are t saehether, ke S�igobo, we aopt the pot of viw of Sris an fuseto g y meang to evts, o attr wha tey ay b, orwhether e sse God po of , a d Bosse, nd ndevetng of maning. Th solto to inore e aingwhich hae theseve give o ther aco ad to kp

istoc eca resd for the cocatnaon f fac- shot, toiolze objcvi-cons, acoring to a profnd ak ofrotsy, he boldes or dgme whe i has do with voluon, c it poss p on the a of ctio, who bven oc of sory ad th of hi acto, the catgos of the"ocv hsoan ho has o such bf. uo of asand the worker dung te evets of 9 7 Rssi my be cci, but anothr hpothss is als possbl : th wors move

t an te dms of th pasts covrged tor a socasrevoluton bcau the ocraic phas h is bal rfos aot viabl a u h no bouris a baus pasascoul no sasfcton for her ans xcpt by gog bydsh phae. Te cte of th Czst Stae ould the exp the"fotutos cjuncton ale to by th "obtve sta Thut objctiity eans a we exan the "subctv copontsof th vh way t was tpt by s copoas ad

roagonsts orr to assn t t itful ro. ut tehistoan mus conont thes viws h th facs orr to coclyapps h unce h us o ocan esu which he facts and the interetations deviae om each ohr ad,as, he m reach decisio bo M itereao e

Chle b -

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evets o 1917 hch aas e persoa o some exte ecause ias bass ote ha he probable i hn h ak hisorppears i a its dclt: mus reaaken h s, estae it h prese, recra h atmospere f nmpories

lved i, hu impsin any f u w o n i, d, nehat has be oe, o o eermin wheth i nemporwere msed d wh, f ei numb u, ndesod etruth o that ime Oe an, i is pblm min A L.Febe shod so el h espec to 16teuy unbeef, Rabelai'metal universe cao be dscrib in u lanu f nerms f our aegores2 here ar many pses wic �ven usom al m believer in en f i w

st as exac sa a h was believe n ns ic he word ok n w, hree, fou n le eiion part of he mel equipe e f nuy Evn is o a he eer o Relas le and ou, i d el sozon, leas implici es n sbi iy ndesad belais ould be o eceae he ulu mmn wc ws is d i loge urs, o eoin hi u u is iuaion If we mak pr w eq

nlede pas, i n be-ony Seibbelievedby sin urselves h in f w f bl erve h hn he domaes all ime , eae o thate aption no nothig abou em; , i b by expereci ve mor leay ha his very vi n be date,ha the very ide o uiverse of ruth deceies u, nd by pereiving wha he pas mea its We l ive a he universal no bybando ur prtculaty t y u i it ay f reachi

e, by ue f ha mserou aniy wc mk iuomutuly ndsadle

* * * *

A eny riened, in n pyi nsaua in a hey ause us ediv ln wi ured h ndandin f sur, mnon in nd yp

f nwlde wi man f n i nurl u  I i nl 1 1 . Even a Mait pepecve eectve hitory follows t te loc tothe ery end ony men become awar of t understad t the Mait ene,d cop the moveet hich roughly dicated thgs. The htowho wte the htoy of 1917 canot eve he a Mit, peted that thereouto wa predeed; he ust show t was possbe-ee probabbut otpefabrcated The course of uers hstory s o predeed ve for :ocs w coe but who ows whe or y wha as?

12   eb a r Rabs b u XI" (P 1

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The etahyical n an /

ev ourselves in th prsnc f o m ve whh touht sors, capbl f considg ch pt t withotoyg the pt's objctiv natur This bef is taken u systeatze th bgs f scinc, c wys takes fo

gte n solut bs o points sumup and coeavely, pojcn of pspeves. But esiens f m-not to n h ts-v m it vin nwled of n n f o beg p contemplaon ste tang u h bes he c  f th acts of rs reavatg om ambiguous sg xpriec whih is not his own, apopatg suc (g. t  of th speies he sungusic she spt o cvization) of ih he o no

dsnct CCt bu hic pts ogth s ence pisdeiphrs an nkown pic of usic withou himself graspng t otives f c st c pr, wto bng bl to gto th sua of cosciousss th sdient of knowdg whih  is usig t tt momn H ng v positg of oe, but rahe hv communcon wh wy o eng Th uversty of knolg n lngr garnte ch of us by thsrold solu consiousness in wih te Kantan I tk"

alhoug ke to certan saiotempral persecve-was assurea p e idcal to very othr poss  " k" The ge ofunersai r th aturl igt" wihout whi ter could be nonoee o be ound aad o us n te tg wer our eronpaes us, i te dialogue ino whih o xeence o oher eol trs us by as of a movmet no o hose sures are ont us eass egns rom the moment when, ceasig to lve th eiee o �e oet-hether i is h sensory oet or te oet o

sieee aereve he radal sujeivty our exeee assae is vaue. It eas to ts s ureXeie s or own : boh that t is not th mesur of ianaee se d tht it s noneeess oexesve i e owh a r noon This double sense o e cogto s hes a o meays I a sure at her s e eo I d not seek anoher sot o beg an begre Whe I aware o seSng, I a ot, n e e d,

onsios o m state and, on th oher o certan sensuous qUaysuh as red or blue-but e or blue nohg oer than myret was of ruig m yes over wat is oered to me and resondg to ts solicition. Likewis, h I say hat I see soeone,it eas hat I moved b sympathy for is beavor of whih I a wiess whi olds m own intnons by fushg them wih isibl tin erec, ss our

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94 E N E A N D N O N E N E

ence, whch attst to our srange aby to ter nto other drent ter des T s od t h, a an neitr reject nor ompety accpt. Metaphy the debrtentenon to scre hs paraox o osos t, x

cang and cmmunicaton, whch scenc lves and whch t ncouners the guise of vanqushd cutis or faius to b adgoo but wch t os ot thatze Fro the momnt I recognzeat m expnc precsly sofar s t s my accesse to what s ot myslf, that sesitve to wo and tots, a th bgs whch ojcve thought pacd t stance drsinary near to .13 Or, ovrsey, I recognize y ty wththm; I am nohg but aty to ech thm, to drstad thm t

respond to them. My sems asouty inu an asouteyunrsa to me Ths recogtion of a viu whch anmtesl past an conemporar ves an rcevs s ente fom them,of a ght which ashes fom the to s ontrry t hop-h mtaphsica consciusness, ws rst sae is su at icvengthe conontaton of opposis an hose econ stag s rcognton oteir ieni n te simici f doing. conciosneshas no or ojects th ose of enc oer eoe,

huan , rth, cture Bt inea of akng em as e,as conequence th no pemses, as tey were sfvnt, treicos famenta saneness to me a the ac ofi apang Th hiso of mann i tn no onr t eae aent of moe man in stages satin wth the cavem, tat eous gowth of morat d science of which toohuman ttbook catr; s nt mca, succesv history ut theaeness o th secret bon which auses Pato to be s v u

Unrstoo n ths way, mtaphysics s the opose of sstem. Ifsstem s aangemnt of cncepts hch makes the aspects ofeence mmiaty comatie and composse, thn t uppeses metasica consciounss and, morover, dos awa thmorty at te sam time or ampe, w sh to base the act ofraonat or commucation on an absute vaue or 0ht, either

13I ld ovol od o gv a pec dcpo of h paag of

pcp fah o xplct uh a cour t o th lvl of langag,cocp, d h cla orld. We to o o ork vod to "TheO f Th [Thi h volm o hich ao a okig hh did H vail fd hi ok a "Bg ad , "Th Galog ofTh, or "Th O of Th Th maucript for h t p o volueha cl phd a L Vs et 'ns ai, 164) halaio of th ok, A. . gi, w e uh 196 othr of eNohet Uvert S Phomeoo tal Phooph.]

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T Maphysical n Ma  / 95

ts soue does s dues we et e c nidered, roty commno remise o esee, s sot esds i te, s tsei wich s i o hum mehods of ecio

d juc heher thee i or is ot sou thou and sout eo i ec prc probe, m ow opio, icrm pe f eor o tr ho oruly exne , es on ipet fo judn It emis just rd to rcgement ef nd h oer, d for elief h i is pcipe tnbe, I hv oe eo t   tispcipe tm eeece f cer ocordce, o t i he edever olii ere is y bief i e boue  ong t

eeence of greement ih sef d ohers Rcoue to aoue foudo-whe i is o uees-deso ve thg itis supposed suppor As mte of fc, I eeve I c ejoite bsoute pipe of tought nd evuo o the bis dnce, hn I have e g rw m jden m teconro o hers o the ono h  I onsciousness fore jdn take n a ced cracer pricular erem of te rcc-I hve dipo p of escpe hc

cons coe trgd: e eg I cea ts inohppe,e ecome reon, d I pious cue y dvere eh Tu, e I pce e grond of th or y enoi expeence, eier I oue to hod to h proies itoes me (er devued b the ide of soute owede), or gi ee pbab s aut erte e etn go o he vabe fo he ske of ruh, wic is o a Irop e p t cch its hdo. I ver beeen ucerty ad

sumptuouness thu e di he peise poi of humesouon , o te oe , I ve udestoo t d ve be r u nohg but e ret f vectio or evuioni ke i ot the word, efo he peope d ive iuon f knoedge d cn, t ve hee on e e outide of m pespeves, he e wo ever itt e pua ct of veio d vuon hruwih I sp pesed eee eume e deisi impotne

ede o, e fe, o d e hveoe quesone e ise use I o d he soute eiee Mtpi mo osciues es upo ontt wit soute ecuse, eo te du wof hbiu or dot conioue, hi cocioue elf oeo tw s s ts t w w t me

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6 / E N E A N D O E N

paradoxes less oceae b s eec ve esaradoxes siuaons of personal and collecv� hstory nd thecions wch by asumng hem transfo them nto reason nannot conceve o esponse c old ate suc a nqe ts only of resolue cons hch cay furher. Metaphyscss not a knoledge come o complee he ece o noledges b slucid faa th whatever hreatens these els of kowlee ahe  cut e awareness of t er or. The a ha exssand a hat has vaue s no lite uh for whch we  somehow or oter  o make room n some noo r cranny of he ssem : i s e conon of a meaphyscal ve of e od

Such a meaphsics canno be reconcled th th mest conet 

of reon and h he posng o absolu thner of he odThese a aons meaely pose  the , problem of a hecy whichhas not aken one step forwd sce Lebnz and hch he lasyss perhaps conssed-eve for Leibnz hmse-of evokn heexsence of hs word as nsuassabe act h m he :rssocis creave cuazao ad herefore of the pont ofvew of   orldless God. God  e ppers, o �s of thsorld-whch woud mmedey ea the f sovere

and benevolen poer orced corae e ors-braer as an de n the Kana and resctve sense of the word Godbecomes e of refeence o m eec hc en tconsiders he od such s s condenses s de ha oudke e ord o be A od od o be spy s b ormsef could e nry be sout by etaphycs only behnonscosness beyond d n orc csustns each o houghs and expeences' t s pon relo

ceases to be a concepual consruc or deology and once more beomes ar of he expeece terh fe Th onay ofChrsany as he rgon of e dea of God s s ejeco of heGo of he phosophers nd s herding of God who takes on hehm conon The role o reon n culture s ot a of doo even of a belief   Bu wha else could t be and s be eecve?The Chs teachng a he F s orunate hat orld tho

14 eenao one od to give o is ondaion a once b 

comes conacoy-no h ha tie conacon hm concioneb ih e ine conadicin o nconsien conceps I have e oconid e conadicons o m ie as a g and nce sbjec niean capae o h as imae an e becase I have epeienced em andbecaue ey e econnecd i e unquionabe peceon o a ing o inth epeience o a . I cn no onge nodc a anscndenc in immanene end me as sse did (even ancendence aed a pec)o I a no God, and cano v cosnc o h o abues ndubiab xpc

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Th aphysical in an /

au oud b good d ay a h ao adg om o co ad uy vor vauab o a a to h good ma Chany t mossut nga!o o ocvd

Lasy mat mahysi onvd a st ha lashd scnm a go aw thr uh or a ocordatn a mphysics whch cs ssm as a mar of pincip a scnc hch s orvr bcong mor ac masuring howuch fos vrg om facs h suppos pss :r is a anou convrgnc5 Phosphc sfconscousss no a sc' or a objcon u rahr hiosoy pursus s or at th huma sc ouh i

eaby objeccao only hosohy know ha o s vjccao anno bcom ca away ad mak us onqu hr namn raonsh of cosnc hr ca b n vrn scnc owg d th mtaphysic knong whchcnuy oon th for h ts task A scinc whoutoophy od ray o ow hat t a tg abu Aphy hout mhoc poraon of phnomna wou ndup h ohg but o uh hh to ay or To d

aphsics is t o r a wo o isoa knowlg or to pat oas such a usng hr : t s thorouy o t hpao t ca ouy o rvy h corda unoning o hum trubvy o y o houg o h vyn sam hom hh ays sg o oy sog om hr o rad d rgs W m tha

( IS Bergson' Inducn f phiq show   profound wy tht 

sciece should be con o only th respec to its cpleted fuas but 

an eye h deaon wch septes ese fulasm e dt t be explained d tht taken wy, i presupses nimacy ih e st-tbe-deed dta Metphysics woud e be theiberte exoraon of this world por to the bjec f science o which scienerers hese espec ee us t Bergson has perfecy dened themehysical arach to the wold t rens to be seen wheter he ws ue to me d d not reer to e sysem i pssg e cue fcs a ital pua pse of which tey wud be the aniesation r te acead which coud be peceived only om the bsolue obseer viepoint, husag e er and tension he st descbed t el ree frrgn, i y ke us asced he word it is because Bergn isnot fuy aware f is presupposios nd of tht siple fct tt  wee is lid aginst the backgrund of te wrld And n te her hd, sy i ay o be undersod as a sp immance, e ay beraed ih havig escbed the hum wd ly   it ost geerl e g , daion, openness to he future) ; is wrk lacks picure ofma r wi would ve conten to thee uios, wich padoxiayeai very gener Ensh slion of Bergsons bo by T E Hue Andun t Mph (Ne or d London, 1912 J

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98 / S E N S E N D N O N - S E N S E

methodology has incontestably establsd that l inducn Is asles he absoute sens of he wr and a al reecon aways esih it whoe istas of exeence which taciy cooperate o prdcthe pst o our eidence it undoubedy rder ris heclasscl distncon beteen inducon and reection d askrseves knds of knong ar rely volved r her s norather one sine wa f knoing, th eren degrees of nave orexicitnss.  

A certain nmber o negations wer necessa clerly to dene thets o his conception o metahss, bt, taken n itself, such aconcetion is te essence f ositiveness d it s iossile to seeat t cold depv us f The ory f he viden uch as ha of

succssl dialgue d cmmucan he n e which enshare heir onenss which i n rly biolocal sblacu is a saty heir most inmate nau-a at science andreiion can eectively live is her rought ogeend rescued omhe ambigies o a double e



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Co�cerning Marxism\

y MULR begn ng abut ps hepe f f�sm's asendny He ha thught aout t and teabt a gre dea, smees feny nd smetms wh resere.hre s n oubt tha he heed mk fscsm reseted preieyease he tok t seosly submtt t sbr eanacepng d ecg ht A he himsef he sincey of e men s a ss ay f hstal mysatons1 On that

hs ben sd, ne mst mmeae add at ur uthr mportedmsef s a a s sa ples neosess a ple o e eel f plti psph he pons may be r fas t n ese dee Le s rmember that May 190 hen hne umsans eft hm se edr of awey pap, The Maner brught t seer resoutely arongeng ssues hh t yes lter eae m the same paersdnuncn s Bh agn Beeen 1940 nd 1944 he edf o e e of cic in e newes n ich hec in e uccui zne d nve ped e interethe d sn in e Fc ennn e uized y epd f gn fss e eeby nt ny gae proof f hsdc nd cy-ve v c deve nc-bu e ed t h d a se f hsal resnyad e undd hat a te n ven arly uied un,ecily e hd been ineed in cm oud n oger ut hsne pa hoe i give hi the le tt ubi reens day and gves s mlee bety dsusem whout any menal reseraons

Hs erest fassm was ndona F Mar h

Voce et ne p [99]

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00 / D

roble of our tie was t unite two forces which a up to ts tebeen separate: th roletaan forces heang toward a classless socetyby eans of econoi and soci revoluton and th force whichtended to peserve te naon t for o Weste Euoean czation Loong at fascs n its rst stagesand erhas givg toouch credt to the declarations of its teoreticianse believed thatth gcance of te enoenon la bnin about this union.This h ougt was the stocal h ascs n atte ow thederent xstng fasciss-which ght or iht ot ren te tother ssion-conducted teselves O ont ey Mauer ltpled his reservations he recrse to Action Rac Blood threestned eader t surio issi o n ol-l te

sscous nstruents of ode nationls ar nothng but thesubstituts of falterin inelligence an's ae to sdws order to regain control of a wod n wch knowledg is oeless o guide 2 is oy o was that te confsed cts and contradictory tendencies associatd wt agents of dctines wthresentents tat are soeties vulgar and intrets that are soetes sordid woud ntroduc into istory a e fais thoutraci perscution oppresson or war wholy dcat¢ song te

roletaran proble th the lits o the naton3 It was therefore necessary to hel fascis beco awe of its truhstocl destnation and in soe way to transfor it into telfFascs thus far had apeed t oral relics va clas t ythsas vague a those of heros duty and sacce to the easest andsoetes the ost susicous sources o exltaton The gol bedin that d had to be ned Th eston was whethr restictedsocil refors racs and t xtaton of th national counity

wee not eely ntuents desgned t conue aay the socal andpletn pole accdg to the tested fos of tatonnaion or hethe on the conta one w to nes theeegence of a new te of socey n eany and Ity e canunetan ho Mch the occpaon of Page sx onh lterthe war on oland and all the rst detvely enightened ThieryMane aout facss elton t ts hstoc esenc and how heunhestany refused the existing fascis th sypathy e had

shon for a certain ossble fascsTh potant thng s t aw o this htoc expeence the lessons wc it entails W ea Was Tierry Maulnir's ascisreally a oible ascis? Was it b c r thru n unforese

2 Aude du tle p I93. d p 294. d. 25 .

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Concn arm / 101

abe hoie o etin dividua a az and faci esoted the end to wa and conquest? Was it easoabe o epe o ove hepobe o ou tie? we fee to ve a eie he e we peased t it, o isnt thee a way t asp he conete oc of

he yste, whih ead t eesao a eas obabyo iuate deions? Wast possibe, fo 938 o, to whih ofaci' et pects (iova o taitioa) would ypev? Abandoni e nave ethod o iteetui and ookfo he ate conte of fass beeath it anifest coet wa· a woave bee ecessa. hie auie dew up a isheddein fo faci u oete few dea h ke he de ofa oi evoutio d the idea of a atina cvatio. He ove o

hw tha hee idea ae copaibe Bu itca cics ocoeed oey wih idea, fo u ake count o he ode ofbehavio fo whh hee dea oe ak ha epeio. ve he nao d e evouo a ot patibe o he eve ofideas, o eve of aon ad he dyc of to ocis i aoa," i ceae o be a oci; the oueoi of cout have udeood ve w h he ddo of hi peeates that s distub about soiis. We ut kow how to

deiphe aguage whih he ow ca ead a a ie ane.F ow, et u o say hat you ut the aiona pobe and thepoetaa pobe on the ae eve, yu ae i eit cpti theoiast coiousness : b aki it o huai o ecis, o, i yu ike o oe" to cosed oti; ecaue it beqitaive ed o that ent on; d beau, by a vitaogic agt whih good s hees, i cease fac o choose thevoution baue it ease o hoose it absoutey Ma is we

wae of hi aw of o ot, ad t cci f potuni oso eoa contas a shoasi o poiti ie whih have to be deveoped one da. S ea ef d o beas nthi o a eeiene we go on thkin a asiight hve ade oias a eat, we d ot udestan hafasis ose the soos (whih wee oeove, uo of waand onquest o the ve stat when it shk efoe the oetaaobe, we have ot eed to coect eeo ad eo poic

wo spec of died coce, ve o ee coside ee o oic oveet a oai ch eve e o eve e.

e ee Vic t ccic  oe o ha f Maue ouo e oa w e ee eve yeo. He udeook o ce fc e e' he oee e t e

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10 / S E N S E A N D N - S E N S

thzrs, and ths magazn aught thm t svry cz ascsm'aquacs mattrs socal otcs As Ty Maunr soecnty puts t today ach acsm ha "avtgardeN wchnown to tsf, s dub uncto o rassug th Lfstelmnts whch ray to the rgme n the hop a soc revouoad o squtng the Rhtst mnts wchoud l the ytm ractona drectn were t nt or thrat.5 One cannot avod thethUt that Thiry Maunr s rcg on hs ast conduct ng ths . H cam t go beyond both onsm dMarsm s rcsy what put hm th avantgar Fascstdoogy Evn today, when h ha long sce ( and as ay a pssblwthrawn any sort o suort or cta Fascst us, hs osts scarcy derent He tache that he ·prta prob s herob o robms and that catasm must be dstroyd. But husuay adesses him self to the reader of Figao d e CaTeour-and w not stp o anyon's tos we sa that thy ntwhohartdly ddicatd t sc revouon. aer dvotedtw ontag coumns to Vioce e cociece ths sur?Eoqe hat dd t gt out o h boo? Prcsy thos tdconcusons whch w sha hav to discuss In sch a ThrrMaus das can ony se once mor a a mra guaranty orraconay ocs, and in th nd it i with good ras that ThrryMar has rmand socoloicay a ghst cc.

Such grat ucty, hst, and vr n h thogt, suh dty hs choc o a ubc and hs concsns : th oy ayt la th costenc wit h authr te o seoc com. Thy Maulnr's robm s th rom theFrnch tectua ght and m o rtyv the mor aweo that robm bcaus at some momnt t was ths one way oranothr. Around 930 Acio ie noyd such crt among thestudts as is maabe to th young o o tday, and therasons or ths mut b sought. It s ascang any cas t seTh Maunr graduay rctng a that was hast s rstviws without or a at comltly gttg d o thm and to ehw such a gorous thuht procss sos is hd bc and ashort of Masm and somts touchs on Msm's basc rob


hr a a hhy action agt Ka usin dmocracy in th Mauasanim o 900. Datic opm ow ta

Vioe et conscce.

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Ce am 0

a Sae where he hs o tee, o er ay oeencrache n any oher, an he coeence o men a aunmu reale ubjets s ase Ts i to uppoe at eceappears nly epioally huma hsory, ht ecn rean

sps par te o emsele to eet hoy use,d, ly, at the t of the h atal o rao W ko today that al equa o h pcliery k aer h eae relaonhps aed o frce Andhe poli roblem i he to ste soc sucure and rareatnp mo me uh at ber, equty, ad ht becomeee. The weae o mora at t s le pch mr, e poes o prblem o sci ucure d cnider

h cnn fr he exerce of uce to be e h humany Inppn ha pcul mram we ralled rem, byha ne me a piic cnceed w re h cnin fenc fr cen ue Mauaan immrim mgee again: renunce equy and lbery nead of cnclung ha,n y hve n ben gin, hey mu be read vngald ha he ew of man wch we e hug cniun i a and ha a ciy i n a llcin f pue f d

eul niune bu f all a ym f nun t whichun we whaever eeve ean n liry y mav Mua ivly reje e jugn f cnciune andma pi a chniue fr rer wih n pa fr ue judnMauani i lage par a ccm f he iner he p fe er(Juce and uh whe urce en hy penf a ey cnciunee, e n rey baed upn lawur bk and an and erefe agle like hee and,

like hem are hreaened y ndual judgmen he ndualseuan d hi aiiy cecly dpend un hi lsuppr ani eenial ha he be mained h plical m h h ha rged he pce f eig hing and defen maga pae fanay The problem to ae scally conuedmn fm ure whch, u d oude o u, always hraenh beause t pe traso We sho thereore plae o a he ourse of een ho rere e aable happensane

whch pertted e appce haty; there a e o ueof aband a eance her ho uder r ofcnuling hem about ho t ho e use Ther e hoe whoo ecaue they hae erstood sto, there are he whohly make heir coune her only de Th reuls apesi, al, uthota ts o wch rae o beo of aer or, a, or ep, he he ay

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0 S E N S E A N Q N O N S E N S E

ha had ad passs ah dy a god w ha Jarge par u pois doubess csss ang wh onveonay ed me's ves s h gr gd d i pgwha n as e rs hg s s s i

possie." Or wen he eves e ecve pr supy" Orwen e ens ibery as he bene dmded by hs w aspir power as ong as hy s wea." Or ach h speaks odemcracy and even day whe h stresses hazs hisry.8B and Maurras h a wd ad u e were asenseess confusn wc a few age ad precus s apea.eir ieas e rooed depair o 100 Tiey Maer wess sense f a pssi chas, s rspe r and sc fr men

s earies poca wakning.Ye as back as hs ok 1938 appears no ea wces somewere ese He rejecs e ea necess press bureecs as we e Muaian iea o an immube ua naurwic reuces ic proems o ose an iabe ciogy rer. I is cuous o eny a man s apab pess i sn ess riicus o eieve a such press se ee. Every tie man itrouces a new eemen in e ss of known

reaionsi wc cnstiu a d zan, he ransfs swoe sse f reaionsips a inesabe exen and can pn n e see of an mens sorgazan us cerai ses forwardcan e paid r y much greaer seacks. . e us a eas reaizea we crea nng whh mus a b aed. s «nly on sconitin a we be ab ac e prbems posed y me wo iou e stuid sain e eci eor an inn otiism wich e masks f mpen ug." 10 us

Tey Maunier nodced d sal dyams and  movemen f isry. Ptics cud erefr nger resc se e esed ouas a govg ad happy s hanc. reqe an anysis o e presen siuation an acknoweged acern meaning n isry wch had e no acun on pain being neecua One was ed o mak a snco mog empicvens beween os wic me sry ak sep n rerace,cause ey respnd prms m, d hs wch

mere avenitious, sce ey based o njunc circumancs wich ey n uv Tr s guara ha pw6 ude du ntinaisme, 847. id p 238 d p 1069 Vece et conscce, 10

0 A du lim, . Ibid p 221.

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Cce am / 5

et to Je en nd he fces bes ble o dmte the fcue o moment. The cse f hstory i ntgent, n its not lways the best r he es whch ces he dy. "Hs ful of st chnes of squndeed weth f bnd pths embke

pon 12 Succe cn cro the lest gus ideoest les fo whe Thre e tue ocnes which, s Pguy s, do not get wttennt or, �, very, thre ar concuous events whch o notcy ho on s ur. But tory s at lest aton n that movement wc fls to erceive ts stoc desnaton nd to posethe proms o or has ever koo o gttg te track, ofm o g o co o tns or o laon an eheral ent n te we o history 3 he movement whch

is succu at one moent s not was the truest or e ouae ut uch t ust e t s to at I or examle, ascm oyovercom as onsm the ehemer exton natonfg an y eortn w to te goo o the oree tcntnues to ore proes nstea of esolng them, t wsappea o fang to ejon, by n act of conscous wl, theeepln moves wch gave t th n fo not ssumg eonsbty for ts o truth.

hs one wtnessed th emgence of the ea f potcs whch sno cea e iilo te mns of nvus ut r anworke out n stond not n the Maus sense hstoryhic eeats itslf bt n the sense of stoy hch goes eondits n psents e wit ne tutns t dnte Hstcontns cts; t has eanngnot that tngs f nt ace es of one en, bu becuse i ejects the en nd the instutionshch d nt espond o estng pbles; t th eeg wc

ccus desees to hppen bu becse evehng tht speasesees o sppe f ten, on nts h thee cecv roblem pesen he oe of hsto h nalys f opesen stuan shuld n be cnceed slely th en's wishes ndides bt shld be ot. nyss shd ckle te e neen hns nd conc sto hic ke eveythng ele,encefoth kes on stoc since he inevtle cnseqence of he ide f loc f sty is tn hstc

tesm Thiery Maulnie encountee Ms m thes wnles. Wht dd he thnk of t?st he tce it or hvng nerestte mans ole in

eecng hstoy. h sty pses poblems t des not o itselfe ny soluon o e. he be f pits e not c

2 Ibd 1.3 Ibd 31

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106 D 0 N

wthn itlf th sd f th ee c is eplce i is pt an ly t conceive te intittins ic exc nerd chao nd prve hty n th bk f notnnes. nu vie Thry Mue w he jut dsr t suprcal

Marm Indd, h cn n dny the ole hun tatve cla s ectv nly inoa a it has bece we f itlf? SnceMam ha alwa ad that h rvoluon nt nvtbl, for t a Thy Mauln hitory nly "halfdtned. 14 F Maxa r T Manr, te scal dtrmnan c bycaus pa throuh human concuns, wth h ult that nmak hr wn htory, aouh thr don nth dntrtdno lan mov In cn that otcal uortd y a

actua uaon and roc v antaonm towd thr fuurlutn, Thrry Maulnr has or h pat rand Mars that itks : nc human dcon movatd by th cure f vnt, it therfoe -at lat n rtrc-t e cld forth b theevnt, s that n uture or hatu btwn ct cues vebe cvble cpltd htory. In thi !espct Vce ecociece formulat the conqunc of htc thod inpoltc wth prfect claty. the n it bn claly

undrtood tat hty nvr ivn t n k n ty aceher they y cntc ha they ke b i ven th like crtan tt f thng producd by antr cu hch they cnncau not t b d wch y ut kp d, heth thy k i nt, in drin h conduct- ths en te edm ilavs th s jut th dm t hv btt rse nrtandn th world hc thy nd thelves t bhve t grat l advanta n tha od. Fro th ont f v, · th fct

cncin cntan n nnit nub f psble epenttonsnd d f bhavo, thr s ccly r hn ne polerrnton and mod of havor cnand in the hht dre concouns. It in t t d f conscun that anultanously prfct and dsros t dom which hiy hasleft h, jus becu h s cncu 15

As att of fact, m 1938 n th ony hn that t ThirMun aart m Marx wa h mannr f descrbn th bac

tuan o our m A w ad bor, h aw n t twequal een

ta facts rt, th aara n mod c class anaom which dtro naonal unty wh e roltaria jusa l n in cunt whe n is allwd t l ne' lab thoute psesin f te prdcs f ths lb and scnd, he

4 b, 209. Violc t coc 39

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Coci asm I07

ressce of ao ad of h dl classs parula to tispocess of ecomposon H vewed as asrt a anss of epeen wc od eer of ese wo facs or d o suordinaene o e eHs compn agans Masm was pecsely at i

pove o a ehles scema of iso caus i reuc sor oecnm and doed ven is laer eang tee e e clase o poeaazin and er aacen e vales of nanal cvzaions as a surface peomenone Me g i e a moe of eing d nngen a eve moen o mos of pocon, o les u ha e mane of wokng an producg giv cou a  gvn men een on te moes th accped vales and  

pscog of he coun ques he class sugl iself akespace on wn a naonal commun, o e ais of clalacsiions wih compse ais u eve at momen i sng ag ie cano edce om eonomc exchanges(excep ray and vay) t mor omplex socia exchageson e conr ms cosr h snce of a complex socaleu as via codi of a onoc xcange, ve t mos pive wvr osiera role oo xcage may

pla i socal lif o th ry g (d

is as osideral asthe val orga eeds ad th was of sasfg tm t lf of du hUa eg) i o mor ostuts th scur osocey a t d o at leep or lo onslf osiues  scu of du f  1

is pon as l Mauers cicm as ss engst Ms itl h gst couts of i oagan ce ouas wc ar aecay Mas u wch

schemae doc Mas s of rsd s  ucio

oulural penoea o coomc peomena or as a rcon ofsr o cocs f irst Mass oftn spe o t ougeois as of n "ecm pesnage wh alwas acs w vew o sown ers an for wom ieas elefs ar ny eans I isoneess true at es nerpraos a fouas remuneq o Masm and perps mss is ce iuion h geaes of Masm es i is ving eatd economics as e

pca or unqu case of story ut is trang culura torad cooc sory as wo asrac aspcs of a sn process Labr,wc is ssucur of isor i gla sense, is o  smpe produco of ches, ut, a mor geral way, i is h acviyy wich a procts a hm vrom ud se and goes

6 A d p

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108 E N E A N N .N E N E

beyod h natral data of his fe The Maris iterpretato ofhstory does not redce it to the coscous play of teress; it smplyadits hat deooges-eve for exampe moray of herosmch prescres tha men shold rsk the lives-re bond up ith

certan ecoomic statos through ch they come ino exsece oy he the moraliy of the masters s n e ecoomicrelato of master ad save ad n society upon ave labordoes it cease to e a idvidua cocept ad become insiton dreceive hstorcal exstence Marxst materism osists in dttgthat the pheome of viaon n oncep f gh e histol nchorage n economi phenomen y men f whic eyescape he trasitores of teo enomen re eposie

ousd s Objece Spt. En fe no era rde hch he other orders my be reduce rxs' w represetng the iertia of umn life; s e h onceptios regstered ad acheve stabliy. ore surely oks or echingsmodes of ork had the previous geeraions' wy f beg on to hene geeratos is tre tht in given socetY a givenomehe y of orkig expresses te mea an mrl sructUe jus s lvg bodys sghtes ree expresses te tot sbje's udamena

ay of beg in the wod. Bu eono ife is he se me thehstorcal carier of mental structures jus as our body mintains thebasc fetres of ou behvio beneh ou rng moods; nd ts he reason oe il more urey ge know the essene f socie yalyzg terperson relatios they ave been ed ad geerazed i ecoomc life than throug aalysis of he movementsof frae eetg deas-jst as oe ges bette ide f a manfom hs codc han om hs thoughts Thus Therry Maliers

rticsm of Marsm s bstrac mtealsm w large extetunjust Thierry ner ok no more ruble n D whm enames ad om hom he perhaps dre hs nspiration-to dseage Marxsm from he echast d utiitaan mbgities thch certa o its foulas may len themseles. Criticg hesefoulas leves Marxism's princpl tough-tha there is ncatio of ideas ad values-itac; i oes o uthoe us t trascendor "go beyod ecoom ys r e delin f he s

ruge.In the en this is jus wat Tie ue d. On he pretexh ec sngle een the cls struggle s never seen exeproug he medium o the parculrie of oun e nt in this sense it is neer pure unquey espoibe e roceede ert iso relite ee un. He ee en cmmut,  exampe, eua esse . n

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Concein Masm / 0

ecaue torcal fact ental moral and pycologc conton naddon to er conoc condon, e reued to put tn neree Bu e plurty o condon doe not rule out treatoe o tem a e pncal condon T wat cents do eey

day: een t eeryng n nture depend to ome xtet oneeryn ee and tere are no tctly oatable peoen, we doae w , tiscay e ce wch aproxmatey pplyto te coure o ntureor te nteenon o te o santenomen n wat e obee e o i nly egible, hankto k o ampg eect Lkewe, atou economic and oeconton e tcably combe vent e one by one, wee te gt t te forme peged plac n u analy of

penomena, it a bee tabe a ey v mre atnction 9 te coue f tn wen one conSiden ucenyoad een o tory t oul be mpoble n any cae o retceconoc any t crta ecto of ry: it i alperaie. Teeacon of mddle cae t e treat f proleariatiaton i noa penomenon nct om te cla truge nd doe o pont toy falue of Mt analy; it a t place n e cla dectc,eng new p n ne lutraton f i. he naton, wc

y aune at a educble fact, i tel cared wit teca true, weer it i te boureoe inok te natonaleet and te exea dane t bng ike bck nt lne or teproleta ag eponiblity fo te aonal etage abandonedby te oureoe, n 1793 1871, o een n 1944 A tranepoulate noled ey Maulne ettg te proletaanoeent ant e deand o natona aety, e pretaan actant te ntona fact Fo t may come bout tt te proeaa

oement t condion of te naton aety tead o a teat to ere eay o nation e nao a crude reaty, w ten boureo ameworkt naton udoubtey treateed byte cla ue and e naon s undaent ode of le adbeor, ard t mane avn anytn to ear o a woweproletaan reouon. One cnot cte e ntonal t resduec Maxst any i unabe amlte, nce we ae een ow fct t wo pecey unde te nuence o te toca

factor coered by Marxt any Any poc c clam to bebe n e proetan fac aon fac, a e t dd nocopa te econd, , beneath attn e o a coreepltic, ealy jut veioay , erry aulne noay facim wa

17 Vionce et conce p. 93

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/ S N S A N D N N S E

Ony et s admit ta we e bette reaed t eco ests today tan 938 Ten we wee acin ascis teseta s t ay rest bayets bt 8s a sc devolutionary' sta, wic nteectas at eas nd ressiveWe leed what roaanda was ater eas eadn cles iere abot sociist Eupe d e wor tandard d encononng them wit the re o Geany a wa. Beneat veyeys acism ecme rst, n ay comat and, nl, a pe osrapron ad ruins where woot populaons wih no plic ideaor someow usisted It requires ert or us to reemer o ld vn ear ago to istnuh it m the war intwh it san, and to etore the restige it enjoed as a new society,

eon Marsm. In another connecon, Vih and the ae of sman Frnch worers made it event to s that anCounis cod l to treason an tha the to revlut coul umerent r the naon Latl, now that Franeas lel eaedto a er he t magtue nd natnl tn toeend so l uon wd ie, ur nolger s u lnl to s e o o icorgaizan agt the Frenh na t a te e at of

equ eight our huliti ehp ee u f therOincialim

at was s i pewar Frenc otis, and eseci thepo ction Franaie hee lng to he o o osvation ave peras tauht s to pose prbles wdwide erd te nowedge we ave ed astcture me  ipossile or s any longer emai naware o the matter istoy, just as a sic erso ca n oner main nare o boy

hat is certa is tat Thiey Manier des jtie to Mis his new oo as e as never done bee n poose a view otr whih retns a the esenti Mxit eleents. he iea hitl mscaton seems to ae lunated he whole Mais conetion of istor for n caiti e as acertn stage of dea, he wte, capitlim cn no lne ysafeguard except n a reslutel anticonevative attue e -istic caste can no onger nd nne capae of struggl agit the

roetaria evolt ess it oo otide it o rn te eicstctre w entas the plen aor d e dnation mone can no onger cont n anthn u the mhs of sinee-ess an eroi to protact its sw ecle. It is no one a uto a eon shatteg of the capitisti revoluon a ut is ques of vn tat a an oliue ontaton whih w -s the orce e sc eseve at e exitin instit

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Conceng Marxsm I I

ons 1 Since ie Me see ee e e ascis s thotn sgse gesce cpiism, heeere me a e eee g ee pconcious1 He is no s te t ny ebe e

borgeoiie-ith te ecepon e mstes-ee coceivedte Fascis vesion s deibere pect he ysterios ingbot sto i ciy tat, it ny pecnceive pl nidas bav i pacas as ey h n te oe ooreigt o exae, the ougeois cice vies n aes i on (os, oty, igio, te ) s infb ct pon those hich in c me i pssible ntn caits Pot eeiton, concience? We ked

sves ti a te Ptan tal I prbaby s nne tese B by a sot o eex, Ptain-oe nd ened as e s by tyya i a tay an tn yas in peFascist enirnentaot n v cstce an, or exae en ce i teo of aistie, te atite ch ran the es rsk an t uona focs T loc of to oes not oatein t of is nvia ojcts; its instruents ae ecox o a aonous ojct give ou o

iniu a ctn coon sty "ascis or expe o poetaian Inoa as hae o nesoo t cons take on cetain tatisc nd bjecve meaning (hic my be ite dierent tat c we gie the) en tey pass rm s int things, e sped by thm ecogize em e by eysteos poer teteinti t c hieMnie sys histry seem ede20 is h ccns thaook bely awakened sleepe see  ce t he eens

seny sow tm te ni crtion te lie is nit ies one no terests ecognize s c hich go take histoy b inteests isgised s ide d ides hic aves to te st o oes an Xage ees in the cnfusdgveantak o estence te dee c e SecondWorld W can o cse be ece t the ply ecnic caes,d e oe plyed by the econic cse the cot esybe sentn o the conused eb in which they pete, te is

oneteess i this stc cmplex-hic incldes he otes,es o ttack, an inteeences e e gove society- syste o iselibim te ece ich ees o guidehe ebb and e gre tgge s he ay tha the

18 Ibid. 119 Ibd., 9320 Ibid, 46

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/ S E N S E A N D N O N · S E N S E

movemet of te oe e e by pety grvto T ewar of 13 wa to onsideale egree te war of people fopossessio o te eat soes of raw material afor ointi mean of tese soes of raw mateis i eo dot 21 eeoe see e ide of ot of loal or lateal eooic detewi alos te otr sot of condtins ee pl} i ea ptilarase content to dee tem it o ecio Te sioof Marxism a ong een cndcte s if i were qestio of sig te cause of istoy an if e event to ve reltionsp of linear ast wit oter event bo wi i ead to e detee weter i w ecoomi" or ieologcal adMaxsm w togt vnqise we one poited o exmple of

ideologial" casalty Bt it goes wtot sing tat te ideolog t annot e epte fom its ecoom otex f teasiisto is ejete fo eig astact ten an idealsti r spiitalisticsto sold e ejected on te same gond n te ocldtat ea event entls ordes of eteminants tee somewo sll elieve tt s lt get em beyo opespetive is oltel exe Te o ot e it precietis ide ta nog a be iolte te toal ote f stor

w les t te er of Marxism t to e ide ecase of er gete geery eoom peome me geate otio to itori coeot ta ty expleverting t ppe b o prgres be me eclal oder o itoical tep be ke les te nomwi is like it em mtea ymol i orgae etaiwa e ms be efu ay Te Malnie not to letoselves e are too far by t pparent vito over aeiasm'

We ave dve te rodio of meial coo om eod ee M pled it onl to reintdce it t te ore' ofsocia ealt t s ot esto ow f oce aga osng podiela o ts coe of man soial reat wee we came pon itopletel imese t also ompletel immeng tt etyssocated wi it fo mettio by a iite mtapeneon nd fll reipoit t is not qesio of relegang tepodon of materia ondions to te otlg of istoy e

kiten or wang room of m ociety o te iestictoi asmed a isgste Podtio of te mateia ot of ife i not te fondao of mn story bt eiter i itte passve disgrae ervt; it i erel tae i itoeerg o powerf iee pon it eteg it

I. Ibd. u

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(g M / 1 13

deteined b t-o equl ooig as i were We can nie hz i me kind f rnendn riy nr re i oa mful r cnemile e du of meril cnins,he m wene e ife f i felw f e wd i mnis no thcrer f humn ciey conideed in i iialeinf i imf red y i, n w i wku nirs he it ve h i the inrumen of the powerful trsfmatns iwk un ielf ru e meum f nu, whi i cm ndofn nl Hiy des no sn frm ; i des n s vr i ae hrouh . It wud be ueles o dny heepndent pr which homo abes eorts o asue mn cnued uvivl in nue ly in e ativies f humn sciey; nd it wihu in t is ritlf raiaing m every r fthe scil ty f which i i a funion-does muh t deeminethe other fo of human activiy : the production and tanfrmionof laws, customs, eliefs, styles f civilizin, and, in sum, ecomrmen and cnent of consciunes. Thus we can conclude atalthough he perstrucures of the social totity are no determinedby a economc substratu which could be said to have producedthem, one cn say that this totlity determnes itself, ainly hu

e ntermediar of aciies by mes of whic t asues issural and trsfos suounding nature 22 How much TirryMaulnier has cned ca be easured by ecag his summa pre ain<t ern nd Soviet mechasm L Cise est daslhomme. f the cony is to the iey what the hea s t theoranism, the oblem is nt how to reiment economic proes; wemu ined be on he lkout f what Balzac caled the ytery ofcivizin, f ih suh e i erhs the iible utline

hierry Mer would seem to hae eersed hs oriinl ins. n a hiry in wic a ne lic hod eeyin he mn wh a rel pil nse nt ty to ply on humanpasin in rd o reach ariy coen gls Trwn wi heren to a drma which not necessarily end we bu which at aeents s moving tward sme end, he understnds that cnservaism isa utopia, nds ng inicn n either en or th, questionsand listens to the; fr he cnnot mke them ino anyhing but wht

hey are The time of juenile cynicis s lng gone : o goe mby hi pasions s to augmen them danerously Flaery and cnstrt are te two fes of conempt hey do, of coure, tu man nto good insrument-but making an inrument of ma, that ndeed isotempt Ye one anges posopes aste a o d

22 pp 151, 15323 Id 6.

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4 E N E N D N N E N E

mors fster thn politics f we leve the phlosopy of hito an o prctcl onclusions w d Ter Maunier lgngehn his ida

 If i is ru that t ss suggl a ssentil fact h s

antagonism sat osud o f uur and asy tstep by sep the cooi deay of cpitism oupt the ies h vues it hd scoed then i sems ntu o conclu thny wy to etu o an "ognic conomy and ivizon is byeropatng th properholder d a Ln d "sten a

h en stolen. Thir Mulnie, on the or hnd, imposs such aes of meticuous ondion n this reover y a f ow iftha for practic puoses they ntamoun o rfusng therevoluon Ineed h amit tha h role o d away thwgeeing and o rsts h k ewen produce hipouct Tha ction o ao whic ses i theto multiply pit shoul p or not inmoney ani therght to use ha money to uy onsuml go (for possiliy of

w investments n ew chnil evelopment wol then sapp along th te accumulaon of wealth), th at least in a

"uency of production whic would make t worke oowne of eepes to be ceted. On ths poin Thiery Mulner as : "As fothe owners of the present instruments of prouon, they my theselve resonbly stise i tht s to b left in poseion oftheir property, only without th rght to ue ts property for tuitouelfpproption of th surplu ve of ther employees' lbor so

to sure thmelves a monopoly in the cretion n owneship of newwet 24 An so the very thor who escb occpton of thStte y the ougeoisie almos te same te s the sts isexpecng the revoluion in a Stte wch h not een liberte y th expropton of the propertyholers. How an one help seig ha one of two hngs ppn : either Therr Mauer's "rfomsrly aish aitlism- w s i ould e nve toelieve th h owns f th nstuments o poucon b

"sonaly sat wih th oy one has ef them-or lse heirpow be mntine b so inrct men, in whih cse they oea eo u oner anyt ut a nmysion. Conete pekng, who bng aou efo? Ain ajy? e i a

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Ceg Mas l I

ie Munier  accept just any fo of dmocracy; ad besideswe now fll we he ms whch he powerf hav at thedisposlpcsel under the aes of eeom of he pres-to sr ucuens of oon and maifestaios which aryze rliame

mot The prolean pblem has been posed say hierryaie; there s compeo to ove t o he er o hvers contes be and whether e hold ord scepter or hmmer n his gh ad does not make much derence t us uoy what guing hought be" 2 And elsewhere : Le usimag he polcl es of a racl nformon o societ (ieof he polc Sate) i the han o one mn or a grou of menenoed wih ough bodness decivenes and hisorca concious

ness to bolsh the polet qa clss tht s to pose upon OCeyn conc ucure wch abolises wgeeg 26 So hat swha we end up wth socsm brought about y he decrees of or a rop elighene men Dd we thnk ha herr ulnier wa wo ovr to he dea-wch is pehaps the most incotestble ofarst iastha an eecve pocs s not one conceived b a fewiidus gahered aroud heir ble but one whch caies theoveen of hior fher d whch is boe b soc forces?

Who suppot the decsions of our refoers f not hose they going o se ee, how ey o support them f not b skes anseig fcos? ut oe hen explan to hem hat the ar not toake poso of o even ect he cos ich ey occup Adwha if th connue to occup tem? Who s gong to evacuae hectoes f not the polce, an who benet o tis no hepnt on Ws oh th trouble of reecting about sman o ecng ne o eoris ut o end up wih

his e pn If socsm is no an inelectul's noon bu as � s bck in 938, t hich dns o b bo,"e fo o socl exisence ch is ig shape he lnon ofthe polt d s revol agant is eaton ten a nonproein socism s a square circle

As Epoqe coeor l e, ie ier coudaord to g e o his pejuces on he phosophic evel snc heyren eecve we oe ges do o concete pol, ich

ater  , are the ol one ht count in polc His thougt at ispoint becoes wek and bana I is o onger hisel speingotro of managemen by abor? hat voves a absurd conamnaon of he pograms of econoic refo b te eoec prncples ofmocacy"a y meod whc v ved pary 

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slowness and ineciency in te political order." 2 That is easy to saIs he serious in compang poiical democracy i wch everone isaed upon to give hi opinion on absract problems and above awhere a wole sees of uences which Thie Maulnier himslf

has poined out come beween the voter and lgislative decisios wihte aily magemnt of business by workers? as he frgot thatamong e workers ar a certain umer of engeers ad dectorswho are as competent" as owner of the busines or the chairma ofe board in genera busn maters? ne oy neds to have obseda workshp in operaion, a ombat scion under : or a sg boatat sea to understand that tecnical auhority is ever chaenged wheit is not used to mask iadmisib terests Mn may no be good, but

ey ar not a at suid and wn on tinks of the grea manysacrces wich they have not only endured but nally accepte wheit was no at al evident tat tey had to, one may wel onder hethertey woud no accep even geaer sacces to sr e success ofan econmy in wi tey would eel prsonay Qlved and wchwuld be  thei aair Te queon is not wheher th revoluon lddit roducon at te sart but wat solutios there are o te prolan probm besid tis one A politics r t pople' which

is no deveopd y e pop" in nd is no dvopd a l: tisis e BC' o a histoia pocs are reminded o ress oD Mn's imn in Bm pn, wic wa adoped by thBeln orrs Pary in picular had been set or bore concenraions" o the people wic were to be crond by a gantconcenraion" in Brsses, aon wh t reat of a genera stiTere were wo possib metods te reormit or parliamentarymhod and the revolutionary method Eier workers a l level 

would regain poessio of e economic apparatus and poe awefe constiuion on the govement-which would b goin fromte rvolution to politic power or else he workers woud remn atwork and te plan would b put into eect b maturel eberateeslave decisions-which said e Man woul be goin ompolitica power to the revolution De Man chose the second method, inconfoity wi te ideology of a planed econom We l kow whathppnd pan was nvr pu int opraon. on's goal is to

berate th proleariat, it is histoicay culous to to attain thato by nonproletarian mean and choo such mans clearlyindicas ta one is renouncig one's preended goal End and meanscan o be sinuished in intellctua onceptios ot o th t

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Conceing Marxism / 7

histo, ad oltis whih does not admit this iple maisfeor to Marsm the pretext of "going beyond it

Let n attet be ade her sguis a eatinr litis e xuse ta h lu us deed. he rbl

diretg the reolun sts bu i ases afte he eom has beeeed its rasites, er. A an li Le id, use, runito it alog his wa He did no thik there was y speulaelyperet soltion a olitis aot be bt either mass pon o solely on the derees f the art its leaders. he sere Leiism was n �e ommuiatio he anaged esablish betweenthe masses ad h leaders beween e wrg lass and its"osiee his resupposes leers who d ot shut themseles u

i ther oces ad who kow how t el to the masses what isbeg oosed them i resupses a d and hagbetwee te masses whh ar a onstant barmete the state of theeetie reoluio, ad the ente where reluo coeptioad erspeties woked out. t o doubt mea eg the door toelouece ad itQug ossbty of deeit ito the system. Butwe must at that tere is any solutio, it is this.

e ses a seod oseatie theme i ioe et osiee:

the iea that ul s a aile thig a that a poletaan reolutonwould estoy it og th its apitlisti props. he roletarit, whihhas o hoela because i is excle om is ol homelad,is a ret of he decy of am w is it uposed o hae hestregth withi itlf t e a ew ultue? "Oe the motigeou, but lso oe of the mot ebatable pos of he Mxititerretaton o life udoubtey is this usion a sie ialetimemet f the pciples of decle ad ssoiati ith the

riiples o reewal o thdstegratig wth te ostruti foesof le.   Marxsm is unaware o the rblem. akes aition betwee a rletaria raed o tua subst(ad, moeoer, eolution ene)Marxs Lmpepole ad a proleta wih remas apable histia andultual reatio Maxs aalysis shuld be extended d reewed onthis po h deay apitalsm, whih is uh mor adaneday than a etury ag, ad th "rotting f the rluton, eseiy

its Fasis ha orted, ry ed and otiyaed brad sial strata whih wuld ha been aabl elunary aon n need d e ind this is th taria lens wh we inld ra th h

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Ges ung te ccupa w em i ck make as someng e ta onsums Suc may make ely at a volutoa coscusness fme  meate fuu wve mus e udestoo at e estoatio

f culture s equy composed fo accng t ey Malnemself since economic phenoena are at te hea o a societyconoc decomposition no leave e cultu eag itac. sa fac tha in ou preset situation e s ot on erm t movoculay wic as o ecome aiguous not one raditionl vuewch as o ee conanated. f ne s ale o speakfavoably of wok fml o count some day t e on teoto ta ese vues av s ee pue y te oluon of

he ambiguities ey seed to foste ch means that tere can be noqueston of savg tem om polea volence snc ts violenes th onl ing hat c make them honorble once more e onlwa to pesee wht mets eing kep of the pss y lng hefoundatio of a new futue. A clsless societ rete te negtiecontions of a enewed ulture They Mulnie ask ethe tepostve ontions also e eunted and it is her that a choicemust e made. If one vews umaty as Mauas .e. as a

ompletely fotous esult of a few excepton men and a fewmproal ircumstances ten evolution ecessay sems t greatest possile sk u Thie Mauie as ejeced s asicllypesimsc view gais suc a vew sould se te asicoptism of te 8th century u a meocal opsm as i we.o afte a oweve ae geat an eautif tgs may i sa emkale fac a ey ae fly gey us anadred Man mg e en y tis a f s conceiv o

an case o espec wa e s no an as o. seveal en e is ve ogete an associate th te same ask f someuenty ules and a eng of law o eege from eir fe incoon Loong a tings i tis way oe gets te feeng a ms mense esources One nee only go ack tat ve widesprea dea ta eas is e an e coul sow a esense it is evewee me ta ey a  a wa cau up nd a s peg pssl is exacy wa makes tei

nstincts much less sal a ts f am as Pasc-w wao ops-was we awa. s smng e sid i favo ofte "nau l. Men somew secee ctue wiou eve wng Te uman wol wev ie may e om te ntual anmal wol is somehow l o m. e oul my acesf 9tceuy vlusm Maas pssmc pspy s a aal c w u d  

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Ce am / I I9

mig dbe be te e upici m he te e high cue d he s i et. We shod peh id g t we could he tee ciam o cho th ipuece i the ide he wh hep gg he ch the

pretext th the uo i y Boe d it essece, Mami pc phiosphy b siply the ie the hityis possible a r is o such hg as fae that as esce ispee t i th eute y o th which o e hewo o ou of te worl ca o cme o, i come, ha it be.

* * * *

Has T Ma threfre absouty grous o beighsita abu Maxs? O the co, e ti hi hesittio has profou icac oc i as b uur of is "racoats, a it is fo ve puoe extcg wh e l ca"he ast probl i al is puty tht we have fulat thebve cticism

We that ax ad Lni mae tha e Stte a coercivepowe wu ithe way i lte phe ci ociety becauei eeed to thm that cait become upeuou i soctywhee tere i o me oppessio expli here te classuge h rey bee bihe. This ea asuig a tecoactis betwee the iviu cie y ccur i capitalisc society tat oc s socity ha be sry a  bce itege to colletie eece elssyd ithou_ y bles. O hs poit Thi Mauir hee i e id lie which ca be bihed becue it ihe esu of crai foab sate o the ciety. ut tr ioth iucible e oy y ma cou rega coplteposssio of sl is by ceasig t ive i cotac ith fos.

The assag woul be a if o too it s gue ai eoluo, fo eve thee is a aliaio of the ors to icho vouo pu a e a eve  t iiual e execethe la ye othe corait oce the elutiay la ubsie e o as t u him ide om the lay c i which t et for while he ue etece ithhs d hich h cace of reucg he csats cexstece t he eitable miimu. Althugh thi pasa casee usy eactoay poc, it s hoevr so u ate Thie Muni m m Mt he cie cet 

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2 N N

coactios of he human codtion deive he beleve ha basicay ation. Thierry Mauer neve says s n s ay wordsbut it seems o us a te uth of hs bookvr ad bod tsprejudes e i his havg clearly percevd hisory wha J.Hote ca dalectical facts" wthou s beig able o adhere ohe idea of a unu dalectic f hsory We no conceed herith a exteal critcism of Masm wh could b curtailed by or omplete eaminaton of h docrine our real conce h anea dculy which deserves he aten9n of he Marxsts hemelves

Maism a w ow reogiz h nohng hisory sabsolutely coge ha hstocal facs d no s m a um ofmutay foregn cirumtaes bu form an ngibl dprese ratioal develome Bu he chacestc abouMasmunk heolgical philosphie r ven gel deismis s dmssion ha humays reu naythesi no ncessaed bu depeds upon a <rvoluonary acwhose certaiy s no guaraeed by any dvin ecre by ymetahysica cure of he wod A Marxs bev h hRussia Revoluio f 1 9 1 was n faedha or xample mgh

have faled for wan of laders capable of g he situaion ouand onng h maseand h vry prnc f rakablrevolutioary direcorae as wel s he weaknes f h clapolical personel he Russi f 1 9 1 wer n chanc an wrboud up wth Ruia o suaon a ha momn: on h onhad te rcasm of a newbo prltaria foed by levying a lborfrce rom rur aras and on he oher he semcoloa rm Rusia which foreig capitasm had frced o underg apd nu

raatio I s herefore characesic of Msm admi hahistory s both loical ad cotige ha nothig \ bsoluelyfortuitous but as tha otig is absluely ecessy-hih is whawe mea jus now when we sad ha here are daleccal facs Butis oetely eiia ad exeetal characer of Mrsmmediately pses problem. I w adt ha an eve whaever robabt ca was miscry a a moe jus as chace mayreew its onsive may u ou n he end ha logic ad sory go

earate way and ha wha em be he loical coseuence ofhistory ever materalize in empca hsory. Doesn he revolutncease o be the fudametal mesio of sory when it loses hcharacer f a eessar fuure; and wih regard ev orywi ater al s the ol tig tat atters-ist the erson houdges evet om te agle o he la strug puing hingo an arbrary perspcve? There ar w d cn h

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nceng Mas

noon of o of sto st, the ide tht eents of nyrdernd eooi eents n pariurhe hun signane, that in its sets history is integr d akes up sgle

dra; d, seond, th ide that the phses this dr do notordeess foow one nother but oe towd opeon ndouso The ontgen of istor eans tht een the erseorders of evets fo sige ntegbe text, hey e nonetheess otrgorous Od tgether, that there is ertai ount f re pa inthe sste Fr exape, eono deveopent ay be ahead ofideoog deopent, ideoo urty y supervee whenojee otons re nt et or e o longe frabe for the

reouton; o, on the ther hand, the dieti of histor getbogged own r eer o toward hae entures without song theproes wh it brought to ght If we resoute g up hetheooga id of rtona basis of the word, the og of hstorbeomes nong more tan one ossiit ong others Ee thoughwe re beter be to uderstand greater nube of eents throughMst nasi thn throug ny ther nsis, we st do not knowwheher ee histor is gong to onsist of a see of dieion

wh fsi ws the rst and f whih enis or the esteb oud be ther exapesfor s ong s e e nd perhaps eenf enturies The Mst hstan f urse wy be ae tshw in retset tht these sstes were just s ny fos ofresstne the ss suge, but one wondes he ost eietpoits for gen ountry ight nt onsist ing t ake soesort of pae fo self in this wod of idents su s it is, rthethan orde its behvior to t the s srugge, whih is

genea pnip of histor It n longer kes ny sense to ret theass struge as n eena ft we re not sure tht eetivehstory ren true to its "essene nd tht its texure not bet ou o as o a og me or foever istor wu thn ogr e oheret sourse whose onusio e oud waith assuae ad in whh eah hase hd its neessar aeIstad, ke te words of drunken an, it uld sket idewh woud soon gow fato t keep on reaeg and

sag wthout eessa attg its fu expression Msoud the o be stated tes of negate proposions: the odeoom aot be organized, d its nte oations o eoveroe (ng the onnuous sequene of hnes upon whiha, as reasonable being, nnot unt) , s log as soistiowership of the struents of produton is not eerwhre estbshed But we kno neither tht uers soiist produto woudiee equibu no ht the use eents the idents

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22 / A D -

wic el to sae it, is heaing towd that outcome Maism wouldremai a oics wic is as used as any oter t would ee be t only uiversal and uma oiics. But it d ot be able to tak advatage of a reestablised aony wit te course o evets : teuiversal roletaat beang dow o al sides o the caitaisticaratu and detrog it i order t stitute a ocialistic cilizatiotat wod be ot a fact but a vow, ot an exsn force omwic w could raw uort ut a forc e wold a to reate, ic the aon working classe i fact seded y te versios ofistory

It igt easier t admit tis a a roblem for Marxism w ut it ts of everyday oltics Te foudatios of t roletaarevlutio were laid i Russia 9 7 ad nowere lse as

t at i

a fact for wc idsit ca udobtedly sh reaso l t as accidet oe migt ay, tat the most economicaly backard couyin Euroe was te rst to ave it revoluio t s ust becaus Russia, ke te Weste counes, ad not ected its oindusatio tat it oered a secoloal coutry, a it wer, tote capita of advaced couies ad te brutal sablisment tereof mode roduco metods was boud to ooe a sis wcwoud lead direcy to te roetara revoutio, wiout assingtroug a long democrac ad borgeos ase as te coue ofte West Oe ca ve seak of a law of uequal develomet,accrding to wc t ases of social ad ecoomic evolutio may beset by the teractio of advanced ad ackward counes Buttis law was only discovered after the event, and since it was ikewseonly after te evet at the Russian henomeno was reineaednto te logic of hsory, oter cidences and oter aftereects, wiccannot be foreseen with the ep of gien expnaoy sems nnotbe excuded om te future. Not only is this ossible, it is inevitable.For even after the unexpeced event has been cassied uner a newlaw and nked to the Marist diaectic, is consequeces and itseracion h th coguraion of the wod coninue to conuseMaist scemata. Once the foundations of socialis d beenestabished i Russia, te poiic of the new tae was profoundyaeted by te doube eessity of accomlisg a dusalizaosuposely given in Mast shemata of te proetaan reoution andof roteting te new tate against a ossible coao f catstowers f te govemet of te U..R. brougt ourgeoi movest t dustaeqimet eterse, if t stalsed salary erc comarabl to or eatr a tose est der  aitste e so douess o e foud a at t U oud o a e sis deoo ou wi

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Concerning Marxism 1 23

nt yet aid the atutu f sism and hat its poemwas peisey the pem f st etg this inastrutu On ththe hd, it is ut nt t agre that if the Russian Revoution hadnt ooed eehaved t the apitaist pwes te U.SS.R hadpusued a poiy of suppng poetaan mvmnts utsie ite, ten eithe the ain against Gemany ud nt have eenfoed s the Gans wod hav sud in spitg it apt.Even toay if the U.S.SR was nt signing an ageement ith ChigKShe an was peny suppting e Chinese Cmmunists, WodWa III wu{ e se a hand. ut this mes d to thregnitin that the pitis f the U.SSR. an n nge e auvesistJois, with whih Masts f untes an imm

atey nur Fr a Fenh Cmmunist, e paths f evuin

apesent ver dieent m those foesen y the dtne; Maxs ni,simpe guiine es f th w, uite, is no onge avaet hep im udge eeyting in poitis and nw what t d in evase. Whereas f taditina Masm thee oud e n onatinr ven any ern eteen th evun and everyday poitisetwn n an tas, etween evuny ene andeay, betwen mity and pitis w hav etued t h

potis of unning. euse the SSR std ane, we ae nt evensue that it is the "unning f easn, and this unfeseeae fatshatte he ratinay f sty The esut is that we want tappy Mxist anaysis t e evnts whih u tim, u Maismses its way i ssphenmena and unepeted ean ns afteevents without athing up t them, o in any ase withut eve gttngahad of thm; d a ethnig Mxist omes t wnde, a hss how th chma of the ass stug eomes vesie an taeon ent shas of manng, if th us of histy om niveson t anthe ey nd up as th histoy f the asstug he is nt simpy deaming th his yes pen

This nta diuty f Msm is tday moe vius han veGeny spng Masm is wea when faed th onete eventtaen mment y mment. This shud nt make u fget hw songit apes when appid t a smewhat pnged sequen of ventsWe phaps mise y h impotan w intay assign t th

esent in whih we ive If the ass tugge shoud eappatmwas is ssi r ven a afte a wand sh

30 i i Lenin d   La Maad nan du cmmunismen e ou e ceon o vi o a ompoe t e ogeie. I ou e pope t e p onuion ic dop ono e oe pe. A eo o og   hs cd  aw fm s p" o i

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124 E N E A N N N - E N E

show up i l he coues of he word he bod Ms nes ofhstory woud once aga appea e Le ele zeldwas reecg o Msm what nica wa tee tha a fewoths late i would become a t eve p f thewo?

he oy thg ceri is h hg see so uliply isdersos we ca o loner assert th it o kp o etothers u the word snks ito chos d coseey w c ologer count o immaent force thgs gudem oard anequm whch s more poale h chao W sure h thwod no ecome organed o stop edig islf otextcate itself om precaous compromses o eiscv belef andvues uess the me who are least voled with the

cl terests

of mperiss rea possesso of the ecoomc ppus We kowethe whethe ths ecessary codio be eliz o hethe its a sucent conton an consequety we do oow wha thecoect vue o assg to tese pauses these nsta of peace whchay e procued though captast compromse is up to us toosee the wo dug tese years whe it egs to reathe aanonce the ottom has fen out of fascsm oce csceces hae eedemoed f te cass stue once ag ecomes the motatnfoce of hst a deney f the alteatie of sos or chsecoes cearer t s up to us t coose a proletara·socsmt as guaraty of hppness sce e do not kw whethe ma ca eere teate to coexstence r ethe each countr's happess iscpos se th that f the othes ut as that unkno or urwhch we must each or e Therry Muer ould nd hs realconcluso-hch he has not tte ad which he may sme daywte-i ts axsm thout usos copetel expeent dvoluntay to whch he unitty committed himself whe heecoed oth the logc d the cogecy f histoy

Augus 195

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arxism and Philosophy

c  o s gs Fo mn oo s mn mslf- Cnriuin criiqu

de Pipie du drit ee p 97

O WOULD GET stng i f Ms an itlaon to philsphy if on wr to g it o th basis of th ingsof crin ontmporay Marxiss hy iny consi phiosophas whoy a matt of wors, wih no cot o maning, a, likAgs Cot in his rst pro, t want to plac it with scinan rc man to th stt f a sciic oct P Nail s thpoiial comy shol boow th mho of th natral sis stabisng th laws of social nat st as th atral scinssash thos of physical nar. n a rcny psh scssionith Str, h show his annoan with hmaism an aliantlysi ith nrsm R aray, in Lee Fan{aie brigs o thfat of ting sral coms i prs of Dscars whot vmntiing th oio Onc mor hoor of Dsarts, G Cogniot, inth larg itom of th Sorbo, pt thir plac th afphilosophrs who thik thy can n man, contrast to thigs, asnoning, forgting that it is Dsarts who is principay sponsiblfor ths abrations, as o may bom conic by opnig thMdiaion It is sty yon's ght to opt h plosophy fhis tast fo xampl, th sintis an chns whih ha foso long tkn th pla f ng in csoilist milis. But itshol b kn an stt that ts yp of iolgy has nothing icoo th Masm

A Mst conpion of hu it n f conomi soity "I a t lag of mbs c cl ua boy

ot rar g sr trougou t o , rt vo, o yg I cn g ctur omsl Md U) [Eh  nson Lc J Lu (Nk, 9)]


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6  S N S A N D N O N S N S

pariular a surna a a s olassi physis ause i ss siy a ward a eaagmn whih h laws f lassial nms lngerappy Marxs nr in Ds Kp i dird prisely

swing h hes famus aws tn a h peenfaure f a "si naure ar all ad e masks f a tn "si stte apitism whih is evlvin wrs \its wn estton. ntin str r ti whihP Ne hs nting mistus is ne h ba atgies Marsm A Mas pitial nmy n spk f law nly thatvy stint sturs whih mus e ese in esf sto priori snsm ses a sine i

ses s t mistae h meey mmntay r he hughot te hsty Msm t te feshism f siene hs awyse its pprne whee te vltinay nsin was fltenge te Bstn exte Msts t rn t sienti oty As s nots sinsm is ptil se ienaton otton edinihn wih pves n f hishn ty n s onfse s with tings.2

Explining the (sitn r sessiv) otaty f hmn

soty in tes f the m an penn "atl lws is the me unjse sin this retin is n lnger pssil evnwt spet pysi ntue. F fm eing able iself t eiminatstte me physs ony oneivs its lws witin te ewok of a tai hsto stte f the nivse wh nthing ells sis ve nd uner the iene empil eients whih vn f wh he are and nn e eu This mans henNvie wld sy-tht e s ieti even ah lev f nte

an h ts snse natue an siey ar hmus Ineed iis e tht Enges tok ver f Hegel te iea a iei nnte. B apart fm is eing th ms fragil ar f th Hegeanhte hw is the ati in ntre t svive iealism If nate isnt is xte t us an itsef i wl yiel neithe hrelainsps r the aty neee sustain a aleti If i ist tn we ae eig with h nte perive y an ans fo hmn atin f wih Mx speak in his Thses

U euebah an l'Idoloie lemnde "his aivity hs peeptie an nnus ain ad wr his pru ar . h asisf the entire peepi w as i nw ss

G Lukc Gechche und Kenbewuen (Berl 19 Die Verdngcng und ds Beue de Prleria"

3 Febac s n ccev cb wld s ecb d cy us w " 'olog

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as and loso 127 

paag piviti vrton at t deolgi a abd d appently t n thbt day o cienc t disipat thm F xampl ZIdog 

Allemande' at e G way onceedit sovg nnns arli itr t om other foolishnes hc ea ppping t nn do e nav a pcal sns hch must b sovered whras t is sl  matt o laining te ther pra om atul exisngconon" (p. 18) On would ay that arx reuses to unerstan"religion trant it any ignne and onsequenl cts th verypnciple a phnoenology o liion er we ar on te bk of a

eshlss ars" whic de stoy to its conomic skeletonon literaly mans nothing it is all wors all wrong notn ut app o a play That owve i not M but Voltaire andM moreover ha aid ust the oposite elion is the generthory o ts od it nyclopedic compenum its lo in popuares it sptuisic pnt of onr is enthusiasm its morsancon t solemn compement ts uersal roun for consoaond ustcatin It is the realizaon in fantas o the human essence

ecase ts essence as no true rety Relion s tso o a wod wc lacks a heart ust as it i the pirit an erahich has no pit"

Thus it is queston not o en relion l human sicancbut of treatg it as the smblic expression o th soci and humanrama Communst tnkng should el more than reliion not lessthat s eligion rtud to ts ogin and to t rutth oncretlaons mn with ach othe and th natur It i not a

queon replacing th ion hc wth lgio telaboatos and sbtitng a rcorng cnr or th EuchastIt a matt ndtanng g a ma' m ot troin oth men i anotr wold and o replacing is antas ocommuncation wit etiv muaon n wol t theme when h sll mad inteperson lif the bas hitory and whe world pt had nt yt hran t th a id thns tyng gl aid that ading nwpapr was rist'

mng pray" Th uman r ligon and i t edegan

Aan 164 H ts nsan om nat scncs t whwld h naal scncs b thout dus d ommc? fact vn ths' naal cencs onl t th s and th matals m nd andcc m th bl ct o , 163 Th scnc na s h clt ld nd must o b hstaed snc t ant ts hm s [ns so h a dologyPts I d d  R Ps ondo 1938)]



Phlohi du dTt Hg   84

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128 S N S A N D N O N - S N S

ense the "metphysicl conent f Mrm onis f me heprocess of ting ntre (t which they were at ordinte pnthemsves, of ruung the given srucres f ciety nd ofacc s o " ign f iby, r, Hege sid to

"soue isoy.8

ion i more h a ow ppernce; i isa phenomenon sed o interpersonl eainhip. It i ny inpssg thee eaionship h it disppe a epaeelion. Tere is pseudoaxism ccorng o whch erthng isflse ut the nl phse of history nd which orrepond o the levelof ieas t rmnry communism- "envy nd dsire forveling-for which ad no ind words. Autni rxisws to sse- going bynd it-l tt hs een n

is ss as t evrything is rue in it pce v in tot systm f hstry, that evering hs a meni. We r ven tis sense of isory s totiy no y sepsicoc tp f aw ut y e cen! phenoenonof eion In t mvemnt history m w h intdmsf for the bet of his fises n hs ben ained f his verutnce regin posession of himself f he w mshve neiher econic if no good nor e feshism f goods nr

evol gins thi fetihism. These phenomena oie yecuse mn i no a thing even nim ecase he h thepege of eting hims omet th h elf ecaehe not only is "exist

Wht nds credibity to the egen of a M positivism is hatM i ghting on tw onts. On he ne hnd h i ppoed form of mechnistic thout; on th ther he i wang wr withideim. Fo M even the pontneos oi f i a w

Hegel od Spit -tht unng pit which e men withoutthir no i mes thm accmish its o desis-arefurther "chimec reztions f he humn esence. Bt thistrge ainst ideism hs nohing i ommon with the posiivistoccon of mn a ue Drim wod no vn e op of cocive consciouness whose instrment inividus."Abe we s void once ain sttng society up s bstrcton ovr st the inivi. Te inivid is scl ng8

Mn is " ing which ests for is, us a gnc n9 ocie5 D Kal e Kk III , 55. [Egh li Mre Aelg Ca (Ne Yr I96)]

6 Ehe Jkleh , 6I7 M Ecnme lue e hilh ra Mlr p Ih

raa T B Bre ad Phph Marp"  E Ma' Cnce Man (Ne Yrk I96I)

8 bd. p 79 78

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am ad Phloohy / 9

i ccide e sues bu esi f s being. Hes not in socty as an bjct s in a box rathe he assums bywhat s ost hs is wh on cn s ta "a prducesman hs an ohr n 0 "As soct ts prouces as an

so s ruc y

I nr a soc ar vn os oursvs nor theo Srt nor the movmnt aroate t ia no coectvossns hn w s r Mrx hc o hs n hng c o h cc? It s man invove certain ay fro nu n whc m o hs ratonshp wh orss sh; t s concrte hman trsujctvy the succssive andmos commnt o xstncs n rocss o srzton

n a t o rshp whch th o st to an ranso ahcat b a cratng the othr son s somtms nrs and eas as to ho a asm cou be acchw mate tken n the sct ss o h wor co cont encp o pductivi nd vt hch is ce aectic. 2 It scs Mas "atr -an in "conscosnss -is nvronser sptey It s serted in the sse un costnce wher it os the bas of a comon sation conmorr

nd succssi duas assun the gnraty f he pjects andmang pOse ne of evepmn nd snse f isr Bu ts stuaa c is set i n deveoped ad cpeted i is ens u pducty thut whc te pa vennatura codis u su frt eithe a econics a  a stor ecncs. Destic anis asserts Mx are at o hU}a ie bu tey e n prducts paricipns t. Man n the e and is ays prucing ne des rk ad

fe hus an ct be en by tang eite nis aoro mattr s pot eartre here s no ri ansce or socst n the who of what is ca o hstor isnothn but th creation mn b human abo and the emrence aur or n h hs rore th vt an ta roo s scraton o his wn ons. 3 If socist a cn hv sntt o a "rn o r wch s t to come n irsctv ve the presnt as a phse ctast anatn it is

cus h hs wthn hs possssion th assurance tt man socv a raon to somh ohr tn hims an n annrt thng S we hen ne man as conscousnss? hs wou

10 d p 25 d p. 26 Se erie e revlin L ems ode Vl 13 Eonome polue e phlosophe, p 40

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s a hmal raizatn th human ssn, f nc m isn as csusnss, h ms cut r thns, hisy an his cv xistnc H must trr b n as ra to isrumnts a jts-a a whh is nt smy n hut ut whh vlvs hm n th wl in such way as tv hm an xal asct, an us, to ma hm "jv at thsam m that h is "sujcv Ths can accmpsh by inman as a bin wh "surs "snss, that is, a b with a naturan sal situtn bu n h s ls pn, activ, and abl stalsh is autnmy n th vry run his nn14 shr tht cnsistnt nturlis unis ro botilis and tialis and at a ie inifying rth." 15 t· is a att f undstann a n hichattachs man t th w is at th sam tm his wa m; fsin hw man, in cntact th natu, pjcts th smnts f hislratn arun hims nt by sryin ncssi bu, n h cntrary, y utzin it; f cmprhnn hw h ctuts cultuw n whch "an's ntrl bhvir has bm un , inwhih human bin has bcm his ntul bin, his an nturhas bm his natur 16 This nvnmn supatual but

trasnatural-n whih mn "day cat i vs nw is hist1"istry is th nuin natur histry f m 18 Mism is nt plsy th sujct, but it i just as a m a plsphy f thjt : it is a hlshy f hsty

arx n ca his matalism "practic matriism, bywhih h ant at mtt ntrs int human i as th suppr y raxs19 atr ain an sml, xtrr t man an in ts whch hs bhavr cu xn, is simply at issu Ma'

matsm is th a that th i rmans a ivnsity ar synnymus with r cmlmnta t a can typ fraxs, i, th way hs scity has st u s asc ranshi whnatur It i th a tha cmy an iloy hav in swhn th talty hisry, matt an f in ' wr f r a rcu thn Th ma a tur a pm cann sarat m th maaty th clrs r h ws; i is nithcra nor unrst m th ia ut A ctual thin can

unrs y atr it has bn sn, and n analysis vb pt1 bi p 78.S i 7616 bi p 2122.17 Llgie Allemne p 1661 Ecnmie liiue e hilhie p 7919 See exaple l'l An 160

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sm nd Philosophy /

c ak h plac of g. k, h "p o a cy alady impld i mhd of podci bca h lar ala a pcar a i ch m- cc, plop9, ad e ccp her h mpl dvlp or

aa cp of ha mod-co. I hfondadal ha h odci of e o of h uabj, ch phmlgy ha k up d devlpd, arervd for Ma20 Clac poophe oad o orhm, , ld, ho e omple of colo i ascompale o objc of ae d mr doed h hmace b a scodar jdgm Wh Ma peak of humaobj, h a ha gcace ere he objec as  

p lf or xpeic g he Hgcocp of a mde or bjve p, hch scovd by he wod ad iha io lf, o s ccreoco. The p of a socie s e smied apced ogh c ojc hch beo po lf adi d of ch liv. I h ha h dpoi of s pacccag b up, d he cago i gg  a ay ofbg ad g o m. We hefo dersd ha ogc ca b

"he cc o h p or ha "h fm o good caioce a hole mode of "objcve g appopae o borg czao. ha e jl oe, e eqe celeaedrla�p bee dlogy and coom m mycal, plogcl, d ukabl f a dlog rmai "bjcve,c6my cncvd a ocv poc, ad h o a o mado £ncae e oal ocal xc ad h hmajc hch 12 Th J Domach oe hdd pr ce 

coec ceg Ma h e phomeolog of e cl ldhch Hgl had ogy od aaly of h 8 cy ash c of me d hch mg el b cd achp and ach cvzao.2 B Nal ld oc ha M" mafao-he phomoloc apc of , dpcl f d' ali- xacl ha d xplnng. 24 ng b appce-he y bg ecoomic. a phemlogy cold o dgh "fdn pna m 

"fndd o, ad, abv , a he rap of l o:0 Enm plitiqu philphi 0: . i, 48:: Rao L, " mode et reU Boe" L M

14.:3. R natina N b NO 3

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/ S E N S E A N D N O N S E N S E

ecnm whch ne ns n Mas s that f aace t atThe bus iles whch cntamnate a f buos scetyclu ts letaat ae nt ernes; th st ouosscety an psent themselves t the guse f stble w he

are exactly s "ea s the structues atast enmy with whchthey f sne sste Bth hese ideges nd this ecnm  pearances wth esect t scas ecnm nd lfe whch eaa tang shape wth the; bt unt thes tte ve beeaze the bues fms f pucn n lfe eta e wehtthe eectveness n the t wh sad that the classstrule wul last f eas afte the Revolun ths wll Theol us enn n efense f Ms "es anst

the cuntoensves f mechans wul be f Ma t haveevele hs they f pa f sca exstence s the cncetemlu f hstr equall emved f iealsm d etaphyscatels

Ths beg the case what ca the stuan f soh be n theMaxst sectve? It s an l the os an abstactasect f ttal hstc lfe ) n nsfa s it ses t "autnmzetself t s ust "anthe f mans chmecal alzatns an its

pat mystfng the bues wl But the farthe the man ee exg gets m ecnm an the clse t cms t ue anabstact el the e we scve accenta elements n tsevlutn an the e ts cue ace zza 5 Thus anttemt t ve ssive exlanatn f hlshy n ts fecnc cntns s naequate we ust se ts cntnt we ustscuss ts bass "It s nt cect t sa that the ecnmc statn sthe cause n ne s cve n tht the the henmen a nl

assive eect Hee s eveywhee cus thnng is nsucenthe ay cncetn f cuse and eect s stctly less abstact A hlsh e a at e belns t meut thee s nthg t event t m catugecsel thouhthat teths whch  cqued nce f ust as Gee artscvee the secet f an "eta cham (Max) The ecnm f atme ves rse t n iel because it s lve en wh se theezan n it n ne sense ths ecnm lmits he vews but n

ne it he suface f cntact th beng the eXeence an itca haen t hapene t M hself th the nt meelsubt t ths ecnm but unestnd it an tus vtua g bent Phsph wuld be fase nly nsfa s t ema bstact

25 ng t Skn 189426 2 to M

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aim a Phihy   133

prisonig itf in concpts d bing f rason, and masngctv intsnal rlations n ai dos not an to tuwa om phoophy but rathr dciphr it, asat it, eleit. h pracal politic pa Gany i t claog

for t negaon hiphy It er t top this dand, which doe n nd cn f esly I fncis iself bningt egao b by g t bc n hlphy nd edcating w ban d illtempered hr i ndr it ba d with tee er I y n w th hiloopitu g i" Th oito fal ny i ha i rov itlfnd �att eree  the d The w d way thi how a t emieny conad

nrrsn lan Hg i nt ng; he e n end e thr, b e bac We ms impy give ir ire he mythgc cobt h ecbe bewe cncune ts nd cnciosns fr tf. Hgl' ogic , ha bn, the gebr he eolu." The ftisis f good" e itoc accmpismn f tha lnation wch eg enigatiy dscrb, nd D Kitl-gan a ben d-i oncrte Phenonolo f Md. ha th phosophr and th latr g

/be tan o ancing h thrg hgh he, dhy alon, can ge t he ruth about a tr etnce, ntgrae hm, g beynd he, nd, te dpth f hir widom, bta evelaton h mg f htory whih ther mn ipubit. be ppher js ne f many wa o es, and, Max id, n ne cn atr hlf tha he ha exaustd lgioeXtnc," olica etnce," judi estne," artc exenc," r bra eang, un esenc" n puy ph

ophial stnc." 28 B f the phlosophr ow thi, h assgns the as f puring e an gc her expnced ot stns instad f putting sf in thir plac he fora iui f cntemplang the ott f cptd histry fee ca ther men d nnte b ro be me then phsph f itslf b doing wa wt ts oated phiophy cncree hining, wich Mx cl cque" sgui m pecte l, w her

prpound nder e me et phph"A t ne ge, enti h cn n n' hm ee cnce erd c u i me npen bjec exee, , e

28  Conbuo ' la ue e Ploe u e Hegel, 939 Econ l l

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I34 / S E N S E N D N O N S E N S E

oa siaon a as inapae f asacng sef om tha s as i is o reig itse o it nee sef p ba noe toy han pra an, as i er, gve baas y Tse is o oner js the episteoo'a sjec t s the hmase ho, y means of a o aecc, s es f hssiation, frms h caegoes conac s eence, nmoies this siaon an this epeene y mg h scovrsin e. I paiar, ts sje s n oner aon, s o onger consiosness in genera or re eing for tsf. e s the ms o hercosiosnesses hh keise hav a sian; h s or othes, anease of he neroes an ojetvaion an mes generset. For the rst tme since Hegel, milian hilsy eecinot on subectivy bu o intersubeciy Transeent sjeciy, Hsse poine o, is intersjectiviy Man no onger appesas a prot of hs envronent or an soe esaor emergesas a potproer, the ocs where necessy c t nto conceeiery

F Aq ases Heieer ost n this int, an,app a meho o asis h issoiates a eieger ouie, he ps he aer of koee osire as iatioa) oe sie an Sii on the oher, mag Heieggr a aonas.Then h s aae ha Heieer ans reae a phiosph negate he vaes f reecin, sienc an rth B e hoepo s hat Heeer ans to reet on the  ecte; ta he vereierae proposes t s the eiitho hich is awaspresppose y reection an s anor o preav operations; haeieggerike egemakes Sp or y an a proemthat h ws n any ven o se hem merg om eence, not

ke the for grte n h same wa, hn span o Sarr, GMo ns a shamefl maeasm d a shamef esm s phosophywhch s one way f sang ha s atemp a ine phiosoh. There js as manyor js a fewreasonsfor saig a aeca maeasm s a shame aeasm a sef aectic Any ietic piosophy ways resstei aee, sine, accoring o Pao, sacrics othng ya aas ans oth A s the phsopca r o e past

asactins s sometimes chaned h nam o mate ansoeies in the nae of Spi. Eveone ees h b his bonneP. He, ann o e h ba, rets thng of

sse s oes foas : h phoophy of sses phsohas a stri or asot sence, onscosnss as rascenenta d

30 q, Rvu nnal, N. 3-.3. CahWT d

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im nd Philoop

constung ctiv. And it t that Huss mintnd ths for-mls to v nd. But h hmsf, or  coaotor, E , -ode oers s we th oint of dtu s "diccal stu-on, hosophy s t mdton or dlogu. t mks

usser's e sg is tht h nev csed to queson is demd frasot raonity nd nvr stod inteogtg mseaot th ossi, fo epe of tat hooloc rduc-o whh ade faous H kept gettng cer and clere f he esd left ehind eev hosopy nd of fdent fat tht w est efo w et so that, cise toa copt clty out our situao, h ndd ssng, sthe p task of henoenoo, e descpo of the ed world

(Lebeswet) whe Cesa isnons hv not yet e adhus as that, ust ease he egan y sg soute ei-d, e e a he prg ps wh dssthe e thro o ar d hsto wod, the hozoof s ogs s ws ha, hg saed h shneog, h eded h ge pheoe ad atheo of enoal sto n other words, o of hso nis w e, mo thn none ls oiued to desrng con-

sciouness inat in n nonment of hn ojes and i lnutic adon d so having ehas "st ostae i he wa ofth Hegel reiv t eg of hs cee h is now conto it osophs tk ther o good me, nd w have no t tohold i gnst them On hs oly to see how M tets the oung wo too muh of a  hu to "t yo H.Dmin tt losoh go srt to th conclusons of h wor on th txt ht ction urgnt wold fort ht M

sd, th cue of ideoloes is v or comcatd ta ht ofi istor It woud ccn te sous to th sctacl th nm of ic romncism wih M too s to void.But omon sy stnism is ot ust hloso ut is fshion n no fshion c sous. Of cous. But it is es to eplon v tho hnomnolo nd stnism std nopost ons y hv fct wk mo studens to throlms of stry th h v luled into th quiesm of

ansedet osousnss. ere is st t the last eas f f wn Hussrl wntd t to grd t v th curs d en foidden to gv Ge the Gsto was assgned tas of rst rd hs musct w n   in to loo t hlosoph though th oi chif's asss? Phiosoph ussr d you usctd of nsm d v consequencd you d c. Nav d ech

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for his ow sons hve somethn he d ase he of n ntrnslte n woths npshd Hsse? Bhen why tlk bot it

ortntely o witho Husse th dan pon

hose ho love posophy When e leves he phenomnoloistslone n gives his own enion f his si h de n esht re hrly scientistic t ll n in fc ae ssby henooloc Rehbliton f the sens eed d thee by w we perceive or now- he o. Knowledertoo ot s t forl oprtion of the I pon bts the evelpmen f fo me and ate dcoseqently s pttg "he bstrc nivers f scice "the

fty of the bsolte ogos bck int " hm ctiity whichceves selnowlee in the conex of the eiy cver hecore of its lbrs which cnnot con on ny "e se p byroience t brek its pssible flsls oo Thondemnn ol theoris of "consciosnesssreceptcle whe he crseform of "physiolocl secretion thikn r in mr ene rmof logicl n soci ccientyes hese h hes hch Herches y HeelMs pths nd which e hve che m

he strtin point of phenomenoloy.82 Wheneve Mon (in the seisse of Cahier 'Ao emns etu m nscisness "thebrn n intins th consciosness "reect he he hinkhe hs elt bl t estentiism he ey d epiting Msm n philosophic cre

32 He nscenc t cnnassanc Cah Ac; N 5

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/ he Wr Hs ken Ple

< TS KT MG ess d ess poe th pececo e aintained How coud w hv wted so on to decide to oto w? It is o one copehensie th t of s cceptedMnich s chance to test Gean oo The son ws that wwee no uded y e fcs e hd secey soved o ow otnof vince nd unhappess s eeents of histoy ecuse we weivin ount oo hppy nd oo we t envse te.

Disusn the fcts hd eve ecoe duty fo us hd eeuht tt ws ow ou of misudestdins wc ceedup f ccens wch cn e vete though pence ncoua e wee ttenn o scho which eneons ofsocit pofessos hd een ne They hd expeence Wo WaI, and thei nes wee insce y entie csses on te eos tot ea But we ha e tat es o the a ae isece tey e hes out of vici wee encouae to

susn the soy whc ha aad n e o cae eot n te Tojan igt s not hve te pace an at gt s in s oe ae eo te exa T opc poy ic c an sc o s o consconsss as fo peace n happness, ws fac te ooph of y vcoo nan iae cpnsn f te oes f 94. We new at cocenton cpse that th Jews wee en pesected, ut these cetines

eongd to te wod f ouht We wee n s yet i face to face cy ah we ha not as yt n n te ce ofsumitn to the o cononn the Outside the pece deof o scoo wee te ount ieo evestnymuued thee ied us fo ou vcon of '39 th othe dewh ws F F of w s nd out hoses


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4 / S N S A N D N O N S N S

whic a a efeen a th earth itef-o o we thought Wve in a cern area of peac, een an freeom frme by aomnaton of excetona rcumtance W not know that thwa o to efen u hou th naura o of men Eveho of u who bette infrme b the ravel o me enve tonam hei t aea quipe with a or accuratploophy no onge eparae the peron fate o Europeantor evn e o kno o gh hey wer eatn itthem a e ame back togethe e jue the objecon   ie hanot yet been cat htory ha not yet been wten Anu i onveratona one Fro ou birt ha be ue tohanln eeom an o vng iniviua How tn coul whave kno tha e er ha o com y Ho ou w havee to commi ou eeom in ore to peev t werconcounee ne before the worl How coul w have knonhat th inivualim an thi unveralm ha t plce on hmap Wha make ou lancpe of 939 incnceval to us an ptit once for a eyon ou grap i preciely th fc at we wernot cncou of it a a lancape n he w n hch e lve, Pltow a cloe to u a Heiegge the Chine a cle a the rencha rety one wa a fa away a the othe We not knw thtth wa what it wa to lve in peace n rance an n a cert worltuaton

Wheher by chce o by esgn the represeaive whm ermny sent amg u were amguou Bremer a ecturr t thevery of Ps revre he ves of wr cre h erant, an wa o make om of the e he h foe efre the waruefl to h gvement when he cme ck here n clrlattch But 938 he wa fon of ayng he wa an "ol rcl Bytg u enough, one coul get him to bck o on the pcircle of naim H howe uri an jur feeg one aywhen, a he wa peaking of he Spanh governmet ocl atenly cain them e w ake to ake hi propgaelewhere I inee hi may when, in 938, h a to leavernc to put in perio of milit evic i Gn Hebeeve-as muc a a man of i or can elieve in nythgGey' uropea propaana o a east he ate to eleve iit, ce it alowe t econce hi peaue a ng n rce wih loyly o the govemen of hi countr One mog Mrch939, I entere th oo aoth ai Ga to el him of thoccuaon of Prague He eape u, ran t the ma of Europ (which i av o d ad tono u a i ma imi s

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Th Wr as T Plc

eite. ese ews s wt e t ut e 't ng vr er d ey kept emeve e dr vid ice bwee ei is te eet ce  ywic te wd e st tei espet eite f  emee r f 

teir c Tere  w e su t debe: Ge it. We te e c t P 40 qred w t u w t te d we it it w e were fuse e t "te wit Fe (wh te te d p e te Ge i N cie)d t ret te t terde. ef tei  ce ee t se t epeset P pyed p i e rd the  e ed ur nwene Afte  

40 te es wer suppse t see te me end, en hemeve fsciuy t i e n e day taut e up u ree t e Rusi n

were me deh d e er e Afc n whre, id, e w e re bed it is tht iry c d edceinvid Th when we c t thing, we d cuprit nwhre t ccmplice evrywre i tha we played part ie evet f 939 Te nly ernce btween r Gean nd

rlv wa h hey had had nm gh ndr thir n and yt w had n Tey cld nt hve ben nawre f hw hy wre bing e we d n yet eed t game


Our bing in ufr did nt eny chang ur way fg dug the wintr f 93990 We ad th liur tthk ther parate ive f the war prnal dvnture

d tha ange cnderd tlf m f ivd Evenwhn wewrked wi a the jb f war, we did n fl ivlvdnd r ndrd were he f eceme Or cln had 55 d t dipere a Germn ar nr r pin and captw deed t rece te derrp nd er f w dedGen: we were bemed ver te recher we wuld have bn ver detbed. We ere e tt Ge een whad n dying te bbed   blle i i tmach nd hadcrd t, renc dier, me ge dyig m" i w nigh, ritin wa ilted d we ad ben rderd n g t bfre dybreak). We ked d cminel he naw chtwich the  by cverd hat narzr cld, at ths te ete ds te e .

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After e of 940 owever w entee e w for othen on we were no longer ette at th Geman we met the tee, bwa, or moe a n beg. If w a one we ha wanted to ng Na o Ge, o oo for te

tdent beneat the letent, te eaan or orn man beneatthe le, the would ave had ol otet for and od avecsdred t a cogton of er goveent an e to, anthn the wd ave flt lke cto. Magnty i c mantue: t not had to be genero th the one one at onec B we wee the soer. We a to rele he hldihbhavr wch o edcaon ha d f; we a o dge men the clthes they we, reply udey to thi w-aneed cad,

lv sde by sde wth the fr for yea wtot lvng t hem foroe te, fel oselves bce ot men bt Fenche eathth ace. Fo thn on ou vese of ndal ted tha cpact gay gen ass. ad we lked e aly, we coulddy ave fd ast ad save peace· ety, d wed have lad hw ch cscusnss, o ate hw ee,soe, ad pacb t y fel, beoe ble a geazd, a wke a Fchn, bah he gz a

gr. But no enslaeet e appaent than tht of ccuped cty e thse f wh wee t ditud adcnud to pt, te, o cpse pety, sedwh th wetback t woktht ther er ed had been utaied b thed ths and tht e s nt e ae If the/had oc fe hy cntl of the lve, that, to, had be a de oc-xstce pssle oly a cetn atosphere; ad the becmeaw that gal utd the past philsphy

wh each coscouses ucat th evey other.Gean at-etis t y hd bt yted u th oubckund we hd to ask use ee day for for yea: how sts pss was cuse a way t avd theust, by dg that ye ealy d a-es. ven theazs pdd cet Jew who the f erceable, ad achce cct wd a Jwsh acto to appe on the a tage fu ys be th ws t a snge -emte ater l

Maybe a-s wa whl a ropagada devce? Maybe thele, the , e newsppn were oy obeng odrs whchthy d t bve, d ayb the vey auths o t ognda ddt beeve t a oe than they d? Lanced b ulatinagtato and boe g oed element foe, an-Sewold ave been a ter mytaon. So we hot to 93n ta ave e oa of e

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h r s T Pc 1 43

Consc, w can no longr so AntiSism is nt a w machin st y a w Maciavis d sricd y oinc oors t i ot rao o a w o any mor lgage is,or ms t wa d t ds o try n last

at CP$' and onmn concepon o history wic massatat  d ee  ocs, ccm ti, i n:  atts too mc awanss to th ladrs d too t masss. ds ot s any dgond n vontacon f r d assiv obinc t lattr, twens bjec d bject The en de ndesnd, n he cnaryta lar mysd y th o d h he  he  nong ccce, at n on cnds

be ble l Se cl ot d to ee Jew red he ey w he, e eceied h eng nd gny ann lbt i jt th : he de ee Jewueg h is d by th o th Jw. H r ndd e  Jew to hee cncee beng; e ge e, d hi bws te ng ce. Stc ssi snot ggeed by, no de , nd

Ths we encneed he Ms u, which n e h

he e cng n ci cnex, Se he ci bece" A cnsed ciey th a ebng nded e nse he ngish ee b se e Jew d ee . igh he hciticnSe he Msn, wch w ccnid bran or ecen nd hch ee be c cse.Bt wat at t c  t SS, wat aot Drancy, wat bt clen taken om he e Ue  exp bed n

a e mon, to caps b passion ranseco ot a lation, nc qsn is, ecy,what e it d wy angis and sasm of a dcde ntcie c th ws Hr, as t pason, w n anmnt cce d e ny wihot wc i wodb odd soeg and wo no longr aion A ce e cen dy bece  s o eed t ov at car e and ac, bt so bcas h

t e r, and eeg e bte f wch woa rmaned doant ot e Th e ee k at onc itas com estabsed, bt on t d o rst mng i iaoe ly cnge An bes ndeed b ed b ds past, but t ids mo t it prss t as, ctd, it o wit, wc is th rt orc o e ee d wht exs. It wse iosble to el e s

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 4 S E S E O - S E S

eee e Oe y t t o the pobem d te te e e yed eeeopet eti o o itm t mo yketh the ou of poibe ito The t on ex

paon d

t y tt te g e d3

et bk it te t d oe t d eie em ien y tu y om te u expion go e io ete te p it d otbe undetood ee niounee Seme u e e dd ot k i 939. We i k eee Je em bu ny me ee ociunee Ite t u at at eey moent eh of u hoe to be d t d

h ih ih e o We a o uto hatut a o i int oe i eneo ih eth aig f hi gu t a he ae gea hto i h ing it and yet onoe by it , eene, eof i peete t othe ag hita baund hih ei nt hooe; d ou behio tod ohe i dtted by u oe Jeih, Fe o Ge We d t etoo haoiouee ae the ge poe to ient eah oe d

ih m temee; a tey e ouy tetened dndy tempted by bd ed oebe pet tiu t me e dy t be um oed e eo betee oniouee t beome tnpet, ety t be t be iy i t e bee ed d e d eee betyae e bee eed U tt te e e oety em dige d bte betee tom e te

e bo ey tt t

We ee oge peitted t be neu in thi obat Fo thet e e ee ed ot ony to aaee bu to eae o teife o iety Befoe '3 e ee nt inteeted e oie teyeted bu e oud ee e ed o og tem og u oud e eped et thie, oud e beeg to be uge, t a etene? o u pat e did ot a tbe  r o iee, beaue thi i ht e ha deided But hght did o eeom ae t u t ote peo, ee themuee ad hi deied the outome o ote an' ife? Weoun t toebe tt to d t de ote d e ee t t e te eee e de

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Te r s T Plce I

wc we c efy sngised m  r e. I a base wrk h e i nt  t o onnt  evn  i e ee volv i  t  rem my bee whe eed a, a a secnd  eu-t nant i  t h  ss, I o be q y t h pole o n   st a hat I was even suppos

to oe my serces. W e rtyha t  Tve  or g on ts subjc, d we   h i wasin to s to jg If he s nd ccon f  orha o us, we co o hav lft s ask t ohs. Boet war, polic sd un hable us cuse t as mn ss an w saw no s rag ts que bngs, each of o i a ol uo hslf, coing s f ge ruls an as ollo o nthangabl objcs Polics s possble o he

o oios. Bt ont a h o nro lt h ac of se exa ases av bn l to te po ulvs a onir as o o

not ol o nnons-ht cons me for s-t so hx oqus of hs aons, ha th mea tocot n as go iso unced te As' he of  o o I Dg Ocation e e s ta se sto shod psh-t pssio

f th� css pamp dnncn Ed' oe sttgWol a I He t nderstnd ha t mplcte End t e G cp P ws ccep respnst fr popgan n pacst hd the t o fther since s the nsmnf reme he spg f  prfssrs wer ske sgn eeng Pi eene d tp e w. wod vrl simple t ssme th e me wo cmpsed nd sged tho a of e Ges g n e w foe t

s s rl cmted wt sc t, lasmon prfessr nd e e e pe e eer edb lit alo, t alo as Lt us then an oof th authors f s pen. Fr e pss w t t: g i parn sength m csen e wh eeqll ee ee mome. fore e s o w r ho o on an asist ta o th , t theali" s ned p gnst the lateom naos ag o

found ees fr hemsves (e f cde ed olea sae) There e o ems n, clses ev si he r me wh s red eeom ndas ls a o a m re, re ak old of tmsves n reover te eedm h es: teee dgme Tere e e, w se d e t refsn ee e f d d d

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I6  / S E N S E A N D N O N - S E N S E

ar So th oltry Ce tht e d ot ee dobeind pjeced nto hto a o a l, that meaning, hatpeaance c hi ction aume ohe otide, tht Objecei hich s himel

The Caresi would  dubes rply that   i we ld ouelves

reonible for the most  dit nt  conequences f our t hought nd

acins, the only g left or s to do s refuse a  as des

te heo. Ad, he od dd, hw many hee a   mong the

men ho oday take pde in he  hvng reited? Soe ere ci 

evan and cnt inued t o aw i ala, weg   ng- since they had to-tat they ee eiher Jew or Maos. Oters of

hem ageed o eek auhozain of what he oe or taged om

cenhip hich let ohng pa hich did ot ee t peEach in h o y mked out he ontier of the perble. Dontpuh ytng," d one. Dn't publih anytng t eperor magane," d aoter pu yor o} d a dd, I let thi theaer ave m play the rec a god m,ut he ent o the goveme, I tdr ." t that each o them ettled ith otrd ece excep a eh gae the ve One cod ethe top g, eug t

opted tht poioed ead, or one could onnue, hc meong a te deou o pvt eedo o ommn mery d th h mot o te dd, pttng eronene to ret y men o ome arey ed ce O comprome doe o cquit the trto o lled thi regme douon u, ded t more a ht olutely ece nd erte elfappined keepe of he ne la. It doe, howeer, pbit m judgg them he name o a moty hc o oe olloed to

e letter nd om aing ne plhy o the expeene o theu ye, ce e led accong to the old on. y the eroere ere outwadly hat the inwal ihed t be; oy theyecae ne ih o t he ent wen it clmed he eThoe who surved, eve t the greatet k, d o onsmmate thiscuel maage, and no one can peak of hs slence o recmend it toohe. Heim thg not of word but  of deeds, nd ny peachng would be pesmptuous here, since he ma wh is s ble t speak

doe not no at e eg oh e o reaonig hrd, ut t led the diecn e antto o. It rue that e are ot nnoent d tht the it i hce fund ouele dmited o n irreochale onduct. By tayingee e l becae accomce o ome exen, nd e mu a of et ht e omat d ou e  o oe omebck excp he mn a some moment or noher d

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e r s Plce

he was nning wo that sense, eected to sve his e. Nor c those ho ft ce to pursue e w esewhere th s opropaand ay any mo caim to puty, for ey escaped direct comproise only b eing e ound fo whe, d this sense

they t ha pt in te raages of the Occupao Sever of oucoaes sked emseves te ueso d mde te est chice, t nog can tu te decision to a ue soution One cpoisedonese whether oe stayed or eft; no ones hds are cea whic isperap why the Ges found the coses of Mrte and seveaothers at Pas) We have uneed p morai and ee ndof g immoralism, whic is heay The mora an does nt want to c his hans. t is because he usuy as enough me, tnt, or

mey to std bac om enteses of which he isapproves an topepe god conscience for himself The commo people do not hvethat eeo: the gge mechanic had to pai Gean cs hewned to live. One of our cmrde sed to o to Re cheBoostore for the G philosophy books he needed. When e dyce he too part in te using and s shot by te Geans. Wee n the word, mned ith it, copromised th t. Tis is noeasn to sder that s eteor d to conne ouseves t our

h$hts, whch way e, even n the min of slave hidision of teor nd eteor s bstc. e e e word both toote nd too mch creit Too much becuse we bng wei to t when the time comes, and the tte, s w eident wit the VichState, is notng ithout ou consent. Too te ecuse it ouses orterest because we est  it, and the ish t be ee on the ge of the wo end our not beg ee at  A judgment itout wos is inolte; wod to wich hre can e no ry is nonsnse ;

my edom is inteoven ith that of others y y of the wod. Of couse, thos of us wo were neither Jws nor dce Counistscou mage to meitate dung ose four years : we wee not nedPlato or Dscates or rarsals at the Consatoy o Satuaymogs. We coud be our adolescence over aga, retu to ourgos an our ea s as tey we ics. This i not bng usny near to ouselves or to te spt of e mes Yet for al that wedid not get out of stoy Our nest thouts seen om Lonon Nw

ok, or Mosow, a pace the word, d the had nameeeves of cavesn even ei vaue as thouts was te as aesult O canot get beond histo and me; on can o ismanufactue a ivate etity n the mit, s aci as thett of te wo eieves he s God There is no vit st  oomy isola reams; spt ony ears in e ght of oe. We were o oe ee, we ete o o et men, nd

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48 / S N S A N D N N - S N S

no ore pue onounee an he Je he depotee hobecae pure ue unabe to ee and unabe to hooe o eeveeedo et ithout oe poe. eedot in ontat theold not outide it �

I h e edived one of e o dm. u eeM had to be taken up e fo i treatened on ouprea prejue. nde the pretext tha hitoy hitory of a tre d hat idooa onit ae ony it etruture aertan nd of Ma detache u  ituaon in ih e

fate of the ae i not iediatey at take t of i elasd the Seond Wod Wa a pei at eat thetevention of the .SR and ere not ntereted n it. ue htoyoud ecoence for the on the day hen the o ue odaa at ite Sce fai a afte no but a pooeave of apitai the Mart idnt have to tae ide n thi fay quae and hcheve facon on ade ite erence to etan of u thout that apit oud n o itf to be

r n a i at it d beoe d n a and at the\ae neie hh ave bth to fai od e eedo the prended deocracie The odde a a u an appeaance; hat reaed ea bnea that appeane the oonfate of the preariat of a naon and the profound oday of afo o apitai rou the te ontraion of th ee.Thu there oud be no quen of the naon proetaan n any ayaun reponibi fo the event n hich thy found eve 

voved n proetan in ufo an fee aythi bu oetaan.Th ertain on u ed on the n deiht at the ne ofoe Gean defeat d pretended not to hae the nera afaton. When e preented the ituaon of oupied ouny to hea the prototpe of an nhuan ituaton they did th bet to ove phenenon e or ene one of apita eotaod oppreon Entuted o he ta th the eet of hory theyndrstood patro ebeion bette an t undtood itf d

aboved it n the nae of the a tue nd yet hen ibeaoae hey cad it by nae jut ke eveyone eeThey dnt ave ve p a ode o d o The

peene of thoe fou yea had a bou bette unde o e onete eatonhip of e a ue to Mateoogy. The a ue no O a an deo onte o be ede o pe o

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The Wa H Takn Pla / 4

pont ou at once they become etabshed delogists have weigt of e own and et sty in mn the ame way that ewhel dive e mr. Tee mu be moe consequently to a alyi of Hiem th ummay claing t s a

apt epde. uch n y ndoube lay are teombaon o econom event hout which t woul no haveete u iaon que and t dene lly to ng ack to conact wth cu hto e mut take lc paculaieinto aoun and conider nam hum con a wl as itecono one. The at m no imply keep applng teaptwork foul om mechac way but mut n each newvt Uo o detne each cae the epenne oute of

hr etaa t. He t oblged to consder oppeion n occupd ount a a uface phenenon beea wch he th ofto o be ot. er not o te one e and theohe empcal; thee oly one n which evethig that happenplay a pa one only knw how t ntepret t. Fr a arxt n enc enonmen the Gemn Occupaon was not hisicalccdent u even o e t magnitude The Ge andnan ctoe nt equvalent om the pit of view f e

cl tge. N matter hw eacnay the AnloSaon govement ae an wh to e e ae cubed n he o coune bye ber ideolo and the ocal tuge mment eemegencento the pht g in ineet fo men who do nt have a hdede to lve and who would hve had to pend pehap fy yeander Fascst oppresion Maxsm des not ppe hit's ubjecve fact n favor of objectve ones t bnd e two tete Tedel of naonism caot be clased one ad f as bou

gei t funcn in hapig e htocal conc m e newlypeciated at eve mment d thi ncon ma at mes bereve and t oe e acona. Naontc feengwch no o ay chausm) evolutiona te Fance ofoday and wa o Thi doe no merely mean that naioneng ct opposed t e mmedte ntet of Fenchaptam d hat y a piou ck the Mt c ake i eehe own tge. I me t e hisocal cnjucue fees te

on ey om recon mortgage whch encumbeed nd authoe he prolet concioune to tegte it. One migt to gu a plc nng te aon c only be mean never d, ha ar paom a oy e acc andht or e t pgo o mor or eample ee the end evoo e o ctr, e eg of e mvmn of e mss to e'

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S N S A N N N - S S E

ao. Bu ev this knd f lguge  Mrs. I s  pcula aibut f Marxs no dsguish h means e d and ppl o y f polca hough hypaand l aavlla I o a qu o abug he a' gd

fh and lag hm whe hy d o h e abu oy anfo aonal fg n he  elut a uon f g he pa e ad e a a aunda do h ha a waed cuy e 2ce whh hov hoy ha dud odae pwe cpoa and noc ndpndece poble y hug dangou lao o whn h fawok of a So Confedeao f Sa whh ha cha bg eay exp

hough voluo T be Ma o ounce eec gv up n' dy a a Fha ae Tou Pa o fogo ndualy od blend he wd poleaa. idd o boe pa f he unva bu whou cag be whawe ae E Max ppve he wd pa o voluonay fao o og a ony x bjecvy, eonocanaly I bo uh a fa wh eae ha wold polaa and th nly happ ho he cd

pu o a mng a h ad au plaan uh ay ex h n cu d hu aecaoal whe ah he e m cmpgan fo bg a Ma

T um up w hae aed hy, ad we caha mu

be fge Bu ae we ee e dpe em? , ey he we ead hee ag d may he, wha e  em? We d ye 5  ec oh y aong ay A a wh wa he oved do o wa e beyd ha He ee he ue e a wa Th ala bjec p he abe he ce he co a a epy pe he wd He cee he bpon he chang ohg h e ad ee day co, e 

a anan bg h ev m eece had ba eTh day o howe wh he eg f he b dh clo hag: ce he b we e, d he ow wh ag; n h clh wee weabe d n hey e uof yl ad habby T eep hem ay oe wuld e mak he dad po e n; que e ppe, hey dae h deh he me ey he e w hee  me a me e e

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 Te r s T Plce l I

rsrv h nd h r ord sho s no as mag Q them ha h r n os ur ys d fevshser, bu ess mmory which h ings y inwih a h gh hv don vn h on o h v. W

hav o cour gn pt bu sinc wha concs us hrs  g no oung ges shod n g byond ourfe d wha y may cnt f db th?

no ovr bfor vrying had rady begun chgeno ony becaus o m's constcy bu aso bcause o e  ecessity. ty had been s dug h Rsisanc bcasroships er mos way mantoma. Ovr agains h Grm ay or h Vichy goen whr soci genrity rd as  

does machins o Sa h sistc ored h rar he f istoc con which ree persoa Th psycho- eeets of pca aco wee aost the oy esto apper here, which is h nteectuas eas ince to poics wert e en in h esistc. Th sistanc was ue eecr e  they we to prese its sp i t ew Frechpc ecase this eeece r awy h faos ea- of e oig, which conts a iteecs th fc of

c This was the source of that ai thro ager wch wseve se of o cres, usy so tete It is tovios ha  ance bewen action an person e wasiatey bnd up wi th conins of caese cs dcod sv i. n tis ses i ust b sd that thestce xpeec by mang us beee pics is ren-ship betwen m d man or btween onsciousesses fosere urusi6s of 3 d msed th th of e icrei power of

history hich h Occupaon augh us n othr oncon. Wav red th m iiui Th istace betwen ws d hs whom hy ppy is oc mor appn; onc againoe eses or X; n onc gn e go of so reses itsss fetures which me i cogza others mus agawo abou h consqucs wha sa iing h objeveg of ery wor, wt no hop of concig by th sheer fco th his i wha w d dung h Occupaon wh had

voi y pi gestur which mi ha ay ito e hs occupng orcs" Bu amng ds h w h ado cc which w hv ray os r we now gg osujec our wors ad gsurs t a coptey xteor whichso osd guy's inigaonhich enjois us nt t p to tds" o h rn Cuist, r oven F y w bgan rsn h

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I52 S E S E A D - S S

othin o o ha, oi� s , we have no coic bu o i i u. Inde is h, n h of aohe he fouders of he N.R.F int aos an pbc andon te value and he atudes of h . The ed o demo-blie concioune etu o uel ash


diengge hemselves o ory. Asureyand his is te poi an akeo e yes

have no aght o o ha onc judgd be oo, n th es o concienc it is st absu o id u bcas  as one's counry o k a mn bcaus h livs o oth sid ofth v, o anothe eon as a ans ahe han n. Wer o on, 939, o an ery, uth hape, anrpen elations among en, an o no abandoninhumni. T Wa and the Occupon only augh us ha lesem omin ad inded hav no al ho an cnomc anpicl inrtruur to e tem pciate in iene ha ismor in acual hitoy lue ar only anothe a f deignanhum elatonip, a te ecome ehed according o a mn'moe of wor te ntre o hi love and he o oe; inbrie, accorg to he ay he ves th hes. I i que no ofving p ou ues of 939 b of g them. mitn nts is no h queon, ad, io as uc on asneceay, i i preciely fo hav oc s tha canofov hem is oubful hth ann c b aom politic li, h h a col th a an 'spotic o socil laons coul b inegra io he huanelationhip B en if hav o uarant ha hs os ever e eize, e cn at lea e ey clerly h abdiy of annrnc yry le tiSemi and of a econ xpedent k facim And s i noug o m us nt to ryte oots nd rn and to puh ns o th dicion ofetive ery Thi otl k i no incompatil it anycltrl vlue o lierry k lieru and cultur a ene asthe rogreve aarene o ou ltile relnhip th othepeole and t od ate hn a tramndan cnique. I ruhs re od none wil hve o be hiden n man's coeence ithm, of hch the yer hav md s aare moas, octrins,thout nd cutom lw, or nd ord eres ah otherverythin es evthn outide his nque fuluraon ofstnc h s non

Je 1945

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I I / th S f uth

SL' reis were md r sieri in hee the nves d s wh eed the wrts dantechbers Th Dreysist pressrs o 1900 wnted jstie t apce. hey sd tht there hd t e retrieve i reeg thcasen cmrmsig he Arm Gener St d the ntindeee sie n t re wd e re ger d wdnt deerve t be sved. s ered tht itis shd beeguted n by wha we persn ee t b js r unjst t rsand rems by th cndions o stenc an by t ntinnteres, thou ch ther o b no cion an, th en,no jusc On occasion ss bnas o jusc b nvejsti hu buns, h eca. hror h am ofjusie se th atho o th bns had o preserved dreys e on De's snd. hes gments wr vinNeite g n ns cod accep Franes ig hersns f stenc orde sav he i. In s o rrei mvemen assmd h sm nctin o jdgig ndscdng, nd Ses hedqrers tk on th sk citen t h asrdtes o el ie rerdess o the cse-qees In the perd between the wo wars ms Frenh nteetsrhe t qei rm the it view mrt rGide r n, r Adre Vis r th er Argn r ret oreos ws aways righ o tel th in itin t th

veent the nn, or the prt neessry Even whe Mruredivered tht ey is the rst re iics hs tw et soer mp c th h no ccep hs a wi a strg.N dt h never did aept it cmpetey, si his reism cldno mee th tes of th RssoGen pc. French pe, c, u spok a uc h sus o

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other aon Daldier or Reau were treat somemes wthdgence d omeimes with contempt bu ny se never thuon or repet.

We ertay hve hnge. We have see t leds" as thesyg goes ghy or ony, we tbute oubles tench sm dependene. We are repentant We will notbe caugt the same p g Ech of us feel s sposble for hsountr r p as he does for his famly Before speing th weonsier he osequeces. We hae ge n propety v,but as the relt of weig or wrs an hean oly weighereplies, we ave acqred the rather base habit of ntereg, hint,tg phre. teectu recommends the pit of syneit men in the vocabulary of our e that he want to get gooh the Communits the Sociits rae ther eyebrows Astimonous, inuatg tone reigns prccy eerheretheone of Blz's a Spire of the ongrgton Stendh. Thee s playe derhdey The fs button Conseaes themselves sosts," reoluiones bak _ the oveent,eeyoe ree nrey, n the reslt s tht Qiscusions becomedogues of the eaf. Eerboy s rest   oppoist tactci- exept Beos, whoe er ike Raimus, s tooprectable mpresses o oe Mus ay buusiasm s rampat. Stendhal wo out s es

Does our oy hoce e between bein ether yn a ae?W must ake sure that ths dile s aoiable before we resiourselves to t Perhaps otmet only urts eeo of thoughtwen such omtment confued in the bence of ocl tking be bo to ccept l us and t tke a std rety N

potcl py Frnce cociouly tnk out it cons r opelystte wht it oing ach i ping oe ge As for ide theyre not fored in contct th the eent nd order to undetndt they e ideologcl ttte wch we ieted o the 1 9 centnd hich poorly clthe he fcts It i not uig tht t onlyigiies to choe o we do ot fee t ee nhee anloya to a party has become duous task .

Tw large it pre conol he moty in Frnce Thatshoud inect certin proletin nkne int ou oc t ussee how much ankness thee atuy is.

Te Commnit have nveted dening uot."· Theye the govet lst ter, u ow o hey e

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te Ske of Trut / 55

ccism to s loia conlusion whe hey themsves part of hegveen? Tey prtesed agnst the electo law, but hey begaby dlang tha te mnstes woul o ase es. Theyeended oing ui/, bu e nistes emne mebe

of a geent woe head in a aio addres, counseled a ve ouiui.1 They proested e aest o Iochese Ps, ut thshed respnsy for hese aests ih embers o hegovent. an end to usts he leco leaets prlamed e tsts ee ready hfea, a the had only t bed o. I  a sense the early Couist themes (the ass, aclonialism, atism) :g the polics otodays Cmunis ary. Ths is why Ac almost ways maaes

to ie e polics f the Pty a Mast ampanimet. But hethm s there the lone see a gding pciples, a isedent when Ac ves its wholeheaed appo t he poliies oe Bg The.· e funon of Mst deas i o longe so uch teee pi as to men on it d to ve it of M.The to thins ay look th ame t ess obsee, bu t 01�9ool Mast hey as dstnct as th og-a bn ani om he Dog a heaenly conllaon. E e U.S.SR. takes a

d aganst oloniaism i cnnecon wih e Sa the facttat it has nt se p soiets i y of the coe whic t oupieforces one to ait that e liberatn of colonize counte has easedo be a uondional pnciple f Rssi olic Ts o ot methat e has ee eriais pwe as people aualyy. mpeism leads to eloing akw" aons o the ' dae advaned unie whi o here seeng heap la, aateals a et fo the anuactr goods n iese

posies, a which as a esl usully t n the iteest tokeep he ny as bakwad as hey ound it. I i cetain hat, ordeto nterae e eonomies f e ounes unde its inuene nt itsown te U..R be led esabs-hehe ely o otasiaisc mehod of prduin ih the eslt that he Russiaocupaion in fat be pressie." Bt it als seems sre ta te.S.SR. o longe proeses e idey of s eonomy, o, moeexay, that todas ussa he reny themes have beome

Dng he foaon of he Foh Repbc 15 naonl eeendmaskd he oong wo qsons o b answeed ui r nn:

I ) Do yo ahoe e egsaos t ne Consn? 2 ) Do yo ppove e poposas of e osn Goven on e d

on d powes o e egsae?-ns.2 m Ma pon o e e g Tes o cose s o cos

efeabe Rssas solaon e Wes b  I s no y t e nvess poy defed by Rusi .

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IS6 / N N

an igy in t ue ne e wrd a clectn oseojuttin Snc 97 Mam hd homeland and iincat in a certan part f te wod. h mmnt n teCunt hav ad to defend bth th d rt of

Mm ju a Spanih athlcs had both te veCur wth it cler and it taeacle and bl Curcwch dwel in hma et and relatns h tw d ntaway g tgether. Aco deend e ody o Mar$m by prtngt plcy te g ree b ne certainly cann cm ta it iutanuly deeng it prit c ars hs always beente to cret domacy and o ower ptc" among te a tte. It uld be clear at flos tha opnin it would

v n inan m a Mart poin of view to acrce e.S.S..'s etenc t e abtrac pciples of a picy adtht te n cre of Svet pcy i amly elaned by tetntn f revoluon ugo t wd by mradangr i wch ti place te S..R. be la andprp jufy as inetable canges wch hav occued inComun pcy let s rst rece tese cange. h CmmuntParty i playng a dub gam in at alto it i eectvelyprtra and ek daly agtatin o clac proletaantee t de nt dire any brek wite tabd gvementand at the decive moment de watever i ecea avd such aruture8

e St Party' dbe gam cnit cnung tyleit Mrt wl lvng nr t urnce t burg. g be btter t bae ne' ranng n events wc a areayvr nd wt nd w nc i r tt vry ren lt. e rca te tg o n Blum' nkng: e had bend by te nect te avrg rt n tcant and te ere pwer nde a burgeis em. A ew year lter e acceted t tee as i wn. he leade f a partyw r it M nature at each annal cngres agred drec a opa Fron epemen aimed a prong hcntns f orkers wit te capta amework In ourprgand" e ad in May 936, have ed t anlyi of eecnc c t conden te peen scia egim. W havconcld tat o rs suld be rected a subtg f is

Ts onon is no y bele by e css c precee te foaof e seo Gulst cbnet Deste te eots of e eacon press present te Counsts as es e fc emans e aee ae pr  a oent of nonl uty c toee Ssts te olly te ou of tentyto cabe ntets e oug Msps maj- it is - ns

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Fo te Ske of Tth  

ety another which i fndamently deren and wc etabih order and reaon where we now ee ony conacon andchao: . . . Btand I wt o ay th the ame kne andte am catthe ak of the olar Fron oernmen . . i

der derent an cae at reen. There i n ociajoty; there i no roleta majoty; tere i a Poar Fronmajoty. . . . From t it follow that we mt work om nde tereen reme he ame regme whoe conradon d nfewere montrated in o caaign . I bif, i i a qeon ofknoW whether in the aework of the preent reme, it i pobleo garntee adeqate ef f e mee of oe who e en.B there i n need ceate a ne ociety caita can be

amended, and it cannot, there i no need to ntate a Poplar Fronteemnt good fath wthn te amework of catm There eiden contracon between the Marxt reme and therefor concn Lon Blm ted to h i b eenn teolar on a a tranional hae It i a mater e wen on, ofknon whether mnd and thng ca e preared for the netableco of the reme whch reman o ac and or goa b heaon we acp iide the preent ree . . e queton

whih o eement t o the naton een more rgely thn to epart how te hge oe abo , whether tere i aoty of t beg eeted, I repeat, peaefly and aiaby"

Th he Popar Front cod be itereted in two way. On tene hd, t old be een a a oy ttemt to rng ot the orderd jte l to e fond n capm, n whh repet it ced forthe cooerton of men o good On te oter hand, t a teegnng o cm, nd Lon Bum, a a ot, od t ew i

otere Hence um' tw wy o tkng: te utnce f wt hed { ue eder nd to te ente w hat trke and ezeof cte re eg, bt they et. he hoe i p t yo Yo caneter ke e ecer oneo d ee lwfne reet-ed or y reue to mke tem and then yo haely yorele o bame for the reoon" To the roetaan oeron the conrary, he d N one an mantan a we are egaged nin borgeo ocety nce the downfal f ha ocet i in ret

ccomed fat" The refrm of 1936 were abgo, preeted to ue leader a a garan again reoton and toe ae a the be f i Thi doble ame wa no hone

4. is and te previous statement by Blum ake om his Address o Coness of e Socis P (SFIO), Ma 3, 936, quoted 'Ercic duOOiT, pp. 555

Seech badcast nany D 3, %3 quod d

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58 / S E N S E A N D N O N · S E N S E

ete sd e bness eder eeo Qe ey e e bw ey were beg oeed agins revolutio s e True,ey se n e cs of ne 1936 ey conceve cerniraon for ses of sc dscon, pyed e ge of

eglty o nuy B ey did no forge eed retghbe coing n w ws so deeed no o be nvolved trg e revolution-nd en e cony's fever hdbed, hey uncereniously disissed Blu in poliics wasno e loyl owrd e polett nsion coiion goveent would be cncevble n Ms pespecve, bu y ooon he as of proving refos s n poin of fc possbe, f dew suppo o he sses ech new obsacle, opposing

aiaen need be, nd if plyed e ge of bogeoi eglityoy to e buges ineccy e oe obvous poletapty cat be sincee with eveyone in ie of bier class sugge; can eiher be scee with the poeta and us fore deceive cais or it can coply ih capitlis's ccepe ensan h the fl, unives ules of oty, in hich case i deceves the peaat Lon u's obectity nd ineectualhoesy ae pised t the skes hat ne fls see is ha ths

oecive anne ths at o tatg the revoluion as eyccopshed sl to coe vr s pst for wch w rrsps is fauule Such anesaions of ectity ae dupees when e e cncene with ansog he wod hen coneplng . I is disnest fr Mist politici opostulate ny unvesal ru or olity, since ais is theo ofrevoluton, which opposes he cpitisic wold o ts poleanconerpa nd foces u o chose eween the On May 31, 1936,

Blu sd o the Siist ty Should insountle esisnce orce s o conclude h ode sciety cnno be ended fo he side I myself would be the s o coe n ell yo so OnDeceber 3 of sae yer, nog e pesisent pnic ruos,e oding nd e idrw of cp, e did no u iscontens s e d posed b once gin tr. ust Irepet once ore t we no oclis goveen, e e no ing-eihe ectly nsidiously-o put te Sociis proga

no prcce, h we re ong coplee oyy iin ewo of presen nsttutions, presen sociey, nd e presensyste of pve propery " No frer enon o e nevibe de of cpts or e c ow socalis rog e oplrront ether he sse noneeno oc eon, e 

6. ExTcc du pouoi pp 55. 48

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FO h Ske of h / I59

936 seches rema fr ther onst at fsca i y t pt It wa Her and Muss-never th ps Rpubcanwo Bl wanted t onnc oance's Qyty I dos po "   arnt

wod whc hse as a member o a bourgo Pen but noti he o world e chose as a Ms. o d pronw sas that Un Blu no lnger belivs   M l uhave n �o t yal

t y neessary t rerad duson o sme oci Coness. A ar ba a 96 Blu wa gg pit f a as an wc respect t an nterest-tself understood   a onsave ashion Nothng ubtratd om 

Mas. O p add: e naon ineest. T rt of thiinocent hing up s tat ociism is no longer an unknw fueI is ead er; t reigns verywhere We e in actu conta w tand hls o fes or u

A s th attud towad th Counist t would appece sad uair th Communiss had had any eseaona10ut ho g Three decsons wh hated Fance, we wouldieaely have oposed joining u wih tm. t ne feas est th

Si a too deed at s ament. e l it amog thks ih entail a ansfoaon of he Cmst ay iself,a the Sciists wold be t todce thei habits o citics sn. he gee y oes aeqae f at athey fe e Counst Pay s not onl an vy bnd dvoon the SS t the petan st whic te Pa cones toest in spie f its taccal tugs. enc poics ocaionlks ke a scene om  cmed of ors the Communist ar

ch, because of s compoiio and ts popaanda, was inld hs ley emed a las pa, aches the pont f exendingis hd o te caists d eve o cetn bourgeois pes, wereae S (who sce 96 have bee oened od a oic the pubc nest") d the bourgeoi pies whic deny th classe cie, peted not to see the hand wh s oee toh and refse e chan th would v e t ecur hneiy of the pletaat.

I a societ   h t proletaan mvemen cled self thNaon Font" at n pn d t onseave mentty labels7 Alhough th Cost Paty hlp appas wok cla 136-t

whch Thoz' aous phas us kow how to a sk b wts v us s o c codc ts ppts I tuabout oat by dscpl ao; o ls that t Cousts owub t ac s a a y

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S E N S E A N D 0 N - S E N S E

sf Socas, oc ad he  ss of ees ohlp bng vr cofusd Thr ar das av o buad h polca oso f ach of us s o uch dd ba ca umbr of hss hch subscb as b our ahrco o of h oppos blcs T b a Couns r Socals the level s n lgr as ng d W a rachda sa of poc ons f hch hr s prhap o ohrxap rch hsor Th oos f Socs a Cous, sa on of e  Ca Docras, oo b aspossbl o d and couca n hs counr, hch oncpd slf a Thbaud's ord for n pug a hol vof l n s ocs, as oos of Rpubca" ad Deocra" h Ud Sas. as r a ca ar abu h osung h Brussls upsng o h u, n on  eabou h sloss of h purg, ad coclud h h ra, hbg sh as g aa. Ts s ho aoc" aarXs" o rd 's s. a rcn cosaon h apoc rac, hs auhor ha omu Pa as nolongr ral afr a rupur and ha h uss r oarsghd, h oul a h os of hs oppu. A ous a of lrs, b o ans poor, as rs a s xchag Har approvd an a a for mmen s unorual o quso of ag up 's polcs ag.

On gh b pd xpla h f ou poclg b ha of our counr. W a scodran pr. Ourpocs an o ougs ar longr aooous; h o longrspg o us Our dcsos ar d o a choc b ocnrs of aracon, h Russans or h Saxons. ac s o

coparab o hs Cra and Souh Aca sas hr hpaes ar u rpsnav of forg uncs and hreoo's o funco s o mas hs ucs. Bu hs xpaaon oes no ge us vr fr. Bg no lss cfusd han . h sam aon an h sa braon of das s vrhro b s. Nhr ocnal s or docna lbrals anogr ss. Tu, Mas r lbr das a s b usd spchs b has of sa, bu o h jus nsruns o

oac ons and dn. Th Aanc Charr had b gforgo h sud rappad of Tru's spchch n ohr rspcs as hrag. W ar sll ug h pocalvocabua o h 9h cu bas, proara" , ad socabua adqua xrsss h oca forcs hch acuacono us. h cass sug as. W a an abguousomen story Neiher cpiism nor reouo s o a

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F t ke of Tth 161

moe bea atm ue o t o utue an cannotpojec t te o a oe theoy a beaue Mam-ee it ta  a abe uene o the moe o ouon an theecoomi uctue o thoe un i wich t ha tumhe-ha 

as to anmate a oetan poc. Pe once too p hobem o the ot' oub ame Aco The rncebtwn �e oube ame o th ounst an ha th nwSoa ' i he that the o a the att annot atwat tey ay a a ount hae n oube acknowngat ut e bak o he cucon prgao nnovang th y an the jucy are ipos wot aout o i he uth The ount Py wats bohoon ho wh no ags bcas at s tgont toy the outry annot ev hout ouon h tCost h non to h h oe ga i bas on actSocm o e onay i a mycon bcau it as psrvc to opo o h t ct s s prpng or.Hr ony on thng tht h Const Py h not nab naona nsco o h pg o h Uroy an it nooaon nto th a m t thr vooryoncson that Const nsr hav an n hr oc whn govet abog g an aagaon an hata n a the oiy o ato vouo-an th nc Hrv ce ac o the oub ae-ha ptros btr thneouon. t eecty ue that ao can e nta noMa e et nton o me an ae. But t rtan t u haat t wo hae to how at each st the eoonaycaon o t teaon he Thoz ame ba rom Mocow

at nte he ee o e ontay that uaton ha t tThe aee a the bi ot taum the Voe 'v wa eny ue he au ben the ambuty o o poc an the wa iate bity man to be co.

Vry pe e tte wou ay : the onuon wch wee ome om te cea icecy bewee the objce anth ubjce itaon betwn e ca truge whch   acto o ee e oneto wt eery concete

qson an he iea whch crcat by the par n wce any oh o h ue I't the ey thn na's rach? Wou t not b scnt t a what s t stan ay e a Ma chema to e rsnt n or oagn th pa to ae poc once agan trasprt anoa hoce oy eay once aa? Doe't a t Mao e be e o mat an o am

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nce nd otme och e started, since ch a pcych prolongs the eective movement of st i bt opn to us d capable of mamum eciecy? Masm es nt e tag abt ay a s vau ar as ty a abatd help s me b ring them aa om heir lives trcicts, and thei ecessary coies Bt te dt ia sm is not, the last analsis, the acce of ve fats, mort to reism t i te iea of rplacing te verb mality wpreceed the revoltio ith an eective mrt, creatg a ciety inhih mraty is truly mral d destroying e mrity tat etsrake, outsie te , by reag it in ecv huarelatnsip I the Mst vie of histor, morit is ven te 

bargn oud nt the rescovery of the Mst spiratin conaly aimated Sociists as as Csts be eugh ake l he aciaveia eming ash and witP it a te pleg uty f the scpuls telct's psi?

abstrac d ave lon frgets that cprmise ad e dble game e nt arbitrary cras f pat but e t xpressin at e pcal levl f te wds it itan t frgetstat, after e of equivcatin, comproses hve mled in

their o ag, that they have acquired a cein it f teir ownd ha no pl eta coversion, o atempt knowledge,anatio, r propagada be enogh to dissove them en are toa great exten med e o comproethat i, te topfg they compromise We said that oday the las truge ismasked Tis does o mean ha it cone unchy og te e laid do ms clasica orks and i iply vee byrs M thoght the clas trugle could not bg abut revolon

as lng as it as naare f at it as he so tugt tat preeed prces makes uch awenes evitable, he farat fo ant of understaing its own stor, the orl may rt adisslve ito barbasm t may be that e have reached tis very pite prltaat is to aned a a class to rmain an autmusfactr of stor at present. Toda, ntead of the proletaans evrcut g p agst apitsm, e have a capits t apartby inreasiny vilnt cntradictions oletarats e ie amg

tmslves and are mre or less wo over class cabratin a otp o tis a State has siaed prduction but regulates itselato ith oer States ng te ne of ion diplomacy dtrategy and doe not penly seek to nite the cattered prletaatagainst apitism The naon, geogaphical d psylogicfactor ch tersec he lass ge ad h blu e broad s of to- brf storc ds" to ak 

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FO t Ske of Tth / 13

Egelshve no been rebsrbed by the aors whch onsderdessel. e re not sng tht ts fct reftes s sce x ped ou hos d bsurdy were ne o possblwy r story to ed He ephszed the roe of onngency n

hstry: he forbe oe t hpe tht the ph of st con coldn beauf sess wch hd had a ernpeged onts and hc wold s hav d rely o  preoned ven story.

The os goros Msm has nvr bn abl, n r o orprce to excle coprose d e ccopg deret ostoy ch w e now wtessng e Soet ove o 197w fo ed o v st t oe t ters th fatu suaons

n wh col not bsty vo bgy or presee bso-ltey r chcter the soy t ws aki on t& be-hf son s i ws orgzed t ws oonted th prle f e pece ety. The Rssn y uttey ustd andr by e operaons o 19417 old n g on w wry lgr. e So govee hd o sk fr sce. Ddhey hve s a pace ey? To ctue the hste y wld be o sk osg e Ocober Revoln

d gned Sing a aty th pes e ould sg crdn or bg sprad b bogeos goveets h her was onvc beeen Bn d Russi revoluns d so s sappo Wst d rn prets ro a Ms perspev hd o es ohoos bween Geny and h es d propos deorapeace o th rkrs o aons. Suh a ppsn as nddme, b o urs reed a ded etter he ce o h

boois govnts h her non prolas we n hd.Beg us able o h vn suan, en rldcoct it ws necess t e std bot t. pty was spt. proposed drg ou the negoons BresLovsk nd sgnhe trety n th eve o Gen tu. w should have o for h success h rvoion" h sd w would  obed t d so h Gen revoluon wold b y morporttthn o o. Bu when e? Impossbl

For the oet there s ntg e word re porn hn o revolon. It ust be potected y cost" Bun and th jty the py used ny geeent th pes pwer nd werfor rvolo w. Trotsky wed to brk o ngons n hven of a Gen ulatu, to declre peac esbshd d facwthot a ty d, shod the Gens launh oensve o sa bayn po ay ch od no ambs dr s

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condtons. hs soluton pvad. h Gan osv took placeand th Sot dlgts had to sgn wtut ang a ay wsconons w muc hsh than thy wuld hav n t usss ha vn n soon It was not a goo soluon c sshad n os to e So gvn and th wd poat hadphaps not undestood. h Sot govnt's conduc oul hvn copltly aona oy the stkes whch took pac n Gy d Ausa n Oct f 9 7 ad paayzd the Gan yd haldd second oluon ad vn hstoca ason tscce b stoy ad not esonded o solctaon. ad factn necssay o a wt G mpalsm nd Ganoops wc g e cad e d on e weste ont dps convctn o h meng of stoy as e pvntdth gatst ast m cog ht te way of hsty e faomabl

e he Rd my was ogazd e cts of soldsom t mp gmnts sn the od dscpe g. The shouldncfo be oy olts mltay ahoty was t b dcntalzd econ oce we o e dsmssed. A acon of e patywantd delop hs spontanu movmen to a nw ho ofw: no me ofssonas lecd dscentz ay-soy gh- t ay of mpes Stat. Tenc wa spalst waf he evoluon bgs wt moemen meg wa conductd by small dtachmnts mplong ps ofwapons and ackd y popul suppot n a wod gula wfa.hse deas smed ogca nough: ow n s phloophy ofsto coud e olon lp bu bng ao basc changs n

y ogzaon and th at of wa as n all oth aas vthss Totky wh wa en n chage of nspecng te ay ot:A f tha was extmly astac d a ottom an dalzaton fo waknss. h so nce of cl w soon ok own thsprejdces. Evn on consd the class stug as t ssnc fhsto d consqenty fao pol soons to eac patculapolm man to b sn whethe the oces whic will nallysha th oa ie isty irectly eteine thi o thativia eisoe histo

he voluton and the poltat'sfutu n the wod mgh composd by wanng ve th ya voluon and polaan sucture too soon. h pol s tocognze the potaan sp i eac its mometa gises he chaos of the guela ndtakngs otsky wn on as th expsson of te dsde o e oluon. h suge gans te gla wa consqny attl fo te poltaanoc spt g th nrcc t lmnt whch ws

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FO te Ske of Tth   6S

tnng t undn i." Pls wih prla fo ma beranar i fat. Marst an prsuppos cnree vie ofparuar rumsans and pobable ane, crtareadg sry ts what s kly-and whaever eor

suh radin may mp-and t cannt in any cas be meacadd m thry It suld pred conuall and mpl to "; prmise ay m Ms tan ism."

The t of what exhasng dsssins tok ple to eabsh thet n" i e rst ears of he Revoluti ha ote bee tls the mst cosco ac of th pletariat, hih ws therevlu roes, qsion isl as t what it miht be d anta tha prie momet of st Iee ee a roblem bot

the part lne, nce er i e mbit b history Le  t t forh eory of tis dilt arch the pciple of ue rse omewhere betwe efsm" a opportnism, hef !alade i u Cuis8 Bt as' t ctracoJ �k objece cte b ich st cmrose mht bedsnish om opportuisc one? If uch ce h este,hr woul hae bee no ee fr the par t tem, ecoculd in evr inst have been dedu an thre wuld ave ben 

mr problem abut e in I ave te gh said Lin t hanv m oe o ief I under tea of ea ohave aed as sn as I c. I d nt have the gt t jo an f vEs ad pt m ther hets. It i bvious that thiscti prs dsive semnt ly extrme cass an thaone pass m ad cmprmses t ot nes b mperepibleta · Tis wh one must, a Len said, ut on's own mind twr t nd one' bens in eah paula case. To pt i anher 

y sme mprmss ar ly in ln and epresnt the te Mstintransigne me inansigne a asact an pet-bougnd ar atuay unrrvlutnar and utside f the exrmecas hr is nng bt st of pbab to e ecde. To berprly apprasd ty reuir cran Mast or arsprptin f the l d wld situan hic o e lvel tnt r gnius But h ne s t tnt at exatesmat-suiny cauu an u -f hat po

ible at eah moment hapn to be lackig? It i sble to sip mast or icca cnadic nto opprtunsc cmprmiseecase ere o oic erence betee them That i why eii not t o mose Tot oppic olo to eblm of at o e attr olo cot R

8 ad s nfn k88 f n Cmnm  NYk 92 .

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Btic pces Te most bant Mat cognizes a possibii eo, devaion, and caos s o deiions Te deciivoent coes wen a ma taks up ad caes forwrd e corse o

gs wch h hiks e reads in obecive iory d te lastalysis t omn he has to d s is ew ovents

Maism ev excluded om th theortic lan ambigty t ncours acn T spontaneos deveoent ofbjec sto ca gv us no mo an crtai conergencof facs, and ol isoy as it is tought and wished by men can mak univoc ma mg om hat iven aangeent On anohe

occason otk ote, e wole itcl roces s te e ofg as seen rogh foriou To ue te language of bioo ,one can say tat e raonal re of ior coes abot g anar secion of acen facs Consios a acivit deveo on bais becng e aidnal to an i eon"Acen facts-tat is, te iolated fact wic ot neeary tote oal sitain-iaea o sory of ir on aod forwant f hisoical suports, ageements, and cicies, jt as

mutationl monses sapea b temelves acorng to Obecaus y copaible wih general of ranis selecion, howver, onl garanees e decon of nonabesyes and iaon socies does not garanee aearanof a nw abl fo, wch wo presoe a seeco g i b a dea Thus s consiones wch iivy reaoo isory by nn te onlaon of fac in a ar aEvery cal undertain s oeng of a advenre ine it is

neve guante by a absoy aonal srcre f n Iway ol tai utizaon of ances, ad on mst always cug th ings (ad people) to e ent at an orer mtbe xtacted o em which was not given wi tem Tere sways possibit of a imense coroie, of a o decawhe class suge, alouh strong enough to destro, wod not sucn powefl t consct and where te doinat es oistory, as catd te Cmuis Maiso wold be eraed

not, t pperaces, at ts poit now? Wen, instead ofonnui ses of eouns hrouou Europ t RsiaRouo aied soated fac of bougois wod ( ad,vn mo l, whn th wa heand t USSR's ve snc), ussi ad om to ts wh bogeos ovementsa d on op ma th mo sp bed clsgs ouou o o , ocsm one u ws f sin to wb e UR d to pt.

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For S of Truh   I&,

aer e wheer the  U.SS .R g or ig not he genaoer dirco o io t c mmnt hthe t erywa ipoed by the fcts, or whether, on e con, it set them inmoion e h Inteon ght rhs h wen

b�geis gvens om win by leng worl rolett i0ther wy But it is me ely ht t wol hv Rusi t h doo by leving he one before  agio Wateve eeao stgnon of eoluons th wol ol rontac he moe retts an te ecritent n heoe-cl foon of Counist s too rooly to o one t hopfo enewl o oen ss sg ne utur o e tropse to the ns oluony ores wich ey wl nt f

Tu ead o w lely en ctors hisoy o co� f cpit Soviet Uon wch s oblig e wibog9i Stes; Comunist es hch y h oics ofPop Fonts or s in s f Itly este epon eopmet by th impct of Soviet owe pocsburgei pes ncpbl of g ohernt eco ocy but e weaeed aio cociou o e powerlee ad vaguelwo oe o eoloism" wic my le em t tempor 

uderandig e Lef en M eai e" in tht ca amt of the roblem of the moes of rcn wopara e egreive orce o e progreive oe, ice eihe of he  forces s ery cociou he  oldMa pespece oes no eve e paricul fetes of r e Iead it er fctdel, to ht extet one ca gra he skepcl histon tt itsinerprao of io i abrac ad arbi.

If fter gng cool Ruia beg ccepte by one-tir of the Fench eople, M toy seems cp of ging deaied elaaio o t io we ng he eeal readf iory wc it epaaed out r toy tane, in e  ue oeve wih e ao ad psychologc fcos wich it conidedecndary bu whch no oery it oesnt i prove ht oi in

io i ee a eeg cou quly a no perpecivei preferable t oer, ad doe his e lead s t epic?S't poic abado he ie of bsing itself on piloop ofiory n, tg he wo s it s no mtter wh or ishes,rems or jugents my b ene is ens n its mes by whtth facts hoz Bt n t iout rv, heh t r ot w onn t shs,

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s, a a phlooph f so. as bee scienl o ha, afte emosta h iaonali o htoy heskpc abup abando his mehooloical scples he comes to a patil ouion f oe ihe te

aco, ce facs inee b cosid ominan ·otheseon. No ma how eatic i he o , no matt hosly ae on facs, a skeptil polic olie a (at liity) etai fats as moe impott thn othes nd t thextet i bos a mbasin phiooph o htoo hi slie the th ouht ut whih i o le eeti o exmple aulate he fue o as a uio of th Britih Eme,the Ute Stte o the USSR den th one d y

the eophil chtei nul eoue, an utepyholoic tits n pont of f hitoi keptii i lysconse, althoh it cannot in al stes exclue aytfom its exptationot ev a eolutony phe o htyUnde h petex of ojetivity i eezes the utu d elteshg and the o m om hitoy h it ve it i yfin ats by admitt he neeit of an elte eey oiy ooedg th oot o tu ihd gol

coditio it al mai a be, en a peeen an ah and ami a epoibit. nte o be uy sbiiv to th fats ad omet et e oud hve oej a asmpions, a a o phloophy o hito, eilhat skeptical p ha mn alays ac foolihl bin ominatey he pas an extrio cas o el b a fw oue hooouhl nesa hem, toa oals of hh the kow noth Thee oul b no ho if eeythg ma sen an f h

ods eelopme as nthn bu the iibl ealizaon of aatioal plan; b neth oul he b an hioo aco ohumty ythn au o i the oue of evet wsominate b a fe asi a naleabl facs like h BsEe o te pyhooy o the ede o th o h a,aft a el pocs of th pas a o no css na ofutu

To sm p, ca no lone ha a Kata system of politics,

eue h a syte s o oned wt onequee wheahe we ac i is n o poc xtea eults, o jt o mka eture a eas o coie W cnot h keptal poitisbeaue, appaas o h cona, chooes it os make aslectio of facts hih hen aks s to eogniz) ao oaus i os o aco, popos o a io o sb on as s ac N c o ha

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FO t Sake of Tth / 6g

roleaan Mas olics on cassic in bs olichas lot ts gp on he fac Or oly recorse i readn of esen whch is a fl and as atfl oib hch oe oejce ts meang, wch eve ecognes chas an nonsnse

we� ey exst b whc does no res sc drco i events whee they appe Take, for xample h resl ohe Fench electons d, alar e ros ComnisParty has ae snce 1936. wold be absrd o beleve a wha isat sake s simy he oleaas roess owar class cosciosnsand rvlton. Bt s eqaly mposs to dle ha he fac isgat. e nw what the skepc wol say hee he SocalisPa pd ts mee and ped vtes ts patotc tacs won

k te fy St tes, a o natnaons werh a a sp to the pletaan voes. Dng ths tme the So- g ed o e oui/oui a ad h ete bloc, 91s f e as In s, ng haschanged the names. Notg has happened ths on Thst te Ler as t pt , te mmanent sinissme"of Fn plt is only an appeaae, for the ares ae slppn th g we e ont ses t te let

Bu ne wold be very wong o beleve ha names ca cnwtho thngs cangn . Smehg s happeng al the same theay a Fen peasan voes ommn fo the rs me hs lfsme s happeg te pa, wc s moe by s newrecrt, b somehn also hppenn th easan nd ha iwhat w wold lke o know. hat s tays nch ommnst lke?Wha does he hn of smal fas relgon, mory, hoelaoe? ha, nally, oes he wannot ol wth s deleate wl

b he ac isible in h amly relatonshs his mod ok or eranmn? C e ren be nawar of hose vmlon renmen robaby e mos resol and h ms vmon s, who ave js voted for he ommns Pary? d lkeswh is oday Sove Rssan lke? ha e h views on e odeah, the Wes Geany, fmly moralty, and lov? ssa rmieoccy ar of Erope, ad a few newspapemen av eerad in ob en hey descbe he Rssan oces n Pae

wth ther ne mne and her kssng of hans, was eher wh conservives llnared delgh or convets e, oth all t eagero rove ha h Sve js ke evebody els The ac is we hav no no yn bo h USSR. or a leas sx ye or nfoao 1939 as been rovd oress by h wRssa condce an on i ar One ca e sae ocalsdeog Eo si ow c

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zchsloaa and Yugslaa and tw may each France enow alost nothig aout natonalizatn : h mds the roale pact n productn, r ther eld Nor d we no antgaot r saon n U tats r Great Bta What i  Egs worr? Wat s t ran Adsra e? Watare t nnce o capst crcl n the Unted States? How doth sage tr ture? Wat prsctvs would e pend up yte er pssle rcan dprssn? What assstance ght theUntd Stats d Russa gve toow to te ecostructon oEurope? e are caed upon t coose etwen the nted State andRussa, ad we coose accorg to wher we re lier tedctators o te proltara, wete our rst thout i o ecnscon o the class struggl, iut asng oursels tr teUnted States (whch l ergd r the Depresson ecause ewa and whc i traend aotr css, erap eve orsrous than that o 1929) e al t guarante t citzn erty any lengt ie and assun tha Ra roounlychane te 20 yea, can e dend ly a oletaandictath-ithut asn ursle whethe the ted Stat want to undetake the ecnstctn Euoe d u hat

Russa alway e aord n te task ts own ecotconad nevr be ale t artcipate in urs he j f Fench nteectual o t mntan the donay hytea atmhereo the aue fe and teors whch part a mytc and ostuee chaacte to French poltcs ut i rathe t ae tck h centur and the aguus or wc t oe u tk tan and fac, ths aguty cae t e no longe erelenue bu udtod, then u olca le h ease t be

haunted by hantos and gt rece a te reatySuch the task r te ears ahea But what we t d atsnt? Hee we huld reac a recse understandng with eade Enuh author n te past yes have sely one beynd"ar t make us careul to sngush ourslve th To gobeynd docne, ne ust rst reach t eel and e etterelanaton o whateer it expls we put a quesn next tosm, it is nt caus we prr soe cosevatie sohy

hstoy wch wuld e evn ore astract We ar nt ag that tcla stge evr pla ssn rol wold hst Wsply dont now Evtsor xal a rsson Aecamay rn t raly int te orgrnd We a o sang that atreent it i asd ad latt ad at a proan rvolo France, it wre t take pace wuld prove loaxon een we houd be careul that nothng we help t chec te

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For the Sak o ruth  

proeta movement t eves roout te word If ere s astke, be for te kers If ere s cii w, be fr e retara Dowatever s o power to avoid a cnict between te nied Staesand ssia I  sort, prse wat is, eec, e y e

Cist Par econst wit e preaat r e moment,ere is oing lse to do Ony, we pay tis waig game wiotsns at e resls o e m an wit ning ti e nae of diaeci. D we know weer a diecic s essand weer istory te end be raon If Masm s s tre,ten e reiscvr t on te pat of prevaing tr and teays of o me


9 We thee es ee itte Ruia preure o Yugoavia, which ito'sidec as sc made evdet, was ess doee o es ko ace te couie e circe uece, Rusia was folowig a

e alog tem a fary bad automy-to judge by appeaance, he advesaes woud say, but who woud dey tat the Bene ege wo Gottad's was ssib t agi-a ecey t acceerate by aedy icsio t te Cout-te ormao of ee, ew ciasuctures h coues Wte e wic wou spare urope tve of pepe democac o reactioay poicies, Stat cum oe tiSoet cuade Sice , we the Wet was shapig up a war mache,

he USSR-havi eed to pesmism, pure authoty, umatu, madt ecesy oCommust et t stat ceary, ude pa of mystcatio,why wa ot Ct, a wu ot ay case ut p a ibe t fo thsystem ± des o me tat we this wa itte wi the mewor  wat was sbe, e attude expreed her was ot se as ewc a c s t scs

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Fait ad Goo Fait

P HERV was ght ' his recent reply o FaherDailu.1 T ve Cahlicism s due, it s eay ci Ciia andpcal exs r indiidua acs whch pme e+¢m and ppse ies f eabihed rees Bu i is evn eaie d exs ihe Cahlic ta whc are hsle eedm



Cahcism is n mel ceai umbe s n um fdiduals; t s mache an su r veme h anver-a lgic, which is unquesinal peang reaca  reci despie ce texs an dvdual semets, r ev wihhe hlp he abiy wih ese ceae ee wa ce a ugCahic wh was led " he Lef b he deads f his faih hisws e ime whe Dfs iaued es ·Siais gveme b seig e iglas scs f aA aze ipd b p P M he pes was sd e spd b he pge f u e ii es. g s d a fse mks lg is d I e ide f l e sai a a a e eesabihe pe ha i had he riht a pce fce sce washe ppr gvee, ad a e Cs as Cacs, hdning agns i, alhuh as ciens hey wee ee cnsue i Il fe e g man ve fg is men He d eFaer (a l and geneus as was see lae) wh had sced hese pinis an ld hm simply hat his jusie hewkes pin f he Cahlcs : scial qusis hey ca nevery be cuned

Hes ccsm s hwever, cmplee. t us t senments


Dc 14

, 194


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ait and Good it 173 

the Cathoics back to the context f sttu Caocsm pontcal doac. It shifts te discussion om he plane of das tthat of acts. But is s the ve eason t eve connce FathD�ou. One can mane  eag He's onclusie tt ut

uoincd. Hw cu he sarate Cathoicism owhat h hs tnks and wants? I  hs wn ees the Caoc sproessive alhouh for ohers the Caholic s eactiona. RrenFathr Daniou fes hat he s f just and bld n hs pocinng, nd as a matte of fact e s. u we see  ol thouh the soc od whic he nhabits, just as we se in consciousnssy hroug at channg psc bdy a en past wccas sit wiht or the consciousnss tsf. Fahr Dailou

ae tha the pat gives the ie-but e  add that the proble s costan to c Chrisait to itsf, to rawakn ts hunr anst o jusce He  pead gut fo the past d nnocent for the u H a o e outsid to the isid, o hisoiCatos to t conscence o a sto whc today's Cathoicsnr ad to th on h want to crat o now on. asave te t t at ba uck was bend any eaconarstaios o h Cathoc rliion ad that the situion and te 

uck a chane.he quson coud b std on uinatin th rlationshipf the o tse to the consave sit and th evolutionarysit st undrsa wh oraizd hsiait has assud acert is rohout histor, wh the Csan s not th sa fohrs as for is. In he ast anis, our oies ar itss towhat w ar; od and sirt xrss ach oth and cot srad. T Ctoc's si couct cnnot b cz iu

touh on his nr i W cannot st cotnt ih bai the o a s iac o ahos o ci o t ud sur t ust a cu ho s o i is t ad i a stand aout wod and n whi s oh ros stsand cos condut Tr us n ait aoiias a situ wa o to corrsod to its aiut as a socponon.

Cathoicis osits a bef bot an nteor and an exteo Gds s the iious foulation o ts coicons

ward, sd St. Agusine ru dws ihn t m" G b tg aa g s

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I74 / S E N S E A N D N N S E N S E

mode aordng o i m p a reaed or eer I eeen n o o pak o Go bome onio of mel ap Go i a ae on e side of e sbje rar an o e o e o He i i me moe m a I i e�

o qoe S. Auuse one agn

He i y ai ai a m bes moments Wa eet f e o bee o or Hm se i prei pon m eee f e a I bae m aon of a aboe ad of aoeSp nk i Sie Go is awas see sanga I nk on e ole ondon a  ave oe m o o my idea To be a is o be ere Fai i goo f

Oedene o God doe no efoe oni n ieding o an aie

an obe b on in dong wa e re wan e Go io oele an To ons Go in o i noing: ee k e p qiken a i vaabe eee n ve o e I e me o o n od n o reonze Him in spir $d A or o ele o e oe ay impoe geb no an nner ono. Con La ae one a beoan b o ae e Caoli ." o a be

n aked n d by a e y e o e by e o on i l a deno o e o n n doe no ed and n o e H i eee and oee in paarH d en aay o In i ne ini l y a o an y ne ea o e I o e y I o no oie; a ev only e abne o T e "o do o l e ee

ly y d o el ee y an o o n e d o o: i e n ledy ee aeved oide i o; ne peon anno b ed ee y peaing nong o do y kindo in o o oo ok a e bypo o on y don o e o oo a inni i o ineaed by e ao a O e ee maes i in e oer wo aGo i or o r adoraon o maer a Le nd o e

Qem Or ae ee low i nimpoan in a a; e y o k i a o o ber or or ore e we oo ave any am on ie be done Man renoe ln l e l e o God a de e n ll ofei pa A Hel d i e i o e Fae

Te Inao ange eveg ne e Inaon Gos ee exeze He ws seen e mmen a

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aith nd Good Fith 17

eran ace, He et be wors d meoes wc wereen assed on. Hencefot an's oad towa God was o oge�temaon b he ometar nterretaion o at abigu-oessge whose ee is never exauste I  this sense Cs-

is ey opposed to "stus. It eopens he quesono e sno between bo st, between inteor andexto Cahocis ds no e eeve oofs of God ouny does it make oo fo em One an ove te estence oo the an st as a starng o, but ony by tng one   o Ceaon i e sae stg as e eavens and ee whic "eclare e or of G. The uman so can siGods ace at e ogin of e word, bu i an eiter see no

nerstand H d ot eeore be enteed i. Te wo eas to be ke a aw e eat ete on t is n onger mt of escoveg e tpence of od outie e wo ut amr o enteng body and so io eigac lie, e obsceso whic cannot be dsspated but c oy be cocette a fewmystees we coeplates te earge ime o hs owncoo Pascal si, Jues says now e osothe ncao ad Ol Sn ae ot cl bt ae vle

because they reect s codcos of bo sol o adeces pbes of te opel e not a w o gpe s iaes; tey e o lgage cbe o covethe relos of eous e, as paadoc as ose o te wo ofsenso. Scraen wors d gesues not p e eboiet of soe tot Lke tnle hs, ey ess ecs of eir e, wic is inseple o is e oTey o ot evoke e iea of Go : tey e e veicle o s pece

an acon n the ast anyss the ou is s ie be seted omhe body at it a raiant doube o its tempo boy toetty.

Hege s at e ncaation is "te hinge o uives od at hsty eefe as oy develoed ts conseqcesn te GodM and e Deah of od do, i eect, so spit eon e te Go were no onger suct as some move in as the wo and m bece te

necess moments of a geater peeon isead of e esseine om te oignang perecon od an no loner be f God, Ceaon ot be opleed uless feely ecos odan retus Caon t rou Fai. omein s eine wo is no e ee soeng done. M old not re- o Go ess e a been seate om ortunate e c me s a Reeemer n s no e E

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Faith an Goo Faith / 177

t the search o a epty tob. d ts was becae eyte Son n te spt o the ego o the Fater. Tey had

et nestood that God was them ow an orever eeag o e Petecost s that the e bo the Fathe ad te

Son to be ed n te ron o te Spt, ta Go no onr Heaven but ha socet and comucao whereve mecoe toter H ae. ts ta o earth was ony tebeg o hs presence whch s cnued by the hurc hrsas sod not ean poaze by an hstoca epoe, no marh decve t gt hae been bt sod ve ot te arae o teSt nd han hory wc bean th te Incaation. a� aess nd eezs s dvoent reon e Ty nt

a cc oven; e re n e coa. t a by St; t ron o te Fater ves on n eon o te S, or ov n nae e a or aro Go. Go s not coey en te ncate t treren a az ers, b rbrty or e and or te, ecng us t isile jectee, te r s n ro n an socety b czon n o e a. S everywre, bt pveed

dwn pace te rc For a seon te en e anae byth �scon aze wc ws pon te ad wch has ore anonce on a eclar a to rve t. Wat s srping abo t Notony tn, t s rnt to od n check wn one knwthat ty wa r e n an e sarch we on te reverese tgs an te Knowedge has eady settled everytngAn s love chges t cety te ecncao o men h eacothe and wth the wod coe t aght the caon ts

t seng bcase t s coplete ad Cst bcomes a ewo o gty conscenche abgt o Chstant o the potc pla s perec

cpreenbe : when t eans ue t the ncation t c beevolon but the o o the athe s cosave. dstmay reveal tat elp create the gener good and that man'sespass had ortnate eslts. Bt one caot sa th at e moment decon at tat moent s st obdde. Adam wod

theo have de bette to avod Peeco s bed athe eore us. The hsa ways ha te ght t accept estg btmay neve prchase progress th a ce He c ay to a evolotha s aead oe h c absolv t t s t h cat stt Even a evoluo akes jst use o pwer t emans setous aong a t s sccessl he Caho as a a es o th tue: he must t hat tu to o ast o

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I78 / S E N S E A N D N O N · S E N S E

t t t t Ftut, te  o God o w t kw t as Ctae ss  ta st t t.2 ftunatl g, the C�thc as ze slw t j a rvut-bu he  kep te bst part

t a a Catc he 

be ere . Jaqs Rvre wr t sayg at te Crstan ansce te Estbshmt because he aa omewe ese  c ver be sur f But the Cris mks vlutins unas the vr sam easn: the e e  neve cmplte tm. H r cvave d unsafe b as e just oe ca we e Church tsf cs  rt w a lgl pw vlts vn lw. But e nv

t t r tk a stn agst a lg gvem f the  tt t wa unjs r bk a luon smp base wa jst. O t ct, t h bn t favr bl bu tettd t tba, ts msts, ad ts prp! Gd nof ave t t t tl t Chrh els tme oblgatw r mn t s tward ts w rs, twa the uss Guca a twad ts own tempes. h suc asA tan ev, but t s v caze ppe o wen e 

C tratd Cuch s cnsav s dmans the blss d eosm o e t e one maks tm ve tw r levs Ts, ho, s a Hgan and t heoes o enao aY Ctt t sa w coplte awaness o ma can ee tw masts." No oes ha e doe o o b s Chsas s beve the Icaon, sce suosed te t ves, th can cme a cse o he o9ne

t ha ast a whle-a h b he exampe o eraa vr othrs. e s no dob he e hclss scit wch csss o sag a ne tk. e d t s h te culd have a sce o th s ode cct o pgg sf f e quvoc .

• • • •

Ar we rfe t tke p G's ras Sple fath exemp

n gd , c ag? Ge mse mde  the comenns t s t fm wch bgs mn happes but athee acptance a ut" a f sct e ghes aue, ne 

2 n anan Cad' ay by P Caan, h sg wHaven 7-Tan

3. Peac Vl nut [En a by Sut  b, gh Fhw Y d nd 1932 )

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Fh n Goo Fih / 179

 vr becom fuly commttd to yt hing,  ot  t a C c r to a lov or  endshp, not vn to parcuar ask; fo

commen ws ssumes ha ones aon suasses oe'sknowege, tha on bieves by hear s, tht on vs p th ul f

sncey fr  tt  f rspsibty. The intlec tal who refuses hscotet n th preext tt is ucon is to s l side is nfat co lve pesan r th s of oing vo H reses to oid esoions and supy song;easns os weak in onictin He who is ot h is against  Nt ei Commuist is eing a-Communist Sincety tseis e9 d tus ito popa. Fom the moent dsehig, w towa th wod, op sequsoin, and

e uves or n Fihi e sense o ueed�met which s nvr compeey jusedenters th icur so a e eve e re e gee ids d have t dei he ex wod Ech o u percepons is an ct f fh inth i ore t sc w ce ojecs a iexaustiJe a ie Dsare even s t eeig twod tw mes four demns an ct of How c he Catoc be or g equocy everoy wes n he se ste nd

bd i is e ery ssnc of cnsiousnss?I rty th suc da s fat rs ood faih b n uson ood ft t fth, and onl d sta ft mnd uc cc. Complel doid ft bom sh obc s. l f obots L b ald" clmd horz n' orly d phyt t. ono   r uc a wh st r

yod hsf by owldg a l s co d rf abl  i ac aon of hs mot sa h s sncere, he doesn' bu t or p o spy. Th ey f cn oneef sinc mpi doubl o f , oc copts on unted sncety d duces i t n ttu. . Mng alu of sicty is prisy chtest of nsic soiey, which inwd upon tslf nstead of c pon th wold."  Sincty ot oal, b, fo xcty th sm

rson, sinct must nev be ssem, ule, or hbit. Ifcomment ges beyond reasos, it shoul neve ontry toeason isef Mas vue does ot consist  ther a osiv,manic sct or an unquesion fh stea, consists of hir awareness which es him o deten the moment when i

4. Ls agn "Mace rez e la ance bn D 194) P He L lTa ah, p 96

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80 / D

s rsonb to ke tngs on s nd e mo wn qusonngs in ordr, to cob t nd goo s, n toccp s prt r s group wt opn s seng em o wt ar.

Ln nted somtg his sor n s ou "dcrtccntrs prt ust wco scsson bt ust so dscp h dcsons must exprs he o e acvemrs, nd t te s t th brs mus consd svscomttd to prt dcsons ev se contr eprson vws e rvoution s boh rt wc spontnouscos o vnts s prprg and a d bng workd ut teids o tos ndius o r ost wr o w s pg t ounst ttrcts o oors tr dg s vew tett boe e pr ms tt s proposd souons aprure o stc se snce do o ec e wss te prt and te mss wo ar t rvouton aon. s snotng o do w acecsm o desm anddus pon vw. Rt s te da potcl cn more tctu xrcs nd presuposes ectve conc w sos t tkes spe t da on's comtn €e pr ds no

dpnd so on an eecl consn u l uon lvm inctv stor wch contrbncs nd egues eor. Lnws awre o e nn wc someme ess ewe edvd nd pt twen judgent nd . toug spossb nd woud be et t gnor s conc, tnks s trnscndd b t nvs n t pr wc s s pr I vdu gos aong t e pr nd agins s pvteopon, t s bcus e pt s provn ts wort bcs s a

sson n hstor, nd bcause reprsnts e pre. e nsc tng s unotvtd cotnt. W mkes t rsnoton of te prt rnt ro l trs, w mks a nwctr pnonon nd xpns ts pc od tru ndougt, s prcs concpon o n xcnge a t comunco bn du jugnt nd storcl rt trog tndr o te prt

"n n potc structur ctos ncss gnt

crt msr o rus, ndd, o orthodox, evn one doesn keo d s ortodox s unobt tv, bsd o raso dconstn rxnd bu s nvetss bnd te cotnceo n czn alze unravl nd jude evrtng b is ine cplx wrld poics ere ne plce ne rus sdtrind b a drec prson exon o os cts on s na ug n e e by ust lg wc n

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Fith nd Good ith  

wy mes blinly sweg lace nor does exclude he or tdrsd L us y adm ht cer bs s nvolved but abas wch is much clor th sp of e qusioning d honstobjcy ha he fse ojcv of he elecus detched m

ordary cusom "

repea ha i nols exchge been pve jdgment and pty ecsons vedte gcily with he py o jus pasiely oeg . n spag of ba wch can be cefuy scd objece subjecvy lt rs fa wh s good fh and eedom wch se He s dscriing th commncao betwee oppose whch olous uhor ecenly abued o eaconpsph Oe well ve at t s dcul o mn

eqUbum beween hse opposis sice Commu ccisms ofeenismof whch there hve eceny been myeranlyve more hat than ligh an eve moe fah h od fa

Iid 33·

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Man, the Hero

ERE svral indcans, at ast th wld leters, u t pc Hers w, d ptswhich cuous tday but tomow b bold b sdagst hoi" morty A m tt wh >od a nd wh has bee sent sinc th be t Scond

es o end I was reay scand t h G  Enreiens imaginaire hummin t mlo b· Obch: eroes vn r on let th worl' my p I wuldmuch p ain wisom ntinc d eason ayel een her in my uth i cssit cssy Iisust hroes just s C dstusted womn

Wh h has t ud v pla t hc ndin, aCaho Gabl Mel impies that ther is heism ad heoism

h is pcy tht t b ass�, u i donacor to th uls nd y oowin crtain aths «Atisc" t spt dm o litat n which s pcd ist

This nd dbt aiss mbass o Ho c hpaise heism? And hw can nyon do s who s t hero? It wouldb btt to w xactl what th s bhid thi d wd

Ter has always ben cult t hr Hw, soa as

citio bevs that bynd ts wd h t dwhere ood wins out ove v, the at man does t stand by sbut is th t idnc    ts tr cas unl h nd o trscdnt bes, t vnts une mrgnc h d d pcs   g p

Eh anan by Mco Cy, magia (N YX949).-Ts

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Mn. e e 83

mes t Hege For "he inuals of wrl stry hoe w alu b cert ae e etai ws nd intert mr scres jus ie eerone else the rst erstd a this system has fuure y fsae appess d

b he deeds d the exampe ate a lw nd mrl system I e e  later gne ts t s ey st nsine ey stad as cutom; the presenmen f the ure thu, o urse, wlege f : hey sense thestes, e passions and their ery be e an se lear

J befre them he heroism resdes the ang wrke w thers th ng certa d eess f

sbjet wha afteds seem h pssble ft e 

ery meang f str s is the nexpected jucon of reason deason ey soul be ed heroes a te ave theals hir vocao no oy m he mly orered course ofees wich te gg system as nserae bu als m

nround source in he iner spit whse onten is hiden andwhch s no ye broken houg t s f t esence bwhich stes agaist the oue wo as against she cracs ibecuse such a shel s unuite to such e The wer

oe who thout who ew wht wa neede fr wom the n cae o now the u bou hr me n heir wo; ne mt say hey were the e ce which ry este hin he o . ha i why he heoes of n era soul be recozed asse e

If one ceases o bee o onl in e oeor of is wrdb in a resone cre of hng hen here no oner is anexteal supor for heroic acon it annt gthe senh om ay

ne law or e o a ibe ng n histor This heroswhich c boh rs n content is h of he Nietzcean "ueran the Hegean her sacce hs ersn hnss dnouce chaos into hi ife i ws o se histr om chaos; he quesioe e esaishe rer s to ng noher orr no e wod The Niezschean uean is beyond ee h has bee s to b d; he is inerese onl power ief nce he refuses to deve t t y picu task ca on asser tsef

aast someng smeoe pwe cosis cqueng e ders f pwer he mst pwel onent of, de Hege ad area esce s uneraing n smpsse e vm s beas s veme, eases tohe aue as ower : e ea throuh which e hero has assed was y  c

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I84 / S E N S E A N D N N - S E N S

as reduced to slave cannot bear aequat wtnes to stngsince was able to onquer h Terfor, nles gow old as sef ad on ,   wy( ooin fo oess to run and othe e to subdu, nowing i adac at

never nd wat is seing beause e s opg for th impsbe f which raly tgat death to tself and wos e rcognitionb oers is assure once an fo all. For Heel e u ero is notthe aste but h slav wo as osn if ad w wors ttransfo the wod suc a way tat in th end there is no oreoo for th ast

T ero of our contepores does not t ither Heel's orNietzsch' old. s not wat egel ad t twd o o

Spt nor dos e believe in any od Spt wc aneverting for s success and points learly on his way. FOW e Bell Tlls Robert Jordan on e erg of rising is ass imself quit any wheter e is dong so or ateisiociy wich s to coe. Ten pat of sa S en Q ouver hav any suc oncepon? eve. And yo nver coud av.Yo're not real Maxist an you now i ou bee n rtyEuit and ratet. You bleve in fe, Lbert, nd te Pursut

of Happiness. Don't ever id ourse i too muc aeccs aor som but not or ou 2 It is not hat at te oent o k h isoong for excuses and etexts. The ission has been accted an be accompised It is sply queson of his move and natter wt h dos Jordan cannot anag to a socity of hfutue te sole ove for hs sacc. Te society is desrable to o as th probabl guanty, or isel and or ors of th eedom e s xrising t hat ry omnt.

A Mas Ky in a Cii humai onronts te quesionat the ve Oe MaXsm. In Mas, say, er s oth a an a fataliy: hen, thn, s n t follow t os o vnt when shoud one or e to ra hn? on ss facts it seems tat te Cnes Counsts a robably dooed ahat te Kuintn y y t n ur o ater gng u h attemt to can e: s not omentto bn ecisi th osts, ry itory

and No plosoy isty a eiint s ston snt true at ssen as gi, a do h p

T W Be o 35 En on of e Mau nov b HonA. Cheve Man

Fa w Yo 193 )-s

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an.  Heo   18

of choce submits a iscpe bcause s cssar or aco to ecve

The hro of io u has a ee e e bask hif th same qusons I prious gnra e bour

oisi ha it absote vaes oe cae oes e i foon's counr-but prhas this as bcause e bougoise ha nvb fac t fac ith chaos Wha ses i make Jun of 940t6 c out a ssio ovr as, a a mom h e cou o og

av t hts c agains the G t assmbig re,en th announcmn co oge eve be bacas? i asiet s porf a me wh histor s car haing

(wr a crti go But how ca ma hp g of himsf a

s wn ah hn th vr o gos out o rs bfore ? w i t rv sic is usss?T o o t cnora r is ot, howvr, that of Bs

or Morat h s ot s i orr t "bo his o ho o atr i t c of at b mas of so "usssc inEu uns ito his misio bcaus i s an o f, coqunc of his touts, is an c w b ng h wr to ack ot e 

t to ic h rus ino r. Ov, : of anircraft guns, whn e scon ofc is as racous a a birth, he inunrae c i tgs t at; as t is in notigns hin f it cos, rach m ri i the hick of th wo

Bt h won, prhas h have to i ong o oun ig. T sam cu conoaio s be o hi to b an think k a ig prso fo as ong as he 

os iv, to rain poi i h ircto of his cho sWo bin Fascit ins whre he has jus bown u a bgeor Jon ha t pt o his comras an vn om his bovaa

n s stted t c gu dnt sid sn. We nt g Md

nw bt g wy wt te wrr tu gst Undrsnd?

wt g nw bbt Bt go wt e A ng a tre ne ure s bt u. yu undetd? at d nw d l

4 Re Vd u p 63 ed HpPlaying fOT Kee (Bosto, 1948)]

5 E s Les e A (Ne Yk, 194:-T.

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186 S N S A N D N O N - S N S E

cod ot do t w h th o you not e how t ? Whihe oner boh" 8

Laer when e is oe :

t ds no gd o bu Mr. Try to bli wht you told

hr. Tht he bt. nd who y t not ? Not yo.

e a ho is s aie has o oe reore a soereig oe e keep o aig ke a g an. We e oe, we e oer people; we a he ge whi hey av of us w ey e a oo. Oe oe d he ver ed Jordan sis o ai wc ds o ohers d o hngs and whic bnjdgen becae i is he codion of unhapies

happness. e oe, he no comi sicid.And if you wat and hl them en a e whle jus ge th 

ocer that may mae al he ierece. Oe th9 e oe can


' /

is o fasao wih deah, as i Nezhe w aos he heoo sa hself nor is i he cerain s Heg ha isg o he whes of hiso he i is Oy o he aroeen whi gs s oward hngs owar ohrs I s nodeah h o sd SaiExpr if

Today's r is no sepc es cade assipl expeened hce sorde n frin 6 dn Spanish Ci W in ne o 40. H vs when sand ss unce. H s s sns f bery n e conency f yon s v efoe Tne ino accun nin s crnno c c s sso far way no eo. bor v m scgood evidene a he c of vens s of ss s mh is aked of dng and a ey e on in or d beforne aoher. oeesin oe con ony is ceaedaog hem d vens respod ei Soms her s haah of ha sak of ighg, a oe of oy or asHeigwa's Ma sas a o wc s bc blos o eeg ele

Exep in es of fai when m inks e ds in hings esi of admade dsn, wo c oi ts sios wca i irt asw? rer is no fh spped of islsions, isf vry mvmn wc s us ors

6 th Bell o p 463 I p 4668 I p 40. [Hgas itcs]

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n, t Hero

pent ith or pt, nd men of hich e me eveg hvemening nng the wod' confed t end it preciord? Thi i j h the Chtn sint nd e heroe of prevolon hve l one-log te ed t eliee their

gt h e een on even or Hito Ti reorce i novlle t te me of toa Te contempr her i ot Lcer; hi not eve Promthe he i m

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Bblophc Note

In ir oia or a a onu oum excpton o Ma, the Heo, a pe n Se tNo-Seapd e o uaon

Czan' Dou (L Dou d Cza) N. 47 (De95)·

pc and e No (e oman la apque) Chieu Su, o 27 (a 1945)

Sandou u U e de Fiao irair e 6 947)

F and e N Polg (e Cm e Noue Po ) Le Te oee, N. 26 (Nm 947)

Hg' Eni L'Exisnii z Hg) e Teoes, N 7 (Ap 1 96 ) .

Btt ovr Exitnism a Qur d lEtni) Le

Temp oee, 2 (omb 1 95 ) Meayscl in n tpiqu dan Hom Reue mpque et e mo, o 3 Ju 197).

Coceg xis Auor d xis) Fotane, o. 89(bur 19

xi Plosoy as Pioopi Rue inteaone, Vol I o JunJu 1 ) .

W Hs kn (La Gu a u iu Le Temp oene,o. Ocobr 195.

or S o u (ou V) Le Te oee, N. 4(Jua 196).

F d Good ai Fo onne Fo ) Le Te oee, N. (Frua 94


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oute: uo, ee, 92f

ur theate the xemm 142fAuguse,  St.  x, 173 74 Les Avere e alecqe,

Bzac 16 8 26Bauvo, mo e, xv, , ,

2. 0Bcket muel Barl sin   86f.,

.ing�wrld" x 53, 58 7

' 1 8, 10 134Brgn H 97

Blm n 16f.Bdy , 5 08, 73

Cus br 39Capism f., I4 I7, 2,

148Casm cque o are,

; a eeom, I 72.zane xv, 3, ,

Chce, ame, ,

Cat , , Clas e, 08 1Cmmiet ommu: P, I

r ;


taao o he evouo, 7, 156 67

eat 34, 66f.escte, 27, 28, 0, 72, 7., 79,

125; cg, 9, 133ec, , 20, 26, 2 34

1 70eu cse, 153urkhe, Ee 88, 8 28

Emo 5Engls ri 8 82 126

32Ery, isnce" x Exnce 40 72, 128 133 134

cxsnce ee Bnginewor"

Exstnism 47 64f. 69, 70,135 ee als osoh

Fth, , I 76f. omtme, 179; goo ai ee icet eceptu th, 79

F the 96 , I 7Fascm 9F xv, 4Fance, I IO 19f., I 53f.

eedom, . , 7, , 77,3 , 7,


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192 / N D X

Fuamet rojec; see e,ndmnta


Mc el, Gabrel, x, x,  73 f., 79  82

{ a, , , 25Gstlt 9f psychology r ew x, 4 73 101, I05f.,

psycholoy, x,, 4, 4., 48., 84;8  f 

Marst cque ofxsen-

5 · 3 .G And 3 1 78 1 82 m, 7., 8; aGod : Csti ew o, 7f. 46

dth o 96 as Kann da Mausiism 2.96 Mtaphysics 83., 9. assic

H vf 2 3 63. 81,82 I 6f 1 3 1 3. , 175, 3 6

Hid x 69 7 3

nay Es IfHo v v 6 .Histoy , 6 65 69 7 79

9f f 9f cuso If logic o I I I 1 21  

n 5Hss 96n . I3f.Hyppoit Jan 63 6 69 0

ncnon Ifntntonity 7 7 76ntscvty 97, 134; se aso 

Ot indsonsco En x

Jdas 67Juden, 50 o .

Ka 27, 2, ; Knansm, 8Kekegad : 6 779 76

Kohl Woln 83

L 96Lnin 7 11 2n., 163, 65

180Leondo da Vc 18 2 Linisc anyss x

guiscs 6. o ae 5;sulnuisc cure 8

"e w (Lbwlt), L, 43

Maux, Ad 5, , ; Man' Fat 84

(raom) , 2; a, 28, 3f.

Mali, 4, 8 1ovs see FMysco, � Io 2

Nad, 10 /Nm, 66 0; az Gea,

39. Nesch h auea 18, 186

Ojecty, 7Onoloy o snse x, , iOthr th 9 6Othr nds x 6 5

Palnty syse I5f.Pasc l, xvi x,  28  43  75  6

IB 75 76cpon I3f Peeptu sa, , Penmeoogy,  x, 6 11 135

16; see ao hilosophyPhemelgy of erc, iPhsp, ee r henm

eologica, x, 2 2, 9 58,6 ; i Mas perspec,2

age, Jea, 8, 8ter, Hrol, Plat 27 137Popuar o 56.Pa, , 79 28 10, 2, 14um · xpre (aage, 

w, ar), , 6, 6, 4 me, -e xee bs

ege) , 4, 2, 4r wr r, ce 26 5says, 24 25 63, 8Pychg, cssa, 4.

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Rabea. 2Raoity (r reao). x. v • .

63. 70. f. • 1 8 3feoim. 1I5fReigio. 127 o ( o he

beauu), 43, 5; hFather, 4f o S,17 7

Repoibiy, mor, 7fRe, Giber, x

tExury, A 185,186

ae, Jea-Pa, , xv, ,If, 53. If, 134

auue, F, 8

nx   3 

Socam, 1 1, 1 I5 Soca Par 56f

ocioog, 88fSte, 26Stucture, 126 see aso Get

Sbjectbjec eato 86 ee alo"Begh-wouem, 15 

Les Temps Moderes,  i, xv

Te Maui, fThom, 75, 76, 7, I7otky 1, 63f Ttkte. 161Tu, 6, , , , I 5f

Ute State, . 1I3 121, 17U 1I3 122 123