imac xvi 16th int 160906 on theory dynamic vibration absorption its application vibration

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  • 7/24/2019 IMAC XVI 16th Int 160906 on Theory Dynamic Vibration Absorption Its Application Vibration




    Boston University, Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering110 Cummington Street, Boston, MA 02215, U.S. A.


    Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Department of Power Machinery Engineering

    1954 Huashan Road, Shanghai. 200030, China

    ABSTRACT Based on modem theories of functionalanalysis and optimization theory, a new theory ofdynamic vibration absorption is derived after detailedanalvsis of a linear damped multi-degree-of

    freedom MDOF) system. The new theory has advantageover the traditional ones in that it involves only oneindependent variable, i.e., the force exerted by dynamicvibration absorber DVA) to the unit to which it is

    attached, regardless of the number of freedom of theprimary system. The closed form for the optimizationresults are given. Finally, as a verification, this methodis applied to a linear damped 3-DOF system with threeDVAs attached to the primary system, to demonstrate itsefficiency and simplicity, and the results are compared to

    those given by other published literature.


    M K, C mass, stiffness and damping matrixof the primary system.

    mass of the ith dynamic unit,

    K; , C stiffness and damping between the {i-1 th andith dynamic unit,

    m k c.l f l


    g t)

    mass, stiffness and damping of the ith

    force vector determined by DV Asattached to the primary system,

    X displacement vector,

    displacement of dynamic unit andDVA respectively,

    g opt t) optimization result of g t ,f t ) external exciting force vector,


    R Mffi jCm K

    R; resultant matrix after replacing the ith

    column of matrix R with f + g .~ value of algebraic determinant of

    R k .i

    i) natural frequency,,-----

    j ~ 1

    * denote the conjugate of a complex.El total energy of l dynamic units.

    m number of DVAs attached in theprimary system.

    number of dynamic units for

    optimization objective function.

    Bequation set.superscript:

    coefficient matrix of optimization

    r , i real and imaginary part of a complexnumber. respectively.


    The optimization theory of the optimally tuned anddamped dynamic vibration absorber, derived originally

    by BROCK[1] is to be found in books on mechanicalvibrations such as the well-known text by DENHAR.TOG[2]. When there is no damping in the primarysystem. the optimization procedure is simplified by theexistence of the fixed points on the family of amplitudefrequency response curves[2], and hence, the optimumparameters of DV A can be obtained by equal peakmethod. All systems, however, contain some damping,and when optimizing parameters of DV A, one can not

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    neglect the influence of damping in the primary system.

    Optimization by numerical means was obtained for a

    three-element-damping dynamic absorber[3], or a

    viscously damped dynamic absorber[4],added to a

    viscously damped primary system. Finally, a graphical

    solution based on the optimization cycle technique was

    obtained for a primary system with hysteric damping and

    a viscously damped dynamic absorber[5].

    To investigate the effects of a dynamic absorber on a

    multi-degree-of -freedom (MDOF) primary system, a

    method has been suggested by which the latter is reduced

    to a single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) system processing

    an equivalent mass[6]. A representative case for a

    viscously damped dynamic absorber has been treated

    numerically[?]. KAzuTo and KoUICHI discussed the

    optimum parameters of DV A for a n-DOF system in thefrequency range by introducing the concept of equivalent

    mass[8]. W. Lu has given the optimum parameters of

    DV A attached to a damped MDOF system[9-ll].

    In what follows. based on the aforementioned literature, a

    new theory of dynamic vibration absorption for a linear ,

    viscously damped. MDOF system is presented byauthors. In this method, the total vibration energy of

    some dynamic units in the primary system or the overall

    primary system, is employed as objective function for

    optimization. This function in itself is expressed withregard to the optimum force vector exerted by every DV A

    on the dyna mic un it to which this DV A is a ttached . By

    using functional analysis theory, the optimum force

    vector can be obtained in order that function value be

    minimized. As the former is determined by the vibration

    performance of DV As attached to the primary system, the

    optimum parameters of every DV A can be computed. It

    is obvious , from the subsequent discussion, that the

    above mentioned method has considerable advantages

    over traditional ones in that its employed objective

    function depends only one independent variableregardless of the number of DOF of the primary system.

    So, substantial computational efforts can be avoided, and

    consequently, the optimization process turns to be more

    efficient and simple.

    For convenience, theoretical formulation of proposed

    method is given in section 2, as well as the closed


    solutions for optimum force vector determined by

    parameters of DV As. Finally, a linear damped 3-DOF

    system is employed to demonstrate the effectiveness and

    simplicity of this method.


    VIBRATION ABSORPTIONConsider a linear damped n-DOF system, as shown in

    figure 1. For generality, one call a mass-spring-dashpot

    subsystem as a dynamic unit, and we assume that it is

    possible that only m dynamic units to which DVA can beattached to absorb unwanted vibration, and vibration

    absorption objective is to minimize total vibration energy

    of l dynamic units in primary system. It is obvious that

    m l-< n

    The effect of DV A attached to the dynamic unit ofprimary system can be represented by a force. g t) .

    exerting on this unit. The equation motion for system

    shown in figure l can be written in the matrix form as.

    x(t) + Ci(t) + KxU) = (t) + g(t) 1)where,

    Ml 0 0 0

    0 M2 0 0M=

    00 0 Mn

    KI +Kz) -Kz 0 0- ~ +K3 -K3 0 0


    0 0 -Kn-1 K _t + K. -K.

    0 0 - K . K.

    C1+C2) -c; 0 0-c; C 2 ~ -C3 0 0


    0 0 -Cn-1 cn 1 c . -c.0 0 c . c.


    x(t) = [x 1(t) X2 (t) X , (t) rj t ) = h t), 2 (t) ... , , (t) rg(f) = [0,- 0 g n-m+l) (f), g n-m+2) (f) , , g 1 (t)] T


    Equation (1) can be manipulated into:

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    -Mco 2 + jCco + K) X j + g 6) optimum is equivalent to the determination of theoptimum g t ) , as denoted as gopt t) . For convenience.

    So, it can be seen that, from the right hand side RHS) of let

    the above equation, that installation of m DV As to m

    dynamic units of the primary system is equivalent to

    addition of a force column vector g t ) , defined in 5c),to RHS of equation of motion. By carefully controlling

    g t ) , one can alter system vibration performance, and

    thus, reach the optimizat ion goals.

    As the coefficient matrix. i. e., - Mco2 + jCco + K, ofequation 6) is nonsingular matrix. for steady state forced

    vibration of the system. its roots can be obtainedaccording to Crammer law.

    X t -Mw 2 + jCw + K) - 1{ +g) 7)

    displacement of the ith unit. X; , can be obtained.


    Recall the optimization objective function, that is,

    1E; = ; ; 2. M;i;: 9)

    ... i= l

    substitution of 8) into 9) yields,

    1 IRIE; = - 2. M;co 2 - ; 2

    2 i= l IRI10)

    \R jcan be written in the formn

    IR I= I..ctk+ gk Aki 11)k=l

    By substituting 11) into 10), one can obtain,

    1 lcol 2 n 2E; = 2 tM; \Rf)~ f k+ gk Aki 12)

    It is obvious that E; is positive definite, or at least,

    semi-positive definite function. Consequently, the

    optimization problem can be converted into the

    minimization of E;. After determining the externalexciting force, one can see that depends on only the

    equivalent force column vector, g t) . By this way, the

    number of independent variables in the optimizationobjective function is reduced to only one. To find the



    e = 2., Jk +gk)Aki 2::0 13)k=l

    (J) 2

    m IRI) > 0 14)

    consequently, when e approves its minimum value. E;

    does too. Let introduce the following variables.

    rg k = g k j g k

    Ak =A; j A ~




    By this manipulation. e can be written in the function of

    real variables. i.e.,

    e ~ [t, f,+, A.,][t,u:+; A ~ J~ {t,lu:+; A ~ -u +: A ~ ] r 161+{t,lu:+; ~ -u: +: A ~ ] r

    At its points of minimum value, the following conditions

    must be satisfied,

    a e;j r = 0, a e;j i =0.;a gn-o ja gn-o

    8 = 0. 1. . m - 2. m - 1 7a-b)

    After differentiation with regard to the real part, g andimaginary part, g ~ ,of the jth element of force column

    vector, i .e, g i and let the results equal zero, one obtain.n

    A; 2.,[J; + ; A ~-A;JJ: + ~ A ~ ]k=l


    +A;; 2.,[J; + ~ ) A ~-A;JJ: + ~ A ~ ]= 0k = l

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    - A ; L [ f : + ; A ~-ASJJ: + ~ A ~ ]k=l


    +A;; L [ f : + ; A ~-A;JJ: + ~ A ~ ]=0k=l


    multiply equation (19) with j = and hence, addequation(18) to it yields,


    A;; L [ f : + g;) A ~ +} A ~ ; +k=l (20)

    that is.n

    A;;L[Ak; fk + gk)] = 0 (21)k=l

    We call (21) as optimization equation set. and as A isnot always zero, hence. there must have.


    L[Ak; fk + gk ] = 0 . i = 1. 2 . ... z (21)k=l

    For this equation set, one can have the followingdiscussions.(1). For the case of l>m, (21) has no roots, i.e., when thenumber of DV A is fewer than that o f dynamic unit to

    which a OVA can be attached, it is impossible to obtainthe minimum value for the objective function, but only asmaller value, if any, to some extent.

    (2). For the case of l

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    so, the following non-dimensional equations can beobtained,

    1 2 2 rn 1 f Ai ~ ; = Z; (29a)

    0 _ 1 2 h = ziQ. A1 f 1A (29b)where.

    \ 1 f 2 ) 2 j 2 2~ - ;= - Ai i X i (29c)

    From(29.c), it can be seen that. to determine the dynamic

    parameters of a DVA. i.e., m. , k. and c., one can fist1 1 1determine one parameter. usually mass of DV A, whichmay be one tenth of the mass of the unit to which it isattached.


    In the aforementioned sections. the dynamic vibrationabsorption theory for linear damped multi-degree-offreedom system is presented. The closed solutions foroptimum parameters of DV A are given, and the detailedoptimization process is demonstrated. In the comingsection. as a practical application example. parameteroptimization of DV A attached to a linear damped 3-DOFsystem. as shown in figure 3. is investigated to show theefficiency o aforementioned theory.

    Consider the 3-DOF system shown m figure 3, thedynamic parameters of every units are as follows.M 1 = 0.25kg. M 2 = O.Skg. M 3 = l.Okg,C1 = 0.001Ns I m,

    C1 =0.01Nslm.C 1 =0.1Nslm, K1 = K2 = K3=1500 N/m. It is easy to get natural frequencies of thesystem shown in figure 3 as follows,

    ffi 1 = 119.5 rad Is) , ffi2 = 69.5 (rad Is) ,ffi

    3= 19.8 (rad I s

    Quite often, the DV A is employed to abate the vibrationmode corresponding to the dynamic unit to which thisDV A is attached. So, every vibration mode frequencyshould be treated separately while using the above theoryto tackle this problem. based on the aforementionedtheory, A MATI.AB program is developed to calculate theoptimal results o DV As, which are given as follows,


    m1= 0.03kg,

    ~ opt= 0.178,

    c lop := 1.170 (NS I m

    m2= 0.05kg,

    ~ 2opt= 0.142

    c lopr= 0.935 (NS I m)

    m 3= O.lkg,

    ~ 3opt= QJ63,

    c Jopr= 0.599 (NS I m)

    rot= 109.34 rad I s ) .k opt= 358.68 N I m),

    m P 1 65.79 rad I s ) .

    k Zopz= 216.45 N I m).

    rot= 18.38 rad I s ) .k Jopz= 33.37 (N I m).

    Here. masses of DV As are determined at first underspecific engineering conditions.

    The optimization results given by KAzuTo, SETO et, al[7], and those obtained by authors are compared infigure 4.

    It can be seen that effect of DV A based on the theorypresented in this paper is more efficient than that ofDVA based on the KAzuTo s theory, especially for thesecond and the third peak values in the curves.


    Based on considerable endeavors of many scholars.authors presented an advanced optimization theory forparameters of DV A attached to a linear damped MDOFsystem. This theory. as it employs the optimum forcecolumn vector consisting of component force exerted bym DV As on the dynamic units to which the former areattached, is very efficient to get the optimal parameters ofDV As because the optimization objective functioninvolves only one independent variable which can mirrorthe vibration absorption effectiveness of the specificDVA. So the optimization process is simplified mostconsiderably.

    Finally, as an application example, parameters of DV Asattached to a linear damped 3-DOF system is presented toillustrated in details the process based on the theorydeveloped by authors.

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    The research work reported in this paper is financially

    supported by The Chinese Ship Structuring Corporation.

    This support is greatly appreciated. Many thanks should

    be due to other researchers in the Institute of Vibration,

    shock and noise in Shanghai Jiao Tong University, whohelp the first author process experimental data.


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    2) J. P. DEN HARTOG, Mechanical Vibrations, New

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    3) J. I SOLIMAN AND E . ISMAILZADEH Optimization of

    unidirectional viscous damped vibration isolation

    system, Journal of sound and vibration 36, 527-539.,


    4 A. G. THOMPSON Optimum tuning and damping of a

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    and damped primary system, Journal of sound andvibration 36, 527-539 , 1981.

    5) J. B HUNT Dynamic Vibration Isolation and

    absorption. London: Mechanical EngineeringPublications, 1979.

    6) G. B. WARBURTON, In Dynamic vibration

    Isolation and Absorption. London: MechanicalEngineering Publications, 1982.

    7) F. W. LEWIS The extended theory of the viscous

    vibration damper, Journal of applied mechanics 22,377-382, 1955.


    YOSHIHIRO TAKITA, Vibration control of multi

    degree-of-freedom system by dynamic absorbers,

    Bulletin of Japanese of Society of Mechanical

    Engineers 50. 1962-1977, 1962.

    9) W. Lu AND M. WANG The effects of a viscously

    damped dynamic absorber on a multi-degree-offreedom system, Noise and vibration control, 1996.

    l 0) W. Lu AND H. WANG The numerical method for

    parameter optimization of dynamic vibration absorberattached to a damped vibrating system, Journal ofvibration and shock, 1996

    11) W. Lu AND Q. Yu, applying a combi ned substructure

    transfer matrix method to the optimization of a


    vibration isolation system, Proceedings Of 5th

    International Modal Analysis Conference, Feb., 1997.

    c --1

    Figure I. model of a linear damped n-DOF vibrationsystem with m DVAs attached

    figure 2. detailed analysis for the ith dynamic unit

    with a DV A attached


    Figure 3. The model of a linear damped 3-DOF system

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    . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    t.1lu .:z:



    u n

    frequency (Hz)

    Figure 4. The comparison o optimization results given byKazuto, et, a . and authors

    (dashed line, results by KAzUTO, et, a ; solid line, results

    obtained by authors)
